The TRUMPET - East Woodstock Congregational Church


The TRUMPET - East Woodstock Congregational Church
September 2015
A publication of the East Woodstock Congregational Church, 220 Woodstock Road, East Woodstock, CT 06244
Pastor: Rev. Susan J. Foster Co-Directors of Christian Education: Sherry Magnan & Dawn Morin
Director of Music: Kristen Wedegis Organist: Nancy Ducharme Secretary: Heidi Tucker
Office: 860-928-7449 Residence: 860-928-7145 email address: [email protected]
Secretary’s email: [email protected] Sunday School: 10:00 am Sunday Worship: 10:00 am
The Trumpet deadline is the 20th of every month!
Where do you find God?
Summer was busy, the fall will most likely be
even busier. We can race from one event to another,
blindly following our calendar’s command to fill our
days with meeting, sports, and family obligations (not
to mention work and household chores).
How do you feed your spirit in the midst of
the busy-ness? Where do you find God when you are
on the go?
This poem speaks to me. I often feel closest to
the Creator when I am in the creation – outside,
perhaps in some green pastures or by some still
waters, enjoying the gifts of nature.
The Peace of Wild Things
When despair for the world grows in me
and I wake in the night at the least sound
in fear of what my life and my children’s lives may
I go and lie down where the wood drake
rests in his beauty on the water, and the great heron
I come into the peace of wild things
who do not tax their lives with forethought
of grief. I come into the presence of still water.
And I feel above me the day-blind stars
waiting with their light. For a time
I rest in the grace of the world, and am free.
I hope that one place that you can find God is
when we are gathered together to worship on Sunday
mornings. Through prayer and songs, silence and
Scripture, fellowship and meditation, we are invited
to hear God’s voice.
God welcomes all of us into God’s presence.
Whoever we are, wherever we are on life’s journey,
God’s extravagant welcome is offered to every single
one of us. There is healing and hope, new life and
resurrection, forgiveness and peace offered by our
loving God.
Where do you find God? I hope you will join
me on Sunday mornings as we come into God’s
presence with thanksgiving. Rally Day is September
13th – I hope you can join us then.
See you in church!
Yours in Christ,
Rev. Susan J. Foster
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September 2015
The following are the scriptures for the month of
It’s Time for Sunday School
You are invited to read them as part of your daily devotions
and as preparation for worship.
Please join us for RALLY DAY,
September 13th, at 9 a.m., to register
your child for Sunday School!
Parents/Guardians and students,
grades pre-k through 8th grade can
enjoy some morning treats & juice,
while parents complete registration
paperwork and get to meet the new codirectors of Christian Education, Sherry
Magnan and Dawn Morin.
September 6
Proverbs 22:1-2, 8-9, 22-23
Psalm 125
Isaiah 35:4-7a
Psalm 146
James 2:1-17
Mark 7:24-37
September 21
Proverbs 31:10-31
Psalm 1
Jeremiah 11:18-20
Psalm 54
James 3:13-4:3, 7-8a
Mark 9:30-37
September 13
Proverbs 1:20-33
Psalm 19
Isaiah 50:4-91a
Psalm 116:1-9
James 3:1-12
Mark 8:27-38
September 28
Esther 7:1-6, 9-10;
Psalm 124
Numbers 11:4-6, 1016, 24-29
Psalm 19:7-14
James 5:13-20
Mark 9:38-50
Worship News
We hope that you can join us every Sunday for worship and
fellowship – and bring a friend!
September 6: Communion Sunday. Pastor
Jocelyn leading worship.
September 13: Rally Day/Homecoming Sunday!
September 20: Men’s Breakfast, Breakfast Club
September 27:
Shepherds are needed for each Sunday
School class: pre-k, kindergarten/1st,
2nd/3rd, 5th/6th, 7th/8th. Please
consider signing up to help!
Join us every Wednesday for Bible
study, conversation, and fellowship.
This informal group meets to talk about
the Scriptures that will be read on
Sunday and explore how they relate to
our lives. Laughter and learning are
promised – please come every Wednesday or whenever you can drop in!
Wednesday morning
study group
10:00 a.m.
Starting again this fall
on September 9th
Everyone is welcome
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September 2015
The Jamboree Committee wishes to thank everyone for helping
to make the 59th 4th of July Jamboree a great success. The
crowd was amazing and everyone had a wonderful time enjoying
the day with friends and family celebrating our nation’s
independence. This was a year of change and rearrange.
