Heat of Battle IV Flames of War Tournament Official Rules


Heat of Battle IV Flames of War Tournament Official Rules
Heat of Battle IV Flames of War Tournament
Official Rules
National WWII Museum, New Orleans, LA
Saturday, August 14, 2010
GM: Andy Bouffard
Welcome to Heat of Battle IV and its official Flames of War (FOW) Tournament.
It is the goal and intent of the organizers of this event that this Tournament will serve as an official
Regional Qualifier for the 2011 US National Flames of War Championship, to be held at a
currently unknown locale (probably Historicon) in the summer of 2011.
Battlefront USA has duly registered it as a 2011 qualifier and has been generous again with prize
support. We’d like to thank Joe Krone and the staff of Battlefront USA for their ongoing support.
The following paragraphs lay out the official rules for this Tournament and provide, at the end of
this document, two separate army roster sheets which may be used to submit official lists for use
in the Tournament (see below for further information), as well as two missions that MAY be used
in this Tournament. These missions are not available to players unless they own Battlefront’s
Operation Market Garden campaign game, so they have been included here for reference.
Without further ado, then, here are the details of the “how”, “what”, “where”, and “when” for this
year’s event. The “who”, hopefully, will include YOU!!
This year’s Tournament will be divided into two concurrent heats, a Mid-War heat and a
Late-War heat. Prior to the beginning of the Tournament each player participating in said
Tournament must elect to play in one of the two heats. Once the Tournament
commences players will not be able to switch between the Mid-War and Late-War heats.
Unless otherwise specified, all of the rules in this document apply to both heats.
There will be three (3) rounds of games played in each heat. The three rounds will last
three (3) hours each. All players will get a chance to play in all three rounds, unless there
are an odd number of players in a heat (see below).
There are a total of twelve (12) playing areas available for this Tournament. Each area is
a standard 6’ x 4’ space.
Ideally, half will be allocated to the Mid-War heat, supporting six (6) concurrent Mid-War
games per round, supporting up to twelve (12) players in total.
Half will be allocated to the Late-War heat, supporting six (6) concurrent Late-War games
per round, supporting up to twelve (12) players in total.
There will be an additional two (2) 4’ x 4’ special play areas. These will be used for
overflow, if necessary, and may also be used on a volunteer basis (see below).
If one heat has more players than the other than there may be some ebb-and-flow as to
how the playing areas are allocated to each heat.
In the event that there are an odd number of players in a heat, then one player, selected
at random, will be required to sit out each round. A player taking a “bye” round, in this
way, will be awarded six (6) victory points for that round. Volunteers may step forward if
they are willing to accept an available “bye”. The GM will make the final decision as to
who gets any “bye” that may become necessary.
The Swiss Chess method shall be in use in each heat. In this method the highest scoring
player plays the second highest scoring player, the third highest scoring player plays the
fourth highest scoring, etc. The system makes sure players don’t play the same person
twice and tries to match Axis and Allied commanders against each other. The system
also attempts to allocate playing areas so that players do not play on the same area
If there are one or more players in your heat that you play regularly, and by mutual
consent you’d prefer to minimize the chances that you are forced to play each other in
this Tournament, then please let the GM know soonest and he will try and ensure you are
not paired up. There is no guarantee this will be possible throughout the Tournament,
depending on how the victory points tally in latter rounds of the event.
Once play commences, all disagreements should be dealt with by players in a fair and
courteous manner, resorting to a dice-off if a final decision cannot be otherwise reached.
Please appeal to the GM for a decision or rule interpretation, as needed. The GM’s
decision is always final, even if it is later determined to be an incorrect rule interpretation.
If time expires before a game is completed then please complete the last player’s full turn
and then try and make a determination as to who has won and by what margin. If there
is disagreement between two players about the victory results for their game then the GM
will review the situation and decide the matter.
