as a PDF file - VOIT Automotive GmbH, St. Ingbert
as a PDF file - VOIT Automotive GmbH, St. Ingbert
TOPIC OF FOCUS: CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY AT VOIT PORTRAIT OF THE MEXICO LOCATION “TIERS” IN OUR EYES TRADE FAIRS: EUROGUSS & IZB CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY VOIT, AN ATTRACTIVE EMPLOYER THE KNOWLEDGE FACTORY YOUTH SUPPORT: RACING CEDRIC CHARITY ACTIVITIES FROM THE COMPANY VOIT SPORT EVENTS VOIT APPRENTICE WORKSHOP THE VOIT MAGAZIN I s s u e 2014 / 2015 WELCOME I NEWS FROM THE MANAGEMENT Carsten Schubert Ideas - Skill Commitment CEO - Chief Executive Officer Managing Partner and Chairman Image @ Alexander Kowaski VOIT Automotive New challenges require new approaches Gottfried Niebaum, German lyricist and inventor 1841-1902 Stabilization Dear employees, It gives me great pleasure to be able to present to you what is already the 3rd edition of our company magazine “VOIT Inside”. Informative and exciting news from the last twelve months will inspire you as well as giving you an understanding of the changes and challenges ahead. Standardization If one were to describe the year 2014 for VOIT using just a few key words, the first word would be “Standardization”. Within the context of our “VOIT Production System (VPS)”, we have continuously improved all the process landscapes in production and production support. These optimisation measures have led to sustainable stabilization of all of our business activities. Stablization Stabilization, the second key word of the year 2014, is the basis of our business success. After 2013, we will also achieve our goals in 2014 thus confirming our business strategy. Our positive development as a result of our joint efforts has not remained unseen. The perception of VOIT as a modern, technologically highly competent partner for automotive components is constantly growing. By consistently orientating our product portfolio towards products for future mobility trends such as the reduction of emissions and consumption, lightweight construction and 02 Image: @ freshida - electric drives, we are doing justice to the no longer reversible and vital conservation of resources. This is ultimately also an obligation and corporate social responsibility towards the environment and society in which we live today and which we must preserve for our children. Besides the automotive megatrends already mentioned, the digital revolution will also change car driving in future. The future focus will shift away from active driving towards autonomous driving and the vision of self-driving, inter-communicating vehicles is creating new business worlds. VOIT‘s specialization in drive technologies for passenger cars, housings for power electronics, components for electric power steering, compressor housings for air suspension systems, housings for automatic start-stop electronics and future fields of application for e-mobility such as e.g. pressure accumulators for energy recuperation is opening up global growth for us. We will therefore be operating two additional large presses for drive technology for passenger cars in St Ingbert by the beginning of 2016 and will significantly extend the VOIT location in Poland with the production of complex transmission components. We are also planning similar growth and new starts of production at VOIT Mexico and have already taken the decision to produce products under the name of VOIT in the globally booming market in Asia in a few years. Growth The third keyword of the year 2014 is therefore “growth”. Standardization, stabilization and growth will continue to be the keywords with which we want to open up new global market opportunities over the next few years. Growth Urkunde Diese Urkunde ist gewidmet Hans Schardt Standardization Urkund Die Geschäftsführung der VOIT HOLDING bedankt sich bei Ihnen für Ihre engagierte, wertvolle und erfolgreiche Arbeit als Beirat der VOIT HOLDING vom 24.09.2010 bis zum 19.12.2013. e Wir wünschen Ihnen weiterhin viel Erfolg und würden uns freuen, wenn Sie unserem Hause verbunden blieben. Ernenn St. Ingbert, den 19.12.2013 Carsten Schubert Hendrik Otterbach CEO - Geschäftsführender Gesellschafter Vorsitzender CFO - Geschäftsführender Gesellschafter ung R alph Ja coby Christoph Langehenke Jerzy Pajak CTO - Geschäftsführer CCO - Geschäftsführender Gesellschafter Die Geschä ftsf mit bestem ührung der VO IT HOLDI Dank für NG ernenn zum Vor sitzenden Ihr zukünftiges Engageme t Sie hiermit des Beirate nt s der VO IT HOLDI Wir wünsc NG. hen Ihnen für Ihre Arb eit viel Erfo lg. St. Ingbert, den 28.0 7.2014 Carsten Schu bert CEO - Gesch Vorsitzende äftsführender Gesel r lschafter Hendrik Otte rbach CFO - Gesch Gesellschaf äftsführender ter Christoph Lang ehenke CTO - Gesch äftsführer Jerzy Pajak CCO - Gesch Gesellschaf äftsführender ter While we are well-positioned, we must not disregard the hazards and risks of globalisation. The effects of geopolitical crises such as in the Ukraine or in the Middle East, fundamentalist and religious movements, the increasing terror of the IS, the uprisings of numerous ethnic groups and their cries for autonomy and freedom are potentially incendiary factors which are also having an increasingly impact on VOIT. The economic forecasts for 2015 are more negative than previously anticipated, the mood on global markets is anxious. This is a source of unease for us. Due to our own challenges regarding restructuring measures in the punching department as well as the political, social and religious uncertainties described, next year will be more difficult than expected. However, we are confident that together we will find ways to meet these challenges. Thank you for your commitment! At this point, I would like to thank you on behalf of the managing partners and Executive Board of the VOIT Group for your work, your commitment and your loyalty to VOIT. We have every reason to be proud. I hope you enjoy reading the 3rd edition of “VOIT Inside”! Carsten Schubert CEO – Managing Partner Chairman New Advisory Board of VOIT Automotive For their committed, valuable and successful work on the Advisory Board of VOIT HOLDING from 24.09.2010 to 19.12.2013, the Executive Board of VOIT HOLDING has expressed its thanks to Hans Schardt, (Chairman), Prof. Karl Huebser, Manfred Gierend, Dr. Gerald Nierlich, Dr. Eng. Harald Balzer and Ralph Jacoby. On 28.7.2014, the Executive Board of the VOIT HOLDING welcomed the new Chairman of the Advisory Board of the VOIT HOLDING Ralph Jacoby and Deputy Chairman Dr. Harald Balzer. The members of the new Advisory Board are Bernd Hell, Rolf Peter Krukenkamp, Dr. Nikolas Berger, Michael Braun and Thomas Salz. We wish the new Advisory Board every success with its dedicated work. challenge together now 03 MISSION STATEMENT VOIT CORPORATE MISSION STATEMENT KNOWING YOUR OWN IDENTITY TODAY: Social Responsibility Image @ Alexander Kowalski We are aware of the special responsibility as an important employer in the region and we act accordingly. Dear employees, Our philosophy regarding “social responsibility” within our company is aimed at a future-orientated, long-term understanding of our own actions for promoting the welfare of the people in the company. When we defined our company mission statement three years ago, it was of equal importance to the VOIT management, the executive board and the works council, to formulate social responsibility as one of the key aspects of our joint work in future. Business for people “Business for people” is a statement of the Berlin Business Senate, an influential organisation of 553 senators, figures from politics and business, who have committed themselves to an eco-social stance and who are endeavouring to create and maintain sustainable activities in the global economy in line with the needs of modern man for work, security, education and prosperity but also for equality, freedom, belief and an environment which will be worth living in for future generations. VOIT‘s sustained commitment was seen, appreciated and recognized by admittance into the senate. This is certainly an honour for us, but, at the same time, it represents an obligation. 04 CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY Image @ XtravaganT - Eco-social responsibility We took on this commitment to “eco-social responsibility” together some years ago at a time when we were making significant decisions regarding business strategy after the serious economic crisis. The greatest eco-social obligation which a company has is to secure long-term economic success. Only economic success secures future revenues, the incomes of all of the employees and sustainable growth. Cultural diversity Sustainable social responsibility is also utilization of our cultural diversity. Employees of every skin colour, every religion, every personal inclination and stage of development should invest their intelligence at their place of work. All of this makes us strong, provides us with a competitive edge, allows us to create our own future with innovation and an abundance of ideas. Image: @ Dragonimages - For many years now, we have proven our bond with the region. Our commitment to the Knowledge Factory in Saarbrücken, in sponsoring motorsport, at charity events, at the universities in the Saarland as well as in many government committees and associations but also in our daily work to improve the company‘s performance, reduce energy consumption, improve our work safety and constant qualification measures are living proof of our sustainable economic and social activity. We are aware of our own social responsibility. Sustainable entrepreneurial activity If we succeed in following this creed, we create trust, reputation, employee motivation and customer satisfaction – i.e. precisely those basic prerequisites which are required for sustainable and consistent implementation of social responsibility. I vehemently defend myself against the view that our initiatives for maintaining our social responsibility are purely a publicity measure for the purpose of enhancing our image. Carsten Schubert CEO Managing Partner Chairman Our external commitment focuses on topics which support our company objectives as an automotive supplier in politics and society: technology/ mobility/innovation/qualification. The second area of focus is on regional charity projects in which our employees themselves have been consistently involved over many years. Examples of our social commitment • Appointment to the German Business Senate • Appointment to the Advisory Board for SMEs of the Ministry for the Economy, Labour, Energy and Transport of the Saarland • Member of the Executive Committee of the Association of the Metal and Electrical Industry of the Saarland • Member of the Committee for the Economy, Energy & Foreign Trade of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry • Member of the Workgroup for Saarland Marketing • Participation in the Best Practice Circle • Sustaining member of the „Knowledge Factory“ Saarbrücken • Sponsorship of the University of Applied Sciences of the Saarland and the affiliated German French University Institute • Sponsorship of the ward for premature babies at the Winterberg Clinic • Sponsorship of the University of the Saarland • Support of our partner schools in St Ingbert • Commitment to „Verantwortungs- partner Saarland“ (Association for social responsibility in the Saarland) 05 WE ARE VOIT I PORTRAIT OF THE LOCATION VOIT MÉXICO Economic Portrait Mexico Mexico is in great demand from the international business press and among investors. So great is the demand that the reputable Financial Times has used an analogy of the term “Asian Tiger” and nicknamed the threshold country the “Aztec Tiger”. And for good reason. The eleventh largest economy in the world is set to pounce and overtake the BRIC States in the long term or at least to draw level with them. With its 117 inhabitants, Mexico is not only an ideal sales market but also a first-class production location and bridgehead to neighbouring markets. With over 2.4 million vehicles and an export quota of over 80%, Mexico is meanwhile the fifth largest exporter of vehicles worldwide. Until 2015, it is anticipated that three million vehicles will be produced annually on site. The main sales market is the NAFTA zone, in particular the North American market but also the Latin American countries and the EU, in particular Germany, are gaining increasing importance. 06 Stability and Growth The reasons for the flourishing growth of “the Tiger” are manifold: The Mexican economy is continuing to prove its robust strength and the dynamics of its gross domestic product of 3.0 – 3.7% demonstrates growth which is remarkable in view of a global economy which is currently cautious. This growth is driven by strong demand from the consumption-friendly middle class and an export quota of approx. 