June 12, 2016 - St. Columbkille Catholic Church
June 12, 2016 - St. Columbkille Catholic Church
St. Columbkille Catholic Church Wilmington, Ohio Holy Name Chapel Blanchester, Ohio JUNE 12, 2016 ELEVENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME VOCATION VIEW Love abounds when forgiveness is experienced. Forgiveness frees one to follow Jesus. Rededicate your life to Jesus. (Luke 7:36-8:3) Please welcome Bethany Faith Roberts, daughter of Aaron and Denise Roberts, who was baptized at St. Columbkille on Sunday, June 5, 2016 by Father Mike Holloran. GIFTS TENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME JUNE 5, 2016 900 Registered Families 187 Sunday Identified Gifts Unidentified Gifts TOTAL SUNDAY COLLECTION HOLY DAYS: REGULAR SUNDAY & HOLY DAY COLLECTION (WEEKLY) TOTAL SUNDAY & HOLY DAY COLLECTION (FISCAL Y.T.D.) NEEDED FROM SUNDAY & HOLY DAY COLLECTION (FISCAL Y.T.D.) COLLECTIONS LEAVING THE PARISH: Poor & Needy SVDP Hope Emergency $ 9,738.08 $ 532.76 $ 10,270.84 $ 0.00 $ 10,270.84 FUNERAL MASS GREETERS NEEDED We need greeters to help direct families and hand out programs during a Funeral Mass. This would be an on call as needed and if you are available basis. Please call the parish office at 937-3822236 or email [email protected] if interested. JUNE SODALITY OUTDOOR MASS AND PICNIC $443,808.43 $452,319.00 $ $ 990.50 505.00 SAVE THE DATE The annual Sodality Outdoor Mass and Picnic will be held this Thursday, June 16th at 6:00 p.m. at the home of Kandie Geffre – 822 Kathryn Dr. in Wilmington. All ladies in the parish are invited to join in as we kick off the summer season. Meat, drinks, and table service will be provided by the hostesses. Please bring a salad, side dish, or dessert to share. Please contact Mary Camp at (937) 382-7171 or email [email protected] with any questions. ST. C SOCIAL SENIORS NEWS St. Columbkille/Holy Name Chapel Parish Picnic Sunday, August 14, 2016 Camp Kirkwood: 5719 S. R. 73 West, Wilmington 1:00-5:00 p.m. • Karaoke Music Program Tuesday, July 5, 2016; 1:00 p.m. StC Parish Center Classroom 7/8 G.G. Walker and Jim Demmery will entertain us with karaoke music. We ask seniors to bring a snack or dessert to share. Plan to join us! Questions? Please contact Rita Butcher at (937) 382-8054 or email: [email protected]. LITURGICAL MINISTERS FOR JUNE 18/19, 2016 SERVERS LECTORS GREETERS EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS Shannon Spies, Nicholas Spies, Michael Shobe Susan Baker, Judy Morris Terry Looft, Pat Thompson Barbara Baker, Russell Madison, Arvil Hines, Dan Murtland, Volunteer Needed 6:15 p.m. Alisha Handra, Saturday, HNC Mary Handra Jacob Boehm Tom Handra, Jim Wiederhold Carol Turner, Carol Bedinghaus 4:00 p.m. Saturday, StC 8:15 a.m. Sunday StC Kristen Germann, Elizabeth Farr, Timothy Farr Gil Farr, Amy Farr Volunteer Needed, Fred Nadeau Deacon Bob Meyer, Kathy Mayer, Steve Geffre, Kathy Mayer, Charlotte Bland, John Romer (CL) Colleen Germann, (CL) Mary Gibson 11:00 a.m. Sunday StC Alec Muñoz, Vanessa Calderone, Shannon O’Boyle Theresa Rembert Mark Steinmetz, Mike Cioca Deacon Bob Baker, Joyce Noland, Julie Umstead, Deanna Liermann, Sara Carruthers, John Merling, (CL) Sara Carruthers The first name for E.M. will have the host and the others will have the cups; the first name for CL will have the host. Mass Intentions JUNE 11-JUNE 19, 2016 SATURDAY, JUNE 11 – Vigil – Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary Time 4:00 p.m. Kate Earley (Pauline Daughtery) [StC] 6:15 p.m. All Parishioners [HNC] HOLY HUMOR A kindergarten teacher was walking around observing her classroom of children while they were drawing pictures. As she got to one girl who was working diligently, she asked what the drawing was. The girl replied, “I’m drawing God.” The teacher paused and said, “But no one knows what God looks like.” Without looking up from her drawing, the girl replied, “They will in a minute.” SUNDAY, JUNE 12 – Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary Time 8:15 a.m. Bob Walker (Kelly & Charles Ely & Family) [StC] 11:00 a.m. Hank Allgeier (Vince Allgeier) [StC] MONDAY, JUNE 13 – St. Anthony of Padua, Priest & Doctor of the Church 