Game result slips will be handed out to each pair of players, one per play area, during
each game. One player in each game should complete the slip for that game, indicating
who won and by what victory point margin. Each player should also indicate which
variant to their core list they used in that particular game, if they provided two variants to
their core list for the Tournament (discussed later in this document). Please hand each
completed result slip to the GM as soon as a victor has been determined and the slip
filled in.
The official rules from Flames of War 2nd Edition and “More Lessons from the Front” will
be in effect. Please see:
Also, to help clarify any rules’ issues, we’ll use the collaborative version of MALFTF at:
Also, the rules updates found online will also be in effect. Please see:
Prior to the beginning of the Tournament each player intending to participate must
provide to the GM his Tournament list, or up to two variants to his list, using the forms
attached, or facsimiles of same.
All lists must be legal Mid-War or Late-War, depending on the heat, be a maximum of
1750 points in size, and must be drawn from one of the following resources: (the GM will
make available, on the day, all relevant resources for reference).
For Mid-War:
Afrika or North Africa
Ostfront or Eastern Front
Official Online Briefings:
NOTE: Mid-War Monsters WILL NOT be permitted in this Tournament.
For Late-War:
Festung Europa or Fortress Europe
D Minus 1
Bloody Omaha
Monty’s Meatgrinder
Stalin’s Onslaught
Hammer and Sickle
River of Heroes
Hell’s Highway
A Bridge Too Far
Dogs and Devils
Official Online Briefings:
When submitting army lists, each player selects one of the following two options:
Option 1: Submit one list. This list is fielded in each of the three rounds of the
Tournament heat the player has chosen to play in. This is the simplest
approach but the least flexible.
Option 2: Submit two variants to one list. Both variants must be for the same basic
nationality and force (German Panzer, US Armored Infantry, 51st Highland
Division, etc) and come from a single company or battalion entry in a single
book or intelligence briefing.
The platoon sizes (squad or section count) may vary from variant list to variant
list. The HQ options may vary from list to list. Warriors may be included in
either or both lists.
Each list may have totally different Support platoon choices, including air
support, as long as those choices remain valid for the type of list chosen.
Each of the two lists must be fielded in at least one of the three rounds of the
Tournament heat the player has chosen to play in. Decide which list to field in
a given round just prior to deployment in that round.
When opting for option two above a player may sacrifice two (2) victory points from their
final Tournament score for each of the following actions taken when preparing their lists.
Add a combat or weapon platoon.
Remove a combat or weapon platoon.
Exchange a combat or weapon platoon for another combat or
weapon platoon.
Please refer to page 239 (“Reorganize Your Force”) in the hardcover Flames of War
rulebook for a further clarification of this system. Instead of losing five victory points (for
a campaign that spans six or more games) a player is only required to lose two victory
points, as detailed above, for altering their combat and weapon platoon counts.
Players may NOT field unpainted miniatures. Figures are considered painted for
purposes of inclusion in the Tournament if they have at least three colors. A primer and
base coat alone is insufficient.
Bases, when present, must be painted and/or detailed to at least a minimal level. Bases
that are simply primed and otherwise left bare will not be permitted in the Tournament.
The GM is the final arbiter as to whether a figure is considered painted/based for
purposes of these rules. All figures considered unacceptable will be removed from the
table by the GM before a game commences. Alternatively, the GM reserves the right to
penalize the errant player by docking points from their overall Tournament total.
Players must include two objective markers with their armies. The painting guidelines for
said objectives are the same as for other figures (bare plastic, metal, or resin, with or
without a primer coat of paint alone, is not acceptable). The exception to this are
purpose built markers that are designed or intended to be used as objectives, such as
markers from manufacturers like Gale Force Nine or Litko Aerosystems.
Figures do not have to be manufactured by Battlefront. Any manufacturer’s 15mm scale
figures, that accurately represent the list entries in question, are permitted. Proxies are
not, in general, acceptable. Exceptions are permitted but only when the GM has been
given prior notice. The GM reserves the right to rule a particular proxy allowable or not.
