o o"* - Athens - Canebrake Club
o o"* - Athens - Canebrake Club
o F . IO ' HE v9,{.Wt 9tLl0 F ACE 060 COhTMUNITY A S S O C I A T T O N , I N C . o"* M g,{qgg,{KE u P*uy Crcclc DECTARATION OF C O V E N A N T S , .s aij i CONDITIONS AND R E S T R I C T I O T . S o F'lc H I : 9f h l0 r PAGT 06| TAELE OF COilTTNTS I I STATEIVI$IITOF I}ICLARATION . . . AB,TICLSlDEflt{lTlOlTS.,.,., o r r I L 2. l. 4. 5. 6. 1. 8, L 10. Additianalkopcny .., . ArhitecnrrafRcvhw Comnitrccor ARC fura of CommunRespcnsibiliry. . futiclcs Acsclsmc$t Anociilioro Soardof Dimctorsor Soard Buildcr By-Iaws Club tl, Clubhope*y,.,. , ?,...,,,r,r,.,..r,.t,..!,,,,, 30. NdfrbAhmdElFilSir.rrr'l.rr'.r'r...r.'r'r.?t.'rrr..'.r.t .t- O w n c ,r r , . . F c n o nr , i , . Fropcny SpccirlAsssrrxnt .. .. ft' 35, $upplcnrnulDcclrntion 36. TurnoverDaa . ...,, 37, Unir. ri ^ I I r I 2 7 t.' 1 & st Jt 3 r? ? !, 3 .-r r? 14. ComrnonErpen*r 31. 12. 33. 34. I I Z 2 l?. CornrnonArca 13. ComrnonAsrcssrrcnfs... 1 5 . C o m m u n i t-y. . . 16. Community-Wide $tanduds 17. Dcclilant 18. DcclrrE$on 19. Documcnu 20. ErclutivcCommonArm. ?t. InsdtutionalMongagcc ??. L.ot.. 73, MarterPlm.,.... 24. l\,lcrnbcr 25, Neighborhood 26. NeighborhoodArsc$rrsns... 27. N c i g h b o rtro o d Ars o c i rti o n 28. NcighborhoodDcdurtion Docrrmcnu 29. Ncighborlrood I r. r..,.,.r.,? ,r.... ..,... ..... A n f l C t E $ G E N E R /P { IL / L N F ODRE V A L O F M E i l f T , " , , . . . , r , . r , . , , , . . , . r. ,. . , t. PlrnforDcrelopunnl. . . 2. $uppltmcohlDcctrrEnons. 3. Ncighbortrood Daclrntion-. . 4. Anrpr^uionof Additional Pmpcrty 5. Arrtndrnasrof tuticlc .. . .. . 4 . ... 4 ..""...4 I ..,.4 ..,....4 d 5 5 5 5 .,,.-' . { 6 . , '. -,. 6 ,......6 .{: ..,q-r.'-.r' . . -.. 6 '.... 6 6 7 7 7 ,,..... ?. 7 '.-..'A' E I I s o FICHT 98h| 0 ,) PAGE f]62 I t ARTTCLI III LAND DESIOI{ATIONAND ADMINISTRATION . . L ln Gcntrd 7. Dispulssnr ro [Jse l0 A*,TICLE TV DEVUI"OPfrIENT OF COMMON AIIEAS l. ConrarcdonandInrpccrionof CommonArca . . . . .. l. Trrnrfrr of CornmonAraa t. Diecldmerof Warrntics . .. lz t2 l2 l2 ARTICTEVU$ERESTRICTIONS ,,rI. l. In Gcmral 7, l,crrir4 of Unirs !. Erculpltionsrnd Appmvalc 4. Cornruniry'Wldc Sundrrdr, Rulcr rnd Regulrtionr . It t2 i9 ?0 20 ANTICI.E VI ARCTIITSSIURAI STANDANDSAND REVIEW l. ln 0crsrd il 20 :0 2t 2l 22 2. ArchincrurrlSrandards .. l. *. 5. 6, ?. l.lo Wrircr of FuturcApprovals Variamr No Usiliry - . . Comphnce Righu of rhcClub . l0 rt xt a et l3 23 e3 w $": A RT I CLEVIII M SMB U n S H IPA ttD V O T n N GR IGH T$ ..,.. i - . , r ,,,. .,,,. I. Clrs.c* of Membcntripryd YoringRights 2, Isint 0rr.ncnhip . 3, TurnotrcrDrtc , 4. TheCtrss'C'Mcmbcr's ApprovafRights ?6 ff ARTICITE lX A$SE$SMEI{TS r r r. . r . } . .,, . r, ! . . . r' . . . . tdj l. ts u .....,.t..r,,r.r.rl,..rrtrt.rrr.,r...,..,.rr.. AfrtilrtCOllaf*bPftAlllt|mlf 2. Crea$mof Arrcrru*ntt . . . 3. Paymcatof Ancr,rmnr .. 4 . C o m p w t i o n oCfo r n m o Ant r c $ f f i f t t . . , t. Compruadon Arsctsrncnn. , . of Ncighbodlsod 6. $pecrafAsrcrrrrrnu.. . . ?, Decltxrt'r Obligrtionfor Arscrrtmntr E. Eurbli$rncnroflicn 9. u.; RenncBudgcttrdCrpitrlContribution... n 2? i . . , . . , , . ?? trg e8 ?e .1... ,r+.1 l. 2, 30 30 .,... !r i.., '.r ', rt. I r,. r. rr r. r.tt }.,rr r. r.r., rr t.. Arpcirrion'rRcrponribiliry Neighborhood Aurochtion'rRe*ppnribility -''"- ""t1 ''{ :l / ,,* ?9J: r..+'.. 3(l 10. CrpitdConriburiorl, .,, I l. Ercrpt ftopcny ARtltCLSX ttfAlt{TENANCE '.r'.r.'.. , -;i f*j ,.{ ;'. flt 30 3r ,I *-ii r FICII E 98bl0 3. 4. t. Owntr'gRerpondbility lrndrclpc Maintcnrncc. . . . Asscsgmcnts,..,.. PAGT 063 ll 31 32 t? ::::: tt ARTICLE XI INSUITANCE ANP CASUAI.TY LOSSF^$ ,. . . t. Insurance 2. Damrgr cndDcrrucdon . 3. Disbunrrnentof Procxds 4- Rapairrnd Rcconrhrnion ls 35 t6 ARTICLS XII NO PANTTTION 3{ A RT I CL E X III C ON D E M N A T IO N,.. ttt ARTICLE XIV EA$EMENTSAilN OTHEN NIGilTS . . -. :rr l1 ARTICLE Xv TTLECOMMUI{ICATIOI{$ AND SURVETLLANCESY$TEIfdSlLlfiftTED ACCDSS 37 A n f l C L E X V I D E C L A R A N T t S R I C W I S , . , , . . , . r. ., .r . . r......,, i..,,*.,.,. !!D 39 l- Purpoec i,.. . . r, i, l0 2. Duratianofftilhu ..r.. 3S 3. Dcclnnnt'sRightrin thcAecocirtion.. . .t. Righrof Dcclarantto DirapprovcAn$als . . . . {(} 5. ftccognitionby Orratn of Dcclarant'sRighrsro Dcvclopand Conruuu lmprovcmcnr on dreFrnpcnf0 4l 6. Dcclarrnt'sRightrin Conncctionwith Dcvcloprncnt. . 42 7. FuturcE$crficn$ rnd Modificrtionc t7 8. Cosstrucdon; Mrrkctiq 9. 43' . r,... scopg ARTICLEXVIIGENERALFROVISIOI{S....,.r^.r.;...'.'.t.',r,r.r.r',i'"..}....t,r..r.. ,.r-. L Tcrm **r Z. Agrendmcnt.... ,*.i . ,. r . 3. Scvcrability.. . 4. Litigation Noticc of Truufcr of l.,ot 3. r t 6. 7. 8, 9. lO. I l. tZ. UrcoflVordr'Cltrtillu ArPtily(bcf' ArrignrrntofRightrr,.,. NodccofMongqcc Action IndcpcndcntBuildcrs OccupurttBound No Errrmnt for Vicw . i ,..r P o rv c ro fA ro rn ry r ...,. .' -.'.r.ir.' .. ,, . lB 4t rfI {{ 44 "d u rfit {5 .rih+p- {s d5 {s {6 f6 t* I i |* : -5. Ur- II |r I 16 {6. PROYISION$ ARTTCTSXVUI MOSTCAGES I, 2. NoriccgofAcnon Noticc to Asrocirtion . . . ARTICLEXIXCABtnTEIf,VISION l. Scrvicg 2, 3. Er*mcntr hswire ,.,,. t?. . . , , r i . . r or . r . . . , . ,..i,,.r., ' t..,t. t.'r,,t * t t' 1.','. r ' t r. r. rt, 1l n {l 47 ru ...< \ FICHI 98bln ARTICLEXXCLUEPROPERTY... I, Club Propcrty. . t. Rightrol'Acer.rsrrd Partin3 . . . . t. Arrumptiortof Ri* rnd lndrmnificttion EXHIOITA ..rrro .t.t.......'..rr.'.'r'rrr'...t I'ACIE n6r+ 47 47 JO 50 .."1. '!t'. LEGALDESCRTFTIONOFTTIEPROPERTY !'1'r"'t' ...I'"..' 5t st I sil LEGALDE-qCRIPTIOilOTTHEADDITI0HALTROpERT " .Ye ., ,' T .,,."..-.. r - . - - - , - . . , , 5{ -I -t I I I I J i t I l' J I I 4 l.r l+ J.4 i f:i J I *i' -1."1 a ' ri*r.s,.. *I ". .,r Flcl{t e8hl0 i,ACE 065 CANABRAKE AT PINEYCRSEK DECLARATIONOF COVENANTS, CONDITIONSAND RESTRICTtrONS T}IIS DECLARATION OT COVf,,NAI\ITS, CONDITTOHSAITIDRESTSISNON$ $'OR CANEBRAKI AT PINEY CBUEKis madcrhis&o .,dayof Arr+u#.. *,199fl8 by. CANEB*AKE IROPSRTIES, LJ,.C., anAlrbrma lirnircdlirbility tomprny (hcrcinrficrrclcrnd ror$ "Dcclaranr"). sBdjoincd by CANEBRAT(EAT fINEY Cnfnfi COIV|MUNITYAS$OC|ATI(}N' fNC,. an Alebamanonprofitcorpontion(hsrcinafter rcfered to gsthc"Arrociation'). A. Declarantholdstitlc to rhsrcenainrcal prupcnylocrtcdin LimcstoneCounty,Alrbrrns asdtfinedin thisfleclarationasthc"Propefiy,{ o Dectanaot B. intcndsto dcvclopthc ftopcny {includingNnyAdditionalPropcnyrddad thcttto) in accordance rvitbthisDcclsmtion sr c rnarterplanncdmidentid communitym be*novn tr Crncbralcat PincyCrccl. C. Declanntbascaused arPincyCrcckCommunity anassocialiorr, n&mcdCanebrahc Associatior,lnc..to bc formcdfor l'hcpurposcs rnd thc Aniclcsof sctfomhi,'rrhi$Dcclaration fncorpomdon for thc Associadon. STA TEMEIIfT OF DECLA RATTON a Thc Proprnyehallbe hcld.sold.andconvcycdrubjectm tht followingcovemnu.condidonr. rcsuictions.rcscrrations,rusasimcotrrnd ohcr provirionssct fosthin this Dockration.whichshallrun with the Propeny,shallbind all particshavingany right, title, or inrercstin rny p*rt of rhcPropcny.$tcir tttfiEsf utd sscscssors andrssigns,andshnllinurcto thebcnefrtof crh Orrncr (rs heruinaftcrdsfincd) whicb rhrtl lttd ar followsr *. -"*a.rt{. ANTTCLE T T}AFINITIONS F I : r f . F I I. 'll ADDTTTONAL PNOP$RTY i "Addi$onalPropcrty"shallnrcsnthcrcal proptrtydcscribcd on Erhibit nB"attachcd hcrcto,which maybc subjoctedto thjsDeclsrationby Dcclarantfrom timc to timc in rccorda$ceu'ith thc tcnn$cf thisDcclaration,hior to dteTurnovcrDqtc(as hcrcinnftcrdcfincd),Declamntmayunilaterally I I -,. I I rfr I d t' f FICHE 98hl0 PAOT I 066 appnopriate. nraydetenninc modifyExhibit"ll* [s Dcclannt,in its solcandahrolutqdiscrction 2, AncHffnsTu*AL nnvrswCoruutt"rrr:on ARC ''Architcctunal Rcview Commincc"or "ARC" shall rn*an tltc committccformedto pmmulgaredesignsnd dcvcloprncnlguidclincsand npplicstion.to revicw procedurusforncw con$rueilon $pon thc Propcrrysnd any modilicationstc irnprovtmcots, and to rcvicw and approvclhc plansfor samc. 3. ARET OT COTi{MONRE$FONSIBII,ITY "ArcA of Common Rcsponsihility"shall mcan and rcfcr to the Common Arta, togcthcr , with rhore lrear, if rny. which by rtrc tcrms of this Declsnlion. I rcsolution of thc Soad of Dirccton of thc Associarion. or a$ asrccmcnrwith the Cluh. a Ncighbofiood Associationor a gsvcrnmcntalagency, shall bccorne rhc rcryorrsibilily of the Associarion.including without limitntion c'anals.lakcs.reseloirs and oilrer prblic srels tocarcdwithin or ndjaccntto thc Propny designatcdby Dwlatlnt 8s part of the Arca of Common Responsibility. tl- I ; J t Anrrcms I dt "Articlcs"chrll rnctn andrefcrto thc Aniclcr of Incorporrdonof thc Association.$ thr samcrnsyhc amcnried lrornrirncto:imc. ,,i' d 5" Assnssunrr ll 'Asscrsmcnl'rhrll mcsnandrrfer to chcrgcslcviadrgain* lnu to fundCommon Expenscr,Ncighborhood andshrll includcCommon of theAssociation ExpcnrceandanyorhcrcrpcnsGs Asser$mcnts. Arscsrnrcnts,SpecialAsscssmcnts and Ncighborhood 6. As$octAfloN 'Asmcirtion' rhdl mc$l rnd rpferto C*nchrekcrl PinsyCttck CornmunityArsocirtion' lr*, rnd its successors or a*rignr. Thc Associrtionis thc mastcrpropsnyowncr!' $socistionfor thc cndrr Community. 7. BoARIt or DlnEgrons oR BoARlt *Borrd of I J I J .1' I ti J':-{f ; -. .€{t_ l(, .,1 Dircctor$'or *Board*shnllmcanandrcfcr to thc govcrningbcdy of thc Association, t. ,rn{ Buu,ogn - "Buildsr" slrsll mcgnr Pcrsonwho hasbccnqrxlificd andacccptodby tln Dactrranttq acquirea lnt for thepurposcof constnrcilng andrcscllinga Unit on it, r I J FICHI 9flhl0 9. rA0[ 06? Sy.LAws "By-taws* shallmcanand rcfcrto the Fy-l-awsof the Ascociation. asthc stme rnry be adopcd or amendedfrom limc ro drnr. 10, Cuus arri,i*cs,doins;:jlJ;:x1'|lTr,ff ffHf,H::lffi f;i;fi"Til?Ji,lll:ilT'JffiTf I,l; f l. Clur PRornnrr "Club Property"shallmean.allof thc rea!prcrpcnlownedby thc Clubor ii.i ruccssc,;$ sl' nssignsplusall of thc recrcttionalmd socialfaciliticsconrrrucrcd lhcrron,whichwill be opcrardby thc Club or its succc$$or$ or rssigrrsandcommonlyknownar Thc Club rt Crncbrake,insludingwithout limiBtion.thc golf coursc,3olf practiccfacilirics,swimtnd tennisfeciliilcrard drc Aolfclubhoulc.THE CLUB PROPE8TYlS NOT COI|,|MONAREA. 12. Cou*ron.AREA 'Comrnon Arcf,' or "CommonArcar*rhrll ncan all of thercal Fupeily owncdby thc Association. plusall propcrtydcsignated Declarrtionor asComrnonArrasin nny futurcSupplemental any porrionol'a plat or rcplatof thc Propcnydcriicatr.dro or for rhc Asrociadonlogcthcrwith eny improvcrncnts rhereonendrny pcrsonolpmpcrryorrncdby thc Association, rnd whicharc innndpdfor the commonuscandcnjoynrcntof nlllvlcrnbcn of thc Association.CommonArca rhrll cllo includcthc ErclusiveCornmsnAreauulErsthc contcxtotftcrr,'iscrcquircs, 13. CorquonAs$G$rMsHTs "CommonAsscrtments"shallrnsailthoscArscsrrnen$for which rll Membcrgof thc ,4ssociation arc rrrponsiblcro piy forCornmonErpcnrcr. 14, Corunnox nxpEnsEs lD t I "CsmmonExpclucs"shallmc$nthr acnul rnd crdmatcdco$ttrnd crpenscsin$iltcdor to be incurrcdby thc Associstionfor theScncralbenefuof nll Owncn, includiry enyrcaromblcrcrcncs for defcrrcdmaintenancc, rryhichrhcBoa:dof Diructorsmayfind rroccssrrT re;nirl or rcplrccrncnts. urd appropriatc. I r r ?r 15. Corumunrry rt "Community"shall meanthc masterplrrurrdcommunityto bc knownasCanebrakc PineyCrcck, ' "r*'{t" o FICHT 90hl0 16, r,AOE fl68 Coutuunlry-lTtoE $r,rnoAftrls of conduct.maintcnsrrc.eir "Communiry-WidcStandnrds"shall rnesnthe standards may bc morc spccifically standard Such generally pr"ruiling rhroughoutfte Comnrutrity. othcracrivity dctcrmincdby thr Soard of Directorsand thc Architccturll Revicu,Committcc' l?. DEctnnnnr .Declarant'ghallmcanandrcfcr ro CanebraLc Propcrticr,L.L..C.oTonc of its tuccsssors by thc immcdiatdypruccding asthc Dcclaranr or assignis dcsignatcd providcdsuchsucccssor or assigns of thisDcclamtion.Tht lhc with tcrm$ in *ccordancc cxccutcd Dcclaranr in a rccordedinsrrumenl Dcclrrrtion' by a $upplcmenBl Dochranrmry assignell or prrt of its rightrhcrcunder It, DecuexrtTfoN "flcclaration'shtll mcsnthis documcnt'a$thc$arncmaybc amcndcdor supplcmcnrcd fromtimeto time. ln DocutrtgruTs .J 'Documcnn" shall mcenthis Dcclaration.sndthc Anicls, By'l5ws, andRulcsrnd Associltion. of thc Regulations 20, ! Exct uslvg Colbllt{oil AnEA 'Erclusivc CotnmonAtrs" shallmcsnand mferto ccrtlin portionsof the CommonArca' inclgdingany improvcrlcnr$andfixun$ thcrpon,r$c utc of which hasbcm Srantcdenclulivcly or pnmarilyro Ln, o, *o*, hut lc*s thanall, Unitsfo,rthc commonuscandarjoymcntof Orrncrsof such by $upplsmcnttlDeclrration. Unirs. SuchExclusivcCommonArta shallbc.dcsignated I J , It J r ,{' t lr 21, lNsflTunoHALMonrcrcne 'lrsrirurional Mongagrc'shall mesn: (a) arrl gcnerallymcognizcdlendingirutilution nryiry r finr moil31fc licn upouriJr or (b) nrch othcr tcndcrsgs fie smrd of Dirpcrsn rhall hcrtrfrrr appno"cin writing wfuchhrvc rcquird a fint mortgrgclien$po$n lnt. 2?. IrOf '[st,, stull bc en inclusiv€,tcrmrcfcrringro n ponionof thc Propctty,whcthcrdcvclopcd usc.andoccupnncyis r-rtsidcnccandshall.unlsgsothcnrisc or undcvclopcd.incn&d for dcvclopmcRt, spocificd,includcwithin its rnccningUyway of illustradon,but not limitation'courtyardhsrne$'Fotib homcs,&ndcstatehomcs,ss gandcnhomcs,eingle-family J t.' j.. r.. : ' || . "'.: lr I 1 . :: rICHE ;;A6r: 9$lt | 0 069 wcll asvacantlandtntcndcd for dcvclopment as assuch.all asmayherlcvelopcd, u.sed anrJdef-rned hcrcinpnrvidnl$r ai providtrtin a Supplemcntal Dcclrrarioncovcringall or a Fsn of thc ttnpeny. Thc tcnnshallincluderll porrionsof tht Lot onrncdat wcll is rny lmlcturEthcruon. In thccsrc of a parcclof vacantlandor landon whichinprovemcnrs lre undcr conluuction,thc parcclshallbc dccmcdto containthcnumbcrof Lorsdcsignntcd for rcsidcntialurc for suchparctl on thc nutlcr plrn *pprrrvcrlby Drclamntunillsuchtinlcasa subdivisionplathasbccn rccordcdin thcpublicrccordsof LimcstoneCounty,Alabarfitonall or i ponionthcrcof,Af'tera rubdivisionpla hasbccnrecordcdon gll or a ponionthcrcol,rhr poniondctignatcdin rharplarshell cons$lstCI Lot m lor asdctcrmincdabovcandrhcnurnbcrof Lotson thecmdning land.if a scpsratc any.shallconrinucto he dcrermincd in accordance with rhir parngrrph, 13. Mmren Pur.r "MoslcrPl[n" shall rncsnandrcfcr m *rc planfor rhcdcvclopmEnt of tha Pmpcrty,ru thr samtmay be ancndcdor supplemented fromtimc to dmc. A, MEM$En "lvlembcr"shallmcanandrcfcr ro a Pcrconentitlsdto rncmbcrship in thc Arcocistion. All QwncrsshalltrcMembemof rhr Asrcciarion.provided, howcver,rharthsrcshallbe no moncthanone Mcrnberfor eachLot, ln additioo,DoclaranrandtheClubshallalro bc Mcmbcmof the As$ocirtionrs described mo$ fully in Arricle'vlll, SectionI hcrEofandrfu By'laws of A$ociation. 25, NElcHBonH(xlo "Ncighborhood'shaflrneansnd rcfcr ro ffiy L,orswhichrru dcsigmtcdrs r Naighborhoodby Declsranlin r $upplcmentalDcslantion,in whiehOlrncn may hrvc commpnintcrur otherrhanthosccommonto ntl Orvners,suchass comrnonthcrnc,qttttanccfca$re, d,cvelopncrtnrilc andor commonarceandfaeilitierwhichar! not avrihblc for urc by rll Ourncrr. : l- r 26. NercnaonflooD AssBisuENTs "Neighborhood Asgcssrncnts" shallmernrssessmcnrlevid by eithcrthe Areacirtiongr * NeighborhoodAssociationagain* thc Lots in r paniculrrNcighborhood or Ncighbortroodrto fund Neighbortrood Erpcnsesn asmorcprticulnrly dcscriH in Aniclc IX. Stction5 of thir Declaration. I I -. ? I I I I er I 4 .it ' i.{ 27. rICHE PACr 98ht0 f]?0 NglcnnonflooDAssocl,tTlot{ rtNcighborhood or suchother Arsociation"shallmcananyFropcnyownerCsssociation. A nnyNcighborhood" lbr sdministcring entiry.itssucccssorc whichshallbercsponsiblc andassigns. Asrociation. Ncighborhood shsllnotbe rcquiredto havca Ncighborhood 2$. NetcHgoRfiooD DEcr$RrtTloN *NeighborhoodDcclrradon" rhall mcsnthe potcctivc cotsntnts. corditiott$.rc*rictionr A andorherprovisionsiif any; imposedby a rccordcdin$rumcntilporioneor ntofcNeighborhoodsDcclaration. Neighborhood may,burshallnot bc rcquircd.ts hlvc a Ncighfiorhood t9. NelcHroRHooD Docullgt{T$ 'NrighborhoodDocumcnti" shrll rncana Ncighborhood Dactarationtogcthcrwith tttt of a Ncighborhood, aniclcsof arsociadon, by-lau'sandrulcr andrcguladons 3{). Netcilronnooo Er(PENsEs 'NcighborhoodExpenscs"shall mcsnandincludcthoscrcuul rnd estimltodcrpenrcs incurrcdor ro bs incurrcdb;r thc As*ociationprimarilyfor thc bcncft of thc Orners of lnu within a panicularNcighborhoodor Neighbortroods, which mayirrcludcr rcasonrblcrtlcrve for dcfsntd rnainrcnancc. as all maybc spifically authorir,cdfrom drncto time by thc Lprirs. andrcplaccmsnts. Arsociationsndssmorc Boardof Dirocton of the Asociarion or thc applicablcNeighborhood panicularlyauthorizcdhcrcin. ! J *f. :. 3I. Ownn* 'Otvncr" shall mcenrrrd nfcr to thc rrcordowntr of fcc simplctitlc to r L"ot{including Drclarnnt,Buitden andthc Club. bur spccificnllycxcludinganypsfiy holdingrn intcrcstmcrelyas insltldc rny qthcrPcrronwbo rmlriry for rhc esfonrnacr of ro obliiuion). TX! tcrm Onrncrmry I rbo ownriny ponionof rhc hopcny otherthanthc Associntion. !:r | J .!. -l: T',' i- -{rdl{_ . ,t \ { I 3e, Ppnsoru 'PErEon' mcrnsuny individual,corpontionor othcrlcgrl cntity. 33" PnopgRrv lcgallydc*ribcdonExhibit'A" "hopcny'shrltmesnandrcfcrtothcnal propcny atucSodbercto,togerhcrwith ruchaddirionalpropenys$i$ hcrsaftcrrubjcctedto this Dcclarationby r SupplcmcntdDoclaration. t FICl T gih l0 J{. PAO€ 0l I tipEcfAl"AS$Fs$trtEI{T "SpecialAsscssment" with shallmc:rnandrcferto a$$cssmcnu lcvicdin accordancc Anicle lX, Sccrion6 hcrcof. 35. liurrunmgtrrALltecurnertox "SupplcrncnialDccfaralion" shall mcan a supplcmentto this Dcclarationcrcculcd by or corucntpd ro by Dcclarantin accordancewith Anicl* ll. $ccrion 2 bcrcof. 36. TUnNovETDAn "Tumovcr Datc"shrllmeanrhedateonwhichthcClass"8" lvlcmbershipcctsa$ rocrisl artdisconvcrtcd to a Clrss"A" Mcmbenhip, 3 hcrcof. asfunherdercribed in AniclcVlll, Sccrion 37, Urrm *Unil"$all rnsanandrafcrto any$uucturu constructtd oni [rrt. includingwithour litmitation. counyard homm,patiogsrdonhomcs. singlc-frmily homes. ild stalchomcs. ARTTCLN N GENENAL PI,AN FON DEVSLOPMENT I. Pu*T.IroR DEVELoPMEHT (a) In SqqErU!.Derlarantprcscntlyplansto devcloprheh,opertyar a multi-phrucd residentillcornmunirywith golf andrclatcdrpcreadonal vsriouscommonarcss,in acccrdrnce amenirics, with theMrstcr Flantnd subjcctto any requirudgovrmrncnmlappmvals.Dcclrnnt llro rcscrverhc tight to dewlop any prnion of thc Propcnyfor cornmcmidurct irr rccordurcc*ith thie Dcclrnds{r. ttc MasterPlnnsnd any npplicablcgovcmmcntalappnovrls.Dcclsrantrescwcsthc righr ro modifythc MasrcrPlan in its solcdiscrctionfrom $rnc to tinc andthcconscntof thc Arsociction.$ty Orrncrrnd urt mo4;rl* of rny Owncarhrll nor bc lcqui$d inconnccdonthrcuitb. I I i r I i rI t vI I I of condsminium. tb) Pqlarqlion:Atuxjfltlpn. This Dcclantionis not r doclnretion No portionof thehopeny is submittcdby rhisDcclaration formof ownurhip. to lhe condominium Dcclannt has causcdthc Associadonto be formadto performcsrtainadmininnilve urd opendonrl functionsrqarding drePropcrtyss $ctforth rnorsfully in thc flccumcnB. (cl Declarantintcndtthat lnts firay.but nocdrlot bc, grouFcd Ncigfi,bgrh$g$S. togcthcrin ncsidcntialNcighborhoods,Ncighbofioodsmay.but arenot rcquircd,to bc adminisurcdby ' NcighborhoodAssociations. '.{ FICilT 9Sl+l0 PASE r]?2 (d) No Unit maybecrccrcdor beallowcdttt Mi&rtp.ur0,Sggfifp fosla+9.8$suig!jqns.. bc not opcnporchrrandbasemsnts cxclusivcof garagc.r. occalpy rny lot or lols unlcrsthr mainstructurc, lccrthrntfu followingminimumsqurrcfoot restrictionr: for Courtyard (| ) Qounynr4flgfi.E$:Thr nrinimumsquercfootrcsuictions andbfficmcnts. squorcfcctelclusivcof opcnporchcs.BaraBts Hornesrhull not bc lesshan 1.6O0 (2) Th* minirnuntiquarefootr*trictionsfora M: single-story ParioGnrdcnHomcshallnotbc tcsrthrn 1,f,00squarcfcct trclurivc of opcnporchcs, garagc$ lbr thc groundflootof a two'ttsry Fatio andbascmentg. Thc mininum squorcfoot restrictionr andbrrcmcnts. opcnporchcs, GrrdcnHorncshallnot be lessthan1.50O sguarcfcetcxclusiveof garagss. (3) Thcminimumtquarcfootrcruicdonsfora W: of opcnporchcs.. sing!-srorySingleFamilyHornerhaltnot hc lcssthan2,000squirc fccrexclusivc grrigcr.andbaiements.Thc rninimumrquarcfoot rtstricrions for rhegmundfloorof a two'story.$inglc FarnilyHorncslrallnot bs lcssthan 1.600squarcfcst cxclurivcof opcnporches.8afir8c3'andbascmcnu. J J J J J I ! (4) F*l*$ Hqpq$. Therninimurnsquancfoot resricilom for a ringlc$toryEsutc Homcshallnorbe lcsr than2,80Ofccterclusivcof opcnporthcs,Songcs.nndba*emcnu. Thc rninirrurm$quarcfoot rcstricdonsfor thc grrundfloor of a two.$toryEsuteHomcahallnol bc les$ than2,2{X}squarcfccl crclusivc of optn porches.gfirsgcs,andbasementr. 2. SurrlnuENTAL DBct rR.*TIoN$ Dcctarantshellhrvc thc righr, nlonernd in iu rolc dircnerion,locxtcutc androcordin provirions*hich Dcclarations fromtimc to $mccontsining LimcrtoncCounty.Alabtrna,Supplcmcntnl (a)ersigna spcciiic u$cro a-ponionof thc Fropcny:(b) derignates Neighbffhoodrnd any spocificuucs or provirionswith rc$pcctto rhe Ncighborhoodl(c) imposeaddidonalrcsuictiotuor dclctcreruic{onron (c) a ponionof the Propcnyl(d) arsignsomcor rll of Dcclrnant'rrighu rnd obliSrdon*hereundcn rublrt somcor all of tttc Additionrt Fropcrtyto thecffcn of tltic Dectrrrrionor{0 do rnythingclrc pcrminedby this Doclaration. 3. NEtcltsonll@D llEcl,ARAfioN Dachnnt orrnothcr Pcrronwith D*lrrant'r pior wriucnconsdlt.mly rtcord in$hlmcnts urbjmting r Ncighbortoodto r l.leighbofioodDcclrntion. upunlficlt gfcil tsc PrlofiilU thcltrq$on. $uch Ncfhbothood shallrhcnbc suLlccrro Uon rhis DectarationandsuchNeighborbood Associadonmry hrvc urd suchNcighborhood Declantionmay elm crgatca NcighborhoodAssociation* rs sushNcighbarhood to privitcgcs wifi nspoc't porp3rsr duricsor thc rame.additional,or differcntrights, juri*diction thc both of to thc subjcct bc rnay such Ncighborhood rhr As$rciation,in whichcvcnr NeighborhoodAssocintionandrhcAssociation,sndmaycauscthe Owncn of lnts within the , .,"*#r.;: ; J .j I I { Flcl'l E P , 10 t 98hl0 IJT3 Ncighbodrood to bc rncmbEnof thc Ncighhorhrxrd Association undcrruchtcrmsandcondilionsasnlay bc providatthcrein,whichmaybc rhe samcasor subrundatlydiffcrcnrfrurnthc rcrrnsantlr:undidonsof mcmhership in thc Associatinn rhall pnvail ovcr as providedhcruin.Whcnin conflict,theDocumcnts Neighborhood Documcnt$. 4. Alrnrx,trtotv{rFADDTTIoNAL fnornnrv lirrgflp lhe T*mpvcf€nrc, Priorto thcTumovrrDntc,De*lararuehsllhavefie right, privilcgt,andoption.in irs soledirrction. rosubjcctnnyaddirionalpmpny lo thc provisionsof lhis Dcclaration Declrn$on in urd to thr.adrninistration by filing a $upptcmcntat of thc Association LimcrtoneCounty,Alabama.Such$upplemcntal Dcclarariun shrll notrcquirctheconscntof rny of thc Ovncrt, rny ntortgrgccof any Ourrcr or thc Amocirtion,but rhrll rcquirctftc conrontof thc owncrof suchadditionalFroFnrty.if theowncrof strchaddirionalpropcrtyis othcrthanDcclared" Any such onncxtionshallbc effcctivcuponthr filing of racordof such$upplemental D*laration unlcssothcn*ix pnovidedthcrcin. Dcclannt shallhavethc righr,in its mlc discction, ro Esr$fcr m sny olhcr Pcruonthc right.privilcgc,andoptionto tnncx ndditionafpropcnytlhich ic rcrcrucdhcrcinto Dcclrnnt. providtd thatsuchtransfrris memorialiacd in a SupplcrnrnulDrclarnlion. AfiC,rrhcTFnn*y.FLFnrc.Fotlorringthc TurnovcrDalc,Dcclnrantrhsll havs$c unilatcralright,privilcgcrnd option,undl all of tlrc AdditiondPropcnyhr$ bccnrubjatcd to this D*laration,to subjectto the pmvirionsof thisDeslaruionandthejurisdicrionof tlrcArrocirtioa from timeto dmeandat sny dmc all or any poniorrof rhe*dditional hopcny. $uchanrcradonshdl be accomplishcd Dwlaretion by filing in thc publicrecordsof LimcstoneCounty,Alabame,a Supplcmcntal anncxingsuchAddidonalPropcny.$uch Sup$emcntel Declaralisn shrll not ruquircthc conrentof nny of theOwncrs,any m$figagecof tlre Owncrsor the Arrocindoo,but ehrll ruquircthc conscnrof $tc owncrof suchpropcny,if othcrthan Dcclarant.Any srch annexarion shallbc cfflrctivcuponthc filing for recordof suchSupplcmcnnlDcclarationunlcsgothrrwisrprovidcdthercin" Followingthe TurnoverD[tc, t$c Associationmry not rubjoctsny props{tyto the provisionsof rhis Dcclarationrnd thejurisdictionof thc Arrociationwithout: {t} thc *flirmr$Yc voterof a mrjority of tha Clss$nA' Mcmbcrsof thc Afiiocisrionci$cr in wri$ng,or prcicnl in pcrronor by proxy,at s mcctingduly caltcdfor ruch purposr,(bl thc conrcntof thcorrncr of ruch ptopGily,(cl tht conscntof theClub. and (d) thc conscntof Dcclamntro long rs Dedrrmt ouns any porttonof lhs Propcrtyor thp Addidonrl hupcrty, t r+ I r I r I v r I l' 5, AMENDMENToF ARTICIB This Article shrll not bc rmcndrd wiilroutthe priorwtitt+ttconr*nt of Declrnnt, to long as Dcclannt ownsaoy portionof thc Prcpcrtyor lhc AdditionnlPropeny,rnd thc conscntof drc Club. 3\ ",'.F{: rICHE 9ll+f 0 PACT 0?b ARTIC[.EIII LA I{D DESTGNATIONAND ADMTNISI'RATION l. IrrGErurruu usesin accordrnccwith thc tcnrrrof thir to designatcd Thc propefiymry besubjecrcd metnsby Dcclarant'Dcclarant D*lar:ation.by rny Suppte*cntriDcctantionor by rny othcrrcaronable c$ablishnnyuscfor thc Propcrty*onsistcntwith thc termrof thc rnay,in ir soli anOatsstutsdiscrctiqn. Maircr Plnn.ilrisDcclrnrrionrnd rpplicablelnw. Withoutlinritin8tha fowgoinS,thc fropcny mry be uscdin rhcfirllowingmanncr: r Bgtdi4tl*ljr?q$. Rcsidcnliglarcarshsil bc thoscffcrt urcd far rcridcntialusc'whicb shallincludcforr anAirnproverncntr rsrosirtid with residcntirlpurpq3.*andurcr including'bul nol pa*ing $pscct' itrcct lighting.opcnsps€G$. cnrancewnys, lirnitcdto ilfieets,drivewnys,eidcwslks, to thc landscaping. swirnrningpoolr.othcrrccrtetionrlfaciliticsrnd othcratcasor amenilicsepPurtcnant csch DocumcnF. or Ncighborilood Declamtion Lorr. Unlcssothenririirovidcd in r Supplcmcntal Owncrshallbc rc*ponsiblefor themaintcnlnccof his or hcr Lot. Sq$I$f'l Atrn ElclusivrCsnngsAtrs !nfinnCnh Evcty Owncr shalthavea right rnd non+xcluriveclrcrncntof usc. acccssandcnjoyr[cnrin rnO ro tttJCornmonArca, rubjcctto thir Dccl*radonasit mry bc gmcndcdfrom fimeto timc. rnd to anyrcsuictionsor limintions connincdin tny dctd conveyingtuch proptny to thc Asmcirtion. Anlorrncr rnaydclcgntehis or her right of urc andenjoymcntin theCommortArte to thc nrcmbcrsof hisorher famiiy. lessccrrnd iavitses,is applicablc,subjcctto rumonablengulation by thc wirtrrproccdurcrit may *dopr. An Orpncrwho lc$cg his or hff Unit rhrll hc Soardandin accordance dccmcdto havcdclcgatedall suchrightsto thc Unit's lclscc. q .t ! . ' Delarant shalldeterminethc mrlrNcrof mating improvcmcntsto lll CommonArca andths usc theruofro long ss Dcclar1ntown$anyportionof thc hopeny or thc Additiffirl Prropary,md, thcrsftcr, rlc f.rrocinion rhdl havcthc flmc righ' Providd tttc gcncnnl qualityof the Uastcr Ptonis not md;rially rnd dctrinentrlly chrngod. of thc Common Af,ffriqiqFsu$nEndSnnn$gg, Thc rdministrationandoparttion prlorcon*ntt of with tlc thc Aarairtion thrr iicepr Arca shallbe rhc t*ponffi?E-rlro.iifl*. non' prrt. or cxclurively wholc or in rrsponsibility.in euch panl' thr acccpting mry assignor dclcgatc crcluriycly, rnd permf,ncntlior $mponrily. for any portionof thc CommonArcs to a Ncighborltood Associrtion,thc Club. goverilmcnulentityor oth* Pcnondeterminedm bt apprcpiatcby Doclannteo long as Dcclnranto*nJrny porrionof thc hpctty or theAdditionrl Ptof.ny, .