June 26, 2016 - O`Fallon
June 26, 2016 - O`Fallon
Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time June 26, 2016 Most Reverend Edward K. Braxton, Bishop of Belleville WEEKEND MASS SCHEDULE Saturday 5:00 p.m. Sunday 8:30 a.m. and 10:30 a.m. BAPTISM—Preparation classes for parents are offered every other month for infant baptism. Call the Parish Office to sign up. Adults wishing to be baptized should also call the Office. RECONCILIATION—Saturdays 3:30 until 4:30 p.m. or by appointment. Community celebrations are also offered every Advent and Lent. MATRIMONY—Contact Pastor a year prior. ANOINTING OF THE SICK—Communal celebrations twice a year, or by appointment. St. Clare of Assisi, Pray for Us! St. Clare of Assisi Catholic Church 1411 Cross Street O’Fallon, IL 62269 618/ 632-3562 618/ 632-9036 (fax) www.stclarechurch.org Fr. Jim Deiters Dennis Vander Ven Marcia Fix Jamae Shubirg Ed Seipp Patrick Jurgensmeyer Stephen Eros Jane Dotson Matt Flynn Pastor Deacon Parish Secretary Administrative Assistant Business Manager Facilities Manager Music and Liturgy Director Family Faith Formation Adult Faith and Mission We, the people of St. Clare Catholic Parish, In the Diocese of Belleville, are called by God in baptism to be disciples of Jesus Christ. Centered in the Eucharist, and strengthened by the gifts of the Holy Spirit, we strive to live the Gospel and further the reign of God. We do this by creating a vibrant faith community, by actively promoting justice and evangelization, and by using our gifts in the service of God’s people, to give God glory and reverence all of Creation. ST. CLARE SCHOOL 632-6327 214 West Third Street, O’Fallon, IL Milissa Faust Gloria Schmidt Eileen Yahl MT. CALVARY CEMETERY Jim Deschesne, Sexton Principal Secretary Accountant 632-3562 PARISH TRUSTEES Michael Crupe John Dempsey ST. VINCENT DEPAUL Emergency Assistance 632-4270 From Our Pastor... Charity and Mercy St. Clare Parish is strong in its charitable giving and outreach to people in need. We do that in many ways including our ministries of St. Vincent De Paul, St. Louise De Marillac, soup kitchen, Feed My Lambs, and others. Every day we have people coming to our parish asking for help and we are able to assist them through the generous donations you make in the monthly envelope titled “For Those Who Need Our Help.” June 25 Tom Giger Walt Haeffner Kristy Lauer Stacey Steinkamp Justin Roberts Sebastian Fergus Nora Stapenhorst Ava Zeese Sometimes you might see a person in need at our church who asks for money or food. The St. Vincent de Paul Ministry is asking that you not give anyone money, but instead refer that person to the care of SVDP so they can best assess what the person’s needs really are. Those in St. Vincent de Paul ministry are trained in how to get to the root of the problem and make sure the person has all they need with dignity. They also have a data base of people in the area and often know the best way to care for that person. June 26 Chuck Gavin Karen Hogan George Martychenko George Heitzman Joe Prozinksi Carlos Goldberg Katie Furrow Cameron Girard Heidi Kazmierczak If and when you are approached by a person in need please call the phone number for SVDP that is listed on the front of our bulletin (632-4270). If it is on a weekend, please let the ushers at Mass know and they will make a direct call to the weekend emergency number. June 27 Carolyn Bertrand Katie Flynn Alysia Baines Liliana Caamal Matthew Preski Ultimately, you can choose yourself how you want to help those asking for money, but our SVDP leaders really feel they can best help the person in need with their training and with the funds that our parish has available for people in need. June 28 Sayl Ayoob Kyle Wilson Ashley Schoendienst Bryant Barrett Thanks for your care for the poor, Fr. Jim Deiters Recent Deaths: Virginia Leninsky, Wife of Walt Leninsky Mother of Shannon, Calvin & Royce Waits, And Michael and Walter III Leninsky Helen Gordon, Mother of Jana (John) Bechtoldt May they rest in the peace and love of Christ and may God bless and comfort all who are mourning the death of a loved one. June 29 Joe Burroughs Jim Calandro Larry Martin Dale Gourley Steve Griffin Regina Gorom Kim Kramer Rachel Kegley Caye Hagarty Lucas Snyder June 30 Lorna Dunn John Bechtoldt Lisa Reno Joe Watkins Renae Pierre Jordan Baum Aaron Blacharczyk Olivia Molnar Bernadette Molnar Jessica Kuca Asher Henson Hannah Grubofski July 1 Jere Buttimer Ronald Koch Kurt Lafrance Felicia DeGonia John Winkelmann Renee Westerheide Denise Trelow Peter Nguyen Randy Nguyen Tom Bergfeld Blaire Badgley Theresa Breslin Ariel Bevers Alec Busse July 2 Pat Weiler Steve Sharpe Colin Prestidge Anson Roman Smith Andrew Winkeler Braelyn Kramer Ashlyn Kramer July 3 Mildred Gerardi Joanie Burke Josh Spilker Alejandra Barragan Emily Erb MASS INTENTIONS Saturday, June 25 THIRTEENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Next Weekend July 2/3 Cantors 5:00 p.m. Raymond, Barbara and R.J. Boos Wedding of Ken Kenney and Barbara Kovach Saturday 5:00 Sunday 8:30 10:30 Sunday, June 26 Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion THIRTEENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME 8:30 a.m. Jerome and Dorothy Warchol Les King 10:30 a.m. Juan Rodriguez Donald Di mer Monday, June 27 Saturday 5:00 Lee & Anne Crowe, Tom Grimmig, Nancy Karrigan Lucy Mixen, Kevin Mulheran, Walter O’Dell Brigid & Katelyn Sternberg, Tom & Mary Lou Pawlow* Richard Ransom*, Shirley Suski* Sunday 8:30 Diane Dodd, Jaclyn Gross, Percy Menzies, Frank Morski Jim, Pennie & Sarah Pavlisin, Susan Price Simone Wheeler, Marie Berry*, Mary Fleming* Peter Fleming*, Kristy Turner* Sunday 10:30 Mark Arbogast, Dan & Tara Ashbaker, Jane Dotson Krystle Hatter, Karen Holzum, Dominic & Rena Sabatino Richard Smith, Mary Anne Burroughs*, Steve Hellman* Lindsay Goldberg*, Kathy Sjoquist* Weekday, Saint Cyril of Alexandria, Bishop/Doctor of the Church 12:00 p.m. Elaine, Rosemary & William Fischer Tuesday, June 28 Saint Irenaeus, Bishop and Martyr 7:30 a.m. Melvin Seipp Wednesday, June 29—No Mass SAINTS PETER AND PAUL, APOSTLES Thursday, June 30 Weekday The First Martyrs of the Holy Roman Church 12:00 p.m. No Mass 6:00 p.m. Prison Mass Lectors Saturday 5:00 Sunday 8:30 10:30 Jere & Nancy Buttimer Brian Kloustermeyer & Bill Matzker Margaret Andrasko & Amelia Abalos 7:30 a.m. Special Inten on Servers Saturday 5:00 8:30 10:30 Ushers Saturday 5:00 Saturday, July 2 Sunday 8:30 John Bechtoldt, Dennis Collins, Jim Hendricks Mark Huller, Mike Lafferty, Don Proffer Sunday 10:30 Ruben Abalos, Paulo D’Amico, Brian Huelsmann John Meise, Roy Rogge, Mark Sevens First Friday, July 1 Weekday, USA: Blessed Junipero Serra, Priest 5:30 p.m. Wedding of Nick Tackacs & Jenna Kunde FOURTEENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME 5:00 p.m. Theresa Keeney Sunday, July 3 8:30 a.m. H. O. and Virginia Williams 10:30 a.m. For Our Parish 11:45 a.m. EucharisƟc AdoraƟon Gift Bearers Saturday 5:00 Sunday 8:30 10:30 Weekday Readings June 27-July 3 Greeters Saturday 5:00 8:30 10:30 Sound Board Saturday 5:00 Sunday 8:30 10:30 FOURTEENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Monday: Am 2:6-10, 13-16; Ps 50:16bc-23; Mt 8:18-22 Tuesday: Am 3:1-8; 4:11-12; Ps 5:4b-8; Mt 8:23-27 Wednesday: Vigil: Acts 3:1-10; Ps 19:2-5; Gal 1:11-20; Jn 21:15-19 Day: Acts 12:1-11; Ps 34:2-9; 2 Tm 4:6-8, 17-18; Mt 16:13-19 Thursday: Am 7:10-17; Ps 19:8-11; Mt 9:1-8 Friday:Am 8:4-6, 9-12; Ps 119:2, 10, 20, 30, 40, 131; Mt 9:9-13 Saturday: Am 9:11-15; Ps 85:9ab, 10-14; Mt 9:14-17 Sunday: Is 66:10-14c; Ps 66:1-7, 16, 20; Gal 6:14-18; Lk 10:1-12, 17-20 [1-9] Noah Cuttler, Elizabeth Henken, Faith Rackers Natalie Bak, Jacob Nguyen, Matthew Turner Connor Chapple, Drew Ferguson, Joseph Kinsella John Boysha, Josh Gansuaer, Su