North East Multi-Regional Training Instructors Library


North East Multi-Regional Training Instructors Library
North East Multi-Regional Training Instructors Library
355 Smoke Tree Business Park j North Aurora, IL 60542-1723
(630) 896-8860, x 108 j Fax (630) 896-4422 j WWW.NEMRT.COM j [email protected]
The North East Multi-Region al Training Instru ctors Library In-Service T rainin g Tape collection are available for loan to
sworn law enforcement agen cies in Illinois. Out-of-state law enforcement agen cies may contact the Instructors Library
about the possibility of arranging a loan.
How to Borrow North East Multi-Regional Training In-Service Training Tapes
How to Borrow Tap es: Call, write, or Fax NE MRT's librarian (that's Sarah Cole). Calling is probably the most
effective way to contact her, becau se you can get imm ediate feedback on what tapes are available. In order to insure
that borrowers are authorized through their law enforcement agency to borrow videos, please submit
the initial lending request on agency letterhead (not a fax cover sheet or internal memo form). Also
provide the name of the department’s training officer.
If a requested tape is in the library at the time of the request, it will be sent to the borrower’s agency immediately.
If the tape is not in, the borrower's name will be put on the tape's waiting list, and it will be sent as soon as possible. The
due date--the date by which the tape must be back at NEM RT --is indicated on the loan receipt included with each loan.
Since a lot of the tapes have long waiting lists, prompt return is appreciated not only by the Instructors' Library, but the
other departments using the video collection. If the tape is going to be late, though, call the librarian so she won't nag you
about the tape's return.
As for the waiting list, member departments take priority over non-member departments, and departments needing
the program for in-service training on a certain date take priority over those that don't. In order to insure that the greatest
number of departments can benefit from the videos, a maximum of five programs is sent to any one department at one
If the tape is not returned on time, the borrower will receive at least one overdue notice. If the
tape is not returned after a calendar month from its due date, the agency will be billed for the tape's
replacement cost. Since things do occasionally get lost in the mail, it is recommended that the tapes be returned by
UP S or be insured if mailed, to avoid being billed for a loss that is the post office's fault. The current video
Circulation sheet includes a section for recording return dates and methods of return. Please keep
this information for your records.
If there are any questions about or problems with the tapes, the loan period, or anything else, just give the
NEM RT librarian (that's Sarah Cole) a call. Thank you very much for your help!
DISCLAIMER for library material usage
North East Multi-Regional Training provides these audio and video collections for use in supplementing law enforcement
agency training programs. The media programs included in this collection, however, may not necessarily always present
accurate and correct information w ith regard to Illinois law and appropriate law enforcement procedures and practices.
Furthermore, applicable departmental policy and procedure must be considered and emphasized when viewing or listening
to media programs to insure that information presented does not negate and/or otherwise contradict established practice.
Finally, North East Multi-Regional Training and its instructors' library are not responsible for the practical application of
any knowledge and skill gained or derived as a result of viewing the media programs offered in these collections.
NEM RT Video Catalog (Fiscal Year 2008 -- April 2007), p. 2
How this Catalog Works:
(How to keep your video catalog up-to-date)
This video list is in a loose-leaf, updatable format. It’s good for the whole training year. During the training
year, what you will receive with the regular NEMRT Catalog of Training Courses are:
A list of new videos and their descriptions, and
A new subject index
When they arrive, put the list of new videos in the Supplement section of the catalog, and
replace the subject index section . This way, your catalog will always be up-to-date.
If you need any supplements, call Librarian Sarah Cole, and she’ll be glad to send you what you need.
Tip for using this catalog:
The videos are numbered in the order in which we receive them. Therefore, as a rule, the smaller the number,
the older the video. Old isn’t necessarily bad or outdated, but remember the newest materials have the biggest
The Instructors Library uses several acronyms in describing the videos. They would be important to know,
because they help viewers assess the content of the programs. The acronyms used most frequently are:
ALERT: Advanced Law Enforcement Readiness Training. ALERT works the way L.E.NET did: agencies subscribe to their service, and receive a training video each month. The company began producing programs in
CORT: Corrections Officer Readiness Training. CORT is a division of ALERT, and works the way L.E.NET
did: agencies subscribe to their service, and receive a training video each month. The company began
producing corrections-specific programs in 1997.
EENET: Emergency Education Network. EENET programs are generally teleconferences from the Federal
Emergency Management Agency.
JOB: Jail Operations Bulletin. Those with that marking by their number refer to the Jail Operations Bulletins
of Video, produced by the American Jail Association.
L.E.NET: Law Enforcement Training and Information Network. Agencies subscribed to their service, and
received a training video each month. This video producer was taken over by LETN in the early 1990s, so any
programs identified as L.E.NET programs date from about 1987 to 1992. The information will probably still
apply for your training need, but examine them before presenting them.
LESTN: Law Enforcement Satellite Training Network. The FBI Teleconferences are LESTN broadcasts.
LESAT: Law Enforcement Satellite Academy of Tennessee. The University of Tennessee produces
teleconference on various topics, under this collective title.
LETN: Law Enforcement Training Network. Ordinarily, LETN programs are only available to agencies
subscribing to their satellite broadcasts. The videos NEMRT has from them are of two kinds. Some are programs that were made generally available to law enforcement agencies, like the Murder on Tape program, or
the seat belt videos. The others are programs made available to L.E.NET subscribers, when LETN absorbed
L.E.NET in the early 1990s.
NEMRT: North East Multi-Regional Training. But you knew that.
NEM RT Video Catalog (Fiscal Year 2008 -- April 2007), p. 3
POST: (California Commission on) Peace Officer Standards and Training. The Instructors Library has a
number of their telecourses and satellite broadcasts of training videos.
Keeping track of your agency’s video viewing
When a borrower received a video loan, a circulation sheep, indicating the programs’ due date, along with other
useful information should accompany it. Also included should be a viewer roster. Although completing the
roster is not required, it is a convenient way to record viewers for the agency’s records, as well as a helpful way
the NEMRT Library uses to show the video collection is being used. A copy of the roster is included below.
Just fill out the requested information, make a copy for the agency’s records, and send a copy back with the
videos. As always, we thank you for your assistance!
NEM RT Video Catalog (Fiscal Year 2008 -- April 2007), p. 4
North East Multi-Regional Training
MTU #3 -- ASSIST Program p 355 Smoke Tree Business Parkp North Aurora, IL 60542-1723
(630) 896-8860, x 108 p FAX (630) 896-4422 p e-mail: sarah@ NEMRT .com p WWW.NEMRT.COM
In-Service Training Tape Viewer Roster: Keep a Copy of this Information for Your Training Records
Departm ent N ame:
Street Address/C ity/State
Training Officer:
Video # (Title)
Number of Non-Sworn Viewers:
Officer Status (please ind icate): Sworn/Full Tim e (F) p Part-Time /Auxiliary (P) p Civilian (C)
Social Security #
(Sw orn IL O fficers only
NEM RT Video Catalog (Fiscal Year 2008 -- April 2007), p. 5
Video Descriptions
Tape 1073 : Religions, Cultures and Communities DVDs (140
min, total)
[Sep tember 20 06] The U.S. Department of Justice distributed this
Chicago Police Dep artment series of programs about the
religious and cultural elements that influen ce the comm unity.
The two DVD s examine:
Religion s: Diversity is O ur Stre ngth (6 min.), which presents an
overview o f the series. Security, Diversity, and Respect (11
min.), which describes traditional dre ss that airport security
personnel might find suspicious. Techniques for searching
people wearing turbans, veils, amulets, and such, are discussed.
(This segm ent is inform ative and imm ediately practical. SLC ).
Specific segments are included on on Sikhism (12 min.),
Bud dhism (8 min.), Islam (12 min.), Juda ism (12 min.),
Hind uism (9 min.), and Eastern O rthod ox C hristian ity (10 min.);
and Cultures: East Asian (10 min.), South Asian (9 min.),
Puerto Rican and Cuban (7 min.), Mexican (9 min.),
Central/South American (8 min.), Transgendered (9 min.), and
Building Trust (8 min.).
The Transge ndered se gment is especially interesting: its main
focus is on an understanding of cross-dressers, rather than the
homosexual comm unity. Clothing, behaviors, and non-W estern
or unexpected conduct is described, and viewers are advised on
how to behave around these identity groups. Some fo the topics
addressed in the segments are applicable to working with any
foreigners (language difficulties and the right to co ntact their
consulate, for instance) or ethnic gro ups. As always, check with
community leaders, agency policy, and your own observation of
the community, before applying any of this information. It can
also be viewe d online at http://b
Although the NIJ release d the set in 200 6, som e refere nces to
flights at Meigs Field in one segment indicate an earlier
production date.
Tape 1072 : Graduated Sanctions: An Effective Intervention
Strategy for Addressing Delinquency Teleconference DVD (1
hour, 36 m in.)
[M arch 2 2, 20 05] This OJJDP tele-web-conference, originally
broadcast M arch 2 2, 20 05, examines the b enefits of graduate
sanctions for juvenile offenders. It examines three demonstration
sites, and describes their successes with, what amounts to,
making the means of reformation fit the crime. The methods the
sites apply include restitution and taking respon sib ility for one's
actions (St. Joseph, Missouri), assessment and early intervention
(Da yton, O hio), and the ju venile m ental health court (Santa
Clara, California). After each method's video profile, the
panelists take questions from the audience and viewers. (By the
way, for some reason, the picture in this program appears to be
"squashed" when played on our equipment. It might look better
if you have a wide screen receiver.)
Tape 1071 : Working Together to Stop the Prostitution of
Children Teleconference DVD (1 ho ur, 40 min.)
[De cember 1 1, 20 03] This 200 3 O JJD P teleconference is
intended to highlight the problem s child p rostitution present to
the criminal justice system, promising programs to address the
problem, and resources available to practitioners. The activities
and successes of the Juvenile Crime Squad (N ew Y ork C ity),
The prosecution of pimps under RICO statutes (Atlanta,
Georgia), and SAGE: Standing Against Global Exploitation (San
Francisco, California). Between the case studies is commentary
from law enforcement practitioners, who answer viewer
questions and talk about their experiences with child prostitution,
enforcement problems and loopholes in the criminal justice
system, and changes that should be made. About an hour and 24
minutes into the program, OJJDP administrator J. Robert Flores
makes some useful remarks about stopping the social weaknesses
that help an acceptance of prostitution to develop.
Tape 1070 : Dea dly Tra nsactions (Investigative R eports Series)
DVD (47 min.)
[1997] Violent, takeover-style, bank robberies are the topic of
this Investigative Reports episode, narrated by Bill Kurtis. The
reasons for violent robberies, and the typical personality of the
robbers, are examined. Then case studies of several violent
robberies including a 1997 Thousand O aks, California, murd er,;
the Wales Bank Robbery (Wisconsin. See NEMR T Video #628)
and the North Hollywood bank robbery (see NEMRT video
#991) are used to illustrate how the modern violent robbers
operate. The program includes comm ents from witnesses and
police responders on how the robbery proceeded, the effect on
the victims and their families, and how banks and police have
changed their tactics for responding to robberies.
Tape 1069 : To Catch a Killer: Hom icide Detectives (American
Justice Series) DVD (45 min.)
[1996] No w you'll kno w why d etectives look the way they do.
Bill Kurtis narrates this episode in A&E's American Justice
series, wh ich uses the real investigatio ns of a b ar rob bery in
which several patrons were murdered, a serial sniper in Ohio, and
an unidentified dead child in a New York City project, to show
how homicide detectives go about solving murders. Noteworthy
aspects of the process include the use of interrogation, comparing
current crimes to similar ones to identify suspects, sharing
information among agencies, as well as the effect of the work on
the detectives.
Tape 1068 : Street Gangs: A Secret History DVD (1 hour, 31,
[2000] This episode of Time Machine with Roger Mudd
examines the history and activity of gangs in the United States,
beginning with the child gangs of the colonial days, the Irish and
ethnic gangs of the 18 00s on through the mo dern Latino gangs,
Asian gangs, and Black gangs. Special attention is paid to the
ways corrup t political organizations and organized crime groups
would use gangs, the Zoo t Suit riot in 1 943 , New Yo rk youth
gangs of the 1950s, the community-renewal activities of the Vice
Lords in the 196 0s, and the activities of the T ongs and T riads in
San F rancisc o. Included are rem arks from form er (freq uently
elderly) gang m emb ers, soc ial observers, and police officers.
Also mentioned in passing is the effect of West Side Story on the
public perception of gangs, and the role of women in a gang. It
may not give any enforcement tips, but the historical perspective
is interesting.
Tape 1067 : Death Detectives: The L.A. County Coroner
(Inside Story) DVD (45 min.)
