wesley messenger - Wesley United Methodist Church
wesley messenger - Wesley United Methodist Church
WESLEY MESSENGER Wesley United Methodist Church 40 West Main Street, Strasburg, PA 17579 Church email address: [email protected] Pastor’s email address: [email protected] Web: www.wesleychurch.us 717.687.6392 Worship Schedule March 2015 Volume 7, Issue Inside this issue: Worship Schedule 1 8:30 am Traditional - 10:50 am Contemporary Pastor’s Page 2 9:45 am Holy Grounds Fellowship in Epworth Worship 3-4 Trustees 5 Education 6 10:00 am Sunday School for all ages Sunday, 1 March - 2nd Sunday in Lent 8:30 am Traditional Worship: Matthew 26.14-25 Restored in Christ: Broken Bread The Sacrament of Holy Communion will be celebrated 10:50 am Traditional Worship: Celebrating the Music & Ministry of Tyler Williams Congregational Celebration Luncheon following 10:50 am Worship Members at Home 7 Easter Egg Hunt 8 Fellowship 9 Missions 9-10 Youth 10 Noah’s Rainbow 11 Sunday, 8 March - 3rd Sunday in Lent Genesis 3.1-8; 2 Thessalonians 3.11-13; John 6.48-58 Restored in Christ: Broken Trust Special offering received for Fire Victims Donald & Connie Ray th Office Hours: M, T, & Th 8:00am - 1:00pm Office Phone: 717.687.6392 Sunday, 15 March - 4 Sunday in Lent Rev. Timothy J. Patterson - Pastor Psalm 15; 2 Timothy 2.8-14; Matthew 26.30-35, 69-75 Restored in Christ: Broken Promises Tyler Williams - Praise Leader Sunday, 22 March - 5th Sunday in Lent Leviticus 16.20-22; 2 Corinthians 5.12-21; John 19.1-16 Restored in Christ: Broken Justice Sunday, 29 March - Palm/Passion Sunday Zechariah 9.9-10; Philippians 2.5-11; Matthew 21.1-9 Restored In Christ: Broken Majesty See page 2 for schedule of Wednesdays of Lent Noontime Community Worship. Kim Badman - Organist/Choir Director Holly Miller - Secretary Judy Heiney - Treasurer/Finance Sec Pastor’s Schedule Pastor’s Ponderings As I write these words I have completed not quite 4 weeks of recovery from my surgery. And so I commit my ponderings to words of Thanksgiving! Carrie and I wish to give Thanks to God for the People of Wesley who provided meals, sent cards, phoned well wishes, visited, and prayed for us. Thank you so very much. Words cannot express what it all meant for us. I especially want to give thanks to God for your prayers. By the power of your prayers I had less post-surgical bruising, swelling, and pain than either the surgeon or I anticipated. Thank you so very much. Above all I give thanks to God knowing that regardless of circumstance, God is in the midst of it with us granting His grace, power and strength to face whatever we must. Thank you! Wednesday 4 March Noon - Wednesdays of Lent; 1st Presby Wednesday, 4 March3:00-5:00 pm - CCK/T Thursday, 5 March 11:00 am-3:00 pm - Main St Evangelism Friday, 6 March - Pastor’s Day Off Saturday, 7 March 8:00 am-1:00 pm - Tools for Ministry Monday 9 March 6:00 pm - Lay Leaders Monday 9 March 7:00 pm - Ad Council Wednesday 11 March Noon - Wednesdays of Lent; 1st Presby Wednesday, 11 March 3:00-5:00 pm - CCK/T Thursday, 12 March 11:00 am-3:00 pm - Main St Evangelism Friday, 13 March - Pastor’s Day Off Wednesday, 18 March 10:00 am - DaVita Memorial Service Wednesday 18 March Noon - Wednesdays of Lent; 1st Presby Peace and Grace, Pastor Tim Wednesday, 18 March 3:00-5:00 pm - CCK/T Thursday, 19 March 11:00 am-3:00 pm - Main St Evangelism Wednesdays of Lent Community Worship and Fellowship Meal Worship - 12 Noon Meal - 12:30 pm Friday, 20 March 8:00am-4:30 pm– Cont Ed; Lancaster Monday 23 March 7:00pm - S/PRC Tuesday 24 March 8:30am-2:30pm - Cont Ed; Downingtown Wednesday, 25 Feb 3:00-5:00 pm - CCK/T Sponsored by the Strasburg Ministerium Hosted by 1st Presbyterian Church, S. Decatur Street Thursday, 26 March 11:00 am-3:00 pm - Main St Evangelism Friday, 27 March - Pastor’s Day Off March Speakers: Monday, 30 March 4:30-8:00 pm– Cont Ed; Lancaster March 4 Pastor Mark Thiboldeaux Strasburg Assembly of God Pastor’s