FIRST UNITED METHODIST CHURCH 135 W. Simpson Street Mechanicsburg, PA 17055 FIRST UNITED METHODIST CHURCH NONPROFIT ORG. U.S. POSTAGE PAID PERMIT NO. 89 MECHANICSBURG, PA Dated Material RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED Phone: 717-766-4611 E-mail: [email protected] Web Site: www.fumchurch.com JULY 2010 From the Pastor O GIVING WINGS TO THE GOSPEL WELCOME ~ INVITE ~ NURTURE ~ GROW ~ SEND VER THE PAST YEAR I have been struggling with the onset of arthritis in my knees. So many of you have been caring and compassionate with me, inquiring when you’ve seen me limping, praying for me at the time of my surgery in February, and expressing continuing concern as I have struggled with the more limited mobility which encumbers me. For all of this and more, I thank you for your friendship, your compassion and concern, and most especially for your prayers. Now that my left knee has responded to surgery and is doing pretty well, the right knee is even more painful. I consulted with my surgeon on a recent Sunday School Sunday Morning Worship Services 8:15 am & 10:45 am Sunday Evening Prayer Time 7 pm utdoor tic and o le th a S U wall, the AMBITIO climbing e h t t a s lleyball adventure r, the vo e iv R ta ia more. Little Jun ball, and t o fo , rt cou CHALLEN GING bre akout seminar se ssions for e very age and in terest. Rea l talk for real life ! RFUL a nd DYN AMIC praise a n d w or ship by Juice, Saline, Freddie Colloca , Fuse*B and Salt an d ‘n Ligh t Band July 28— August 1 Dates to Remember and necessitating that I take every opportunity to sit down, I found that the pain was governing my life — not completely, but far more than I wanted it to. And in order to manage the pain, I did what I needed to do, and spent far more sedentary time that I am accustomed to or desire. July 4 Independence Day Sabbath Sunday July 5 Facility Closed July 7 Youth Praise Rally July 8 UMW 2nd Hand Sale Collection Then the pain was taken away and I felt brand new — greater energy in my body, more ability to focus in my mind, a sense of happiness and freedom that had been diminished in recent months. I can get up earlier in the morning and stay up later at night while I stay active and accomplish more through the day. July 24 UMW 2nd Hand Sale Collection July 28August 1 IMPACT 2010 “THERE MAY BE HUNDREDS OF POSITIVE, P O WE 9:30 am VOLUME 10, ISSUE 7 G ANGIN LIFE-CH ’s om God lessons fr ith main Word w akers stage spe Bradley, Sammy uber, Randy H ebb and Mark W Gallaher. Stephen HOPEFUL, JOYFUL THINGS GOING ON AROUND US, BUT THAT ONE PAINFUL THING GOVERNS INSIDE THIS ISSUE: OUR MOOD AND OUR OUTLOOK.” Staff/VBS Tuesday and he gave me a cortisone injection into that knee that had an immediate and positive effect. I came to my office on Wednesday morning free from pain, the first time in many months. I hope the effect of that injection will last for a long time. I have learned something through all of this that I want to tell you about. During the time when my knees have been hurting, causing me to limp and hobble around, limiting my movements So many of you know what I mean because you have lived with chronic pain much longer than I have and you know the limitations it causes and the release when it is removed by medication, therapy or surgery. What I have learned is this: though my knees are a small part of my body, and an even smaller part of my life as a whole, the pain in them caused me to focus my whole life on those knees and (Continued on page 2) 2-3 UMW / 2nd Hand Sale / Book Club 4 Missions 5 Prayer/Commuunion 6-7 Finance/Widows/Widowers 7 Adult Education /Youth Mission Trip 8 Youth 9 Servant Spotlight 10 Children’s Summer Sunday School 11 Summer Camp 12 Library/Handbells/Car Wash 13 Church News 14 Worship Schedule / Softball 15 STAFF/VBS Page 2 Church Staff From the Pastor (cont.) PASTOR: Michael Minnix (Continued from page 1) ASSISTANT PASTOR: Lucretia Hurley-Browning PARISH VISITOR: Don Ciampa LAY LEADER: Tom Helm CONGREGATIONAL CARE COORDINATOR: Tina Eaton YOUTH PASTOR: Lisa McCaffrey CHILDREN’S DIRECTOR: Norma Lockney (full time beginning October 2010) MUSIC DIRECTOR & SENIOR CHOIR DIRECTOR: Jody Brinley ORGANIST: Bill Ingraham, Tom Mullikin ASSISTANT ORGANIST: Gail Leinhos BELL CHOIRS: Kathie Bittenbender that pain. It’s the same way with our life in general and with our work. If there is a painful aspect of our life or a difficult circumstance in our work, at home or at church, that pain or difficulty steals our attention and energy. It becomes the thing that most easily captures our focus and around which we organize our life. There may be hundreds of positive, hopeful, joyful things going on around us, but that one painful thing governs our mood and our outlook. SOUNDS OF WORSHIP: Flossie Ryder INVOCATION: Charlie Renner YOUTH CHOIR: Gail Leinhos JUNIOR CHOIR: Allison Ometz CHILDREN’S CHOIRS: Lorette DeWalt (beginning August 2010) FACILITIES COORDINATOR: Charlie Ryder FINANCE DIRECTOR: Nancy Robinson OFFICE MANAGER: Michelle Strawser ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT: April Prather CUSTODIAL TEAM: Don Karns, Wayne Rainelli, Think of a report card your child brought home from school: all As — and then one B or C. What did you focus on and worry about? The B or C, of course, easily overlooking the joy of all the As. Or consider how the unbridled joy of a wedding can be compromised by the thought of a little rain, or the fun or a party can be diminished by just one thoughtless or unkind word. First News First I have to work hard to stay focused on the multitude of grand and good things taking place at First Church because the challenging, difficult and uncomfortable things, though they be few, tend to steal my attention and energy. The same is true at home and in my family, as well as in my body. I suspect you face the same challenges. The Apostle Paul says that we should rejoice in our adversities (Romans 5), but I really hope the pain in my knees stays away. I am grateful, though, to have learned something about the mental and spiritual effects of pain and hope that I, with your help, and you with mine, will be able to stay energized and focused on the many positive and hopeful works of God under way among us and within us. VBS GALACTIC BLAST…was a Blast! FIRST NEWS FIRST EDITORS: April Prather Michelle Strawser The deadline for the August newsletter is THURSDAY, JULY 15. All submissions should be received in the church office on or before this date. Early submissions are always welcome! [email protected]. VBS is one of the largest and most effective avenues that First Church has to reach out to the surrounding community. What a