[1996] Bill Kurtis narrates this examination of the Los Angeles
County Coroner's Office, and its clients. Viewers see the types
of professiona ls necessary for investigating unexpected de aths,
their activities and working conditions, and the victims who se
varied deaths they investigate. The evidence the doctors look for,
before and during an autopsy, and how it is collected is also
addressed. Highlighted. investigations include an accidental
shoo ting and a suspicious asphyxiation are feature d. W ith
viewer discretion, this program could be used in situations where
The Autop sy (#964) is too "heavy". Because it features the
Coro ner's Office's staff, it does includ es some o f the "gallows"
humor those who work around d eath need to develop, which the
short p rogra m cannot.
Tape 1066 : IEDs (Improvised Explosive Devices): CoMNET
Broadcast (December 13, 2006) DVD (60 min.)
[December 13, 2006] The most immediately useful portion of
this CoMN ET webcast is on Improvised Explosive Devices
(IED s). It describes some of the characteristics of IED s,
motivations behind those who use them, and the forms the
devices can take, including suicide bomb s, car bombs, and
package bombs. Other features in the broadcast include an
examination of the FBI's Intelligence Directorate, Intelligence
Fusion Centers, and how they help to piece together intelligence
information; a description of tools and resources available for
emergency responders to detect bio-threat agents, and one on
Bomb R obo ts.
At this writing, online streaming video and a transcript are
available at /Broadcast.aspx?ID=50 .
Tape 1065 : Anti-Human Trafficking for the Law Enforcement
Professional DVD (45 min.)
[2006] In late 2006, Illinois began an initiative to stop human
trafficking in the state. According to the information presented
here, Chicago is a major hub for this mod ern slavery, whose
victims can be found anywhere from urban hotels and
restaurants to rural farms. This presentation is an introd uction to
more extensive training programs which should soon be
available. It describes the problem, and gives a general
explanation of the laws and resources available to law
enforcement to identify and arrest traffickers. Although it would
benefit from handouts listing the immigration rules and options
associated with human trafficking cases, and a format
enco uraging viewe r interaction (much of it is "talking he ad" ), it
does rem ind viewers to watch for evidence of this serious,
underrecognized, crime.
A couple of sources for more information (and handouts) are the
state's website: , and the
U.S. Dep artment of H ealth and H uman Service's site at
http://www paign_kits/index.html#la
Tape 1064 : Share the Road (League of Illinois Bicyclists) DVD
(7 min.)
[2006] Bicyc les have rights to ro ad use, just as m otor vehicle do.
They also have the same rules to obey. Robbie Ventura,
formerly of the U.S. Postal Service's Tour D e France cycling
team, hosts this program about the basic rules of the road for
people on bicycles. He goes over comm on cycling laws, and
hand signals, Much of the program is devoted to car driver
responsibilities when bicycles are present, cyclist considerations
when cars are present, and Road Rage (even cyclists get angry
sometimes). The pro gram is best suited for yo ung ad olescents
through adults, rather than little children. A teaching guide, as
well as streaming and d ownloadable versions, for this video is
availab le at http://ww /index.htm
Tape 1063 : Lightning (Nature Tech) DVD (45 min.)
[2003] Lightning safety is a topic that is not commonly
add ressed , and this is the first program we've found that attemp ts
to addre ss it. Although this episode of History Channel's Nature
Tech is longer and more thorough than might be appropriate for
roll call, it does include some helpful information for avoiding
being struck by lightning. Included are segments on how
lightning forms, methods of detection, and attempts at controlling
it. One of the most interesting segments, though, is about the
successes of the lightning detectors used in Park Ridge , Illinois,
at its parks. The program concludes with a brief description of
safe shelters during storms, and places to avoid.
Tape 1062 : Suicide/Homicide Bombers (Live Response) DVD
(58 min.)
[September 27, 2006] The panelists in this September 27, 2006,
Live Resp onse episode discuss the threa t homicide b omb ers pose
to the U.S. public. The conversation rangers from bomber
behavior and techniques, suggestions for recognition, prevention
and interdiction, biohazard considerations, sources for more
information, and the impo rtance of community involveme nt.
Speakers include Howard Linett, Esq. (Israeli Defense Forces
Comb at Engineers), Joseph W. Trindal (Regional Director,
National Capitol Region, Federal Protective Service), and Joseph
W atson (Sgt., Alexand ria, Virginia, Police D epartment (Ret.)).
Homicide bombers don't let themselves to a checklist response,
but the speakers do offer some useful ideas for target recognition
NEM RT Video Catalog (Fiscal Year 2008 -- April 2007), p. 6
and response planning. (The program is also available on VHS
video .)
Tape 1061 : Mass Fatality Management (Live Response) DVD
(58 min.)
[M arch 2 2, 20 06] W MD events, natural disasters, and public
emergencies can all result in mass fatalities. Agencies need to
have plans in place to respond to such situations, in ways that are
efficient, appropriate to the situation, and respectful of the
victims' remains. The discussion in this Live Respo nse broa dcast
centers on the assistance the Dep artment of Hom eland S ecurity's
DM OR T team s can provide, cond itions agencies need to addre ss
in their planning, the functions of the coroner or medical
exam iner, ap proaches to identifying rem ains, along with
considerations for handling contaminated remains.. Panelists
include Frank DeP aolo (Asst, Director, Disaster P repared ness &
Response U nit, Office of Chief Medical Examiner, New Yo rk
City) , Leonard Parker (D ep. Comm ander, Disaster Mortuary
Operational Response Team), and Pat Brewer (Florida
Emergency M ortuary Operations Response System (FEM ORS ).
Tape 1060 : Psychological Impact of Terrorism (Live Response)
DVD (58 min.)
[July 19, 2006] The principal topic of this Live Response episode
is the handling the effect of traumatic stress on first respond ers.
Several experts describe some of the stressors, symptoms, and
resources available for helping them cope. Panelists include
Brian W . Flynn (Center for the Study of Traumatic Stress),
Steven D. Sherrets, Ph.D. (Mental Health/Criminal Justice
Manager, Maine), Robin H. Gurwitch, Ph.D. (Department of
Pediatrics - University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center),
and Robert J. Ursano, M.D. (Uniformed Services University of
Health Sciences School of Med icine). Also featured are
statements from first respo nders who have had traumatic
experiences, and remarks on viewer questions. T he program is
somewhat "loose" for roll call training, but it presents a lot of
material to think about.
Tape 1059 : Meth Epidemic (The): Frontline DVD (53 min.)
[200 6] This episode from PB S's Frontline series examines the
history and effect of methamphetamine, from the Pacific coast on
east. It relates the history of the W est Co ast's addiction to
methamphetamine, local and federal attempts to regulate the
ingred ients the d rug producers were b uying (ge nerally legally,
but noticeably unethically) to produce the drug. and what the
program prod ucers think the federal government should be doing
to control the drug. (Little sympathy is shown for the
pharmaceutical companies with legitimate uses for ephedrine or
pseudoephedrine.) Other effects of meth production and use that
the program describes include its influence in domestic violence
and child abuse, and its physically destructiveness to users. The
description of a reporter's analysis of meth use might be helpful
when planning crime-related research. A useful point made in
the program is that the Meth Epidem ic rises and falls depending
on the purity of the drug. According to the information
presented, as of 2006, the Meth is very pure. For more
information, visit the episode's website at
By the way, the DVD includes "Commentary" as a special
feature. The video's producer's remarks may be more
immediately relevant than the actual Frontline program. He
amp lifies the scrip ted progra m on the physical effects of meth, its
relation to identity theft and pornography, the way meth lab
hazardous waste is wrecking Ca lifornia farmland , and adds his
impressions o f some of the interviews.
Tape 1058 : Mafia: Th e History of the M ob in A m erica (D VD s)
(3 hours, 42 min. over 5 programs))
[199 3] Strictly speaking, these pro grams from the Arts &
Entertainment Am erican Justice series, narrated by Bill Kurtis, is
not about the real "Mafia" from Sicily, but the various organized
crime gangs active in the United S tates in the early and mid
190 0s. T he sub title better d escribes the co ntent. T he segments
The P rohibition Yea rs (45 min.), which examines the effect
of Prohibition on public corruption, the development of criminal
organizations, the organizations that preceded them, and the
people involved. Philadelphia and New York are given particular
attention, as is the rise of Al Capone.
Birth of the M afia (44 min.), which describes how the
Sicilian Mafia in the United States developed into the American
Mo b, and its activities in 1920's Chicago and New Y ork. Lucky
Luciano, Lt. Giuseppe Petrosino, Frankie Yale, and Al Capone
are featured.
The Kennedys and the Mob (44 min.), which examines
connections between the Mob and the Joe Kennedy family; and
why the m ob got John F. K ennedy in 19 63. (T he de tails
prese nted tend toward sensatio nal gossip in this segment.)
Unions and the Mob (44 min.), which describes the influence
of the Mob o n business protection, union leadership and
organization, particularly during the 1920s-1950s. Case studies
are featured about the Longshoremen's Union, the Ford
Automotive Comp any, and the motion picture industry. (The
Teamsters Union, or any recent activity, is not mentioned.)
Empire of Crime (45 min.) recounts mob influence in New
Yo rk in the 1 930 s, its involvement in black markets, and in
shipping during World W ar II -- Operation Und erworld -- and
Bugsy Segal's ambitions for deve loping Las V egas.
Tape 1057 : Organized C rime: A W orld H istory (DV Ds) (217
min., over 5 p rograms)
[2001] The History Channel pro duced this 2 -DV D set from the ir
History Alive series, about the forms organized crime has taken
in other parts of the world . DVD 1presents overviews of
organized crime in Sicily (43 min.) and Russia (44 min.), and
DV D 2 looks at Columbia (44 min.), China (4 3 min.), and India
(43 min.). Sicily's program examines the history of the Mafia on
Sicily, and the Mafia W ar of the 1980s . Russia's describes the
origins of The Red Mafia in Imperial Russia's "Thieves' World"
organization, and its smuggling and gun-running activities.
Columbia's program presents the history of the Columbian drug
cartels, and the effect of Pablo Escobar. Chinese Organized
Crime's origin in the Triads, and the history of the G reen G ang in
Shanghai, along with street gang activities in New York and
human trafficking, are the focus of the China episode. The series
conclude s with India's early exp erience with organized crime in
the form of Thuggee, and its current problems with organized
crime's involvement with smuggling and extortion of the motion
picture industry .
NEM RT Video Catalog (Fiscal Year 2008 -- April 2007), p. 7
Tape 1055 : Windy City Tornado: Mega Disasters DVD (44
[2006] T his episode of History Channel's series Mega Disasters
uses the April 21, 1967 , family of tornadoes tha t touched down in
Belvidere, Oak Lawn, Hometown, and Evergreen Park to predict
what would happen if a tornado hit downtown Chicago. It's rather
long and sensational for roll call, but would be great for planning
an emergency response. Highlights, aside from the description of
the effects of the 1967 tornado, include some myth-busting, an
explanation of how radar detect storms -- it's not as immediate as
one would think -- some of the research being done into the
formation of tornadoes, and the estimated extent of damage a
worst-case tornado would do to the Loop. The computer
grap hics are pretty alarming. Let's hop e M ega D isa ste rs do esn't
find out about the N ew M adrid fault!
Tape 1054 : FBI: A Revealing Inside Look at the Bureau DVD
(55 min.)
[2003] The activities of the FBI, and how its function has
changed after the 2 001 Terrorist A ttacks, are the foc us of this
National Geographic Channe l program. While following the
work of Director Robert M uller through a compo site "day", the
program illustrates the FBI's preparation for responding to any
future attacks. Such current activities as terrorism evidence
identification and collection, site security, bioterrorism
investigation, activities in foreign countries, and criminal
profiling are contrasted with the Bureau's earlier activities., and
the biases of ea rlier directors H ow it was able to disasso ciate
itself from unethical behavior is also examined. Using
statements various agents, serving in various capacities, viewers
are presented with a view of the startlingly broad range of
activities the FBI is responsible for. Also included are the
special features the "Spies" episode of Inside Base Camp (on
concealed weapons), and "School for Feds" from National
Geograp hic's Explorer series (NEM RT V ideo #310 ).
(I have been assured by a customer service representative at
the National Geographic Store that this program is licensed for
educational use, although it doesn't say so on the box. I trust he
is right.)
Tape 1053 : World's Most Dangerous Gang DVD (51 min.)
[2006] Members of the MS-13 street gang talk about the rules
and rituals of this particularly violent gang in this exposé,
produced by the National Geo graphic Ch annel. Evidently, it
began as a Los Angeles street gang for unassimilated
Salvado rans who were being harassed by the loc al street gangs,
and has spread through member travel and the deportation of
criminals. Its conduct in El Salvado r is particularly disturbing.
Aspects of M S-13 's activities the progra m exa mines include its
business and street functions (and its similarity with the Mafia),
recruitment strategies, its enemies, its presence in prisons, and
predictions for the future. Highlights include a [then] current Los
Angeles member tells about his experiences with the gang. and
interviews with a young woman who was later murdered for
informing on the gang , and one with the man who murdered her.
(I have been assured by a customer service representative at
the National Geographic Store that this program is licensed for
educational use, although it doesn't say so on the box. I trust he
is right.)