80%. The country scores points with its economic stability, healthy state finances, an autonomous central bank, a sound financial system and a better investment climate in comparison with other threshold countries. This is due to lower labour costs, a lower tax burden, fewer bureaucratic constraints, a more flexible labour market and a very young population (half of the population is younger than 30). Other advantages are the high degree of legal security for investors, only moderate inflation as well as a low level of interest which facilitates investment. With its well established infrastructure and high level of education as well as comparably low labour costs, Mexico has developed into one of the most attractive industrial locations worldwide and the new favourite location of many German and international corporations. In addition, with programmes such as “Pacto por México”, the Mexican government wants to invest up to 400 billion dollars in further construction of energy transport and communication networks. And: Mexico is also the “World Champion of Globalisation”. With 12 free trade agreements with a total of 44 partner countries including the USA, the EU and Japan, the country has also emerged as one of the most significant manufacturing platforms for the global market. This advantage of location could be lost as the free trade agreement between the USA and the EU becomes effective. However, since the Mexican economy is strongly linked with the supply chain of the USA, (there is direct correlation with the growth of the GDP in the USA), additional competitive pressure on the transatlantic market will highlight the country‘s cost advantages so that Mexico will continue to be an attractive location in future. The Market There are around 1,200 German companies with 120,000 employees operating in Mexico, primarily from the fields of the automotive industry, the supplier industry and pharmaceutical, chemical and electronics companies. Mexico has become an automotive stronghold. All German manufacturers in the premium segment have announced in the last few years and months that they will be making major investments in Mexico. VW is currently building a new plant for Audi for around 900 million euros in the federal state of Puebla to produce the new sports utility vehicle Q5. It is said that the automatic transmissions for this are to be procured directly from the Saarland as of 2016. In 2019, BMW will commence in San Luis Portosi. Other companies from the automotive or automotive supplier industry such as Schaeffler, VOIT and Bosch are investing to a greater degree in new factories and facilities there. For example, one year ago, VW built an engine plant for manufacturing 330,000 engines in the neighbouring state of Guanajuato. I The Aztec Tiger ready to pounce What is preventing the Aztec Tiger from taking a gigantic leap forward? From the point of view of German observers of the industry, the greatest hindrance for growth in the Mexican automotive industry is not the much-discussed topic of security. With regard to incidents of gang killings, drug wars, corruption… the country still unfortunately ranks among those countries with the highest figures in the world but the violence is concentrated in certain remote areas in the north and south and is not directed against the target group of foreign professionals or business people. In the cities and industrial centres of Mexico, professionals can move around more safely than in other threshold countries. The German Mexican Chamber of Commerce and Industry is also reassuring. To their knowledge, there has not been a single case where a German company left the country for security reasons. Instead there is a lot of praise – also from experts. The stumbling block is rather the reticence of German suppliers and owner-managed small and medium sized companies to invest here. As a result, the large OEMs have to do a lot of convincing to tempt their suppliers to Mexico. VOIT has already been successfully operating in Mexico since 1998 and is on growth track. The number one hindrance to growth from VOIT‘s point of view is deficits in qualification at the location. In order to be able to fulfill its full potential on the NAFTA growth market, VOIT requires significant improvements in training and qualification and is counteracting the lack by having its own training and qualification programmes for employees e.g. in the pilot project “Dual Training System”. Automotive stronghold Méxiko – Automotive stronghold Saarland Mexico and the Saarland have one great thing in common – they are both automotive strongholds. A total of 56 companies from the Saarland with subsidiaries or production sites are registered with the Chamber of Commerce and Industry but far more have business relations with Mexico. This development was almost certainly also initiated by a trip to test the market in Mexico which was organized by the Chamber and by the organisations ZPT (centre for productivity and technology) and Saarland International. The portfolio is completed by regular business days or cooperation events between the Chamber of Commerce and Industry and the German Mexican Society regarding current topics and matters relevant for entering the market and by close cooperation with the German Mexican Chamber of Commerce e.g. to allow rapid access to the know-how of experts on site in the case of further inquiries by small and medium sized enterprises from the Saarland. However, the most important linking element is not the transfer of know-how in both directions but rather people. Those people on both sides of the Atlantic who are inspired by everyone‘s favourite topic and who work on it: – the car. Astrid Wilhelm-Wagner Manager PR & Marketing 07 WE ARE VOIT I PORTRAIT OF THE LOCATION VOIT MÉXICO Interview with Thomas Oberthuer Mr Oberthuer, since January 2010, as CFO – Commercial Director, you have been responsible for the fields of Finances and Controlling, Information Technology, Human Resource Management, Purchasing and Foreign Trade as well as sales activities in the NAFTA region. 10 million USD for the years to come, whereby the largest portion is for shock absorber components for the customer ZF Friedrichshafen for General Motors and Chrysler, among others. Furthermore, we manufacture power brake units and components made of aluminium for the customer Robert Bosch (Audi Q5) and Continental (Chrysler and Dodge Minivans and Grand Cherokee). Which customers and markets do you serve? What are the current and planned projects? We mainly serve the NAFTA market, in particular our automotive clients, Continental, Robert Bosch, ZF Sachs, Valeo and Brose Fahrzeugteile but also CREE, one of the global leaders in the manufacture of temperature-resistant high power LEDs. In production and organization our focus lies on streamlining the organization taking aspects of lean management into account and in increasing productivity and profitability. Where does the main emphasis of your products lie? In the automotive branch, we concentrate on engine housings and covers, components for brake systems, shock absorbers and engine cooling systems. In the non-automotive sector, LED technology is of interest to us. Your machinery is constantly being renewed and extended Yes, that is the case. As a result of growth over the last few years, on average investment has been carried out in one press per year including two 800 and three 600 tonne presses, all equipped with 3D transfer systems as well as a 500 tonne hydraulic press and two mechanical presses with a pressing force of 440 and 330 tonnes. That signifies some interesting new orders In 2014, we generated an annual turnover of approx. 08 is proven by our training figures. 11 trainees completed their training in the dual training system on 18.9.2014. 13 trainees will complete their three-year training courses in September 2015. In mid-September, 30 young people commenced training with us. With currently 43 trainees, we have an even larger number than the company headquarters in St Ingbert. Which goals were achieved in 2014? We understand quality as a promise we have made to our customers with absolute priority. Achieving this requires a joint effort. For this reason, we are all very proud that on 3rd September 2014, we were presented with the Award „North American Supplier of the Year“ in the category “Direct Material Supplier” by our esteemed client ZF Friedrichshafen. It is the result of our untiring advancement and our commitment to the highest standards of excellence. Furthermore, we are progressing with our dual training system. For the apprenticeship as a toolmaker, we have found a new co-operation partner with the Universidad Tecnológica de Jalisco. The importance for us of the subject of further training and qualification Our current Mexican trainees What are your aims for 2015? We are working on the organizational and production aspects of preparing for future growth. In particular, the future field “Powertrain” is of great interest to us as it is for VOIT at the headquarters in St. Ingbert. I Location Guadalajara Portrait of a city: Guadalajara With 1.5 million inhabitants, Guadalajara is the second largest city in Mexico and it is the capital of the federal state of Jalisco. The city lies at 1,590m above sea level in the west of the Mexican highlands, around 500 kilometres west of the capital Mexico City. Over 4.5 million people live in the metropolitan region Zona Metropolitana de Guadalajara. The city is also known by the name of “Perla del Occidente” (Spanish for “Pearl of the West”) and is the origin of many Mexican traditions such as the music of the Mariachis. The town of Tequila is nearby whose famous agave product is probably known all over the world. Portrait: Thomas Oberthuer Thomas Oberthuer (45) has been working for VOIT Automotive de México SA de CV (formally Grupo Kervo SA de CV) since January 2006, initially in the position of Head of the Commercial Department. Since January 2010, as CFO-Commercial Director, he has been responsible for the areas of Finance and Controlling, Information Technology, Human Resource Management, Purchasing and Foreign Trade as well as sales activities in the NAFTA region. After industrial training as a car mechanic, he studied Business Administration at the University of Gießen with the focus on auditing, taxation, human resource management and organisation. In particular, periods spent abroad in South America, the Caribbean and Australia, awakened his wish to work abroad. After several career stages at Leica Camera AG and Brose Fahrzeugteile in Germany, via Barcelona/Spain and Querétaro/Mexico he ultimately moved to VOIT in Guadalajara. Thomas Oberthuer lives in Santa Anita, a suburb of Guadalajara, with his Mexican partner and two children of 3 and 7 years of age. He spends his free time with his family and friends and, as often as possible, at the sea in order to practise his hobbies of swimming and diving. Guadalajara was founded in 1532 under the name of Espíritu Santo by the Spaniards under the leadership of Nuño Beltrán de Guzmán. Today it is a large centre of trade and an important industrial location and it is also termed the “Silicon Valley” of Mexico. 60.000 employees work in the electronics industry. Numerous foreign companies such as Continental Automotive, Flextronics, General Electric, Hewlett Packard, Hella, IBM, Intel, Oracle or Siemens as well as ZF Sachs AG, Sumida AG and VOIT MÉXICO have production facilities in the city and in the surrounding area. There are international connections through the airport Aeropuerto Internacional Don Miguel Hidalgo y Costilla. Based on the number of passengers at 7.2 million (2011), it is the third largest airport in Mexico. A great deal of importance is placed on education in Mexico. The city is the location of several universities including the second oldest in Mexico, the Universidad de Guadalajara, founded in 1792. Other universities in the city are the Universidad Autónoma de Guadalajara, the Universidad Cuauthémoc and the Universidad Panamericana. Private universities include ITESO and ITESM. Culturally, the city has a lot to offer e.g. the international cultural festival “Festival de Mayo”: Every year the festival is under the motto of a guest country with its traditional and avant-garde culture, visual art, concerts, theatre performances and culinary events. The festival “Internacional de Cine en Guadalajara” is the most important film festival in Mexico today and takes place at various open air venues in the city. @ Héctor Alejandro Larios Romo @ Thelmadatter @ patrick.denizet @ Thelmadatter Last three photos @ Karma Boy And, of course, the Mexicans love football. Guadalajara is home to no fewer than three football clubs in the Mexican premier league. The “Club Deportivo Guadalajara” is the most popular club in Mexico and is also known as “Las chivas rayadas” (The striped goats). You can see how colourful and lively Guadalajara is on the website or just fly over and visit us! Astrid Wilhelm-Wagner, Manager PR & Marketing All Photos: WE ARE VOIT I PORTRAIT OF THE LOCATION VOIT MÉXICO Portrait: Portrait: Leonel Delgado Since 07.01.2014, VOIT MÉXICO has had a new CEO. Faustino Leonel Delgado Melesio is the new CEO of VOIT Automotive de México SA de CV. Mr Delgado, who has been working in the automotive industry for more than 25 years, has, in the course of his career, worked in functions in the fields of production, logistics, purchasing and supplier quality development as well as central company management. Speaking English and Spanish (native language), he is bilingual and has great skill at negotiating, in his leadership technique and in innovation management. He has a team-orientated mind and an entrepreneurial spirit and has proven himself as a persevering and tenacious manager at home and abroad. Today, we would like to present Leonel Delgado to you in detail. After an MBA degree at the University of Guanajato/ Mexico with the focus on financial management, he completed a Bachelor of Science degree in Engineering/Industrial Engineering at the Technological Institute of Celaya in Mexico. He started his career with the Spicer Group in Celaya Guanajato/Mexico as a trainer and consultant for maintenance, automation and quality at CEDEI (Centro di Desarrollo Industrial) then as a production-project engineer and was later head of purchasing for material and logistics at Velcon (GKN-Group). After entering the MAGNA Group, he carried out numerous functions in Mexico, South America, Europe and the United States and was most recently Plant Manager at Magna Automotive Systems in San Luis Potosí/Mexico. We are delighted to have assigned Mr Delgado as the CEO for VOIT Automotive de México SA de CV as of 7th January 2014. 10 His wife, Francis Bautista Castillo, has a Bachelor of Science degree in Biochemistry and a Master‘s degree in Administration. In her private life, she does a lot of sport. She participates in competitive dancing and is an enthusiastic fitness fan. Mr Delgado‘s daughter, Melisa Kenneth Delgado Bautista is about to take a Bachelor‘s Degree in Medicine with the focus on diet and nutrition. His son, Leonel Oswaldo Delgado Bautista is studying for a degree as an engineer for vehicle systems at the Insitituto Nacional Politécnico UPIICG in the city Leon-Silao Guanajuato, where the automotive boom in Mexico is currently taking place. He is therefore following in his father‘s footsteps. As far as his hobbies are concerned, Leonel Delgado loves both standard dancing and pursuing his passions of football and playing the guitar. He tries to do something for his fitness 3-4 times a week to reduce levels of stress and he likes watching films, either at home or in the cinema. He enjoys travelling with his friends or family, going to new and interesting places and visiting sites of cultural interest. It is his aim as the new CEO, together with his team, to make VOIT Automotive de México into an outstanding, technologically cutting-edge company in the automotive industry in the next few years. We wish Leonel Delgado and his colleague Thomas Oberthuer on the Management Board as well as the whole VOIT Mexico Team, great success! I Questions for….. ... Carsten Schubert How did VOIT happen to move into Mexico when it did? The step of making a commitment in Mexico in 1999 was taken as a result of a request by several significant German tier 1 manufacturers of vehicle components. BOSCH was looking for a supplier for punched parts for engine cooling motor housings and covers at the time. VOIT Automotive de México SA de CV was founded under the name of “Grupo Kervo SA de CV” in 1998 as a joint venture between a Mexican partner with European roots (Belgium) and VOIT. This was thus a partnership between long-term marketing experience in Mexico with VOIT‘s technical know-how. In 2005, VOIT Holding took over the partner‘s 50% of shares and, since mid-2006, the location has been operating under the current company name. The growth expectations of the first clients initially remained far behind our own expectations. It was only in the course of the following 3-4 years that it was possible to achieve a satisfactory workload through acquisition of new customers. Today, our presence in Mexico is, of course, of strategic importance since a “global footprint” with technologically sophisticated and highly specialized product groups provides a competitive advantage and the increasing number of vehicle platforms also makes such presence indispensable. International growth has meant better utilization of fixed costs for development expenses and central areas (Toolmaking, Design, Quality, Sales) as well as leading to a sustainable improvement in VOIT‘s global positioning as a technology company. What is the nature of VOIT‘s commitment in Mexico? VOIT Automotive de México SA de CV is the largest location within the VOIT group for forming/punching technology. With a turnover of €40 million per year and currently approx. 