29 - MTPL
29 - MTPL
RED BANK, N. J., WEDNESDAY. JULY 29, 1908. VOLUME XXXI. NO. 6. MANY WILLS PROBATED. HOUSE STRUCK. » DEATH'S SUDDEN VISIT. MURDER JS^AL PUT OFF. ' f 5 PAG FATAL AUTO_ACCIDENT. COMPANIONS IK MISFORTUNE. NEWS F. Matthew Hollywood, Sr., Died UnexTheodore Wilson's House on Wharf Two Freak Chickens, Driven Out of pectedly Last Week. Avenue Damaged by Lightning. FRANK ZASTERA TO BE TRIED A NEW YORK SURGEON KILLED Flock, Become Fast Friends. ESTATES DIVIDED ON ACCOUNT TWO VIC Matthew Hollywood, Sr., of Peters The recent spell of dry weather was IN SEPTEMBER. AT SEABRIGHT. Companions in misfortune, two freak OF DEATH. j place, died suddenly last Thursday night broken last week by a series of thunder chicks, owned by Mrs. Asher Crawford oi nh e at rt d i H had h d been b in i failf " Dr. Carllon P. Flint, Summoned toof Colt's Neck, have become fast friends. disease. He g \ Farmhand Who Murdered William B. !' : Mrs. Mary C. Blanck of Middletown showers which did considerable damage Scarcity oi ' i j n,.j j r • n i mi? a t h h t M t h unty A h - ~ 'health ' " several' months " and' about ' o, Seabright to Consult With Dr. 'w. A young rooster two months old with feet Leaves Her Property to Her Daugh- throughout Monmouth county. A heavy Monmout . . Sheppard and Wife and Jennie Bendy shower, accompanied by thunder, light-; • •,w ^ k '1 ) r e v i o u s t 0 h i s d o a t h ,, i s-s i— lightc l ( n e s s ™Gill Wylie, Crushed to Death by an t n ter and Grandchildren—Will of i £ ^ feiL^TneXke^feet °are Moved—i h i l reached hd Red Rd Bank Bk about b t at Wickatunk Gets a Respite Owing; took a turn for the worse. His death ning andd hail, was very unexpected, however. On Automobile. to Absence of Witnesses. Mrs. R. F. Borden of Red Bank. enormous and are so large that the two o'clock F.riday morning. During ' " "' ' 'good spirits and ver Convention. he was in Dr. Carlton P. Flint, a young New chicken has 'difficulty —.„in lifting„ them Mrs. Mary C. Blanck, who died a few the shower Theodore Wilson's house on Frank Zastera, who was indicted for Thursday Captain John he seemed much better. About eight g en weeks ago at the home of her daughter, Wharf avenue was struck. The thunder- the murder of Mr. and Mrs. William B. o'clock York surgeon, was fatally injured by • and has to use its wings when it walks. that night he was taken with a being struck by an automobile at Sea-i M r 3 - Crawford gays . that if the feet who was injured two Mrs. E. A. Slote of Middletown, made bolt struck the roof on the south side. Sheppard and Miss Jennie Bendy a t her will August 12th, 1904. The wit-It tore off several weatherboards and Wickatunk on May 21st, was to have j weak spell and lie did:d thirtv minutes bright Friday night. He came down grow proportion to the rest of its but on account of j nesses were Edmund Wilson and S. W. scorched ,.the paint where it left the been „ tried _„Monday, Jt „_. Parmentier. Mrs. Blanck left to her building, i.liss Elmira Wilson, Mr. Wil- the absence of material witnesses for daughter, Ettie B. Slote, all her house- son's sister, was in the house alone at I the defense the trial was postponed unhold goods, pictures, bric-a-brac, wear- the time. She was badly scared by the til September 21st. Zastera was led ing apparel, silverware and jewelry. crash, but was not hurt. into the court room at eleven o'clock On Tuesday night of last week the chained to two court officers. ProseShe directed that her house and lot at Middletown be s61d and the proceeds of lighthouse at Seagirt and the cupola of cutor Nevius formally moved the case the sale divided among her daughter, the New Monmouth hotel at Spring o f the state against Zastera for the Some years ago on account of poor feur to stop while he inquired about a , ford keeps the young rooster separated I o n g °, £ e '. fo ^ (1 a f t . e f Lk t k b ihti " of Mrs. Sheppard. ~ - _Thjs - . dis. . health he retired from business. Mr. late train to New York. were struck by llightning andd murder her granddaughter, Mary B. Ayres, and Lake : from the rest of the flock as much as ar °u"_. a : I"? 1 ?!- 8 fi MI V There is a scarcity of bo r- ; '( g her grandson, Samuel E. Ayres, J r .slightly damaged. closed the fact that the prosecutor pro- Hollywood leaves seven children, two of Just as he stepped from the auto-' possible. are sisters in Catholic convents Mrs. Slote is to get one-half and the T^he quartermaster's storehouse on posed trying each of the three indict-, mobile another car owned by John W. i The rooster has a companion in mis- at Port Monmouth and l\ „•-/€.,at Princeton and Bordentown. The Masuryy and run by grandchildren each one-quarter. Thethe state camp grounds at Seagirt was ments separately. y Louis Lefrancois, !i fortune. A week ago g a chicken hicken belongbelong many persons who wanted (•> ••'.•• ^ i y„ grandson's share is to be placed in the struck by lightning Saturday morning. Judge Hoffman and Samuel A. Patter- jot}?}; children are Andrew J Hollywooi•d aged nineteen years, crashecijnto him. j ing t o Mrs. Crawford was run over by were unable to find suitable j&.isre !&£' f - , hands of trustees, who are to inYest it At the time John Randall, a private of son asked for an adjournment. They " Newark Mrs. Morns F. Lynch ot It is said the car was running- li\, a speed ;a wagon and its leg was broken. Mrs. week. and give the income to the grandson the Freehold company, had his head out said that thev had tried to get the at- Holyoke, Mass Christopher L. Holly- of forty miles an hour. A lamp on the ! Crawford set the broken bone, but the Collins Brothers of Fort .*; moved their large tendance of J . T. Ottlick of Bradford, I wood of Long Branch and Maurice L during his natural life. In the event of the building but he was not injured. machine struck Dr. Flint on the hip and i leg is not straight. The otherchickens do ! Tl eir ge sec;,-_•• £ (! g and Matthew Matthew J. J Hollywood Hollywood ot ot Ked Kedhe was tossed about 25 feet and then i not like this chicken any more than they i distance to the eastward ai.J ; of his death the money held in trust Some of the bricks from the chimney Connecticut, a farmer for whom Zastera and a Dri c for the grandson is to go to Mrs. Slote of the building were thrown to theworked dragged by the car thirty yarda or more. I like the rooster with the big feet, and I , ^ vault under the ea.k worked two years ago, but that Ottlick Ottlick I Bank; The funeral was held Monday ir r,V.vttt o l a c oal and the granddaughter. Mrs. Slote cookhouse, which is a hundred yards would to drive ,, bins ld not t come t J t testify, t t i f j morning a t . S t - J a ™ , e s 8 church andt h e When the machine came . _. a „ stop _top the uiu i lthey ""^j vniv^ it it, away away whenever wneiiuver it u comes' comes ?,,, v ,'belongilit; J . to Jersey to l e a r and Samuel E. Ayres, Sr.. Mrs. Blanck's away. doctor l.iy under it, horribly mangled, i them. The rooster with the big: P? a snort but offered to testify before a commis- Ib u r l a l was in Mt. Olivet cemetery. ! ua ntl son-in-law, were made executrix and His head H h a d was crushed in two places, and i! fret and the chicken with the crooked ^ . ty of coal was sion in Bradford. They said that Ott-j ••-••• executor respectively. j ,ock. the pelvis bone was crushed and ground to!'eg have become inseparable companions A GIFT OF A HOUSE. lick would testify that Zastera, when j COUNTY COURT CASES. Walter Connor of Navet ink , j . ' , - ' . ) - ' tlfi' l l 111 folQ 3.Ct'2U. t r f t D ^ G l y , jj • ' ' ... • powder. fv •-•«JV A . There ii UI_IA. n was no « a J^«).I111J£ gaping-wound WUUliU in; '111 ; in *** their »•••»•'•* misfortune. I»»IUJ.\#.«. v u m . , .;^They, j . n c j do UU not H U t OICCJJ sleep Mrs. Emma J. Borden, wife of Dr. tlfi' WOrlCGQ WOrlCGQ d/iV d/iV iill 111 ff folQ 3.Ct'2U. SStrftD^Gly, TT. . n s s butting his head against a tree and j Prisoners Arraigned Before Judge • ' ' ^ e large enough for Dr. Wylie to j with the rest of the fowls, but roost in vin A. Rice of LeonardvilU. ivUm.,?}'/ Richard F. Borden of Red Bank, left all Andrew White's Grandfather Building btti hi h d i t t dj last week from their trip thrutifa fw>-» •otherwise going on like a crazy man. jj rv,»/<.^ Last rnat Week. w<,*i thrust in both his hands. Dr. Flint's i a box on Mrs. Crawford's front porch. of her property to her husband. Mr. Foster a Home for Him. West, followingthe Demovratie co.ncp- • ankles were both broken and he was ! Judge Voorhees, after arguments on Borden was made executor of the will, tion at Denver. .* Andrew White of . Gold street has ,both sides, postponed the trial t o ' For assaulting Louis Vetter, a Long otherwise mangled. The physician died j ATLANTIC which was made March 24th, 1883. The HIGHLANDS BAZAR. The Brentwood hotel a t Brovmt **a-n- .'•', witnesses were Henry M. Nevius and received a present of a new house from ; September 21st and appointed Judge \ Branch officer, on July 4th, James Life about one o'clock Saturday morning. under the management of Pot of,*!. jjb"i' y his grandfather, A. S. Buckalew of I j o ( , n g. Foster to go to Bradford and ' was sentenced Ihurauay by Judge roster Lefrancois was arrested and comDr. George F. Marsden. •- * the Last Three Days has become an attractive plut'c lur •Ki-t - Several years ago Mr. j t a ] i e Ottlick's testimony ' ° s ' x m °nths in the county jail. mitted to jail to awail the action of the It Will be Held Mrs. Carrie Jane Flitcroft, wife of Manasquan. w rl i n of f a! 1 of This Week. mer boarders who desire a quiet co : ui-,'• Buckalew made his grandson a gift " '° —-" =-" " " This action of Zastera's lawyers Fannie Burke of Asbury Park was grand jury. John Flitcroft of Atlantic Highlands, house and lot on Gold street. Last at Freehold Wednesday and Dr. Flint was 35 years old and has *:i - The annual bazar of the Atlantic High- spot for their vacation. Thu inci'fj" •* left her husband all her real estate, situ- week this house was torn down and the shows that Zastera's plea will be insan- sarraigned hc : of St. Joseph's academy oi' Krt-o!:' itv. pleaded not guilty to two liidict- wife and p ated at the corner of First and Highy When the case next comes un it , , two children, in New Hamp--. land s improvement society will open to-1 nl.D n^mnin,. charged her ,h. ,. „ on the lot. norU. c f r5w ', - 4 |f H td t b b i h t land avenues, subject to the payment erection of a is probable that a commission will • , L<un I )m t ™1is- 9 n e indictment ." „•% of liquor and theshire. He was sent down to beabright,: morrow in the Ralph building on First hotel. continue until" Saturday as a substitute fora fellow surgeon in avenue and " disorderly house, New York who was unable to leave the i nieht. Mr. and M r s . J o h n H . H e a t h of JL",.."- '*'-.>, The proceeds of the bazar will Parker, the sum of $1,000 in to appear for trial eitv. e n t e r t a i n e d N e w Y o r k tr;-'nc!« • « - ' %^ j be'lisedd b by the society to carry on its sink three months after her de Sunday. It was reported las;t Urn*..' &-, husband and son she left all her p work of making Atlantic Highlands a pleaded not guilty to that Mr. Heath would vacate ths V:-.i -r "' *C; will insane asylum. painted painted by her, except p a rose ppanel,, wagon and harness be- DAVIDSON'S BENEFIT SALE. :; fine residence and business town. son place at Navesink and move to th« t . V1 will be readyy for occupancy^ jj stealing a horse,, wagon py^ I n jj a U Zastera seems to be perfectly py h i h was given i t Pamphlets will be distributed showing which to h herbbrother, George house n to Fred Fred D D. John S. S Stiles Stiles of of Red d H l HHurley hearted. He plays ttthhhe''e og g"!e ! e to y of Belmar. // Will Start on Saturday Morning of what has been done by the society since Anton ides house at Chape! Ililf. Tliv ' ' S October 1st 1st. John Redff r e e a ndd ll ii ghh t h Waller of Minneapolis. Mr. Waller October report is without foundation. ' •'•'% Bank is doing the mason work andla jv iiol lii n r e a dds a ndd p ll a y s c a r d it; d g w ii tt h h tt h h e He will be tried next Friday was given, also $100 i a cash with which Manasquan was started. This Week man is the carpenter. Mr. other' .u »» ..* « n . . . Beach i Mrs. Frank Viering of Port Mongol u.. ; '% prisoners, and apparently has Harry Mariner of Bradley was to buy a diamond ring or any other White and his mother are temporarily spent Sunday with her daujrhief Mi^. ^ "ft no more on his mind than a prisoner convicted of assaulting John H. Patterarticle of remembrance he may desire. J. P. Frank of EUzabeth. Ilenr»' v'r *-ifc,'' "^ who has been sent up thirty days for s o n o f Farmingdale a year ago. George C. Waller and Bernice S. Paw- occupying a houseboat. of Elizabeth spent part of last Y.vsfc ! A> » week. These sales have become yearly chicken stealing. ; ley were appointed executor and execuwill "Chinese laundry. with Mr. and Mra. Viering nt Pori. M«T»- , events, • • • ' - • trix respectively. The will was made WEDDED AT NEW MONMOUTH. PIG EATS CHICKENS. mouth. '. replems] July.29th, 1907.' JOLTED FROM A WAGON. The new siding which was JX%: or.tH'. • " of t h e : William Murphy, who died near Colt's Atlantic Highlands Man Takes a BelIt Was an Unprofitable Boarder for Almost the old-fashioned grab bag in a new all the goods in the store have ' put in on the south side of thz lS:t. *' Neck several weeks ago, bequeathed to Charles Reevey. ford Bride. i George Wack of Wall Street Laid Up been marked at reduced figures, and in • Monmouth freight station bvtL. C:nl:-, "* his wife, Eliza Murphy, the use of the Andrew Johnson of Pine Brook bought some instances the reductions are very ' railroad is proving a great"ai-eoil-*,,<;=* -Mrs. Jennie Compton of Belford and ' W'<* Cuts and Bruises. house and farm where she lived, together u tion to shippers of that locality. "" " " . with the use of the live stock, farming Millard F. Trimble of Atlantic High- > George Wack of Wall street, who is P'B a short time ago. The pig was: ugreat, :harge of the le Boys' suits, ranging in price from $2 James Stewart and family ot Crfioi?*'' l d were married i on d Tuesday T d night i h off ; employed l d by b Edward E d d J. J Reilly, R i l l was badly b d l nearly full grown and he he had no room on on — utensils and machinery and all the furni- lands disses Loret?. wil l UIU U c York, who have been visiunc t i , . , been included in IUB the sale, m ?10, J I U . Uhave M C uecu urauueuiu ture in the house as long as she may last week at the parsonage of the New 1 injured last Wednesday afternoon, nis place to keep it. He took it t o .to MisssDorothv Dorothy Seavers Seavers New mother, Mrs. John ••"•'- and Mr. Reevey p y . as have also men s suits ranging from refreshments wish to use them. After she ceases to Monmouth Baptist church by the pastor, j Wack had been delivering goods in the Charles Reeveyys place oStewart's LU a 1 o men s suits ranging from Klondike There will ^ ' ' ? '""'-ner, ivirs .jonn arv.vai conauct t h e f agreed to board it for 25 cents a week. | »b wish to use and enjoy the same, then Rev. Archibald H. Sutphin. The couple i alley in the rear of W. A. French's store A » to *3 * e prac wbei l lno articles disposed ofu by chance and s o r t t l mm The reductions include prac-, 'Ji of Navesink, returned last week 65 b e n o a r t i c l u i d f c h n n c e Ernest Lawshe Louisville, K«n lii B l f d in i the th house h i turning ti f the th alley, ll one off att Belford i andd in out of n^ ° t ' eeafter the pig was brought tically 1 of fhome the executor is directed to sell the prop- are now living things unsold at the close ticallyaall lines of Straw f suits.trousers, S hats, 4of the fair ' . . who M L in the thea; eo ties, all is well known erty, but the sale is not to take place owned by the bride. Mrs. Trimble re-1 the wheels struck the curb. Wack was t o h l s P l a c e M r - Reevey heard a big Panama hats, shirts, will be auctioned off. rical world, is visiting Mr. and Mrs. A. % ikewise greatly without the written request of Mrs.cently returned home from a New York ; sitting on the driver's seat and was commotion in the pigpen. He hurried handkerchiefs, etc., W. Cross at their Brevent Rark how©, Murphy. One-third of the personal prop- hospital, where she was treated for in-1 thrown to the ground by the sudden jolt. t o t n e l ) e na n d s a wa chicken disappear- reduced in price, and there are a numln The Epworth league of the Navesink -, erty not included in the bequest to juries to her face, caused by a fall from i He struck the road headfirst and was S down the pig's throat. The pig ber of bargain tables of a variety of INSANE NEGRO CAUGHT. ave goods, too small to specially advertise, Methodist church held its monthly bttsi- _ Mrs. Murphy is left to his daughter, the back porch of her home. On Fri- i knocked unconscious. He was taken to £ two or three grunts of satisfaction Ile3S meeting and sociable last Ttaus- \ Mrs. Catherine McCarty, wifepf Owen day night the boys of Belford serenaded! Dr. Edwin Field's office, where his and then began chasing another chicken, though among them may be "found many Thomas Modelin Gives Authorities' day night at the church parsonage. McCarty; another third to Anna Fitz- the couple and were treated to cake and wounds were attended to. Nine stitches M>". Keevey prevented the animal from bargains, Considerable Trouble. Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Heath and.' gerald, wife of John Fitzgerald, and the g anv"mort-4of y the fowls,, and upon p] i The sale is strictly y for cash. None of were necessary to close a cut on his eating ir cigars. Thomas Modelin, a Freehold negro, remaining third to Mrs. Murphy. Wilforehead. He has been laid up since counting his poultry he found three pul- the goods specially priced will be sold on who escaped from the officers while be- William' uoiden'atid 7l5ng1jt&',*^I. Locust Point, spent part of last wee© liam H. Bright, a grandson, was left the lets and a cockerel missing. That afcredit or sent on approval, and no mail the accident. The horses started to run Birthday Surprise P a r t y . taken to the Trenton asylum in an with friends at Eatontown. ,5 sum of S300, to be paid to him from the away when Mr. Wack fell from the ternbon he returned the pig to Mr. j orders will be filled. The usual store ing automobile a few weeks ago, and who Sidney Appiegate of Belford was 75wagon but they were soon caught. proceeds of the farm within one year Johnson, rule, however, of refunding money for Mrs. Frances Gold of Leonarda_ja/' was caught and taken to the asylum a ..._ „ ears old on July 13th and his daughter, after the sale. Owen McCarty was anything found unsatisfactory, will be f e w d a s making several changes to her residence made executor of the will, which was Mrs. Albert VanBrunt, got up a surprise . \ later, escaped from the insti-1 at that place. Herbert Leonard'TmS ' observed. made May 6th. l!)00. The witnesses party in honor of the birthday. A num- BURIED WITH MASONIC RITES. HORSE SHOT ON BROAD STREET baturday a week ago. He was i the contract for the work. -X A page advertisement, giving the de- tution 11 were Samuel C. Cowart and William ber of Mr, Applegate's relatives spent : tails ofH-he sale, will be found or. page j l e "berty until Thursday pight, when i A pavilion has been opened a t the It Was Owned by G. V. Hope or £ — R E G I S T E R this week. Dilts of Freehold. he day with him and several stayed all Death of John W. Cole, a Farmer at was arrested at his home and taken: Port Monmouth cedars, known now as ER thi k b a c k t 0t l l e night. Guests were present from Belasylum. Modelin was at-; Camp Woolfe, where »oft drinks he Shrewsbury and It Broke Its Leg. Freneau. Erasmus Bowne of Marlboro town- mar, Trenton, Hightstown, South and tending a baseball game on the asylum i cream and candy are sold A horse owned by George V. Hope of ship bequeathed to his wife, Margaret Perth Amboy, Hamilton and Belford. John W. Cole of Freneau died Sun- Shrewsbury broke its leg in Red Bank PATKICK HOEAN STUNG. grounds when he slipped_away. He re-! Miss Josie Green of Plattmount is Bowne, all of his household goods. She A birthday dinner was served at noon. day of last week from asthenia and is also to receive the rent, interest and Mr. Applegate is in good health and colitis. He went to Freneau a numbqx Satin-day morning and had to be shot. The Sting Leads to the Discovery of a Mr. Hope had driven to Red Bank and profits from the property during; her Lot of Honey. lifetime as long as she remains his widow. 'rake of Red Bank. . believe) Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kraft aart 1 Mr. Bowne directed that a headstone For the past fourteen years bees had thatModeKn willra ly regain his right! daughter Helen of Belford are visitinr be erected over the grave of his father, made their home under the weather-!m m ( j i Mrs. Kraft's sister, Mrs. Walter M-xJames Bowne, in the Baptist graveyard Leonardville Folks On a n Outing. ter. boards of Patrick Horan's house near Aling its leg. Dr. James Mc- lentown. Recently they became a nuis- ; nard of Brooklyn. at Cheesequake. The executors were Jacob Schnoor of Belford took a party aucteu wun masonic rites. riarvey • .-, < * ducted with Masonic RECEIVER as sent lor. He said the ASKED FOR. I Earl Boyce at P P rr oo vv ii dd ee authorized to execute a mortgage on the ance and would frequently , U , U J osting „,„,.y a student nt at e l l .. B memt if Leonardville folks out in his fishing Bronner of the Masonic lodge of Key-; t f ' " ^ ",. ould not be saved and advised c s ll k atb h S-.K real estate should they deem it necessary, of the family. The t h e other morning , „ , „ " ~. , ' P™ t etl ° tal college spoke both ^ a t it be shot One of the bystanders bers in order to provide for the maintenance lioat Sandy Hook on Tuesday of last | Port was in charge of the ceremonies. Mr. Horan found a bee i •th L a Bra jee in his trousers °" "fh Hotel Said to be a Losing i ices on Sunday at; the Port UatUnr.it Mission church". had a pistol and he put the animal out and before he got rid of it the bee left of Mrs. Bowne and the children. The week. The party left Belford about Investment MATTHEWS IjNOT INSANE. of its misery. The horse had been its stinger in his leg. This provoked will was made September 2d, 1903. Ben- five o'clock in the morning and returned The court of chancery has been asked owned by the Hope family many years Mr. Horan and he decided to extermi- ] to appoint a receiver for the Wellingjamin F. S. Brown of Matawan and bout noon. They saw how the fish Charles Wood of Morganville were the are caught in pound nets and some of Judge Foster Issues an Order Liber- and was a great pet. Mr. Hope valued nate u gs»,v.i the swarm. He• got Augustus ""*" * " " ~ " —*• A ' - t o n inn at Long Branch, which was The new team will play Sunday them learned how easy it is to get sea• witnesses. the horse at ?300. Stanhope to help him and when they formerly the Daly Pennsylvania club at Mardean. ating Him, sick. Those in the party were Mrs. Rev. J. E. Sawn, pastor of the Na"-> , pulled off the weatherboards they found house. The inn is conducted as a hotel Sarah Quinn of Long Branch be- amuel Lewis, Jr., Miss Belle Gold, Cornelius Matthews, a farmer at Ham20O pounds of honey. i by Mrs. Catherine Daly. The receiver sink Methodist church, took his faswity '/ ueathed to Irene M. Gaskill, in trust Miss Anna Matzkin and Miss Laura ilton, who was recently examined by a Woman Falls from Trolley Car. i was asked for by Henry Hann, counsel or her grandson, Whitman Ring Gas- Root. lunacy commission and committed, was Mrs. Thomas Letts of Aabury Park for the estate of the late Al. Adams, the kill, the sum of $500, which is to be paid ordered liberated by Judge Foster Thurs- stood up in a trolley car Friday to signal BURNED BY GASOLINE. nell steamboat company spent !a»tS'u • within six months after her death. The day. Dr. J. T. Rose of Asbury Park the conductor to stop the ear. She Exhibition of Relics. executors are directed to apportion her contended that Mr. Matthews was in- itched headforemost from the car and Lantern Upsets in a Motor Boat on George Lohsen, of the lirm of Loh- sane. Dr. Henry A. Cotton of Trenton laanded on the brick paved street. The household furniture among her children place is being run . i n loss and e re- L / J L ^ M o r m o n ? S in such a manner as they shall mutually sen & Willett of Belford, has a display said he could discover no trace of insan- woman was cut on the skull at the base ceiver was !alked for „ trip trin^hSo?X SI ! i so that ? he might ' a tnrougn N New agree. The rest of the estate is to be 6f relics in the window ot' the firm's ity in the man and the court refused to of the brain and she sustained contusions equally divided among her children, Lena drug store. Some of the relics are of issue the commitment. about the left shoulder and left hip. estate firm of Osborne & Smith of Ocean | outcome of a foreclosure suit brought' <.n™rf Goff, Irene Ga3kill and Frank C. Quinn the Revolutionary period, while others T- , ', r " 1 f e w " W with his fat!w\ Grove, was seriously burned Friday night; by a life insurance company, which holds: Tnhi, Her condition is said to be critical. John Vanderveer of Navesink of Long Branch, Laura Cheetham of are of the Civil war and of more recent by the explosion of gasoline in hia motor the first mortgage of $50,000. Railroad Man's Anniversary. Mr. and Mrs. E. Walt Havtna »£ &',!Brooklyn and Flavill Quinn of Chester, date. Among the war exhibits there is boat,, which was moored on Deal Lake. ! Lak ford are entertaining; Albert HaviR,-. Pa. Frank C. Quinn and William H. an old American flag with thirteen stars Samuel Patterson celebrated his 25th Rain Stops Work a t a Mill. In lilling the tank some of the gasoline and family of Philadelphia. '< Walsh were made the executors of the and a cigar case used by General U. S. year as station agent at Atlantic HighMR. NEVIUS ENDORSED. A heavy fall of rain at Long Branch was spilled. When he thought the gasowill. The will was made April 11th, Grant while he was in the army. The lands last Thursday. Mr. Patterson early Miss Blanche Leonard of Bret-cut"' li had h devaporated td S i t h ttook k allantern t line Smith Wednesday morning caused a shutrelics were picked up from time to time 1899. Mrs. Quinn added a codicil to the went to Atlantic Highlands in 1880 and down at Edvvards's mill at Long Branch. to further prepare for the trip. The lan- Jersey Veterans Want Hi, for Corn- Park entertained a number of frfcu-M i a bathing party on Sunday, will June 17th, 1907, revoking the be-by Mr. Lohsen. helped build many of the larger buildings The fly wheel of the engine is below the tern Wiis.upset and an explosion followed. mander-in-Chief. Gilbert quest made to her son, Fnvill, and beGilb Weeden, who ia omploytv in the place.. In 1883 he started to work level of a brook and to keep the water Both of Smith's arms wore burned to quenthed to him one-fifth of her estate in The New Jersey council of adminis-1 _ ,Sandy. Hook, .ia spending for the Central railroad company HH an from coming in contract with the belt the elbows and his face wan burned. William B . Smiley Dead. trust. One-third of the money is to be tration of the Grand Army met at Eliza-; with his family a t Belford. assistant at the station. IM) was made the wheel is encased in a galvanized paid to him as soon after her death as heth Wednesday. Twenty-three mem-' Mr. and Mrs, Auguatu3 'fnrttotv <•• William Ii. Smiley of Long Branch general agent in 1888, which position he pan. The brook overflowed and forced possible, the tiecond third is to he paid lied last Tuesday from consumption. still holds. Visit t o F o r m e r P a s t o r . hers were present from all parts of the | Belford spent Monday afternoon Will / the pan out of position. five yeara after her death and the re- When ho was a young man Mr. Smiley Miss.Margaret Reddington, Miss Mar- state, including Henry M. Neviiu of Ui-d i frienda at LeanardviHe. mainder ia to be paid ten yeara after went to Long Branei and started in the Mr. Martin's New Motor Boat. garet Harkiiyns, Thomas Keddington Hunk. Judge Neviurt wua endorsed for, T. '*• Roberts of New York w^,' her death. hotel business, whici he conducted most Baby Dranlc Creosote. ' and Michael "llnrkayns, all of Belford, the position of commander-in-chief of | Sunday with hia brother, II. 0, Sot^-f of hia life. He was (>H yearn old. Mr. Harry Martin of Maple avenue lias i of New Munmouth. ' " , David Heyliui of Long Branch put a wont to Kertianliiville on Saturday and the national (lepartineiit. George Gray of Long Brunch left all Smiley lost his son William on July lid and sold hisi launch to Hurry Woodall of John A. Uorden of Anbury Park wan! Leroy E. Henry of Uolford ia( of his property to Kdwai-d Jnlmstmi in thiii was a great slock to the father. Monmouth street. Mr. Martin has can of creosote where liin baby, aged spent Sunday with Father O'Connor, HWiirn l an department inspector of the ' ployed at Brooks's r r o w r v 'tos.» t bought n anilbont, which he will convert! seven montlm, could reach it. I'lie child formerly of New Moimiouth, who isstate. inCharles trust for the support of his wife, Ellen 1!. 1'aiKonsof Red Hank ! laiitk- "••-'•' - ^ (Iray. In the event of her death the into a launch. A live-hor.'ie power en- ' took a mouthful of the mixture uotoru stationed at Kenmrdsville during the mn installed an cliuu niusteniiR ollicer, ; unanea Dorr of New York siient -« property is to go to Catherine L. Johnitu mother saw it. Itu mouth and throat absence of the regular pn:;tor. On Sungine will be installed in the boat. Waltor Drovrnul at Belmar. nd Uriah See-ley day afternoon the. yotin^ folks, acy of Newark,, formerly ston, wife of l'Mward II, Johnston. The _^,^_ were burned but none of the liquid was y ' day with hh father, Willietn Docompanied !>y "Father O'i'onnor, took I'ort Moniuoutli, wan installed as llelford. Joseph Hill, aged 25 years, n waiter will wan made July l!;id, 1907. •—«».•-»— [ swallowed. an automobile trip to Mnrriiilown. The patriutic instructor. Mi". ;uid MI-H. John Kilward (',. Southard of Freehold town- lit' the Columbia hotil »t Belnmr, dove Biully Injuroil by a Fall. I »..«_. party li'tuiiiccl homelate Sunday night. j v ship left, all hiii properly to hid wife, oil' a jetty in the n»rf near the hotel While RoiniT down the basement. Htcpa ! Improving a Hotel. Kdward kobertwu of Cliai'KOtl With Larceny. Iiibbie A. Hniillmrd. The will wan made Friday aiul wii.silrowtted. Hia thought of the I,awler hotel at Long Branch | ,l(,!40ph C. Eiiehelbach in buildinr a trrtiiiiK'd New York g April 7th, 11HK1. John W. IIiil.sc> and that 11 ill Kiistained iijuriei to bisi head Wednesday meht, M a Mary Lawlcr ] MCW ,„,„,], ,„, i.j,, Columbia hotel on A man jiivinif hi.-, niime a:;.I;iad>I*rche A Btuiday Outiiij^. M r . a n d M r a . J , <4." l'klward (1. Fomian of Freehold won ur iipine that rendertd himunconacidiui, fell headlong to,the bottom. Slienprained i w.-ut Front nlrcet and in niakini; other wan anr.'iteil at I,ting llraitch Wi'tliieiiilay for; a r e e t t i i g A number '>i the eiiiployccji of Dore nil hiii body did not rse. t h e willMMiMOM. her ankle, wrenched one ol her arms : impiovi ntenlti to tin; place. I'iiulinr, limit Hroii'. i-.tore went on at11 outinj on a cliiirgi' of itiand larvt.-ny. He was William Illll ±. 1 . . - — _ 1 . . ; i . i I i - . . i 1 A ^ L . . . . ~ r r\ L 1111(1 .4-n . _ _ *mvA*~ nar-* • « l I— _ . — » 1 1_ • _ . . 1I_ - - ! Ul ? If -1 3 and badly cut her iiculp. 8t.«,;»<> Wroelted b y Auto. A iilnge in which wore Chnrlt'ii Bi-owcr, John Quint), Harry McDnniolii, (i.Hlrnlton nml ,S. White, all iif liung Jtriuirli, wiut HlriK'k by un automobile at Moninoiilh Ilciich curly Sunday morning. Th« IIIHKO wan completely wrecked but tin; <>ectipniit!i were not injured. The auto if) owned by Kilwaril 1. Iloiiinmn Hinl Willimn I.nnfT wan tb<> clmulfeur. TiHtig him nkipped. Coat anil Che:ltn Btolon. A coat containing IA'O cliecksi, one for $10.5(1 mid the other 'or $MII, wan stolen from 'IViiiienl Qtintlci'iiUinh'H wagon while it wan tinder n Freehold hotel idled TlmnidiiY, Mr. ^iiuck:-iiliii:)li lives at MnglinbtowM. Piiyuent un th(' clKM'kn wan utopped. j I>li'(l lVum Coiiiiuiuptlou. llnrry Toner, formerly oP Freehold, died at hiii home in New York .Sunday of hint week from comiumplioit. Mil wan ;(H yennt old. He leaven it widow, who in a daiiKhtcr of the late Richard O'Donnell ol" Freehold. j J,,| insi ,,, &, l.'ralcc a t e doiii|.; the work. Family Houiilon. The Manuhun family biulu )-eunion al. I'Uiiuuire Hay limt week. About thirty per:!on;i wen; pre!\j'iil. Amonn tli(! giientn were Mm. JiiMvph Hamsun and Miii. ,1. l'huir of Ked linnk. Are loll Lottin/i Your Hair? darputa Altered and Laid. Umi (irimolizzi'ii " Datidrn-Kun'." 1'nrker Builoy of IC-yport, died Friday, UpliolHtering in all itu braiich(M) itl, Itetnovei) dmidrulT, prcnerveMi, itrt'esitn July 17th, nt the tome of lii.'i mollier, Uoiiurl Hnni:o & Smw', Red IHitik. - tho full and promote!! tho growth of tho ifalr l/allifjst'i Made Over. huh', llaii no equal. At (IriiKKistii1, Ann I'llixa Bitlley, isjted BZ yonrn. llisi Ailv. • Jfliertal niw> mattreuseii mid o.unliion death wan caun«dby paralytlia. Hefiidcfi JS5c. l'.()c. and $1.00 n bottle. It, i>i sold It )iiiyn to advertise in. Till'! HcutiiTl-jR. by Vanderveer and Minton, 1U«1 Ilnnlc. i tan.' lit nht>rt notice Unhurt Hnncii'& hln tnothor ho »«avos a half-ltrothtir, /l('u. i -Adv. Alfred Kin|{ninn''uf K«nnnburg. ijona, V.ii4 Jinmk,'™Adv. lion -»H- down tin1 river on .Sunday in Flunk 1'. charged with having Mold alriickload of Diekinun'i; hainrh Red Hank. They wiiit'ii helongini; to it New York hou: were ucomnpanii'd by about n do/.eu ' liy whom hi' was oinployed. fricndii. They lamlod on the dyke iicur Hpcrinareli covi; iiinlpliiycil ball, I teadcil Nmv Htorn *>n l^ront. Hti'«H)t. hard cliiuiM, (lug noft cliun.':, mid hud n Diu'ciiiii!! Itruii. h i t v e r e n t i!il otte of good day of i;eni'|-nl liappiiii'H.'i mid t h e i r i;t(ire biiililingM on W e s t f r o n t fciifivily. utivet l.o Mm. Suiiun Hcnnett tif k<«l Hank, who will o p n i a bulu^ry a n d conDeath «f Matnwnn Itt-Blilmit. fectionery bu:iiiie:i:i a b o u t Iho middle of , JciDine Siiyduin, who bud lived a l i n e x t month. Mnliiwau nil hiri lift), died Sundiiy of ! A taper in Hvery Home. lnat week from a timiplicHtioii of dliseiuit'M. lie WUH in hilt Vlltl yi.)«r. llo 'I'liG KL'Kil.'lTKK Hi n wok'tiniK }\nr;\ Icavoi! it witlow, two tluui:lit(;rrt nml a 4,'BHt hdindfi every wtxsk, A in>wf<pi»ni • lion. One of hiii d:iui,;liters> in Mrs.with Tiite Riiiiifrren'si ciccuktlmt u v Joiic.ph Itnkorof Rod Hank, goo*! entcrtniniut; KI-.MK; vi.iiled NUVPH of « fro ta of Atlna|i<r Mm Mury ^ w turned Now V nrk SBWutWho) Mi'M. O, ' i i • , lortainiiij • • A hot • ! ,' put in t h e ' . , ] , , ', ,• Aucmtti • .. i i laid Ul)* . i-*V.~ Store Closes a t S. P . M. Wednesdays ISurlng July and - Augusfixtt Woman Have on Uuplem',', esvsi Experience at the Beach. „, ' • J w c i^dsg woineii who were visiting -feae ':'!• i week had an unpleasant ex"r^a'<*'n.;u Friday night. The women -wail to tha shore dressed in the height '«.* ffcriuen. They had been a t the beach Only "* short time when some boys and • ;~f>-.,t.>> men at the Sheehan camp began of Dry Goods and General Merchandise purchased at the H. B. Claflin Sale. We can " j h " them about their clothes, collected and. the girls got assure you that seldom, perhaps never, have you been able to secure such extraordinary pnd yelled.for help. Mrs. J. S. p heurotbe'Kirls' values as we now offer. yt o e K i r l s ' crie cries and she ea* ,-or(i8 -ticiii to their boarding; house. Tfeo aiTair has created a demand for an S&<CFZ to be Btattoned a t t h e beach. Neti Aumack bought a new horse last •sioek and the animal has cut up BO many eepura that Mr, Aumack will have to L a w n s , Cambrics, P | laiy a new wagon. LaBt Friday afterThiB season's makes, j J A Bpecial purchase *j*J,. side band effects, etc., ! | i P bn while driving past Brehm's barber some sold at 25c., others I IV/ enables us to offer 50c. WJkja W4J dwp, the got frightened rig worth 10c. to 121c at. ^/ty h horae h at a passat 38c, your choice at. ' ** Ruffle Curtains at p kick. ing automobile and began b g tto k ik O One it hind h i d legs l g got i th g tt caught g ht in •ifff its the front whtt Mr. Whitehead h l andd it fell. M W h i h d went to Mr. Aumaek's assistance and before tli3 horse's leg was freed, Mr. WhiteA manufacturer's stock of SHIRT WAISTS, worth isecd was bitten by the horre and Mr. $9.00, $12.00 and $18.00 a dozen, at Aumaclc was kicked on the ankle. The wagon was wrecked. Whitehead'B drug store has been renovated and the ice cream parlor is ready for the cummer rush. The ice cream parlor has been painted and fitted with new curtains. Mull, Swiss and Lace Some of our b e s t The Holmdel Baptist Sunday-school Our entire stock just Caps, lace and embroid- <|A selling $2, $2.50 and srent lait Wednesday here on its annual put in, 2 lots at 98c, ery trimmed, w o r t h uv%> f*$P $3 styles for quick selljjiL-nic The trip was made in stages and 50c, 75c. and 98c, a t . . ing at and \vnf?<inR. The farmers of Holmdel and vicinity held their annual pienje hprc last Saturday. They also came by u, and it waa strictly a stag affair. l»')ief c Ezekiel Olcott is building a CORSETS AT CUT PRICES Self-Reducing '' ' l1'y avenue for his own octf The building is 28x28 feet, W. B., American Lady and $3.00 Corsets g K i an L 12x12 feet. The work is in *<ji:in;eof John Tiltonand will be finished R. & G. at 55c. at $2.79. RED BANK, N. J. is about two weeks. The house will have eight rooms and will cost about $2,000. Fred Zahn, who is employed by the New Point Comfort Beach company, is vvvvvvvvvvvVVvvvvvvvvwvvy vvvvvvvvvvwyvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvwv building a house on Murray avenue for his own occupancy. Mr. Zahn is doing Ilia own work at odd times and expects to have the house finished by fall. The building is 14x25 feet and contains four rooms. The house is on a lot 60x125 feet. Next year Mr. Zahn will build n largo addition to the present building, 'jfhe house now being built will cost about $700. Mr. and Mrs. William Aumaclc and daughter Pauline spent part of last week with friends at West Key port. A party of colored folks from JameBburg spent Saturday here. They made . the trip by stages. The Keanaburg creek meadows are being ditched with a mechanical digger to drain the stagnant pools and prevent mosquitoes from breeding. The Great Dane dog belonging to Garrett S. Wright got'in a fight with John Broander's dog Saturday morning. Mr. Broander's dog was nearly killed Jijefore the dogs could be separated. ('Three narrow escapes from drowning eeurred at Gamp Jahn last week. In IRK'case, the person was a visitor to p shore for the day and got into the lie recently made by the sand pump. 1i«y were rescued by men on the pump Raw. ! The junior league of St. John's Methods* church of Keyport enjoyed an outf* here last Thursday. \Misa Lillie Ahern is one of the con' ietitants for a gold watch at the New Monmouth Catholic church fair. Summer Wash Ooods Belts, Neckwear end Aprons Striped Ruffle Curtains 59c, 79c and 98c. each Infants' Hats and Caps Jumper Dresses Girls' Tub Dresses •59c your state of health, you can purchase real estate, stocks, bonds or mortgages if you have the money. When it comes to the matter of Life Insurance it is very different. The COLT'S NECK NEWS. RED BANK, N. J. I Monmouth Street, "i.ii,. , '.;.-.• jli.l!'- and her mm William arc •'.. - .:•-.: vi-. l? Lou in Wuobber. an<1crv<3cr, who is und<!r ahoifJ fever at tho Long »IB doiii|j well and l»'r AA&AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA WOOD r • - • S ' " I ' 1 " ' 1 1 ' ' ' f"1'- \ 5* C •j'.i^mii'iilH liav<' been IIIIKIR •f. , J •_ *,",'.. j'ortlicbcni'litiifSt. Mary'ii and :.«ir jn-jmJ"! A . - - Adv. Monmouth Contracting Company T.-topli.inu 127. ItED BANK, N. J . General Contracting Grading nnil Carting. J h o picnic pnic '1'ho un ( rlmrch (rroiinda. •n\tii<'n will h-1 tin) cliiuic, hit.linij nnwihwt t\ini Uiv f.alo tti fancy REB BAlfi -AT- LOUIS PRATE'S, BF^OAD ST., RED BANIC. CHAPTER 19 We keep not only a complete assortment of the finest foreign and tropical fruits, but also the finest fruits and vegetables produced on Monmouth county farms. ORDINANCE CONCERNING DOGS. Be it ordained by the Council of tho Borough of Bed Bank: Sec. 1. Nodofr Bhall be suffered to go at large in the Borough of lied Bank from June twenty-first to September twenty-first, except such as shall be properly muzzled about the nose securely f aBtened, so as to prevent said dog from bttinir. Sec. 2. One or more persons shall be appointed by the Borough Council whose duty it shall be to caUBC all dogs found running at large unmuzzled contrary to section one, to be taken up and impounded for the upace of twenty-four hours, and the person BO taking or impounding a dog shall give immediate notice thereof to the owner if known, and easily found, and the owner of nuch doff shall be prompt to redeem the same any timo before the expiration of said twenty-four hours, upon the payment of one dollar to the person takinp or impounding such dog, and if such dog is not redeemed as aforesaid it shall be the dnty of the person taking or impounding, to kill and bury such Goods Delivered. doff and for his Bervices he shall be entitled to receive the sum of one dollar, and the Mayor is hereby authorized to draw his warrant for the same in 'avor of such person, upon the borough collector. Sec. 3. The person appointed to take and im- AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA pound doirs as aforesaid may impound them in his own lot, yard, or other enclosure, until redeemed BH aforesaid, and such person shall report each day in writing to the Borough Clerk the number of doffs BO killed and buried as aforesaid. Sec 4. Any person who shall hinder or molest any person engaged in carrying into effect the provisions of this ordinance shall be punished by a fine not exceeding ten dollars, or by imprisonment not exceeding ten days. Approved April 20th, 1908, Orders may'be given by telephone, No. 1O8-J. nrasl SEAIHGHT. Finit-elniiM tetunn. Tryusi on your Yurda ut N. J. S. It. It. tunl ltnilrouil nveiiuo, Red Bnnk ; Front Direct, Kod Han& ; Kivor ntroet, Konbriglit, P. E. f>6tlCE, IPmwItitiiit. heavy nirtinit. \ Manufacturers of and dealers in all kinds of Cement Building material, Hollow Building Blocks, Lintils, Sills, Water Tables, Coping, Freize, Pillars, Columns, Capitals, ChimneyBlocks, Fancy^Gate Posts, Fence Posts, Sidewalks, Curbs, Gutters, Floors, etc. Also Cement Shingles and Brick, Broken Stone and Gravel. Portland Cement, Building Sand, Gravel and Broken Stone for sale. As General Contractors, will give estimates for entire construction of Houses and other Buildings, of any material ; d o the work and furnish the best material available. Plans and specifications furnished, or will estimate upon other plans. Come and see us when you are ready to build. 47-5! iSSurewsbtary Avenue, RED BANK, N. J. Telephone 9-L. I? OLDEST ESTABLISHED. $ " A. C. HARRISON, Clerk. JOHN T. TETLEY & SON, I| DEALERS IN ; * . ^ Daily and Weekly Papers, | OF H a n s o n (&L v$on, v VVvijnci'diiv- Notice is hereby' given that all dogs running at large in the Borough of Red Bank between June 21st and September 2ist, must be securely muzzled, so as to prevent said dogs from biting, or they will be taken and dealt with as provided in the ordinance concerning dogs, which is as follows : 31 Boys Having Great Sport Swimming in the Millpond. The boys of the village are having jjvcat Bport swimming in the millpond. t-lost of them are fanners' sons who fclisve to work during the day. About | fsix o'clock every day they go the millpond and sport in the water until dark. Mrs. Luke Pryor is confined to hor hoube with sickness. Dr. Ely of Marlioro is attending her. \MissHoeyof Freehold spent last week rifth her Sister, Mrs. John Slupleton. We are prepared ID sft up monuments in cemeteries at prices which will be found very low Mr. and Mrs. Austin Smith and Miss when the quality of material and the character of the work is taken into consideration. Some (Martha Smith of Staten Island and Mr. months ago we sent to the ijranitL'-quarries a large order (or monuments to be made up from deland Mrs. Williams and Charles Williams ' ' of Brooklyn have returned from a viBit signs furnished by us. We can sell these monuto William Prothero. ments at the uniform price of §100. They have John Giberson is sufTi'rinjr from siclc• neas. He ia confined to the house, but proven very popular because of the" artistic charhis sickness is not considered serious. acter of the work and the low price. We have sold Mrs. Applegate of New York has rea number of them, and in every case the purchasers turned from a visit to Charles Prothero. A pony owned by Philip Stryker, who have been more than pleased. It was only by orliven between this place and Vnndcrdering these monuments in very large quantities burjr. • was taken sick last week. A swelling on the pony's side was lanced that we were enabled to get them at figures which by Dr. Ileed of Freehold and the animal permit us to sell them at $100, and they are be"* iss now all right. The pony is a great \ favorlfe with the children in the neighyond question the finest monument ever offered at ' borhood. anywhere near the price named. Everett Matthews, who haB been employed on a ranch at Tuscan, Arizona, ss lit his home here. For those who want a more elaborate monuMr. and Mrs. Jack Lawrence spent ment, we can furnish monuments in a great variety last week at New York. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Smith of Marlboro of sizes and styles, at prices ranging from $i'oo up. have been visiting Mrs. Smith's mother, We have a "number of styles of monuments in our Mrs). Mary Brindley. Peter Decker, who wna overcome yards, ready for immediate delivery. Orders for with the heat two weeks ago, is immonuments of any special design will be made up proved and is nblo to be nbout. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Taylor spent and furnished in a short time and at reasonable fig!ant week at Philadelphia. ures. Mr. and Mrs. William Hartshorne have been visiting at Middlelown. Mr. mid Mrs. Carl Kchsicfcrof Brook We do everything in the line of flagstone work, "•-Vlynare fijesta of Mrs. Schaefer's father, "vaScurbing, etc. We carry a large supply of flagstone Louis F-iircl, Sr. !*'&-•({ Conover and Henry Francin took «'»' curbstone constantly on hand, and can do this EIIECTED IN ncNWOtm CEMETERY *~~S piii'ty of young folks on a atrawride work cit verv short notice. U> Pleasure Bay a few days ago. JAMESBUltG, N. J . MiJ. Harry Hulicli has recovered from afleriouHsickness. Slirlincl Dugnn oC Motilrose lost two htH'tea last week. The hornes died from becoming overheated. The creamery company has awarded ' Fwfl Luther the contract to carry milk from the creamery at this place to Anbury J'urk. Mr. Luther willl get $5 for eni'U day that his team covers the route. Mr. aiid Mrs. Howard MnUhewu and *T"i. "tV.ui" n MqUhewgiipunL Friduy at i Notice to Dog Owners in the Borough of Red Bank. The office of the Clerk of the Borough of Red Unless your health is good Bank will be found in Boryou cannot obtain one dolough Hall, on Monmouth lar's worth. If you are not Street, and will be open carrying e n o u g h insurance for the transaction of pubnow. you had better secure lic business daily from 9:00 more before a possible change A. M. to 12:00 M., and from of health debars you. 2:00 to 5:00 p. M The Right Policy is the NEW Low-Cost Policy of / Fine Fruits! Fresh Vegetables! BOOKS, MAGAZINES, STATIONERY AND CIGARS. Special Election. 10 BROAD STREET, <'~'*.v~*. k £ RED BANK, N. I. •«•• .,...*. 'k ......'? To the Legal Voters of the East- j ern District of t h e Township of Shrewsbury. , • ! Notice is hereby given that a special | election will be held in the Eastern District of the Township of Shrewsbury, on Tuesday, August I8(h, 1908, to determine upon the retention or rejection of the Voting Machine now in use in said election district. Polls will be opened at 6 o'clock, A. M., and closed at 7 o'clock, p. M. The polling place will be at the house of the 2:29^. Black Stallion foaled May 9th, 1897. 