Tape 1056 : Volunteers in Police Service Educational Video
Series DVD (40 min., over 4 pro grams)
[circa 2006] The International Association of Chiefs of Police ,
along with the U.S. Department of Justice Bureau of Justice
Programs and the Bureau of Justice Assistance made this 4program DVD about the advantages of setting up agency
Volunteer programs. The segments are:
VIPS: The Executive Perspective (7 min.), in which police
managers from around the country make statements about the
advantages of having agen cy volunteers.
Introducing Volunteer Activities to Law Enforcement (11
min.), featuring officers of various ranks who talk about the
helpfulness of volunteers, and how citizen police academy-type
programs helped develop them. The Chaplaincy Program at the
Fresno (CA) Po lice Department is given particular attention.
Introducing Law Enforcement Volunteerism to the
Tape 1052 : Locomotive Emergency Response Operations DVD
Co mmu nity (13 min.) essentially rep eats the p revious segm ent.
(28 min.)
Officers and volunteers from Billings (Mo ntana), Fresno
[circa 2006] If you have railroads running through your
(California), and Lowell (Massachusetts) describe volunteer
jurisdiction, it is likely that, someday, you will be faced with an
opportunities in their communities, and how much they enjoy participating.
emergency involving a locomo tive. This program, from the
Engaging Youth through Volunteering (9 min.), which
Federal Railroad Administration, informs viewers about the types
examines agency functions suitable for teen assistance
of wrecks they may encounter, and safety issues to consider
(including use of an Explorer program), as well as other youthwhen extricating the train crew. The presentation includes
oriented programs departments might want to consider.
information on the function of the railroad dispatcher, the
It should be useful as a motivational program, for the
elements of pre-planning, including knowledge of the geography
community as well as the department. For more information on
around the railroad right-of-way and the types of trains that use
starting, a new program, or fostering an existing one, visit the
it, the protocol of using flares, the construction and methods of
VIPS website at www.
entry for both diesel and electric locomotives; and steps for initial
response. How responde rs handled a train crash in Michigan,
and an urban tunnel fire in Maryland are also described. The
NIM S resp onse mod el is enco uraged. Since the progra m is
intended for all first responders, feel free to share it with your fire
dep artment.
A handout accomp anies the DVD, but other useful
publications are available at'
Lo co mo tive% 20 Eme rgency%20 Respo nse% 20 Ope ratio ns' .
Tape 1051 : CALEA: In Pursuit of Excellence DVD (15 min.)
[2006] T he Comm ission on Accreditation for Law Enforcement
Agencies (CALE A) recently released this updated program about
the advantages of being an Accredited Law Enforcement
Agency. T he accreditation process requ ires agencies to
standardize, codify, and verify their policies and procedures, and
document that their officers are following them. A number of
police managers and officers d escribe how com pleting this
process has improved department morale, and let to a reduction
in lawsuits. The Cape Coral Police Department (Florida) is used
as an example.
Tape 1050 : Crash Cou rse: What to Kn ow B efore an d after a
Collision (62 min.)
[2004] Here is an aspect of driving that I never heard addressed
in a drivers' ed class: Insurance selection. Although the d etail in
this Better Business Bureau video regarding auto insurance and
liability is enough to intimidate any thoughtful driver, those
drivers are sure to understand their cove rage m ore comp letely
than they did. W ays of avoiding collisions, what to do in the
event of a collision, filing and justifying insurance claims, and
working through the consequences are discussed . Com munity
groups, not to mention Drivers' Ed students, could benefit from
this information.
In add ition, the B etter B usiness B ureau has a website -http://collisionwiza / -- that offers free service in
helping prepare and keep track of insurance claims. Another
useful document is the pamphlet "Involved in a Collision? What
to do" , from the New York State Police
lisionpamp .pdf ).
Tape 1049 : Self Defense for C ar Ex pense (58 min.)
[1996] This Better Business B ureau video , featuring car rep air
columnist Mark Salem, explains wise techniques for selecting an
auto repair shop, and insuring that shop gives you good service.
Topics include suggestions for getting estimates, preparing for
breakdowns, recognizing types of fluids that might appear on the
driveway, ways to insure repairs were mad e correctly and at a
fair price, and what to do if repairs are unsatisfactory. He also
gives period ic time and mo ney-saving tips. For those
departments whose o fficers work with local Drivers' Ed classes,
this program would be a useful addition to their presentation, not
to mention for comm unity meetings.
Tape 1048 : Joining the Force: In the Line of Duty Special
Issue (1 hour)
[circa 2005] If you're looking for a visual aid to help with agency
recruitment efforts among students, this In the Line of D uty
video would be a goo d choice. Wo rking law enforcement
personnel describe the specialized functions they perform in the
field, including Dispatching, SWA T, "Criminalist" (fingerprint
collector / developing / identification, firearms identification,
blood/spatter analysis), marine patrol, correctional officers, and
K-9 units. They add remarks about the personal qualities they
have learned are necessary to succeed in those positions. Some
of these featured personnel are second-career workers, so the
program also serves as an encouragement to older potential
Tape 1047 : Wo rk@H om e Scam s: They Just Don 't Pay:
Delivering Justice DVD (6 minutes)
[2004] The U.S. Postal Inspection Service released a series of
short films (as opposed to instructional videos) about whitecollar-type crim es that the postal inspectors can help investigate.
NEM RT Video Catalog (Fiscal Year 2008 -- April 2007), p. 8
In this brief program, the methods and outcomes of online workat-home scams are explained. These reshipping scams involve
crooks buying merchandise with stolen credit, shipping the
products to the "dupe", who then forwards them to so meo ne else.
The dup e ends up as an accessory to larceny. Tips for avoiding
being taken in by a bogus employer conclude the program.
Tape 1046 : Long Shot: Delivering Justice DVD (7 min.)
[2004] The U.S. Postal Inspection Service released a series of
short films (as opposed to instructional videos) about whitecollar-type crim es that the postal inspectors can help investigate.
The subject this time is international lottery scams. Playing
foreign lotteries is illegal in the United States, but how many
peo ple are aware of it? Althou gh the d anger of invo lveme nt is
therefore fairly clear, people still hope to get something for
nothing. The interesting part of this program is the way the
apprehended describes the operation, and the greedy people who
would fall for the swindle. That's insulting enough to make
viewers want to avoid giving these fraudsters any satisfaction!
Tape 1045 : Dialing for Dollars: Delivering Justice DVD (21
[2004] The U.S. Postal Inspection Service released a series of
short films (as opposed to instructional videos) about whitecollar-type crim es that the postal inspectors can help investigate.
In this exciting episode (really!), a neighbor of one of the
inspector's fathers, a shrewd investor, gets taken in by a shrewder
investment scammer. It's a useful demonstration that even smart
people can be tricked. Happily, the Postal Inspectors are
shrewdest of all, and close down the swindlers. The program has
permanent subtitles in English
Tape 1044 : Web of Deceit: Delivering Justice DVD (9 min.)
[2005] The U.S. Postal Inspection Service released a series of
short films (as opposed to instructional videos) about whitecollar-type crim es that the postal inspectors can help investigate.
This one, on international "phishing", briefly tells of the
apprehension of a credit card thief operating out of England, but
whose victims and dupes were in the United States. Postal
Inspe ctors are finally ab le to catch up with him in Thailand: a
vacation that would end in Club Fed. The story line, along with
the explanation at the end, tells viewers how the scams work, and
how they can protect themselves from being "phished." and
defrauded. The program also has subtitles in English and
Spanish available under "Options".
Tape 1043 : Nowhere to Run: Delivering Justice DVD (11
[2005] The U.S. Postal Inspection Service released a series of
short films (as opposed to instructional videos) about whitecollar-type crim es that the postal inspectors can help investigate.
This one, on cross-border telemarketing fraud, examines the
activities of an investment scamm er op erating out of C anad a.
W ith the help of Canadian law enforcement agencies, the Postal
Inspectors are able to catch and arrest him. The story line, along
with the explanation at the end, shows how the scams work, and
how viewers can recognize tho se scam s and protect them selves.
The pro gram also has subtitles in E nglish and Sp anish av ailable
under "Options".
Tape 1042 : Identity Crisis: Delivering Justice DVD (12 min.)
[2003] The U.S. Postal Inspection Service released a series of
short films (as opposed to instructional videos) about whitecollar-type crim es that the postal inspectors can help investigate.
This one, on identity theft, follows the career of fraudster who
opens lines of credit in the names of people whose identity he has
stolen. Again, "the weed of crime bears bitter fruit," and the
Postal Inspectors are finally able to arrest him and his partner,
with the assistance of his duped girlfriend. The story line, along
with the explanation at the end, shows how the information can
be stolen, how crooks can use the information, and how, to a
point, people can protect themselves. The program also has
subtitles in English and Spanish available under "Options".
Tape 1041 : TESSA 2005 Super Storm Spotter Training Session
DVD (176 min.)
[2005] T he Texas Severe Storms A ssociation (TESSA) brings
together bo th amateur and professio nal seve re wea ther scientists
in an attempt to better understand dangerous storms through the
collection and diffusio n of kno wledge. T his reco rding of their
2005 Super Storm Spotter Training Session, officially titled
"Visual, Environmental, and Radar Characteristics of Severe
Storms," features Gary Wood all's crash course in storm
meteorology. The material is presented thoroughly, and with a
lot mo re detail than a lo t of potential spo tters are going to want,
including seve re storm theory, what to look for in a storm to help
determine its severity, and how to interpret radar information and
radar algorithms. O ne thing the pro gram points out, however, is
the limitation of radar information, and the importance of ground
observers (spotters) for learning what a storm is doing. It sure
doesn't feel like it's 3 hours long.
Tape 1040 : Courthouse Security (In the Line of Duty) DVD
(51 min.)
[200 5] As the program points out, one w ould exp ect a courtho use
to be one of the safest places in the world, but, after all, many of
the people there are kno wn crim inals! Altho ugh this p rogra m is
intended for officers who work around court buildings, the issues
about escorting prisoners and securing public figures are useful
for any officers. Viewers are reminded of recent courthouse
shoo tings, and are then introd uced to key security issues to
consider when developing safety protocols. Areas to examine
include transp orting p risoners, options for jurisdictions with
reduced resources, and personal safety for judges. The program
concludes with a look at the unproductive effect of adrenaline
rush on an officer following a pursuit, and a remote-controlled
pub lic relation s robot. A D uty Sheet and Lesso n Plan is
available at
http://www /library/vo lume_ 10_ program_8.p df .
By the way, as a rule, In the Line of Duty videos are for "law
enforcement only", so don't go showing them around.
Tape 1039 : Tampa M assacre (In the Line of Duty Special
Issue) DVD (1 hour)
[2001] Don't be distracted by a subject's seeming grief is perhaps
the first learning po int of this In the Line of Duty program, which
examines the circumstances surrounding the May 19, 1998,
shooting spree by a determined ex-convict. The ten-hour ordeal
began with, what might have been the accidental, shooting of a
young boy by his mother's live-in boyfriend. The parents' evident
grief distracted officers from recognizing danger signals, such as
the wom an's decep tive answers during questio ning, the m an's
resistanc e when detained at the shooting scene, an d his multiple
attemp ts to esca pe. T hat afternoon, the suspect slipp ed his
handcuffs, killed Tampa ho micide detectives Rick Childers and
Randy Bell, hijacked a truck, shot Florida state trooper James
Cro oks, attempted to m urder various officers along the way,
including one in a helicopter, took a gas station attendant
hostage, and killed himself to avoid returning to prison. Other
issues examined in this program include methods of securing and
transporting subjects, correctly identifying subjects (he had been
using a false name), preventing the media from showing
barricaded subjects police movement, preventing the subject
from manipulating a pursuit, complacency about subject
compliance, and, of course, searching a subject thoroughly for
weap ons o r hand cuff keys. A lesson plan and trainer's guide is
available at . By the
way, as a rule, In the Line of Duty videos are for "law
enforcement only", so don't go showing them around.
Tape 1038 : Are You Ready? (January 18, 2006, EENET
Broadc ast) (58 min.)
[January 18, 2006] The first portion of this January 2006 EENET
broadcast presents the video Are You Read y?, which uses the
theme of a bo y's school project on emergency prep aredness to
explain the elements of a home disaster kit, and why viewers
need one. broadcast also includes a segment on how to set up a
NEM RT Video Catalog (Fiscal Year 2008 -- April 2007), p. 9
gas-powered generator, and concludes with an overview of the
dangers of flash floods. If you have neighborhood watch in your
area, and are looking for a program, the Are You Ready segment
might be particularly useful. The program is also available for
viewing online at http://www.fema .gov/areyouready/ . This
program is also available on DVD. In addition, the NEMRT
Instructors Library has available a DVD of the Are You Ready
portion of this program.
Tape 1037 : Disaster Psychology -- CERT Training (41 min.)