400 employees, the location is just about to take another step on the growth track. New technologies such as, for example, the manufacture of highly complex transmission components on very large transfer presses (approx. 2,000 tonne presses) are to serve the growing number of transmission manufacturers such as ZF but also the OEMs with present and future sites in Mexico (VW, Daimler, Nissan, BMW, Honda, Ford etc.) in the near future. These components are hardly available on the market with their product and manufacturing technology. For us, this means further growth, innovation and technological progress for the NAFTA market. In doing so, we want to increase our turnover in the medium term by 30-40%. Further expansion in the field of hot forming technology for structural vehicle components is currently being investigated (lightweight construction with high-strength boron-manganese steels). How is it the cooperation with colleagues and partners at the location? The Mexicans are proud and highly-motivated people. Qualification for the high technical requirements alone is often not enough to deliver the necessary performance. For this reason, from the very start, we have placed an emphasis on close support by German employees on site and some have even remained in Mexico. The high demands on tool mechanics and toolmakers mean that the qualification as a tool mechanic is one of the key qualifications in Mexico. Due to this fact, three years ago, together with the embassies of both countries, the organization ProMéxico, the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Saarland, the Chamber of Foreign Trade in Mexico, the German Mexican Society of the Saarland and with regional educational institutes in Mexico (e.g. CECATI), we started to provide a number of youngsters with the necessary qualifications and now, in a final step, to provide them with qualifications in accordance with the German model of a dual training system through the Chamber of Foreign Trade parallel to the Mexican job profile. In the Mexican state of Jalisco where we have our plant (town: Guadalajara), this is a pilot project which we will complete in the middle of next year. Then, it will be possible to learn the trade of a tool mechanic for VOIT but also for other companies along with the technological characteristics required. These basic foundations also serve to strengthen the futures of Mexican employees. Increasing the level of performance makes us successful as a company as well as providing our employees with opportunities for further self-development. We are thus not only fulfilling entrepreneurial aims but also our social responsibility as an employer and we are very proud of this development. In the course of the aforementioned growth, we will also start qualification measures for Mexican employees in St. Ingbert as well as giving motivated young employees from the Saarland the opportunity to work in our Mexican company. That is effective globalization “SME-style”! Preview of our next edition of VOIT Inside Energy efficiency à la VOIT Inauguration of the new punching press at the St Ingbert location Automotive commitment at university 11 FROM THE DEPARTMENTS I Strategic Sales „Tiers“ in our eyes In our daily work, we are confronted with innumerable acronyms which are intended to make our work easier through the use of plain language which is structured and standardised. But do they fulfill this function? I beg your pardon? “The KAM of the 2nd tier VOIT is at the OEM today, meetings are being held on the SOP and EOP of the EPS for the MQB and after that, BD is issuing a BA MQB vs. MFA in order to supply the OEM directly as 1st tier!” Did you understand all of that or was it just gobbledygook to you? The automotive industry is a special industry with high demands which need to be fulfilled to the same degree worldwide. The sentence would have been easier to understand if written as follows: “Vehicle manufacturers are not yet supplied directly by VOIT. Our sales representative is therefore holding a meeting with a vehicle manufacturer in which the start of production and end of production for a project concerning “electric power steering” are being discussed. Our marketing colleague will draw up a market overview for the application in a modular transverse toolkit from VW to the multi-front architecture from Daimler”. In our daily work, we are confronted with endless acronyms which should make our work easier through the use of plain language which is structured and standardised. 12 The supply chain in the automotive branch practically runs backwards from the final product back to the semi-finished product. The OEM is the Original Equipment Manufacturer i.e. the vehicle manufacturer. Volkswagen, Daimler, BMW, Ford… are OEMs in our language and are therefore manufacturers of the end product the “car”. Depending on their ranking, the suppliers are graded into what is known as 1st tier or 2nd tier suppliers, etc. As a 2nd tier supplier, VOIT supplies the largest 1st tier suppliers such as BOSCH with components for wiper systems. BOSCH (1st tier) then suppliers complete wiper systems to Volkswagen (OEM). Low Cost Countries (LCC) also known as Best Cost Countries (BCC) is the term used to describe countries with the best or, to put it more honestly, the lowest cost structures. In some contexts, whether for tax or marketing reasons, it makes sense to supply the vehicles in the form of a “kit” rather than as a complete vehicle. For this purpose, depending on the degree to which it is dismantled, the vehicle is exported or imported as Completely Knocked Down CKD, i.e. in its individual parts, or as Semi Knocked Down SKD as a pre-fabricated vehicle. A large number of equipment options in the vehicle are termed using acronyms - the anti-lock braking system ABS or the electronic stabilization program ESP in the brake system but also the electric power steering EPS. In manufacturing, too, we are constantly confronted with acronyms be it in the overall equipment effectiveness OEE or in the strokes per minute SPM. Without claiming to be in any way complete, the following is a list of abbreviations and acronyms which are commonly used in our industry. Stefan Beinkämpen Director Sales & Business Development I Technical jargon for automotive employees SOP 1st tier 2nd tier Technical vocabulary for automotive employees 1st tier 2nd tier 5S ABS APQP BOM CAD AT BA BCC BD CKD DT DRA CIP DVP&R DV EDI EFMEA EOP EPC EPS ERP ESP FG FMEA IMDS ISIR KAM KPI LCC LOI LTA First ranking in the supply chain after the OEM Second ranking in the supply chain after the OEM Sort – Set in order – Standardize – Sustain – Sweep/Shine Anti-Lock Braking System Advanced Product Quality Planing Bill of Material Computer Aided Design Assembly Technology Business Analysis Best Cost Country Business Development Completely Knock Down Die Technology Design Responsibility Agreement Continous Improvement Process Design Validation Plan and Report Design Validation Electronic Data Interface Enviromental FMEA End of Production Early Production Containment Electric Power Steering Enterprise Ressource Planning Electronic Stabilisation Programme Finished Good Failure Mode and Effects Analysis International Data System Initial Sample Inspection Report Key Account Management Key Performance Indicator Low Cost Country Letter of intent Long Term Agreement OEM OEE LOI RFQ LCC ERP MFA Multi Front Architecture (Daimler AG) MLB Modular longitudinal toolkit (Volkswagen AG) MRA Multi Rear Architecture (DaimlerAG) MRO Maintenance, Repair and Operations MTTF Mean Time Between Failure MTTR Mean Time to Repair MQB Modular transverse toolkit (Volkswagen AG) OA Operational Availability OEM Original Equipment Manufacturer PEP Project Execution Planning PFMEA Process FMEA PSHSR (PHSR, PSR) Pre-Start Health and Safety Reviews PM Program Management PO Purchase Order PPAP Production Part Approval Process QM Quality Management RASIC Responsible – Approve – Support – Inform – Consult RFQ Request for Quotation SKD Semi Knock Down SME Small to medium-sized enterprise SOP Start of Production SPM Strokes per Minute SQA Supplier Quality Assurance TS Technical Specification VA Value Analysis VE Value Engineering WIP Work in Process 13 TRADE FAIRS I EUROGUSS & IZB VOIT at EUROGUSS, Nürnberg 11,000 visitors, 470 exhibitors, up-to-date technical inside knowledge and lots of inspiration: that was EUROGUSS 2014 from 14-16 January in Nürnberg. Were you there at the most important trade fair of the die casting industry? If so, thank you for visiting us! EURO GUSS In the video “Euroguss Statements” from the Nürnberg Exhibition Centre, you can see the VOIT stand just before the 17th second ff under Informative visit to the trade fair EUROGUSS by our trainees. Here: a short break at our stand. 14 emotion for mobile worlds IZB VOIT first-time exhibitor at the IZB 2014 in Wolfsburg The international suppliers‘ fair (IZB) in Wolfsburg, Europe‘s leading fair for the automotive supplier industry started in 2001 as the in-house fair of Volkswagen AG and is meanwhile in high regard amongst international professionals. There is good reason for this. Over 820 exhibitors from 29 countries made a contribution with a total of 30 world innovations to making sure that the 8th IZB in the Wolfsburg Allerpark yet again lived up to its claims that it is the world‘s leading fair for the automotive supplier industry. From the 14 – 16 October 2014, a sensational 51,000 professional visitors used the IZB as a platform for communication and business. The emphasis of exhibition topics as well as those of flanking congresses and forums with high-calibre participants dealt with current automotive topics such as electrics, electronics, mechatronics, interior and exterior, metal and powertrain. As a first-time exhibitor this year, VOIT benefited, in particular, from the numerous international automotive encounters on the highest level. The team at the stand was extremely satisfied with the constructive discussions and would like to thank all of the interested parties for their visits and inquiries. If you would like to review events and see some impressions, please see the following the link: http://www. 15 CSR I CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY FOR SMEs Composing: Astrid Wilhelm-Wagner, VOIT, using fotolia: XtravaganT, auremar, Volker Witt, apops, Robert Kneschke CSR Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is more than mere sponsoring and patronage and yet precisely this image persists. This is closely connected with the view that CSR is not of any interest to SMEs or that it is actually hard company strategy in the disguise of noble action. In fact, it represents responsible, sustained and entrepreneurial action that is beneficial for everyone. The client, the stakeholder and the employment market will use CSR increasingly in future to judge a company‘s values and its attractiveness. 16 Intelligently conceived and implemented CSR offers unique opportunities to improve the value of the company, to become an attractive employer and supplier and to be right at the forefront in the race for the clever minds of tomorrow. These factors are becoming increasingly important both for SMEs and large corporations. In particular, companies with a family tradition already carry this responsibility in their genes. They hold their employees in high regard, keep the company economically healthy for the next generation and have regional and cultural commitments. That is good but it also means passing up opportunities if one doesn‘t look at one‘s own processes in detail and align one‘s CSR strategically. That is because CSR also makes sense from an economic point of view. Sustainability begins with a vision A prime example regarding numbers, data and facts is Interface, a global leader in carpet tiles with the vision of the company founder of leaving a zero footprint by the year 2020, i.e. having environmentally friendly activities and being CO2 neutral. 68% of the cost of a carpet are accounted for by the cost of raw materials and can therefore be influenced. 9% are manufacturing costs and the rest transport, usage and disposal. The manufacture of thread depends to a great degree on the price of crude oil. For this reason, Interface had its designers develop new weaving textures with less thread whilst using more recycled material and inventing new types of thread e.g. from old fishing nets. These are floating around in large numbers on water and, in addition, they are damaging for fish stocks. As part of its CSR project “NetWorks”, Interface works with socially and politically active non-governmental organisations (NGOs), making a contribution to environmental protection and offering fishermen in the Philippines an additional source of income through collecting fishing nets. At the same time, the company is reducing its own dependence on crude oil since the nets are a valuable raw material for all product series. Besides social and ecological benefits, this project offers further process changes as well as a direct economic added value. In the years 1996 to 2012, Interface was able to reduce its waste by 92%, its water consumption by 81%, energy consumption by 39% and emissions by 41%. 