Holmes Richie Meile, Eric Sheesley, Scott Voss Hal & Bridgett Harris Pete, Tracy & Ava Pace Blaine & Debbie Phillips Bo, Cyndi, Eli & Olivia Butters Jim & Corrine Wright, Judy Wylie Matt & Stephanie Chambers Family David Schmitz Parker Crain Jim Colombo Bread Bakers Kathy DeVan, Shelley Mank, Beth Tempus Children’s Word Saturday 5:00 Sunday 8:30 10:30 Peggy Snyder & Sophia Cherry Pat Vollmer & Meredith Blair Barb Smith & Hunter Barr Nursery 10:30 Megan Blair & Maddie Blair Please pray for the sick, their loved ones and caregivers; may they never lose sight of the love of God… Jennifer R. Barajas, Wray Barr, Shirley Carroll, Linda Cipfl, Jeanette Dempsey, Yasuko Estabrooks, Rita Ferreri, Kathleen Flynn, Mildred Gerardi, Tom Giger, Hannah Grubofski, Rita Haukapp, Margaret Heinke, Dee Hocher, Jessica Holmes, Bob Kemp, Emil Kirchgessner, Liz Klingler, Amie Kovach, Dawn Papproth Kuhn, Abelina Leon, Mary Lugge, Matthew MacAinsh, Nona Morgan, Doris Prosser, Dale Reeser, Megan Saldana, Madelean Sanford, Clete Schwaegel, Craig Seipp, Mary Ann Seipp, Betty Stogner, Betty Tomasovich, Jake Van Hook, Jenny Vogt, Patricia Weiler, Steve Wells, Virginia Woods If you have a family member that is homebound due to illness or hospitalized, please call the parish office. Please pray for our military men and women, especially those separated from loved ones by deployment. Guatemala Corner "Strengthening Sister Parish Relationships Conference" Tuesday, August 9th, 11:30am to 3:30pm St. Mary's in Trenton Lunch will be provided, and the conference is free. Our own Fr. Jim and Margarita Crupe will be on a panel for part of the conference. Attendees do not need to have a lot of knowledge or experience--interest in the sister parish program is enough. Please contact Matt Flynn for more information or if you plan to attend by Tuesday, June 28th, at 632-3562 or [email protected]. WALKING TOUR OF THE MISSOURI BOTANICAL GARDEN WITH FR. JIM: CELEBRATE THE ONE YEAR ANNIVERSARY OF LAUDATO SI’ This adults only (18 and over) event is offered on a first come-first served basis. Fr. Jim and a group of 20 parishioners will tour the Missouri Botanical Garden and have a lunch conversation about Laudato Si’, Pope Francis’ life-affirming encyclical letter on Care for Our Common Home. The lunch conversation will focus on three primary questions: • Why are you interested in Laudato Si’ and caring for our common home? • What would you like to learn or do more about caring for our common home? • What ideas do you have for or what would you like to do with our parish’s Earth Concerns Committee? Friday, July 8 from 9 a.m.—2:30 p.m. More detailed schedule upon request. Cost for individual admission is $8.00; lunch location and cost TBD. RSVP to Matt Flynn at 632-3562 or [email protected]. Save the Date! To help kick off our 150th year as a parish, St. Clare will visit our Sister Parish in Guatemala January 2-9, 2017. Contact Matt Flynn at 632-3562 or [email protected] if you are interested. Minors under the age of 18 must be accompanied by a parent/guardian. Curious About Catholicism? Learn More through the Inquiry Process Every other Tuesday, 7-8:30 pm (July 5, 19, August 2, 16) Ongoing Inquiry Sessions are a great opportunity to explore your interest in the Catholic Faith—no commitment necessary. Sessions are informal and relaxed, include light refreshments and discussion. If you know anyone interested in Catholicism or searching for a spiritual home, please contact Matt ([email protected] or 632-3562). Stewardship Share God’s Gifts You have been given wonderful gi s from God…Will you share them? NEEDED: “Meals for People in Distress” This ministry helps provide meals to individuals and families going through difficult times (such as the death of a family member, a major illness or injury, etc.). If you are interested and able to help provide meals, please contact Felicia at [email