Merry Christmas and Happy New Year - PSAP


Merry Christmas and Happy New Year - PSAP
November - December 1998
Ang Araw Ng Pasko
Malungkot ang Pasko dahil wala ka
Malungkot dahil ako’y nag-iisa
Sa haba ng gabi walang makasama
Kung hindi ang ating mga alaala.
Magdamag nakatanaw sa mga bituin
Pinagmamasdan ang kislap niya’t ningning
Sa lawak ng langit parang ikaw man din
Na nagbibigay liwanag sa gabing madilim.
Nasa pangarap lang kita mahahagkan
Gaano pa kaya katagal ang ipaghihintay
Nitong puso ko ngayon ay nalulumbay.
Kailan kaya matutupad aking inaasam
Na makapiling ka sa araw ng kapaskuhan
Sana’y malapit na ang panahong hinihintay
Ng tayong dalawa’y lumigaya rin naman.
Ang lamig ng hangin ay di ko pansin
Sapagkat isip ko’y lumilipad din
Kagaya ng ulap kung saan nakararating
Pinapangarap kung kailan tayo magkakapiling.
Ilang Pasko pa kaya ang magdaraan
Steve Relor, Lito Cancino
& Cris Nipolito
Arctic Fox
The Seamen's Mission all over the world, specially in the Port of
Amsterdam and Rotterdam wish all the seafarers:
Merry Christmas and Happy
New Year
Apostleship of the Sea
(Stella Maris)
Fr. Frits Maas
Pastor Toon van de Sande
Fr. Koos van der Zalm (Amsterdam)
Danish Mission to Seamen
Pastor Eric Andersen
Dutch Ministry to Seafarers
Rev. Berend van Dijken
Rev. Adolf Leatomu
Rev. Huib van der Ham
Mr. Ricardo van Lent
Rev. Leon Rasser (Amsterdam)
Finnish Mission to Seamen
Rev. Heiki Rantanen
German Mission to Seamen
Rev. Michael Ludwig
Pastor Ulli Schulte
Gnadige Frau Irma Schulte
Rev. Christof Prackel (Amsterdam)
The Mission to Seamen
(Flying Angel)
Fr. Michael Sparrow
Fr. Victor Story
Norwegian Mission to Seamen
Rev. Jorn-Henning Theis
Swedish Mission to Seamen
Rev. Lennard Astrom
by Basco Fernandez
The last quarter of 1998 continues to be a
busy and important period for PSAP’s future
work. The three-year pilot program for AIDS
education funded by the ITF Seafarers’ Trust
is about to wind up by the end of December
1998. PSAP AIDS educators are finalizing the
end term evaluation report of the program.
The report highlights the important breakthrough achieved by PSAP in developing an
specific approach for seafarers.
The education materials (comics, posters,
and T-shirts) developed by PSAP educators
have caught the attention of Captain David
Parsons and Dr. Alan Le Serve of the London based Merchant Navy Welfare Board.
They came over to Rotterdam on the 3rd and
4th of November to discuss areas of cooperation.
They were particularly interested in how
The Singing Mate, a comic strip written by
C/M Brando Lodriga, and how we are using
it as an educational material for the prevention
of STD’s.
The PSAP educators shared the very positive response from seafarers who received
the materials on board. PSAP’s management
team then informed the visitors from London
that the ITF Seafarers Trust had already approved the mass printing of The Singing Mate.
Captain Parsons and Dr. Le Serve suggested
that PSAP can help other ports by making a
formal evaluation of the comic strip, particularly
the response of other nationals to its English
Both encouraged PSAP to involve in future projects a network working on the health
concerns of seafarers in various European
ports. We, at PSAP, have already recognized the importance of broadening our future
work on STDs - AIDS towards the much
broader issue of seafarers’ occupational
health. During this second half of the year
alone, PSAP has observed a sudden rise in
the number of seafarers who encountered
serious accidents in their work. Also notable
is the growing need among visiting seafarers
for anonymous consultations particularly on
STDs. As a response, we tried to call the
attention of all involved in seafarers’ welfare
and those concerned with medical matters.
PSAP will serve as part of the working group
to develop the network cooperation with
health officials, port doctors, and nearby hospitals. In line with this, any seafarer may call
PSAP for consultations and referrals.
Research for Advocacy
In the middle of November, Dr. Erol
Kahveci from the Cardiff-based International
Seafarers Research Centre ( ISRC) was in
Rotterdam to support the PSAP’s Research
for Advocacy project.
In October, NOVIB (a major development
agency in the Netherlands) approved PSAP’s
one year proposal, its first major project with
a Third World advocacy partner based in the
Netherlands. Dr. Kahveci, a seasoned senior
researcher conducted a whole day workshop
discussion with nine PSAP staff and volunteers
on conduct of research (i.e. methodology,
instrument, interview techniques, schedule,
and teams).
Dr Kahveci, who stayed in Rotterdam, for a
week before proceeding to Hamburg, updated
PSAP’s know how by sharing his experiences
in research. He just finished writing his
research on the effects of fast turnaround in
today’s shipping. He was able to demonstrate
how the average time spent by an average
seafarer at port has drastically been reduced.
In another paper, he examines the effects of
Parola no. 95 November - December 1998 Page 2
abandonment not only by interviewing Turkish
seafarers in Dunkirk but their families as well. His
studies tries to describe the suffering created by
the act of abandoning the ship in a foreign port.
He has agreed to publish his findings in Parola.
Knowing that this is an effective way of educating
seafarers in a very quick manner. So, in the
coming weeks, we are asking seafarers to extend
whatever assistance they could give to Dr. Kahveci
and company.
Dr. Kahveci presented the ISRC’s research
project aiming to study international seafarers and
how they develop global linkages or culture in
three stages. The first stage of the project seeks
to observe seafarers lives using researchers
that stay on board for at least two weeks and by
asking seafarers to keep diaries for at least three
months. Then, this project will focus on seafaring communities in Rotterdam and Hamburg. The
third part tries to examine remittance contributions and its effects on home societies. Knowing
the importance of presenting the seafarers role
in global trade, PSAP has agreed to actively participate as a partner in this ISRC project in all the
three stages.
Welcome 1999!
Yes, 1998 was a very fruitful and educative year
for all of us at PSAP. With more zest, we eagerly
face 1999 to continue doing our work and to carry
out/implement all the plans to contribute in improving the situation of our Kababayans where ever
they are. To all our friends and supporters, thank
you for being with us all these years and may everyone of us have a very Meaningful Christmas and
a very healthy New Year.
