2016 coaches manual


2016 coaches manual
Table of Contents
Registration Information
Page 3
Game Day Requirements
Page 10
Referee Fees
Page 15
OSA Playing Up Policies
Page 16
CGSL Call Up Rule
Page 16
Submitting a game report
Page 18
Quick Chart of Forfeitures and Fines
Page 21
Schedule Information
Page 22
Cup Tournament Information
Page 23
10. Discipline Information
Page 24
11. Important Dates
Page 26
12. CGSL Executive
Page 27
13. Coach Contact Information
Page 28
Registration Information
Step 1
Activate your team account on the CGSL website.
Click on the ‘My Team’ button
Click on the ‘Activate’ link
Enter the activation code listed in the email sent to the head coach
Click ‘Submit’ to continue
Each Team Official must activate their My Team to have their name on the game sheet.
There can only be a maximum of 4 officials per team – no exceptions.
(Note: Team officials are those that are registered to the team, hold a valid OSA book and sit on the team bench. If
your assistant manager does not sit on the team bench they do not need to be registered on the CGSL website.)
Next you will be asked for your details. Please ensure you put emergency contact information – a
phone number that the opposing coach can call you on if there is a last minute cancellation. All
reminders and team information will be sent to the Head Coaches email address only. Ensure this is an
email address that is checked frequently.
Please ensure you select the correct team, other teams have similar names.
(If one of your team officials accidentally registered to the wrong team please send [email protected] an email so they
can be removed from the wrong team.)
Finally you will be asked for your password. This is what you will use to log into the site in the future.
Click ‘Next’ to continue.
Next you are asked to select your uniform colours.
Team Password: You are welcome to put one in, the only feature it allows your players to do is enter
their availability. If there is a schedule change you will be notified to ask your players to update their
availability. Ignore that notification if you are not using this feature.
Click on ‘Next’.
**Note: only the first person to activate your team will see this step.
When you have finished the activation process you will see this screen.
Note that you will see more tools.
We do not have a manual for this section. Feel free to browse and use whatever extra tools work for
Step 2
Enter your team roster.
You will need to enter your team roster into the database. Our database is NOT linked into the OSA
Click on ‘Add to Squad’
You will be restricted to a maximum of 18 players.
Cluck on the ‘Submit’ button to save the changes.
Use the ‘Modify Squad’ tool to change any of the details of your team roster.
All players must be registered with your District Association and hold a valid OSA book a minimum of
24 hours prior to the game.
It is your responsibility to ensure the roster on the website is always up to date. All game sheets are
double checked against the roster entered on our website.
Deadline for making changes to your player roster is JULY 31.
Use the ‘Shirt Numbers’ tool to enter the player shirt number. This will save you time when you create
game sheets.
Game Day Requirements
You will be required to perform 2 tasks on the day of the game from the website:
Create a 3 copies of your game sheet for each game (can be completed prior to game day as
long as there are no roster or schedule changes).
Submit an on-line game report after the game (within 24 hours).
OSA books for all Players and Team Officials must be presented to the opposing team no later than 15
minutes prior to kick off. This is your way of ensuring that all the players listed on the opposing teams’
game sheet are registered and not suspended.
Team Officials on the bench:
ONLY Team Officials registered to the team may sit on the team bench. NO children (other than the
players registered to the team) or guests allowed.
The Team Head Coach/Manager may submit an email request to the CGSL for permission of the Club
Technical Director/Club Head Coach to assist (as long as they do not exceed 4 people on the bench) or
a replacement coach in their absence. Their name and OSA # must be hand written on all 3 game
Any Team Official without their OSA book may not sit on the team bench.
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Creating a Game Sheet
To create a game sheet you must log into the website, click on the ‘My Team’ button, then select the
‘Game Sheet’ tool.
Select the game that your require from the drop down box.
Click ‘Next’.
You are now asked to select your roster for that game.
Check off all the players and team officials that will be present at this game.
Click ‘Next’.
**Note: when a game is rescheduled the system will ask you to reset your player availability. That is just a reminder if you
are using the player availability tool in the My Team section. You can use it as a reminder to print out a new game sheet.
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You are now given on screen instructions on how to create your game sheet.
Click on the link ‘Create Game Sheet’ to open a new window with the game sheet.
This will create a game sheet for you.
Print out 3 copies.
Hand write in the full name, OSA # and shirt # of all call ups. (Call ups are entered on the website in
your on-line game report after the game.)
Ensure you cross off the names of any players not playing.
Any replacement coach is to hand write their name in the Team Officials section. This information is
recorded on the game sheet only – not entered on the website.
Bring all 3 copies to the game.
*Home coaches must provide the referee with a self-addressed stamped envelope.