[March 15, 2006] The Community Emergency Response Team
(CERT) Program (see for
more inform ation) educates peop le about disaster preparedness
for haz ards that may im pact their area and tra ins them in basic
disaster response skills, such as fire safety, light search and
rescue, team organization, and disaster med ical op erations This
teleconference , broadcast March 15 , 2006 , helps to prep are these
volunteers for the be haviors and stresses they are likely to
encounter during a disaster. The sources of stresses, the forms
stress reactions can take, along with special considerations for
children, the elderly, other responders, and people who need
professional help, are discussed at some length. Some of the
instructions certainly do not ap ply to professiona ls, but at least
the professionals will know what the CERT -prepared volunteers
have been told. On the other hand, much of the information can
be a useful reminder for professionals, too.
Tape 1036 : Safety in the After Disaster Environment: EENET
CERT Training (DVD) (31 min.)
[February 15, 2006] The Community Emergency Response Team
(CERT) Program (see for
more inform ation) educates peop le about disaster preparedness
for haz ards that may im pact their area and tra ins them in basic
disaster response skills, such as fire safety, light search and
rescue, team organization, and disaster med ical op erations This
teleconference, broad cast Fe bruary 15, 200 6, is intend ed to help
these p re-trained volunteers prep are for the alien enviro nment in
which they might have to assist. Viewers are "preped" for the
changes that will have taken place in their neighborhood , the
kind of injuries they might encounter, and what kind of dangers
might exist (downed power lines, unstable structures, stray
animals, and such). Viewers are also reminded of how a CERT
team works, the importance of getting one's family in order right
away, of working with a partner, and of the kind of equipment
they may need ,. Some of the instructions certainly do no t apply
to professionals, but at least the professionals will know what the
CERT-prepared volunteers have been told. On the other hand,
much of the information can be a useful reminder for
professionals, too.
Tape 1035 : All the King's Men: Picking Up the Pieces (DVD)
(13 min.)
[2006] The U.S. Po stal Inspection Service distrib uted this minimotion picture about the effects of financial crime (fraud and
identity theft) on victims, and how the Postal Inspection Service
can help. In the style of a 1970's police movie, postal inspectors
confront a suspected corrupt businessman with video footage of
people who have be en ruined by his illegal activity. (In a
realistic switch, the narration at the end informs viewers that,
soon after the suspect's expressions o f remo rse, he re turned to
swindling people.) The most useful portion is the lecture at the
end, which mentions the "Justice For All" act, the enforcement
activities of the Postal Inspection Service, and websites for more
information. The program also has subtitles in English and
Spanish available under "Options".
Tape 1034 : Police and People with Disabilities (Department of
Justice) (58 min.)
[1996 / 2005] The U.S. Department of Justice released this video,
based on the from the Law Enforcement Reso urce C enter, with
possibly some added footage. It examines good procedures when
working with people with various physical and mental
challenges. W hile the length of the set doesn't allow fo r in-dep th
coverage of any particular disability, viewers are presented with a
NEMRT Video Catalog (Fiscal Year 2008 -- April 2007), p. 10
thoro ugh overview. The program nee d not be law enforc ementsources. The first part of this program lists the useful functions
specific: much of the information presented is useful to anyone
of informants, citizens who might be good sources of
relating to challenged people. T he original program is ava ilable
information, and narrator Pat McCarthy's responses to some of
as Set 15 (by the same name). Topics included in this program
the myths of informant development. The second part describes
include G eneral information about people with disabilities,
ways to get to know, and get good information from, street
Mobility Im pairm ents (the scenario here is interesting: a
sources. Things officers have to overcome, such as fear of
wheelchair bound woman is accused of shoplifting. Turns out
retaliation and uncertainty, ways o f convincing arrestees to
she was shop lifting!), Men tal Illness, Developm ental Disabilities,
become informants, ways to keep control of informa nts, how to
Speech Impa irments, Epilepsy, Deafness/Hearing Difficulties,
avoid becoming an informant to the informant, and the
and Blindness. This program is also available on DVD.
importance of encouraging them are described. The program
isn't detailed, but it is a useful reminder of neglected sources of
Tape 1033 : Elimination of Harassment, Bias and
street informatio n. Although N EM RT doesn't necessa rily
Discrimination in the Workplace DVD (50 min.)
endorse the procedures described in this video, they might be
[200 4] Ha rassment is no longer merely sexual: now it involves
interesting to know about. As always, compare the techniques
gender, race, religion, disability, and other protected classes. In
with agency policies and procedures before applying them.
this lecture, filmed before a live audience, Risk Managem ent
lecturer Gordon Graham discusses management's responsibilities
Tape 1027 : Hidden T raps an d Secret Com partm ents -- Sho rt
in preventing all types of harassment in public safety. Tonics
Version (Street Cop Series) DVD (17 min.)
addressed include the nature and scope of the issue, relevant law,
[2005] This program differs from Video #933 in length (it's much
policy issues, applicable risk management principles, preshorter) and content (it spends more time looking at hidden
incident analysis, and post-incident remedies. It is made for
compartments in cars). The information isn't exhaustive, of
managers, and therefore is more theoretical than would be
course, but it is a useful reminder to viewers about unexpected
suitable for roll call training. It is, however, a great basis for
places to look for in a search. Included are demonstrations of
developing som e roll call training on the sub ject.
types of hiding places found in furniture, places where special
traps have been constructed in vehicles, and a demonstration of
Tape 1032 : Cou rtroom Survival Tactics (Street Cop Se ries)
how to check an airbag door to make sure it hasn't been
DVD (12 min.)
converted to a hiding place. NEM RT V ideo # 934 , Drug
[2005] Judge Richard Neville (now retired) talks about some
Traffickers Hiding Places in Unaltered Autos, has further
basic ways to establish credibility when testifying in court. The
information about existing hiding places in a car.
main points are to be yourself, tell the truth, and don't answer
questions you can't answer. Judge Neville also briefly mentions
Tape 1026 : Surveillance (Street Cop Series) DVD (14 min.)
some "tricks" lawyers might use to attack an officer's credibility.
[2005] Although this program won't make viewers into any
The program is very basic, but the foundation presented can lead
George Smileys, they'll know more about techniques for
to building of good technique.
watching suspects than they did. Instructor Pat M cCarthy
(Chicago Police Department, Ret.) speaks generally about preTape 1031 : Ethical Considerations (Street Cop Series) DVD
surveillance planning, methods of concealment, the use of prop s,
(21 min.)
considerations for following someone on foot, and the
[2005] Instructor Pat McCarthy had been with Chicago Police
importance of knowing as much as possible about the suspect
Department's gang crimes unit. In this program, he illustrates the
beforehand. Viewers are encouraged to think o f other ways to
importance of doing what's right as a police officer by telling
aid their surveillances, and to learn ways to think fast and conceal
abo ut what happ ened to two o f his colleagues who suc cumbed to
what they're really do ing. A useful accomp anime nt to this
temptation. And to their families. He then discusses reasons
program is NE MRT video #271, Hand ling Unde rcover C ontacts,
officers become corrupted with Dep. Chief Charles Williams
which concerns how to respond to other officers who might catch
(Chicago Police Department, Internal Affairs D ivision).
you following someone.
Incidentally, the primary reason Dep. Chief W illiams has found
for corruption is greed. The program reminds viewers that ethics
Tape 1025 : Trooper Shot Point Blank (In the Line of Duty)
are not vague good intentions, but are about real people facing
(40 min.)
immense temptations, and dreadful consequences.
[1998] The Idaho troope r featured in this progra m is shot in his
vest by a prison escapee in a stolen vehicle. The officer is ab le to
Tape 1030 : Con ducting Interroga tions (Street Co p Series)
pursue the suspect until his supervisor orders him to get medical
DVD (13 min.)
attention. Although the im portance of wearing bo dy arm or is
[2005] Instructor Pat McC arthy compares the process of getting a
mentioned , the main point of this In the Line of Duty program is
suspect to admit involvement in a crime to playing psychological
officer safety while performing a traffic stop. Using video
chess. He goes on to explain a few basic techniques for
footage of the incident, the trooper describes what he did, and
distracting their concentration on their part of the "game". He
why he did it, then talks about things he could have done
discusses the importance of an appropriate setting, ways of
differently. The main p oint is that there is no "normal" traffic
showing resolve, and ways of making suspects think they have
stop: always keep officer safety in m ind. A short "infomercial"
been discovered.
for a (then) new and convenient kind of training hand cuff is also
included. That segment, which also demonstrates effective
Tape 1029 : Conducting Interviews (Street Cop Series) DVD
handcuffing procedure, is a good reminder that safe handcuffing
(14 min.)
is a skill that nee ds to b e practiced regularly.
[2005] T he goal of an interview is to develop investigative
A D uty Sheet and Lesso n Plan for this progra m is ava ilable
information. Pat M cCarthy gives suggestions for getting useful
at m/library/volum e_4 _program_1 .pdf
information from subjects, including recognizing deceptive
By the way, as a rule, In the Line of Duty videos are for "law
behavior cues, describing ways to phrase questions so listeners
enforcement only", so don't go showing them around.
will answer them truthfully; and describing conditions for
creating a comfortable setting. Although the techniq ues wo uld
Tape 1024 : Tinted Window Shooting/Tinted Window Training
be helpful in formal interview situations, the illustrations involve
(In the Line of Duty) (30 Min.)
talking with peo ple on the stree t.
[199 8] This In the Line of Duty program exam ines safety
concerns when approaching a vehicle with tinted windows. A
Tape 1028 : Developing Street Sources and CIs (Street Cop
pair of officers pull over a car with tinted windows, and discover
Series) DVDs (14 min. and 18 min.: 32 min, total)
in time that the driver has a gun. In the course of the stop, the
[2005] Officers don't find out what's going on in their patrol area
driver is shot and killed, but the car, which was still in gear, still
if they stay in the car. Even patrol officers need good street
has to be stopped. The training analysis then describes useful
NEMRT Video Catalog (Fiscal Year 2008 -- April 2007), p. 11
[1998] The program opens with a description of a fatal firearms
training accident in Nebraska, and ways of handling training
weapons to prevent future lapses. The main part of the program
is a discussion o f dom estic violence respo nse. An n O'D ell,
former Sa n Diego police officer and domestic violence respo nse
trainer, talks abo ut the imp ortance of approaching dome stic
violence calls in a law enforcement capacity, not as a social
worker or mediator. Other topics include sources and collection
of evidence (including photography), batterer behavior,
recognizing strangulation, self-defense injuries, the kinds of
lawsuits that might result from a sloppy domestic violence
respo nse, and age ncies that have d evelo ped successful domestic
violence response programs. A Duty Sheet and Lesson Plan for
Tape 1023 : K-9 S aves O fficer/K-9 T raining fo r Street Cop s (In
this program is available at
the Line of Duty) (30 Min.)
http://www /library/vo lume_ 3_p rogra m_4 .pdf
[199 8] The case study in this In the Line of Duty episode
By the way, as a rule, In the Line of Duty videos are for "law
concerns the usefulness of police dogs in the apprehension of
enforcement only", so don't go showing them around.
suspects. The car of some fleeing armed robbers slides into a
canal, and, when two of the suspects won't come out of the water,
Tape 1019 : Law Enforcement and the News Media (In the Line
some police dogs are sent in after them. The program then goes
of Duty) (36 Min.)
on to describe how dogs can be used to help keep hum an officers
[1997] Before 2005, had you ever heard of Red Lake,
safe, by finding hidden suspects in buildings, or by recognizing
Minneso ta? B efore the scho ol shooting that took p lace there in
illicit substances in an area. Information is also presented about
March, 200 5, who had? T his In the Line of Duty video points out
how a non-K-9 officer shou ld behave arou nd a K -9 unit (do n't
that crises can happen anywhere, so, regardless of their size,
run in front of them, don't stare at them, and such). Other
police departments need a media relations plan. The types of
interesting pieces include a disc ussion of distrac tions that K-9
media coverage a dep artment might have to work through, the
units face, and how to avoid contaminating a crime scene when a
things rep orters need to kno w, how to set gro und rules for m edia
scent dog is going to be used. Footage of a funeral for a police
contacts, and handling interviews are among the topics examined
dog killed in the line of duty is also featured. A Duty Sheet and
in the program. One of the eleme nts of N IM S is a P ublic
Lesso n Plan for this progra m is ava ilable at
Inform ation S ystem, so this information is as impo rtant now as it
http://www /library/vo lume_ 3_p rogra m_1 1.pd f
was in 1997.
By the way, as a rule, In the Line of Duty videos are for "law
A D uty Sheet and Lesso n Plan for this progra m is ava ilable
enforcement only", so don't go showing them around.
at m/library/volum e_3 _program_2 .pdf
By the way, as a rule, In the Line of Duty videos are for "law
Tape 1022 : Corpus Christi Knife Assault (In the Line of Duty)
enforcement only", so don't go showing them around.
(35 Min.)