-J I .t ',f ,tl .-*lfdd-, 1 , -'i ,{l _,.I as Dcclarant Se.rrqinDccl+r+ntBit[$: Declarantshsll hnvc thc right, ro long discrttion, to ptrpcnyor in its role and rbcolute and hoperry, edditional portion rtri owr:sany of thc ury Arca rnd thc Common modify or develop constilctr Arcn and rlter thc boundaricsof rheCsmmon l0 1 i -1 FICHT 981{f 0 PAUI: 075 ttnproVcmcnts. cSsemcnts rnd userightsthcreonor appunenant therero in a mannrrdetermincd rpproprirtcby Declanant, in its solcdiscrction,wirhoutthcjoinderor coflscnrof any Pcrson.including, sirhout limiudon. the Arrociltion, rny NcighhorhoodAsrocinlion,lny Orrnerror rfly morrgtgccof rny Oryncr. partfuion. alienare, P*plafaqtAporq"ql: Thc Associationshallnot abandon, fclcasc.ransfcr.hypothccale, or othcnvisecncumberrheComrnonArca :iolong ffcrlamntownsany "i of Declarant Fonionof thc Pmpcrtyor $rcAdditioml Propcnywithoutthc prior wrirrenapproval &nd, thcruaftcr,withoutthc priorrppruvalof a rnajorityof rhe vorci cilgiblcto Uccasrby thc Class'A" Mcmbersar|dthcconsentof thc Clmr "C" Mcmbcr, Thc proccding shatlnorprobibirrhc $cntcncc Alsociationfmm grantingsucheascmdnuorcr, undcrundabovcCommonArus asararccsonably tlcccffioryorrpproprirtc for thc dcvclopmcil and opcmdonof rhc Properfyin r m$tfl€rcoftsi*tcntwitlr thc provisionsof lhis Dpelottlion,nor chatltheforugoingpnohibitrhcAsrnciationfrom cncnmbering CommonArcr providcdsuchencumbnanccs arc solelyt$ sccune Inrncobtrircd for improvingCornmon ArcE.andthc licn of suchcncumbrsnca is norsuperiorro theprovisionsof this Declsrrtion. FtrClUsiyg CgmmqnAfal Ccrrainprovirionrof thcCommonArcr maybc designatcd as ExclusivcCommonArcat andcscrvcd for thccrclusivcuscof Owncrsandoccupanrs of loq within e poniculorNeighborhoodor Neighborhoods.By way of illurtntion snd nor limirarion, Erclulivc CommonArcar rray includc rucruorionslfrciliti*s.intcfldcdfor hcgrcfuriyg urc of Onncru within EpanicularNcighborhoodor Ncighbarhoods,and rupponedercludvely by Ncighborhood rtssessments. tc) Albl[ Upg. Doclaramrnayugcany ponionof thc Propcrryforcomrncrcial purposcs.Any suchuscshrll be dcsignatcdby Occlnranrin a Supplcmcntnl Dcclararion, andDeclrrsnt qay'in uny suchSupplcmcnslDcclaradon,sctfonh any rcsrictions,condirionsandcovenansfut run with suchponion of thc Propcny. Osclarinnrmayalsoscrforrh rny rightsrnd obligarionrof rheOwncrof suchponion of thc Rropcny,rnd thc mrnocr in *hich ruch porrionof thc Propenyrhrll be rdminiscrcd andasrmsedundcrthi* Dsclrmfion. Notwithrtrnding rhc fongoing,l ponionof rhc hppcrry mry bc urcd asa ralcsccntcrfor thc saicandrcsalcof Lou rnd Unin within thc Commuaityor othcr communiticsdmignrpd by Declarantondor mcmbcrshipsin thc Club, Doclrnnr rnay rsrign in *hotc or in pan, irr righu undcrdrisArticlc lII. $cction l(c). ?,, r f- DI$PUTESASTO USE lf thercis rny disprrc as to whctherrhc dcsignationof rny poriionof rhc Propeny complieswith this Declanntion, sny SupplcmcnnlDocllration,or anyotlrerdocumer,g,thcn,so long ar Dccl*rantown$ury portionof thc Pnopcnyor the AdditionalPr,opny, rhodisputcghll bc refcrcd io Declarant.Aficr Declarantno longeros/nssny Fortionof the Propny or lhe Additionrl Propcny,drc dilpltc shall bc mfcrrcdto thc As$ocindsn.Thc determinationrendercdby DcclrnrntorOc Arsociilion, rs rheclst mty bc, thall bc finrl nnd binding on all Pcnonsinvolrd in ttrcdirputc. r t r II t rd: FICHE 981+ l0 J PAGE n76 I f ARTICLE IV DEVELOPMNNTOF COMMON ARSAS I J l. Coilsrnugrroil rxo InsrscTlol*or Couuox Annt J Ooclsrant(or Suildrn) will construct,fiirnirh nndcquip,rt its alle costrnd expcnsc, (or $c Buildcr' asthecarc commonAna' uponcomplctioncf conrtrue{onot'csmmon Atra' f,teclrrant lo Arca irnprovcmcnts ro inspoctany Common mayb'r)will engagcirrdepcndcnr licsnrcdinspcctors as rviththcapplicablcplansandspccifications detenninrif rtreywcrc built in subsuntialnccordanca modifirdtry anychangcordcrs. Anyrcptirs indicatsdhy thc inspcctionrcf,onsrhall bc complctcdby by r Buitdcrl,tl its rolc coelrnd wfnc constructcd Dcclarrnr(or by rhcSuitCcrif theimprovcmcnt$ cxPcnsc. 2. I Tnrxsren otrCo*ltrtof{Annl On or bcforc thcTurnovcrDltc. Dcclannt sgrccsto cottycy,$mifcr, assignand dclivcr to rhcAssocirtion.rnd rhe A*ocinion shallacccptslrnc from Doclaffiltt,Dtclr m's intcrcstin thc CsmmonAruas thc somccxistson thc datcof cohvc)tsncd, 3, Dtsct *tugnof WAnR.rI{TIEs Thc Associttions$GesthstthaComrnonArca shrll bc corvcyodin iu "urhcrt is' as i*' conditionnndwitho$ tpcourrc.rnd llrclsrrffdisclaims andmrtce no rcprt$nEtions.wamntieg or othcrsgrtcrncntsc[prcssor implicdwith rcspcctrhercto.includingwithoutlimiution' tcPnstcntstionror wanandcrof merchant1f,itiry or fitnes*for $rcordirur5lor uty psrticulrr FlrForc.andrupnrcntetionsor warrnnrierrcgardingrha condirion.dcrign,conrtnrction,rccurlcy. complctonctr,rdcquacyof tlte sirc ar or opcrNtistuof theCommon,trulcapacityin rclationto rnitizationor $c futurccconomicperformnncc orany Orner rclrtingto tttccondition.opention,o$E, No clrim shallbe mndcby theArsocia$on sccurncyor cornplctcaccrof ths CommonArcr or for incidcnul orcoffioqrsfitid damagcsariring rhercfmm.Ilrchrant will tnncfer rnd rrrign to thc Arsocirtion. *rithoutlfioutlG, rll warrmticr which it rcceivcrfrornmrnufacnrrcrsandrupplicrrrclatingto my of ths CommonArta whichcxist ard a3u assignablc. .' r' -i' *1. - -=r{:: ANTICLEV USEAESTRICITONS l. In Gnmnrt. Thc Roperty sbdl bc uscdonty for ruridential,rtcrtational,md rclntcdbusiness8nd commcrcialpurposcs,which purporcsmnyincludc,without lirnintion- ofllccsfor any prsFrty mtnf,gcr salc$.or rcsl cststpoffiec$for Dcctnruntor thc A$sciation 0nd rutaincdby tin Agsociadonoi busincss, otler busincsscs which lr3rv€rnd arca psrtof thc Community,ct may norc puticularly bc sct forth in or rdditionalcovcnentsirnposcd Declanatisn hcrcto. Any Supplcrncntal this Dcclsrationrnd amcndmenrs ' ,...| ' i ,>, i :r .ii 'f 12 il.il , t .:. : Flcl{t 90ht0 PASI: 07? on thcpropcnywithinanyNcighborhoulmayimposcstriclcrsrilndards thanthossconmincdin this Aniclc. TheAsmciation, acdngrhroughirsBuanlof Dircuors,slralllrrvcsurrdingandthepowcrto cnforccsuclrsmndards. shallhrvcauthorityto Thc Asrocirtion,ncringlhrcughirs lloardof tlirccrorx. muke,rnd thcAssociation actingthnrughirsBosrdof Dirccrorsshallhrvcthc flulh$rityto cnforcc, rtendardsqndrustricdons govcmingthc uscof thc Propcnyin addirionto rhosccontaincdhcrcinondin thc Cornnrunity-Widc Sundrrds. Suchrcgularions anduscrcsrricdons shrll bc hindinguponall Ownen. ocsupsn$,invittessndliccrrsccs.Notwittuundinganythingtu thcco$rrry hcrcin,Dccluau shallbc cxcmptfmn applicadon of rhcprovirionsof this Arriclc, (a) tool rhodsorilructurusof a rimilsr kind or nstutr0r? Doghouscs. fulgessont$FugluE$. nol pcrmittedon sny prlt of thc Pmpenywithin vicw of rhc ridcwrlh or $rcct. (b) 4'ir.Coqditiq[ine[J,n$.Exccplasmay bepcrmittcdby theARC,no windstvair conditioningunirsmaybe insulhd in anyUnil. (r) No lnimals,repilles.livcstocl,wildlifeor poulwyor any*ind rhall be Ar,iff+lEqgd.Pc.tS. raisod.bred or kcpt on any ponion of the ftropcny.cxccplthatdogs,c{B or othcrurud rnd common houscholdpc$ may bc pcrmincdon g trt. Howcvcr.rhoscpetswhicharcpemriltedm roomfrce.or which.in thc solcdissrcdonof ths Boad of Direcroru. cndangcrrhchcrlthandsafay of thc Mcmbcmof thc Associadon, mrkc objcc$onablc to thcorhcr noise,or constiturca nuislnccor inconvcnicncc Mcrnbcrsof drcAssocistionslrallbc rsmovcduponrcquertof theBorrd of Dircctod. ff tr Owncrf*ils to honorsuchrequcsr,lhc pct mry bc rcmovadby ttreBorrd of Dirpctsrs,No pctnihrll bc kept,brEdo.' mninmincrlfor anycommrrcialpurposc.Houreholdpcu shnltrt atl timo ulrcnsvcrtheyrrt ou$idciht Owner'trUnit bcconfincdon r lcnshheldby a nsponriblcperron. (d) atrial$,ustellitcdishcs,sr oftcr Antetrrwls,,$$illitcPisFef. No axtsriorsntcilus,$, appafiqusfor thcurnsrnirsisnof tclcvigion*radio,or othcrrignalsof anyldnd shallbc plrccd,allowcd,or mrlnuincd uFonmy Unit or l"o1 c*ccpr u pcsmilld by tb ARe, r I ? r r No artificial vcgcu$on {c} 4ttifrciel.Y$pterign..ErtgriqlHqp!'eti+S$..enjl,ti$Eilflf,l+fftq. shallbc pcrmittcdon sny Lot. Extcriordccorf,tions, foup111*, includingwithoutlimindon,sculpturcs, flngs.ard similu itemsfiturt bc rpprovd in writingby thc ARC. (f, Sq&pgeQpnsJanlq.Src. Gubagccans,storegcunls, rncchsnicalcquipmcnt. corltpressors. including,withoutlimiration,clecuicalmctcrs.gr$ mctcrsandair condidoning cr othcr similar ircmr rhatl bc locaud or scrccncdso r$ to bc conccrlcdfnomvicw of trcighboringLots.s$ectsutd thc Club Pnopcrty.Clothcslincsshallnot bc pennirnd, All rubbish,trt$r. rnd gartrgc shallbc smrcdin I3 -***.*t-i FlcilE gnhl0 PAGE t]?B apprrlpristc conuincrrwirhlids rnd agularlyrcmovcdfromlhc Propcnyandrhallnot bc allowcdto garbage can accumutate thcrpon.All baslctballhoopr.hackhluds,sloragctcnts,mwhnnicalequipment. storggcstnrrFturcs, andothersuchitemsrhnll bcsulrjccttu tlrt writtetrapprovllof thc ARC. (g) eUdnmJlgg'. No tradeor hurincrsrnry bpconductedin or fromnnyUnit.cxccptthatan rcriviticswithin fre Unit so longrs: {a} thc Owncror occuptntrcsidingin a Unil mry conductbusincss crirtcnceor opentionof thebusincss or detcctablcby sight.soundor *mcll from activityis norapparcnt for thc Propenyl(c] the outsiderhc Unit;(bl rhcbusincsstcriviry coufornrs ro all eoningrcquircntcnts busincss noiviry doesnorinvolvc p+rson$ comingonlsthc Propcnywho do notrcsidcin thc Prupenyor with the door.to.door of thr Propcrty: and(d) thc busincssactivityis consistcnt of rcsidcnrs soliciurtion or urc. offtnsivc harardous rcsidcntral or a nuisancc, a charsctcr of thc Propcnyatd docsnotconstirutc in tbc solc as maybs dcrcrmincd sr thmltcn:hc sccurityor safcryof orhcrrc.qidcnls of thc Properry, dircrctionof thc 8ortd. Thc tcrms"busincss" and"lndc", 6$urcdin thisprovirion.shrll beconrtrucdto luve thcirordinary.gsnc?ally andshallincludc,*ithout limituion. anyoccupl$on.*ork rccepcd meanings. or activityundcrtakcil on ar ongoingbssiswhichinvolvcsthepruvisionof goodsor scrvicc$to Pentooi othcrthanthc providcr'sfamily andfor whichtheprovidcrtttciv+c a fcc, compcn$lion.or othcrforrn of considcrtrion.rcgErdlcss of wh;ther: (i) suchacriviryis cnpgcd in full or pen-timc;(ii) suchrctivity is intendcdto or doesgcnertreI profruor tiii) r lisenscir ruquircdthErcfor. Notwithstrndingthe abovq.thc learingof a Unit shsllnorbc conridcrcdr rnde or burincrrwithin thc merningof thir rmtion' Thir rnd calc scclionshullnorapplyta Bnyrcriviry conducred by rhcDcclulnt wirh respcctto it.tdcvelopmcnt of tbt Propcnyor itr uscof any Unirswhichil ownrwithinrhc Propcny. (hl D,CqhS. All dcckr rnusrbc appmvcdin wriling by the ARC pdor ro cons$uc$on.Thc ltylc sf tllc rvithrhesrchitcctural configuration, dctailrnd rriliry dcrignof a dcchshouldbelrarmoniaus Unil J I a J J T J ' J J !f 'tl .: ?l t. .4 -l 1 '-l 'tt ."1 (i) Fqinaqe.'Crich haeinrnnddrainrgcarcrr ms for tlro pruporcof nrnnal flow of wrtlr ,unly. No obstructions or debrir lhalt be phcedin tlrmasreti. t{o Peron, olhcr thur Dcchrant.&c Club ot thc Association,tnayobstnrctor ruclrrnnclthcdrainrgcllows afrr loca$onundinsullrlion of drninrgctwalcr, stotmscwcr$or $orrn dnrins.Dxlannt hcrchymtcrycr for itralf. thcClub nnd$c AssosiationNperpcruslGascmcntscnoss thaPropcrtyfor tlrcpurposeof attcringdrainageandwatcrflow. 0) FnqtgvFqns$AqlipnHguilm$Ft.No solarcncrgycollcctor pncls or attcndanthsrdwrrt or othff cncrgysonrcrrrtion quipfit;nt rhdt bccon$ruEudr innrllad on uy Lg a Uail unlcl I b n intcgml and hrrmoniouspan of thc archircctunldcsignof 0rc l,ot or Unit, m dcFrmind in *re sple discrctionof thc ARC. Ltnderno circum$tsncc$ shallsolrr panclsbc installcdm m rc beviriblc from any porion ttrcrt in tic Communityor frurr any of thc Club Prapcrty. (k) fip*mg. Thc discharti of firuarnswithinthc hopcny ir prohibitcd.Tlrc tcrm 'futrras* includcr 'B-8" gun$,pcllot gurlr,rnd otltcrfirenrrnsof all typcs,ttgadlcs,gof circ. Natrvitftrtandingsnythitrgto thc cofir"ry containcdhcrcinor in thc By-[awr, thc Asuocistionshallnot bc obligatcdto ukc actionto cnforccthis $cction, l4 .l t ,?' 't !a o Frcrfr 9$h l0 ttl PAt,i: ft?9 fipl{f;E$, No privalegoll'canswill bepcrmittedwithintheCommunity. {rnt lfri8rtioq, No,rprr*lcr or irrigotionsf$cmr of any rypcryhishdrawfiom anybodyof trrllerwithinthe Propcnyshrll beinsrallcd,conrrrucrcd or opcratcLby anyPcnoo,orhu rhrn rhc Associrtion,Dcclmnntot thc Club, withoutthc priorwrirtenapprovnlof ftc ARC. All p*rcclrwhichlrc dcvtlopcdmoybc rcquindto hnvean undergmund inigationsyskm, In thc evcntcfflucntinigarion wa|cris availablc. cachEuildcrmsy,at iu solccostandcrpcnsc,bc rquircd rocrrnnccr theinigation tys$m fqr its parcclro rheelllucnrrourcc. (n) by ruch Lightinq.EachBuildcrrnayberequircdto insmllon any Unitscon$rructed Buildercxt#riorlighringasdctermincdby rhc ARC. Lotsor Owncnsof thelnrs or Unitr scrvcdby ruch lighting ulill bc rurporuiblcfor mrinnining the lightingandrhc Agosiadon slrallhrvc rhcrighr.ar Own;r's custandcxpensc, ro mainnin suchtightingin thccvcntOwnerfailr to do ro. Alf crtmior fightingmustbe approved by thc ARC prior ro inrullrtion. (o) MqilhL{We4i ff$[iftf.Hrrd1v"glc..Thc rtylc anddesignof all rnsilborer.lcncringrnd nurnbcring,andcrnrior trgtdwercmu$tbc in lccordancewith thc DcsignOuideliner.f,ndtheARC will designarc thc stylcof mailboxcs. (P) t$qiPtllr1rnqt-sfls$, (i) l+nflq:{giruq. No wccds,undcrbnr$h.or olrcr unsigt*lygrowthshrfl bc permitndlo Srowor rcmainuponrny Lot, andno *fusc or unsightlyohjcctsrhrll bc dlowedto bs placcdor suffcredm remaiouFonany Lot. All lardscrping,rplinller$l,rtcmi rnd anypropcdy. $ructure,improverncnt andrpFlncnenccshallbc ktpt in good.lsfc. clcan.ncatrnd ttusctivccordidon" (ii) 8flitrti$S.The crtcrisr of sll Unirsrhrll hrve a frurh cuii of plint rppliod cvenly andno crccssivccracls,pclings. or rrippings lhrll bc rllowd to rnrrin unrrmcdiod. (iii) Spqfing. Thc roofsof all Uniu shaltbc mrintainodin I clcril. na$ lrd attractivcconditionwith a full complerncnt of roof tilcsor shinglcr. Uponthc frilur''eto rnsinninrhc prcmircsasaforessidto thc$tisfsctiun of thr Associntion.thr Associationmtyr but shall notbc rcquired,to enrr uponsuchprcrniscsandmrke suchimpoycmcn$ or sorrctions rs nraybc noccssf,qf, the coslr of whichalongwith an dminisr$ivc rurchargcof ttil pcrccnt(10*) of suchrmounrrhrll be rstcst?d ryrinS therftWod Oyntrr in rcoodrncc ?ift ffiiclc X hgnof, F I l^ (q) ilgi$$rg No panionof thc hopcny shcllbc uscd.in wholcor in ptn. for thc*orageoi eny prsPcnyor thingthrt will caffic it to oppearto bc in rn unclcnnor untidyconditionor thatwill h obnoliousro fie cyc,norshallanysubeuncc,thing,orrnlGrial bc kcpt uportrny portionof drc Propeny that will cmit foul or obnoxious odon or $at will causeanynoisesr othir conditionthrt will ar might disturb lhc peacqquiet,mfcty. conrfott,or ccrcnityof thco€cupailsof ruroundirrgUniu. No nodurs, illegal or offeruiveactivity$rll becaricd on uponanyponionof thc Pnopcrty. r v I r r5 -"",tq{rri !| j FICHE 90tlf 0 f,AcI J 080 J J (r) of thir Declrrarion,theBy-l.aws.tht Aniclcsatrdthc PqcwfrIt.tfEg$d, All provisions pursuanttlrcrctowhichSovenlthc conductof Itulcsrnd Rcgulrtions or iny ule rpsricrionrpronrulgarut gucs$qnd Orryng6anrlwhichprovidcfot sanctionslgrinst Ownersshrll atsoappl),m rll occupann. inviteesof any Unir, EveryOwncrrhall causcall occupants of his or herUtit to complywiththis for all Dlchr:rtion.the By-[aws.thc Aniclcs sndrhcRulcsandRcgulatio$s andshttl bc rcsponsiblc violrtioru andlosrcrlo thc ComrnonArcncausedby suchoccuprnlr.nolttithrundingthcfact thatruch By'[aws, occupCInrs of a Unitarcfully liablcandmnybc sa*ctiancrlfor anyviolationof tlrisDeclaralion, Aniclct andRtrlcsandRegularions. J I J t i : ts) Qg$itt f,trf;l.fipnSq. Ns on-sitcrrotescof grsolinc or othcrfuclr shstlbc pcrmittcdon anypart of thc PropcnycxccpttharrhcArrociationrhall bc pcmittcd to $torcfueffor oftcrstionof maintcnrncevchiclcs,gc$ericlors andsimilcrcquipment. (r) Pa,r,ki$r.Vchicli:r shsll bc psrkcdonly in tlte garrgcsor in thc drivcwrys"if tny' rcrting thc Unirs or in appropriatsspaccsor dcsignated ame in whichprrkinl rnry or maynot bc asigncd. Notwitblrandingthc rbovc,no rnoFtthrn two (?l vchiclcsrhdl bs fr*cd in rhcdtivcn'ry rcrvinSrny Unit on a rcguhl basis. For purporcsof ftir prrrgraph,a crr shdl bGdccmcdprrhcdoF I "tt3ulil basis" if parkcdin suchdrivcwaymort tJrrnsevcnty.tr+ro ffZ) houn in arry rcvcn'daypcdodwithoutprior wriuenappmvalof rhc Boardof Dirccton. Garagedoon shsllrcmsinclosadst all time$erccptduring ingrrssandegrcss. Any vehictcwhich is prrkcdin violstiooof thr* para$aphor parkirg nrlss thc pmmulgarcdby thc Boardmay bc rowcdin accordancc wit[ t]rc Bf-t-aws. Nolwithstanding houtt during daylight of a thu driverray Unit forrgoing,serviceanddclivcryvehiclcsmaybc parkcdin for suchperiodof time asis rcasonrblyncccsssryto pmvidcecrviccor mrlc a dclircry to thc Unit. ! J (u) P,l$rgpynd'PJryEqqipffgrt. Qrrqlhn. All bicyclcs,uicyclct.lcootcn, rtrtcboilds' md orhcrplay cquipmcm.waOingFootr,-bohyiuotlsrs sndsimilaritcns tMll bc *ond to tl notio bt viriblc finm stnEcts or pnrpcrtyrdjucmr m $rc Unil. Ho suchitcmr ihdl bc rllowcd to rernrinin thcsPcnsols ru bc viriblc frorn adjaccnrpmptrty whcnmt in usc. Nolwithrtandingthc rbov6,thc Bogd of Dinctors rtry. hn dull mr bc oblinnito. punnit rri4 rcrr rrd dmilr Filnrn* Phy;fo$nd oquip{tont|o bc thc in *ritirrg ARC, Any playgmurdor by providrd ercctedwithin thr Communiry rhcyrm rpproved othcrplay arcasor cquipmcntfurnishcdby thc Associrdonor erwrcd uithin theCornmunityshallbE ured u rhc risk of fie $scr.snd thc Assadadonchallnot bc hctd lieblc to rny fcrson for anyclsim, damagc.or injury occuningthereonot rtlatodto uscrhemof. "J -..,.rqffrf'... { "; +J .{ 'i tTI {v} Bggh. No nbovc-gmundpoolsshallbc cructid,con$tructcdcr insullcd on auy Lots, srcept tlrst abovegroundspasnnd Jacutzirmaybepennittcdrs lpprovcd in writingby thc ARC. '1 'i t6 't !: *^ t rlIlt E 98ht0 PACI: 08 | writingurrth*ir Comrncrcral vchiclcs, vchiclcswithcommcrcial {w} Ergtrjbitc4 Y-gbiclct. cxtcriors,vchiclesprirnarilyusednr designcd for corumcrcia! purposcs. u?lcton.mobilehorncs, |tct?ationalvchicles.tmilcrs(cithcrwith or withoutwbecls).campcrs, csmpcrtrailcm,boatsandothcr watcrcraft, rnd bosttrailctcshrll beprrkcdonly in cncloscd*emg€sor irr thc contmonprrkingsrca.iF rny. dcsignetcd by the Asrociation.$tortd vchiclerandvrhiclcswhicharuci$cr obviouslyinopcnblc or do nothsvccurent opcnningliccnscsshallnor bc permirrcdrrirhinthc Communiry,Grccptwitlrin *itorcd' if ir ir prt up on blocls or cnclosedBara3cs.For purposcs hcrof, a vchiclsshallbc considcrcd covcrtd with e urpaulinrnd rsrnainron blocktor socovercdtbr fouflccnt l4) consccutive dayrwiilrout thc priorwrirrn approvalof thc Doordof Dirccturs.Notwirhcmnding thc forcgoing,rcrviccanddclivcry vehiclcsrnaybc ptrhcdin ttrcdrivewayof r Lot duringdaylighrhoursfor suchperiodof timc asis ffisonabtryB.ccsiaryto provi& rcwicc or mrkc r dcliverym r l.ot, Any vahich which ir prrtod in vtolstionof thisparagraph maybc towcdby theSorrd of Dirccwrsat thcOrrner'serpcnse.This paragnphshallnoraFplym snycommarcial vchielcspmvidingsrrviccor mrling dclivcricrro or on beh$lfof the Association,lhclmalu or thcir dcrignocr. (rl Roqdurtys,.{ide,wslk{,rPriveqnvt Alt utiliticswithinthehopcrty rhall bc inrr,rftcd undcrground.unlcssothctwircrpccificallypcnnitrcdby Dcclaranror thc AftC. Uriliry lincr. including witftout lirnirnion crble tclavirionandgm, mry only bc inlullod. tcpdrudor rtptrccd uildcr cxirdng toadwoys.sidcwslksanddrivcwaysby a mcthod*hiclr will notdirtuft thc prvcd $rrfrcc of ruch roadway.drivcwayor sidrwalk. Thir rcsiricrionis inrendodro Frc$ct"cttrc ae*trcticaaturcof thepnyd turfgccr, Ot $tbee*Sg$tjlenf;g$, Thc Unit on sny lot rnustff,ccthestnct or frcc thc majorsrsa in a cascof a lot froning morr thanoncstnecLss indicrud by rhcbuildinglinc rhown on rhc plat. No pur of any Unit shall bencarerto thcsrcet on r*hichit faccsor rlu strarron thc sidcthm drcbuildinglinc shownon $c plat,nor ncErcrthantrvclvc( lZ) fcerro any *idclinc. Alt buildingloc$ioru m$$ bc in cornpliance wirh rheCiry of AthenrZoningOrdinnnccs. ; r i For CounyrrdHornesand PatioGardenHornccfalling undcr R-4 zoning,tht "rcro lot linc" sidcsbnll Eisblish ttut t}rchourcbcconstrucudonc inch{l*) offrhc ridc pmpcrtylins ru cgBblishcdin thcCity of AthcnsZoningOrdinancs.The rxhcrridc rbrll bc r minimumof wclvc (l2l fcct to thc sidclot line. Thc ltnd rurfaccrreabctwccnthc buildings(mt lcer lhantwclvc (12) fi*t) rlull bc rubjcct to rfl Errsmcil for tlrcrbuninj owncr$rthcir rgcnts.crnployccrrnd invitecsfor thc prrporcof maittcnanceanddecorationof rhtir rcrptctivc irnpmvetnffiu rt nuonrblc tlmc durir[ dryllth llBt1 rnd for drainagcof watmfrornthe lon rnd theroofsof the buildings.Also,thc rbutringownen rhrll havcan ca$cmcnt ovcr theadjoiningpropcnynol 10cxcccdthrec{3) fctt frcm thc out$idswrll of ruch principolbuildingroof andthc dirchargcof wrter thcrcfrorn.Erccptu ryacificdhcrsin,thc rbuuing orvncrshallnot hsvcthc rightsof ingr*s andcgrcrsand lor owncrsmayfcncc.landrcapcandimpuvc suchrrpr solong rs drairrageof wntcrfrom *sid prumisesir notunn*etontblyimpodcd. For dte purporc of this covcnrnl.savs$.stcps.$toop's plandngborcs rhgll bc or cntraflceplattbrrns,andornamental considcrcdas panof a buildinglprovided;however,that thisshrfl notbc conrmrcdto pcrmit my portion of r buildingon rny lot to cncmachon anyodrcrlot, t a* .,",-1gGh{,'' ,? r r 'I I r 11 - f* FICHT 98hlil PAS I 082 shalltx (a) Sithr Di$ang*Elhttcfs.tftionq.All pnrpcnylocttcdat itructinterscctions lurdscaped so ssio permirufc iigi,t acnoisthc sueercorncrs,No fcncc.wtll, hcdgt,or shtubplanting shallbe placcdor pcrmittcdto rcmsinwhereit *routdcrcslcI trafFcor sightprohlcn. (m) shallbcercctedexccF as Signs,qd.Flrqpp,lps.No sign.billboardor udvenircment othcnrisrspecilrcatly pcrrnirrd by rhc AR(:. Thc Borrd of llirccrcn shallhavcthcrightto crect*i$n: as il dcsmsappropriatc, in irs discrgion. lincschangcdcrccptby (bb) S{bdlyjdogrglUnil. No Lor shallbc rubdividcdor its boundary No Unit shall of thc Ascocirtion. Dcckant or lrith rheprior writtcn approvalof the Bosrd of Dirwtors hc madcsubjcctroNnytypeof timcsharcprotmm.intcrvalowncr*hipor similrr prrgrnmwhcrrbythe right to crclusivuurc of rirc Unir filups rmong muhiplc owncrsor mcmbcnuf thcpmgrtm on r ftrcd sr floaringtime schcdllcovcr a pcriodof ycars,crcep thrt Dcclaranthwebylt$cryesthc right for itsclf rnd lhall not ir assignsro opcrnresuchI prograrnwirh rcspcctto Unitswhichit o'rns. Thisparagrrph prohibirowncrshipof a Unit by up to four (4) joint tsnsntior tcnarll$.in-common. (cc) Tpnt*.Trailer,gnnd.TcnrurqrJSFuclg[c$..firccp,ta$rnal bc pcrmitttdby $c ARC. duringinirial oonrtruition*i*Tir ttrcCsmmunity.rrotcnl, urilityshed.shack.tnailcror othcrstruclurcof a tcrnForary naturethall bc placcdwithin thcComrnunity. (dd) Tfpc Bqrnelal. No uscsgrcstcrrhrn 6 irrhcs in dianctcr,othcrthsndircascdor deadtreasandtrucsnecdin*ro be rcmoucdto pmmotethe growthof othcrtrtBf or forrnfcty.nslsons, shallbc rcnrovcdunlcssnpprovedin writingby theARC. Anyrumpr rcsultingfmm roes being damagcdby actsof God mustbc rcmovcd.Thrs Scctionshsllnotrpply to Dcclarantor thc Cfub. 1ce) l,lfilifyeiueg. No ovcrhcadurility lincc, includinglials forcsbletclcvi+ion.rhall bc perminedwirhin rheCorrrrrurniry, c*ccprasothcnnircrpccilicdly permiilodby Doclrr*ntor the ARC. (tr) W,qll$rn{JbncUr. Erccpr rs ofiqrrirc rrcificrtly andfcncingsn a tot shrll not bc pcrrnittcd. Ge) Hdlt of Daclarantor fre ARC, prrnittd by tht ARC, rvallr No priwrc wcllg arcpcrrnincdonany llt withoutthc p'riorwrittenrpprovrl (hhl All udrndr lrho} pondhrnd rmllnc *ilbi! lYcriln+. Fhm{IYSq.Bodip. thehoperry. if any.$trrit * *rom r#slcrmtcnilonfacilities or acsrheticrmcniticsonly. andno othcrrr$c theruof,including.withoutlimiudon, fishing.rwimrning.botting.plrying.orurc of pcnonalflolrtion dcvices.shall bc pcrrninedunlcssothenpisepcrmittcdhy Declrrantor tlw Borrdof Dirpctorsand provid+dfunher wirhourrhc prior writtcn approvalof tllc CIubif sucharcasarclocrtodon the golf coursc.Ncither rheDccleiant,the Arsoeiatiunnor the Club shll bt rcrponriblcfor rny loss.demlge'or injury to sny pcrsonot propcnyarisingout of tlrc authoriecdor unauthorirrduseof lakcs.ponds,l$mm$ on sr ovcr$ny or rhorelinewithin thc Pmpcny. No docks,picrs,or othcrrlructutts shallbEconutructcd by Dcclarnnt,thc Associa$on'or 8s bodyof water within thehopcrty. cxccptruchnsmoy bc construcrcd appovcd pursuanrro Articlc Vt of thir Dcclamtion,The elcvrtionof thc lstd ohnllnot bc alrcrtd andfill l8 -a :if . rrl - "*S{:: .T ., ld . t rICHE 9lh l0 F ' AOI : 083 by shtll not be uscrlts cxtendtheboundaries of a Lot or rochange rhcbulkhcadlinc on anyLot boundcd r wedand,hkc, or olherbodyof warrrurrlcss with Aniclc Vl of thisDcclnration. approvcdin acsord&ncc This panrgraph shallnotrusrict rhsuscof wncr for thcClubPropcny. (ii) which arc viriblc from rhci|ruBtor HipfuW$"qyffinffi. All windowson lny srruc{urc dwcllingson othcrUnirs*lrallhavcwindowcoverings whichhevca whitcor off-whitcbackingor blcnd with the crteriorcolorof thcdwslling,asdcrcrmincd in rtrcsolediscrctionof rhc ARC aficrrpplicadon pursuqntto ArtacleVl hercof.Rcflpctivewindowcovcringsarcprohibiurl. 2. Lelsrxc oFUt{trs (a) of rhisDccttration.is dcfincdasltgular.crclusivc DefrnirirU.'Lcaring', for purposas occupsncycf a Unir by anypcr$onor pcrsons otherthanrheOwncrfor whichthc Owncrrcccivcsany considcration or bcncfit.including,but notlimiledto a fcc.scrvicr,gntuity, or emolumcnt. tb) Lqa$isf,.tlorislon$. (i) ln Qlncnt. Unitsmaybc rentedonly in their cntircty:not fractionor ponion maybc Enfcd. Thomrhall bc no mblcEsingof Uniu or urignmcnt of lc$cs unlcs priqr wriuenapprovalis obtaincdt'romthc Asrociailon.All lcascsshsll bc in writing in s forill approvcdby rheAsrociationandshallbcfora minimumtcm of rir (6) monttu. lcrsing of a Unit meynot occurmofl?rhsntwo (2) rimcspcr yslr. Thc Acsocirtionmry cffie cachOwncrrn adminirtrativcfce for revicwingand rpprnvingproporcdlcarcr. ThG Owncrmustmrke rvailrblc to thelcmcccopirt of this [hclantion. thc 8]'-[rw*, thc AniclcsandtheRulcsrnd Rcgulations.This pnragnp} ehrll flot rFply to lc$in8 by Declarantor its succc$iofs. assignsorrflilincs. 