successful week it was….largely because of the many willing people who helped make this happen. Our numbers were huge….and our facilities and hearts WORSHIP SCHEDULE / SOFTBALL and preparations just stretched to embrace the growth. We are in a time of transition as we are moving from the leadership of Kim Vensel in Children’s Ministry to Norma Lockney, our new Director of Children’s Ministry. We are so appreciative of the work Kim has done to help prepare us for this week…AND we are so very grateful for our church membership, and how they have stepped up to enable VBS to run so smoothly. Also, we are excited as Norma will be coming on board to lead us towards next year’s VBS ministry. It is an enormous task, but one so worthy of our combined efforts and energy. Before closing this article, I just need to say a personal thank you to our workers in VBS. These volunteers have spent hours and hours in preparation. Many took time off work, using their personal days and vacation (Continued on page 3) Page 15 July 4 July 18 Softball USHERS: (8:15) Eric King, James Alderman, Thomas Helm, Ralph Harkins, Roy Miller, Harry Woods, Winslow Brown; (10:45) Rick Kauffman, Brian Vogl, Rodney Cook, Ed Johnson, Chuck Kershner, Wayde Leister, Cephas Zimmerman MEDIA: Bob Bittenbender and Fred Espenshade (8:15); Bob Bittenbender and TBD (10:45) ACOLYTE: Morgan Brymesser (8:15), TBD* (10:45) CHILDCARE GREETER: Mary Wagner (8:15), Tracy Holliday (10:45) USHERS: (8:15) Gerry Sheely, Elvin Hess, Bill Seig, Bob Shannon, Roy Miller; (10:45) Larry Buddenbaum, Rick Kauffman, Bob Bittenbender, Barry Eaton, Chuck Kershner, Mike Ogden, Rose Rohlmeier, Mark Routch First Church’s softball team is holding its own in the 2010 West Shore Churches Slowpitch Softball League with a 9-5 record through games of June 23. Rain has played havoc with the schedule this season, so there are still lots of opportunities to come out to watch the games and enjoy the fellowship. Hope to see you there! Contact Roger Walton at 790-9131 if you have any questions. CRIB/TODDLERS: Patti Yeager, Shannon O’Leary, Hayley Holloway, Mary Eckrote (8:15), Sandy Downey, Patti Herring, Janet & Janelle Almond (10:45) WEE WORSHIP: Rob & Geri Nuss, Elisabeth Herring MEDIA: Chris Grant and Ken Rapp ACOLYTE: TBD* (8:15), Kayleigh DeWalt (10:45) CHILDCARE GREETER: Sharon Hayes (8:15), Angie Britcher (10:45) CRIB/TODDLERS: Angie & Chuck Allgood, Kristen Hayes (8:15), Gwen Deluca, Dawn Merris, Rachel Miller (10:45) WEE WORSHIP: April Farleman, Tracy McHale, Makala Eberly KIDS WORSHIP: Worship With Family KIDS WORSHIP: Worship With Family Softball Schedule Mike Minnix George Canonizado, Roger Walton Galactic Blast, our 2010 Vacation Bible School program, officially began on June 21. This year we had 370 children registered, ages 3 through 8th grade. Over 130 adults and youth volunteered in many activities….including music, crafts, recreation, snacks, teaching, science demonstrations, being helpers, and being part of a support team that handled all the details, odds and ends, registrations, photos, etc., etc., etc.!!! Yes, you heard the numbers correctly….WOW!!! July 2010 July 11 July 25 USHERS: Youth MEDIA: Fred Espenshade and Roger Walton USHERS: (8:15) Tom Helm, Charles Glessner, Ben Miller, Ron Nichols, Jim Van Kirk; (10:45) Brian Vogl, Larry Buddenbaum, Stuart Diehl, Ken Guise, Mike Lehmer, Mike McHale, Rose Rohlmeier, Jake Sunday MEDIA: Eric Dewalt and TBD* ACOLYTE: Cate Farber (8:15), TBD* (10:45) CHILDCARE GREETER: Sandy Walton (8:15) Susanna Brill (10:45) CRIB/TODDLERS: Kathleen & Rodney Clark, Matt Ober, Shawn Rapp (8:15), Jill Rahal, Amy Erno, Lauren Kenes, Alex Clouser (10:45) WEE WORSHIP: Katie Hammaker, Rose Rohlmeier, Paige Snyder KIDS WORSHIP: Worship With Family ACOLYTE: TBD* (8:15), Philip Noss (10:45) CHILDCARE GREETER: Marilyn Knott (8:15), Sandy Leister (10:45) CRIB/TODDLERS: Kelly King, Megan Koontz, Caryn Knott, Jenna Magee(8:15), Becky Orsinger, Deb Noss, Shelli Spencer, Phoebe Noss (10:45) WEE WORSHIP: Brandy Zimmerman, Vicky Shambaugh, Megan Leister KIDS WORSHIP: Worship With Family *TBD — to be determined. When you see this, it means we need volunteers! Contact the appropriate person if you would like to be added to the schedule to serve in one of these areas: Childcare and children’s worship: Lucretia Hurley-Browning (temporary) Acolytes: David Nesmith Sound & Media: Roger Walton Ushers: Tom Helm (8:15), Larry Buddenbaum (10:45) July 1 6:00 & 7:00 Shiremanstown COG at Roof Park July 8 6:00 & 7:00 Our Lady of Lourdes at OLOL July 9 6:00 & 7:00 St. Katherine Drexel at New Cumberland Boro Park #3 July 13 6:00 Shiremanstown UMC at Lowther Field July 14 6:00 & 7:00 Harris Street UMC at Mechanicsburg Memorial Park July 19 6:00 Shiremanstown COG at New Cumberland Boro Park #4 July 26-29 PLAYOFFS Page 14 CHURCH NEWS Road Trip Special Birthdays Thank You Status Report From the Staff-Parish Relations Committee VBS Galactic Blast (cont.) Car trips provide great opportunities for family discussions. While you have a captive audience, ask your children questions like these: Mildred Neagley.............................. July 6 First Church, (Continued from page 2) Glenn Heller ................................... July 7 Thank you for your generosity and kindness. I am so grateful for all you’ve done for this ministry (New Hope). THE STAFF-PARISH RELATIONS COMMITTEE (SPRC) is pleased to provide the following update on staff personnel matters. In addition to routine activities associated with job descriptions, performance reviews, and participation in church governance, we have had a busy first six months of 2010 filling vacancies and ensuring retention. What are some of your favorite summer memories and outings? Why is it important to sometimes take a break from our work? What are some things you’ve learned while having fun? What might happen if God took a vacation from us? How does it feel to know that God will never leave us? Why is Jesus so important to you? What are some ways you can show how much you love him? Russ Baker .................................... July 14 First News First Gladys Peck.................................... July 14 Ruth Birbeck ................................... July 19 Bettie Murray................................... July 25 Harry Woods................................... July 27 Lincoln Washburn .......................... July 29 Jayná (Jayná worked for New Hope Ministries overseeing the After-School Programs that met here at First Church during the 2009/2010 school year. She resigned in May in order to care for her 5 year old daughter, Kennedy, who will be undergoing brain surgery for