Hearts of Hope 12
ST TERESA PARISH Sunday July 19 8:00 am St. Rose Community Mass PAGE 2 Sunday July 19 10:00 am Domingo July 19 12:00 pm Guadalupe Fernandez Maria Fernandez Sarah Fernandez Nathan Howard Ethan Howard Collin Howard Ricardo Valtierra Sarita Fernandez Yareni Itzel Martinez Bryan Garcia Albert Valladares Lectors/Lectores St. Rose Parishioners Tricia Kohan Chet Brandon Antonio Elvir Rosario Lira Communion Ministers/ Ministros de la Comunión *Bev Stukenborg *Julia Bolwitt Brenda Lystilla David Lystilla Deacon *Jan Anesi *Tracy Douglas Beth Arocha Barb Staniszeski Deacon Alejandro Tellez Mariana Fernandez Parra Norma Lopez Ricardo Valtierra Emma Elvir Jorge Juarez Bertha Aviles Salvador Sacramento Colleen Thomas Greg Thomas Paul Gerth Jane Gerth Angela Mercado Aracely Diaz Octavio Garcia Elizabeth Valadez Liturgical Schedule Saturday July 18 4:00 pm Altar Servers/ Monaguillos St. Rose Parishioners St. Rose Parishioners Greeters/Ujieres St. Rose Parishioners ST. TERESA PARISH OUTREACH MINISTRIES Azzarelli Clinic: Tuesday, Wednesday ,Thursday Registered Nurse MASSES INTENTIONS FOR THE WEEK Saturday 4:00 p.m. Sunday 8:00 a.m. July 11, 2015 Community Mass at St. Rose Kathy & † Fred Carr (Parish Family) July 12, 2015 Ray & Betsy Morrical (Family) Special Intention 10:00 a.m. Bill Cox (Parish Family) 12:00 p.m. † Alvaro Calderon (Familia Calderon) Monday Tuesday Wednesday 8:00 a.m. Thursday 8:00 a.m. July 13, 2015—No Mass July 14, 2015—No Mass July 15, 2015 Ray & Betsy Morrical (Family) Special Intention July 16, 2015 † Barb Benoit (Wayne & Janice Blanchetter) Religious Community Facts...Did You Know ? Friday 8:00 a.m. The De La Salle Christian Brothers are the second largest university network in the world and the largest high school network in the United States. July 17, 2015 † Zip Lamarre (Jack & Glory Klasey) Saturday 4:00 p.m. July 18, 2015 Community Mass at St. Rose Azzarelli Family (Parish Family) Sunday 8:00 a.m. July 19, 2015 For All The Parishioners of St. Teresa/St. Rose/ St. Martin 10:00 a.m. † Rose Lambert (Barb & Phil Staniszeski) 12:00 p.m. Edgardo & Gloria Mendez (Family) Martes, Miercoles,Jueves -July 15 Certified Nurse Practitioner 9:00am-2:00pm Clinic opens at 8:00am 9-11am Friday/Viernes—July 17 9:00am-12:00noon St. Vincent de Paul Food Pantry Please pray for the sick of our parish Jackson Smith Mary Warner Bill Cox Jose Rodriguez Diaz Judi Buchholz Peggy Oakes Alma Sanchez Kathryn Gyles Robert Geike Dolores Morse Phyllis Bergeron Sara Gonzalez If you would like a Prayer Candle lit for a special intention please call the Parish Office at 815-933-7683 Si decea que se encienda La Vela de Oracion para una intencion especial por favor llame a la Oficina de la Iglesia 815-933-7683 ST TERESA PARISH GETTING TO KNOW THE FAMILY, INSPIRED BY THE LEGACY It feels like my family has grown so quickly! As the pastor of Saint Teresa, Saint Rose and Saint Martin churches, one of the most amazing things that happened is that it feels like I have been introduced to some family members that I should have known from way back when, but am only getting to know better now. Last week, together with Fr. Roy and parishioner Mark O’Connor, I had the privilege of visiting the farm that belongs to Saint Martin. I was like a little kid in a chocolate factory when I saw all the John Deere machines. It is a good feeling to know that a parishioner entrusted this beautiful farming land as a gift for the church. God bless the souls of these our departed parishioners. PAGE 3 GANANDO CONOCIMIENTO DE LA FAMILIA, INSPIRADO POR EL LEGADO ¡Parece que la familia ha crecido rápidamente! Como pastor de Santa Teresa, Santa Rosa y San Martín, una de las cosas más asombrosas que han sucedido és que me siento como que he sido introducido a miembros de la familia que debería