15-3 hands high. Sired by Kansas, 2: First dam Julia Wilkes, by Governor Wilkes, 6513 Fair Haven Fire Company in the village of Fair Haven, W. J. A. C. HARRISON, Clerk of the Township of Shrewsbury. Dated July 17th, 1908. Lincroft Training EDWARD FRANCIS, Proprietor. f Owners of dogs which have been taken by the official Dog Catcher of the Borough of Red Bank can redeem their dogs by making application at the sewer works b u i 1 d i n g, where dogs taken by the Dog Catcher will be held forty-eight hours before being destroyed. What's more beneficial than good fresh air |? Use \ :as for lighting and cooking^—your work is d>ne early and you have a chance to consmie a great deal of nature's tonic. Try t and see the improvement. LET Up ESTIMATE ON YOUR SERVICE. I 60 BROAD STREET, RED BANK, N. J. s c o n s t a b l e coats :ti- li). S. V. S t u l t s , s t a t i o n e r y for Clerk'a office 17 Marlon P. B o w m a n , c o n s t a ble costs i-S J o s e p h McDermott, per diem attendance at court. 23 J a m e s G. A p p l e g a t e , c o n s t a b l e costs 30 George H. Van Winkle, constable costs 31 Archie Furchunta, Interpreter's fees ,'... 32 Jolm Fredericks, constable costs 33 W. V. Walline, constable fees 34 Charles K. Strong, county detective's fees 3 50 penses school orders 5,433 22 353 C. B. Barkalow, •. i n i n u r d K i r ^ ^ - " ^ s t&x ><**.> a ? £ justice 136 Charles L. Stout, stationZiZ J o s e p h U. Donahay, school coats 21 00 i0 Harry AtrmtXdv, ji c t* "I ery. C o u n t y Board of T a x orders 4,221 07 54 C. ii. Barkalow, dental e x p i u a r * . . . . . . . . justice ation 244, C. Gordon l l y r e s , sdchobi 23 0') iiu li. H. Joiirw^^, tifcan»r' , costs UJ7 C h a r l e s L. Stout, s a l a r y a s orders 3,959 48 55 Matthias Plum, stationery board of lun.iti* s ..,.,,,-..» 136 (JO of the s e c r e t a r y County Board of 245 Robert ('}. rooh;, cashier, 471 H . T . F a r t r e * . , 6 < i \ . l ( t « i*,tt« Hi George II. Van Winkle, 102 00 Taxation school orders l,ltiS 18 SO 00 tiered coronas . . . . . . . . . . . . . , constable costs 9 60 133 a. J . "Woolley, services run24fj A b r a m liorton, school o r 472 C l a u d e V. Q u t r l u , t i l i i t j x y J7 <ieorge .11. Van Winkle, 5 33 dered coroner ordcrs 2 752 84 30 00 appropriatloii . . . . . . . ron.stable costs 35 00 lZ'J M a 1n a l a p a n Light Co., light247 I. IJ. Ivlwards, cashier, SS W. L. Conover, justice costs 2 »5 473 Jolm A. Deftoch«» mUIt^iy 45 50 ing K n g l i s h t o w n b r i d g e . , . G 00 school orders 4,G00 41 o'J J. Frank Patterson, constaapp ropriation . . .40 J o h n W, Craig-, l a u u r on , 24S William K. Warn, school ble costs 474 F. M. Taylor Publtbhtn^ COO bridges, M a n a l a p a n . , rj is ord e r s 7,017 54 3*10 J. Frank Patterson, constaCo., p r i n t i n g ,.»...... 41 "William 1^. Story, labor on 24'J J o h n R. Allaire, scnool o r 475 J o h n M. S m i t h , uau uf oct-ible costs :.. 150 bridg-es, Freehold dcrs 1,110 4G 17 96 per on roatts •-A bra ham 1'errino, consta12 W. V. Reynolds, s a l a r y as 250 Jalin II. Davis, Jr., schoul ble costs 3 02 47G 11. W. B u c k , s a l a r y a s road of the Comity of Monmqntli, State of 815 engineer 80 00 ord f r s 23,530 57 %-2 Milo IT. (Jreifo. justice costs s u p e r v i s o r .««•• 20 50 43 Jacob C. Taylor, l a b o r MidNew Jersey. 231 "William A. F o u n t a i n , school 477 H. W. B u c k , s a l a r y u s i ^ a d 2*13 William McDermott, Jr.. la108 50 dle town road 133 10 orders. 4.S9S 45 supervisor from Doc. i3*ft bor court house 31 25 41 Jesse P. Manahun, labor 35 C. B. Barkalow, justice 252 Josepl^fW. Johnston, school to January, 1W/ 3')1 Frederick A. White, labor Report of ASHER T. APPLEGATE, 10 75 Monmouth Beach road . . . . costs 150 00 o r d o r ^ vj.;-. 3,CC2 -13 478 J. M. D. V a n Mater, labor t o u r t house and jail County Collector of Monmouth County, 36 C, B. B u r k a l o w , Justice 45 J o s . L. Butcher, l a b o r Adel2J3 C.• Ackfir^on, c a s h i e r , scliool on Matawan ro,id •, Frederick A. White, labor from the 8th day of January, l'JOS, to 43 00 phia road costs 10100 o rde r s , . 1,621 74 479 Joseph Murphy, labor Bercourt house and jail the 1st day of July, WOS. 37 A. J C S t o k e s , a s s i s t a n t 4G J a c o b C. Taylor, l a b o r MidW i l l i a m G. Conover, s c h o o l sen's Mills road .....* LJorno Scryinsev Co., supASHER T. APPL13GATE, County Col125 00 prosecutor's salary d l e t o w n road „ ' 236 20 orders 2,977 09 plies for engine hout! 19 S3 450 J. E. Robbins, labor Perlector, in account . w i t h Monmouth 47 H. C. Snyder, l a b o r un 3S F r a n c i s E. Tllton, j u s t i c e Charley Van Mater, cashier, 3(57 John IT. Dc i I i s<?, supplies rineville road *. County. 7 85 • , bridges. Marlboro 15 50 costs school orders 4,655 14 for court houso 2 81 451 J. F. Shanley Oo. stone for STATEMENT. . IS S. Morris Gordon, labor on 3J) R. H . C. T h o m p s o n , i n c i d e n 25C Cha.r,h.'H Vsm Mater, CaHhier, Mary McGowan, labor court Norwood A\ enue road , . 10S BG bridges, Manalapan 45 05 tal e x p e n s e s school ordcr.H ..,..* G.CC7 24 im John L. Ely, labor Bradevelt Total amount of receipts ,from 49 E. J. K e a c h , tending- Ocean40 A r t h u r W . K>Uy, court C. E : " .IP. H o t r i c k , s c h o o l S. Ko.^uiigarden, supplies road January 8, 1908, to J u l y 1.. ic d r a w b r i d g e CO 00 100 00 stenographer's fees April 0. for jail 4S3 p. S. Weeks, labor CoJtS " ' -15.8U3 79 1308 SG6I.313 BO 50. N. J. S t a t e Village for E p i 41 Arthur W. Kelly, transcript -5S Gar rut/' -Deniso, Cashier, Neck road 370 Harvey S. Brown, examin31 80 leptics, b o a r d i n d i g e n t p e r Total amount of disbursetestimony for prosecutor. Received from G e o r g i a n n a Van Hclioo*! o r d e r s Atlantic Highation lunacy case 9,178 96 10 00 484 Borough sons '. COG 5 4 ments from J a n u a r y 8, 42 W . E. McDonald, c o r o n e r ' s Schoiuk, for i n t e r e s t on lands, sprinkling1 stone H a r r y Cnmpbell, C a s h i e r , 371 John li. Gravatt, coroner's SI 20 51 Shore E l e c t r i c Co., l i g h t i n g 1308, to J u l y 1, 1908 659,295 57 bond fees school ord era fees road 2,314 S51 bridges C4 00 2*;o J. XV. S. Campbell, C a s h i e r , 43 C. I J . L O W , l a b o r o n b r i d g e s Received from Franklin L. ZT1 ]C. O. Bacon &. Co., stationJ. S. White, justice costs.9 ES 152 00 :52 William D. Lyicos, s a l a r y Neptune t 5,047 03 Groff, for Interest on bond 75 00 school o r d e r s ery • & G James White, constable 4,764 S7 'as j a n i t o r 50 00 44 Edward L. Alley, labor on 373 Charles A. Koeniyr. consta costs I. li. E d w a r d s , C a s h i e r , 45 20 1 5 3 R. F o r m a n B a r k a l o w , s a l b r i d g e s , Middletown April 22. hip costs school orders—Rod B a n k . . 11,178 11 L & 7 John R. Snedoker, constaT h e balance is deposited in t h e fola r y a s a s s i s t a n t engineer 50 00 45 M. P . Yard, l a b o r on bridg-es ble costs !!74 Joseph McDermott, taxing lowing b a n k s , t o w i t : 151 Samuel Roaengardun, s u p Heceived from F . II. SchloMiddletown .SS II. M. Nevius, prosecutor's coats, indexing records, &c F i r s t National B a n k of ManaJ a n u a r y 27th. plies for jail 2125 niann, for interest on bond G O 46 J o s . T. B u r r o w e s Co., m a t e r salary and telephone ex375 Martin L. Ferris, justice squan $ C5 45 3. F . Shanley Co., r e s u r f a c ials for bridges, Middledeceived from Franklin L. penses C«i3t3 F a r m e r s ' a n d Merchants' Bank 2C2 C h a r l e s XL W a r d e n , C a s h i n g Long Branch a n d A s 17 28 t o w n a n d {Shrewsbury . . . . Groff, for interest on'bond 75 OO 139 Charles A. Koeniff, constaof M a t a w a n GS 92 ier, school o r d e r s 2,G94 1G 37G John W. Campbell, constab u r y Parity road 3,943 15 47 O. J. Warden, labor on ble costs -. ble costs 00 F a r m e r s ' N a t i o n a l B a n k of Al203 Charlt-s Van Mater, C a s h 15G Cornelius Lambertson, labridges? S h r e w s b u r y . . . . . . May 11. 190 Peter Griffln, constable lentown 1S5 06 ier, school o r d e r s 1,611 29 377 Louis Finegold, fi^ea as inbor Matawan road 14 70 2')4 H. 43 S. C. Applegate, labor uu costs terpreter in court UP K e y p o r t B a n k i n g Company ' 287 32 A. S u t p h i n , C a s h i e r , 157 J. E. Robbins, lauor Perbridges, Neptune Received from George W. P a t 191 Peter Griffin, constable ' Second National B a n k of Red orders 7,597 00 37S C. Asa Francis; transporrineville road 14 00 2ti5 Eschool 49 J o s . S. Applegate, J r . , labor terson, Jr., for board of tation fees of prisoners . . . costs 51 12 Bank : 679 E0 d m u n d K. Dayton, C a s h i e r , 158 M i c h a e l Mulvihill, labor on bridges, M i d d l e t o w n . . . . Lillie F. Cook a t asylum.. E 192 A. P, Johnson, court crier'a Atlantic Highlands National school o r d e r s 13,434 36 379 A. J. c. Stokes, assistant F a i r Haven road 8 0 0 & 0 F r a n k Challender, labor on prosecutor's salary •. 125 00 salary Bank 150 95 2tJG H e n r y Joline, Cashier. 1 20 00 159 M. C. Burns, labor Norwood bridges, Neptune May 13. 193 M. H. Crego, justice costa.. 4.B m L o n e B r a n c h B a n k i n g Comschool o r d e r s 1,728 47 3S0 'J . W. Colyer, conveyances A v e n u e road 55 30 51 H. B. Pitcher, plans a n d for prosecutor's olllee 194 Arthur W. Keilcy. court pany 35 68 1 G 0 H. C. Snyder, l a b o r P a t t e n ' s specifications for b r i d g e . . . Received from Klmer E.' P o l 351 HI wood M i n u g h , c o n s t a b l e stenographer's salary and F i r s t N a t i o n a l Bank of Red J a n u a r y 13, 190S. Corner road 17 00 hemua for old plank sold. 1 25 52 Artilicial Stone Co., pipe 234 22 supplies costs Bank «H 01 50 IC1 A. C. Krrickson, l a b o r I r o n for c u l v e r t s , Neptune Received from Matthias "Wool195 John B. Foster, iudge'a salCitizens' National B a n k of •±tf R. K. K. R o t h f r i t z , h e a d 352 J. B. Rue, county detecOre road 143 G2 ley, for old iron sold 12 50 53 A. H o w e l l Miller, l a b o r o n ary 52 96 Long Branch 282 92 s t o n e s for d e c e a s e d s o l tive's lVes and expenses . . 102 William H. P a t t e r s o n , lab r i d g e s , Wall <.. Received from E d g a r I. Van49G XV. A. Fountain, justice National Freehold Banking diers 45 00 383 H. M. Nevius, prosecutor's bor Blue Bali road 54 D. W. J o n e s , l a b o r o n dervoer. Collector, his costs Company 812 02 2tIS Joseph II. .Bryan, services salary and telephone ex163 Kphraim Laird, labor Engb r i d g e s . Wall chock for old lank bought 497 Josepii Johnson, constable rerulered coroner C e n t r a l N a t i o n a l B a n k of F r e e 5 OO penses ' lish town road 421 75 2C9 Charles W. Seiler, services by Freehold township . . . . 6 92 55 M. C. G a r l a n d , m a t e r i a l s SE K> ' f 8 costs hold 12189 •H. L. Irwirt, justice costs.. 164 P o i n t Pleasant Electric for bridges, Ocean a n d Received f r o m Thomas R. 498 Edward W. Remaen, constarendered coroner 13 30 5S5 James M. Walling, constaF i r s t N a t i o n a l B a n k of S p r i n g 6 SO Light Co., lighting ManaShrewsbury Woolley, Comptroller^ his ble costa ble costs Lake MOS sq nan draw 42 50 270 Harry E. Shaw, services 56 Leon A. L i t t l e , l a b o r o n check on account taxes 499 XV. D. H u l s e , constable 50 00 3SG Charles D. Reeae, handcuffs F i r s t N a t i o n a l B a n k of L u n g rendered coroner 11 25 1*55 Oceanic Hook a n d Ladder due from Long" Branch bridges, Middletown costa (2 pairs and 1 pair twist271 W i l l i a m H . Slocum, s e r Branch i5G 64 Co., election expenses 2 5 0 0 Borough 2,584 55 57 A n d r e w Crane, tending 500 W. D. Hulse, justice costs.. 21 09 5 00 ers) vices rendered coroner . . . . F i r s t N a t i o n a l B a n k of F r e e Belford drawbridge and IRS J. W. Danser, material for constable 108 00 5M W. D. Hulue, Maxcy Applegate, printing 272 John A. Ilowland, sergeant hold 437 89 Received from David S. Crater, 27 06 supplies bridges. Atlantic 200 21 Surrogate, his check for 16 00 costa SOW 75 00 Maxcy Applegate, printing at arms, per diem . . . . . . ; . . A s b u r y P a r k a n d Ocean Grove 167 Joseph McDermott, indexfees from Surrogate's of6 00 5012 Howard W. Parker, consta5S O. J . Melee,' l a b o r o n W » Maxcy Applegate, printing 273 F r e e h o l d G a s L i j j h t Co., Bank 167 34 •'1 ing old grantee deed books fice to May 13, 1908 DGO 8 8 3S70 ble costs bridges, Shrewsbury 4!2 10 15 00 DO Maxcy Applegate, printing g a s c o u r t house a n d j a i l . . Seacoast N a t i o n a l B a n k 9114 (special) 1,311 24 274 W i l l i a m Malchow, h e a d Received from Atlantic High503 W. T. Hoffman, expenses 3!)l W. E. McDonald, ten corO. J. Melee, labor on F i r s t N a t i o n a l B a n k of E n g lfiS Maxcy Appleg-ate, print ing 39 CO lands National Bank, for County Board Taxation... 5 00 13S . oner's certificates Chandler & Maps, materials s t o n e for d e c e a s e d s o l llshtown B4D 97 1G9 Remington Typewriter Co., loan on County Note, No. 504 A. Robinson, election exror bridges dier 15 00 3i)2 XV. K. McDonald, coroner's stationery : 15 10,00OO< penses fees bridges, Ocean 437 57 275 L. C. A y e r s , t e n d i n g Goose 5 5,047 93 170 A r t h u r XV. K e l l y , t r a n s c r i p t Received from K e y p o r t B a n k 505 Elwood T. Reed, election 31)3 C. Knecht, services renderO. F. Beutel, labor on Net; 1c d r a w b r i d g e 45 00 RECEIPTS. , copy testimony for proseing C o m p a n y , for loan on penses , ; ed coroner brodges. Ocean & Shrews27G C. G. V a n Note, m a t e r i a l s cutor 65 70 County Note, No. 1G ..'. 5,000 OC .06 Elliott Fisher Co., Incidenbury for bridg-es 54 00 3!U W. L. Conover, justice costa 1903. 171 Arthur' W. Kelly, court Received from S e a c o a s t N a tals 3!>5 Gilbert Combs Co., coal for O. F\ Beutel, labor on 7 W i l l i a m R o d n e y , t e n d i u g stenographer's salary t i o n a l B a n k , for loun o n J a n u a r y 8. engine house - '••*439 0G 507 H. W. Ingling, examination bridges, ocean & ShrewsSeabriyht draw bridge . . 70 00 C o u n t y Note, No. 17 5,000 OC lunacy case fflfi Patrick McCuo, labor Red row bury 15 50 172 D. E . R o b e r t s , s e r v i c e s r e n 27S Albert Patterson, tending ..$133,531 39 Received from A s b u r y P a r k T o balance on hand dered coroner 5 00 174 20 508 R. Forman Barkalow, BalBank road C. Asa Francis, court exPleasure Bay draw bridge Received from Benj. J. P a r k e r , nry and Ocean Grove B a n k , 3 1 ( 7 John White, labor Manalapenses, October term, 1907. 7.002 05 173 R. R. Mount & Son, burial and helper Collector of S h r e w s b u r y indigent persons ; for l o a n o n C o u n t y N o t e , pan road 509 W. V. Reynolds, salary 80 IS William C. Taylor, labor on 279 Paul C. Taylor, labor on Township, h i s check o n 174 A. R. Todd, s e r v i c e s r e n d e r No. 18 5,000 OC 3t)S Matthew Mullen, labor on 510 John Stapleton, labor on 23 bridges, Howell bridges, Neptune account taxes, 1907 13,419 92 Received from F r e e h o l d M u t u a l ed coroner 5 00 bridges, Middletown and bridges, Atlantic _. _ . Woolley, l a b o r on A. P. ~ 2S0 Donegan & Swift, materReceived from E l i z a b e t h C r a w 175 S. A. Diabrow, services renShrewsbury J. W. Danser, lumber for L o a n Association, for l o a n bridges, Howell ials for bridges, Neptune.. ford, for loan on C o u n t y 399 Prank E. Price, labor on dered coroner 5 00 bridges, Atlantic 12138 on County Note, No. 19.... 15,000 0C Holmes II. Matthews, labor Donegan & Swift, materNote, No. 1 20,000 00 Received from J . 5VI. P o l h e m u s , bridges, Middletown °40 0 0 ^ Monmoutli Democrat, print5 1 2 W. B. Duryea, stationery.. on bridges, Howell ials for bridges, Neptune n 400 Frank R. Price, labor on Received from William S. ing 513" Levy for loan o n C o u n t y Note, y Bros., supplies for Thomas S. Field, labor on and Wall 338 12 Crawford, Cor l o a n o n g 0Q 177 Ne\V Jersey Standard, printValley drive road 85 00 No. 20 1,000 00 B31T jail bridges, Middletown 2S2 Lewis Lumber Co., sup• County Note, No. 2 5,000 00 Received from J . J. B a r k a l o w , Inga c o b C. T a y l o r , l a b o r on 6120 IS 3f 514 N. J. Standard, printing.... 68 Kate Jones, tending Mataplies for bridges 8 51 401 J Middletown Received from F a r m e r s ' N a I7S James M. Walling, constaroad 515 for l o a n o n C o u n t y N o t e , 515 E. J. Keach, tending Oceanwan and keyport drawTucker "White, labor on tional B u n k of Allentown, ble costs 6 00 402 J n c o b C. T a y l o r , t a b o r on No. 21 .2,00000 i drawbridgo !c d b i d bridge 30 00 bridges, Ocean for loan o n C o u n t y Notes, 179 A. L. Hall, photographing.. Middletown road 515 W. F. Gravatt, lumbet- for Received from E l l a F . C r a n e , Ephralm Laird, labor on 254 Tucker White, labor on Nos. 3 a n a 7 10,000 00 picture of prisoner in jjail 8 00 bridges, Freehold •. for loan o n C o u n t y N o t e , 124 w p bridges, Manalapan 11.00 bridges, Ocean 85 50 403 Joseph Ilalaey, labor on Received from A s b u r y Park 150 XV. R . Brlnley, " ' " " ' roaua, Neptuno 9 50 517 W. C. Buclt, labor Colts No. 22 3,00000 John Thomson, Iat>or on justice 255 J. W. Danser, lumber for and Ocean Grove Bank, for 1 95 costs . ... 404 A r c h i e Height, labor on Neck road Received from Daniel S. V o o r bridges, Neptune 38 0C bridges, Atlantic 49 00 1 loan on County Note, No. 4, 5,000 00 roads, Neptune, 151 T. W. Colyer, conveyances 518 J a m e s M. A y r e s , h e a d s t o n e heea. S t a t e T r e a s u r e r , h i s Robert M. Marks, serving 2SG Geo. W. Applegate, labor Received from John H. Drum, 405 Frank W. Baker, labor hired for prosecutor's of519 J a m e s M. A y r e a , h e a d s t o n e check f o r r a i l r o a d t a x e s 10 00 notices, etc ; on bridges for l o a n on County Note, on roads, Neptune fice stone for deceased soldier assessed a n d paid for u s e John Thomson, labor on 2S7 James R. Hennessey, labor No. B 3,000 00 406 C h a r l e s M. W o o l l e y , l a b o r 520 J a m e s M. A y r e s , h e a d s t o n e s of schools 103,522 7 91 7 152 John E. Foster, judges bridges, Neptune •• on bridges 325 91 Received from J e r e m i a h S t i l l salary 416 66 2SS Lewis Lumber Co., supplies Norwood Avenue road 8 50 for deceaeed s o l d i e r 3 Frank A. Sofield, labor on well, for loan on County 407 John A. Eaton, labor on 521 Lewis "Worth, se<ry r e l e c May 15. 95 OC 153 John Enright, county subridges, Neptune for bridges 42 15 Note, No. G 2,000 00 Norwood Avenue road perintendent's expenses . . 18 00 tion e x p e n s e s ^ 71 John F. Slocum, labor on 2 S 9 Consolidated Gas Co., lightReceived from Frank Des40S John Shuttu, labor on roads 7 on ! 184 A. P. Johnson, court crier's 523 C h a r l e s "W. Seiler, c o n s t a b l e Received from W i l i i o m H . G a r bridges, Neptune ing- bridges preaux, J us tic e , for fines Neptune salary costs 75 00 250 Owen J. Melee, labor on r l g a n for i n t e r e s t on P a t Alexander Mullln, labor on collected t o dato 10 00 409 John Storer, labor High523 American Law Book Co., rick H. G a r r l g u n bond E bridges, Neptune 8 OO 185 Michael Frawley, labor on bridges, Ocean land s road Matawan stone road 1160 291 Owen J. Melee, labor on 1,064 I 45 0C law books for library Era, Received from Joseph McDerArthur Miller, labor on J a n u a r y 9. 410 Isaac Garrabrartt, labor on 524 E. E. Dayton, Cashier, dismott for s t e n o g r a p h e r s ' 14 00 1S6 Joseph L. Butcher, labor on bridges, Neptune bridges, Eatontown and roads, Neptune 26 25 bridges, Howell count county note fees 95 Oi 77 William Bennett, labor on Received from E d w a r d DllaShrewsbury 411 Thomas G. Orr, labor Man525 C. A s a F r a n c i s , b o a r d of tusli, Collector of Allen2S 00 187 John A. Eaton, labor on bridges, Neptune 292 A r t h u r Miller, labor on 93 34 alapan road roads. Ocean prisoners J u n e 4. town Borough, h i s check C. .B. Layton, labor on bridges, Neptune ' 16 00 412 Josiah Marrlner, labor on 526 H . B. B a n n a r d , T r e a s u r e r , 2,322 31 in full t o r taxes, 1907 37 00 1SS Michael Frawley, labor on bridges, Neptune 293 Hugh S. Kinmouth, labor 1 60 roads, Neptune Holmdel gravel road 23 OO special a p p r o p r i a t i o n M o n Received from Daniel S. VoorPerrine D. Clayton, labor on bridges, Wall 413 W i l l i a m H. D u B o t s , l a b o r m o u t h Memorial H o s p i t a l . hees. S t a t e T r e a s u r e r , his 62 00 1S9 Chester A. Haines, constaon bridges, Neptune 6 50 294 C. L. Low, labor on bridges, January 11. ble costs Freehold a n d Colts Neck 527 J o h n W. Hulse, justice check for o n e - t h i r d coat H. K. Stanton, labor on wan ....; 28 00 r o a d 19 25 UK) J. XV. Bennett. M. D., sercosts . J ; of c o n s t r u c t i o n Allentown 23 O O bridges, Neptune M o u n t , lat>or on Received from Abram Borton, 5 0 0 295 D a n i e l vices rendered coroner . . . road for year e n d i n g Octo528 J o h n W. Hulse, justice 414 J o h n I I . S h e p h e r d , l a b o r James F. Andrews, labor on bridges, Wall Collector of Belmar Borber 31, 1907 3,323 3 costs S m i t h b u r g road % 53 bridges, Neptune 6 00 101 William P. Gravatt, plante 290 William Bennett, labor on ough, his check in full for for bridges, Upper Free529 A r t h u r W . Kelly, t e s t imony 415 W i l l i a m H. A u m a c k , l a b o r William Hulse, labor on bridges, Wall taxes for 1907 15,778 43 23 00 hold furnished prosecutor ( c o r Jun,e 10. K e a n s b u r g road 40 00 bridges, Neptune 297 James Brighton, labor on Received from P. W. Manion, 11*2 Consolidated Gas Co., lightcuse) Lewis Lumber Co., materReceived from Abe Bennett, for bridges, Wall 15 00 416 T h o m a s M c K n l g h t , l a b o r Collector of Bradley Beach ing: bridges 135 1G 29S Melvin 5S0 P e t e r Griffin, constable M a t a w a n road 179 31 ials for bridges, Neptune. old p l a n k b o u g h t 3 2! Bedle, • labor on Borough, his chock In full 103 E. G. Bacon & Co., stationcosts f 117 F r e d Smith, J r . , l a b o r on 84 Charles Hendrickson, labor 2,240 67 Received from Mrs. Hiinee, for bridges, Wall for taxes, 1907 ery 32 00 S m i t h b u r g road 47 X 531 Nelson V. Giles, services" on bridges, Neptune old p l a n k b o u g h t 299 Daniel Gouldy, labor on Received from Wm. A. Foun1 9 4 "William A. Dey. labor on 41S J o h n L, H e n d r i c k a o n , l a b o r rendered assistant proaoReceived from George Woods. 85" Curtis White, labor on bridges, Wall 18 00 tain, Cpllector of Matawan bridges. Millstone 12 25 300 Curtis 36 00 on r o a d s , Middletown 51 to tor for old p l a n k bought 3 (N bridges, Neptune White, labor on Borough, hla check on ac1L»5 Charles H. Crawrord, con532 James R. White, constable Griffin, James Brighton, labor on bridges, Wall 3,000 00 Received from Martin count taxes, 1907 28 00 419 Arthur E. Smith, labor Ocestable costs anic road ; 1G00 costs for old p l a n k b o u g h t ] bridges. Wall 2 00 301 F r a n k A. Solleld, l a b o r on 190 Theodore Hulick, serving 420 Aaron Armstrong, labor January 14. 533 S. B. Bergen, constable Received from J . D. TlirockWilliam II. White, labor on bridges, Neptune and subpoenas, &c, for corTinton Falls road OStS morton, for old p l a n k bridges. Neptune 52 00 Wall 109 00 Received from Daniel S. Voorrtner 421 Harvey S. Bedle, incidental 531 C. B. bought ', Daniel Gouldy. labor on 302 John Thompson, labor on hees. State Treasurer, his 1 9 7 Peter Forman, rnginoer'.s expenses costs Received from W i l l i a m B. bridges, Neptune 53 00 bridges, Neptune 107 00 Barkalow, Justice check foryt) per cent. State services on Manasquan Harvey L. Bedle, incidental Lloyd, for old- p l a n k Melvin Bedle, labor on 535 George H. Van Winkle. !tO3 John Thompson, labor on school tax, year rJ07 . . . . . 142,060 70 river 37 50 expenses b o ug l i t 1 bridges, Neptune 83 00 constable costs bridges, Neptune 33 50 E. Received from Catherine IDS Elwood Runyon, election 423 R . D . W o o d & C o . , p i p e f o r John T. Hopping, gravel for 536 E. S. Rue, salary as clerk Received from J o h n T. Tetley, 304 William H. White. labor on Morris, for Interest on expenses 103 60 culverts, Howell Highlands road 23 20 of grand Jury and incidenfor old p l a n k b o u g h t bridges. Wall 17 00 35 00 199 Grandin V. Johnson, lightbond •• 424 William L. Conover, labor Gt'orge W. Patterson, Jr., tals Received from Oscar Hesse, for James Ockerson, labor on 68 33 17 50 ing Highlands drawbridge on bridges, Manalapan.... 1G76 537 A. Robinson, school exam2S 85 labor Adelphia road old p l a n k b o u g h t 20 0 bridges. Neptune 4 00 J a n u a r y 16. 200 L. S. Packard, supplies for 425 Ira Carhart, labor on Albert Patterson, tending iner's fees Received from B a r b a r a Braseh, • , 306 CwB. Layton, labor on 29 O O i'ourt house and jail Received from Joseph McDerbridges, Raritan Pleasure Bay draw and 53S Charles H. Pox, stationery for old p l a n k b o u g h t zw bridges. Wall 2S 00 .IDl Oscar Kohinson, desks for mott, County Clerk, hla 126 Peter Ecker, labor on helpers 53i) E. A. Scott, services renReceived from W i l l i a m A. Cole, 307 C. F. Hendrickson, labor on freeholders' room checlc for s t e n o g r a p h e r s ' bridges, Karltan dered coroner C. Asa Francis, transportafor old p l a n k b o u g h t 2 50 bridges. Wall 28 00 202 Henry Callahan, labor on fees, October t e r m . 1907 . . . 85 00 Received from F r a n K C. B y 427 Estate T. S. R. Brown, mation fees for prisoners . . . . 540 J. Turner Rose, services 308 William E. Sickles, labor on bridges, Freehold 3 50 Received from Daniel S. Voorterials for bridges 3SO70 C. Asa Francis, summoning 40 00 rendered coroner ram, f o r s t o n e b o u g h t . . . . 18 20 bridges, Neptune and Wall 203 T. H. Lane, election exhees, S t a t e T r e a s u r e r , h i s 428 Charles Lewia, materials grand and petit jurors and 541 W. J. Parks, services ren309 H. E. Stanton, labor on Received from C. A s a F r a n c i s . penses check for a m o u n t of for bridges, Shrewsbury . . 13 43 milt.1 age 1,890 94 bridges. Wall dered coroner Sheriff, for p r o s e c u t o r s ' 34 00 204 Thomas McKnlght, labor school moneya a p p o r t i o n 423 Hendrickson & Applegate, Harvey S. Brown, salary fees, J a n u a r y t e r m , 1903 ... 479 00 310 John Boshior, labor on 542 George P. I.ehrltter, supFreehold and Matawan ed to Monmouth C o u n t y . . . 8,563 97 Received paint for bridges. Raritan as jail physician and exbridges, Wall 4 OO plies for jail from H a l s t e a d "H. road 12 2! and Middletown 2J3 37 543 A. B. Crawford, supplies ami nation lunatic 311 I. D. Storor, labor on "VValriwrigrht, for o v e r - p a y J a n u a r y 20. 205 H e n r y Callahan. l a b o r Joseph Johnson, court conbridges. Wall for jail m e n t of v o u c h e r 6 39 31 50 430 Shore Electric Co.. lighting 2 45 Englishtown road bridges. Middletown and stable foe 3 312 Clifford Parker, labor on 544 William T. Applegate, labor Received from W i l l i a m F . H o - *j Received from Benj. J . P a r k e r , 20fi Frank Marshall, repairing Shrewsbury 6100 bridges, Wall on roads 97 Charles W. Seller, court conKan, p r e s i d e n t of M o n Collector of S h r e w s b u r y 1 chairs and painting sign.. 6 431 Smith Premier Typewriter 545 Conover Emmons, land purstable fees 313 Edgar Parker,' labor on mouth County Electric township, lifa check on a c 207 F. S. Vborhoes. labor In Co.. supplies for County chased for new road . . S. 1?. Bergen, court constabridges, Wall Co., for f r a n c h i s e t a x t o count t a x e s , 1907 7,500 00 jail 42 Board of Taxation 54G Ten Eyclc Conover & Bro., ble fees 84 OO 314 W. II. Reynolds, labor on S e p t e m b e r , 1907 500 00 20S John Stapleton. labor on 432 Joa. W. Throckmorton, maJ a n u a r y 21. bridges, Wall labor on bridges, Matawan John W. Errlckson, constaReceived from D a v i d S. C r a t e r , bridges, Atlantic 114 85 315 Charlie Morris, labor on terials for bridges, Mid547 George W. Patterson, Jr., ble costs S u r r o g a t e , h i s c h e c k for Received from Mary E . B e n 209 John U Ely, labor Holmdel dletown 350 50 cash paid men for unload.* bridges, Wall fees from S u r r o g a t e ' s of;0O William Glblin. labor court nett, for intoreBt o n bond. 100 00 14 00 316 Bert Plttenger, labor on and Bradevclt road 433 Elmer K. Morris, 16 days ing pipe ,,... 20 45 fice, to J u n e 10, 1903 978 55 house and jail Received from Daniel S. Voor210 John L. Hendrlckson, labor inspection Oceanic draw648 W. J. Matthews, laBor on [01 L. G. Iteid, labor court bridges, Wall 8 00 Received from F i r s t N a t i o n a l hecs, S t a t e T r e a s u r e r , hi3 Middletown and Keyport bridge bridges, Howell house and jail 317 John Jacobs, labor on B a n k of L o n g B r a n c n , for check f o r s t n o g r a p h e r s ' road 1,070 65 649 Joseph Reynolds, labor on bridges, Wall 102 John Vanderveer, cleaningloan on C o u n t y Note, No. 28 00 434 J. F. Shanley Co., tabor on fees 100 00 roads (stone) £54 83 bridges, Howell 2 OO 211 Joseph K. Coward, salary carpet court house 313 Pcrrine D. Clayton, labor 23 15,000 00 as engineer steam roller.. 90®) 435 W. A. Shoemaker, map for 650 Wm. N. Worthley, labor on on bridges, Neptune and [03 Mary McGowan, labor Received from Second NationJ a n u a r y 30. 212 J. H. I). Van Mater, labor prosecutor , bridges , Wall ! court house ; al B a n k of Red B a n k , for on bridges, Marlboro Shipley murder case Received from Benj. J . P a r k e r , 651 II. L. Beutoll, labor on Sou. 31'} William HUIRU, labor on County Note, No. 24 10,000 00 .01 Elmer Smythe, labor court 213 Library Bureau, metal rolCollector, hla check for Bright bridge bridges. Wall house 28 00 436 Peter Forman, survey of Received from Citizens' N a ler slide shelves for cleric's Farmlngdale and Hamilton ^ balance taxes, 1907 6,000 00 552 Edward P. Taylor, labor on 320 XV. if. Flltcroft, labor on [05 George J. Mulholland, labor tional Bank o f L o ng oilice , 21 00 road 100 00 bridges, Holmdel 16 5 bridges, Howell SO 00 court house B r a n c h , f o r loan o n CounF e b r u a r y 10. 214 J . W . D a n s e r , planlc f o r 437 W. R. Stevens, salary as 653 N. J. West Va. Bridge Co., 321 Andrew Johnson, labor on \V. V. Reynolds, supplies ty Note, No. 25 6,000 00 Received from David S. Crater, bridges. Atlantic auditor 22 11 steel wheels for Sea Bright purchased for engine bridge.1!, Upper Freehold.. Received from A t l a n t i c H i g h S u r r o g a t e , h i s check for fees 215 F r e e h o l d G a s L i g h t Co., 4 3 3 Frank S. Blaln, labor brldgo house 3*J1! J. H. Shepherd, labor on lands N a t i o n a l B a n k , for from S u r r o g a t e ' s otllce to gas, court house and jail.. 20 21 Smithburg road 47 75 554 Wm. A. Van Mater, labor 10 75 bridges. Freehold loan on C o u n t y Note, No. 26 13,000 0 0 J. B. White, Collector, waF e b r u a r y 10, 1908 199 02 216 C. Asa F r a n c i s , b o n r d of 439 John T. Hopping, gravel for 323 Chnrlos Height, labor on Middletown road ter and sewer rent court Received from J o h n F . Woolp r i s o n e r s for m o n t h of D e roada 1,247 55 555 J._ •107 80 J. W alter bridges. Wall a l t e r But Butcher, l a b o r 90 CO house J u n o 13. ley, Collector of Ocean ber 2,188 63 324 A. H o w M l M i l l e r , l a b o r o n 440 William H. Patterson, laAdelphia road , OS J run«s M. Ay res, headstone t o w n s h i p , his check for bor Blue Ball road 146 30 55C Charles Smith, labor Adel 151 93 15 W 217 J . If. D. V a n M a t e r , l a b o r bridles. Wall for deceased coldior from W i l l i a m B. b a l a n c e taxes. 1907 4,281 1)4 Received on Freehold and Matawan 441 W. P. Throckmorton. sal325 10. S. Vanleor, materials for !)D James M. Ayres, headstone phia road Thompson, for I n t e r e s t on Received from J . Don Conover, road 120 24 ary as stenographer 31 07 60 00 557 1500 hridges, Wall bond '. 32 50 for doe«atu>d aoldior Collector of Matawan 21S 11. XV. Lambertson, labor 412 Charles L. Stout, stationa. D. MeglU, l a b o r Adelphia 326 Lewis Lumber Co., mater.10 J. N. Burtis, burial docea.3 tow nali lp. bin cheek for Koyport road 125 % 35 35 ery 15 11 653 William I I . Haii,"j'r.|"labor ials for bridges, Wall . . . . <H1 soldier $601,313 59 b a l a n c e t a x e s , 1907 03119 218 W. H. Stryker, labor Free413 Charles L. Stout, salary as Adetphin road 327 C n r r e l l N. A l l g o r . l a b o r on 11 1-2. I'J. Throekinorton, on achold and Matawan road... 67 00 Recotvcd from M a t t h i a s Wool15 OO secretary County Board of 559 Josenli bri.igen. W a l l >si!pu L. Hutcjier, labor count percentage Cultjj DISBURSEMENTS. C. lluck. labor Taxation 90 00 ley, for old p l a n k sold . . . . fifi 10 3-JS I I . H. Lcroy. a a l u r y an f r e e Adolnhia road ; Nrrk now road 200 00 220 William 22 50 Colts Nock road 125 00 444 XV. H. O'Brte.n, salary nn a s holder Joseph Tllton, l a b o r Adel12 J. Henry Knilcn, labor CorF e b r u a r y 13. J a n u a r y 8, 1D08. S. Illain, labor aiatiint secretary County 320 W. IE. CMiinver, s a l a r y a s 5 00 221 Frank phla r o a d llt*ti AVPIIIIO rimd Received from George- W. P a t Hmlthburg road 29 75 Hoard Taxation and oxfreeholder w . J. L a y t o n . l a b o r Adol113 William J. Layton, labor 1 lT. G r a n t J o h n s o n , countaterson. J r . , his check for 222 J o h n L a r k in, l a b o r H r a d e pemieB 72 10 38 63 ;t:ii) MiitthiiiM W o o l l e y , s a l a r y phla r o a d ,, 6 30 Ailclphla road ble c o s t s A. principal, $700. a n d Intcrv c l t r o a d 11 o n 4ii> XV. XV. Heveridgo, post mor:m f r e e h o l d e r William I I . Throckmorton. Ill OharUiH Smith, labor Adel2 U. Grant Johnson, consta«st, $47.(15, A m a n d a Heytem oxaniination^ 10 00 50 SO 2*.!!t J o s e p h T. K i n g s t o n , l a b o r 331 A. ('. IM fiber, HiiJary aa labor Norwooxl Avenue plila roHil B 30 ble coats nolda bond a n d m o r t g a g e 747 K> hridKPH, A t l a n t i c 40 « freeholder 125 00 41i; William IX WalHii«r. constaroad 115 Jsinuc McDonald, labor Adel1133,..! It "YV. W. Haniaay, probation ble eoHttt 71 79 ??.\ J o s e p h C 11 e y e r, e l e c t i o n 'XXI F l m e r K. PolliemiiH, s a l a r y D. W. Bedford, school o r phia road olHcer's fooit and tsxpeiiH*!!* *"" ' F e b r u a r y IB. ' : »[i freeliuhh-r ders 125 00 447 John White, labor Manala4 Churle-fl A. Koenltf, eontttullfi H. llnfonmn, labor AdelHocolved from Qaortfe M. Hulso pan road 4102 110 C6 TS K. S. R u e . " i n c i d e n t a l c x •C;t;t MIIIIU1:I|IIIII Llfvht Co., l i g h t phia road 2 89 lilt* COHtH 12 50 p<Mi:if.'i a m ! jjsiinry a" c l e r k US Hound Hrook Htono Co., i n g Muniilai.ua b r i d g e . . . . M a r c h 11. 1008. 117 J. Walter ltuichor, labur for intermit on bond li OhtirloH A. K o o n l K , e o n s i t a of < 5 r a n d J u r y stone for roiuln 27 91 3;U I'liillp Conine, e l e c t i o n O x AdolphliL road l)li> ("OHttJ F e b r u a r y 2(5, '.'% J . XV. K'-nnet t, n«rvtC0N 410 V.. K. Throi'kmorton, labor GUI .Toiieiih T. Hmlth, labor on 118 Wllllnni V.. Hleklt-rf. labor C Charli'H A. K o e n l K , c o n a t u l rendered coroner Received from Daniel H. Voormi rnadu ;S:1T« A rt I m r (1. I ;it 1 on, l a b o r on lirliltroa. Wall 1 89 Avenuo rond bld roHtH 2l!7 R S. Vaiil»M>r, labor on IifM'H, Htat« Tren.'niror, hit) r»f> Mrmmmith 1 ><'mner:it, s t a fit;:, A. IIDWOM Millor labor otl hridire:i. Howell 110 John T. Hopping, Kravul for 7 CharliMi I t . C r a w f o r d , e o n hrldgPH. W a l l clicck for balance 10 p e r tionery lirlilRun. Wall •XV) Juine.t i,. El.ill, a:iMi:Utn(T fur MiiUlU't()wn rond 4100 ntabl«i c o a t s r 2 ^ Il.Miiy 1\ H u r r h i , o l c t i . m emit. Htato fichool t a x , y e a r ir.l O. 10. Smoek, labor I'aton. 'i)i: Jumt'M 10. HennoMHoy, labor niill! Joniah Marrlncr, labor Cnr8 \V. W . 1)11 ta f h o a r d of j u r y tnwii rond 1007 • lugdale) on Oc-«niiport brl<l«o 40 00 00 00 HCH AVCllllO I'OlUi m u r d e r OIIMCH L>2!) XVI Ilia TII Ttodiu-y,' loiniiii)',' I"--* nielmr.l VtiMiinnt, InehlenOIl K. I Inf.'11111111. 'i.'i'i n i r Gf.7 <'im»rill<lntuil O(JM Co., lliflltJrjiMo Van Sickle, labor 1 !) T Kilwnvd l l a n k t n s n n , r o n ; .; ' . March 9. S.MI HrlKht l i r a w b r h U v . . . . tal eKpei!!H'M Adelplila read itiK bridges 38 51 07 11 83 «$ Hclniar rond :SM 1 1 ntnbltt (Muitf) \r\\) (iiM.ri ^ I*. L « ' l i r l t t c r , isup<:N! r.i'in'KH' I' . Mai-Mtlen, scr- ' Ji.hu 11. n n u n , l a h . r,c,s OWIMI- jr. MKIIM; labor on J. K. Shu nli'v & <'<>., <m » c 10 . l o h n \V. llulHu. JnMllcn pllPM for lull Hocolvort fi'mu Abljah C Flfihvleen rendt'icd coroner . . . l.ooh Arbor IirltlRO roll'si Neck mail r o u i i t r i m l r a c t CoItM N e r k er, for old c h a i r s &<:. Mold WM Jaiin-'i N o n u i , lulu 4 r * I lliirvey H. Hrown, post inoron WU i i w n i J . Mdli'D, (itboii on (I r , e W. I.uniliertnu laroad \v.' iluitio, Ju.il l e e 10 50 11 J o h n from Court Housn in c t em exam In ill Ion y lirldKo n.t Oouth IJIIKOAUIID b o r . Iliilmdi'l m u d f'luwh'H S. J l . M o u n t , fiuproMlii 1'E F r a n k l.'.i W. W. Hinniiiiy, probation 10. r r l . i - , l a b o r 1111 ll. ll. I I U I M I K I I I , l a b . u M a U r»,'l) William Iloilnny. temlliiK pllc:i fur fall 11 01) 12 J o h n W. lluliio, Juntl.:o Miuoh 11. ollirer'ii fees and cxprnrnvi brhl|;.\'<, M l d d l c d i w n wjm m a d HIML H r l s h t lirlfiKO Jfmi'ph M c D o r n t o t t , i n d i ' x ir.t; i\. IS. I t e r c . e n , <M>MMtahle lllCI I . ( ' . A v t i r n , t f i i i l l n g < l o i i m SI 6 V 1 1,. <:. A r r e i , trniliilK Qolico •17 W a l l e r II. AhriiniM, l a b o r 1 luhus, JuHtioo J o h n • \V. Uncutved from Kutfenn Iloncft, Wcrk illliwbridf'n Neck dra\vbritlg« . . , * . , . , . . M l l h iirul ronil wmiiini < COHlM for Intercut, on bond i:il I t . T . E t m i l l i , l i u r l u l Inilll.'>7 The...lore, F . Hlilffen." j'lintle'o Albi-it, l'iittnrami, lontllntt 4 (XI <le.,,-!•,<• W. I M I t l T K O I l , J r . , ountal > . I l i i l i "VVIilln ItiicoWml from David M. ('rntor. K O I l t JHM-MIHI rit'uauru Hay Utawbrhl^tj lalmr Adelphlii ruml r.j oo VMl f'li:nl«>M 'I 1 . M i i n l u v i ' , l a i n 1 l l l f CDMtil HnrroKUtt\ hln cheek for luiilnl lndl. t a i l httlii«>[-i . . . . fc.,..,,,,..,, MIUMIDIK' . . . . » r.i i :::, i t . T . S m i t h , P o r t l a n d Laml <'o.. elei-Hun V.<S \>. s. ( ' r a t e r , n a l a r y UM S u r W U l i i i i n l>. H u l i t fn«« from Hurrt»KUto?B ofJVIII pffftllllM t' It. 1 u y t o n , l.jhor osi l u l i o r <i roe.ale 211 2C, Niiiniinl !•'] y.»r. b i n coiitM Offi »G ilcn t o March 11. liHIfl........ I'ii'i . I d h n A . 1l l o w l n n d , MeiT.enut UtUlKcH, MpptUlm , . , . , , . , , •i: ('."<:.irilii'ii llyei : i'i.''i' ; oiii'et'nr, T.'i | l . [!, C r a l e r , lnrlil.-ntal (:xon b i l i l i - ' - . Mllintittu* . . . a t nriii't M I I l a r y IlvcnWflii from O. Ana Kranoln, William l»Wllllnni ll.»nn(i-tt, Hbnt "its iTefll.Hl e\pen;(e:l 1/t'IlMt'M !i, M. K l y . 1i l i o r o n b r h b ; . ' 351 M llul:»\ ( Hhorlff, hin dhuck for i»roflc I'll? .1. !<'nmli I ' a l t ei'Mon, c o n .1. I I . I ' l i n w i l V . l u l l . I I ' e . l l l l l Hit) i,. , | . AiTowMiutth. s i a l . u v a n itililKcx, Nnittnnn MUliltolM' MOO W l l l l l l l i l I>. Hill. 1 " 1 , • floutor'H foon, Ac. . . . . . . . . . . iitlibli! m i l l s hOUMe c l e r k Sui-niKUte':! oIliiM Ji>',i>i)li (inulily, Inltnr mi 5» SI TIMMUIIM r i i . n n i . B o n , In-bor h!n c.ofitM Itocoivftil from Fnrnmrn Na::M ( l i ' o r i ( i II. V i m Wlnltin. W i l l i a m Illlilln. l a b o r eourt. brld|;«'ti, M M l i i l o n n !C1 J . A. He K o e h e , :i;ilnry n:i 1 W l l l f i i m H . UlllM". l tional iiiuik of Allantown, cnnritillih lOMl'i !>7ii II ' l l . Hliin?<in! "lfttMjr"'oii liilll.-na m i l u l l 41 4(\ 'I', K i U v a r d U i i n k t i i f t o n , ame i e r k i l l l i r o ^ i t t««'n o f l l e e . . . 72 l « f i'n for lonn on County .Moto. I'll!) (', ^!m. I''rnlirlM, (1 ; u u l [ i o r t a « #* ittnblo roiila ...... M a r y rdrkttei. servli uf A. . 40:! .1. I,. Doniiliiiy, . •iular.v IIM Ilii clc, 15.000 0(1 10 Tlt«M»di»r( NIK H . - lion fi-ori Jllcklcii M I nlc.ht wntchM i u r y Apiil'^K'Ho, |>rlntlnir ( l e m i l y HllmiKntn i:oti Tecs KncolvM from Knwhold Mutnul 1110 II. W . ini-lliiK. cxaniliiallun IM hl^^E?, Ht-ptUIH' , , , . . . . . . 4,ii:t C h n r t e t I., l i w l n . I n b o r oit M o i i n i o i i t U i x i n o f i n i t , n l u L w i I j nun , 1 ffllio ... Utiin Afuiot;iutl«.n, for loan ll'y I> l.yU" Jntnlix, MJ<>\ »1> :ti't vvini lnhlK"!i, Mllltituho (lonrrv si 11 WH Joint Htabln foci on County Nolr, Mo. L> . . . . . liil(l(f«-(i, Wiitl "H \V. I*', ( J i i i v n i t , l i i m l i e r f o r n-i l t i n t l * > r . Win. ' I . Ihiffmiui. Iruvnllntv Jnnctih .lohnnou. noiin April )l. Jummry t.i. l'HIl r.w J o h n Tiinni'ioti, labor un ox pnniM'M ( ' o n (it y Hun i d of SIS 0,1 ::IM !•: i : . H u t r h h i \ bt-UlK^x. MHliUoiK* COHUI • Kixwlvwl from Jonnpu M. HI II'I'nxiit-lou .,... l>)ltli;««. Nnj)!i UP , , . , , , , „ W> \ J o l m Heinif, labor mi eounty nod* l> M l ! •>1 11. Voiirl lilrirmW W. ltnmfsoit, in, HI wtili, for 1mm o n County Ml, t M l t l a l t i l W. 1'. TlM'nrU m o r t o n , riii-ii\t»rldKi>in tifltlHtoim T i K i ) J o h n T i n iniwtn. iaWt «» ntnblo cofita r c r , JItii H i l l mill !,<(» 00 Nutt% N * » . W '••• •••• . i l K ' ' t i t |»-rm»i i'r, , ' i . h n Htapielon, luhor " u OK'i' |1 l'li< i 'i''» fi.'ilu r y , (,4<unt y W. Rmnmin, ( tUQ<!«lv»<l from John H. Hrum. IEOJUHI o t " I ' a K a t l o u ;i:>i ,IJUII»'- : I i i . n«iK< M*. h u r l i i l In LrUiK«n. A t Ian Ho 1 -.IIHIII for loan on County N»»t«, W. u. O'Hrion, uniury «'i n«W. Homnen. o.oii4**f ,I(V{i. *L\ KinKttUtn, %nfove o n J a u t u t r y ','A. vm. N<X 11 -; i ,r.(M) o o U 3W C, K 11. ' \'!jvik«l«»wV'"juM.h:Vt fllutiint m'urtUftry County ili^fi^iVWil front First Nauo*ml 18 fitt im \Y, -''5, F'hvIMm&hl, x*)Tvii!4« li Hutpliln A. l«ir, tU'« (MlfliM 2Xi J o n a t l m n C. Ar.kflrMiiVi, >3Unk tit I^mtf Uruiiuli, **>r loan on County Note, No. 12 : . 6.000OS Received from Farmers' National Bank of Allentown, for loan on County Note, No. 13 ,. 7,000 00 Received from F i r s t National Bank of Red Bank, for loan on County Note, No. 14 14.000 00 Received from Win. A. "Fountain, Collector of Matawan Borough, his check 2,760 40 on account taxes, 1907 Received from David S.. Crater, Surrogate, his check for fees from S u r r o g a t e s of7-iG 53 fice, to April 8, 11)03 Received from F r a n k E. Heyer, 100 (j0 for interest on bond Received from J o h n Stapleton^ 50 00 for i n t e r e s t on bond Received from William S. Child guardian, for board of Anna L. Hocft a t a s y l u m . . Received from Daniel S. Voorhees, State T r e a s u r e r , his check for s t e n o g r a p h e r y' fees to March 31, 1003 100 00 nm %m m Vg ism Open Friday Evening. Closed Saturday a t M@OH. **»,. A, £.dJ<fcb*ItK E * . Ana When You Can Own Your Home? mt EeMtor • J'i-Jt mttfHIfT.M»» -P.BI( r.'E: 54rS?*i'.'.:::::::::: $1.50 «° WEDNESDAY. JULY 29, 1908. ; Never Falls to I RESTORE GRAY o r FA»EE HAIM f© I t s NATURAL TOWN TALK. Souse time ago Judge Landis, of theC0L0H and BEAUTY No matter how long it has been gray »ited States court, fined the Standard 0 corporation twenty-nine million or faded. Promotes a luxuriant growth jHWsi Jor violating the laws of theof healthy hair. Stops its falling out, A H &t»nv Sited States. The laws of the United a n d positively r e m o v e s Danhair soft and glossy. KeSafes are very plain in the matter in drills. Keeps K ;f f "'- " »" "2% times as much hicb this corporation was hauled into i fuse all -" substitutes. mrt. It stateswhat fine the judge shall: in $1.00 as GOc size. KDOse in cases of violation of this law, IS NOT A DYE. M the fine imposed by Judge Landis riilln Hay Spec. Co.. Ncwurli. N. J. sa quite within the penalty provided Si and SOc bottles, at druggists' r the laws of this country for the COOPER. VANDEEVEEB. Tense charged. * * • When the fine was imposed the news- gooooeoeoooooooeeeooeoooo* jpew of the county jeered at it. News.ipera men put 'jokes in the papers jncerning the fine, and a good tleal of ii-rrimont was manifested. No one ;ery imagined that the fine would /er be paid. Everyone took it for wanted that a corporation with the ealth and influence of the Standard ^ il company would have pull enough to Q at out of paying this fine. g 200 Broadway, Long Branch. These beautiful Houses, located on Norwood Ave., Mind you, there was no doubt of the isilt of the corporation in breaking the MONEY LOANED Long Branch, for sale on easy terms. All improveJS7. That was conceded all nround. t>y wna tha crime the corporation comPERSONAL PROPERTY. ments. Heat, hot and cold water; bath, gas, electric if.ted like one of those crimes someroi'3 committed by men in the heat of ALL BUSINESS CONFIDENTIAL. light. Apply to ission. On the contrary it was a hne deliberately planned and as deBnrBninB in unredeemed pledfteB—Musiaoratsiy carried out. It was one of cal Instruments, Tools, Jewelry, Liuiietj' and Gcntu' Clothing, Curtains, Bed lose crimes whereby corporations hope Spreads, Etc., Etc. i stamp out competition, and whereby , N. J. >?po;?ations with power enough can SEE Olllt WINDOW FOH PRICES. W e s t Lossg lin competitors engaged in the same luiuuss. • - . • • .Last v/eek the United States circuit iurt reversed this decision of Judge iiniiis. The reversal was not due to so claim that the crime had not been Laying out Grounds and Flower Garimmitted: the reversal was founded dens, Grading, Moving Trees, Shrubs t a technicality. And not only did the idges of the United States circuit and all kinds of planting. Hedges mvt reverse the decision, but ac-clipped by day or contract. All kinds irding to the newspaper reports they of Rustic Work built or repaired. Al javily scored Judge LandiB for im-work promptly attended to. x>inj>; the fine. A. J. DRAGER, ,** * Like the decision of the United RED BANK, H. I. tatca supreme court in the income tax ise, this decision of the United States Twcntn-Five Cents is the Price of reuit court will go a great ways toPeace. ard destroying confidence in the courts. \ 'hatever the actual legal value of the - The terrible itching and smarting, schnicalities raised maybe, the decision ! incident to certain skin diseases, is al' the court will be generally accepted ] most instantly allayed by applying 5 illustrating once more that in this I Chamberlain's Salve. Price 25 cents. faitry there is one law for the poor '\ For sale by C. A Minton & Co., No. 5 id another for the rich. The line, ; Broad street. CCttt_as it was, was not more proporonately than a fine of $25 on an ordip y citizen, but while the ordinary w a n would have to pay the fine or go > jail, the rich corporation guilty of igfating the law has no difficulty in AcHng a technicality on which the snalty imposed is set aside. {Town Talk continued on page 12.) FORKED RIVER HOUSE FOEKED RIVER, N. J. The best Fishing and Gunning point on BarnegatBay. Yachts furnished on application. Board by day, week or summer. All modern conveniences. F. B. GOWDY, Manager, NEWARK'S BROAD, STORE NEW MB IIALSEY STREETS. BEAUTIFUL. IMPORTERS. RETAILERS. The Pinch of the Purse ' Will MotBe Felt IF. YOU JOIN OUR CLUB HOUSE WHICH MAKES IT EASY TO PAY. Our Club Plan for the buying of home equipment which makes it easy for young folks just beginning to keep house, and others, to furnish a home complete without financial strain. By joining one of our Household Clubs you can buy almost everything that goes to furnish a home without a big initial expenditure. Thousands have joined these clubs and are enjoying their advantages. Members of the Household Clubs can choose from our mammoth stocks, paying only our regular low prices, and arrange for the payment in the easiest possible way. WHAT YOU CAN BUY ON THE CLUB PLAN DINING CHAIRS PIANOS RECLINING CHAIRS LIBRARY SUITES PARLOR SUITS BRASS BEDS BOOK C.ESES COUCHES IRON BEDS EStACEY CABINETS FANCY TABLES BED SPRINGS •WRITING DESKS LIBRARY TABLES MATTRESSES PILLOWS MUSIC CABINETS LIBRARY COUCHES DINING TABLES MORRIS CHAIRS DIVANS, COTS • SIDEBOARDS ROCKING CHAIRS CHIFFONIERES CHINA CLOSETS REED CHAIRS DRESSERS SERVING TABLES LIBRARY CHAIRS SCREENS HALL CLOCKS HALL RACKS MAGAZINE STANDS CARPETS RUGS PORTIERES LACE CURTAINS TABLE COVERS WINDOW SHADES SEWING MACHINES TALKING MACHINES HAHNE & CO., Broad, New and Halsey Streets, Newark, > • • • • • • • Meetings of the Board of Health. The regular meetings of the Red Bank Board of i Health will be held on the first Friday of each j month, nt 8:00 P. u., at tho Town Hull, on MonI mouth Btreet. Persona having complaints to make will present them to the secretary in writingf. ! CHARLES D. WARNER. President. I JAMES H. SICKLES, Secreta*r- Prescription Druggist. SIMMER «&-*-e». TINTON FALLS NEWS. <ttrffe Quantities of Huckleberries Be- • inn Gathered. •J^fjjgre quantities of huckleberries have eon -gathered a t Pine Brook the past, BW weeks. The boss huckleberry picker i James Cummings. On Saturday he icked 52 quarts of berries and sold them J John Wilson, who runs a truck route long, the shore. Mr. Cummings (rot an cents a quart for the berries. Other ucklfeberry people are Charles VanSrunt, Ai'thur Berry, Alex Spencer and '.ubert Crunwell. The Sunday-school will go on its annual Winic t o Asbury Park tomorrow. The : rip will be made in stages. Edwurd Evans is employed on William 'jrothcro's farm at Colt's Neck. The Shanley company has finished its tmtrtict to stone the Colt's Neck road B far as Daniel Shutts's place. The o.xd was rolled with a steam roller last .volf and was given some other finishing ouches. The road from Mr. Shutts's >!;ice to Eatontown will lie stoned by IH' Monmouth Construction company of led Bank. George L. Hance, the milk dealer, HS re-enclosed his house on the ScobeyU!e road with shingles. A horse owned by Edward Scobey was aken sick Sunday and had to be shot. St. Scobey bought the horse, about a vock ago. The horse was taken to •'rank Johnson's fertilizer factory. William Roy, who is employed by '/illiain Casler, was arrested last week in a charge of non-support made by I:J wife. At a hearing before Justice Jryon of Eatontown he agreed to give >ia wife $2.50 a week and the charge sfniiifit him was dismissed. Slrti. Beatrice Matthews of Freehold ws returned from u visit to Mrs. Penron H. Bennett. LINCROFT New Van IV T ff X f r T;«< work of putting up fender!! on t tt t T ff ••-0$ NEARLY AS GOOD AS NEW fe-~ f t I.have at my Garage several Second-hand Automobiles for sale, which include two Wintons, a f Royal Tourist, a Leon Bollee and Cadillacs. These have all been thoroughly overhauled and are f in first-class condition. f One of the Wintons is a 30-horse power car, with full equipment, canopy top and glass front, f i, J T T Terra Cotta Pipe and Fittings. \ v £ jk - ; . .. . T Large Stock Constantly on liana at Lowest Market 1'ricen. T f Ed. von Kattengell, Corner Monmouth St, and Maple Ave., Steam Pwrmps and Wiradmills Put Up. T which I will sell for $700. A Cadillac, in excellent condition and newly painted, for $350. Here is a chance to get a good Automobile cheap. S'O^i ^?:'^ f ' ! le0. kh Practical Plumber, Steam and Gas Fitter. No. 29 Front Street, Red BanK, H. J. Ocean Avenue, Scabrigfot, N. J. tt f Jl niisil him had » coat of \:W ;:i!