KNOLLWOOD AT WORSHIP THE ELEVENTH SUNDAY AFTER PENTECOST Sunday, August 9, 2015 10:55 a.m. To those who feel the need of light; to those who find doubts and fears in their hearts; to those who need courage for their daily tasks; to those who feel lonely and friendless; to those who wish to give service; to all who, in faith, will support and involve themselves to the limit of their ability in the work of the Kingdom of God which this church undertakes; to all who want rest, peace, and happiness--this church invites you to the fellowship of Jesus. KNOLLWOOD AT WORSHIP GATHERING FOR WORSHIP Please silence all electronic devices. Thank you! THE CHIMES Three chimes are sounded, awakening us to the presence of God, alerting us to the voice of Christ, centering us in the embrace of the Spirit. As we gather, we present ourselves “as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is our spiritual worship.” THE OPENING SENTENCE ............................................................................... Diane Lipsett One: If you arrive here hungry for more of that divine bread which feeds your soul, then our Lord Jesus Christ will not disappoint you. His grace is sufficient for all your needs. Jesus says: “I am the bread of life. Those who come to me shall not hunger, and those who believe in me shall never thirst.” ~Bruce Prewer (after John 6) The Lord be with you. All: And also with you. †THE PRELUDE “Draw Us in the Spirit’s Tether”............................................................. arr. Edwin T. Childs Lauren Winkelman, organ THE CALL TO WORSHIP ................................................................................... Diane Lipsett One: Feed us now, Son of God, as you fed your first disciples. All: Feed us with that soul-food which nurtures enough love within us to outstrip the fears and enmity that ties us up in knots. One: Feed us with that spiritual bread which strengthens our hands for serving those who are broken and lost. All: Feed us, so that we may be filled with the joy that Jesus promised them who follow him. One: For your love’s sake. All: Amen! ~Bruce Prewer (after John 6) THE INVOCATION AND THE LORD’S PRAYER ................................................... Diane Lipsett *THE PROCESSIONAL HYMN OF PRAISE, NO. 53 “Let All Things Now Living” ...............................................................................................ASH GROVE LISTENING FOR GOD’S WORD THE OLD TESTAMENT LESSON: 1 Kings 19:4-8 ................................ Molly Brummett Wudel One: This is the word of God. All: Thanks be to God. THE NEW TESTAMENT LESSON: Ephesians 4:30-5:2 ............................................. Bill Davis One: This is the word of God. All: Thanks be to God. Deacon of the Week * Those who are able will stand. † Ushers will seat those waiting. Hearing aids and large print hymns are available from the ushers. 2 THE SOLO “I’d Rather Have Jesus” .....................................................................George Bernard Shaw Tom Edwards, bass I’d rather have Jesus than silver or gold, I’d rather be his than have riches untold; I’d rather have Jesus than houses or lands, I’d rather be led by his nail-pierced hand than to be the king of a vast domain and be held in sin’s dread sway; I’d rather have Jesus than anything this world affords today. *THE GOSPEL LESSON: John 6:35, 41-44, 48-51 ............................................. Diane Lipsett One: This is the Gospel of Christ. All: Thanks be to God. *THE HYMN OF DEVOTION “Be Known to Us in Breaking Bread” ........................................................... ST. FLAVIAN We invite the children, grades 1st through 3rd to remain in worship with their parents. Children’s Church is on the first and third, fifth Sundays of the month. Worship Care for preschool and kindergarten is offered weekly. THE PRAYERS OF THE PEOPLE .................................................................. Lucrecia Norman THE SERMON ................................................................................................ Bob Setzer, Jr. THE FLESHY, EARTHY REALITY OF JESUS 3 THE CELEBRATION OF HOLY COMMUNION ................................................... Bob Setzer, Jr. The Sursum Corda One: The Lord be with you. All: And also with you. One: Lift up your hearts! All: We lift them to the Lord. One: Let us give thanks to the Lord our God. All: It is right to