Drop-in Office Hours Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday mornings Other times by appointment through the church office - 687.6392 or the Pastor’s email - [email protected]. March 11 Pastor John Meck Strasburg Mennonite Pastoral Emergency In the event of a pastoral emergency during those times when I am unavailable or away on vacation, please call a member of the Pastor’s Away Team: Ginny Gardner, Lay Leader - 288.2338 Maria Llinas, Lay Leader - 917.9852 Bill Hawes, Chair, Ad Council - 464.1206 Holly Miller, Secretary - 687.6392 March 18 Pastor Tim Patterson Wesley UMC March 25 Pastor Nathan Clark Spirit Revolution Group Pastor’s Contact Information Please contact the Pastor through the church office - 687.6392. If he is not in the office, select mailbox #1 for further instructions or to leave a message. The Pastor will respond to you at his earliest convenience. Thank you! LOST ITEMS FOUND If you’ve recently lost an item at church (a pair of glasses, earrings, a purse), you might locate the lost in the church office. Check with Holly to see if we might reunite you with your lost object! 2 Christian Education Co-Chairs: Liana Kieley & Kerri Shindle Liana Kieley, Children/Youth - 687.7074 [email protected] Sunday School Superintendent: John Yoder Carol Work, Nursery - 687.0863 [email protected] Cradle Roll: Betty Heffner Kerri Shindle - 687.7109 [email protected] TO ENSURE A SAFE SANCTUARY ENVIRONMENT, ALL SUNDAY SCHOOL LEADERS AND HELPERS SHOULD ARRIVE AT THE POLE BUILDING BY 9:45. Nursery Beginning at 10:00 am each Sunday in the Infant Nursing & Changing Room located at the right on the lower level as you descend the stairs from the lobby. We are excited to have a Nursery Sunday School class each week at 10:00 a.m. Children up to age 5 are welcome to attend. Taught by Kerri Shindle and Bonnie Yoder, our time together includes a Bible story & review, craft time, and a snack. In March, we will begin a study called “Jesus Did Good Things,” focusing on the value of Appreciation. Questions may be directed to Kerri Shindle at 687-7109 or at [email protected]. Children’s Sunday School & Children’s Chapel (located in the Pole Building) 10:00 a.m. - Parents sign in children for Sunday School. Pickup is 10:45 a.m.. 11:05 a.m. - Children are released to Chapel from Worship. Pickup is at the Conclusion of Worship During the month of March, the elementary children’s Sunday School class will begin a study called “A Time for Decision” focusing on 1 & 2 Kings, Ezra, Daniel and Matthew. Beginning in March, Children’s Chapel will “Energize Kids with the Word!” While sharing Bible stories of the Old and New Testaments, children will have the opportunity to participate in Faith-Charged Games. March’s lessons include Abraham and Joseph. Middle/High School Sunday School *NEW*NEW*NEW* 10:00 - 10:45: The 13 Most Important Lessons in the Bible for Teens. This class meets every other Sunday and will be facilitated by Liana Kieley. Questions may be directed to her at 687-7074. 10:05 - 10:35: Pastor Tim will continue the study Community Service/Mission on the other Sundays. Schedule for March 1, 15 & 29: Lesson (Liana) 8 & 22: Projects (Liana) Adult Sunday School There are 2 Sunday School Electives for Adults to consider: In March, the Wrestling with Words Sunday school class will continue its study of 12 years a Slave by Solomon Northup. If you would like to share in the class, please contact Roy Rineer 464-9870. The Inquirers Class, which meets in the small Sunday school room off the Asbury room on the second floor, will continue its study of Genesis in January using Broken and Blessed: How God Used One Imperfect Family to Change the World, by Jessica LaGrone. The class is facilitated by Carrie Patterson. 