Many of the booths recorded their best year and we exceeded our
budgeted income figure by thousands of dollars. We had some
new booths this year that did very well and Attic Treasures
celebrated a new location that worked wonderfully for that booth.
Next year marks our 60th year and the Jamboree Committee has
already begun to think about ways of celebrating this milestone for an event that was originally
supposed to be a one-time event. If you have any ideas or suggestions, we would love to hear from
As our flyer states, “The members of the East Woodstock Congregational Church welcome you to our
traditional community event that offers entertainment, food, and activities that remind us of simpler
times”. In the weeks leading up to the Jamboree and following, we reflect on the hard work and
dedication of the members of our congregation to create such a special event. We look forward to
working with you next year!
Your Jamboree Committee:
Jim Graley and Lynn Looby, Co-Chairs, Grace Harmon, Bev Tracy, and Judith Wong
A Jamboree Thank You:
To our EXTRAORDINARY Jamboree Attic Treasures team and all who supported this year’s event:
My thanks to ALL for your time, talents, and involvement in this year’s Jamboree! In making the wise
decision to move Attic Treasures to Fellowship Hall, we had what seemed to be a larger than expected
number of guests browse and BUY “treasures” – and I’m proud to say we TOPPED ALL RECORDS
FOR NET PROFITS: approximately $3500 in 8 hours – just incredible! More importantly, we made
new friends, re-connected with others, and enjoyed the wonderful camaraderie and inner rewards that
come from working together for a great cause.
Sincere thanks to all our loyal and oh-so-helpful volunteers who created incredible signs, donated, stored,
sorted, washed, polished, priced, sold, set up, and packed up! Additional thanks to all who took the time
to check out and purchase our treasures – even while chairing other important booths and activities! You
all played a very important role in our Jamboree and in Attic Treasures! You made a difference! You made
Attic Treasures a success!
Many thanks for your enthusiasm, humor, hard work, and friendship. I welcome your feedback and
hope that you’ll join us NEXT year as we celebrate our 60th Jamboree!
With gratitude,
Judith Wong
Chair, Attic Treasures
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September 2015
A Thought about Grief
Our church is blessed by the work of many volunteers.
Every bit of effort and caring helps the church live out
its calling to be the Body of Christ. This month we
especially would like to thank . . .
Our Jamboree Committee – Jim Graley,
Grace Harmon, Lynn Looby, Bev Tracy and
Judith Wong– for once again putting together the
Pastor Sue has several books and resources
that might be helpful to someone who is grieving.
Please speak with her if you would like help or
“Grief never ends…but it changes.
It’s a passage…not a place to stay.
Grief is not a sign of weakness…nor a lack of faith.
It is the price of love.”
our annual Jamboree. Thank you for continuing this
wonderful tradition!
The many volunteers who helped with the
Jamboree! It takes over 100 people to make this
important tradition possible. All the big and small
tasks come together to create a memory-making day.
Whether you ran a booth, helped out for an hour or
two, baked, sorted books, helped with attic treasures –
your helping hands and willing spirits made all the
difference. Thank you!
Please join us for RALLY DAY, September 13th,
at 9 a.m., to register your child for Sunday
School! Parents/Guardians and students, grades
pre-k through 8th grade can enjoy some morning
treats & juice, while parents complete registration
paperwork and get to meet the new co-directors of
Christian Education, Sherry Magnan and Dawn
A big thank you to Rhonda & Tom Chenail for
hosting our Summer Soiree. It was a wonderful
evening of fun and fellowship!
Shepherds are needed for each Sunday School
class: pre-k, kindergarten/1st, 2nd/3rd, 5th/6th,
7th/8th. Please consider signing up to help!
Feel free to share your news with us. Just email
Heidi at [email protected] or call the church
office at 928-7449.
Congratulations to these happy couples:
Katelyn Billings and Rob Sullivan were
married on July 11th.
Melissa Goodrich and Randy Barry
were married on August 6th.
Ryan Johnston and Melissa Burgess
were married on August 22nd.
We ask God to bless these couples with a lifetime of
happy years together. Congratulations!
In Memory
We give thanks to God for the completed lives of
- Helen Harraden
- Myra Neely
May God grant us comfort and strength as we trust
God’s promise of life eternal.
It’s Time for Sunday School Again!!