give our thanks and praise! The Prayer of Confession One: Lord Jesus Christ, as your followers we are called to be people shaped by your selfless life, one that is so much at odds with accepted lifestyles of today. Forgive us when our words are less than truthful; All: Inform us with your Spirit so that we speak the truth—your truth—at all times. One: Forgive us for using anger to manipulate and to control; All: Direct us with your Spirit that we might handle our anger responsibly. One: Forgive us when our actions lack integrity; All: Mold us with your Spirit so that all our dealings are carried out honestly and ethically. One: Forgive us when our words have been thoughtless and offhand; All: Instruct us with your Spirit so that our words truly bring grace to those who hear. One: Renew us with your Spirit All: so that our words and actions bring you pleasure and not pain. ~Moira Laidlaw The Words of Institution Sharing the Bread and the Cup The Bread “Through the Darkness” .................................................................... Gioacchino Rossini Tom Edwards, bass Through the darkness thou wilt lead me, in my trouble thou wilt heed me, and from danger set me free. Lord! thy mercy shall restore me, and the dayspring shed before me, all salvation comes from thee. The Cup “Prelude in G minor” .................................................................. Johann Sebastian Bach Lauren Winkelman, piano RESPONDING IN FAITH THE INVITATION TO CHRISTIAN DISCIPLESHIP If you desire membership in this congregation, you are invited to come forward and the pastor will greet you. If you prefer not to come forward, you may speak to one of the ministers after the service. As an open membership church, we honor your previous baptism in any other Christian community. If you have not made a confession of faith, we invite you to do so and receive Christian baptism. Church members are invited to commit themselves anew to God and to God’s service in the world. *THE HYMN OF DISCIPLESHIP “Loaves Were Broken, Words Were Spoken” ...............................................BEACH SPRING 4 Loaves Were Broken, Words Were Spoken THE PASTORAL GREETING ............................................................................ Bob Setzer, Jr. THE PRAYER OF DEDICATION ............................................................................... Bill Davis THE SERVICE OF GIVING The Receiving of Tithes and Offerings The Offertory “Aria”......................................................................Johann Sebastian Bach/arr. Lani Smith Lauren Winkelman, organ *The Presentation and Doxology 5 DEPARTING TO SERVE *THE BENEDICTION ........................................................................................ Bob Setzer, Jr. *THE BENEDICTION RESPONSE “I’d Rather Have Jesus” .................................................................George Bernard Shaw Tom Edwards, bass *THE POSTLUDE “Now Thank We All Our God”................................................................. arr. Albert L. Travis Lauren Winkelman, organ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ TO OUR GUESTS We extend to you a sincere welcome and the hope that you will find your worship experience meaningful. You are invited to the narthex for a brief time of fellowship following worship where you can meet church members and clergy, and learn more about this congregation. We would ask that you record your visit by filling out the friendship pad in the pew; email addresses are especially helpful. To learn more about Knollwood Baptist Church, find us online at You can also receive our newsletter and email announcements by emailing [email protected], or just call the church office, 725-1343. Sunday School at Knollwood begins at 9:45 a.m. KBC WELCOMING STATEMENT Knollwood Baptist Church is an inviting, inclusive family of faith open to all persons, whatever their race, gender, socioeconomic status, special needs, or sexual orientation, who want to walk in the way of Jesus. WELCOME TO DIANE LIPSETT AS A MINISTER OF KBC With joy and gratitude we announce the overwhelming vote of the congregation last Sunday, August 2, to call Dr. Diane Lipsett as our bi-vocational Minister of Faith Formation and Education. Diane now begins a new chapter of our congregation’s story as she guides and shapes a vital part of our life together. What a blessing she has been and will be! ABOUT OUR