Cathay or Northwest:
PAL’s savior?
Erap backs
Charter change
President Estrada went all out in support
of Charter amendments, but said he was not
interested in extending his term, only the
terms of local government officials.
Mr. Estrada signed an executive order
creating a 25-member commission to study
and recommend changes to the 1987
Philippine Constitution. Justice Cecilia
Muñoz-Palma, former chair of the 1986
Constitutional Commission, was named
head of the Preparatory Commission on
Constitutional Reforms.
Pres. spokesperson, Barican, said the
commission would be composed of the following: three retired Supreme Court members, four representatives from the academe, two from the religious sector, and one
each of from the business, women, youth,
media, local government, labor and agricultural sectors as well as from the Integrated
Bar of the Philippines.
Barican said it would be up to
Congress to accept or reject PCCR’s
Mr. Estrada has expressed his
preference for a constitutional convention
as a mode of amending the Constitution.
He earlier said that the delegates to the
Concon could be elected simultaneously
with 2001 local elections.
Among charter provisions that would
be up for review are foreign ownership
of land and the election of senators by
region for equal representation and lower
poll expenses, a statement issued by
Malacañang said. (The Manila Times,
November 1998)
House approves budget
The House of Representatives in
November passed on third reading the
1999 General Appropriations Act (GAA) or
the national budget amid complaints by both
opposition and administration congressmen
that it does not meet the needs of their
respective constituents.
With its vote - 139 for and 28 against
- the House recorded its first major
accomplishment in the 11th Congress, giving
the Estrada administration a total P579.5
billion to run the government and attempt to
boost the economy.
Administration Reps. Douglas Cagas
(Lamp, Davao del Sur); Jose Mari Gonzales
(Lamp, San Juan) and Joker Arroyo (Lamp,
Makati) were among those who aired
misgivings over the failure of the chamber to
take the opportunity to impose the full force
of the power of the purse.
Several Lamp members also aired
protests over the non-inclusion of their
proposals in the final version of the budget
bill. Nevertheless, they chose to toe the
party line and keep silent during the voting.
More than 2,000 amendments were
recorded by the House committee on
appropriations, headed by Rep. Gilberto
Duavit (Lamp, Rizal).
No pork barrel
Although voting yes to the GAA, Cagas
said the national outlay failed to consider
solution to pressing problems of floods, poverty, and food security in his district.
Arroyo, lashed at his colleagues, particu-
larly the 139 neophyte solons, for conspiring with the Estrada administration
to pass the budget without the so-called
pork barrel fund.
“There’s nothing shameful about pork
barrel,” Arroyo said in explaining his
The lawmaker lamented the chamber’s
failure to insist on allocating funds for
vital infrastructure and anti-poverty
projects in their districts.
Apostol, Lakas Opposition leader,
said “pork barrel” denied to lawmakers
was merely transferred and given to the
disposal of the bureaucracy. He said the
fat is found in the allocation for personnel
services, amounting to about P2.3 billion
and the P300.9- billion maintenance and
other operating expenses.
The bureaucracy, Apostol said, was
bloated with 36,703 positions still vacant
despite being funded by the government.
Another lump sum of P2.3 billion has
been allocated for new positions, he
“It is scandalous to have an increase
in traveling expenses to the tune of P1
billion over the same item in 1998,” said
Apostol. According to Apostol the P1
billion extraordinary and confidential
expenses are clearly part of the executive
pork barrel. (Manila Bulletin, November
Philippine Airlines has reopened talks with
US-based Northwest Airlines on a possible alliance after a disagreement with Hong Kongbased Cathay Pacific Airways over layoffs.
Ronaldo Zamora, chief aide of President Estrada, said PAL chair Lucio Tan went to America and restarted the discussion with Northwest
to acquire a part of PAL.
However, the International Finance Corp.,
the investment arm of the World Bank, is keen
on investing in PAL alongside Cathay Pacific,
government sources said yesterday.
PAL and Cathay
The sources said PAL’s buy-in agreement
with Cathay would likely push through despite
kinks over labor concerns specially now that
IFC was willing to put up 20 percent of the
$100-million commitment given by the Hong
Kong-based airline.
‘’Cathay is happy with that arrangement.
There will be less exposure for them and yet
they will be able to assume management
control of PAL,’’ a source said.
The sources admitted, however, that the
emerging deal was being delayed by disagreements on how many airline employees would
be laid off when Cathay takes over management control of PAL.
“The Cathay offer was first accepted (by
PAL) because it was considered as a mediumsized airline company. Its culture is similar with
us,’’ Zamora explained.
In June, PAL was embroiled in a crippling
three-week pilots’ strike that brought the company close to financial ruin. At the height of the
strike, PAL laid off 5,000 of its 13,000 workers
to minimize its losses. (AFP, AP, November,
Espinosa reigns
as WBC champ
A sharp and strong Luisito Espinosa, reigning world boxing featherweight champion,
jumped back on the road to greatness with a
second-round demolition of American Kennedy
McKinney, an Olympic gold medallist and threetime world champion in Indio, California.
The surprising quick ending pushed
Espinosa to international stardom. This is his
successful seventh defense of his three-year
– old World Boxing Council crown.
Espinosa, 31, improved to 44-7, with 23
knockouts, while McKinney’s record fell to 334-1. (Inquirer, November 1998)
Parola no. 95 November - December 1998 Page 3
Engr. Felix Pulmano
Mahigit dalawang taon na kaming tumutulong
sa gawain ng PSAP, marami kaming bagong
bagay na nalalaman na dati-rati ay alam lang
namin ito sa libro at teorya. At kung hindi dahil
na rin sa pakikisalamuha namin sa mga kapwa
(marino) ay hindi namin matutunan at hindi
maiaangkop ito sa tunay na buhay.
Unang halimbawa dati sa libro lang
namin ito nalalaman ay yaong tinatawag na
“empowerment”, para lalo sa mga marino.
Dalawang nagka-problemang marino ang
nakasalubong ang landas ng PSAP dito sa
Rotterdam. Ang unang marino ay tinulungan
ng isa sa mga staff ng PSAP at ibinuhos ang
oras at atensyon para mapabuti ang kalagayan
niya. Ang pakikipag-usap at pagpapalitan ng
kuro-kuro at kanyang karapatan bilang marino
ay ginawa ng PSAP. Walang araw na di
kasama ang PSAP sa usap, sa madaling salita
dependent ang unang marino na ito sa PSAP.