protected] or (618) 207-9285. VBS NEEDS: Washable markers, new knee high panty hose, black card stock, cotton balls, embroidery thread, rainbow loom rubber bands and medium size googly eyes. Please drop them off at parish office or in basket in credenza by restrooms by June 25. HOT WEATHER BRINGS ADDITIONAL NEEDS FOR ST. VINCENT DE PAUL & CATHOLIC URBAN PROGRAM: During the hot summer weather, there is a need for bottled water and Gatorade (or similar drinks). These items can be dropped off at the SVDP offices #13 Vieuxcarre Drive in East St. Louis (Loisel Village area off Route 157) or call 394-0126 Ext. 12 or 13 for more information. You may also drop items off at our church, marked SVDP. June 19, 2016 Tithe……………$15,574.00 New Church……..$6,337.00 “One man gives freely, yet grows all the richer; Another withholds what he should give, and only suffers want.” Proverbs 11:24 Old Testament Bible Study The Book of Genesis 10 Consecutive Tuesdays, July 19-Sept 20 7:00-8:30 p.m. Church Library To register, contact the parish office at 632-3562 by July 6. Suggested cost for materials is $20. If you subscribed to Give Us This Day Please check the Fellowship Hall For your recent June and July books. They are placed on top of the piano. Now that we’re entering Ordinary Time again in the liturgical year, check out this great study guide that will help you understand the gospel readings from now until Advent. The Gospel of Luke Study Bible has fresh insights, ample notes on each page and commentary from Scott Hahn among other renowned Bible teachers, as well as time-tested interpretations from the Fathers of the Church. Also on our kiosk is Beloved: Finding Happiness in Marriage, a CD from Dr. Tim Gray, that will help you discover how to find or renew happiness in your marriage. Dr. Gray presents an honest look at the blessings and struggles of marriage, with wisdom and a fascinating connection of Adam and Eve to modern day spouses. Check out these and other great talks for high school youth and young adults on our Lighthouse Catholic Media Kiosk. ST. PEREGRINE DEVOTION Patron Saint of Cancer Patients FIRST THURSDAY OF EACH MONTH Our Lady Queen of Peace Church, Belleville Mass at 8:00 a.m. Devotion following The Bridges Foundation For more information, or to carpool, please call our parish office 632-3562. Will be offering a free information session on The Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius Loyola Eucharistic Adoration Wednesday, July 13 7 p.m. – 8 p.m. Sunday, July 3 after 10:30 Mass until Monday, July 4 Benediction at 11:40 a.m. Mass at Noon St. Nicholas Catholic Church Good Shepherd Spirituality Center 625 St. Nicholas Drive O’Fallon, IL We now have a keypad lock on one of the church doors, as the church will be locked during the nighttime hours during Adoration. For those who wish to come for any amount of time during the nighttime hours, please contact one of the following to get the information needed to use the keypad: Mary Gomez 501-247-7182 Amy Hughes 632-5882 or Marcia at the parish office 632-3562. For more information, please see our website: www.bridgesfoundation.org Or call 636-225-8433 YOUTH MISSION TRIP JUNE 26—JULY 1 HOYLETON CHILDREN’S HOME HOYLETON, IL Please pray for those on mission at Hoyleton Children’s Home Maddie Blair Billi Brown Sarah Dotson Jacob Huffines Julie Jordan Allison LaSalvia Michael Marshall Charlie Moore Jacob Nguyen Jordan Nguyen Hieu Nguyen Faith Rackers Aaron Reuter Rachel Sabella Logan Smoot Tyler Stanton Alyssa Thoman Josie Wilson Kylie Wilson College & Adults Megan Blair, Alex Garza, Gene Jalbert, Karen Jalbert, Taylor Signore Katelyn Sternberg and Kody Turner June 26—July 1 Hoyleton Service Trip July 3 July 10 July 17 July 24 July 31 Aug. 7 No Meeting—Holiday Weekend Youth Group Meeting 6—7:30 p.m. Youth Group help decorate for VBS 5—6;30 p.m. at St. Clare School Gym Bring barnyard