haber conocido anteriormente, pero que apenas estoy conociendo mejor hoy día. Over the past few weeks, I have heard stories of families that have contributed so much in order to make our churches stable through the years. It is such a joy to hear the stories of these families who really dedicated so much of their time, talent and treasure for the life of the church, so that we can be the church that we are today. La semana pasada, tube el privilegio de visitar la hacienda que pertenece a San Martín, acompañado con el Padre Roy y el feligres Mark O’Connor. Yo era como un niño en una fábrica de chocolate cuando ví las máquinas de John Deere. Es una gran sensación saber que un feligres confió esta hermosa hacienda como regalo a la iglesia. Que Dios bendiga las almas de nuestros feligreses difuntos. En las semanas pasadas, he oído historias de familias que han contribuído bastante para que nuestras iglesias estubieran estables a través de los años. Es una gran alegría escuchar las historias de estas familias quienes realmente han dedicado su tiempo, talento y tesoro por la vida de la iglesia, para que hoy día, pudiéramos ser la iglesia que somos. I had breakfast with a number of ladies from Saint Rose of Lima on Tuesday morning after the 8AM mass. I got to meet women who have been dedicated in serving the church and doing big and small things in order to keep the life of the church going. I have always believed that those who come to daily mass make up the spiritual bloodstream of the church, and they are also the same people that are ready to help out to do things that need to be done at church, from doing liturgical ministry to helping run the festival, or organize the community. These women are the pillars that make the church strong. God bless their generosity! Me desayuné con algunas señoras de Santa Rosa de Lima el Martes por la mañana, después de la misa de 8AM. Logré conocer a mujeres bién dedicadas al servicio de la iglesia en cosas grandes y pequeñs para así mantener en marcha la vida de la iglesia. Siempre he creído que los que participan en la misa diaria mantienen la corriente de sangre espiritual de la iglesia, y ellos mismos ofreceen su ayuda en lo que hay que hacer en la iglesia, ya sea en el ministerio litúrgico, ayudar en el festival, o en la organización de la comunidad. Estas mujeres son los pilares que mantienen fuerte a la iglesia. ¡Dios bendiga su generosidad! We have started celebrating the Tuesday evening Spanish Mass at Saint Rose, and right off the bat, we have volunteers who are helping to prepare for the mass, we even had an altar server! There were about twenty-five individuals there last week, and we are expecting that the numbers will keep growing. The new families that are stepping forward to bring their gifts and time to serve the church are sources of inspiration to me. Some families from Saint Teresa volunteered to help clean at the Saint Rose rectory last week, and I am so moved to see the children wiping the glass doors and washing the walls of the priest’s house. I am humbled and elated by such show of generosity, when these families could have been spending their summer days having fun or playing video games at home. Hemos principiado la celebración de la Misa en Español el Martes por la tarde en Santa Rosa, y en seguída tuvimos voluntarios que ayudaron en la preparación para la misa, y hasta consiguieron un monaguillo! Asistieron unas veinte y cinco personas la semana pasada, y esperamos que los números sigan aumentando. Las familias nuevas que se adelantan a traer las ofrendas y pasan tiempo en servicio a la iglesia son fuente de inspiración para mí. Algunas familias de Santa Teresa voluntariamente ayudaron a limpiar la rectoría en Santa Rosa la semana pasada, y me conmoví al ver a los niños lavando el vidrio de las