Hindi siya makalakad ng mag-isa kung hindi
kasama ang isa, hindi siya makapagdesisyon
kung walang desisyon ang isa.
Ang pangalawa namang marino pareho ng
kuwento subalit iba ang kinalabasan. Siya ay
tinulungan ng PSAP sa pamamagitan lang ng
pagbibigay sa kanya ng mga impormasyong
kung saan siya lalapit, kung sino ang taong
kakausapin niya patungkol sa kanyang
problema at maipaliwanag sa marino ng
detalya ang kanyang karapatan. Ang resulta
ay nagsilbing malaking edukasyon hindi lang
sa kanya kundi pati sa amin. Ang pangalawang
marinong ito ay taas ang noong nakaahon sa
kanyang matinding problema sa barko, hindi
lang sa bumuti ang kalagayan niya sa barko
kundi nagsilbing ehemplo pa ito sa iba pang
mga marino na kanyang nakakasalubong ng
landas at siya na rin mismo ang nagbibigay
at nagpapasa ng kanyang kaalaman base sa
kanyang karanasan kung ang isang marino ay
may problema.
Mga bagay-bagay na aming natutunan
ay ang style at approach ng pagtulong base
sa mga marinong natulungan. Bagay na
yaong tinatawag na tamang “empowerment”.
Base sa isa sa mga marinong nakarining ng Kami Namang
mga Babae...
Abutin ang Bagong Pananaw
edukasyon pangkalusugan at pangkaligtasan,
dahil sa kanyang natagpuang kaalaman ay
nagbigay sa kanya ng lakas ng loob ayon na
rin sa kanya kahit siya’y mag-isa at nakatulong
pa siya sa iba na may parehong problemang
kanyang naranasan. Ang empowerment ay
isang pananaw at malaking bagay na aming
natutunan sa pagtulong sa kapwa, na hindi lahat
ay isusubo mo na lang sa kanilang bibig, kung
baga sa kasabihan huwag mong bigyan ng isda
kundi bigyan mo ng kawil na panghuli ng isda at
turuang manghuli.
Ganyan din kung ating bigyang atensyon
ang ginawa ng ating Panginoong Jesukristo
sa kanyang disipulo. Binigyan Niya ito ng
kapangyarihang ipangaral ang kanyang salita
(Matt. 10). Pagkatapos ng kanilang training ay
natutunan nilang tumayo sa sarili nilang paa.
Napakagandang ehemplo di po ba sa ating
Sa darating ng kapaskuhan, mga kasama,
bakit di natin tularan ang buhay ng ating
Panginoong Jesukristo at ang kanyang disipulo.
Mabuti sa kapwa,
maayos sa sarili
Tumanaw tayo sa ating paligid, mayroon
ba tayong alam na kapwa (marino) na
nangangailangan ng tulong? Mayroon ba
tayong kaalaman na dapat nating i-share kung
sakali meron tayong makatagpong kapwang
nangangailangan? Ating hangarin na ang ating
maitutulong ay nawa magsisilbing pundasyon
para harapin ang sakaling problemang darating.
Mayroon ba tayong kawil na dapat unang
maibibigay at hindi lang kaagad isda kung sakasakali? Atin pong tandaan na ang kabutihan sa
kapwa ay kabutihan sa sarili. At kung mabuti ka
sa kapwa ay maayos ka sa sarili.
Atin pong pagbulay-bulayin ang salita ng
Diyos na ito, “He who helps the needy, honors
God...Proverbs 14:31.
At para sa inyong lahat mula sa amin, ang
• pairalin ang katarungan
• ang mga api’y palayain at
• ang nagugutom ay pakainin
• patuluyin sa inyong tirahan
ang walang tirahan
• damitan ang taong halos
hubad na
• kaibigan at kasama huwag
Isaiah 58:10
Parola no. 95 November - December 1998 Page 4
kabutihan o kagandahang-loob kapag tayo ay
may mga karagdagang taglay na nakaalaman,
puwede bang huwag nating ibalik sa nagbigay
sa atin kundi ipasa natin sa iba?
“He who satisfies the needs of the
oppressed, your light will rise in darkness and
your night will become like the noonday.” Isaiah 58:10.
Katulad ng gusto ng ating Panginoon na
ating gawin na ating matutunghayan sa
kanyang salita sa Isaiah 58:10.
At kapag nagawa natin ito, ang kadiliman
na bumabalot sa atin ay magiging liwanag sa
Nawa itong mensahe na aming hatid sa inyo
ay magbibigay ng kagalakan at kapayapaan
at karagdagang kaalaman para ang pasko
ay hindi lamang sa ngayon kundi sa marami
pang Paskong darating. Ang kagalakan at
kapayapaan at kaalaman ay isang biyayang
hindi mananakaw, dapat nating maipamuhay.
Mula sa kolum ng Opinion ni Felix Pulmano
at Kami Namang Mga Babae ni Josie
Pulmano, ito po ang aming bati MALIGAYANG
Josie Pulmano
Mercy Ships, Rotterdam
Cruise ship
detained in Greece
The Pacific Princess, a British-flagged liner
belonging to Princess Cruises, was barred
from leaving Piraeus since November 26
after police found a $2 million worth of heroin
hidden in the quarters of two Filipino cabin
Although, no other drugs were found
elsewhere on the ship, she and her
passengers, mainly from the US, have run
foul of Greek law which says that any vehicle
found to be carrying narcotics is liable to
The 650 passengers on-board the Pacific
Princess, although given an alternative
extra excursions to different parts of Athens,
were naturally disappointed. A number of
passengers had left the ship to make their
own way to Israel, one of the several calls
already jeopardized on the 14-night cruise.
Christmas celebration on board Heleen C.
ITF Opens Office in Manila
The International Transport Workers
Federation (ITF) has officially opened its
ITF Flags of Convenience Campaign Office
in Manila.
The office will provide a range of advice
services to seafarers and will enable the ITF
to provide more effective follow-up on cases
going through the Philippine Courts.
“Manila will act as a sub-office and report
directly to the London head office. It will
provide a direct presence for the ITF in the
world’s leading crew supplying country,” ITF
assistant general secretary Mark Dickinson
To marks it presence in the Philippines
and the 50th anniversary of its campaign
against flag of convenience, the ITF met
with the Philippine Overseas Employment
Administration (POEA).