The more similar the model in question is to the model trying to be represented the more
likely the GM will accept the proxy. When a proxy is permitted it is the owning player’s
responsibility to inform opposing players, prior to game setup.
If a player chooses to include air support in a list, then it is preferred, but not mandatory,
that the correct aircraft miniatures be available. A proxy for said aircraft is permitted, so
long as the proxy is at least as big as the standard size of a Battlefront aircraft model’s
base. A player that receives two or three aircraft in an air attack must place two or three
of the appropriate proxies on the table, if they do not possess actual aircraft models.
Having actual aircraft models in a painted force, rather than proxies, will garner the player
a higher score for his overall army’s aesthetic appeal.
Each heat will be scored and judged separately, however, the Tournament Champion will
be the player with the highest victory point score between both heats, and will receive
and get to proudly display the coveted “Heat of Battle Flames of War Tournament
Champion Trophy”. Within each heat, players will be judged and awards provided for
Best General and Best Sportsman.
Game performance, in terms of victory points won in each round, will be totaled for the
three rounds and be used to judge the winners of the Best General awards. A special
Dunkirk award will also be given to the player in the overall Tournament with the lowest
victory point total.
With a minimum of eighteen (18) players, Battlefront will grant us three passes to the
Nationals, twenty-four (24) players will grant us four passes. Those passes will be
awarded to the Tournament Champion and Best General from each heat, the fourth pass,
if it is available, will go to the recipient of the next best victory point total in the
The Best Army and Best Objective Marker awards will be awarded to the Tournament
participants with the highest applicable scores, based on popular vote, regardless of heat
(all armies and objective markers will be combined into a single contest for these coveted
awards). Player votes will count towards half of the overall score for these categories.
Tom Czekanski, Museum Director of Collections and Exhibits, has graciously agreed to
assist in the judging of Best Army and Best Objective Marker. Tom’s vote will count as
the other half of the overall score for these categories.
Following your first round games, please line up their fielded armies for official
photographs and for review by the other players. We will conduct a “Parade” of armies,
giving players time to review all the armies and photograph what they’d like.
Each player should take some time during the parade and throughout the day to review
the available armies and mark his ballot accordingly. Armies and objectives should be
judged on the quality of their paint job, the attractiveness of their basing, and the
uniformity of the army and its objective markers overall. Players clearly may not choose
their own army/marker.
Unit histories are strictly optional. If you have a story to tell with your army and want to
impress the other players with the level of research you have conducted, then feel free to
present your army’s background information verbally or in writing.
Players will each be allowed one vote to judge who of their three opponents they
consider to be the better Sportsman. The recipient of the most votes will win the Best
Sportsman award in that heat.
To simplify voting this year each player will receive one ballot sheet. On this single sheet
will be a place to indicate your favorite army, favorite objective marker, favorite
sportsman, and favorite table (see below). These ballot sheets will be handed out at the
beginning of the day. Please hang on to them and complete them during the course of
the day and turn them in to the GM, completed, no later than 19:00. Extra sheets are
available in case one or more are lost. Only one sheet per player may be submitted.
No player shall receive more than one award, apart for the trophy awarded to the
Tournament Champion and the Best Terrain award (see below). Player’s that qualify for
more than one award will receive the most prestigious award, as determined by the GM.
Their second or subsequent award(s) will be given to the next runner-up(s) in the
appropriate category (categories).
The order of award prestige shall be:
Tournament Champion
Best Mid-War GeneralBest
Best Mid-War Sportsman
Late-War General
Best Late-War Sportsman
Best Army
Best Objective Marker
Runner-Up Mid-War Generals
Runner-Up Late-War Generals
All games played in a given round, regardless of heat, will use the same mission. The
mission used for the first round of the Tournament will be announced at the beginning of
the Tournament.
The actual missions used won’t be announced until the beginning of the Tournament,
during initial introductions. As explained in the next paragraph, the specific mission to be
played in each round won’t be decided until just before the round commences.