WORSHIP We express appreciation to Tom Edwards for sharing his musical gifts in worship this morning. Please silence all electronic devices. Thank you! Printed music used by permission of # A-724940. FLOWERS The flowers in the sanctuary are given to the glory of God and in celebration of the birthday of Virginia Oberle and in honor and memory of our other children: Kim, Shelley, Cathy, and Andrew by Terry and Sylvia Oberle. The white roses on the altar are given by Knollwood Baptist Church in memory of James Dunn and Tom Webb. The roses are a symbol of the love and esteem in which each was held by this community of faith. BENEVOLENCE OFFERING On Communion Sunday, a benevolence offering is taken to help with benevolent needs in the Knollwood family and wider community. Ushers will be in the narthex following worship to receive donations. ABOUT OUR BANNERS In the Bible and in church tradition, the dove and fire symbolize the Holy Spirit. According to the four Gospels, the Spirit descended on Jesus like a dove at his baptism (Mark 1:10 and parallels). John the Baptist promised the Messiah would baptize with the Holy Spirit “and with fire” (Matthew 3:11; Luke 3:16). From Moses’ encounter with God by the burning bush (Exodus 3:1-6) to the tongues of fire at Pentecost (Acts 2:1-4), fire is a sign of God’s riveting, transforming presence. The Pentecost banner depicts the fire of God’s challenge and the dove of God’s gentle loving care. The artist who designed and painted the Pentecost banner is our own Bambi Setzer. The season of Pentecost begins with Pentecost Sunday and continues until the first Sunday of Advent. 6 FOR THE CHILDREN Worship Care is provided for children, infant - kindergarten aged on the first floor of Building B. Children’s Worship resumes this month for 1st through 3rd graders. It meets on the 1st, 3rd and 5th Sundays of the month. During the Hymn of Devotion, children meet their leaders in the narthex to walk together to Children’s Worship (B244). After worship, parents pick up their children from B244. Volunteers are needed to help chaperone the children during that time. If you are interested in volunteering one Sunday, please contact Amine Seifert, [email protected]. For the 2nd and 4th Sundays children are invited to enjoy the worship service with their families. Children’s activity bulletins and crayons are available in the narthex. WELLNESS AND COMMUNITY CENTER INFORMATION SESSION SUNDAY, AUGUST 9, from 4-5:30 p.m. - Fellowship Hall The congregation is invited to a presentation to hear from members of the Wellness and Community Center Working Group and the Building Executive Committee on plans and next steps for the new building. In addition to an update on programming and space needs, members will also see the latest schematics for the building and learn about the construction financing motion unanimously approved by the diaconate on July 19. The latest document updating the specs and design of the WCC ministry and building is online at or in print by request from the church office. Copies will also be available at today’s meeting. CHURCH IN CONFERENCE - SUNDAY, AUGUST 30 At the end of the worship service, the congregation will be asked to vote on a motion unanimously approved by the diaconate on construction financing for the Wellness and Community Center. MONDAY, AUGUST 10 CUB SCOUT ICE CREAM SOCIAL, 7-8:30 p.m. For rising 1st - 5th grade boys and their parents - We will hear from Cub Scout leaders and visit with families interested in Scouting. John Danforth will be game leader for the kids. This troop is open to the community. Please invite your friends. Contact Rachel [email protected] or 919-607-0695. Noffsinger Youth Bldg. (C) RECEPTION FOR MOLLY AND JAMES BRUMMETT WUDEL Molly’s last Sunday at Knollwood will be Aug. 16. She will begin her new work as co-pastor of the Emmaus Way Church in Durham in September. A reception for Molly and James is planned for Sunday afternoon, Aug. 16, from 4-6 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall. Please join us in celebrating Molly and her ministry with Knollwood. You are invited to contribute to a love offering that is being collected on her behalf. You may send your contribution to the church office marked “Love Offering.” SUMMER SUNDAY SCHOOL - 9:45-10:45 a.m. Sunday School for children and youth continues for the summer. For adults, many Sunday morning small groups are continuing, while others are taking a break until early fall. In August, another summer elective will help create connections for new folks, generate fresh summer conversations, and make it easy for hard-working teachers to take a break. Classes will be held in Building A, Chapel. Sundays, August 2, August 9, August 16 Psalms that Reverberate: Catching Echoes of Ancient Poems, Songs, and Prayers (an interactive study of lectionary passages) ICE CREAM SOCIAL – SUNDAY, AUGUST 23. This is an annual Senior Adults event. Come enjoy sundaes and banana splits. 