Ladies’ Benevolent Society News
Come and join us for a Pot Luck Luncheon in
Fellowship Hall at 12 noon on Wednesday,
September 16, 2015. Please bring an appetizer,
salad, casserole, or dessert. After the short
business meeting, we will do some cleaning and
polishing in the kitchen. There will also be board
games available for those who wish to play!
Contact Lynda Higgins, Deb Sherman or Nancy
Young if you have any questions. New members
always welcome!
Men’s Fellowship News
The men of the congregation have been
enjoying gathering for breakfast at the church
for good food and fellowship. Our next
gathering will be on Sunday, September 20th at
8:00 a.m. All men are invited – and please
invite a friend along!
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September 2015
Racial Justice Ministry News
Sacred Conversation on Race Series “Exploring Race and Racism: Lean in with Wonder” The final session of this
series will be on September 2nd, 7:15 – 8:30 pm – Harrison Hall at the Hill Church. Facilitators: Katy Field, Katie
Wells, Lynn Davis. Refreshments and cookies will be served. All are invited to join us as we discuss the topic of
race in America. Each conversation offers an overview of racism and a discussion of a specific event in the news. In
preparation, please read the short article that accompanies the discussion. All articles are posted and linked on the
Outreach website:
Folder for September 2nd:
Article A: “Teen Speaks Out about what Happened When Cops Broke up a Texas Pool Party” (6/7/15) Huffington
Article B: “What role did race play in how police handled Texas pool party chaos?” (6/9/15) CNN
Holly Fair
It’s September and plans are in motion for our Saturday, November 7th Holly Fair!
Of the ten festive tables that will line the Chapel, Fellowship Hall, the All-Purpose Rooms,
and the School House, the following tables need you to please start NOW on your
1. Jelly, Jam and Relish Cupboard
2. Craft Department
3. Jewelry Counter
4. Silent Auction
5. New and Like-New Tables
6. Plants & Harvest Items Table
The October Trumpet will list more of the Holly Fair needs. As always, thank you for your
generosity and cooperation.
Missions News
We are continuing to collect basic food staples for our pantry to help those in our community in need as
well as provide food to local food pantries. Please remember that September's selected food article is
canned fish and meats, but any and all donations are greatly appreciated! Please check for expiration
dates before donating since expired items must be discarded.
Suggested items for Daily Bread by month:
October – Soup
November – Traditional Thanksgiving Meal Items
December – Traditional Holiday Meal Items
January – Canned Vegetables
February – Canned Fruit
The next Missions Committee meeting is Tuesday, September 15th at 7:00 pm.
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September 2015
Bring jars or cans [pasta too] to worship on Saturday or Sunday
throughout September
Donate to IHSP-Daily Bread Food Pantry located in the
Living Faith United Methodist Church.
For information call Kathi Peterson at 860-928-0169 or 860-455-3552.
Check us out on:
Community Kitchen News
Our congregation provides a hot meal at the Community Kitchen at the First Congregational Church
on the first Monday of every month. The next time that “Team EWCC” will be preparing and serving a meal
will be on Monday, October 5th (there is no community kitchen on Labor Day). If you would like more
information or are interested in helping out, please contact Judy Schumacher at
[email protected].
Mountain of School Supplies for TEEG
Thanks to the generosity of our congregations, the East Woodstock Congregational Church
and the First Congregational Church of Woodstock gathered and impressive collection of
school supplies, which were blessed by Rev. Susan Foster during worship on August 1st.
Nicolle Hill at TEEG was overwhelmed by the jaw-dropping magnitude of our combined efforts:
14 backpacks, some large for older students
32 manual pencil sharpeners
11 pocket calculators
554 No. 2 pencils
32 mechanical pencils
40 colored pencils
148 pens
8 boxes of 10 Crayola markers
4 mini markers
33 dry-erase markers
$20 for additional purchases
7 boxes 24 Crayola crayons
3 calendars
4 boxes jumbo crayons
7 rulers
13 pairs of scissors, various sizes
18 erasers
4 Elmer’s Glue, 4.8 oz
5 small pads
21 glue sticks
1 3-ring binder
6 3-ring binder pouches
24 highlighters
3 yellow pads, wide-ruled
25 pencil-top erasers
97 notebooks, wide-ruled
9 2-pocket folders
2 pencil cases for elementary-age children
1804 sheets white paper, college-ruled
Our gratitude goes to everyone who provided this hearty assistance to students in our area. We pray that all of those
pencils will be sharpened, and all the pages filled with thought and calculation over the next school year. Great job,
good and faithful servants!