Chiari Malformation.) Betty Etter ....................................... July 30 Addresses of these members, who are 80plus years of age, can be found in the Church Directory. Love & Sympathy ... Birth Congratulations to Jim & Sue Chilton on the birth of their granddaughter, to the Hilbish family on the death of Jennifer and Amanda’s grandmother, Marjorie Hilbish, on May 23, 2010. Alexis Catherine Chilton, to the family upon the death of Viola Adams on June 5, 2010. born June 21 to Jim and Nancy Chilton. to the family upon the recent death of Doris Davis’ brother. Recycle for Family Assistance Fund The next time you have an empty printer cartridge, don’t throw it away! Drop it off at the information desk in the narthex or at the church office and we’ll recycle it for cash for our Family Assistance Fund. When you recycle your printer cartridges, you: EMPTIES 4 CASH will accept any cartridge that fits in the palm of your hand. Save energy! Empty ones can be remanufactured and reused. Reduce pollution! Printer Cartridges do not decompose for 1,000 years. Help families in need! Senior Pastor Mike Minnix has been reappointed to his position here by Bishop Middleton. We are blessed indeed to benefit from Mike’s combination of spiritual, pastoral, management and community-building gifts, experience and expertise. Assistant Pastor Lucretia HurleyBrowning will continue her work with FUMC. She may make minor changes to her work schedule as she and her husband, Rev. Jim Browning, meet the challenges of a commuter-marriage. As many of you know, Jim accepted the position of Director of Clinical Pastoral Education Training at the Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania. He will be spending weekdays in Philadelphia. There was a collective sigh of congregational relief when it became clear that we were not losing Lucretia. Norma Lockney has accepted the position of Director of Children’s Ministries. She will be transitioning up to her full-time start date which we expect to be in October. Kim Vensel will be helping to make the change of leadership as seamless as possible by providing transitional assistance. Gail Leinhos will be taking the director’s baton of the Youth Choir. She will start July 1. Lorette DeWalt is the director of Children’s Choirs. She will start on August 1. Page 3 STAFF / VBS July 2010 Charlie Renner took on the responsibilities of leading Invocation as of June 1. The most appropriate way to handle adult education as we move forward remains under discussion. SPRC is leaning toward a reorganization of the position such that some responsibilities, such as Psalm 150 and the Passion Play will be moved under other positions while other projects would be supported by task-based contracts. Comment from the congregation will be formally invited before decisions are made. Please join us in lifting up all our staff and volunteers and their ministries in prayer. They deserve our Christian love, support and encouragement as they begin or continue the work that contributes so significantly to the vibrant community of faith FUMC represents. Finally, please join us in personal communication of thanks and associated prayers for the exemplary work of the dedicated people who have stepped down from the positions we are filling. Dave Florey, Chair, SPRC PLANNING NOTE: SPRC intends to conduct an open meeting on September 14, 2010, at 7 pm. This will provide interested members of the congregation an opportunity to observe a typical meeting. Of course, confidential personnel issues will not be discussed in open session. There will be time set aside on the agenda for a briefing on SPRC’s charge and approach in addition to questions and comments from visitors. days in order to serve God through VBS. Quite honestly, I had no idea of the amount of time and energy that our teachers and activities people spend until I helped coordinate VBS this year. For example, Michelle Coover begins working on Crafts at Thanksgiving …and they are incredible crafts; Allison Ometz and the Praise Band rehearsed for hours and hours while Geri Nuss worked tirelessly on music for our preschoolers…providing amazing music from 3-yr old thru 8th grade; Margaret Eckrote coordinated snacks for what I called “the fishes and loaves VBS” as our numbers kept growing; Sam Snyder is our own personal Mr. Science Guy who was up night after night preparing awesome science demonstrations; Tracy Holliday functioned as Registration Table Guru in her effortless and calming way; and Rodney Clark…. well, I call him Saint Rodney for all that he has done with preregistrations AND recreation. Plus, our teachers have just been outstanding…loving, patient, giving, creative ….wow …how I love this TEAM!!! Most importantly, I hope we can all remember why we do this … because we love our God and His children. Thank you, Lord, for a week of blessings! Lucretia Hurley-Browning Galactic Blast Math 370 children PLUS 130 adult/youth volunteers EQUALS One Page 4 UMW Secondhand Sale UMW Secondhand Sale Yes, I want to rent a space for $10 at the Secondhand Sale. Checks made payable to FUMC. I am interested in helping with the sale. Please contact me with details. Name SATURDAY, AUGUST 21 (INDOORS AND OUTSIDE) RAIN OR SHINE! We need your clothing! Bring your adult clothing and shoes to the multipurpose room the week of the sale, August 16 to 20, 2010. If you can’t make these dates, you may drop off clothing on the following dates and times: July 8 6 to 8 pm July 24 9 to 12 am August 5 6 to 8 pm Phone Email Drop off in the Tower Entrance. Only at designated times! If you want to reserve a spot to sell other items in the parking lot, please complete the form in the left-hand column. Place form and $10 fee in Jen Schroeder’s mailbox at church. Questions, contact Jen at 796-1593 or email at [email protected]. Other questions, contact Lori Hoffnagle at 732-6430 or [email protected]. No food or adult clothing may be sold outside. You may sell children’s clothing. Space is limited, sign up now! More information will be sent to you closer to the sale date. UMW Calendar First Church Book Club The UMW Book Club will meet on Thursday, September 9, at 7 pm in the church library to discuss THE BOOK THIEF by Markus Zusak. If you enjoy reading, please join us. Sponsored by the UMW, this Book Club will meet approximately four times a year. Book titles will be selected from the UMW's resource listing. Contact Janice Bowen at 796-0809 or [email protected] with questions. First News First UMW / 2ND-HAND SALE / BOOK CLUB July 15-18........Schools of Christian Mission. Contact Lori Hoffnagle for details. Also 1 and 2-day fast track. Bus