1ii) : wlsr Qgclpruipn,s*I*ryis. A{iclpstnc$$lc* qutRcqul+tiqns. Qompllance Evcry Orrner rhall caurcdl occupurnof hh or het Unit to cornply ri$ ilth #chrrtim tho 8n[rr* lhcrtto.andshrll bc rerponsiblcfordl thc Anisles andrhc RulcsandRcgulafion$ rdopcd puffiusnt viohtions andlosscsro ComrnonAreacnuscdby suchoccupcn$.notwithrunding the frm lhtt such ocsupflntsof s Unir rrc tully liablernd meybc srnctiorrcdfor rny violrdon af this Dcctaration,thc By' |..aws,thc ArticlsssndRulcsandRcgulstions adoptedpunuontthcrtto' f---- a r r "r{ 19 .. -"*.*i.'.. J FICHE glh | 0 3, PA6f; 08h Excutprflons Ar{DArpnovlts Dcclrnnt,rhc Arsocirtion,thc ARC, thc Clubandanyof thcira8tntsmaySranl, *ithhold or dcnythcircrrnscnt, pcrrnitsionor approvrlin my insmnccwhcntheirconrcnt.pcnni$ionor eppmvntir prmittcd or rcguircdat theirrolc discrerionand withourrny lirbility of anynalirrcor kindto anyOwncror anyothsrPcrsonfor any6sion whfit$ocvsr andshallbc irrdcmnificdandhcldhrrmlcssby suchOwficror othcrPrrsonfrom anyrnd all drrnagcsrcrultingthcrcfrom.including,tul nollimitcdto. the courtcost$andrearonablc or approvalby Declarant. attorncyr'fccs. Evcryconssnt.pcrrnission Association. thc ARC,thcClub or anyof thcir agrntsurrdcrthisDcclarationshril hc in writingrnd bindinguponall Perrons. J J J I 4. Corrrrrtur*tfi-WtDgSIArIDAFD$, f,uurs AI,{DltgculJtT[oNs TheAssocirrion.rhrouphthe Borrd, rholl havcrhs right ro promulgatcandirnposc furthcrCommuniry-rVide SundardsOr-anyrulcsrnd rcgulationsof tbc Associltionandthcrurfnr to end modify.alter.amcnd.rercindandtugrncnriny of the iamc with ruspectto theulG,opcff,tion enjoymcnof ali or a ponionof tbc hopcny. theCornmonArrs, thc Ercluli,reCommonArct andrny innprovemcnls locatcdthcrconirrcluding.but not limitcd to, crtiablishingretsomblcfccsfor thcurc of ficilitics andcrublirhinghoursandmnnneraf opcntionANTICLE VT ARCTIITACTURA L STANDANDS AIqD ANVIEW l. Ir* GErrgnAL All conrtructionimprotcrncn$snd rnodificttionnrhall complywith thc MgtterPlan.llrc authorityfrom applicablebuitdingrrgulr$onr enderandrrdscstablishrdby rhc npplicnblc$uvcrntncn|al timc to dmc.as wcll rs thetcrrffi qndcondhionssct fonh in this Doslst?tion.EACHOWI{ER ANn BUTLDERACKT'IO11'LEDfiES THAT PRTORTO SUBIIITNNG AN APPLICATIONFORA TtlE PLAII$ FORSUCH BUItDING PERMITFORANY CON$TRUCTIONOR ttttPROVEIt'lEFIT. AT'{DWRITTEN RSVIEW TOTHE BE $UBJETT CONSTRUCTIONOR IMPROVEIVIEHT SHALL AP?ROVAL OF TIIE DECI.ARA!{T A}ID TIIE ARc' 2, AncHngcruR -r "t L SrAt{r}ARD$ Nos$nrtruction(rryhich rcrmshsllirrcludc,withoutlinriution,rtaking.clcnringimprovcmtntormodificgrionof cxisting grading, excavnilng, andothcrsitcwodr),no cxrcrioralteration. impmvcmcnb. rnd no plmtingsor rcmovalcf plrnu. ttrcs. or rhrubsshdl ts,hcplrcc cf,ccptin suict complianccrvith this Articlc, until the requircflfcntrbclow hnvebpcnfully nct. and undl thc appruvalof thc Dcclaranlandrhc ARC hasbecnobuincd pur$unntto this $cction. The Borrd of Dircctor$malr a ?0 gta" FICHT 98h l0 t)Acb: 085 !!e ErS m, EE F cctrblishrc0ronable fccsro bc chargerfby thecommitrecs on bchalfof rheAssociationfor r*vicw of an F€ applicationfor tpprovnlhemunder, which fccr. if csrablishcrl. shallbc paidin t'utlpdor ro rcvicwof any q rppticationhercundcr.Atl structurcs conrrruriedon anyporrionof rhePropenystiallhc designedly anO lnt built in rccordance with theapprovcdplanrandrpcciticarions. fi ThisAniclo shsllnot rpply to anyconsrrucrion m on or impmvcmc$rs or modifications theCsmmtrnAmamadcby or on bchrlf of thc Arrcci*tionor ro rheactivitiesof Dcs'ltranr.Thr &rnrdof DirewtT shrll hrvc thcauthorityandsulnding,an bchalfof rhcAssociation" to cnforcr in counsof colllPsrcntjurisdictiondccision;of thc ArthitpcturatRcvicwCommirtcecsublishedin this Anislc Vl. This Aniclc may notbe amcndcdurithoutth* Dcctrrrnt'sprior wrirtcnconrcntro long nsrhc Dellrrm ownt any ponionof rhehopcny or the Addirionalprupcrry, r5r IITII The tleclannt andARC shallhavccrcfusivejurisdictipnts rcvicwaRdrpproveall origintl corutructionon anyponion of thc Propcrty.Dcclmnrurt11instlrc righu so long as-De+fa6nt ownr rny portionof thefr,openyor ths Addirionslpropeny,to appoinrall mcrnbcrrof thc ARC, which rhall consistof not lcls thanthrne,nsr morethanlivc, pcnrons.Upon thc expirrtion of ruch righr.thc Bosnl of Direcrorcshrll appoinrthc msmbcrsof rhcARC. Thc ARC stull prcparcandprornulgrteon bchrlf sf thc Boud of Dirocrorudeeignrrrd devclopmrnrguidelinesandrpplicarionrnd rcvicw prnccdures ('Derign suidclincs"l. copicr of rfts DesignGuidclincsstrallbc rvailablc fiorn rlrcARC ior rcvicw. Thc enC rhdl havesolcrnd full authoritylo Prepsrcandm *mcndthc DcrignOuidelincl,Thc DcrignOuidelincrrhall beavailrblcro Owncr* and Buildcn who sccltto cngagcin devclopment of pr coui,nrcilonuponrll or uny ponionof thc hopcrty, urd euchOwnersand Buildemshallconducrdrciropcrationrrtrictly in rccordrncethcrrurirh. ln the cvcntthatrheDoclrnnt sndARC fail to epprovsor disrppnovcplrnt subminedto ir. or to tu{rlcril rdditionll informationrearonabtyrequiredwithin forry-fivedlys rficr Eubmirsron thcrpof,rhc pluu rhrtl be dccrncdrpprovcd. 3. No Wrlvr* oFFurunr ArpnoyArs Thc tpprovalof the ARC of rny pruporalror Flrm rnd rpacificoionr ordnwingr for anywork doneor pmporcd.or in conncctionwith anyuhcr fietmr ruquiringlhc rpprovrl andconrcnrof suchcomtnificc,rhall not bc dccmcdto consritutcr wrivcr of anyrighr ro wirhholdrpproval or contctt || ro ruy dtnil$ Stoforr|e ilur rnd rp*ifrcrtiont dilwirff, or o$fir Brfisn whrrcvcr nrUccqrraly or additionrlly rubmiucdfor spprovd qrcofi$cnr. 4. lr Yrnnncp The ARC mayauthonravarianccs fromcomplinncc with rny of iu guidclincsgrd procedurcswhcncircumstances naturalobstructions, suchas toFography, hardship,or sc$thcticor alvinonmcnuJconridcndonsrcquin. $uchvariancssmnyonly bc gnaotcd, ho*cvcr, wlcn unique Ir I r 2l 4. FICHI 98trI I PACE fl0l circumstanccs dicbr andno varirnccshallbeeffecilveunlessit is reduced to writing. No varianceshall e$loptic ARC fiom denyinga varianccin othcrcircum.ctance$. For purplscsof thisScction.thc inabitity to oblainapprovalol-any fovcnrmcntalngcncy,thc issuancu of any permir.or thc lcrTnsof any financing shallnot hcconsiderud a hardshipwannntinga variancc. $, J I J ? J No LllnlLtrr I I No rcview of appnoval by thc nRC rhall impty ur bedccmedto consdrutcrn upinionby thc ARC, nor imporcuponthe ARC, the Association, Doclanntor rny othcrpany,any liahility for thc designor construction of buitdingclemcnts, including,but not limitedlo, struclsrrlintcgrityor lifc rnd srfcty ruquirtmenb.The scopcof anysuchrcviewendapprovalby rhc ARC is limircdsofclyto whcthct thc rcspoctivcplansor work mcctccrtainmquirerncnffi. strndrrds,nndguidelincrrclatingto aesthetics and thc hrnnony rnd comprtihility of pnopotedirnprowmcnti in ilrc Conmuniry. No rrvicw or rppmvrl will be for any othcrPcrsonor purposc,andno Pcrsonorhcrrhanthc ARC shallhaveany right lo rcly thcrgon,andanyrcvicwor apFrovalby thc ARC will crcatcno liatrilirywhntrocvcrof rhcARC, Dcclanrntor rheArsociationto iny othcr Fcrsoror p&rlyrrha$ocvcr. 6. J. I J I I Coenrutilcf, Any Owncr. Euildcr. or contractsnrubconurc:orragcnlor employccof an Chvncror Buildcr who failsto comply with the tcn$srnd proviticrtsof rhc auidctinesrnd pmcadurcs promufgntcd by the ARC may be fincd and/orercludcdby thc Boardof Dircctorsfiom rhe Propcrtywirhoutlirbility to any Person.subjcct:oths noticcandhmringprrcccdures conninedin thc By-[aws, andany tmProvcmcni$ constructcd in violationof thisSeqionmay bc razedby ilrc Associedonwithoutpsymcnl or liabiliry ro enyPcrson. 7. Blcnrs oF TtfE Clun Thc Club rhall bc givcn noticcof all nrrctingsof thc ARC *hcrcin ilre constructionor improvcmcntundcrconsidemtion(or any ponionthcmofl is contiguou$to thc Oub hopeny. If in thc reasonablcopinion of the Club thc sonsh,redonor modificarionbcing rrricwcd hrs r matcrirt advsnc impct on dre golf courc whethcrby rcrnicdon of view, hrardr m pcnon or olhcrsisc. thcn, in thu cvsal, thc Club rnaydisrpprovethe pmporcdconsmrcdpninerFcctivcof thc rpprovrl of slmc by thc ARC rnd thc Ov,rncrstull rcrubmit to tlre ARC the proporcdconsurrctionor rnodilicstionso as to uke ino rcouil ttc ofr$ndon of &c Club which ehrlt bc grvcn in wririn3 to tis Onrmr by tbc ARC. 22 ;,{ .j *.{ I ,t' r*, 'f. FICIIE 98lrll PASE 00? ARTICLEVII NEI GlIf, ()ltH (Xl llti ; NHI c HSOITH(X)ll AtiSOCIATt ONS l. NHcxnoRHfi)Ir$ A parcclof landintendcdfor devclopmcnr as rcsidcnialarcarnnyconslirurca Hei$hborhood.subjcctto fui'thcrdivi*ion into morethanone Nrighborhoodupon'turrlrsrdevclopncnr. Drclarant may designarNcighborhunds by Supplemcnullleclrrarions.Thc Lorsuridrin+parriculnr Ncighbodroodrnaybe rubjectto additionaicnvensnts and/orthe Owncflimiy benrcmbetsof a " ir*'. NcigftborhoodAssotirtionin addititrntDthe Associ*tion,but no suchNcighlo*ood Acsociationr|15llbc',;'' rcquircd. EschNcighbortood,uponrheaffirmntivevolc. or wii;rqn conslnt.or r combinstionthcrcof.of a mrjoriry of Orrncmwithin thc Ncighborhffid.mry rtqucrt rhu tha a:r*iuion providcr highcr lcvcl of scrviccor spccialscrvicesfor the bcncl'rtof Lots in suehNcighborhood. thr.eos cf whichstrailbc asss*scdagainstthebcnelitcdLots asa NcighborhoodAsscssmrnt.Thc Assocl*rionmtry,but is nor rc4uire{ to. providcruch highqrlcvel of mrviccs, Thc Eo*rd of Dir*tors of thc Arr*-"iationmly conrult on El| advisorybari*with thc Forrd of Dircston of a NcighborhoodAgrociation on mairuenrn:cof Erclusive ConrrnonArcaandotherirsucr affectingrheNcighborftood. 2, Excuustvg Cotlttftot{ AnEA (a) S*ifhhrubond$f pe[f;S.Tlrc cosrand erpcn$cof lhc ExelusivsCommonArEs shull be bornc by thc Owncr of tots locrtcd in thc Neighborhoodbcncfircdby guchExclurive Comnon Ate$, as $cl fonh in a SupplcmcnnlDoclarndon,a NcighborhoodDcclrntion. or othcrwi*. (b) Opgrationo{,n{ciq,hbfflr,qo{ A*lq$iaIioq, A NcighborhoodArsociationrhrll havc rhe righr, subjectto Dcrlara[t's prior conscru,to conuactwith theArrociationto providc for thc opcrUion and mainrcnaocc of its Erclosivc ComrnonArca 3. CgnrrtN RtcHrs oFDEgr.,rnANT RpclnnrNs HercilSonxooD Assoctrmors Declarrant hcrubyrescr"csfrc right. sfidtlw pnwGr,bu oeitlrcrthc duty nlr trc obligrdon, without$E camsntof any otherPcnan: (r) to dctermincconsistencyof anyNeighborhoodDocumcntswith this Doclrntion, gnd approvc consentto any NcighborhoodDocurnent$ rnd and any smcndrncn$thcrso prior to their rccordttion in LimcstoneCounry,Alabama. NcighboftoodDocurncnurhall notbc cffcctivc until Dcclaranrapprovesandconssn$r0 themin rvriting; rI (b) Documcntsas to rcquircthatspccificprovisionsbe includcdin Ncighborhosd Dcclarantrcasonably including,withoutlimitation,my provisionsrcquircdto rcndcr decrnsapprupriate, { suchNcighborhoodDocumsnt$ consietcntwith thir Dcctrration; t F I 23 "*,-Xr{' o FICl T 98hI I (c) Asrocirtionl PASE 0$3 J J to rcquim thrt $e fiscal yearof any NeighborhoodAsmciationbe the samcasthat of the I to requirethrt the Assrriationappmvcrhchudgatof nnyNcrghborho,od Association td) Alsociation; Pnorto thc approvalby thc Ncighborhood I (c) to €matcadditionslNcighborhood for theopc&tion.admini*rrlionand Associarions rnainlenancs of anyNcighborhood, of or Broup$ Ncighborhoorls: Aud (fl to opFrovcthc mcrgcrof anytwo or rnorcNcighborhoodAssociatiorrs, 4. CeRrrrN Rrcnrs oF As$ocrATtCINRscAnon{c NGtcHBonHooD A$goclArr0il$ (a! Associadon fsils to complywith thisDoclrrutionor 4gforqcry$t. tf anyNcighborhood artyof theotherDocuments or a$yNcighbortuodDscurncnts, thc Attociationthall hrvc thc rightand powcr,but ntithcr the dutynor thcobliggtion,to cnfsrccthc provirionsof thieDcclaration or tht Ncighborhood or DocurncnrE, Association's duticsandrcrponribilitics, or to performtheNcighborhood to reekjudicial rclief or rcrncdy:o rrquirccompliancc with sfrrnc.andto ohtninpsymcntof thcco'$tof suchpcrformanccor cnforccmsnt, plusa rcaronablc adrninirtnative chargeequnllo tcn pcrcffit( 1S*) of suchamount. Spgtid *sgnsq[n.$rtF. Thc Associntion chrll havc rhc right. in addidonto sny othcrrighu tbl of theAssociation,to a$ssss *pociallythemembers of a NeighboftoodAssocirtionandsuch NeigtrborhoodAsrsciationfor cxpcnsesirrurrcd by rheAssociationfor suchNcighhornoodAssocigtion. (c) f.elhciign Sf t$r$SFpnt$. Utun rcguestby thc Associstion,erch $cprnte NeigltborhoodAssociationshallcollcct fromcachOwncr(othcrdranthc Dcclarant!thc Common As#sumentsfor thc Assscirtionforcach Lot withinrheNcighborhoodandghrll potuptly rtmit ruch amouDtsto thc Acrocirtion. ln thc cvcntthtt sny Orrner$rll fail to pry to thc Ncighborhood A*socittion his or hcr Conmon Asscrsmcntrs a* lcviedby tlrc Arrocirdsn, tlu Acrocisdsnrhrll hrvc thc right b eollcct suchAssrssmcnts dirucilyfism ruchOurncr. +t rl- .: ,l 'p- 0r tnlt rtcnt or td) Fnff-ftttfH. Ths Associationrhall hnvcthc right, for itrclf, its dcsigrtcc" emplo3rce. to cnter uponrny ptopcnyadrninirtcrud by a NcighbortoodAsrocirdonto carr),out thc ptuvidonr of the Daeumcnuo?dte rpplicrblc t{ci$rborlrood Doc{rffottf, utd tlc rrm rbrll m constihrtea merpesi. * :' ..t a ...,riigt' . r ' .. ',ltl :.t (c) QClcffgp+ The Asmciadonrhall hsvcrhcright and powcr,but ncithertheduty nor thc obligadon.to dclegatcin *,holcor in pert,crclusiwlyor non-cxclusivcly, or rnd on r psrTnffnaill tcmforary basis,to any NcighbcrtroodAssociation lny obligationof mnintcnurccor rtprircrurtcd utdff this Drclnrafionor by dclegationfrorn Doclrnent.lf r NeighborhoodA*ociation docsnot rcceptsuch rightsnnd obligationsin r manncrconsisrcnr with thc rundardscstablishcdby tlrc Associrtion,thcnlhc and Asmcirtion shall havetharight.but northcnbtigation, by its solcact.to tsrminatcsuchassignmtnl. againfutlill suchrightsandobligations. "j r*t .t : :: r" I ,ri 24 t.{ ':. J ':l rtcHf 9ff1+ |I I'A GI fl0l+ (f) Ar.qn,ThcAsrociarionshnlllravrtlrc righrto ftilbUfr.Lfu$ruin.Elclusivc.Opq$n$g maintaintheExclusivsCommonArcaof a Ncighborhood, within includingin panicular, rll landscaprng thc Neighborhood, andmaya$sc$s thecou of'suchmffintcnarcc Erpcnsc. asa rujignborhood Ncighhorhood D.rcumcnrs arein cnnflicrwith :hir Dcclrrarion. rhc k) Prignty WFrcn Anictesor anyof thc orhcrD'ocumcnr,rhelatrcrrhall prcvail. ARfiCLE VIII MEMBERSTilP AND VOTING RIGHTS l" Ct*sstts or MEi{BERsHtpANr}Vornc lilcnrs Thereshall'bethrct clastcsof mcmbcrship in theAssocirtionasfoltows: (a) EschChrnu of a lot. ctherr]ranDeclarant, shallbc a Class"AQla{s-"A"}r4Fmbqrphip, Mcrnbcr. f;achClas$"A" Msmberrhrll be entitlcdto onc(l ) votcfor cachlot ownedby rhc Mcmbcr. (b) Clesqjlq-Unfnbqr{hiE,DcclarantshqllbGr Chss *8" McrnbcruntilrhcTurnovcrDne, afterwbiehtirncDoclarqflrhnllb+ r Class"A" Mcrnber.ThsClrrs "8" Msmbcrrhallbcauitlcd ro fivc {5} votesfor eachLot owncdby thc Chss '8" Mernber.Af:cr Dcclannt is convcncdto r Class"A* Mcmbcr,it shallbc enil{cd to oflG{l ) votc for eachLot it own$"Thc Clars *8" Mcmbcrrhall bc cnddcd to appoinrall of thc mcmbcrsof thc Boud of Dircctor$unfil theTumovcrDatcaslpecifiedin theByLaws. (c) Clflg-r.lg.tdgr[bElthio. The owncrof thcClub kopeny challbGa Clrsr "C" Mcrnbcr. Thc Clas*"C" lvlcmbgrrhsil bc cndrlsdto tcn (tO) vorsslnd, for purporEsof s*rcs$rnrilr,thr Club hopcny $dl bc rrcarcdrs tcn (tO) LoB. Aficr $e TurnovcrDarc.rhcClass*C* llcmbcr shnllbc cntitledto appointonc of the mcmbcnof the Borrd of Dlrccroff $ $pccifiadin dreBy.tews. L r Jon*rOwlrgnsnlr vuitU ri$u ilry bt cratird by r }dcmbors tlo [d€mt*'r ryort|c. tn rnt dtte|furn wherumort thanonc Pcrronholdstn innrpstin n [nt, thc votefor thlr l.or *trall bc crcrcircdby rny such Pcrson,providcd.howcv€r,thc Pcnoruholdingthc intsrcn in thc Lot crn nodfy thc $ocrcuryof rhc Acsocistion,in wriring. prior to or duringany mcctirlgof themailncrin rryhichthc vorcfor ftc Lot ir to be cxcttiscd and.in thc tb'scnccof suchrctice. thc Lot's votcshall besurpcndcdif rnorcthanonePerson sccls to ercrciseit. The votingrightsof a Mcmbcrthrt is r comJnnyor otftcrfonn of artiry owneruhip rhall bc cxercircdby ttrt individurl dcsignrted from tirnc to timc by v ' theOnrrcr in r writun innrumcnr pmvidcd !o tho $ccruary. r I I TI r 25 ,,nri4rrra. :" {: fICHE II 9St+ 3. PAST 005 Tu*r*rovT,n Drrt TheTurnovcrDareshalloccurwithinsixty{60}dayrof theoccurrcnce of thccarliffrof rlrcfollowingconditions: thc slc to Fcrsonsorherthanl)cclaranor Buildcriof all of thel.otsintcndcdto {a} bcdcvclopedwithinrhcPropcrryandrhcAddirionalPrupcnr;or (h) sbsolutcdiscrttion. 4. suchsarli;r date,asdstcrmined by theClass"8" Mcmbcr,in its rolcand THE Cr-itss "Cfr MeMuun's AppnovAt lilcilTs TheClass"C" Matnbcrshrll havcthe right to disappmvcnctionsof tlrc Bosrdanduy committecs whichin in rcsromblcjudgmcntmarcriallyandndvcnclyaffcrr thc urc of dreClubProperty or its rightsor obligations undcrihis Daclaration" This rigtrrmry bc erersiscdby theClasr"C'Mcmber at sny dmewithin ten t l0) dayssficr thc class "c,, Mcmbcr'rrccciptof the noticeof suchprupomd acdon' Thir Articlc VIll. Scction4 mry not hc rmcndedwirhoutrhcwrittcn sonscntof thc Clss 'C* Mcmbcr. ARTICI,EIX ASSESSMENTS L ArmnutrtvE CovnneNTTo FAt AsuEs$r}|Et{T$ 'tt . Thereis hcnbt impocrd upon*h Owncrandarch L.ot.thc rffrrmniuc coycnrmryld obligrtionto Payto the Arsocirdonsll Asrcssmcnt$ in rcrprctof rhc [or" EachOrrrncr,by rcccprnccof a dccdor otber inrtrumentof convryingtitlc to s L.ot"nrhalhcror not it ir io ctprccrcdin ruch dcrdor insutrmcnt,shall bc obligrtd rnd attcs$ ls pry all Asscssmcnu, rcgrrdlcsrof thcir nsturt, ineluding,bur not limind to. anythcnprst dueArscssrnail"$ in accordrncewith tftc provirionsof tlrb Doclantionmd consctttsnndagrecsto tlrclicn rightshcruundcrrgainstrhcLpt. The lisbility for A*csrmcnts ii pclronsl ro rhcOuncr rnd mry mr bc rrroldedby rrivcr of th? us o?cnjofmqrl of GornruorrAffi u Erdnrhr CommonAtts. orby tbrndonmcntof theLot for whichtheAsscssficn$rru madc. Ncirhcrthcliebility for Astcssnlcnts,nsr therrnsuntof Asscsrrncnts. shallbc reduccdor avoidpdduc to thc frct thrt rll or any poniou of tlrc CommonAtEs,Exclurivc CommonArpaor other Fortionsof the propcrtytft ftN cornplctcd.No diminudonor abrtcmcntof assersmcnt or sct.offrhall bc claimador dlowad by rcaronof any dlcgcd frilurr of thc Asrociationor tlrc Eoardof Dinrctonto tahcromc rclion or pcriormloflrc functionrquired to be takcnor pcrformadby thc Associrtionor thc Eosrdof Diructon u$dcrtlris Dmlarntion.thc Sy-[awr or $rc Aniclu. m for incsnvcriicnce 0r dircornfon uirinl, from the makingof rcpain or impmvcmcnrs, or from any actionukcn to complyvith lny law or witlr anyordcror dirucdye of anymunicipalor oihcr govcmrncnulauihority. ..it' * Y .n* f €rt{; *.i d l+ ti. 26 1i' "! G, .ri .t -t rtcHr f rh I I 2. ',AGE 006 Cnn*noN oF As$Essrf{nilTs Thsrerrc hcrebycrcatcdAsscssrilcnts for crpcnscsof theAssocistionar theBoardof Dirucrcrsrnaynurhorircfrom dmc to dme to br cornmrnccd nt rhetimcandin rhc msnncrsstfonh in Anicle lX, Scction3 hcrsof,Thcrc shflllbc threc(3) tltcr of Asrrssnrcnls: (a) CornmonAssessmcn$ rhall bc lcvicdcqrully on dl Cqlqmot,Ssneffrn+nls, Lots. CommonArrcsrmcntsshallbcuscsscd*gainstftc Club h"pEny on lhc bssisof tcn ( l0) Lorr for tlrr:Club Propcny. (b) Ncishbgfboodl$Fessftlc$t.Nrighborhoodl,ssc*srnents shallbt lcvid cqually on all l.ots within thc Ncighborhood for whosebcncfitNcighborhood Erpcnscsrrc incun'cdrs pmvidcd in Anklc IX, Scction5-bclow;snd (c) lX" $oction6. below , 3, $qcfinl.&tgrr.$nq.qtf.SpecialAs$cgrilcnu shallbc lcvied asprovidcdin Aniclc PAYMEHTOr ASSE$SMENTS Asscssmcnts shall be puid in suchmarutcrandon suchdses ss rnsy bc fixcd by thc Boardof Dircctors.whlchmayincludc,withsrutlirniradon, of thc rnnuslCommon tn $ccclcrs$sn Assessmcntrnd any NeighborhoodArscstmentfor dclinquenu,Unlegrrhc Eorrd of Dirccton providae othcrwisc.the CommonAsscsimcntnnd alry Ncighborhood Asscs$nlcnr rhrtl bc pdd in ldvtnce on r quancrly basis.Thc Asrociadonrhrll, upondernand at any [mc, furnirhto my Ownerlirble foreny type of Asscssmcnta ccnifica&, in writing, rignedby rrr officcr of thc Arrocirtion, rcuing forrh whcttrrnrch Asscssmcnthasbccnprid in rcrpcctof anypaniculrr[or. $uchcartificrtcahtfl bc conclurivccvidcmc that the Asrcssmcntrnted tfrcrcinhrs bcenpaidto theArrocia$on. Thc A*rocirtion rnry ruquircthc advanccpf,yrncffof a naronableprocemingfcs forthc ir*usncr of suchctrrificitc. {. 5r r CoruputrTloht or Comtrroil Assm$rilEttT It shallbc thc duty of thc Eorrd of Dimctorlto pruptlr r budgctrnnurlly covcringthc esdmrtcd CommonErpcrncr of the AErocirtionforthp cnndngfrrcrl lsr (frchdry &c c$lfil rcplacanenttu$srvcpruvidpdfor in Anicle IX, $c+tione herco0. TheCommonArrcsrmentlcvicd againsteachl-ot uhich ir rubjen to thc ConrmonAscrsrncntshsll bc comprtcdby dividingthc budgctcdConrmonErpar*r by dre rotll numbcrof Lorr which rrG $$jcct lo CsmmonAscurncnu plur rhc tonl numbcrof Lots ruasonrblyrnricipatcdto bcccrncsubjmt to CommonAsscrgmcnuduringthc lircal ycf,f" Ths budgctandthc amountof thc CornrnonAsscssrncnt shdl bc dctcrmincdby thc Eorrd of Dircctors in theirsolc andabsolutcdircredon. TlreBorrdof Dirr*ton shrll crusc Esopyof ttn Csmmon Expenscbudgctandrrode of thc rmount of theCommonArrcsrmcfitto bc lcvied for thc following ymr l to bc dclivcredto crch Orrncrat lcart thiny (301C.tr prrorm thebcsinningof the fircal ycrr. Nonpithstandingthc forcgoing.in rhc cventthc Eoardfails for any tleron to dctcrmincthc budgctfor aoy y?xrr,thrn urd undl suchtimeas a budgetshallluvc bccndcrcrminedasprovidcdhcrcin,the budgetin 7'T o J r', c'fir gth | | i PAfiT 007 cffactfor the immcdirrclyprcccdiogy&arshallconrinuc.pr$vidcd,howtvcr,thet uponthr:adoptionof a ncw budgct thc rsrncshsllbc dcerncd ritroa$ivc to thc bcninningof thc thcncurnnt budgctycarrnd for thcbeginningof suchyclr at crch Owncr *hrll pry thc incrcarc.if any.in theCommsnAssessmcnt thctimt ths ncxtinstsllmcnr ir duc. 5" Co*rrrn^noN or Nf,lcH8oniloonAssassMENTs It shull be tfrcduryof the Eoardof Dirccton annuallyto prcpsrca $cParatcbtldgcl covcringthr: estimrrcdNcighborhoodExpcnrcsto bc ineurcd by rhc Asrscirtion for eachNeighborhosd on who$ bchalf NeighborhoodErpcn*s arucrpcctedto bc incunsdforthe onruin; fi*cal ycer. Thc Bolrd of Dircctonsrball bc cruittcdto $ctnrchbudgctonly to thecrtcrl thrt fi.s Dcclamtionora SupplcrnenUlDcclrrationspcrifiurlli a$thorircsthr Boardof Dirpcton to ffitcer ccnain coflf rt I NeighborhoodAssc$smcm.Any Ncighborhoodffiay rpqucitthat rdditionnl rcfficgs oru highcrlercl of scrviccsbc providd by the Associailon.andin suchca$e.onyaddirionnlcostsshall bc rddcd to thc Ncighborhmd'sbudgcr.This hudgctmty includca capinl conrributioncsishlirhiagt lescracfundfor rcparrand rtplnccmcntof capinl ipms wirhin rhc Neighborhood,rs rpproprirtc. Thc Hcighborhmd Arscsmcil lcvicd agrinstcrch t&t in thnl Hsi$bortrood which ir rublxt to tlrc t{cighborhood Asscsgmcnt shdl bc comptrrcdby dividing thebudgcrcdNcighborhoodErpcnrcr for thet Ncighborhood by thc total numberof lots urithinruch Ncighborlreodwhichrrc subjoctto the Ncighborhood Assessmcnuplustbe toul numbcrof Lou in rharNdghbortood rcamntbly mlicipstcd to bccamerubjact to thc NcighborhoodAsrc$st1cntrduringthe fiscsl ycar. Thc Eoardof Dirutorr drrll ctulc r eopyof suchbudgetand naticcof rhc omouotof the NcighborhoodAsrpssmcntro bc leviedon cachL,otfor the conringyesr ro bc d*livcrcd to caehOrrnerof a Lot in thc boncfircdNcighborhoodrt lcesi thiny {10} daysprior to thc bcainningof thc fiscd year. ln tte cvenrrhsBorndof DiractOnfailt for rny na|sonto dcrerminerhc budg-rfor iny ycnr,rhcnind until ruch timc rs a budgctrhrll havcbpendctcrmilrodss pruvidcdhcrcin. rhc budfct in sffct for thc irnmedirrclypreccdingycrr rhrll sondnua. 6. /. t .4 $rucnu A$sEssMErrT$ (s) uponthcrflinnrtivc vateof a tvlc+kn. firc Boardof Diructon, AnJgrtlt 'B' Mwnbcr m rnajwity of vots crst by nc UcmUcrsof thc Asrocirrion andihs conrnt of thc Chrs 'E' inpoYmrd long 1l Uc tlrrr Irdmbcnhip trim. nry lary Spueirt Analnnqrr ftrfiilnl voterhrtl bc rcquird hr Sp*hl Affcssmcnrrduc to bttdgct r*poio from rime ro timc. No mcmbcruhip shor$allsin any ycrr. rs r resultof ur erncrycrl,cy to protccl pttsctvcor rcpoirthc CornmonArca frtm pnovidcd in rubmction(b) heruof.SpccialArucssmcnts any essurlty or ttrruatthcrcoforss otherrr.risc pu$uantto rhis pangruphrhrtl bc payablcinluch runner rod st suchtimw m dscrmincd by thc Eoard of Dircctsn. and may. if rhe Eoud of Diructorsso &rcrffiines.bc pryrble in installmantserwnding bryond thc fiscal yearin shich tlrc SpocirlAsscssmcntis rpprovcd. : '.t a 7i t1i Ji: 2E + Flcft E 981+ II f.,icI 008 (bI vorc,thc Arsocialiormaylcvy [*.Ll.Ihaqgll Mcnbfrt. Wittrnutu mcnrbcrship a SpccialAssrssment aglinrt anyMcmberindividuallyandagainsrsuchMcfibcr'sLot tp rsimburstfic Associrtionfor costsincuncdin bringingr Membcrand rhcl,ot or Uait intocompliance with thc pmvisionsof thc Declantio$,anyamcndments thtrcto. thuAnick$, thc By.Laws.thc Communfuy-tVidc Standards sr lhc RulcrandRcgulations, whichSpccirrlAssessmcnr rnsyhelcvicduponthr votcof thc Borrd of Directorsaftcrnoficeto tltelvlcmbcrrnd annpportunityfor a heuing. TheAmocittionmay alto lcvy, withouta nrcmbcrrhip to votc,r.$pccialAsscwrncntagain* thc t"otsin nnyNcighbortrood rcirnburscthc Associrtionfor cortsincurrudin bringing$c Ncighborhood with thc complirncc into provisionsof this Dcclafistion, if rpplicablc,rnd anyamendmcnts thsrcto.anySupplemcntrlDeclamtion. thc Aniclcr, lhc By-l*wr, tlrcComrnunity-Widc$tandrrdr or thc ftulcsrnd Rcaul$ionr,which $pocirl Assessmcntmaybe lsvicdupontht votcof rhcBoardof Oircctorssftcr noticcto thc Mcnbcn from ruch Neighborhood andan opportunityfor a hcrring. Forany Spccirl Artprr:nsnrlcvicdfor frilurc n comply ttrith thc Docurncnt$. ths Asrociailontnayaddm rdrninirmtion chrrgc cgud to tin pcrccnlof ruch srnount. 