The EWCC Missions Committee and the FCCW Board of Outreach
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September 2015
Ensemble Schedules
This will be an exciting year for our choirs!
Sanctuary Singers
First Rehearsal: Tuesday, September 8, 2015 7-9 pm
The Sanctuary Singers is a four-part ensemble that sings choral pieces during Sunday and special services to enhance
worship. This ensemble sings a wide variety of choral music from the sixteenth century to present day.
The Sanctuary Singers is a light-hearted group with different levels of singing/reading ability. The members of the
choir enjoy coming together to sing and enjoy fellowship! The Sanctuary Singers always welcome new members, youth
and adults alike!  Rehearsals are Tuesday evenings from 7:00-9:00 and Sunday mornings. If you have any questions
or are interested in participating, please speak with Kristen Wedegis after church, e-mail her at [email protected],
or call her at church 928-7449. *Please let Kristen know before attending rehearsal so she may prepare a folder for you!
Te Dingum Ringers
First Rehearsal: Thursday, September 17, 2015 7-9 pm
Gloria Dei Ringers (Youth Bell Choir) Grades 5-12
First Rehearsal: Thursday, September 24, 2015 5:00- 6:00 (11 spots only)
There will be a 6 week ringing course for anyone interested in ringing for the year.
You do not need to read music or know how to ring!
**Please let Kristen know right away if you are interested in ringing! 
There is a change to our youth choral program!
Cherub Choir (New Choir!) Grades K-3
First Rehearsal: Friday, September 25, 2015 3:45-4:15
We will be learning fun pieces that explore music through games, song, and movement! The choir will also explore
using percussion instruments and other noisemakers.
This program will run through the academic year and attendance is required each week.
Cherub Choir is a commitment for the academic year. Come and have fun! 
If you have any questions or are interested in participating, please speak with Kristen Wedegis after church, e-mail her
at [email protected], or call her at church 928-7449.
Joyful Noise (Grades 4-8)
First Rehearsal: Friday, September 25, 2015 4:30-5:30
Joyful Noise is open to children in 4th grade and up. We will be learning fun pieces that explore music through song,
movement and games. The choir will also explore instrumental accompaniment with percussion instruments and other
Joyful Noise will be singing in church throughout the year. Join us as we explore how to make music. Our goal is to
make learning music fun for our young people so that they may have a song in their hearts as they grow.
This program will run through the academic year and attendance is required each week. Participation in the Joyful Noise
is a commitment for the academic year. Come and have fun! 
If you have any questions or are interested in participating, please speak with Kristen Wedegis after church, e-mail her
at [email protected], or call her at church 928-7449.
*Please let Kristen know the week before attending this rehearsal so she may prepare a folder for you! 
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September 2015
East Woodstock Bandstand
Benefit Concert
East Woodstock Cornet Band
Saturday October 3rd, 6 pm
East Woodstock Congregational Church
Donations will be accepted
The Friends of the East Woodstock Common* and the East Woodstock Cornet Band (founded
1893) are co-sponsoring a benefit concert to raise funds for needed bandstand repairs: a new roof,
improved ventilation, replacement of fascia boards and painting. The fascia boards have been
damaged extensively by woodpeckers and the concern now is that squirrels may damage the
electrical wiring and create a fire hazard.
The bandstand was built with much civic support in the late 1970s, led by Marjorie Billings and Larry
Grennan. A wonderful asset to our town, village, and church, the bandstand is now in need of
considerable maintenance and repairs so that it can continue to enrich our community.
Please plan to join us for an evening of wonderful music, fellowship, and refreshments. Donations
will be accepted
*East Woodstock Congregational Church sub-committee
Following the Apostles’ Paths
Tour sacred sites of St. Paul’s missions in Greece and 3-night Cruise to Greek Islands, Patmos, and Ephesus with
Host Pastors Susan Foster & John Cheney
April 15-26, 2016
Friday, April 15 Depart Boston Logan International Airport at 11:45 pm
Saturday, April 16 Arrive Atatürk International Airport at 4:25 pm (local time)
Meet our guide and board our luxury bus. Transfer to Konak Hotel downtown for dinner and two overnights.
