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Watch Video Now! - REX Simulations!
Watch Video Now! An in-depth look at reconstructing the entire flight simulator cloud and weather system! Cloud Type Structures and Texturing The implementation of the cloud system in Flight Simulator 2004 introduced a new way to display cloud ‘sprites’ which simulated 3D clouds. This system is still in use within FSX, FSX:Steam and Prepar3D. With the current cloud model system there are many limitations in regards to the way clouds and full weather systems are properly displayed. For Example: • All of the current cloud models utilize randomly placed sprites. These sprites are randomly rendered inside the simulation, causing most cloud types to be misrepresented within all weather scenarios. This can severely decrease frame rates because of this unnecessary cloud sprite injection. • According to real-world cloud specifications, cloud thickness is lacking on all cloud types, including position and overall representation. We periodically notice upside down clouds and inaccurate cloud formations. • Cloud bases are represented without true volume, represented by thin and often patterned skyscapes. For Example: • Overcast is not truly represented and containing open areas, or ‘holes’. • Limited thunderstorm representation and specification, containing no true severity level as well as no precipitation visuals. • 5/8, 6/8 and 7/8 conditions and formations are misrepresented. • Limited cloud type representation. • No ability to add certain cloud classification, such as rain shaft, wall clouds, shelf clouds etc. IT TOOK US 2 YEARS TO RE-DESIGN THE ENTIRE CLOUD MODEL SYSTEM WITHIN FSX, FSX:STEAM AND PREPAR3D! We have successfully created superior cloud and weather formations containing precise definition for EACH cloud type. We are now able to implement soft and more robust detailed clouds structured together within the same session. Since we have added close to 1,400 new cloud models, textures and cloud types simulate real-world cloud classification; from uniform clouds to full and complete mature stage cloud structures. Single-Session Cloud Texture Variation Before Sky Force 3D, the simulator was limited to 16 textures linked to 3D cloud structures and representation. We have now doubled that amount to 32! This allows more variety during a flight session, increasing the overall realism. Cloud representation automatically updates without user interaction, making the flying experience more realistic and enjoyable. Clouds Thickness and Formation The current cloud model system misrepresents appropriate, real-world cloud classification cloud thickness and formations. In most cases, the randomly created cloud sprites that are injected will cause a severe frame rate hit, especially with more dense cloud cover. Because of this, we notice upside down clouds in bizarre and unrealistic positions, cloud bases that are represented with repeating patterns and no true volumetric feel, in-appropriate texture types, all of which affects the overall realism in flight. Clouds Thickness and Formation During our development we have corrected all of this and even increased the frame rate by eliminating unnecessary cloud sprites for all cloud types! Now, cloud structures are correctly and accurately displayed, and detailed clouds will never be represented upside down. In addition, we have added NEW clouds types, including; altocumulus, stratocumulus, humilis, mediocris, congestus, tower cumulus, cumulonimbus calvus\supercell\rainshaft, tornado, stratus, nimbostratus, altostratus and cirrus class. Thunderstorm Synced with Current Metar in Real-Time Within Flight Simulator The thunderstorm representation within the current flight simulators are severely lacking. We not only redesigned the cloud structures, we introduced supper cell and their own weather severity level. Now, during flight you will able to experience light or heavy precipitation super cells depending on the current metar read. These include the complete structure of the super cell, wall, funnel, shelf, rain shaft and tornado. Our super cell representation reaches up to 75K feet, making your flight more challenging and realistic to real-world standards. These include single super cell, squall line and multi cell. Calvus clouds have also been greatly improved and contain their own precipitation level as well. Development Based on Real-World Cloud Classification Each cloud model was developed in comparison to their real-world counterpart, with their own specifications, positions and heights. Now, we can even experience cloud streets with specific cloud types! Cloud Textures for Each Cloud Type Before Sky Force 3D, the simulator was limited to the use of 16 texture types which has created problems representing different types of weather systems within a single session. Not anymore! We have developed this system which pairs the texturing with the correct cloud types and formations. By doing this, we avoid experiencing incorrect cloud formations on small clouds types, and vice-versa. The texture variation has been increased considerably, creating a more versatile and flexible cloud structure system. Realistic Overcast - Gap Free Consistent Flyable Frame Rates Prior to Sky Force 3D, weather engines were forced to synthesize 2 overcast layers to try and mask the holes present within the flawed overcast model system. In most systems, these ‘workarounds’ would destroy frame rates in such dense cloud cover. With our new modeling system, full overcast conditions have been vastly improved. No gaps are noticeable within the overcast structures at any level. Sub Cloud Types Within Cloud Categories We now have now the ability to display sub cloud types from existing cloud types. For example, supercell clouds can contain high or low precipitation, thus making the supercell large or standard. Sound Awareness for Severity of Weather We are now able to sync specialized environment sounds WITHIN a flight. These sound responses, including hail sounds mostly appear within supercell and severe weather conditions. In the event that a tornado warning is in effect, you will hear realistic tornado sirens in the distance, and only while on the ground at the airport. Synced With Real-World Metar If requested, all cloud types can automatically be selected, injected and swapped out into flight simulator in real-time during the flight. From fair weather to extreme meteorological conditions, this process is seamlessly and dynamically achieved according to current metar. We provide a metar weather page that detects the weather conditions of the actual metar and syncs all clouds from Sky Force 3D to the simulator, ensuring stability, representation and accuracy. Clouds, Realistic Skies, Suns and Effects, Moon, and Lightning In addition to the myriad of cloud textures included within Sky Force 3D, we have also included 1000’s of textures for sky coloring, suns, effects, moon and lightning presentation. Previous techniques were expanded upon, creating much smoother sky color blending during dusk and dawn times. With our new technique called VBlend, we have achieved more realistic fog and sky visibility blending. Now, the sun atmospheric rendering effects will be noticeable through the virtual cockpit, creating even more realism. HDR versions included for use in Prepar3D. Environment Force Sync Sky Force 3D will take full advantage of the upcoming REX Environment Force application! With the two, you will be able to swap out unlimited cloud textures in real -time without ever having to close the flight simulator, and MUCH much more. WX Advantage Weather Radar Sky Force 3D is fully compatible with the new REX/Milviz WX Advantage Weather Radar system. Because of the new Sky Force 3D cloud models, you will enjoy more precise precipitation feedback. You will be able to notice clouds streets and large supercell thunderstorms with better accuracy. Compatible With ALL Weather Engines Sky Force 3D is fully compatible with ALL payware and freeware weather engines as well as the built in weather within FSX, FSX:Steam and Prepar3D.