3 EASTER EGG HUNT Ages 1-12 Saturday, March 28 9 am -12 pm - Egg Hunt hops at 10 am! - We need your help to make it a success!!! Volunteers Needed Helping with activities, stations and Egg Hunt We will also need some snacks, drinks & crafts There will be a sign up sheet on Epworth Wall listing our needs For more information contact: Wanda Albright } 717–786-4735 Maria Llinas } 717-917-9852 Bring Your Great Ideas & Talents! The Fellowship & Evangelism Committees are looking for people of all ages. Come as we share the Love of God through Activities and Events not only within our church but outside the CHURCH WALLS. 4 Wanda Albright Maria Llinas Others interested in serving? Bus Trip to the Washington Zoo & the Smithsonian on June 27? Interested? Please contact Wanda or Maria if you would like to take a bus trip to the Washington Zoo and the Smithsonian on June 27. We would leave at 7 a.m. and return around 9 p.m. The estimated cost is $60 per person. Since the cost is based on the number traveling, the more the merrier and the lower the price! We need a commitment of 22 people before April 15 in order to rent the bus. Chair - Open Team Wesley: Lynda Houck Team Wesley & Pennies for Missions John 15:12: This is my commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you. Team Wesley 2015 invites you to join us for our next meeting on Tuesday, March 3 at 7:00 PM. THANK YOU for your continued support of Team Wesley! It is amazing what we can accomplish when we work together to serve our Lord!! *** Pennies for Missions collected $162.54 in January. To participate in Pennies for Missions, all you have to do is: family members place 2 pennies in their soup can for every meal that they eat. All pennies collected will be used to support Wesley UMC mission projects. On the last Sunday of each month, bring your Pennies for Missions can to church so the children of Wesley can collect all of our pennies during the Children’s Lesson. What a fantastic opportunity for all of “God’s children” to support Wesley’s Mission Projects! Next Pennies for Missions collection is March 29, 2015 Attention Grocery Shoppers! If you are a grocery shopper at the Strasburg Market Basket, why not consider picking up a grocery card from the table in the Epworth Room to take with you when you do your weekly food shopping? For every $25 you spend, the Market Basket initials/stamps the card. When the card is full, it is worth $15 for our church’s general fund. When your card is full, just put it in Lily Williams’ mailbox. Thank you to the Market Basket for continuing to support us with this venture and thank you Market Basket shoppers who utilize your grocery cards for your purchases. 5 PRAYER SHAWL MINISTRY An outreach ministry to those in need. If there is a loved one or friend that you would like to have a shawl or wrap, please contact Joyce Strubel or Ruby Botham and we will have one made for them! 1 - Stop - Shop Praise God! We celebrate your outpouring of Soups during February’s Mission Challenge. Thank you for your generous support of our L-S School District families. March’s Mission Challenge is CEREAL! the Warmth of Love... If you are interested in knitting or crocheting a prayer shawl or wrap, we will be glad During the month of January, you are invited to bring to worship your gifts of all kinds of desserts. items such as HOT AND COLD CEREALS to help local families. Labels! Labels! Bring them in! Wrapped in to give you any information we have. Information is also available if you would like to know more about the prayer shawls or how the ministry started. - - - - - Let’s fill up the big Collection Container for labels located in the Epworth Room What labels you ask? Campbell, Tyson, & A Plus Box Tops for Education labels, of course. We will collect these labels and forward them to the Redbird Mission in Henderson, KY. Contact Information: Liana Kieley, Director, CCT, CCK Fall Out Boys: God’s Not Dead Concert ! Creative Christian Teens 6th - 12th graders Wednesdays 3 - 5:30 pm April 10, 2015 Lancaster PA Creative Christian Kids See Liana Kieley for tickets. K - 5th graders Wednesdays 3:45 - 5:30 pm 6