[1998] The importance of searching arrestees is rep eated in this
Tape 1018 : Gang Violence Stopped (In the Line of Duty) (33
In the Line of D uty episode. A subject performing a sob riety test
slashes an officer several times with a knife that the subject had
[1997] A gro up of good students in Flo rida form a q uasi-cult,
said was a co mb. E vidently, no one checked to make sure.
militia-type gang. T hey mu rder a local band teache r, but,
Video footage of the assault also shows visual cues that the
through other students' tips, are caught before they are able to
subje ct was p lanning an assault. Also include d in the p rogra m is
implement their bigger plots. The training points include
a segment about the importance of being prepared for water
traditional ways of recognizing gangs and gang activity (which,
rescues, and considerations for having to work around water (the
adm ittedly, didn't really app ly in this case), a reminder to avo id
effect on defensive and apprehension techniques, equipment,
forming gang-related stereotypes, the usefulness of school
body armor). The p rogram ends with a description of the
resource officers and school-based CrimeStopp er groups, and the
nume rous successful arrests a Denver fugitive task force wa s able
importance of understanding school-related search and seizure
to ma ke when two area newspap ers began publicizing the area's
laws. The program concludes with footage of two citizens
most-wanted fugitives. A Duty S heet an d Lesson P lan for this
expressing, what they think is, secret contempt for empty patrol
program is available at
cars, which had their cameras running.
http://www /library/vo lume_ 3_p rogra m_8 .pdf
A D uty Sheet and Lesso n Plan for this progra m is ava ilable
By the way, as a rule, In the Line of Duty videos are for "law
at m/library/volum e_2 _program_1 0.pd f
enforcement only", so don't go showing them around.
By the way, as a rule, In the Line of Duty videos are for "law
enforcement only", so don't go showing them around.
Tape 1021 : Hood River Multi-Speed Chase (In the Line of
Duty) (30 Min.)
Tape 1017 : Officer Killed/Rail Safety (In the Line of Duty) (32
[1998] The events of this pursuit in the hills of Oregon
dem onstrate the imp ortance of approaching a fleeing car with
[1997] T his program was interesting in a number of ways. The
caution, even when the pursuit app ears to be over. A possibly
case examined involved an A rea, California, detective who is hit
intoxica ted suspect in a stolen truck leads office rs on a pursuit
by a train while looking for evidence along parallel railroad
that winds up on an unpaved logging road. In the process, the
tracks. Apparently the geography of the grade and landscaping
driver runs into a patrol car twice and works loose from a mud
(a blind curve, and sound and vibration buffering) and the
trap before finally being apprehended. The circumstances and
direction of the locomotive's horn (over the detective's head)
possibilities officers in such situations might want to ke ep in
contributed to his not knowing a train was coming. The vortices
mind are presented.. (And the accelerated video footage of the
effect of a passing train is also discussed. The lessons learned
pursuit up the twisting road is rather exciting.) The program
from this event include pairing officers working by tracks: one
concludes with an analysis of a traffic stop in which an officer
looks for evidence, the other loo ks for trains.
ended up wrestling with a subject with a knife.
W hen I m entioned the program to som e peo ple fam iliar with
A D uty Sheet and Lesso n Plan for this progra m is ava ilable
railroad operations, their initial reaction was, "Why were they
at m/library/volum e_3 _program_5 .pdf
trespassing on railroad property?" While this case may not
By the way, as a rule, In the Line of Duty videos are for "law
strictly involve trespassing, the point is that, if you need to be
enforcement only", so don't go showing them around.
around railroad property, the railroad nee ds to know, and should
be contacted. Get to know the railroad police and railroad
Tape 1020 : Dom estic Violence (In the Line of Duty) (60 min.)
managers before you might ne ed to do so mething on the ir
techniques for approaching a vehicle with tinted windows
(including use of the patrol car's PA system). Although NEMRT
doe sn't necessa rily endo rse the p rocedures described in this
video, they might be interesting to know ab out. As always,
compare the techniques with agency policies and procedures
before applying them. The program concludes with an
explanation of how excimer laser surgery corrects bad eyesight
(which was news to me). A D uty Sheet and Lesso n Plan for this
program is available at
http://www /library/vo lume_ 3_p rogra m_1 2.pd f
By the way, as a rule, In the Line of Duty videos are for "law
enforcement only", so don't go showing them around.
property. They can then warn passing engineers, and make
things safer for everyone.
A section ab out the "Cops in Sho ps" pro gram is also
included. A Duty S heet and Lesson P lan for this p rogra m is
available at
http://www /library/vo lume_ 2_p rogra m_9 .pdf
By the way, as a rule, In the Line of Duty videos are for "law
enforcement only", so don't go showing them around.
NEMRT Video Catalog (Fiscal Year 2008 -- April 2007), p. 12
at m/library/volum e_2 _program_3 .pdf
By the way, as a rule, In the Line of Duty videos are for "law
enforcement only", so don't go showing them around.
Tape 1016 : Vest Saves Deputy's Life (In the Line of Duty) (37
[1997] A W alton C ounty (G eorgia) deputy is sho t during a traffic
stop, but, happily, was wearing his body armor. He talks about
the experience, the importance of wearing one's armor, the
usefulness of peer counseling, and safe procedure for conducting
a traffic stop. The program concludes with an explanation of
how to determine a proper fit for one's body armor.
A D uty Sheet and Lesso n Plan for this progra m is ava ilable
at m/library/volum e_2 _program_8 .pdf .
By the way, as a rule, In the Line of Duty videos are for "law
enforcement only", so don't go showing them around.
Tape 1012 : D.U.l. Analysis (In the Line of Duty) (34 Min.)
[1996] How the Champaign, Illinois, Police Department handles
DU Is (in 1996 , at least) is the topic of this In the Line of Duty
episode. Champaign being a college town, the department has a
lot of experience with alcohol, as well as multiple drug,
intoxication. Officers talk about how they recognize a DUI, how
they administer the Standardized Field Sobriety test and the
Horizontal Gaze Nystagmus test, ploys detainees attempt to coax
the officer into letting them go, the advantages of using tactical
communication techniques to gain compliance. In-car video
footage is included . Although N EM RT doesn't necessa rily
endorse the procedures described in this video, they might be
interesting to know about. As always, compare the techniques
with agency policies and procedures before applying them.
A D uty Sheet and Lesso n Plan for this progra m is ava ilable
at m/library/volum e_2 _program_2 .pdf
By the way, as a rule, In the Line of Duty videos are for "law
enforcement only", so don't go showing them around.
Tape 1015 : Pursuit Nabs Naked Cowboy (In the Line of Duty)
(30 Min.)
Tape 1011 : Hit and Run (In the Line of Duty) (30 Min.)
[199 7] The main body of this In the Line of Duty program is the
[1996] Som etimes, a passenger-side approach for a traffic stop is
pursuit and apprehension of an intoxicated subject in Kootenai
the safest method, as the N orth Caro lina officer in this In the Line
County (Idaho) who drove away from a traffic stop. What makes
of Duty video learns. W hile conduc ting a routine traffic sto p, a
the incid ent interesting is its use of spike stick s and K-9 units
pickup truck sideswipes him. The program follows the
during the apprehension, the amount of ammunition found in the
apprehension of the intoxicated truck driver. In another case
subject's car, and the fact that no one ever figured out what
presented briefly, a Georgia State Trooper is severely injured
happened to his clothes. The point made in this episode is that
when a vehicle hits him under similar circumstances. The
no traffic sto p is a laughing m atter. In ad dition to the case study,
program emp hasizes the importance of being safety-conscious
the program includes an explanation of how spike sticks work,
while conducting traffic stops, along with the value of in-car
and how to handle K-9 units during apprehensions. The program
video, and other tools available in a patrol car that can make a
opens with a painful reminder of the importance of handcuffing
vehicle stop safer. A short version of this type of information
subjects behind their back by examining the shooting of three
(but with more video footage) can be found in the IACP's video
Florida officers when a suspect got out of his handcuffs and shot them.
Your Vest Won't Stop This Bullet (NEM RT video #990).
A D uty Sheet and Lesso n Plan for this progra m is ava ilable
A D uty Sheet and Lesso n Plan for this progra m is ava ilable
at m/library/volum e_2 _program_7 .pdf .
at m/library/volum e_2 _program_1 .pdf
By the way, as a rule, In the Line of Duty videos are for "law
By the way, as a rule, In the Line of Duty videos are for "law
enforcement only", so don't go showing them around.
enforcement only", so don't go showing them around.
Tape 1014 : Gun Safety/311 Non-Emergency (In the Line of
Duty) (37 Min.)
[199 7] The guns referred to in this In the Line of Duty program
are unattended firea rms that police officers m ight be called on to
secure. The case study is that of an officer who, while retrieving
a suspect's shotgun, shoots his hand. The training points remind
officers to keep the muzzle pointed away from people, practice
retrieving weapon s ahead of time, and keep focused on the job .
An added suggestion is to know the firearm experts in the
agency, and to ask for help if the weapon is unfamiliar. The
program c oncludes with a disc ussio n of Baltim ore, Maryland's
use of the 311 non-emergency public safety phone number, and
how the system helps w ith police resp onse..
A D uty Sheet and Lesso n Plan for this progra m is ava ilable
at m/library/volum e_2 _program_5 .pdf
By the way, as a rule, In the Line of Duty videos are for "law
enforcement only", so don't go showing them around.
Tape 1013 : Convenience Store Robberies Decline (In the Line
of Duty) (33 Min.)
[1996] The Gainesville, Florid a, model for establishing city
ordinances to deter crime around convenience stores is examined
in this In the Line of Duty episode. The required changed
included such CPT ED eleme nts as better lighting, removing
visual obstructions and installing surveillance cameras, plus
staffing req uirements and training, and imp roved mo neyhandling procedures. Included is some troubling surveillance
footage of convenience store assaults and robberies, so be
selective in your audience. The program concludes with a
description of the 1996 low-risk street stop in which Kankakee
(IL) officer Anthony Samfay was shot to death.
A D uty Sheet and Lesso n Plan for this progra m is ava ilable
Tape 1010 : Hostage-Taker Interview (In the Line of Duty) (30
[1996] H olly Patterson, the woman who took the grocery store
clerk hostage in NEMRT Video #1009 (Safeway Store Hostage
(In the Line of Duty)) talks about what she believes her state of
mind was at the time, and what she had expected to acco mplish.
Officers who participated in the original negotiation team
co nduct the interview some tim e during her incarceration. It's
interesting to note that she seems to trace the root cause for her
state of mind to long-term drug abuse, and described her hostagetaking episode as an attempt to get help. Some comments from
the responding officers are also included, along with a list of
behavio rs associated with pe ople in crisis.
A D uty Sheet and Lesso n Plan for this progra m is ava ilable
. By the way, if you would like further information on mental
states, the work of Dr. Stanton Samenow might interest you. By
the way, as a rule, In the Line of Duty videos are for "law
enforcement only", so don't go showing them around.
Tape 1009 : Safeway Store Hostage (In the Line of Duty) (32
[1996] A disturbed woman takes a grocery clerk hostage in an
attempt to commit suicide-by-cop. In spite of all the things that
go wron g, which this In the Line of Duty episode examines,
negotiators and tactical officers are able to apprehend the
hostage-taker without injury to anyone. Conditions described,
albeit briefly, include an uncooperative news media, lack of
inter-officer communication, hecklers, and loss of a command
post location. The program provides a useful case study for
analyzing an agency's own preparedness for a crisis resp onse.
The hostage-taker is further examined in NEMRT video #1010,
NEMRT Video Catalog (Fiscal Year 2008 -- April 2007), p. 13
Hostage-Taker Interview (In the Line of Duty).
In the Line of D uty videos are for " law enforcem ent only", so
A D uty Sheet and Lesso n Plan for this progra m is ava ilable
don't go showing them around.
at m/library/volum e_1 _program_1 1.pd f
By the way, as a rule, In the Line of Duty videos are for "law
Tape 1004 : Grateful Dead Concert Negotiation (In the Line of
enforcement only", so don't go showing them around.
Duty) (27 Min.)
[1995] St. Louis officers getting ready to work a Grateful Dead
Tape 1008 : Flea Market Shooting (In the Line of Duty (29
concert are also confronted with a distraught man with a gun in a
neighboring office building. This In the Line of Duty episode
[1996] Police confront a suspect in a do uble homic ide in his
describes what the negotiators and line officers did, right and
vendor's space at a car show, begins assaulting officers with car
wrong, to protect the conc ert crowd and neighbo rhoo d, and to
parts, and is shot and killed. The training po ints in this In the
end the situation safely. Special attention is given to negotiation
Line of Duty episode involve approaching subjects in a crowd,
techniques and equipment (in this case, a tape recorder) that were
amm unition " stopp ing po wer", and handling pub lic response to
useful, as well as distractions (news helicopters and impatient
the events they just witnessed. Included is video footage of the
evacuees), perim eter maintenance, an d age ncy sho oting p olicy.
standoff as photographed by an onlooker. The program
The program is a useful reminder to viewers to consider how
co nclude s with a loo k at the St. C lair Cou nty (IL) Sheriff's
they might respond when a situation makes a surprising change.
program for taking Polaroid photographs of domestic violence
The program ends with a brief discussion about frisks and
victims. A Duty S heet an d Lesson P lan for this p rogra m is
patdowns. A Duty Sheet and Lesso n Plan for this progra m is
available at
available at
http://www /library/olume_ 1_p rogra m_1 0.pd f
http://www /library/vo lume_ 1_p rogra m_3 .pdf
By the way, as a rule, In the Line of Duty videos are for "law
By the way, as a rule, In the Line of Duty videos are for "law
enforcement only", so don't go showing them around.
enforcement only", so don't go showing them around.