49% of raw materials have already been changed over to biobased materials. That is pure CSR and it pays off in every way. The automotive supplier VOIT has also investigated its work processes and primary energy consumption. VOIT produces 140 million components using aluminium pressure die casting, steel and high-strength lightweight steels annually. VOIT technology is to be found in 45 makes of car and over 250 vehicle models. The manufacturing processes are complex, highly mechanised and energy intensive. In line with its guiding environmental vision and CSR strategy as well as under pressure as a result of rising energy costs, VOIT has made all relevant energy consumption measurable such as electricity, water, gas and pressurized air, and is now successively implementing a new energy management strategy. This spans from controlled ventilation through temperature reduction in the washing facilities, preheating chambers for aluminium bars before the melting process, process-controlled switching off of machines before reaching defined peaks and elimination of pressurized air leakages I Part 1 : Sustainable Processes and Products up to LED lighting in the plant. This is no easy task in a shift operation working at full capacity. However, the measures are already having a huge effect in the first year on CO2 levels and on the company balance sheet. With the deduction of the investment in 2014, it is anticipated that VOIT will make an energy saving amounting to a six figure sum. BMW i8, Phto: VOIT, WW Sustainable products in the automotive industry Automotive manufacturers already employ numerous resource-saving materials, products and technologies and are therefore securing markets for themselves for the future: automatic start-stop, brake energy regeneration, electric power steering, lightweight engineering, lightweight products made of highstrength lightweight steels and aluminium pressure die casting. VOIT manufactures components for many of these sophisticated products and is increasingly trying to provide support to its clients from the early stages of engineering in order to be able to manufacture in a way that saves material, is efficient and provides a secure process. There are numerous further examples. One of those is Toyota. With the aim of developing resource-saving materials, reducing fossil fuels and opening up new markets at an early stage, Toyota developed and produced the first hybrid vehicle in series production and thus became technological and market leader in this field. In the Spring of 2015, Toyota is launching the first cars powered by a fuel cell onto the Japanese market. The launch on the European and American market is planned for the summer of 2015. A further example is Ford. Since the early 1980s, the company has had an internal, globally valid standard for avoiding hazardous materials. Today, the focus lies on bio-based products. Eight of these are already in use e.g. car seat foam made of soya and bioplastic packaging which was developed together with CocaCola, Nike and Procter & Gamble. The cooperation between Ford and Heinz Ketchup is also remarkable. In processing the annual amount of over two million tonnes of tomatoes, one waste product which occurs in production is dried tomato skins. These are now to be used to make bioplastic. Both companies are working on integrating this product into car manufacturing, initially in small components such as cable mountings and storage trays. One of the most popular examples is BMW. Delivery of the first i8 models was set for the middle of June 2014. The i8 is more than just a car. It also demonstrates how seriously BMW takes electromobility. None of the other large car manufacturers has immersed itself so wholeheartedly in the adventure of electromobility. No other competitor apart from TESLA has created a car using carbonfibre-reinforced plastic (CFRP) in mass production and dared to conceive an electric car from the very basis. BMW drove the i.project forward against all resistance within the company itself. Charging TSLA Modell S by Jeff Cooper, CC-BY-2.0 via Chairman of the Board Norbert Reithofer assigned the development of the i3 to a team of engineers who worked outside company structures in order to circumvent the scepticists. Only the i8 was able to be developed within the normal organization again. The electro-project of once has now become an integral part of BMW culture. A fascinating example is Tesla. While other companies are waging heated battles in order to protect their intellectual property, the owner of TESLA, Elon Musk is combining visionary and sustainable thinking with entrepreneurial strategy and is placing the company‘s patents such as the “Supercharger” system at the disposal of its competitors. This means that drivers and other car brands can use its Tesla charging stations to recharge for free as you can read in their remarkable blog “All our patent are belong to you” from 12.06.14 ( Musk made it clear that other manufacturers must also make a “fair” contribution to this system if they want to participate in the “Supercharger” system. The cost of the charging stations should be proportionately low, according to Musk: Tesla would often not have to pay any rent for locations with charging stations, the electricity would come from solar panels installed at the site. This “spirit of the open source movement for the advancement of electric vehicle technology” hits the nerve of modern times - “sharing”. There are indeed good economic reasons for sharing since Tesla‘s competitors are not the few electric cars of other manufacturers but the mass of vehicles with combustion engines. Moreover, Elon Musk is convinced that a technological leader is not defined by the number of his patents but rather by being able to attract and motivate the most talented engineers in the world and that an open source philosophy strengthens technological leadership and economic success. Sustainability in China How quickly the topic of sustainability has affected the production figures of the whole industry, is demonstrated at the example of China. In the battle against rampant air pollution, the government wants to put five million old cars out of action. In Peking and Hebei, alone, there are around one million environmentally damaging vehicles which, when put out of action, should improve the air quality of China‘s metropolises. And that is not all. In order to implement its climate protection targets for cars, the Chinese ministry of industry is planning public pillorying - penalties for fuel guzzlers and production restrictions. 85 manufacturers have already been examined, 30% of those were above limit values including 13 foreign companies with high powered engines (For background information see: soziales/china-autobauern-drohtstrafe-bei-hohem-spritverbraucha-997620.html (Text in German language) Autor: Astrid Wilhelm-Wagner Manager Public Relations & Marketing CSR not only has an influence on automotive products but also on winning, binding and qualifying skilled employees. -> See next page 17 CSR I CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY FOR SMEs VOIT brings clever minds together so that something new is created. CREED: We see it as our social responsibility to provide young people with access to and early contact with business and to give them practical experience and, in return, we are happy to receive innovative input. Composing: Astrid Wilhelm-Wagner, VOIT, using fotolia: oconnor, Robert Kneschke, Beboy, guucaa 18 CSR CSR for winning and binding skilled employees The increasing lack of skilled employees is damaging for the performance and innovative power of our economy. The appeal of larger companies makes it difficult for SMEs to attract the best minds and hardest working hands in their region. Unjustly so, since opportunities for shaping the company and promotion prospects are often far better among the hidden champions than in large companies. One reason for this is the fact that they are not well known. However, gaining a profile as a leader in technology and an attractive employer is also possible without a great degree of pressure to advertise. First of all, this means that an employer should offer top engineers, skilled employees over 50, young parents, people with handicaps and the next generation a climate of security and personal development as a framework for motivated and effective work. Further tasks are to gain students and young professionals at an early stage and to create a climate of innovation. Unaffordable? Contra-calculation: what does it cost to find and train each new employee and trainee? What does the loss of know-how cost you if experienced employees or young innovative minds leave the company? What do you lose if half-hearted rather than motivated employees are operating in your company? What is the price if top people don‘t find your company attractive enough to come and participate in developing the company‘s future? Lack of money is a poor justification for allowing a company to deteriorate. Ideas are needed. CSR strategies which are viable, that are innovative, useful and worth reporting about - CSR commitment that is perfectly suited to the company and supports its aims. No “greenwashing” (i.e. having a superfluous green image), no unstructured “watering can”-type donating, no sponsoring if there is no related topic. Here, VOIT is involved in a lot of activities - not necessarily cost-intensive ones – but ones that are target orientated. VOIT is inspired by cars, technology, innovation, performance and by ambitious young people who are keen on participating in shaping the mobile worlds of the future. The automotive supplier needs innovation and sees it as its corporate and social responsibility to awaken an enthusiasm for technology in young people. For this reason, the hidden champion explicitly supports automotive university and student projects e.g. the Evolution Racing Team at the University of the Saarland and the University of Applied Sciences of the Saarland (htw saar). The cross-faculty 30-student strong team develops and builds one electric racing car per year using the latest technology and then enters the design competitions “Formula Student”, competing against students worldwide. The support is not only on a financial basis, however. The Logistics and PR departments also provide support. What is much more important, though, is that the company‘s own toolmaking department with over 100 employees and the design department are open for the racing team to manufacture their unique components and also to offer the students contact with and access to industry, practical knowledge and networks at an early stage. I Part 2 : The battle for the best minds Students also receive support for the annual competition of the University of Applied Sciences “Konstrukta” e.g. in 2013 when building a wind channel. Students also receive financial support and knowledge input in a new work and study programme Automotive Production Engineering that started at the University of Applied Sciences in the autumn of 2014. fotolia @ Robert Kneschke One very good example of a manageable financial stake with an outstanding CSR and charity effect is the “4L trophy” - a student charity project which has meanwhile become legendary along the lines of the Paris to Dakar rally but through the desert to Marrakech. Every year, students, among them the team DFHI/ISFATES (from the German-French Institute of the University of Applied Sciences), sponsored by VOIT , travelling in approx. 1,500 Renault R4s, take approx. 50 kg, in each case, of school materials to Moroccan children. In 2014, a total of 60,000 kg of school material came together as well as 25,000 Euros in donations. That means that 3,000 children can enter schooling and three complete schools can be built. This result would never have been achieved if everyone was cooking their own” CSR soup”. VOIT will also support this project again in 2015. Another social responsibility is to awaken an interest in pupils in the so-called “MINT subjects”, i.e. the subjects of mathematics, information technology, natural science and technology as well as interesting them in the automotive technology which is so important for Germany. One new, very promising project in which VOIT is involved along with other flagship companies, contributing financial support and commitment, is the “Knowledge Factory”, Saarbrücken ( – website in German language only) which first opened on 4th July 2014. The aim is to create enthusiasm for technology in male and female pupils allowing them to experience it first-hand and make it tangible through experimentation. CSR = A joint assignment These numerous examples clearly show: CSR commitment is not just for the big companies. Good ideas, a precisely targeted strategy, cooperation and consistent implementation result in successful CSR. If the project is perfectly suited to corporate goals, the effect is not lost in the mass of projects or in interaction with partners. The effectiveness and awareness is multiplied by impressive results and joint media channels such as websites, blogs and facebook. And, of course, when many people who are enthusiastic about the topic speak about it and carry on the success. That is to say, CSR is not a lonely marathon but more a relay run. Author: Astrid Wilhelm-Wagner Manager Public Relations & Marketing FROM THE DEPARTMENTS I Human Resources MAIN TOPICS 2014: Employee survey New work clothes Qualification As the saying goes, where there is no change, there is standstill – change is transformation. According to this motto, the Human Resources department has been undergoing restructuring to become a service provider for all of the departments in the company for facilitating the advancement and further development of each individual employee. To give you an idea, here are some figures. Since 2010, 3,604 training measures have been carried out in the VOIT companies WILLY VOIT, VOIT-TEC and BTI together. A considerable quota with a total workforce of approx. 1,100 employees! The company spent approximately 1 million euros on these training courses, not including travel and accommodation expenses! What does personnel development mean? Personnel development is the individual further development of an employee to suit changes at their workplace. In a company with the focus on technology, such as VOIT, above all, this is technical training such as training in operation, robots, hydraulics etc. The administration and follow-up of these training programmes is carried out by two employees in the Human Resources Department; not least to make the training measures as pleasant as possible for the employees. Furthermore, today, we are able to achieve a positive evaluation in all audits carried out for this field. In previous years, up to the year of crisis 2009, personnel development in our company was somewhat neglected. However, finally, just after the crisis, we started to train our most important asset OUR EMPLOYEES even better in order to be able to exploit our innovative capability. The technological changes in our company, in particular, in the years 2011 till today is a clear positive sign and signal that this change and constant adaptation to change is the key to economic success. We have not only invested in new technological equipment, we have also invested in the people who operate, set up and maintain that equipment. 