9-16-15 Newsletter pdf - First United Methodist Church


9-16-15 Newsletter pdf - First United Methodist Church
First United
Methodist Church
502 N. 6th St. ~ Orange, Texas 77630
Office (409) 886-7466 ~ Fax (409) 886-0489 ~www.fumcorange.org
September 16, 2015
Rev. John E. Warren
Mike Zenos
Director of
Christian Education & Youth
Doug Rogers
Director of
Music & Fine Arts
James Rogers
Contemporary Music Leader
Justin Sanders
Nicole Watzlavik
Membership Coordinator
Norma Bergeron
Financial Coordinator
Ken Hillsten
Facilities Coordinator
Janet Anderson
Daniel Auchenbach
Mary Grimes
Samantha Ziller
Nursery Coordinators
For more information,
you can contact
Nicole at FUMC
at 409-886-7466.
“ For you shall go out in joy and be led forth in
peace; the mountains and the hills before you shall
break forth into singing, and all the trees of the
Who: All mothers of infants, toddlers, and preschoolers to age 5
When: The 3rd* Monday of each month (*unless otherwise noted due
to holidays: 9/21, 10/19, 11/15, *12/14, *1/25, 2/15, 3/21, 4/18, 5/16)
Where: First United Methodist Church (502 N. 6th St.)
Follow the Signs.
Please bring a snack to share and get to know each other in a warm , inviting
environment . You will have no obligation to us~ just come and meet some other
moms doing life together. Childcare provided.
“We are a Christ-centered family supporting all with God’s love.”
Family Prayers
Our Faithfulness
Please pray for our “Family” of the week.
Our Worship Attendance
September 6
8:00 a.m.
9:00 a.m.
11:00 a.m.
Barbara Allen September 20-26
Anna & Mike Hughes Sept. 27-Oct. 3
Misti & Derek Grooms October 4-10
September 13
8:00 a.m.
9:00 a.m.
11:00 a.m.
Members Serving in Worship
September 20
Ushers: Team #3
8:00 - Pie & David Bridges,
Jim Snider, Vernon Murray
11:00 – John Griffith, Jerry Windham,
Jim Armstrong
Altar Guild:
Youth Greeter:
Molly Abshire
9:00 - Julie & Richard Allensworth
Parking Lot Greeters:
9:00 - Leighia & Richard Barron
11:00 –Archie McLellan
Lay Readers:
8:00 – Pie Bridges
9:00 – Julie Allensworth
11:00 – Betty Merchant
September 27
Ushers: Team #4
8:00 - Marilyn & Dick Powell,
Elaine & John Cooper
11:00 – Mike Hoke, Sarah Boehme,
Mat Taylor
Altar Guild:
Sandra/Debbie B.
Youth Greeter:
Rebecca Brown
9:00 - Donna B. & Cindy R.
Parking Lot Greeters:
9:00 - Barbara & Dale Dardeau
11:00 –Jim Armstrong
Lay Readers:
8:00 – Ken Hillsten
9:00 – Greg Defrates
11:00 – Jonathan Vogt
New Sermon Series
Bible Blockbusters: Fully Human Heroes
Although we love the super-heroes of the summer our
Biblical heroes are normal people God uses to bring
about His will just like you and I.
Sept 20 Bible Blockbusters: Fully Human Heroes: Samson
Judges 16: 15-22
Sept 27 Bible Blockbusters: Fully Human Heroes: Esther
Esther 4:12-17
In Memory/Honor
In memory of
John Hanes
Barbara Allen
Malissie & Bill Bailey
Beverly & Charlie Blalack
Pie & David Bridges
Shirley & Danny Choate
Louise Fuselier
Janice & Pete Gresham
Jackie & Phil Grooms
Joan & Howard Haddock
Carolyn & Ken Hillsten
Bonnie & Ron Hopperton
Joy & Tim Hughes
Evelyn & Frank James
Rosalie Jones
Janet Lantz
Vernon Murray
Joanne & Jim Pledger
Linda & Lewis Sims
Judy & Gerald Taylor
Patricia & Kenneth Zsarnay
In memory of
Keith Kleinknecht
Barbara Allen
Rosalie Jones
Wanda Monogue
Ray Dal Sasso
Our Deepest Sympathy
To Beverly Hanes on the
recent death of John Hanes.
To Ruby Elizabeth Steppe
on the recent death
of her daughter.
YOUTH NEWS with Mike Zenos, Director of Christian Education & Youth
*Christmas UMARY is December 28th through January 2nd. I need to know by September 27th if you will join
the UMARMY team.
*Hot Hearts will be here before you know it. The sign-up deadline is September 27.
*The Youth will leave after the 11:00 am service on Sunday, September 27 to travel to Beaumont. We will have
lunch and attend the District Superintendent’s installation service at First Beaumont. I need a volunteer to
drive the church bus. Contact me.
Arrive as
early as
possible to
Youth this
We will help
serve at WNL.
*The Houston Astro's baseball game is approaching, it is September 26. We will leave the church at 2:30 p.m.,
the game starts at 6:10 pm.