9:00 a.m. Edna Marie Francis (Denver Francis) [StC] TUESDAY, JUNE 14 9:00 a.m. Virginia Chandler (Gene & Pat Guzzi) [StC] WEDNESDAY, JUNE 15 9:30 a.m. Communion Svc [HNC] 7:00 p.m. Peter Dodaro (Estate) [StC] THURSDAY, JUNE 16 9:00 a.m. Maria Hong (Hue Vu) [StC] FRIDAY, JUNE 17 9:00 a.m. Robert Wood (Elvira Wood) [StC] The flowers that adorn the StC Altars this weekend are in memory of Bob Walker on the 5th anniversary of his passing. Thank you Charles and Kelly Ely and Family for the wonderful donation! The St. Columbkille Altar Flower Ministry welcomes the donation or purchase of flowers for the church altars for any special occasion such as a wedding anniversary, in memory of a loved one, birthday, etc. The flower donation envelopes are on the bookshelf in the StC vestibule, and on the pamphlet table at HNC. You can place your donation in the Sunday collection basket. If you have any questions or would like to place a phone order, please contact the parish office at 937-382-2236 SATURDAY, JUNE 18 – Vigil – Twelfth Sunday in Ordinary Time 4:00 p.m. Virginia Kistner (Issac & Doris Pease) [StC] 6:15 p.m. All Parishioners [HNC] SUNDAY, JUNE 19 – Twelfth Sunday in Ordinary Time 8:15 a.m. John Walt (Pat Walt) [StC] 11:00 a.m. Paul Battig (William & Christy Battig) [StC] ONE HEART, ONE HAND, HELPING THE POOR JUNE 11-12, 2016 After all Masses • StC Church Undercroft • HNC Social Hall Land of Peace is a nonprofit organization with the mission of helping and supporting Christian families in the Holy Land through the Patriarch of Jerusalem. When anyone purchases the handmade olive wood arts, they help our mission and help the Christians in the Holy Land. In 1920, the Christian population in the Holy Land was 80%; today it is less than 2%. With parish support and generosity, we are able to help our brothers and sisters live in the birthplace of Jesus. The Land of Peace’s Goal is to build a charity hospital in the Holy Land. •20% from sales go to the building of the charity hospital. •20% from sales go to the Patriarch of Jerusalem. •40% from sales go to help the Christians in the Holy Land that made the artwork. •10 to 20% from sales go to expenses. To donate online or for more information, please visit our website: landofpeace.org. HEALTHY LIVING WITH GOD SUPPORT GROUP We Help Others Seek a Healthy Relationship with God June 27, 2016 6:15 p.m. in the StC Parish Center A new, healthier you! For more information, please contact Deacon Bob Baker at 937725-2213 or email: [email protected] or Denise Heckler-Roberts at 419-953-5587 or email: deniseheckler@hotmail. com. LOVE AND SIN These two seem an odd pairing, a doubtful duo. Yet love and sin are bound together in the Bible readings today. Great love leads to forgiveness. And forgiveness leads to greater love. Look to King David who had a husband killed so he could take the wife. Look to the Apostle Paul who was drawn away from persecuting others by the love of the Son. Look to the unnamed weeping woman who bathed and anointed feet. Because of sorrow. Because of forgiveness. Because of great love. • Who has forgiven me? What happened next? • Who needs my forgiveness? • And how does my forgiveness mirror God’s forgiveness – of me, of others, and of all? The late Father Clarence Rivers (1931-2004), a priest of Cincinnati, sings of this great love. Link to “God is Love” text: godsongs.net/2015/09/god-is-love-and-he-who-abides-inlove-abides-in-loveclarence-rivers.html. Link to tune: youtube. com/watch?v=ZXqfh5KxqYs. SUPPORT SHERRY NIEDERBAUMER THE WEEK AHEAD… Sunday, June 12 – Land of Peace Sale (CU ) 7:15 a.m. Folk Choir Practice (CL) 5:00 p.m. K of C VBS Tent Set Up (PC Parking Lot) Monday, June 13 6:00-8:30 p.m. Cool Kingdom Party VBS (PCB) 6:30 p.m. 2016 Sesquicentennial Committee Meeting (CU) Tuesday, June 14 6:00-8:30 p.m. Cool Kingdom Party VBS (PCB) Wednesday, June 15 6:00-8:30 p.m. Cool Kingdom Party VBS (PCB) 7:30 p.m. Confessions (StC) Thursday, June 16 6:00-8:30 p.m. Cool Kingdom Party VBS (PCB) 7:00 p.m. K of C Oktoberfest Meeting (CU) 7:00 p.m. Sacred Heart Sodality Picnic (Geffre’s Home) Friday, June 17 6:00-8:30 p.m. Cool Kingdom Party VBS (PCB) Saturday, June 