1 mi llion euro ing c osts train However, development of our employees not only consists of training programmes but is also part of our responsibility as a modern-day employer to assist some employees in their own personal development. We are currently supporting 12 male and female employees who are attending the college of mastercraftsmanship / college for technicians or a vocational college in order to prepare them to take on positions of leadership in our company in future. We will be extending precisely this type of personnel development, in particular, in the next few years in order to give young, talented and motivated employees the possibility to have a career at VOIT within the context of demographics and age succession. Alexander Wörner fotolia @ Volker Witt, @auremar, @ apops Director Human Resources 20 ing 3,604 train es programm € 300,000 performance be nefits for employee s I VOIT, an attractive employer Benefits for employees in 2014 Employee survey - Annual performance assessment: timely implemen- tation and payout of € 300,000 gross to employees - Awards for suggestions for improvement in 2014; €30,000 - All trainees taken on with unlimited employment contracts - Evaluation of all workstations in production and among the salaried workforce with regard to ergonomic and eco-social factors by a physio therapist and explanation of remedial action with the technical management - VOIT health day - Procurement of two automatic lathes for the apprentice workshop - Procurement of comprehensive training software for occupational training - New CI-compliant work clothes for production employees. Cost for the company: € 150,000 per year. Around 8,500 pieces of clothing are currently in circulation. Employees in the automotive industry are exposed to numerous stresses. We are therefore constantly striving to work on the optimisation of processes in production and organisation. For this reason, VOIT conducted a survey in all of the companies at the St. Ingbert location to allow us to respond better to employees‘ needs regarding motivation, work satisfaction and health as well as to localize possible weak points and where the emphasis of stress lies in order to advance developments in our company effectively. Benefits for students - Bachelor and Masters theses - Internships and sponsorships - Student trainee contracts - International deepening of training for trainees - International job offers - New: Dual work/study system for trainees in Mexico The survey and evaluation were carried out anonymously and in compliance with data protection requirements. The allocation to different divisions was coded so that, on the one hand it was not possible to trace back to single individuals but, on the other hand, improvements for certain work areas could be derived. The results were made accessible to all employees. The survey consisted of six blocks with different subject areas with around 10 questions in each block. For example, questions on the evaluation of the company regarding the outward image projected, as an attractive employer, social commitment, social benefits, training and further training opportunities. Furthermore the leadership behaviour of superiors (motivation, leadership competence, openness, support…). Furthermore, corporate communication (goals, economic situation, means of communication, key figures…) and working conditions (varied work, cooperation within the department and beyond. Design of the working environment, opportunities for sport, feeling of loyalty to the company, payment, promotion opportunities, possibilities for co-determination…) The great majority still envisage VOIT as being an attractive employer and successful company in five years‘ time whilst giving the company their loyal support and seeing themselves as still working at VOIT. In particular, being appreciated, solidarity within the department and the increasingly demanding work were given high ratings. A very high rating was also given to the company‘s outward image and outward communication, its appeal as an attractive employer and its social commitment. Based on the results, we want to follow up on upper and middle management levels with comprehensive seminars and coaching on the topic of leadership behaviour and internal communication. We consider it important to utilize optimisation potential here. attractive employer 21 CSR I PHOTO SERIES: THE KNOWLEDGE FACTORY Founding father Chairman Günther Hemminger Whether when setting up the knowledge factory or on an open day, our trainees meet the kids on an equal footing and help them with enthusiasm. We also see it as our social responsibility to inspire enthusiasm in young people in the automotive region of the Saarland for automotive technology, to awaken their inventive spirit and to offer them interesting jobs with promising perspectives and opportunities for development. That this can also be fun, not only for us but for all of those involved and especially the kids, can be seen at the Knowledge Factory in Saarbrücken. It is an experimental workshop which aims to inspire enthusiasm in children from all types of school in the MINT subjects for (jobs in) technology. It is sponsored by a handful of flagship companies based in the Saarland, including VOIT, and is without doubt, a successful model. Successful start: Opening 04.06.2014 500th course participant: 25.09.14 1000th course participant: 12.11.14 Photos: Plant photos VOIT, 22 plant photos WissensWerkstatt, Melanie Welzel (ZF) Exciting courses and after-work sessions on the subjects of electricity, pneumatics, robotics…. Minister of Education Ulrich Commerçon with the Head of the Knowledge Factory Dr. Nicole Maas. Below: Workshop Master Sascha Cattarius. Whether a candle steamship or cute cleaning mice, the children always pay full attention. The mice also have an engine with an imbalance, by the way, and it is this uneven vibration which drives the bustling mice forward. Great joy: Paula, the 500th and Fabian the 1000th course participant. A „must see:“ 23 Photo: Jochen Hans AUTOMOTIVE YOUTH SPONSORING I Racing Cedric Photo: Roelof Oosterhuis Profile Name: Cedric Morris Piro Born:01.02.1998 Star sign: Aquarius Place of residence:Heusweiler School: Marie-Louise-Kaschnitz Secondary School, A-levels 2016 Languages: German, English, French and Latin Hobbies: Motorsport, football, playing electric base guitar Motorsport: Since 2009 Role models: Lewis Hamilton, Fernando Alonso, Nigel Mansell Goals: Professional racing driver Greatest successes 2014 Debut in formula racing Tenth place Formula Renault 1.6 NEC junior out of 27 drivers 2013 Master in ADAC Kart Masters: Wins in ADAC Kart Masters Top five placings in German Junior Kart Championship 4th in the German Junior Kart Championship 2012 Wins in ADAC Kart Masters: 2nd place in German Junior Kart Championship (Wackersdorf ) Fifth place in the ADAC Kart Masters (overall standings) Eighth place in the German Junior Kart Championship (overall standings) 2011 ADAC Federal Champion West German ADAC Kart Master Vice Champion‘s Title DMV Gold Cup, Vice Champion‘s Title DMV Winter Cup, Oschersleben Wins in DMV Kart Championship Wins in West German ADAC Kart Cup 2010 ADAC Federal Champion Vice Champion in West German ADAC Kart Cup 24 2009 ADAC Federal Champion West German ADAC Kart Champion Champion AvD Kart Challenge Wins in the West German ADAC Kart Cup Wins in the AvD Kart Challenge Racing Saarlander successful in motorsport With Cedric Piro, VOIT has a racing brand ambassador. The young racing driver from Heusweiler, who is now 15 years old, celebrated his premiere in formula racing this year and has ended his debut year on an excellent tenth place. But his motorsport career began much earlier. His father Erwin was already a successful racing driver himself and passed the fascination for motorsport onto his son. Cedric sat in a racing kart for the first time at ten years of age and his talent was already prevalent from an early age. In his first kart season of 2009, he won three championships straight off. From then on, there was no stopping Cedric. Starting in the Bambini class, he moved up into the Junior Class in 2012. In his six-year kart sport career, he has celebrated 7 champion‘s titles and thereby written history. As the first and only pilot to-date, Cedric won three consecutive times in a row in three different classes in the traditional ADAC Federal Final Race. Cedric recommended himself for stepping up into formula racing in 2013. He won the ADAC Kart Masters, the biggest kart racing series in Germany and celebrated four race victories, standing on the victor‘s podium in nine out of ten races. The Formula Renault 1.6. NEC Junior is seen as the hard preliminary step before moving up into Formula 1 racing. Numerous present racing drivers gained their experience in this racing series for young drivers in the past. fundamental commitment Cedric‘s racing season comprised of seven racing weekends spread through the Netherlands, Belgium and Germany. Among these were traditional routes such as the Nürburgring, Spa Francorchamps and Zandvoort. As a rookie, Cedric did well: in five races he was ninth and with a seventh ranking in the Belgian Spa, he set a very clear marker. Cedric closed the season as 10th out of 27 drivers in the overall classification. The team “Pirosports” was 4th in the team standings out of 9 teams. In the coming season, Cedric will no longer be starting as a hopeful newcomer or “rookie” and he has set himself high aims: “After my year as a learner, I would like to fight for the podium rankings. The driving technique with a formula racing car is quite different and requires extensive testing work during the winter months. Unfortunately, during the season we are not allowed to test on our racing tracks” Cedric Piro explains. Photo: Jochen Hans Photo: Roelof Oosterhuis Reaching the Target with Fitness & Effort !!! Topp-News !!! Far more factors are required for a successful career in motorsport besides the right feeling on the racetrack. For this reason, Cedric has been preparing himself for his races physically and mentally for three years now. Several times a week, Cedric works on an individually designed fitness and endurance programme with his fitness and mental coach. The results of this work speak for themselves. Cedric remains one of the strongest drivers right to the final lap which gives him the basis for achieving victory. Formula Renault 1.6 – Along the racetrack at up to 230km/h The Formula Renault 1.6 consists of a carbon fibre monocoque and thus complies with the current FIA safety regulations. With a 1,600 cc Renault engine and 140 hp, the racing machine which weighs 470 kg reaches a top speed of up to 230 km/h. For Cedric, it is a special feeling every time he drives: “I am always happy to be sitting in the car again. The battle, man against man, wheel against wheel is something special and sometimes poses a great challenge”. Photos: Private photos Piro Sponsor: VOIT In 2012, VOIT started sponsoring the young talent who was, until then, relatively unknown because VOIT and Cedric have fundamental common connection: passion for performance and automotive technology and, not least, petrol running in their veins. It will be interesting to see on which racing tracks Cedric will be standing on the victor‘s rostrums within the next few years. On 12.11.14, Cedric Piro was accepted into the talent coaching group of the ADAC Sports Foundation. He has therefore not only proved his exceptional talent to the racing world - this is a sensational step which will give Cedric the chance to be among the few who can achieve great success in this profession. The ADAC Sports Foundation is the largest organization for coaching young talent in Germany and one of the largest worldwide. Here, only the best drivers are supported and introduced to professional car racing, among them the present formula 1 and DTM drivers Sebastian Vettel, Nico Hülkenberg and Timo Glock. In 2015, Cedric Piro will take part in the new Formula 4 which the FIA has made part of the ADAC Masters. Formula 4 is the most popular formula series for young drivers and is broadcast live on television. We look forward to this with Cedric and his parents and wish him great success and, at all times, a safe drive! For further information see: und 25 VOIT CHARITY = COMMITMENT OF VOIT EMPLOYEES Handing over of a donation of 22,000 euro for the Friends‘ Association of the “Kangaroo Kids” A big thank you was said by the Chairman of the Friends‘ Association of the “Kangaroo Kids” at the Winterberg Clinic in Saarbrücken to Sylvia Huy and her deputy Ursula Haier, the representatives of the St Ingbert-based company VOIT who delivered a cheque for over 22,000 euro to the intensive care ward for children at the Saarbrücken clinic. 