Tape 1007 : Idaho High-Speed Pursuit and Follow Up (In the
Line of Duty) (27 and 2 3 M in.)
[1996] A D ecember 19 95 Idaho b ank robbery results in an hourlong high speed pursuit. W hen the suspects run out of gas, one
starts a gunfight with the police in which he is killed. These two
In the Line of Duty episodes examine the events surrounding the
pursuit and suspect apprehension. Part one presents an overview
of the incident, then Part 2 focuses on police procedures as
performed during the shooting and apprehension.. Some of the
events examined include how the fleeing vehicle was
approached , sealing and preserving the scene of the shooting, and
handling civilians. Also included are comments from the officers
involved, as well as the dispatcher who was coordinating the
communication. A Duty Sheet and Lesson Plan for this program
is available at _7.pdf and
http://www /library/vo lume_ 1_p rogra m_8 .pdf
By the way, as a rule, In the Line of Duty videos are for "law
enforcement only", so don't go showing them around.
Tape 1003 : Larg e Vehicle Hijack ing/Pu rsuit/Lethal Fo rce (In
the Line of Duty) (26 min.)
[1995] H ow does a po lice department stop a tank? That is the
topic of this In the Line of Duty episode, which examines a San
Diego vehicle theft from a National Guard base. A disturbed
veteran driving it destroys property in several neighborhoods
before driving it onto a major highway. O fficers are (finally)
able to attempt to stop the driver when the tank gets stuck trying
to cross the highway median. Interesting aspects of the case
include an ex plana tion of why deadly force was p referred to
using pepper spray, and the importance of both preplanning and
good relations with any local military bases. The tank's path is
documented with video footage taken from a helicopter. Also
included is a brief discussion of a fatal patrol car crash, which
app eared to have resulted from a questionab ly-planne d pursuit.
A Duty Sheet and Lesson Plan for this program is available at
http://www /library/vo lume_ 1_p rogra m_2 .pdf
By the way, as a rule, In the Line of Duty videos are for "law
enforcement only", so don't go showing them around.
Tape 1006 : Gun-W ielding Wo man (In the Line of Duty) (23
[199 6] The incident reco unted in this In the Line of Duty video
reminds viewers that potential shooters do not always look
dangerous. A well-dressed woman in a new car -- a police
officer's wife -- leads officers on a chase that ends on a rural
highway. When she appears to threaten officers with a handgun,
she is shot and killed. Considerations for the use of deadly force,
the possibility that a subject canno t understand o fficers'
commands, and policies on when to contact a SWAT or
negotiation team are presented. (The program also demonstrates
why having go od relations with the ne ws media is a wise plan. A
news crew broadcasts footage of the shooting, from an angle that
conceals the subject's weapon, making the police appear to be
shooting an unarmed woman.) A Duty Sheet and Lesson Plan for
this program is available at
http://www /library/vo lume_ 1_p rogra m_6 .pdf .
By the way, as a rule, In the Line of Duty videos are for "law
enforcement only", so don't go showing them around.
Tape 1002 : Beyond 911: The Unresponsive Infant (13 min.)
[1998] The Sudden Infant Death Syndrome Center of New Jersey
produced this p rogra m, about what to expect when respo nding to
the unexpected death of an infant. Through the use of several
scenarios, viewers are reminded to be gentle with the family, that
signs of death (skin discoloration, for instance) are not
necessarily signs of abuse, and that exclamations of grief are not
necessarily statements of guilt. NEM RT V ideo #111 's segment
on SIDS gives other useful suggestions for following up on such
Tape 1005 : Irate Motorist (In the Line of Duty) (24 Min.)
[1996] V ideo footage of a Maine State Troo per's interactions
with an agitated motorist is used to illustrate good, and bad,
procedure during a traffic stop. Officer positioning during the
contact, patience with unhappy people, and the usefulness of incar vid eo, are the main top ics discu ssed in this In the Line of
Du ty episode. A Duty S heet an d Lesson P lan for this p rogra m is
available at
http://www /library/vo lume_ 1_p rogra m_5 .pdf ,
and you w ill want to get a copy, because it includes a helpful list
of behaviors for conducting a traffic stop. By the way, as a rule,
Tape 1001 : Cyber Crime Fighting : The Law Enforcement
Officer's G uide to Online C rim e (23, 19, and 18 min.)
[1999] Yes, this tape is more than six months old, so,
technologically, it's outdated. The investigative theories
prese nted, however, do not appear to have c hanged. T his
program from the National Cybe rcrime Tra ining Partnership
gives a concise, general overview of the types and nature of
com puter-related crime, how to find evid ence when an internetrelated crime appears to have been committed, and practical
aspects of seizing a co mputer (ho w to label the po rts and cord s so
it can be reassemb led, for instance). The pro gram is essentially
the same as Set 19, Fighting Cyber Crime, but is on one tape,
rather than several.
Tape 1000 : My Child is Missing: A Guide for Missing and
Abducted Child Case Investigations (47 min.)
[2000] John Walsh hosts this program about how to respond to a
missing child case. Included are segments with information for
the initial resp onding officer, the investigator, and the supervisor.
Overviews of responses to particular types of cases, including
stranger abductions, family abductions and disappearances, are
also presented. The program concludes with suggestions for
responding to apparently homeless children or teens. The
segments are brief, bu t appear reasonably tho rough. Always
comp are the information p resented in this program (and others)
with agency po licies and procedures before applying it.
A guide to accompany the video, "Missing and Abducted
Children: A Law-Enforcement Guide to Case Investigation and
Program Management, Second Edition" is available at
http://www US /publications/NC 74.p df .
Another useful resource is "My Child is Missing", available at ffiles1/ojjdp/204958.pdf, with a Spanish
Version at : http://www.ncjrs.go v/pdffiles1/ojjdp/206 837 .pdf
(Incidentally, the video also sho ws why a department should
have good relations with an inform ed public. T rying to explain
NC IC to a distrau ght parent is a ch allenge.)
NEMRT Video Catalog (Fiscal Year 2008 -- April 2007), p. 14
dispatchers; investigative and reporting tips, and suggestions for
respo nding to the media. O ne of the highlights o f the pro gram is
the series of interviews, made during the late 1990 s, with
prisoners who had tried this form of suicide and were
unsuccessful, and the officers who confronted them.
Tape 999: Com m unity P olicing : The Citizen 's Role (13 min.)
[1996] T he subtitle of this video is "How to Identify and Report
Suspicious Activity", which its elderly narrator it does in a useful
fashion. Methods possible robbers may use to "case" a
neighborhood are explained and d emonstrated, and descriptive
information to give dispatch ers ab out them and their vehicles is
listed. The context might look a little old: for instance, a remark
is made about calling the police from a pay phone; but the
information disp atchers and officers are going to need hasn't
changed. The program would be especially useful to sh ow to
citizens and crime prevention groups.
Tape 998: Com m unity P olicing : The Blo ck C apta in's Ro le
(How to Set Up and Maintain a Watch Group) (16 min.)
[1996] In spite of the title, the points of this program are the
benefits of having a neighborhood watch, the functions the
organized group of neighbors can serve, and how to get a group - whether it's a residential neighborhood, businesses, or a rural
com munity -- organize d. The program reassures viewers that a
"Neighborhood Watch" isn't a band of vigilantes, but a group of
neighbors taking an interest in each other's welfare. Crime
prevention is only one part of that welfare. Although the
program d oe sn't go into d etail abo ut how to keep the group's
focus on neighborhood cooperation, it does give suggestions for
topics the group can explore with local public safety personnel
that can help keep the citizens safe.
Tape 997: Critical Incident Response Group: Criminal
Behavioral Analysis FBI Teleconference (2 hours)
[De cember 1 4, 20 05] Criminal Profiling is not as exciting as it
appears on television, but the investigators interviewed during
this December 2 005 FB I Te lecon ference are clearly intere sted in
their work. Experts from the FBI's National Center for the
Analysis of Violent Crime (NCAVC) discuss the capabilities of
the three Behavioral Analysis Units, the Violent Criminal
Apprehension Program (ViCAP), and the NCAV C Research
Program. Presenters talk about the services and resources
available to state and local law enforcement and the opportunities
to provide input to NCAV C programs. Several case studies
about the investigation of serial killers are described, including
the BTK Killer. The program is a useful reminder of some of
the investigative services available through the FBI.
Tape 996: Justifiable Homicide by a Police Officer FBI
Teleconference (2 hours)
[October 19, 2005] Penny Parrish hosts this October 19, 2005,
teleconference, which examines the circumstances surrounding
incidents of "suicide-by-cop": psychological conditions of the
subjects, and the effect on the officers. Speakers inc, features Ed
Davis (Behavioral Science Unit, FBI, and well known researcher
into officer line-of-duty casualties) and SSA Paula Barrows
(instructo r in officer stress, and forme rly of the Illino is State
Police). The associated terms are defined, some statistics about
suicide are presented,, and how subject perceptions about suicide
affect encounters with o fficers. Po st Tra umatic Stress D isorder is
also defined and discussed at some length. The second half of
the program addresses training issues for both officers and
Tape 995: When a Cop Dies: Police Chaplains (23 min.)
[2001] The importance of the department chap lain is
dem onstrated thro ugh an exam ination o f the chaplain's role
imme diately after the 1998 Kyle D inkheller shoo ting. In this
program from In the Line of Duty, the resp onsibilities of a
chaplain are outlined briefly, then those responsibilities are
illustrated through the activities of Gerald Fraizer, chaplain for
the Laurens C ounty, G eorgia, Sheriff's Office. He talks ab out his
role at the scene of the shooting, during the manhunt for the
killer, at the funeral, and afterw ard , is described an d exp lained.
He also confides his own need for the sympathy and reassurance
that chaplains pro vide to others. H e, and the narrators, then list
the do's and don'ts of being a good chaplain. An interesting part
of Fraizer's story is how the Dinkh eller killing more or less
brought him out of retirement and led him to become a police
chaplain. By the way, as a rule, In the Line of Duty videos are
for "law enforcement only", so don't go showing them around.
Tape 994: Saving Lives Together: Safe Return and Law
Enforcement (14 min.)
[2004] This program, which is also ava ilable as a DVD , presents
an overview of the Alzheimer's Association's progra m "S afe
Return," which, through the use of a national database and
identification charms, enables police departm ents identify
Alzheimer's victims who may have walked or driven away from
their homes. The video includes testimonials from police
officers, and family members of people with Alzheimer's who
had wand ered from their hom es, along with some reenactments.
Information on ways to recognize people with Alzheimer's or
other forms of dementia is also included. More information on
the program, including fees and enrollment forms, is available at .
Tape 993: Hom eland Security Begins at Hom e: 7 Signs of
Terrorism DVD (9 min.)
[2005] T he Illinois Terrorism Task Force was instrumental in the
production of this crime prevention video, which reminds
citizens about the nature of suspicious behavior. Although the
focus is on behavior that might indicate someone is plotting some
sort of terroristic crime, depending on their location, those same
behaviors can indicate a person is planning any crime. The next
step is the same, in either case: don't confront the subject and
call the police. The program would be suitable for use with local
citizens' crime prevention gro ups. The DV D include s an English
and Sp anish version, with captions or with subtitles.
Tape 992: Responding to Traumatic Events: Keeping Our
Children Safe a nd Se cure (1 hour)
[Oc tober 18, 200 5] Although the primary " traumatic event" in
this October 18, 2005, teleconference from the U.S. Department
of Education, is Hurricane Katrina, it includes useful information
ab out handling missing children and planning school crisis and
crisis resp onse plans. Segments ab out school re sponse to
students displaced because of Hurricane K atrina evacuations, the
National Center for Missing and Exploited Children, planning
(and practicing) school crisis/crisis response plans, parental
conduct to help children cop e with the stress, and two related to
one school's approach to integrating displace d students into its
academic life are featured. Scho ol Resource O fficers, o those
who work directly with com munity group s should find this
program particularly useful.
Tape 991: Shootout: The North Hollywood Shooting DVD (44
[200 5] This episode from the History Channel's series Shootout
looks at the background, method , and outcome of the February
28, 1 997 , North Hollywood b ank ro bbe ry that turned into a fortyfour minute gunfight with Los Angeles police. Remarks from
NEMRT Video Catalog (Fiscal Year 2008 -- April 2007), p. 15
some o f the officers who participated in the assault and civilians,
[2003] Rather than circulate the video set Roll Call Training on
in the area, along with on e of the d ispatch ers, are also included .