7" DEcLTRANT's OnltcerroruronAssrsstr,lgt*t]s Bcainningonthc drtc of the neordrtion hcruof.tnd con$nuingro long u Doclrnnt orrns onc or morf i,at$.Dcclrrrnt rhall poythc diffcrcncc,if my, hctwccnthc trnountof Asrcrrrncnts payablcby OwncrsotherthanDoclanntandtheaerudCcmmon Erpcnrcsincurrcdby tbu Arsoehdon for cachAsscssment pcriodunlcsrDcclanant othcnriseclcctsto pry Asrcclmcn$on iu unsoldLotsar describcdtnor! fully helow. tf Doclrrentdctcnnincsrmt to pry tlrcdiffcnrrc bctwccnthc rmountof Asscssmcnm pnyablcby Owncrrothct tlan Dcclarantand thc acturl CommonErpcnscr,thcnDcclrrult rhall pay Asser$rrcn$for thc tors which Dcclarontown$. Unlcsr Dcelsnnrothcnrirc notific$thc Borrd of Dircctorsin writing at lea$ sixty (60)dayr prior to tlrc cndof thc Rrcd ycsr,Daclisrilt *lull bc desncd to havcelcctcdto condnucpayingon thesrnc brrir rs thc proccdiryfiscstycrtr Docltnnl's obligadonr hcrcundcrmry bcsttisfiod in theform of I crsh rubridy or by 'in kind" curuibutisrr of scrviccsor mrrcriafr,or r combinotionof tftc ramc. t. Esrrnlr$ltugNT oF LUH Any andall As*cssmcnE. togctherwith intcrert it s llt€ ootto crc*d thc hitlrcst rttc alloved by applicablcruury lrw rr computodfiom tbe drtl $rc delinrymy llrrn-occur. rild S hlG chargesand fincs 6$maybc cstablirhcdby theBorrd of f\irccrorr rnd sorh utd rctromblc rnonuys" fcm may. uponcomplianccwith tpplicrble law, becomcr licn uponthc lnt qrirut whichersh Arressrnentir madcrnd uryothcrrlr€tr of thc Owncr. Esh Arsco*ment,to3cthcrwittr inrcrsl, lrls chargcs,costs,rnd rcasonrblcrttsrneyl' fecs,rhrll rtro bs thc parsonalobligationof thc Penon who war the Orrncr of suchtot st thc time thc Ag$cssrncnr fllrlfiE,rnd his or hcr grrnwsrhrll bc jointly and s+vcraltyliable for suchportionthcrcofnsmsy bc duc.rnd pryrblc rt tht timc of cotrveyilrcc. ? Thc Associnion.actingon bchalfof iu Mcmbpm.ghrll havcthc pot#crto bid for thc Lot or thc otlrcr portionsof thc propenyro rff*tcd at s fort*losurr salcurd to rcquircgndhold,lcsre, '.'' mortgagc,illd conveythc samc.Duringthepcriodin rrhich thc Lot ot thc olherFropsrtyso affcctcdis 29 f-r 'a ':,(. FICHI 98hlt PASE 009 owncdby ttrcA*ociation followingforcclosurc:(n) no rightro yorcshallbeexcrcircdon its bclulf; (b) no Ar*irmcnt shallbe l*vicd on il; and(c) eachothcrl.orshnllbe chargcd, ro its usual in addrrion Assesrrncnt. itr ctlud pro raH *hurcof tlw Assessment thatwouldhavcbsrn chlrgcdsuchtnt hadit not bccuacguitcdhy thc Assoeirtion.Suit to rccovera moneyjudgrnenrfor unpaidComrnonExpnscurnd attornsys' fccsshatlbc nninuinablcwithoutforcclsringor waivingrhclicn sccuring rhesamc. I, RgqnnvnBuucgtANDCAprTAtCoxrruuurron ThcBoardof Directonlhall includein thebudg,et enchycaracapitrlrcplacemrnt rcicn e"whichFscrt/csh*ll talrcinto accountthc numbrrandnaturcof rcplaccablc thccrpcctcd ass*ts, life of cachassct,andrhcexpcctedrcpairor replaccmcnt co$r. 10. Crpm*uConr*tlurlor* Uponthc initial convcyance of eEchLot afterths dareof thc rccordingof this bsclaration. a capitrlcontnoudonshallbr madcby rhcptrchaserof suchL,otto theworkingcrpinl of thcAsrrlciationin rn amountto be dctcrtincd by thc Boardof Dirccrorsfrom timcto rirne,hut in no cvctltlessthtn *n atnountcqualto thrcc(l) monrhrof thc ComrnonAsscssmccsfor thrr ycrr. Thi* conributionshallbe payablcat thc timc thc salc of theLor is closrd" Thc contributionrcquircdby this prngraph rhall constitutcan s:sscrsmcnt EgainstttreLot andrhnll bc subjoctia rhcramclicn righrsasrny orhcrAssessment undcrthis Dacluutiort" I l. Exururr pftorunrt Notwithstandinganythingto thc contmryhcrcin.rlf CommonArca,Frclurive Common Arsa.r;ll pmpertyownedby Dcelrranr(otherthanrheCtubPropcny),nndall proprry dcdicrtcdby Declnrantrc utility comproicsor govornrnent,al authoridershallbc crcmp fmm paymcnr of Common Assessrncnu, l{eighborhood Asses*mcnn, andspecialAssessrnents. * ARTICLN X MAINfSNl{IttCE l. .a Assocnrrron'sRnsronslgtLtry ThcArtociation lhallmrlmain andkwpin toodruprirtheArtrr ofConmon Rcsponsibility. suchmaintcnancc to bc fundedashcrrinprovidcd.Thir maintcnrncc rhnllinclude.bur nssdnot bc limitcdto, maintenancc, repair.andrcplaccment prcscrrrcr, of madwayg,wstcn$Ny$, landrcaping,florn. fiuna, itnlcftre$ rnd implovcmtnts*hich form the ConxnonAffl. rnd ruch ponions of anyadditionalpropenyincludcdwithin thc Areaof CommonRcsponsibitity asmaybc dcdicatcdby thir Daclamiion.a rcsolutionof thc Boatd,or by an{ErEcmcntfor mnintcnancc by thcAssociation. Notwithsundinganythin3to thc coiltrarysoniaincdherrin,to thc extcntthatrhcCommunity'lenuancc fcttun, includingInndscaping improvernenr.rignrgr or othcrimpmvcmcnbir locrtcdin wholcor in 30 ' '.tr-**' ' rtcilE 98t+| | PAGE 0l() penon rny Lot on tlrc hopcny. ihis arur rhall bcdccmcdro bt pan of the Arcaof Common Rcsponribilityfor all prrpo*s hcrcundcrandthc Association shallhavean andi$ agcnnanddesignecs cs$cmcnt avertnd ffirorr thr Lot for ingnrs andcgrc*iropcrformmsinrcnancc on thisponionof thc Arcr of ComrnonRcponribiliry. All cogts*rocirted with rnaintcnance. of Arcasof Common rcpairandrcplaccrncnt Rccpontibilityrhall bea CommonErpenrero bc allocrtedarnonglots a* pnnof rheCornmon Asscssment. All coslsassociated with maintcnancc, rtpairandrcplacemcilof ErelurivcCommonArcr of r paniculnrgroupof lnts ghnllbc iln Grpcnscof andshallbc asscsscd against*rc l",omwhichrre bcncfitedby ErclusivcComrnonArcg. The Asrocirtiunrhall abo ba rcsponsiblc for exlcriorgrourdsmriutcnalrc within any NciShborhpod and maintcrnncc.rcplir andrcptrccmcntof orhcrpropcny'rithin rny Neighborhoodto thc extcntdcsignatcdin any$upplemenulDcclrratirinaffcctingrhcNcighborhood.As ptuvidcdin thir Dcclaration, or any othcrwrittenagrccmcil,the Assooin$on rnayaho ffsumc mrinGnarrc rcsponsibilitiss with rtspectto anyNeighborhood in additionto thorcdcrignrtcdby $upplcmenutl Dcclanntion. Thc Associrtionmaymainuin otherpropcrtywhichit docsnol own, including.without limitation,propcrtydcdicatcdto rhcpublic.if rhc Boardof Dircctomdctcrrninssthilr rucft maincnenccir naccrsgryordesinhle to mainrainthe Community-ttidc$trrndud.Ttrc cortr of ruch mrintcnrrrcerhrll bc rllocatcdrmong thc bcnefiledLstr rs a CommonArsorgmcnt. f{cighborhoodArgurmcilt, or Spccial Assesrmcntagainsta prrticular[.oL asthc Borrd of Dirccrorsdgcrrnirci rpprop,ntrc. 2, FfEtcnnonHoon Assocrrnort$ RgsronsltrItJTy Any NcighbortoodAsrocia$onhavingrceponsibilityfor mrintcnrncsof dl ora ponion of thc fupctty within r prrticulrr Ncighborftoodprr$urntto NcighborhoodDocumcnr rhrll pcrform sushmqintcnsnccrrcponribility in I msnncrconsirtentwith theCornmunity-Widc$tandard,lf lny ruch Neighbofiood faih ro p*rform iu maintcnrncsrcsponribilityar rcquirodhcruinrnd in rny Ncighborhood Docurnenr.lhc Associationrnaypcrfonnit aqd e$+ssbe cosu rgrinrt rll Lotsryithin ruch Nci3hbofiood nsprovidcdin Aniclc tX of this Doclaration. 3. OwNER'$ nESFo[rStBlLnY Erch Orrnm rhrll mrlnuin hh or hcr lnt Unlr rnd rll putiU rru rtd odnr irnpmvcmcntrin connedon thcrrwith in accordrncewith Atliclc V hcrtof tnd thc Community-Widc Snndards. .t ':' .' 'a 3l rrcHr tttr I t 4. PA SE 0lf Lenuscrpe MlrrrrrrEnAilcu In *ccordanccwith Afiiclc V, Sccrion4, rhc Euardof Directonof thc Associrtionmly adoptCommuniry-WidrSrnndrrrds rnnintenancc andinigation.includinghut not rcgardinglandseapc limitedto freguencyandqunndryof mainrcrtnccandfrequcncy.quantityandtimc of dry of irrigmion. All suchCommuniry'Widc$tandardtshaltbc adoptedin accordancc with goodagronomic*lpracticcs. msintennrccscrviucsto [.otr on n rnay,but shallnot bc ruquircdto, providclandscapc The As$ociation n'ith thc volunury contrnctbasis. lf an Olvnerfrils gomainuinrhcOwner'rLat in accordnncc Csmmuniry"Widc$mndardstlreArsociuion. ar its opdon"may mainninrucb Lot. Thc costof lrnd*crpe scrvicershdl be allocsrcdsmongthc lots bcing mrintaincdas a SpocialAgrclr]ftenl, S, AsstssunrTs All mninrenailcc cguircd by Aniclc X, Scclions3 and4 rhrll bc pcrformodin I muullr consistcntwilh rhcCammunity-WidcSundards.tf nnyNeighbortrood Asrociarionor Orpnerfailsto pcrformits or his or her mrintcnrncc rerponsibilityin acsordance with thc Community-ttlidc$nndrrdl. ths A.rsociationmny pcrfonn ir rnd arrcsr dl sorts incunpdby tha A*rociltion plur rn rdminirrn$vc rurchargccqud to rsn psrscnt( 10ft) of the smountlss$rcd tgtinn thc lot rnd rhc (hrncr rhcmnfrr r $pecialAsscrsment.Prior ro crrry, rhc Associailon$rll rfford rhc Owmr tcn {10} dayr' srittan noticc to remedya conditioninconriHcntwith thc Communiry-Wide Stsndrrds.af,cGplwhsncntryis roquircd duc to an cmcrtcn+y. 5. Srncrrors c $anctionsundcrrhcDocurncn$mnyincl$dcrersonablsnronctrtlfines(rs dacrmincd by ftc Boardof Dirtcton) end crclurion fmm rht Propcrtyof rny Buildrr, conurctorrcubcontrrcrcr. agcntor orherinvitccwho frils to comply wirtr theprovisionsof rhc Focuncnts. Thc Borrd gf Dirocr0fr shd[. in additioil, havcthc power to rock relitfin anycottn for violrdoru of t}e Documcntsor to rbrn nuistnccs. ,..l: rj '' tti"l:: XI ARTTCLA INSURAI{LEANDCASUALTYLO$$ES l I. Ingumrrcn agrnt.rhall obuin blrnkctdl-risk casualryThe Bosrd of Dirnctors,or i$ duly authorizcd impruvemcnts on theCommonArca. If blanku rllinsurancc,if reasonehly availablc.for atl insmable policyprovidinglirc and inrunncc rist covcrngeis not reasonablyavnilable.lhenat r ninimum rn cufficientto covcr onc bc an rmount This rhrll in inrursncc cxtrndcdcovctrgc shall bc obninod, bund$odpcrcffir of the rrphcancnt co$l of rny rcplrr or ruconrtrtrc$onin thc cvcnt of darnngcor l2 1 q t FISHE 98hI I PADE ilt2 dcstruction fmrn rny insurcdhltrrd. fn rdditionto csrusltyinrumncson rhcComrnonArua,thc Asrociarionmay,in its discrctionor uponrcqus$tof a Ncighbqrhood blanketalt-risk obuin andcontinuein effcctadcquare carurltyinsurarrc,if'rtasonably availrble.on sll insurable improvrmen$i on rhcErclusivsCommsn Arec withinthc tfeighborhood.If all-riskinsurance is notrcasonably availrblc,thcnfire andcrtcndrd covcm8cmaybc substftuted. $uchcoverags may bein suchforma.srhcBonrdof Directursdccms approprhrefor onehurxlredfrerccnt( l00s) of rhercphccmcntctrstof rll rtructufrsto bc inrurcd. Ttrc coslsthercofshaltbcchargcdto thc Ownmsof l..orswithinrhebencFrrcd Ncighborhood asn NcighborhoodAtscrsrnent. Inruranceobninodon thr improvemcnu*ithin nily Ncighborhood, whcthcrobtnincdby the Ncighborhood Arsociationor theAssociation, shsllara minimumcomplywith rheapplicable ptuvisionrof this eriicle Xt, Soctionl. includingrhepmvisionsof rhicnrricic rpplicrblc ro poliry provisions.lo:s edjurtmcnt,artdall otherrubjccs to whichrhisArticlc rpplieewith rcgrrdto in*umncc on thc CornmonArca. All ruchinsurrncerhalfhc for thefull rcplaccment crrn. All ruchpoticicrshrll povide for a certificatcof insursnceto bc furnishe.d to thc Associrtionrnd m ilrc Neighborlrood Arsocirtion. Thc Sosrdof Dircctonrhallalsoobrnina publiclirbility policycovcringthc Common ArG&.thc Atsociailonrnd ils Mcmbcn for nll demagcor injury c*ulr,.rby tlre *cgligcnccof tfic Associttio$or rny of its Mernbcruor sgcnm.Thc pubticliabilirypolicyrhall hrvc rhc liabilitylimiu esnblishedby rhe Boardof Dirwron frwr $mc lo rimc. Pmmiumsfor rll inruranccon thc CommonArtr chdl bc CornmonExpcnrcsof thc Asrociationandrhatlbc iacludcdin thc CommonAr*rsmcnt. Thepolicic*mrt contriar ruasonablc dcductihlc,and,in thccaseof cacurltyinsunncc,theamountthcrcofrhrtl bc rddcd to thc faccrmountof thc policy in dstsrminingwhcthertheinruranccrr lcastcqudsttrgfull rcphccmcntcortr. Thedadrrtiblc shrll bc paid by thc pany whs would bc lirblc for thc lcgr or rcpair in thc rbrcnccof inrurmcc rnd in thc cventof multiplc panicr shrll bc rllocrtcd in rchtion to thc rrlouot c*h plrty's lsr$ bcrrs to thc tot&|. All iruurmc? coycnrgcohrieed hy thc Borrd of Diroctonrhdl bc writt+nin thenrmcof tlc Asrociationrs tnr$tccfor thc rcspcctivebcnctitedpartict,ar fun[cridcntificd in rubrocrion(b) hclop. Suchinsumrrc shallbc govcrncdby tlrc provirionshcruinafterret fbrth: {r} of Alabrrna. Afl Fdicicr rhrll beffinffi rith r ofiuFrry nthdrnd bdo lrtdur h tle$fic {b} All policicson thc CcmmonArca$dl bc for thc bcnefitof thc Associilion,its Mcrnbcrsmd lmtirutionalMorrgagoe, if rny, as thcir intcrcetrmsy rppnr all policicssccurcdst thc requc$lof a Neigbborfioodclull befor thc bcncfitof thc Ncighborhood Asrocirdcn,if rny. the O*nrrs of lnts within thc Neighborhood,andthcir lnstituilonalMongrgccs,astheir interuts mry sppesr. (cl Exclurivc outlrorityto adju*t losscsundcrpolicicsobt*incdby $e Associrtionon the Pnopenyshrll bc vcstcdin ths Soud of Dircctors,pmvidcd.howcvcr.no InstitutisnslMongagcc 33 i -. v Ftcltt 98h| | I'AUE 0t3 if ncgotialions' in thes$tllcrncnt l6vin! sn i$ercsria suchlosscs trurnpnnicipailng maybc prohibircrt rny, mlatcdtherEto. by tlrclloardo[ (d) tn nocventchrtl thc inrurur$ccovcragc ohaincdandmainmincd purshrscd Mcmber, Dirpctotthcreundcr by individurl bebmughtinto contributionwith insurancc occupants, or thcir Instirutional MonSngccs. if tc) Alf caruahyinsuranccpolicicsshallhlvc an inflalionguardcndorscmtnt. with anrnnualrevicwby oncor mon qurlificd rcasonably avsilablc,andanagrccdamorrucndorscmcnt Fcrrons. cffon io s$cutr (f) The Sonrdof Dirccrorsshrll bc rcquircdto makc?yeryretsonalrle insurance policiestharwilt pmvidcfor thefoltowing: n wiivcr of rubrogationby the insurcrEslo anychimr rg,rins thc Borrd {i} scrvrttu.lgcnl$ tnd of Diroctorg.ths Association'l mlmgcr. Mcmhcrs.rnd theirrerpoctiyctcnnnts, BUcStS; plying carhl {iit o waiverby rhcinsurcrof iu righu ro nplirand nconstnrcLimturd of (iii) ! st*emeffi thst no policy may besrncclcd.invelidatod.rulpcndcd,or subjcctlo nonrc$ewal on sccounlof anyonc or morcindividuelillcmbcnt (iv) a srstcmcntrharno palicy mry bc carrcled. invllidrtcd. *urpcndcd'or subjectto nonruncwalon 1ccounrof thc conductof anydirocmr.officcr, or cmployccof thc Arsochdon or its duly authoriacd manaBer wirhoutprior demand,in writing.dclivctsdlo thc Associrdonrocurcthc dcfcctnndthe atlorrarreof a reasonrblcdmc *rcrsficr withh whichthGdcfoctmry bc crgtd by illg Associotion.i$ ma$sgcr,rny Mernbcr,or InstitutionatMortgrgct; (v) that ruy "orhcrinsursnss"clauls in rny policy cxcludcindividunl Mcmbers'policicsfrom considcrrtion: end thartha Arsocislionwill bc givcn rt hul $riny (30}dayr' prior rvrittcn {vi} noticc of rny crrslhtiorf, nrbnmdrl nqdificrtioft ormollEl?& ln additionlo theothcrinsurrnccrvquirtd by $ir $ccilon,thc Bosd of Dircctor$shrtl obtain.asr CommonErpcnsc,rrorksr's comprnsf,tioninrunncc,if sndto thc cxlcnt if rasonablyrvrihblc, r fidelitybondor raluircd by hw, dirccron'andofficers'Iiabilitycovcrage. or rsponsiblc for thc Arsocillion's pcronf handling bondson dirtctors, officers,cmployccs,endorhrr shrll be dctsrmincdin thc dirc*ton hcst eovcngo rrasonably fidelity funds,if availabtc.Thc emountof busincssjudgmcrubut,if rcrsonablyavrilnblc,maynot belessthanttrrucnonths' Asscssmcnson all baseduponthecxclusionof lrots.plus reecrvc$on hand. Bqndrshsllconnin a waivcrof ell defenses i pcrsonsrtrying withoutcompcn$ation rnd shrll requircat lcgt thiny (30) days'pior writnn nodccto the Asrocirtion of rny mnccllation,iubrEntial modificadon,or nonrtnowl,L 34 . .-,,,rr"t. H$ .t rtcHr 9BlrI I 2. PACE 0ftt Drrnc[ Al{sDf,srnucrtot{ (r) fflirfg.qFif,[q. lmmedittelyrfter damageor dcltructionby firt or o$cr carurlty thc Board to lll or Enypartolrhc Propcltycovcrcdby inruranccwrittcnin thc nsmcof thr Associadon. of all claimsarising of llircctors or its duly ruthorircd ngcnrrhall proceedrlith rhefiling andadjustrncnt of undersuchinsur&ncc rnd obminrclirbtc rnd dcuilcd estimrtcsof thc coslof rcpairor rocon$lru.cdon mcln$rcpairing thedamagedor dcruoyedpropcny, Rcpairorrc{ionstnrction, as uscdin this pamgraph, or resroringthepropcrtyrn substantially conditionin whichthty exittcdpriorto thc fireor other thc .camc building in applicablc casuolty,allowingforany changcs nccessintcd by changcs or impr.rvcmcnls codcs. (b) to tlrc CommonArcr or Fspaif qfidJtcepntt$lglion. Any damagcor dcstruction 'B'Mcmber rnd at lcnil or rocon$lructed to ErclusivcCommonArct shatlbe rcpainad unlsssthc Clags sevcnty-fivcperccnr(?Sts)of the tonl votcscligibleto bc co$tby thc Clas *A* Mcmbcrsof the Asrccirrion if CommonArcr is damagcd{or st lcart scvcnty-fivcpcrccil ffl*|of ths totqlvotcscligiblc whoscErclurivc ComrnonAlcr ir damrgcd) to bc castby thcClass'A" Mcrrbcruof rheNcighborhood shall decidcryirhinsirty {60) drys rficr thc casuahynot to rcpairor nlconstrwt. lf for rny rgatoncitftcr or tcliablcrnd thc lmount of rhcinsururrccploccsdcto bc paid asa resultof suchdrrnagcor dc,structio*. deuilcd estimalcsof thecostof rcpeirsr rccomtrucdon, or both,arc nol mgdetvnihble to the Associationwithinsaidperiod.thcuthe pcriodshnllbc extmdcduntil luch fundsor informsdonrhrll bc rnrdc rvsilrblc, pruvidc& howcvcr,ruclr cxtcnrionrhall not crcccd rirly {60) rdditionrl dryr. No lnsirutionat lvlortgagee lhrll havcthe righr to prrticiprr in CIcdcrerminrtiunof whcthcrthc demageor dcstructionto CommonArEs,Erclurivs CommonArca sr lnrs shll bc rcpairrdor ntconttrucrcd.In thc or dctrucdonto thc svrnl thatit shouldbc dacrminxl in the mnnoerdcecribe+! abovcthatthc darnage no cltcrnadvc rnd or reonsln ctcd shall ComrnonArta or frclusive CornmonAru nol be npaircd irnprovemcntsarc au*rorizcd.drcn and in thatevcnrthc affcctedponionof ttre ProPeny*htll bc rcstord to rhcir neturalsutc andrnainuinpdby the Arsociuion in n nmt md rttnnctivccondidonconsi$cntwith the Community-WideStrndrrd. 3. Dmnu*snmErtorPnocEsos If thc damrgc or dcrmrctionfor which rhcproecedrof inrurrncc poticict rrc Petdir rc bc rcpairodor nccon$ructed, ttr-cprocccdt,or *uchportionthcrtof ss maybc rcquircdfor ruch prrporr, rhall badisbuncd in paymcntof ruch *pairs or lccorutructionu hersinrftcrprovidod. Any procccds rcrnainiagaftcr dcfrlying suchcostsof rrprir or $oconsftrctionto fit Commonfuta or ilrc Erclusive in rcr$rl Comrnoa Anr lhlt tc rctrimd W urd fs [rc bondir of ftc ArHcilhtt rtrd pld irnp,ruvsmcntsaccount. ln thc crrcntno repoir or $cconstructionir rradc. eny pracoedsrtmaining efnr rnrlcingruch settlcmcnrra ir nmlsiry andappropristcwith fts affcctcdMcmhctsandthair lnrtirudonsl Mortgatccs asthcir intcresa may rppcsr, shallbc rruinad by and for thc bmtfit of thc Associationand .placcdin r capinl irnpmvcmcnts sccount.This is 6 rgrrcrtrntfsr tllc bcnefrtof rny Institutionsl Mongagce of r lnt arrilmay bc cnforccdby cuchInstitutionalMongagcc. 35 :.* : J T '"r.SifL '-(. ,ft rrcHr ilt' I r 4. PAGE 0t5 ttEPAtnrrro Rncoilsrnucfior{ Arcafor to theConrmonArcl ur :o ErclusivcCommcrn ll'ftc darnrgeor destruction which inruranceproceedsarepnidis to bc rcpairedor rusoo$tructcd. snd ruch procccdsrrc not *ufficicQt to dcfnayilrc cosrttrcreof,theBoud of Diretorg shatl.withourthc ncccssityof a votcof theMembcrc. lcvy a lipcciolAsscssmcnt rgainstnll Membcr$on thesamebrsi.sasprovidcdfar.CommonAsrcslmcntll, providcd,if rhcdamagcor destnrcrion involvrstheExclueivcCommonArel, only thc Membtn of lor in thc rffcrcd NcighbortoodrhEll bc rubjcfi to Affcru$mr thcrufor. Additionrl Arrc*mcnr mry b of anyrcpairor rucontlru*tion. madcin likc nsltncr at nnyrimcduringor followingthc completion ABTTCLEXII NT} FAR1TIION Exrcpt rs ir pcrnrittedin thisDcclanrtisnor sny amcnd:ncntrhcrcto.thsrcshllf bc no judicial panitionof thc CornmonArta or rry port thereof.nor ghll rny Pwaonecquiringrny intttc* in the Propcnt or any pan thcrcofseckrny judicirl panitionunlerr rhe.Propcrtyhrs bccn remoutdfrpm thc pmvisionsof thisDcclamdon.This Anicle shll ootbc conrrruedto proilbit thc Boardof Diletorr lrom acquiringnnddirporingof rangiblcpcnonalpr$pcrty,ncr lrom acquiringdrlc to rcal propcnywhichmay or may not bc subjsctto this Deslantion, *t ARTICIBMN COhIDEMNATTON \ilhsncvcr all or rny pur of theCommonArcathgll bs Ekcn. or conYcyodurdcr thrtat of condcrnnrdonby Sc Boardof DircEtorrby eny rurhorityhrving thc powcrof cordcmuadonor cmincm dornsin,cactrMcirrbcrshallbc cntiilcd to nodcothcmof, Thcaruardrnrdcfor ruch taking shallbc payablcto thc AssociatiorrilBuusrarfor rtl Mcmbcn to bc dilburrcdru follows; (a) tf rhemkinginvolvcss portionof ilreCommsnArrr on whhh impnovcmcnts havcbccnconrrrucr?d.thcn,unlcsswithin sixty (60) dryr rftcr suchtaling Declaranr(as longas Doctaranrownsany ponionof rhe Propeny)andVotingMcmben rtprtscntin8 al leastrixty-3cvcn perccfi (6?S) of thc rotratyotcof the Associationrhnll ahcrrrisc rgrtc. thc Amociruionrhall mstorcor rcplrcesuchirnprovcmennsotakenon thc rcmaininglandincludcdin *rc CommonArca to rhc cxtcnt with plrns npprnvcdby ttp Borrd of Ditucton of *rc hnd$ ercovrnilablc tfterefnr,in accordanec ffn to bc rcpairedoiltstor"d. rhcrbovcPmvisionsof AnicleXl. Association-If suchirnproycmcn$ itl rtlpcct to Scctjons3 urd 4 rcgcrdingtlrc dirbunrcmrntof funds,endrny requiradAssesrmenls. ' cE$urlrydarnagcor dmtructisnwhich ig to berspsirudrlull rpply \ .* l ' ' " -o'{* ' * : 36 rICHE 981+ |I PAGE 016 (b) lf thc uking tlocsnot involvc any impmvrmcfirson thc CsmnronArca,or if thcrt is . a dpcisioilmadcnol to rcpair or rcstorc,then such awardor nfi funris shall bc dirbursedra thc Arsocinionand uscdfilr such capitalinrprovelncnts asthc Boardof Dircctorsof the Associationshnll determinc. ABfiCLE XIV EASETT{BNTSAND OTIIER RIGHTS It is tlreintcntof Doctamntrhll ilclarant. thcAssociation. anyNcighbofiood Associ*tion.lhe Club andrhc Orrners$all bc providedingressandegrcrsto thc Propcnyor poflionr thercof.in connce$on with crerciring thc righu rnd in carryingour thc oblfrtioru rct forth in thc l)ucuments, in andrny $upplcmennlDoclrration,Dcchmnrmay,by scparatc inrlrumentsto bc rocorded LimcstoncCcunly.gmntcrclusivcrnd non-cxclusivc cffcmcnti on, upon.ovcr.acro*. throughrnd undcrthePropertyfor. arnongothcrthings.*rc followiry purposcs:(r) useof CornmonArur for all pmPcttnd normafpurposessat foflh hcrcin:(b) intrcsr. csnii lnd tccsts to qfidfrom, throughrnd betwecntbc Propcrtf,;(c) inspmting[ny con$mrcdon. (d] proporcdconrtructionor improvcmcnts; rtpairingor mainniningthc Propcny.rnd rny faciliilesor irnprovcmcnts themon:(s) insullingand mainuiningthcCommuniry'suriliticsrnd dninagcfncilities:(f) cncroachmcnu in for minorinaccurscics 3u?vcy,csnimtctionor rtcofftruction or duc ro *ttlcntrtt or moycmcnt:(B)cntnt golf brlkl (h] mainrcnmce. insrallntion. con$ruclionrnd rcprir of utiliticsrnd frciliticr: md (i) s rifht of rcccr*tocrch Lot in favorof thc Associetionor r Ncighborhood Asmcistionfor mainteining,rpeiring, rrplrcint rrd prcserving thcComrnonAma. Notwithsmnding thc sbscncc of r rcpamtcrccordcddocumcnt.therights sctfotth in thisSrctionshallrrill Eristfor theprrporcsimcndcdin thc Dbcumc$tiorsi pnovidcd in rny SupplcmcnulDcclararion. Cancbrakchopcnics, L.L.C.,ownfr of thc los cmbrflsodhcrrin.trcrcbygranu to Ahsnr Utilitiqc.Eell SouthTalcphoneComprny.andthcir $rccaror or arigns, or othcrlppropnrtc publicor quasi-publicutilitics.thc eassments on nemedplrrr. rlong andoverall lotr rnd propcrtyrafioerGd togethcrwith theright to f,onrtntcl,inrtnll opcnic andmrinuin. rlong rtid carcmenaall conduits, cables,tnrnrclorurrccndotlur rpplirncu nnd uid feciliticsrrrcfulor noccs$rryin connction &erwith, for theundergmund tnnrmisrion rnd diruibutionof cl*uic powcr,undcrgmund communicrdon serriccs,andnaturalgrs *crvicc,upon,undurandrcm* saidca*cmenu,Alto gnrrrcdhqnby is theright to inrnll ud mainuin undcrgruundrcrvicc lrnrelr fiom raid ca$cmcn$lo iorv; $c homcsrnd buildings on e*chlot. lEtECOMMtlFil ARTICX.DXV CATI ONS AltD SURYAUJJTNCE SYSTEIVI$; LIIV{ITED ACCESS Doclgrantrsrcrtvesuntoitsclf andiu dcsignces* lucctrlort, a*ignr rnd liccrucesthe right ta cfltrr into oncor rnorccontrsctsfor thcpmviuionof oncor morcmrrttr tclacommunications o t7 { rtcHr fA0r 981rI 0t7 shallbc (all or anypanof ,r'rhich rurvcillance systems racciving $ys?cns lnd disrribution andelcctronic tocrfion rcfcmdrohtrin as thc "Systrm")for all ur lny partof *re Cornmunity.Thecxas description, lnd naturtof rhcSysrcmhasnotycrbccnfixrd or detcrmincd.tlcrlrrnnt will rcscrvcfor itcclfandits gnd derigners, rucccsson$. crclusiveright,pivilegc.cascrncnt tlsignsandliccnscefr pcrpclualqnd of dt+ andmaintcnansc righr'of-wryacrors,ovcr anduponrhc Propcnyfor rhcinsmllationicon$lnrcl,ion of unlirnipdingrelsand Syrnmrogcrhcr with a pcrpsurlrnd crclusivcright.privilcgrandcascmcnt cgrcst,acccss, inspcting,mninttining,ultering. ovcr andupontlrcPropcrtyfor inshlling.soastructing, moving.irnpmvingandruplacing the$yrtcm. lf rnd to thc Gxlctlt cons$tuting and cquipmcnt facilirics scrvicccpruvidcdby rhc Sysrcmoncto scrycall of rhc[.u$, thcn thc costof thc $ygtcmmry bc a CommonErpcnscof thc Association rnd rhall bcincludcdin the CommonAtsnsmcnt"lf anyrsrvicer pmvidedby ttrc$ysrcmrrc providcdonlyro somebutnotdl of thc [n$. then$e cort of my ruch rcnricermry bc TnGxpcnrcforthc bcncfitof thcLon m rcrvrd rrrd rhrll bc urcncd rr r Spccirt Arsessmcnt againstsuchLots. Thc Asrociarionrnry"butshsllnorbc obligarcdto, msinnin or tupportccnaintctiviricr wirhinthcComrnuniiydcsigncdro limit Eccc$irothc hopcny snd mdte thc Propcnysnfcrthanit othcrwiscmightbc. NcithcrdreAsrocirdon,Dcclarant'nor eny succcssor of Delarrru $all in my way trcconeidcrcd insursrsor guars$rors of sacurirywithinthc Propcny,rnd ncithcrthc Alrocillion' Deelarrnlnor anyrucctlror of Dqlnnnt rhall bcheldliablc for rny lors or damagcby ttrron or failurc to providcadcqurtrsocurityor ineffcctivcness of rccuri:ymc&lufrr undsrtdscn.All Oqrncrrrnd occupqnts of lny Unit. andrhclsilnnts,tu?its rnd invirecrof my Owncr,rr rpplicrblc.lcknorrlcdgctlrrt ftc ArsociationancJitr Boardof Direroru.Dcclannt.ury iuccc;Eorof Dcclr,nn andthc ARC do not fcprcscntor waflant thatanyfire protccdonsystcm,burglrr darm syutemorothcr rocurifyryrtern dcsignawd erublirhedby Dccfrnntsr$G ARC maytlortlc by or inrralledacconlingtoguidclinss cornpromiscd or burghr rlarm it3lcrnr or otlcr rocuritytyttGmr or circumvcnrcd, thtt rny fim prorocrion will preucntlars by firc. srnokc,burylary.lhcft,hold-up,or othcnpils.nor thatfirc prctetior orhuryltr or protocdonfor whichthr alsm systcmsor olhcr sccurity$y$cnuwill in slt crs.s providcthe dsrccrion trnrfi. gut*t mrd and clch Unit, systcmis designed Owner, rnd occupant of rny or intendci. iach invitceof any-Owncr.asapplicablc,acknowledg$andundcr$rndr ttrrt tftc Arsoeirrion,rhcBorrd of Dircrtorc.Dcslarrnr.or snysuecca$or of Dcctsranttrc nut inrurcruurd thatcrchOlflncrrndoccuprnrof eny Unit andcrch tgnenLlugt rrrdinvine of *ny Clrmers$sune$alt ritks for lolr or drnrte lo pcr|otf. ro Unitsandro rhccontcnuof Unitsnndfunhcracknowledges thrt thcAsrociation,thc Bcrrd of Directors,Declarant.or tny str$cssrorsfD*tarant havcmtdc no rcpta'rcnutiotuor *trtrrntics.nor hqi rny Ounrcr,ogcuputtr$nrnL luc$ or invitccnlied uFonrny rprc$cntadont ar rrtttndc$. crpr*silcdor impliuf. includingany waira$lyor herchnubtlity orfitrpru for ury prrdorlr prmon rrtlitl s ry fin errdrorburglaielaffn ,y*rcmr sr othersccuritysyrnrm t*otn*endod or iruiania or rny sccruity rnca$urcrundcrrskcnwithin theCommunity. 3B :' i I "'"'+.'.*', I r't'cHI 9rht | PASE 0l I ARfiCI,EXVI DECLANANT'S ruSIITS l. PunposE Thepurposc of thir Anicle XVI is to sctfonh ccfiainDuclnrnnt righrs,andto rcfer.for e&rcof rcfslancclo,ccrtrin othcrDcclarantrighrssctforth in rhis Doclarrdon.Thcptlrposoof this Anicle XVI shallin no waybea lirnirationof anyrightsof Declarant $crforthin this othcnvise Dcclaration. 2, IlunrnoN oF RtcltTs Thcrightsof Delananl$cl fonh in thisDcclaradon thatrcfcrto thisArticlc XVI rhall crtcnd for a pcriodof timccndingwhcn Dcclrrant nolongcrowrir rny portionof thc Propcrtyor thc AdditionalPropenyor ruchcarlierdafensdctcrminedby Dectannt.iD itc rolediscrction. 