puertas y las paredes de la casa del sacerdote. Me siento sumiso y gozoso por la demostración de generosidad, cuando estas fanilias podrían pasar sus días de verano en diversión o en juegos de video en sus casas. These are some of the ways that faithful Catholics are leaving their legacy behind. Fr. Roy and I are here for now, as long as God wants us here, to be with you, my dear church. But truly, you are the ones who make up the church; the families that have invested in the life of the churches are the ones who will see the churches through their good and happy days. Without you, we cannot do much, and our priestly existence will not mean much. You give meaning to our lives, dear church, and thank you for inspiring your priests! Honored to be with you, Fr. Sunny Castillo Estos son algunos medios que los Católicos fieles van dejando su legado detrás. El Padre Roy y yo estamos aquí por ahora, según Dios lo dispone, estar con ustedes, mi querida iglesia. Pero en realidad, ustedes son la iglesia, las familias que han invertido en la vida de las iglesias son los que verán días buenos y alegres. Sin ustedes, no podríamos hacer gran cosa, y nuestra vida sacerdotal no tendría sentido. Ustedes dan sentido a nuestras vidas, querida iglesia. ¡Gracias por dar inspiración a sus sacerdotes! Honrado al estar con ustedes, Padre Sunny Castillo ST TERESA PARISH Welcome - Bienvenido 361 St. Joseph Ave • Kankakee IL 60901 Phone (815) 933-7683 Fax (815) 933-7692 EMERGENCY # (815) 216-6733 Parish Office Hours Mon. - Thurs. 9am-3pm Fri. 9-12noon Horario de la Oficina Hispana Martes a Jueves 9:30am-3pm Mass Schedule Parish Staff Directory Pastor/Pastor Fr. Santos “Sunny” Castillo Associate Pastor /Pastor Asociadio Fr. Roy Jacob Deacons Ronald Whitman & David Marlowe Financial Director Lilia Belka ext 226 Ministry Coordinator Donna Worth ext 227 RCIA (Convert Preparation) ext 227 Ministerio Hispano Silvia Barajas ext 229 Sr. Elsie Gamez Secretaries Kathy Dummer & Sylvia Lane ext 221 Bulletin Information Please e-mail articles by Mon. @ 11am to [email protected] Youth Ministry Ken & Michelle Barrie 427-8130 Music Ministry Jane Veers 933-6058 Música Español Ema Segura 592-4175 St Vincent de Paul Society ext 212 Prayer Line Barb Jepson 937-9260 Rita Kanosky 939-0319 Website www.stteresacatholics.org Facebook Saint Teresa Church in Kankakee, IL Email [email protected] Lisieux Pastoral Center Kathy Wade [email protected] Azzarelli Outreach Clinic Parish Nurse & Director Helen Chigaros RN 815-928-6093 [email protected] Aquinas Catholic Academy/ Academia Católica de Aquino 815-932-8124 Mrs. Dana Berg St. Patrick & Teresa Religious Education/ Educacion Religiosa y Doctrina 366 E. Hickory, Kankakee Coordinator of Religious Ed Fostering Stewardship as a way of life In gratitude of God’s gifts of time and talent to us we gratefully acknowledge and salute The Garden Angels who have donated countless hours of hard work and devotion to St. Teresa Parish Sunday Offering for July 5, 2015 $ 6,249.898 Sunday Envelope Breakdown $300 & higher (3) • $200-$299 (1) $100-$199 (13) • $75-$99 (10) •$50-$74 (7) $25-$49 (28) • $11-$24 (21) • $10 & under (36) Our Goal each Week to cover our expenses is $6, 650.00 Nuestra Meta por Semana para cubrir los gastos es de $6, 650.00 Thank you for your kind generosity and your deep love of St. Teresa ¡Gracias por su Generosidad! Calling all Cooks!! Looking for people to share their culinary skills by providing dinner for Fr. Sunny, Fr. Roy, and the Deacons on Saturday evenings. Find a friend to join you and call St. Teresa Parish Office for more details on how you can become part of this FUN service to our clergy. 