SAVE THE DATE! OCTOBER SERMON SERIES FAITH, COMMUNITY & LEGACY SERMON SERIES: OCTOBER 12 : Praying… th OCTOBER 19th: Risking… OCTOBER 26th: Deciding… MOST HOLY GOD, HUNTSVILLE UNITED METHODIST CHURCH We are your followers and we have heard your call upon our lives. We pray for your help that we might be strong, of good courage and free from fear so that we may be successful in building your home in this place. Now O’ God, we set our hearts and minds to seek your face in all that we do, and may we do all with every ounce of our strength and all of our love. OUR HANDS, HIS HOME AMEN PRAYER TEAM EVENTS NOVEMBER 1: PRAYER VIGIL NOV. 1, 9:00AM–NOV. 2, 9:00AM NOVEMBER 16: CIRCLE THE CHURCH IN PRAYER VOLUME 1 • ISSUE 3 • OCTOBER 2014 The Gospel writer Luke tells us in 9:51 that “Jesus set his face to go to Jerusalem.” Luke wanted the reader to know that Jesus had become crystal clear about his mission. Jesus would go to Jerusalem, take his place on the cross and redeem the entire world. He was ready to pay the price, no matter how steep. HUNTSVILLE UNITED METHODIST CHURCH • (937) 686-7101 • WWW.HUNTSVILLEUMC.COM • [email protected] Starting on Sunday, October 4th, we will enter into the spiritual emphasis phase of our campaign. In a manner of speaking, we are turning our faces towards our Miracle Harvest Sunday and we are going to be crystal clear about the mission ahead of us. Together we will pray and ask God, “What is it you want to do through me for your ministry at this church?” This time of prayer culminates on the first Sunday of November when we will take up our “Miracle Harvest Offering.” I can hardly wait to see what God is going to do in our midst. To know that we are in such a position to take this God-honoring leap of faith reminds me of Paul’s words to Timothy who was engaged in life transforming ministry: “They are to do good, to be rich in good works, generous and ready to share…so that they may take hold of the life that is really life!” (1 Timothy 6:18-19). It’s our time at HUMC to take hold of the life that is really life! God’s best to you and yours! -Pastor Bryan Meadows LEADERSHIP GIVING STRATEGIES SEMINAR If you feel led by God to financially support “Our Hands-His Home,” you are invited to join us on either Monday, October 13th at Longview Cover @ Indian Lake, or Tuesday, October 14th, at Café 212 in Bellefontaine as we meet with our campaign consultant, Mr. Michael Vilardo, of Transforming Christian Ministries. Michael will discuss with us the many different and creative ways we could make a sacrificial and transforming gift to the church during our three year campaign. If you would like to attend, you will need to reserve your seat in advance of the meeting. This can be done by directly calling the offices at HUMC, at (937)-686-7101. If no one is in the office, please leave a message on the answering machine. HUNTSVILLE, OH 43324 PO BOX 235 6611 FRUIT STREET HUMC’S MISSION Helping people move closer to God through a committed relationship with Jesus Christ. Our Hands-His Home Capital Campaign is designed to complement and equip us to live out our mission to its fullest potential. OUR HANDS, HIS HOME: FAITH, COMMUNITY, LEGACY: OUR PAST The story of HUMC began over 120 years ago when a group of committed Christ followers decided there needed to be a place of worship in the this community. This gathering of believers grew into a church that to this day has been helping people grow closer to God through a committed relationship with God. As we look to the next 120 years of ministry at HUMC we’re asking ourselves some Kingdom-sized questions: “Will we leave our future generations a cultural legacy of faith?” “Will our children’s children be able to tell great stories of a church that was committed to all of God’s vision?” “Will I choose to be a part of what God is doing at HUMC now and in the future?” Our Hands-His Home is all about growing in faith, building God’s community and leaving a legacy that will long outlast us. What a great time to be part of HUMC! SERMON SERIES During the month of October the church will enter into the spiritual emphasis phase of the campaign. We will focus on how this campaign will help advance God’s purposes, plans and will in our church, our community and our lives. We will conclude this series on November 16th when we will announce the total amount given and pledged for the “With Our Hands, We Build His Home: Faith Community & Legacy” campaign. Here’s a quick synopsis