from Camp Hill UMC for July 15 “Sampler Day” July 2010 Circle Meetings Dates and Times July Library News IN JULY, MARY CIRCLE August 5 at 7:30 pm — Game Night Home of Janice Bowen* 796-0809 [email protected] ELIZABETH CIRCLE No July or August Meeting Patti Herring* 795-9721 [email protected] DEBORAH CIRCLE July 13, 6 pm picnic, home of Pat Sheely Sandy Walton* 790-9131 [email protected] RUTH CIRCLE No July or August Meeting Doris Nesbit 766-8266 & Beryl Morgan* MARTHA CIRCLE No July Meeting Marley Ann Schmick* 697-2233 *Circle Leaders UMW Circle Co-Presidents : Lori Hoffnagle Pat Sheely 732-6430 766-3151 Thank You! August 21 ........Secondhand Sale. Saturday only! October 3 ........New Cumberland District Annual Day, Mission Central, 2 pm November 14...World Thank Offering and Mission Meal December 4.....Advent Fellowship February 18-20, 2011...... Women’s Retreat Dear First Church Family — The Mary Circle would like to thank everyone who contributed to our Solar Cooker Project Mission Meal! Thanks to your support, we are able to donate 50 new Solar Cookers to the refugee camps! Members of the Mary Circle MANY OF US PAUSE IN OUR to remember how this country was founded and to be thankful for the heroes that gave their lives for our freedom. Most of these people were ordinary citizens who put their private lives aside to pursue freedom for all. More than 200 years later, we still have ordinary people sacrificing for our freedom and safety. Now, instead of Minute Men, we call them National Guard, police, firemen, FBI, and military men and women. This month we mark the longest running war in our history as our troops still serve in Afghanistan. And then there is Iraq … pray for their safety! BUSY LIVES Karen Kingsbury, long running queen of contemporary fiction, tackles many issues in her works of fiction. Her two books EVEN NOW and EVER AFTER feature men in the military and the women who love them. In the story EVEN NOW, Shawn Galanter and Lauren Gibbs were separated by their parents when Lauren became pregnant during high school. Unable to find each other, Lauren raises their daughter, Emily, gets a degree in journalism, and becomes a war correspondent in Afghanistan. Shawn follows a path that leads him to a career as a fighter pilot. When they meet twenty years later in EVER AFTER, their career choices cause enough friction to meltdown their renewed love. While their daughter Emily cheers her parent’s reconnection, she grieves her fiancée who is killed in Iraq. Will these tragedies tear them apart or bond them forever? If you enjoy listening to books we have both of these books on unabridged audio CDs. It used to be when you thought of the FBI you thought of tough male agents in dark suits and sunglasses. Now there are many agents in dark skirts and Page 13 LIBRARY / HANDBELLS / CAR WASH Ringing In the News sunglasses. Such is the case in Lynn Eason’s newest series Women of Justice. In TOO CLOSE TO HOME, Samantha Cash is the FBI secret weapon. Her ability to track evidence and perpetrators through deeply hidden computer programs is an asset to all law enforcement in this age of cyber crime. I won’t spoil the whodunit aspect of this book, but I will tell you she has easily paved the way for her next book, DON’T LOOK BACK, due out in September. If you like thrillers, you may also enjoy THE HEROES OF QUANTICO, CALL TO DUTY, or ENDURING JUSTICE, three titles from new series. For a historical fiction look at law enforcement don’t miss The Ladies Shooting Club series. We want to thank so many of you for supporting our recent spaghetti dinner by dining with us at the Belle Campanile Café. What a nice evening – good food and fellowship, followed by a terrific church talent show! The handbells are taking a short break from ringing this summer, but don’t worry we’ll be back strong in the fall. Kathie already has some Hoss’s dates (September and November) as well as a couple of concerts lined up for the holiday season! She’s going to the national festival in Nashville in July to see how she can get us even more involved! We truly appreciate all the love and support you, our church family, show us! If thrillers are not your genre, stop in and let us show you all the other great reads we have for your enjoyment. See you in the library! Pam, Fran and Donna Saturday, August 7 To benefit the 2011 Women's Retreat The Women's Retreat Planning Committee and FUM Youth Group are sponsoring a car wash on Saturday, August 7, from 9 am - 3 pm at the Burger King on Cumberland Parkway. All proceeds will benefit the 2011 Women's Retreat. Page 12 CAMP Neighborhood Center Goes to Camp! July Campers First News First Five Students Receive Christ as their Savior! CAMP PENN First Church is sponsoring campers from the Neighborhood Center in Harrisburg this year. We as a church are privileged to be furthering the Kingdom of God by sending 16 children who would normally never be able to afford camp — they are very excited! Thanks, First Church — you are AWESOME! God is working here in our midst and He is our JOY GIVER in the fact that we have been able to do this for these children! The Neighborhood Center is an affiliate of the United Methodist Church. Its mission is to meet the needs of and to empower our neighbors in Harrisburg. The Center specializes in helping young people discover and develop their capabilities, so that their lives and the life of the community can be enhanced. For more information, visit www.neighborhoodcenterhbg.org. Noah Spencer Heather Bowen Kalie Nuss Abigail Wertz Jacob Layton Janelle Lockney Lauren Buddenbaum Shakila Duncan* Ethan Spencer Philip Noss Jillian Buker Kim Lyons Kendyl Swank Mike Ogden Jordan Routch Nadine Ogden Taylor Saraiva Luke Ogden Becky Trace Tim Ogden Jeff Hoffnagle Carrie Naviglia Rachel Hoffnagle Amy Ogden Matt Canonizado Sherri Espenshade Alexia Ometz Jordyn Hecker Davis Holliday Alex Rebman Morgan Krnjaic Journey Cooksey* 7/18-7/20 Ishmael (Rob) Finley* Adrianna Finley* D'Era Arrington* 7/18-7/24 Ben Herbster Imarr Finley* Maurrisha Williams* Elijah Samuels* Xavier Samuels* Nazae Baltimore* Janiece Johnson* JáSean Johnson* Aireonna Thomas* Jasmine Thomas* Ebony Samuels* John Jefferson* 6/30-7/3 6/27-7/3 7/25-7/31 WESLEY FOREST 7/4-7/8 Leadership Katerina Maylock 8/1-8/7 Gracen Smacher GREENE HILLS 7/11-7/17 7/18-7/22 Philip Noss Steve Noss Deb Noss Phoebe Noss Janelle Almond Alyssa Collins Ellie Hoover Victoria Yother Kayleigh DeWalt Shelley Peterman MOUNT ASBURY 7/17-7/18 Annalyse Lockney Dave Lockney 7/21-7/24 David Nesmith 7/31-8/1 Janice Bowen Maya Bowen Norma-Jean Lockney Annalyse Lockney Janelle Lockney KRISLUND CAMP 6/27-7/3 