The ITF has asked the Philippines
to amend rules penalizing ocean-going
seafarers who engage in industrial action
overseas and to act against local manning
agents blacklisting these seafarers. Mark
Dickinson and representatives of its local
affiliates presented their request to POEA
administrator, Reynaldo Regalado.
“While the Philippines workers are
guaranteed by Philippines law the right
to join labor organizations and engage
in activities to improve their wages and
working conditions, certain aspects of the
administration’s rules violate these laws,”
said Mr. Dickinson.
Reporting on the results of his meeting
with administration officials, Dickinson said
that a “frank and open” discussion took
place and the administration chief assured
them that he would personally address the
Mr. Dickinson said, however, that if
within a reasonable period of time no
steps are taken to address these issues,
the ITF would file a complaint against the
Philippines before the International Labor
Organization (ILO). (Lloyd’s List, December
Ms. Susan Cueva
ITF-FOC Office Philippines
3rd Floor, Rosita Tam Bldg.
1661 E. Rodriguez Avenue
Quezon City
Hopes that the detention would be lifted
last December 4 were dashed. To Princes’
frustration, a local strike by court clerks
meant no hands were available to type
the decision and dispatch it to various
bodies required to rubber-stamp the order
on its circuitous journey through the legal
system and down to the port. (Manila Times,
November 1998, Lloyd's Lists 4 Dec. 1998))
Taking Parola
subscription means
supporting us and
the cause of Filipino
seafarers in our
struggle for a better
place in the maritime
industry. It is also
a way of letting our
family understand the
profession we belong.
Send the
subscription form
Parola no. 95 November - December 1998 Page 5
Kuwento at Buhay Marino
ni Roli Ancha
Iʼll not be home for CHRISTMAS,
please don't count on me!
Merry Christmas ang ipinararating kong
bati sa lahat ng kapwa ko marino. At para
naman sa katulad kong mayor, sarapan
ninyo ang handa para sa Noche Buena. Hinay lang sa pag-inom dahil walang Paskopasko sa barko. Mahirap magtrabaho
kinabukasan pag mayroong hang-over.
Ilang Christmas cards na ba ang natanggap ninyo? Tinitiyak ko, lahat ng mga cards
na nagbubuhat ki kumander ay punongpuno ng isang libo at isang pagbati ng taos
pusong “Maligayang Pasko Mahal”. At may
PS pang “Wishing you are here” to have
“one round” at the eve of Christmas. He!
he! he! Ganyan nga kabayan, tumawa tayo
kahit pilit dahil dapat nating pasayahin ang
ating sarili. Nakakahiya kay Jesus kung sa
birthday niya eh malungkot tayo.
Magsaya sa paraang kapaki-pakinabang. Sana, iwasan natin ang shore leave
sa Pasko na inuman din lamang ang hahantungan at pagkatapos eh uuwi sa barko
na nagsisisi dahil nabawasan ang iniipit na
dolyar na disin sana’y pambili na ng isang
magandang pasalubong para ki Nene o ki
Totoy at kay Mahal. Kunsabagay pera ninyo
iyan, pero sinisigurado ko, mas masarap gumastos na kasama ang pamilya. Ang tunay
na Pasko sa pakiramdam ko eh iyong samasama kaming lahat ng asawa ko at ang mga
anak ng matagal-tagal dahil hindi kapos sa
bala sa dahilang hindi gaanong nagpaputok
noong nasa barko pa.
Sigurado isasaisip ninyo, “si Mayor siguro
matanda na!” Hindi pa po! At mayroon
din namang magsasabi na: “Hooo! Kala
mo Santo kung magsalita, parang hindi
marino!” Hindi rin nga ako Santo, sa totoo
lang, dati rin tayong walanghiya. Kaso
lang nakakasawa na rin naman iyong
“panandalian at mabilisang aliw”, iyong
maospital dahil napa-trouble, iyong umuwi
na pang taksi lang ang dala, iyong makita
mong iyong daster ng misis mo noong
umalis ka eh iyon pa rin ang suot niya
ng umuwi ka. Dahil siya ay nagtitipid.
Samantalang kung gumastos tayo rito
sa labas eh parang anak ng gobernador.
(kamahal-mahal ng “cocktail” eh sige ka
pa nga ng sige).
Aba, Kabayan, kung hindi ka naaawa
sa pamilya mo, eh kahit sa sariling katawan mo man lang, maawa ka.
Alalahanin mong bawat kontrata eh
dagdag sa idad natin at bago mo mamalayan, matanda na tayo, at saka pa lang
tayo mag-re-rewind. Ilang Noche-Buena
ko na ba silang hindi nakakasalo sa
hapag-kainan? Kailan ba kami huling
nag-ayos ng Christmas Tree? Lagi na
lang akong hindi kasali sa exchange
gift naming mag-anak. Uso pa kaya ang
Sino si Roli Ancha?
Ating i-welcome sa pamilya ng
Parola ang ating bagong columnist
na si Roli Ancha. Ito na ang ikatlong
kuwento ni Roli dito sa Kuwento at
Buhay Marino.
Sino ba si Roli Ancha? Isang
maikling pagpapakilala...Si Roli ay
tubong Batangas na ngayon ay
naninirahan sa Bicol. Isa siya sa mga
correspondents ng isa sa mga tabloids
noong araw at naging columnist din sa
isang pahayagang pang-araw-araw sa
Bicol Region.
Sa ngayon, si Roli ay balik-sakay
at naglalayag bilang Chief Cook.
Talagang mahal ni Roli ang magsulat. Sabi nga niya: Sa gitna ng
aking routinariong trabaho, hindi ko
maiwasang magnakaw ng ilang oras sa
aking pamamahinga upang magsulat at
maipadama ang PINID na hinaing ng
mga Marino. -- Ed
Parola no. 95 November - December 1998 Page 6
TMS Paul
caroling sa amin? At marami pang mga
katanungan na sa sarili mo’y itatanong,
hanggang mamalayan mong may luhang
dumadaloy sa iyong pisngi, sa dahilang
nanghihinayang ka sapagkat ang ligaya at
saya na pilit mong hinahanap dito sa labas
eh tanging sa loob lamang pala ng bahay
ninyo matatagpuan, na hindi mo malalasap
sapagkat nasa malayo.
Sabi ko nga ki kumander noong huling tawag ko: “Ba, hindi ako makakuwi
sa Pasko, huwag ninyo akong isasali at
isasahog sa Noche-Buena” (hikbi). Ang
sagot sa akin , bumaba raw ang dolyar!!!