815-933-7683 Parish Media Links 366 E. Hickory, Kankakee School Principal Time, Talent & Treasure Weekly Collections Weekend Saturday Community Mass at St. Rose 4:00 pm Sunday 8:00 & 10:00 am Misa en Español Domingo 12:00 pm Weekday Wednesday-Friday 8:00 am Director 815-939-2913 PAGE 4 815-932-0314 Marcia Brown-Medina Sacrament Procedures Confessions at St. Rose Saturday 3:00-3:30 pm Baptisms Pre-baptism Class is required before your date will be set. Please register two to three months in advance! Baptisms in English— 2nd Sunday of Month Weddings Spiritual Preparation begins at least SIX MONTHS in advance. Please do not make your reservations until you have met with the pastor Communion Visits Call the Parish Office Adoration at Night 9:30 pm - 5:00 am in Spanish First Saturdays Eucharist Adoration in English 1st Friday of month after 8:00am mass Requisitos de los Sacramentos Confesiones en Santa Rosa Sábados 3:00-3:30 pm Bautizos Platicas Pre-bautismales segundo domingo de cada mes son requeridas antes de fijar la Fecha de Bautismo. Favor de inscribirse con dos a tres meses de anticipo. Bautizos en Español 1er Domingo del Mes Bodas Preparación Espiritual empieza por lo menos con SEIS MESES de anticipo. No haga preparaciones para su celebración antes de reunirse con el párroco. Visitas de Comunión Llame a la oficina. Quince Años y Presentaciones Llame a la oficina. Adoración Nocturna 1er Sábado del mes 9:30 pm5:00 am ST TERESA PARISH PAGE 5 AROUND OUR COMMUNITY SAVE THE DATE St. Martin of Tours will host a Red Cross Blood Drive on July 31st, 2015 2 - 6 pm Father Dennis Settles Center 10th Ave. and School Street, Kankakee Call for an appointment, plus walk-ins are welcome Contact Marian Wulffe 815-685-4103 St. Martin of Tours Parish Nurse The Servants of the Holy Heart of Mary will be featured in the July 2015 issue of the Joliet Diocese periodical, Christ Is Our Hope You are invited to an Open House Sunday, July 12, 2015 1:00 pm—4:00pm Stop by for a tour of their new facility and refreshments Province House 2041 W. State Route 113, Kankakee Visit our website: www.sscm-usa.org VOLUNTEERS NEEDED The town of Coal City is in need of volunteers to help in clean up for those affected by the recent tornado. Anyone interested in helping should meet at Coal City High School 655 W Division St. Monday-Sunday 9am-2:30pm You must be 18yrs. or older, wear closed toe shoes or boots, and long pants. For more information please call 815-518-3047 Catholic Charities Back to School Fair Saturday, August 1 10:30 am-1:00 pm & 1:30 pm-4:00 pm Olivet Nazarene University’s Chalfant Hall PRE-REGISTER NOW Catholic Charities Office or online at catholiccharitiesjoliet.org 249 S. Schuyler Ave., Kankakee Call 815-933-7791 Ext. 9924 for more information Participation is income based Parents bring Photo ID, Medical card for each child, and Proof of Income Consultas Inmigratorias Agosto 2015 a Septiembre 2015 Abogados del proyecto de Inmigración les ofrece consultas para contester sus preguntas acerca de la inmigración. Las consultas cuestan $25.00 y están disponibles SOLO POR CITA PREVIA. 7 de Agosto, y el 25 Septiembre (Todos son Viernes) El Centro Pastoral Lisieux 371 N. St. Joseph Ave. Kankakee, Il 60901 Para fijar una cita: Llame al 309-829-8703 los Lunes o Miércoles de 10 a.m .a 4 p.m. SE REQUIERE CITA PARA SER ATENDIDO. 12th Annual The Spirit of St. Rose Fundraiser St. Rose of Lima Parish 486 W. Merchant St., Kankakee Sunday, August 2, 2015 12 Noon to 5:00 PM Silent Auction * Food * Prizes iPad and iPod Raffles $5.00 per ticket or 3/$10 Spirit Drawing 5:00 PM GRAND PRIZE $10,000 CASH 11 other cash prizes, plus an Early Bird Drawing Donation: $100.00 Only 350 tickets sold Tickets available at St. Rose & St. Teresa offices SAVE THE DATE: TOTUS TUUS IS COMING!! Brochures available at both doors of church Sunday, July 19– Thursday, July, 23 Entering grades 7-12 7pm-9pm Monday, July 20– Friday, July 24 Entering grades 1-6 