26 VOIT has donated 120,000 euro so far VOIT has been supporting the Friends‘ Association since 1997 with the proceeds from its annual Christmas prize draw. Since the very start, VOIT employees have supported the Friends‘ Association with an amazing 120,000 euros. Managing Director Carsten Schubert and the Chairman of the Works Council, Roland Marx, praised the social commitment of their employees, above all their compassion for children who have a particularly difficult start in life. “This measure is intended to minimize additional stress for the premature babies as a result of light and beeping monitors during the intensive care phase”. I VOIT employees donated 22,000 euro to ward for premature babies From left to right: Prof. Dr. Jens Möller (Head Doctor at the Clinic for Paediatrics and Adolescent Medicine), Carsten Schubert (Managing Partner VOIT), Christiane Weiler (Head Nurse), Roland Marx (Chairman of the Works‘ Council VOIT), Ursula Haier (Child nurse and Deputy Chairwoman of the Friends‘ Association of the Kangaroo Kids) Sandra Dellmann (Deputy Chairwoman of the Works‘ Council), Eva Vogelgesang (Head of the Paediatric Care Ward), Sylvia Huy (Chairwoman of the Kangaroo Kids Association) Ursula Haier explained that the Friends‘Association will invest the money in facilities to provide protection against noise and light because intensive care measures cannot be carried out soundlessly but are a source of stress for the weakened premature babies. Therefore soundproofing plates are to be installed in the ceilings of the ward. In addition, colourful covers have been procured for the incubators. Other purchases which have been financed through donations are e.g. improved respiratory equipment for the premature babies, machines for sterilizing breast milk and the installation of a waiting room/bereavement room. The head physician Dr. Jens Möller was delighted about the “financial infusion” saying that it is only commitment of this kind that makes the medical advances to benefit the tiniest patients possible since it is not possible to carry out purchases of this kind from the hospital‘s normal budget. In 2014, too, the Christmas prize draw of the VOIT employees will collect money for things that are urgently needed. Furthermore, the management of the VOIT group has agreed to support this sustained project of their employees instead of purchasing Christmas presents for clients. You can find more information (German language only) under: Donation of 2,000 euro handed over to the “Shower of Stars” campaign The employees of VOIT would like to help families and children living locally here in the Saarland who are undergoing hard times. For this reason, the VOITians take part in numerous charity events throughout the year. For the first time, part of the proceeds of the Christmas prize draw amounting to 2,000 euro were donated to the “Sternenregen” (“Shower of Stars”) Campaign – A campaign for children in need in the Saarland because this charity offers unbureaucratic help in many different ways anywhere that the pinch is felt or where there is need. The campaign is an initiative by Radio Salü and the Saarland‘s churches with the patronage and active support of the Premier of the Saarland, Annette Kramp-Karrrenbauer. In February 2014, the campaign completed the year with record donations of over 341,000 euro brought together by private individuals, clubs, nursery schools, companies etc. Info: For examples and bank details for donations see: (German language only) 27 Joint Works Council I Who is who Roland Marx Chairman of the Works Council Sandra Dellmann Deputy Chairwoman of the Works Council Wolfgang Stalter Exempted Member of the Works Council In further positions Roland Stalter Martina Aatz Bruno Abel Ilka Dörr Norbert Gries Heike Höllinger Hans-Peter Jörg Thomas Lerner Silvia Portannese Sebastian Ruf Roland Stalter Gerd Schäfer 28 Manuela Schmitt Representative for the Severely Handicapped Christoph Abel Deputy Representative for the Severely Handicapped Roman Loginow Youth Representative Our Medical Assistants I Always there Dear Colleagues, This year you had the opportunity to re-elect the representatives of your interests, the works council. For the first time in VOIT‘s history, instead of the usual election of individuals, this was an election based on a list system. Many employees did not necessarily greet this fact with enthusiasm. For this reason, I would like to give you a brief explanation of how this list-based election came about. Representatives of the German metalworkers‘ union IG Metall had elected all the candidates from among members of the union and had also laid down placings on the list as a result of that election. As in previous years, after this democratic vote, other people who were not members of the union could also be registered on the list. These were then added to the list after the candidates elected as described above which, in the case of an election of individuals, would not have been a disadvantage. However, it was also clear that if there was a second list, an election of individuals would become impossible. As you know, a second list was handed in by the employees of BTI and the reasons for this are clearly understandable. With around 140 BTI employees and 840 employees in the VOIT headquarters, the colleagues at BTI would only have had a small chance of appointing a representative to the Works Council. This 2nd list was the reason, however, that 2 further VOIT lists were created so that finally 4 lists stood for election. Although this sounds complicated, it was very positive since it is the optimum case if we have one member of BTI and of VOIT-TEC in the Works Council, respectively. It is a great help for the work of the works council since we receive a lot of input regarding what is happening at BTI and VOIT-TEC. In addition, the employees have a direct contact on site. The size of the works council has also changed. Instead of the 13 members up till now, the acting works council now consists of 15 members. This is due to the fact that the workforces of BTI and VOIT-TEC have joined the VOIT workforce. Since this means that our company has a workforce of more than 901 employees (1,024 had the right to vote), we are allowed to elect the third exemption in accordance with the Works‘ Council Constitution Act. Colleague Wolfgang Stalter was elected. It became clear to us relatively soon that we cannot remain in our current office now that there are three of us. Many of you already know that we can now be found behind the canteen in the former training room and that each of us has their own area. This makes it easier than before to have confidential discussions without being disturbed. Michael Becker Thorsten Breyer Michael Blum Jürgen Gebhard Sonja Heib Volker Kreimes Sven Markenstein Manuel Rödel Simone Schamper Markus Theis On behalf of the works‘ council, I would like to thank you for the confidence that you have placed in us, for the large number of people who voted and hope to continue the good discussions and receive constructive criticism – in other words to have good cooperation! Sandra Dellmann Deputy Chairwoman of the Works Council 29 From the Departments I Project Management NEWS from Project Management 3 Technologies – 1 Partner Cold forming in sheet steel & aluminum (punching, drawing & roll-bending technology) Aluminium pressure die casting and finishcasting: pressure tight and with low porosity in various aluminum alloys Hot forming technology for plates made of high-strength lightweight steels idealism + idealism 30 Hot forming technology The structural changeover from existing products and products due to expire in the medium to long- term to new applications in the powertrain segment took place more quickly than originally anticipated. Business could be successfully further developed based on the experience the VOIT Group has already been able to acquire on VOIT-TEC equipment over the past few years. An initial series of orders was already placed by one of our major clients at the end of February 2013 thus making it necessary to install a 1,900 tonne progressive press with downstream slide grinding machine and cleaning facility at the headquarters in Saarbrücker Strasse, St Ingbert. This system will go into operation from the spring of 2015 and will manufacture products such as webs and planetary supports for automatic transmission. Due to consistent standardization of our systems technology, the new press complements the existing machinery at VOIT-TEC perfectly as well as offering us the flexibility of manufacturing the products on facilities which are optimally designed for this purpose. The further assignment by another client to produce a component from a different segment of the powertrain, the converter unit, means that additional extension of the press capacity is required. A second press, which also has a capacity of 1,900 tonnes, is to be installed in the plant in St. Ingbert Saarbrücker Strasse. The start of series production in this project is planned for spring 2016. There are currently numerous acquisition projects for various powertrain projects with clients from the OEM segment in order to achieve further orders for the production of similarly complex components. Principally, the market is showing great interest in the portfolio of the VOIT Group. In particular, great interest has been shown in the ability to provide the right stimulus early on in the development of new products with regard to future economic production of the components and, at the same time, this gives us the opportunity to enter into projects with a promising future at an early stage. Casting and Machining The product segment EPS (Electronic Power Steering) is a fast-growing segment since many of the developments with regard to comfort which are already on offer or which are planned for the future require this technology. Driver assistance systems such as automatic parking, lane departure warning systems, automatic swerving in an emergency and many more, can no longer do without actuating elements in the steering system. For some years now, VOIT has been manufacturing sophisticated components for these applications for different clients with different concepts (engine housing plus bearing bracket vs. two bearing brackets per EPS engine). At the end of 2013, we succeeded in winning a further large automotive supplier who will play an important role in the EPS sector in future for a very interesting project. For this initial project with the customer and VOIT, in which series production will start in 2015, a lot of energy was put into the implementation during the sample phase and in setting up the systems for series production over the course of 2014. Due to the promising future prospects, however, we know that this effort makes strategic sense. In this respect, the customer is already working on a follow-up project with VOIT i.e. an assignment has been given for the manufacture of samples and preseries components. We hope to be nominated for the series production order on the basis of our previous technological performance. In addition to the field of EPS, there is also intensive cooperation directly with car manufacturers. Besides the fact that VOIT has always only delivered pressure die castings that were ready to install, i.e. there is no need for an external interface between the casting and machining areas, the high level of all manufacturing areas at VOIT is recognized and viewed as an additional performance characteristic and competitive advantage. One example is components for mechatronic control systems. They are seen as being one of the most complex components in the powertrain. However, this not only applies to the extremely complexity of casting to ensure that there is practically no porosity in functional areas. Furthermore, high-precision machining with tolerances < 0.05 μm, which are to be adhered to in a secure process and comprehensive cleaning technology including a laboratory for residual contamination are other factors which are critically scrutinized when assigning an order for these parts to a manufacturer. VOIT can meet the requirements for manufacturing such complex components. This has been confirmed by numerous visits and analyses by potential customers. Due to this fact and based on the high demand on the market, it should be possible to gain an initial project with VOIT as a tier 1 supplier for an OEM. Thomas Feis Head of Project Management Department 31 From the Departments I Lean Management The VPS-Team: Markus Hoffmann , Bärbel Stenger, Ralf Dick , photo on right: Albert Eisele What exactly is VPS? First of all, what the term means All of those here in the company have surely noticed that our factory no longer looks as it did even last summer. What is happening or, rather, has already happened? Many questions, one or two of which you, as an employee, have almost certainly asked yourself. VPS – the VOIT Production System orientates itself according to the exemplary model TPS – the Toyota Production System and is based on the same principles and tools as TPS. VPS has been and is being individually configured and implemented based on the structure of VOIT processes and adaptations to these. The success of such a production system can be demonstrated using many examples but the best known of these is surely Toyota itself and, here in Germany and Europe, the company Porsche. Toyota has been able to go from being a good manufacturer of weaving looms and a small insignificant car manufacturer to being the largest car manufacturer in the world in just the course of a few years. Today, Toyota is an exemplary model for all well-known car manufacturers in the world. The first German car manufacturer to successfully dedicate itself to this philosophy in the 1990‘s was Porsche. At that point in time, Porsche was at great risk of going into insolvency and faced imminent closure. Within a few years, Porsche has become the most profitable car manufacturer in Germany and is therefore a further exemplary model with regard to its production systems. The answer is simple and, at the same time, complex. The simple part is that we want to introduce and implement VPS. The complexity lies in the necessity of finding a simple explanation of VPS. Not only the result is important but also how this result was achieved i.e. how efficiently could we work or produce. This means we avoid waste and continually try to reduce these types of waste and, ideally, to eliminate them. 32 For this purpose, these types of waste must all be known. On the right, you can therefore find a brief overview. In order to reduce and ultimately eliminate this waste, various tools and core elements are used: • 5S and visualization – Uniform standards which are transparent for everyone • Standardization – Work standards for die and fixture processes (e.g. AMK bearing bracket) or also change-over processes (e.g. VOIT TPH or EMAG in the machining area) • CIP – The continuous improvement process whereby everyone constantly works on improving our processes • KPL (Key performance Indicators) – Clearly visible on our area notice boards. “If we don‘t know where we stand, we will certainly not get to where we want to be”. • Team orientation and working in a team – Here we will go into greater depth in 2015 and move from the current area level into the team and shift level. Here, the motto is “VPS is a team sport and you can only do it together!” • Reference to quality as the constant measure of our activity because only when the customer is satisfied and comes back again are we on the safe side in the long term. Here, quality goes a long way beyond the general common reference to the end customer. It also, for example, refers to the internal customer and the quality of our activities/work with regard to social and environmental requirements. All of the tools and core elements mentioned here ultimately serve to achieve these quality aims. I VOIT Production System VPS: Systematically towards success 7 + 1 Types of waste at a glance • Overproduction (too much) • Too long and unnecessary internal transport/inter mediate storage • Too many stocks •Defects: scrap/rework/repairs • Waiting times •Over-processing (unnecessary activities, more than the customer needs/pays for) •Movement (unnecessary or too long distances routes for employees) • The 8th and greatest waste: unused expertise of employees What does this mean for us? 2014: A short