Sunday, April 17 Istanbul – Full Day Tour
Sunday Worship Service and Orientation to our Tour that includes Church of Saint Saviour
in Chora with 13th century frescoes and mosaics depicting New Testament stories, the
Spice Bazaar, 6th century Hagia Sophia (see picture), Hippodrome Square, Hagia Irene
from 4th century, and Topkapi Palace.
Hagia Sophia
Monday, April 18 Istanbul – Greek Border-Kavala
Drive to the border of Greece and change buses. Continue to Kavala (Neapolis) where missionaries St. Paul, Silas,
Luke and Timothy, first landed in Europe -- Acts 16:11. Dinner and overnight at the Lucy Hotel.
Tuesday, April 19 Philippi – Thessaloniki
Inland to the ruins of Philippi –Acts 16:12-18 – where St. Paul delivered his first sermon in Europe, baptized Lydia,
the first Christian convert in Europe and was freed from prison by an earthquake. Thessaloniki for dinner and
overnight in the Capsis Hotel.
Wednesday, April 20 Thessaloniki – Meteora – Kalambaka
Tour Thessaloniki to learn of St. Paul’s ministry to the Thessalonians. Drive on to Veria (Berea) where residents “. . .
examined the scriptures every day. . .” – Acts 17:10-12. Dinner and overnight in Divani Meteora Hotel, Kalambaka.
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September 2015
Thursday, April 21 Kalambaka – Athens
Pray at the spectacular Meteora Monasteries that seem to be suspended in mid-air atop huge rocks and display
magnificent holy Byzantine art. Continue to Athens for dinner and overnight at Titania Hotel.
Friday, April 22 Athens–Piraeus (Embarkation)–Mykonos. Transfer to the port of Piraeus to begin our CRUISE
through the Mediterranean islands to Mykonos. Explore the island during free-time. Return to the ship for meals and
evening entertainment.
Saturday, April 23 Ephesus – Isle of Patmos Make port in Kusadasi. Excursion to the ruins of Ephesus -- Acts
18:19-26. Visit the House of Mary, where the Virgin Mary is said to have spent her last days. Continue our cruise to
Patmos and visit the Monastery of St. John and the Cave of the Apocalypse where St. John the Evangelist wrote the
Book of the Revelation during his exile – Rev. 1:9-11.
Sunday, April 24 Crete – Santorini
Wake up docked at Crete. Excursion to learn of the ancient Minoan civilization by visiting Knossos Palace and the
Museum of Heraklion. Sail on to Santorini and worship the Creator while enjoying breathtaking panoramas and a
spectacular sunset during this excursion.
Monday, April 25 Disembark – Corinth – Athens Disembark to a bus ride for a visit
of the excavations of Corinth where St. Paul shared the Good News while working with
tent makers Aquila and Priscilla (Acts 18:1-18). Return to Athens. Visit the Acropolis
with the Parthenon and Areopagus, where Paul delivered his famous sermon about the
identity of “the Unknown God” (Acts 17:15-34). Dinner and overnight at Titania Hotel.
Tuesday, April 26 Depart Athens 10:05 am – change plane Atatürk Airport, Istanbul – Arrive Boston 5:00 pm
AIR TRANSPORTATION: By scheduled carrier, round trip from Boston. Meals in flight when served.
SURFACE TRANSPORTATION: As per itinerary by air-conditioned, deluxe private motor coach.
MEDITERRANEAN CRUISE: -3 day cruise in standard outside cabins including all meals
HOTELS: Standard first class and/or superior tourist class. Accommodations to consist of shared twin-bedded rooms
with private bath. Supplement for single room.
MEALS: Buffet breakfast and dinner daily. (5 lunches will be self-pay. Approximately $10 - $14 each.)
TRANSFERS: Between airport and hotels by private motor coach, including assistance.
LUGGAGE: Transportation and porterage (where available) of one 50 pound bag per person throughout.
Passengers may carry a second, overnight type bag.
SIGHTSEEING: As per itinerary, by private conveyance or on foot, including services of an English speaking guide
lecturer and entrance fees.
EXCURSIONS: 4 shore excursions with guides during cruise – Crete, Santorini, Ephesus, and Patmos
TOUR ESCORT: A full-time English speaking, licensed guide will accompany the group except on
ALL GRATUITIES AND TAXES INCLUDED: except tips for 5 self-pay lunches.