9am-2:30pm Totus Tuus is a diocesan catechetical summer youth program whereby seminarians and college students travel throughout the summer proclaiming the Gospel through Catechetical instruction, Mass, Confession, games, fun and more. ST TERESA PARISH Hearts of Hope 12 PAGE 6 Independence Day Mass/Reception Prayer for Ken and Michelle Barrie, for the Teen Group, and for all those who join with them and support their efforts in Pembroke this week. Dear Lord, we pray for your help and blessings on the members of the mission trip. We thank you for each person taking time out to serve you by serving others. You have spoken to their hearts and that they are willing to venture outside of their homes, neighborhoods and comfort zones. Keep them strong mentally, physically, and spiritually. Give them safe travels, energy, and enthusiasm and an ability to be flexible when plans change. Help the smiles and hugs and acts of friendship of the mission team members clearly communicate acceptance and comfort to those hungry for you. May they be true ambassadors for Christ through their actions both on and off the job … with those they serve … and with their fellow team members. We pray that this trip will be extremely successful in strengthening the faith of every team member. As they see and experience different ways of life, give them new perspective on their lives and about the things that really matter most. Give them the joy of service. Strengthen their faith and reliance on you. May each team member feel your Holy Spirit working, in them and through them. We ask that you bless the mission project, the team members and leaders, those they serve and their families back home. Thank you for this wonderful opportunity to actively work in a meaningful way in your wonderful Kingdom. Amen RESPECT LIFE PRAYER “In a special way, believers in Christ must defend and promote this right, aware as they are of the wonderful truth recalled by the Second Vatican Council: ‘By is incarnation the Son of God has united himself in some fashion with every uman being’ (Gaudium et Spes, no. 22).” Pope Sint John Paul II, Evangelium Vitae, no. 2 “Los creyentes en Cristo deben, de modo particular, defender y promover este derecho, conscientes de la marvavillosa verdad recordada por el Concilio Vaticano II: ‘El Hijo de Dios, con su encarnación, se ha unido, en cierto modo, con todo hombre’ (Gaudium et Spes, no. 22).” Papa San Juan Pablo II, Evangelium Vitae, no. 2 Nurse Notes: July 12 Health Tip– Make Small Talk Engaging in casual conversation with others may help keep you as sharp as doing a word puzzle, according to some studies. Just 10 minutes of daily chatter appears to improve mental function and preserve memory. Thank you to everyone who so generously contributed to the St. Teresa CCW “Tea Bag” mailing. We received a total profit of $828.05 after the mailing expense. This money will be donated to our Knights of Columbus as they continue their projects to update Lisieux. 15th Sunday of Ordinary Time July 11/12, 2015 In today’s Scripture passages, those privileged to do God’s work find it difficult to complete their mission. God directs the prophet Amos to prophesy to the people of Israel, in spite of priest Amaziah’s opposition. In St. Mark’s Gospel, Jesus commissions the Twelve Apostles to go forth and preach repentance, heal the sick, and drive out demons. He forewarns that they will face resistance and even rejection. St. Paul reminds us of the strength we have in Christ’s blessings. As Christian stewards, we know the cost of discipleship. Our actions to do God’s will may also be resisted or rejected. However, the Lord’s gift of grace encourages and strengthens us to carry out His work regardless of the obstacles we may encounter.
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