Informatique au CC
Informatique au CC
Centre de Calcul de l’Institut National de Physique Nucléaire et de Physique des Particules Informatique au CC-IN2P3 Journées LCG France décembre 2015 Ressources humaines au 9 décembre 88 agents : 29 % CDD Figure 1 - Worked FTE & # of people evolutions 60,0 60 Journées LCG France 2015 Non-Permanent in WFTE # of non-permanent tempo 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 Permanent in WFTE # of permanent 2005 2004 0 2003 0,0 2002 15 2001 15,0 2000 30 1999 30,0 1998 45 1997 45,0 1 chercheur 85 ITA 1 apprentie 1 stagiaire 69 BAP E 8 BAP J 6 BAP G 3 BAP F 14-12-2015 2 Organigramme : changements à venir Retraite } Pierre-Etienne Macchi Directeur Communication / Partenariats Chargés de Mission Assistant de Prévention : Jean-Louis Perrot Qualité: Frédéric Azevedo Sécurité Informatique : Benoît Delaunay Gaëlle Shifrin Virginie Dutruel Christèle Aulas Responsable Administrative et Financière Cellule Webcast Olivier Drevon Coordination Achats : Pierre Larrieu Formation Permanente : V. Dutruel, L. Defay } Domaine informatique Infrastructure B. Delaunay Développements J-R. Rouet O. Aïdel A. Bourges F. Bretel D. Cathala-Martinez E. Cervera B. Chambon P. Cheynet P. Correia C. Evesque P. Frébault F. Joyon G. Kremenek C. L'Orphelin P. Liu D. Mège J. Moutarde S. Reynaud T. Salanon L. Schwarz L. Souai Opérations R. Rumler Réseau Stockage Système Exploitation Support L. Caillat-Vallet J-Y. Nief M. Puel S. Poulat D. Bouvet T. Balde J. Bernier C. Rondelet P-E. Brinette Y. Calas A. Georget Z. Goutali F. Kleinbourg L. Tortay L-A. Denis C. Eloto R. Ferrand P-Y. Fontanière N. Fournials B. Guillon V. Hamar A. Khoudir V. Llorens X. Niu F. Wernli F. Azevedo K. Bilongo-Manene X. Canehan H. Cordier N. Lajili P. Larrieu H. Moudjeb P. Calvat Y. Cardenas S. Gadrat T. Kachelhoffer Q. Le Boulc'h R. Lemrani G. Marchetti G. Rahal N. Toukourou E. Vamvakopoulos A. Vedaee R. Vernet Centre de Calcul de l'IN2P3 / CNRS - 21 avenue Pierre de Coubertin - CS70202 - 69627 VILLEURBANNE cedex - FRANCE Journées LCG France Services généraux } Recherche F. Suter Administration C. Aulas Sces généraux P. Trouvé D. Boutigny F. Hernandez C. Wang H. Aïdel L. Defay C. Durand Y. Gervais V. Grégorio F. Meunier S. Minet R. Farjon S. Lepers D. Perrin J-L. Perrot S. Reniaud Responsables équipe Opération et groupe Exploitation } courant 1er trimestre 2016 1er décembre 2015 14-12-2015 3 Resources : budget evolution 12000 Budget en k€ 9000 6000 1300 1700 1600 1350 4587 1364 5000 1364 5450 1364 2000 2000 1100 1100 1700 1799 3500 3656 2011 2012 900 900 1850 1800 4305 4350 4400 2013 2014 2015 1100 1145 3000 0 3400 3750 3750 3750 3750 4223 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 CEA TGIR LCG TGIR non LHC Budget more or less stable } In 2015 : budget is constant over previous year : 7 100 k€ } Other incomes sources ( hosting, services, …) at very high level due to exceptional incomes : } 2014 remaining money } EGEE-III final balance } Hosting & services } Generator disaster refund (legal procedure) Journées LCG France 14-11-2015 4 Expenses Alloca&on Alloca&on Total(k€) %2014 LCG(exceptop.) 