<1 yrnvA. V.SB l/ttudl'm »f Unrrimiii In viioting Jsj, Jiiiitn' T»uiliiii">n. •jo")rt »Jtti'ii!iH( .S'iffol, who lum been hi:-kr:'4 t f ! tho l>mr-o with vorli|»o, IH "Cooper's Soda" Front Street, foot of Broad Street. Where the Trolleys Stop. RED BANK, N. J. Stray Pointer Dog in the Village- Ileiiident to Move to lied Hank. A valuable pointer dog wandered in .lie village last Friday. The dug's • • : • IWIIIT is unknown and die animal isi benjif oared for by residents of the place. J-lir-d Lydia Thompson is visiting her •nupin. Miss Marion Taylor (if Long iranch. u ViU* Uiiptuit Sunday-school went on bs aiviiuiil picnic to Anbury 1'nrk liiut i'Jii'rmtay. The trip to Red I tank wan mxlo in wagono and the picnickers Had'" tilts rent of their journey liy train, n comu'rtion with the Hed Hank Hap!,<(. Kunduy-Bcliool. Mi'*» Emma Thompson fi]>ent Tuciiday >f ln«l %vcfk a t Anbury 1'nrlt. C'Jeiiili" (sormun of Now York in npendy-i^ .-I'voral dayo with his aunt, Mrn. (*><.)) Hi'ldlc. William and Walter KidUo, "vbo ;iro ernployod at Soyri'ville, j» ist ;-»:iii(!ay a t their home here. ^rt'i, Alnani Sanborn haii n.-covcred •«•'«».'* 1. Broad and White Streets, Red Bank, N. J. J NEWS. h? f J«wninn i'ipriiij'11 rond, opponif.e the '"ilti'-rH wntcr workii, h»n lieen finiiihed. J'jh't ;-iti'!;uiayi.-r <>t Now York was a 3<,.'.»it j; ! -l r -'t " ' •f<'hn Mouner of tho Talcum Powders Toilet Waters Bay Rum Liquid Green Soaps Fine Toilet Soaps Sgarettes. My stock of Cigarettes was never so large as at present. It includes not only all the good old standard varieties, but all the new things in this line. Some of the new varieties are the Prize Cups with plain, Cork and Silk Tips, at 25 cents a box; and Regattas, with Cork Tips, at 15 cents a box. The Mogul, Murad, Natural and Dolma, which formerly sold at 15 cents a pack, are now 13 cents. In the line of Cigars I aim to keep about every brand .of Cigar for which there is any call. Of course, even with the big stock I keep there is occasionally a request for some variety which is local to some particular locality, but as a rule I can supply ^yery call, whether for domestic or imported Cigars. '" i I have some new shapes in pipes which are proving very popular. SITES: RED BANK, N. J. T T T t t CONTRACTOR J PAINTING A I D PAPER HANGING 4 2 9 West Front Stroat, Throclsinorton Bsillsiliiff s p> 4 g • ' -—».«____»._ 1 f 'IVIophono ll'l ' ' • I i K All Now MpriMjj; BI,,ylWi of WALi, 1'AI.MOItH oil IIJUKI and I (Jonipofcont Mon to do your work. I • ' iiiMiin.rini-ii.ii.il ^ i ^ -••—_^___^____BM__1MI^__^—^-- — • • — „ _ _ _ ~ _ _ ~ ^ ^ _J_ _ — — * — —. _ _ - — — — — — — — — _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ABSOLUTE ¥ _ . _ _ _ . _ _„ _ _ _ ., ~ ______„„ _ _—-—-, z-f— j- — - • - • - - r 1* ^ ' • 5 4. AUCTION -OF THE- ¥ ¥ ¥ „'• -1'?-. • ••' . 4 ' . A ' • 4, WHICH CONSISTS OF 700 CHOICE LOTS AND PLOTS TO BE SOLD ON THE PREMISES. MOlfBAT. AUGUST 3 WEEK and Continuing AM Week. *v CITY I Sales. Commence Each Day at |CEAN GROVE PARK TRACT ^ Seated on Ocean Avenue, and includes all the Ocean frontage between Ktlmar and Spring Lake. Has also a frontage of over one-half mile on beautiful Lake Como. Consists of over 700 lots; 100 Ocean Front lots, 200 Lake Front lots and 500 inside lots We have lots suitable fur the millionaire or the humblest mechanic. All to be sold without reserve or limit Choice sites for Hotels' Ideal Bungalow sites Pine covered lots for th • health seeker. Boulevards and wide streets have been built through the property, cement sidewalks and curbs laid and thousands of dollars spent in improving same in every way The property must be seen to be appreciated. We want the public to see our tract We are spending thousands of dollars in advertising same, and have adopted a novel method to have the public attend these sales and see for themselves. Therefore we promise to give away tiCflHOUTH Bt*( tCi>i BR*hCH*: EAN WE PARK including 12 superb Upright Pianos. Other presents will consist of Diamonds, Watches, Silverware, Bric-a-Brac and many other articles too numerous to mention. These presents are tofetf distributed each day free to those who attend the sale. Given away at 2 p M before the sale. You do.not have to spend a cent to receive them No lottery ; only givtn away to advertise our Tract. Samples • 4- of these presents are on exhibition at store of MILLER & BOOZE, Mai street, Asbury Park. ""A^^—(r EASY TERMS! EASY TERMS! •f Easy terms will be given to those that desire and you can buy on monthly payments. Come and look the tract over before day of sale and select your lots. Price the adjoining property and make up your mind what the lots will be worth to you. 4. FOR INVESTORS AND SPECULATORS. This will be a great opportunity for you to invest. Lots sold at auction rarely bring one-half their value and this is a free positive sale, no reserve, no limit, no bidding in—property is rapidly enhancing in value, and this is the last large Ocean and Lake Front property left for miles in this vicinity. HOW TO GET TO OUR PROPERTY DAYS OF SALE. We have made an agreement with the trolley company to run special cars every five minutes to Tenth Avenue, Belmar, only two blocks from our property. Suitable conveyances will meet trolleys and take you direct to our tract. Those coming by train leave the cars at Belmar where conveyances will meet every train. For further information and illustrated booklet, address Cookman Avenue and Main Street, ASBURY PARK. BRIEF ITEMS OF NEWS. bile Friday and a gash five inches long port Baptist church, and family are spending a month in New York state. was cut in its neck. Contract Given Out. Fined for Cruelty. MINOR HAPPENINGS IN ALL Thomas Proctor was civen the conOn complaint of Elmer WainwriffhtPARTS OP THE COUNTY. Clarence Evans of Long Branch was tract to fill in Ocean avenue at North , fined §14.20 Thursday on a charge of LOUR Branch. His bid was $2,100. Personal Notes, Trifling Accidents, ' cruelty to animals. Sailed for Denmark. Odd Incidents and Interesting Fea- New School at Imlaystown. Mrs. A. G. Lober and family of Keytures of Life in Village, Town and port sailed last week for Denmark, Work has been started on the school at Imlaystown. The building ' where they will spend the summer. Country. Herbert Sanford of Farmingdale has i w . m b e finished'by t h e t i m u sel '°°L b t ' " Dog Kilted by Auto. RlnsmtM cemUL1 given up his position with John T o l l e y : -'P A fox terrier belonging ig to to James of that place and is working as a cake ! Woman Burned. Birks of Long Branch was cut in two baker for his father. ' ; M r s - William T. Voorhees of Center- by an automobile Thursday night. Dr. J. T. Welch of Long Branch re- v i l l e w a s lighting a gasolene stove last Horse Fell on Him. turned last week from Dallas, Texas, (. wee k when her apron caughtfire.She John Woolley of West Grove was where he attended the national conven- ]w i t s badly burned, seriously injured by a sick horse falling tion of Elks. ' ! over on him. The horse died. A horse owned by A. S. Fettit of j Death at Manasquan. Freehold was taken sick last Tuesday j Mrs. Margaret Cook of Manasquan Death of an Infant. night and it died the next morning. j died Sunday of last week at the home of The infant child of W. F. WorthingThe annual harvest home of the 1 her daughter, Mrs. Fred Newman. She ton of Matawan died on Monday of last Methodist church of West Long Branch j was 51 years old. week, aged five months. will be held Tuesday, August 18th. „ .„ ,, , n A daughter was recently born to Mrs. Harvest Home at Long Branch. Large Picking of Pickles. A harvest home will be held at WashH. T. Graham, wife of the Presbyterian John Daley of Clarksburg, a pickle ington park, Long Branch, August 12th, preacher of Englishtown. Dr. Archibald S. Higgins of Mana- for the benefit of the Methodist home _rower, is picking from fifteen to twenty barrels of pickles a day. squan is having a bungalow built on the | at Ocean Grove, Lawn Sociable at Freehold. beach at that place. j . »r Launch Joseph P. Buck, son of A. J. Buck of A William Launcn. The Helpful club of the Freehold Lewis of Branchpoint is buildFreehold, has started a butcher business ing a twenty-foot launch for Raymond Methodist church held a lawn sociable at Hightstown. recently and cleared $25. Mrs. A. T. Metzgar of West Long P. Hendrickson and R. A. Sexton of Twins Born at Farmingdale. Branch, who has been very sick, has Long Branch. recovered. Twin boys were born to Mrs. WilThieves at Englishtown. Four Hightstown farmers have joined A few nights ago thieves entered Dr. iam Lippincott of Farmingdale on the Monmouth county farmers' ex- A. S. Applegate's house at Englishtown Saturday of last week. change. and stole a gold watch belonging to Mrs. Large Catch of Butterfish. Mrs. Howard Trissel of Manasquan Applegate. Stewart Cook, a Long Branch fisherreturned from a New York hospital hint man, caught nearly a hundred barrels jF*is/i Hook in His Hand. week. W. S. B. Parker of Long Branch has Henry Grair, son of II. W. Grnir of of butteriish Thursday. been appointed a special rm\st.er-in-chan- Long Branch, ran alish hook in his band Clarksburg Man in Hospital. cery. last. week. The hook had to be cut out George Thomas, clerk in Frank HorJ. W. Danser, postmaster of Freehold, by a doctor. net's store at Clarksburg, is a patient is recovering from a severe sickness. at n Trenton hospital. Cut Off End of Toe. Allio Ely of Ely is a medical patient VanDyko Polhemus of Manalapan was Elected Pianist. at the Long Branch hospital. The gross receipts of the Emley's dimming a roadway with an axe when George Vanliuel ban been elected the axe slipped and cut oil the end of pianist of the Methodist Sunday-school Hill ill h harvest t h homo were $328 $328..Fire escapes have been put in the lis big toe. of West Long Branch. Freehold grammar school. Sale of Barber Buainesii. Choir Has a Picnic. A new roof is being put on the MataWalter Thompson of Freehold has The choir of the Englisbtown Methowan graded school. sold his barber IIIIKIIIOKS to John Torelli, dist church went on a picnic to Asbury Milk Man Cuts Ilia Hand. who sold the imsineiiK to Thompson two Park a few days ago. John Carpenter of Heltnar wnctiictlinp: years ago. Long Time iit One Place. the knives of a panel minor in a mill Two Lots Sold. Capt. Oscar Stanhope has been em mill he cut hiu hand so badly that ten Sjiencer Edwards has bought two lot: ployed by the T. H. H. Brown estate at iilitchoi) wero required to clotso tho cut. on Washington street, Long Hrimrh, Keyport for !!1 years. Birthday Celebrated. from Gilbert Lane. Ho will build or A Firemen'it Parade. Mr. nnd Mrs. II. K. Trent of Freehold tho lots. The annual parade of the Long Brnni'l entertained a number of young people Child Oku From tHphtlwriu. firemen will take place on Wednenda; on Tuesday ni^lit of luut week to celeMargaret Naglc, ii|C'd I'leven yearn night, August nth. brate the birthday of their lion Albert. daughter of Mrs. Mary Nagle of Oali Healina Contract Awarded. Shiulcn, died Thurmliiy night front-diph House Improved. Richard R. Brown of Keyport ha M. C. Hurmi of Lontf Branch has bee thcria. awarded the contract to install a hent- Mill to lie Made Into Storeu. improved hiii house by adding a larg 1 10 i»l? apparatus i' I' Olmttlo hif[h school The old IU'ill<! mill property on Front porch on the rear.' nt that place. Hiu bid was $7,100. nl.rc.et nt Koyporl will b« converted in- New Ilounc at Kvuport. Frank Tilton of Keyport is building Miim (iugle Limes Jewelry. to three ntoreii with Hats on the m-coml new house at tho corner of Cross an Minn Ilarrie (lufjle of Onklumil lout lloor. 1 )ivinion streets. a fjold brncel(!tand n j;nld pin last wcuh nt'Anbury Park. While m New York Auxif/ for 1Hin lit tilth. Knee Dislocated. Robert I '. Arnmt.mng, a Jersey City last winter nh<^ lout a (fold watch. Miim Myrin Park of Anbury Park dii lawyer, formerly of Freehold, ban gone located her knee while bathing in tli Death of a Cook. to fttmvur for the bcnellt of his health. ocenn Thunidity. Mnry K. I.iine, n colored cook Thieving Skunkit Killed. Milk HiiHinem Sold. ployofi Kiiniy yenm at tho I'XIUI (leorgo E. Hunt of near EngliitMown A. I.. Ackcnion of Keyport linn no Krouniin on i.ako avciiui', Anlmry I'nrk, killed three ukunloi liint week. The bin milk bumiicsm to William llrickmn (iiwl Thuriuliiy of heiirt dinemm. likunkii hud robbed him of 1!K diifketui. of Wicknt.unk. Aulo Sliia Hone. Milk Houte .Started. \ A hot'tw owned by H. B. Houof(»rte of Minittlcr on Vacation. John Cottrell linn iilurted 11 milk roul Kev, J, h. Coote, piintor of the KoyUrnuch wan titruck t>y «n ulitomo- R. R. II. Stout. , Keyport and will sell milk for six Ceo. O, Hendrickson, nts a quart. eyport Wants a Factory. The board of .trade oJ-JCeyport will y to induce a factory concern to locate that place. 'tercome by the Heat. Miss Lida Murley of Long Branch as overcome by the heat on Monday last week. nglishtown's New Jail. Englishtown has a new jail which is the engine house. There are two .eel cells. ged Woman Sick. Mr?. E. P. Miller, who lives near Imlystown, and who is 91 years old, is cry sick. 'resented With a Bible. William P. Beatty has presented the llentown Methodist church with a pulit bible. ockjaw Kills a Horse. George W. Clark, a Matawan milklan, lost a horse from lockjaw last 'eek. Deal Estate and Insurance, Rentals and Loans. Fire. Life, Accident, Health, Burglary, Boiler, Liability, | Teams, Marine, Automo bile, all forms of Surety I n s u r a n c e and Bonds. INSURANCE! REAL ESTATE! We represent leading fire insurance companies, such as the Home Insurance Company of New York, assets January 1st, 190S, $20,802,(J97J.>S. ALLAIRE & SON ROOMS 2 AND 3 60*Broad Street Red Bank, N. J. Established 1873. Telephone 249-J. one But. Best Companies Represented. IN ALL ITS BRANCHES. 'icycle Stolen. A bicycle owned by Philip Schmidt, a Ong Branch butcher, was stolen last reek. Vill be Pennington Student. Miss Lizzie G. Potter of Imlaystown ill attend Pennington seminary next erm. V . * -qt-T.S.^aSgifiL^.-gfc^g • +»*„»•«•-..». 60-62 Broad Street. Red Bank, N. J. Tel. RENTING OF SUMMER COTTAGES A SPECIALTY Farms for Sale Everywhere. FIRE INSURANCE AND LOANS. 247-L. Occr Thirty-Five Years. In 1872 there was a great deal of dirrhocii, dysentery and cholera infanum. It was at this time that Cham'aken to Insane Asylum. + orlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea William Ryan of Long Branch was temedy was first brought into use. It roved more successful than any other aken to the insane asylum on Friday. •emedy or treatment, and has for thirhiving Club Clambake. ,y-!ivf years maintained that record, The Freehold driving club will have a •'roni a srnnll beginning its sale and use extended to every part of the United •lambake at l'ortaupeek August 15th. UutcH and to many foreign countries. Jine drugcista out of ten will recomicnd it when their opinion is asked, alhuugh they have other medicines that ay them 11 greater profit. It can alVuys bo depended upon, even in the :n<>st severe and dangerous cases. For Mr. II. V. Whitney oilers free the l by C A. Minton & Co., No. 5 rvices of his stallions Ballyhoo Bey .iroad street, Red Hank. -landringhaui, Fairy Prince and Prince lamburg. These stallions are located it Brookdale Farm, near Lincroft, am: iirrangements may be made by addressng -IN "he First Peaches. R. A. Ellis of Freehold was the first armer there to take peaches to market. Stallion Service Free, 4 9 BROAD STREET, RED B/kMU, N . _. ^*!^^ AT MY NEW OFFICE. Rooms 11 and 12, Patterson Building, Opposite Postoffice. 8 H v A. D. COOPER, Red Bank, N. J. I Special Reductions K. C. T A Y L O I t , Roil 1-nnk, N. J Summer Millinery to elouo out our stock for tho season. Prices arc cut OIIO-tllil<l Off. Miss A. L. MORHIS, (JO IIROAI) ST.. I'uvnHwr*} cutti !M<! fivnvlt truohtnv of nil fcfitif STATIONERY. NKMt MONMOUTH STKKIOT, Directly opposito tli" Po^t O(lio<¥. !:ii>i«u» nnil W n r c h i i i i n n . 40 Mitrlimilo I l l i c Tennis, Croquet, Baseball Supplies, Flags, Poles, Brackets, Toys, Games, Ink, Paste, Mucilage, Pens and Pencils, Toilet Paper, Crepe and Tissue Paper, Books, Magazines, Children's Picture Books, and the largest and best slock of RI01) HANK, N. .1. F. W. MOSELLE, •, ;; 34 BROAD STREET, RCI» RANK, M* 1*. 375 00 821 C Asa F r a n n l s , t r a n s p o r t a ti tion fees f of f prisoners i to t 50 00 State prison 42 00 i £L2 ' George H. Patterson, ser100 00 ! vices for p r o s e c u t o r ' s ofllki C6 ! lice <!8 Oli j 823 Michael H a l l a r l n , l a b o r on [ brliigeH, M a l a w a n 7 3G 1 S24 W i l l i a m L. V'iin B r u n t , l a bridges, Malawan G 20 - S25 R. 1.1. Wood & Co., m a t e r i a l : f o r bi idges, ' M a n a l i i p u n . . . . " 5 40 . Kin W a l l e r I I . R u e , l a b o r o a i«) DO b r i d g e s , Cppcr F r e e h o l d . . 14 14 S27 A n d r e w J o h n s o n . labor oa bridges. I'pper Freehold . . 72 pi «•• .William Reed, liibor ou . anic dra.wbridge 1017 W i l l i a m L. V a n B r u n t , l a bridges, Upper Freehold.. 135 ii as freeholder H31 F r a n k E. Price, iron pipe bor M a t a w a n s t o n e r o a d . . 62 63 1155 M. P. Chamberlin, yellow7 for bridges, Shrewsbury.. 10« Thoma.s,,G. O r r , l a b o r M a n ?• f*-,JI"eroy- salary "as pine for bridges. Upper freeholder . 'J'££ J o s . T. liurowes Co., ma,a l a p a n road 125 0 0 01 18 03 44 Freehold ,\J Maxcy Applogate.'printlng teriuls for bridgea, Mid1013 J o s e p h I J . B u t c h e r , labor 22 00 1158 Consolidated Gas Company 9 W Adelplila road dletown and Shrtwybury. CO M 45 50 92 43 PP Pr lighting bridges • Matthias wfolley, aalary 1050 l a a a c McDonald, labor !)33 Matthew Mullon, labor on 1157 Kverett Matthews, labor .26 SO A d e l p h i a road bridges, Bhrcwabury and 125 00 19 95 19 95 1271 bridges, Freehold as freeholder for i,ii«t,<;s, Ncpiune 1031 a. 10. Smock, l a b o r IOatonMiddletown 115S Kverett Matthews, lahor on B'% J W. Danser, lumber for 219 25 034 John Thomson, labor CorCharles II. T. Cl-iyton'/burtown a n d Long Branch S5 00 75 84 bridges. Freehold bridges. Atlantic a n d ial soldier ... * Ue» Avenue road 41 13 1159 W. A. Hulse, labor on Freehold 153 75 VJ5 Geo. W. Ijiimliertaon, labor 1032 John Bennett, labor Val1 2 7 2 w . T. Hoffman, "traveling 53 73 bridges, Upper Freohold . . E,S7 J. W. Danser. lumner for ley u r i v e road Holmdel road 14 80 207 25 1100 A. C. lOrriekson, labor on ! CIJKtS expenses County Boarduof bridges, Holmdel and Mid52 CO v:A William kiyton, labor on 1053 Thomas J. McGurry, labor iC i)0 i TOD ( " l i a r l e s U S t o u t , s a l a r y 34 84 bridges, Manalapan dletowa Taxation Highlands gravel road 3 90 roads and bridges, N t p 130 50 707 C h a r l e s ] , . S t o u t , s l a l l o n e r y Theodore F . Clark, labor 5SS Paul C. Taylor, lahor on 1 15 41 38 S O 1051 Michael Callahan, labor tunt and Wall 30 04 l-i3 John Hacltman, constable 33 M l 7 * W i l l i a m II. ( J ' U r i e l i , salary on bridges, Manalapan . . . bridges. Wall -••• Highlands gravel road 0o7 KUiott Hcullliorpe, lalior 204 87. I a iui e x i t c t i s t ' H costs Walter B. Abrams, labor ESS Buchanon & Smock L u m b e r 3 5D (ii.i 0.) bridges, i'pper Freehold.. 17 20 1055 John A. Eaton, labor on Atkins Avenue ruad 15 2S 1274 : 7(t:t W 1' T h r o r k M m r t o M . salai-y R i c h a r d McNeely," 'justice on bridges, Manalapan . . . Co., m a t e r i a l s for bridges, '. S29 F r a n k K. lilain, p l a n k for I roails !i;iS V<.Tiiua Huulthorpt.'. labor 125 00 162 73 11C3 Albert Patterson, labor on SI KG ; 711) i i . T . l ' a r l r e e . s e r v i c e s r e n 1275 William B. Conover"salary Neptune • • •• -•• SO 00 5 00 bridges. Manalapan 10 00 lffili A. Howell Mlllur, labor 6 00 AtUIno AVI'TUH? roud | ,1..,•••.! e n r i i n e r as freeholder . . . bridges, Upper Freehold..6S0 J a m e s E . Heuncascy, labor x::0 A\'illi;ilii 1.. \'ini Briml. l.-lBelniar road 'XY.\ J oil ii Kot.hiHOii. labor At40 130 90 711 . 1 . I t . i i n e i l l t . T , c i . n o t a b l e 1276 Henry Arnoldy. Jr., agent' 11C4 Clailglily, Nleholl & Co., on b r i d g e s , Neptune a n d 127i 72 25 K0 Inn- on bridges, .Mataiviin C 00 1037 Wm. M. Bersen, lahor BelUiiiH Avenue ro;ul expressage on book » ; 3) I .-(jsls ••• yellow pine for Takanas10") S:!l "C;irl:in &• llevlin, mntel'iiils mar road •J10 L<Toy U.'inn-tt, labor At12G 44 John S. Applegate, j r . , • 4 bO ; 712 ( i . C . W i l l i a m s . J a s t t . ' . ' i - " s \ s .see. Lake bridge 379 51 Ml J . L. KilimoiYth. p r i n t i n g . . 201 9S 1C 20 10SS Kdward Dllatush, balance fur bridges, .Malnwnn Ichia AvtMLiu? rond 13 20 ! ;i;l K. II. H c r g c n , cnstable 1163 William Reed, labor on 1278 traveling expenses CounE'J2 J . L. Kinmoulli, p r i n t i n g I contract .price Alleiltown 17 50 l.:iJ Citi-tim . t llevlin, ninleriiiln 911 Cartiin , t l>«vlin, materials ty Board of Taxation 2LC W | costs bridges. Upper Freehold.. S3 13 Collector's r e p o r t 33 12 10 19| road f.H bridges, Ilolm.iel for roads, Marlboro Stewart, Warren & Co 8 2» 1,497 71 11CC J. B. Wliite, Collector, w a .711 J o s e p h Joiiii.snn, c m s l a b l c r,KJ Ocean Grove Times, p r i n t I 1053 stationery 17 50 S3:i O e o r g e W. l.iiiiil).r!s.)ii, lii!H_' I*. IX Clayton, labor Atkina 5 Jacob C Taylor, labor 7SM| r.ists ter and sewer rent, court DO S2 00 | I liiir on b r i d g e s , H o l i n d c l . . Avenut road Mkldlotown roadd 929 CO 173 55 IB*' Sea B r i g h t News, p r i n t i n g . 2tf)! J1S J a m e s M. Wailing, c o n s t a house and jail 94 53 1279 Smith Premier Typewriter Co., stationery . . . 1000 :M:J William HUVLMIS, labor CorPi 01 V.I K, S, Xcsliit, niiiterlals for F r a n k A. Bolleld, labor ble coals 11(17 Joseph H. Rosell, Jr., supKi5 Long Branch Record, p r i n t 12S0 Haggerty Bros., inspecting 10 40 lK's Avfiiue road •- •• b r i d g e s , .slirewHliury ;mil •• B0 00 Corlies Avenue road . . . . . . . . K)2 SO 716 J a m e s M. Walling, ci.nstaplies for jail 21 0) ing Collector's report yellow pine for Oceanic 1M4 J o h n 'I'. Mopping, labor 1001 Board of Water Commis<. 57 38 51) 00 \ Ocean 11CS Elmer Smythe, labor court ! hi,- eosls 12S1 bridge SftS P . H a l l P a c k e r , p r i n t i n g IS S O Mlfltllt-iowu road Ktoners. Red Bank, water SK F r a n k Blowers, lahor on house 2 00 232 S O ! 717 i-ietro Tomalnl. cniistable John Brower, labor " o n Collector's r e p o r t 119 37 [145 W i l l i a m Hulse. labor A t 1S7 08 1109 Samuel Rosengarden, s u p for stone roads bridges, Wall 12S2 bridges, Middletown C57 M a r y McGowun, labor c o u r t 22 00 1082 IX H. Ireland, lali'ur AtItins Avenue road 1 3 S 715 J a m e s K. Willie, c o n s t a b l e plies for jail 13 41 ' S3''. Abe 1-'. Blowers, labor o n William L. Conover, labor house ••• • 112 90 ('orlie.s kins Avenue road 58 40 1170 14 00 !l4t; ( \ L. l,o\v. labor William Glblln, labor c o u r t bridges, Wall • • ' ' ' 12S3 on bridges. Manalapan . . . CSS W i l l i a m Giblin. labor c o u r t 22 00 10C3 John Bonnett, labor lligliAvoiimroad ! C O 92 7 1 9 Jtil'ui Wliite, labor Frvcliol.l house a n d jail .' 40 30 , „ , , M',7 William I'.i-iinett, liibor o n Harry H. Hulshart, labor house a n d jail 4C 50 'M7 Steven Sondi^rniiT, labor lands Kravcl road 1,438 20 4'0O 1171 F r e e h o l d G a s L i g h t Co., I ,u nl b r i d g e s , Wall Matawan road . . . KJ9 W i l l i a m M c D e r m o t t , l a b o r 15 00 *'orli«'B Avenilv road lOCt Walter B. Abrnmn. labor ! 12 70 1254 c o u r t house a n d jail 13 19 I 720 T h o m a s McKnlght. labor s:;s William Rodney, tending „ William L. V a n B r u n t , l a c o u r t house m 1G8 7G I M S W i l l i a m II. Whit.;, labor Mflliurst a n d T e n n e n t rotul 55 53 11 m 7 0 00 1172 K d w a r d McGlory, l a b o r M a t a w a n roail He;i B r i g h t d r a w b r i d g e . . . . bor M a t a w a n road 600 G D- C a r s o n , c h a i r m a n , f e r CO 00 1005 Howard Daird, labor Balrd Oorlk-a Avenue road 12 15 1255 W i l l i a m L. V a n B r u n t , l a c o u r t house y a r d <•0(t 721 10. <:. Hacon & Co., ' s t n t l o n ,.„„.,' vai Cons.iliilated ( i a s Co., liKlit- !>2 'a M'J C. tilizer for court house yard 226 34 B. Layton, labor Corliea 100 95 1173 E. G. Bacon & Co.. s t a t i o n and H c r y e n s 1 Miils r o a d cry • Ini? b r i d g e s bor M a t a w a n r o a d 601 Freehold Gas Light Co., gas Avenue road 38 50 j iocs B o u n d Brook Crushed 59 34 12S0 Collins Bros., l a b o r Mata2S 80 722 W i n . l i . Hiirknlow, s t r a w ery sli) Dwen J . Melee, labor o n court house and jail 155 08 434 24 1174 H . A. S u t p h i n , T r e a s u r e r , S t o n o Co., s t o n e for r o a d s 1S1 50 Ifii) Melvin. Bt'dle, hibor Corlies ID ai) ' f u r n i s h e d f o r jalt b r i d g e s anil m a d s w a n atone road C02 I I . M. Nevius, prosecutor s Avenue road 32 00 10G7 J o h n Bvcrnham, painting . , , i Ml discount c o u n t y note 241 68 12S7 A. I l o w e l l Miller, labor ori 723 I ) . V. l ' e i r i i i e . s u p p l i e s f o r L. C. A>-res. tending Goose salary and telephone ex215 10 i d U a n i e l Gouldy, labor A t k i n s sprinkling wagons 32 20 45 00 31S93 " ' 1175 K. 1 0 . Hutchinson, Cashier, "court h o u s e a n d Jail Neck d r a w b r i d g e bridges, a n d B e l m a r road penses Avenue road 33 00 10G8 I-f. S. S p r o u l , - s u r v e y i n g discount county note .307 2 . 1288 William M. B e r g e n , l a b o r , , . i M2 721 Kdward W. Remseii. s e r Albert Palter.-:"ii. t'-ildinpf 603 W. W. Ramsay, probation 439 1G .K} Tims. H. L-innpbi'll. watuhKoyport and Middlotiawn 55 00 fl7(! J. W. Naylor, printing 12 00 10 '» vices rendered c o r o n e r . . . . I'lcii.^iire Bay d r a w b r i d g e . Belmar r o a d officer's per diem and exin^.Htcani roller. 'I months noa,iia 1177 Matthias Plum .stationery 01 10 725 K a t e June, t e n d i n g d r a w SI3 Owen J . Mel'-e. labor nil 12S9 A. H. B r o w n , l a b o r Bel" penses 40 00 £! week 15 00 10IB K d w a n l s L u m b e r Co., n i a 41 00 Cl) O l ) 117S M. W. & C. Pennyuacker, •' bridge Takiiniissee Liike bridge , m a r r o a d 604 K l w o o d M i n u g h , c o n s t a b l e labor F r e n torial for Ocoahic b r l d t r e . . 122 C9 printing 74 55 720 A. C. l-lrrl.-kson, labor Iron 430 75 9K1 T). Callahan, , ! a n d bridges, o c e a n 1290 Lewis E l m e r , l a b o r A t k i n s costs 159 30 <>s liold a n d -Manillapan road 26 05 H 00 ; 1070 I . A. W a l e s , labor H l g h o r e road 1179 M o n in o u t h Democrat, ^ Ml J u h n V. Conover, liibor o n Avenue road 605 A- J- C. Stokes, nsslstant I I . Auniaek, labor I l a n d s g r a v e l road ~. printing 13 00 tfA M'ifi. 727 F r a n k A. Holiekl, l a b o r on 1231 William M c D e r m o t t , Jr.', bridges. Wall prosecutor's salary 10 70 Go 4 1C3 2D j 1071 Alonzo Uro\rcr, m a t e r i a l s K f j m s b u r ^ road SH Oi) Si."i J a m e s i-:. Hennessey, l a b o r II. Campbell, Cashier, d i s 11S0 oj bo roads labor, c o u r t h o u s e a n d jail 6M John M. Allen, Justice costs ! f o r liridpri'n, A t l a n t i c !}"»"> l ' i ) h r a i m Laird, l a b o r ' iOiifj21 81 •ount county note 72S J o h n L. IlendrlfKnon, labor 1292 Jacob C. Taylor, labor on bridges, Ocean and N e p 607 Charles W. Seller, constable 434 G5 614 46 li si] t o w n road i'> 53 CO 1072 Georfie W. P a t t e r s o n , J r . , 23 75 11S1 28 00 Hustler P r i n t i n g Company . on roiids 137 74 Middletown road t uui; coots .— 95fi W i n , A. V a n Mater, l a b o r 1.000 Cei-t w h i t e o a k p l a n k , printing 1293 J o h n B e n n e t t , l a b o r V a l 729 "L. II. Vnn Net, labor D r u m K 1 U 10. S. Vanleer. niiUerials for 608 John A. Howland, sergeant 144 00 42 50 86 04 H o w e l l Middletown road 10 00 j 40 00 j US2 lienry C. Ivins, Incidental 75 00 354 Gl ley Drive r o a d . . . ic r o a d b r i d c e s . Wall a t arms' salary !>57 Hoard of AVater Commis1073 "VV. A . H a n l i i n s o n , I n s u r I expenses 1291 Fred D. Wlkoff. coal for 730 T h o m a s lioatty, liibor on ^17 lOverett M a t t h e w s , labor on C09 James Ackerman, services IS 60 50 00 sioners. Key port, s p r i n k ance on county property . . 10 25 49 50 j HS3 J. Walter Butcher, labor 25 00 steam roller 80 07 B r i g h t o n Avenue road . . . rendered coroner bridges. F r e e h o l d 81 00 107-1 Wm. J- Matthews, labor on ling- Keyport stotio r o a d . . Adelphia road 12K John Peltit, assisting en731 J a m e s Knvaiuuigh. labor 610 J a m e s J . Reed, services r e n SIS J o h n F r d e r i c k s . labor o n 15 00 40 6S bridges, Howell G :K 10 00 30 55 ii si Charles Breese, Incidental gineer on steam roller . B r i g h t o n Avenue road . . . 7S 25 1*58 J a m e s Ofkerson, lubor Cordered coroner bridges, Holmilel 1296 32 40 1575 John lie.s Avenue roa*l Tolly, labor on expenses John L. Ely, labor Holm732 Muiiasijuan Gravel Co., 611 O. A. C l a r k , services r e n ,. 'S49 T u c k e r Wliite. liibor o n 90 00 35 1)0 !O It. T. Foriiirin, labor* Corbridges, Howell 10 00 S3 48 H85 J. s. White, justice costs.. del road g r a v e l *or roads 95 20 dered coroner ....... 14 50 bridges, Neptune 1297 :s oo 107G Thomas Reynolds, labor lies Avoiiue road 15 55 ! HSii J. S. White, justice costs.. W. A. Hankinson, labor "X! C. L. Low, labor on r o a d s . . C13 H a r v e y 8. Brown, services -•• °" I S50 N. J . W e s t Va. Bridge Co., Ofifl I t o b e r t W a r d , labor A t k i n s 14 SS on bridges. Howoll 5 00 '31 J. M. Robblns, labor l ' e r 10 20 I US7 J. S. White, justice costs.. done on road scraper r e n d e r e d coroner , . _^ ! r a i l i n g L a k e Coino b r i d g e , 13 00 7 60 1077 Mary 9 OO McGowan, labor 175 00 A v e n u e road Freehold j 11S-S Drummond's D e t e c t i v e rincville roitd 013 G. F . W i l b u r , services r e n 10 r.i) j wall ... court house 19G1 J n s r p h P r i c k c t t , l a b o r A t 12'JS John M. Braly. materials 5 00 '35 It. 1). Bush, labor on r o a d s S *y Agency, services rendered 1 )l) W d e r e d coroner ' i vr,l Lewis Lumber Co.. m a t e r 9 GO 107S S. A. IjOckwood, insurance k i n s Avon lie road for Allen's Mill bridge I for Prosecutor's office 1 9 0 OS J e s s e P . Manahau, labor 614 Q. P . W i l b u r , services r e n 49 S4 ials for bridges. N e p t u n e . 101 77 T h o m a s R Hardy, labor on county buildings ....' 10 00 103 ' 23 00! IISD c . \V. Seiler, constable Moninoiith Bench road — dered coroner 1299 Holmdel ",2 Geo. W. Appleget, labor on ; 35 1079 A.' C. E r r l c k s o n , H o l m a r road labor John M. Braly, superin_j costs 23 00 '87 J a c o b C. Taylor, liibor Mld615 J a m e s I I . Sextpn, b u r i a l i n 60 00 1)63 I I . S. K i n m o n t h , l a b o r on i'tl 7i) i bridges, Neptune I r o n Ore road tending construction Al15 00 / •. d l e t o w n road 10 7? 1 1 9 0 Ocorge H. Van Winkle, • d i g e n t person ; S53 J a m e s K. Hennessey, l a b o r 87 40 A t k i n s Avenue road a n d 1050 John E. Foster, judge's 12 SO 1300 len's Mills bridge constable costs 3S l l t c h n e l Mulvllilll, liibor 61C J o s e p h A c k e r m a n , services 124 3G I on bridges, Neptune 40 00 bridges •• salary Elijah Buckalew. labor 5 00 416 GG 1131 John A. Howland, sergeant (Red 11,-1 nk road 15 00!S7il William H. Floo-J, incidenr e n d e r e d coroner 173 50 904 II. E." Stanton, labor A t k i n s 1051 Edmund .W. ThrockmorDavis Station road at arms' per diem 739 William Hulse, l a h o r on 617 W . H. Slocum, services r e n 1301 23 00 ,o mi i tui expeii.ses 47 00 Avomie road a n d b r i d g e s . . ton, use- of property for Henry A. Ford, labor Da5 00 111)2 Chnrlts Brown, constable r o a d s , Neptune , IS 00• M5 William II. Morris, b u r i a l d e r e d coroner 30 40 L o n g Branch liccord. p r i n t 10 00 I storage of lumber COHta 40 William H. P a t t e r s o n , lii618 W . H . Slocum. s e r v i c e s r e n 8 02 1302vis Station road 35 00 in ,i., deceased soldier ing 37 41 10S'2 James Norman, labor oh Frank S. Blaln, labor on 5 00 bor Hlue Ball road 11»3 G e o r g e H . V a n W i n k l e , d e r e d c«fiin'"" i S58 Jentile May Thompson, 90 4S Smithburg road bridges, Shrewsbury 711 W a l t e r Marks, labor Adel297 00 constable costs DOG Jiert PitteiiKer. labor A t 619 W i l l i a m D. H u l s e , c o n s t a 42 00 j i 30 3 , --i heailslone for deceased Howard Baird. labor Balrs 28 00 WS3 Thomas McKnight, labor 2 30 phia road 111)4 Joseph McDermott, p e r k i n s Avi'nne road ble costs 15 00 112 60 ! soldier road Freehold and Matawan diem for a t t e n d a n c e a t ,742 William Hears," liibor Oce[it" J o h n White, labor Manal6S0 William D. llulse, consta' 1304 41 GO i s r i ' Gllliert Combs & Co., coal R. Balrd Tllton, labor 33 24 road 25 31 111 00 107 00 court • a n i c road iipiin road ble COStB 494 71 12 % i for power house road i 10S4 A. J. C. S t o k e s , t e l e p h o n e C. Asii F r a n c i s , board of 9C8 "William K. Sickles, labor i 11U5 P e t e r Grlflln, constable 621 W i l l i a m 1>. Hukic, c o n s t a 1.105 Adelphia Alonxo White, lahiir c o u r t Jolin White, labor Manala3 30 32 03 expenses 2,375 60 4 50 prisoners Corlies Avenue mail i.1 So j costs ble c o s t s , 9S20 32 38 house rind Jjiil pan road 10S5 J o h n C. C r a w f o r i J , l a b o r 744 T. H. R. Brown F.state, m a 9lS9 E d w i n Miirriner. labor Cor. I 1190 Lewis R. B e r g e n , c o n s t a 622 'William D. Hulse, constaHosengarden, supplies A. U. Errickson, labor Iron 46 (») 13 40 Tinton Falls road t e r i a l s for Cooper's b r i d g e 1,531 2i! S59 H. 25 00 lies Avenue road Gl In bio costs ble costs 15 41 154 40 ,.„.,,. furnished for j a i l Ore road 1080 H a r v e y s. Brown, e x a m 745 II. W. Muck, salary 1 1 1 1 7 A. J . C. S t o k e s , a s s i s t a n t 623 William D. Hulse, consta+ 7 0 J o s l a h Marrlnor, labor I 1307 John H. Drum, labor Colts r?;:«g William Giblin, lahor c o u r t 42 ination lunacy cases 125 00 7411 M a t t h i a s Plum, . s t a t i o n e r y . 2.) 00 prosecutor's salarv ble costs Corl ios A ven ui1 road 11 71 45 33 50 I house a n d jail road 10S7 T h e J o s . A. G r a y Co.. 3 747 I I . W . I n g l l n g , s e r v i c e s t o 624 E l w o o d M i n u g h . c o n s t a b l e 971 F r a n k Osborn, s u r v e y a n d 119S William 15. Walling, conI 130S Neck McDermott. l a b o r r M j Mil William Perrine & Buckalew, tile 25 00 Kross g r a y tile ties, c l e r k ' s 58 26 26 00 m a p s for now roads stable eosts eosts 47 00 • 12 CO for culverts. Marlboro . . . . ottice > 972 O m a r Sfitklott. labnr H i g h 9 75 iiy;) Samuel Howard, constable 625 H e n r y Schoenlein, justice 1309 Dennis Callahan, labor • 9 CO 10SS H. M. Nevius. p r o s e c u t o r ' s 1 70 l a n d s K ravel rnud costs costs . 21 9S 34 00 Manalapan road salary, telephone expenses 626 A r t h u r W . Kelly, court 973 Ilendrlek C. Rnyder, labor 1200 H . W a l l a c e Bennett, s e r 1310 Thomas G. Orr. labor Man100 00 stenographer's salary P a t t e n ' s Corner road 37.. 63 vices r e n d e r e d p r o s e c u t o r ' s 12 CO 70 50 alapan road i, 627 John R. Snodekor, Impanel974 P a t s y F a r inch, labor Coroffice 10S9 J . II. D. V a n Mater, l a b o r 3 50 1 3 U E. E. Throckmorton, su3 00 ing coroner's jury * lies Avenue road 1201 Benjamin Huliek, labor on 66 CG 17 00 Freehold and Matawan perintending construction CG 30 638 Maxcy Applcgate, printing. 975' Aprilo F1c r r o . liibor A t k i n s 74 86 bridges, Howell 122 24 road Colts Xeck road 207 SO G 30 &K) S. V. Arrowsmlth, school lib1 costs Avenue road 1202 Arthur \V. Kelly, t r a n 15 00 1312 P e t e r F o r n i a n , s u r v e y oC 15 00 1030 R. H a f e m a n , laDor Adel28 00 753 William II. Wilson, c o n s t a ' expenses examiner's fees 97G J. A. H a r r i s , labor A t k i n s 20 05 script copy testimony f u r phia road M a n a l a p a n c o n n e c t i n g i 31) ' Stif", F r a n k W . l i n k e r , l a b o r o n 600 W. D. IiVkes, salary a s Janble costs Avenue road nished for court 20 00 10!tl J. H. 1): Van Mater, labor 4 40 road 23 50 02 25 754 F.dwiird ; minis itor a n a incidentals W . Wise, Justice 977 C l a r k - D. Havlland. labor 1203 Arthur W. Kelly, tranFreehold a n d Matawan 1313 Harry B. Hulshart. labor -n M r,r. i S07 W i l l i a m R e y n o l d s , l a b o r A t 031 W. V. Hoynolds, salary as Corlies Avenue road SS 65 s c r i p t copy In B a n e s m u r 6 00 road 31 20 50 00 Matawan road 80 00 "' kins Avenue road engineer i 755 Kdward'' W.'' wise,' "justice J a m e s K a v a n a g h , labor on, , d e r ease 10 00 1002 George H. Bills, justice 1314 Joseph L. B u t c h e r , labor "9 50 w i * W i l l i a m A. Oble, l a b o r A t 633 W. A u e . Thompson, labor costs roads, Long- Branch 2 15 1201 A r t h u r W . Kelly, s t e n 12 40 A d e l p h i a r o a d 24 05 7511 Kdmund S. Rue, typewrit" j k i n s A v e n u e road court house 979 Buffalo Steam Roljer Co., ographer's salary 100 00 1315 T h o m a s G. O r r , on a c - 21 50 1003 \ V . V . "ReynoVd's, " s u p p l i e s ; KU9 J o h n H. L.-irrison, liibor ~ £33 J a m e s H. Conway, labor ten copies road Hpeciticam a t e r i a l s for roller l 32 70 1203 Arthur W. Kelly, sten38 00 14 00 procured for engine house count c o n t r a c t M a n a l a p a n 0 00 ^ ™« I Corlles A v e n u e roiid court house tions OSI) M a t t h i a s Woolley, s a l a r y . . 100 00 ographer's salary I M OO 1091 J o h n L. B o t h r o H , constagp connecting road JS70 H o w a r d B e n n e t t , liibor A t 120 00 63S J o h n Buckalew, labor on 125 OO b i ocosts 1 30 1206 757 Graliuni, Clilsliolin & Co., 8 SO 9SI W i l l i a m B. Conover, s a l a r y W i l l i a m D . llulse, c o n • 6 2B k i n s A v e n u e road !-<«-'! bridges, Upper Freohold... E l m e r 10. Polhumus, s a l a r y 70 00 131G P e t e r F o r m a n , s u r v e y of stable costs 125 00 H » 5 A. J. C. S t o k e s , a s s i s t a n t () stationery b llrst section L a k e w o o d a n d 00 . S71 Jiiines T u z c n e w , l a b o r A t 635 Charles McKalg, labor on 9 X 3 A. C. F i s h e r , salary 1207 William I). Hulse, con12D 00 prosecutor's salary ...'. 125 00 14 40 Adelphia road 5 25 75S Charles T. Hly, constable I kins Avenue road 56 00 brldgos, Upper Freehold... 33 00 9,S4 Geor^a W. P a t t e r s o n , J r . , stable costs 1036 W. B. Duryea. treasurer, costs ^ 1317 Cornelius L a n i b e r s o n , l a « 1 0 I S72 JOilward R e y n o l d s , l a b o r A t $3G Andrew Jonnsom labor oa s a l a r y a s clerk 1208 Joseph S. Applegate, labor 100 00 s e r v i c e s of nig-ht w a t c h 8 00 bor M a t a w a n r o a d ! Vitins A v e n u e road 15 IS 759 Thomas G. Orr, liibor Man14 20 bridges, Upper Freehold.. 20 00 on bridges. Middletown... i.^ A. L. Moreau, printiapr 15 00 15 81 m a n c o u n t y b u i l d i n g s alai);in road 28 Jt> : S73 J o h n F l e m i n g , labor A t I 131S Geo. W . Conover. s p r i n k 637 W i l l i a m Roed, labor o n 1209 Stai osir L u m b e r Co.. m a 1097 John A. De Roche, salary 11 20 >8(i W. V. Reynolds, s a l a r y a s ! kins Avenue road ling Valley Drive road 2 63 7ii0 J. II. 1). Van Mater, labor 73 14 bridges, Upper Freehold.. e n g i n e e r t e r i a l s f u r n i s h e d f o r 4 100 00 SO 00 clerk. Surrogate's office Mntawan road a 9 * 0" S71 J o s e p h F e r r a , l a b o r C o r bridges 11 CO 13W Curtis W h i t e , l a b o r A t k i n s 701 Wlllliim A. Fountain, j u s 1098 David S. C r a t e r , s a l a r y a s 16 00 1K7 H a r r y J . Bodine. burial i n 638 Thomas Patterson, labor oa | lies A v e n u e r o a d Avenue road 4 00 8 00 prent p e r s o n s Ambrose M a t t h e w s Co., 375 00 1210 tlee costs 30 00 Surrogate bridges, Upper Freehold.. ™ w : S75 Jiimes R. Scillthorpe, l a b o r 1320 S. C. A p p l e g a t e , labor labor a n d materials for 7U2 Howard Parker, constable 5 00 9SS H U R I I S. Kinmonth, services 1099 Joseph L. Donflhay. salary S3S William A. Rodgcrs, elecI Atkins Avenue road 54 90 Shark River bridge . . 24 90 rendered coroner b r i d g e 165 66 37G 03 COHt.S aa Deputy Surrogate tion expenses 1 °0 i JJ7I; G a n n e t t Farlach, labor 1321 W i l l i a m I I . W h i t e , labor 7l!3 G. C. Williams, justice 15 00 1)89 W. D. Lykca, s a l a r y a s j a n UOO Freehold Gas Light Co., 610 William H. Horncr, justice 1211 J o n a t h a n H . Clayton, l a Corlies A v e n u e road Atkins Avenue road 2 0: 28 00 3UO itor .' 11 94 35 10 costs 50 O O p a s c o u r t h o u s e a n d j a i l . . costs bor on b r i d g e s . Howell . . . !S77 C u r t i s W h i t e , labor A t k i n s 1322 Fred Smith, J r . , labor 990 li. Forman Barkalow, s a l 7'H John 10. Foster, Judge's sal1101 Leonard J . Arrowsmlth, (HI Georgo Van Wickle, consta1212 11. C. M c C l e e s , l a b o r o n Avenue road a n d b r i d g e s , Smithburg road 4 «2 05 asslstaut engineer 410 CO ary 50 00 salary a s clerk, Surrogate's ble costs 15 07 1323 Fred bridges. Middletown Neptune iSmith, J r . , labor Ml John T. Tetloy, coroner's office 75 00 G42 Grover C. Williams, Justice rt!5 Howard Balrd, labor Baird 1213 J o h n B e n n e t t , labor on S7S C, 'I'. Hendt-tckson, labor 9 00 S m i t h b u r g road 48 75 foes 35 30 41 40 i n o : Charles E. Strong-, county costo road b r i d g e s , Middletown 107 00 1324 Atkins Avenue road and H. H. J o h n s o n , o o a r d of 1 I)'J2 John. T. Tetley, coroner's 199 50 121.1 __.,port Weekly, printing detective's fees Joa. T. B u r r o w e s Co., m a bridges. Xeptune 299 40 ;oi; Ilowani Balrd, carting pipe ; lunatics 4,742 92 S 00 fees Collector's report, &c for roads 62 60 | U03 Stephen B. Bergen, cont e r i a l s f o r bridges, M i d , „ - ,i S79 ( i c o r g e W. K r u m , l a b o r Cor1325 C. A s a . F r a n c i s , c o u r t bill DM John T. Tetley. coroner's 7 00 I (H4 Jonn T. Tetley, coroner's i'l!7 A. C. l-'lsher, saliirv ; stable costs dletown a n d Shrewsbury.. 25 SO jo- J i lies A v e n u e r o a d 93 50 J a n u a r y t e r m , 1M8 3,724 36 fees fees • 70S 11. I). Leroy. salary 41 45 1101 Peter Griflln, constable 1215 J. P . S h a n l e y Co., a c c o u n t 3? ni i WO M o n i n o u t h G r a v e l Co., g t a v 1326 C. A s a F r a n c i s , b o a r d of i)!)4 Garret O. Honprlnnd, M. D., 1 J feS J o h n T. Tctloy, coroner's 7i;' . l Wlllliim B. Conover, salary costs 7 00 c o n t r a c t F r e e h o l d a n d 1S7 5 0 "" I el for A t k i n s Avenue road 30 50 rjsoners 1,192 75 services rendered coroner 1 feeu 770 J u h n R. Hnedeker,,• e n n s t a 15 00 n o ; K. S. Rue, salary a s clerk Colts Neck road I ',. Hutcbinson, Cashier, lunlap & Lisk, Pottery 9!S J. Turner Rose, M. D., serCiS John T. Tetley, coroner's r 901I SSI 10. of grand Jury and incllile eosls ' 1216 K d w a r d F . Taylor, l a b o r 727 40 discount county-*,;iote , . _. ; Co.. pipe f o r u s e Holmdel 49 83 vices rendered coroner . . . . fees 5 00 d e n t a l expenses 58 33 on b r i d g e s . Holmdel 771 T. Adillson Henderson, c o n , oj iSS2 George II. Van Winkle, con15 .0 j road 9 GO 0% IT. 15. Lcroy, salary as free647 Richard Deeves. purchase <nr ,«> • - " E - K - T h r o c k m o r t o n , s u r 1217 Albert Nelson & Co., ce5 GO sta)ih> costs i stable c o s t s 1328 Samuel F . Scott, labor o n holder ,. price for land to straight415 75 U5 oo veyor's fees county roads m e n t, b r i e k, «tc. for ,„., „, Frank B. Tllton, j u s t i c e , ,A ^ SS;j Georire II. Vnn Winkle, con50 00 772 Corlies Avenue road G 00 en road li:)7 Henry Arnaldy, Jr., ex1107 Montnouth Democrat, s t a bridges, I'pper Freehold..16 0 0 costs ( ! stable costs 107 00 13-J9 W a l t e r T e r r y , five a n d a 64S Holmes H. Matthews, plank 28 72 121S I'"). J. Keaeh, tending Oceprcssagu on book 2 50 tionery & Co., 11' j 7, :<iXI George 11. Van Winkle, uonI l n 8 25 210 00 773 W i l k i n s o n , G n d d i s «. ™ " d a y s ' w o r k s t e a m roller for bridges, Ilowell 23 80 110S W . H. D u r y e a . s t a t i o n e r y anic drawbridge 10 1 1 MS J. J. Rood. M. D.. services .supplies for Jail ! stable costs 60 00 1320 J . N . Beers, coal a n d wood 633 S. M. Ely, labor on bridges, rendered coroner 5 OO 1109 IT. W . Buck, s a l a r y a s 1219 Leon A. L i t t l e , r e p l a n k i n g 774 P e t e r Grltlin, constable r -n ' SS5 George H. Van Winkle, c o n 32 SG 7'00 11 for s t e a m r o l l e r Millstone 150 OO c o u n t y road s u p e r v i s o r . . . . travclinpr Clay P i t c r e e k bridge 5 R0 98!) \V. T. Hoffman, costs ; : stable costs 09 50 1331 if. M. Dolan, l a h o r on * j-&jft George Belrne, labor ou 1110 Georgo C. Schmidt, c o n expenses for February and 1220 R o b e r t H a n c e & Son, m a 775 J o s e p h 10. C o w a r d , s a l a r y {y. QQ ] KSli Joseph Rue, constable costs 10 00 • 9 39 bridges, W a l l a n d Neptune bridges, Millstone 15 24 stable costs March t e r i a l for b r i d g e s , S h r e w s a s steam roller e n g i n e e r . . JIJ uu ^ ^^rah;!,,! l>errlne, constii1322 A r t h u r W a l l i n g , labor Mid651 Lakewood 8upply Co., ma1111 W. H. Morris, burial debury 57 75 77t» A. B. Crawford, supplies hle costs 4 4S 1(100 Statesir dumber Co., ma9S 00 5 43 dletown road 14 40 terials for bridge, Howell 33 00 ceased soldier terials for Court House and 1221 Leon A. L i t t l e , r e p l a n k i n g for Jail sss "W. I.. Conover. justice costs 1 95 E l m e r E. Morris, 20 d a y s ' 132 P a t r i c k McCue. labor on 70 03 1112 Wm. O'Drlen, labor Sea jail Clay P i t c r e e k bridge 472 13 supplies SS'.) George I I . Bills, Justice 100 00 10 00 777 W . V. Reynolds, Inspector Oceanic b r i d g e . . 57 22 ' Rod Hank road 15 20 1222 Brlffht bridge 1001 B a r n e y Feltinan, h i d d e n - , T h o m a s Gleason, lahor o n for engine house eosts -, 1324 John M. Braly, e n g l n o r i n g 653 John T. Hopping, gravel 3 00 1113 F r a n k W. Baker, labor on tal expenses b r i d g e s , Millstono 85 34 77S L. C. P a c k a r d , supplies for 1.024 25 services t o d a t e Oceanic 4 7G 590 Chester A. Ilaines, constafor roads * 3 90 bridges, Neptune 1002 J a m e s M. Ayres, h e a d s t o n e court liouai 1223 W i l l i a m C u r t l n . labor on lile costs 5G9 63 bridge .. 654 George Lambortson, labor 15 OO 1114 Paul C. Taylor, labor on I. ' f o r deceased soldier !::ritliii, coiuitiiblc b r i d g e s , Millstone V . W. Ramsay, probation il 00 77!l P e t e r .1 00 591 1335 P a t r i c k McCue, l a b o r on Holmdel road 14 75 1224 bridges, Neptune 1003 Joseph McDenhott, index•O.HtS J . E . R o b b l n s , labor P e r otlleer's p e r diem a n d e x 112 00 S h r e w s b u r y road j W) G. H . V a n W i n k l e , c o n s t a 655 J o h n C. Crawford, labor 1115 W . H . Morris, burial d e ing records, &c 132 81 rineville road %45 penses 77 83 82 50 bio coats 3 90 33 00 1225 1336 William H. Aumack, labor T i n t o n Falls road ceased soldier '. MM C. I). Barkalow, justice Holmes Patterson, labor 592 I l e n d r l e k I.'. Snydor, con44 75 ! SI G. H. V a n W i n k l e , c o n s t a on bridges, Raritan 1116 J o h n Storer. l a b o r H i g h costs 1C0O on bridges. Millstone 134 25 656 B o r o u g h Atlantic HighC3 stable costs ,...: .. Ofl ble c o s t s .....:.. 9 00 72 OO 122G J o h n 1337 E r n e s t Smith, five a n d a l a n d s and Sea B r i g h t road 1003 n . R. Barkalow, justice Hyres, labor lands, materials for Valley 593 Joseph .loiinsoii, eonstalile on half d aUyJ sJ w s t e a m i-,*in"iroller 78 05 7s2 Henj. A. V a n B r u n t , l a b o r 8 25 19 25 costs ..vm U miitnhi 3^t;^iiii b r i d g e s , Howell Drive road 7140 50 17 9S2 23 on bridges, Ocean 100G C. 13. Barkalow, justice 1333 C. I,. Low. l a b o r o u b r i d g e s 657 R . H a n c o & S o n s , l a b o r o n 1227 W. K. McDonald, c o r o n e r ' s S91 8, ' it. 'iier«en,""coiVsti'ibie May 13, 1903. 7 00 7S3 A. C. H u r l e y , labor on eosts 4 76 and r o a d s , N e p t u n e a n d roads fees ,.. 