Dan Lyons CAMP NAWAKAWA 7/4-7/10 Cate Farber Ellie Farber CAMP KIRCHENWALD 6/27-7/3 Graham Bowen 7/4-7/10 Joshua Herbster CAMP EDER 7/11-7/16 Rosie Rohlmeier * from Neighborhood Center NOTE: The following update is a compilation of information contained in several recent emails from Ben. May was my favorite month in Dakar! Our staff team saw three Muslim men (reportedly the world’s toughest demographic for evangelism) pray to receive Christ! I was fortunate to explain the Gospel alongside Dayton for Diegane, a friend for the last six months. Watching God slowly win Diegane to Himself was a joy. Secondly, Amadu chose to follow Jesus through our Congolese staff team. Finally, Yaya became a Christian through the evangelism of our short-term team. Yaya is the first Christian in his immediate family. He and I are currently meeting for Bible study and mentoring. He is so excited about the Lord and already telling friends and family about Jesus! In early June, two women received Christ! One of the stories is really cool. The girl said on Friday, “I believe what you are saying, but I could never become a Christian because of my family.” On Monday, she said, “God is bigger than my family,” and put her faith in Christ! She talked about God really working on her over the weekend to see that following Him is worth it, whatever the cost. I love this type of boldness and confidence in God displayed by our students. The more time I spend in Senegal, the more relationships open to Gospel conversation and the more effective I become as a missionary. Praise God for what He is doing here. I am so lucky to be part of the movement of God in Senegal. Sharing the Gospel on a full-time basis is a high and wonderful calling. I am so happy with my station in life right now and grateful to the Lord and all of you for making this ministry possible. Page 5 MISSIONS July 2010 Ben Ober’s Contact Corner I have a secret: being a missionary is awesome! C’mon Ben, you’re just saying that because missionaries must pretend that everything is great. In all seriousness, I am thrilled to live and work in Senegal — hence my desire to return for a second year! Living in Senegal is not easy, but the joy of seeing students like Yaya receive Christ outweighs the difficulties. All the challenges of Senegal are worth it because of this simple fact: college students hear about Christ for the first time and are eternally saved as a result of our work and your partnership. On behalf of my team, our students and myself, I thank you for your partnership. It is difficult to communicate gratitude via letter, but I hope you feel genuinely appreciated. Thank you for your sacrifices that others might hear of a Savior. Thanks for believing in me and praying for me to serve faithfully. Thank you for embracing God’s heart for those separated from Him. Without your support, my ministry in Dakar would not exist. It is because you have made such a difference this past year that I ask you to continue supporting my ministry for the 2010-2011 academic year, both through prayer and finances. Please prayerfully consider how you wish to be involved in the upcoming year. I am eager to see as many of you as possible this summer! In Christ, Ben “And how are they to hear without someone preaching? And how are they to preach unless they are sent?” — Apostle Paul, Romans 10:14 Email: [email protected] Twitter: BenjamenOber Contributions: https:// give.ccci.org/give/View/0619757 www.dakarpost.blogspot.com Ben’s Prayer Corner Moussa, Kalfa, Tony, and Laity receiving Christ by July 19 Follow-up with summer team Contacts Mission Opportunity BAG GROCERIES for Bethesda Mission at Mission Central on Wednesday, July 21, at 6 pm. Contact Eric King at 697-0933 or [email protected] for information. Our Missionaries DAKAR, SENEGAL: Ben Ober COORDINATOR OF THE AVIATION RESOURCE DEPT. FOR GBGM: Steve & Gail Quigg McCURDY SCHOOL: Mr. & Mrs. Matt Nichols Page 6 PRAYER / COMMUNION Sunday Evenings in the Sanctuary Prayer Team OUR SUNDAY EVENING Church is as follows: ♦ ♦ FORMAT at First Instead of the traditional worship service, the sanctuary will be open for prayer on Sunday evenings from 7 until 8 pm. Members of the prayer team will be present to facilitate the gathering, if they are needed. We encourage you to take advantage of this opportunity to be quietly and prayerfully present in our magnificent sanctuary, to pray for yourself, your families and for our church and our mission in Mechanicsburg and around the world. NOTE: Sunday, July 4 is a Sabbath Sunday. Prayer Time will not be held that evening, but will resume on Sunday, July 11. Holy Communion Schedule 2010 BIMONTHLY COMMUNION Pew Service 8/1/2010 WORLD COMMUNION Loaves and Chalices 10/3/2010 FIRST SUNDAY IN ADVENT Pew Service 11/28/2010 CHRISTMAS EVE, 8 and 11 pm Loaves and Chalices 12/24/2010 HELP TO MAKE FIRST CHURCH KNOWN AS A PRAYING CHURCH. Join with the Prayer Team as we share some of the things we pray for when we gather. It is an always changing list. Each month, each day, each moment gives us another chance to communicate with our Creator ... I’m reading an interesting book right now called LIFE IS A VERB. It’s a series of essays by the author on finding joy in your life. Do you remember when you were a child and it rained and you went out and danced in the puddles? Do you remember the first time you caught fireflies and put them into a jar? How about the first time you tied your shoestrings yourself? All these are examples of a joy unbridled by expectations, codes of conduct and a love of life. Where does that joy go as we become adults? I confess to being as confused and befuddled as the rest of you. BUT, one thing I do know. I feel joy when I walk into church on Sunday mornings (or any other day), I feel joy when I see my Christian family and hear how their journey is going. I feel joy when one of our church members beats an unforgiving illness. I feel joy when we sing “Surely the Presence” each week and I do know He is there. I feel absolute joy when we sing “Welcome to the Family” as our pastor walks around the sanctuary with the new baby after a baptism. How about when the choir sings an anthem that gives you goosebumps on goosebumps? There is joy everywhere! Maybe we need to look a little closer for it. Maybe we need to take Philippians more seriously and not be anxious about anything. It’s so very hard to do but the absence of anxiety allows us to experience the joy that God wants for us in abundance. Let’s pray for less anxiety (by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to the Lord and the peace that passes understanding will come through Jesus