DUI for Police Departments in Illinois Volume II as a unit, we
Interesting points to watch for include the officers' response and
broke it down into manageable parts. This segment reminds
personal reactions to the barrage, how they secured the area,
viewers that criminal activity can come in groups: someone
how officers rescued injured officers while under fire, and how
caught in one crime might be enga ged in another as well.
the subjects were finally stopped. The pro gram's narration,
Officers from the Co llinsville Po lice Department briefly
refreshingly, show s no sym pathy fo r the robbe rs, and begins with
describes behaviors to look for, safe approach proced ures, the
a warn ing that it includes real and reenacted violent scenes, so to
usefulness of in-car video, and places to look for contraband
use viewer discretion. That's not surprising. Keep in mind, also,
when you watch this program, that, in the time it takes to watch
Tape 985: Cou rtroom Rem inders: Im proving your D UI "In
it, this shootout took place.
Court" Performance (7 min.)
[2003] Rather than circulate the video set Roll Call Training on
Tape 990: Your Vest Won't Stop This Bullet (14 min.)
DUI for Police Departments in Illinois Volume II as a unit, we
[2005] The "bullet" a vest won't stop is a moving vehicle.
broke it down into manageable parts. This segment goes over
According to the box, 717 law enforcement officers have been
courtroom do's and don'ts when testifying in a DUI hearing.
killed in the line of duty in traffic incidents in the past ten years,
and the intent of this video is to help officers position themselves
Tape 984: Organizing Your DUI Arrest: Developing an
and their equipment safely to avoid getting hit by a car. Along
Standardized Packet (14 min. on 2 tapes)
with tips on how to pack a car trunk, and suggestions about
[2003] Rather than circulate the video set Roll Call Training on
where to stand during a traffic stop, is in-car video footage of
DUI for Police Departments in Illinois Volume II as a unit, we
some amazing crashes involving stopped cars. Added features
broke it down into manageable parts. This part explains the
include pictures o f vehicle damage and vid eo clips of the crashe s,
de velopm ent and use of the Springfield (IL) Police D ep artment's
plus some DVD-ROM features. The International Association
Drug/Alcohol Influence Report. They use it to streamline
of Chiefs of Police, which produced the program, sponsors the
information collection when stopping someone suspected of
accompanying website at By the
driving under the influence. Copies of the form are availab le
way, as a rule, In the Line of Duty videos are for "law
from the Springfield Police Department. The program might be a
enforcement only", so d on't go showing them around. This
useful encouragement for developing a similar procedure.
program is also available in VH S form at.
Tape 983: Electronic Recording of Homicide Interrogation
Tape 989: Multi-Hazards Planning for Schools : Around the
DVD (1 ho ur, 37 min.)
Table in E m m itsburg (EE NE T Broadca st) (55 min.)
[October 20, 2004] This program is a DVD of the January 19,
[August 17 , 2005 ] The E mergenc y Educa tion Netwo rk broad cast
200 5, ILE TS B teleconference. Featured speakers are: Deputy
this "thinkpiece" program on August 17, 2005, and the title is an
Atto rney General Ellen M ande lto rt, Illinois State's Atto rney's
apt descrip tion. A group of experts sit around a table and d iscuss
Office, who speaks about the legal requirements of PA 93-0206,
planning for emergencies at schools. As one remarks, though, "If
on vid eotap ing interro gations; Cap t. Dan Roach (Illinois State
you can think of it, it can happen at school," so the discussion of
Police) disc usses practical aspec ts of implementation, and M sgt.
planning needs is wide-ranging; from chem ical spills to
Keith Freddert (Illinois State Police) explains the necessary
earthquakes. It isn't a thrilling presentation, but it's good for
equipment. Handouts from the program are, as of this writing,
getting ideas. Perhaps the most interesting aspect is the
available at . The
discussion o f ways for sc hools and emergency responders to
program is also available on VHS videocassette.
develop relationships, and issues to consider when presenting an
emergency drill. The importance of including schools in ICS
Tape 982: It's the Right Thing to Do : Consular Notification
planning is also emphasized. Just before the credits, an
(11 min.)
advertisement for an earthquake resp onse planning pro gram is
[circa 2003] Yo u might say this program is about the
International Golden Rule: Do unto foreign arrestees as you
would have foreign law enforcement do unto you. The framing
Tape 988: TASER: Behind the Headlines DVD (29 min.)
device is of a police officer learning that his son has been
[200 5] Although we got this In the Line of Duty Special Issue as
arrested; but the arrest has taken place in a distant foreign
a "freebie," the material presented is informative about the
country. Th e rest of the pro gram goes over appropriate
controversy surrounding the use of TASE R. Interviews with a
proc ed ures and forms to use to inform a foreign national's
representative of Amnesty, International, representatives of
consulate of the arrest, and the federal and international laws that
TA SER Corporatio n, and incident analysts are includ ed, to
require notification. Also featured are statements from various
illustrate questions about the safety of the T ASE R, its benefit as a
foreign embassies and the U.S. State Department about the
less-lethal force option, the circumstances of in-custody deaths
importance of obeying those laws. (The Australian official
after a subject has been "TASed", and possible directions for
mentions that, frequently, Australian nationals are mistaken for
ongoing re search. Although viewers will not learn how to use
Americans, so it's good to keep on goo d terms with the various
the TASER from this program, they will learn why knowing how
consulates.) As of this writing, it is also available as streaming
to use it, and to document its use properly, can save them from
video at http://trave nsular/consular_2 001 .html .
injury and possible lawsuits. By the way, as a rule, In the Line
of Duty videos are for "law enforcement only", so don't go
Tape 981: Jeffrey Dahmer: The Mo nster Within (Biography)
showing them around.
DVD (45 min.)
[1996] In many ways, the crimes of Jeffrey Dahmer will always
Tape 987: Tornadoes: Nature Tech (45 min.)
be a m ystery; but this e pisod e from the series Bio graphy attempts
[200 3] The program, from H istory Channel's Nature T ech series,
to bring out elements of his past that might have been signs of
prob ably won't be muc h help for spo tters, but it includes a
future trouble. One interesting part is an explanation of how he
thought-provoking case study of how an Ohio town developed,
might have developed a sexual attraction to violence, and how he
and then had to use, a tornado respo nse plan (in N ovembe r, yet!).
tried to deal with it through drinking. Another point is how he
The usual information about how a tornado forms is presented,
might have been caught a couple of times if the local police had
along with researchers at work trying to figure out why they
been more curious or less amused. Statements from his father,
behave the ways they do, and how to make safer houses and
high school classmates, investigators, and Dahmer himself, are
warning systems. Watch for the 2x4 blaster.
included to illuminate parts o f Dahmer's life. Don't watch it
when you're eating.
Tape 986: Is it More tha n Just a D UI? Gan gs, Guns, Drug s,
and Offic er Sa fety (7 min.)
Tape 980: Serial Killers: Profiling the Criminal Mind DVD
NEMRT Video Catalog (Fiscal Year 2008 -- April 2007), p. 16
(180 min.)
The "RAIN" response concept -- (R)ecognize, (A)void,
A&E V ideo co mpiled these program s, narrated by B ill Kurtis,
(I)solate, and (N)otify -- is incorporated into the discussion . The
about the lives of the serial killers Jeffrey Dahmer, John W ayne
presentation isn't flashy, but the material is informative. An
Gacy, and Charles Manson. The series begins with a program
online pre-test (for the whole series) is available through
about the history of criminal profiling, featuring the apprehension
of three killers, includ ing W ayne W illiams (the Atlanta Child
der.htm Informatio n on the bene fits of taking the test is
Killings) who were id entified through the principles of pro filing.
described in the video. And keep your Emergency Response
Interviews with the murderers, friends, family members, and
Guidebook handy!
lawyers are included, to illustrate possible reasons why they
turned to murder. Pro grams on Gacy and Da hmer are also
Tape 975: Autism: The Hidden Epidemic DVD (4 hours)
available separately, with more details. The Manson segment
[2005] NBC Universal produced this collection of 22 features
features a number of statements from Manson himself, members
from their programs Today, NBC Nightly News, CNBC, and
of his "family", and rem arks from exp erts.
MSNBC (thus the length). The segments examine early signs of
Autism, possible causes, emotional aspects, educational
Tape 979: Hooked: Illegal Drugs and How They Got That
interventions, advocating for children with Autism, legal
Way (200 min)
considerations, and adults with autism. Throughout the program,
[2000] Drugs that are illegal now didn't generally start that way.
case studies of families who have exp erienced living with Autism
This series from T he History Channel examines the origins and
and Asberger's Syndrome are included. Also included is an
the chain of events that led to the government regulation of
examination of the syndrome and response in Spanish. Although
Marijuana, Opium, M orphine, Heroin, Cocaine, LSD, and
the whole program would be unsuitable for a training session,
Ecstasy. Th e narration and so me o f the featured interviews with
individual segments, which run about 10 to 15 minutes, would be
people instrumental in the "drug war" lean toward, if not
ideal for targeted training sessions. The D VD sleeve suggests
legalization exactly, judicial leniency toward drug users. Oh the
that, for more information on Autism and the Autism Speaks
other hand, none of the speakers appear to favor recreational drug
organization, viewers should visit
use. The information is interesting, as are some of the film clips
used to illustrate the dangers o f illegal drugs.
Tape 974: Radiological Devices: WMD Standardized
Awareness Course Module 4 (57 min)
Tape 978: First Respo nse (50 min)
[March 16, 2005] The signs and symptoms of radiological
[2001] W atch for the em ergency resp onse plans d escribed in this
exposure, types of radiation, devices used for radiological
program, which examines the people who responded to the 2001
exposure and dispersion, differences between a nuclear and
terrorist attack o n the W orld Tra de C enter. A s the eve nts
conventional explosion, and the potential for the use of
unfolded that morning, different public safety agencies and
radio logical devices as a terrorist weapon, are examined in this
government representatives became involved in handing the
fourth part of the W MD Standardized Awa reness Co urse
crisis. Officials, medical personnel, and survivors tell about what
Mo dule. The difference between exposure and contamination;
they were called on to do, and how they went about doing it. The
and me thods of co ntamination (with case studies), are also
History Channel appears to have produced this program within a
described. The "RAIN" response concept -- (R)ecognize,
few months of the attack.
(A)void, (I)solate, and (N)otify -- is incorporated into the
discussion . An online pre-test (for the whole se ries) is ava ilable
Tape 977: Exp losive Devices: W MD Sta ndardized Awaren ess
Course Module 5 (54 min.)
[April 13, 2005] J.D. K night, whose primary duties with the
der.htm Informatio n on the bene fits of taking the test is
Navy involved o rdinance (not lecturing), is the instru ctor o f this
described in the video.
final module of the W MD Standardized Awareness course. The
EEN ET website says it ". . .provides awareness-level knowledge
Tape 973: Biolog ical Agents: WM D Sta ndardized Awaren ess
need ed to recognize p otential hazards and exp losive d evices (to
Course Module 3 (57 min.)
include basic device type and design); device construction
[March 9, 20 05] In P art 3 of the W MD Standardized Awa reness
method s; and, the components of improvised explosive d evices.
Course, Dr. Jan DiLorenzo, discusses the basic Types of
Additiona lly, the effects of explo sive de vices and wh en to initiate
biolo gical agents, including B acteria, Viruses, Toxins, the ir
evacuation are discussed. The module examines safety warnings
Dissemination, Availability, Routes of Entry, and General Signs
and procedures during explosive incidents and demonstrates how
and Symp toms o f expo sure are also d escribed. Specific agents
one might become a target for a terrorist's secondary device. At
examined are Anthrax, Plague, Tularemia, Smallpox, Venezuelan
the conclusion of the fifth of five modules, the stude nt will
Equine Encep halitis, BHF (E bola), Ricin, and food po isons. The
differentiate characteristics of explosives; recognize indicators of
"RAIN " response concept -- (R)ecognize, (A)void, (I)solate, and
explosive manufacture; and, recognize the effects of a detonated
(N)otify -- is incorporated into the discussion . An online pre-test
explosive d evice." The "R AIN " resp onse conc ept -(for the whole series) is available through
(R)ecognize, (A)void, (I)solate, and (N)otify -- is incorporated
into the discussion . The differences be tween Pyro technics,
der.htm Informatio n on the bene fits of taking the test is
Pro pellants, and E xplosives are also described. (B y the way,
described in the video.
watch for the footage of the explosion at the Nevada chemical
plant.) A n online pre-test (for the whole se ries) is ava ilable
Tape 971: Suicide Bomber DVD (30 min.)
[2005] T his Emergency Film Group D VD briefly examines the
nature and history of suicide b omb ings, as practiced starting in
der.htm Informatio n on the bene fits of taking the test is
198 3, the o rganizations that enco urage such b omb ings, their
described in the video.
methods of recruitment, the kind of bombs used and how the
group manages the bomb er up to the time of explosion. The
Tape 976: Chem ical Agents: WMD Sta ndardized Awaren ess
program then lists suspicious conduct officers should watch for,
Course Module 2 (57 min.)
and a sugge sted procedure for pre venting the bo mbe r's success.