Hay naku!!
Ganoon pa man, gaya ng nauna kong
bati, Merry Christmas pa rin sa lahat ng
Pilipinong marino, sa lahat ng taga Parola,
sa lahat ng Pilipinong land-job. Mabuhay
tayong lahat. Tayong mga “Bagong
Bayani” ni Ka Fidel (Lintek na Ka Fidel na
iyan, kahusay mambola!) Hangang sa
Happy New Year 1999!
Through this column, I wish to extend special Christmas greetings to all the seafarers
whom I worked with in the following vessels:
MV’s Red Lark, Red Petrel, Red Plover, Red
Falcon, Red Snipe, Cadimare, Eagle Commitment, Utviken, Jersbek and here at the
TMC Paul. Likewise...
I wish all the best to Chief Officers
Valeriano Nocon, Aniano ‘Boyaks’ Cavalida,
Ernesto Escobar, Florentino Garcia, 2nd
Officer Julio Aldea, Chris Labos and Captain
Eulegio Panulaya. “Mahirap makalimutan
ang mga mukha ninyo, dahil unique!! he! he!
he! Merry Christmas, saang mang parte ng
dagat kayo naroroon.
Roli M. Ancha
Anong klaseng Mayor?
A signing-off seaman
AB#1: I hate to go home.
AB#2: But why, signing-off is
supposed to be the best part of
sea life.
Kuwentong pang-Jeep.
Chief: Mayor, saan ang punta
Mayor: Sa opisina, Chief.
AB#1: Because at home I eat the
same tasteless food, wash the
dishes, make my bed and do my
own laundry.
Pasajero: (Sa sarili) Ibang klasing
Mayor ito, naglalakad na walang
bodyguard at dito pa sa jeep sumakay.
AB#2: Why don’t you get married
so you won’t do all these things?
Chief: Kumusta naman ang
bakasyon natin, Mayor?
AB#1: I am married !
Mayor: Ayos naman. Ito nga
babalik na naman sa barko.
C/O Albert M. Centeno
M/V Xanadu
Pasajero: Sus Ginoo! Akala ko
Mayor ng bayan itong kasakay ko,
yon pala Mayor-doma ng barko.
Tungkol sa
kanilang Daddy
Tatlong bata ang nagkukuwentuhan
tungkol sa kanilang mga ama.
Bata 1: Ang Daddy ko taon-taon
nagpapalit ng bagong motorsiklo
Bata 2: Wala ‘yan sa Daddy ko, taontaon nagpapalit ng bagong kotse.
Bata 3: Wala talaga kayong dalawa
sa Daddy ko, taon-taon o minsan nga
sampung buwan palang nagpapalit
na ng barko.
Tol Seaman pala ang Daddy mo!
Jessie Desuyo
M/V Atlantic
Joseph Volante
M/V Sea Tyne
Pagbati para sa Pasko at Bagong Taon...
Merry Christmas to my beloved wife, Vangie and kids, Christine and Charlene Mae. May the Lord Jesus Christ keeps on blessing you. I
love and miss you all.
Papa Eric Gotera – MT Centaur
Belated birthday greetings to Andyking (Nov. 15), Bobbic (Nov. 22). God bless and hoping many more b-days to come. Also, Christmas
greetings to my dear wife, Ma. Cecilia, to my sister, Viv’s, to Rose and my loving parents, Pat and Glory and also to my in-laws, Mar and
Diosing, Merry Christmas and a Prosperous New Year.
Spark King Andriano – MT Isla Camotes
To all the seamen’s family in Davao City and Aloran, Misamis Occidental, Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. May God bless us
2/0 Cocoy Bongalo – M/V Early Bird
Nay, wishing you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Take care and I love you.
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to my beloved wife, Daweng, daughter, Reina, son, Raff-raff, to my parents, brother and sister.
Weng, you mean so much to me. I love you and am missing you terribly.
Monching Armedilla – M/V Veritas Amsterdam
Merry Christmas and a happy new year to my loving wife, Lanilyn Repil, sweet kisses for you Mama. I love you and Happy Wedding
Anniversary on Jan. 27, also happy birthday to my son, Kent Aldren (Dec. 7) and John Leslie (Dec. 13).
4/E Andrada
M/V Libra Santos
To my loving family, may God always be with us. Merry Christmas, Happy new year!!!
A/B Allan Ramirez
MT Stavronisi
Mga iba pang pag-bati... pahina 10.
Parola no. 95 November - December 1998 Page 7
Hindi ito Bola!
ni Dr. Margarita Holmes
Ako po ay 49 anos at 15 taon nang nagtatrabaho bilang
seaman. Marami na akong nabisitang iba’t ibang bansa
pero lagi kong sinisigurado na umuuwi ako sa Pilipinas
taon-taon. Kung nasuswerte, ako ay anim o kahit walong
linggo sa atin, pero kadalasan, mga dalawa o tatlong
linggo lang taon-taon ako nasa ating bansa.
Ang aking Misis ay 49 at kami ay may anim na anak.
Ang panganay ay 28 at ang bunso ay 14. Awa ng Diyos,
silang lahat ay malulusog at nag-aaral o may trabaho na.
Kahit na mahal ko si Misis, hindi maiwasan na paminsanminsan ay kumuha rin ako ng babaeng bayaran. Ang iba
sa kanila ay hindi kasing bait ng Misis ko, pero lahat sila
ay napakaganda, mga kamukha nina Jackie Lou Blanco,
Gretchen Barreto at Rosanna Roces pa.
Kahit na gaanong beses ako kumuha ng babaeng
bayaran, sinisigurado ko na wala akong pagkukulang
kay Misis. Kahit na dalawa o tatlong linggo ako sa atin,
hindi siya naghahanap nang kahit ano sa akin na hindi
ko naibigay.
At least, gano’n po noong dati.
Pero itong nakaraang tatlong taon, mayroon akong
napansin sa aming pagtatalik. Hirap na hirap na akong
tigasan kay Misis. Wala po akong ganitong problema
sa babaeng bayaran, kay Misis lamang. Nagtataka ako
sapagkat si Misis lang ang mahal ko at siya ang Nanay
ng anim kong mga anak. Ayokong masaktan siya.
Mahahalata kaya niya na wala akong ganitong problema
sa babaeng bayaran?