Christ) and Much More JOY! First News First July is the middle month of summer. We are already at the crossroads of the season. We celebrate the birthday of our nation. I know that some in charge wish our country to not be a leader but on the same level as all other countries. We all know that God loves every single person in this world and wants them to come to Him through faith. Many believe that just like God gives each of us gifts, He gives nations gifts also. We all know the adage from the Bible that says “to whom much is given, much is expected.” Perhaps that is why this country is blessed — in order to give — and isn’t that part of who we, as God’s people, need to be? I don’t want to be a “middle of the roader.” I want to share the gifts of our Creator and bring honor and glory to His almighty name. Let’s pray for courage and stamina and a heart for helping our neighbors and our nation to come to him. It’s our mandate. It’s our privilege. Let’s really pray for our sister churches. Every week Tina mentions several churches that are in our conference in her prayer joys and concerns. It’s easy to gloss over the names and not think about the individuals within who love that particular church. They all have yearnings just like us. Let’s lift them up — church by church — and pray for whatever it is they need. July 2010 Lessons with VeggieTales® Tweens Live It! Pray for our Troops PRE-SCHOOL — THIRD GRADE are using Veggie Tales® DVD Library and Teaching System, an educational system organized around the Bible content associated with each animated program. Teaching resources are pre-prepared and easy to use. Each Sunday includes a lesson plan, games and activity sheets designed for children ages 3 through 10. See segments of your favorite VeggieTales DVD, talk about what you think, learn what the Bible says, enjoy an activity that will help you remember the lesson, and talk about what you can do to live out the Bible lesson. FOURTH—SIXTH GRADES. Tweens will use the Live-It Series to explore how to live as a Christian kid midst real world situations they encounter. This Psalm is printed on military handkerchiefs that soldiers carry with them as they enter into battle or dangerous situations. PRE-SCHOOL —-3RD GRADE SCHEDULE Through July 18: Tweens learn how to live positively in a media age. Material presents real world problems in real life situations to Tweens using multiple teaching methods. July 4 July 11 Deb Kenes Note: Due to the holiday, the Prayer Team will meet on Monday, July 12 at 7:00 pm. Living Positively in a Media Age Get it Together Living Positively in a Media Age Playing it Safe July 18 Living Positively in a Media Age Putting it Together July 4 A Lesson in Facing Hardship July 11 A Lesson in Confidence July 18 A Lesson in Peer Pressure July 25 A Lesson in Friendship Aug. 1 A Lesson in Dealing with Bullies July 25—September 5: Tweens learn the different forms of bullying, use the Bible to internalize ways that Christians are to treat others, and explore more positive ways to deal with bullying. Aug. 8 A Lesson in Self Worth July 25 Aug. 15 A Lesson in Fighting Temptation Bullying and Gossiping Who is a Bully? Aug. 22 A Lesson in The Power of Words Aug. 1 Bullying and Gossiping Accepting Differences Aug. 29 A Lesson in Forgiveness Aug. 8 Sept. 5 A Lesson in Thankfulness Bullying and Gossiping The Bystanders Sept. 12 First Day of Fall Sunday School* Aug. 15 Bullying and Gossiping Decisions, Decisions! Aug. 22 Bullying and Gossiping Can We Talk? Aug. 29 Bullying and Gossiping Courage Under Fire Sept. 5 Bullying and Gossiping Putting It Together Pray with all your strength. The Prayer Team meets the first Monday of each month at 7 pm in the Prayer Room above the narthex. If you have joys or concerns that you would like us to pray about at any time, contact Deb Kenes or any member of the Prayer Team. If you would like to join us, please feel free to come to any meeting. We would love to have you! Page 11 CHILDREN’S SUMMER SUNDAY SCHOOL Sept. 12 First Day of Fall Sunday School* PSALM 91 He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty. I will say of the Lord, He is my refuge and my fortress; My God, in Him I will trust. Surely He shall deliver me from the snare of the fowler and from the perilous pestilence. He shall cover me with His feathers, and under His wings I shall take refuge; His truth shall be my shield and buckler. I shall not be afraid of the terror by night, nor of the arrow that flies by day, nor of the pestilence that walks in darkness, nor of the destruction that lays waste and noonday. A thousand may fall at my side, and ten thousand at my right hand; bit it shall not come near me. Only with my eyes shall I look and see the reward of the wicked. Because I have make the Lord, who is my refuge, even the Mostly High, my dwelling place, no evil shall befall me, nor shall any plague come near my dwelling; for He shall give His angels charge over me, to keep me in all my ways. In their hands they shall bear me up, lest I dash my foot against a stone. I shall tread upon the lion and the cobra, the young lion and the serpent I shall trample underfoot. Because I have set my love upon Him, therefore He will deliver me: He will set me on high because I have known His name. I shall call upon Him, and He will answer me. * Children are promoted to their new age/ class level when the new Sunday School year begins on September 12, 2010. He will be with me in trouble; He will deliver me and honor me. With long life He will satisfy me and show me His salvation. — Contributed by Tom Hayes Page 10 First News First SERVANT SPOTLIGHT Servant Spotlight: Fifth Quarter Adult Volunteers Needed! for Revamped Fifth Quarter Program to Debut this Fall VOLUNTEERS ARE NEEDED Many adult volunteers — at least 20 per evening — are needed to help make Fifth Quarter possible! Most importantly, we need chaperones. Help also is needed to direct parking, greet guests and work the sound system. Each Fifth Quarter runs from approximately 8 to 10 pm. To get involved, call or e-mail Lisa McCaffrey at 7664611, ext. 113, or [email protected]. FIFTH QUARTER, one of First United Methodist Church’s most successful youth outreach programs, will return this fall in a new format. the evening, a representative of the church would offer a brief, Bible-based message. But, according to Lisa, many youth would leave at this point. Through Fifth Quarter, middle school students are invited back to First Church on Friday evenings immediately following Mechanicsburg High School home football games. “I think they felt like the message was being forced on them, and it turned them