of the series: OUR HANDS, HIS HOME FAITH, COMMUNITY, LEGACY: How Do I Make a Capital Gift Decision? The measure of spiritual stewardship is not “equal gifts,” but rather “equal sacrifice.” Not everyone has the resources to make high end gifts, and we understand that. However, every person can meaningfully invest themselves in what God is doing at HUMC in proportion to the resources he/she has to work with. If then, there is no formula for what a person should give, how does one determine their commitment amount? Utilizing the questions below, allow them to help you gauge your own internal measures for this very important decision. • In a personal way, how will this commitment make a difference to me? • Is this a decision I am willing to take time to pray about, genuinely seeking God’s guidance in how God might work through me? OCTOBER 12: PRAYING • Is this a decision I have had a significant conversation about with my family and my larger family of faith? OCTOBER 19: RISKING • Have I thought creatively about a comprehensive giving plan that represents what I can do? What could I sacrifice? What priorities could I change to free resources to create a God-honoring gift? What exactly are we praying for during this season of sacrifice? Without risk, there can be no victory. OCTOBER 26: DECIDING To make a decision to sacrifice is to perform one of the most powerful actions in life. NOVEMBER 2: PREVAILING & THE MIRACLE HARVEST OFFERING SUNDAY To prevail is to advance the Kingdom onward. • Have I discovered the joy in giving to something that will out-live and out-last me, and contribute to the well-being of the church, communities, families and souls of this church? There is something deeper about the life of faith that we never fully experience until we learn to give ourselves as fully, freely and deeply as God gives to us. NOVEMBER 16: ANNOUNCEMENT SUNDAY! WHEN DO I MAKE MY GIFT? MIRACLE HARVEST SUNDAY: On Sunday, November 2nd, we will combine our two worship services into one service at 10:00AM. During the service will take up our Miracle Harvest Offering, celebrating how God has moved in the lives of the people at HUMC. Immediately following our worship service the entire church is invited to go in procession to The Huntsville Event Center where there will be a fully catered meal for the congregation. During our time at the event center we will have some special activities planned as well. You and your family are invited to join us on this historic day in the life of HUMC! *Photos taken in 1892 MR. CORY JARRETT: I grew up in a United Methodist Church and when I moved here over 15 years ago, I was searching for that small town church atmosphere like the one I grew up in. From the first time I walked into HUMC, something felt right. I knew it was the right church for me. I have met so many people who have touched my life in one way or another. I have made lifelong friends and we walk side by side through the ups and downs of life. I am thankful that God led me to this church and excited about the work He is doing through His people here. • Does this commitment change my life, investing me in the mission and calling of the church? OCTOBER 5: IMAGINING Imagine what can happen when a committed group of Christ followers join together for Kingdom purposes! TESTIMONIES: The church will celebrate the “Miracle Harvest Offering” on Sunday, November 2nd, in a combined-one service worship event at 10:00AM. During this service we will collect the offering for “Our Hands-His Home” campaign. ERIC & JANE TINSMAN: Since attending HUMC, we quickly realized we were on the right path to developing our faith to a whole new level! We enjoy the absolutely amazing people we’ve met, the positive changes in ourselves and our life, the interactive and engaging opportunity for our young son, and the many opportunities to give to others. We are looking forward to the expansion and the exciting future of HUMC! During the latter part of October everyone will receive in the mail a commitment card for the campaign. Persons can then fill out their comment cards, designating what they have been led to give and how they would like to structure their giving plan. On Sunday, November 2nd, we will bring our commitment cards to church where we will collect the cards during our Miracle Harvest Offering. HUNTSVILLE UNITED METHODIST CHURCH • (937) 686-7101 • WWW.HUNTSVILLEUMC.COM • [email protected]
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