So that players are aware of the missions they MAY encounter, here is the list of all
missions that MAY or MAY NOT make an appearance in this Tournament. If a particular
mission is NOT on this list than it will NOT appear in this Tournament.
Breakout (from Operation Market Garden)
Death From Above (Mid-War only)
Fighting Withdrawal
Hasty Assault (from Operation Market Garden)
No Retreat (from Operation Bagration and the Battlefront website)
Seize and Hold (Late-War only)
Copies of Breakout and Hasty Assault are included at the end of this document.
At the completion of each round, the sum of all Allied player victory points will be added
to a running tally of Allied victory points from previous rounds and the sum of all Axis
player victory points will be added to a running tally of Axis victory points from previous
rounds, to determine which side is currently “winning the war”. The results will then be
used to determine which scenario, drawn from the above list, is played in the second and
subsequent rounds of both heats. The results may also trigger special rules or other
surprises, so be prepared.
Please Note - When the scenario for a given round is announced the GM will
indicate whether the Allies are attacking or defending. If the Allies are attacking
then the Axis will be defending, and vice versa. When a side is announced as
attacking then all players whose lists belong to that side are considered the
Attacker in the announced scenario, regardless of whether the scenario in
question uses the Defensive Battle special rule or uses another method for
determining who attacks and who defends.
This may place an attacking Infantry Company or Armored-Infantry Company
player at a disadvantage against a defending Tank Company player, for example.
When a player finds himself in such a disadvantaged position, where he is
attacking when the Defensive Battle special rule, if applicable, would otherwise
have him defending, then he has two choices:
1. He may accept the handicapped situation, receiving a two (2) victory point
bonus for that round if he is an Infantry Company attacking a Tank Company,
or a one (1) victory point bonus if he is an Armored-Infantry Company attacking
a Tank Company or an Infantry Company attacking an Armored-Infantry
2. He may refuse the handicapped situation, defending when his side in this
round is otherwise attacking. In so doing, his opponent, now attacking when
his side is otherwise defending, gains tactical advantage in their joint sector of
the front and may EITHER remove one platoon from Reserve, Delayed Reserve,
or Scattered Reserve and start it on-table, if applicable, OR hold any one
platoon, beginning the game on-table, in Ambush.
There are some lists that always attack or always defend, like the Soviet Shtraf
Battalion. These lists, if employed in this Tournament, ignore the above special
rules for being handicapped or not handicapped. List special rules always
override Tournament special rules and which side attacks and defends.
It is the possibility of this handicap situation arising that should encourage players
to opt for list option two, above, when entering this Tournament - to provide
maximum flexibility and help in dealing with an unexpected “attack” situation.
For the MId-War heat, should “Free-For-All” be chosen as a scenario to be played and
should a player be fielding a North Africa or Afrika British Parachute Company, a US
Parachute Rifle Company, or a German Fallschirmjaeger or Fallschirmpioneer Company,
then that player may, at his discretion, choose to play the “Death From Above” mission, in
place of “Free-For-All”. Using the airborne assault rules located at:
For the Late-War heat, should “Free-For-All” be chosen as a scenario to be played and
should a player be fielding a British Parachute or Airlanding Company or a US Parachute
Rifle Company then that player may, at his discretion, choose to play the “Seize and
Hold” mission, from the D Minus 1 intelligence handbook, in place of “Free-For-All”. If
said player wishes to play “Seize and Hold” then that player must also be able to supply
mutually acceptable terrain to represent three sections of Rommel’s Asparagus, as per
the setup rules for that scenario. The GM will be the final arbiter should a disagreement
arise as to what constitutes acceptable terrain.
The Tournament will be conducted in the joined USS Arizona and USS Missouri
conference rooms (commonly abbreviated AZMO) on the third floor of the Museum.
There will be a total of twelve (12) traditional 6’ x 4’ playing areas in AZMO. In addition,
we will have two special 4’ x 4’ playing areas, one for Mid-War and one for Late-War
(more about these below).
The 6’ x 4’ areas will be numbered MW1 – MW6 and LW1 – LW6. The two special
playing areas will be identified as MWS and LWS.