décor Youth Group Meeting 6—7:30 p.m. Youth Group Meeting 6—7:30 p.m. Youth Group Meeting 6—7:30 p.m. Crazy 8’s Summer Splash Party For 7th & 8th graders 5—7 p.m. Sunday, July 10 St. Clare Church East Lawn by Fellowship Hall Bring a friend from any parish or any faith Bring a towel...you will get wet!! Cool drinks and snacks will be served. (Parents needed to help chaperone) Save the Date! Hey Girls! What’s on your mind? Join our new Girls Group for all high school girls July 5 & 19 from 6-7:30 p. m. In New Youth Room (St. Clare School lower level) All High School Girls are invited!! July 14 at 6:30 Summer BBQ for College Students And Young Adults Main Course provided, bring a side or dessert RSVP to Jane at [email protected] or Sally at [email protected] by July 11 Save the Date! Catholic Youth Rally for all 5th & 6th grade students featuring Karl Zimmermann Band Sunday, August 28 from 3:30—5:30 St. Clare School Gym Co-hosted by St. Clare School, St. Nicholas, Corpus Christi and St. Clare Parishes ALTAR ANGELS JULY 2: Rose Brennan, Celerina Collins Ely Gillespie, Babe Papproth, Judy Wylie ZUCCHINI BREAD FOR SALE St. Clare Altar Sodality is selling their delicious Zucchini Bread a er Masses this Sunday!! KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS FUNDRAISER All Meat Pork Kabobs packaged and ready for the grill (for this 4th of July!) Vacuum sealed and frozen for pick up on June 29 from 5—8 p.m. and July 2 from 9 a.m. to Noon at the O’Fallon Knights of Columbus Hall. Packs of four kabobs, $8 and six kababs, $12. Place advance orders by calling 618-624-6227. 2ND ANNUAL FONTEBELLA MATERNITY HOME GOLF CLASSIC AUGUST 6 Stonewolf Golf Club 1:00 P.M. Shotgun Start; $100 per person/$400 team. Raffles, Prizes, Contests and More! To inquire about a sponsorship, email Erica Rogers at [email protected] or 618910-0356. Register online at h p://bit.ly/1RbXJsp VBS helps other kids in need! As our service project this year, St. Clare and Corpus Christi Vacation Bible School will collect backpacks, school supplies and uniforms for students in conjunction with the Christian Activity Center in East St. Louis. Please bring your donations to VBS the week of July 18-22 and put them in the box by the door at St. Clare School. Supplies needed: Backpacks, Pencils, 3-ring binders Loose leaf paper, Highlighters, Markers Colored pencils, Pocket folders Uniforms needed: Size 6—18 Long or Short sleeve Pale blue or white polo shirts Navy, black or khaki pants ST. CLARE SCHOOL SUMMER SPORTS CAMPS Basketball July 5—8 Monday—Friday 1st—4th grade 5—6 pm Monday—Friday 5th—8th grade 6—7 pm Volleyball July 11—15 Monday-Friday 1st—4th grade 5—6 p.m. Monday-Friday 5th—8th grade 6—7 p.m. Running July 18—22 Monday—Friday 1st grade and above 6—7 p.m. Soccer July 25—29 Monday—Friday K—1st grade 6—7 p.m. Monday—Friday 2nd grade—4th grade 7—8 p.m. To register, or for additional information, please contact St. Clare School Athletic Director, Tom Fischer at [email protected] The cost for each camp is $40. Althoff Catholic High School is proud to announce its “Salute to Distinguished Alumni and Rising Stars” dinner. On November 9, at the event formerly known as its Benefit Dinner, ACHS will add to its Hall of Inspiration five additional Distinguished Alumni and five additional Rising Stars. The school needs your help identifying ACHS graduates who have both distinguished themselves professionally and are examples of Christian living. Submit your nominations TODAY!! One nomination per person, please. The web-based nomination process will close at 3:30 pm CDT on September 2, 2016. For additional information visit the ANNOUNCEMENTS section at www.althoff.net. To go directly to the nomination website, use your smartphone to scan this QR code: Please help spread the word…share this info with family & friends. Questions? Contact Pam Miller at 235-1100 ext. 109 or [email protected].