80 30 eosts 11 Of l 10 00 b r i d g e s , Mldu'letown 10G 00 1007 W. D. Hulse, constable Wall 65S Dunlop & Lisk Pottery Co., S'.I5 Joseph Lewis, services as 1117 L e w i s L u m b e r Co.. m a t e r 1228 J o h n W. F l o c k , b u r i a l In7S1 W a l t e r D. F a r r y , loan s u r costs 69 00 William H u l s e , labor A t materials for bridges, MatI n t e r p r e t e r In court 3 0C ials for bridges, N e p t u n e . . digent persons 101 00 1339 kins 12 86 1.000 00 p l u s fund a c c o u n t 24 00 A v e n u e road 10OS \V. I). Hulse, constable awan S:)(i I'liwood Minugh, eonstnble 1118 L e w i s L u m b e r Co., m a t e r 1229 J o h n W. F l o e k , b u r i a l i n M W. K. nevercux. traveling Sickles, l a b o r A t costs 638 John H. Cook, printing Col32 00 eosts C3 Ii 23 95 ials for b r i d g e s , N e p t u n e . digent persons 40 00 1340 William 2112 80 expenses (County Board 12 00 k i n s A v e n u e road lector's report 1 W 9 (•;. H. Crawford, constable Rose, services 1119 J o h n F r e d e r i c k s , l a b o r on 1230 William A. Robinson, M. D. Taxation) .' 20 00 S'J7 J, 'i'urner Thomson, labor A t CCO John T. Hopping, labor on costs 2S0O renderedd ccoroner 25 0( roner b r i d g e s , Holmdel, A t l a n t i c , services r e n d e r e d c o r o n e r , 500 1311 John 8 70 78G George M. Freeman & Sun, 108 80 kins A v e n u e road bridges, Middletown 1010 W. s. Stryker, labor FreeS9S A. P . C l a y t o n , c o n s t a b l e M a t a w a n 228 3G 1231 C y r u s Knecht, M. D., s e r burial Indigent persons — 70 00 1342 Joseph J o h n s o n , c o n s t a b l e GSl Thomas J. Wise, labor on 7G65 1120 J. R. Barry Lumber Co., hold and Matawan road... 30 eosts vices r e n d e r e d c o r o n e r 5 00 18 85 7.S7 J . II. Wilson & Co., stone 10 ED costs Hubbard's bridge 1011 Klljah Bucltalew. lahor 899 AV. 10. M c D o n a l d , c o n o n e r ' s materials for bridges, Nep1232 J o h n T. Tetley, c o r o n e r ' s 03 31 for roads 1343 H a r v e y s . B r o w n , e x a m C62 M. P . Yard, amount of C3 88' Diivls Station road fees 88 5 3 93 tune fees 45 45 783 R. II. C. Thompson, Inci30 OO ination l u n a c y c a s e s bridge tender's fees, Bel1012 Rlljah Huekalew. labora l t e r L. Rc.oil, Services 1121 Atla Atlantic Coast Electric a 1233 J o h n T. Tetley, c o r o n e r ' s 84 22 900 W dentals 1344 C. Asa F r a n c i s , t r a n s p o r t a ford drawbridge 89 53 Dnvl.1 Station road rendered coroner Of 25 270 00 C Light Co., llBhinp bridges fees 4150 7S3 Charles H. T. Clayton, bur65 W tion fees of p r i s o n e r s CG3 Jos. T. Burrowes Co., liibor 1013 J o h n Landcuroft, labor A t 901 John N. Hurtls, burial Indi112 H. H C. Snyder, y , labor on 1234 J o h n R. G r a v a t t , c o r o n e r ' s 35 00 ial deceased soldier 1345 C. Aaa Francis, jurors' on bridges, Shrewsbury Ulns Avenue road 5 00 gent person 15 0 23 50 bridges, MMarlboro l b fees 1100 4 9S 790 Charles 11. T. Clayton, burmileage, & c , January term and Middletown 1011 J . M. Kly, labor r o a d s , 902 W a l t e r I". Havens, services 1123 H. B. Pitcher, Iron pipe for 1235 R. S. B e n n e t t . M. D., s e r 35 0 0 ial deceased soldier 1908 : 664 Manalapan Light Co., light1,400 20 Holmdel 33 25 rendered for coroner 5 0 25 00 culverts Freehold vices r e n d e r e d c o r o n e r 6 00 "ill J. M. Braley, labor Kea 10 00 1346 H. B . S t a n t o n , l a b o r o n ing Filigllshtown bridge.,. 1015 J o h n F u w l e r , labor A t k i n s N. lOrvin, s e r v i c e s r e n d c r d 1124 J. W. Danser. lumber for 1231! Oliver Smallwood, M. D., 1.4S7 00 903 llrlglit drawbridge roads, Neptune. 6fS JOB. W. Thompson, labor on 18 60 Avenue road 12 50 for c o r o n e r 5 0 80 82 bridges. Freehold services r e n d e r e d c o r o n e r 130 75 20 00 792 J. II. McLean, labor Katon1347 Daniel Gouldy, labor o n bridges. Shrewsbury 101G W e s l e y w . Thompson, l a 1125 J. W . D a n s e r , l u m b e r f o r 1237 Theodore Huliek, c o n s t a 17 32 901 10. G. Bacon & Co., s t a t i o n t o w n road roads, Noptuno G8« William H. Ilorner, Inci10 00 b o r on roads, Ocean 145 00 ery 7C 3 bridges, Freohold 71 73 ble costs 38 50 50 793 J . M. Pollionuis, labor Aldentals 1348 J o h n J a c o b s , labor o n 1017 F r a n k a. Blaln, labor o n 11'05 E n g i n e e r i n g News, p r l n t 1125 J. W. Danser, lumber for 1238 Wllllani D. Hulse, c o n s t a l e n t o w n & Davis S t a t i o n 607 Shore Electric Co., lighting ronds, N e p t u n e 15 EO' Sinlthbiirn road 05 35 (1 125 01 ! I n g bridges, Holmdel 47f) ble costs 18 00 1349 Abo B l o w e r s , bridges labor on WOO road 1018 Ailatn Brown, lubor B c l * ' !W Maxcy Applegato, p r i n t i n g 45 1127 J. W. Danser, lumber for 1239 Jolin E. Foster, judge's roads, N e p t u n e 791 J . W . Nayior, p r i n t i n g col60$ A. M. Posten, burial deceas7 00 ^.u 1^1907 Klnior 10. Morris, team hire n i a r road 82 00 78 02 bridges, Matawan salary , , 401 10 1350 J o h n ward. labor o n 308 40, '35 00 l e c t o r ' s report, &e ed soldier w | t h „,,,., m r,)Uo|. 101!) J o h n Lee, labor Corllos 1128 Frank E. Meyer, lumber 1240 Elwood Minugh, c o n s t a b l e b r i d g e s . Millstone """ F r a n k II. Brash, liibor on C69 Monmouth Democrat, print14 40 Avenue r o a d 22 40 „ ,, r I 90S J, II. Biiwden & Co., r e p a i r s 33 90 for bridges, Freehold costs , 00 75 1331 I m p e r i a l Mfg. Co.. black 37 GO i bridges, S h r e w s b u r y u Ing MM J o h n Thomson, l a b o r A t -'' ! for steam roller 1129 10. M. Osborn, materials 1241 II. M. N'evius, prosecutor's sllfc c a r b o n for Sheriff's 791! Win. A. Van Mater, labor fitfl Monmluth Democrat, printkins Avenue rond a n d ,-. r ( , : W)9 Michael Trncey. one-half 43 93 for bridges, Wall salary and telephone exoffice 292 RO Middletown road Ing Collector's report 3 OO brl.lKcs 88 00 | inontb'.H s a l a r y a s e n g i n e e r 1130 Bound & S p e r l i n g , l a b o r penses 339 98 1352 S. B. B e r s e n , 797 I I . II. WalmvrlKht, e x t r a 671 li. S. Rue, salary as clerk constable 1121 .T. Ailillaon E l y . labor o n steam rolleimaterials painting bridges 1212 Frank Howard, services services for b u s i n e s s of of grand Jury and incidencosts 14 1)0 b r i d g e s , Millstone 39 01 Wall 49 40 S01 15 ! " l n I'11""1'' Sniythc, labor court rendered prosecutor's of55 33 H o a r d tals 1353 Joseph' J o h n s o n , coniltalil'o 1022 Cleveland r a t t e r s o n , labor 1131 Al M0 o n n a 111 nt Longaatreet, Longaatreet, fice 3 50 I 79S1 I I . A. Kiitpbln, cashier, Costs B72 W. I I . Aumack, labor on 14 00 on bridges, Millstone 42 00 , , , . . , , , , 911 Charles L, s t o u t , Meere30 CO 1243 W. W. Ramsay, probation palntlnff dges, Wall ltl bbir id 53 75 i Hehool nrdi'rii bridges, Raritan 1354 C h a r l e s Gouldy, labor o n 1023 T. II. Wnril. l a b o r o n ' [ inry's s a l a r y , Co. liouiil J. I I . Shepherd, l a b o r ou 1132 olllccr's. sulury imd. « I 79'.) J o h n I t . A l l a i r e , s c h o o l o r roads, N e p t u n e 6?3 15. H. V. Stultn. printing G 00 lirliltre.i, Mlll.itmm 74 21 90 0i 1G 85 Taxnllon . . . " b r i d g e s . Freohold ponaOH , , , . , , , , 292 SO 'lei" 79 51 1335 Steve S a n t e n e l , labor o n 103 71 , Collector'?! report 1024 W i l l i a m C'ahlll, l a b o r o n v | 912 Charlesi L. Ktout, slntlitnOwen J. Melee, labor on 1133 N)0 11. W . B e d f o r d , u c h o o l o i 12-14 John W. Sloiium, service.'! 671 William It. Hendricksoti, roads, N e p t u n e ( 700 bi'ldtfOM, IMIlbitono 30 75 „-. „- i c r y purchased for County 152 40 b r i d g e s , B a t o n t o w n "!.M!VI ""''-lyllng Cliaflei) 17 CO ')'•'• Justice costs 13'i6 F r a n k Blowers, labor o n 11125 J o h n W. llulsic, J u s t i c e lH l o n rdd ' 'I'lixiilioii '•'1 - ' , I ' t i Owen J . Melee, l a b o r on 1131 WIIIIM. miiruet' uann •S'U W i l l i a m G. C o n o v r r , s e b o o l 250 00 075 Henry Hchoenleln, Justice I'oaUy, N e p t u n e 10 00 rniit.i :i>i:s WIllli.TM I t . (VHrlon, .'inliiry 830 K 23 00 bjidye.'i, K a l o n t o w n 7 5') | order '-'•' I'atrlek Hartnett, labor oil cost H 274 117 1357 ("'. 11, L a y t o n , l a b o r o n | .'IH nMShitjillt .'urcrt^tuiy ioi!<; Wllllani c . Illicit, l u b o r o n 313,") OwP.n J . Molec, labor on IKD.! C. G o r d o n I l y e r s . s c h o o l o r bridge.'!, Mllliitonu ,,,, fi78 George Van Wleklo, consta11 83 roads, Nontunu . . . . . . . . 9 50 C o u n t y Jlnunl T a x u t l o n ^-i; brldGe.-i, 1'Yeeliold hrldcren. Ocean 817 CO 7 50 C 11 ' <ler 12IG .Tame'i Iticliardii, labor oil ble coiitn •109 SI 1S5S Irving' White, l a b o r on '.ill \ v . ]*. ' I ' h1 r o d k m o r E o n . Mton113U I,. (?. Ayrcn, l e n d i n g d r a w 102/ J o b n Jucoliu, l a b o r A t k l n n I RO.I' l i a n l e l I. s t l l w e l l , seliool bridges, Ilowell 677 l!)lwood Minugh, constable 21)10 1C 2 3 roads, N e p t u n e 1 ! "KniplK'i '*' Mulury C o u n t y bridge ((loose Niick iliiiw) Avenue road [1^ f^D order 38 DO 1217 R. A. Croxmm, labor on 119 07 ; 13. " »!) J o h n I I . H a r r i s o n , labor on luiartl T a x a t i o n 1II2S J o l i n I I . Dnini, l.'ibiir F r e e 1I3T Asa (Uirtiu, labor on a j j i l i O l R o b e r t L. R u d e r , s c h o o l o r bridge;!, Howell «78 O. If. Hills',' Justice' CIVIMM." 9103 roads, Neptune. IMfi / n c h a r i a h Mcfi.'ilnr, l u m b e r 7 lit) hold a n d Oollii Neck r o n d lirldgen, Wall der •13 po L1S Jerry Brokuw, 679 Chester A. llalnes, connta1,355 S i uw, labor ou 1360 William L a y t o n , UUior 011 i f o r lirl<li;i'a, li'rt'oholil 111:".) l l o w i i i - i l HIM Thoiiuui 1'3. Manly, burial laInldite.'i, < 70 >*•"• c . 10. l,'. i l e t r i u k , uchool o r b id Il blo costs Ilowell 20 015 ro.'nlM, N e p t u n e i I Ulli Imitate 'I'. S. 11. Ilriuvli, l u n i 7 IiO di'i.TUiied Huldler linr Ailclplila roail' . . . ' . 2 00 iler 1219 W l l l l a n i £$0 Fletro Tom.ilnl, constable l a b o r o n in, l.'ild I'errlhi' D. Clayton, labor lii-r a m i |,l|>.' fui- l>rhl K ,-si.. IIP) J . W. Dniiser, l u m b e r f o r li:'.!) NVwauan Itros., l a b u r on r,t; I M M i l ! ( M u i r l e a V a n . M u t e r , IMSIIICIbrlilite.'i , Mllbilone rOf'lH I 15 50 mi roail.'i, Neptuno 8W b r h h t e s , llolinilcl brldlieM. Will I : 71 91 I2.il) B e n |a 1 iln Anderson, l a b o r •! selioul o n l e r 1,2 I:I oi '-' IV I'li.'irli'H l,i.win, iiiMlcrhilii CM K d w a i d W . Itrinscii, c o n Hit- I). II. Ireland, lahor ou fur brlilKi'ii, Mlildltttiiwli lo:il .1. W i i l t c c H o t e l i e r , l a b o r 1110 .1. VV*. Dan.'ler, l u m b e r for 21 m I W)7 I. B. lOilwnrils, C a s h i e r , on m i d g e s . Mllhn.ilio Htlible c o s t s 14 CO iiii'l Shr<\v;il»ui'y •11)7 r.: roads, N e p t u n e 11 IK) on l n i i l | ; e n . U n w e l l 23 lii) brhlf'.e.'i, (iceall sol 1 onler l.'ilil Kit ' Ctiaiit'a ij. Irwln, labor on b*2 L e w i ' , R . H e r g e n , const a hie | HIS HullJiim-M. n a l a r j ' mi Ml:: K. .Mm-rl.'i (loi-ilon, l a b o r o n 1111 Stnle.'ilr liumhec ('o., n i a 1 arc; l i e n I'litcngof, K Oil I Mis A brain Burton, school o r d e r brl.Uvi'.'i, MIILit.mo coiitn 2 1 CO l a b o r on :i!) (i iiii.lr,'- liMiili'i10 1)0 brlilf,eM, IMiiliJiliipa ii li'l'laln f o r b r l d ^ o M , l l o l m r.iad.'i, N e p t u n e ii :::, I w.l W i l l i a m 10. Wnril. school t.'lini'li"! Hi-own, coilNlnhle SU T h e o d o r e H u l i e k , eonnt.-ible Co.. !'i:i IMIIIIT 10. M I I I T I M , liiiulhif; lo:i:i T i m s . II. H a i l e y , liilior o n f.l 111 l.''il Mnnuiouth (.ravel • I.•! . . MOO! order I'll.'llsi. vtmt a L 2 53 ;I|" am i laliui- l o t ' bi'Ulnt'M, 1,0117 BO Uravel Iti'lmar road , hrliliioM, Mlllsiciiie Owen ".)'." Meiei-Vial'iiir OU 19 i » llli M O J. W. S. Campbell, cashier, SH$ Jolin R. G r a v a l t , coroiu-r'n H. W. I n g l l n i , ' . M. I)., p.Kit 1 MMilli'liitvii (ic l:iiiri Monmouth (travel Cn 1II: 11 M l l l l l i l i l l K i l i 1111; 111 C o . , 31 II) ! school orders iiiiirl.-n e x i u n l n a l ion 5 00 '.'-il S M i n v 1IIIIHI>. It i n n i e r f u r gravel for Atklmi Avenuo l l u h l i n g brliliie Alli.Tl 1 'utter':. 'Ml C. I I . W a i - d e l l , ciishler, I'!. 1-!. I t u i ' , .'Hilary u s o l . ' r k ©3 W. P. li'avenn. "n.:i-vlV-eii'Veii111! Ifio Wl ! tni.lt-..-:i, l.'ri'i-liiilil W) 1 ^ ](>:if> I'l.MMll load \ V . I", l l u e l c . l a b o r I'olt.M liny . 1 inW i l l •Idf ; < - . 10 Oil I siliii.,1 o n l e r "( r.raiul J u r y a n d Inelilnn-*• dered coroner i !'::i I I . I.. lViiMi;, lmlniliiir IIIDIi J o h n M. !,<.<., l a b o r o n N e c k roiMl .1 ' ' 111. i l l (ir.-r, In b o r ti . • a lahi S12 H e n r y . I n l i n e , c.-inhl.-r, iiclio.il mi £Ml J o s e p h McOermotf, Indexi in "i IIOl i - i t u l e s l r l . i i n i h e r C o . . i n n 10 8)1 lirliliji'ii. M l i l i l l i ' t m v i i roadM, Neplunii MrlfThl j i n.i mi-. b i n n o : i r e ad 1)7 0.1 I onlor .: A. ('. KiMher, n a l a r y a;i i n g lecordii, &o H.1.: Sliciri' lOli'i'lrlt! <'».. Iliilitl:iH7 lli'iii'iii! W. K r u m , labor on l e i - l n l f i n - h i lill-.e.-l. I l i n v e l l it.i.in. W. t i - ii.ll ail' fro.-holder |M:i ,l.i:..-|ih W. John.-it'iil, iic-liool ill:. W i l l In 6M 11 .1. Ki'ilill, t e n d i n g OceanI2S 1)0 Inr. hrhl|;"M. MliMli'luwn rinidii. N.'iiliino 11 Ofl Io::V A . I1, W o o l l e y , labor n Hen 1! I li;.bi .in. W. I). IjylceM, Hillary IUI ic d i u w b l l d K " 111 t H ) KIM Melvin ll.jdl.i, l a h o r on Tiinl iiliri-wiilMiry bllili;e,i, 1 lowell liiiniii ll'!, 1 ill'iiir J.-inllor ; lit-; W i l l hi si 1 I l i u i \ O- nil hell, I'lllllile IK* T. H. It. m o w n Kiitnto, nin[,0 00 I'lliuln, NliptlllK! !'.•;! . l . i n a l l i a i i I I .I ' l i i y l i u i , l a b o r IH2' f I'lii 'l Hi CO Moiinl, Miipon b i t I'M, < IC1 •all . L i W. V. Iteynoiibt, ti;ilary an , p ,'lelli <d *or!ulu for brldgex, i;iir.-wn•lit IM : u IM> PMiiy I'lu-lach, l a b o r on •in lirlili;''!!, l l o n ' i ' l l III! r i i n i l . 'M K. 111! vel 11H, iii'i'it o r 1 il V I M i l l , "'CaiVli'lV- -, engineer Iilli-M r n r lilll M. hury ::'i c:, M:I !«) 00 i.'iidM. N e p l u n e |i'.:l 1'ianli <". I t y r i i m , I n I n > i- . H I 7 (HI oil I'll i l l ; <•>*, I ' PMM I ],' t'4 '•'hold I'.CIII nl o r l o r .1. ; i . W h i m , I n c l d e n i n l M . . . «>J) W i'". Itdtie. constable COHIII V. I 1) I'. II. l l i i l ' k i i l n w , IUMIICO 13.0 .'liiiillano l i r a l p n n o , l a b o r lirl'lr,'':t, iUircwMtnnj II n i l n::« KKi Win. A F u i ii'ta'l ii.' in h o 111! .1. M. I ' l tllMIUll ; ( , lab. i l - on Hill) I ' I K I I I I M 11. R e n d , I n c l d e i i O§ T. H. H. B l o w n , I'lutnte. ma3 00 e.mtii ou roaibi, Nnlitllnu ,i 4,',S * Mlililli-lown :M vo hrliUte M MIIIMII )|1.< 11 IjO IT.I, r tain titrlftls for brlilKcn, Middle^ II. XV. I I I K H I I K , nxamiii'ii1371 Diinlai)' ft. Link Pottery !i.: i W i l l i a m T . (Niiinvi'r. i t ' .). M. I ' l illli'lini , lain i r on Ill) .1. tlon l u n a c y eoi Hill K i l w l n l . ' l e l d . C a n t Ill G . A 1) 'ill NV' ' ciViil' i'e'r.'Viei,", il 10 00 l o w n 7« 40 SI7 Co., plpo f o r bi-hlgn, M a t lillllikliiK I .'oiip.^i'ii liililf^o. r,« :'.n 1 25 00 lirldlteii, Upper F r e e h o l d I2U0 (.'. II. I t a r k a l o I m y i i p p r o p r i l l l I o n w i l l . rn :i,r,ni r,r '.I::I; j t i i i n Jmille *£t M. M- Cllno, b u r i a l Indlcvnt a w a n 7 v:i liiowoi*. lalxir o n .1 M I'.illi. m i l " liibor on Illl" ( ' . A n a l . ' i i m e b i , b o . - i n i o r , c r,n IM! V, IK) I'Mmer 13. Morrlll, i dily'ii Illi.lKl'll. MlililllililWll lirlillim. U p p e r li'ieeholil... prlHoiieiu I2itl 1 10. M. C o n k , cii'iiiit'iiblo'coiilM y 698 iUorufi I I . Vi'i'ii'wiiVkiiV'coiVA pi II «, w l l h nteinu rollm1(1 Ml !»' ! ' / .IiMU'lih W . 'rhonlliHOll. l a . iiVnnlr A. l l u l e y , l a b o r on itlt.'i l ' . V . I ' u i i i i i i l . l u b o r l l i i l i i u i r 3 lit) I'M' .'. It. l.'orniaii I t i i i k n l o w , MIII2i 1.0 1373 JumiiM CRVIUUIUKII, l a b o r Inn- o n lirliiKCMi. Mlitill.-tuwli l.rblROH, U p p e r 1'Vee.liold.. i-niiil n r y a n nicilMtnnt e n g i n e e r 4 '.'! lilH Char I'd W '?( II'T, I'oniilab ( , f#3 K, M. <\»r»fe, coimlablo cofjtn on roailH, O c e a n :'% '.'M Kill .lolill T . llopplni/,, Krnviil nml Hlii'.'wnbnry 35 CO A n d r e w . 1 • illoin,n, l a b o r o n Ci O 00 l'.:o:i V V . it. Mtovons, nnlury a s 19, hi <'o!»H, connlabl*) emitti ! CO.'ll (i fit) 11. Hillock, nck, b i b o r IOIIIOI lOutonIJIi'-t (1. in. liibor 17 [ii ir'.i) I.iion A. I.lttlit, l a h n r n i t hrlilicuii. Upper F r e o h o l d . . for MldilK.lowu roiul auditor Jl*tw .la'iswy (URmla^d, print • III!) Jolin A. II oivlimd n e r g c a i ItHvn a n a en i;c Ji)nK Urnuoli u :'.rt llltr. Jiieoli «,'. T i l y l o r , Illbiir Illlilltmi, M l t l l j l n l o w n It. l>. W o o d tk Co., IIIIMI for WM M i m i i l n n I'liim, ntulloiiiVry >llcclor'H r e p o r t , >%e. •41-oad 0! CO 75 (K at. a i l l ) il' mil i r y , , tti> C h m i i ' i i 1>. I r w l n . l a b o r o n Hi 00 J,t;i m ciilirorlH, lliipur Ji'rniiliulil ft M l i l i l l e t o w n m i n i l.'Mi 1'llmnr 10. Morrlii. s a l a r y a n i:r,T» II, A. 10) J. C, A ek i r n n i l , conliYahl o brl*Ujc«, H h r o w i i t n i r y IM 3lj IM« Van Ilrimt, o n a c nud IIiiwi'll :tfd 10 J . 10. Rnlitilrin, l a l m r I ' u r r o a d fiuiunvlBor 1?G Ofl li (K) COIll •I 74 WO I!!. J . K C H C I I , t m i d l n s O>:«coiitmol. Octmnio M lii) J ' r l o r & l l r o c k , idonn f o r i-lnnvlllo roml ISM lOlninr lii. F o l h n m u i ) . Hillary ESS . <ept % L i V\<Bridge Co, U id m c r Wat- 23 09 C97 David S. C r a t e r , s a l a r y 693 R . F . B a r k a l o w , s a l a r y extra 23 00 C39 H a r v o y S. Brown, Bc-rvlcea a t jail 700 J o h n A. Delioche, s a l a r y . . y 1,077 SO 701 701 J o s e p h L. L Donahay, y, s a l a ry JJet! ! W R Stevens, S t s ss aa ll aa rr yy Wiillllii a m R. C2 50 7u3 C. Asa F r a n c i s , t r a n s p o r t a tion ft'i-s TU1 J . C. Ai-kerinan, c o n s t a b l e 204 56 ! costs 70J J . <:. A c k e r m a n , c o n s t a b l e 14 72 1 1 — ' • ' ; •^ IT— I 1f\ .. 1 xl 1 . • . . <-* t 1 r r o s S 1,8® W printing89 10 KJEVV YORK AND LONG BRANCH J O H N S. A P P L K U A V I ' * SOK, . 7 3 ES X70G Engineering: News, printbor on bridges. Freehold.. ing 1U4 <). B. Ir\vin, labor on roads 1597 A. Howell Miller, labor on RAILROAD. V C0UNS£UUXt3 AT lv*Xf. 1707 EngineeringRecord, printMidilleiowii 2C DO J-" 122 B0 bridges and road. Wall 9,715 41 Stations in New York : Pentral K. R. of New Office c ing Jl 1598 Win. II. Newman, labor on 1M5 P a t r i c k H a i l e r a n , labor on lifD ilAHX, B. J . Jersey, fuot Liberty Street und Wcot 23d Street; I i Gilbert Combs Co., coal roads, Middletown 'A 50 PeniMjlvania Railroad, foot of Cortliindt Street, I ——— 38 00 Shark River bridge AUDI wj for engine house at court IMG T h e itobfcrtH Company, 16'jy John Fredericks, labor on DesbrosMs Street and West 23d Street j L T E N R Y M. NEVJUS, bouse materials for Oceanic 2.SS 03 bridges, Atlantic £ 0 00 -.3*8 °* On and ul.or Juno 28th. 1908. ! -i-A COUKstLWR AT LAW 1709 Smith Premier Typewriter bridge : COO 00 1G0O Thomas Clayton, labor on 1817 Co., stationery T h e R o b e r t s Company, TRAINS WILL LEAVE RED BANK. I Henilnckton B l « l . ftont au»«t. 10 65 bridges, Murlboro* COO 8,57*! 78 materials for Oceanic 1710 L. S. Packard, supplies for 1C01 Samuel Scott, labor Shark 1488 H . A. S u t p h l n , Cashier, For New York. 5 55. u 35 (Mondays only). 6 4E, 7 10, " ' n t t n . a court house b r i d g e 9 6 6 7 SI River bridge 723 railroad tax order 7 12, 7 25, 7 40, S 03, 8 U7, 8 42, 9 20. 9 63, 10 46, T7REDERICK W.- HOPE, 42 00 A4o« 43 '. 1711 William McDermott, Jr., ISIS Conover & Young-, m a t e r 1002 Frank Blowers, labor 11 4ti 11 4C n. TB.; m.; 12 00 00 .noon, 1 El, "2 50, •4"05. '4' "17. 1381 T h o m a s B e a t t y , l a b o r o n labor court house ials for bridges, i l a t u w a n 110 C5 COUNSEIXOR AT LAW, Shark River bridge S4 2B i!2 20 4 30. « 07, 7 30.7 35. 9 08 (Saturdays only). 3 57. I JL,on'g Branch and Asbury June 10, IMS. 1712 H. O. Denise, supplies for 1S19 KiUvarcl W i s e , i n c i d e n t a l s y 70 Offices corner Broad and Front Staje 1 6 0 3 1-Iays Foundry Co., Iron 11 OOp. m. Sundays, 7 58, 9 43,11 52 0. m,; 4 45, Park road 01 85 jail RED BAKK. H. J. 10 00 l&!0 0. \V. Dean Co., on a c c o u n t for Shark Itiver bridge... COO 11 03, C 50. 810, 8 45. 9 08, 9 67 p. m. 13S2 John W. Campbell, consta14&9* H. M. Nevius, prosecutor's 1713 M a r y McGowan, l a b o r contract. O c e a n i c b r i d g e . . . 3,500 00 1C04 J. W. Fearce, tending 101 08 ble costs For Perth Amboy. Elizabeth and Newark. 6 C5, salary and telephone excourt house 22 75 1S21 H a ^ g - e r t y Bros., l a b o r on Manasquan drawbridge 1383 John \V. Campbell, consta(i 40, 7 10 (except Perth Amboy), 7 12 (Perth pHARLES H. IVINS, 34S 50 penses Oceanic b r i d g e &" 72 and labor on same G2 00 1714 Producto Oil Co., oil fur 18 63 1490 G. H. Bills, justice coats.. ble coats * , Ainboy only), 7 40 (Newark only), 7 55 (ex- I V^ COUNSELLOR AT LAW, 8 SO 1C05 Guo. AV. Lambertson, labor floors court house . . . . . 27 Ci 1S2- Tbos. M a n s o n .fc Son, labor 1384 A. S. Hinging, post mortem 14'Jl Alonzo T. Severs, justice 1 7 1 , 5 Chas. Li. Stout, salary as on Ke.u B a n k a n d Oceanic 32 00 on bridges, Holmdel examination 5 00 8 42 • (Newark imly), ij 20, 'J 53, U 45 a. m.'; ! 5 ^ ' costs • secretary" County Board r o a d 25 4 0 1CCG Kate Jones, tending K t y 1385 Hobtrt M. Marks, services 12 00 noon, 1 51. 2 50 (except Perth Amboy). I 11 40 1492 H. L. Irwin, justice costs, Taxation and aupplies MOO 112 10 H-23 1. A. W a l e s , l a b o r Valley I'jort ilrawbrlOye rendered coroner 13 00 1493 M. N. Smith, justice costs 4 05 (except Perth Amboy). 4 30. 0 07. 7 30 (ex- l^DMUND WILSON, C 15 1CC7 Albert Patterson, tending 171C Maxcy Applefjate, printing Drive road , 70 00 y j CO 1386 John J. Leonard, stone for cept Perth Amboy), 7 35, 9 08 (Saturdays only), JLJ COUNSELLOR AT LAW, 1S24 1494 James M. Walling, consta1717 K. G. B a c o n & Co., ' s t a t i o n G u s t a v e Alnurer, l a b o r on 85 00 Pleasure Bay draw 205 83 Oceanic bridge l c C2 a 07 (except Perth Amboy), 11 0(1 (except NewBED BANK, N. J . ble costs ery bridges, M a t a w a n 33 75 32 70 j lt!08 F. E3. Price, labor on cul3387 Frank H. Braach, hauling Offices: POST-OFFICE BUILDING. ark) p. m. Sundays, 7 58, 9 43, 11 52 (except 1495 Charles W. Seller, constaJ a m e s Welsh, labor Free1718 H. H. Pemberton, M. D., 1S25 verts and bridges, Shrews31 75 stone Oceanic bridge Perth Amboy) a. m.; 4 4 G (except Perth AmSI 50 [ ble costs' bold t u r n p i k e ',.. a 00 services rendered coroner. bury 805 00 D 00 1388 H . ' C . Wlnant, new piers boy) S 03. 6 50 (except Perth Amboy). 8 10 "1 AMES E. DEGNAN, 1490 ' C. Asa Francis, board of 1S20 FYed Smith, labor Free1719 F r e e h o l d G a s L i g h t Co., Joseph ApplPg&te, labor on 1,233 27 Oceanic bridge , (Newark only). 8 45 (except Perth Amboy), O prisoners hold t u r n p i k e 17 50 COUNSELLOR AT LAW, g-aa court house a n d j a i l . . . 45 01 bridges, Middletown 12 00 1389 John T. Hopping, gravel 9 08, 9 57 (except Perth Amboy) p. m. 28 BBOAD STREET. \V. D. Hulse, constable 1720 Arrowsmith Bros., burial BED B A B E , N . 2. 1K7 I s a a c S m i t h , l a b o r F r e e 1CI0 Martin Griffin, labor on 330 30 1497 costs for Middletown road C 90 hold t u r n p i k e 10 75 For Long Branch. Asbury Park, Ocean Grove and Indigent persons 25 00 bridges, Shrewsbury and 1390 James Norman, labor on D. Hulse, constableintermediate stations, 115 (Mondays exIS2S Michael T r a c y , s a l a r y a s Middletown 15 00 1721 John T. Tetley, coroner's LSTON BEEKMAN, 22 00 1498 W. bridges, Shrewsbury costs 10 00 e n g i n e e r steam roller 1*0 OO ceptal), 5 27, 6 10, 9 45. 10 20 a. m.; 12 45. 1 37 fees 5" 50 "Wm. T. Conover, labor on COUNSELLOE AT LAV/. 1391 John J. Compton, tending1 1S29 Bound Brook Crushed (Saturdays only), 1 42 (Saturdays only), 1 52, W. D. Hulse, constable 273 12 Ii2'l D. V. Verrine, supplies for bridges, Middletown 25 25 1499 costs Belford draw and expenses Supreme Court Ebtsmimar. Stone Ctj., stone for roails 4!iS*72 2 09 (Saturdays only), 2 25 (Saturdays only), NoUry Public. 1 CO i 1CJ2 Henry court house iind jail 31 14 imlay, labor on 1392 George Curtis, painting Michael Whalen, labor on 2 41 (Saturdays only), 3 (Ml, 3 49. 4 32, 4 60, 5 18, Offices 9 Broad street, RED BANK, N . 3. 1630 D. Hulse, constable 1723 John II. Polhemus, incibridges, t'pper Freehold... E0 38 ; 1500 W. Little Silver bridge 5 40. 5 47. Ii 22, G 35, 7 10, 8 27 p m Sundays roads 57 00 costs dentals 3 00 1 C 1 3 Thomas S. Chamberlain, 1393 Aaron Armstrong, labor on R. HERBERT E. WILLIAMS, ; 115, 4 60. 3 58. 10 36.10 54, 11 13 a. m.; 5 27. C 42! 1531 I l e n d r i c k s o n & Bronner, W. D. Hulse. constable 1724 Charles H. T. Clayton, incilabor on bridges, Upper 117 75 1501 coats TInton Falls road SURGEON DENTIST. 10 00 p. m. materials for bridges, dentals 51 S2 Freehold 19 50 Graduate University of Pennsylvania"! 1394 John L. Ilendrickson, laHolmdel 4 40 SUNDAY TRAINS DO NOT STOP AT ASBURY 1502 W . D . H u l s e , constable 1725 John Gleason, labor on 1 0 1 4 Frank A. Huley, labor on 25C 00 Offieo Daya in Red Bank: Mondays, Wedneaitara bor Middletown road 1532 Kstate C. G. Van Note, coal costs bridges GS 61 1.4S5 SO 'bridges. Upper Freehold.. PARK OR OCEAN GROVE. and Saturdays; Tuesday evenings from 750 to 8:3S. 1395 E d w i n M. B e e r s , labor for drawbridges €3 75 W. D. Hulse, constable 172U John A. Howlund, sergeant 1G15 J. M. Polhemus, flag Btone 135 00 1003 costs 120 Broad Street, Eed Bank, N. J. Middletown road For Freehold via Matawan, 8 03. 9 20 n. m ; 12 00 John M. Braly, examina.; at arms' salary 75 00 12 7G | for b r i d g e s , u n d cement 139G Kate Jones, tending Matnoon. 1 51, 4 30 p. m. Sundays, 9 43 a. m.; tion and report on Takan1E04 W. D. Hulse, constable 1 7 2 7 H. P. Johnson, M. D., yer170 00 I Upper F r e e h o l d awan and Keyport drawassee Lake bridge1D7 DG 4 45. 9 08 p. rn. T\R. R. F. BOEDEN, costs vices rendered coroner.... 50 I idG \V. A. H u l s e , labor o n 30 00 bridge 1834 W i l l i a m Allen, l a b o r on TRAINS LEAVE NEW YORK FOR RED BANK 1505 C. B. Barkalow, justice 39 51 172S Cyrus Knecht. M. D., ser" ' SURGEON DENTIST. i b r i d g e s , I'pper F r e e h o l d . . 1397 William H. Aumack, labor bridg-es, W a l l 72 50 Foot Liberty street, C. R. K. of N . J.. 12 01 (Mon- PATTERSON BUILDING. costs vices rendered coroner BED BANK. N . J . 00 1017 J o h n T h o m s o n , labor o n Keyport and Keansburg 15.30 F r a n k A. Solield. labor days executed). 4 00. 8 30, 10 00. 1130 a. in.: 1 articular attention given to the administration ef 150(i C. B. Barkalow, justice 1729 Elmer B. Polhemus, salb r i d g e s , N e p t u n e 38 00 34 00 road Shark River bridge CC 00 12 40, (Saturday only). 1 20 (Saturdays only), costs ary as freeholder Anaesthetics. 125 00 » ™ 1618 George H. A say, labor o n 1398 Edwin M. Beers, labor on 1 S 3 C C u r t i s W h i t e , l a b o r S h a r k 1 30, 3 30. 3 40, 4 45, 5 00, 6 30, 5 38. 6 30, 9 00 1507 W. AV. Ham say, probation 10 00 1730 H. D. Leroy, salary as freeb r i d g e s , Upper F r e e h o l d . . Keyport and Keansburg P. m. Sundays, 12 01. 3 30, 7 00, 9 10 10 00 D R . I t i v e r bridg-e CC 00 officer's salary and exholder 125 00 W. M. THOMPSON, 1C10 A n d r e w J o h n s o n , labor o n 44 00 road a. m., 2 30, 4 00, 8 30 p. ra. 1S37 T u c k e r White, l a b o r on penses 250 48 1731 A- C. Fisher, salary as " 1b r i d g e s . Upper F r e e h o l d . . DENTAL SURGEON. 1399 Covert & Truex; labor on bridg-es. Ocean 2o 25 freeholder 125 00 150S John Hackman, constable 1G1!G R i c h a r d Hemlrickson, l a Red Bank, N. J. " West 23d street, C. R. R. of N. J., 8 20, 9 60. 11 20 Over Postofflce, bridges, Raritan .'. 1S3S R i c h a r d l l a f e r m a n , on a c costs 2 CO b o r on bridges, Upper 1732 Matthias Woolley, salary Hours 8-5. a. m 12 20 (Saturdays only), 1 00 (Saturday 1400 G. E. Borden, labor on count contract F a r m i n g - • 125 00 1509 John Hackman, constable F r e e h o l d .as freeholder G3 75 only), 1 20, 3 20, 4 30, 4 50, n 20, (i 20, 8 50. 11 50 bridges, Shrewsbury 21 05 dale r o a d 0S0 00 1 00 1C21 Owen J . Melee, labor on costs 1733 William B. Conaver, salary P. m. Sundays, (i 50. 9 05. 9 60 a. ra.: 2 20. 3 50, R. J . D. THROCKMORTON, 1401 W. S. Voorhees, labor on 125 00 1S3U J o h n M. B r a l y , p l a n s a n d as freeholder b r i d g e s , Ocean 55 80 8 20 p. m. 24 00 1510 Arthur W. Kelly, court Middletown road DENTAL SURGEON. SURGEON specifications f o r c u l v e r t , stenographer's salary 1734 Edward W i s e., justice 1022 "William Rodney, t e n d i n g 1402 Joseph K. Walling, labor OFFICE: 'oot Courtiandt street and Desbroases street 22 35 W a l l ., 74 €3 costs Sea Bright draw and S8 80 1511 Hendrickson & Appiegate, on bridges, Raritan . . . . . . . . Red Bank, N. J. Penna. K. R., 4 00, 9 00 a. m., 12 30, 1 30 (Sat- No. 5 Broad Street, 2 Smith & Wesson revolv1540 Joseph L. Butcher, labor 1735 T. E. Hankinson, consta110 00 helper 1403 Harvey S. Bedle, labor on urduy only), 2 30. 3 10, 4 30. 510. 7 00 p . m 154 ers and cartridges 33 90 1*323 Consolidated on bridges, Wall '. ,23 50 ble costs Gaa Com40 25 Keyport stone road R. FRANK L. MANNING. Sundays, 8 30. 9 30 a. m. 5 00 p m 1541 Sea Coast National Bank, 1512 A. L. Hall, photographs of pany, lighting bridges . . . . 92'93 1735 Elwood Minugh, constable 1404 John H. Curtis, labor Mid137 40 SURGEON DENTIST. discount county note 193 30 West 23d street Ponna. R. R , 8 55 a. in.. 12 25. 1 25 10 00 1024 L. C. Ayrea, tending Goose prisoners costs 224 20 dletown road (Saturday only). 2 25, 3 25, 4 25, 4 65, 0 55 p. m. 1842 N e w Jersey Standard, RED BANK. K. 3 . 1513 Edwin C. Sloat, automobile I Neck drawbridge 45 00 1737 Frank Howard, services 1405 Estate T. S. R. Brown, lumBroad £jtreet, opposite Ford & Miller'a. Sundays. 8 25, 9 25 a. m.. 4 55 p. m. printing 27 70 hire in Shepherd murder rendered prosecutor's of1025 J. W. Keough, material for ber and pipe for bridges, 1 For further particulars see time tables a t sta1843 William Pintard, incidencase fice bridges Middletown S« 12 tals 44 26 T\R. R. W. JEWETT, 1514 John W. Hulse, justice 173S William R. Stevens, salary 1G2G H. S. Sproul, service on '1406 Estate T. S. R. Brown, pipe costs as auditor ' G e n - P a s « "Agent, ««". • new county road, MataPcnn. R. R. | - L " ' DENTIST. 12 30 GC GG 1544 G. D. Vanderbcreh, materfor bridges and culverts for ljen ials for bridges, Manala1515 J o h n W . H u l s e , j u s t i c e 1739 Elmer E. Morris, salary as wan 65 00 Eoom 14, Second National Bank Buildine. £ " X s * * ' Passenger Agent, Central 5oC 25 county pan 72 78 K. R. of N. J. 54 80 1C27 Theo. M. Anderson, labor costs Road Supervisor KED BANK. N. J Iiv7 Estate T. S. R. Brown, maR F I S B O D G E T T 1545 Statesir .Lumber Co., ma151G A. J . C. Stokes, a s s i s t a n t bridges, Matawan 52 Ed 1740 W. V. Reynolds, salary asj V i n t - Superintendent N. Y.and terial and supplies for terials for bridges, Howell 43 37 i-i. ii. iu It. 125 00 prosecutor's salary engineer at court house.. 80 00 Thomas V. Cottrell, labor T>ESSIE CAMPBELL. 29 18 bridges and roller 1846 Statesir Lumber Co., ma1517 Joseph Johnson, constable on bridges, Matawan 32 00 1741 Charles Van Mater, Cash-*-* HIGHEST ENGLISH. 1408 John A. DeRochc, salary terials for bridges, Manal14 00 ME9 Richard ier, discount county note. - [1 5 1 8 costs 3S1 37 Leo, labor .on Correct Enunciation. Painting in Water Colors. as clerk in Surrogate's ofnpan 50 87 u 100 00 ' Joseph Johnson, constabridges, Matawan 38 50 1742 L . F i n e g r o l d . s u p p l i e s f u r t o r terma, etc., addresa BESSIE CAMPBELL. lice 1 S 4 7 Adcock Foundry and Manished for jail 175 98 i b l e costs 1C30 Harvey S- Bedle, labor on BHANCU AVENUE. R E D BANK, N . 3. 1409 Leonard J. Arrowsmith, chine Co., materials for i 1519 S t e p h e n B. Bergen, c o n bridges, Matawan 5S8 20 1743 T h o m a s BroderlcU, c o n s t a salary as clerk in SurroIn effect June 28th. 1908. 38 55 35 00 1C31 K. M. Beers, 75 dd | stable costs ble c o s t s labor on a 70 ISIS bridges gate's office — A C. HURLEY, Lewis E. McBride, labor TRAINS LEAVE RED BANK. I 1520 J . C. A c k e r m a n , c o n s t a b l e 3G7 00 1744 T h o m a s B r o d e r i c k , c o n s t a bridges, Matawan SUR 1410 David S. Crater, salary as VEYOR AND CONVEYANCER. on bridges, Manalapan . . . 30 00 For New York, & c . a t 5 55, C 35 (Mondays only). , « „• ., ble costs 11 5C 21 00 1CS2 Estate T. S. R. Brown, ma375 00 L r n , c o s t s Surrogate R E D BANK, N. ; 1849 Georg-e W. Patterson, Jr., G 45, 7 12, 7 25. 7 55 (to Newark j , 8 03. 8 27. 9 20. 115 Bridge Avenue. i 1521 James M. Walling, consta1745 T h o m a s B r o d e r i c k , e o n s t a terials for brldgo, Mata1411 Joseph L. Donahay, salary With George Cooper for fifteen years. c 10 •IC, 1145 a. in.; 12 00, 2 50. 4 17, 4 30. 7 30 salary a s cleric of board.. C6 CG 45 50 741 97 ble c o s t s wan and Raritan IC 50 lfiG CC, ' fcl costs as assistant surrogate 7 35, 9 00 (Saturday only), 11 OO p. m. Sunlt-50 Georjre W. Patterson, Jr., 1 7 4 G Thomas BrodericK, consta1633 Charles Major, Sr., labor 11522 Lewis R. Bergen, constable 1412 William R. O'Rripn, salary days, 7 68, 11 52 a. m.; 4 45, C 50, 8 45, 9 08 p. i t . R B. F. KING, Incidentals 25 58 2 3 32 175 ble costs 35 00 on bridges, Howell j costs and expenses County Board 1S51 George W. Couovcr, labor For FreeholdjVia Matawan at 8 03, 9 20 a. m.: 1747 John A. Borden, justice Conover, labor VETERINARY SURGEON AND re-sum1CS1 Raymond 72 00 1523 C. Asa Francis, Taxation 12 00, 4 30 p. m. Sundays. 7 58 a. m.; 4 45, 9 08 on Valley Drive road 103 41' 2S 00 costs )3 45 on bridges, Millstone mon ing grand jury and 1413 v Charles L. Stout, salary p. m. 145 3S 1G35 George J. Ely, labor on 1SK. Taylor Patterson, labor on 174S John A. Borden, justice LITTLE SILVER, NEW JERSEY. t ransportation fees and stationery, County Howell 20 00 For Lake-wood, Lakchurst. SLC. a t G 47, 11 06 a. m.; IS SO costs 4 10 orsos bboarded winter M. N . S m i t h , j u s t i c e c o s t s . . bridges. Millstone d d i t and d summer and treatssl 104 00 1524 Board Taxation' s So 1S53 bridg-es, 3 03, 4 42. C 01 p. m. Sundays. 8 32. 11 06 a. m.; I Benjamin Taylor, labor on free of charge. 1719 John A. Borden, justice 1525 Alfonso Carrino, services NSC Owen J. Melee, labor on 1414 H. W. Buck, balance salary 3 40 p. m. i bridges, Upper Freehold . . 35 SO as interpreter 32 00 costs 300 19 50 bridges C5 00 as road supervisor For Atlantic City, 11 06 a. m.; 1 42 p. m Sundays i L. Butcher, labor 1854 Joseph 152C James M. Walling, consta1750 J o h n A. B o r d e n , j u s t i c e ^ EO. D. COOPER, 1(137 Owen J. Melee, labor Tak1415 Bessie M. Dillett, salary l H l i a . m.| 3 40 p. m. -^i Adelphia road 19 90 ble costs ,.... 2,947 05 costs 13 75 SOS annssce Lake bridge * CIVIL " as stenographer SurroFor Vine.land. Bridgoton.&c, G 47 n. m.: 3 03 p. m. \ s 1S55 Dennis Itiordan, inciden1751 George Van Dorn, labor 1C3S William McGatlan, labor e r Bn rno 50 00 l."27 Chester A. Haines, constagate's office nnf"? n i ""'!, , irat at C 47, 11 OS 0. m. ; Postoffice tals 3 00 ble costs 2 CO 250 08 on bridges, Holmdel on bridges, Manalapan . . . . 1-1IG James M. Ayres, headstone . RED BANK, N. 1. J 0,1, l> 01 p. m. Sundays. S 32 a. m. : ISM J a m e s H . S i c k l e s , i n c i d e n 1528 Ooorffe Van WIckle, con1752 J a c o b C. S t o u t & Son, l a Add ist)n Donne 11. labor on 1C39 for deceased soidler tals 50 W. G. BESLLn, stable costs 3 OS 72 00 b o r on b r i d g e s , Middletown bridges. Millstone ...w . C. HOPE. 1417 James M. Ayres. headstone ACOB C. SHUTTS, ISii" T h o s . . M a n s o n & S o n , h e a d H. V a n Winkle, 1753 J o h n F r a w l e y , l a b o r F r e e Vice Pres. and Gcn'l MET. Oen'l Pass. Airt. l « 0 Joseph R. Palmer, labor on 15 00 1529 G e o r g e for deceased soldier AUCTIONEER, stone for deceased soldier 15 00 constable costs 42 00 7 00 hold a n d M a t a w a n r o a d . . . 17 50 bridges, Manalapan 1418 Jos. Dixon Crucible Co.. bpecial attention given to sales i l of farm sto 1S5S Charles II, Crawrora, conGeorge 1H. V a n W i n k l e , AY. • H . Broxmier, labor 1CU "Willhim XX Emmons, labor TN CHANCERY OF NEW JERSEY. farm machine grease Sea Bright implements and other personal property. stable costs 3 50 3S 40 20 "0 constabit costs . . . , 33 13 Freehold and Matawan on bridges, Manalapan dra vbridge P. O. Address. 191 Broad street. Red Book. 1S5!) Kdwin C. Sloat, a u t o m o b i l e 1531 K. M. Conk, c o n s t a b l e Manalapan L i g h t Co., r o a d 10C To BELLE M. ABBEY : 1419 M a r y McGowan, labor Telephone 2G4. ^ ^ h i r e (Shophurd case) K 00 24 50 ' costs , 5 10 lighting bridg-e C 00 175" D u n i c l W o o d s , labor F r e e court bouse By virtue of an order of the Court of Chancery of ISM J. L a i r d Hulsi', b u r i a l Indi• 1 '>?,'! ~\ I n r o n P . B o w m a n , c o n s t a j hold a n d M a t a w a n r o a d . . . Luther McRrido, labor on 1C43 1420 J o s e p h M c D e r m o t t , t a x i n g New Jersey, made on the d;iy of the date hereof, JJENRY OSTENDORFF. l) e g e n t p e r s o n 20 00 17 34 bridges, Mannlapan 33 93 I 17"i(i S a m u e l P. L u y s t e r , labor 104 71 * costs costs, indexing books. <&e. m a certain cau.-fe wherein William II. Abbey is „ _ _ 1S01 T. E. H a n k i n s o n , c o n s t a b l e Freehold and Matawan I 1533 T l i c o d n r e F . Sniff on, j u s 1C44 Prior ,& Brock, stone for 1-121 W. P. Throckmnrton. sald A costs ' 1 4G B f i S , 1 36 50 I tire costs bridges, Manalapan 101 SI road ary as stenographer Co. | ant, you are required to appear and plead, answer 1 5 1 3 1 2 Shore K l e c t r i c C o m p a n v , CO Of !'1"'34 Tlu-odoro F. SuilTen. j u s 17.™ J o h n M a l o n e y , l a b o r F r e o Patterson, labor IC 15 Holmes Board Taxation Organs. l i g h t i n g b r i d g e s , April 40 00 or demur to the iietitiuncr'3 petition on or before tice costs 1S 55 hold a n d M a t a w a n r o a d . . 7 90 21 55 bridges, Millstone 142: Thos. J. McGarry, labor the EIGHTEENTH DAY OF SEPTEMBER next, Office, do la Reussille's jewelry Btore, Broad S t . 1SI13 S h o r e Electric Company, HO 5C ^'"^ Tlu'od'ire Huliek, consta17f>S W i l l i a m Conway, labor leu; John J. Compton, tending Highlands gravel road.... or, in default thereof, slli-h decree will be taken Red Bank. N. J . \ > lighting? b r i d g e s . May Cl 00 ble costs 43 50 25 25 Freehold a n d Mat a w a n Pel ford draw 1423 George "\V. Liimbcrtson, nKinnat you 113 the chancellor shall think equitable IStH S. M. Ely, l a b o r on b r i d g e s 59 75 153*5 Arrhe Forehunato, services' Ifi47 I-1,. J. Reach, tending Navelabor Holm del road 1 and just. \ ^ I L L I A M COCKCROFTJ J l i l l s t o n e ,17 0 7 as interprett 3 00 sink draw M 50 1751) I s a a c S m i t h , l a b o r F r e e 142-i <\ W. Dcan'Co,, on account The object of sail! suit is to obtain a decroe of Braun, laboi-' on T T CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT. 30 30 1SC5 J o h n h o l d a n d Mat a w a n r o a d . . . 1C.1S Artcock Foundry & Macontract'Oceanic bridge... 5,500 0? 1537. J. Frank Patterson, conbi-idjres. Millstone 7 00 divorce, ilissolviiiK the marriane between yon and corporations supplied with Stock Certificates stable costs 50 S4 chine Co., labor on bridges, 1(00 H a r o l d B i n k s , l a b o r F r e e 1425 G. H. Ayplcgute, justice the said petitioner. JOSEPH REILLY. 1 S C C A. B. C h a m b e r l a i n , labor _ , , Bonds, Seals, &c. 2 05 i ir.CS J. F r a n k P a t t e r s o n , c o n 42 10 1 hold a n d M a t a w a n r o a d . . . Oceanic costs Solicitor of Petitioner. on bridges. Millstone 25 C C Telephone 209. RED BANK. N. J. : stable costs CO 27 HMD Leon A. Little, labor on 1701 L e o n a r d Eminoiis, l a b o r 1426 G. f l . A p p l e g u t o , justice T. 0. address, 1 Front street. Red Bunk, N. J. • 1M7 W m . T. K e t c h a m . p l a n k *> 05 ; IT'39 J. F r a n k Patterson, con91 S8 Freehold a n d •M a t a w a n bridges. Middletown costs Dated August 17th, l;W^. for b r i d g e s , Howell 33 20 s t a b l e c o s t s 5 25 ( r o a d Pet*"T Lev inn, labor on so; 1427 G. H . 3111s, j u s t i c e c o s t s . . AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA^AAAA ISGS T h o m a s J. Wise, labor on 15-10 J o h n E. F o s t e r , judge's bridges. Millstone 31 50 17iI2 G e o r g e Emmons. labor 112$ Chester'A. Hainos, constaN RULE TO BAR CREDITORS, i I H u n b a r d ' s bridge 23 02 salary 500 00 1(51 John I Freehold and Matawan Dcwitt, labor on 2 CO ble costs EXECUTORS' NOTICE. 1 ltffi) Bedle & Collins Bros., on ir»41 E d w a r d Cash inn, s e r v i c e s bridges. Millstone 27 75 ! roa d 1429 W e s l e y W . T l i o u i ] i s o n , l a Louia T. Ilomaino. Sconce G. Itomaine and i a c c o u n t c o n t r a c t Keyport iii Z a s t a r a ease 10 50 nr>2 Thomas Thompson, labor 1763 M. C. B u r n s , labor on ISO 12 j bor Urlghtrtn Avoiiuf road road I l,(iiiS00 Washington T. Romanic, oxecutor^-of Julia A. T. ' 4 on bridges. Millstone 3S3 93 37 50 m a d s , Occun DENTIST , 1430 v i o l i n A. E a t o n , l a b o r o n ) ir.42 Ocorm.- V a n W i c k l e , c o n Romaine. deceased, by order of the surrogate of j < J1S70 It. R. Mount ,t Bon, burial s t a b l e c o s t s i Patrick Hartnett. labor on 17fii J o h n H o l l a n d , l a b o r F r e e _7L OS i •(*<»ads. U c c a i i Second National Bank Building the County of Monmouth, hereby trive notice to ! indiurent p e r s o n s 2 1543 IT. T. P a r t r e e , s e r v i c e s r e n S 25 S hnld a n d M a t a w a n r o a d . . . bridges, Million* 1431 H e r b w t L . l ' c a s v , - l a b o r o n the creditors of the said deceased, to brink' in their |1ST1 J o h n R. Snedeker, a u t o m o 5 00 1C4 dered c o r o n e r Rooms 8 and 9 Sidney Storer. labor on 17i>5 M a n n l a n a n U*rht Co., 5S 00 i muds, Rtiritan debts, demuniid and claims against the estate of bile hire aiui services In-U W a l t e r S. Reed, services 0 00 10 C3 . l i g h l l n t f b r i d g e s bridgi-s. Millstone 1431' I-. R Van Nt-st. iron work said deceased under oath or allirmation, within Shepherd case C 13 00 HS5 John rendered coroner \V;i rd, labor un 17i*t] J o h n G. S e x t o n , b u r i a l i n 41 M on Oceanic bridge nine months from the THlltTKENTH DAY OF C. l l i n d o u ll\i-cs, railroad 1545 M o r r i s & W e s t , b u r i a l In35 20 1 difi'ent i»ersnns bridges, Millstone 1433 Middlesex Valley Trap JUNE. l'.KK. or they will lie forever barred of any tUXC! 15 00 HT.0 digent person 17U7 l!eKKl«' M. D l l l e t t , s a l a r y Leon A. Little, labor on Hock Co., stone for roads, action therefor against the Mid executors. li ran d i n V . J o h n s t i n , r a i l services 13L 30 JI^S s t e n o g r a p h e r t?urrobridges. M iddlelown I(i7 47 1510 I I . S. Kin m o n t h , i tct-aii ' LOUIS T. KOMAINE G 00 lir.7 •Wlllliun Cnrlin, labor on road t a x i s rendered coroner ' grate's otVico DR. ROBERT D1CK5ON. 3131 William A. Van Mat«i\ laI.EONCE tilKAKD ROMAINE. f, 00 '' IJ-17 "W. I-:. Mel>onald, c o r o n e r ' s 19 C2 170S J o s . L. D o n a h a y . a s s i s t a n t brirt ties. Millstone b*ir Middle!own road Veterinnrian. WASHINGTON TYSON ROMAINE. 11G 20 IIVIS L. V, Conklin, fet'S j surrogate's salary ICC M labor on 115,1 J. l l m I a l ai?X. r.urtls. I) ll r 3T» 00 i Kds V'r. J o h n O p f o n m m . s e r 2 75 17t"!i I "avid S. Crater, SurroDOGS, CATS, TOYS, 50 OO imi 7OTICE OF SETTLEMENT OF AC| viees r e n d f r e d coroner.... ! fruto's salary '. 373 00 \V. <'. Winan't,' l';ibor' Oceon We. t h ^ uudr-rsiKni-d. a l o i n m i t t o e of 143'i I.' ;;l:u' 1,1,"nnlli\v," "iYib I T A SPECIALTY. 123 40 r>ll> W. M. H e p b u r n , ?i-rvlcc3 C«>0 00 1, 1770 John A. Di'Iloclu*. salary * • COUNT. nni" bridg-' : t h e B o a r d of I'hosi-si Fri-i-lioldi-rs duly IC 00 : rendf-red e o r o n e r a s elerk, Surropa te*s otliee IWil Estate of Albert II. Ramlell, deceased. Rirhartl WikoiTf. labor on 100 00 ;iyipointi-d fur tbu purpiisi! h e r r b y - c i r Phone 207, Pair Haven, N. J . 1137 T i i i - k i • r ' White. "i ViiJ ,'.r" on 127 SO • I"1"11"1 W. M. H e p b u r n , services 13 00 ' 1771 Smith Premier Typewriter Trustees' Account. bridges, Millntone Itlfy t h a t w e bavi- i-Xi.minr-d t h e f o r c 5 00 j rendered coroner ! (*o., stationery Notice is hereby triven that the account.-; of the Charles -T. Manlove. labor 42 ^0 1 troin^r a c r o u n t s of A s n e r T. Apple^-ato, 1WS .1. O i l " it. llufnu r. i'.i iVi'ii ii'lE ' 1 5 . 1 1 J o h n It. G r a v a t t , c o r o n e r ' s sutjHeribors, executors of the estate of said deon bridges. Millstone 40 00 ; 1772 W. G. Smith, labor Free! t ' o u n t y l'o]li'i.-lnr, from the Sth d a y of nil | ai i 11 i n ^r i <m l T» I ' M Tur CS 30 we deorije 3 00 ' fo«'S hold and Matawan road.... 14 00 i J a n u a r y , 1W$, to t h e 1st d a y of J u l y . ceased, will he audited ami stated by theStirn>e:ate Cn hill, labor on st vn.ni T< >UlT . . . ; 1'^>2 J o h n II. G r a v a t t , c o r o n e r ' s 17 50 i 1 T7:i W. Urmson, labor Freehold I IMS, a l s o a l l p a s s b o o k s . Xrc... relating; t o and reported for settlement to the Orphans Court bridges, Millstone Oi )K:t I- l i i l l U ctl vc nil 'oil 57 DO 7 OO j h i s yaid ollice anil iind t h e same, e o r - of thet'ountyof Monmouth. on THURSDAY. THE I and Matawan road Jon a tb an IT. Clayton, laCO u r t <> » S for ll no 10 00 ' lr>r>3 .1. "W. I t c n n e t t , services TKNT1I DAY OF .SEI'TEMIlEIt, A. U.. 1'JuS. 21 00 [ 1774 Albert Chambers. labor ' bor on bridges, itowell.... rert and as herein suited. 30 00 1014 Dated July 3d. IMS. ; rendered coroner Freehold and Matawan Lcvis T.nmber Co.. materI W e liiul t h e bul.'incc in tlie h a n d s of H4II F r a n k R DuHoi^, supplies 20 f*l : 1554 W. H. Morris, b u r i a l I n d i ials for bridges, Wall and CHARLES A. VANDERHOOF, road ' ' 2100] t h e said C o u n t y t ' o l l e o t o r to bo F i v e for road sempt-r 13 00 HENRY SMITH. 1,287 20 j K75 J. H. D. Van Mater, labor thousand forty-seven dollars and nineNeptune 1441 Alonzo HniwiT, m a t e r i a l s IN THE 75 25-! I.V"> O e o r p e X. looming1, s e r v i c e s ! Fr(-ehold and Matawan | t y - t h r e e cf-nts ($,"i,(i47.?3), n Charles Clifton, labor on for bridges. Freehold M 00 i r e n d e r e d c o r o n e r 20 95 | Approved by me, ;- • 560 road , Shark River bridge / " | N RULE TO BAR CREDITORS. 14-12 Wilbur R. Lewis, labor on T 50 I lu.'.tl F . 1. I.ony.^treet, services \V. I i . STEVEN'S. 1776 J. IT. D. Van Muter? labor Robert Pavis, labor Shark bridges. Freehold I rendered coroner 5 00 4 60 Freehold and Matawan Kiver bridge 1443 M. Tiacey, engineer's s a l Auditor. - - - - — Jatr.ss It. 90 00 i 15." floorffe I-1. W i l b u r , s e r v i c e s road C. It. Lnyton, labor Knar a ary, steam roller 31 M A T T H I A S WDOLI.EV, id" HoiiK, deceased, by order of the Surrogate of the Nuisances within the township of Shrewsbury ! rtMidered c o r o n e r 5 00 2,1 00 1777 J . H. D. V a n Mater, labor litver bridge II. n . ' I , R H O Y , 1411 WilliMin H. P a t t e r s o n , laCounty of Monmouth. hereby ttives notice to the are hereby defined and declared to be, and they 3CS 9S | 1WS A. H. Todd, s e r v i c e s r e n I F r e e Ii old and Matawan Daniel Onnldy, labor Shark A. C. F1SIIE11. bor Blue Hall road creditor.-i of the said deceased, to brim: in their shall include and embrace: ; dered c o r o n e r 5 00 3G 00 road 40 B Conimiltee of the. Board of Chosen debts, demands and claims against the estate of \ 1. The placing or depositing in or upon any Ttiver bridge 1445 Fred Wilson, labor Mkldle45 00 15f.il '1'. M. Appleg-ate, l a b o r on ' 177S F o r m a n H. Smith, labor Freeholders to settle with the County said deceased, under oath or atiirmation. within - Smock I^untruvn road \ 1CC9 Buelm lion & 4 50 r o a d s , Neptune. Freehold and Matawan Collector. ber Co., materials for 144G H. W. H a r t m n n , post m o r nine.months from the" TWENTIETH DArbF tTJiV^MrdlZZ^Tl^lSZf^ 5 00 l"jf.fl Ttalpha Mann, labor on 00 V_ _ lirldges, Neptune a. n d road tem examination MAY, 190S, or they will be forever burred of any part of the same, or any dead fish or any Dart trf 28 00 raiulH, N e p t u n e 145 S2 1779 F r a n k C o t t r e l l , l a b o r on 1447 I I . AV. Hart man, M. D., Ocean net.on thereJ^iiBauist the said executor , the same, or filth from privies or cesspools or catch 0 GEORGE THOKNELL: » 00 IStU Tony Vnso, l a b o r on r o a d s F r e e h o l d a n d M a t a w a n post mortem e x a m i n a t i o n . Holmes II. Matthews, labor —THOMAS II. VANTINE. basinsor rubbish of any kind or description, or any 1(170 Neptune 21 00 r o n d 1 87 144$ II. W. H a r t m a n , M. D., on bridges. Howell 333 % ••• Present chums to Join, S. Applcfc-aU.- & Son, ; house or kitchen "slops or garbage, manure IK By virtue of an order of the Court of Chancery i 00 1502 W i l l i a m TT. W h i t e , l a b o r on post mortem e x a m i n a t i o n . 