18 7:00 p.m. AA Meeting (CU) AND BEYOND… Monday, June 20-Tuesday, June 21 – Entire PC Floor Stripping (PC) Tuesday, June 21 – StC Church Spiffing Up Day (StC) Sunday, June 26 – Sesquicentennial Mass (StC) Sesquicentennial Reception (PCB) To visit our online calendar, please go to stcolumbkille.org, scroll over News & Events tab, click on calendar. Reminder: CL=Choir Loft; CU=Church Undercroft; PC=Parish Ctr; PCL=Parish Center Library; PCB=Parish Ctr Basement; PC CR=Parish Center Classroom; PCB CR=Parish Ctr Basement Classroom; PCBYR=Parish Center Basement Youth Room; HNCSH=Holy Name Chapel Social Hall We have had in the bulletin an article about a gofundme.com account to support the Niederbaumer family. Some have asked if they could direct a donation through the parish to avoid gofundme.com administrative costs. Yes! A special envelope with “PARISHIONER SPECIAL NEED” printed on the outside is available at StC on the front/back radiators and on the pamphlet table at HNC. If writing a check, please make it out to St. Columbkille Church and put “Niederbaumer” on the memo line. Any questions? Please email [email protected] or call 937-382-2236. Thank you for your consideration. HOLY FATHER’S JUNE INTENTIONS Universal: Respect for Women That in every country of the world, women may be honored and respected and that their essential contribution to society may be highly esteemed. Evangelization: Holy Rosary That families, communities, and groups may pray the Holy Rosary for evangelization and peace. ST. COLUMBKILLE The Church’s Dove: June 9, 1866~June 9, 2016 150 Years of Handing on the Faith ~~ August 27, 1916 “…Christ Jesus Himself being the corner stone, in whom the whole building, being fitted together, is growing into a holy temple in the Lord, in whom you also are being built together into a dwelling of God in the Spirit.” – Ephesians 2:20a-22 By summer, the foundation was laid. “It was the day of days with the congregation of a Catholic Church that has labored long toward this end – the erection of a house of worship that would stand for years as a tribute to the One in whose name it was dedicated… the cornerstone of Wilmington’s newest temple to the Master was laid, and in a way that could not have helped but be pleasing to Him.” The Rev. George Meyerhofer of Hamilton as the officiating priest with the assistance of William Miller of the Western Building Co. of Buffalo, NY, contractors on the new church, swung the stone into place. Its receptacle contains the official attest of the cornerstone laying; a list of old pastors; a picture of the old church; old coins taken from the old cornerstone, and coins of the present year; a five-dollar U.S. currency note signed in 1872 by Matthew Rombach and W.J. Denver, Jr.; a five-dollar currency note signed by Matthew Denver; a copy of the first page of the Democrat, the JournalRepublican, the Daily News, the Sunday Visitor and the Catholic Telegraph. Fr. John Hickey, of Holy Name Church, Cincinnati, (a known orator of the day) gave the dedicatory address speaking of “the temples of old, he showed wherein each was consecrated to the work of one Divine Power.” It was noted later in the press that “when completed, [it] will be one of the most substantial improvements that Wilmington has had in years, and will place the Catholic people in a position where they may point with pride to their church building as one of the most perfect in the entire country.” Sadly, on September 26, 1916, one month after the laying of the cornerstone, The Journal Republican announced the death of Reverend Fr. Martin A. Higgins, in Seton Hospital, having never been able to return to Wilmington to see fulfilled his dream and the great work he had begun. Source: Archives of St. Columbkille Catholic Church, The Journal Republican and The Wilmington Daily News. [Researched, transcribed and edited for brevity by Carolyn Cervantes Warner] ROSARY CORNER “In the presence of a repentant people, God’s justice is transformed into mercy and forgiveness. This challenges us by inviting us to make room for this same inner attitude. To become merciful, we must first acknowledge that we have done many