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Volume XLX, No. 8 July 25, 2013 Dr. David Elks Celebrates 5 Years at FBC On July 1, 2013, Dr. David Elks celebrated his fifth anniversary as pastor of our congregation. His anniversary was acknowledged at Family Night at Prayer on Wednesday, July 10, with a presentation by Drina Hedgpeth, Chair of Deacons, and Rev. Tim Little, Minister of Music and Senior Adults. While in conversation with the Pastor Search Committee prior to his call, when asked about his passion for mission and ministry, Dr. Elks shared that he felt specifically called to connect people to Christ and connect people to one another. This calling has been an obvious focus in his fruitful service during the past five years. Dr. Elks has connected us with Christ by challenging us to deepen our faith through fostering spiritual disciplines and ministering to the local community and the world beyond. Through thoughtfully crafted and masterfully delivered sermons, we have been invited to celebrate God’s holiness and respond to God’s Spirit speaking to us. Dr. Elks has helped us explore indepth the disciplines of our faith through Companions in Christ groups and Bible Study, and he guided us to establish a relationship with Christian brothers and sisters in India, resulting in a mission trip and ongoing relationship. Dr. Elks shepherded our congregation through an extensive Visioning process, the results of which are now in implementation, as well as a successful search for a full-time Minister to Children. While helping us draw closer to Christ, Dr. Elks has also inspired us to draw closer to others. During the past five years, he has encouraged our members to get to know one another better through fellowship and through activities such as the church-wide softball game with the Friends of Jesus Class. This past March, Dr. Elks and First Baptist Lumberton hosted the 2013 Cooperative Baptist Fellowship of North Carolina General Assembly, welcoming over 800 like-minded Baptist friends from throughout the state. With Dr. Elks’ encouragement, we began hosting Community Café for the hungry in our community and began seeing the opportunities for outreach and ministry in our Early Childhood Ministry. And Dr. Elks has been our friend and loved us well, leading us to celebrate and share the significant moments in the life of our congregation - - - baptisms, new births, baccalaureate, calls to ministry - - - as well as care for members of our congregation and community experiencing loss, grief, and other crises. Dr. Elks, as well as the Elks family - - - Sandra, Kayla, and Megan - - - are an integral part of the life of our congregation and community, and we thank them for saying “yes” to God’s leadership in their lives five years ago, opening their lives and hearts to ministry among us. We congratulate Dr. Elks on this special milestone anniversary and look forward to the next phase of our journey together. A couple of weeks ago I mentioned a CBF initiative entitled Together for Hope. This program is a twenty year commitment CBF has made to work in some of the poorest counties in our country. You may remember that a few years ago groups from our church went to Helena, Arkansas to participate in a Together for Hope project and found the experience very rewarding. I believe it is time for us to go again, only this time I am proposing that we set our sights on Perry County, Alabama. I have not been to Perry County, but I have been impressed with the people I have talked to who are Sowing Seeds of Hope, in conjunction with Together for Hope. This ministry is working to help people help themselves in meeting their educational and housing needs. I do not have a lot of details at this point, but I am putting together a mission trip for this fall to Perry County to help with a home building project entitled “Self Help Builds.” Tentative dates for the trip are October 5-12. The project is, as the name suggests, an opportunity for people to help build their own home. We would be going to offer a helping hand to family who is doing their best to have a home they can enjoy and be proud of for years to come. A second purpose of the trip is to identify other possible needs (such as working with children, etc.) so we can organize another trip next spring. I will be announcing the details as I get them and I encourage you to consider coming along. I have one other reason for putting this trip together and it speaks to the commonly held statement that “missions begins at home.” Missions does begin at home, but it doesn’t stay home. In some cases it travels so it can learn how to better serve at home. I believe we will learn a few things about how we can better serve our community by going and learning from others who are working Together for Hope. Peace, David “The opposite of love is not hate, it’s indifference.” —Elie Wiesel Children’s Corner This past month, I had the pleasure