off,” Lisa said. “So this year, instead of preaching to them, we’re going to try a more subtle approach.” In the past, Fifth Quarter nights attracted up to 200 attendees for a dance and refreshments. A modest fee was charged, with the proceeds benefiting the annual youth mission trip. The event was wellknown in the community, and recognized by parents as a positive, safe activity for youth. This could include information tables, a slide show in the background, providing calendars of upcoming youth events, and the opportunity to speak one-on-one with church personnel. Last fall, First Church made the difficult decision to cancel Fifth Quarter due to the lack of a Youth Director to organize it. Then in February, Lisa McCaffrey joined the First Church staff as the Youth Pastor. One of her first assignments was to get Fifth Quarter back up and running. “Today’s kids are growing up more quickly, and sometimes without enough guidance,” Lisa said. “Many youth have spiritual questions they want answered, and they want to be at church. If First Church opens its doors, we can show them how much fun and purposeful church can be. Through Fifth Quarter, we have a wonderful opportunity to be a positive presence in the lives of these youth.” Lisa convened our church’s Youth Activities Council to prayerfully and carefully discuss Fifth Quarter, and ways to make the program more effective. “Servant Spotlight,” a monthly column in First News First, highlights a committee or ministry group within First Church. Our goal is to recognize them, and help our congregation better understand how each committee/ group enhances First Church. If you are interested in featuring your committee or ministry group in “Servant Spotlight,” please call or e-mail Tina Eaton, Congregational Care Coordinator, at (717) 766-4611 extension104 or [email protected]. Among other things, the group concluded that Fifth Quarter had become known primarily as a fund raising event. It was time to refocus the mission back to reaching the youth within our community, and bringing them closer to Christ. One idea was to revamp the entire format of Fifth Quarter. Past events consisted mainly of a dance. Toward the end of Also, it was discovered that not all youth enjoy dances. So, this year Lisa plans to offer an expanded list of activities. Details are still being worked out, but activities could include a video game night. First Church again will charge a $5 cover fee, and some of the proceeds will support the mission trip, but the remainder will be poured back into the community. Intended recipients include Operation Wildcat, which supports the Mechanicsburg School District, local food banks and the Compassion International Child who is sponsored by our youth group. Adult volunteers are desperately needed to make Fifth Quarter possible! Due to the number of attendees, additional chaperones are required. Help also is needed with parking, the sound system and to serve as greeters. Lisa hopes to recruit at least 20 volunteers for each event. Volunteers can sign up for one or more evenings. Fifth Quarter Program Dates September 10 September 17 October 1 October 22 November 5 These dates are tentative, based on the Mechanicsburg High School football schedule. July 2010 Because He Has Forgiven Us WHEN WE RECEIVE JESUS WE ALSO RECEIVE for all our sins. It is part of the whole package: the gift of God’s grace to us, a get-out-of-jail-free card, an undeserved gift for making a good decision. FORGIVENESS Romans 8:1-2 says “There is therefore now no condemnation to those who are in Jesus Christ, who do not walk according to the flesh, but according to the spirit. For the law of the spirit of life in Christ Jesus has made us free from the law of sin and death.” What a life-changing revelation. We never have to live in guilt. God is saying “I have given my spirit to live in you. If you will travel through life with me, I will teach you what to do and help you when you are about to get off the path. I will even set you in the right direction when you take a wrong turn.” God wants His forgiveness to be something we breathe in like air; a way of life, not just a one time thing. Not just as a pay-as-you-sin issue. Not a — you be good and maybe I’ll forgive you arrangement. God is a forgiving God, just as He is a loving God. Forgiving is something He chose to do a long time ago, and Jesus did what was necessary to make it happen. We hurt Him all over again when we don’t receive it. God doesn’t want us to live in guilt. He wants us to be free to move on. Let’s face it, as hard as we try we all make mistakes. We don’t think God’s way in everything we think or do. The Bible says “There is not a just man on earth who does good and does not sin.” Every one of us deals with guilt over something at some point. It’s part of life. God doesn’t want that for you. He wants you to live free of condemnation. Page 7 PRAYER Financial Report Forgiving you is one of the many ways God demonstrates His love for us. When you don’t allow Him to do that, you can’t receive all of His love. Guilt will always hinder the way you sense God’s love for you. One of the most effective ways to receive the forgiveness God has for you is to enter into worship. And specifically to praise Him, that He is the God of forgiveness. This enables us to receive God’s love in a deeper way. Through May 31, 2010 King David did some terribly wrong things, but when he was confronted with his sin he did three things right. He repented, he prayed, and he worshipped God. As a result God forgave him. He will do the same for us. God is not sitting up in heaven waiting to strike us with lightning if we don’t obey him. When we humble ourselves before Him in repentance He is quick to forgive. He wants to save us, not condemn us. No matter how badly we have strayed, He will receive us back. Building Fund $ Legacy Campaign $ 66,739 When you are praying, if you have anything against anyone, forgive him, that your Father in heaven may also forgive you your trespasses. If you don’t forgive, neither will God. Lord, we worship You as the awesome God of our lives. You are the keeper of our hearts and the forgiver of our souls. We praise You for sending your Son to die for us so that we can be forgiven. We are grateful that there is no condemnation for those of us that walk with Jesus. Thank You that You are continually willing to forgive us and mold us into whole persons, no matter how far we stray from Your ways. We don’t ever want to live apart from You in any way. Cleanse us of all that is not of You. We worship You, O God, our Forgiver and Redeemer. Paul Cramer Prayer Team Mentor 42% of