1800 -3% NonLCG 3388 28% Bâ9ment 2116 RH Coûtfonct. 8% 292 -23% 363 15% LabosIN2P3 325 Total 8284 0% LCG (except op.)Non LCG 22 % 41 % IN2P3 Labs 4 % Runnning costs 4 % HR 4 % } == FM 26 % Total(k€) %2014 IT@CC 4528 18% IT@LabosIN2P3 985 -2% 2116 8% Bâ9ment RH 292 -23% Coûtsfonct. 363 15% Total 8284 CPU 19 % Storage 40 % Maintenance 18 % Network 16 % Services 7 % CPU Total %2014 (k€) 871 83% Storage 1816 23% Network 722 14% Services 301 -31% Maintenance 818 soT&hard Total 4528 1% IT @ CC 55 % == IT @ IN2P3 labs 12 % HR Running costs 4 % FM 4 % 26 % Fluids 46 % Tertiary 5 % Maintenance Infra 29 % 20 % 46% of the budget allocated to maintain IT capacity Journées LCG France Alloca&on Alloca&on Total(k€) %2014 Fluids 869 -2% Maintenance(HVAC, elec…) 579 1% Infrastructure improvements 380 -4% Ter9ary 288 197% Total 2116 14-11-2015 5 Main buyings } CPU } } } 23 Dell C6000 with 92 C6200v2 : 41 783 HS06 6 Dell C6000 with 24 C6320 : 12 500 HS06 (LCG 2016) 6 Dell C6000 with 24 C6320 : 12 500 HS06 (2016) 66 783 HS06 5 years warranty } } 4 Dell C6000 with 16 C6320 : « HPC » 32 cores each Storage } } 40 Dell R730xd with 40 disk bays MD1400 ( 6 TB) : 4 800 TB 10 Dell R730xd with 10 disk bays MD1400 ( 6 TB) : 1 200 TB 6 PB Disk 5 years warranty } } 24 T10KD drives (12 for 2016) 10 PB of tapes (half is renewal) Journées LCG France 10 PB MSS 14-11-2015 6 2016 budget } Positive points CNRS contribution announced to be constant at 6 200 k€ ➡ CEA contribution 900 k€ ➡ Some hardware renewal made in advance ➡ } Expenses to maintain capacities are estimated at a first glance around 2.2 M€ } Experiments needs not known at this time ➡ except for LHC and Euclid } Quite confident … but both CEA and LCG-France agreements are terminating next year Journées LCG France 14-11-2015 7 Network, capacities and usages ESC/COS 2015 27/11/2014 8 Network : dedicated links to interconnect other IN2P3 sites Cost is beared by CC 100 Mb/s link between Lyon and LSM : ~72 k€ /year Investment this year (Amplivia and Renater) : - upgrade to 10 Gbits/s - annual maintenance fee : 5 k€ - 220 k€ 100 Mb/s Link between CPPM and Antarés : ~ 35 k€/y Participation to RMES network : - upgrade to 10 Gbits/s - annual maintenance fee : 5 k€ - 130 k€ Journées LCG France 14-12-2015 9 CPU capacity ~24 500 vcores 1 600 068 041 HS06.h Available Wall Clock Time / Used Wall Clock Time ~ 86% Journées LCG France 14-12-2015 10 CPU & Storage capacities CPU capacity # HS06 Core Usage 64 8 747 512 « HPC » 52 10 760 624 HTC-CLOUD 768 233 017 11 856 HTC 884 252 524 12 992 Tapes Storage used on magnetic tape : 24,4 PB out of 340 PB nominal capacity 134 drives (LT04, T10K-B/C/D) Backup (TSM) Disk storage capacity Usage # PiB PB Usage dCache 171 8,83 10,8 84 % xRootd 64 4,83 5,31 68 % iRODS 15 0,87 0,93 62 % gpfs 64 2,44 2 70 % 250 16,97 19,04 Journées LCG France Stored volume : 1.1 PB