Sa palagay ko naman, RODOLFO, hindi niya ito mahahalata unless ikaw
mismo ay mag-volunteer nitong impormasyon na ito.
(2) Makakatulong ba ang Viagra?
Puwedeng makatulong ang Viagra sa mga taong puwedeng uminom
nito. Hindi kasali sa grupong ito ang mga lalaking may sakit sa puso, may
high blood pressure, o may kondisyon na nangangailangan na uminom
sila ng gamot na may nitrates.
Kahit na may sakit sa puso ang isang lalake, baka puwede siyang
mas mabilis tigasan kung uminom siya ng Viagra, kaya lang baka rin siya
mamatay. At the last count, 130 na ang mga namatay sa kaiinom ng Viagra.
Baka hindi pa kasali diyan yung isang Cebuano na namatay rin pagkatapos
siyang uminom nito.
Ang Pfizer, na siyang gumawa ng Viagra ay laging sinasabi na hindi
pa naman garantisadong-garantisado na ang Viagra ang pinakamalaking
dahilan ng kamatayan nitong 130 na ito. Baka may ibang bagay na nagcontribute sa kamatayan nila.
Tama ang Pfizer. Hindi lang ang Viagra ang nakakamatay. Ang kombinasyon ng Viagra at sakit sa puso o high blood pressure o anumang
kondisyon na nangangailangan uminom ng gamot na mayroon nitrates
ang siyang peligroso.
Pero bakit pa tayo magdidiskusyon kung ang Viagra ang pinakamalaking
dahilan o hindi? Kung ang side effect ay sakit lang ng ulo. kaunting kahiluhan
o kahit anumang side effect na temporary, walang problema. Ngunit ang
kamatayan ay permanente at kahit na main factor or contributing factor lang
ang Viagra, matindi masyado ang kamatayan para mag take ng chances.
(3) Ano po ang magagawa ko para tigasan na naman ako sa Misis ko?
Ano po ba ang magagawa ko para bumalik ang dating
sigla ko sa pakikipagtalik sa aking Misis? Makaka-tulong
po ba ang Viagra? Marami na akong narinig na mga side
effects nito. may katotohanan po ba ang mga ito?
Marami kang magagawa, pero nag-aalangan ako kasi baka hindi ka
masiyahan sa iba sa aking mga mungkahi.
Mayroon din po akong sakit sa puso. Mas makakalala
po ba sa puso ko kung uminom ako ng Viagra?
Dahil ikaw ay hindi kasing bata nang dati, natural lang yung hindi ka
matigasan kaagad sa asawa mo. Ito ay nangyayari sa karamihan ng mga
Sana po ay mabigyan ninyo ako ng payo para mabigyan
kami ng tulong ng aking asawa. More power!
Maraming salamat sa inyong sulat. Sapagkat napaka-init itong
isyu ng Viagra sana ay huwag kang magalit kung sagutin ko kaagad
lahat ng iyong mga tanong.
(1) Itong nakaraang tatlong taon mayroon akong napansin sa
aming pagtatalik. Hirap na hirap akong tigasan kay Misis. Wala
akong ganitong problema sa mga babaeng bayaran, kay Misis
lang. Mahahalata kaya niya na wala akong problema sa babaeng
Parola no. 95 November - December 1998 Page 8
Sapagkaʼt wala kang problemang tigasan sa ibang babae, ibig sabihin
na ang iyong problema kay Misis ay sikolohikal at hindi pisikal.
Dahil ang asawa mo ay hindi rin kasing bata ng dati, natural lang na
mas naaaliw ka sa mga ibang babae na hindi mo kilala, lalung-lalo na
kung sila ay mas bata, mas tisay, mas maputi, mas mapayat (o malaman),
o mas seksi sa Misis mo. Sa katotohanan lang, kung ikaw ay kagaya nang
karamihan ng mga lalaki, kahit na hindi sila kamukha ni Gretchen o Jackie
Lou o Rosanna, basta hindi mo pa sila kilala, ito ay nagbibigay ng aura,
ng extra kiliti sa iyo.
Ganyan lang ang mundo at ganyan lang ang karamihan ng mga lalaki.
Pero, RODOLFO, hindi ibig sabihin na kailangan kang maging kagaya ng
kamunduhan o kagaya ng karamihan ng mga lalake. Hindi ibig sabihin na
sapagkat mas nakakakiliti ang ibang babae na kailangan kang magpakiliti
sa kanila.
Kung mahal mo ang iyong asawa at gusto mo siyang masiyahan sa kama
ay isa mong magagawa ay gawing mas kapana-panabik ang iyong sarili
Hindi ito Bola!
sa kanya. Magagawa mo ito kung bawasan mo o, mas maigi kaya,
tigilan mo ang pagkukuha ng babaing bayaran. Iwas ka pa sa mga
sakit na STDs. Kung mag dieta ka nang mga lima o anim na buwan
bago ka umuwi, mas malaki ang probabilidad na mas magaganahan
ka sa iyong Misis.
Kahit hindi nila sinasadya, may mga lalake na mas maalalahanin
sa babaeng bayaran kaysa sa asawa nila. Mas mainit ang kanilang
paglalambingan, mas tumatagal ang kanilang pagroromansa sa mga
babeng ito kaysa sa kanilang asawa.
Kawawa naman kaming mga Misis!! Sana kami rin ay romansahin
ninyo ng ganyan. Inaamin ko na minsan kailangan din matuto ang
mga Misis kung papaano hanapin ang kiliting espesyal ni Mister.
Pero hindi ba napakasaya kung magtulungan ang mag-asawa para
mahanap at ma-diskubre ang mga ito?
paglalambingan ninyo ng iyong Misis?
Kung kayo ay nagmamahalan pa at kung hindi naman siyang
sobrang nagpabaya sa sarili sigurado akong malalampasan mo rin ang
pansamantalang (temporary) problemang ito. Sana ay sulatan mo ako
muli kung mayroon pa akong maitutulong sa iyo. Good luck.
Maligayang Pasko sa inyong lahat.
MG Holmes
Kung gusto ninyo akong sulatan, ang aking
Dr. Margie Holmes-Marinaccio
5966 Rathlin Lane
Concord, NC 28027
or c/o Parola.
Kung ikaw ay kabilang sa mga lalaking mas maalalahanin sa
babaing bayaran kaysa sa Misis mo, puwede bang baguhin mo ang
Alamin Natin:
Myths @ Facts on STD & AIDS
by Basco Fernandez
With new medicines and treatment, is the threat of AIDS really over ?