calculation using the example of time spent searching for things: everyone knows searching and let us suppose that every employee spends an average of 30 minutes per shift searching (sometimes more, sometimes less, depending on the particular activity). This means that, with around 1,000 employees in St Ingbert, searching time amounts to 500 hours a day. Assuming that there are 200 working days a year (also rounded generously downwards), this would mean searching times (= waste) of a total of 100,000 hours per year. Assuming a rate of around €30 (including taxes, levies, vacation periods and illness…) this would amount to wastage of around €3,000,000 a year! What would it mean for us if the searching times were even merely halved by implementing the principles of 5S? Here, the 5S process clearly makes sense. Based on the successfully created lean structures, it is now planned to take the next decisive steps. Efficient implementation up to employee level, department meetings with the employees at the department notice boards and consistent involvement of employees in workshops (e.g. tooling processes and work standards) are the focus of the VOIT production systems (VPS) in 2014. Parallel to this, 3 black belts will be trained in order to be able to find long-term solutions to complex problems. The VPS team, which was founded in 2013, is there to help you introduce and implement all of these tools and processes. The team consists of Bärbel Senger, Ralf Dick and Markus Hoffman, who all work very dedicatedly on the topic of VPS. For this reason we would like to take this opportunity to say thank you to the team! The colleagues are supported by Albert Eisele who, as an external specialist and consultant, is at the St Ingbert plant on some days and provides us with the supports of his experience. You can find the VPS team in the former works council office near the entrance to the canteen. This article is intended to give you an initial overview of the topic VPS. In the next issues we will look at the individual elements in more details and we ask you to simply contact the VPS team if you have any questions. Albert Eisele and the VPS team As far as the topic of benchmarking is concerned, very constructive cooperation on the topic “lean” has been started with FESTO in Rohrbach. The kick-off was made by 20 method specialists from FESTO at VOIT. In return, the VOIT VPS team took part in the FESTO method specialists‘ day. The aim is to exchange experiences on the topic of implementing lean principles in a production system. One would like to look beyond the blinkered view of internal processes in order to learn from each other and the hope is that there will be valuable mutual stimuli. Highlight in 2014: Best Practices of Lean Management: Visit by a high-calibre delegation of lean specialists from Malaysia. 22-27 June 2014 Host and co-organizer: Malaysia Productivity Corporation (MPC) and the Lean Institute Germany. Topic: Overseas training and collaboration effort in Lean Management Practices. The points visited were carefully selected: Steinbeis Research & Innovation Center, Aluplast, Fraunhofer Gesellschaft München and VOIT. A great accolade for our work. 33 SPORT I St. Ingbert Town Run I Dillingen Company Run 34 We burn for hot cars ! For the (10 year) anniversary of the WOCHENSPIEGEL Saarland Company Run in 2014, the organizers registered a record number of participants. More than 15,000 participants from more than 870 companies completed the 5,000 metre course through the grounds of the Dillingen steelworks in spite of temperatures of 30 degrees in the shade. After that, there was a celebration of the over 50 VOIT runners (–more than ever before!) in and around a tent which the trainees themselves had put up. For anyone who doesn‘t want to miss it: the next Dillingen Company Run will start on the 16th of June 2015. In May 2014, 16 VOIT employees started out on the St Ingbert town run and were therefore the largest team in the Karlsberg Teamcup. 35 SPORT I Football Company team tournaments 2014: 36 Tournament of the sports club SV Rohrbach, sports club Rohrbach – Tournament of the sports club SG Hassel, sports field “Am Eisenberg” – 30.05.14 and of the FC Victoria 09 St Ingbert, Betzental Stadium 07.06.14 18.06.14 and ZF Friendly match Mühlwaldstadion 19.09.14 emotion wins Do you like playing football? Would you enjoy the occasional small tournament against football teams from other companies? New players are welcomed by Kalle Gebhardt and Dirk Schnur. Our “best man” on the field – during a friendly match VOIT vs. ZF, Elena Quack scored the goal. 37 SPORT I Team-building waterskiing on the Mosel I 24-hour solidarity run, St Ingbert 24 VOIT employees, sometimes together with family members or friends, ran for charity, in 24 hours round for round (a total of 2,294 rounds = 901 km) in the Mühlwald stadium St Ingbert. This year, the proceeds went to the Surgical Mission St Ingbert according to the Motto “Saarlanders for operations for the poor in the Philippines”. 38 I Cycling BSW Zerspanungswerkzeuge GmbH The participants form groups and try to run as many rounds as possible, by day or by night, whereby the group members can also take turns at going on the track. The minimum starting fee represents a basic donation. 39 EVENTS & COMPANY VISITS I Committee from the Chamber of Commerce and Industry 14.02.14 University of Applied Sciences Kaiserslautern Company Visit 27.03.14 27.03. 2014 & 05.06.14 The Masters students from the courses of study Information Management, Entrepreneurship and Finance interviewed VOIT‘s Human Resources Manager, A. Wörner and a number of other managers from Production, Development and Marketing with regard to their views on various facets of personnel policy and examined whether there was a characteristic pattern in this regard in the company. ASW Vocational Academy 01.04.14 Students from Monterrey, Mexico 25.05.14 Connect@htw 10.06.14 Method specialists FESTO 40 Masters students reflect VOIT‘s personnel policy 16.07.14 Further Visits & Events: Advisory Board for the Environment 10.07.14 Pupils from Albertus Magnus Secondary School – 18.02.14 Girls Day – 18.02.14 Lean Management Malaysia – 27-03..14 Company Ebner with Baosteel from China – 25.06.14 Wilhelm-Maybach School – 26.06.14 Summer Festival of the AKW - Working Committee for Business – 14.09.14 Technology Symposium at BMW Saarbrücken – 13.10.14 Logistics Students BVL & University of Applied Sciences Kaiserslautern – 12.11.14 Occupational Training Centre Sulzbach, Tool Mechanics – 20.11.14... Thank you for your visit! Rotary Club St. Ingbert 07.08.14 Industry Forum of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry I 16.09.14 Dr Carsten Meier, Managing Director of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry in the business sector Innovation, Universities of Applied Science, Securing Skilled Employees visited us in September this year with Dr Pascal Strobel and Armin Gehl, Cluster Manager of Automotive Saar as part of the Chamber‘s industry forum for vehicle construction/automation technology along with a group of around 40 guests. Visit by Thomas Wu 24.09.14 2nd Meeting of the workgroup Saarland Marketing I 21.10.14 41 OUR APPRENTICE WORKSHOP I New lathes 2014 – A year of intense investment in our apprentice workshop. Head of training, Udo Cloß, campaigned successfully for the procurement of two precision lathes (40,000 euro per lathe). The model procured - “Praktikant GS” - with a centre width of 650 mm and centre height of 160 mm is known as the no. 1 conventional lathe in the training world. The new precision models not only ensure, as the name says, better precision but also have a high level of safety and long lifetime. With comprehensive accessories, ergonomics that have proven themselves in practice and, at the same time requiring very little room, they have proven themselves for decades in the manufacture of individual parts and small series in manual craftsmanship and in industry, in toolmaking and in fixture construction. 42 In the apprentice workshop, they are used to manufacture turned parts in accordance with a training programme or, now and again, for plant operations. “Now training can be structured far more efficiently” says Udo Cloß. “With two lathes of the same construction, trainees can immediately try out on the second lathe what the trainer demonstrates on the first one.” A further advantage is that the accessories only have to be procured once because they can be mounted on both lathes (face plate and four jaw chuck). Until the two turning lathes were finally in their optimum position, however, many trainees and both trainers in our apprentice workshop had to pitch in. They lifted the heavy machines using chain hoists, disposed of the predecessor models, adjusted, measured the correct alignment….The anticipation of the first test run on the new acquisitions was truly tangible! I Events GIRLS` DAY − 27.03.2014 On 27 March 2014, Girls‘ Day took place in the whole of Germany. VOIT was one of the companies where it was possible to have a look behind the scenes. Ten girls from different schools not only got to know the smell of metal in an apprentice workshop but also took up hammer and pliers themselves. VOIT apprentices in their first year of training took the very best care of them and in an exercise in bending, they manufactured a game of skill and a copper bracelet with their own name on it. ALBERTUS MAGNUS SECONDARY SCHOOL VISITS VOIT 18.02.2014 43 OUR APPRENTICE WORKSHOP I shows commitment VICES FOR THE COMPREHENSIVE SCHOOL IN ROHRBACH – 15.07.2014 For many years now, VOIT has had a partnership and very good contacts with the comprehensive school in Rohrbach. Many pupils complete periods of work experience or later their training in our company. The headmistress of the school, Ms Fritz, sees the school as a supplier for training. In order to prepare the pupils for working life, the subject Business and Employment Studies plays an important role. Unfortunately the school had been poorly equipped for metalwork in the past. This changed in July 2014 when VOIT put five vices worth 1,200 euro at the school‘s disposal. For VOIT trainer Udo Cloß, they are “a symbol of partnership”. THE INFOMOBILE OF THE METAL AND ELECTRICAL INDUSTRY – 02.04.2014 This year, too, VOIT was included as one of the “stops” on the schedule of the infomobile of the metal and electrical industry and was visited by more than 50 school pupils. Furthermore, our trainees also accompanied the tour bus to one of our partner schools in order to fill the pupils there with enthusiasm for technology. With the help of our trainees, the pupils were able to manufacture a workpiece which they had previously drawn on a CNC milling machine. We hope that we have aroused the interest and enthusiasm of some of the visitors for this branch of industry in which VOIT offers six different courses of occupational training. Our occupational training courses: 44 START OF THE „KNOWLEDGE FACTORY“ SAARBRÜCKEN – 04.07.2014 OPEN DAY IN THE „KNOWLEDGE FACTORY“ SAARBRÜCKEN – 17.10.2014 The Knowledge Factory is an experimenting workshop for school pupils from all types of school up to 18 years of age. Children and adolescents can experience phenomena of science and nature and carry out exciting experiments and projects themselves. For this purpose, on an area of 450 m² in the historic bus depot in the “Eurobahnhof” quarter, a metalwork and woodwork workshop is available along with laboratories for physics, electrical engineering and control technology and a room for robotics. The Knowledge Factory is financed by a handful of flagship companies from business in the Saarland, including VOIT. Our trainees offered active support in setting up the interior equipment and also proved to be excellent teachers on equal footing with their pupils at the official opening and on the open day. The children of VOIT employees were also warmly invited by the head of the Knowledge Factory, Dr. Nicole Maas, to experience technology live for themselves. TRAINEE INNOVATIONS CUP It takes place every two years: our popular Trainee Innovations Cup. In this challenge, trainees hand in one or more ideas for a typical VOIT advertising gift which can be made in the company. The winning design is then manufactured and serves as a popular give-away at trade fairs, company visits and at Christmas time. The jury consisting of members of the board, management, head of the apprentice workshop, marketing, works council trainees and youth representatives declared Timo Eicher‘s (see photo top left) and Christoph Schmitz‘s (photo right) idea of a stepped spinning top to be the winning idea. With just one point less in the judging, Jurij Smailow and Daniel Pfeifer (photo bottom left) achieved second place with their design for a VOIT bookmark. 45 OUR TRAINEES I Apprenticeship years I Best of year New trainees in St Ingbert. Nice to have you here! Andreas Lambert (Electronics Technician for industrial engineering) Joshua Dietrich (Foundry Mechanic) Kevin Skwara (Tool Mechanic) Max Breuer (Electronics Technician for industrial engineering) Robin Schwarz (Tool Techanic) Jessica Theis (Industrial Mechanic) Kai Bost (Plant and Machinery Operator) Jonas Schorr (Industrial Mechanic) Sven-Josef Runge (Foundry Mechanic) Dennis Semmet (Plant and Machinery =perator) Marek Kalamucki (Start in 3rd year of apprenticeship as a cutting machine operator) New in the commercial department: Philipp Karman Best foundry mechanic in the region 2014 Even if it is becoming a habit that VOIT trains the “Best of the year”, we still don‘t view the excellent performance that our trainees accomplish as ordinary. Roman Loginow is the best foundry mechanic in the region in the specialized field of die casting and chill casting 2014 and was awarded a certificate and prize at the “Best of Year” celebrations of the Chamber of Industry and Commerce by the Chamber‘s Managing Director Volker Giersch and Premier of the Saarland Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer. The fact that our company annually supplies the “Best of Year” is not least a result of the exemplary support and commitment of Udo Cloß (Head of Training) and Jörg Walzer. Our trainees in St. Ingbert 46 Our trainees in Mexico, Guadalajara…… …with their trainer Francisco Gonzales Lorenzana CONGRATULATIONS! I Our birthday celebrants! 