6:30 p.m. in the dining room. AUGUST 23, WELCOME BACK SUNDAY As summer turns to fall, this is the day for us to regroup, reconnect, and celebrate together. We won't have a big Sunday School assembly. Come to Knollchat, then move directly to Sunday School classes at 9:45. Adult classes will put out a "welcome mat" that expresses the character of their class and its welcome. In worship, we will continue to celebrate this life and ministry we share. AUGUST 26, WELCOME BACK WEDNESDAY Welcome Back … to Learning, Service, Community, and Fun with dinner, music, games, learning, and a preview of the fall at KBC … for all ages in our newly renovated fellowship hall. 7 WEDNESDAY EVENINGS IN SEPTEMBER Option 1 – “Welcoming the Other” - Large group offering – in the newly renovated fellowship hall A series offering faithful exploration of diversity, pluralism, and hospitality. Option 2 – Companions in Christ Small group spiritual formation offering – for 10 participants Are you yearning for a deeper experience of God? Would you like to be part of a small group of people with whom you can pray and share questions of faith? Come walk with Companions in Christ • A journey in prayer, scripture, sharing, spiritual friendship, and meditation. • A spiritual-formation group designed to deepen your spiritual growth. • An invitation from God to come close. The group will be facilitated by Katharine Martin, M.Div. We’ll begin with the 5-week introduction Embracing the Journey: The Way of Christ, an exploration of spiritual formation as a journey toward holiness and wholeness. Group size will be limited to 10. Option 3 – In the Beginning … and Now Small group intensive Bible study option – for 15 participants • Why does the Bible begin as it does? • Why does Genesis begin twice? • What can it still teach us now? Four weeks, 3 chapters of Genesis, lots of time for questions and discussion. Led by Richard Vinson, M.Div., Ph.D. You may sign up for these options Wednesday, Aug. 26, or call the church office, 336-725-1343. SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 13, LEARNING OVER LUNCH With special guest Rogan Kersh, Provost of Wake Forest University, Generation Y: A Field Guide 12:20-2:00 p.m. after worship in the fellowship hall Today’s teens/20-somethings are distinctive in many ways: their professional interests, academic habits, religious beliefs and practices, and work/play styles are significantly different from those of generations past as they moved into their young adulthood and their careers. Wake Forest provost and political-science professor Rogan Kersh provides a lively (and research-based) insight into this remarkable--and, in some ways, worrisome--generation as they move toward leadership positions in American society and institutions. Cost: $7 for lunch. Childcare available by reservation, please call by Sept. 9. 725-1343. HABITAT FOR HUMANITY COMMUNITY OPEN HOUSE: 2-4 p.m., SUNDAY, AUGUST 16. Please join Habitat at an open house at the new Housing Education Center and Construction Center at 1023 W. 14th Street (corner of 14th and University Parkway). SUNDAYS AT KNOLLWOOD 9:45 a.m. Sunday School 10:55 a.m. Worship Service CALENDAR The full church calendar is online at Click on the lower left calendar icon. There is a recycle bin in the narthex. We hope, however, that you will take this information home for future reference, and then recycle. KNOLLWOOD BAPTIST CHURCH 330 Knollwood Street, Winston-Salem, North Carolina 27104 (336) 725-1343 Pastor Minister of Music Children’s Ministry Associate Minister of Youth and Community Minister of Faith Formation and Education Music Ministry Associate and Organist Minister to Sr. Adults & Weekday School Dr. Bob Setzer, Jr. Dr. Kenneth A. Wilson Mrs. Amine Seifert Rev. Molly Brummett Wudel Dr. Diane Lipsett Mrs. Lauren Winkelman Rev. Lucrecia Norman 8