out of 5.5 Po 6 drives LT06 14-12-2015 11 Users : distribution and CPU consumption 2015 (11 months) IN2P3 Non IN2P3 CPU (en HS06.h) 1 381 637 933 63 980 981 CPU (HS06.h) CPU Non IN2P3 (HS06.h) IN2P3 Non IN2P3 Journées LCG France 96 % 4 % Others Physics 11 % 5 % Labs 14 % Bio-computing Grid 60 % 9 % 14-12-2015 12 CPU IN2P3 Usage CPU IN2P3 (HS06.h) 2 % 3 % 20 % 13 % CMS 14,6 % 2 % LHCb 25,4 % Alice 17,3 % Top HEP + Hadron ATLAS 41,8 % 59 % Astroparticles Nuclear HEP Hadron Labs Multidisciplinary 0,6 % Neutrino Theory Auger 0,8 % Planck 17,9 % Top 10 Astroparticle + Neutrino sharing HESS 19,1 % Antares 14,5 % AMS 13 % dchooz 5 % GLAST 19,7 % km3net 5 % CTA 4 % Virgo 1 % Journées LCG France 14-12-2015 13 2015 disk usage (11 months) dCache GPFS iRods xRootd 2 % 2 % 48 % 100 % IN2P3 Non IN2P3 TiB IN2P3 Non IN2P3 20 % 52 % 98 % IN2P3 Backup (incl. double copy) Tapes Non IN2P3 IN2P3 Cache 7 842,2 7,7 Non IN2P3 GPFS 1 232,7 25,7 IN2P3 iRods 233,7 214,0 80 % 100 % 98 % Non IN2P3 xRootd 3 070,9 71,7 IN2P3 Non IN2P3 Tapes 26 985,0 IN2P3 Non IN2P3 Backup (incl. double copy) 3 000,0 747,0 « Non IN2P3 » usage is very specific to a few technologies. It represents 0.85% of the data storage (backup excluded) Journées LCG France 14-12-2015 14 CC-IN2P3 within WLCG 5 % 11 % 107.1 kHS06 25 % 2015 T1 Pledged Tape Capacity 2015 T1 Pledged Disk Capacity 2015 T1 Pledged CPU Capcacity 5 % 11 % 22 % 14 % 9.8 PB 4 % 11 % 28 % 18.1PB 13 % 15 % 12 % 12 % 2 % 5 % 3 %4 % 6 % Canada 3 % 5 % 1 % 4 % 6 % 13 % France Germany % of 2014 pledges CPU Disk Tapes French T1 / ∑ T1 11.17 11.18 10.71 French T1+T2s / ∑ T1+T2s 9.91 10.33 10.71 Journées LCG France Italy Netherlands Nordic 13 % 15 % Korea 16 % 2 % 5 % 1 % 3 %5 % Russia Spain Taïwan UK USA T1 Pledged CPU is ~ 45% of CC capacity but ~64% of its usage T1 Disk usage ~95 % 14-12-2015 15 Electricity cost k€ HT Cons. (en 10 GWh) kWh price (€ cents/kWh) 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 1400 1200 1000 800 600 400 Despite the average kWh price (7.7 € cents/kWh) that increases, the global bill is more or less constant. Price without VTA but includes all other taxes 200 0 2003 2005 2007 2009 2011 2013 2015 Estimation 01/01/2016 : electricity delivery market deregulation is mandatory -> french government has made a tender for all its academic organisms. We have been informed last friday of its result. EDF will be our electricity provider and the prices will be of 39, 13 € / MWH HTT for 2016 and 39,74 € / MWH HTT for 201, i.e. : 2016 price : ~7,69 €cents/kWh — 2017 price : ~7,75 €cents/kWh if other taxes are constants………… Journées LCG France 14-12-2015 16 LSST } A agreement was signed on March 5th for the camera and the computing } half of the processing will be made at Lyon, the other half at NCSA French#Processing# Center# (CCLIN2P3,#Lyon,#France)# # Data!Release!Produc/on!(50%)! French!DAC! Archive$Site$ Archive$Center$ Alert!Produc?on! Data!Release!Produc?on!(50%)! EPO!Infrastructure! !LongCterm!Storage!