of taking two of our children to Passportkids!, a mission-based camp that I have been affiliated with since I was in college. The girls had a blast meeting new friends, playing games, learning about the Bible and missions, and participating in creative worship experiences. I also had the honor of serving as the guest pastor for this week of camp, as the camp pastor had to go home for health reasons. It was a crazy and exhausting week of camp, but I think all three of us would agree that it was a wonderful experience! The theme this year was, “Tag! You’re It!” and it helped the children think about evangelism in terms of a game of tag. In the classic game of tag, once you’re tagged, you become It and have to tag other people. In the same way, when God “tags” us with his love, we are not to keep it to ourselves; we are to go and “tag” other people with that same love! The children learned Bible stories related to the theme and how important it is to share God’s love through our words and actions, not just with our friends or people that look or act like us, but with everyone. What would it look like if we took the same approach to living out our faith? What would our community look like? What would the world look like? There’s only one way to find out… Tag! You’re it! Go share the love and hope of Christ! Erin The Early Childhood Ministry Honors Amanda Britt! On July 21st, Amanda Britt celebrated 20 years of service in our Early Childhood Ministry. Amanda teaches in our 3-year-old classes and is very patient and loving with the children. We are excited to celebrate this milestone with Amanda and proud to have her as part of our team. She was presented a monetary service award. There is a bit of truth to that. From working with teenagers I have seen more lives turned around from those who were hostile to our faith coming into our group than from those who just don’t care. Apathy, not doubt, is the ultimate challenge to faith. I am quite aware that most of you care deeply about our future not only as a church but also as The Church. Knowing that, let me again challenge you to remain active in the lives of young adults who have journeyed through our doors and are now off at college. Last month, I shared how much it means to our collegians to remain connected to our church, and then shared it again on Wednesday night in the fellowship hall. I have shared how we need just 6-7 new people to agree to be a prayer partner and encourager for this year’s class of incoming freshmen. So far, the plea has been met with silence. This month, our Sunday School Director and I discussed the need for a young adult class aimed at mid-20s to mid30s. Young people, couples or singles, who don’t feel at home either in our older classes or in our college aged class need a place to call home. It would take a tremendous amount of effort and dedication on someone’s part to teach that class. I understand if no one feels that call, but if you do-please let us know! What I have a harder time understanding is when more people don’t answer the call to pray for and encourage college students by sending a few cards or letters. Some of you have even sent care packages, which they love (but isn’t a requirement). To those 12-15 of you and the Sunday School class who already helps, thank you! Would you please consider “adopting” one more if no one steps up? To everyone else, please don’t think you never get asked to do anything. If you are reading this, I’m asking. Call, e-mail, text, or Facebook the church office or me if you are willing. If not, will you consider “adopting” from another age group- homebound? Poor health? Military? They all need love and prayers. Please care. Doug Youth Fall Congratulations, Amanda! Church Directory Portrait Sessions Portrait Sessions will take place at First Baptist October 1-5 & October 9-12 Your opportunity to sign up is coming soon. Watch First Baptist News for more information. Kick-off August 25, 2013 at the home of Allison Harrington 5211 Flynn Dr. More details to come! Often people tell me they long for a simpler time. They long for a simpler way of life which is more like the life they experienced when they were children. I admit that there are times when I fall into the category of those who would like things to be more like they were when I was a child. Most of us have fond memories of our childhoods. Life didn’t move as quickly. There always seemed to be plenty of help for any occasion and there was always something good to eat at gatherings. Most people comment that there wasn’t a lot of money but there was a lot of happiness. Hot Topic I recall as a child many happy evenings listening to my grandfather talk about his childhood. Often I went to sleep hearing stories from the early 1900’s and some that he recalled his grandparents telling him from the Civil War era. But as I grew older, I realized that my grandfather usually ended those conversations by telling me