17S0 Ma r e e l ! us Quackenbush, owcepinKQ (provided that stable manure and other William Harris, labor on 11.71 of New Jersey, made on the daj^ of ihe date hereof, Attorneys. lied Bank, N. J. 52 00 roads. N e p t u n e 1419 F. A. Sofield, labor on Ii) 23 labor Freehold a n d MataShark River bridge ~ — manure may \HI UH<X1 aa a fertilizer) or uny fou) o? _ wherein Sophie Thornell in petitioner and you are 101 00 M J. W. V a n ValKeuTjerKh, roads. Neptune w a n road Donegan & Swift, materN R U L E T O B A RC R E D I T O R S . offensive or obnoxious matter or substance whatJ 'M defendant, you are required to appear and answer C 75 1672 l a b o r on r o a d s , N e p t u n e . . 1150 John J. Compton. t e n d i n g ever ials for Shark River bridge 68 00 17S1 K r a s t u s Bowne, l a b o r on thepetitionor'spctitiononorboforvtheTWENTYADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE- „ . . 1561 Manila Fella. labor on Bel foid drawbridge a n d Leroy Miller, labor Shark Freehold and Matawan „ SEVENTH DAY OF AUGUST, NINETEEN John W. IvinH, administrator of Mnnrarct Ivin.s, *i- Any lull or leaky privy vault, cesspool or otijes 2S 00 1673 25 75 rofitly, N e p t u n e . expenses 35 -3 road Kiver bridge 13 50 | HUhTDRED AND EIGHT, or in default thereof dt'certsed, by order of the Surrogate of the County receptacle for filth. _ _ 1565 I. D. S t o r e r , labor on r o a d s lir.l C. Asa Francis, dotlHonry 17S2 J o h n Boice, labor FreeII. M. Rue, labor Deal j such decree will be taken n&rainst you as thechan- of Monmmith, hereby j^ves notice to the ereditora ! J - AlluwniKor permitting any night soil, garbage 13 SO 1C74 Neptuno inUc'fijre petit j u r o r s J a n u 11 00 hold and Matawan road.... Lake bridge 0 00 cellor shall think equitable und just. of" tht' in their debts, de o r o t i i e r ofTcnaive or decomposing aglid or fluid " .said deceased, . to bring . a r y term. 1908 24 00 IMG W i l l i a m T e r r y , l a b o r on John Grant, labor FreeII. M. Dolun, labor Shark The petition in the above cause is made acainpt mands und clainiH aj-ain^t the estate of said de- ' matter or substance to leak or ooze from any cart 5 00 1675 roads, Neptune 1452 G. M. F r e e m a n & Son, b u r 31 00 hold a n dM a t a w a n r o a d . . Kiver River bridge o O you for an absolute divorce on the grounds of detieiisod. under oath or aflirmation, within nine . or wagon or vessel in which the name may be con35 00 1D67 J o h n Carr, labor en n e w ial deceased soldier ITS I P a t r i c k Maloney, l a b o r o n Ili7( William Flood, labor on sertion, you beiiiir the husband of said petitioner months from the SIXTEENTH DAY OF JULY, • veyetl or tarried. stone road and bulkhead, 14r>3 J . C. Ackerman, constable 31 "3 Freehold • a n d Matawan Shark Kiver bridge CHAKLES E. COOK. HK)y. or they will be forever barred of any actitm ! 4. The earryinp or conveying: through any atrast 7 00 474 00 Matawan costs road Litt HOPS, labor Shark ' aO Dated June 2fith, IMS. Solicitor. therofur ainiinst the :?aid administrator, 1677 . any sub stance which ha.3 been removed from &ny ladS GeorKO W. liiimbcrtHon, l a 1 1454 KeufTel &, F-sser Co., s t a 15 - 3 ITS.", l r . IS. I l u l s h a r t , l a b o r M a t Itiver bridge privy vault or ccttspuui, unktis the same shall bs SKinbacli liuiUiim, Aabury Park, N. J . JOHN W. IVINS. b o r H o l m d e l road S 37 tionery 41 00 Edwin Lippineott, Jr., lanwail i;tt>no. rt>:l<l i inclosed in air-tight barrel;, or in a perfectly tight l f . O O d i a r i e s Wicoff & Bro., m a 1 14& AVin. F- G r a v a t t , lumber 37 23 17S0 Ocnrf^o bor on bridges, Howell yt-hcncli, labor and properly covered wagon. chlno w o r k for s t e a m r o l _ for bridges, Upper F r e e Freehold ami .Matawan I 5. All cartih)? of garbage through the streets of i MTfl William C. Taylor, labor ler 05 hold v 3 ! 75 road on bridges. Howell ; the township except between the hours of ounuefi I 1 5 7 0 Hound ' B r o o k C r u s h e d 115(3 Win. F . G r a v a t t , lumber and MIX. A. M. 1680 W. L. Conover, 't labor on 17.^7 CiiarU'J tjhirinan, m a t e r h i l j Ktono Co., s t o n e f o r r o a d s 319 ,.- I for brld^etf, MillHtone H> 52 i ft. The burning of any mutter or aubatanco whlcij bridges, Manalapan fur bridges, A t l a n t i c ! l.'nl Hound Brook Crushed 1157 Tl. It. Mount »t Son, burial ! ahull emit, or cause, or produce, or caist off 0H¥ ltM Joseph Reynolds, labor on 17^S J o s e p h -MeDenuott, iiulux15 00 1 S t o n e Co., -stone f o r roadM indigent person Cl 63 I foul or obnoxious, or offenaive, or IiurUTut. ur HJJbridges, Howell iiiK records, copie.i in l u n 50 | 157:: H a r v e y H. l.Seillo, l a b o r ltfS J. S. White, lncklontnlH... j noyinir Kas, I'moke, fitenm or otlor. ldSll Thomas Reynolds, labor on i acy m a t t e r s Time Table in Effect July Otli, 1 DO8. 107 CO ; Keyport road 77 15 1159 J a m e s M. P a t t e r s o n , inci| 7. The (.'tutting or ilisclmrtrinjr into the ShrewBbridges, Howell 17S9 I I . W. 1IIKH"K, oxaniiiia3 00 | 1 5 7 3 Win. I-. V a n B r u n t , l a b o r dentals bury m* Nuvesink. or South Shrewsbury river, c? 1 C S 3 John Jacobs, labor Shark 10 C O tion Hmai'v e:iso Subject to ctmn(;e \vitllout notice. 107 C2 41 00 1*160 GeorfiO W. PatUirsoii, J r . , '• into uny utvmm in tliiM townnhip, or on the boundKiver bridge 17M H. W. liiKlilu,'. liost m o r 55 «0 1571 !•:. V.. T h r o e k m o r t o u , s e r labor Adelphia road i tiry line of thUi towimhtp, uny mibutuncowhich h&s t n n exa lui nal ion 5 00 VICCM on roadn 102 00 lf»Sl William Fan-ell, labor on 14C1 Win. C. I'attcrKon, aHKlnt] lu'i'ii removed from any Vfiult, cesspool or sink, or on bridges, MilltUone. I7!H W. ll. Wilson, incidental 19 50 I 1575 J o h n II. Drum, labor 111 mi r v e y Ijfi k e w o o tl road, ; any titful or otlu-r refuiie, li<iuida, or aolids, by aay H^ 00 bridges, MllhUom; expenses S C O I'oltn Neck road 37 DO ! jpipuHorutherwiHt?. 141.2 Michael Curt In. labor on ICsf) OurtiH B. Forman, labor [ 17K I l a r y e y S. Ilroivn, e x a m 7 50 I l&Tii Thoinaa AlcKnljriit, labor brld^ou, MlllHtouc ! H. Any and i>vcty nuiitance an nbovo defined Is on bridgeH, AUIlstoiK! i n a t i o n l u n a c y eane •H) 7 5 j I F r e e h o l d road 510 00 14H3 F r a n kt:i H o m e r , labor on heri-by prohibited and foibidden within tha town* lGStj Thomas I )ailey, labor on KK! \V, 1". 'I'lirockmurlon, nal37 GS i 1577 I'rt-il Smith, J r . , l a b o r on brh!K '. Millstone whip of Sltrewabury, and any person trialciiij^, cf*Sta is brldneit, MUlHtimo .•iry iis uleiiiiKi'iiphi'r CounCSS S7 I SinithliurK road UtM A. Kobinnim, nchr>ol exali*Ulletween Pier 24, fool of Franklin Street, Neiv York (Landing at the Hat- irifr, cau.'iinir, inaintaintiifr or permitting any of It!s7 (leorgt; Y. Wilson, labor ty Hoard Taxation 28 00 1[>7S I.oult! Itose, labor on roadM, liior';i l'eeu nui:ianer:i nhall forfeit and pay a penalty of ltiSS II. 10. stanton, labor Shark 17111 1011a I". Crime, discount tern to tithe on and let off Passengers only), mid Ilighlmuis, Ilii/Iihuul (wild 21 00 1465 G. A. Dentae, Ciumler, twnty-livo<!nl]n™. C3 (fl Kiver bridge •o'inty note l l t i GO gravel 112 CO 157:) J o h n T. Hoppini;, Hchool ordorn TIIG nlnivo i:i nn extract from tlio ordinances! « l Beach, Oceanic, Locust Point, Fair Haven and Red Hank. i f i S U 1'at fly 1'Vi'riach, labor on 17115 I'-dvvin C Mont, nutomoblln 4S 00 for roadii 14tlfi II. A. ttutphln, Cntihler, tin* board of health of Shrewsbury townnhli), ftncl : i -3 Hliavlc Itiv«r liridjrts r hire Counly Hoard T a x a 25 00 l,>Sd (I. \). (Smock, labor l^iitonHchool order tht> tianu) will I HI tnorotiKhly enforrwl, Tolii'liunc Cull, 1101 KriinUin, Now York, nnil M-.I Kn\ llniil;. N. .1. >. 1VH . ) Alvanl l''orman, labor on tion lown a n d iiOiijf Itrantrh 14(17 William Mcuni, mind for AUtKHT I,. IVINS. 31 50 17UG K. K. VoorheeM, auloinobllo bridge!!, MillMtone 10S 75 road ()ee:i ulc brldK^ I'rciiidont of the Hoard of Jiesilth, 111!'! Waller K. Allen, labor on hire, (.'ounty Hoard TaxainM J. 1 0 . UobbliK., l a b o r P e r IOK IU:i) HANK. 1-16S AViHliim Mourn, labor on IOI« N I . W YOUK. A. C. IIAHKI;:ON, tji-netHry. bridge;!. Millstone tion 113 76 rlnevllle road roadu, .Shrt:wtibviry lffin; Allen J>ewltt, labor on Daily except Sunday, 171)7 II. A. Kutpliln, tveamirur, U.S2 III Huh Huekalew, labor Daily ™ t v[il Hiiiulny. ISi 38 hrWIfrt'H. MilhitoiM) I N CHANCMUY OF NEW JERSEY. A. M. county noto 1C1 28 liavlM S t a t i o n retail May 2ti, 1!»OR. KKU K. I-:. IC Hiilhrrilz, materi I'ier 24. foot ..f | - | nlilin.Sli «'t..B 2li A. M. 171IS A i i b o r y 1'urlc a n d O c e a n lftKt A. <!. K n i r k s n n , l a b o r I r o n I! Illll ial for bridge:! and ini'idenI IKI 'I'll I.ANTA Ilntlery l,im«lin|r.. nk . . . . H 50 ..1 (HI <irov<II a n It, illacount 154 35 Ore road 14t;i. < J. A. I>*:nl;u\ C^mhler, rallf.7 50 Full lln . . 1 0 3!'. 4 I" I III tlllM .ir tl,>! C o u i i o f ( h m u ' M J eovinty n o t e llVVll'tili "fi.OCI 42 15St Kphniliu J.alnl, labor H I I J ; rosul t ; i x Locilnt 1'uint. ., Oreiuiic . . . 1 1 10 •I '..';. of N « , l n n tfitjiiny oF lltt*(ljit^ hiT**u 171111 h ' r a n l c 10. l l i . y c r . m a t e r i a l r. in C57 48 10!l| J. h\ Hbanley Co,, on iirIbditown m a d Ounhk-r, M70 1. II. Orriutli: . . . 1 1 211 I I.iK-uiit Puhitaln.i Frank liiii'cii fft i>'-tiitontr f I l o r bvlilnen, A t l a n t i c count eon tract < 'oltsi Nuclc M r.2 IKWI It. It. HufvhcM, iiiTiur on 11.103 47 i] l u x i > n l « n i i-iillro n . . . 7 lift f> (Kl I anil yim mi? ih-fi'iulaiit, you urtj riMiuiri'ii lomiMW^ i,lira ^7 1MK) I I . I ' . JllllllNllll. M . 1.).. !H!1Illllliluniln . . . I I 3(1 Fair Haven road 227 43 rond;;. Ocean rullr<iutl M71 ( ' 10 I'1. , . . H (HI n- llnLtcry l.niKlini lied Hank . .11 4n ii Ml lIn' pi'llti r'n imrllinn, nn or Ix-fnro UioKUVE.MTlce;' rendfr(-d <iiionev WX> U*OIK«I W. Ojvllvie, repalrM 10,2% 1.7 IHSR Janietj KavanaiAli, l a b o r on (ax o r d e r 7 mi I'KDN'ril HAY OK HKl'TKMHKIt noxt. or in il«IK0I \V. 1). h y k e s , !<alniy a n 3D 00 In tiprlnUllnr, w a y; o n, rofuin, Ocean 1471! I'. 11. W i i n l o l l , C'lishlur, I'IIIIII lln-nnif, I.III-II .lnrri.il nhull \m mwl« noMaat 3:'. 00 . l a i i l t u r n n i l lni:l<l<iiiliiln.... 1,768 S3 15SV Wesiley W. ThunipHiin^ lul'lillrimil lux: o r d e r .m :i; tli'i I'hiiMi'clli.r iiliall think <-n\,\u>l,U ...•»! IMK! K i l n i t i n i l ! ! . I t i i n , l y | i « w r l l A. M. A. M . 12 00 WM\ Thmuiifi *1. <>i-r. *>n ni'«:ounl l»nr on rcHHlH, Ocetui Mill I'lliuli'M V a n MutiM', ("unlin»t. t e n copli'.i o r r o a d niiecltl»07 ei eoutinct Manahipim read. I-IMI-I-21. fixilnf l''mn e l . . M ',![, 4,731 IS l T » S f l WN-nley W. Tlioinpfion, l a r. M. Icr, r i t l l r m u l lux: oi'ilt'r- . . . . ;',ui(t p.-littuii i i Hlod nsisiniit yml Jfor divorce u ir. H i ! * ' / .In cob <'. '1'nylor, labor l l u t h ' r v l.itmliiiK. . . il I..'. • Iti'il lluiili iKtr (»n rond!!, < >cean nm t IKI 11V4 AliriLin llortoii, nillrciml rom tin' limiil I'f niHlrimuiiy, on tlm s n m n i l id itoIMI3 K i l m i i t i i l il' itiii', m i l a r y IIII Middletown road v IlilililiuicliiiitHHU... LOOS fid K.M» Wftiloy \V, Tlnmi|iMon, l a . ..1(1 3f> Full- l l n v e i l . . . . I I.', tint o r d e r i'illiiii. D I I K A N l ) , I V I N S A (TAltrubt, cleric of f;rantt Jury and li is William W. Aumack, labor . I I 10 l,<iili»l 1 ' u l i l t . . lior on roadn, ( t e n n i in co J17S I t . A. l l f i K l r l d i i n i n . railMnllcltorn of I ' s t l t k a t t r , lllCilK'llllllH KeuiiMburiv mud Oi'rniili; ... 11 ai II Ml , ,:i ;;n •i : T . 1WK) »I(MirK«» J- Mulholland, Inl o u d (UK o r d e r V. (>. ii.lilii'iiii A u l n i i v I ' u t k . N . J . l'.(ll \ v . I!. I H i r y e i i , i i t a l l i H i e i y . , 23 89 10. M. Kt^rti, MprliiUMiiK 11 I K t i l i i i n l M . . . . l»or c o u r t lio\ine llVI! H. U . P m d e , (?niihler, r u l l III IH) . 4 IKI f. no I J u l y Illlli, l lMti'i l l n e l c a l e w K. l ' ' r e e m a l i , l i l i r (ttonn roinl, K m l i a i i . . . n :KI Ulllill IW'I Win. U. (> Hiliii, niiiilMt rnad l a x o r d r r ;:, oo I ' a t r l e l i MeCue, l a b o r R e d Inl l n i l l r . e i i t p i . . . u 4r. iil.mil, mil. ni-eieiiiry'.'i nabn y <'o. 14(7 Wllltiiiii A. J'l.uiitliln. n i l l N UII1,H T O HAU CUKDITORS. Hank road , IK 00 I' in: I'll i n Mnrrlil, I n c b l e n Tlixutloti Jtoaril mid ovV'M 01 rniul InM.ordi!!InlM W i U l n n i MeurH, o n a c c o u n t I Yi.rtucmn Niiflu; M7« J o h n I t . A l l a i r e , rullronil At llatti-ry I . a l l I'IKV III!.I t \nn tor NOTI^K pliiYVH, n u 1)0) K n l a t o l l a v l i l W e l i i h , >lll|ic o n t r t i e t HuiiiMon IOIUI . . . . nttl I m i l . in. (••tilit.ir t f W l l l l m n J-YfflsK 7KG Ct ir»!K! I']. M. Va'iV'i'.ei-r.' iiValeih.ln ruuil line o r d i r Kiln r l i M I . . . .".Ii. ' . I i 1 1 . • I , b i l n n i l u m l I I I iklvM. l-Hlllll Junx'M McN'Innie, Ciiiih piild llfi 40 p l l e l l f o r l u l l l h l E i !U C for brlitirea. W a l l IWJ Ullilllil I M l l w i l l liillioiid for cieiinlni; 1 d i t c h , (folUi !il Mm iiltl. Ii* " *y Kl.eil l IWi'i I ' . H a l l I ' l i e k c r , p r l n l l i i K . . it.M ,1. I-. NOCK, l a b o r o n brlilKO lav. (mil i TROLLEY CONNECTIONS. i>r I ! Neclt ro;ul »«!. K. l.it » * I , * * * » * 4*- SOI CO IHOII I ' . M . T a y l o r I'IIIIIIMIIIIII; Wall l HSO l l . W. l l m l f o r d , r u l l r o m l l a s IV 00 « uln it l H o n u «1 llrtHiK Cniiihfwt ATIMCHI.ANIKl In.I. <!. T. Ci,. f, ,'!!..no (,'huiili, Allunllo lli,:l.l:n .In, ll<-lf.»i.l, K, C itl %H at »ld 6» , lU'M A n a O u t tl:i, labor on oi.n.i (irilUli, e.onntuhln I"., yi..,, I. Mlilillnl.ivvn m il II'.1 Iliuik. 11(10 l'elc I!I <.r alll Htoiin < !o., iitoiin fur nmil;t brl.ltvcn, W a l l 11' 1 W l U l i i l l t I t < <HIOV< i , x-i11 III It ' John L. lUnwIrlOsfioit, l a nllm finm Ihn .i ( Of l» it 2 Of AT Itlvll HANK vl M. <'. K. I'II. r..r -Mlir.- nlnn y. Kntimtu . Iji p- l i nml A.liu •y 1'MII. l.lMiS W UV.Ct J o h n T h m r u m n , In b o r o n ron<l lux null i tIS? thi'ii will Iw fi i Wfr t a u n ! IIIIIII I ' l i i n i ,, i i h liiiiory y l.TJ 70 ATHIOK 1IANH vii .1. «'.'I'. Co. fur I'ill VU w. MMillnlo ' b n r M i d d M o w n mud .mlh. Ilnlfn ill. Kroim lirl(l(r<'i>, Wiill n m l N«>nII' ! Wlllinin 11 Wain iiillion 1 M f t n utut eiyuin it tho I IKIII I i . C , W nl lll l i i K , II n cll U i i n t i li l t i . J o h n A. Kuton, labor on limir mill Knypiirt, tlllMt r.,115.H tux ui.ler i to dm Cum of I 1-omln, Ocean * » ! i i i « i n l Atl<:i>(lwi i »inO'»nl«Kin. ir.ln; Cluu!<-!i It. A1utthi!w», la\ H » 1 Jo mill i> Uoicului-V. ru.ll13T€ John M. Braly, plans and survey of drain in road, Bed Bank to Oceanic 1377 John S. Lankanau, labor Middle town road '. 137S John Brower, labor on. bridges, Middletbwn 1379 A. M. B e d l e , l a b o r o n bridges, Raritan 1380 Jas. C. Hendrlckaon, labor Middletown road - road tas£ order 14§4 Robert L. Kuder, railroad tax order * 00 1485 Joseph W. Johnston, rail, road tax order 22 00 1486 Harry Campbell, Cashier, railroad tax order 35 70 1487 J. W. S. Campbell, Caahier, railroad tax order 18 73 2,5S7 20 A D D D NEW JERSEY CENTRAL. D G J " ' " i L ' S ^ S ! B S I « « and Repaid of Pianos and O Dr. H. B. Van Dorn ^ Special Notice ? RELATING TO NUISANCES Township of Shrewsbury. T O MERCHANTS STEAMBOAT CO. OF NEW JERSEY. Steamers Sea Bird and Albertina. :::W¥ 0 V I ygm-Bf - r ^ a s «._- .a«. a. | r , M ' . \ . > : ; ! ^ i/:1:.,1 v-':ii!I./::1ji.-v IN THE VILLAGES ROUNDABOUT RED BANK. i SHREWSBURY NEWS. HIGHLANDS NEWS. Int Shipment of Potatoes Made Monday Morning. Several carloads of potatoes were . D hipped from this place Monday. This vas the first shipment of potatoes from : his place this year. The potatoes were •aised by Aaron Armstrong, William 11. i Jennett, Daniel Shutt.i and George L. : reeriwood. i Mrs. Patrick Heath and her son Wiliam of Brooklyn art:, visiting Mr. and ,lrs. Charles M. Rockliill. . | Miss Maud Pierce of Brooklyn and i ilr. and Mrs. Charles Edwards of Ridge- ' C . ' T . Maison had a bad fall last ield Park are guests of Mrs. George ; Thursday and has since been walking itevens. Mrs. Elijah Matthews of j lame. He was trying- to hang a sign lolt's Neck and Mrs. Garrett Matthews j You will probably need a new pair of from a step ladder, when the ladder f Eatontown spent Monday with Mrs: j j Kavc way and threw him to the ground. itevens. Misses Lillian, Esther, Emma and • He is able to attend to business. Oxfords to carry you through the season. A heavy thunder storm passed over /larie Hurley spent Sunday with Mrs. ] ] here last Thursday night. Trees on the Sidney \V. Bennett of Nutswamp. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel E. Clark a r e ; hill were uprooted and several lurKe G E T T H E M NOW, before the lines i ones were shattered by lightning. The isiting relatives a t Lakewood. Happy Days clubhouse was hit ami Gabriel Nelson attended the funeral are broken and you will be sure to be suited several boards were torn from one side f his sister a t Philadelphia yesterday.' , of the building. The occupants of the Christ church Sunday-school will go i place were shocked and two of them in its annual picnic to Asbury Park to-1 OUR PRICES ARE ALWAYS RIGHT! •were taker, to the Long Branch hospital norrow. The trip will be made in stages. Mra. William Clayton of Adelphia is ! for treatment Friday morning.' A window shutter on the Tuxedo hotel isiting Mrs. Thomas Clayton. j "was torn from its hinges, the roof on Mrs. Ashbel Borden and her son Dela-1 the moving picture gallery in the rear field will shortly leave for a trip to the of Creighton's hotel was blown olT and Adirondack mountains. Mrs. Borden's several tents along the shore were son has not been in good health and it blown down and damaged. Lightning is thought that a change will benefit him. \ • struck one of Thomas McGinnis's houses and tore all the moulding off the walla. I t passed through a pocketbook on the table, burning a hole through a $10 bill which was in thepoeketbook. Another heavy shower occurred Saturday afternoon, but no damage was done by that Come t o Hundreds of R e d B a n k • 18 BROAD STREET, RED BANK, N. J. storm. People. Harry Green's vaudeville company is There are days of dizziness; Telephone 301. giving nightly entertainments of illustrated Bongs and short sketches at Fire- Spells of headache, sideache, backmen's hall. ache; David Soffel has opened a livery stable Sometimes rheumatic pains; on Miller street, next to Kanes's Derby Often urinary disorders. house. All tell plainly the kidneys are sick. St. Andrew's Episcopal church li:is been newly'painted. Doan's Kidney Pills cure all kidney Reuben Parker's house, at Higldam ills. Beach has been renovated. •Here is proof in Red Bank; Jack Goodwin, t h e boxer, who ha F. H. Weller, !>7 Went,Front street, heen.training at Firemen's hall fdrscv Red Bank, N. J., says: " F o r years my oral weeks, returned to New York las mother-in-law sull'ered from kidney week. complaint. She had severe pains in her The new law office «f George E. Jeiv back and loins, accompanied by head-! JJ 1 kinson on Bay avenue was opened last aches and dizzy spells. Although she , £ "We have had a destructive fire in our factory, but Friday. used remedy after remedy, she never oh- r * Charles Riker, proprietor of the Sea- tuincd relief and at last despaired of ever J» have fitted up other work'shops and have mechanics at Bide Kitchen, is building a platform Ix being cured. When Doan's Kidney pills X work in all branches, and wish to solicit your patronage. t\veen his kitchen and pool'rooms. were brought to her attention she was i ? The Monmouth Contracting company so impressed with what was said in their | J> Our stock of finished carriages was not destroyed and have the contract for laying pipe on Peak favor that she procured a box at C. A. ! % street to the borough limits. They will Minton & Co.'s drug store and began : J we have a full assortment of all styles to select from. receive 33 cents a foot. taking them. She obtained the best of ! JJ We will, for a short time, make liberal discount on The first communion service held in results from their use and never loses JJ this stock. t h e new Methodist church was held Sunan opportunity to' speak in favor of, ? •"' r d a y of last week. Dr. E. C. Curtis of Doan's Kidney Pills." jJ This is work of all grades of business wagons, pleasAtlantic Highlands assisted the pastor, Rev. Thomas Huss. The evening ser- For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents. | fa ure carriages, etc. . vice was in charge of a representative Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, New York, j v I • of the anti-saloon league. Services are sole agents for the United States. held in the basement of the new church, Remember the name—Doan's—and which will be wired for lights this week. take no other. The old church building will be rented or sold. Recorder JCPSC Stout fined John McOur automobile department was not hurt by the fire Sorley $1 and costs last week for being ^ d r u n k and disorderly. Harry Millinan and we are prepared to do all kinds of repairing at short ^ ^ o T ^ a d Bank, who keeps a frankfurter notice. stand near the Patten line dock, was arrested last week for disorderly conduct We also have a stock of all kinds of automobile supand was fined $5 and costs. plies; oils, greases, tire covers, tires, coat rails, etc., that C. T. Maison is putting up a frame awning on the south and east sides of we sell at the lowest prices. Ms main store, near Miller street. minimal Church Fair—Damage by Thunder Storm:The annual fair for the benefit of the Church of Our Lady will hc-gin tomorrow* night. The fair will, be held in St. Mary's lyceum and will be held Friday night of this week and Monday, Wednesday and Friday nights of next week, 'with dancinp; each night. The contests include a scarf pin and a gold watch for the men, a diamond ring and chutellaine for the women, a barrel of candy for boys and a handsome doll for Our Lines are Complete in Sizes, Widths and Styles. . .THE SHOE THE R E D BANK RKOISTKK is on sale a t both of C. T. Maison's hardware > stores. The roller skating race for the chainL plonshipof Monmouth county, which was ~*tof have been held last week at the Twinlight rink between George Roop of Red Bank and Henry McCarthy of westeiul, •was postponed until tomorrow night. This will be the final of a three-nice series, each skater having won a'racc. All worth double, sizes 34 tn 4;, not all sizes in every lot. Cninc early for best bargains. EVERETT NEWS. Bolmdel Board Favorably Inclined Toward Continuance of School. A few daysago William W. Antonides presented a petition to the Holmdel board of education asking the board to rent the schoolhouse here from Middletown township. All the members of t h e board who attended the meeting admitted the need of a school here and a committee was appointed to present the request of the petitioners to the Middletown township board. Some time ago the Middletown township board decided t o abolish the school here next fall and transport the pupils who live in Middletown township to Lineroft. Most of the pupils of the school live in Holmdel township, and cannot attend the Lincroft Behool. Charles Stilwagon, son of John B. Stilwagon.husreturned from the Adirondack mountains, where he was the guest of the children of I it j ' ^ Thompson of Lincroft. Mra. Mary Daly spent Friday at New York. Mrs. Frank Haley entertained a large number of relatives and friends from Red Bunk last week. Mr. and Mm. Daniel Connors of Oceanic are spending several days with Mr. Connor'u mother, Mra. IOlizaheth Connors. Patrick Carton, Jr., whf> liven on the Holmdel road, IHIH bad a new llooring put on his front porch and will have the house repainted. Miss Ella Kcnney of Long Branch hiis been visiting Miss Mary Carton. A f«\v dayn ago, while getting oil' u trolley car at Long Kraneh, Miss Kenney fell and tfpruiiH'd her wriiit. John Antonideii, 11011 of William W. Aiiionidc.'t, who has been employed as a chauffeur a t New York, ban i;iven up h«B jxmition and is now at hi;i home l Chariot) Kelly liati moved from the h<*UBC he ban been occupying 011 Jamer. V, ('niwi'ord'n farm In another luiuiie oil a Oio farm. The byline in which Mr. K* lly if* n»w living wai; reeenlly moved SHid improved, Kxtennive alteration;; wen." nid'li* '') il and it in now one of ilw fiwflt fnrmhoimefl in thin locality. Mit>» K'lif h Slout of Trenton in very Sick in Vng'nia, whore nhe in employed ?n"ttm office of a beef company. Minn Jiwoiiflft daughter of Thomas Y. Stout, a former msildent JKMV. Per Cent Of! on All I Summer Suits and Pants: UwiiiiTini <J<>CH fine printing ami <s whon promiaed, Adu, '.£ :'..•;•• We are agents for Franklin, Buick, Cadillac. Autocar, Thomas and t he Ford cars, and can give you prompt, deliveries on any of those. Have a new Ford Roadster on hand for immediate delivery, at slightly reduced price. BAIUJATN—A model F Cadillac in good running order for $525. Maple Avenue and White Street, RED BANK, N. J . £••> ,-^ii—; v>-~fi.98 for this solid oak cobbler seat arm Rocker. I'orch Chuir.-t in reed and rattan, very ct>:nf(,rtable and durable, will stand all kinds of weather, reduced to $ 1 . 1 9 . porTing up the Home ..._!%3lJJW a * ;i * u *MJ' 1 .HIII I l i l $ 6 . 4 8 for t h i s .beautiful Baby Carriage, steel tempered springs, preen enameled gear, r u b b e r tires and n n t l e s s w h e e l s . Reduced from S10. $ 6 . 9 8 for this handsome Toilet Table, in quartered oak, $ 2 . 9 8 for white enamel Bedsteads of malleable iron, e n a m o 1 c d throe times, baked, 1with brass knobs' and ball-bearing e a s tors. A l s o n i l brass, 2 in. posts, 512.SO u p . $5.00 Arm Chairs,- in reed and rattan, reduced to $3.98 $ 7 . 4 3 for hard- $b\(K) Rockers," in .reed and rattan, reduced to. .. •. 4j4B wood, u p r i g h t , Porch Couches, in reed charcoal fi 11 i 11 g, $10.00 and rattan,.reduced to 7.48 bradd hinge and $2.50 Bamboo Chaira, reduced to ; j 1.79 lock, zinc and gal- §2.0!) Bamboo Porch Stands, reduced to 1.48 vanized i r o n linBamboo Jardinier Stands, ing, r e m o v a b l e SI reduced to 89 waste pipe, per- 53.00 Bamboo Screens with Pongee Silk, reduced t o . . . . 2 . 2 5 fectly sanitary .and. $1.75 Bamboo Porch Screens, 7x8, reduced t o . , 1.25 ice-saving Refrig$11.50 Bamboo Porch Screens, erator. GxS, reduced to 98 mahogany and B i r d ' s Eye Maple, serpentine top, with d r a w e r s and French beveled mirror. $ 1 4 . 9 8 - for solid oak, round sides, glass door, m i r r o r top, shaped legs and panefled b a c k ; t h r e e shelves can be adjusted f o r contents. Also quartered oak C r y s t a 1. C l o s e t , with m i r r o r back aii'd glass shelves. the Lily. Bottlers of Beer, Wines, Liquors and Carbonated Beverages. GEORGE EHRET'S BEER o \s our leader among the beers which we bottle. If you have not already drank Ehret's beer we would suggest that you try a box. We are sure of the result, as we have the utmost confidence in the pleasing and healthful qualities of this beer. 85 Cents WILSON WHISKEY 85 Cents Men's 50c. Ribbed Sum- We are selling this whiskey for 85 cents a bottle. their own bottling. "That's all." mer I'll lerwear, while they last, at 3 9 C . AT RED BANK Men's and Boys' black and white striped and plain black OHicc Coats, worth 50c, now 2 5 c . 2oo small si/.e K h a k i Coats as are at 2 5 C . Khaki l'anis 0 3 c . and " T5C. Hrtter prud( eminent S I ;it!ilai d) $1.50. ( . Tyi us at 1 5 c . Trunks, Bags ond Suit Cases Very Low Priced. Closes at 6 O'Clock, P.M. Commencing July 6th, we close every evening during the week at 6:00 r. M. Saturdays at 10:00 r. M. From 8:00 A. I\I. to the closing hour each day we are yours to serve with SfJMMRR MlLI.IN'KRY a t closing OLlt prices. ^zrj::zmm!£zm^$ PRESCRIPTIONS (formerly I.udlow's), RED BANK, N. J. 'I'll 10 CANDY Schroede.-'s Hair Tronic kills dandruff, keeps the hair from falling out and makes the scalp healthy. That's enough for it to do. At Schroeder's Pharmacy. RHMBHBBI I'KUFUCTION. lion lion:! and ('lionrtuloM, Mixed Cliix'oliito:!. Chocolate Co CHERRIES their npociiilty. R. H. VANDERVEER, Sole Atfcnt. KNICKKHBOCK10H llroiut a n d Mo.mioislh Htrcota. I ' l l A R M AOY, «'hmm !»;. HEI! HANK. N. . Waters Liquors PHONE IS-J. '• / .'--A/- / ' . , • / / Belle Mead *$weeis H. N. Supp, 12 W,Front St., Med Bank. This is Heavy Weight Coiled iK Wire fencing. T h i n b mil! o r t l m nuvi'lal n t v i r a "! I'tlni Ihiwu Wire /'ViiriiiffliMinlf l i p t o y u m oiili I I n m iii'llliiK. Alnn I riii-ryn Ini'K" " l o i l i o r Hi i I mill WIMIII (Iiilvn, VVOVIMI W i i " I ' l ' Ul a m i IN.ulliy l''i'iiclnir.i I J I W H F n n c l w r , Tri'llini . ' l i e n (.IIIUIIM. IllnpU'fi, P o u l t i v NiiUliiit. tU*'- C o n l i i " In l u l u n. I n e h i i l I.iK H i " furiiliililiiK mill iictlliilt of l»i iln CHAKLLS G. CONOVEK, Nowmnu Sjn-linjfB AvBimo, 11EDBANK, N. .1. When You Need a Plumber Call mi u s . Von will not roj;ict il. You will be very );lad of it. We d o excellent wiirk and o u r c h a r g e s a r e only reasonable. W e work on t h e principle that a satislied c u s t o m e r is o u r liesl advertisement. We furnish estimates of a n y kind p r o m p t l y and cheerfully. SABATH & WHITE, FROWT ST., RED BANK. i VOLUME XXXI. NO. 6. INJURED IN A COLLISION. PRISONER'S WIFE BIES. Prisoner Was Allowed to Attend the RED BANK, N. J., WEDNESDAY, JULY 29, 1908. PAGES 3 TO 16. BIG CATCH OP BLUEFISH. BOBBERY AT KE4H8BURG, A FINE RACE MEETING.!I Seabright DOG CATCHER IN A SCRAP Great Fishermen Have Jewelry Valued at $500 Stolen There Day Monday. KNOCK-DOWN Yesterday. ARGUMENT THESPIANS AT FAIK EATER I Monday was one of the best days in • A jewelry|robbery occurred at KeanaHAVE A jrOU>¥ TIME.. ABOUT A DOG. ! the history of the Seabright fishermen. burg Beach yesterday afternoon, the aged 3.5 years. She leaves a hus- It Was Held on the Monmouth County T h e r f ? r e a b o u . t <;wo hu'tidred hook and Sprig Williams Has an Altercation victim being William H. Weber ot Jer- Terpsichore on the Throne in Arthur A Saturday Night Accident in Pin- ease, „ . s, . x . n . . A^ line fishermen in the place and most of band and oiie child. The funeral was Smith's Barn Last Ni§hi~-Foaf With Edmund Throckmorlon, and sey ,- City. ^r , Mr., Weber •, • owns a •bungalow RV, • Fair Grounds Last Saturday After-: t h e m w e r e o u t o n M o n a ! a y . About three tard'e Gully—Sir. and Sirs. A. C. eld Saturday and the body was buried ., ,, « . . . ,,, . , along the beach and is occupying it this Hundred Persons Present—Fort noon—About One Thousand Specta-j miles off shore they struck a large school Cottrell of Oceanic Seriously Hurt— at Bay View cemetery. Mr. Duryea the Latter Gets the Worst of the summerwithaniece. Yesterday shortly malitg Thrown to the Wiiids. of bluefish and they worked hard for tors Present. Encounter. was locked up in Freehold jail, awaitbefore four o'clock Mr. Weber and his The Wagon Completely Wrecked. several hours pulling them. in. The The Fair Haven fishing club, which iz Sprig Williams, Red Bank's dog niece went to the bay fora bath. They The inaugural matinee race meeting boats By a collision between a trolley car ing the action of the grand jury on a returned with an average catch on the Red Bank and Oceanic line and a charge of having stolen a power boat of the Monmouth county agricultural of 500 pounds each and it is roughly es- catcher, is catching more dogs than any returned to the bungalow an hour later made up largely of the actora who BOtttcarryall wagon late' Saturday night A. at Port Monmouth. He was allowed to fair association was held at the fair timated that over 50,000 pounds of blue- other dog catcher the town has ever and found that the building had been mer at Fair Haven, held their fourth Carson Cottrell and his wife of Oceanic, attend his wife's funeral on his promise ^rounds near Newman Springs last Sat- fish were brought ashore. The fish sold taken. He has destroyed fifty or more thoroughly ransacked. Jewelry was ! annual barn dance last night in Arthur - . . - ,i „E.. Smith's „.,„,.„ o „barn. „ „ . These *„„,„ udances „,„ t t l , w £ J „have who were in the wagon, were seriously to return to Freehold. He did not keep urday afternoon. The afternoon was at seven and eight cents a pound and and those who have dogs they want to musing to the value of about $500. The injured. The collison occurred in Pin- his promise and his whereabouts are very rainy but the events were run off. the day's catch netted the fishermen keep do not let their dogs run at large stolen articles consisted of a gold watch become noted for their informality and unknown. to any extent. Sprig has had a humber and chain, rings and a locket. Detechilarity, and it is the chief social event About 1,000 persons were present and tard's gully west of Eastaide Park. . _^_^ of run-ins with residents of the town tive Elwood Mmugh of Red Bank is: o f the actors' holiday if the afternoon had been clear it is over $3,500. _ holiday season. ' Good The trolley car and wagon were going forcatchingtheir unmuzzled dogs. One working on the case. probable that nearly double that numin the same direction toward Oceanic nature and jollity prevail, but the pro~ of the most serious occurred near the r would have attended the races. and the wagon was struck from behind. prieties are strictly observed and there West End hotel the other day, when C A TARlTnurfcUO IfcirMlPTrnv ia r e n o " r o u 8 h house" or other similar Many of the spectators had seats in The Cottrells had been to Red Bank on Edmund Throckmorton started a scrap the grand stand. A space has been set. a shopping trip and started for home a rea to marthe short time before the 10:30 o'clock car THE THOMAS S. HUBBAKD PROP- apart for parking automobiles, and most INDEPENDENT FIRE COMPANY because the dog catcher had taken his In thethe . dog. of this space was occupied. The padleft the fountain. there have been person3 who attended s EETT CHANGES HANDS. MAKES BIG MONEY. dock in front of the grand stand was Sprig is a colored man, but he knows WORMATIA LEATHER COMPANY the actors' barn dances with the idea Mr. and Mrs. Cottrcll were accomt h a t ' ' anything w e n t " but they were panied by their daughter Nina, aged The Property is on Branch Avenue, thronged with men interested in their The Fair Closed Last Night—Many his rights and his duty as a dog catcher BUTS PROPERTY. entries or who were lovers of the sport of Red Bank, and he is no coward. promptly flung into outer darkness by about ten years. The child was on her Adjoining the High School—It Was of racing. The sport was good in spite of Articles Disposed of by Chance— When Mr. Throckmorton began the The Old Hat Factory Bought for $5,000 the actors, a number of whom do confather's lap and when they reached Bought Last Week by Robert M. Jar- the rain, and the events proved very inPintard's gully she got asleep. Mr. Contests for a Diamond Ring and a scrap about the dog he struck at Mr. and Options Securedon Thirty Acres teresting and entertaining. vie of Jersey City for $12,000. Williams. Sprig dodged the blow and stage as a Cottrell started to pull a blanket up Teddy Bear. of Adjoining Lands—Many Improve- waya in the pink of condition &> the next minute his right arm shot out In leaving the field after the races around the girl to protect her from the The Thomas S. Hubbard property on The fair of Independent fire company like a catapult and his fiat caught Mr. ments to be Made. "bouncers." Last night this element damp night air. Just then there was a Branch avenue, adjoining the Red Bank some of the automobiles got fast in the crash and the next instant the occu- high school, which was bought by George mjid, the ploughed land having become of Red Bank, which has been going on Throckmorton squarely on the cheek. On Tuesday of last week the Wor- of rf o mdisturbers, having~learned wisdom at the Cavalry armory ten days, closed Mr. Throckmorton went down under pants of the wagon lay on the ground B. Friable three years ago, has been very soft under the heavy rain. All of matia leather company of Eatontown i the past, was conspicuously absent, in a mass of splintered wood. The sold by Allaire & Son to Robert M. Jar- the automobiles were got out and sent last night. The. firemen cleared $1,000 the blow like a bag of feed. He lay bought the old hat factory on Lewis i The actors who have made Fair Haven trolley car had struck the wagon di- vis of Jersey City. Mr. Jarvis rented on their homeward way without accident. by the affair. Part of.,the money' will there a bit and then got up and walked street, Eatontown, from Joseph John- ! t l l e i r summer home emoy their summer rectly in. the rear and tossed it to the the property in April and liked it so well The automobilists and other spectators be spent in buying a team of horses and off. ston. The price paid was $5,000. The! holiday in peculiarly their own fashion, The outfit will be bought in a south of the track. Mr. Williams went before Recorder property comprises a large three-story w h l l e exceedingly friendly with t h e , that he bought it and will make it his came from Deal Beach, Elberon, Long harness. short time in order that the company Branch, Asbury Park and other shore Wise and wanted a warrant for the arrest building and about an acre of land. The natives, they nevertheless form a class Mrs. Cottrell was unconscious arid was permanent home. have it ready for the""annual parade of Mr. Throckmorton for assaulting him. company has an option on thirtv acres b / themselves, and their two or three The property has a frontage of 15' resortSj as well as from the villages will bleeding from an ugly UglJ gash in her scalp of the Red Bank fire department.' The in the farming district. Some men who were in the recorder's months of summer vacation from the She feet on Branch avenue and runs back to back of the ear. was picked up by of land adjoining the factory. The first race, distance one mile, 2:18 company also expects to take the out- office told Williams that he did not want The Wormatia leather company is en- toils of their profession are spent pnnTeddy Pomphrey, a passenger on the Spring street. The house has fifteen fit to New Brunswick at the firemen's any warrant at all. They told him that in fishing, with the playing of trolley car, and carried to the side of rooms and is heated with hot water. It trot or 2:21 pace, was won by Election the manufacture of patent cipally he had won the scrap all right all right, gaged in Adam the road. Besides sustaining a scalp is furnished with electric light and gas Night, owned by Charles G. DuBoise of parade there in October. Hoch, the president of ! P lru?e"£ k3sO ou rnc e th<~f ir,. f e l l ? w a c t A ° 5 a i . , a s . t b e Two contests were held at the fair. and had not only vindicated his authority leather. Red Bank. Sacopa, owned by Al Denwound Mrs. Cottrell suffered from cuts and has two bathrooms. company, lives on Front street, Redi 5 ° diversion. At the b a m was for a diamon<J.ring betweei as dog- catcher but had also gained a the on her arms and elbows and a dislocation Bank. Several years ago he began a ! d a n c e s o f t h e fishing club, of which Mr. Hubbard bought the land nearly nis of Tinton Falls, was second, Time One Miss Evie Coyne and jUiss Gertrude reputation as a good hitter and a hard series of experiments and he claims; every actor in the place is a member of her right ankle. Mr. Cottrell's left twenty years ago and put up a fine 2:31, 2:28*. leg was broken below the knee and he residence. Some years ago he moved Al Dennis with Lady Signal won the Schwarz, and the other was between Ella hitter. They told him it was hardly that by these experiments he has dis- t ho er tl 3r h l fs h spirits find expression in all was badly bruised. The child escaped to .the rivei' bank, and the place waa second race, a mile 2:30 trot or pace. Wymbs, daughter of William Wymba, sportsmanlike to win a light and then covered an improved method didoes. Many of the actors oA of manu-f ||i f n ' s. h?? mottoes t pt l t h or maxims or placards with a Blight cut on her knee and elbow offered for rent. Three years ago Mr. Alice Janet, owned by Crawf. Giberson and Edith Patterson, daughter of Eu- try to get a warrant for the arrest of f t i the man he had licked, and it wasn't facturing patent leather. A party of j i f n ' s h mottoes or maxims or placards' E. Patterson, for a big Teddy bear. and a few bruises. f f Frisbie bought it, the price at the time of Red Bank, was second, and Mary C , gene long before Sprig came around to their New York investors became interested ? instruction and these are displayed Miss Coyne got the diamond ringand There waa more or less of a. panic on being said to be a trifle less than $10,000. owned by James Byram of Red Bank, the bear was won bvJElla W vmbs. jdeu and told the recorder that he in his invention, and about three months | I n t h e b a r n a t t h e annual dance for the the trolley car, which was filled with Mr. Frisbie made a number of improve- was third. Time 2:54, 2:53. and guidance Of tne A number o£ articles were uisposed ot wouldn't ask for any warrant after all. ago the Wormatia leather company was i aentertainment The third event was a half-mile runpassengers. When the crash came the ments to the property at a cost of "And I think I'm so near square with incorporated under New York state c t 0 « and their guests. Some of these chance. Most of theae were donated glass in the forward end of the car about $2,000. The price paid by Mr. ning race for ponies-14.3 or under. It by a d him that I guess I'll let him have his the entire receipts were therefore laws. Besides Mr. Hoch the other nmottoes which were in evidence atilast „«„ won «v.. by -v Bessie « » « X-U..U.,,, u y , and " th brc'ie. Women began to scream and it Jarvis was $12,000. Mr. Frisbie is now was Fullum, uw. owned reu by i ht B dog without paying me a dollar for his r flt The ' ,d?nc<; y^'r, ". p , 1( ; ase » o a I H. A. B Bourne Westfield, articles chanced off and redemption, said Mr. Williams as he officers of the company are Francis C. d K is said that some of them fainted. After living at Asbury Park. n e of W e s t , with Chinch.. | ? " P ? a ce the winners were aa follows: Cahfeelt, vice president; Henry T i b ! " with Arthur the track had been cleared up the CotIn case of fire, do not Smith's run, call E v , ownedd by b Petdi' P HuticK, H Jr., J off Elb Elberon, betts, selling manager: B; C. treils weie put on the car and taken to walked out of the recorder's office. second, and Skiddoo, Owned by J. R. Man's goM watch—Michael Papkina. "Thirteen trading stamps given to the treasurer; and J. Ranking; st>'ef?tsF»'i Fancy pocket handkerchief—Mrs. T. Irving: their home. Dr. Walter S. Whitmore KRIDEL'S AUGUST SALE. Pollard of New York, third. Time 56s. Drown. was summoned and he is attending the There were two entries in the tlextj v Basket of fruit—John L. Harrison. injured. Mr. and Mrs. Cottrell are His Semi-Annual Clothing Sale Starts race, which was for horses worked on! Mandolin—Joseph Prate. Bowling ball—Harry Stewart.doing as well as could be expected. It farms in Monmouth county. It was a j Dresslnsr August 1st. sacaue—Emms rjuncaiiwill he several weeks before either will running match, distance a half-mile. Hammock-A. M. Gaskill. ' Every August and every February be about. Mrs. Cottrell, in addition to Dress pattern—Beatrice Hunter. Black Beauty, owned by the Meadowcompany recently bought from Mr. j " B e t t e r than gold is a peaceful mother- _ cover—M. Ellison Brown. her injuries, suffered considerably from Kridel's clothing store has a special sale brook farm of Shrewsbury, won. The i Table of goods. The August sale, to dispose other entry was Rachel, owned by S3 worth of jrroceries-Mlchaol Popkin9. Frick Johnston, will be moved to the property . iin-law," and "Wearers of clocked hos'Arizona" to be Given at Pair pants—DeWitt C. Carharl. shock. of the remainder of summer stock, will Two now buildings, one by 125x25 feet :'• e r y m u s t dance in time." Sofa pillow-s—George Shokohuu, Mr*, 1", Hunry, Lyceum Saturday Night. Mr. Cottrell s horse was knocked down start on Saturday, August 1st. The Thomas S. Field of Middletown. Black William the actors were lavish in their hospiand the other 80x25 feet, have already Delamotte. Beauty won by only half a length. by the collision and its right shoulder sale is a twenty-five per cent reduction ™. The theater season at Frick lyceum been erected on other property at Eat- ; t a l l t V a n d t l l e dance was the very finest = Ar . ,-." ( Umbrellas—William Delamotte, George Sliokowas so badly hurt that it is said the sale right through. Mr. Kridel an- l i m e l:UU. "1 open Saturday night with the play ontown owned by the company T h e ' t h e c l u b h a s e v e r given.' About four " hus, Michael Popkins. James Wolcott. will The final event was a half-mile dash I & worth of fancy articles-Michael Popkins. animal is useless. , The ' carryall and nounces that the six months' business of "Arizona." This is considered one, hat factory, which is a trifle run down, ' hundred people enjoyed the festivities, Tf nrna \«-™i Ki, Japanese sandals—Charles Croyden, J r. n » P P l,i 1 harness were completely wrecked. of the best plays written by Augustus willbe put in first-class shape. Machin-' Mru,s,lc f o r dancing was furnished by from February 1st to August 1st this r— linrcoa norse* over U.3. It w a s Won b y , _ . Frank Rogers, Mrs. Harry S^ewA p r o n 5 M r s One of H. G. Degenring & Co'.s de- year was the best business his store had Modest, owned by Peter Hauck, Jr. art. Thomas, who latterly has been prominent ery for shaving, splitting and fleshing ' Wilbur R. Gardner of Red Bank and by livery wagons was struck by an Oceanic ever done, and he hopes to make the The same man's Chinch was second. Pipes—Samuel Rogers. William Wymbs. in politics as well as in play writing, leather will be installed. The improve- Lamberti, the professional musician who Bracelet and fancy knife—Albert VanKelst. g trolley car last Wednesday afternoon Wild Geranium, owned by Miss Corinne since he one the " Hj(r..„---August business in keeping with the ninno V»o was urac _ nno of nf +li*» (TUnS " a t ments will cost about $8,000. The com- •summers at Fair Haven. The interior , Bicycle lamp—Jamea Murray. 1 ; o£ t n e b at am was slightly damaged. On the seat previous months' trade. Schwartz of Deal Beach,"was third, and f 1.50 worth of fancy goods—Mrs. Harry Stewart. ihe re recent Democratic national con?rn w a s decorated with flags p a n y employs fifty men and dresses Gri(TKS. were William W. Crane and Carl WiederEvery summer suit in the store is Breeze, owned by C. & H. Combs of! Pictures—Walter yention. The scene of the play is laid j fifty dozen skins daily When the im- a n d bunting'and the grove was lighted set—Eugene MuKee. holt. Both men were thrown to the marked at 25 per cent below regular Allenhurst, was last. Tim« 55s. ] Canadian in Arizona,, and the scenery was painted provements arc completed Mr Hoch withnumerousJapaneselanterns. DurSilver berry spoon —William Delumotte. he ground and bruised. Mr. Crane says prices. The reduction applies also to An assoeiotion known as the Mon- Lady's slippers—J. E. Piccolie. '"'y Frederick ><"°''"-"b- Remington, who of leather danc-j p er will be be 150 0 ' jngthe evening, in the intervals of dangg , ho paid p i d a: a s a yy s the output he heard the trolley gong, but before all other lines of summer goods, though mouth county pony and steeplechase as-' Fifly bars of soap —William Delomotte. in i n et <nJ - ten e ^ visit t o the Aravaipa p valleyy for o the eexx a ia ci cj jnn ss daily and that t h e factory fa will SS the actor folks e n t et r it a n he was able to get oil the track the car i n a number of the lines offered the sociation has been formed, and this as- SI.50 worth of groceries-Mrs, J«me:> Wolcott. p k k t h f press p purpose oll making sketches employment p king sketches for i employment to 150 men guests with i h theatrical h i l sketches. k Prizes g iv e l t t 150 gu hit him. - - „ . meeting ...