NOT INCLUDED: Passport fee, travel insurance, 5 lunches, adult beverages & soft drinks, bottled water, items of a
personal nature, and any item not specifically mentioned above or in the itinerary.
A US passport that is valid until October 27, 2016 is required for this trip.
NOTE: Travel Insurance is required.
This tour is arranged and directed by Rev. Scott Dow, DMin
P.O. Box 984Augusta, ME 04332-0984
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September 2015
September Youth Group Events
Check out these September Events!
September 6
EWCC at 10:00 AM
Come to church with your family on Communion Sunday. Worship will be at EWCC with Pastor Sue
and Pastor Jocelyn leading worship.
September 13
Rally Day
EWCC at 10:00 AM
Catch the spirit! Come to worship at your home church at 10 am. We will meet up after church during
coffee hour to say hello. Meet near the youth group bulletin board. Registration forms for our fall youth
group retreat will be available.
September 20
Breakfast Club
EWCC at 10:00 AM
Join us for breakfast and conversation after the children’s story. Meet in the hospitality room. We will be
talking about our retreat plus other upcoming events. Come learn how you can become involved with
youth group. It is never too late to join and your friends are always welcome.
September 26 and 27
Fall Youth Group Retreat
FCCW at Noon
This is the official kick off for the youth group year. Join us for an overnight trip to Camp Wightman in
North Stonington, CT. We will leave the Hill Church at Noon on Saturday and return on Sunday at
3:00 PM. We are looking for adults to chaperone, shop for supplies, and drive. Please contact Anne or
Kate if you are willing to help. Registrations forms are available now on our Facebook Page.
Space is limited! Register now! See registration form on the next page.
Want to know more about YOUTH GROUP?
Join our Facebook Group “Youth Group 15-16” for more information about all our events.
Call or text Anne Sorensen at 860-428-2198 or email [email protected] at EWCC
or Kate Murdock at 860-933-6924 or email [email protected] at the Hill Church
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September 2015
Youth Group Retreat
At Camp Wightman, North Stonington, CT
Saturday, September 26 –
Sunday, September 27, 2015
Cost $55 each
includes meals and transportation
We will leave at noon on Saturday and return by 3:00 PM on Sunday. We will hike, play outdoor
games, have a campfire, and design our own worship service. Of course, there will be plenty of
delicious food, and time for hanging out with your friends. Friends are welcome, so pass the word.
Space is limited.
To reserve your spot, complete the retreat form and return it to Kate or Anne with a check for $30 as
soon as possible. Balance is due Friday, September 18th.
If you have any questions about this weekend, please call
Kate Murdock at 860-933-6924
Or Anne Sorensen at 860-428-2198
Co-Directors of Youth Ministries
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Senior Youth Group Retreat
September 26-27, 2015 at Camp Wightman, North Stonington, CT
Your Name______________________________________________________
Your Email Address_______________________________________________
Your cell phone #_______________________________________
Parent’s name____________________________________________________
Email address____________________________________________________
Emergency contact number____________________________________
Date________ Amount paid_________________ cash or check
Emergency medical consent form is required. Please request a new form if you did not complete a form for
Compassion Camp 2015.