(copy!2)$ Data$Access$Center$ Data!Access!and!User!Services$ HQ$Site$ Summit$and$Base$Sites$ Telescope!and!Camera! Data!Acquisi?on! Crosstalk!Correc?on! LongCterm!storage!(copy!1)! Chilean!Data!Access!Center! Science!Opera?ons! Observatory!Management! Educa?on!and!Public!Outreach! LSST 2015 | BREMERTON, WA | AUG 20TH, 2015. Journées LCG France 6 14-12-2015 17 EUCLID } An agreement was signed between IN2P3 and CNES } CC-IN2P3 will provide the hardware to store and process 30% of the first data release of this telescope } CNES will finance up to 3 contracts : one dedicated support, one system administrator and one storage administrator } It will represent a estimated cost of about 220 k€/ year Journées LCG France 14-12-2015 18 Cliquez ici pour le titre du slide Paysage Assemblée générale 11-12-2105 19 Centres de calcul intensif en 2014 Centres HPC nationaux : Tiers 0 et 1 Guadeloupe IDRIS TGCC Martinique Simple ? Guyane CCIN2P3 Nouvelle Calédonie CINES Réunion Puissance totale ~5.2 PFlop Assemblée générale Stockage total ~50 Po 11-12-2015 20 Réseau des mésocentres (Tier-2) Lille Guadeloupe Pointe-àPitre Amiens Rouen Reims Brest Metz Paris-IdF Rennes Strasbourg Martinique Moins simple… Orléans Nantes Dijon Besançon Guyane Clermont-Ferrand La Rochelle Limoges < 5 TFlops 5-10 TFlops 10-20 TFlops Bordeaux > 20 TFlops Lyon Grenoble Nouvelle Calédonie Montpellier 145 TFlops Annecy Marseille Nice Toulouse Saint-DenisRéunion Assemblée générale Puissance totale ~1 PFlop Stockage total ~15 Po 11-12-2015 21 Le réseau de communication RENATER Pas vraiment du calcul mais ça aide… Assemblée générale 11-12-2015 22 Non academic datacenter } 1 1 Cartographie des Data Centers en France et au Luxembourg* + (2) CLICHY (4) COURBEVOIE (10) PARIS (1) ROISSY (1) LA COURNEUVE (1) LA GARENNE-COLOMBES *Estimation au 24 mars 2014 (1) AUBERGENVILLE (6) SAINT-DENIS (4) NANTERRE (6) AUBERVILLIERS (1) PANTIN (1) NOISY-LE-GRAND (1) NEUILLY (1) MONS-EN-BAROEUL (1) GRAVELINES (5) ROUBAIX (1) RUEIL MALMAISON (1) LOGNES (1) LE PLESSIS-ROBINSON (2) COLLÉGIEN 1 (1) VILLENEUVE D’ASCQ + (5) LILLE VALENCIENNES (1) IVRY-SUR-SEINE (1) MAGNY-LES-HAMEAUX 1 (1) CHAMPS-SUR-MARNE (1) LES ULIS 1 1 LE HAVRE (2) VÉLIZY-VILLACOUBLAY (1) CHEVILLY-LA-RUE + (2) VITRY-SUR-SEINE (1) MARCOUSSIS (2) ROUEN Le Havre (2) CAEN (2) REIMS (1) VAL-DE-REUIL Hors sujet…… 2 (1) METZ Reims + 2 + (3) NANCY (1) CESSON-SÉVIGNÉ (1) CHÂTEAUBOURG (5) STRASBOURG 1 (1) TOURS MULHOUSE (3) RENNES Encore que… LUXEMBOURG (1) LA CHAPELLE-SUR-ERDRE (1) BESANÇON (2) SAINT-HERBLAIN (1) DIJON (4) NANTES CENTRE D’EXCELLENCE EN EUROPE (1) LA ROCHE-SUR-YON (1) SAINT TRIVIER SUR MOIGNANS 1 (1) POITIERS (1) OLONNE-SUR-MER (1) CÉBAZAT REYRIEUX (2) VILLEURBANNE (1) LIMONEST (1) ANGOULÊME (3) LYON + 2 (2) CLERMONT-FERRAND (1) SAINT-SATURNIN (1) BISSEN (1) VÉNISSIEUX (1) SAINT-ÉTIENNE (2) GRENOBLE LÉGENDE (2) BETZDORF (3) BORDEAUX 2 1 (1) WINDHOF (9) LUXEMBOURG RÉGION OUEST SUD DE LA FRANCE + 1 (2) NICE (6) MONTPELLIER (3) TOULOUSE (1) AIX-EN-PROVENCE ( - ) Nombre