3. DsctrR*ilT'$ RlcHts lN THE Aseocr*Ttotr Priorto andaficr thc turnoyeraf thc Association ro the Orrnerranduntil Daclannt no longerownsanypottionof thc Propc'rtyor thc AddidsnalPropcny.whqhcr Doclarantcrsnci*r the righr :o appointr majorityof thc Borrd of Dircctorsor nor,thc Sosrdchrll havcno authoriryto. andslnll nol wirhoutthewrinuncon$cntof Dcclarant.which maybc withhcldfor rny sr no rclsonwharcocvcr, undennkcanyactionwhiehshall: (a) prohibitor rcstrig in any msnncrtheralesand ma*cting programo[ Doclaffint.CIr rhe lcasingactividmof Dccllruru (b) Eoud of Dimcton dccreasc he lcvct of rndntcnanccrcwiccsof thc Asrosirtionpcrformedby rhc ..trftf (c) clungcthemcmbcrshipof theARCor dimiaishiw powcrs6sstatcdhcrein: (dl rltcror rmcnd this Daclurtion, theAniclcssr ths By-Laws; (c) rcrminarcor wsivc any rightsof thc AsrociationundmthisDcclamilon; (f) corlvcy,lctsc, rnoltgsgc,alicnateor plcdgcany asefinan$,CornmonArca or ErclusivcCommonArra; o (g) acccptrJreconveyancc" lease.mongrgc.alienationor plcdgeof anyrcal or pcrs.onal propcrtyto the Associarion; 39 Ft0lfI 98h| | f'ACt: 0t9 (h) gmntcdkrcunderor hytheAs*rxiatiun: tcrminatc or cancclanycasemcnts {i} tcnnirutcor impairin anyfashionanyeascmcnt$. powcruor righrscf t)cclumrtt 0) rcslrictDaclarant's rightoof $rc"srccrsandenjoymenof anyof rhc Propeny;or (k) causcthc As*ociation to dcfaulton anyobligrtionof il unrhtsnycontraslor rhis hcrcunder: Dcclaration. In any suchrnatter,Dcclarnnt'tconsanlshall bc crcrcixd by iu rcprtscnutivc on rlrc Boardor other Persundcsignatedro io act by Dcclannt. 4. RlcnroF nEct.*R rilT To D$AfrRoyE Acnoxs Fromthe drte of $firiovcrof thc Arsocittionby Dcclrramto thrOrrncrsrnd until thc Dcclsra$tno longerown$any ponionof thc Propcnyor tht AddirionalPrapcny.Dechrantrhall haycr qctionsof tlrc Bonrdandanycomrnincc*, righl to disapprove asir rnon fully pmvidcdin this $cction, Thisrightnhrllbccrsrcirableonly by Doclmnt,it$succtrrsrs,urd amignrwhospccificaltymktthis powcrin a rucordedinrtrumcnt.or whu hocomca succcttorDoclrmntpuriuontto r rccordcdrssignmcnt orcoutl ordcr. No actionauthorizcdby thcBoad of Dirccto$or tny comnitnc rhall becomecffcctivr, norshallanyncrion,Folrcyor prosrambeirrrplcmcnrad unrilren(l0l dnyrfnllowingDoclrnrnr'rrccclp of noticeof thc actionukcn ar thc m*ting heldpursuilntrothc termrandprovi*ioruh$rof. At rny dmc priorrc thccrpirationof suchtent l0) daySerid. Dcclrranrmry crcrcisciu righrto disrppmvcrctionr of theBoardandanycomrnittcmrnd theAsociarionshallnornke anyrc$onor implcmcnrtny policy, program or rulcor regulationprcviou$yrpprnvedby rheArcocirdon. Thls right to disrpprovcshnllnmextcndrorhc rcquiringof my acrionor countcrrction on bchnlfof anycornmi$cc. Oeclrmntrlrrll noturc iu right to oFthc Eoardor thc Associadon. dirappmvcto rcduccthe lcvcl of scrviccswhichtheAsrocirtionis obrlgntod to prnvidcor to Fncvcnt cnpitalrepairsor anycxpcndirureruquircdto complywirhrpplicsblclrwr rnd ngulations, 5. lu a ". Rncocxtttofi av OwilER$ or Dscr.rnrfiTrs rucrrs ro DEvf,LoP AHD Corrsrnucr lmpRoyf,ltgntf ot't rHE Pnopf,nTT 5 EachOrrncron his,hcr or i$ swa bchalfsndonhhalf of suchOurncr'lheirt, pciloilrl reprcsio$livcs,$ucccssors, morlgagccs, licnorsandassignracknowlcdgcr andagrccsthatthr conpletion of thcdcvelopment of dre Comrnuniiyrfi$yoceurovcrrn cxtendcdpcriodoftimcandthatincidmt to suchdcvclopmcnt andthc constructionassociatcd thcrcwiththc quieturcandenjoymentof thc Frofsty andcachpanionthercofrnaybc temporarilyintcrfcredwith by thsdcvclopmcnt rnd conrmrcrionsorlr occuringon thoscponionsof thc Propcnyandthc Additionalhoparty owncdby Doclarnntor its successor$ andrssigns. EachOwncr.on bchalfof suchOwncr'shcirg,pcrronalriprcacnbtivcs, succcssolt, mongagccs, ondlienon docshercbywnivcrll clEimsfor intcrfcrtnccrtrithruch quiet 40 . .-.*.iqf* [-tcHE 98ht I I,AGi; 0e0 cnjoyrncnlanduscasa resultof thedcvcloprncm andconetrucrion of any ponionof rhr Propcnyor rhc Additionalhopeny. EachOwneron behalfof suchOwflcr'shcirg.personalreprcscnutivcs, succe$sors. mortgasccs. licnorsandassigntsgrcesthatthedevclopmcnr. andcomplcrion of thc Prapcrty constnrction and$c Additionrl'Propcny mry intcrfcrtwrthsuchOwncr'toriginslandcrisfng v'icws.lightandair anddiminishlhc $atncanderchsuchOwneror suchOwner'sbchalfandon trchalfof suchOwncr'shcirs. pensonul ltprcssntltivcs,$ucccssors, mortgagees. and licnorsdoesherpbyrclcascDcclarantandis tucccssors in intercst andothersinvolvedfromall claimstlrarlhey mayhavcin conncction thcrcwith. 6. Dncu,t*,tNT's nfcHTs rN CoNnncrtoN wtrH DnvglopMENT Dcctailntandilt $uccci$o$or assignswilt undcrtskethc rrork of consrrucring buildings. dwcllinguandimproycmcnt$ relatcdthcreto.Thcconrplaionof rhat$,orkandrhc$alc.rt$$lc.tcnnl tnd othcr dirporrl of lpu arc csscntirlto tlu rsublirhrnsmrnd wslfarcof thc Communiry.In ordcrtharrsid work may hc comptclcdandtheCommunilyGsulblirhcd ar a fully occupicdCommunityasrapidlyar possible,*eithertheAsrociationnoranyOrrnershalldo anythingro interfcrcwith Declannl'sorrny Buildcr's activhics,tffithtrutlimiringthcgencralityof rhc fongoing"norhingin rhisDcclrnilon or rhc Anicles or rhc sy-laws or anyamrndmcnfiereto shrll bc undersrood or conslruedro pruvcntDeclarsil. itl successonl or assigns,or its or theircontrrctor$or gubconrectoru and thcir reprcscntativcs fmfit: (a) doingoocny prepsrtyowncdby rhcmwhntcvcrtftcy dctcrmincto ba ncccsssry or advistble in connocdonrrriththecornphnionof nid work, inctudingwithoul lirnimion. thpdtcndon of its con$$ction plensanddesignrrs Dsclcrlnttrr nny Buildcr decrnsadvirabtcin th.ecourscof dcvclopmcnt(sll modelsor rkcrchcrshowingplanrfor futursdcveloprncnrmly hc nodifiod by Doclannt at any drncandfromdrncto timc,withoutnorice);or erccdng.csnstructingandmaintainingon any proFcrtyowrrcdof conuollcdby tb) Declarant,or its succsssors or assignsor its or thcirconraclo$ or suh{onuacrors, such$ruclurc$rt mty bc rcasonablynecssaryfor thc conducrof its or ficir busincssof complaing raid work andateblirhing Cansbrafreat PincyCreel a$o comftunityanddirporingof tht ssrncby ralc, lcuc orothcrrrisc:or (cl condrrdrg on snypropertyowncdorconuollcd by f,hclrrant or its suqccssors or assiSns'its or thcir busincsrof developing. subdividing.gradinglnd congrucdngimprovcmcnr cn rush prcpcny rnrl of disgotingof Lotr thcrcinby salc,rctnle. lcascor othcrwi$r. Dcclrnnrrtexpre*ly rescrvcstherighr to gnr$tcrscrncnt$andrighw-of-wsyovcr. undm rnd throuth lhc ConrmorrAnlr ro lorrgu D*lrnnr oilru rny porrim of &c ftopGny or tha Addidml Ptto?crtfprimarily for dcvciopmc$tandor rrsdc, pruvidcdno rush cffsmcfit *rll rnatcriallyinrcrfcrt wift thc useof CarnmonArca by thc Membcrs. \ '-*rri"t,. 'i. 'l *{ 4t * 4 jo FICHI gtb | | ?. PACE 02t furu*.g ErsgmeilTJ ANDMontrtcA'tlotf$ dsdicalions. flcclamntrcservcsthc righrto gmnt.modifyor fillcr into sascmcms. thc boundarylincs ro modify rights of way. covcnan$ and rcsuictions,rc$et?ations. figrcsrnenls,licclucs. of thc devclopmcnt Addidonal for thc Ptopcny, portions Propeny snd ro plar of the or rcplat and Cogrnunity. Thc Associarionrnd crch Ovner nnd mongrgccof I ponionof thc Ffopcttyr$ftt to or docurncnts, er4utc anddclivcrs$y sndall rgrccrltents. Flaftandingrumcnt$whichatt ncccssary dcsir&le lo accornplish thc satnc. E. Cor*grnu(Ttoili MrnxEflnc ln rrcognitionof thc facrtharDfflsrent *ill havcr continuingrnd substantialintercstio of rlrc Propertyrnd ths Addirionrl ProFcny,Dscl115nthemby thederrctopmciltanduOminirrrnrion rhcrighr to fnnt Grrcmen$ovtr. undcr rnd dcrignccsandassigns" rc$crvcrfor it.rclf,itr succc$Jors, portior$ of tht hopcrfy owncdby Doclarentor tlc othcr all usc rhroughrnd u*ethc CornmonArea and Associationin conjunctionwith andaspail of i$ progmmof rclling, lcating.sonllructing,rnarkding. anddevclopingany propcnyorrnedor iontrolled by Dsclsrsntor its rucctssors,dcrignecsar etsigns md to cntcrrnd trrnsrcrburi$css. includinp,but noriimiua ro, thc right ro carryon construction tmploy $lc* tEnul perronncl'lhow plrcc *igns, maintrin modclr andsdes,rcrslesrnd runraloffices, [nlt, Unir r0d othcr impovcrncnn Propcny, ponions of usc thc Unirs Dcclrrnnr. tnd Lorsaurd owncdby for purposc$sctforth rboverrrd for $enBc of conrutfction ownodby Doclrmntor thr Associgriorr mstcrialsand for constnrclisnand asscmblingeorut$ctioncomponcnuwithoulrny coilt to Doclarentrtd itssueetsor$.nomi6ccsmd rsrignl for ruch rightsandprivitegcr. In addidonDoclarmt"iu ruoccmon.dt5igneclsrd rrrignt. rhrll hrvc tltc right to officcr within the Community. fuiy con$tnrct.mrinuin anduses natcs.rpsilk$.rentnl.andcorrstruction officc' dgns rnd nnyother parking conruugtioti f,nc&s' scnlcrr rerunl salcs sdcs. rusalcs or modcls, sn9$s' d!.inilGd rGu or chcr pmpcfly pcrrrininf to tbc *lc, canilruslion rnd mr*airi cffonr of Dcchnnt shnlirrorbc pan of drcCornmonAirl or E*ilusivc CornmonAmr andghdl rmain the pmpcrtyof Docleranror its nomi$cet,asthc cescmay bt. Dcclangt shsll havcthc right to constn$t,tnrinuin rrrd rcpairitnrc$tts rnd lrrdrcaping andotlrrr irnprovcmcntsto bc locstcdon a$y ponionof thc Propcnyownadby Declamntor $rc for thcdtvclopmcntof a'|y ponion of thc or appnopriatc Aslocirtion as Dcclorantdosmsflocg$sary propcny or rhc AddirionatPropny, Dcclrranl'$ussof rny portionof thehpctty or thc Additional p*hny rs providcdin this Scctionghallnot bc a violationof thc Documcnts.Nolwithsundingsrtydhing ' rodrr cintrtry hcrcin.theright of Dcclannt to mlinnin s rcsrls officc on sny portionof thc Ptopcnyor -,' thc Addirionrl hopcny ow"d by Dcclarantor the Asrccirtionrnd to uEcthc CommonArca in shall not and connccrionthcrcwithsf,rn Ocfor a Erm corcrminouswith thctcrm of the Dtclaradon rerrninarcrt thc cxpiradonof rhc umc dcscribcdin Aniclc XVI, Scction2 abovc. 47 f I s. FICII E PACI 98t+| | n22 scopf, arrigns,ashcminrct designerl'and its succcssors. Therithrs andprivitcgcsof Dcclarant. forthor raferrcdto lbove arc in addidonts rnd in no waylirnirany othcrnghtsur privilc$csof Doclaranl, abovc.likc othcr iis succcssors. undcranyof thcDocurnentt.The provisions drsigncerandassigns, provirionuof thisDociarntion. grantor rc$rvc rightsto errdfor f)ectaranttharmaynotbc surpcndcd, andsuchrightsrnaybc ro by Dcclatant, rupnodad or modifiedin nnymtflncrunlcssslmeissonscntcd rssigncdin *riring by Dcclaranrin wholcor in panflsDeclarantdeemsapproprine.As rrsedin this of [xls unlcss Dcctaratisn, or rssigns"spc{ificallydo not inclurlcpurchascrs fhc wsrds"its $ucccssor$ such f)cclarrtion. spociticnllydrsignatcd as in r $upplcmcntal ARTICLEXVTT GENERAT PROVTSTONS I, Tsnrll rhall runwitltrndbindthePmpcnyThecovcnants andr*ric$ons of thit Dqclrra$on orthc(hpnerof hy$tclaranr.lhcAsrocirtion andrhalliurc rohc bcnefitof andshrllbecnforccablc any poniffi of the Propcrtysubjectto thir Dcclaration, theirrc$pcctivclcgd rtprtsslttslivcs'hcirs' ycsn rtrcccssor$andasrignr.for r rcrmof twcnry-fivct25) fistn the drw of thc tucoldingof thir documcnt:afier rvhichtime grid covcnanprhtll bcruiomrdcrlly crrcndcd fcr ruccciiivc pcriodlof tcn ( l0) ycarl unlcssan insmrrnenrin writing. rigncdby n rnaFrityof thc thsnowncn of thelols, htr bccrt rucorrledwithin thc ycarpruccdingrhcbrginningof cachsucce*tivefrriod of ten(10)yerrr' ngming to cbnngesafrdcovenant*.in wholeor in pan or ro lcrminrtethc sf,tncrin whichcarathisDcclrrstio$nhell bc modifiedor tenninarcdas rpocificdthcnin. 2. AffiEHDTI{EI{T ,Undlthe Tumovcr Dnte,Dochlrnt mry rmrrd thi* Delrndon in iu rolc rnd rholute discrction- Aftcr thc Tumovc Drtc, Dcclrrsntmry il$rnd rhis Dclrradon in iu solernd rbqolut. dircrcdonat Enytlme rnd frorn drncto timc if suc[ rmendmcntis (i) nccn$ry to bringrny provisions gntutc,ntlc or nguhdon, or judicial hcruofinto compliancewirh rny appticabtcSovcmrnsntnl dctsrminsrion:(ii) ncccrreryto cnsbleany ftput$lc tirlc inrurnncccompsnyto irsuslide insuruce cgyrftlc sn I f.,oti(iii) rEquircdby an instiuriond lcndcror a gorc$uncnt mongtgc {!my or prelrarcr of rnorigagcloans,to enablethc dmc to rnslc, inmrc or yutrtrrue moilf$t lorru on r tnfi (lv) tmy ro cngbler$y goecrnmcntal lgcncy or rcputablcprivateinruranctcomprny to imum mon$sgclolne on r scrivffFr't or iurvcyot'$crfilr ot rny [,ot rubjccf to thi* Dcclrrationlor (v] cofrlpctafly$tfnographic, crrorof a tike narutG,provided,hotrever.rny ruchrmendncntshdl not rdvcr*ly rffoct thc titlc to r [.st unlcsstheOrrner thcruofshallconscntthcttlo in writing. 41 \, s. .'-**.{d ?i.. rt[[{E 9Bl+I I i,iIf: n23 AfrcrthcTurnovcrDatcandso longasir srill olvnsanlrparrof thc propcrryor rheAdditisnal Fropcttyfor clcvclopmcnrr D*larnnt mry amendthisOeclsrsrion for in itssolcanrtrbsolursdiscrEilon any otltcrFurFosr, providcdthc amcndrncnt hasno me:criallyadversecffccruponrhcrightsof rny Orrncrof a Lot. Aficr rheTurnovetDatc,ti) anynon.Dcclaranr iniriarcd amcndmcnt, or fiit unyDeclrrant initiatcdamendrncnt whichhrs a mrteriallyadvcrsccffoctupontherighrsof anOrrncrof a [nt. lhdl rc{qirc theaffirmrtivcvoBe.tinpcrsonor by pro:y} or writtcnccrnscnl, or Ely cornbinrtionthercof,ol Voting Mernbcrs rcprcscnting sixty-rcv:npcrccnr(6?%)of thc toralvorctin rhcArsocirilon(oftff tisfi Dcclannt),andtheconsentof Dcclaramro tongasDcclarantownsanyportionof rhcPropenyor thc AddidonrlPrupcny.Howsrer,drepercentage of vorcsnccrssaqr:to amendr lpecilicclruscrhall bc not lcrs thanthcprcscribcdpercentagcof affirmativcvotcsrcquiredfor acrionto bc ralrcnunderrhatclaurc. No tmcndmcotmry rcrnovc.rcvolcc,or modifylny rightor pivilcge of thc Ctubwitbootthc wrincn conscnrof thcClubor rhcrssignceof suchrightor privilcge, 3. SEvnRrg$.lry pr crristions by judgrneru lnvalidationof anyoneof thelccovcnanrs or counordcrrhrll in no wayaffcctanyothmtrovisions. whichshallrcmainin full forcernd cffml 4, Ltncrnon Nojudicialor administntivcprocccding slnll bc cornmcnccd or prorscutcdby ilrc Arsociationunlessapprovcdby r vote of seventy-fivepcrccntt?$9blof rhc vorc$cligible ra becr$ in thc Association.ThisSccrion$ftNllnot npply,howcvcr,to (i) acrimr bmughtby rheArsocirdonro cnforcc thc provisions of thisDcclnnrtion,(ii) thc impositionrnd collec*ionsf Aiscrrmrots0sprovidcdin Aniclc lX hcrcof"(iii) proccedings bmughrby involving clullengcsto flCvaloncnD urition, or (iv) countcrclaims thc Associationin proccdiqgs instituttd againstir, In $c sved rny sbim b mrda rgriut Dcclrnnt or -:thcClub by thcAr;ociatior or .$y lidgnsionis.inttiiurcdrgrimt Dpcluirntor s$yqf ils rlliliatss by*hc Assacistion.uhcnrhc Associadonshall.rcscrsdl Mcrnbcrsiathtr.thsnrhcDsc|rrrnt) for thc coursof ;i&im cu litigation,includingwidroutlirniE$on rttornry$'fccsin*rrirrcd,rrd fundr fmm Cornmon Ass*smcntsshallh$t bc uscdfor rny ru;h elaimor lidXadon,In rny judielalor ldminirmfive procccding,fte prcvriling'prny rhall bc cntiiledro ruceivcrulroublc ldorncyr' facscocts. g. IrlouctorTrAl{$morlfr J' -..-*ttr.r*' - ! \ . i tn thc cycntlhat cny Orrncrdcrircsto lcll or orhsnvisctnnsfcr tids of his or hcr Lot. suchOwncrshallgive thc Bmrd of Ditsctorsat lcrst founoen( la) drn Fnsr vrittcn noticcof thertrnc andeddrcssof tle purcharcror tranlfctrc,rhe datcon whichnxh uanrfcrof dtle is to tatc placc,rnd cuchotherinformad,on {s thc Eorrd of Oircctofi msy rcrsonablyrcquirc. Ths tnnrfcmr r.hallrrnain jointly rnd scvcrallylirble with the rrnsfcrpc for rll obligrtionoof thc Ovncr or thc l*t, including pnymcruof rll Assff$mentsrrccruing prior to $c datcof ransfcr, Until writ*n noilccis rwcivd re pmvidadin thisSccdon,thc rantfcror anduanrferceshallbejointly md rcvcrtlly lirblc for Ass*umcn$ 1 accruingrubsequcnt to{hc dutc of uansfcr. In thecvcnttlut upnntheconvcyrtccof a [at, tn Ownm ' fails in tlredeedof con*cylncc to nefcrsrccrheimporidonof this Doclrrationon tftGLst. thc uansfcrring Orrnq rhell rcmainliahlc for Asscssmcnt$ mcruingon tlnclnt aftsr thcdatsof convcysncc, u -: rICHE || 901+ f. PAGE 02Lr Usg or Wonns "CANEBR*I(EAT Ptlrsv Cngrx rt PincyCrrck" ot anyderivadvethcrcofin No pennnshallu*c thc words"Cancbrake anyprintedor promotional rnaterial*ithout thc prior writtcncon$cntof Dcclarant.However,Owncrs tnayu$sthetcrnr"Crncbrsfrcar PincyCrcck"in printcdor promotionalmatcrials whercsuchtcrmis us€d solclyto spccifyrhara prrticularpropcdyis locatcdu,ithinthc Communiry. 7, AsstcNMENTor RlcHTs Declsrantshellhovcthenght, in its solcandabsolutcdiscr,*ion.to rssignalt or penof rtsrighrsundcrthisDcclaration T, NoTIcE or MOnTGAcgEACTION fn rhccycnranyOwncrdesil;sto mongagchisor hsrLot, suchOrrncrshrll rc4uirtthnt rhc mortgagespccificallyproviderhatin ths cventof forcclo$rrcor thc cxcrciseof any r;rnedystt fonh in tht mortgagc,themortgagccshnllrcqrrirethc Lot subjcctto this Declaration. 9. lnpgpgttDst{T Buu"ngRs Thc Pmpcttyir a marterplanncdcornmunitybeingdcvclopcdby tlp Dcclrnnt. The individurl buildingsconsrnrercd within thc hoperty maybc consuuctcdby Dcclarant,8$ild;n cr odtetr who arc indcpmdentcontractonwho purchaseunimprovd tats from Declnrantrnd havcbccnprcqualificd andapprovcdby Dpclrranr. lf a buildingis constructed by s pcrsonor cntity otherthan Dtclrrant. Dcchranrshall havcno liabiliry whatsocvcrfor suchSuildcr'sactivities.whctficrdirtct or indiruct.including.withourlimitation,markctingor conslrucdon of thcbuildingorrctions of any principrl, officcr, truttcc,piftnfi', agcntor subcontractor. 10. Occuprrnfit BouilD rtsricdont pronrulgarcd prnurnt thltcto, which govcnrthecondrrctof Orncn rnd which pruvidcfor senctionragain* O'trnenshallal*o applyto all occupsnt$ of his or her Unit. EvcryOrpncrshallcauscall osffpanu of his or hcr Unit to complywith this DelarEtion,thc Articlct, thc By-l,atrys,th; Rulcr rnd Regulationsaldthc Community-WidcStlndads rdoptodporsutntthcffio, ud rhrll bc mrponriblcfor dl violrtionr rad lorrcr crurad by nrch ooflprnu, notrriilmurding drc ha ftu ndt milprffi of r Udt rre fully liablr rnd may be ranctionedfor any violationof rhc Documcn$*nd thc Comrnunity-Wida SandardsadoFd gursuffitttrcreto. 45 ' 'r.t rL !t t l. TICHr lf,AcE 98t{| | 025 No ETSeMENTroR Vrpw ErchOwarr furrhcrsclnowlEdgcs tharnsitlur Dcclrrant.nor anybuildcr.nor anyPcrson rginB orrbchalfof Dcclarantor &nyBuildcr,hasmadcor is rulhorircdto make.anyrcFnesenmtion or cornmitmcntthatany viewof thcClub Propcrtyor anyothcrvisus shsllbc prcscrvrd.prutcctcdor remrin uaobslructcd. lo any app,uflrnant andthcrctrc no crprcs$or implicdca$cmeilsfor view purps$es [.or. 1?,. PowBn or Arronngy EachOwncrhembyunconditionally andinevocahlyappoinuthc MsstcrArrociationand thc Declrcantar it* trucnndInwfulanorncy-in-fsct. couplcdrvithaninrcrurt.to cxcc$rirny andall documcnmandrakeanyandrll actionsnaccssary of thit or dcrirabfcto fulfill thc purpo*s andintentions Dcclaration. ARTICTEXVU] II,IO RTGAGEH PROVTSIOH$ Thc follorryingpovieionr arc for thc bcncfitof ln*inHionrl MonErtGGt.The provirionrof this Anicle apply to bth rhis Dcclrntion andrc ilrc Artictcs.notwlthebndingrny otlrcrprovisionrcontriucd tltemin. t. Norfcgs oF Agnol{ (suchragscrt An lnstitutionalMongageewhopmvidcswrittcnrcqucstto thc Asspciation to smtcthc nameandaddrcssof suchholdsr,insurer,or lua:urtor rnd thc nurnbcrsfrhc Lot or Unit u thc cnscrnay bc, rhcrcforcbecomingan 'eligible holdrr*).will bc entitlcdto timcly wriltcn no$ecof; lossor anycasurltylooswhich rffcctr a rflB$ritl ponionof thc {a) any condcmnation Propcrtyor *hich affcctr any[n on which a fint rnongegcir hcld.iaswcd.or guaralncd by ruch cligiblchohcn tb) any dclinqufircyin theptymcntof asscssmcaror chaqct owedby rny Ovncr of s [.ot subllet to thc nontrgs of ruchcllgblcholden or **i*o,*., policy (c) anylapsc.cancellntion, or mntcrinlmodificrtionof onyinsurancc mainuinod by thc Ae$cistion. : 46 ri o F " I CH E $lh | | 2, PAOE 0?6 Norrcs To AssoctATlox thenamcand Uponrcqucsr,cachOwnershallbc obligatcdro furnirh rc thc Association addrcssof thc holdcrof anyrnorttagtcncumbcdng suchOwner'sLol. ARTICLE TilX CABLSTELEVISION !. O Snnvtcg paychannclrandotherscnicesmay bc offcrcd by thccnblcprovidcron an Ticr, 1gmotcs, individualsuhscribcr basis. 2. fiesni,rgnfs Doclaranrandthc Associationshallhtvc thc riglrt to Brantclssmcntsto lht cablc providerfor insullation,mainunanceandrcprir of thccablerctcvirionsystcm,includingwithout iirnitationhead"cnds. rrriring.swirchesandamplifien. Thccrblc providerrhdl dso hrvethc rightto usc cascmrruarcadcdicngl forudlitior. Notwirhiundingrnythingti thc conruy, thc cnblcpmvidff shrll rctrin owncrshipof atl cablcrclsvisioncguipnrentinst{llpdwi$in thc Commun[y. 3, Pngwlnn :D Thr cablepovider shall be permincdto pn-wirc ;ach Unit cotutructcdwithin $e Communiryfor crblc clcvition rcrvicc rt its eolccogtrnd crpcnrc. Erch Otvncrmkrcwledgcsthrt $c prcwirc initallcd within theUnir $all be rnd remninpcnonalpropcnyof thc crhlc providcr' Ovncrs ihrll ha*c no owncrshipinrcrertin rhp pncwirclnd rhcrig,htof uacthcrcofthatl rmain rolly with the glbh puvidcf. Erch tiwncr Ul recaptincc of tirtc ro r Unit trcrsbyrckno*lcdge* th$ DEtlsnfi shnll rescnrian inrvocablc right rrtiieh miy bc nrsignadro ir{y ccblcFmvldctto inrtell rnd mrlnufn thc prewircin thc Unit anrlugr*r not ro pcffiit sny othu providerof cabletclcvisionrc uriliacthe pncwin without thc prior wriucn congnr of the cablcprovider,shich conscntmay bc withhsldby thc cable pmvidcrin its discrqion, i I ' l .,4 'j' * *rt." c. .t ARTICIF 'P( CLI,IBTROPERI'Y I. Cuur ltorgRr"r The Club hopeny is privarclyou,ncdandopcratcdby theClub andis not a Parlof the ComrnonArca hcrcunder.Thc Club hsr thc erclusivcright to dcrrminc fronr dmc to dmc,in iu solc 47 o la ir rtuil[ 9$h| | i'AtL 02? CommonArcahcrcunder. rightto dcternrinc ThcCIubhssrhecxcturive fronrrimcro rime.in its solc dircr*tionrnd withqrr nodccor &pproval ol'anychongc.howandby whomrhc(ilub Propcnyshallbt uscd.Sy wry of cxnmple,hul notlimitation,thcClubhar thcrighr to approvdus€rsanddcrcmtirtc cligibilityfor usc,to rc$crvcuscrighmfor futurcpurchascrs of l-ots':r Unitsn'ithinthcComnunily,to tarminrtcsttyot all ure rights,to clungc.climinstcorccnscopcrationof anyor all of rhcCluhPropcny. to rrensfertny or alf of its rightsto thcClubProperty or theopcrrtionrhcrcofro anyoncandon anytcnn$ whichit dccnrrapprupriatc, to limit thc rvdlrbility of uscprivilcScs, andto ruquircthcpryrncntof a purchaeFricc.initioion fcc.rncmbcrship dcpori*.ducsandothcrchrrgcslur urr privilcgcs. (}WNER,$filpOT A LOT OR UNIT OR ANY PORTIONOTTHE PROPERTY IN OR MEMBERSHIP 'THE ASSOCIATIONDOESNOTOIVE ANY VESTEDRIOHTOR EASEM€NT.PRESCruP/TIVE OR OTHERWISE. TO TJSE ORTO ACQUIREA I4EMBERSHIP THE CLUB PROPERTY, IN THE CLUE AND DOESNOTGRANT ANY OWNHRSHIP OR MEMBERSTIIF INTERESTIN THECLUB OR THE CLUB PROFERTV.EschOrrnct by rcceilrncc of r dcodor rucordrdcontnin of nlc to r Lat rckrrowlcdgcs: (a) Thatprivilagcsto ust thcClubPrspcnyrhatl bc rubjectto thcnrmsrnd condidonsof thc mcrtbcnhipdocuments for thcClub,ls tlrc $ms mnybeemcndcdfromilmc to tifiia (the "McmbcnhipFlsn Docum6nts"). Acquiritionof s mcmbcrship in thcClubrequimcthcpaymentof r mcmbcnhipprrchascpricecallcda mctnbr$hipconriburionor nrembonhipdcporil.wrdrncrnhcrrhip dues.fcct qtdchargcs.Thescamounts$all bc dcrcrmincd by thc Do611oo,rnd/orrhcClubsr *ct foilh in thc McmbcnhipPlanDocumentrfor thc Club, Nonrrithsanding lhr frt tlut rhc CtubPropcrtyir opcn ipacc or s racrsstionarca for purposcs of applicableroningordinrnccsrnd rgulrtions. crch orrncr by acquisirionof titlc to a lot rclcsscsanddischargcs forcverttrcDcsfu61; theClub rnd drcirpliln;n. officcrs.dirtcton. cmployccs,rgrnit rnd affrlirtcs.from:(l) anyclsim thlt ths Club Pppcrtyi$ ormurt be.cwncdand/oroparatedby rhr Associrtiooor thc Orvrcrs;and/or(?) rny claim$at rhcOtvncrurrr cntitledlo ue! tlrc Club Prupcnyby vinuaof thcirowncnhipsf r Lor wi$nu acquiringa membcnhipin the CIub.payingthcrpplicnblemcmbcnhipcontributionor mcmbenhipdcporit md ducs,fcet rnd chargesesublishcdby thc Club from dmcto timc,andcomplyingwith rhcurms rnd corrditionrof thc Membership ?lanDocumcnts for theCtub, EnchOwnerandthc Associsrion shalljointly andscvcmllyindcnrnify.dclcrd, and bold harrrlersthe Docltnnt, ifs prnnsrs.emdoyccr.rxlcn$,dirucloR,rlrrrcholdcrr.oflicctr rrd affilintet andtlrcirruccsssoru rnd e*signs,again$rnd in rc,rpcctof, andlo rcimbuncthcf,roclrnnl its partners,cmployetc.rgcnt$.dirccton.rhrreholden.officcmrrd dfilirtcs on dsmandfor, anyild dl cltirnr, dcnsdr. loffifr oo*r, crpcorcr' oblifrtion* lirbili:i* drnrf*i rrcovcrhr. rnd dcficicacicr. includ,ing.bu not linrtrodto, intcrcst,penalticc,rttorilcyandJrrnlcad fecsurd dirbuncmcnu(wcn if incidcntto my rppcab),thatrhcDpclarant,is parncn. cmploycc*,aBcnts.dirpctors.shsrsholdsn. officcrs andrffiliater strallincuror suffcr,whiehariscoutof. rcsultfirom,or rclrtc ro rny clrim that bccnuscthc Club Pmpertyis dccmcdto bc openspaccor a rccrcadonrrtr for ptrpotc$ of rpplicrblc roning ordinanccs Endrcgulations,tlrc Club Propcrtymustbt owncdandloropcrarcdby thc Associrtion withoutrcquiringr mcmbcnhipin thc Club orths On'nersand/orrtratOrncn nay usctheClubPr,openy pun$uant to theCluHsMcmbcnhipPlanDocumcnts andprying thc rncmbcnhipconFibutionor mcrnbcnhipdcporil rnd dues,fccsandchrrgercstnblhhcdby thc Clubfiorn timc to dmc, '".' I I I t I 4E I "rt I Ftffl{E 98hI I PAGT ft2B of theClubmaybcdeemed (h) Thrr eny cnry uponthe ClubPropertywirhourpcrrnission of a lrgrp3ri,andeachOrrrncrshallrcirrin from,andthall c{urcall occupanrs suchOwncr"sLot' thcir entryuponthcClubProPcrt]; ;uc$t rnd invitcsrto rckaifi [rom, anyunauthorired (c) Thatrhc prorimityof l.ots andCommonArca to theClubPrnptnyrcsultsin cenain forcrc*rblcrisks,inctudingtherirk of drmrgc or injuryfromcrrantgolf balls,andthatcachOurncr'sutc pd enjoymenr of his or bcr Lor rnd theCornmonArcr maybe limitcdls a rcsullandtlr,atneitherthe Armcirtion.DoclannlDorrheClub rhall huveanyobligetionto takcstcpslo rernovcor allcviateruch rickr,norshalltheyhaveany liabiliry to any Ownc,or ,*"up"nr of anyLot. thcir guistsor invitccs.for dumagc or injuryrlsulring from errantgblf ballsbcinghit uponanyLotsot CommonArcal (d) Tharfire Clubrnd irs dcsignec$ mayaddto, rrfiove or othcnriscmodifythe includingchangingthc location. Fropcny, lendscaping, rtrca,andothcr fcaturcsof thc Club grccru rnd conrructint fcncc$tttd thrt ncithar girc and fair*ryr mnflguruiin. afidchvation of bunlrcnr. rhcCLb, Dcclarant,nor rhc Arsociarion.shallhavc*ny liabiliryto Ownerasa resultof such nodificrtionsro thc Club Propeny: ovcr thcClub Prupcrryfor vicw (c) That rhem&FG no crprc$sor irnplicdcn$cmcnls purporc$, rnd no gua$sntl/of fcprcscntaiionis madi by Dcclaranlor any otharPe$onthotanyvisu'ovcr andthatncirherthcClub.Dcclarant urdncmss*rc Clib no$ny wiit uc prcsrrvcdwirhouiimpnirrncnt. or rroci othcr lrndscapinsto prescrycviews rnr thc A$ociarion rhnll haveany obligationto pruncot ririn overthcClub Propcny: (f) That no rcpilcscntagons sr warrandcrwhichuc inconrirunt with ttrisSoction,sificr or rhc A$ociationor by 8ny pcrsontctin8 on rrrbal or written.havcbrcn rnrdc or art rnadcby Dcclararrt bchilf of any of thr forcgoing;and (el Tbsr Club rneyot{n onr or morr.lahcsonthc Frypcny. Notwithsundingthc of inigadng orrncrshipof iuctr frlres,rh* Ctub mr), urc anyandnlt lrkcr on thc t{opo*V for the pilrPg$G dmcto timc mly from lrks ruch lcvd in rrstcr rhc wiitr rha rrrulr thrt rnd moinrainingthq Club Froperty rd rBrpct of thc Club suchriqht gn ttrc pur. var?. EachoJner of a l,"orin the Communiryacknorvlcdgrs of crcrcisc the on br3cd flrr ro commcoccrny c1urcof actionor othci proc*ding'involvingthc Ctttb rush rightor othcr*,iscinrerfcrc thcrarith' :f. .i of ln thc cycnr rhcrr rru ipufficicnt wltcr levclsto providcthc nc*esary inigrtion nccdr pcrmiu ud rbc Cluhhofcny rnd all odrcr rruls of thc Pnopcny,ru$3t Io tPpltTblo Solqrnqsnql Arn uy i rcquinmcmti rrticruunoeortvrhallhlrr nniprti*y orlnigrilon,foltorredW * Gmmon oilrerAcn of CommonRcsponsibility.and anybxeluiivcCornmonArcr *'ithin r Neighborhood' 49 r,ql FICHE gtq I I 2, PASI 0?g Rtcrrs oF Aecuss ANDp*nrNc Dcclarant shallgrantthcClub andnrcmbcrs of rhcClub(rcgardtcrs of rvhcrhcrsuch Pcr*onsareMcrnhcrsherarndcrl,thcirgueslsandinviteesandthecmployrcs.rgcnts"contracttlrr, lnd dcrignccsof rheClub r non-crclurivcctrsmentof tsccis rnd ussoverrtl mdwryr losrtodwirhin tbc Propenyrcrsonablyrcccrssryto fruvcl to andfrom thecnranccto rhcCommunityfnornandro thc Club Property,rcspoctivsly.an& fuilher,over thoscponionsof rhePropcny(whetherCommonArcr or othcnrrire)rcasonablynecxrrry ro thc openlion, maiilenanc*.replir. rnd ncplnccmcilof theClub Fropeny. Withoutlimiting thr gcnenalityof thc forcgoing,mcmbcrsof thc Club andpcnniucdmernbcrs of the publicrhall haverharighl to pa* thcir vchiclcson thc ruad*,ayslocucd wirhinrhc hopcny ar rcrsonobletirnesbcforc,during,sndrfter tourfiamsnts andother$milar funstionr hcldar rhcClub Pnopcny. 