At the beginning of each round players will be assigned an opponent from their heat (Mid
or Late) and the playing area they will use for that particular round (MW1-MW6 or LW1LW6). We will try to ensure that players never play on any given area more than once.
Special Playing Areas
We will have two (2) 4’ x 4’ terrain playing areas, one for Mid-War and one for Late-War,
that will contain difficult terrain, whose navigation across, and struggle for control of, can
best be accomplished with tailored army lists. We challenge each and every one of you
to consider tweaking either of your two submitted army list variants, within the rules laid
out above for said list variants, to take advantage of these unique battlefields.
Mid-War – Urban (using the Street Fighting rules from the main rule book).
Late-War - Bocage (using the Bocage rules from D-Day).
In each round, once the scenario to be played has been announced, player pairings have
been announced, and playing areas assigned; selected players in each heat may make it
known to the GM that they wish to play their round on the special play area assigned to
that heat.
First priority goes to those players in each heat that are attacking out of a disadvantage
or handicap, as defined above (thus, allowing an infantry company, forced through
circumstances to have to attack a tank company, to opt to do so in more favorable, close,
If none of the disadvantaged attacking players in a heat wish to attack on the heat’s
special play area then second priority falls to all defending players (to reflect that most
defenders would rather take advantage of better defensible terrain then defend in
otherwise open terrain).
In either of the above situations, a player who wishes to play on one of these areas must
notify the GM immediately. If there is more than one qualified player requesting to play
on the same special area than each player must secretly bid a number of tournament
victory points that they are willing to surrender from their Tournament total in order to
force their game onto that special area. The player bidding highest will be awarded that
table and must move his game to that table. Bidding ties are resolved with a high die roll.
When a player successfully moves his game to one of the special play areas he must
deduct the number of victory points he bid to make the move. If his move was
uncontested then he deducts zero victory points. A player whose opponent caused their
game to be moved receives one bonus victory point for his trouble; regardless of what it
cost his opponent in points to move the game.
Terrain Competition
On a first-come-first-served basis, players may volunteer to setup the terrain on one or
more of the twelve standard playing areas, before we begin round one on Saturday
morning. Volunteers must provide their own terrain. Volunteers are encouraged to
provide a write-up that describes their terrain setup and the rules they envision for the
terrain they’ve laid out. The players playing on a given area are free to adopt the
designer’s vision for that terrain setup but are also free to establish their own mutually
agreed rules for the terrain before them. Before the Tournament begins we will take a
brief group walking tour of the playing areas, to enable the designers of each area to
describe the unique characteristics, if any, of their terrain.
A special prize will be awarded to the volunteer who has setup the nicest terrain area for
the Tournament, as determined by all players. Each player-participant in the Tournament
will be asked to select their favorite terrain setup. Players may not vote for a terrain
setup that they volunteered for.
The ballot sheet handed out at the beginning of the day should be used to select your
favorite play area.
Players need not have played on a given area in order to vote for it and they should use
whatever criteria they desire to determine which area looks best.
Contact the GM directly to sign up to be a terrain setup volunteer.
The two special playing areas will be setup by the GM and shall not be a part of this
terrain competition. Rules for the terrain on these special playing areas will be available
as handouts tableside and they shall be the rules used by all players using these special
The following is the planned schedule for Saturday, August 14th (as with all schedules,
subject to change as needed). The event MUST be done and cleaned up by 21:00 hours
on Saturday, so it may be necessary to use some of the allotted break time if it looks like
the schedule is slipping.
The time allotted to each round includes the unpacking of figures, scenario setup, etc.
Once a round’s scenario is announced, a particular pair of opponents has been matched
up, and a playing area assigned for those players then the players may begin setup and
Starting sometime between 11:30 and noon on the 14th the Museum will be holding a
special ceremony commemorating the 65th anniversary of VJ-Day. The Tournament
action will pause for one minute of silence in memory of our WWII veterans when that
ceremony begins in the Louisiana Pavilion (first floor).