™.., B „.., The things remaining unsold at the this play, will have a„ race play rrho h o play play tells the E t t l expect a boom in ! were given to themoftgraceful waltzers, the story story of of aa '' Eatontown people _____ reduction is much more than 25 per cent. sociation and these were won b M sa Saturday, Septem- e l o s e o f t h e ' a l r : l t midnight last night this the fair grounds on S man who accepted a charge of guilt in ; shortly. The old Monmouth y i Margaret t n e i r t o w n _ _ I In furnishing goods, such as night shirts, ber 19th. The events ts will be tor for cups were auctioned off by Arthur Wymbs. order to shield a woman and of the ; p k P l a i t z and Ernest Otto. A booby boob prize ar r a c e track is to be cut up into lots Planitz was AUTO AND WAGON COLLIDE. ; and pajamas, underwear, hosiery, negligee h h l d Every-1 home-seekers and Eatontown folks d d t F k H b t outing shirts, suspenders, gloves, and cash prizes. The association has •• awarded to Frank Herbert. for various troubles which resulted. _ The been promised the support of all the DEATH OF KOBEBT CLAYTON. ties, etc., the same or a greater scale of d f ] h i k John L. Hubbard in an Accident in thing turns out all right in the end, of | tninniiatThiX'c"ombTiied'w'ith"the opencommittee in charge of the dance reduced prices applies. hunting associations in New York and course. The villain is killed off, a | ing of the factory, will draw rnanv new consisted of J. H. Tenbrooke, chairman Middletown Township. Mr. Kridel takes a page advertise- New Jersey in making this and future Red Bank Resident Dies of Paralysis, parted husband and wife are re-united, residents to the place. who wore a bright red rosette; and John L. Hubbard of Front street was ment in THE REGISTER this week to tell a lover and his sweetheart, after passFrank Evans, Frank Herbert, Frank W. ' in His 61st Year. returning home from Middletown Mon- about his sale. A list of the former events ot thy association successful. ing through many perils, are wedded, Martineau, Arthur E. Smith and Thomas Theis premium list of thewill fairbeassociaRobert T. Clayton of Bridge avenue and everybody lives happily forever day afternoon from his wholesale candy prices and the reduced prices which will tion now in press and issued BOY NEARLY KILLED. < ' Morrissey, who wore blue rosettes. r __/ died Sunday nigiit of paralysis. He had after. The play is strongly written route, when his wagon was struck by prevail during the sale will be found in early in August. -, -«»-»-«. ' been in failing health the past six months. and comedy and tragedy alternately William Thorp Knocked Unconscious an automobile going in the opposite di- this advertisement, which is printed on . ^^ ».^ On Friday he was stricken with paralysis hold the attention of the audience. BIG TREE SHATTERED. « / $ ? " • ™ T ^ e accident occurred near p a g e 14 of THE REGISTER. With a Fence Rail. CHURCH SOCIETY OUTING. and he sank rapidly until the end. William T. VanBrunt s place near Coop. _ Next week two TO plays •ill WL be given at On Sunday a ball game was played on Mr. Clayton was born at Lincroft 61 the lyceum. Onn Thursday er's bridge. The automobilist did not •»•••» _ night _=___ "The the ball grounds near.Newman Springs Lightning Strikes Twice in the Same Presbyterian Christian Endeavorers years ly ago and he lived at that place Red Mill" will be presented? stop to see how badly Mr. Hubbard was j TEAM IMPOUNDED. Place at Oceanic. This iis by the Orioles and Portaupeck teams. t d Thi Go to Long Branch. most of his life. Sixteen years ago he hurt, but continued his^ journey at a one of the most popular musical com- The umpire's decisions did not give uni-! During the thunder storm Saturday The Christian Endeavor society of j moved to Red Bank, where he had since faster rate of speed. The wagon was Check Given to Pay Impounding Fees edies of the past few years. There are lightning struck a large tulip the Presbyterian church and their lived. He leaves a wife, who was Miss twenty musical hits and the company versal satisfaction and after the game '. tafternoon partly overturned and Mr, Hubbard was ree on c N Bllss s and Payment on it Stopped. P'ac<5 a* Oceanic, friends went on an outing to Long Branch Mary Radcliff of Elizabeth, and five comprises about three-score people. there were a number of disputes over'. T h l 3 l s t -h e pinned beneath it. the rulings. William Walker and Aleck : second time this tree has A few nights ago John Wyckoff of yesterday afternoon. They left Red children. The children are William, Joseph Hance and Captain Charles E. There is. a large bevy of singing and two colored boys about thirteen i bt ,heee n s t r u c k - When the tree was struck Throckmorton happened along in an au- Oceanic put his horses out to pasture. Bank on the 3:50 trolley, taking a lunch : Joseph, Harry and James Clavton of dancing girls and a good deal of high Coy, got in a wrangle with William i 1'ghtmng affected the electric light a n d c u t off t h e tomobile shortly after the collision. By daybreak they had strayed and with them which they ate on the beach. Red Bank, and Alice, wife of Ridgway class comedy acting. On Saturday night years old, of Catherine street a Norwegian Lhlme electric lights in the omes They righted the wagon and Mr. Hub- were out on the main road, near East They attended the various beach at- i Ingling of Newark. He is also survived the "Man of the Hour" will be given. Thorp boy whose parents have been in this r of Mr. Bliss and M. C. D. Borden. Oceanic. William Slayer of East tractions and returned home about by two brothers and two sisters, they A lar e lece o£ bard crawled out from beneath it. He This is a political play, showing the S P t*}e tree was thrown was scratched and bruised but not badly Oceanic, not knowing who owned the eleven o'clock. Those in the party j being Cyrenius and Charles Clayton, operations of public grafters and the country only seven months. Thorp can! by the lightning. The tree hurt. The woodwork on the front of horses, took them to William Mears, were Mr. and Mrs. John Read, Mr. and Mrs. Catherine Amberman and Mrs. L. manner in which the public is " worked " understand English, but he cannot talk was yards so badly shattered that it will be the language. The two colored boya the wagon was splintered and broken the poundkeeper, who cared for the Mrs. Charles Croft, Mrs. Dewitt Ran- j P. Conklin,allof Red Bank. The funeral by those who want special privileges. taken down in the fall. horses until the owner called for them. dolph, Mrs. Elizabeth White, Mrs. '• was held at half-past two this afternoon attacked him and Coy hit him several and the two front wheels were wrecked. times with a club he carried. There was some candy in the wagon Mr. Mears asked $8 for impounding the Annie Conover, Mrs. Mary Smock, Mrs. j at the house and was conducted by Rev. Death of William K a n e . Thorp started to run away and the and this was strewn along the road. A animals. After a long argument Mr. Forman Morris, Misses Mary Holmes, I W. B. Matteson. The burial was in Cosier F a r m Sold. Headdcn's Corner farmer took Mr. Hub- Wyckoil got his horses by givinIE a Carrie Mount, Ethel White, Margaret j Fair View cemetery. • William Kane, son of John Kane of two colored boys put after him, Walker The John P. Casler farm opposite check for that amount. After he grabbing up a piece of a fence rail as Tiad Smock, Elizabeth Read, Margaret Ran•.»-«» bard home. Mr. Hance followed the Hcadden's Corner, died Saturday from Monmouth Park has been bought by automobile as far as Matawan in his his horses home, Mr. Wyckoff stopped dolph, and Catherine and Caroline! DIED AT OCEANIC.' a complication of diseases. He had been ". Brewater of New York, machine, but was unable to get near payment on the check and engaged Statesir of Colt's Neck, Leon Penning' sick several months. He was 26 years that Mr. Brewster will James Steen of Eatontown to find-out enough to it to get its number. old and waa employed at Sandy Hook. William Smock, John Read Jr., j Stephen Kelly of Hoboken Dies at Hh arm to a syndicate, who whether or not he could legally be com- ton, Frank Mount and Edgar Randolph. The funeral was held yesterday morning will lay the property out in lota and pelled to pay the $8. Mr. Mears says The society will take an outing trip to Sister's Home. at St. James's church, high mass being when the piece of rail hit him and went start a bungalow colony there. The he will bring the matter before the Seabright August 11th. Stephen Kelly of Hoboken died of con- celebrated by Rev. James A. Reynolds, down in Big Furniture Sale. farm contains eighteen acres wid was next meeting of the Rum'son borough sumption on Monday afternoon lit the assisted by Rev. Joseph A. Linunc and scared and Efforts of byR. West & Co. of Keyport have be- council unless the chock is made good. home of his sister, Mrs. Ira Emory, at Rev. John Murrey of Port Monmouth. standers to revive Thorp failed and a sold for ^G,500. gun their August sale of furniture. PLAYER-PIANO RKCITAIi. Oceanic, aged 35 years. He went to Oce- The body was buried in Mt. "oiivetl ^ c t o r 7,1U! '^'Phoned for. For n time These August aales of furniture haVe Ai-tist C a r r Annoyed. two weeks ago. Besides tho sister cemetery. ; it was thought the boy was dead. Dr. been features of this store's business AGED FARMER'S BIRTHDAY. Held Last Saturday Night at Frank ; anic at whose house he died, ho loaves a ; Garrison came, and after working baVd Gene Carr, a comic artist on the New for several years past, und this year York World, who lives on Branch aveC. Storck'a. , brother, William Kelly of Everett, and n i over the boy for a hour and a half, 1 they have made efforts to have the Cap!. Henry E. Ackcraon Received 294 Eatontownek* Loses Horse. Mrs B F ,. „ . ' . . | regained consciousness. On Monday nue, was annoyed Saturday night by a A player-piano recital attracted a large | BM>r 8ter i Skidmore of Oceanic, p, m ] M , n n., "greatest sale ever." The sale not Postal Cards Laat Friday. morning ho ,„..,„ was rmmrt-,vi reported .,« as i..,i.,~ being „,„.;, very report that he was wanted by the police number of persons to Frank C. Storck's | - K o ' l v w a s a n undertaker at Hoboken a party only comprises a clearance sale of sumhclward McDonald took ; m( , rn iiur »,„ of young folksotofkatontown the Eatontown and was) a member of tho Hoboken bad, but he gradually grow hotter and of Wilkesbarre, Pa., for the murder of mer furniture, but it is also a special Captain Henry E. Ackorson of Hazlet store Saturday night. The player-pia Presbyterian Sunday-school on a picnic a man in that city last December. It sale of furniture for which preparation? ,/as 87 years old last Friday. His was operated by Frederick Hopkins, teamsters' union. The funeral will be to Asbury Park last Wednesday. When isi now out of danger. developed that a man named Vulcc, Walker and Coy have Ijeeli under way several months. friends celebrated the event by sending who is thoroughly familiar with the in- held tomorrow from his sister's home. who palmed himself off ag Gene Carr, A large- advertisement, (jiving figures) him a postal card shower. He received strument and who brought out of it its Rev. Jnines A. Reynolds willhaveehurge WUM tlie man wanted. and details of the sale, is found in 291 cards. Mr. Ackerson was born on finest tones and expression. Among of the service. The body will be buried THE llKGlBTKlt this week on page l(i. a farm at Warwick, 'New York, in 1821. the composers whose selections were at Mt. Olivet cemetery. The bearers will be friends) from Everett. Boy'a Eyes Blacked. When he wns cloven yours old his par- rendered were Grodski, Grieg, Cesiek borrowed n horsso to brini* the picnickers will have charge of. the boya pending ents) moved to the farm on which he and Nevin. AH an additional attraction While playing ball laat week Richard Fishing Trip to Forked River. Charles) linrtlett sang a number of solos). tin.! time when their case in disposed of now livea. Despite » sii'vere sieknesis CHURCH CLEARS JS150. Roberts), son of John M. Roberta of by Judge t'oatcr. A party of Hod Hankers went on u during the past few months, Mr. Acker- Mr. Storck oxpecta to give another reEatontown, was struck by a ball and Well Digger H u r t . lloth boys) are rather toujfli suieciinens! knocked uncoiuicioua. ISoth hia ey«s fishing trip yesterday to Forked River HOII isi able to be around. He isi a citld of a like character in a few weeks. This Sum Netted at a Festival for SI. Charles) TilU»\ of in livid up | ut childhood, who have been allowed to were blacked and hia nose waa bruised nud returned homo with 104 weuldisih staunch Democrat, and experts; tr> cast Dorothea's Church. with mi injured bond. Wbili d i ig i ; a I run wild. Walker er is) i tho l)oy who rere and .swollen. and one bluol'nib. While at Forked hi!) seventeenth I'resmKititial ballot in P o r t Monmotith Child Dion. About $150 was cleared nt u festival well at Little _ _ ttle Silv Silver on 'I'ueswlay of lasit j cently went in Tyler Kenner's) River the party took dinner with Fred November. ' storo and The ten-nionths-old child of Join lusrt night in Collier's* prove for the week a 1 iiicket, loll on hist head and j stole the money box, cotitaiiiinp' $1.45. i It. (lowdy, proprietor of the Forked Wrist Sprained, Naughton of Port Monmouth died Mon-1 benefit of St. Oorothon'ti church ut; knocked 1lini uiH'ou.'icious). Ho. in wr l _.__«^,,.«_^ ' River hou.'ie, fnrini'rly of Hod Dunk. I'aco Cut by Broken Window. Allen Heiinott ef lOatontown Bpraiwd day of sipinul-meningitisi. The child had Eatontown. The grounds* were prettily covering, but at (irstt it was) t,h»ii|;ht TIMKH; in the jmrty were Howard Rogcra, lii:i left wriat and cut his hand lattt John Mallny, who m employed as n been Hick about two weekii and up t decorated with buntini?, llaf;si and Chin- Unit death would ritHiilt from th i l>oa,th fk-om Cit,nc«r. Daniel Wood, Dr. Frank Luweii, Henry coiichiiinn week by falling from a scaffold at for Frank h. lilaiucMl of Misisi ICinily Smock, daughter of ^ lioclc, Walter Iiinton and (Jeoi'neOj'ilvm. Kunt Front street, was shocked by light- Mondayy itn condition looked favorabl ene lanterns). Many residents) of noif^h- jury. ffor recovery. Tin; Ti funcml f l h l borin({ town:! went to the fentival DM waa held Dniiiol Kmock, iliod yositorilay ut Duvid Moimt'n carriage factory at Uexl Bank. He hast been laid up siinco tho accident ning lniit week while rniaini; n window. tliisi Rev. . John Murrayy of iitrnwrMea, One of the foal.uresi of tinCut Thigh With (Jlan-i. Crawford's) at IJ<>II|C Hrancli,"where fil tli morninic, i " The I-aHt ol" tlio TorioB." Ho fell n|;iiimit the window mid hill face New rge ot the funtivnl wns) the clmnrini; off of a pig Monmouth having charge Edwanl Wilsion, Jr., am of the luto liml hiii'ii IxuinliiiK. Her death wusi (K'i'urred. waa badly cut by the i;luim. Hin wound:! and n five-pound box of candy. Tho iiervice. The body wan buried al Mt. The Aii|;uHtimH.'t,iii|r of the Monmotith ICdward Wilsion of 'i'lirockinorton nv<'- cuuiied by tin inward cancur. Misin Infhuit Diaa of Ooaaam|>Uon. pig was) won by Mi»s> Helen Powers) mid mio, cut hisi tlitirh with Olivet cemetery. county historical noddy will be hold were rironucd by Dr. Willimn Hayre. a piece, .vf Kmock wusi in her fortieth your. the candy went to Jume.'i Donnelly. tomorrow »f le-nmon ut Willimn Ktrotlusr The infant daughter of Mrs. Mabel i;l:ii!S) lusit Tliuriidny while li liing in Mm Jonen'ti in Middletown towimliip, nonr t'iutmmo of Now Monmouth <\U:A on Lofr HroUoii l>y a FiiU. river. Dr. William Hayre elosied tho Now Mnat <irln<l«r. iry flurprlso P a r t y Red Hank. The main feature of llu; Laundry lJiirnotl Mown. cut up with two itUtohes). Clnytnn Itrotlioni liavo iriiitalloil in Monday of MinsmmpHon, Tho ftsiwrtl Jnmi'ii McGregor of Long Branch wan Mimi Knmiu IliilinoM of Hhiownhury held yesterday nnd tho body wa# Hfternoon will bo an addnuiu by Hon. tli«ir moHt market n machine, tor ({riiid- was) A simaU laundry on tho went aide a nurpriiic visit from (iftoon of carting utruw Monday when he fell Fnmc.in Huxley 1,«'<; of Trenton on "The received ing meat, 'die umdiiiio in operated by Imried nt ftiir View. her friendi) hint Friday night. A plomi- from the wagon and broke one of hin Ocean iivuimo near tho Soabright borRofttrmotl Picnic. Taint of tho Torion." leifii. He was taken to the Long Hraneh ough line wai>> burnoil down Monday. ant evening wan npent in plnyini; The H(tf<>rriUMl church Huinlayiicliool oleetricit.y. Unprrcedentrii W« houpita). Kcnoral tiociability and ti The contonta wero eonmimed. will fro on n picnic to honj; Hruncli tomorCarpvta Altered ami Laid. One, two nml Him) (l«l!«if n Don't forgot the KoypurL baml - —-«».••••— — row. Thi) trip will l)i' iniiilu V > y Hjn'ciul Upholstering in nil it.n hrnnchvu nt Wotnttn'a ami Girh' 2Sc. Aprons lie. Ottfi IMIar Summer Coreeln HHc. ruruion U> Coney Iiiluiul, Aufftuit 12th. at Un\, We. and 'M\ at Jotcsph Hair Mattremen Math Over. trolley com at nine o'clock. StnrtH at. 1:00 V. M. Tirktstis 76 rcnta— dry gixxia Btort, - Adv. Robert lluncu & Hoiin', Red Hnnlc — during tho midnumntor clunrinir. Halo ut W. II., American I.ndy, It. & CJ. and Spuciiil nizo mnttrniiBvit and cuuMona v«^-,j^^ j „ Ado, Adv. _ _^_ t l l B _ th<!> dry goodii utoru of Joiioph Sak, Red other popular $1,00 Cornets) nt C5c. nt mnau nt nhort notice. Robert Hunco & Pink and whit hitn rloji|K'rmiut.ti for Um Fratth mramefa daily nt Joaaph Sulz'ii dry goodu nturo. Komi, Red Ihmk.-Adw. Bunk,—Adv. i Pecan patlioii at Liiug'n. —Adv. H. /)''"• • reach tt:« cream ul Laug'n. —Adv. Adv. Funeral and Jumped His Parole. INAUGURAL MATINEE OF TROLLEY CAB CRASHES INTO Mrs. Charles Duryea of Port MonFAIR ASSOCIATION. A WAGON. mouth died last Thursday of heart dis- FINE RESIDENCE SOLD. THE | $1,000 CLEAREDAT FAIR. EATONTOWN S INDUSTRY !^ m i**™™** HEWS. Aaauol Picnic Saturday— Tknz R'cuttfo Killed. Wvc tlm past few years a number of U>3 vt»un>j uien of the village have bec-n gsing oo s'xcursionb, which they call "I'armcro* picnics." The picnic this year came off last Saturday and the existraiotsists went to Keansburg. All day * long the weather was threatening and © a t times i t showered, but despite this & t h e picnickers had a goo! time. In j j t h e party were Kenneth Wyckoff, Whar•n&Kaymond and Cecil Crawford, Lewis, V David and Aeher Schenck, Charles and * William Ely, Rezeau, Edwin, Howard and Harry Conover, -Edgar McClees, ) Charles Buck and Koert and Ed. Heyer. p William R. Crawford, who lives on t t h e Vanderburgroad.killed three weasels % near his place Saturday morning, with a •5* eiub. The weasels were about half ) grown. A full grown weasel, which was '? probably the mother of the brood, escaped. Mr. Crawford has lost many chickens the past few weeks, and he attributes their loss to the weasels. Through ah advertisement in THE BEGISTEK, W. A. French recovered a lap robe which he lost near here a few daya ago. The robe was found by Rev. Garrett Wyckoff, paBtor of the Reformed church, who returned it to Mr. French • Monday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Benedict, Jr., of New York, have returned from a visit to Rev. and Mrs. Garrett Wyckoff. Mr. Wyckoff left Monday morning for i month's vacation trip. He will visit places of interest in New York and the New England states and intends to spend most of his time a t Portland, Maine. ^ During his absence the Reformed church j j will be closed. $ Misses Laura and Catherine DuBois •viste guesta at I. Webster Jones's last ' ' r week. . © Eugene Johnson ha&,rented his house a t the foot of the hill on the Lincroft road to James Patterson. Mr. Johnson •will move to Red Bank next month. H e has re-papered and repainted the I»ase'«.nd made other minor improvements. During August the regular evening service a t the Baptist church will be omitted. Rev. T. E . Vassar will be away part of the month and during his absence t h e pulpit will be supplied by visiting ministers. Next Sunday morning Rev. H. M. B. Dare of Ledgewood will preach. Mr. Vassar will conduct the service the following Sunday. On August 16th and 23d the pulpit will be occupied by Rev. M. E. VonNostrand of Hornell and Rev. A; H. Sutphen of New Monmouth, respectively. Francis E. Tilton, supervising princi pal of Eaton town township schools, upenl fast week with relatives nere. An ice cream sale will be held in the Baptist chapel tonight. . Mrs. Emeline Heyer is making nn ex tensive visit at Howell and'vicinity." !. Misa Agnes McCormick and Mrs. John Langon and children of New York hav. been visiting a t Dennis; Henrehim's. Harry Stryker, commonly known a " G i g Striker," is employed by Charlu Sickles, a milk dealer at Asbury Park. I MATINEE AND NIGHT. Hollis E Cooley Presents America's Greatest Play by Augustus Thomas, Same Great Company One Year Each in New York, Chicago, London, Eng. and the two Houses sliaH meet a<;p&r&tely on the and decision of causes pending a t the tiiae of such second Tuesday in January in each year, at which asaignrnent. time of inectintf tiie legislative w a r shall com4. Four Justices shall IMJ necessary to cohatitute mence, a quorum on the final hearing of any cause in the 2. Strike out paragraph I. of section II, Article Appeals Division, but the Supreme Court may IV, and insert in place thereof the f ollowiiiK: provide by rule for the making of .interlocutory 1. The Senate shall be composed of one Senator orders by a lesser number of justices, or by one „ from each county in the State, elected by the legal justice; such orders to be subject to revision by the ™ voters of the counties respectively, for four years. Appeals Division. 3. Strike out paragraph 2 of section II, Article On the hearing" of a cause In tho Appeals DiviIV, and'ineert in place thereof the following : sion, no Justice who has given a judicial opinion 2. AE Boon as the Senate shall meet after the in the cause in favor of or against the judgment, first election to be held in pursuance of this con- orderordecreeundnr review nhall sit at the hearing Best Whiskey for medicinal pur- stitution they ehall be divided by the Senate as to review such judgment, order or decree, but the equally ps may be into two classes. Tho seats of reasons for such opinion ishall be assigned to the poses, $ 1 . 0 0 per bottle. the Senators of the first clasa ahall be vacated at Court in writing. the expiration- of the second year; of the second 5. A majority of all the members of ths Supreme For sale at Wm. K. Kelly's Ameri- cla&B, at the expiration of the fourth year, BO that Court, %o be presided over by the Chief Juntiee, class may be elected every second year and if h l l nstitute o quorum for the asoi#nment of can Hotel, Red Bank; Chas. A. List, one vacancies happen, by resignation or otherwise, j t i e n l s n i d for the appointment of -officers, end Hotel Monmouth, Rumson ; B. Keenan, the persons elected to supply etjt:h vacancies nhall the enactment of rulea. Grand Central Hotel, Seabri£ht; B. be elected for the unexpiredterma only; provided, 6. The Supreme Court shall appoint one or more the Senators having the longest period of reporters, not exceeding- three, to report the deCreighton, Creighton's Hotel, High- that timtf still to serve at the time of making said divis- cisions of the Court, and shall by rule define his or lands "of Navesink; Wm. H. Garrigan, ion shall be entitled to the longer terms. their duties and powers. The reporters Bhall hold A. Strike out paragraph I of section III, article office for nye year-3, subject, however, to removal at Garrigan's Hotel, Oceanport, N. J.; the discretion of the Court insert in place thereof tho following : Harry Searl's Old Pleasure Bay House, IV,1. and The General Assembly B1I&11 be composed of SECTION V. Pleasure Bay. members elected by the legal votera of the couif1. The Appeals Division shall have and exercise ties, respectively, every second year, beginning JAS. A. MAGOUEN, Agent. on the first Tuesday after tho first Monday in No- the appellate jurisdiction heretofore possessed by asino domini one thousand,nine hundred tho Court of Errors end Appeals, tho jurisdiction G. C. VANDERBILT, Representative. vember, and ten, who ahall be apportioned among the said heretofore possessed by the Supreme Court on writ countiea as ns may be aecordingto the num- of error, and the jurisdiction heretofore poouessed U.Y. Office: 109 HudsonJStroet. ber of theirnearly inhabitants. The Legislature shall, by tho Prerogative Court on appeal, and by the in the year one thousand nine hundred and ten,Ordinary on appeal, and such further appellate and at ita first Bession after each United States jurisdiction oa may be conferred upon it by law.' decennial census hereafter, and not oftener, divide together with such original jurisdiction as may be and arrange each county of this State into a dis- incident to the complete determination of any trict or diatricta for the election therein of a mem- cause on review, Bavini?, however., the .right of • ber or members of the General Assembly- Each trial by jury. Assembly diatrict so constituted shall contain, as 2. The jurisdiction heretofore possessed by tha nearly as practicable, an equal number of inhabi- Supreme Court snd the Justices thereof not hereby tants, and shall consist of convenient and contig- conferred on the Appeals Dtvision.and the jurisdicuous territory in a compact form, but no county, tion heretofore po.ifjesaed by the Circuit Courts and or part thereof, shall be joined with any other the Judges thereof, and auch further original county, or part thereof, in any such district; pro- jurisdiction not of an equitable nature, and such vided, that each county shall, a t all times, be en- further.appellate jurisdiction from inferior courts, titled to at lcaat one member, and the whole num- us may be conferred by statute, shall be exerciaed ber of members to be chosen shall never exceed by the Law Division of the Supreme Court and by the several justices thereof, in accordance with sixty. The Court of Last Resort, by whatever name rulea of practice and procedure prescribed by known, is hereby invested with excluBivo original statute, or in the absence of statute, by the Sujurisdiction and with full power, under such pro- preme Court. 3. Tho jurisdiction heretofore posseoscd by the us it may by rulea prescribe, to review any -NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that cedure division and arrangement made by theLcKislature Prerogative Court and the Ordinary, not hereby o Assembly districts of the counties of this State conferred on the Appeals Division, and the juristhe following named applicants have 1 diction heretofore possessed by the Court of Chan• the purpose of determining whether such arand the Chancellor, and BUCII further original applied for riparian rights to lands un- rangement and division, or any part thereof, ia in cery equity jurisdiction as may be conferred by statute, accordance or in conflict with this section, and, if der water, as follows : in conflict herewith, to adjudge the same, or Buch undeuch further original jurisdiction aa is now conpart thereof as may be in conflict herewith, null f errablc on the Prerogative Court shall be exercised void._ In case said court ehall determine such by the Chancery Division and by the Chancellor THE C. E. CONOVEe CQEV3PAWY, and arrangement and division, or any part thereof, to and the several justices of said Division in accordwith rules of practice and procedure prescribed North Shrewsbury River at Red Bank, be null and void the Legislature ahall proceed to ance make a new arrangement and division, entire or by statute, or, in the absence of statute, by the Supreme Court, but the Justices of that Division Monmouth County, partial, as the action of the court may require. 5. Strike out paragraph 3 of Article V and insert Bhall be under such control and supervision by the Chancellor as shall be provided by the Supreme KATHARINE C. BAGLEY, North in place thereof the following: a. The Governor shall hold hia office for four Court. Shrewsbury River at Oceanic, Mon- years, to commence at twelve o'clock noon on the 4. Terms of the Supreme Court presided over by third Tuesday of January next ensuing the election a single Justice tif the Law Division for the trial of mouth County. for Governor bpthe-'-peopIe, and to end'-at twelve laaues joined in.sr brought to ,'he Law Division o'clock noon on the third Tuesday of January four of the Supreme Court shall bo held in the several THOfVIAS -E. RflCE, Shrewsbury years hereafter; and he shall be'incapable of hold- counties a t times -fixed by the Supreme Court. ing that office for four years ne^tt after his term Until so fixed, such trial terms shall be held at the River at Branchport, north of public of service shall have expired.; and no appointment places and timekVioyfjUxed by law for the holding the. Courts of" Ciimrhon Picas in the, several road leading to Atlanticville, Monmouth or nomination to office shall be made feythe Gover- of counties, nor during the-last week of his said term. • County. 5. The Supreme Court may provide by rule for 6. Strike out paragraph 6 of section II, Article the transfer of any cause or issue from the Law ,: VII. and insert in place thereof the following: to the Chancery Division, or from the "OCEAN BEACH CLUB OF EL- 6. Clerks and surrogates of counties shall be' Division elected by the people of their respective counties ^hancery Division to the Law Division of the SuBEEtONp" Atlantic Ocean, at ElberOn, at the elections for members of the General AB- preme Court, and from the County Court to the • They shall hold their offices for six years. Law Division or the Chancery Division of the SuCity of Long Branch, Monmouth sembly. 7. Strike out paragraph 7 of section II, Article preme Court, and for the giving of complete legal and equitable relief in any cause in the Court or VII. and insert in place therof the following : County. 7. Sheriffs and coroners shall to. elected by the Division where it may be pendinc6. Nothing herein contained ahall prevent tho people of their respective counties at the elections NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that for members of the General Assembly, and shall alteration, by law of any statutory power or jurthe Riparian Commission-, on Thursday, hold their offices for four years, after which four isdiction conferred upon any Court or Judge since years must elapse before they can be again capable the adoption 'of the Constitution in the year one July 30th, 1908, at eleven o'clock A. M., of serving. Sheriffs shall annually renew their thousand ei^ht hundred and forty-four, and noth' g herein contained shall prevent the Legislature at its office, in the Commercial Trust bonds. 8. Add to section 2 of article VII, three para- from conferring upon any inferior Court which Building, Jersey City, N. J., will con- graphs to be known as paragraphs 12, 13 and 11. may hereafter be established such power or juris12. All elections for Governor, members of the diction ns was exercised by or which .may now be sider the above applications; and allSenate and General Assembly, sheriffs, coroners, conferred upon the inferior Courts mentioned in county clerks and surrogates of counties and all Section I of Article VI. of the Constitution of 1844. persons interested in, or objecting to, other officers now or hereafter necessary t o be SECTION VI. b byh thel electorsf of hthehwhole l S Suite, or f of *£. the Same, are requested to be present h chosen The County Courts shall have and exercise, in all 5 „*• + 1 ^ ™™+,W .,„,! K« \,nn*A \ «ny county therof. shall be held every second yVar, cases within the county auchoriitinal common law at that meeting- and he heard. on the tirst Tuesday nf tor the first Monday in November, bejrinnin^ anno domini one thousand nine jurisdiction concurrent with the Supreme Court, and such other jurisdiction heretofore exercised hundred and ton. JOHN C. PAYNE, courts inferior to the Supreme Court and the 13. All flections for justices of the peace and all by Prerogative Court as may beprovided Ly law. The Secretary. and tiny municipal officers, na distinguished from final judgments of the County Courts may be State and county officers as hereinbefore provided, brought for review before the Supreme Court in now or hereafter necessary to be chosen by the the Appeals Division. Until otherwise provided, electors of any city, borough, town, township, the jurisdiction heretofore exercised by the Courts villiifje or subdivision thereof, or any rnunicijiality of Common Pleas. Orphana1 Courts, Courts of | of this State, except counties, shall be'}hold every Oycr and Terminer. Courts of Quarter Sessions, or ; second year on tho first Tuesday after the iirst by the Judges thereof, shall be exercised by the | Monday in November, bcRimiing anno domini one County Court.3 pursuant to rules prescribed by the i thousand nine hundred and eleven. Court. The justices of tho Law Division \ 14. Except as herein provided with relation to Supremo the Supreme Court shall be ex oflicioJudfreuof i the ofliceof Senators, all officers filling any elective of Courts. All other jurisdiction ar auat the time these amendments take effect the County Notice is hereby given that th i office now vested in any Court, Judge, or magisshall continue in,the exercise of the tlutic.-i thereof thority trate with jurisdiction inferior to the Courts in c In ii- r o n i i i r i ii fr t i n - r e m n v i l f i f h r l p r t s « conlinK t o t h e i r r e s p e c t i v e commission! this section mentioned, and not superseded by this ia\V r e q u i r i n g tJlL r e m o v a l Ot brierb, j ofonice,and until their successors may .y be elected article, shall continue to be exercised by such and qualified under the provisions of these amend- Court, Judge or magistrate until the LcKislature weeds and brush from the high- ments, and all ofiicers whose terms of office would shall otherwise provide. expire after these amendments take effect and prior to the election and qualification of their sucSECTION VII. ways in front of property will be cessors in ofiice, at the election for the respective This amendment to the Constitution shall not ofiices first held under the provisions of these cause thu ubutument <jf any suit or proceeding shnll continue in the ollice until their pending when it take? effect. TheSupremc Court enforced in Shrewsbury township. amendments, successors can be elected nnd qualified, nt theBhall make such guneral nnd fcpec.al rules and election for such ofiice or office!? to be held next orders aa may be necessary for the transfer of all ! The law governing this matter IS niter these amendments take eil'ect, according to suits and proceedings to tho appropriate Division By the Riparfon Commission oi the State of Hew Jersey. SCENE FROM ARIZONA. GRAND PRODUCTION—COMPLETE. Tickets on sale at Minton's Drug Store.. Matinee Prices: Children, 25c. Adults, 50c. Evening Prices: 25c, 50c, 75c, $1.00. Box Seats, $1.50. 500 Good Seats at 50c. COMING AUGUST 6, — — -—- 65 PEOPLE. MARLBORO NEWS. TWO CARLOADS OF SCENERY .6 A Week of Much Visiting in This I FRIDAY, AUGUST 7—THE MAN OF THE HOUR. Localitu. •;,: Mr. and Mrs. Homer Smith returned Saturday from theirweddingtripandfor a short time they will reside with the Mrs. John Nuiburlein spent Thursday groom's parents. They were serenaded in Kcansburg. Monday night by a crowd from this The Baptist Sunday-school will K<> on place. The scrcnadcrs were treated to its annual picnic to Keansburg next refreshments. Tuesday. Mrs. Zion, a native of Syria, spent There will be baptism in the Baptist part of last week here exhibiting nccdlc- church on Sunday ni^ht. fearfi^ She made several sales. Mr. and Mrs. 0 . C. Herbert have gone Rev!' William E. Davis has returned to Manasijuan for the rest of the sumTOUR TO YELLOWSTONE PARK AND THE i from his vacation. The junior Christian ! as follows : ' Endeavor society will meet in the chapel CANADIAN ROCKIES. Mr. and Mrs. \V. C. Herbert were Friday afternoon. Sunday guests of Mrs. William Lay ton The owner or occupant of land abutLast Tuesday while Mr. and Mrs.of Freehold cm Sunday. In northwestern Wyoming in the heart of the Rocky that of the Division or Court to which the suit or ting on any highway in any township These, amendments, if adapted, shall take effect proceeding shall have bwn trnnyferred. J a m e s H . Baird were driving their nuMr. and Mrs. Joseph E. Brower spent nnd KO into operation on U(e first day of February, ] Fifth—Strike out Paragraphs 1, 2. 5 andfiof Mountains, lies one of nature's richest treasures—the Yellow. tomobile through Keyport t h e brake Saturday and Sunday at Asbury Park in this state shall, during the month of in the yeur of our Lord one thousand nine hundred I, Section II of Article VII; and substitute the fol~ failed t o work and they collided with a and Seagirt. stone National Park. Set. apart b)' Act of Congress for the j l(Avinu paragraphs in place of Paragraphs I nnd . September of each year, cut and re-! a n d ten* wagon, damaging the machine. No one Mrs. Carman is visiting friends in PROPOSED TO THIS •2 - n n ' 1 change the number of the paragraphs folenjoyment of mankind, it is America's greatest show ground. move all brush, briers Und weeds growj 5 to correspond: was injured. COXST1XVTI0X Of THE STATE OF lowing Brooklyn. 1. The Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, the i ing1 in or upon such portion of such • JVEir JE1W11Y 11T THE LEO1SI,A- President Hev. and Mrs. Benjamin Baker are To visit this Park is to see nature in a variety of majestic Harry VanPelt and Joseph VanderJuntice of the Law Division, the Chan***T*expected from China soon, when they veer spent Thursday at Lakewood. TUltX: OF 10OS. cellor nnd the Associate Justices of the Supremo highway as his or her lands abut upon; moods. Mammoth hot springs, with multicolored terraces, Court shall be nominated by the Governor nnd n«will visit Mrs. Baker's parents, Rev. Key. Robert Uhra Thompson of Clarand in case such owner or occupant n p o , , , TTT-I^VT i Pointed by him. with the advice and consent of the cliffs of glass, beautiful lakes, mighty falls, glorious canyons, and Mrs. M. N. Smith. CONCURRENT RESOLUTION, Senate. They shall not belessthun thirty-five years ion, Pa., was a guest of his sister, Mrs. hall fail to perform the duty imposed No. 4. Mr. and Mrs. William C. Hulse visited Hurry VanPelt, on Thursday. of agfi and shall have been practicing attorneys and geysers of all descriptions, are found in this wonderful in the State forat least ten years. They shall hold hereby, the township committee of the A. Brower of Avon on Sunday. office for the term of seven years; Bhall, at stated region. STATE OF NEW JERSEY. The Sunday-school of the Reformed township in which auch lands abut as times, receive for their services a 1compensation Deeds Recorded. church held its annual picnic a t Koansshall not be diminished during theirterm of aforesaid ahall cause such work to be BE IT RESOLVED, (the Senate concurrinir). That which On August 24 a personally-conducted tour through the office, and they shall hold no other office under the burg last Tuesday. Aiii; ivviii The following real estate transfers the following amendment to the Constitution of Government of the State, or of the United States, done and the owner of such lands shall Yellowstone Park to Portland and Seattle, returning through Theodore Burke of Hudson street is | havcTbeeli recorded in the office of the this State be and the same in hereby proposed, and and ahall not engage in the pratice of law durinff pay the expense thereof, with costs, to when the same shall be agreed to by a majority of their term of ofiice. The Chancellor and the Chief having two glass panels put in the lront c o u n t c l e r k a t P r e c h o l d f o r t h e w e e k the magnificent Canadian Rocky Mountains, will leave the Justice of the Supreme Court, and the Vice Chandoor of his home. He is also making e n ( j ; n K j u | y 05th, 1908: be recovered in an action upon contract ] cellons and Associate Justices! of tho Supreme Hast by special train over the Pennsylvania Railroad. Five other improvements. any justice Of t h e peace of t h e I entered on their journals, with the yean ami noya Court, in ofiice when this amendment takes effect, IlEII HANK. shall be Justices of the Supreme Court until the Mrs. William Heyer was sick laat TintfTn water company to Kichiird K. Fox. . j . , . 1 taken thereon, and referred to the Legislature and one-half days will be spent in the Park, one day in PortCOUnty a t t h e SUlt Of SUCh tOWnsnip next to be cchosen, and published for three months expiration of their respective terms. , d published week. Miss Mabel Irwin is visiting hher. :Hi-100 am1:! on Prospect avenue, $1, .The Circuit Court Judges In ofiico when this previous to the first Tuesday after the first Monday land, one day in Vancouver, one day at Field, B. C , one committee. Mrs. David Baird and daughter Sarah MiKiion H. Loow IO<U'UIK<' S. liiKrnlmm. •lfil-100 of November next, in at least one newspaper of amendment takes effect shall be continued in office ill the .-astern I'iirt of lied Hank. $4,000. each county to be designated by the President of with the powers of the Justices of the Supreme Bpent last week with Mrs. Ira Baird of ncrea day at Laggan, Alba., one day at Banff, and stops will be Mnry Reilly to Edwiml W. CiriitKn. I.aml nn tl The township committee of the Senate, the Speaker of the Hous>e of Assembly Court at the Circuit until the expiration of their Freehold. south Milo of tin- rrail from Red Hunk lo Fair Haand the Secretary of State, payment for such pub- respective terma. They may hold the County made at many other points of interest. The tour will cover William Duggan was on the sick list ven. sr.no. mnu:wHm;iiY TOWNSHU"? Shrewsbury township suggests that lication to be made by the Treatsurer on the warrant Courts, subject to assignment by the Law Division of the Supreme Court. of the Comptroller. a period of twenty-two days. last week. William L. Chailwick to C'ornelini S. Mulfciul. this work of removing the brush, Firat-StriUe out Paragraph 10 of Section VII of 2. Tho Governor, by anil with the advice and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Applcgate have I.anil nt Fair Haven, on the- north Mile of the road Article IV, and change the numbers of the follow- consent of the Senate, shall appoint one Judge of As an educational, trip for either teacher or scholar, this briers and weeds from the high- ing paragraphs to correspond. been entertaining relatives from New from Oceanic to lied Dunk, S-'J.-tH'. the County Court in each county, and such addiAnnn T. Stilwell nnd othert. to Krneiit FnlineSecond—Change Paragraph 10 of Article V EO as tional County Judge cr Judgca in any county aa tour is especially attractive, as it covers a section of America York. ways of the township be clone dur- to read as follows : fitoi-k. Stilwell farm, between Ued ltnnk and may be authorized by law. The County Judges Mrs. Barber of Keyport, who hasalnewalmry, $:!7,f>0l). rich in scenery and replete with the marvelous manifestations 10. Tho Governor or pernon ftdniiniaterinK the may hold court m any county nubject to tho coning the month of August, if possi- government, been visiting her con, Mansfield Barber,- John Hull McLean to Mnry E. (lilmnrlin. l!l nnd four citizena of the State ap- trol of the Supreme Court. The County Judges nt hind on the road from Shrewsbury to of nature. pointed by the Governor, by nnd with tho ndvion shall not bo lens than thirty yenrnof HB«\ nnd shall bos returned home. Miss Delia Barber neiea ble, iu order that the township Tinton I-'allu. SI. and consent of the Senate, ahall constitute the have been practicintr attorneys in this State for and Mrs. Harvey Stilvvagon of Cliff- ( S c o w II. I'rinliie to Ada A. Jnrvia. 2 acres on The rates, which will cover all necessary expenses, will Bonrtl of Pardon a, Tho members of enid Board, at least five yearn. They nhall hold ofiico for the highways may be free from such or any three of them, of whom tlie Governor or term of five years; nhnll at »tated times receive for wood were Sunday guests of Mrs. Bar- the east (iide of the mud from Uillnson to lted be $246 from New York, $243.20 from Philadelphia, $241.20 administering: the government flhall lie one, their services such compensation, which Bhall not ber. Mis3 Reta Barber is visiting rela- Hank, SI. encroachments during the rcrnain- person tnny remit fines and forfeitures, and grant re- be diminished during thoir tormof ofFice.aa theLegtives at Cliilwood. from Washington and Baltimore, $230.80 from Pittsburgh, prievcM, commutations, pardona and imrolcs, after ialutuie in StHdiscretion ahall fix for each county, Jail H'H A I IIW1 !'. executor, t o William I'l'ttcn der of the season, and also in order conviction in nil caaca except impeachment. The nnd they ahull hold no othor ofiice under the GovFrank Sawtelle and Walter Bain! L anil lit Jlil ' h i Mid II •nrli, $lim. and proportionate from other points. meinlierii tinccliiHy appointed ahall hold oltice ernment of tho State or of tho United States, and were visitors at Philadelphia last week. (>«'( rn • r M i o n t-it . Juine.i Mi Diini Id. Land oi that the weeds, etc., be prevented four for five yeani, nnd receive for their Kerviees n com- fihnil not engage hi practice of the law in tho courts Mrs. Rornaine Heyer and daughter t io r Mi fr nn N a ink lo Ilirl Ininh ,$1. Preliminary leaflets may be obtained of Agents, and pensation which Bhall not ho diminished during of the county where tliuy hold court during their from going to seed. Should the ] Ait O W N 1 . I W N Mini' the term of their appointment. term of ofllce. Tho judges of the Common Plean Marie of Brooklyn arc spending a month detailed itineraries will be ready for distribution shortly. Fn> le ick W. HiP '. I'xecutor. in 1-: h'ur I'atteiin ofiico. when thin amendment taken effect shall brush, briers-, weeds, etc., not be Tlilnl—ClimiKo Section 1 of Article VI. 00 on to be here. IK n c i in. Kill the jurifreo of the County Courtu until the extead fin in i • thelate John I' rend an follown : ! Persons desiring to avail themselves of this opportunity to The Missionary Gardeners will hold an C piration of their present temiH. removed during the time set forth SECTION 1, It.-lcnm ice cream sale every Saturday night f l l u i d e t h I . - h o to l'M(;nr I' it teri nn. a. Thin amendment nlmll take effect on the first visit the Park of the Nation should make application for The judicial power shall bo vrutcil in 1 1 Court for in th -.-itend fain of t If 'li ti- Join by law, the same will be done by thetriril of impnichmentii,aSupreineCourt,County Monday in February, in the year next following during the month of August. I". Cnnicr, t l . Pullman space early, as the party will be limited. Make iind Hucli other CourtH, inferior to Bho Su- its adoption by Ihu people. Mrs. Clara Bennett, a nurse in Ann Eilirui•rull<-r.-i(inlo.liinii-:iN.H. llrmv»tcr. l,;.nd the township committee and theCourts, The Lcgiuliituro aholl pniin all lnwn nccciisary premo Court, as may be entiibliBhed by law, which to4.carry home!.lead farm of Ihe Into John ]'. Ciwlei- $1. May hospital, Spring Lake, spent part nndCharles effect the provfoloiiR of the constituapplication through local Ticket Agent or address Geo. \V. infi rior Court ti Ihu Lc&taltUure nmy niter ornboli.'ili tion and into linker to.Iolm II. I'm ki r. Blm T en expense'thereof collected from the an thin aitUMidrnunt thereof. of last week with her mother, Mrs. of liinil (inM.Ihe th<! public (rood sdmll require, wist side of Ihe mail from Melioyd, General Passenger Agent, Hroad Street Station, Fourth-Strike out. all of Kectioim II, IV, V VI Joseph Miller. r chank-tiville t,. l'.atoo|.,nn. $1. property owners according to law. TO Tin-; und VII, of Article VI. clmwro the number of HecII. I'nrker to Char].-,, M. l'nrk.r. SB urrcn Misa Virginia Monfort and Carl Baird J,,hn Philadelphia. CONSTITUTION OF TIM IS tiTATtS OF tion III of Article VI to Section II, und innort the land <m tin- wi-it side (>r Ihi- roa.l frum Me. GEORGE WOODS, of New York visited Mr. and Mru.of following tiectiona in Artlcln VI: • ' NKW tUCllSEY UX TIME LUOISLAehaniciiville to l-!atolilown, $1. James H. Baird laot week. TVMC OF I90H. SI^CTION III. IIUI.M1»KI. TOWNIillll'. Supervisor of Glomln. . Mrn. Jesse Sickles of Matawan is | Mi.ry Any judire of nny of the Coiirtaof tho State may lmrne t.. TI,.-,KI,,,,, 1!. Th. bo removed for durability cimtinuinir for outs year, ASSEMBLY CONCUKHKNT RESOLUTION, visiting her daughter, Mrn. Winiield m i n i Ir-iiii M a t a w a n ti. Hi.lim 4>r for refusal lo perform tho <lutie;iof hiMoflicc, by Defective oycnijiht in (tonrnlly tho ruunn. Correct tho eyesiffht by fflnnncs, AMI<JNl>MlSMTti VHOVOHICl* TO THK NO. <). Stryker. • HAIIITAH TOWN.IIllr. CONSTITUTION O I' Til MS HTATK Oi'" u vote of Lwo-thirdfl of all t!i» inembeni of tho nnd tho hradacho IH n tbiw; of the iiaat, Freo cunuuliatlun. Glacaoa If needed Miss Edith lircnmilmn of Trenton in F u r m l l l i l i i J u i i i e a I'ldililt. '-i HI<I n (he at iiHHiernto pricctj. HTATK OF NUW NKW J HUB ICY UY THIS LIWIHLA- McnaUwind of two-thirdu of nil tho nienibcrii of tho 1 ,f We:.I ntr.-el. Key,,oi | . f l . IIouiio of Atini'inbly voting tittpur'itcly, af tei'iihcnrvisiting her brother, Rev. It. I '. Itresnm- r«.}.li''n Nnti.mi.l lunik of K.-yimrt In I . c w h 'lVHiJ Oh" 1908. intr U-foro both Ilntintw In joint ueiiMon, DK. STII-ES, Boctoi" Of Optics, han. I'ilinnii. Land oo Ihi- K e y p o r t mi.l K ,.ehold t i n ol*MTlti:.'tOLV[in(ihnKiiiiat«ronr.iirrinK). TluU SECTION IV. llilie. Si'llll. next visit Wednesday, Aue- Mil. M3NATK C'ONCUHUENT RKMOUJTION NO (». 