3. Assumrtloil p, or Rtsr AFIDlr.iosrfiN$tcATton EachOrrnarby its purchascof a [*t cxprculy llrume$ rhs risksassociapdwir]r rhcClub Propcnytregardlcssof whcthir thc Owneris usingrlrcClub Propcnylrnd rgrucs$nt ncithcrDoclennt. tie Club. ths Association, ror anyof their rffiliaps sr rgcflc rlor my orhcrintiry doigning,con*nrcrirrg, owningor managingtheClrb hpcrry or plmning or conslructingtheOrrncr'r L,otor Unit rh.elltc liable to Owncror lny othcrperuonclaiminganylossor damage,including,wirhoutlirnfu*lion,indircl, spccirl or conficqucntidlots or drrnagearisingfmm pcrsonrfinjury.dssrrucdonof propcrty.losr sf uiew, noiscpollution,or o&er visunlor rudiblc offcns*, or rcspf,fi$or arryothcr allcgedwrongor cntitlemcntto rcmaly basodupon.ducto. arisingfrom or otlrcruiccrulrrcdto thc prorimityof thc Owncr's Lot or CommonArer to theClub Property.including,withourlimiudon, rny clrim rriring, in wholc 9r in part,fium thc rngligcnccof Dectarant,oreny othrsildty dcsiBningr€on$rusting,owningor mantgingthc Club Propcnyor plrnningor construcring rlreOwncr't lot or Unir. Orrrcr henby egrucr n indcmniS rd hold brmlcr Doclffirt rnd ray o&cr raiU opnin; o3 urnggj ttc rhon!ilJ ' !-Fit E Club w ..r''rrr agrinstany rrrd dl claimssr o*ncr'l gucstsrnd invitccs. a,. l, : : *' '"{-'r ! 50 .{ a tf rICHE 98qI I l,Asr 030 ttrisJ# rhisDcclaration haserccured Dcclaranr IN UT3NESSWHEnEflF,rlrcunrlersignrd dayof- &rtrt***, lpg$. CANSBRAKE PROPERTIES'I..I.'C., an Alabarnalimitcdlirbility company Signcd,SraledandDelivered in thc Prcsencc of: PrintNamc: Print Nnnnc; STATEOT ALAEAMA ) COUNTY OF LIMESTONE ) )ss beforerngJlhi$&{* cavor &r'-u,gT* wasacknowlcdged Theforegoing insrrurfienr CAI{EBRAKE teeg. by r/*gfi;r$ ht$Jgnmq&- " , ",, -, . ac*d"lafp frffH$alnrof lirnitcdliability rsid of on bctrslf corripiny. tianitiry fnO*nnffnS, l&,C.. an,ryabarlra limircd company. He/shcis pcrsonallyknown to mc or hasprodoccd-f t|!?i*h - , b8,l'{f.rr,_L.,.tt:f** asidentificadon. ry "'-*"tC;- 5I FICHE 98hI I f}ACE il3 | JOINPNR ThcundercigncdhercbyjrrinsinthisI.}cc|arationthisoeso"[email protected][' CANSBRAKE AT PIIIIEYCRENK colvf M IJNITY AS$OCIATION, INCan Alabarnanonprofitcorporation Signcd,Stalcd and flclivercd in thc Presenccof: hint Neme: hint Nome: STATE OF ALABAMA ss COUNTY OF LIMESTONE ot Auk+*T .' bcforemqthis l(t&y wasscknowtedgcd insrrumenr - Thcforcgoing CANEBRAT(E leeg, UyUlat{bl-n.g rruUn.l.eGE- w, is@of on bchalfof midlimhedliability Ps,OPEnTtF*t, limitccliabilitycornplny. LJ-C* anAlabarna compary. Hc/rhc is pcrtonally known to mc or hasproducodfrdcfn{ idcntificadon. Mrs .. Y"Y"3I:i-r*-*n-rs:* Expircs:6- lt-too* My Commiesian I (Notuy Se6l) '.*.tdf "' fl .F 5? t rr r - rt unn E r 98lr| | PACE' 03? EXHISITA OT THE,PROPERTY TEGALDESCruT'TION The Propcrty$hich ir rubicctto this f)cclnrationshatlrcftr to thc ;Galpropcnylegrlly dcrcdhcd from tirnero rimc by a SupplcmcnulDcclrrationfilcd in rs follows,asrhc $arnsmaybc rupplcmenrcd areotdmccwith the frochntion: LEOALDESCRIPTION SEF.ATTACHED I r I a I 'I a* i ""*-.d; I I r F I I .-^ F , I F FICHF 981+ II I,AGI fl33 txHfBl't'tt LNGALDISCRIFTTONOFTHE ADDMIONALTROPENfi 5[], A'I'rACl IED tJJG/tLl]]SCRt l{'l(};\ i- rI i F - rl.cHF 'f,AcI 98lrI I 03lt EXHIBITA CAIIIEIRAKEFNOPENTIES TNACTT tN 11ISSOINflEAST '8I.I? ACRESMORfiORLESS.STTUA1MD A TRAC:T OF LA}.IDCONTAININO NoRrHEAsr QuAErEf,oF s8c' 4 utEsT, THE $ourn, RAITGE TrowN$tftrt euARrERoF $EcTtoNat, OF$qrnoil 2t' I(}WN' THESOL'T!{i#EST TtoN 16.TOWNSIilp3 SOUTH, n"il{cr 4 WEST, QUAFTER stm 3 '$ourtl' RAI{GE4 wrs[' A]rD THE Nomffwg$T QUAftTERoF sEcrIoH 2t' luwN$HlP I DE$CRISED 8*STOMOREPAtr.fICUI.AftUY COTJI\.ffX, AT*ABAI\TA. SOUTH, UMES'rONE RA}ICE4 WEST, AS FOIIOWS: OF $EfIION al, OFftffi SOUTHEAIITQUAR'IER CaRITIER SE6IHNINCAf Tlm NOK1H\[IEST BESINNINO;TTET{SE TOWNS}il'3 SOUMI,RAhIOE4WESN$AJDrONff SET{GTTIETRUf FOINTOF RuN SoUTlf 0l DEcREESt9 MINUTEs28 sECOI*lDs$/EsT,ALONG Tltr WESTBOUNDARYl.NE OF OF 2658.t6FEETTO THE Sotnrm,Esr conNER or sArD SOUTHEASTQUAf,TERFORA DTSTANCE sAID sournEAsr du,urt* TxENCE RuN soufit 00 DEGR$ES49 Mlttl,trFs fl sr.CoND$wE$r ALONGTHEWE5TBOUlfDAny [-s{E oFTl{E ilCrn$AsrQUAtrI€R OF$Ernoil x6 FORA DlsrANcE CORNEROr',$AID-NOnrHE*tSt QUASIEn Of $ECTIoN16; oF ?636.6SFEETTrOTI{E SOUTT{WEST EASTALONGTIrE SOUTHEOUI{DARY l7 MINUTE$50 SECONDS TIIENCERrrN SoUTrf 88 DTICREE$ rrgr To rt# DISIAHCt OF X668"?0 A ?6 FOR OF $ECfiON SArD OF ST uHE !{OKTHE QUARTES $OtlTH tE nUN SSUTHEA5TC6nI{ER OF $AID NORTHEAST QUASTEROF SECTIoN 161THESTCE NONIH' TltE oF gAsT uillE noullDARy mffi sotJTH ALoNc DEcREEs4? f,,tINUTEstle srcoltns TEETTOA H}INT N TIfi CCTtffEruJNE wEsT QUAfrTEBoF sEc?IoN 25 FoR A DIsT^I{cE oF 1397.68 4I MINUIES! OOSECOND$EASTJITOH0SAID oF PI}.IEYCREEI(:THHNCERTJNNORIII 3T}DEGNEES leMn{FEErruApownrHEr{cERttNNonirflcrDEcnEE$ cfulrrcninfrronA DrsrAlrcEoF96.|E UTESJ8 SECOFTDS EA$T ALOHGSAIDCEI{TENL$IEFORA DISfAI$EE OT to8.'S F?ST?I} A PONT THEHcER{lN Nosrfi {r DEciiEEs td Mtt-ftrrn$ t0 sEf,tHDs EASTAI{}NG $AID cE}rEaIJI{E FoR A DI,$TANCEOF{t8,rr FEETTS A FOErRTHE}ICERUN!{OKnr 60 DEAREFS00 MIMJIES 2?SECo}IDS RUNilONM{ FEETTOA FOTNTITTIET{CE FORA DISTANCEOFT5O.T3 EASTALONG.SAID CE}ITERLIT{E OF t?6'9S DISIAHCE A FC}R EASTAT.ONC$ATDCET{TENU}IE 50 DECREEST8 MINUTE${I SECONDS gEAn'$0 3? HOffH OF A CHORD CEHIEruJI\IE flEET TO A POINTIlilENffi Rt N ALOHG SAF oF r|t"tl mrtu mnlREES m I,!NUrt$ {t SmHm alst ^,crrontrDFTAHGS A rof,rn flIlrB RUN NONMI 20 DESREES52 MIHInMS 04 SECO$N$EASTALONC $AID CE$TENLI}IEFORA DI$TANCE AF ?s.98FEETTOA pOrNT;tIrgrICE RtgrtNOHTtt4l DECRESS44 trltl'{tlTE$ 5?SECOIIDSEASif OF 242.{9FESTTO A POtI$n TfiErtcE RUt'l HOEIIT60 ALONS $AID CENTERLITEFORA DISTAI.TCE EASTALCINGSAID CEbTENUNEFORA DISTAIfCCEOF 18'.6' PECREE$48 hTINUIf;$ 59 SECOI\IDS 4I MIHUTES44 $ECONDSEASTATONGS^lD RUNNOKM 46 DEOREE$ rJEErTsl A PONTTiNTENCE RUNAIONG $AID CEfflEnLIilE TX'0EI{CE tO A POII'IT: FEE? oF 88.28 CSNTERLII{EFORA DTSTANCE $9$ECONDSEAST,A CHOR.DDI$TA!{CEOF A CHORDBEARINGOFNONril 51 PF0REES3?MIT'ITJTES ?l MINUTE'Sl? $ECOHDSEASTALONG , cxs,sl FEETrO A PCIIHT:THENCERLIil NORfif 40 DECREES CITRUNNOMH 34 DESREES THET{|CE ?3.6? FHETTOAIIOINT; OF sAID cENTgRLII'IE FoR A DIs"AI{cE FOR A DISTAfiCE OF 129'46FEE-TTO A'' MTNUTE$46 $ECOIYDSSMST A,tOHG$AID CENTERIJT{E ?6 $ECOhIDSWA$T,AI,ONG$AID CEIITtRPOINTIT?IENCERUN NOEn| 19DECREESl? MINTJTES potNT; RtrH Nonttt $9 DEGFEES40 MINUTE$5l TtrEI-tcE A * F?ETTo Lrr'rnrbn otsrer.rcg oF 3r6.Bt FETTTO A PO${T ?T{ENCf OF 2OO,3O WESTAI,ONGSAID CH{TENLINEFORA DI,StrANCE SECOF{DS ..."*nCr.;('_ rlcHt 98ltI I i,A0[ n35 RIJNNORffi ?3 DECRSES IOIT{INI'IES]4 SECONDS WEST.AT0NG SAIDC€NTERLINEFORA DIS. TANCEOFt 13.61FEETTOA POINTITHEI.ICERUNAtONc SAIDCEI"{TERLINE A CHORDEEARINGOF NOEIH 14DEOREES t4 MINUTESt 0 SECONDS EAST"A CHORDDI$TAIICEOF 195.42tjEHf "fu A FOINT; TIfrNCE NUNNONfiI T6DEOREESI? MINTTTES 45 $EEONDSWESTALONCISAIFCE}TrEru.IhIEFORI. DTSTAI.ICE OT 89.?{FEETTO A POINT THENCERUNNORT1I5I DECREES 5? MINUTES30 SEEONDS WE$TALONGSAIDC8,I{TERIJNH Ft}RA DI$TANCEoF 526.57FEETTOA P0INT:THENCEn[rN s0ul]l 6t DECREE$54 MtNUTfiS0l $EcOhlDSWE$TALONOsAtD CENTERLINE FoR A D|$TA||CEOF t't?.61 FEETTOA POINT;TflENCERUNNOnfH 88 DEORES$ {s M!}.IUTES3? SgcONnSWFSTAT.O}|C SA|D cEl{TEntINlE FOIIA DI$Tru{CEOF lj8.Sd FEETTO A FOItfI; THENCEnUN NOrru 62 DEGREES tt MINUTES{6 SECOhIDS WE$TALONC $AID CENTERIINEFORA DTsxANcEOF 296,94FEET1u A FONTNfl$NCERtIN NOKru 32DEGREESOOMIhIUTES 16$ECONDS SAIDCENTERIr-|E WESTALONG FORA DTSTANCE OF5?9.J?FEET?O A FOUVNTHENCERUNf.{ORTH{2 DEOREES 16MINIJTES{6 $SC. O}|DSWESTALOI'{G SAIDCEHI€RLII-IEFORA DLSTA}ICE OF 122,77 fEET To A PotHTl THENCERttH NORTH6?DEGRfiES 5SMINTJTES 18SBEO}|DSWESrilI}NG SATDCEHIERI.O{EFORA DTSTANCS OF 90.?OFEETTO A POIHNTHENCERUN NORTH42 DEGRESS2I MIHIJTES25 SECOI\NDS $rESTAI.ONG SAID CEI{TES.LIIIEFORA DI$IANCB Of ?39.20FEE?fit * F0INT; lunNCE RUHHoFffi 53 DECBEEg 14I'IIHUTESffi SECO}ID$ $'ESTAI.(}NG SAIDCEI{TERLIT.IE FORA DT,SIAHCE oF I85,II TEETTOA FOINT:1HENC8RTINNONfiI 6?DECREESS?MIIIUTES49SECOND$ SAIDCENTERT.OIE WE,STAT.ONO FORA DISTANCEOF608.99Fr€T tO A polhrt TI{ENCERttN NomT{ }d DECR.EFS tr MI}fi.rrGS0e$nC_ O}TD$WESTALOHCSAID CENTENLI}IEFORA DI$TA}ICEOF 8?S.88FEETTU A FOII.ITWHERETTIE CEIWERIJT{EoF PIHEYCREEI(INTEfiSECTSfifr NOKffi SOIUTTDARY UtlE oF THE SOUTHEA$T 23; QUA.EIE* OFSECTION RI,JNNORIITSSDEOREEs24MtrfltrE$ 36SEcoND$srEsTAlllltl0 TI|E NOJrM BOUND^NYUNE "ttBHfE OF S^TDSOUTTEASTQUAIrTER OFSECTIONX} FONADIS?AI{CEOF 2f'9.T4 FEETTOTIIEFOINTOFEEOINNINC. -4 ,...ir/ lft i,q '! .,' FICI{ 981+ I EXSIBIT B FACE 036 EATTMSRAXEPROPERTTIS TNACT T oF SECTION21.towHsttr 3 AtrrHAr PARToF TltE wEsr HAI-FAlrD TfiE N0nffimAsr QUA.RTER $Olmd nANCE 4 WGSTOf fiIE tf|,Il,ITSl4l,LE MERtpl,AH.LlME'snOl.lECOUNTyALASAIIIA lt0nE pAlffrcur-Anry Dr$CRIBEDAS COtrilMENCtN$ffiTlm NOFIIflIEST,CORNEROF n|E SOUTTfiAST QUAnffiR OF $AtD $ECt:lONt3; a TSSECONDSWEST THENCEFROMTHE FOII{T OF EECINNINCSOUrt| OI DEGREES19 MTIITUTES iiI"ONGTlc FAS" BOIINDARYOFTHg$CUffiWE$f QUAKIER OFSAIDSECTION23,A D!'STAI{CEOF IOIOMFEETTOAFOTNT; TttENcE bmarH a8 DEcRE[,s e4 MIIin TEs t9 sEcot\tDs wEsT, A DIff FO$ffff IJhtDSEYLAlrE; frEEr ro A I'tcE oF 2579.3df &tST. A DISTNNCE 56 SECOIIIDS IiI IT{INUTES THEIITCEAI.oNcLIIvDSEYl.ltnE I.TOMHOI DEON.EES OF I 159"?8 FEETlIO A FOINTI THENCE|.-EAvINClJlrDSEy t-JrI.lEALONOTHE SOUTHBOUNDAfiYOF Dl,AlktOI{DPOTHTSUBDfvf' XT}fiI{UTES 3$SEENDS EJt$tr. IN FI,"ATBOOKF PACEI I I. SOUTII8SDEGREES $TONASRCCORDED A DISTANG OF It4O,gI FTETTO A FOII'TT EAST.A NI$rA}TCEOF 450.MfEETTO TIIE IT{ENCENOFn| OTDEGREf;$2? MIrfi,'ITS 38 SECO}TDS AI{D A FOINT ON T1IE $OT'TH NOftn{EASiTCORT{EROF SAID DIAMOND FOINT STJBDTVISION PT.JIT TN SOOK3 NAGES3?AI{D TTI RFCONDSD AS $T'BDTVISTON 8OI'NDARYOF $rDI.A}t ?TACE THENCEAI.OI-IG TT{E $OUTH FOI'NDARY Of SAID IHDIAN TNACE SUDDTWSION.SOUTII 88 OF 15?6.01IEETlo A FOINTON Tlfi WEIiT &{Sf, A DTSTAHCE DECREE$I$ huNUTE$3J SECOITIDS RIOIITOF-WAYOF WCIODLAI'lDhOAD; .. *.tr{ t i I F.. I J i WE$T.A DIS. THENCEItLoNo SAID RIGfiTI0F.WAYSoUTHOODEOREES4' IIIINUTES'5 SECOhIDS TAI\ICEOFfiT0,6?F]EETTO A POII{F. 36SECOI{DSW'EST,A DISTA}ICEOF 142.39FEETTO T}E 24 MINT/TESi NOKril ESDEGRN,ES THEf.TCf; 88.5TACRE$MONEORI,.ESS. roI}TT OFEESINT{D{GAND COT.ITAINING rI ll n ol Arr$nA Cts|r$ lrrtll0lff g${ft?lr nOrNr r l'- ..*ir-3'*ffffiffffi* r*r rrrr*r{r. iTt il4l9- w frt n {r-t *-r{fui.;a | onffrrt ," ,il,fi;3, t.nr . ,,, ,, "fl,ff t ta .i d g9!SSrSS fftl kc+rded I n FIPVBH ?ff98PS tBF57, 86r1,3t2088 I'tichaelL. f,'ar"'is'Judseof Frobate' Limestonef,ountgrRL 'l'oo | .6 i,t #F lc . er) AIVIgNDMENT TODESLABATIONOr qO.VENANTS" cQNDITION$-AND RESTRICTIpNS Canebrake Club, L,L,C., a Delaware limited liability company, being successorin title bydeed and conveyancefrorn CanebrakeProperties,L.L.C.,to all real property subjectto Declarationof Covenants, Conditionsand Restrictions heretofore filed for record in the Office of the Judge of Probate of Limestone County, Atabama, FICHE 98410, Page 60, and continuingthrough FICHE g84I 1, Page 36, does hereby alter and arnend said Declarationof Covenants, Conditionsand Restrictionsss follows: 1. "Decfarant"shalfbe, and hereafteris, CanebrakeClub, L,L.C.,and alt references to Ganebrake Properties, L-L"C", are hereby deleted and CanebrakeClub, L.L.C.,substitutedtherefor and in lieu of. 2. 'Association" shall mean and refer to Canebrake at Piney Creek Community Association, Inc., or such other and different Afabama non-profit corporation as shall be created and farmed by Declarant for the purposes and uses stated in the Declarationof Covenants.Conditionsand Restrictions, 3. Article lV, Paragraph 1., is defeled, and the following is substituted therefor: "Declarant (or Builders)may construct,furnishand equip,as determinedappropriate in Declarant'ssolejudgment,the Common Areaor CommonArea$." 4. ArticfelX, Paragraph2,, is hereby arnendedby addingthereto: "All Assessments shall be subject to the approval of Declarantuntilsuch time as the TurnoverDate shall occur." Article XVll, Paragraph5., is amendedby changingthe last 5. sentencethereofto be: P -tI { h) of a Lot, an Owner "ln the eventthat uponthe conveyance fails in the deed of conveyanceto referencethe impositionof this Declarationon the Lot, the transferringOwnershall remainliabfe for Assessmentsaccruingon the Lot afterthe date of conveyance, shall,in all event$,own and hold but the granteeof the conveyance provisions lerms of the Declarationof and the Lot subjectto all and shall be jointlyand Covenants,Conditionsand Restrictions, severallyfiablewittrthe csnveyingOwnerfor all Assessments." 6, Except as hereby altered and amended, the Declarationaf for Canebrakeat PineyCreek,Probate Covenants,Conditionsand Restrictions to Officeof LirnestoneCounty,Alabama,FICHE9S410,Page60, and continuing FICHE98411, Page36, remainsin full forceand effectlN WITNESSWHEREOF,the undersignedDeclaranthas executedthis amendrnentas of the lb* day of June,2000. Ganeb limited By: Itsl STIITE OT CALIFORNIA COUNTYOF a NotaryPublicin and for said $tate,in saidGounly, l, the undersigned, herebycertifythat *SSrr f'4 nT*f n , whosename as of Canebrake Slub, L.L.C., a Delawarelimited, tsr tsl t9 (o G,1 L4 m liabilitycompany, is signed to the foregoingconveyance,and who is known to me, acknowledgedbefore rne on thls day that, bein1linformed of the contentsof the conveyance,$Irud&hn as suchofficerand with ful authoriry, executed the same voluntarilyfor and as the act of said Canebrake Club, L.L.C.. rJ GIVENUNDERMY HANDAT{OOFFICIALSEAL, this ttre /3ffu day of June,2000. tl H. H;lf HnHrrm --rl--qll -TE=I Fae [61gdinl t8:ffi F T { r$ GS {tt {$ s cil cff \o ,** \f, u) *t' ry*fr F]l F*cc'rdedIn F:LPfEKteui pG 3Pf.i5, S5,'S[r.r15Ftfigl5F:.37frL f,c'*rrtY'' Linisstorre Ft-*bete' of s' "Tudee l'iichael L, $sr.ri t$5 &FESIRISTI0 ['l$ cQNDlTlgNs does hereby canebrakeclub, L.L.C.,a Delawarelimitedliabilitycornpanv,_"Declaranf, for record filed furtheralterandarnendthe Declarationof covenants,conditionsand Restrictions page 60' as 98410, FTCHE in the Officeof the Judgeof probateof LimestoneCounty,Alabama, amendedat RLPYBOOK2000,pag618057,asfollows: and Restrictions r - The real propertysubjectto this Declarationof covenants,Conditions shallinclude: designated, hereafter as amended,in additionto allotherrealpropertyheretoforsor same appearsof canebrakeat Pineycreek TraditionalLots Plat 1, a$ Gounty,Alabama, recordin the oflice of the Judgeof Probateof Limestone PlatBookoF-,Page236' sameappearsof canebrakeat pineyGreekpatio HorneLots Ptatone, as county,Afabama, recordin the offrceof the Judgeof Probateof Limestone 'F", PlatBook Page737' Plat One, a$ same Canebrakeat piney Creek Estateand TradttionalLots probateof Limestonecounty, appearsof recordin the office of the Judgeof Alabama,PlatBook"F, Page240" one, a$ sarneappearsof canebrakeat pineycreek courtyardHomes,Plat probateunestone county' Alabama, recordin the office of the Judge of Plat Book"F", Page245' Lots Phase1' a$ $ame canebrakeat Pineycreek Patio and Traditional Gounty, probate of Lirnesrone appearsof recordin the office of the Judgeof Alabama,FlatBook'G",F89efi2' (3) singre FamilyHornesand subsection(4) 2. Articreil, paragraph1.(d),subsection EstateHomes,are each arnendedto be as follows: for a $ingle minimum square-foot re.strictions (3) $ingk F.amilyH-o-mes: . The Fami|yHomesffiGbssthan2,0o0*q.iu'*feetexclusiveofopenporches, garage$,andbasernents' Homeshall The minirnumsquarefoot restrictionsfor an Estate and {4} EgtatqHon',es:g,000 garages porches, ,qur* feet exclusiveof open not be less than , basements. 3. Exceptas herebyalteredandamended,he Declaration and of Covenants, Conditions Restrictions for Canebrake at PineyCreek,ProbateOfiiceof Lirnestone County,Alabarna,FICHE to FICHE98411,page36, and as amendeC at RLPYBOOK 98410,page60, and continuing 2000,page18057,rernainin fuflforceandeffect. p Tr -i F.;r {f, €l fj--t oftheWi:ruil?'I:fr;;"'o.rsignedDec|aranthasexecutedthis$econdAmendm r:r\ t\:r 4i, ("1 r31 CANEBRAKE CLUB,L.L.C.,a Delaware fimitedliabilitycompany STATEOT COUNTY Qf Ll*rz-s*o ne l, the undersigned Notary Public in and for said State and County, hereby certify that CLUB, , whosenarneas &-ex t l-..-lula .oje.of CANEBRAKE L.L.C.,a Delawarelimitedliabilitycompany,i$ signedto ttreforegoingconveyance, and who is known to me, acknowledgedbefore me on this day that, being informedof the contentsof the t}onveyance, he, as suchofticerand withfull autfrorig,executedthe samevofuntarily on theday the same bears date. Given under my hand and seal, this the Zd-]3 J day of May, 20A2. This instrumentwas preparedby: WinstonV. Legge,Jr. Attomey at Law 315 WestMarketStreet Athens,AL 35611 Reeordinrfee Tl)Tilt 16.00 16.00 \fr- *+ A9:4g;{r l1'l Fpcc,rdr,l Iri RLFI/ sK t8s3 F6 t 1 9 1 9 ,82/26/2A83 f'li ctasl L, Savi-c' Jud:xuif Prc'bratet LinestoneCsurrtv'frL ff Ii liability company,"Declaranf', doeshercby Conditions and Resfictions filed for Canebrake Club,L.L.C.,a Delaware furtheralterandarnendtheDeclarationof record in the Office of the Judge of Probate of Page50, which said Declarations were arnended amsndedin RLPY Book 2002 at Pago2?535' as L The realpropertysubjectto this Third shall only include: ConditionsaadRestrictions, County,Alabamaon Fiche98410at RLPYBook2000at Page18057andfirrther to Dcclaration of Covenants, and Traditional Lots Phasc l, as sarne of Probateof Limestone County, Alabama, of 23280 Piney Creek Drive, Atherrs, AL Lot P-82 of Canebrakeat Piney Creek appears of record in the Office uf the J PlatBook "G'', PagE62 and having an 356r3. 2. All pa)rnsnts of anY dues, Covenant$,Conditions and Restrictions filed for Limcstonc County, Alabama on Fiche 98410 at in RLPY Book 2000 at Page 18057 and ftrther horebywaived wrtil such timo as a bouse is and Traditional Lots Phasc I, as samc apPears Limsstone County, Alabanrg Plat Book "G", Creek Drive, Athens,AL 35613. and/or fees referenced in the Declaration of ir the Ofifice of thc Judgc of Probatc of age 60, which said Declarationa werc arncuded in RLPY tsook2002 at Page27635are on Lat P-82 of Canebrakeat Piney Creek Patio record in the O{Iice of the Judgc of Probate of 62 and having au addressof23280 Piney 3. Except as hereby altered and Restrictions for Canebrakeat Piney Crcek, Prob{te Office of Linrestone County, Alabasa on Fiche 98410 at Page60, and amendmentsthcretd in RLPY Book 2000 at Page 18057 and in RLPY Fook 2002 at Ptge27635, rcmain in full force and effect. In Witness Whereofl, thc undersigncrl Dcplarant has exccutcd,fris Third Amendmcnt to of February,2003' Declaration of Covenants,Conditions and Resbrlctionsas of thefi{4ay : CIUB, L.L.C.' CANEBRI{,KE lirnited liability compatr F att a"l .t} .l tf. = rl TT{ESTATE OF ALABAMA, : -n atl f0 LIMESTONE COTJNTY {Ja i a Notary Fublic in andfof saidCounryandState,herehycefiiry thatJamesNI, the undersigned, Mcdley, whoscnameasGencralManagerof Cancb$rkeClub, L.L.C, a Delawarclirnitcd liability company,is signedto thc foiegoingTNrd Amen&fent to Declaration of Covenant$, Conditious and Restriotions, rnd who is known to me,acknowledgldUefureme on this day that, boing inforrnedof the contenrsof thc Third Amendrnent to Declaration bf Covenants"Conditions and Restrictions, he a$ zuchGenenalManager,and with firll autbority,cxecirtcdtfio samevoluntarilyfor and as the ac(of said limiredliabiliry company. i (9 Gr {t:r -l s r Lrr 63 s Npq cov"FNA}Ir$,. THIEp,Ar'lHNDUE!{ITp Dg;.LARATIp beingsuccessot canebrakeGlub,L.L.c.,a Delawarelimitedliabilitycompany,"Declarant", in tille by deedand conveyancefrom CanebrakeProperiies,L.L.C.,to all realpropertysubjectto heetofore filed for recordin lhe Officeof of Covenants,Conditionsand Restric,tions DecNarairbn the Judgs of Probateof Llnestone county,Alabama,FIoHE 984'10,page 60and continuing Ff f.111 at RLPYBoOK2000'page199q7,3u ttrrougn?lcHE 98411,page36,as amended ot .menled at RLPY2002,page27635,doesherebyalterandfurtheramendsaidDeclaration asfollows: andRestrictions Covenants, Gonditions *q 6a '5 1. sentence: Ar ;rf, Articlell, paragraph1.{a}is amendedto addtheretoan additional c-r r-'T or erected be to Unit a whether deternrine Declaraniin iti sole discretion$hall tA -4 be allowed shafl be classifiedas a CourtyardHome, Patio Hcrne, Garden t{;rtrII Home,SingleFamilyhorne,or EstateHomefor purposesof theseCovenants, €r:L F] uI tEl Conditionsand Restrictions. flf Gl Z. to delete1600squarefeetandsubstiArticlell, paragraph1.(dX1)is arnended tutetherefor1200squarefeet (;I (} + *rr'tl -tt $) -r -h 0'F' q g" to GolfCarts,is amendedto be as follows: ArticlelV, paragraphl.{l) pertaining "privategolf carts will only be permittedwithin the Communityif ovrrnedby a Comrnunity,and with the provisionsthat privategolf residentof tne Canebrakecarts cannot be stored at the club facilities,privategolf carts rnust be of the $ame rnanufactureras the fleet being u$ed by CanebrakeClub, privategolf cartsmust be no olderthanfouryear$frorndateplacedon the marketas a new cart, all privategolf cartsmustbe registeredat CanebrakeCluband approved no privite gotfcart shallbe drivenor operatedby beforeuse ofl th[ gof course,'16 any personunderinu age of years on the golf course,and no privategolf a valid cartswill be allowedon the streeti if drivenby a personnot possessing of the resident Alabamadrivers license. A trail fee witl be chargedto any golf cart private owninga privategolf cart. Any of these Canebrakecornrnunrty reservationsand rcstrictionJcan be imended and rnodifiedin individual situationsby writtenapprovalof CanebrakeClub,L.L.C." 4. ArticleV, Section1.(y)is amendedby adding,at the endthereof,the following sentence: CourtyardHomescan havea Otherprovisionshereinnotwithstanding, minimumof six (6) feetto the sidetot lineas a buildingsetback,but only Cofony,andnot in otherareasof the CourgardHomes'inCanebrake CanebrakedeveloPment. 5. ArticlelX, $ection2.(a)is amendedto readand be as follows: shallbe levied'equally CommonAssessments (a) eo,tnmsnAsseq-smenlq. -tL s|(ur r a*l{ft (9 rts.\ tr] 5-{ r'D \ ttt f\} r.+- rI$ (}rP !'+ ft| {s fit'* ftrt c .s3+ rC+ u+ I}T r:3r tr -n on all unirnproved Lots. CommonAssessments shallbe leviedequallyon all improvedLots (uponwhicha house has been built). CommonAssessrnents may be in differentarnountsfor unimprovedLots and improvedLots in the determinationand sole discretionof the Association.CommonAssessments shall be assessed against the Club Propefiy on the basis of ten (10) unimprovedLotsfor the ClubProperty. 6. The real propertysubjectto this Declaration of Covenants,Conditionsand Restrictionsas amended,in additionto all otherrealpropertyheretoforeor hereafterdesignated,shallinclude: CanebrakeColony,Phasel, ProbateOfficeof Lirnestone County,Alabama,FlatEookG, Page195,andanysubsequent phases. Exceptas hereby altered and arnended,the Declarationof Covenants,Conditionsand Restrictions for Canebrakeat PineyCreek,ProbateOfficeof LimestoneCounty,Alabanra,FICHE 9S410,page60, and continuingto FICHE98411,page 36, and as arnendedat RLPYBOOK 2000, page 18057,as further amendedat RLPY 2OO2,page 27635, remainsin full form and eilfect. ,-- Jsrrui:i""ff?iffl,H#:ersisned Declarant asof hasexecuted thisrhirdArnendment CANEBRAKECLUB,L"L.C., a Delawarelirnitedliabilitycompany sv'-fi' {Seal) in-fact by SpecialPowerof Attorneyfiledfor recordin the Office of the Judge of Probate of Limestone County,Alabarna,RLPYBK 2003,page9065S STATE OF AIABAMA COUNTYOF LIMESTONE t, the undersignedNotary Publicin and for said $tate and County,herebycertifythat David D. Wright,whose narneas attorney-in-fact by SpecialPowerof Attorneyfiledfor recordin the Officeof the Judge of Probateof LimestoneCounty,Alabama, RLPY Book 2003, page 90656,of CANEBRAKECLUB, L.L.C..a Delawarelimitedliabifitycompany,is signedto the foregoingconveyance,and who is known to rne, acknowledgedbefore me on this day that, being informedof the contentsof the conveyanse,he, as such attorney-in-fact,executedthe sarnevofuntarily on the day the samebearsdate. , h3 (f,, r$l *. + .{L +. =t Givenunderrnyhandandseal,thisftre3611- dayof January ,2004. $qr4** -- -#uo.l ' U NotaryS. Public il 'u -c f F,J - 'l eS i l Thisinstrurnentwas preparedby: WinstanV. Legge,Jr. Attorneyat Law 315West MarketStreet Athens,AL 35611 '+ t '. -': -:. .r,' -. ..-:*r f. : 5 ..: ftecordinr fee TOIfl- le.00 14.00 $, + ffi 100{ l!870 nFt Remrde{ iHroiffi luilruum, llictrel L' Druis p-,Fql-AE{r.loil or cqilFt{Anr-.s.* FouRT{aruE}IDMqNr,ro qoNprnoNs&..EEjirRlgF8ilq Lireltil; SLliil'fif sugcegsolin $te U1 CanebrakeClub, L.L.C., a Delawarelimit€d liatrilitycompany,"Dedaranf, beilrS to Declaralim of deed il.