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2016 Referee/Assistant Fees
UNDER 15 / 16
UNDER 17 / 18
All officials’ fees are to be paid at the field, in cash (Correct change) before the start of
the game, 50% by each team.
In the event that one team does not show, the officials’ fees will be paid in full to the
officials present and reported, in writing, to the CGSL office within twenty-four (24)
hours of the game. The CGSL will reimburse you the full fee and collect the fees from
the absent team.
You pay for only the officials present at the game. (If only the referee and one assistant
show, the referee receives full referee fee and the one assistant receives one assistant
If a game is not started for any reason the referees are not paid. If the game has been
started, the referees are entitled to their full fees regardless of the quantity of time that
was played.
Report any problems to the CGSL immediately.
CGSL FAX 905 640-0118
[email protected]
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OSA Playing Up Rules
21.3 A higher level team referred to in Operational Procedure 22.1 a) and c) shall be defined as a team which
meets any of the following criteria: a) registered in a higher team age classification; b) registered in a higher
player classification; c) registered in a higher team classification; d) playing in a higher league level; or e)
playing in a higher division of the same league
21.4 The hierarchy of age classifications, player classifications, team classifications, and league levels shall be as
Team's Age Classification
Player Classification
Team Classification
League Levels
Open Age Professional Competitive National League Under-21 Senior Amateur Recreational Provincial League
Under-20 Youth Amateur Regional League Under-19 . District Competitive League Under-18 District
Recreational League Under-17 Local League Under-16 Under-15 Under-14 Under-13
NOTES: The above levels are in descending order from the top. The hierarchy of "division levels" shall be
determined by each league.
21.5 If a player is registered as both a competitive player and a recreational player, he/she may only play up to a
higher level team, as referred to in Operational Procedure 21.1 a), c) i) from the competitive team.
CGSL Call Up Rule
2G - Teams may use players as ‘Call Ups’ provided:
i the player is registered with the same club (as the team using the called up player) at the recreational level or at a competitive
level in a younger age group or at the same age group in a lower Division (e.g. A District player may be called up to a Regional
team). Players registered to an OYSL or OPDL team will not be allowed to be used as call-ups regardless of age.
An OSA registrant book shall be present at a game in order for the player to play.
No trial or temporary permit players are allowed. All players must be registered to the same club (or OSA approved
affiliate club) prior to July 31 and be actively playing on another team.
A player registered to a club after July 31 will not be eligible to play as a call up.
ii. the player has not already played in six (6) games as a call up in the current season.
iii. not more than three (3) players are playing as call ups for any one (1) team, in any one (1) game not to exceed 18 players.
iv. called up players shall not be used in a cup game.
v. if a team who wins or ties a game, fails to comply with any of the above shall result in the offending team forfeiting the
game and the points be awarded to the opposing team.
If any team fails to comply with any of the above shall result in a fine of $100.00 and possible disciplinary action by the
CGSL Discipline Committee for violation of published rules.
If both teams fail to comply, no points shall be awarded, the fines shall be assessed and possible disciplinary action by
the CGSL Discipline Committee for violation of published rules.
There are no exceptions for goalies.
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Players not registered to an active team in your club are NOT eligible to play.
NO trial/temporary registration permits, temporary eligibility permits or short term
registration permits allowed.
Players registered after July 31 are NOT eligible to play.
Call ups must be in possession of a valid OSA player book.
Please double check every game sheet before handing it to the referee.
(If you have crossed off a player and they show up late you are welcome to hand write the name in.)
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Submitting a Game Report
To submit a game report, log in, click on ‘My Team’ and select ‘Game Report’.
Follow all the instructions to completion.
Note that the game report will appear after each game.
If you do not submit a game report by noon the following day, the server will send you a reminder.
(Sometimes the reminder goes out a little early – the CGSL cannot change that option.)
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If you are the first team to submit a game report you will be asked to enter the game result.
If you are the second team to submit a game report you will be asked to agree with the game score
submitted by your opponent.
Enter the number of yellow and red cards your team incurred and the names of any call ups that
played in the game. This information will be used to verify your game sheet when it is received.
There is no ‘back’ button so ensure your information is correct on each page before hitting the ‘next’
Check off all the players that attended the game. This is for YOUR records only. The CGSL cannot
access this information.
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Use the drop down boxes to enter the names of the goal scorers, the players who received any yellow
or red cards and the name of the goal keeper if there was a shut-out.
There is no place to enter if a team official is ejected from the game. It is helpful if you email us that
information so that we may prepare for discipline.
When both teams have submitted a game report the standings are updated and the results posted on
the website.
No results are posted until both teams submit the game report.
All game reports must be submitted within 24 hours.