*Safe Sanctuary training is due October 1st. All adults working with children and youth, please check your emails
to complete the on-line training. Emails should be sent out next week.
*Trunk or Treat is only a few weeks away October 28, look for more details coming soon.
*Who are you planning to be for Halloween? Please text me your responses.
*Angels & Elves shopping trip is on December 13.
For any questions about any of the upcoming events or for those adults that would also like to chaperone these upcoming events please
contact me at the church or my cell number is 409.920.8018 and my email is [email protected].
Jeremiah 29:11
FUMC Senior Adults will meet on Mondays at 10:00 am in the Administrative
Center. Bring a snack to share, and invite your friends and neighbors.
Texas Annual Conference United Methodist Men’s
2015 Fall Gathering
Successful Men’s Ministry
September 19, 2015; 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Atascocita UMC, 19325 Pinehurst Trail Drive, Humble, TX 77346
Go Green for God
*Set your thermostat a few degrees lower in the winter and a
few degrees higher in the summer to save on heating and
cooling costs. *Install compact fluorescent light bulbs (CFLs)
when your older incandescent bulbs burn out. *Unplug
appliances when you're not using them. Or, use a "smart"
power strip that senses when appliances are off and cuts
"phantom" or "vampire" energy use. *Wash clothes in cold
water whenever possible. As much as 85 percent of the
energy used to machine-wash clothes goes to
heating the water. *Use a drying rack or
clothesline to save the energy otherwise used
during machine drying.
Southeast District Events
Bishop’s Visit / District Conference
September 21, 2015, Wesley Beaumont
District Conference (Clergy & Laity) at 6:00 p.m.*
Laity will meet at 7:00 p.m.
*If you would like to carpool (or be the driver) please
contact the church to put your name on the list.
District Superintendent Installation Service
September 27, 2015 – 3:00 p.m., First Beaumont
“We are a Christ-centered family supporting all with God’s love.”
502 North Sixth St.
Orange, TX 77630
Monday- Thursday
8:30am - 4:30pm
8:30am - Noon
8:00a - Traditional Service
in the Chapel
9:00a - Celebration
Service in the Praise Center
September 23 - Leighia Barron and the WNL children will serve
$5 Adult; $2 ages 3-12;
$15 Family; $5 Take-out
Mexican casserole for their mission project.
10:00a - Sunday School
(9:40a Pairs & Spares)
September 30 - Richard Barron will cook his now famous
11:00a - Traditional
Service in the Sanctuary
October 7 - Misti Grooms will be serving her famous chicken
meatloaf with mashed potatoes, broccoli and green beans.
and dumplings with a salad.
Calendar of Events
20 Rainbow Room
Christian Ed. Sunday
8:00a Traditional Service
9:00a Praise Service
9:40a Pairs & Spares
10:00a Sunday school
11:00a Traditional Service
5:00p Youth
5:00p First Kids
9:30a MOPS/TI
10:00a Sr Adult Games/AC
10:00a Intercessory Prayer
9:30a Tue. Bible Study
5:00p Nominations
11:00a Staff Meeting
4:00p Fellowship Life
5:00p WNL
6:00p Bells
6:00p Praise Band
7:00p Choir
Bishop Visit
4:00p -Clergy
6:00p -All
7:00p -Laity
27 OCS Collection
8:00a Traditional Service
9:00a Praise Service
9:40a Pairs & Spares
10:00a Sunday school
11:00a Traditional Service
Noon Youth leave/BMT
3:00p DS Installation
5:00p First Kids
10:00a Sr Adult Games/AC
10:00a Intercessory Prayer
4:30p Evangelism
9:30a Tue. Bible Study
11:00a Staff Meeting
5:00p WNL
6:00p Bells
6:00p Praise Band
7:00p Choir
4 Communion
8:00a Traditional Service
9:00a Praise Service
9:40a Pairs & Spares
10:00a Sunday school
11:00a Traditional Service
5:00p Youth
5:00p First Kids
10:00a Sr Adult Games/AC
10:00a Intercessory Prayer
9:30a Tue. Bible Study
10:00a Feed My Sheep
@ Salem
2:00p Youth leave for
October 1
7 Newsletter
11:00a Staff Meeting
4:00p Christian Ed.
5:00p WNL
6:00p Bells
6:00p Praise Band
7:00p Choir
9:30a Faith & Joy Circle
5:30p UMW Ex. Board
6:00p Love Circle
8:00a UMM Breakfast
“We are a Christ-centered family supporting all with God’s love.”
Stop Hunger Now! We did it!!! We raised over $3,000 to be able to make over 10,000 bags
of rice. Each bag serve 6. The SHN team will be here on November 1st. We will be asking a
team of strong men to help set up at 3:00 pm and the rest of our amazing FUMC family,
adults and children will arrive at 4:00 pm to put this mission project in action!!! We will
share a meal afterwards. Please let Leighia or Nicole know when you register online at
To: 440-4776
Thanks for staying
connected to FUMC!
FUMC is excited to announce a new form of communication to connect members and visitors to
information and events of the church. Signing up for this program is simple.
Members text “FAMILY” to 409-440-4776.