60 Our special greetings to our CCO – Managing Partner Congratulations on your 60th birthday! Georg Pajak 50 Dr. Andreas Mertz Thomas Boschet Jürgen Molter Frank Sailer Head of Development Head of Maintenance Die Casting Production Manager Stamping Division Production Manager Mechanical Processing We congratulate you! I 20 years I Eicher Timo, Jacob Marvin, Karmann Philipp, Paul Fabien, Peifer Steven, Stauner Patrick I 30 years I Beyer Anja, Kapp Martin, Kral Alexander, Müller Benjamin, Schirra Marco, Schramm Christopher, Selzer Stefan, Spork Timo I 40 years I Beck André, Gabriel Christian, Groß Markus, Hahn Heiko, Schmidt Karl-Wilhelm, Wallacher Markus, Zintel Patrick I 50 years I Becker Jürgen, Becker Karin, Bernardy Petronella, Buchmüller Ralf, Caspar Jörg, Dann Heide, Dewald Martin, Dick Ralf, Diener Rainer, Dörr Stefan, Georg Klaus, Görlinger Petra, Graf Claudia, Guth Lutz, Himjak-Lang Gerhard, Jänker Jürgen, Kolling Frank, Krüger Christiane, Krznaric Tomica, Naumann Marco, Nimako Lawrence, Ohnesorg Martin, Pohland Frank, Salterberg Paul, Schmidt Peter, Schokies Uwe, Staut Ewald, Strobel Volker, Walz Uwe, Weber Jörg, Zander Frank I 60 years I Baumann Marlene, Bogner Nikolaus, Esser Michael, Dietrich Detlef, Giancippoli Leonardantonio, Haas Konrad, Hemmerling Hans, Heuer Petra, Lang Franz-Josef, Müller Barbara, Sander Manfred, Schliessmeier Gerard, Schneider Wolfgang, Schreiber Dieter, Winzent Richard, Wirtz Friedrich I BTI I 30 years I Engin Murat I 50 years I Bour Michel, Del Mancino Yolande, Karmann Martin, Klein Achim, Schmidt Günter I 60 years I Gleim Friedrich I VOIT-TEC I 30 years I Gebel Marco, Merscher Bernd, Simon Marco I 40 years I Brachmann Christian I 50 years I Böffel Markus, Marascia Giuseppe Thank you for your commitment! Our pensioners Brettar Joachim, Grage Günter , Gulden Walter , Kloos Hans-Leonhard, Neff Hans, Ries Edgar , Schmidt Waltraud, Winkler Elisabeth Deceased I Bronder Manfred Data status: 01.12.2013 to 30.11.2014 I Responsible for the contents of this page: Martin Ohnesorg. Employees who do not want to be named in the next issue, please inform Martin Ohnesorg in due time. 47 OUR EMPLOYEE ANNIVERSARIES I Whether 10 years or 45… for their loyalty and long years of devotedness to our company, we would like to express our sincere gratitude. We hope that you will remain with us for many years to come and will leave the company in just as good health as on your first day at work. Congratulations on your performance since the industry is constantly further developing and undergoing numerous changes. You have made a contribution which has allowed VOIT to become the company that we are today. Thank you! January I February I Beginning of March 2014 I 10 years Denne Klaus-Peter, Jochum Boris, Frevel Heiko, Pauly Nicole, Serdar Ramazan, Siebenschuch Thomas I 20 years Rebmann Nicole, Weber Jörg I 25 years Brockly David, Fickinger Michael, Pitzius Franz I 30 years Becker Bernhard, Dietrich Reinhard, Fuchs Uschi, Wetzka Michael I 45 years Reinisch Franz End of March I April I May 2014 I 10 years Kleser Mike, Dr. Hein Marc I 25 years Bauer Rainer, Glaus Roman, Neff Hans, Redel-Dinies Gabriele, Rubert Heribert, Stanik Artur, Zöllner Silvia I 30 years Dewald Martin, Pressmann Josef, Spurck Raimund, Steinmann Jürgen, Tomaschevsky Klaus June I July 2014 I 10 years Bollinger Hans-Jürgen, Herold Michael, Mielnik Slawomir I 20 years Kolling Frank, Robert Peter-Hans, Schepp Joachim I 25 years Ansel Ursula, Gebhardt Karl-Adolf, Klein Heinrich-Wilhelm, Latz Georg, Molter Jürgen, Reinstadler Michael, Wagner Etienne, Würtz Georg I 35 years Abel Bruno 48 I Congratulations and thank you! August 2014 I 20 years Becker Lothar, Schwarz Thomas I 25 years Barthel Mirko, Koch Diana, Kreimes Frank, Müller Werner, Schiren Stefan, Scheller Rainer, Schmitt Elke, Zintel Patrick I 35 years Lang Susanne I 40 years Deckert-Steinfeld Ursula, Peters Josef, Theobald Karl-Heinz September 2014 I 10 years Breyer Christine, Gries Andreas, Lang Jenny, Müller Carsten, Prukker Scholt, Tselembidis Kostas I 20 years Pieter Thomas, Rail Johannes I 25 years Martin Dirk I 30 years Feichtner Peter, Fuhr Martin, Kohl Sabine, Metz Konrad I 35 years Jesel Herbert, Wirtz Markus I 45 years Bogner Nikolaus October 2014 I 20 years Becker Rosemarie, Eicher Marcus, Gölles Michael, I 25 years Mortag Mario, Schwarz Jörg I 30 years Biemacher Uwe, Bruckmann Iris, Hübsch Jürgen, Schäfer Holger, Uhl Jürgen, Wagner Jörg November 2014 I 10 years Boujmal Tijani, Brödel Hans-Werner, Spurk Ralf I 20 years Ehre Saskia, Grage Günter, Vehbija Suljic I 25 years Bour Bernhard, Hans Armin, Kurtz Josef, Luckas Susanne, Meier Klaus, Moscherosch Hans-Joachim, Müller Barbara I 35 years Brocker Engelbert 49 OUR NEW EMPLOYEES I Welcome to VOIT I NEW IN MANAGEMENT I Project Management David Metzier Quality Manager VOIT Group Thomas Schweitzer Project Management Stamping Division Christian Naumann Project Management Die Casting Division Parth Shah Trainee Die Casting Division 50 Our French colleague David Metzier is 37 years old, single and has an eleven-year-old son. He lives in Keskastel, France. His favourite sports include snowboarding, motorcycling and tennis. At the German-French secondary school in Saarbrücken, he did his GermanFrench A-levels and then chose to do specialized technical training in Technical Physics. After completing further training and attaining qualifications in Quality Management, he gained his first work experience as lead of Supplier Quality Assurance at the company Behr in Hambach, France). In 2001, he decided to transfer to VOIT FRANCE and took on responsibility for punching and forming technology. In 2004, he took on leadership of the Quality Department, later he was the Plant Manager in France. Since 2013, Mr Metzier has been working in Quality Management at the company location in St Ingbert. Thomas Schweitzer (44) has been working in Project Management at VOIT since October 2014. He lives in Nonnweiler with his wife Tina and son Marius. After gaining his diploma as an engineer in the faculty of Mechanical Engineering at the University of Kaiserslautern, he worked for a year in the design office R & L in Overath CAD design. In 1997, he changed to the CAD Design division in the Toolmaking Department at Thyssen Krupp System Engineering and was responsible for method planning and forming simulation. In his freetime, Thomas Schweitzer enjoys looking after his family, makes music, plays the guitar and skis. 29-year-old Christian Naumann lives with his wife and two-year-old son in NeunkirchenKohlhof. In his freetime, he enjoys motorsport, either as a visitor to events of this type of actively as a kart driver and youth trainer. After his exam as a trained tool mechanic at Eberspächer in Neunkirchen was brought forward, he took his A levels in the subject of Technical Studies. After that, he started a dual course of studies (in the faculty of Mechanical Engineering) at the ASW Vocational Academy in St Ingbert/ at Krummenauer, Neunkirchen (supplier to the mining industry). After achieving his diploma, the imminent end of the mining industry in the Saarland forced him to change his professional orientation in favour of Saarschmiede GmbH Freiformschmiede which, at that time, was making one of the largest investments in the Saarland and offered potential for exciting tasks with its product range (turbine/generator shafts for power stations, booster domes for Ariane 5 rockets). At first Christian Naumann was responsible for creating programmes for CNC controlled carousel and centre lathes and, after three years, he transferred to the job preparation department of the forge. In spite of these sophisticated tasks, the desire to develop himself further brought him to VOIT where he has been working as a key account manager /project manager in the die casting department since October 2014. Production engineer Parth Shah from India is 25 years old and has been living in Germany since September 2011. After doing his Bachelor‘s degree in Mechanical Engineering in India (optimization of a furnace system concept for Pioneer Furnaces Pvt Ltd., India), he received a place to study for an MSc in Production Systems Engineering at the RWTH University in Aachen. He wrote his study thesis at WZL Aachen in the department for forming technology. In addition to his studies, Parth Shah works as an assistant at the Fraunhofer IPT with precision glass presses. Due to his internship and master‘s thesis on the topic “Development of a pressure die casting mould concept with experiments and simulations” at Martinrea Honsel Germany (Meschede), his interest in high pressure casting has been constantly increasing. After completing his masters studies at the RWTH University in Aachen, he moved to the Saarland in search of a new professional challenge and has been working as a trainee in the pressure die casting department at VOIT since October 2014. His free time activities include badminton, swimming and jogging. In addition, he enjoys travelling through different European countries with friends. Data status: 01.12.2013 - 30.11.2014 I Responsible for the contents of this page: Martin Ohnesorg. I New Colleagues Murat Calik IT system administrator VOIT-TEC Vanessa Zinke Administrative employee in Human Resources New colleagues in St. Ingbert Murat Calik is 39 years old and has been working at VOIT as a system administrator since September 2014. After his professional training as an electronic technician for telecommunications at Deutsche Telekom AG and several years of work experience, in 2002 he completed further training as an IT administrator. After that, Murat Calik worked in IT support at 1&1 Internet AG and for the last four years, he worked as a system administrator at the company Movianto GmbH. Murat Calik is married, has a daughter and lives in Völklingen. He spends his free time with his family and friends, enjoys travelling and is an enthusiastic football fan. Vanessa Zinke is 26 years old and lives in Saarbrücken. She completed her studies at the University of Trier as a Master of Science in Service Management. Since April 2014, she has been working as an administrative employee in Human Resources at VOIT. In her free time she enjoys reading, spending time with friends and doing outdoor activities such as mountain bike trips through the Saarland. VOIT Automotive I Baier Dennis, Baran Tatjana, Becker Patrick, Brettenmeier Michael, Breug Tobias, Degrange Jeremie, Drumm Christian, Elma Ramazan, Epalapaye Amsel, Gert Adam, Grell Alexander, Hammouda Abdelkarim, Kaduk David, Lieber Andreas, Meyer Aline, Müller Nina, Ohnesorg Ole, Patuschka Kevin, Paulus Steven, Raber Marcel, Riedschy Dominik, Sanner Daniel, Schneidmüller Andreas, Serf Christian, Stöver Michael, Smolarz Christoph, Warschburger Marc, Weber Jürgen, Winter Markus, Wunn Markus BTI I Böhm Sebastian, Brusdeilins Denis, Capraro Filippo, Dörrenbächer Iris, Ercan Bedil, Even Yvonne, Feldten Jennifer, Guendogdu Suemeyye, Körner Steven, Lizenberg Alexander, Morschhäuser Gerhard, Müller Benjamin, Rauber Sascha, Sag Murat Burak, Schäfer Stephan, Schanne Tim, Strecker Alexander, Welter Reinhard, VOIT-TEC I Akman Yoldas, Brachmann Christian, Buchmann Florian, Donie Nikolas, Isbrecht Sebastian, Marascia Giovanni I Back at the St Ingbert location Gerhard Wörz Project Management Stamping Division Since 1 March 2014, Gerhard Wörz has been working for WILLY VOIT GmbH Co. KG as a project manager for the implementation of new punching technologies at all VOIT locations as well as on future growth markets. After completing his studies in mechanical engineering, Gerhard Wörz worked in various well-known companies in the automotive supplier industry filling different positions. On 1 October 1998, he joined WILLY VOIT GmbH & Co. KG, initially as the designated plant manager for the plant which was to be newly built in Mexico. On 1 January 2001, Gerhard Wörz and his wife moved to Guadalajara /Jalisco / Mexico where he henceforth was plant manager for VOIT Automotive de México S.A. de CV (founded as Grupo KERVO S.A. de C.V.). In the following years, Gerhard Wörz played a significant role in setting up and expanding our Mexican subsidiary. In February 2007, he was appointed as CEO/General Director of VOIT Automotive de México S.A. de CV and reported directly to VOIT Holding. Gerhard Wörz managed VOIT México with great commitment and purposefully and successfully developed the company further with multi-faceted initiatives. After over 13 years, Gerhard Wörz decided to return to the Saarland with his wife for personal reasons. On 30 April 2014 he resigned as CEO of VOIT México and recommenced work on 1 Mai 2014 at WILLY VOIT GmbH & Co. KG. Currently, he is responsible as project manager for implementing the first “Powertrain Manufacturing System”. The system is comparable to the VOIT-TEC manufacturing systems and will produce identical parts to VOIT-TEC. With the introduction of this technology, WILLY VOIT GmbH & Co. KG is entering into a totally new area with a promising future in the field of cold forming, also for its subsidiaries, which will be equipped with this technology in the not-too-distant future. Gerhard Wörz spends his free time with his four dogs which were all adopted in Mexico and which he has given a new home in Germany. We are delighted to be able to make use of his expert knowledge here in Germany again. 51 VOIT Group BTI Bearbeitungstechnologie St. Ingbert GmbH Dudweilerstraße 105 I D-66386 St.Ingbert Tel.: +49 6894 9 98 98 10 I Fax: +49 6894 9 98 98 17 85 Email: [email protected] I VOIT TPH GmbH - Technology for Press Hardening Saarbrücker Straße 2 I D-66386 St. Ingbert Tel.: +49 6894 909 0 I Fax: +49 6894 909 188 Email: [email protected] I VOIT Automotive de MÉXICO S.A. de C.V. Km.12 Carretera a El Castilo I El Salto, Jalisco C.P. 45680 México Tél. +52 3 688 1763/64 I Fax +52 3 688 1765 VOIT-TEC GmbH & Co. KG Dudweilerstraße 105 I D-66386 St.Ingbert Tel. +49 6894 5 90 90 0 I Fax. +49 6894 5 90 90 798 Email: [email protected] I VOIT Logistikzentrum Dudweilerstraße 105 I D-66386 St.Ingbert Tel. +49 6894 909 134 I Fax. +49 6894 909 336 Email: [email protected] I Besuchen Sie uns auf unserer Homepage oder auf Legal Notes/ Issuer VOIT Automotive GMBH Saarbrücker Straße 2 I 66386 St. Ingbert Responsible for the contents: Carsten Schubert, Astrid Wilhelm-Wagner Contact editorial office: Tel.: +49 6894 909 - 245 [email protected] Picture credits: unmarked: plant photos VOIT:Astrid Wilhelm-Wagner, Kristin Löw & Werkfotos VOIT MÉXICO, Alexander Kowalski, Fotolia & Layout & texts: Astrid Wilhelm-Wagner, Kristin Löw In spite of meticulous processing, errors may have occurred. We do not accept any responsibility for such errors. This work including its individual parts is subject to copyright laws. Any duplicating or use of the texts, photographs and graphics therein in other electronic or printed publications may only be carried out with our permission. If you are interested in doing so, please contact our editorial office. VOIT/WW/07/D/800/0815 VOIT Automotive GmbH Saarbrücker Straße 2 I D-66386 St. Ingbert Tel.: +49 6894 909 0 I Fax: +49 6894 909 104 Email: [email protected] I
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