This question was discussed during a roundtable discussion with doctors and health workers here in Rotterdam. Apparently with a strict regime
of pills and some changes in lifestyle, life is prolonged and life becomes more normal. With this therapy, transmission from persons found HIV
positive could now be prevented (i.e., transmission from mother to child). However, the doctors are worried that people might make the mistake of
letting their guard down because of the reported success of the therapy.
AIDS is still very much around...
We in PSAP (even after three years of AIDS education) have always argued that statistics on STDs and HIV underestimate the potential infections due to a number of reasons. Mainly, it is the fear of losing one’s job if found to be infected. Secondly, in developing countries where medical
treatment is expensive and less developed, there is a strong practice of self-treatment. We have heard stories of friends taking antibiotics beforeand-after unprotected sex — a dangerous choice indeed. We might not only harm ourselves but also deplete the number of antibiotics that could
combat infections.
We have been accused of promoting promiscuity, when our intention is to break the denial — the first real step towards protecting oneself. We
have asked the seafarers to take their families into consideration. We have indeed reminded them of the benefits of remaining faithful by being celibate.
Yet on the other hand, we know the practice is quite different. It is interesting to note how a study blames alcohol abuse as cause of risky sexual
behavior among teenagers in Vietnam. We have encountered the same problem of taboo (ang mga bawal) easily forgotten after a few bottles of beer.
Our message is clear: If you can not control yourself, at least PLAY SAFE.
December 1 is the annual World AIDS Day. Since 1988, this day has been a day bringing messages of compassion, hope, solidarity and understanding about AIDS to every country in the world. Also on this day, we are reminded that AIDS remains a threat that we need to address. Here are
some facts from the UNAIDS gathered to help us remember and ponder:
* Ten percent increase in global HIV infections in 1998. While number of infections by the year 2000 was predicted in 1994 to reach 40 million,
by December 1998 it has already reached 47 million;
* HALF OF ALL NEW INFECTIONS are from the 15-24 YEAR OLD age group. Around 7000 young people aged 10-24 around the world
are infected with HIV every day (291 persons every hour). In Africa 1.7 million young people are infected with HIV every year, while and 700,000 are
infected with HIV in Asia- Pacific. More than half of the 333 million new cases of STDs per year are among young people.
* Development gains being wiped out. Sub-Saharan African countries are hardest-hit (having 34 million infections, almost 12 million deaths).
In at least four countries, one out every five persons have been infected by the virus. While there are fewer deaths in North America and Western
Europe, there is no progress in prevention as HIV infection rates remains unchanged for a decade;
The ratio of infection is one case in industrialized countries for every 19 cases in developing countries. The ratio of expense for HIV- AIDS is 12
dollars for industrialized countries for every dollar in developing countries.
Source: Dr. Michael Tan, 1997, Shattering the Myths, Quezon City: Health Action Information Network, and UNAIDS.
Parola no. 95 November - December 1998 Page 9
Happy 1st birthday to my son, Paul Ashly Domecillo (Nov. 19). My regards to my wife, Sue
and kid, Mark. I love and miss you all very much. Merry Christmas too.
3/E Allan Domecillo – M/V Vittoriosa
Greetings to my loving wife, Ma. Victoria, happy 2nd Wedding Anniversary (Dec. 27), and
advanced happy birthday. Always remember, I love you and I’ll always will.
Papa Ted Sabuco – M/V Super Servant 4
To my beloved better half, Juliet, happy 29th birthday and wish you more to come. Nothing’s
gonna change my love for you. I love and miss you so much. Also, belated birthday to my
son, Jay (Oct. 5), happy birthday to my son Amir (Dec. 5), advanced happy birthday to Jiovannie (Jan. 2). Take care always.
PAJ – M/V Chihiro
My warmest birthday greetings to my wife, Benedicta (Jan. 4), and belated 8th birthday to my
UNICA IHA GRETEL (Aug. 17), to my sister Maita (Oct. 19), also greetings to my parents, Mr.
& Mrs. Manuel Rosales, and bro-in-law, Ret. U.S. Navy Art Fotanilla, and to all my brothers
and sisters and nieces, wishing you all the best and God bless you all.
Melchor “Boboy” Rosales – M/V Yeoman Brook
My warmest greetings to my loving, caring and very supportive wife, children, Keith, Kathleen,
Karen Joyce and Kayleigh. I hope we will stay as solid as today,for tomorrow and forever.
Jun Cautiver – M/V Alikarnassos
My warmest hugs and kisses to my beloved wife Alma for celebrating our 8th Wedding Anniversary (Oct. 17). I love you forever. Happy birthday to my beloved mother, Aida (Oct. 14),
to my kids, Alvin and Geneva. Take care and I miss you all. God bless you.
A/B Gabriel Nuegas – M/V OOCL China
Extending my love to my wife, Maricel, to my son Ace Ralph belated happy birthday (Sept. 3),
and to my mother on her 53rd birthday (last Sept. 24). Best regards to everybody.
Ronald de Ramos – Hellenic Confidence
My warmest greetings to my wife, Rosemarie and to my sons, Nick, Jun-jun and Arnie. Love
from Toto.
C/E Arturo Quiblatin – M/V Nordwind
Belated happy birthday to my one and only beloved wife, Myra (Oct. 15). May you have
many more birthdays to come. Regards to my intelligent and handsome son, Banvill and my
beautiful daughter, Jeyphine. I love you so much and I miss you. May the Lord continue to
shower His blessings to all of us.
Love and kisses, Papa – M/V Colombus Olivos
Best regards to my one and only loving, sexy wife, Nanoy. I miss you so much. Hello to my
twin daughter, Sheena Claiza and Sheena Danich, to my one and only son, Poloy and my
bunso Ma. Angelica. Mama will take care of you. See you soon. Also, warmest regards to
Vic Rubio and Toto Bernasol. God bless you.
Papa Cesar G. – M/V Ikiena
Hugs and kisses to my lovable wife, Marilyn. I love you Mama. Also, to our new born baby
boy and to my kids Joy, Johnson Joyce. Take good care and God bless you. I love and
miss you all.
Papa Danny Elison –
M/T Stavronisi
To my wife, Terry and two kids, Jesster and Tessie of Bacolod City, to my Papa, Mama and
sisters in Madridejos Cebu, I miss you all.
Jessie Desuyo, M/V Atlantic
Greetings from the Austrian shore . . .