Visitors text “WELCOME” to 409-440-4776.
Youth text “YOUTH” to 409-440-4776
Youth Parents & Youth Volunteers text “VOLUNTEER” to 409-440-4776
College students text “COLLEGE” to 409-440-4776
You will receive a link; click and add your information to the texting and email program. We are
also looking at features to help Prayer Ministry with prayer chains, Youth and Children. Staying
connected to FUMC has never been easier!!
UMW’s Women’s Dinner
Reflecting Christ’s Image
UMW is gearing up to have their Women’s Dinner on Saturday, November 14 at 6:00 pm in the Praise
Center. All women are invited to decorate a table. Please contact Nicole to sign-up to decorate.
Tickets will go on sale in October. This is our biggest fundraiser for UMW this year. Let’s invite all our
friends and neighbors to this event and help support local missions!
“ And we all, who with unveiled faces contemplate the Lord’s glory are being transformed into his image
with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit.” ~ 2 Corinthians 3:18
All Mothers of infants to preschoolers age 5, join us in Tow Inn
on Monday, September 21 from 9:30 am - noon. Bring a snack
to share with the group. Childcare is provided.
First Methodist Kids
Emmaus Walk
1st Methodist Kids will
meet with Mr. Doug on
Sundays from 5 to 7 pm. We
meet on the playground and
have dinner
together. All K-6th grade students
are welcome. Call Mr. Doug with any
questions, 779-2143.
Oct. 22-25 ~ Women's Walk #155
You can find a reunion group
*** Attention all 4th Day! FUMC will host the
Send-off Dinner on October. Please contact
Nicole or Leighia to sign up to bring food for the
table. Leighia has a list of volunteers and what
they are bringing and knows what we still need.
This is our gift to the October Emmaus Walk!
Chris’ Corner
An Editorial by Chris Day
Music to My Ears
For this issue of Chris’ Corner, I was listening to my music on
Spotify and thought it would be cool to write about what a song
meant to me. The problem I ran in to was that I couldn’t
narrow it down to just one song. That’s when it dawned on me
that I was being led to talk about how music is such a big part
of my life and has been for a long time.
Most of you know me as the bass player of the Praise Band.
What most of you probably didn’t know is that my love for
music actually began years before when I started taking piano
lessons when I was about 5 or 6 years old. That’s where I first
learned how to read music. Unfortunately I never kept that up
because, as any kid will tell you, practicing was no fun. Once I
got to 6th grade, I joined the band at LCJH and played
percussion. I remember originally wanting to play saxophone,
but my brother talked me out of it by saying I “would only
squeak.” As a result, I decided it would be fun to play
percussion, especially “toy” percussion, such as the shakers and
I particularly enjoyed playing the bass drum,
suspended cymbals and all the things you would find in the pit on the sidelines of a halftime show. By the time my
senior year came around, the only thing left for me to really learn was the drum set. However, the fact that I can’t use
my feet for the bass drum or the high hat eliminated that as a possibility. That was when I thought it would be
interesting to learn how to play the guitar. When I decided to pursue the guitar and take private lessons, my instructor
wouldn’t even let me look at an electric guitar until he was convinced that I had built up my hand strength and knew my
chords on an acoustic guitar well enough to “graduate” to the next level. At the time it was tough (and painful) work
building up the calluses on my fingers, but looking back, I totally understand why I was taught this way.
One of my favorite things to do is to go to my music playlist on my computer, take out my guitar, and see if I can figure
out the chords to some of my favorite songs. My favorite music was from the mid to late ‘90s. The very first song I
ever learned how to play was Good Riddance (Time of Your Life) by Green Day. I have to say that I was more “in
tune” with the Contemporary Christian music scene a lot more than any secular type of music. That doesn’t mean that I
didn’t have my favorite secular bands such as Creed, 3 Doors Down, The Goo Goo Dolls, and the Dave Matthews Band.
I just happened to be drawn to the music that I played on a regular basis, and that was usually the music you would hear
or see me play at church. Even now, 10+ years later, if I go back and listen to those songs that were my favorites back
then, they bring back all of the memories and emotions that I felt when those songs were new. At the same time, those
same songs from years ago can help you get through whatever you may be feeling or whatever circumstances are in
front of you.
When I first joined the churches here in Cedar Park, the first thing I did was see about becoming a member of the praise
band because I feel closest to God when I’m playing music. I’m always in awe of how the power of music can take you
to places you thought were behind you or to places you have never been to before. I love playing bass in Contemporary
Christian and Praise & Worship music because the depth that a bass brings to a worshipful song is amazing. I would go
as far to say that it is emotionally felt rather than physically heard in some cases. To me, that is powerful.
My challenge to you is to go back to the music you listened to “way back when” and see if you still get the same
emotions like I did. Then see if those same songs can apply to your life today. I can positively say that when I’m
feeling “lost” in life, one of the best ways for me to get back on track is to get “lost” in my music. Music is power and
power gives you confidence. When you have confidence, absolutely nothing will have the strength to bring you down.
All you need to do is drown out the noise. THAT is music to my ears.