| corweyane frorn Canebrake Pruperttes, L.L'C-, to all-real proWilf tsllbjed Juoge of Probate of Cownark, Condilionsand Reshrctionsh€rgtofore ftled for reoJ in fte'o*m of trd $8411, pags 36' as Limesture Counly.Alabarna,FTCHE98410,"pa$ 60 and contnuing ttttrygLl]gHE tutm:t page 2002, gOSf, nUrV at anrerrded page n rftto f !76{'^as 2000, amer#d at RLPY EOOK of couenanb' Dedaration said amend "l furfrer and page doB$-i*ruli-ulte, 444q amedsd at RLpy 2004, Condilionsand Resttic{ionsas folloltts: as amended' i. The real propertysuhiectb tris Dedaratisr of Covenanb, Condilionsarrd Restidfons in addihn to allottrerrebfpropertyheretoforeor tpreafter desgnatsd, shaEinclude: GarebrakeColony,Plrysl, ProbahOffce of Umedonef;ounty,Alabama' any subseqwntphases' FlatBookG,PageAAX,*and s€ntsnae: 2. ArtideV, par*graphi(y) is herebf amendedby a*firg to tre end trereof the follswing in anyttringto the contsarycontainedabow. for PatioGardefl rytnos locded "Notrrrritrstandirg fnomthe Sity uf CanebrakeColonyonly,ior nftiet an .pi*ptieile variance has been obtainad requiremerit Atrens, Atabama,ttrere stra|t te no reid toi tirre and no twehre(12) f?d "*bPd. (6] H frorn forn lre ourersi$ lot line; insteadthe house shall be consfircted b mi*rnrn of six bcth sidglotlines." and Restridions for Excepras herebyatteredand arnended,the Declarationd Covensn$, Conditirvrs page 60' and FICHE,9E410' nftqgra. Cornty, Canebrdc at Piney Cfeek, Probate Office of Urnesbne as hrdlreramended contintrtg to FtCt-tE98411,page36, and as at*nO*O at RLPYEiiilK 2000,page-189f.tut"e aYdeffect in fult at RLFY 2004.page lQ,.{$,741'116nc at Rtff1002, pqge?2696,asturtheramerrOed as of 0te t1r;1}g5eof. frre undersigrredDedafranthas executed fris Fourth Amendrnerrt --i1^ fn V\rfitrress t;' dayofJune,20$+. tecodinl Fce cANEBRAI(EGLUB,L.L.c., a Ddaware limited lisbilitycornpany By: i:ffi (Sea[ SpeciatPotr,erof Atomey filed for record in the Offioe of the Judge of Prohateof Lirne$tone Cotmty,Alabama,RLFY BK2003. page 90656 STATEOFATABAMA COUI.ITYOF LIMESTONE Wright, t. the undercpnedNotaryPublicin and for said State and County,herebycertifythat DartidD' $pecial Pourer of Attomey filed fot-recorc in $re oflioe of tlE Judge of whose name au a "tto,inJy-irn-factby probate of Umestone 6unty, Alabama,RIPY Book 2003. $age S0656.of CANEBRAKECLUB, L'L'C" to me' Befaurre lfuniledliabiliry ;;Ylpani. is signed to 0re foregolrrg conveyinq'-.and who is known such as ackno,,*edgedbefore me on this day ttrat, ueing informedif Ute contents of the conveyane, he, bears date' same the day on the sarne volmtrarily tfte exeq.tted attornel-ir*act, This insfilment was prePamdbY: D. Ashby Jones WILMER& LET. P.A. AttomeyatLaw 31Sli\leslMa*et $treet Athens,AL 35$11 p.,* no.ou$To n#$tfl$ 0{/e5/e006 0J:0€l{t Pft polifDlI qil:|S,q, RF,^s,JRtgTtp *lS CanebrakeGfub,L.L.C.,a Delawarelimitedfiabilitycornpany,"Decfananf,be{ngsuccessor in title by deed and conveyancefrom CanebrakeProperlies,LLC.. to all real propertysubiec{to Declarationd Covenants,Conditionsand Restric{ionsheretoforefiled for record h 0re Oflice of page 60 rtd conlinuing the Judge of Probateof LimestofleCoung, Alabama*FTCHE*98410. through FICH€j98411, page 36, as amended at RIFY BOO(!0OO, page 18{157,as tuffter arnerrdedat RLPY 290?-page 27695,as further amefidedat RIFT 2004, pqryle4*46, as further amended at RtPy 200J.-page34878, does hereby alter and furtheremEnd said Declaratbn of Govenants,Gnndilionsard Restrictbnsas follows: 1. The real propertysubjectto this Oeclarationof Govenants,Condilions arrd Restric'tions as amended,h additionto allotherrealpropertyheretofone orhereafierdesQnated,shallindude: CanebrakeColony,Phase l, ProbateOfficeof LimestoneCounty,Alabarna, Plat BookG, Page240, and any subsequentphases. 2. Artlde V, Use Reetrictionsare to be as followr: ARTICLE V U6E RESTruCNONS I.IH GENERAL The Prcperty shafl be used only for reeilentiaf, recreationaland refated brrsiness and cunmercial purposes,which pupo$os rnay incfude.wittord lirnitation,offices for any prop€rty manager retained by the Associationor business, safas or real estate offtces for Declarantor the Aseodation and ottrer businessesrrfildr $arve and are a part of tre Community,as may rnore partiruladybe set fiorth in ttis Declarationand amendmEntshEreto.Any Supplernental Dei:larationnr additional covenantsimposedon he Propertywithin any Neighborhood may impose sbic{er standards ftan those aontainedin this Artide. The Assoa'ation,ac{"ry through its Board of Diectors shall have standingand the powerio enforcasucfi standards. The Associationactingthroughits Board of Direstonsshallhave authorityto enforce standards and restristion$goveming the use of the Propertyin addltbn to those conlairnd hereinand in the Community-Wide $tandards.$uch regulationsand use restric'tbnsshall be binding upon all Owners occupants,invileesand {ioensees. Notwithstandinganylhingto the contrary herein,Dechnnt shall be exernpt fnom applicattunof the provlsionsof this Aticb. (a) Accessory$lructures:Doghouses,tool shedsor slrucfuresof a simihr kind or neture on any pert of the Property within view of the sidewelk,street in ftont of house,or on golf courseshouHbe approvedby the ARC.All accessorysfirctures, at a rninimumshouldmeetthg Athenscity zoningordinances. (b) Air ConditioningUnits.Exoeptas may be perrnittedby the ARC, no window air condilioningunitsmay be installedin any Unit. (c) Animals and Pets. No animals,reptift+s, livestod( wildlifeor poultryof arry kind shall be raised,bred or kept on any portionof the Properly,exceptthat dogn, cats or other usual and cornmonhouseholdpets may be permittedon e LoL Howewr, those pets uftich are permitted to roam free in fenced yards or whk*r in ttn sole discretbn of the Boardof Direc{orsendangerhe heallhand safetyof the Mernbers of the Assmiation, rytake objecfionable noise, or constitute a nuisance or *LpY lm6 e500? inconvenienceto tre othEr Membersof the Associationshal| be removed upon requestof the Boardof Direc*on.lf the Olrner fails to honorsuch fegue$t lfiG pet may bg rernovedby the Board of Direcfirs. No pets shall be kept' bred or mafntainedfor any commerciatpurpose,Householdpe$ shallat all tlmeswhenever they are oubide tire owne/s prfoirty be conftnedon a leashheld by a responsible pefson. (d) Antennas,$atellite Dishes. No exterior antennaE,aerials, satellite disltes or ;tller app"rtur for the hansmissionof ielevision,radio, or other signals of any littd shallbri pfaced,allonred,or maintainedupon any Unit or Lot except as permittedby the ARC. {e} ArtifrcialVegetalion, Exterior Decoratbns, and Slmilar lterns. No artificial vegetatianshatlie pernitted on any Lot Errteriordecorations,lnduding without fnfration, sculptures,fountains,flag*bnd simllaritems must be appnovedin witing bytheARC (f) Garbage Cans, Tanlts, Etc. Garbage can,s, storage tar*s,. mechanical iiuipmeni including wi$rout limitiation,Jtetlricat mehrs, gas meters and air condi$oninbco*prdsors or other similarii€rns shatl bs locatedor screened so as to be condabd from vierrr.Compressorson patio ftlts shouldbe screened ftofit fte steet and golf course as appficable,Atr cornpressotson estate arrd fraditionallots shouldbe &reerred tronr ndilttoring lob. strees and the golf.courseas applkable. Screeningshall be done by-a waFilke stnr,c*ureor landscaptng,*d is sublec{ b ARC apirorrat.Clotheslinesshall not be permitted.All rubbish,lrt|sh and'gaftage shafi be'stored in appropriatecontainenewi0r llds ard regularlyrrnoved frofit fio Property and shafi hoi ne allorued to amumulate fiergon. A[ sbrage t€nts, meiftariicat equlprnent,garbagecan $torage sfirc{ures and olher sudl itefiB sha0 be subjecttq the writtenapprovalof the ARC. (g) BusinessUse, No trade or businessmay b6 mnducted in or fiom any Uni[ #cEpt that an Owneror occrrpanlresirlingin a Unitmay conductbtrsinessaciivitiee wittrin the Unit so long as: (aj the exFtenoe or openathnof the bu*lness aclfuityis not apparentor detefrabb-by sight, sourrdor smell fitm outslde[re Unit {O)the businese activity conforms tb all zoning ngquirementsfor tre trop€rtv: (c) the business activtty doee not involve persons coming onto the Prop€fty wlro.do not reside in the properly or door-todoor solicibtisn of residentsof lfre Propefi6 and (f) tre business-actilityis mnsistentwith the resktentiafcharac{erof he Property and does not corwtitutea nuisanceor a hazardousor offenEiveust orthreaten the security or safety of other residentr cf the Property, as may be Mermined in the sole discretionof lhe Board. The terms "business"and'tade", a$ used in tris provisionstratlbe constued to have their ordinary generally accepbd rneanings and shall irclude, without lirnitafron,any occubafon,uvortor aaivity undertakenon an ongr*rg basis w?tich involves the provision of goods or serv'rcesto persons other than he providet's family and foi whidt the flrovider receives a fee, cornpensation,or other fom of considerationregardless#wtrettren (i) suctr acrivityie engagedin tult or part-tirne: (ii) sudr activityis intendedto or does genenatea profit or $ii) a licerrse is required lherefore.Notwittrstandingthe above,the leming of a Unit shallnot be considercda trade or businesswithin ihe meaningof thb,s€ction.This eectionshall not apply to_ any activity conductedby the tleclarant wilh respect to ite devetopmerrtand sah of the Propertyor its use of any Unib which it ovlns within the Property{h) Oeckg All decks must be approvedin mifing by the ARC priorto construction' detailand raiiingdesignof a deck shouldbe harrilsfiiouswith the ine connguration, architesturals$leof the Unit. {i} Dralnage.Catchbasinsand drainagesreas are for lhe purposed natu.rsl{lowof water only. trto obstrudionsor debris shall be placed in these araas. No Penson l00s e$001 ather tfian Declanant, fre Club or tfre Associationmay obstructor rerhannel lhe drainagefloun after locationand installatisnof drainageswales,stonn sewetrE,or stormdrains.Declarantherebyreservesfor itself,the Club and the Associationa perpetualeasernentacrossthe Propertyfor the purposeof altedrrgdrainageand waterflow(j) EnergyConservatlonEquipment No solar energycollectorpanelsor attendant hardwareor otherenergyconservationequipmentshallbe constructedor installed on any Lot or Unit unlessit is an integraland harmoniouspart of he architedural designof the Lotor Unit,as determinedin the solediscretionof tha ARC. Under no circumshncesshallsolar panelsbe installedso as to be visiblefrom any sfrreetin the Communityorfrom any portionof he Club Property. {k} Firearms.The dischargeof firearmswithinthe Propertyis prqhibitedby Athens city ordinance,The term 'trearms" includes B-B guns, pellet guns and other firearmsof all types, regardfesssf size. Notwithstandinganythingto the conhary conlainedhereinor in the By-Laraethe Associatlonshall noi be obfigatedio take ac{ionto enforcethisSection. (l) Galf Cafts. Privategolf carb will only bs permittedwitlrin fie Communrtyif ouned by a residentof Sre CanebrakeCommunity,and wih the provisiorrsthat pnvategotf cads cannot be stored at tre c,lubfacilitir*s.Pdvate golf carts must be $reenor white in color. All privategoff carts must be in good repair,and must be approraed by the golf profersionaland registeredat CanebrakeClub.Themshall be no gas poweredgotf carb ownedby rwir*ene of CanebrakeClub. No piuah goff caft ehallbe drivenor operatedby any unfioenseddriver A yeadytrailfee will be chargedto any residentof Canebrakecommunityorilnins a pdvategolf can Atry of these reservationsand restictions can be amendedand modiftedin individsal situatbnsbywrittenapprovalofCanebrakeChrb,LL.C" (m) lnigation.No sprinkleror irigation systemsof any type which dnawfrom any body of waterwithinthe Properlyshallbe installed,constructedor operatedbryany Personother than the Association,Eedarant or the Club,withoutthe prior unitten approvalof the ARC- All parels whidr are derrelopedrnay be requiredtr have an undergroundirrigationsystem. In the event effirent inigationvrater is evailable, each Buildermay,at ib sole castand expense,be requiredto connecttheirrigation systernfor its paroelts the effluents{turoe. (n) Lighting.Each Buildermsy be requiredto instatlofl any Unitsoonstrucfiedby suchBuilderexteriorlighting,as determinedby theARC. Lots or Ownersof the Lots or Unib servedby sucfr fightingwill be responsibtefor rnaintainingthe lightingand the Associationshall have the rightat Orrvnefscost and exp€nseto maintainsudr lightlngin the eventOnrnerfailsto do so"All exteriortightingmusl be approrredby theARC priorto installation {c) Mailboxes and Exterior Hardware"The style and design of all maifboxes, letteringand numbedng,and exleriorhardwaremust be in acaordarace wih he DeslgnGuiJelinesand the ARCwill designatettres!1|eof maihoxes. (p) Maintenanceof Lots {t) Landscaping.No weeds, undeftrush or other unsightlygrowthshall be permittedto grow or remainupon any Lot and no refuseor uns$hUyobjectsshall be allored be placedor sufferedto remainupon any LoL All landscaplng,sprinkler systernsand any property,structure,improvementand appurtenanceshallbe kept in good,safe, clean,neat and attractivecondition. (ii) Painting.The exteriorof aUUnib shall have a fresh coat of paint applied evenlyand no excessivecracks,peelings,dr stipping shall be aflowedto remain unheeded. ?006e5009 (iil) Roofrqg.The roofs of stl Units shall bo maintainedin a clean, neat and attrac{luecondifunwith a fullcomplementof roof tilesor shingles. (Mupon the faitureto maintainttre premisesas aforesaiOto tfre satisfactionof the Association,tfre Asioclition may,but shal!not be required,to enter upon suclt or co*ectiEnsas *tyi:^1*::1y'0t" fremiws and make such improvements surchargeof ten perpnt (lOi/o).ofsuclt cosb of whictratongwith an administrative Olrnrirsin accordancewith ArticleX affecnd fre agairrst asiesseO amountshaltbe hereof(q) Nulsance.No poftion of the Propertyshafl be.used.in whole or in part.br fie or sbrage of any p*p*tty ot 1lrirrgttai witicause it to appearto be in an undean thing' substane, any noishall eye, tre to untidycondigonormafwi1be dbnoxious or materialbe kept upo" tnf pottionof the Prop"W that will emit foul or obnoxious the odonsor trat w1t carise any iroiseor other cohUitionthat will or mpht distutb No Unlts' sf sunounding psaee, q.riet,safety,corniJftoisenenityof tre occtrpants the noxiors, iflegalot'ifensiue adivity *f,"n U* canied of upon any portion of Property, (r) Occrrpants Bound. All provbionsof this Declaration tlre By-Larm, the Artichs pursuant and the Rules arrd Regulationsor sny use restric{ftrnspromulgated for.sarrtions pryryG wfrictr and of $wners govem tft aonduA themto wtrich Unit Ot"nerisf,.fl u[o tppty to all occ'pants, guests.andinvite€$of any this "g"i"t* Every (hrrrer ehall cause if acqrpanle * his'd her Unil to comply uith be and.thsll arrd Regulations tf* Rules Arijcles anU Oectir.ti,on, the By-Larus,he sucfi resporuible for all violations and loss€$ to ttre Conrmun Area caused by end liabb are fully Unft a ocapnb-of fad il1frtAch tre notwittrstanding occuparrts, Rules arrd Artides By-Laws. for aniviofationof hb Declaraibn, r"y'be sanc-tioned and Regulations. (s) On-"SiteFuel Storage.No on*ite storage of .gasolineor other fuels shall be permitbd on any p"tt oitf," Propertye*mpitttat 1|ignssociation shall be parmitted sirnilar to slore ft.rel for opu*tlon oi malntenancevehicles, generators and equiprnnt. (t) Vehicles o\,vned,leased, rented or operated !V n-u resident$/Offnersof the il any, servingthe iiiop*ny shallbe p"**O onlyin ffre garagesorin thl qry9*fnt ]nay or m'aynot parking in which areas ijniiu oi in approph"t* up*tJ.* or Oeignaled 'n Ua assgned.'Cars shall not be parkddsn the street unlesga.?prov.a!j:93{t*d limibd for park street in tlre to be alloured shall *i*ing fio* n* board, Guests pedoJs of time. lf this tirne periodis to exceed 72 hours,wifien approvalis rreeded fromthe board. not Vehides parked in the driveways€rvingany Unit on-1 regular.basis shouH pooitlol as"muclt dosed ttrefutly in door:a shoddremiin blockthe sHewalk,eanage frte as possible anO overnqht. $ervirx and detivery vehrcps may be pad€d in reasonably as is period.of tirrre for such hours d"yltght Jutiig of a Unit Crivbr,nay is n"our*ity to provide sefuioe-ormake a delivery to tfre ilnit. Any whry whidt Orpafking rulesprwnulgatedby the Boardmay pa*eO in viodtion of fni* paragriaph be towed in accordancpwilfrthe By-Laws(u) All playground, play equipment.perrnanentbaskehall backboards must be ldproldo rif ne ARb. ironaUjebasietball backboardscannot be used or located All largeplay equipmentshoufdrernainln good in gcod near sureetsor siderrualks. r*piir. All portaUle JftV equipmeni sirct as bicycles, fiicycles, sccrotem, skateboardsarrd ottrei pfly uquipment,wading poots, baby sffollem.and.sirnilar the ihms strafl be storedsOae'notio'ne visibletrom sbmg or propertyadjace.nlto to remain in tlre open as to be visible front Unit. l+fusuc{r items shall be allorrrred of adjacerrt prop€fty when not in use. Notwithstandingthe abotre, tlra Boatd Diiedors tnay, Otitshallnot be obtigatedto permitswingsets and sirnilarpermanent ptaygrilnO equiprnentto be erectedwttiin the Coinrnunityprovided tltey are ?006e5{i10 approd in writingby the ARC. Any playgroundor other ptay areas or equiprnenl [r.nislec by the Associationor ereciedriiitrin the Commuhiti sha[ be used'at fie riskof flte user and the A.ssociation shall not be held liableio any Personfor any clairndamage.or injuryoccuningthereonor relatedto usethereof. (v) Pools.No abovegroundpoolsshall be erec.ted,constructedor installedon any Lois,exceptthat abovegroundspasand Jaq.rzzismay be permittedas approvedin wfting by the ARC, (wi ProhibitedVehicles.Commercbfvehicles, vehf,clesprlrnarilyused or deEigned foraommercblpurposes,tnotorcydes,mobib hornes,recrpationalrrehicles, tnatteo (either with or without wheels), Campers, camper trailers, bcats and oftrer watercrafrand boat tnailersshall be parked onfy irr enc{osedgailagesor irr he cornrnonparkingarea, if any, desSnatedby tha Association,Storsclvehiclesand vehicleswhich are either obviouslyinoperabfeor do nct have cunent opemting lioeflsesshal not be permittedwithin he Cornmuntty,exoept within endcsed garage$,notwithstandingthe foregoing,service and delivery vehicles malf be pafted in fie driuewayof a Lot duringdalight hoursfor sudr periodof time as is reasgnablynBcessaryto provfdeservice or rnake a deliveryto a LoL No prohbiled vehic,lesshallbe parkedwithinCanebrakEformorethan lhe span of one nighl.srry vehide, utftichis parked in violationof this paragnaph,tilf,)/ be tovred by thi Bnard of Directorsat the orrner'r e{pens,e.This p-anagnaph'shalt not adpV to any comrnercialwhicles providingseryirx or makhg detiverfts to or on Oetrbf ofi flre Associalion,Declarantor theirdesignees. {x} Roadways, Sideuralks,Driverrvays.AII utilities wiUrin the Property shafl be t1!!tQd underground,unless othenrrrise specificaflypermitted Uy Dirc{aiant or fre InC... Utilityfines,includingwithoutlimitationcableieievisionand gas, may onff be installed,rcpafiredor repfacedunder existing roadways,sidewak] and ririwrmylt by a licensedutility company.This restiction is intendedto preseruethe aestfteiic nature.ofthe paved surfaces. (y).SetbackRequirements.The Unit on any ht must hoe the street or fam Sre maior sheet in a caEe of a tot fronting more fran one street, as indicated by tfie UyfOinO lineslrornnon the plat No part of any Unit shaftbe nearerto the stree{ on wftichitfaces or the streeton the side than Uie UuitOing line shownon the plal nor nearer than Melve (12) feet to any skJeline.All building locations rnuit be in compliancewiFr tre City af Afiens ZoningOrdinanes. For CourtyardHomesand PatioGardenHornesfallingunderR-{ zoning,the laero lot line"sideshall estabfishthat Srehouse be constructedone indr fl ;.tr the side rygpertyline as establishedin the Crtyof AttiensZoningOrdinance.ffre otherside shall be a mlnimurnof ttrrclve(1A)fset to tre side lot line,The land surfacearea betweenthe buiHings (not less han turelve t1e) feet) shall be subject toi an easernentfor the abuttingovr/ners,their agents, ernployeesand invitees for the purpose of maintenance and decoration of their respec-tiveimprovemerrts at reasonabletime duringdaylighthours and for dnainageof water nffn xre lob and the roofsof the buildings.Atio, tlre abuttingownem itrall tr"* an easementover the adjoiningproperty not to exceed three-{3} feet ftonr the outside wall of srucfl Frinqipalbuildlng roof and trre dischargeof waler ftere from. F-xcefi as speciffied herein.the abuttingowner shall not have the rghb of ingressand egress'and lot ownerBmayfence, landscapeand irnprovesudr area so ibng as dnalnageof water from said premisesis not unreasonabiyimpeded.Fortfie purposeof thiJcovennnt. eavl$: steps,etoops-orentranceplafforrns,and omarnentalptantingboxes shalllbe considoredas part sf a building;provided;hourever,thatthis shallfotbe consfisJed pflt?tit any portion of a buitdingon sny fot to encroacft on any otrer lot. 19 Provided,hovrever,on lots adjoiningtre golf oour$sno fencingor landscaping$trall be consbucted,erectedor pfanted-thatwill substanliallyinterferewith view of the golf coursefrorn arljoininglots. Any fencingon lots adjoiningthe golf coursermust be of wroughtlron construction. ?0053501t Alt propertylocatedat.streetintersectionsshalf {z} SightDistanoeat Intersectirons. upll' be landscapedso iop.*ii *ttu sighticaois the streetcorners"No fence' "t shall be pfJceOor p€rmittd to rerrrainwhere it utottld hedge,or shrub pfinii"b createa haffic or slght problern. with the exceplion billboardor advertisernent {aa} Signsand flagpoles.No sign, "signs shall be erected except as othernrise of for ssfe and i*ii uuttt* political specificallypermitteJ UV lfre n{C. [n faimess to all residents' no signageis pennitted.Atinew construc.tionis limited to one real estate agent's of sign and one buitder'$ sign. *ff signate shall .be rernoved at ltre tlme Builden County oicupun"y by the homiowner. ffte-Athens-Limestone as Association parade of Homes Tour is an exception to these guidelines to dght the have shall Diiectors of subject to approval of the ARC. The Board erestsignsii tt ceems appropriate,in its discretionor its boundarylines ch3ngpd (bh) Subdivisionof Unit No Lot shallbe "uirAiuirle6 Eoard of DirEctorsof approval prbr with the or by Declarant except { ltt" limeshareprogrEun' of "tttt*n any type to $e ess;iation. No-untt shall be made eubiect Unit or sfrnilarprogramu,trereiytha rightto exclusiveu$8 of the interualowrrership or floating fxed a on the of btog*t rotrabs among nmltiple Owfier$or membens lhe time sdredule orrer a period of yearu, o1gept ttrat fudarant hereby reserves right for itself and its assignsto operatesuch'a ptDgnamwith reepec{to units.wtticfi (4) iiowns. This paragopft Jftatnot prohibiton'nehnp of a Unit by up to four ilint t'enanBor tenants-ih-coltlfiloll, (cc) Tents,Trailersand TemporaryStrudures.Exceptas may be.permitbd b.V{e lhrclq ARC dufing kritial constnrclitin wifrrinfie Gornmuniiy,no tent, utility ?h*{1 lhe within placed be nature-shall hailer or olher structgre of a ternponary Community. (dd)TreeRernoval.No tr€esgreaterthan 6 inchesfoidianreter,otherthan diueased tfees or deadtrec and trees neediig to be removedto promotetrq groyth-of othcf Any the AR[)' by writing in approved or for safety*"*ns shall be r&noved unr"*t This stumps ,ur-uilingfrom tees being damagedUViits of C'odmust be remorrpd' orthe CIub. Sectionshallnotapptyto Declatrant (ee) t;tilttyUnes. No overheadutilitylines,includinglinesfor cabletelevision"shall specificaltypermittedby i,e'perrniieOwithin the Cornmunity,ex"gpt as ottr-erwise 0eclarantorlhe ARC. permittedby the ARC, walls fff) WallserrdFencing.Exceptas otherwisespecifically and fencingon a Lot shallnot be permitted' (gg) Wells, No private wells are permittedon any Lot without the prior writbn approvalof Declarantor the ARC. gnd streams (hh) Wettands,Lakes and Water Bodi{$.All wethnds, lak€s' pondg, or aesthelic facilities propetty. retention water if any, shafl be stom *nin he amenitiesmly, and no *ith"t use thereof. incfuding,wtthout limitation' {ishing, Uolting, pfuying,ot use of persdnalnoU$.on-{wicesshalf be permitbd snrtmming, in suclt areasas unlessotfrertr,,ise FiimiilniUy Dectarairtor the Boardof Directors the Club shall be nor Associatjon the Oe"tarant, N;ith#tne bi ttere des(Tnated of property:Tflg,ftt person or any responsibleftr any"loss,darnage.or injuryto the the authoriredor unauthorizedlseof likds, ponis, $treamsor shorelinewithin flly Propedy.h|rodocks, piers, Or osrer struC'turesshall be Construdedon or ovef boCfuof waterwiilrinthe property,exceptEuchas mty !?constructed by Oeclarant, The the Association,of as approvdCpursuantto Artid; M of this Declaratlon' tte elevationof the land shall not be alteredand fill shall not be u$ed to extend a by bounded Lat on any line boundariesof a Lot or to changethe bulkhead e006gl0t? wetland,lake,or other bodyof waterunfessapprovedin accodance withArticleVf of this Decfaration.This panagraphshall not'ristrict the use of water for tho Glub Property. (ii) Wndow Coverings.Atl windowson any structurewhich are visiblefrom he sbeetor dvr,ellings on otherUnitsshallhavewindo,vcoveringswhich have a white or off-whiteb'ackingor blendwith the exteriorcolor of fre dr,vdt$ng, as determinedin the sole discretionof the ARC afrer applicationpursuantto-Articl€ Vf hereof. Reflec{ive windowcoveringsare prohibitedExcept as hereby altered and amended, the Declarationof Covenants,Conditions arrd Restrislionsfor Canebrakeat PineyCreek,Probab Oflice of LimestoneCounty,Alabarna,FICHE 99110' page 60, and continuingto FICHE9&111,page 36, and as amendedat RLPY BOOK ?gqq' page 180$7,as furtherarnendedat RLPY2002,p"g" ZfS3g,as furttreramendedat RLFY 2Ao4.page4446,as fur*ter amendedat RLPY2004, pigd'$a8zB,remainsin tullforceand effect. In [ftness t^/trereo{ihe undersignedDedarant has executedthi$ Fifth Amendrnentas of uree.