1. TimMupri'inuCourtuliall liooi'KUniKcd in tluco 1 in IUIIOWIIIK amemljimnt toltho cMimitlhilinri of Mr». Chiu'lcB Chancy of Lake Como Willi.iin I I . Cherry l o All.erl K. Duell. I mi.1 , „ , Visits Red Dank, N. J . . every other Wednesday. tins ht> anil Ilm uanu; i* lilirel.y propiiiiod, ami HjKmt part of lnut week with relative!! tln-ennl. l.iill< of Dlvlliiun l.tieet, Keypoi 1 »1 (liviiiiomi, namt iy ; tho Ap]>fiihi IJlviMlim, (In- J,nw whoa.Hutti HUIII-H.- t to S f. M. At M'OHtollive MHttUltnfl, Hoonm »7-SN. th«mt,n«Hliall b<wijrr««l l«liy n nmiority of Division, und OioClianiwry l>lvtfii«n. It ohallcouhorfi. Mrn. William Thorne, who lian Kenlilihiiiit ll.-ach I'linii.any l o Clmili i W a u l OF NMW JKHIilCY. cUtrtml to th« H^imt.MUul lltmiio of ni'il ,,f ProiiIditiK .)uHtlco<»f tho Appeithi Division U lit Ki-nni.huri.', J l A»-£H.ivl,ly tho BQ <1 nm.-M,hru>nL nhall Imflnu-rnilon been viHitinpr relatives at Luke Como, JLnnil wlio nlmll bo ulylcd thtt Chlof .hnitlco, 11 1'wmtinr Jiilin i i . V . I I I M I I I . I to IVUa•Wclitiuiil nil. returned home Friday. III 11 ItKnoi,VKl> (thy Homio of Amirmbly eon- Juntico of the I,ft\v Divlnii.n who nlmll he ntylml tht'lr joiirimlit. With tint iiym nml nnyti Lulum llioron e a r On- N ™ Vorlt lu.d l.eoic Ilm.ieh u i i h n h | to tlio l.«.Ki«InUiro next. t<i h« euuhiK) Thiit. t h e following nnimidmcntfl to tho the IVHidcul .limtii'o, niulu I'l-wildinK Jurttlcu of on. niul mfftrml l!lIilll t<l f Miaa May Klwoocl of Perth Amlmy in IHI:I;II(II,I) • u n v m i m r . » '"- *»iro« inonthn prior to count )tt> lion of thiilHtul" ho ami thtuiiununre hero' the Chaiirfry Oivinlon, who nlmll ho «tyli'<l tho H, "n"'. ".V >" di her vacation with Minn Mary ;;niuh A . M o i . r e l o M a i y I I . Lilea... I . a n l o i i l h i by prop' lied, und when tho imm" nhnll bo i»«n'cil to Chiun-t-llor, aiuleiKliUuin AnnncifiUiJiifiLicoB, which iier iioxt. In iitlnufiCono nowHpnpor tit finch rounty. k if Me <y u id I'nike i Ii l>y uiiinjmllyof tliomranliero olcutcilto tt>»f!uiin(<i tnunltftr may bo irnrenmid liy law. mill tolKidcufihut^l hy tlm 1'rpntilrnt <»f tho Mnm|,., Massage-Facial. nnd llounu of AMiomhly, tho imid nimmdimmln nliiill Manicure, K. Tho AppRululilvtulomihnllconniritof IhoChiof n. Edwnrd .Stfumck nml Mm. Krank ho «ntorc<l on (lioil- jouninhi, with tlm yeafl mid .Iiintli'o. ruul IIIK other Juiitin'ii (if tho fiupn-ino Foy t o Do:na J . T . nl mid J n i liut'ku twent Friday with Mm. Mary 1 (^..theihie iiiiyfi thcroon. mid refonril to Ihn I.rijliilntuid noxt. ('oiirt to bo nnxitriM-d by tho <iiivfrnoC AJiuitho lot, f l . fCALP TREATMENT AMD SHAMPOOING. to Im <-hii!i(-n, nnd ixiblliihei) for Ihrro moitt tin ttrlor of Ihn Mupit-mo (!ourt nnni|{t)^d l»y th«» Covornor to (JriggH of Lineroft. Willluin I I . Kiniiion II 1'alrli-liXi-i iilon. l.aii.l to llio Unit Tiii'udiiy lifter (ho Unit Mouilny u! No- the Ai't'cahi DIVIMIMII uluill neivn in miid IHvltilon ELECTRICAL TREATMENT. tfudium VdlilU'Uitt (if Seohey villo in n t l-'rccliulil. $771.. vember noSt, In (it lolint olio li<nvt!liajier «lf clurli until thoemlof hid ti-rin. » T. Miunbi'rn [>r I I lmmln n lmll r,.,.(,l»t,, nmwnlly yssUififf nin mother, Mrn. Kdith Vnnfouiity,, l o lio <lel littlilit^l l.y tlm 1'riinloVn t nr Iho ThniriniiluliiK JilHtimitilinlUMiiuitiltEiictl by tho l f .1 t o J o h n l l a l v . :• Intii a t M n r y M. W a llnr,.. «,t,l num.l.ora of Full lino of Unit' (luodn, including Jtutrymore Corom;!. Brnidn, ftrtint.' , Iliri Hin-Jiltoi'o f Hi.- II i.uno <:.f Anam .il.lv •in.l Knpn'jnnOiurl lo thnl.uw or Ctmiuoiy lHvinion, th«(;«n«rnl Ami M«iml.«, h i l c h l , JMIi). il.ly nhnll r ilvo, nniiunlly,* tlm •n\ii I I y of i Hnt. (ui I ho hiuiitiomi of tho ('ourt limy ic-iuiro. ituiii t,t ton liiinchl m l dollurn .lmlnit tho tlm., for C'luiriM Grey of Nutiiwiiinp in viuiUni; Mcriy Widow I'ufTii, (ireciim Curln, &c. 1. Htiill:.' out I> n r m [tiiph !1 or nf irllon I.. Artlcld .'I. Whpn«vi>r ll»t nutnW of vmitwn hnfon- tlm whlr-li (hr-yidmillin ., ],„„ «,| ,,,, Mr. nnd Mrs. "ChnrU'it Story, W;( n m lw l l ( | 0 „ . I I U B WOKK. IV, anil Inrmil In Him- 0 IheK'i.r tho followinir: App.'dhi Dtvtaton nh&ll lio rw un&t Hint I ho DIvioiuii uhull hold fh<.!r;,,fl H.0OSM N o . 'I, P«»tte»"sot» Mrn. John Ruld wan on the nick ljut 1 >im iueimrc4! liiil^vulo my onllm tlnm (o nuit{» ;i. leiIM't ll inn fo r illernlicra of Iho iien ntfl nndctuuiot. promptly hear and i)oUM'inlno IJi««i, tim cmnlutnoiil, ill :,,ll|ni., u ,,,| „„ ,,t|,«rnHowBnr«*r nu'iuhly ulii ill l>« Ii.•Idov. iry two yi'iirnoii (iovt-rnor Rhull, wliwi itulliorl/nU hy iitdlutn, t^m- whntrvor. Tli -lly ,.,. l,,.llr,,rlly. form,, , „ , „ „ » 1 Ai tn^ u p ttwltelieil, ('olni)inirn. Hild nil klndtt of luiir iani wrfili. 6 O B r o a d St.. R E D B A N K , N . J . Iho thfiit. T lictnlfiy mfliir tlm litnt Mo ntlay In Novi'in- tioinrlly lumlKM livo of tliu ,lim( in-n nf tho ol lu> Work. Addienn, 1!1) Wftot Front MtriMit, or Btiiul tno C.n.nal An.innl,l, nhnll. I,, »|,. h Mr. nml Mm. Jam<'« Kinir, .Ir., Mr. V...I.I ln>r. I n•«ln nlnu i4IUIO llolllln 1 nntlioili.u Il.l lllllO l)|y|»|.m» to nit hi tlm Appals. Divbilou, wlllcii of i)i».jr,,f]i,.<v(1 nml will call mion yen. Mlna 1. llraiul. Kill lv«llltIl H IIUI.IK ilm. Uttd Mrn. Samuel King and chiWren and Ilnnk. ovi-ry i'.» nlmlMhorniitoiudthi two ]>lvifllonnf»r tlxihtiai Iii|{ wiun! lipyiui (hli-.l. .i,rT llitilrulldwniit ? 1 r I-'ICI-IKIIII. « M I . il 5 3- • '' 1 . ' •» . ' •v. yj j \__i • > . p very 0 i © c/ every airuk that 9 MEN'S 86 5 S $i2 and Si3.50" SUITS BENEFIT. SALE PRICE 00 SUITS BENEFIT SALE PRICE BENEFIT SALE PRICE 'Q MEN'S «7.5O SUITS o MEN'S S15 and $16 50 SUITS MEN'S $25oOQ SUITS BENEFIT SALE. PRICE BENEFIT SALE PRICE MEN'S $10.00 SUITS MEN'S .$18.00 SUITS MEN'S $28, $30 & $35 SUITS BENEFIT SALE PRICE BENEFIT SALE PRICE BENEFIT SALE PRICE • BENEFIT SALE PRICE , o UITS Boys' $2.00 Suits, now " 2.50 Suits, now " 3.00 Suits, now " 4.00 Suits, now " 5.00 Suits, now " 6.00 Suits, now " 7.00 Suits, now " 8.00 Suits, now " 10.00 Suits, now $1.45 1.75 2.00 2.75 3.50 4.25 5.00 5.40 6.90 \ Special Lot of Home and Wizard Shirts that never sole! for less than 50c. goat * fine Shirts go at Shirts goat • and $2.50 Shirts go at 74c. $1.09 $1.33 White and Soft Shirts not included. Men's |>LO0 Trousers, now <« 1.50 Trousers, now 2.00 Trousers, now 2.50 Trousers, now M 3.00 Trousers, now 4.00 Trousers, now 5.00 Trousers, now 6.00 Trousers, now 7.00 Trousers, now 77c. - $1.11 1.45 - 1.75 2.00 - 2.75 3.50 - 4.00 4.75 Is. Every man's, boy's and child's Straw Hat in the house goes at Half Price. Every Genuine Panama Hat in the house g6es at $3.00 25c. Wash Four-in-Hands go at 5c 15c. Men's Fancy Handkerchiefs go at 25c. Wash Knee Pants go at 7c 19C 15c. Silk Bows go at 4C Canvas Gloves go at a pair 5C ^5c Hoys' Blouses go at 19C 15c. Boys' Stockings go at a pair Its 50c Boys' Blouses go at 38C 50c. Canvas Mats go at 19c 50c. President Suspenders go at 33C Porous Knit Shirts and Drawers, extensively advertised at 50c, Our Price, 33c. Men's Sleeveless Mesh Shirts & Knee Drawers go at 21c. each. o During this sale m Special Sale Goods Will Be Charged, None Sent on Approvaland r .. \S,l THE ORE, BANK. -."- • •+&.-. GEORGE MANGOLI) DEAD. DIED O f BJUGHT'S DISEASE. FOR BALE. Thoroughbred Jersey cow with rail for sale. Apply.to William Nautrhton, Eaat Oceanic, N. J . NOTICE. Home .wanted for a Scotch collie, one year old ; worth #50. Will sell fox $10; pedigree. Charles I , Hitter, Monmouth nnd West streets, Red Bank, Touring Car For Sale. FEBRUARY 4. 4H James Enright, premium on S-5,000 Insurance on eehool No. 1 62 50 FEBRUAIty 14 40 James Enri^ht. Incidentals BchoolNo. 1..: 2 78 50 L. ii. VauNest. Incidentala school No. 1 ti CO 51 J . ninth maim, incidentals school No. 2 1 15 52 HenrincUson & Applcgate, locideatals schools Kos i aud 2 17 09 53 L. E . Browa, coal aud wood both schools......... 39 95 54 8. J . Bruce, carting and freight on supplies 80 55 Cook & Onkley, Tepalre to furnace, both schools 187 19 FEBRUARY 27. 5G It. Murphy, janitor school No. 1 41 67 57 G. Stevens, janitor school No. ti 16 00 $427 73 MARCH 30. " 58 R. Murphy, janitor school No. 1 41 67 59 Q. Stevens, janitor school No. 2 15 00 850 67 APRIL 7. 00 D. W. Bedford, tuition of 5 pupileatgls.OO 75 00 til J . L . Hammett, supplies both schools, 20 95 02 0 . H . Cook, printii'gDotice and tickets., 5 75 ij-i H. Voorhees, cleaning well 75 school No. 2. ', APRIL 29. 154 R. Murphy, janitor BCIIDOI 41 07 No. 1 U5 a . Stevens, jan'tor school 15 00 No. a.. 1-..* $105 13 MAY 7. GO H. Ost«ndorf, repairing piano..' MAY 29. 07 R. Murphy, janitor school No. 1 41 67 03 tt. S't'veus, janitor school N o . 2. • • • 15 00 — $03 67 JUNE 11. 09 W. H . Mahoney,-installing two electric liels 20 35 ' 70 W. A. Sweeney, printing notice of election 5 00 71 L. E. Brown, coal for 1C 40 East Oceanic .. 72 W. H. Pearsall, repairs to tlappole 17 » • , .. 73 H. Ostendorf, tuning piano 2 50 school No. 1 74 Jiia. Enright, Jr., incidena 00 tals... .' JUNE 27. 75 Shrewsbury Board of Education,tuition for 13pupils 258 25 70 It. Murphy, janitor school No. 1 : 41 07 77 CT. Stevens, janitor school 15 00 No. 2 — $363 18 M. White Passes Away ai tit eOCK. Bdiler and E'reprlrlor He Was an Old Hotel Man at Long I Benjamin Fine large prominent American make, A L«iN«HTMBET. .4»»islanl Editor Branch. After a Long Sickit'esi. POTATO IHGGEKS. 28-32-H. P., 4-cy]inder, expensively Tlie Reuther &. Ilallock O. K. elevator potato BAND WANTED. George Mangold of Long Branch (lied ' Benjamin M. "White of Borden street equipped, newly done over and in firstFirtst-cluats bund wanted for September 4th, 6th ~9SIM>iVStI'TlVX PttlVE: ' suddenly yesterday at his home. He i died yesterday afternoon of Bright's [lifc:trer for rale by C. H. Hurley, Shrewsbury, N. J . and 7th, from 10 A . M. to & I*, M. Monmouth class running order. Will be sold at : County Agricultural Fair Association, Red Bank. fraction of coat. Inspectable. J. B. Js •••Si-W jw a a a b o u t as usual during the morning ; disease. He had been in failing health 6 I B L WASTED. '' and after walking around his garden the past five years and had been an in- Girl wanted for Keneral housework. Apply to Rue's garage, Ked Bank. BOYS WANTED. returned t o the house and fell uncon- valid two years. Mr. White was 58Mrs. G. H. Lewia, '£ Kivertnde avenue, Ked Bank. Six good briKht boys wanted to distribute cirscious. He died a few minutes later, years old and was a son of Susan and WEDNESDAY. JULY 29, 1908. his death being caused by heart disease. William White of Shrewsbury. In 1883 cuiare. Call Wednesday evening or Thuri>day HARVEST HOME. Choice Squabs, " Extras." The old Tennent harvest home will be held on morning al 7:30 a t E. M. Cleveland's^ Branch aveMr. Mangold was born in Wurternberg, he went to New York, where he worked Wednesday, Auirust 12th, 1908. If stormy, next nue and Center street. Red Bank. TOWN TALK. niitht. Germany, 68 years ago. He came to 25 years as a coachman. He moved to , _ • TUTORING. 50 cents each, Young Indian Runner ~Z, this country forty years ago and settled Red Bank t w o y e a r s a g o . M r . White I Senior of Princeton university desires cupils ducks 50 cents each. Royal Farms, (Continued from pane i.) at Long Branch, where he had lived ever j leaves a wife and two sisters, Mi's. during summer vacation. Prep, school subjects unthreahed. in the atraw, for sale. Apply Last Sunday, among the passengers since. For several years he followed Sarah Wolcott of Red Bank and Mrs.toOutu, nd college entrance requirements. Circular. Little Silver, N. J. Tel. 2-r. George Allen, W. A. Hopping farm. Chupel W. G. Hildebrant, West End, N. J. who came to Ked Bank from New York the painter's trade and kitor bought the I Maria Murphy of Long Branch. The Hill, N. J . on the steamboats, were a man and his old Sans Souci hotel and conducted a j funeral will be held a t half-past two WOMAN WANTED. LOST h l on ' o'clock ' l k at t th d ft wife and their seven-year-old child, j place now know ass the Trenton hotel the h house S Sunday afternoon A woman wanted to care for an elderly lntly in July 2oth, on Broad street, a Kold cuff pin. Red Bank. One who would appreciate a jjood They had leav"•" ' • - "a - lunch ' '• basket, *-—'--' and --•after ^- > • Broadway. liroadway. He was an honur.ary h n . ymum- and the burial will be a t Little Silver. Finder wjll please return same to 2H Broadstreet, home. Address, atatintr experience and wages ing the boat they walked through the ber of the New Era association. Mr. PRICE. $ 2 O . O O . Ked Bank. expected. Home. Box 197, Red Bank. town streets. They asked several per- Mangold leaves a widow. Recovering His Bight. Also 400 to 600 ft. of J-inch maple sons where they could go to eat their ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR. COLLIE PUPPIES FOR SALE. Harry Davis, son of Lewis Davis of Jnneh, and in eaclvcase they were told Before wiring for electric lights, bells or tele- flooring. Beautifully marked thoroughbred pedigreed that there was no place in the town Former Red B a n k e r Tries Suicide. Long Branch, went to a New York collie puppies for sale. Mm. Squires, Water Witch, ilione, pret our figures and you will Gave money, H. ti. SUPP. Red Ban!:, M. J. latisfaction Kunrunteed,, Reference, any business Frank Carson of Asbury Park, aged j hospital three weeks ago to be treated IlilrtilaiidB, N. J. provided for any such purpose. They nan in Red Bank. John Wtaver r 85 Borden wandered around town for a time, look- 24 years, tried to kill himself last I for a blood disorder, which made him street. Red Brink. WANTED. ing for some place where they might Thursday night at that place by shoot-! almost blind. He has nearly recovered, Girl for [feneral housework ; must !><• a KOcxl GO TO VOORHEES'S flit down, and finally they began eating ing himself through the breast and also , laundress ami ui.oi pluin cook. Call al lilt. Broad to get your black smith inu and carriage work done. atri^t, Utd Bunk. their lunch a s they walked along the by taking poison. He is slowly recover-1 School Board Organized. Jobbing promptly turned out. You will find Voorstreet. While they were thus eating ing ing and his chances for recovery y are j liees in the George Hance Patterson building on Lung Branch board of eduMONEY TO LOAN. d Mr. M uaiBoii C fformer r ' The'West Monmouth street. Twenty-two years' experience was and walking they were invited on the very VL'iy good. liootl. ivii. Carson wan a <i iuiii,i.i , -.' , , , . , , „ We oflfer for salfiJJie residueof our stock r Imv h Visiviun R d fi-mU B k b i llivpd i d ffor three '•• Cation has organized DV electing Kobei t I Money to loan in sums to BUit borrowers on first in carriage work. porch of one of the residents of Ked TJ.iJ as follows, every carnage in the lot a wonKed Bank boy, having n v e a l o r i n r c t . w ;n;™ u 1*;,io,,f William H. **„,,;,, Morris I bond nnd moitirauc A. L. ivins. KEUISTBK Imildderful bargain. I t labour opportunity, as Bank, where they remained until it was years with Charles A McClaskey of ' W. Reid Tpresident, EGAT^'S FURNITURE VANS. „ oiir repository cloata tlife week. time for the first boat to return to New Shrewsbury avenue. A love affair and vice president and M. V. Poole district Before you have your ba^Eaj?e or furniture MOMEY TO LOAN. SURRIE&, York. It is pretty safe to say that it his financial troubles at the Sea Girt clerk. moved to city or country get my figures. All kinds The Land and Loan company have money to of light nnd heavy trucking done a t tshort notice. A new extension-tap surrey, leather top, will be a long time before thisparticular camp a few weeks age are given as the loan in all amounts. Address R. S. Merritt, mana- Call or address J. T. Egan, 11 Wall utreet. Red Bteel tires, cut under, good family carriage Died a t D a u g h t e r ' s H o m e . family makes another trip to Red Bank. causes for his attempt at suicide. ger, Ked Bunk, N. J . Bank. Telephone 12-1-J. for winter or summer, was $175, now 5122.50. A Becond-hflnd canopy-top surrey, Stephen Tyson died Wednesday at * * • Household Furniture For Sale Babcoclt, rubber tires, newly painted and the home of his daughter, Mrs. John TO THE HIGHLANDS. Ushers' Union Outing. re-fitted, suitable for family use or hacking, Red Bank ought to have some place 198 Stout street, Ked Bank. Entire contents of The launch Wanderer, Captain Charles Bennett, White of Hamilton. He was 56 years at was $175, now $90. large house at private Bale. Can be Keen every will leave Rue's dock tonight and tomorrow night where strangers and visitors can feel The Baptist ushers' union will go to old. afternoon next week. -.; for the akatini? events at the Highlands at 7:30 that they have a right to remain with- Sandy Hook tomorrow on its first anRUNABOUT. o'clock, returning leave the Highlands a t 11:30. out beine considered intruders. There nual outing. The trip will be made on A runabout, new, with cushion tires, ~ "or round trii H cents. Tickets fo; FOR RENT. Ode. arched axles, was $115, now $C5. is probably not another town or borough Benjamin S. Payne's Yankee Boy. A A deairable coal yard and office to lease at HazFOR SALE. Concord, Masa., let station, N. J. For terms apply to Mrs. Walter in the county where some provision is ball game will be played on the sand at \ tsung in the town i,:.ii, c MINIATURE VICTORIA. For want of use I will sell at private sale three July T. HoiT, Hazlet, N. J. not made for the comfort of visitors to Spermaceti cove, and there will he other j A beautiful miniature Victoria, complete *• '"•"••I horses, two surreya, two runabouts, English trap with hard-rubber tires, pole,,Bplinter bar the place. There is certainly not an- enjoyable features. The committee in k II, tenderly the haughty day wagon, one phaeton, eight seta single harness and and Rhafts, all the usual appointments, inLAUNCH FOR SALE. Filla his blue urn with fire; other town the Bize of Red Bank in the charge of the outing is composed of ; one double set of Hilver-mounted harnesB. Apply 1 cluding cushions for the feet, rubber cov16-foot launch, new. V/j-horse power. Palmer to John WyckofF, Oceanic, N. J . One morn ia In the mighty . state where such thorough indifference Herbert Murdock, Bertram Birch, Walerings for seats and lamps, aperture for motor. Price $135. D. Riddle, care J. B. Rue'a hoavon carriage clock, extraaeatfor children. &c: boat works. Red Bank. to the comfort and convenience of; ter Davis and Frank N. Worth. The And ono in our desire. all fresh from the factory last year, was HORSE FOR SALE. strangers is shown. There is absolutely i committee will provide soft drinks and S550, now $400. MOTOR CYCLE FOR SALE. Bay pacer about 15.2 hands, went a mile a^ElkThe cannon booms from town to town; no care, no thought and no considera- watermelons, but the lunches must be Indian motor cycle for sale, in ifood condition. wood last summer in 2:25 j sound, kind and gentle; HALF GLASS DEPOT WAGON Our pulses beat not leas; tion accorded them. Visitors to Red taken by those who KO on the trip. For further information apply to Albert L. Ivins, can be driven single or double by lady or gentleA half glass depot wagon, portable The Joy, foella chime their tidings down, REGISTER building-. Red Bank. man. For further particulars inquire at hance's Bank, unless they are acquainted with front, steel tires, all new and in elegant feed store, Red Bank, between 7:00 A. u. and G:00 Which children's voices bless/ residents here, Jmust rely on storekeepshape, was $376, now $250. p. M. Ball Games. SAND FOR SALE. ers for the moat ordinary accommodaFor he that flung the broad blue fold HUNTING CART. Building sand and concrete material for Bale tions; and on Sundays, when the stores SHREWSBURY INN, OCEANIC. O'ermantling Innd and sea Last Friday afternoon the Orioles Sand guaranteed clean and sharp. Apply to AmA second-hand hunting cart with rubber Wagonette leaves the inn, also corner WashingOne-third part of the sky unrolled are closed, the plight of women and played a game of ball at Fort Hancock brose Matthews & Co., Red Bank. tires, all in perfect condition, was $110, ton and Front streets. Oceanic, daily for SeaFor tho banner of the free. now $45. children who come to Red Bank on the with the team of that place and were de- j bright, Sandy Hook boat trains, QB follows : 6:40, FERTILIZER WORKS OPEN. boats and trolley cars is oftentimes feated by the score or G to 1. On Stiii- ' 7:40 A. M., nnd 2:00 p. M. Returning calling a t J WAGON POLES, STOVE, ETC. The men are ripe of Saxon kind Ritzau'B fertilizer works at Swimming River 1B day afternoon on the Red Bank grounds , Seabright at 5:11 and fi:ll p:'M-, meeting afternoon Berioua. AI50 for sale two surrey poles and one now ready t o receive horses. All the year round. boat trains from New York. Round trip fare To hujld an equn] state, the Orioles suffered another defeat, this farm wagon pole at $1.50 each, good stove, • •• Herman Ritzau. Telephone 12D-J. To take the statute from the mind tickets, 30 centB, at ofiico of the inn. $7.50, wagon seat, 4 wagon covers for $1, Total $4,409 10 tim'e at the hands of the Portaupeck And,make of duty fate. It has become imperative that the quarter blanket for SI, good lamp 50c, tie HORSE AND WAGON FOR SALE. weight 75c., leather punch C0c, some hartown shall have some place for the ac- team. The score in this gume was 5 to United States, tho ages plead— ZS1 Sound horse, eipht years old, fulltfuarantee, and ness hooks at 5c. each. commodation of visitors and strangers, 3. a rubber-tire depot Matron, pole and shafts. Ap Present find past is undersongThe Fair Haven baseball team deno matter how small that place may be. ply to Albert Hurdle, Locust, N. J . Teachers' Salaries. Go put your croed into your deed BIRDSALL & SON, Preferably this place should be along the feated the Oceanport nine on Sunday Nor Bpciik with double tongue. '.My Cider Mill at TinFrom Sept. 9,1907, to Oet. 4, 1807. by a score of .6 to 2. This game was SPECIAL BARGAIN. river, since the river is Red Bank's RED BANK, N. J . Order No. Cow and calf for sale cheap. Price $15, withou For sea and land don't understand, greatest attraction. The river front, played at Fair Haven. ton Fjills will be open Onus E Deilz 1 ,811000 cnif, §;t£>. Must be (sold at oneo. Address Georg Nor Hkh's without a frown • However, is owned by private parties, ~ CO 00 OOOOOOOOOCGOOQOOOGOQOOOOOO Itessie ,V Kuliii See rights lor which the one hand DoreEdt, Maxim, Fm-minKdale, N. J. to receive apples on Uneliel Ii llerKer 3 .'.0 00 most of whom are not inclined to sell Child Visitor Seriously Sick. •ilKlllH 55 00 Kilna H'rawr HORSE FOR SALE, A and whose property could oply be tatccn 50 00 KreJiTiliu II JllelielfeliliT... I'y thu other cloven down. Mr. and Mrs. Metcalf and infant child and after August is't, A prood heavy work horse for sale. Guaranteed by the town through condemnation proti 37 60 AnliicS Hold™ kind and true. Also some geese for sale 53 E0 Illanelii' I, Wintersteia 7 ceedings. There is but one small lot of New York came to Red Bank yesterBo Just'at home; then write your scroll sound, 190S. OK THE Augustus Morris, Tin ton Falty, N. J . 5'> 50 Elizabeth B Ilalrmiple S Of hunnr o'er tho Boa which is available for this purpose and day to spend several days with Mr. ^aiid S4C7 50 Mrs. Herman Hillmen of Borden street. And bid the broad Atlantic roll which is said to be in the market. This HOUSEKEEPER WANTED. ,DlSTRICr CLERK From Oct. i, l!>07, to Nbv •J, 1007. A furry of tho free. CAPT. D. A. WALLING. is the property of Mrs. Henry S. White, On their way here the child was taken Housekeeper wanted in small family. Gooi ilOOO sick and on their arrival Dr. B. H. GarChnsEDeltz home. Apply to Forman O. Parker, near New OF THE adjoining the steamboat dock property CO 00 Bessie A Kill] And henceforth thcro shall be no chain man Spring's. P. O. address, Red Bank. SO 00 on the west side, formerly owned by rison ordered the family to return home, > Save underneath tlio sea. HiiebelF. Heritor as the child was in a very serious con55 00 F.drui Krnzer The wires shall murmur through the GOOD GRAVEL. •v-Capt. Thomas P. Brown. Besides hav- dition, with slight chances of recovery. 50 00 FreiieiikiiirMithelMder... main If you want good roads UKO Hopping g-rayel. ing* a narrow strip of river frontage 50 00 AlinieS Holden Delivered in carload lota at any railroad point, Sweet soniT3 (if liberty. 3-.'50 Uliirehe I, WiiitfisleiLi thia property has also a frontage on fohn T. Hopping, New Monmouth, N. J. Elizabeth B I-Hdi-yjnple 52 50 Church to be Improved. , Wharf avenue, and is thus doubly availTho conscious stars accord above, S4PO00 able. LOST. Tho waters wild below. The New Monmouth Baptist church From Nov. 1. 1W7, to Nov. 59, 1807. Lost yesterday, either on Broad or Front street, will be cleaned thia week and a new And under, thruugli tho cable wove, ClinsE licit/. 17 11000 Kolii se;il with initials *'A. de G." Finder will be Bessie A Kllln 18 130 011 . If this property can be secured by the carpet which was recently bought by j llor llery errands go. rewarded by returning to REGISTER oilice. RacM E lici'KiT 19 50 00 The Cider Works of D. C. Wall-! • town, it ought to bo purchased by the the Christian Endeavor society will be For ho that worketh hi^h nnd wise, EdnaKrazer -JO 55 00 Expenditures. commissioners at once. Under the put down. The women of the church ing, situated at NUT SWAMP,' Frekerlkall Mielulfelder.... SI 5000 HARNESS FOR SALE. Nor pauses In his plan, 11107. AnnieS Holilen i.*.' 50 00 borough law this can readily be done. will holda lawn festival a t H . J.1 Frost's One set of lightdouble harness with collars, ? "Will take the sun out of the skies N. J., will be open to receive apples lllanelie L Winterstein 21 5i5O one set of heavy single harness with collar, Kre freedom out of man. • The property, when purchased, ought next month. About fifty persons went Elizabeth B Dalryniple si 52 50 John B. Grover, ^20 lrvinjr place, Red Bunk, to be thrown open to the public at once. on the annual church excursion to on and after August ist, 190S. 1 fiobert Muriijiy. 2 mouths' $-180 00 salary as janitor ihelter, with seats and tables, should Keansburg lust Thursday. From Xov. -".I. l!10r, to Dee. 27. 1W8. WHEELS RE-TIRED. I will pay 10 cents per bushel Hymn to the Virgin. 2 U. Stevens, J months' salbe efected, and other accommodations Clins A I).-it/. Go-cart and baby carriage wheels re-tired at 110 00 ary aa janitor 55 00 Bessie A Kill I n A VE Maria, mnldon mill], ihort notice at tho Grand Kiipids furniture store, 5 for apples to farmers who prefer 80 00 furnished. Trees could be set out the 3 J L. Hammett Co., sii[iComplaint Against a Policeman. Itachel E Berfi-r Hrond Ktrrot, Hed Bank. J. M. Greenburs. 50 00 -*^- Listen to a niaitlon'.s prayer! plie coming fall, and the place converted SI5 Oil Kilna KrazL-r to sell for.cash. • ,'ir. 00 Thou canat hear though from the wild. -i V. 0 . Heath, text books... John H. Carpenter of Fair Haven has into a little park, which would not only Freilerika Mii-lielfeliler.... oo COOK WANTED. r, <ii?m & Co.. text books 31 50 Thou canst s;i\X' ainli] despair. sent a complaint to the township comAnnieSHolih'ii .afford accommodations to visitors and 00 <i M'lcnjilhin t:o., text bodlts. 3 10 White vr colored; must uniterstand her busiSafe may we .sleep beneath thy care. Blanche L Winter^teili 63 50 V Silver, llurileir, text banks I'7 strangers, but which would be a beauty mittee against Policeman Harvey M. ness. Apply to Tetley & Son's newspaper and Though banlslu-il, outcast nnd reviled. stationery store, 7-a Iiroud street, Ked Ifniik, Kiizuht'tli B iJalrylnple . . . 5'.' 50 b L. E.Brown, eoal 1'or two spot in the town, and would bo available Little, Jr., of that place, for failure to! MnliU'ii. hear a maiden's prayer! schools 539 30 to the residents of Ked Bank as a rest- be on duty. Mr. Little's daughter has j Mother, hear a suppliant ehilil! 0 W. I I . PearsalT repairs i Dec. ;'7, 1!07, to Jan. '41, l'J04. CHAUFFEUR. been very sick and this is given as a.: ing place. Ave Maria! selioolNo. 1 . . . . 171 i'J Good mechanic, does own repnirs, careful driver, . :n 11000 10 A. I,. Drill, paintiilf,sclwol reason for his absence from his post. | Bessie A Kuhn wishes ponition ; private family. Good references. :« to oo No. 2 01 R3 VE Maria, uncloiilotl, The matter will be taken up by the j Rachel E lleiver Address Box 08, H. F. D. No. 1, Kciyport, N. J . . .15 50 00 11 F. Ilower, mason work Richard V. Lindabury of Elizabeth, township committee next week. The illnty cinieh we now must sharo Edna F r u z e r — ; ;«i M oo school ^ o . J «) 50 FreJerlkii Miclielfelcler . ^Ous-oi the very prominent Democratic Shall seem with down of eider piled . :17 50 00 FOR SALE. 12 W. H Uruee, repairs school AnnieS ll.i'ih'U If thy protection hover there. lawyers of the state, who has many . 3S 50 Oi) Xo :!.... 13 3 1 Orient b\ict;bo;ird for aulv, in runninft order. Blanche I, W i n t e M e i n . . Tho murky cavern's heavy air . SI 5'-'50 l;^ .H. Murphy, eleauin^school corporation clients, has announced that I'riee $75. Al.-so two Wither bee iKnitors, No. {iC, Loow Property Sold. Elizilbi-th 11 Dalrymiile 40 Shall hreatlie of balm if tliou hast 53 50 No. 1 '.'0 00 $10 eat-li. Address Owner, Iiox 107, lied Bank. he cannot support Bryan and that he George S. liigraham, who recently( 14 G. y.eveiis eleauinR school $480 00 smiled. will vote for Tuft. Frank Bergen, an- bought the Ilance farm east of Ked | N'a.-2 C 50 From .Ian. ?t, HtOS, t o Ftib . 21, 1908. Then, maiden, hear a maiden's prayer! 1 WHEN READY 1." J . E. Boj;le, telegram und . 41 110 00 other Democratic lawyer, who is pm-Hunk, has bought a tract of the Loew j Mother, list a suppliant child! Chas E Deity. to screen your home call and see Ira N. Voorhees, Telephone 81 . 43 110 00 Bessie \ Kiihn ployedby the Public Service corporation, property, which adjoins the Ilance Mechanic street. Red Bank, who will put in your • Ave Maria! . 43 60 00 ItnehelE l!er B er SEPTEMBER 30, door uinl window screens nt a reasonable price. "which controls the trolley r<);uls, gas farm. The piece bought contains about Edna Frazt'r . 44 55 00 10 R. Murphy, one month's VE Maria; stainless styled, . works and other public utilities of North •1$ acres and Mr. Ingruham paid $-1,000 Krederlka Michelfclder .45 50 00 salary as janitor •11 07 HORSE FOR SALE. Foul demons of the earth and air. A n a l e S llold.iai , 40 50 00 Jersey, has made a similar declaration. for it. Mr. Ingraham expects to lay 17 G, Stevens, one month's Aa I have purchased an automobile I will sell Blanch" L Wiuterstein From this their wonted haunt exiled, . 47 t,i 50 • • So has one of the congressmen of New out the entire property in lots in a year salary as janitor 15 00 my horse at n sacrifice. Good for farmordelivery Elizabeth It Dalrynirjle. 48 53 50 Shall flee beforo thy presence fair.. work. E. L. Haiifht, G2 Broad street. Red Bank. Jersev, who has similar business lean- or so. 81,3K5 ! $480 00 We bow us to our lot of care, OCTOBER S. From Feb. 21, 10OS, t o JIareh SO, 1008. Beneath thy guidance reconciled. 1 " NOT AFRAID 18 A. L Ivins. 81.COO insurHear for a innid a maiden's prayer Ileitz 40 11000 of auto or trolley, must be sold this week, fine bny Address to Mechanics. ance on E. 0 . school Uessie A Kllini 50 C000 And for n father hear a child! mare, safe for lady to drive. Price $45. Cash or These men are all men of prominence Rachel E Ilerger 51 50 00 OCTOBER 11. Avo Maria! tfood note. Address Luna Oil Agent, Highlands, and influence. Mr. Lindabury is par- j Rev. J. Morgan Read of Ciunden adEdna Frazer 53 5500' N . J . 19 S. J . Unite frelfi-ht nnd Frednrika Mielielfelder S3 5000 ticularly a man of influence. In taking dressed the He'd Bank Junior American 15 27 caitnge-on desk* AnnieSHOIdcn r>4 6000 WAITKESS WANTED. 20 6. J . llruce, fnl<ht and this action he is only doing what he has Mechanics Monday night. Mr. Read is POSITION WANTED. DlauctiK L Wintereteln 55 53 50 a high official of the lodge and spoke on 11 83 suppliea Experienced younir ladydouircs position ns etendone in the past. He opposed Bryan in Apply at Ulobe hotel, Ked Bank. Elizabeth B Dalrymple M S3 50 21 John I I . C o A . stationery OKrapher and of lice assistant- Can opera tea witcli' 1898 and in 1900. In 11104 he supported, the . benefits , of . the. order. , . After the, ad19 75 84 60 00 and printing.. MONEY TO LOAN. hoard. References. AddreB3 C. E., ilax l'J7. Fted Alton B. Parker, whom politicians will ( l r 0 S 9 refreshments of ice cream, cake, From March 20, 1908, to April 17, 1D08. OCTOBER SI. Iinnlt. Money to loan. S. C. Cowart, Freehold. N. J. • remember a s the Democratic candidate orangeade, sandwiches and cigars were .'hnsEDcltj! 57 110 00 22 It. Murphy, janitor school BessieAl-uha 5s 41 07 CO(K) No. I for President that yenr, and Mr. Linda- served. CORRUGATED IRON ROOFING BOARDERS WANTED. Rachel E Berber E9 50 00 23 O. for Hale. All fii/.eti. Cook & Oakley. Red Bnnlt. bury that year WBB chairman of the state Marion cottfure open all tho year for accommoNo Stevena. janitor school Hdna Frazor r>0 I t 00 55 00 dation of permanent and tranuientlfueals. Terms, Mow Gas Fixture Firm. 24 Hessie Allen. Democratic committee. substitute Frralerlka Mlchelfnlder lit 60 00 FOR SA3LE. $1 per day. Wortldey and Marion aliceta, Ketl teaelu T 2 days AnnleB Holden C2 5 00 50 00 i, * *• Stanley A. Byram and Howard Colo One billy (rout for watron. Aliio freflh nanny Bank. C3 63 BO '/ SMffl ! Blanche L Wlntorsteiu Elizalmth B llalryuiplo C4 53 51 In 1890 and 1000 the Democrats had have formed a partnership in the gasBoat. 19 llnnk otreet. Red liank. NOVEMBER 14 FOR SALE. $460 00 very little money. Their total cam- fixture business. The oflice of the con25 H . IJirdrtall, premium on ,. KED BANK DAIRY. Faateat Binull knockabout on tho river : liffht F r o m April 17, 1908, t o M a y 15, 1908. 811,000 insurance paign fund was not much over half a cern in at Mr. COIO'H printing office on 112 f.u cedar Ruiihton nacidiin^ c:uioe anil two very litrht orenin nml pure milk delivered dnily. l 20 Hinds. Nolilo & Eklridue Chan E ED Dolt l z 05 lit) 00 nnd fuat lowboats for Rale. Addrcaa l(ox 12:1. Ked million dollars, while in 18'JG the Repub- Monmouth street. Thi i r m will (!c«l j Ch™]e» A. MeCluakuy; Hed UunV. text books No. 1 ., Henal« A Kulin (M 10 00 00 00 Banli. licans had over ten million dollars and in triis fixtures of all kinds nnd will also ! 27 ,1. a . ThroclanorUinJroiL'lit l l n c h e l E Hot-tier (17 50 00 1 do,piping for gas and similar work. on fiupnlleH I'Ainii I r a z e r yfj TO L E T . in 1000 had nearly as much. The Dem65 00 4 58 BOARD WANXED. 28 I), c . fleath & Co., text FreKlerlka H i e h e l f o l d e r 09 I'art nf utore occuiiitil by UM, a t 02 Bronil street, 50 00 ocrats had so little money in 189l> and Board for threo iiiUiltn in lieil Hank r nnybooks for No. 1 AnnioH Holden 70 Red llnnk. !•:. L. Iluii;ht lOk-ctric Co. 50 00 22 00 where near Shrewsbury river. State ter JWO that the national committee could nm and 29 American lloolt Co., text Baluu Stables Moved. Illnnnho LWInicrntein 71 53 60 ,yi Darticularti. Address W-, }M Iteriren atreet. books for No. 1... not even furnish pictures of the DemoFOR RENT. Ellwilwth U I)»lryin|ilu 72 IK 00 63 50 tf 1" Brooklyn. Howard Ely has moved lii.s sale ami Ml Clmrle.i K. Jli-rrillCii text "rhvee (iiiunre riKinin to rent with board. Cluuniicratic candidates, and these pictures $480 00 MOST ALL MEW GOODS. liimkaforNo. 1 ' ' 15 44 From May 15,100H. t o J u n o 13. 1008 had to be paid for by local committees exchange Btahlen from the rear of the lin llmiae. ;iri Union ntieet. Hed Hunk. :il J . I.. Hannnett.&(•„„ text STEINWAY PIANO. CIIHH Elieltz who wanted tho picturon when they Sheridan hotel to the Union hott I stables I i s f o r N o s . l«,,il\>.. 11O0O 21 42 Wonderful time, fniL-dt t-tiniiitiiin, lute:it Miimre GRAVEL FOR SALE. Men's $1.00 tan and BessieA K11I111 32 II. A. Kettol. set of bookn 00 00 rnro thniK-e for liouiir, hall ur i-huri-li. gave meptiuKB. In 1904 the Democrats on Wharf avenue, in order to accommoApply to A. O. Mnrionl, James Hubbiml farm, inuke; Rachel E llei|-eianil nitpber titain|» ,, . M 00 llnrKiiin for quit-It Imyer. ('all a t \U ltrctor iiluct-. black Oxfords down to.. $ 2 . 9 5 B IK) were very fluoli and had almost unlimited date his increasing business. Mr. ElyMlikllelnwn Lowniiiiiii, near Hed liauk. Edna Fra/.i'r 65 00 Hill Hank. NOVKJUIKHSr Fn-der.ka Mli'lielfeliler funds, the friends of Parker putting up has also started In the livery business. 60 00 a-'l II. W. Lrai^U-eet e , l r t l , , r ArmleH Holden FOR SALE. Mon'11 and Iioyn' $:t.00 50 (10 numty very liberally. LAUNCH FOIt SALE CHEAP. Blanche I, WliitewUilii mid lrei|;lit on draks .' 53 50 1 A linil-, about, iiimto to orde in perfect a 3-11. 1'.. new lust fall, will sell (hi) limit with Anbury Piu-h HOUKCH Ilurnecl. and $!!.50 Oxfords now. . 2.SO ElizabeUl Dnlryiuplo... • * * niilili. n 53 60 , NIIVKJ1IIKH Sll. tire I. It. Udwurdii. ur without the I'liKine, il!i 1 have two liontn; inily $480 00 :I4 1L Murpliy, janltur iichonl Two hoiiHoii nt Anbury Park were dewant one. .i. C Wnnlen, 17 Wanliinntoll Htluet, Now, the point is, that llrynn in l(HK), Itcil Hank. Women'u %'A and $3.50 BROILERS., 41 07 with no money and with these prominent stroyed hy lire Monday afternoon. They 1 :I5 (1. Kleveim, jimi|,,r'•I'c'iii'n'/l Cliiekens and ilui'lui fur brnlliiur anil roiuitiii^ Oxforda at 1.9O liemocratii oppooinjr him, {jot more voteii adjoined each other on Aslmry avenue 1IL-I-WIHII1 Duett Farm, Ultln Kilver, N. J . 15 IK) Total Kccciptx. LOST. In Now j«rucy r tlian l'nrkcr did in l!)()i, and belonged to l)r. Henjamiu Hacker Friiiu ("00,00(1 State licliool A Hold nleeve iiutlon lout between .Senbritrhl and and A. If. Wilson. The total loss was Minat'ii' and Cliildron'M DKfKMIIKR 11. FOR SALE. rUlifl with lot* of inoney and with these 207 Maploaveaui!. .Suilable niwanl will be uiven r about if,i,O(H). !IO Anierlean Hook Co. b.w.kii Antiime furnitiire and hlutorlefil eliiim for nidi if rnturnul to llev. It. Mai-Kellar. :'.«! M»i>le aveblack and K''ay eunvaM rtiiK'Sit/ I>cmocratB >uip|>artiii|r him; !. W. l'enine. Jlulinili-I Inn. Ilolmdel, N. J. nue, Ited linnk. for twow-liiiolH i' -oni mint! Hi'liiiol Tux a llli HI duos not mean Unit. Mr. Limlftlmry Tien «Oc. t o l.OO l''riiiii Itenervn li'inid '.,.,« \,~ Hi" W. I I . I'ciiriiiill, repaiilaV' ClrciiB itt Coining. FURNITURE REPAIRED. ami those other proniinent Democrat.') THE SHKEWSnUUY DAIRY. 13 25 I'nini lnl»ri'«t of Huriiliiii llellool No. 1 311 Filrniluru of all khulii reimlreil. lteutorinir of 4741 no influence. Such a statement Milk mill croum n spcclnlty. Served ilully. A. Kuvenuo A •ioanllenlliii'Oo .desloi llow<i'nbig London nhowii will exhibit Woinun whi> run wear 2, 2iJ, 'A, utitiuuo Itiut rnnhoKany furniliu-o a npeciully. 2111 fi From Itallroail Tax for'ikiil nelioolNo. 1 j not be true. 'J'liey huve a f'ruat at lied Hunk Monday, August lOlh. Oniver, Khruwakury. N. J. Toloplumo M7-W. l!l i In Henry tiniilfie, J'ront iitreet. near .Southern rail:ii or 4 AA, A or 1!, anil 111011 • A. I,.llilll, cilllni; lloora 9,81801 of influence, lint if, doen show The circuii in an lOnglish nhow, with u road, Ked Unnk. 1 (K) H,22; 09 tWiMiehoolii , . «IKL WANTED. Ilalaneo in himilii of (loll,.,.. 'lit, that ihfl princijilon anil cnndidnleH menagerie and all tho other accompani•ID WlUinni Men,,,, K riullii'r <• irl wunted for housework. Apply to Mi!) ATTMiNTIONt tin- on Juno .'10, lidr/ 2411 00 4,000 Hi which attract Mr. Lindahm-y and tlieiu; ments of an entertainment under can- Vliht, millinery lilore, Ilrcillll utrcel, Ited Hunk. MOTOR BOAT I'OR SALE. Kout llei-unli! Ilia-elteil from II. , ( . l'nrl'im-' ' iVi Kiitht-liorno power llulfulo mol.ir for mile chonn. prominent Democratic lawyrrn van. Dlnl.rle.tTni <l ('•• IC. IHelr, l.'le|;ra m I Oil io,am oi If you will conn' noon I'll iicll A U,'l-fi.ot IMUII, n-renlly owmil by Wlim and MiHOUSE TO RENT. »_j tsot principles! nnd candidate!! which Ki'fiin Htntn I.lhraiv., lelereneiiioteaelier 10 00 DrnuiiM. will t.n iilven free. Inqulio nt liwln'n yoir new $;!.()(), !f.:i.(MI a m i %\M) Niim-nM'in iuiime with all iinprovemenlH, I, ''•I'liiuHlii-iiwuliiii-y'l'iiwiiiiliiii 11175 sal tact the ordinary voteniof tin; utiite. DUCKHHKIt :«). r.:>ml Doiight for Hotel Bit». l»mt houw. |(ed Hindu Iivimt liiaie, ]{ed Hunk. Iiuiuir(Min prcmincu. JSO.BfM 40 i'! It. Murpliy, Jin.Hi,r m-lifinl 41 07 T i n ! a t it prico o r )cf!M an / hnve Total «>|H>niu'ii • • M U.'JM (10 William (iriflin, J r . , of Wiuminntinn, LOT FOIt HAIili. 4:i ( I . Ill.iumn',"I'a'nlViii'-'ii'e'hi'nVl too wtttty lututtl oi\cti, FOIt BALK. In MI TMs butiR tin1 mm1, the 1 li-iooi'i-iitn hai> bought a tract, of hind No. \: ' cB o n linnd .Innn no, I1KIH jlenlrnhln IniMim; lot on lleueh iiliiot, TI. Hi l^W Ml Million my bidiiioni net, Ilirmi 1,1'Urlltou iivenue, fur nnle. ,'KKI feot ileep aud a will look with (M-rcnily at flu- defection Deal lake at Inlcrlnken. Next fall be .IANIIAIIY 1, IIMDI, Ailil'i eim MiilioKiiny, Iti-il llmili, fr'tiitniio of 7r» fent. Apply to or iiiiilrenii lOilvvtitd Oliildron'M fmit, form Oxford:!, to build a hotel on the •' i mi'fi. They realize that Mr. i •II ItedeemlUK Ilillnlllllt nlul 113 aiilwell, Kverelt.N. J . '.i iry, whil<' a i»ri"nt man in-tho property. 6 to I0J, :fl.l,0 oncii ill. $1.OO, Hiimmnry of IRON KOOFINO AMD MIHNO. mul InleniKl, lloi-ond NutCumiKnlnl imlvuiilxral Iron, for mifliiff mul (ild>i HI ihf- d a t e , d(KMi not reproicnt I l l l l IIORUEH FOR SALE. nnd lohi moro on tiihli-n. u. fur nnln liv J . VV. Mount & Itru., Hid lliiuli pmn ISssath of SV^oholtl Womass, J A N I I A I t V nil. I'einoomcy, tho principli;n which • f l u , . , tluUOili(!ilH<xl I1..1-1. -I i>f II,n Intn V., leli M0| OB I'jtrinly m<* f o r Bn!i\ Alwi waiEomi. IIIIIIH-HFI mti! It. Miirpliy. Jniillnr iielmol • (.idi»r l)i'ino<r:itic. It in nlmply Mrs. <Jeorf.;iumin Andernon, wife of MAN WANTED. faruilnic iitemiilii. Kor lmrtii'uinrii imply t o .Tolin i. ,.< cVavaif" i" the pjirly which in trn Andernon of Freehold, dieil Imit o innn t(i lui.'dMt in fnrinfr for co Milrtt. M. O>iiien. Oreiuile. N . J . •If, ( I . l l l i"']iiiiit'i'ir"iu'lii',,',i Add J] J]OK )( )(,.OOr-luile, N. J. • ', . the pfiipl" of thu country into TiK'.'idny. .She wnii .'IB yearn old and be- Im (rood nilllu-r. Addremi No. IIOUHKKEBPEIt WANTJUIK r It (a i w d ' t o be the hosisl that idew her huiibaml iihe leaven two childturn iv; 1 WIIIE ME MMiIln nised wunnn wnnt^-il for H ml limiiw-re »«> clnHi'i'f! in AnwricM. Hint I'lCIIKIIAUY n. RANK. Olid I'll wlro for yon. F m l H. Ilrnvvor. «)tfftrlon! ItTOprr; 3 chiUlitn. Wiii|.'« %i | H T VfcnV. I'lnln •5V A. i). (!(n,|,e *•»' s W^JS t'^uisi. hut fimt time haM etml-ri«Uir. 17 Hunt Front Mreol, K«l llanli. Tol. cniiklnir. Apply J . V. Mrliixtli, Hlimwobui v ond I1,IXW Innui s M I Kt'hwil It pnya tondvertifie i W»«l»l.Ieiivi.nu(i«, itml llanlt. U-IL M "- i »E Smell Fire Proof Safe for Sale. REPORT Borough of Rumsom '.CWinfs Cider forks. D. C. WALLINC. I From September 9th, 1907, to June 30th, 1908. f A A Read these Shoe Prices and stopin. ite, at 0h»k, FEKSONAL. DEVELOPING AN OCEA1J FRONT. Mrs. Raymond "White haa returned Big Strip of Belmar's Ocean Front from a vieit to her mother, Mrs, L. B. Efeing Improved. Dunham of California. Mr. and Mrs. The Land and Loan company of Red White, who have been spending the summer with Mr. White's brother, An- Bank recently sold their tract of land drew White of Gold street, have ac- at Belmar to a real estate company. cepted positions with William A. Brady's This company is developing the land theatrical company of New York. The , aud will have an auction sale of lots all troupe will play its first engagement j next week, beginning Monday afternoon. The sale of lots begins at two on Monday, August 10th. o'clock each day. | Miss Agnes Earling of Spring street i The tract was bought by the Land I is visiting relatives a t Point Pleasant. company of Red Bank a year Mr. and Mrs. Schroeder and children | andsoLoan ago. I t comprised a tract «f land i of Jereey City are visiting Walter H. or fronting on the ocean for a distance of Merritt of Maple avenue. feet, and running back into the • Joseph G. Eschelbach of West street 2,300 The realty company which spent Thursday at New York buying country. bought this land has bought eleven life preservers, a whistle and a bell for acres additional, and is now negotiating j hiB launch. for the purchase of fifty acres more. ; Miss Beatrice Costello of Leighton The whole tract is being rapidly de- j avenue, who is emoloyed by Straus Co., veloped. Over a hundred men and over was unable to work part of last^week thirty teams are employed on the propon account of Bickness. erty, putting it in condition for building. Ralph 0 . Willguss of Fifth avenue is Granolithic sidewalks are being built on visiting relatives a t Englishtown. all. streets, and curbs of. the same maGeorge R. Truex of Peters place and terial are being constructed. The streets Walter R. Brockhurat of Wallace street are being graded and twenty thousand have passed the civil service examina- cubic yards of gravel has been bought tion for clerk or carrier at the Red Bank to gravel the streets. The property is postoffice. principally in the borough of Belmar, Miss Gertrude Thompson of Monmouth jhough a little of it is in the borough of street is spending the summer with Spring Lake. The Belmar council has relatives a t West Creek. houses are erected. parents at Toms River last week. One side of the property borders on I Walter Voorhees of Newark, form- Lake Como, anil a bulkhead has been erly of Red Bank, spent Thursday in built all along the lake. A boulevard | town calling on relatives. is being constructed which will wind I Mr. and Mra. Herbert H. Davis, who around the lake, thus keeping the lake were recently married and who have shore front as public property, for the general use of the public. The lake is bride's parents a t Hoboken, have gone six to eight feet deep and is well stocked to Detroit, where they will make their with bass, perch, pickerel and other fish. home. Mr. Davis is a son of Post- The lake is of fresh water and connects master 0. E. Davis of Riverside ave- with the ocean with a' flume, which nue. allows the water to flow out when it Mrs. Harry T. Sniffen of River street reaches a certain height in the lake, but which prevents ocean water from y white street HOWARD COLE. Mr. and Mrs. A. W. VanDeusen and Grove, and is about two miles from son of Broad street returned Friday that place. The name was selected from a ten days' automobile trip through because the property borders on the New England. ocean and because • the western end of Miss A. L. Crawford of Broad street the tract is covered with a fine grove of is spending a month at Saratoga Springs, Jersey pine trees. Edward Ripley, a New York. lumber merchant of Newark, has built Mrs. Frank C. Byram of Prospect a fine bungalow costing $10,000 on a tract street is spending a few days with rela- he owns adjoining Ocean Grove Park, tives at Manasquan. and it is proposed to use the land of Mrs. Josephine Arrowsmith and daugh- jthat part of the tract as sites for bun- [ ter Charlotte of Wallace street are visit-1galows, and to form a bungalow colony THE DAYLIGHT STORE. ing friends at Belmar. i Mr. and Mrs. Walter VanSchoick of I _..is tract is the last large piece of Perth Amboy, formerly of Red Bank, ! ocean frontage which is not built upon attended the fair of Independent fire j in all that section. It is doubtful if AGENCY AGENCY company last night. • I there is as large a tract not built upon Mrs. Quinn and Mrs. C. Walters of anywhere along the coast in Monmouth PICTORIAL PICTORIAL New York spent Sunday with Mrs. Wal- county. North of the tract are Relmar, ters's daughter, Mrs. Herman Hillmen Ocean Grove, Asbury Park, Allenhurst, REVIEW REVIEW of Borden street. i etc., with the shore front almost wholly George O. Hudson of Des Moines, built up, while on the south are Spring PATTERNS. PATTERNS. Iowa, returned home Thursday after Lake and other shore towns and villages. spending five weeks with his sister, Mrs. i The lots range in price from $350 to Elwood Lane of Bank street. He was $10,000 each. At the auction lots will so well pleased with Red Bank that he be sold in plots of three each, or as intends to return soon and live here many more as a buyer may care to take. permanently. There will be no reservation and all the ' RaymondBoyd, son of Walter E. Boyd lots put up will be sold, no matter what of McLaren street, who was operated price they bring. The auctioneer will P. O. Bfix 138 Tel. Call, 61-L on for appendicitis at the Long Branch : be L. H. Green of New York, who has One ?Ionlh Free! hospital a few weeks ago, returned home the reputation of having sold more lots if you enter now. William H. last week. He has nearly recovered at auction than any other five auctionfrom the operation. A Great Saving eers in the United States combined. Successor to I! in Car Fare. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Daly of Brook-! He has taken entire control of the aucDo you know lyn, who have been spending several tion, and its entire management will be CHAS. SULLIVAN & CO. I that we have a weeks with Mr. and Mrs. B. Coyne of in liis hands. The property is about ten School of Book6 Washington street, returned home minutes' walk from the station and keeping, Shorthand, TypewritSaturday. Mrs. J . H. Murphy and Do you want to accumElectrical Contractor | cars run within a few hundred ing, Penmanship family of Brooklyn are now the guests am) K ng lish, the western side of the property. Ocean Avenue < * "• ulate money? If you of Mr. and Mrs. Coyne. ; Automobiles will also be used to convey which ia second to none as to qualHenry J. Ely and family of Wallace persons from the railroad station to the SEA BRIGHT New Jersey f do, we will. bring our ity? street left this morning for Haines Falls, ' property. Strictly firstN. Y., where they will spend several, One of the features of the sale will c IUSB individual bank to you by mail. instruction, and weeks. be the giving away of a large number nl 1 up-to-date Allaire & Son have rented the Hen-of presents. These presents are given There are nearly fifty years back of Write for our booklet methods arcused. drickson homestead on East Front street; as a method of advertising the sale. Coleman, New Jersey's oldest business All who have completed our to Clarence S. Houghton of New York, Every person attending the sale gets a school. You|run no risks when you se"How 4% Is safely earned" course are now who has taken a lease on the property ticket whether he buys a lot or whether lect this school. It is educationally and holding pood pofor a year. sitions. he goes as a mere spectator. Draw- financially sound. More of its students Let us prepare Miss Eva Scott of River street is: ings are held every few minutes, and in positions than any other school. you toearnaKood spending two weeks with her1.cousins, ithe only proviso attending the drawing Write today for full particulars. salary. Misses Bessie and Grace Salter of Bay-; is that the person holding the winning O O L 3H Is/L _A_ 3ST Come now, and get ready for a onne. ' ticket must be in the assemblage when BUSINESS COLLEGE. p o s i t i o n next Miss May Wilson of Canal street, j the drawing is made. If the ticket NoNATIONAL better time than now to besin. Fall. Call o r who is employed at WeiS's millinery | bearing the number drawn, is not pre-1 School in session during the summer. write for circuCall or write for catnlog. lars. store, is spending her vacation with | sented when the number is called out by Acnttemlf anil Hultiey Stft. Newark, .V, J. t friends at Westchester, Pennsylvania. ! the auctioneer, another drawing will (One block weat of Postoffice). William Soffel of River street is laid take place at once and the prize won by up with internal trouble. Dr. B. H .the first ticket will not be awarded. PERTH AMBOY, N . J . Garrison is attending him. l>ny anil Evening ScNbloim. The prizes include twelve pianos, twelve diamond rings, watches, silver dinner and tea sets, china dinner and Church News. tea sets, French clocks, opera glasses, We have three, sums of $1,000 Rev. S. H. Thompson, pastor of the berry sets, ice cream sets and many Presbyterian church, will leave this other articles. These presents have each to loan on' first mortgage week for his vacation. Next Sunday been placed on exhibition at the store on Red Bank property. morning Rev. A. D. Baldwin will occupy of Miller & Booze, on Main street, Asthe pulpit. It will be announced at the bury Park. WHITE & HAWKINS, service who will preach the following The president of the real estate comSunday. Headquartero for . any which is handling the tract is Rev. Clayton Grinnell of Oasining, ohn H. Snyder of 92 William street, Vt/harf Avenue and Front Street, at the Livery, Boarding and Sales New York, will preach at the Baptist New York. Edson M. Cleveland of Red HALF BARREL BASKETS, Stables of church on Sunday. RED BANK, H. I. Bank is also prominently connected with PEACH BASKETS, the concern. TOMATO CRATES, House Will be a Factory, Wheel Broke Down. Judson Conovcr of Matawan has BURLAP PEACH COVERS. Monmouth Street, bought the Gelhaua house along the Joseph Hinea and family of Koyport creek at Keyport and will move it to started for a drive to Seabright Sunday -ATnear Railroad Depot, Matawan, where he will rebuild it and of last week. At Hoadden's Corner n wheel broke which wan repaired nt Rod use it for a crate and box factory. Wo arp agents for New Hank and the trip was made without L. N . . J , further accident. York Horse Manure. Got will bo open to receive apples on ICoypoit Man Hurt. Boarding Horoos o. Specialty. our prices before placing William Smith of Keyport slipped Fell from Trolley Car. and after while jumping from a trolley car and Howard Taylor of Freehold fell from your order elsewhere. fell between the rails. Ilia face was a moving trolley car at Anbury Park cut, one wrist was sprained and he waa last week. He unstained a cut on hia No worn-out horses, no old carcut and bruised on the legs. riages, but everything the finest— hip and a bad scalp wound. Nine It LAIRD. stylish in every respect. I have ytitcliCH were required to CIOHC tho cut Appointed Bank Cashier. on liia hip. just added a new lot of closed car Randolph Weat, non of Henry Went riages to my business and am preMatawim Gunner Cots 1'rlzb. of Long Branch, has been appointed pared to fill all orders for wedcashier of the new bunk at Mmmaqiuu). At the laat monthly ahoot of the dings, funerals etc. Mr. Went ia now employed by the Sea- Morgan gun club William A. Kennedy conflt hank of Anbury Park. Telephone 245. of Matuwnn won the first prize, which aud Btay-ut-hoincB wan a gold modal. lie wan ncrutch Am now at Union ILotol ilaman and broke I 1 U out of fifty clay, Now X£eail £Btato Ooncoi'n. nood many of tho hk'H. Have family and buaini'ii'i birds. The. M. V. l'oole real estate company horiiuH for sale. Win. Van Hurru littlo aids and comwan incorporate! at Trenton hint week. will bo in charge of nliedii, where forts to bo found in HIIlTIIS. The company in compound of Monroe V. we will tie, feed and board K i i r i ' . - A t Iti'J Hunk, on WiMmvuliiy, July I'oolo or Wont Long Uninch, Albert !2.l.I I AMm. horncH. Aliio horHoii for hire. our ntore. Toilut JV No ulumhliiK Job I 1 1 toulnrira for mo to I'Mwnnl I.. Iliilidit. of .1 mm. V undertake; no job in too umuH for mo to I'oolii and <Ie»r|fo W. I'oolo. I I A Z A I t D . - J t l Mlirnwnlmry. on Knturilny, July i : i U:-,\ - *' • Agents for Humphrey Gas Ares. Suits, Skirts, Dresses, Waists, In fact every Ready-to-Wear Garment in our entire stock at greatly reduced prices Linen Coat Suits, former price $5.98, now Lioee Coat Suits, former price $8.98, now Lingerie Princess Dresses, former, price $6.98, now $3.98 Lingerie Princess Dresses, former price $8.98, now $5.98 Shirt Waist Suits, former price $6.9$, now Lawn Jumper Dresses, former price $3.50, now Lawn Jumper Dresses, former price $5.00, now $2.98 Peter Thompson Suits, former price $3.50, now Lawn Dress Skirts, former price $2.00, now Button front Skirts, former price $3.50, now Button front Skirts, former price $5.00, now White Linen Skirts, former price $1.98, now $1.25 Striped Linen Skirts, former price $1.98, now - $1.25 Mohair Dress Skirts, former price $4.98, now $2.98 Lawn Shirt Waists, former price $1.00, now 79c. Lawn Shirt Waists, former price $1.98, now STANI-l^ | •' £ • HQ.USES PIPED FOR GAS. PRICES REASONABLE. I1, u |, 78 MONMOUTH ST., RED BANK, K X |j l J !iunc 2 17-v.-. I] And to meet it we have a and varied STOCK OF GOODS. Everything for hot weather at interesting prices. 32 . . St., A Modern School. TRAINER'S PRIVATE SCHOOL, Money to Loan. Department Store of Advance Showing of Staple Materials, in tl>e new shades, and novelty textures. Prices range from 50 cents to $2.50 per yard. White Linen and Pique Skirts, with button fronts, value $3-°°. Sale price, Princess Dresses, in all colors and white, value $6.oo and S/-Co. Sale price, S Frank P. Stryker, 19O8 Model. SCOBEYVILLE, N. J., August 1st, 1908. :*i Good Plumbing* ffilli, Mm. Klim-i-C. Iliimnl. of u uon. HOWARD T. ELY. Rim Down b y an Auto. Colic, Cholera nml Mm. Harry Andoruon and daughter of Chamberluln's Mananqiiun wore run down by an autoDiarrhoea llrnwdl/ Would Have mobile a few clayii ago. Mm. Anikiriion J N CUANCKRY OK NMW JKItKKY. Siwfil Him $100.00. wan brained and HCTatchcd and tho child 'H " I n ]902 I had a very novcre attack To ANNA M. I-'cuitr:: leg wim nlightly injured. lly vlrlutior nniirilcr ul Hi" Court of Clianci'ry of iliurrhonii," iiayn It. N. Knrmr of Jdiw'y. miKln on lh« ilnv of II,.. ilnl" Ii Cat lnlariil, l,n. " F o r tuwrnl wuckii 1 ofof. Now In H (M-rtnin ruilfn! whoroin Nmnifiinl il. F< Brownnrt a t IrfU'R Branch. wmt uiiablo to do anything- " " March in linlllliilior, mill you. Alinu !!. IV, r,., HIM iktfonclr'MjulHHl to iiititcar IIIHI [ih-itd, imnwi' Arthur Wfilnbm'g, "Red twelve yearn, 1(1, 1007, I hail a iiimilar attm'k, and took ftiil, yon iirfi to <>u> p^tili'i>u'r'n prthioik on or l>t>r<n non of Philip WoinbcrK of New York, (Jhairilierluin'H ('ulic, Cholera and Diar- ortlmdoinur TWHNTY-l'HIUITU HAY Oh' fil'll'I'lOMlllO wniidrowncil in the tmrf at Lonp Hrnndi rhoea Komcdy which |;nvo inn |ironi|)l. mini, or, In ili-fmill. th<'i«if. mii'li il«<r<« will I InlM'li iwnliwil you un tbn Cliiin, •Ilii nhnU think 1 Friday. IlnwaulmthiiiK with hm mother reliof. 1 commlvr it ono of tho bent, ,-,pill,.I, ,, mi,I junl. iticiliciiion of itii kind iu the world, nml 'I'lmolii^ctof nt tho tim<>. noli) milt In lo oljlnln n ilnivn ul had I lined it in KMlii luilievo it wouhl (llvoicoili^nolvhtu: Ilio mini li»n« l*Hw".>n yon nni tho nnlil ixillll.mvr. Wlt,l,IAM riMi'AHI), linvf raivcd mo n hundrod dollar doetor'n Tliw UKUIUTKH in » welcome. Rural in !!(>lkllorof I'ntltioiifr 4,200 iioinou in lted Bank nml vicinity bill." Hold by <!. A. Minton & (Jo., No. I". O. ml.lwml, I(«) ll«nl. K jlroad ntrcot, Hcd_l!ank^ j.)Bt«i) jtiM U a i k , 1L J . . Jni» ::l»t. num. nvorv we<;k.- -AA'. . _. {^ooilii, biith prnpa.natioufi. mid aids of cvory clarw. l>o«t liiavo tovrn without ti supply. V KIVO attention to. •»< Th« nninll job irotn tliu nnnin ntt«ntlon nil tbo bte ono— thuy both net tho best. JOllllINC) l'UOMl'TI.Y A'rtBNDKO TO. IIATlill'ACTION (iUARANTElOl). I fnrry roimtunlly 011 linml nil tlio Intent mnilmy HIHIHHIH rr», enabling mo to uV work willumldi'hiy. elevator is carried on idlers fastened to each which is ohlonj^ to agitate the elevator. All hearings are oiled from the outside furnished with screw caps to keep the dirt out. Holmclel, 1 Schroedcr's Pharmacy, ^ MONMOUTH ST., ttED BANK, J. L. Btsrgen & Co., 16 E1HOAU S T . , NEW JEttSEV ^ RED BANK. Telephone) Ml!. X^SLsM tttnf Jersey. Tho number of waul BilviT l>ublii>hrit in n now:<|Ki|)t'r i.i • otiMMt t!vSil.-nft>> of th »t in . I«>{)iil»tity, Tilia HKMCTf.ii f want (Kl'/«rf.i8l«i| (h»a mi$ M • VILLAGE NEWS. Bemudding a House-Body Brought Here far Burial. You Don't Need a Microscope to See the Value in These Waists at 6 9 e , l i i i i S i T s i PIANO GO., | *1. i . Pease is remodeling Abram M'rii'B house. An addition 20x26 feet w ht 'insj built which will contain a reception hall and one room. The kitchen will be- moved from the old part to the BRANCH WAREEOOM, waclt part of the house. The house, RED BANK, N. J . •which 'was a two-story structure, will 58 BROAD STREET, •> i-Ai v. nlarged to two stories and an attic. 4 porch ten feet wide and 4G feef'long Renting, Tuning, Repairing and Exchanging. w«H be built on the front part of the We are not going.to say they are $i 50 or $1.25 Waists even if they do look it; however, • > { EASY hou-t and it will extend around the •Phone 249-R. EASY TERMS. TERMS. . *< wrist uiJe eighteen feet. When the you'll travel a long way and look through the Waist stocks of many stores to find as good'for work has been completed the house will cc.itain four rooms and reception hall on the first floor, and five bedrooms #1 00; that's what we ought to get for them—they're worth it too. The lawn, the trimmings, finish, and a bathroom on the second floor. The attic will contain two bedrooms. etc , is as fine as in any of the regular,dollar Waists It's really a remarkable bargain we are offerMr. lJease has just finished the carpenter work on Thomas York's new ing you bous-e a t Atlantic Highlands. He is also remodeling Henry Cross's house at Makes Two Vanderburg. Bundles of The body of Guyon Greenwood Ash• Wheat Grow ley, grandson of Mrs. C. V. F. GreenWhere but wood of this place, was brought here One Bundle Mondayforburial in Fair View cemetery. Tho child died in Havana, Cuba, Grew Before . on 3uly 11th from enteritis, aged nineGetting a full crop te3n months. The body was put in a fumi u f e r t i l i z e r hermetically sealed casket and was Hi too little Potbrought by steamer to Fort Monroe, asl, is like getting Virginia, from whence it was conveyed i\ ell by the doctor's by train to Middletown. prescription uilli itb mast important drug left out. Mrs. Susan Megill of Spring Lake Most commercial iertilizers need more Potash to get all the crop profit you and her daughter Nettie spent Sunday are entitled to. with Mrs. Richard Lufburrow. Mrs. Use a brand with at least 6 per cent of Potash, but if your dealer does not S. C. VanCleaf of Asbury Park was a keep it, then mix 15 pounds of Muriate of Potash with each 100 puunds of your guest of Mrs. Lufburrow part of laat fertilizer. That will raise wheat! Set clover, too ! week. The proof will come next year in bigger crop, more profit. Potash is profit. Miss Agnes Widemer of Long Branch Buy the Potash first. ia spending a few weeks with Mrs. EdSend for pamphlets containing fads about soil, ward W. Johnson. crops, manures =md fertilizers. Mailed free. Miss Ethel Gahagan of Brooklyn, who GERMAN KALI WORKS, 93 Nassau Street, New York has been spending a month with Mrs. Chlcago-Monadnock Bulletins Atlanta, da.—1224 Candlcr Building R. Harry Lufburrow, will return home next Saturday. The persons who went on the Baptist Better throw aw,ay that last year's straw hat. You can now and Reformed Sunday-school excursions buy a new one for.altnost a song—anyway, you can buy them at to Highland Beach Thursdayfilledtwo trolley cars. When dinner time arrived manufacturers' prices. Come, get a new one to wear the baltho excursionists assembled the conance of the season, and have a good one to start the next. Twotents of their baskets on the tables in the pavilion and enjoyed an old-fashioned thirds the regular price should be a big inducement. Figure it family lunch. out. This is the way it reads : Through our. buildings, io see what cannot be seen elsewhere in Rev. A. W. Cornell, rector of Christ church, is away for a two weeks' vaca$3.00 STRAWS now $2.00 the Dry Goods world— tion. His church will be closed during $2.00 STRAWS now $1.33 his absence. Department of Women's and Misses' Dresses A freight car on the produce siding $1.50 STRAWS now $1.00 ' at tho station was backed off the track $1.00 STRAWS now.. 67c Department for Dress Goods by the Yard Saturday morning. The hind trucks of the car were broken. The wrecking Department for Women's Underwear train was sent for to put the car back on the track. Department for Furniture Mr. and Mrs. J. Dey Conover, Miss Department for Pianos Lillian Conover and Gerrett Conover went to Barnegat on a fishing trip Department for China, Cut Glass & Dinnerulare Thuraday. They caught 55 woakfish. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hendrickeon of Department for Housefurnishing Goods .Anbury Park come here in their automobile Sunday. They took dinner at Department of Book Sections the Village inn. The Restaurant on Ninth Floor .^.JVIrs. Jacob K. Dickenson is spending several days with relatives at Osborn--• ;s ville. I I ri Unusual roominess lor shopping is a part of a prearranged ' Mr. and Mrs. William Hartshorne of | «J» / 1 Colt's Neck have been stopping with plan—customers deserve more than we were able to give them in Miss Ella Hendrickson several days. the overcrowded store when one building contained what is now Mr, Hartshornc has been under the care of a physician. housed in the two buildings. Miss Rutledgeof New Canaan, Conn., is visiting Mrs. J. F. Swuckhamer. During these days, besides articles offered at small prices, Miss M. L. Merdian of New York there are really thousands more, equally desirable, not advertised. >•> spent last week with her brother, E. A. ,Merdian. Bear in mind, also, that we have on hand all the year wand issus* ^«A*if qlley car ran off the track at theEach one will brinp; their own lunch and foot of Coiiover's hill Thursday morn- enjoy it at some shady spot along the large and. excellent stocks of the finer classes of merchandise that ing. When it left the track it collided river. you are likely to like even better than the midsummer offerings with a pole supporting the feed wire and Mrs. Charles E. Snyder, who and the pole was broken off. Pnsson- areMr. at low figures, strangely low as they are. Quebec, Canada, attending the ,, gets changed cars on both sides of the 300that anniversary of the founding of point where the car left the track and that city, are expected We keep a store for people to come to every day to find home this week. there was no., interruption of traflic. David ami Jonas Tutncn have formed what they want at prices as incontestably fair as the quality is The company soon had the wrecking car on the scene and the car was got back a partnership under the name of Tumen worthy. Brothers and will hereafter conduct the on the track in about three hours. The farmers are getting $1.50 to $2 Blakeley laundry business here together. • hundred ears for corn in the city Ward West iB employed at Matthewa's market, from 75 cents to $1 a barrel for drug store in place of Hay Matthews, who will be affected by the turnips, $1 a crate for tomatoes and 75 who left last week to take a job elsecents a crate for cucumbers. James S. where. laying of a permanent brick A pet dog belonging to Mrs. M. E. Wilson shipped a thousand barrels of Gas Portable Lamps fuimei^ly S 10.00, now Owens, who is boarding at the Straus$5.OO • turnips to Boston last week. pavement, that all pipes and burg cottage, showed signs of going Miss Marguerite L. Morford is spend- mad laat week and the animal was Gas Portable LiunpH, formerly 6 00, now ing a few days with her uncle, George killed. such connections as are necesG. Worthley of Brooklyn, who is sum- Mrs. W. H. Montanye gave a musicale r Gas Portable Lamps, forruerly 5.00, now merinpr at Asbury Park. thia afternoon at her home at the corThe leaders on the Baptist parsonage ner of Seventh and Mount avenues for sary to be made umst be looked have been replaced by new ones and |'th« benefit of the Long Branch hospital. These Portable Gas Lamps are complete, with hose, other improvements have been made after at once and the work Charles Schrader, who is occupyabout the house. The work was done ingMrs. gooseneck and Welsbach Lamps. DEALERS IN tliu Sunset cottage for the summer, - % Luther Walling of Belford. done before the street is paved. fell down stairs last Tuesday night and The services in the Baptist church at cut a gash over her left eye. Dr. John Our $3.00 Two-Light Chandelier*, • $2.OO 10:30 A. M. and 7:30 P. M. next Sunday H. VanMater had to take five stitches By order of the Boaid. will bo the last before the pastor's to close the cut. summer vacation. The church will then Our $1.50 Pendants, 75 cents Rev. O. A. Brown, who has been in a A. C. HARKISON, be closed four weeks. The prayer critical condition several days from meeting Friday nights will be continued nervous prostration, is improving slowly Genuine Welslmch Mantels, 1 O cents each Borough Cleik. regularly. Communion will be observed under the care of Dr. John H. VanTelephone 68-L. nest Sunday morning and an offering Mater of this place and Dr. Edwin Field Our $9.00 Gas Range, $6.OO will be taken up for association missions. of Red Bank. Mrs. Cordova has put up a tennis net Gas Stoves. ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS NEWS. on the lawn adjoining her hoarding house on Highland avenue. Two Burner, $ 1 . 2 5 . Improving the Oxford House—A Shirt IN THE The improvements to George D. Pay's house on Bay View avenue, which comWaist Dance. FOR STUD prise an addition to the west side of the OneBuruer, C»5 c e n t s . The Oxford house at Hillside-, under house and repapering and decorating, -ATthe miinagemeut of Mrs. Annie Sturla, formerly of WyckolT, New Jersey, could are nearly finished. The changes to tho House piping contracted for, before August 31st, will not accommodate all the guests over house and the grading of the grounds j made the place 0 1 1 1 3 of the most atSaturday and Sunday. The place, which be taken for $ 1 . 2 5 lH'r outlet. was formerly the Andrews hotel, has tractive on the avenue. A stone wall been refitted and redecorated hy the has been built on the Bay View avenue Sealed bids are requested for new manager and is one of the popular side of the property. BUY NOW AND SAVE FIFTY PER CENT. 11 Mrs. Owen Shutts of Toms River ia the laying of stone sidewalks on hotelfl at thia place this season. For the first time in years this hotel ia being spending a few days with her mother, such portions of Branch avenue Mrs. David Witherell. Mrs. Witherell Ho la tho Finest Horse In tho Country and the Best Bred One. 'coiuiuctedBtrictly as a temperance hotel. was injured a short time ago by falling A nhirt waiat dance will be held a t from a stoop, but she ia improving. and South street as now remain TERMS $ 5 0 SERVICE RETURN PRIVILEGE. the casino Saturday night and on the William llopla nnd (laughter were unlaid. 1* following Saturday a leap year dance will take place. Hereafter the ehumical Red bank visitors on Sunday. B-| IS dnm. Ilortlin, by Akivntnru, h tho C IltED by Owj'hra; (4y), 2.11, 0011 of Chan. All bids 11111st he in the hands of Mra. (Jeorge Freeman and family of • • araatcvit brood muro In tho world, havconcerts at the cnaino on Thursday ^ Derby nnd hlu Wtxx!, by Simtnonn. ing to nor credit: iiiglitfi willcomprise the worlui of »pi>cinl Newark are visiting Mm. Freeman's the Borough Clerk mi or before CimnidertMl one of Hi« boat brnd und iturnciit Bon Derby 2.04 tt K,l. I.alTorty.. .2.10% parents, Mr. and Mm. Charles Mount. composers. Tomorrow night the confour-yonr-olcl trotten! tlml over WRil on ttio Owylio 2.07H Arnor 2 17% Miiui Helen Dowd in visiting relative!! cert will bo devoted to works of Richard August ;;d; 1008, at 5:00 o'clock, Derlwilha... 2 II7-H Jny Kinieo (ly) 2.2CV1 (irnnd Clnmit. Trottintr nil I he IHMUIOII Diablo (niro of 41).. 2 OOVi Wagner and Moritz Mcuzkowflky, and at New York. nirnlnsiL a^eil Imnie.'i, out of uoven ijtnrlii wim Mins Mary Lang of Belford spent SunTliaLiitiit(,1y)lr2:ir>ll<-rthnBurl>y(daraor2) I'. M. on Thursday night of next week' sdoellv« times! Unit or tiyeoml. day with her sister, Mrs. Martin Dowd. Demoniu (uli-o of r,) * 2 11 Vt lionu from Schubert will ho given. Kli Tin: Hoard reserves the riu;lit t< 'i-ViVi lii-reiiici.-.' t'p'.'.'.'.2!l3W Miss Margaret Rcddington and Mr.with Cornelius N. llli:m. Mr. Blisui and the earn whieli run bet.ween kumnon and .Several fmmHcu of gypnieii are ciimpinjf in the (trove, at the corner of Valley and Mrs. Thoinim McLaughlin of New his guciit iipcnt Sunday afternoon tak- Red Hank. Thin uvoiiki inudi confuuion reject any or all bids. HIS FIRST COLT 5>rivo findoeventh avenue. The women York spent hint week with Mr. nnd Mm. ing an automobile rido through the at' the lleil Hank fountain. country. at lli€> cnnip tell fortunni and the men Thomas Dowd. The We<lno.'iday night cuclircii and t LITTLE I|OIAN (2y) OLD CHAMPION A. C. HARRISON, trade honiLMi. The trolley company in grading and Katurdny night hops at the Sbrownbury rolling the main mad between Allen and inn arc well attended by the gueiitii nnd b'ormim Cossaboom, principal of the Borough Clerk. Shown he ia mire to he a great Hire. IUii dam hentii all othoni. K U M S O N KIIWS. Washington tilrertu. aliio by r<!!ii(l(!iitn of thi;i place!. *H?nnt io Highland*! fu'hool, whoiHMiH'iid'I'hi1 liiunch Wanderer from Red ]tank ».£ Mfi vacation on a farm near Holtn- Mrthatlhltt' Annual Fair Will lie Held Minn 10dit.li McGriflin of lr<;hind is) HE IS FROM THE GREATEST FAMILY broke down yesterday and wan moored ut 'l'il'. iipinit Monday in town. iii>on<liii|c novpral wcckn with her iii.'it Tomorrow. the dock here nev'eral hours during n.1- Mm. Samuel Crookti. New polen are being put up on Hay 1 in the world and I believe he will make the loading nire. Tin ladicii' nid nocii'ly <»f the Metho- [mini. Viv*/ nvrnue for telephone and electric Mr. and Mm. John J. IIOKJIM are e dist clmrcli will hold il,:t annual fiiirnrxl. Mm. .1. (',, Itiill mid niece, Mini) lOminii tertaining friendit from Wanbini^t Every Owyho Colt Entered Free on $750 Stake. Tho roof of F. A. Little'ii hotel wan ThuriMlay afternoon and night on the Dixon, arc vi;iilin|; iclativcii at Hyde I). C , mid N(!w York city church ground!). The gnmndu will b<; I'nik. Kal.it! l.emip; in eniployi'd in Ricburd atr.U'd on Monday. lighted ut night with .liipaiu.-in! Itintvrnii 'I'bi! Hehoomu' John W. Vaul difirharf^od WyckotT'n ice cream |IIU-IOI\ A brick cidv<-it iii living put down tmWM. MACFARLAND. a load of brick ycotcnlny for the addi• >r tho t rnlli'y tvackn at the corner of and electric Inmpii. A dance will be held tomorrow night in Mrs. Joseph McCook of Oyster Itay tion to the Bchool. •{.,.,i-i i.,,l Kitilrotxt iivrmieii. (ted M<M'II ball from eight, o'clock until Operation!) 1 1 upcciidty. Tho WSIH n recent giient of her nuitei', Minn Minn i'llranor Titiui in viniting her i)in~ midnight for tho benellt of tb« building \i" (!. linntido in t'litertnini Mi moot nurioun run™ of nail wmmiln Nellie Mulligan.of Allen utrei-t. t<T, MrH. John Itcriliii" of Knignton. fund of the Red Mon'u lodgi;. Munic .: f i i i x J n n i f with horned cured under Ruaran1 Tins main drive leading to (',. N. Unrrow/i Noliion have bought msvonil will lie furninliud by Wynmn'nori'lMJBlni * i 1n.> ijuf tin Kirnl llnptlHl church too. v:.s • i J • HIM) bread rale on Kuturdny Hlina'B property if) being covered with now rijin nnd arn buildiiiK n iftrKo iihwl of Nnvwiitik. Mrs, Mndifton F»mory in vluitinj? at. FOR SALE BY Till"-: AGKNT iW! i,y I)«)!iliim' uml cleared $20. crUBhetl blucatoiie nnd rolled with a in tint roar of tholr utoro on Wnnuinglon OFi'KIK, JivaMc Iitreot, whore they will enrry onftliv«ry WcotflcW, Now York. Tb« trip in taken i-iit' % jtrri«n iiiiiiiJny-achool will lumvy roller. Tel. MS, Bed biifiinefiM in connect Ion with th«ir bodrilfor tho IMMIUIM, of IHT litmith. »nii<wt (•nmrmnii find pfcniG toMr. Doyle, treiimirer of Ihn Wwitmrry /n r ,ir/i> a m 111: 'i':-' • "-•!! ' I ' I ' l l 0 i ' - <tsy mi dfh^ution of the National Kf'jitibhranj ini; nlj'blC'H. '."iiniiillti-p, '•pent Uniunlay and Snmljiw Th'i Irollt jr I'oimmtiy bss put »lifiw mi It puya to ;i!ivt?riis<!!ti TMK UKOIrU'BJE. OTOUR: 3S WKWT VnoHV BT i Manufacturers of High Grade Pianos. % Men's $15.00 to $18,00 Suits at $1O.OO. These are bargains worth traveling miles after. If you knew what fine suits they are (ma- Q terials, workmanship, finish, etc.) for $10.00 you would travel miles after them, even if you had £ 'to walk. These suits are sold regularly at $15.00, $16.50 and $1800. In this ^ July Clothing Sale at $10.00. Ladies' Muslin Nip Gowns at 5 9 c , STRAWS AT TWO-THIRDS THE I n s t e a d o f 75c. These Night Gowns have exceptional merit, muslin fine, trimmed with splendid-lace and embroideries ; V-shape style, low neck and short sleeves. Very Special at 59c, Women's 25c. Bathing Caps at 15c, G _ IV Q i ! Broadway and Liberty Street, Long Branch, N. J. To All Abutting Property Owners on Broad Street in 3.OO J. F.Conover Feed Co., Coal, Wood Flour and Feed. All Kinds of Gnun, Hay and Straw. Gors& ora tl&e Ear a Specialty. BIDS WANTED L I T T L E SILVER, Wo Jo OWYHO 207i \ Laying Sidewalks. EATONTOWN, N. J . (R.LOEWENHERZ&CO No. 60 Broad Street, Red Bank, N. J. R. ISKRAUT, D. V. M. Veterinary Surgeon aad Dentisti Chamberlain Celebrated Pare Rye Whiskey KKW HANK, M. en's and Youn; Q>v Per Cent Off. This is not a "fake" sale make'August'be in 9it and this reduction should make August a record You have a choice of any Summer Suit in the Men's Men's and Former price Former price 8.1 Former Former Former Former Former Former Former Former Former price 10.00, price IzJ price price price price price price price IS.SO, 15.00, 16.50, 18.00, 20.00, 22.50, 25.00, Former price <q>^. Former price 2..1 Former price 3. Former price 3.. Former price 4. Sale price $4.50 Sale price 6.00 Sale price 7.50 Sale price 9.00 Sale price 10.13 Sale price 11.25 Sale price 12.-38 Sale price 13.50 S^le price 15.00 Sale price 16.88 Sale price 18.75 , Sale V Sale , ', ', Former price 5. ', Former price 6. ', Former price 7. , , Former price Former price Former price Former price Former price Copyright 1908 The House of Kuppcnhcimer Chicago 2. Sale Sale Sale •tJO Sale 3.75 Sale _ Sale price 5.25 ti Sale 2 5 c , Sale price 19c. 5 0 c , Sale price . 38c. 75c, .Sale price 58c» $1.00, Sale price 75c. 1.50, Sale price $1.13 attan, Columbia an Shirts Night Shirts and Pajamas 50c. 59c. 75c. $1.00 1.50 grade, grade, grade, grade, grade, 25c. 50c. 75c. $1.00 grade, grade, grade, grade, sale . sale sale sale sale price , 38c. price 44c. price 58c. price 75c. price $1.13 Underwear sale sale sale sale price price price price 19c. 38c. 58c. 75c. Hosiery 10c. 15c. 25c. 50c. grade, grade, grade, grade, sale price 6c. pair sale price l i e . pair sale price 19c. pair sale price 38c. pair 50c. grade, sale price 39c. 59c. grade, sale price 39c. $1.00 grade, sale price 75c. 1.25 grade, sale price 94c. 1.50 grade, sale price $1.15 1.75 grade, sale price 1.15 2.00 grade, sale price 1.38 Negligee, plaited or plain bosom, with attached or detached cuffs. These include the Manhattan, Columbia and Giant make. Boys' Shirt Waists 25c. 50c. 75c. $1.00 grade, grade, grade, grade, sale sale sale sale price price price price 19c. 38c. 58c. 75c. Boys' Stockings Bathing Suits 15c. grade, sale price 9c. pair 25c. grade, sale price 19c. pair $1.00 grade, sale price 75c. 1.50 grade, sale price $1.00 A lot of Odd Suits, 1-3 OFF J. M .en?§ Trousers Don't miss this chance to secure, some of our bargains during our Semi-Annual Sale. Maybe you have been buying your clothing and furnishings elsewhere—don't let that keep you away. You are just as welcome to our bargains as our regular customers. Perhaps you will find our goods more reliable and better values for the price than you have been buying elsewhere. Walk in—you are welcome. ices $1118, STRAW $1.00 1.50 2.00 3.00 3.50 4.00 5.00 6.00 grade, grade. grade, grade, grade, grade, grade, grade, sale sale sale sale sale sale sale sale price 75c. price $1.13 price 1.50 price 2.25 price 2.63 price 3.00 price 3.75 price 4.50 All boys' and children's wash suits 1-4 off former prices. 10c. 25c 25c. 50c. canvas gloves, - 5c. pair bows, - - 5c. each 4-in-hand ties, - 9c. each President suspenders, 33c. pair' 10c. handkerchiefs,. - 4c. each 25c. and 29c. boys' wash pants, 19c. pair 50c. suspenders, - 38c. pair 25c. men's and boys' caps, 19c. Men's $1.50 hats, all styles and shapes, $1.00 Men's special lisle web suspenders, 50c. value, 19c. pair A lot of washable fancy vests, slightly soiled, odd sizes, 10c. each all go at $4.98. r CLOTHIER, HATTESI, AMD FURNISHER, 26 BROAD STREET. Telephone 281-R RED BANK, N, J. ti n ir ft/* 1* •."! AST SATURDAY, in spite of the stormy weather, a large number of musically inclined people visited the store of Storck of Course to hear the Player Pianos. While the storm kept at home many persons from out-of-town, yet so interested are people in the higher class of Player Pianos that the store, especially in the evening, was thronged The one thing which seemed to impress the people was the total absence of the mechanical tone which is so manifest in some styles of Player Pianos. With the instruments handled by Storck of Course all evidence of mechanical playing is avoided. A couple of hours' practicing is about all that an ordinary person needs to acquire skill in playing one of these Player Pianos. The instruments respond readily to the touch of the operator, swelling or shading the tone to suit the character of the selection and the taste of the player One of the special features of the Player Pianos is the ease with which the music can be graded in speed to suit the singer, making the instrument especially available for accompaniments. From those who were kept at home by the storm a number of requests have been made for a repetition of the performance, and it is probable that the niusieale will be repeated within two or three weeks. : . We have a variety of the best makes of Player Pianos on our floors and those wishing to- hear classical, sentimental or ragtime music are invited to call at any time and hear how readily these instruments accommodate themselves' to any class of music Besides having a number of instruments ready for immediate delivery, we have a great variety of music rolls always on hand, and can get any special music desired within 24 hours. Come in and let me tell you about our easy terms of payment for these Player Pianos. " ' We have also on hand a full line of the latest Edison and Victor records, just published, and will be pleased to try any of them for you. We carry the largest and most complete assortment of all makes of talking machines and records in the county. AUNT JANE, with ' . Course. 'PENINGS IN THE VILLAGES ROUNDABOUT RED BANK. r LITTLE SILVER NEWS. EATONTOWN NEWS. several days with friends here. Miss White will move back to Eatontown in the fall. Mrs. W. W. Ridgley of New Brunswick is visiting her father, Kev. J . DeWitt Fay. Rev. and Mrs. J. Herbert Belting of New Brunswick, formerly of this place, have been visiting Mrs. Henry Corlies. ick, is improving and is able to sit up. The baseball team went to Fair Haven | iunday and were defeated bv a score of I to 2. j Leslie Wolcott, son of Mrs. Alice iVolcott, is employed in T. Brown's j itore. George Jenson and family of! Brooklyn are spending the summer at William Garrigan's Monmouth hotel. j HA'S STARTED. Now Is the Time to Bey FURNITURE, CARPETS, RUGS, . w l le Our Most Sensational Clearance Sale of the Year includes over 500 of the most desirable things in Furniture, Carpets, Rugs, Linoleum, Wall Paper, Matting, rtc, ever offered Thi'-.e genuine reductions of from one-quarter to one half from our regular Uuv prices—the lowest c-\ir quoted in Monmouth count> on clean, perfect and reliable gooiK—presents an opportunity seldom met with AUGUST SALKS .ind our guarantee THERE ARE DIFFERFNT KINDS OF AUGUST SALE'S A cficat m a n y a i e gotten up U>\ t h e p u i p o s e of disposing of cheap, ti.ishy goods, cspccudK designed for August sale p u r p o s e s ; b u t in out" case we select the most d e s n a b l c a n d woilliy pu"co-> in 0111 stocks, and cveiy aiticle ib g u a i a u l e e d to be sound and perfect and to give lasting satisfaction or t h e money will'be refunded. P r o m p t , far-sighted buyers will find these b a r g a i n s here ; Couches at August Prices $ 6.00 Couches now 11.50 " •' 12.50 " " 17.50 " " 18.50 " " 30.00 " " Sideboards at August Prices 3.7S 7.98 8.4B ; . . . . 12.00 13.SO 19.00 Parlor Suits at August Prices $75.00 Parlor 60.00 " 50.00 " 40.00 " 32.00 " 23.00 " 15.00 Suits " " " " ' cut to " " " " " " " " • • .$52.00 43.00 36.00 32.OO 26.OO 16.98 J1.5O Odd Dressers at August Prices $ 8.50 Dressers cut to $ 6.7S 10.48 " " " 9.00 15.00 " " " 9.9P 21.00 •' " " 17.SO 28.50 " " " v . . . 24.0O 42.00 " " " 37.00 Above Dressers are in Bird's Eye Maple, White Enamel, Oak, Mahogany and Circassian Walnut. Chiffoniers at August Prices $25.00 Oak Chiffoniers at $i7.SO 24.00 Mahogany Chiffoniers at 19.OO 17.50 Bird's Eye Maple Chiffoniers at &4.5O 16.00 Oak Chiffoniers at ll.SO 11.00 Oak Chiffoniers at 8.50 5-drawer Chiffoniers, solid oak, worth $6.50, now 4.48 Extension Tables at August Prices $ 6.00 Extension Tables, five legs, now.. 11.50 " " now 13.50 Round Top Tables, now 20.00 Extension Tables, now i 3.9S 7.5O 8.9S 13.SO Buffets at August Prices $14.98 Buffets now 17.50 " " 26.50 " " 35.00 " " Sideboards worth $15.00 now " " 24.50 " " " 26.50 " •• $ 7.98 16.50 ' . . . 19.90 • ><•< •••'••< • - « < • • — v 4 0 . - 0 0 * '.'••• " •• 27.50 50.00 " 35.00 Bedroom Suits at Au,gust Prices $68.00 3-piece Suits cut to 40.00 " 32.00 " " " " 24.00 " " " $55.00 27.50 22.50 " 19.50 Many of the other cheaper grades are also cut. Rockers at August Prices $2.50 Rockers at 3.50 " " 4.00 " " : §i.B9 1.90 2.50 4.50 " " 2.98 5.00 " " 3.S0 Sliding Iron Couches at August Prices $6.50 Couches, complete with mattress, now $3.S8 8.50 " " ' ." " ' " . . . . S.SO Two Morris Chair Specials $15.00 Morris Chairs at 10.00 " " " $9.50 7.S0 Odd Chairs at August Prices $18.00 Arm Chairs, leather, now 25.00 Turkish Chairs cut t o . . . 16.50 Mission Rockers cut t o . 12.00 Mission Chairs cut t o . . . 12.00 Reed Chairs cut to 5.98 Reed Chairs cut to 4.00 Reed Chairs cut to 3.50 Reed .Chairs cut to 512.50 15.00 12.S0 9.S0 4.98 3.5O 2.00 1.50 Window Shades at August Prices 40c' Oil Opaque Shades, plain, at - 19c 45c. Fringe Shades 25c Big lot of fine Shades, odd quantities, value .from 25c. to $1.00, special 10c $11.98 13.50 FAIR HAVEN NEWS. Sunday - School Girls Strawridcra Get Drenched Returning Presbyterian SEABRIGIIT NEWS. 19.98 4-0 Cotton-top Mattresses, special.. Form a Club. ...$ 1.98 from Asbury Park. Athletic Events and Races by the in Entertainment in Holy Cross Hall 24.00 $20.00 Brass Beds cut to ... 11.50 The B. C. IS. club, u society composed Boys ot the Village. William Lippincott took a party of of young girls of the Presbyterian SunNext Tuesday Night. j young folks of the village on a strawThe small boys of the village conWall Paper worth from 25c. to $1.OO per roll, special 10c. per double roll. ride to Asbury Park lust Thursday night. day-school, will hold a festival Friday gregate every afternoon" near the tire An entertainment by professional I j&i the strawridcrs got home a night on the church lawn. What the house and pull off athletic events. The talent will be given next Tuesday night /heavy shower came up and they got initials of the club stand for is a secret events comprise' running and bicycle at Holy Cross hall for the benefit of <lrenched to the skin. Those in the known only to the members of the so- races, jumping and throwing contests. Holy Cross church. Frank Martineau The boys around town say the Fair Haven is arranging the affair. arty were Percy Quackenbush, Frank ciety. furnishings to be sold out at very low prices in order to clear the .^tocks stand for " B e t we Catch the Yesterday afternoon during an bicycle of arker, George and Roy White, Clarence letters endurance race, Myron Minton rode so Happy Handy, Lew Hawkins, Nelson & Boys " club. at once. Milledge, Evans & Tenbrooke, Lamberti, Haviland, George Worthley, Raymond that he fell exhausted near the The Methodist and Advent Sunday- hard King. Misses Grace, Annie and Mary postoflice and it was several minute; Annie Hart and Wilbur Gardner have Watch the papers next week for another list of August Specials schools went on picnics to Asbuvy Park offered their services. Most of these Ayres. Mabel White, Ella King, Carrie before he was revived. today. professionals are summering at Fair Perkins and Mary Parker. Miss My'ra DeVoe of South River, Mrs. Emily Smock of Long Branch, The village fire company tested some who taught in the public school here Haven., Dancing will follow the enter•*ljf ita apparatus on Tuesday night of who formerly lived with the late Mrs. last year, is visiting Mrs. Raymond tainment. The committee who is asLongstrei't Harvey of this place, died sisting Mr. Martineau is composed of last weeK in a field adjoining Dr. B. F. Doughty. King's farm. No hydrants are in this yesterday morning from cancer. Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Gracey lef William H. llintelmann, J . C. Woolley, Mrs. J. E. Borden has recovered from part of the village and the hose was last week for a three weeks' theatrical James A. Ryan, Albert J. Hintelmann, Dennis Martin, Charles B. Ryan and connected with a brook, which had been neuralgia and a rheumatic attack. engagement. Nathan Sample, who ia sick with tydammed up for the occasion. A stream During the rest of the summer the John Daly. phoid fever, is doing well and his reof water C5 feet high was thrown from Methodist Sunday-school will meet a Randall and Beverly Keator have E00 feet of hose. A heavy shower covery is looked for. _ i A lawn sociable for the benefit of the 9:45 Sunday morning instead of at twe bought ii new racing automobile with a prevented the firemen from testing their speed of sixty miles an hour. Baptist church will he held tomorrow o'clock in the afternoon. 4 other apparatus. <&&4>*&&><&^<i^<»<>t><><><><> *<rt><><>*><>*>^^ G. J. Weinmanii, proprietor' of tin The Seabright Republican club will Mrs. Miller and her daughter, Miss afternoon at Joseph W. Jttjjjnaton's. Mr. and Mrs. John Eyles have moved Grand View hotel, has had the bigges hang out a Taft and Sherman banner Johanna Miller of Westchester, Pa., and most successful year in the history next week. are visiting Mrs. Miller's son, Hum- from Mrs. Minnie Bownp's house on of tlie Grand View hotel. Ashland council of American MechanLewis street and are now living with phrey Miller. The labor unions here have acccptei ics has issued a card showing 235 memMrs. Eyles's mother, Mrs. Theodore Clark Fitzmaurice is suU'crimr with a Arrani'o. invitations to take part in a parade o bers on its roll. Mr. and Mrs. William Borthscarbuncle on his neck. W. K. Connor's cottage, occupied by , who were recently married, will labor unions at Aslmry Park on Labo George A. Gibbons is re-building a wick, Day. William C. Kremer, was struck by move to the house vacated by Mr. Eyles. bulkhead in front of his summer resi- This couple is living with the bride's Mrs. Frank Herbert spent yesterday lightning last Thursday night and dam-INfdence a t Little Silver point. age to the amount of $100. The Kremer ! Mr. and Mrs. William Outran. at the Highlands. Misses May, Annie ami Grace Ayres parents, family were sleeping and none of them Mr. and Mrs. William Curehin, Sr. Mr. Borthswick is employed at McKarwore New York visitors on Monday. are conlined to the house with sickness. felt the shock. George Holmes was sailing his launch land's stables. up with liver com The organ recital given at St. George's Warrants are out for the arrest of Mrs. Curehin is laidd up lit Little Silver point last week, when plaint and her h husband last Friday afternoon by Lacey and bus a bad attacl church the rudder snapped oil' and sank. Mr. Lewis Mulsun, who until recently was of tonsilitis. Baker, organist and choirmaster of CalHolmea had t o stay about an hour in employed by the Wormalia lealher comvary church of New York, was largely j Fred llafley of New York was a recetr pany. Last week Mulson wan discharged the launch until it floated ashore. attended. Kev. John C. Lord of Nave- j the employ of the company. It is guest of Ferdinand doBirminghnm. William DowlinK went huckleberry- from Mrs. James McClain of New Yorl< sink preached at the church Sunday alleged that he came back lo the factory inj? Saturday and got 24 quarts of berries. the • dny and took a pair of knives spent part of lust week with her cousin morning. AND OTIIKR SPKCIALTIiiS AT Miss Lavinia Dowling in visiting rela- usednext John McGrath. in shaving leather. Mulson is Stewart Cook shipped over 100 barrels tlvoa a t Stamford, Conn. thought to be in New York. of buttcrlish last Friday to New York Mm. A. H. Potter, who is living with dealers. Mrs. Howard Hance, left Monday for a Miss Alice (iolden of Scobeyville is OOEANPORT NEWS. spending several days with her sister, Frank Valiant, son of Rev. W. T. two weeks' visit with friends at linlaysMrs. W. K. Morris, who is very sick. Valiant, was one of the oflicialH at the • town. Robert llluir'a Improvements to Hv Madison Square Garden bicycle meet A colored hall was to have been held Mian Carrie Dowling has returned ill Crescent hall hist Tlmi'mliiy night. Sloop Completed. last week. from a visit to her cousin, Miss Viola Lee VanSchoick, janitor of the hall, reRobert Blair has been busy the pan1 Mrs. Charles Flynn and daughters Allen of Eatontown. While at Eaton- dined to let the all'air be held without few weeltii repairing hia sloop (iimer: Minnie and Lillian were recent guests town Miss Dowling was taken very sick, first receiving tin? money for the use of Haurock. lie him ifiven the bout of Mrs. William Sieben of Keyport. but she has fully recovered. tlie hull. . The committee in charj/v of thorouj^h ovrrhiuiliiij^ and it is in first Mr. and Mrs. Richard Parker arc the ball said they would not pay the class condition. Mr. Ithiir will vine tin upending a week a t Uem;onhur;;t, Long money until after the festivities were nloop ill hi:i clutimiiiuv business. Bcoboyvlllo Newt). Inland, over and the ball wan not, held. A fair is beinif held this afternoon b. The Intent arrivals at the Sickle:) villa tantor and Irving l.ovett have reMisii Helen Gertrude Kunuiey of Ocean the ladies' aid iiocioty of the Mutliodin' are Mr. and Mrs. Gelnton and sou Howturned from a two weeks' camping trip (Jrov*1 will conduct the service in thechurch and will bn contiiuuMl until Ui ard mid Mr. and Mr:i. W. Blum of New ttlonij the lmnkii of the Shrewsbury Methodist church Tuesday night. She morrow ni|(ht. 'I'he fair is heing; hel York. ivi»r in Middletown township. will be assisted by Miss Morris of Phila- iiiider a lent in Mins Willinnin'ii vncan Itohorl Laird bus put, a new tiresn in J, Elwooil Harvey has bought a Ford delphia, a singer. lot on Mnh) street. his cider mill and has made oilier im1 >mtrict Superiutcndont.lohii H.IIaitH provements to the place. The mill will Union serviced of the Methodist, BapA number of electric lifjhl jioleii nt tist and Presbyterian eluucheii will be- of MaiuuKiuan will |)rt'ach in the Mefb< open on .Saturday. WIIOMUIAM'! ANI> RETAIL DKAI.KR IN liittlo Kilvor were ulruck by lightning gin in the Presbyterian church on Sun-dint church iSunday nflornoon, An^us Mr. mid Mm. William Miller of OceanImmlxu-. S a s h , ISni.rn, ISllndn, Qlaaa littring a fihower hint week. All the day night, Augunt Dth, when Rev. Henry Dth, at tlnei! o'clocU. Kev. (J«M»r(fi port were Sunday KIICMIH of Mm. 10(1HghU nlong the I.ittlo Silver point loud Cross of Revl Bank will preach. On the Ililhimn will preach the third of n iierin ward Sieklen. B R O A D A N D SVJOMMOIJTG! ST11EETS. »ml Ihilliloru' H a r d w a r e , i tuuft boon out of commission ever since. following Sunday night Rev. A. I). Betln of ticrnioiiM on "Tho I.ord'11 I'niyi-r Minn lieuliih Morris of Keyport, is a will preach in the Baptist church and next Sunday morning. 'I'he mirmoni guest of Miiis Nettie. Foster. FOR SAfiK -Property of every kind and all priooH. • KKI) HANK, N. I oil August Kid Kev. Dwight. L. l'uninim have attracted considerabhi atlcnlio Miim Kiiiina Kent of New York iipoul INSl/HANCIi in Old Reliable Companies. feinting Done Promptly. and lmvo lu>i>n well attended. will preach in Mm Methodist church, la.'it week with Miim Edith Sick Inn. TO I.K'V Hevoral Htmnon from $2B to IfNO. Mr. nmlMrn, Holmes SU'kles of OceanHev. K. 1'. Reid of Ki'annburp wiin Mn*. A. Leo Beobey iu visiting at FURNISHED HOUSES from $200 to $:t,000; on river, Rum ton, l.iltlo 'FJ» JaU-sl de«i(Aa in typography, now jrueiif of Itev. {ie^oi"}O' Ililhimn p»rt o port wero Sunday vwilorn of thoir HOII, Kilvnv and in town. types, tho IM'HI kind ana latest istylea of Brooklyn. Yard nt corner Went and Cheiitnut Mii.n Mary Jteynoldii of Uochenter, Imit week. Mr. and Mm. ilillman at Edward Hicklos. AVI'ItAJSINd I do the appraising for HOIIIO of tho lurgoiil. law firmii and 'ttabgr, w«d prcanmr-n who know their iitraetn, near railroad. HIKIBOII Vanllnint upon I. Sunday with corporation!) in tho utat.e. ifcwfawsw ennblfii) T U B IlBOiaru office to- N, Y., in a irtient of MIBI) Nora Qiiinlnn, l(>ndflil n Inclurn by Hooln-r T. Waiihing Minn Nellio White of lied Bunk, for- ton lit Ocoiui (irovo bmt Thursday night hiiiHinter, Mm. JolnrNmberlein of Mnrlil up-to-dsto printing- Prompt. TO LOAN $2,000, $1,000, $1,C>0O, nt S per emit. boro. Mm. Annio I'rico, who bun been ver B nil* ot TUB llmnuwat.—Adv. merly of thin place, him been upending Connection. FIlANVtH WHITE. FAOTOKYi DTINMBK. N. Y. Porch Rockers, Hammocks, Wall Paper, Settees, and all summer f [osiery, Gloves Patterson nning si Cor. Broad and Front Streets, Red Bank. 1 CHARLES LEWIS, Real Estate, Loans and Insurance.