things wrong: we are sinners! We need to know how to say: ‘Lord, I am ashamed of what I have done in life’. If we act in this way, how many good things will follow. With this attitude of repentance we will be more capable of being merciful, because we feel God’s mercy for us.” — Pope Francis LOVE CAN MAKE THE “UNWANTED CHILD” WANTED! “One hundred fifty years ago, President Abraham Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation declaring that slaves held in Confederate territory were free men and women. One hundred fifty years later, children in every part of the country still face the degradation and hopelessness of the practice President Lincoln sought to end.....For the last 40 years and even earlier in some states, many of our judges and lawmakers have treated people like property. They’ve held babies in the womb to be like chattel, possessions to be discarded or destroyed, with their mothers cast as owners. These officials, along with the abortion industry itself, feign ignorance of the unborn child’s humanity. We can’t stop all evil in this fallen world, but we can fight it in our own neck of the woods with love. Love never ends. Love can save lives. Love declares that there is no such thing as an unwanted child. With love, children are adopted, not aborted. With love, children are cherished, not abused. With love, there is less room for the oppressor because his hunting grounds are smaller. We simply need to see no child as unwanted. And it can start with just one. One life loved can make all the difference. After all, “one life changed the entire world.” Alveda King, niece of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. King. Alveda King is a leading Pro-Life voice who formerly had two abortions before having a faith conversion 50% TUITION SCHOLARSHIP FOR ALL LAY STUDENTS AT THE ATHENAEUM The Athenaeum, the Archdiocesan seminary and school of theology, announces a 50% lay tuition scholarship as part of our One Faith, One Hope Capital Campaign commitment. This offer is open to all the lay faithful throughout the Archdiocese who are interested in deepening their faith and knowledge of the Catholic doctrine. We offer daytime, evening and Saturday classes, graduate and non-degree options and a supportive environment. Earn a Master of Arts in Pastoral Ministry, Master of Arts in Theology or a Master of Arts in Biblical Studies, a Certificate in Pastoral Ministry as you discern God’s call, prepare for new opportunities, or learn about your faith in a dynamic and enriching environment. There will never be a better time to discover how lay Catholic studies through the Athenaeum can transform your life. For more information, call Dr. Susan McGurgan at 513-231-1200 or Fr. David Endres (Academic Dean) at 513-231-2223 or go onto our web page at growinwisdom.org. FEASTS CELEBRATED THIS WEEK June 12 – Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary Time Luke 7:36–8:3: In today’s gospel, we read of a woman who understands how much she’s been forgiven and as a result, gives of herself wholeheartedly to the One who has forgiven her. The parable Jesus shares with the Pharisee illustrates the same. Most in the house, including the Pharisee, see the woman only as a sinner but Jesus saw a repentant woman filled with great love and thanksgiving. How do we see ourselves and others we encounter daily? Is our lens one of judgment or grace and mercy? In this Year of Mercy, let us commit to seeing ourselves and those we minister to, on level ground before the cross. Prayer: Lord, help us this week to begin to comprehend how much you’ve forgiven us. Thank You for your unfailing grace and mercy. June 13 – St. Anthony of Padua, Priest & Doctor of the Church (1195-1231) A member of a noble Portuguese family, St. Anthony joined the Augustinians at a young age, but later joined the Franciscans to engage in missionary work. Although his missionary dreams were cut short due to illness, he received public acclaim for his preaching style, which led to the conversion of many. People began to call him “Hammer of the Heretics.” His writing is extensive, and we still have many of his sermons. Sourcebook page 