My greetings to all Sparks from DZE and to Capt. C. Almadin, Ch/Mate Ven Calero, my
kumpadre C/Ck Romy Tayong, Elect. Ed Catapang, 3/Engr. Pajoganoy, Larry Vallente. If
you’re still there please write me.
Roberto Henry “Spark” Lapitan, Kieslerweg 9, 1220 Wien Austria
cont'd on page 11
Parola no. 95 November - December 1998 Page 10
Parola is published bi-monthly by
Philippine Seamen’s Assistance
Program(PSAP). PSAP is a non-stock
and non-profit institution, consisting
of volunteers. The objective is to
support Filipino seafarers in their
struggle for better working and living
PSAP extends the following services:
counselling, ship visiting, Parola
distribution, hospital visitation and
organizing activities for seafarers.
PSAP Rotterdam
Rm. 130 Zeemanshuis Rotterdam
Willemskade 13, 3016 DK
Rotterdam, The Netherlands
Tel: 010 - 2400930
Fax. no. 2400932
E-mail. [email protected]
Kasapi Seafarerers Assistance Prog.
Labor Center of Piraeus
Skylitsi 19, Piraeus, Greece
Centro Filipino - Seamen’s Desk
Calle Riera Vaja 6-4 08801
Barcelona, Spain. Tel: 3-3290702
Two important institutions with whom
PSAP has good relations:
Center for Seafarer’s Rights(CSR)
241 Water Street, New York, NY
10038 Tel: 212 - 3499090
Fax. no. 212 - 3498342
Int’l Christian Maritime Assn. (ICMA)
2/3 Orchard Place, Southampton
S01 1BR England. Tel. 703-336111
Editorial Staff:
Marlene Macatangay, Basco Fernandez, Joep Dille, Nonoy Ty and
Josie Pulmano
Technical Staff
Abas Abdula, Edgar Econ,
Leshley Liauw
You can subscribe to Parola at the
rate of $10 per year. Fill out the attached form and send this together
with the amount to PSAP’s Rotterdam
Printed by:
Drukkerij Dizayn / tel.(010) 4254030
Everybody is welcome
to send greetings to
family, friends and
loved ones...
Keep each other in touch
Mula sa MTS binabati
namin kayo ng
Maligayang Pasko at
Manigong Bagong Taon!
Kung gusto ninyong makamura ng tawag sa Pilipinas,
subukan ninyo ang MTS.
MTS : Kilala at pinakamurang Mobile Telecommunication Service dito sa Rotterdam.
Magandang balita dahil mura na at makakatawag pa ng kahit anong oras. Hanggang ang
barko ay nasa pantalan ang telepono ay maaaring iwanan at kukuhanin na lamang kung
paalis na ang barko.
Maaari rin kayong magpadala ng fax para malaman namin kung kailan ang
pagdating ng barko sa Rotterdam.
Fax no. 31-10-4796201
MTS PHONE 06 53 199 339 - 06 55 180 677
I am sending my warm greetings to Dra. Ana
Liza O. Fernandez. Many times I think of you,
my prayer that God will keep you safe in His
loving care. God bless you always.
2/Mate Gerry Ugot M/V Bantry
Greetings to my one and affectionate wife,
Veron. Happy birthday and belated happy
1st Wedding Anniversary to you, Mommy. I
hope you enjoy your birthday with our coming
kid. I love you and am missing you so much.
Belated happy birthday to my father of M/V
Blue Angel.
Sherwin B. – M/T World Prologue
To my parents, Mr. & Mrs Primitivo Yaneza of
Mercedes Cam. Norte. To my family in GMA,
namely, Gemma Dennis & Jonathan. To Larry
and Fe Lagusla and family. Regards.
P. L. Yaneza, Jr. – M/T Stavronissi
Greetings to the one and only woman in my
life, Lovelle and to my super kulit, Patrick and
of course my twins, Kathlyn and Keirvyn. Ma,
I do hope you and our kids are in good health
and condition. Stay as sweet and as sexy as
you are. Also, greetings to my Biyenan and to
my brother and sister-in-law and to all.
Papa Do – M/V JIN
I’m sending my warmest regards to all my brothers and sisters, nieces and nephews,
especially to my mother Oding. I miss you all. Belated birthday greetings to Dexter (Oct.
10), Nestor (Oct. 16), Junjun (Oct. 20), Johnrey (Oct. 24), Jelicen (Oct. 25), and to my
beloved mother (Oct. 27). I wish you all the best and God bless us always. My greetings
to all port missionaries.
Jun-jun Madrazo – LPG/C Derwent
My warm greetings to my family, especially to Tonette, Wianna, Toto Jr., Novelyn, Toentoen, and happy birthday to Princess. Sweet kisses to all. May the Lord be with us and
guide us always.
Love, Tatay Willy Domejes
To 3/O Carmelito Hernandez, belated happy, happy birthday. Your wish is granted.
Subscribing to Parola is your way of
supporting the publication.
A year's subscription costs
US$10.00. Send the amount to:
Rm. 130, Zeemanshuis Rotterdam
Willemskade 13
3016 DK Rotterdam
The Netherlands
Thank you for your support.
See page 12, please...
Parola no. 95 November - December 1998 Page 11
Mula sa PSAP at Parola....
Maingat at malusog na 1999
Play Safe
or don’t Play at all
AIDS : Madaling iwasan, ngunit kung tumama ay walang kalunasan!
Huwag magbakasakali: Makipagtalik lamang sa tunay na partner o kung di na kayang
magpigil, gumamit ng kapote!
Abas Abdula
Edgar Econ
Ida Liauw-Sinajon
Ruben Samson
Roli Viduya
Nonoy Gayoso
Louie Estanislao
PSAP Board:
Rev. Bob ter Haar
Rev. Adolf Leatomu
Leila Rispens-Noel
Joep Dille
Felix Pulmano
Leshley Liauw
Norberto Hacbang
Basco Fernandez
Josie Pulmano-Morilla
Marlene Buwalda-Macatangay
Nonoy Ty
Barcelona, Spain
Fr. Avel Sapida
Piraeus, Greece
Joe Valencia
YES, I would like to receive a copy of Parola
Kabayan ....
If you are in Rotterdam during the 24th of December,
spend a meaningful Gabi ng
PASKO (Christmas evening)
with us.
regularly. Please send my copy to the name
and address below.
Contact us if you are interested at the following numbers:
See page 11, please...
Parola no. 95 November - December 1998 Page 12