#*_day of Aprit,2i06. CANEERAKE CLUS,L.L.C., a Delawareli,mit€dfiabilitycompany ,r, -v # asear) $pecial Poururof AEomeyfiled for record ln frte O{fice of the Judge cfr Frobate d Lirnestone County,Alabama,RLPYBK 2003,page 80S56 *mordiqFae STATE OF AI*ABAfIIA COUNTYOF LIMESTONE #:tr . l, fie undersignedNotary Public in and for sald $tate and County. hereby certify that DavidD. Wright,wfiosename as attomey-in{actby special Fowerof Attorireyfiled for recbrdin the Office of the Judge of Probateof Lirnestone-County.Alabarna,Rl-pY-Book 1003, page 90656, of CANEBRAKECLUB. L.L.C.,a Delawarelimitedliabilitycompany,is signed-tode md.m firis day that, toregolng conveyance,and wtro is known to me, acknowledgeO"beford being informedof the ccntents of Sreconveyance,he, as suih attomey.in-fact executid tne $ame voluntarifyon the day the sarnebeansdate. Givenundermy hand andseat, uisnd,y'Fi:ayof This instrumentwas preparedby: WinstonV. Legge,Jr. WILMER& LEE,P,A. Attomeys at Lau, 31S West hdarketStreat Athens,AL 35611 Aprit, 200s. .r{ {& vn!' -Lirrestone il?7LL/2966 F1143r05-Pl'l 2086PS-44244, 8K -iuOi6-oi-piu-Uite' In"D;;i;' RLPV Fecorded ' flL tountg nichaei-t-. $l)flFLAMFl.lDllENJIonE$t.AtsAFqlloE.qqI{ENANr.9' goNgmpNs& REs-rRlcl]pNs cane,brakeclub, L.L.c,, a Delawarelimitedliabilitycomp8ny,"Dedaranf" beingsuccessof pmPerty*flttd b" in ritleby deed and mnveyancefiom CineU6a[eProperiies,L.L.C.,to all real in tlra ffice of remrd for filed covenants,conditionsand Resbictionshereiofore Dec,laration.of continuing and page 60 9&410, *fabqrnl.,{ICHE County, Limestane Frobate of of inr .fuUgr at arnended turther as page 1ry?I, 4n00, throughFICHE98411,page36, as amend# at RLPY amendedat turthar as 2004,'p"g RLPY at amended further as 27635, 2l02,page RLPY 9^O: alterand RLPY20(X. page34878.as turthsttmotO*A at RLPY2006:jl&. qfl06'does hereby furtheramendsait Oeclaralionof Covenants,Conditionsand Resfiction$asfiollows: 1. The r€atpropertysubjed to this Dedarationof Covenanb,Conditionsand Resfiictions shaflindude: as arnendaqin additionto all otherreafproperfynerebforeor hereafterdesignated, Colony,Pfrasellf, ProbateOfftcsof UrnestoneCounty,Afabama, Canebnake plat BookG, paga 320- 321,and anysubsequentphases. Corditbns and Excef* as herebyattered and arnendsd,the Dedarationof Cormnants, FJ!l= Alab-q[3, County, Urnostone of Restrictionsfor CaneFa'tteat PineyCt*ii, Cpbite Offrce at RLPY BOOK gsld'll, as amended page arrd 36, nCHt to page continuing and 60, 98410, lfggS, as furtheramendedat RLPY Z0(X),page t0057, as furtherariiendedat RIPY 200b,-page at RLPY furth*r amendedat RLPY2004, pag€ gaaf8, as furtheramended 2004, page{446, "s efiEd. and 2006,page250OS,remalnsinfutlforce as of In Wihess Whereof,the undersignedDedaranthas executedthis $ixth Amendment Junb,2006. na ?O*davof CANEBRAKECLIJB,L.L.C., a Delawarelimitedliabilitycompany (Seal) $peciafPowerof Attomeyfilu{f* recordin *re Office of the Judge of Probab of Lirnestone Coun$, Alabama,RLPY EK 2003, page906SG STATEOF AI-ABAMA COUNfi OF LIME$TONE thlt l. the undersignedNotary Public in and for said $tate and County, hereby certify in David D. Wright, wh#e narngui attornefinia* by $pacial Poirrerof Attomey-tif*dl"Ifcordpage RLPY Book20O3' the Officeof the Judgeof Probateof L"imestone-County.A!a.b*1na, 90656, 0f CAI'IEBRAKECLUB, L.L.C., ; Dur"Gr* Hmitld fiabllitycompany' l" :.ig,l*_ 1".9: oay mar, foregoing oonveyance,and wtro is known to me, acknowledgedbefore,me on thls the executed attorney-in-fact, as suih being informedof the contentsof the conveyance,he, datebears sarne the the day votuntarilyon Eame Givenunder rny hand and seal,this thp This arslnrnertwtr prepamdby: Whslon V. Leggo,Jr" Wirner& Lee,PA 315WBsllvlarkttSreel Athens.AL35611 / * day otfl#t 2006. fucotdirutcr r0rfl- *tf",i-it.-c[r\" qTF|crlfllts coNprTJgNs, * .EH *ffT"Blf tl/09/e006 0$rl{:23 Pll "$il* llietrrel l. Drcis Judrelf Proirh Lir.!t{* Corntrt ft CanebrakeCIub,L.L.C.,a DelawarelirnitedliabilitycomFany,'Oeclaranf,beingsuccessorin by deed and mnveyancefrorn CanebrakePropertles,t.t.C., to all real prope$ysubjed to Itle Declarationof Covenants,Conditions andRestrictions heretoforefiledfor remrd'in ihe bfficsof lhe County,Alabama,FfCflE 98410,page 60 and continuingthrough {t$g" of Probateof Li,mestone FICHE9Mf {, page36,as amended aiRtpYl000, page18087,ai tu-rtheramended at RLbYA00a page 2?635, as furtheramendedat RLPY2004,page 4446, as further arnendedat RLPY 2004, page 34S78,as furtlreramendedat RLPY2tXt6,FaSE25006,andas furtheramendedat RLPY2{10S, page &2&, does herebyaller and furtheramendsaid Dedarationof Covenants,Conditionsand Restric{onsas folfows: 1. The reaf propertysubjectto this Dedarationof Covenants,Condilionsand Restic{ionsas amended,in additionto all otherreal propertyheretoforeor hereafterdesignated,$hallindude: CanebrakeClub Fatio and TraditionalLots Plat ll, as satno appeersof record In lhe Office sf fte Judge of Probateof Lirnsstono Countlr, Alabama, Plat Book "G", page368,and anysubsequentphases. Except as hereby altered and arnended.the Dedanationof Corenants, Conditftonsand Restrictionsfor Canebrakeat Piney Creek,Probateffice cf Umestonef;ounty, Alabama,FICHE 98410,page 60, and wrtinuing to F|CHE98411,page30, and as amendedat RlloY EOOK20m, page 18057,as furlfter arnendedat RLFY2002,page 27635.as furfrreramendedat RLPYe(X!4, page 4448, as ftrtrrer arnendedat RLPY20O4.page34878,as furthr amendedat RLPY!006, pge EO0G,and as furth€ramendedat RLPY2006,pageMZM, rernainsin full force andeffect. Sedaranthasexeartedthis$evenh Amendrnentas of *lqWihess Whercof,*re undersigned the 811 .dayofNorrernber2006. CAI'IEBRAKE CLUE,L.L.C., a Delawarelimitedliabilitycornpany SpecialPouer of Attomeyfiled for recordIn the Offtceof the Judgeof Probateof Umestone County,Alabarna,RIPY 8K 2004 page906$6 STATE OF ALASAh4A COUNTYOF LIMESTONE f, the undersignedNotaryPublicin and for said $tate and County,herebycertifythat David D. Wright,whosenarneas attomey.in-fadby $pecialPourerof Attomeyfiledfor rscordin the ffice of the Judge of Probate of LimestoneCounty,Alabama,RLPY Eook ?003, pags S065S,of CANEBRAKECLUB, L,L.C., a Oelawarelimited liabilityGornpany,is signed to the foregning conveyanco,and wtrois knownto rne,acknowledged beforeme on this day that,beinginformedof the contentsof the conveyancr,he, as sucfrattomey-in-fact,executedthe samevoluntarilyon the dey the $amebearsdate. ?I?/,. * Giuenundermy handandreal, thisthe d dayof NovernberZ00G. This inslrumentwes preparedbp WinslonV-Le6ge.Jr. Wilmsr&["8€.PA 315 West ldarkatSheei Ahens.AL 35611 ftff -LinestgnegIsg9tJ?-Pl'l RLFi'Bl{tBgriFE57562'68t89,'9frfi7 &crrded In"fnuii,*-iufrie f,':untv' fiL of-fib[st*' i[if,"ei-r-. *r' €lgttrH 4l{ Fil 0 !{ ENTrg. .QEqLARAgg$.p [,S gvqNANr s. coNqrtgilse Rq$.rBlpTlgHfi Club,L.L.C.,a Oelawarelimitedliabilitycompany,"Dedaranf, bafngsumessorin Canebraice ynjaf..to tise by deed and conueyanrcfrom CanebrakeProperiles,L.L,C.,to all real property^ heretoforefiled for record in t}reOfriceof the OeOai*on of.Govenants,f,onditionsand Restric{'rons thrulgtt Jrdg" of Probi*i of LimestoneCounty,Alabama,FIGHE9S4r0, p1eg 69 and contlnuin$ amsnded qtlllj3Ltl?-' as-tu1fher page tglts?. pags zggb, at RifV 36, as arnended F|cilE 98411, page AfOg5, as iurtherarnendedat Rlfi zpq p"gJ &c, as turther amsndedat RLPY-?99-4' ffi; 3{Cili,'." Rtttto amendedat RLPYrftff eqboit006' and ss frrtrrer amendpdat RLPY1e6' huebvalterand ammded at m-pi',;fr1, gF|f,e further ffi,fr-2-h'-.tr* t"tt;frU,-*J-"* asfolloun: .r" andReshidions fionditions ofCovena:ts, iurilrer ffinO saidDedaration l. The reatpropertywbject to tf$s Dedanationof Covenants,Canditionsand Restridlonsas designated,shaHinclude: amended,in additionto'allither ieal prupefi herebforeor herEafter Ganebrcke Subdivision trfruirfieldPatlo Lots, as $an€ appeats of lucord in ltre glmco of the Judga of Probate of LirnestoneCountlr, Alabama, Plat Book'tl'' page 44,and any subsequent phasee' g;cept as hoeby altered and arnended,the Dedara{ion of Covenants, Condition!--qry Resrristixrs for Canebnaksat Phey Cr€€h pmUite Offioad Liumtons County-,Alabaml.Il?lF 9641g page 60, and conlimdngto FTCHEda4tt, pag€36, and ar snErrdedat RIPY BOOK2000' p"ge i60dZ. as'fr,rrtheramendld at RLPY2002; i"g" 3?€95, as turlher arnerded at RLPY20M' fuilhcr trn€rtdcd at RIPY 2006'pagp i*F a+Ce,as turtherarnendedat RLPY2004.pags 3407,$*.as ard as furtherarnendedat RLPY20CId,'pigo44flt1, and as tur0rerameftd€dd RLPY2006, ZSOOO, wae 754 eb , rernalnsin tullforceand efbttm of ln WitnessWhereol ttre undssignedOedamnthas elecut€d ffris Clghth Amendment dayofAugust,2O0?. he T- €* CLUB,L.L.C., CA!\IEBRAKE limitedliabilitymmpany a Delawane -=.,.t**t "r.# OavidD. Wridhfu$-sttomey-in-factby filed for recordin $peclalPoworof Attorney the Ofiiceof thBJudgeof Probateof Urneetone Alabanra,ru-pV BK 2003,page90656 Coumty, STATEOF AI.ABAMA coUt'tTY OF LIMESTONE I, the undersignedNotaff Publicin and for said Stateand Countl, Frerebyc€rtfy that David by $pecialPowerof Attomeyfiled^forreaordin the Offfie D. Wriglt wtrosenaile as attorney-in-fact of tf,'"-*iOge of Probate of Lim-estoneCburity, Alabama,RLPY Boo* 2003. page 90656'.of g4t{EgRAKE CLUF, L.L.C., a oelawars limir'bdfiabititycompany, is signed tD fia toregoittg beforeme on ifrisoay that. beinginformed.of conveyan@,and wlro is knownto me, acknowledged tne co;tents of the convayance,he, Essuch attoriey-in-fac*,exeartedthe samEvoluntarilyon the day thesame bearsdate. Given underrny handard seal,tfristhe-#U^rof 200?' Augnrst. fffiiu rm .r:::. f ' . -* L'T# "i' .-*! o 1, ' {' -- '--t. ' l i i ST*T${}F, ALABAh{.&". i\\F, 'sF,Lt;l,tr,srm rE. C* R{ST g$SESfl+Efr F,€rerdtiltrn*bsveSea*rrui Fage tht?l33 Pfi t$/Ea/e$+8 liiehipl E;,S*Y:tt' Judu*of Frnbate LiresfsnsCwntyt f,L flme ahe-f'lub, L.L-f,.. h.,' elar+' ,,,nimitedlinbilirl: *umpanr; ';,D*elarar*t** ffld beingsuc*essor in title by deedind sanvsymcetram CaneUrak;p;;d;ies, L.L.C",t+ slt ploperty subjcqtrs D*r:larationaf Cavenanrs,CondiUoJuunJ RJ*rri;ilffieret;f; l*.ul llud lbr rrcnrd in,the Office of the Judgeof Probsreof LimesroneCnuniy_Alnbam+ on Fiehe*$E4lt)at Prye S0-andccntinuing*ttunugh Fiche9S-41I at Page*; ;;,-**.J.4 r* RLfY.Baok?0il0-t P-E-1s$5?:asfutLern#*nded-ar Ru't B-;kTi,Ai'; F-g;*;;; antur&*r amsnded*t RLPY Bnrk ?fit14at Pag*4446; as further arnende6ar RilFy Bar:k ]fiil4 ar Page3a87S;es furrhe,ranrendedat R.LPYBoah ?tlSSat Page25$fl6; as further at RLPY Borrk e006 at Fage4't244; *s furtheramendedat RLPY Bo*k 30*S at 4-ruended Fage750?6;and *.sfurther amendedat RLPY Sclok2il0? nt Fage 5?562;turdas funher amendedar RLFY Bcok l00S at Page163t I, dueshereb-v alter and futlier amendsaid De'elsrati*nof Coveuants.Condiiionsand ft"estrictions as fbllows: l, The rral qtsFu.tysr*bjeetto this Declaratiannf Coveftasts, Conditinnsand 'rr**oro;;; as amended, in aoaiticn ro att sther pr*p*nt^ real ;;-*-ft;; $eslricrisns designatedshall include Canebrake{llub. Stlinneeock-B*ttsstrnlSuMivisi*n as ssms of rEcardtn the CIflicenf the "ludgeuf,Prob*ter:f-Lirne**tcns Countl..Alabama,in lFFearu Flgt'E , .*,5s *nd nn3"*u,b4*qtren* r__.f$.. ,atr:F-uge' phare*; 2, The ort*er'of each lot{s} in the {enc}brekeCIub- $hinnsceiuk-Faltusrrol Subdivisionas sffile appears'CIf rccordin the $ffise ei'the Judgr of Pnrbatecf:Limestsne Cntmty, Alabam& in Plat Boolc Ft I .5F st Fage shall nurchase mernbershipinCan*tlrakeC1ubEi''iuital'e*usI1,.'+.ithffitd1ut#aun*t maintain the said mernbrrshipin gonrJstandingfor so lang as Eaidil!+lrreror+nssaid lut{s). Exceptas hereby'alreredand amended,the lleclarariunnf Cavenafits,Cnnditiens and Rertricfionsfor flanebrakeat Piney Creek. Prsbateflm** of Lirnerronu*"** Alabarnansrccftreied on Fiehe*S=4lfi at Fage60 aS continuingta Fiuhe98-4t I at Fage 36; as smendedat RLFY Eook 300fi at Page I ff{}S?;as furtherinnendedar RLFY Boik ?0t}3at Fage;7635; as ilrrtlrernmend*dai RI-FY Bouk ?Sil4ar Pag* 4446: as fl$rher amcndedat RLFY Bmk 3004 at Pagel4S?8: *s funher anrendrdar R.IPY Bnak ?fi06 ar Pagc35tltl6;asfurtherarnrrndeo ar friry Bo+kzctr *r F^d 44t**t * tu*h;; ;#J nl RIFY Buuk ?0il6 at Fage75fi36; ffid as furthrr arnendetlaqR.LFY Buok 300? at Fage 5?.,61rand asfu*heru**id*d at RI-PYBook30ilsarFagel;til. ru#in* t* roiii.ii; andeff*ct. n$t e*s$ 5$167 The executisn$f this dncumentwas auth*rierdst'a rneeling$flthe Managersand the lvlentbersof the ll'lanagernent Committeeof'Canshrskctlub. i.L,C. herid*i rhe 5e Jul-r*n'hich ?0ilS. decument is crlrecordin the Office of the Jurigeof Prob*teof fa}'af Lirncstonecount3:"Alabama.in Rtr,pYBnnk:sflt{ or Fug*.FgJ-gJ**_]. .Ilf ET{TNES$,'\Rt:-HE'RH ,s r"rsn thesepres@ 1* be F,, he,:nnderxign*d:,h*s : *115trl bsff tr ediwhois iluly *uthari#'iu,t prer,lrimsn if.t*e F4_ A*y ef,fir,tsber..3*,S$, fifla€b e'C,lub";L.LC; -{t*th*ri**d rnern,ber' r r.h mbcrs*f the Men*gers',srld,ths. cr*trni.me*. Managerclent,,Ll sf f; anebrake CIub. I-,L;C. $-.f*TH;:*F,ALeFJth{Ar cfi{JNfY, F ilnurE$Tffffi. I, the und*rrigned a lt{otar1,Puu-li+in and f*r said Counqvand State,this day pers$n4111' nppearedBilltr'Christopher,mhosr naffi€as autharizedmemtr*rfCIrlvlancee* th* i\lernbe:s 0f the Manag*nrentComnrittcenf CarinhrakeClub, I-.L-C.,a Fela-ti** gd limited liability csmpen.t'is signedtn ttre faregoinginstrumenr*ntl who is knor*r to ffie, achnonrledgedbefore Ifie sfl *ris d*y, thar, bning inf+nned of rle c$ntr$1s of the instrurtte*t he as such"authoriEednremh'erand *r.ith fuIl authority executedthe silne l'u{unteril},',*n, the day the,srunt, t:ennr, date. .(ii,ven,under,,ffitf':h,,*nd qf$*i.el*e*.1 Th[s instrufirfint Fr,{:pared,b3'I ' :: lsrh'Pin*k ,, P " D ,S o x 1 l ? 9 Athcns,Alabarna35613 t2s6)?3:-t13S f;aterdim FFe TFTH. 1fi."s* l&"$f '.r:r,!f1i:, '|fil'fffrr;*{tf-1' *---, , ,. -., ..,-: ;r,*: . '"- -, -- Tr ' -- !*',: 1 4 F:gtir f-,i*: ; ' :.,. fi5$l!::'f'f , -ti,-f;i l,; " ' ,::,i ,' * .' ,,1 i :# :* * ,.;3T' " f,tni n-l ,r;ki -* , ,, : -*i l" : ,:i :a * ; :" ,l ,i fi :* ,,i ' i ,ryi .r;. ! .1,,111';,-u,,5, i.j*t,t*bs*:s,,#,f , F*r:. 1"lr:,g, il-)'f;-, Ti i,: l{e -*,; tr i- i} fr I r.s I h't l.i*,riii'i* rg .; I Tlt*" l'{,s.F':iag *,nixn I Cq:milrti'ttr;r: t:f ,il*::eb:'€,.i:# ill ub, L, L . C, i i e . l _ i , ] : : ,?h€ 5.''"e'*aiu' :*f,, #*11., .,S*,[r:#, EH TT HSlqnrqEEFEll:';rrar at _and ai-t rnembers *f F s;:*ciai the *urrJg**** j.err r-;rtEr cal ir:g .;;" '*"**iri'uu cf the mal:*r*eys d*rt"nr*1-.;- ;;G; L.L-C'" as cnnstiLured [he &mended ,en'i Rerated by L:-n:jc.ed Liahiiiry fampanl. agraemeni aL F-rr.icfe 4, & cntrv whie]-r is *=-g $f af tacl"'*d heret*, he iC $n che g"' d*-n *f Ju j-v , n fl , &t ,u.,h i ch meet"ing Sil3y CF=istcpher acted ** {hairman and ar r^rhich meetinE I rf,anagers and rnernbers *f Ehe :r'ranagement ccirftlnit1ee wege Bresen*; il be ing f t=Llaurs : A}.s rt:n Ncah _ Car-l Hunr *,i* tsi 3.Iy - af :lu . ta*e Chr:-stt>pher, and the f ollcr+i.ng prdrtrEeding* i#ere had and, d*ne : rf* Chairman arlnrlurlced Ehac alL nrernl:ers are Etresenc. a.nd haw* signed writEen'i,r}a:ir,rer sf n+tic* as required U-r. Lhe Arti*l-es cf firganiaat ion anC .ordered that the i{eirrer bf nntiie b* enterecj as a Slatr* of ,Ll*-e minueee *f the m**B,{Rg, Ttre Chrairrnan anneunced t.hat ie various birnee fur the limirea and r:ea1 estate arrd FrsFerly bcuh the purcFrase and sa:"e sf and that the rnernbers needed to 3o3ns attq Ehe *xecuEion af the calegmnglsar*sn Wrne uEU:n' $I*.c$nl,$s,&h'*,' wclu}.d he necessarv et erui advisahle Il;bil.iuy ecrnTlanv- t* seLr trersc;naL Eo b*rru* r*ondy in c$lnectit:n wit,h personal pror:ercv and reaL egrate aueh*riee *uc[r puichases, salee and necessarlr dorurients to effect, such ' : :'"' : 'i'ntr:pdu*sd t. e fclt*r*ing res*lution1 Be it resclved thet eiEh*r Billy thristntrher or carl HunL t:r Al s t,on Naalr , &$ aut.trnri seb mernher 6e : and her-ehv i.s effiElcwered a*d auth*rised to *ontr**t }*r-=;;; purchase fir sale of personal prop€rt1r and rea]. egtaie, execute any d*cunrents Recessary compleLe *s the purehace er. sa\e of qersonal or reLt esgat€n Frogerty and negotiaEe for and barut:w noney sn hehalf the of I imi ted_ liabi I ity c$nrpany i.n arder io purchase and selI persanal and re-ai esuatr€ r inciuding r*eirtgaging llraE)€rty $r cLhelwise plaring liens upcln the gorsorialpr6pErt! _ and reai. esLa.te to be purchased, and uglon any real eirare and to etther arready owned by rh; bcrraw money Gn €*s ',f,:ifi q4ii ,p3ec* pers*na 1 , orr,lred by tecure said loane. tir. e*,r1 IItlR.t seie:nd*d':t ti*iila such iiau.liily terlns liene ;; *.nd ;;ry;;; cc:ndit.ione pi*pe-*e,y,--lre;l the 3 irni eed i iahi f fty frcrn time tn tirne as as c$nrFany to -Eees eirhlr e',,r**tg,*elu The Chairman Fut the questian and armsunces t,hat t,hs rru6c iras unanimfiils ar:d that th* m*,t..isn r** *u1y 'q"{!d Eltr#p€trI .,e*,opte*, 'Th* e' 'h*rrtg no Eurther ,hu*,;Ln*$s',{ Lh* meeting was. edj.nerrfl€$. F.m*pe,*,L.$x.3 3y su}*Triir.$.ed* :*. j* $d1 ts:1 r:{:t r;!l r"Sr r!*{ 41 7'+r o F.LF'i',,H**# 5'r,f,*.5 -#r:C*r*:.gneC' i't* L''ting rhe naneger: * end rncmbers ,-:f ule i4anagern€nt 'a*nir,l ILee Canehra xc r1u]: , L, L. c . , do h*a:eh*v accepr nciice cf cr sp*cial c a"I. li.ed meetlrjg rr cne **n*g*rs asrd;;hil;; *f conrmi-i{{-*r iJ;b;.;; iiu*;'T:i:;:, 1; ;;"H;iE I; "inii** :*: rjf,lry:T*'i af Ju}1o, ,?CIfis, t*rar-ve al"l arl:erj anci ruiche" *f :$ t'-". S=y * Ene iTE *f sa j.d rneeting and c$nsenr and aqr€e that it said "Earr al1 nie!ee5s meeEing rnay he ecns.idered bi. ihe rnernbers r+'hich, is .."T be'f are rnanagers and t'',e-rnu*rs CIf u,he t"tanagemenr H::ff u o m r ' r:,.:! t t . e e a f C 4 4 e b r a k e !hu. C3ub. L.t.C. br[T?"Es5 uq h e the debe E:eE *pp si,:te oq.lr s.ig,na6!*rf;€s, s,r,G*I.&TURg ,,FAtE,. -JuL'y , ,.$.r ,,. t,,u,S,fi J*Iy ,',,2S-S€ * July -r*' .f ., esofl ftecordiaaF*e TNTfrL ; i tl t io 10,ffi ts.ss '..i.:,,1 i i#+'r1qsi";* {}ir* |. * t:, . _ ' _ * . - , i - , _ . , T l . F ' : , : , * ; * -i ' - ,i-:: - 1 .lji5;,,;.. :: i =' i ' r : f - ii -1r1:-1,{'-,: " i,li-"" * l*g,,rr{ i,!'L*'l';*F:i,*$r1i'**rt;i.i.*i. [*ali'r+i:ati.:;*,f T l r * l ' , ' 1 a r r , l : f i r : r r i -i lr*rnr ir n : r t t r l t c { [ r n * L : r * l . i ' , 1 i r . , l ] ,i | { . .*+*n#'**lrnel#$t j* , .:{i{:S, ,.*,ryr:i F,uriusf sL lT i]-ttrtFgra$flft[D thai et + sBtr:ialr*ll*rr rneetin6cf threm*flag*i.cr irndalt n:rnlb*rsof cfi* rn*rt*genre*t.ersn'rnifte-ebf'flanebr-alceflub, 1.1.f.",*l*',[,Fnsti{$tc$,bU'th**rnerirdedu"*d,**Et*teJ'iinnlt*d ,h*{ -*n th* Liahltitye*m$l*rxy, a!&rryffieftt,*tArtir**.6n,,*,cnpy,uf, ieh,is.*tt,*rl!E$,her.ar*, d€y trf *ug,u*t,'Ifr*S,at *$hietr! €fl.rt€eti,n*,*illy Christqpher,xc,ted'trs,';f;lt&lr,nrfrr and at r,,rhich,meetiEg,*ll: mtnagersantirnernberE qhessmr.beingas f*l{ows: uf th* **n*g*rn*nT {*r'nmittcew€fe pres*r,rt, Alstonfdoah.(arl Huntand BiilFy,christ*pher, were had anridone: and thu ftllt*wingproceedings 'al*,memh#issre Th,e.'ehairr'rra$,f{lf{u,tn*ed't!u*f **ilt*r,e'hVaivernf ngt{ceas, flrese.f,af# tav*,,s.Fgned,^t rcqqli.rcS.by:tfie,&r:.tid,**:*f;#fffa,nisati+n and rrdered that the We,iv*i*{*p.tlec'b€r**rered. uia nart of l,h* rnft:ialt*$:ed' i tlis. r e*til+g. Wheie$pb{l;Blliy fhrirtupher intrsdr:c€dtlr*,e'fn'ffui+tng,alutisn: firq'F*Fq&Hipr $;S ;$fii*rYi. n Cqvery*fr:E &l Th€'$i**ged, vilrt*t, r,lryi*l iontaste$,bl{,th*'EgArd,sf, S-ir,cetrlrs 8*ardo']' 1,"1t[.re. or hsdesignee.,Suehdesi6nee may be a #ianag*ffientCornpany, tnmrnfttee '.hsFsrlfu*fs",*e, oth*rlper$snsar entEties as desi$netcdbVthe flnardt*,erufur*e the rulesof the HSAcrntainedin the By"Laws or Csvenanls.Theaileged ,viei*st s !",wil l be requ*sted to irnmedi*te ty sEFF*'tr*d,Sesis.*; the,b.js{*tinfi,Si. lf,the'atrl*g*d',via*star,i#*s6:*e-t ir.rme iat*ly,c,*aE*:e*S #*ris*;,the'*-llegrd y,!,$t r wll be issu*da wrltt ,naticqthst'rv$'lE$pecifuthervi*l$ticn* i**niltg, the,aati*ri,req*i,r'ed,tn'ah*te violati*n, the nnd'lwiiilb*,gfve* ten r{I*J,eal**ld*r daysdurinEwhlchthe violationrnaybe abatedwithaut furthersan*tisni{ the wi*{lti*n is a corttinuingorre,,,or-a-5tat*r,nefit tn*t,*ny,furt$g{dalstis*,,n{.thb, saffierule rnayresultin the irnporhi*naf a line if the violatianis nnt ccntinuing. f the ss-srdSeterrninesthatrft'vislati*n,F*p*sa,da*$*r ts,iafsry or,p6*rty" the Saarcinraydernsndimmediateabaternentof th* ulaf*tion, []' [f' e'*lEe6edvi*61$r.iru**bk.is, abatetfie,u'intatfsnvuinhtn ttre **n tisi*ay$n , ,t*,the'Ss*rd:thet, the atfegedvi*Natormay prre**nt'ap{€il 6,$flin s 16speason{s} why k fannfit be ah,ated ;n tlre ten {lilJ daysand includesa firrn*chedul*for the fibat*ment; Ttler:atN*ged viotatnr mayEls*,r:*sr,iestrs Hcard hearlng.befere.,the sr the Bcardsdesignee. D! lf the altegerjulolatsrfailgto eitFrer+batsthe uiolationrvitfrinthe tcn [f$j Uays *r *rF ide an aceeptattep*ant* the Buar* wilrenthe t*n [f$i d,a$, *r sub*itu **, planbut failgtn abat*the violationwithi* th* timefrfirnc *cceptable flutlinedin the -r l ' " . -r i; i-*.f* .F'f'**lit*d.g'f*.t:'i}f,e]nu..g.*=''#.a'i1n.rtf*'.iI.1*Ef.grt.:F;*sij.!.t vi * i{it,*r,,rt*ii, t}.*_;ji; .tfe.v'ia$.nfi*et'b*{:eolnstgitg.th*.5g'*-'**:.Ti*t*.t.i*ri:,*'+j1$rin*.'iw*i-r*,;.3T.!r"n*lfit e$leg* d',v !*J*trs;;,r* Il{,h,*'egsrEc*ri * fi cje * f $ -t5'S,i *f the,wi*l*tl*n'e*nllnue*:uft*r tfrr vie'Efit$rwili *te fln*d ttre'initi*l:'flnplis"rlg*sitinar, *in'*Sditi ,nxf $$ $e*,*ey r*ttl Eile,ui#iati*ru'is.ebated. l{,t}le {incs are r:ot piEeiwitfiin ths,s'iF!y,{.hS}de$s.aflerthe init1pl,firt* irntrsasiti*n",th€Sra** may refer the c*Fiecti *f t h e fi n e to a c s l f* c ti s n a s e n ry and/* r ni ay pl * ce a l i * n * n the resi dencr, Thr 'ai$***dlorisl*t*r.*haJibe'respn**rhle'fer atlreag*rl*,bFer*g*;ir$*ur*e$ hy-:tllelBo*rd tu cslie the,'fin*c,tr1?Fc$*d; fFte,$*fdayfine.tfiall'c**ti*{.$€ to be app}irsbie ufteilthe viofatirn is absted even !f the Bnard *lects ts engageo c*lleetion aHgnrlland/*r plare ,a ]ien sn:the ie*idesr*e; F) To irnpuse the fine* nfltedrin sertion {d} et}*ve, the So;rd ,i,vilf sEnd the alEeged ,vi*,iatsr."a,n*riicewhicfi.ra*itispeeifry.thenatlrre ef,tlre vi**l'*tian; prnrrlds.nctire tfua{th* o fin* h€s'been,,ir,nF. sed; cp€r{.fu'tfut-t*e*il*g*S vi*{nt*r tr*s t*n il$l daysfr*,rstfle'da,te fir:te1tha.tth,*,61[gged vigt *r'may' sStlre nntlts'ta r€qrr€*tx he*rirrg,re$*r:$in6,t'F*# :pr:Esent,Etrterfi€l*rs,,eddence".6s6lrave *hne*sas,at,tfrslhearir*#and tlret sil r'Sglrtu:t* the flne reconsidered ii he"rring is calendar are waived a nu{ requsstedwlthln ten [lCIJ dafsftf-t1redste af the nutice" ,ffi},ff,,!figul*! nis ;n*t,*fiated'{oi if the ,alt*g*dviu,}at*r is,nmf,ln *omptixnc*'with Enap-prflvede.fu*tsrnentphn!after sixty tfiO!daysof the inlitnt natis*, the fl*erd,shalt ,rwri the Xliegedvtsl*tsr etahe Board'shafl:teke, th* *ppu*pui*t* u riu* to abat* ,.thsuialfficn and the aillegeolrisls *rishalJ'b#r'*s * ihledirrany cnst assocl*tedwith, s,*rh ahx!,* *nt- Upor:,e*rrp*efiom,of'tti* *baterrnentthe b*ard s'hatlpr,* t,th,e ei[*g*d vi*lsl*r with:*n i'nvnieefor,the ccstsend ttr* elleg*d'vi*l*tsr'gttsll,have' thittV {3fi} d*yc ffi'r ffir*:uehtime p.er**d',*s m*y:be *ppr:nwed'by,,ttre'8xrard,}'t B*xr.d.mayrefer the estlect;Frr$f the fifl€ tq.,ficolle{ti*n,*genuysndlsr ma Flacea li*n:rlt.the re$idenee,'ThEaflegedvi*iatarsfrsfi'br*rexp*nsib!,stcr-,*H're.assnabie ,e*$tSirreLilrrgd'by,th* Epard ta c*fleft thr arnsu,nt,swed, r+! lf,a hearlngis request*d,lf.tgfraitn* held befor# the #serd sritE d**ig**e in an execiltivesessisnand tl'realiegedvi*latcrshallbe givenfr ree$ofiable *ppcrtunitv to be lleard. The minutesaf the m€etingshallcontalna written rtatementst the resultsof tFrehearing. CarlHuntseccndedthe rnntian, The{hai,rrnaFp t:qfis,gure$ti.*n and.nfin*unce .ttratthe v*te w*s unaninrnusand th$t:,th€iris*E*Rlwfr duly anriFroFertrladopted. -::i'.t -t j i.i_*',' ilix,**l_llr:; 'Fi{h Eitti#:.*r{,$:.* EL$rr:ir,ir*tr+taF:*,f}:* p**** *fl't'rxri'G*gt*i.'l,F:-is',F,*uC "Fa,;i.;.;*r-:. f'k*r* fu$;1*.$, n+'f,i.rrtir:r husin*:.u. tt':*,nrw*tir,rg';.s**uurfje*rrrri*r{: Errpectiuitv ruLimittrd, t ff; hri'stcph er,* f; f*,ai *h*M* Far fegofliw Carl, f{ u n{'"*,[\rtlem,be r, 1$.,8$ *F*ffi The..Uncte..rs$gnedbeing:.th*r.n*rnb*rlg'*f:e*nehra$*ee$r.l.,.t...t.f";'#*herebyaec*ptnctie*:F.f. eatledrftcetin6nf:th,*'mernb*r.*uf CanehrakeClub"t''l . tc,h€,heid nn tn*J"5Say: €f S*S,u n.30#S" lr**ive:al&,uther *nd$urti:rer,fimtic*of the callingof said m*eti,nge*d efinsent*nS agreethx;ti*t s*i 'bythe'm*mberswtuichis prnpe-r,l*,r*nteh,efare mtetin$,-gltffiaq1qr$nnar{&*g,*nsid*,r th* rcernbqr$. WITNESS CIurhandsthe dateset opposlt*nur slgnatures. SIGNATURE \ SAT€ -F Ausust.4."f" zilo$ =t# August €d*., UuU*uU CnrlHunt Z*ilB e; a-.- .- - ..-: :-. * '+ .! !! - l : +.- f i.- ,-; r- .-'.1 : rr r- t..aX j t, ; ; , e - : l - - , i 1 1'"'';. * r ,_:. *' jf,-::-";_'.:_1 ; i : : ; - . ! . : -? - ' : ; . ' t * , * '"';1,* 6*..',l:ri, $r,.";:',i,1'i-":,i*i;:gg,f.r;1-,.: i i, ';,",i + - :*ti ,nt fsiit u{e* a'f * fu1*g.ri*ff*f tlre ,futnrt*6esg'*rc{i. t'h* ,k{frr"nbsr$,t:g ' -tr n ft.g,il-rn ,: nt c*m r'riitre * *f' {',*sig xle* fl i{,Iib.L-L,i, he fro'?a H*ld rln rtle ".# {: ,!i*F}*y *f i\prit ;,1.}s B[ tT RE[\,[EMSE.REF thai *t a specislcslled{neetingsf the rT}frrri}€ers andall rn€nrberssf th* rr.tan*g*r.rnent:e*{:nifg*ufesnehr$ke.f.lub,..L-t.i',.**c*rlli;tllte.dt*v'ttie.iA{1}€t1cd.tnd] yn*rtret,*rtid*4, a,rp#1rnf wt:ie$!* *ttxxt!$ heretq, he.ldfio,tl}e fi*blllt14tf;n$r1##t11{,,&S{S slr-,p$ 'rlr,**irrg, Apri$ }Sil,S,at which,*lf HiiLyi*hri*tepfuer,*r,tsd,as,flhairrn*n nnd at $dhifh rneeting *tl manasers and nrernberE a* the rn*naggmentnernnrittee rlr€reFJrebent. ihe samebeingasfollcws: A{srcnf{oah. ,[ar[ Hunt,*nfrEifl* flhrint*ph*r* ai?dttnefa*ln'u'*inS'p,rrrcendings r#,sre:hx,rJ;,end'Sr*e: Tfe.ffairf1fn*nnuuncec$.thetalf.mernbersare:pr*g*ft8,nd.l*a$*.3'igf*d.s!b'f*nl.1ltl,*i:,f*f' ' 'pxrt,ef rqq*lln*#by the &l.ficle,*nf ,*rrganiie*sr*a nrd*reri thftt the W$ivgf.fifft*tif,€ibeGnter* the minutes*f the m*eting. Wh*ryip*q,Fil t * rigtqpherintrs d*eed rtl* lf#Llsrlrin$,resslutinn: L*If rEEsFSF. ftEt;!fftl"EfSfr;H,F SSjH,,_*s.$SGj*ritrr"f{'trH,FE E e Jwe 1-,?fift$'",,the hylawsf*r tl'r,e, f *rnemwfrer$,Ass*c,l,anwill,be aen*ndcsts ingtitute late feessn t-ifrAdue*, A twEntv-,fi*qt$*S n} dolf*r per'mohth.r$t*rh*ige,wri*l.' Ffgcedu* dejiquent c**bu,-uts,eo*fv. rrr*nth until the "lmcuntdue is paici.The i-lfrAmay pla** * lienagainstsubiecr propertyif feesanddues*rs not brnughtLrptG datewithinsixty{601days. Cqrlt;tunt'seq*nd,the-morirn" f,ft* xirrnan,$irt@uuert**n,*nd enn*unced that t,hevsi ,r#agrrr*anirsrnus',*nd, thalttre'm*tion:rqr&g duly and Fropertyadcpted. Th*r:e,,be,tngno f *rt,t**sbu*'in*F$;.the rnt*eti*,lg*vas:adiuGrned " &espectfullvsubrnitted, t' Bll*y Ar ftcpfrer*.ffiai if i't7.0,.€::* f i ,i i,i'f ,fn ,,":,j ,.,o i'i !; -*T. r{.;,r:+ : -i-l::"X{ 3nl*rgpffin-llr -* F.,lerri[:er- -#a*i?j ,{:'qwY Fri,'f e$s$ jf?:'1 t*ri Hurr!* Merrrb*rr I tttristnltl'rer Tlle.tjn{iersigne,b*-ing.th*'nrernberg'sffanehrakeft L,tfi,, dsf:ereh1l,s{{eFt:{lfltie*,s$,a,*pq4ifff callednieetingof th* rnernb*rsuf f,*nrbrake{iut:, L.L.C., to b* held+n ttre#&Say *f April JS09, w*iue,a}lother'and further nctke' 1ir€eNIIing$fs*id'rnp$ng'an$cs$s**:t,anda#r€ethetat'said: rneetingall rn*tters may be csn*ideredby rhe rnembersu.rhi*higprop*r tu cornebefore the rnembqrs Wf,t$lgSs'mur.h*rl,S.s tFce,,dat* set oppositeour signqtru,es, $IGI{ATUftE FAT[. _.J Anril :'w {r4 34s ,?00t ^rd ABrit {*{o* _,3S0S -* -f &tt ,at { Aprit tr_, dr ;fifl* f,ad Hunt x i I IL t: l - i. i, l,' t i I r I Fa* f;p*orsinn TSTGL '?;.S* ?.s*