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Quick Chart of Fines and Forfeitures
Forfeitures - Lose all points for the game the infraction occurred on
Non-compliance of call up rule
Forfeiting a game
Playing an ineligible player (not registered, player on temporary permit)
Causing game abandonment
Rescheduling a game without permission
Failure to produce player books before game
Fines - Will be billed to your club
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Fine per game
Failure to register Team Official
More than 4 people on team bench
Non-compliance of call up rule
Failure to report score on website
Failure to provide game ball, nets or corner flags
Forfeiting a game
Failure to report unplayed game
Playing an ineligible player
Causing game abandonment
Rescheduling a game without permission
Failure to present completed game sheets
Failure to produce player books before game
Discipline by review hearing fee
Discipline by hearing fee (Players)
Special Incident hearing fee (Team Officials)
$25 per official
$200 plus referee fees
Schedule Information
Schedules will be posted on the website as soon as they are complete.
Changes to the schedules will send an automatic notification to the coach listed as the team contact. It
is imperative that teams keep their contact information accurate and up to date at all times.
Discrepancies in schedules are to be reported to the Head Convenor Bob Tanner at
[email protected] .
No schedule changes are permitted except for school graduation programs, OFFSA championships or
ID camps where more than 3 players on the team are involved. Schedule changes are not permitted
for vacations.
Only referees, the CGSL Head Convenor and Town/Cities may cancel games. Poor field conditions or
inclement weather is at the discretion of the referee at the start of game time.
If your game was cancelled or not completed you must email Bob Tanner immediately. You still enter a
game report indicating game was not completed or was not started.
It is the home teams’ responsibility to ensure the field is open and to
contact the opposing coach and the CGSL if the field is closed.
There are town hotline numbers on the CGSL website.
Coaches should double check their town maps on our website to ensure they are correct. If one is
incorrect please supply the CGSL with the correct map.
If you are having difficulties locating a field please contact the home coach, not the CGSL.
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CGSL Cup Tournament
The preliminary cup game will be worked into your regular schedule by the CGSL Convenor.
Participation in the CGSL Cup is mandatory for all teams.
Cup game info can be found under the “Games” tab. You must select the correct cup age.
The “Cup” tab will have the cup flow charts when they are available.
**There is no overtime in cup games – if the game is tied at the end of regulation time you are to go
straight to kicks from the penalty mark.
All quarter-final, semi-final and final cup games will be played on the cup weekends:
July 23 & 24
U14 to U17
Sept 17 & 18
Port Perry
Teams are responsible for all referee fees. The CGSL pays for the Cup Finals only.
Important Cup Weekend Info:
Teams must register at the Field Convenors tent 30 minutes prior to kick off for EACH game.
Games will not start without books being checked before every game by a field convenor.
Players and team officials should line up in game sheet order with their OSA books in hand
open to the photo ready for checking. The game sheet is to be presented to the field convenor
at this time. Referee money is handed directly to the referees.
Teams must enter their on-line game report after all cup games as soon as possible.
Reminder that there is a trophy presentation after the final game for both teams that progress
to the cup finals.
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Discipline Procedures
Yellow Cards:
Coaches must report all yellow cards on the website when entering your game report after each game.
If the referee records the wrong player getting the yellow card, the coach needs to record the name of
the correct player on the website.
2 yellows in the same game is an automatic red card – these yellows will not be included in the season
accumulation of yellow cards.
Accumulated yellow cards are recorded by the CGSL Administrator.
There are no automatic suspensions – accumulated yellow cards will be reviewed at a discipline
hearing. The coach and club will receive notification of which hearing the review will take place.
You cannot dispute a yellow card under any circumstances. The referees’ decision is final.
Red Cards:
If a player receives a red card she must leave the field of play immediately. She cannot sit on the team
bench or on the spectator side. She can wait in the parking lot with a guardian if necessary.
Players are NOT to return to the field of play for any reason during or after the game.
Coaches, players and parents may NOT have any communication with the referee regarding the red
card, especially after the game. If you feel you must comment please do so in writing to the CGSL.
Parent comments must go to the coach or club, not the CGSL.
Coaches must report all red cards on the website when entering your game report after each game.
If the referee records the wrong player getting the red card, the coach needs to record the name of the
correct player on the website.
It is the referees’ responsibility to mail in the discipline reports with the game sheet.
Players may continue to play in games until the player receives the hearing results.
Hearings will not take place until the referees’ report has been received by the CGSL administrator.
All hearings are by review unless the CGSL Discipline Chair has requested you to attend the hearing.
The coach and club will receive an email indicating which hearing the red card incident will be heard at.
Please review the form carefully to see who, if anyone, is required to attend.
If a player must attend the hearing they must have their player book in hand. The hearing will not be
held without the book present. The player will be suspended until she attends a hearing with her book.