234-236; catholic.org/saints/saint.php?saint_id=419 30TH ANNUAL BIBLE INSTITUTE “LET US BE INSTRUCTED IN GOD’S WORD” Friday, July 22-Friday, July 29, 2016 Xavier University Campus 3800 Victory Parkway, Cincinnati, OH 45207 There are 20 daytime seminars, daily Mass, plus evening healing services and weekend general sessions of various lengths. A Youth Track will be held on Friday, July 29th. Invite a friend! Cost is a free will donation. It is a one-of-a-kind conference that offers a variety of events to make you a powerful disciple of Christ. To register visit our website at presentationministries.com and click on “Bible Institute” or call us at (513)922-0923. Registration for housing and meals must be received by July 3, 2016. Brochures are available upon request. MINISTRY TO SURVIVORS OF ABUSE (REPORTING) The Archdiocese of Cincinnati regards child abuse in all its forms as a serious matter. If you are or have been abused by an employee or volunteer of the Archdiocese, or are aware of abuse currently taking place, please contact Ms. Cherie Groman, Coordinator of Ministry to Survivors of Abuse, at 513-263-6623, or 1-800-6862724, ext. 6623. This is a confidential, dedicated line to accept calls related to child abuse by employees or volunteers. In addition, be sure to notify the survivor’s secular legal authorities. Faith Formation News PRE-K THROUGH 12 FAITH FORMATION Glenn Gigandet – 937-382-1596 or [email protected] 2016-2017 PRE-K-GRADE 8 FAITH FORMATION REGISTRATION IS NOW OPEN! Registration forms are available in the vestibule area of StC and HNC, parish rectory and faith formation offices, or online at stcolumbkille.org/2016-2017-registations-schedules. St. Columbkille, Patron Saint of Faith Formation “COOL KINGDOM PARTY” VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL 2016 JUNE 13-17, 2016 6:00-8:30 PM REGISTRATION IS NOW OPEN!! This fun event is for all! Please base your child’s registration on the school grade that they are entering in fall 2016. Forms are also available online at stcolumbkille.org/2016-vbs, and at the front of church at StC and HNC. If you have any questions, please contact Glenn Gigandet at [email protected] or call 937-382-1596. CHANGES WITHIN CATHOLIC FAITH FORMATION Next year’s changes: • Extending the religious education year to better match the school year. • Grades 7 and 8 Faith Formation will be moved to the morning. CLOUDY WITH A CHANCE OF SALVATION Middle School Retreat Saturday, July 9, 2016, 10:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m. Ruah Woods The New Evangelization Center, 6675 Wesselman Road, Cincinnati, OH 45248 Please fill out a registration form and waiver online at ruahwoods.org. $50.00 per teen: (price includes meal, materials, and souvenir for teen) This retreat is an introduction to some of the major themes found in St. John Paul II’s “Man and Woman He Created Them: A Theology of the Body” such as: maintaining a healthy sense of identity, reflecting on what it means to be a human person, understanding the nature of love, and most importantly, the life-changing experience of encountering the person of Jesus Christ, who is the theology of the body. All middle school students are invited to join us, whether they have taken a class before or not! Contact Christie with questions. Email: [email protected] or call (513) 407-8672. MEN’S FELLOWSHIP BREAKFAST Saturday, July 2, 2016 7:02 a.m. in the StC Parish Center Basement After breakfast, the “Bible and Virgin Mary” formed.org program will be viewed, and discussion will follow. We will conclude with prayer and are back to our busy schedules by 8:30 a.m. For additional information, please contact Bob Schaad at 937-725-5134 or email: [email protected] or Les Conover at 937-302-9909 or email: [email protected]. WORLD REFUGEE DAY IS JUNE 20TH People honor the spirit and courage of millions of refugees worldwide. It is a day to recognize the contributions of refugees in their communities. Please say a prayer for our refugees that are resettled by Catholic Charities. Catholic Charities is trying to raise enough money to buy a gently used van for refugees who are arriving daily. If you would like