We have also planned for the first round to last up to 3.5 hours in length, giving everyone
who desires a little extra time to stop play and attend the ceremony for a short while.
Please come to a mutual decision with your first-round opponent regarding how much
time you collectively are willing to take away from your 3.5 hour game. Attending the
ceremony is not mandatory but must be a mutual decision between any two opponents.
08:30 – 09:00
Setup all playing areas (Friday night table setup will also be possible)
09:00 – 09:30
09:30 – 13:00
Introductions, table “parade”, and first round draws
Setup and play first round games (includes lunch and VJ-Day ceremony)
Note: Following your first round games, please arrange your army for photographs
and official judging.
13:00 – 13:30
13:30 – 13:45
13:45 – 16:45
Army “Parade” (judging and photography)
First round results and second round draws
Setup and play second round games Note: Following your second round games, please complete your best terrain and
best army and objective marker voting. Turn in your ballot sheets by 19:00.
16:45 – 17:00
17:00 – 20:00
Second round results and third round draws
Setup and play third round games
20:00 – 20:30
20:00 – 21:00
Award prizes and wrap things up
Cleanup and clear out If players wander away during down-time in the Tournament then they are encouraged to
check with the GM first to ensure their presence is not immediately needed and to
receive an estimate from the GM as to when they will need to be back. Failing that then
please let another Tournament player know where you are going, so you can be tracked
down when the GM is ready to proceed.
No Retreat
Hitler’s orders to dig in and not to give ground
leave his soldiers few options to stem the tide of
the advancing Red Army. The front-line troops
can only hedgehog their positions, fight where
they stand, obeying the ‘No Retreat’ order, and
pray for a mobile force to counterattack and
throw the Soviets back.
Attacker’s table edge
Attacker Deploys here
No Retreat uses the Ambush, Defensive Battle,
Prepared Positions, and Reserves special rules.
Your Orders
No Man’s Land
The enemy has been beaten, but not defeated.
They have fallen back to temporary defensive
You must defeat them here and force them to
retreat. Once they have been pushed out of this
position, the road is open and our mobile troops
can surround and destroy them.
Things look bad, but the order has come to hold
at all cost. Your forces are outnumbered and
your defences barely dug, but you must hold
until help arrives.
If you can stop the enemy here, we will be able
to re-establish the front line and prepare for a
counterattack. There can be no retreat!
Defender deploys here
Each player places one
objective here
Defender’s reserves arrive here
Defender’s table edge
Preparing For Battle
Determine the attacker and defender using the Defensive
Battle special rule.
The defending player chooses which short table end
they will deploy in.
Starting with the defender, both players now place
one objective each in the defender’s end of the table.
The objectives must be at least 8”/20cm from the centre
line of the table, and may not be placed within 8”/20cm
of any table edge.
Beginning The Battle
The defending force begins the game in prepared positions,
so their troops are in Foxholes and Gone to Ground.
Starting with the defender, both players make
Reconnaissance Deployment moves for any Recce
Platoons they have on table.
The attacking player has the first turn.
Ending The Battle
Next the defending player nominates at
least half of their platoons to be held off the
table in Reserve at the start of the game.
Then the defender nominates one of the remaining
platoons to be held in Ambush. Finally, they deploy the
rest of their platoons in their half of the table.
The battle ends when either:
The attacker deploys their entire force in their half of
the table at least 16”/40cm from the table centre line.
Deciding Who Won
Both players now place their Independent teams in their
deployment areas starting with the defending player.
the attacker holds any of the objectives at the start of
their turn, or
the defender starts any of their turns from turn six with
no attacking teams in the defender’s half of the table.
The attacker wins if the game ended because they started one
of their turns holding an objective. They have broken the
defensive position and forced the enemy to fall back.
Otherwise the defender wins. The attack has been beaten off
and the defender can now prepare their counter-stroke.
Calculate your Victory Points using the Victory Points Table
on page 195 of the rulebook.
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