Return to: Senior Youth Group, FCCW, PO Box 147, Woodstock, CT 06281
Page 12
September 2015
Our Stewardship Gifts at Work…
Time, Talent and Treasures
Bible Study
Breakfast Club
Capital Campaign Comm
Child Care
Children’s Day
Coffee Hours
Committee Meetings
Community Kitchen
Council Meeting
Covenant to Care
Daily Bread
EW Cornet Band
Hospital Visitation
Interfaith Steeple Chase
Jamboree Meetings
Nursing Home Worship
Prayer Shawl Ministry
Special Music
Sunday Bulletins
Sunday School
Tai Chi
Worship Services
Youth Group
Youth Ministry Team
Church Council
Coffee Hours
Community Kitchen
Compassion Camp
Covenant to Care
Daily Bread
Entryway Project
EW Cornet Band
Hospital Visitation
Memorial Services
Nursing Home Worship
Prayer Shawl Ministry
Special Music
Summer Soirees
Summer Union Services
Sunday Bulletins
Tai Chi
Vacation Bible School
Youth Ministry Team
Bell Choir
Bible Study
Capital Campaign Comm
Child Care
Choir Practices
Church Council
Coffee Hours
Committee Meetings
Community Service
Covenant to Care
Daily Bread
EW Cornet Band
Homecoming Sunday
Hospital Visitation
Nursing Home Worship
Prayer Shawl Ministry
Special Music
Staff Meeting
Sunday Bulletins
Sunday School
Tai Chi
Worship Services
Youth Group
Youth Ministry Team
Christian Education
Stewardship + Giving = The building blocks of our faith
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Children’s Page
September 2015
Page 16
September 2014
September 2014
Daily Bread request: Canned Fish and Meats
Labor Day
10:00 am Tai Chi 10:00 Study Group 10:00 am Tai Chi
7:30 pm Al-anon
The Woodstock Fair
7:00 pm Council 10:00 am Tai Chi 10:00 Study Group 10:00 am Tai Chi 3 pm Youth Choir
7:00 pm Deacons 7 pm Sanctuary 7:30 pm Al-anon
5:00 Youth Bells 4 pm Joyful Noise
9:00 am Breakfast
7:00 pm Bells
11:30 am
7:00 pm Missions
Confirmation Class
Breakfast Club
7:00 pm Society
10:00 am Tai Chi 10:00 Study Group 10:00 am Tai Chi 3 pm Youth Choir 2:00 pm
7 pm Sanctuary 12:00 pm LBS
5:00 Youth Bells 4 pm Joyful Noise Wedding
Singers 7:30 pm Al-anon
7:00 pm Bells
Fellowship (Youth)
6:30 pm EWCB
10:00 am Tai Chi 10:00 Study Group 10:00 am Tai Chi 3 pm Youth Choir
7 pm Sanctuary 7:30 pm Al-anon
5:00 Youth Bells 4 pm Joyful Noise
7:00 pm Bells
Breakfast Club
10:00 am Tai Chi
7 pm Sanctuary
Looking Ahead:
October 5th – World Communion Sunday
October 26th – Halloween Party
November 2nd – New Members Class
November 8th – Holly Fair
September Birthdays:
The coffee hour in September will be served
courtesy of: Missions
The coffee hour in October will be served
courtesy of: LBS
George Neely
John Armstrong
Anthony Reed
Georgiana Young
Jack Garcia
Colin Bashaw
Quinn Schuler
Emmalee Integlia
Mason Paine
Sept 3
Sept 7
Sept 9
Sept 13
Sept 19
Sept 25
Sept 28
Sept 29
Sept 30
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September 2014
Today and every day let us be open to God, who promises always to be with us.
The way is long - Let us go together
The way is difficult – let us help each other
The way is joyful – let us share it
The way is ours alone – let us go in love.
The way goes before us – let us begin
~Joyce Hemter
Teach us, good Lord,
To serve you as you deserve;
To give and not to count the cost;
To fight and not to heed the wounds;
To toil and not to seek for rest;
To labor and not to ask for any reward,
Except that of knowing that we do your will;
Through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
Vidui (Before Death)
This prayer was written by Rabbi Rachel Barenblat, one of my gifted instructors at the writing conference I attended
this fall. Rabbi Rachel writes: Jewish tradition contains the practice of reciting a confessional prayer daily, annually,
and before death. Some years ago… I was assigned the task of writing my own. After I was blessed recently to have
the opportunity of sitting with someone who was leaving this life, I was moved to revise and share the prayer I had
Dear One, Source of All Being –
my God and God of my ancestors –
life and death are in Your hands:
hear my prayer.
All who have harmed me
in body, mind, or spirit
in this incarnation or any other –
I forgive them.
I reach out to You
as I approach the contractions
which will birth my soul
into whatever comes next.
May all whom I have harmed
in body, mind, or spirit
in this incarnation or any other
forgive me in turn.
As my soul chose to enter this life
in order to learn and to love
I prepare now to leave
through an unfamiliar door.
Help my loved ones to know
how deeply I have loved them
and will continue to love them
even when this body is gone.
I’m grateful for my place
in the chain of generations.
Grateful for teachers and friends
who have inspired and accompanied me.
God, parent of orphans
and defender of widows
be with my beloveds
and bring them comfort.
I’ve made mistakes.
Lift them from my shoulders
and bless me with forgiveness.
I open my heart to You.
Into Your hand I place my soul.
You are with me; I have no fear.
As a wave returns to the ocean
I return to the Source from which I came.
Help me to let go.
Help me to release regrets
so they don't encumber me
where I'm going.