year General Fund Income (41% of budget) $ 389,412 Expenses $ 362,675 Income over spending $ 26,737 7,630 General Fund income is lower than last year at this time. It is important that normal levels of giving are maintained during the summer travel months. Penny Report THERE 3,718 PENNIES contributed this past month for a total to date of $11,486.13. Thank you for your continued support of the African Well Project. WERE The Widows / Widowers Group The Widows/Widowers Group will dine at Café Magnolia (Mechanicsburg) on Tuesday evening, July 13, at 6 pm. Transportation will be provided from the Church parking lot at 5:30 p.m. Please contact Bonnie Guyer, 7660145, if you plan on attending. Page 8 ADULT EDUCATION / YOUTH MISSION TRIP Youth Mission Trip 2010 Adult Summer Sunday School: July 4 — September 5 Something for Everyone! Lynn, Massachusetts June 27– July 2 TEAM MEMBERS Brian Almond Janelle Almond Evan Bourgeois Josh Eaton Candise Everhart Kallie Heiges Elisabeth Herring Programs will be held in the Adult Sunday School Room unless otherwise indicated. July 4 Youth Mission Trip Presentation — Our youth, who return on July 2 from their summer mission trip to Lynn, Massachusetts, will share their experiences and service. July 11 Megan Leister Pastors’ Panel — This panel of First Church pastors always delights us as they share their experiences and wisdom with us. Sandy Leister July 18 Matt Herring Amanda Hilbish Nicki Losh Destiny Mason Lisa McCaffrey Mark Mengle John Milller Chase Montgomery Zeke Montgomery Deb Noss Paul Noss Phoebe Noss Shawn Rapp Garth Rickards Olivia Rickards Bethany Robinson Jim Robinson Ben Snyder Paige Snyder Sam Snyder Steve Trace Aubrey Wickenheiser Brienne Wickenheiser Christian Yother “…and if you spend yourselves in behalf of the hungry and satisfy the needs of the oppressed, then your light will rise in the darkness, and your night will become like the noonday.” Isaiah 58:10 Art with Chalk — Favorite chalk artist Eva Hurst will return to First Church to present the Gospel message through her artistic talent. Please note: this presentation will be held in the multi-purpose room. July 25-August 22 — Option A A Five-Week “Study Abroad” in Egypt at First Church Study using teaching DVDs that take us to Egypt in order to better understand and appreciate the culture of God’s people during the time of Exodus. This series, God Heard Their Cry, consists of five faith lessons by Bible teacher Ray Vanderlaan. Presentations will be held in the Adult Sunday School Room. Pastor Mike Minnix will facilitate this time and will share his insights on the DVD teachings which include the following: July 25 — How Big Is Our God? August 1 — Israel in Bondage: God Heard Their Cry August 8 — Finger of God: The Plagues August 15 — Watch with Me: Israel Leaves Egypt August 22 — The Lord Reigns: The Red Sea First News First July 2010 What Is All This “Gaga” About? July 25-August 22 — Option B Being the Parent You Want to Be Study focuses on parenting young children. Pastor Lucretia Hurley-Browning will be using a video series, inputting her own information, and utilizing small group discussion. Come and learn and encourage each other in this vitally important area of our lives. (Youth Lounge) August 29 Musicians of First Church — Enjoy the melodies and ministry of some talented First Church musicians. Music Director and Senior Choir Director, Jody Brinley, is hosting the program. September 5 Rev. Jim Browning — will be sharing from his heart about his experience in the trenches. Page 9 YOUTH This year when our youth attended the Combined Retreat at Rhodes Grove they came back with a love for a new sport: Ga Ga. This is a very simple and all-inclusive yet, highly fast-paced and competitive game. Think of it as dodge ball in a box! There is an octagonal box that up to 14 people can enter into. The pit is cushioned with sand and a dodge ball is tossed into the ring as the players chant “Ga, Ga” and then the ball is in play. The only objective: don’t get hit below the knees. Using only their hands competitors hit the ball towards other opponents. Simple! “Ga” is the Hebrew word for “hit” so the players are chanting “hit, hit” as the ball drops to the sand. Because of its origin in the Hebrew language this game is also known as Israel Dodgeball, but to us it’s just a lot of fun! What makes Ga Ga even better? Is that we have a Ga Ga pit near by! Join us for some fun summer fellowship and thrilling Ga Ga competition. Watch the bulletin for youth gaga nights at the Millers! Are You College Ready? Calendar of Events: They say that college will be the best years of your life and they are so right! College is an amazing and memorable experience. Everyone’s experience is a little different and “College Ready”, a small group study, is aimed at helping graduates prepare to enter into their experience. The premise of this study is to help you engage the college years and not just react to them. Not only is this DVD series a helpful tool in readying yourself for college but we even have FUMC college students joining us for this small group to share in their experience as they prepared and entered into college. July 4 Sunday School “Sharing our Mission Experience” July 7 S ‘n L Praise Rally at FUMC (6:30-8:30) July 12 YAC Meeting (6:00pm) July 21 MANDATORY Impact Meeting July 28—Aug 1 IMPACT: GO. Join us for the remaining four sessions: July 18, July 25, Aug 1, & Aug 8. Impact! Summer Sunday School for the Youth Department Starting in July we will attend the larger church Sunday school sessions such as the Pastor’s Panel, the Chalk Artist, etc. However, when the adults begin their five week studies, we will begin a 5-week large group youth oriented study. We will then re-join the rest of the congregation for the remaining couple weeks of summer for the larger group sessions. Fifth Quarter We want to bring 5th Quarter back but we need your help to do so! We really want to be a positive presence in the Mechanicsburg community and this is a great opportunity for just that. Read the Servant Spotlight on page 10 and let us know if you can help us with our mission to the youth in this community. Thanks! Thank you for all your help and support in sending our youth on their mission trip to Lynn, Massachusetts! Did you miss the July 4 deadline to sign up for Impact? Please email Lisa today if you are still interested because we don’t want anyone to miss this fantastic event! Well Done! JENNY CATHRO received the William R. Pierce Academic Achievement Award for Foods and Nutrition during her senior award night. BRIHTRIC PRATHER received an Academic Excellence Award in English.