how great things were when he was younger. I think part of our love for the past has to do with the fact that someone older than us was taking care of details so that we could enjoy life. Parents, uncles, aunts, grandparents and friends worked together to make sure that the next generation had a better opportunity than they did. Paul makes a statement in I Corinthians 13 regarding how his thinking changed as he grew and matured. He said that when he became an adult that he put childish things behind him, that he took on responsibility. I don’t think it is a bad thing to remember our childhood fondly, or to have a longing for a time when things were simpler. But in doing so, remember your responsibility to the children who are a part of your life. Most of you had committed adults who led in church so that you could learn about the love of Christ through word and deed. So as you’re thinking about the wonderful past, also think of ways you can help to make the present wonderful for our children. Then they can grow up and remember how wonderful things were when they were children. But more importantly, they can grow in the love of Christ to be the people that God intends for them to be. Tim “WATER U Doing?” Music Day Camp August 5-9, 2013 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Music, Bible Stories, Crafts Games, and Mission Projects for children in 1st-6th Grade (completed). Cost: $55!—includes all activities, lunches, snacks and a t-shirt! “Water” you waiting for? Come by the church office to sign-up! WELCOME BACK WEDNESDAY! Family Night Supper Menus August 2013 August 7 Spaghetti, String Beans, Texas Toast, Salad, Pumpkin or Lemon Pie (Sugar-free) August 14 Barbecue Pork Chops, Mashed Potatoes, Fried Okra, Rolls, Brownies (Sugar-free) August 21 Hamburger Steak, Rice & Gravy, Butter Beans, Biscuits, Salad, Apple Pie (Sugar-free) August 28 Barbecue, Slaw, French Fries, Baked Beans, Hushpuppies, Salad, Cherry Pie (Sugar-free) Baptist Women’s Luncheon—August 5 11:45 a.m. in the Activity Building Our speaker will be Ray Cockrell, from the Boys & Girls Home at Lake Waccamaw, NC The Glen Flora Group will meet at 11:00 a.m. Memorial Gifts June 9-July 21, 2013 The Music Memorial Fund In memory of Dewey Blanton given by: Frances Cameron The General Fund Memorial In memory of Dewey Blanton given by: Bob & Minnie Chewning In honor of Sam Kinlaw given by: Bobbie Britt & Bill Chism August 28, 2013 in Cherry Fellowship Hall at 6:00 p.m. Registration & Orientation for Handbells, Children’s Choirs & Wednesday Night Live! In memory of Paul Willoughby given by: Mary H. Britt In memory of Dr. John Cave given by: Mary H. Britt First Baptist Church of Lumberton, NC P O Box 938 Lumberton, NC 28359 - 0938 (910) 739-4336 The FIRST BAPTIST NEWS (UPS 192-260) published monthly by First Baptist Church, 602 N. Walnut Street, Lumberton, NC 28358 Periodical Postage Paid at Lumberton, NC Welcome New Member! Preparing for Sunday…Colossians 2:6-19 “Live Christ” In our reading of Colossians over the past weeks we have noticed the reverence Paul had for Christ. Paul was convinced, as are we, that Jesus was the image of the invisible God in whom we can put our full trust. Paul was confident of Christ and, as we will see in in this Sunday’s passage, he was also confident in us, the church. Paul reminds us that we have come to fullness in him (Christ) and are able to be bold witnesses of God’s redeeming love for all people. We are therefore, not just living our lives. We are to Live Christ. Save the Date! Operation: Inasmuch—September 28th! STUFF THE BUS! Ivey Wilkerson Baptized: July 21, 2013 Help Communities in Schools provide school supplies for Robeson County students. Collection Is Going on Now! Look for the Stuff the Bus Box in Cherry Fellowship Hall. Items needed include: For the Record 7/21/13 Needed per week ................... $16,480.77 Received 7/21/13....................... $8,610.38 Yearly need to date ...............$477,942.33 Received to date ........................$440,958.28 Over (Under) Budget.............($36,984.05) Sunday School Attendance—203 CHURCH STAFF Mrs. Nancy Bass —Financial Coordinator Rev. Erin Collier—Minister to Children Mrs. Wendy Doeller—Receptionist/Educational Secretary Dr. David Elks—Pastor Mrs. Daphne Fletcher — Church Secretary Ms. Dorothy Hunt—Building Superintendent Rev. Tim Little—Minister of Music & Worship/ Senior Adults Rev. Doug Reedy—Minister of Youth Contact us at 739-4336 or [email protected] Notebook Paper Composition Books Pens Pencils Scissors Colored Pencils Glue Kleenex Disinfecting Wipes Crayons Erasers Pencil Packs Clear or Mesh Backpacks Tax Deductible Donations will also be accepted at Communities in Schools, 2006 N. Pine St., Lumberton. Aug. 13—Painting Party—Noon to 5:00 p.m. We’ll travel to Fayetteville and learn how to paint a picture (and bring it home!) $30 per child (includes lunch). Must sign up with Erin (10 child minimum).