to help, go to this go fund me website to make a donation today: gofundme. com/25uxymfg. CATHOLIC CHARITIES WORLD REFUGEE DAY POTLUCK AND DAY OF FUN June 18, 2016 4:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. San Carlos Church, 115 W. Seymour Avenue Cincinnati, OH 45216 1 mile from our Mid Point offices in Carthage This will be a celebration of culture and community. Help us welcome the stranger and let them know what a great community we have here in Greater Cincinnati. Event Details: Set up from 2:00-4:00 p.m., i.e. setting up food, games and activities for the children, help usher in clients (we’re expecting about 250-300 refugees to come to the event, so interacting with them, making sure they know where everything is and what everything is, etc.). Call today to volunteer a few hours. Contact Katie at 513-672-3715 or by email at khannah@ccswoh. org. ABIDE: FORMING MISSIONARY DISCIPLES July 20-24, 2016 For High School Teens Mt. St. Joseph University, 5701 Delhi Aveue, Cincinnati, OH Visit abidecinci.com for more information or to register. Deadline is June 17th. Sponsored by the Archdiocese of Cincinnati, along with local youth ministers. Abide is unique! A typical teen conference last three days (at most). Abide is five days. Teens are not only taught about who Jesus is, they live a daily personal encounter with Him. Daily Mass, Confession, Adoration, Worship and Authentic Christian community. Teaches young adults to go into the world as a missionary disciple by going into Cincinnati to meet our neighbors and share an abundance of love and joy that results from a life rooted in discipleship. “THE CHURCH POURS OUT THE BALM OF GOD’S MERCY ON ALL WHO ASK FOR IT.” ~ Pope Francis The Community of the Good Shepherd 8815 E. Kemper Road, Cincinnati, OH 45249 Tuesday, June 21, 2016, 7:00-8:30 p.m. Fr. Brausch, Vice-Rector and Director of Formation for Mount St. Mary’s Seminary of the West and Director of the Permanent Deacon Program was named this year by Pope Francis as one of two Archdiocese of Cincinnati priests “Missionaries of Mercy” for the Extraordinary Jubilee Year of Mercy that began in December. Fr. Brausch will share with us what a Jubilee Year of Mercy means, and what the Catholic Church teaches about mercy and forgiveness. LAUDATO SI’ Prayer/Reflection: Most Generous God, You created this world as a sign of Your endless love and desire to share good with all Your creatures. Help us to turn from our thoughtless consumption of the earth’s resources meant for all, so that we may better serve You by living more simply and caring for those who are most vulnerable to the destruction of our common home. Amen. Quote from the Holy See: “We are not faced with two separate crises, one environmental and the other social, but rather one complex crisis which is both social and environmental. Strategies for a solution demand an integrated approach to combating poverty, restoring dignity to the underprivileged and at the same time protecting nature.” – Pope Francis, Laudato Si’, no.139 RETREATS AT THE JESUIT SPIRITUAL CENTER AT MILFORD 5361 S. Milford Road, Milford, OH 45150 jesuitspiritualcenter.com This retreat offers you a framework of eight ways to reclaim your joy following any loss of a loved one. Within the construct presented, you will have the opportunity to reflect, process, share life experiences with others. Speak with the retreat presenters, and encounter the beautiful grounds of the Jesuit Spiritual Center. The fee is $235 for a 2 night stay and meals. To register, call (513) 248-3500 ext. 10, or e-mail reservations @ jesuitspiritualcenter.com Please take a few minutes to look at the 2016 edition of the sponsor page of this bulletin. It is through the generosity of our area sponsors that we get our bulletin printed free of charge to the parish. We ask you, our parish family and guests, to consider these advertisers as a source of future business. Please mention you saw their ads on our bulletin! We would like to thank our local advertisers for their support and encourage everyone to shop local to support our local economy. 937-783-4911
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