Players must attend with a parent or guardian who cannot act as a witness at the hearing.
You cannot request a reschedule of your hearing if the hearing lands on your playing night.
If the player does not attend when requested to do so she will be suspended immediately until she
attends a hearing.
All witnesses must attend the hearing to testify. If testimony becomes repetitive then the Discipline
Panel may summarize and limit further testimony.
Results of the hearing will be emailed to the coach and club within 10 days of the hearing. Suspension
penalties are outlined by the OSA and may be found under Section 9.0, Policy 9.0 – Standard Penalties
for Misconduct in the OSA Policies. The CGSL adheres to all OSA Discipline policies.
The game numbers the player will be suspended for will be indicated on the discipline hearing report.
The suspended players name will appear on your game sheet. If the game is rescheduled for any reason
the player will be suspended for that specific game, whenever it gets played.
Players may not sit on the team bench or participate before, during or after the game including warmups, cool-downs, etc. She may watch the game from the spectator side not in uniform.
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Special Incident Reports (Team Official ejections, parent issues):
If a Team Official is ejected from a game they must leave the field of play immediately. They cannot sit
on the team bench or on the spectator side. They must leave the park.
Team Officials are NOT to return to the field of play for any reason during or after the game.
Approaching a referee in the parking lot after a game may be classified as referee assault which results
in IMMEDIATE suspension until the District holds a hearing.
Coaches must report all team official ejections to the CGSL by email [email protected] – please ensure you
include the game number, date and location of the game, name of the team official ejected and the
club name.
Team Officials may continue to coach until they are requested to attend a hearing.
Immediate suspensions take place where the team official has been accused of offences of moral
turpitude, physical assault or attempted physical assault of a player or game official assault. Team
Officials must attend an OSA Hearing held by the District in which the accused is registered – refer to
OSA Policy 10.0.
Hearings will not take place until the referees’ report has been received by the CGSL administrator.
Team Officials must attend the hearing with their OSA book in hand. If the OSA book is not present, the
team official will be suspended immediately until they attend a hearing with their OSA book.
The team and club will receive an email indicating which hearing the incident will be heard at. Please
review the form carefully to see who is required to attend. A club official may be required to attend the
You cannot request a reschedule of your hearing if the hearing lands on your playing night.
If the Team Official does not attend when requested to do so they will be suspended immediately until
they attend a hearing.
All witnesses must attend to testify. If testimony becomes repetitive then the Discipline Panel may
summarize and limit further testimony.
Results of the hearing will be emailed to the coach and club within 10 days of the hearing. Suspension
penalties are outlined by the OSA and may be found under Section 9.0, Policy 9.0 – Standard Penalties
for Misconduct in the OSA Policies.
Suspended Team Officials may attend their suspended games as a spectator only. They may not have
ANY communication with their players or team officials before, during or after the game. This is grounds
for further severe discipline. Communication includes verbal or by electronic device (e.g. BBM or
texting). A representative of the CGSL may attend games to ensure suspensions are being adhered to. In
the past we have had several coaches continue to coach while suspended. Please be the best possible
example for all the players and parents.
Clubs are responsible for the conduct of the parents. Coaches should expect their parents to represent
their clubs in a respectable manner. Coaches and a club representative will be brought in for discipline
should a registered OSA person or a game official submit a report on the poor conduct of your parents.
Game Officials may request the coach to have a spectator removed from the park for poor behaviour. If
this spectator does not comply the game official may abandon the game, your team will forfeit the
game, the team will be issued a fine and the club and coach will attend a discipline hearing.
For any questions regarding discipline please refer to the OSA Published Governance Rules under OSA Policies,
Section 9.0 – Discipline on the OSA website www.ontariosoccer.net.
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2016 Important Dates for Coaches
May 12
U18’s start season
May 23
1st day of season for all other age groups
Jul 23 & 24
U18 Cup Tournament - Whitby
July 31
Last day for roster changes (Except U18)
Sep 17 & 18
U14 – U17 Cup Tournament - Port Perry
Nov 28
Annual General Meeting – 8pm
Thornhill Community Centre, Fireside Lounge
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2016 CGSL Executive
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
34 Ironwood Cr
Stouffville, ON L4A 5S6
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905 640-0095
905 640-0118 fax
[email protected]
Coach Contact Information
If you are looking to contact a coach from an opposing team:
You must be logged in to your CGSL account to access coach information.
Click on the Contact selection.
Then click on the Team Contacts tool.
Select the team you wish the information for from the drop down selection.
Coaches are to ensure the phone number provided for the “Head Coach” is a cell phone
number other coaches can contact you on for last minute cancellations.
The email address listed for the Head Coach must be an email that is checked
frequently. The CGSL will communicate with the team using the Head Coach email
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