de Data Centers (3) MÜNSBACH (3) SOPHIA - ANTIPOLIS 1 1 + (1) CONTERN (2) BETTEMBOURG 1 (1) RAMONVILLE + (3) MARSEILLE (1) LA CIOTAT Renseignements : Marc Jacob BRAMI - SIMP 17 avenue Marcelin Berthelot - 92320 Châtillon Tél. : +33 (0)1 40 92 05 55 - Fax. : +33 (0)1 46 56 20 91 [email protected] (1) KAYL Assemblée générale 11-12-2015 L’urbanisation de votre Datacenter par RITTAL THINK INTELLIGENCE-THINK SIMPLICITY-THINK EFFICIENY RiMatrix S : Le premier Datacenter standardisé A qui pouvez-vous faire confiance pour délivrer les solutions qui comptent pour votre Data Center ? Nombre de projets de Data Centers * Ne sont répertoriés que les DC appartenant en propre à des hébergeurs pour la colocation. AU SERVICE DE VOTRE EFFICACITÉ ENERGÉTIQUE “ La bonne énergie de votre Data Center ” SOLUTIONS PREMIUM DE REFROIDISSEMENT POUR DATACENTERS “ Le seul opérateur de DataCenter en France certifié ” DATACENTER PREMIUM COOLING SOLUTIONS 23 Un graphe… Ceci est un graphe simple (?) qui décrit un sous-ensemble du paysage du calcul en France Assemblée générale 11-12-2015 24 L’approche du CNRS } COCIN created in 2010 } Comité d’Orientation du Calcul Intensif } Each of the 10 CNRS institutes is represented } Produced a white paper in Sept. 2012 } } } } Proposition of a strategy about computing for CNRS (Feb 2013) : } around 2 « evident » poles : Plateau de Saclay autour de l’IDRIS - Lyon autour du CC-IN2P3 Mission letter from A. Fuchs to COCIN in Apr. 2013 : } « COCIN must put this strategy in place, in particular the coordination and the rationalisation of investments in this domain » July 2014 : report about datacenters cost evolution } needs are increasing dramatically } more and more uncoordinated (so-called) « datacenters » at regional or local levels 2015 } mandate is given to D. Veynante to make proposition on the governance of CNRS computing means } this proposition is accepted : the « Mission Calcul et Données » entity will be created in next january } it will pilot the ressources of IDRIS, Maison de la Simulation, and a subset of CC-IN2P3 (for non IN2P3 activities). } coherence , coordination ,rationalization… Assemblée générale 11-12-2015 25 Celle du Ministère } Ministry of Research : It is a requirement to rationalize the investments, to better structure e-infrastructures : mutualisation of datacenters, of skills ✓ French research infrastructure roadmap update is foreseen for 2016 Le CC en fait partie ✓ a committee is setup to make some propositions about digital infrastructure organization ✓ } still waiting for the official release of the report but its mainlines should be : ✓ need to rely on 4 national datacenters : CC-IN2P3 is no more seen as a mono-thematic datacenter but as a national one ✓ create a light structure (umbrella) that englobes e-infrastructures to ensure sufficient weight against other research infrastructures and more coherence Seems CNRS is in phase with that… Assemblée générale 11-12-2015 26 Questions ? ESC/COS 2015 27/11/2014 27