[Februa ry 2005 ] In Part 2 o f the WM D Standardized Awa reness
The program concludes with a description of responses that
Course, Dr. Jan DiLorenzo, discusses the basic types of chemical
might be nec essary after a bom b goes o ff. The narration m akes a
agents that first respond ers ma y enco unter, including: To xic
point of remarking that the best guide for identifying a p ossible
Industrial Chemicals (TICs), and Choking, Blood , Blister, and
bomber is their behavior and location, not their physical
Nerve agents. T he T ypes, D issemination, A vailability, Volatility
appearance. The DVD also includes additional material (some of
(evaporation rate), Vapor Density, Odor, Routes of Entry, and
it advertising for the com pa ny's films), a PDF file of the Leade r's
General S igns and Symp toms o f expo sure are also d escribed.
Guide, and an interactive test. Speaking of suicide bombers, you
NEMRT Video Catalog (Fiscal Year 2008 -- April 2007), p. 17
in conjunction with local governm ent representatives, first
respo nders, private sector prep aredness and relief group s, this
new response Plan replaces several hazard-specific federal plans
with a common framework for federal departments and agencies
Tape 970: Dealing with V iolent Susp ects (9 min.)
to pro vide emergency and disaster assistance to the various lev els
[2004] The Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department produced
of local government. This panel discussion features several of
this program, about ways of responding to out-of-control
the program's developers discussing the purpose and advantages
subjects. Whether the behavior is due to mental illness, rage, or
of having a common response plan for emergencies requiring the
drugs, the techniques are similar: learn what you can about the
attention of many responders For more information on the
subject's condition, behave in a calming manner, and be
program, a PD F version of the full document, and online training
observant. The less-lethal force options, including stunbags and
opp ortunities from FEMA, visit
TAS ERs, and the escalation levels at which they may be used are
http://www .dhs.go v/dhsp ublic/interapp /editorial/editorial_0 566 .x
also discussed. Assignment of personnel for approaching the
ml .
violent subject, and things that might agitate the subject more are
also considered.. One drawback of the program is that the
Tape 965: John Wayne Gacy : Biography (45 min.)
weapons and policies discussed are those of the Los Angeles
[1996] T he life and crimes of the Chicago area's most notorious
County Sheriff's Department: as always compare the practices
serial killer are examined in this program from A&E 's Biography
de scribe d in this program with Illinois law and your agency's
series. Using interviews with people who knew him, as well as
current policies and procedures before implementing them.
one with Gacy himself, the startling picture of a civic leader who
was also a sexual predator is presented. Two things that make
Tape 969: Verbal Judo (In the Line of Duty) DVD (38 and 33
the program especially disturbing are that, evidently, nobody
suspected what was going on until he started to confess; and,
[2001] G eorge Tho mpson app ears in these programs from the In
according to one of the psychiatrists featured in the program,
the Line of Duty series, to talk about the origins and principles of
nobody has figured out why he did the things he did: he fit no
Verbal Judo. On the first disc, he goes over the steps of Verbal
known psychological pattern. As the narration states at the
Judo, and on the second, he explains the SAFER response, when
beginning of the program, it makes you wonder about your
the subject cannot be persuaded with words. Also included, on
Disc 1, is the conclusion of a program on behaviors of someone
who is likely to try to attack an officer, and, on Disc 2, a police
Tape 964: Autopsy [The] : For Death Investigators DVD (30
trainer tells about the two heart attacks he had before he decided
to get help. The moral of his story is not to ignore symptoms of
[2001] The late Dr. Jay D. Dix, (then) Associate Professor of
heart trouble, but to get help immediately. Also, according to the
Pathology at the University of Missouri School of Medicine at
discs, additional training material is available if your computer
Columbia, hosts this overview of the autopsy process, and,
has a D VD drive. B y the way, as a rule, In the Line of Duty
generally, what can be determined from various conditions of the
videos are for "law enforcement only", so don't go showing them
body and its organs. Topics presented include basic preservation
of evidence, things to look for in the external and internal exam,
thermal (pre- and post-death injuries), the basic effects of
Tape 968: Bicycle Safety Camp (25 min.)
decomposition, and the final steps of an autopsy. The label
[1989] As of this writing, I've only been able to find three bicycle
states "This video contains graphic images and is intended for
safety videos for children, and this is still listed as on e of them .
Death Investigators and Law Enforcement Personnel [only]", so
The "hep cat" rap talk is wearing and patronizing, but the point
don't go showing it around. T he revolting picture on the front is
mad e are valid. Sam Sp rocket, the instruc tor of the Bicyc le
likely to put off any right-thinking p erson anyway.
Safety Camp which several children have been forced to attend,
gives them tips on appropriate bicycle sizing and equipment, as
Tape 963: Murder of a Georgia Deputy [Kyle Dinkheller
well as safe driving behavior in various areas.
Sho oting ]: In the Line of D uty (57 min.)
[2002] This program is only slightly different from NEMRT
Tape 967: Manage and Coordinate a Large Scale Incident
video #937. This video, as that one did, shows that officer
while Maintaining Routine Operations (WM D Live Response)
courtesy is a great thing; but, with noncompliant subjects, force
(1 hour)
may become necessary. Deputy Kyle Dinkheller thought he was
[January 26, 2005] Co ntinuity of Operations Response Planning
making a low-risk traffic stop in 1998, but the speeder had
is the topic of this panel discussion question-and-answer
murder in mind. This video, from the In the L ine of Duty series,
program. Using response to a Florida hurricane as an illustration,
examines what originally made the stop suspicious, what
"COO P" is defined and explained; then a panel of ex perts talk
happened when the suspect began behaving strangely, and what
about their experiences and answer questions from viewers. The
other officers can do to prevent being a victim. The program
idea is to plan and coordinate operations so that essential
makes the point that pleasantness needs to be second to officer
functions (911 service, records, survival of leadership, and such)
safety; and the time does come when shooting an offender is the
can still function when an emergency (including a terroristic or
only option. The importance of keeping personal safety in mind,
W MD incident) occurs. Planning, Training, and Leadership are
before fear o f lawsuits, and suggestions for hand ling po ssible
the key elements of a successful Continuity of O perations P lan.
prosecution, is mentioned, along with other issues for officer
Some of the experiences they discuss are tabletop training,
survival training (appropriate verbal commands, maintaining
working with available staffing levels, facing equipment failure,
control, and such). The footage from his in-car video is included,
working with volunteer forces, responding to the public, and
along with a description of the offender, and how he was
restoring services to no rmal. It doesn't give specific response
captured. By the way, as a rule, In the Line of Duty videos are
information, but learning what other agencies have learned from
for "law enforcement only", so don't go showing them around.
their experiences can make local planning easier. (St. Petersburg
College offers CEUs for viewing this program, if a viewer
Tape 962: Weapo ns of Mass Destruction (WM D) Standardized
registers and passes an online test. See
Awareness Course - Prevention and Deterrence (Module 1) (1
http://terro for mo re information.)
[Janu ary 12 , 200 5] T his January 2005 EE NE T T eleco nference is
Tape 966: National Respo nse Plan : On e Team One G oal -- A
the first of several progra ms presented ab out responding to
Safer, More Secure America (1 hour)
W MD situations. Although the speakers are not especially
[January 19, 2005] When an incident becomes an "incident of
dynamic, their descriptions of terrorist interceptions they were
national significance", The National Response Plan can be
part of (along with some pictures) make up for the low-key
activated. Develo ped by the D epartment of Ho meland Security,
delivery. The program describes terro rist threat indicators,
might also want to take a look at the classic short short story by
H.H. Munro ("Saki"): The Easter Egg ( http://www.webboo ries/Saki2/Sa ki2C 15P 1.htm.)
NEMRT Video Catalog (Fiscal Year 2008 -- April 2007), p. 18
potential targets, and genera l precautions for protecting oneself in
lecture highlighted with a PowerP oint-type outline. It is based in
a W MD situation. T he "R AIN " resp onse conc ept -fire dep artment prac tice, but not nec essarily fire service-sp ecific.
(R)ecognize, (A)void, (I)solate, and (N)otify -- is incorporated
The part about having a comm on method of comm unication (like
into the d iscussion An o nline pre-test (for the who le series) is
using the same termino logy for parts o f a building) is interesting.
available through
The program concludes with a question and answer session.
der.htm Informatio n on the bene fits of taking the test is
Tape 957: Mutual Respect in Policing (23 min.)
described in the video.
[circa 2001] The U.S. Department of Justice Office of
Community Oriented Policing produced this roll-call discussion
Tape 961: Excellence in Problem-Oriented Policing: The
video , which features a group of "police officers" (we ll, actors in
He rm an G oldstein Aw ard Winner and Fina lists (31 min.)
uniform s) viewing scenarios o f police interacting with citizens.
[2004] T he principles of Problem Oriented Policing, including
After the scenario, they discuss their op inions of the officers'
the SARA m ethod, are demonstrated through award-winning
conduct. The narrator then chimes in with an o fficial statement.
programs law enforcement agencies have developed. Programs
The scenarios inc lude se veral inter-ethnic stre et stops, a couple
described include one for handling graffiti (San Diego,
looking for a house in a suspicious manner, officers returning a
California, Police Department, which explains the application of
bruised and scarred bo y to his indignant fam ily (this one is good !
the SARA model most clearly); Homeless Shelter Disturbances
It turns out he had fallen off his bike, and the family had assumed
(Charlotte-Mecklenburg, North Carolina, Police Department);
the officers beat him up), and a couple of kids' radically different
Repairing Neighborhoods (Pro blem prope rties: Joliet, Illinois,
reactions to their junior p olice toy bad ges. The " trick" with these
Police Department); Gas Thefts (Kansas City, Missouri, Police
scenarios is that the viewer doesn't get all the information about
Department); Independent Living Home violence (San Diego,
why the officers might have behaved the way they did. That
California, Police D epartment); and D rug dealers in an inner city
absence, and the analysis of the previewing "officers" (who may
park (Vancouver, B ritish Columbia, Police Department).
not be talking about the elements that would be important to real
officers) can lead to useful discussion of actual incidents the
Tape 960: Signs of the Deaf (In the Line of Duty Special Issue)
viewers have experienced.
(32 min.)
[2000] This Special Issue from the n the In the Line of Duty
Tape 956: 9-11 Comm ission Report DVD (130 min.)
series go es over som e crucial hand signs for comm unicating with
[2004] In November of 2004, the Northwestern University Center
the hearing-impaired. The video will not make viewers
for Public S afety's website urged law enforcement executives to
proficient at understanding signing for the de af, but exposure to
read the 9/11 Com mission Report. That report, however,
the signs should assist them in recognizing a hearing-impaired
(available at ) is about 500
subject, and in providing some assistance before the interpreter
pages long, and time is short. This DVD , produced by the
arrives. Three interpreters present the signs for major phrases
History Channel, sum marizes the find ings of that repo rt, with
and ideas in right-handed and left-handed style. Many signs
remarks from panelists and witnesses. T he events of the terrorist
which would be helpful for traffic stops, injured victims, and
attack of September 1 1, 200 1, are related, with analytical asides,
such are featured, including: I am a po lice officer - Deaf / Write it
background information o n the hijackers, Al-Qaeda, and the plo t.
/Do you Understand? - Who/What/Where/When/Why - What
The "failures of imagination" and missed oppo rtunities the
Happened? / Calm Down - Right/Wrong/Stop/Now - Thank you /
Comm ission found are then discussed. Pictures, audio clips, and
Do n't wo rry - D o you need help? - Get into / ou t of the car - Th is
interviews are used to illustrate the points. You may disagree
is a ticket - You are under/not under arrest - Do you have
with the presenters, their perceptions, or the conclusions, and you
identification / Write your name/address - Do you want to make a
will still probably want to read the Report, but the program here
phone call - Hurt/Help/Hospital
will give some visual structure to the information it presents. By
And , significantly, "I will call an interp reter". The program
the way, the NEM RT Instructors Library has a number of afterconcludes with some tips for interacting with the deaf. By the
action reports about the response to the terrorist attack, if you
way, as a rule, In the Line of Duty videos are for "law
would like to look at them.
enforcement only", so don't go showing them around.
Tape 954: Keep ers: A Jo b Beh ind Ba rs (Investigative R eports)
Tape 959: Responding to a WMD Crime Scene (28 min.)
DVD (45 min.)
[March 2004] This Department of Homeland Security program
[199 8] Bill Kurtis hosts this Investigative Rep orts episode, which
would b e useful to share with your fire dep artment. It uses a
exam ines life in prison, as experienced by tho se who work to
scenario, in which a dome stic terrorist accid entally blo ws up his
keep the inmates safe: the guards. Footage of assaults on
house, to demonstrate the dos and don'ts of responding to an
officers, examples of "shanks", as well as a d escription of a
criminal incident that might involve explosives, hazardous
prisoner abuse coverup in a southwestern prison, add to the
materials, or such. The initial presentation shows how
dram a of the " other prisoners", as guards are sometimes called.
emergency first responders can destroy evidence through
Special attention is given to Rikers Prison (New York), Corcoran
common fire-fighting practices (shades of NEM RT Video #270,
State Prison (California), and "Tent City" (Arizona).
Handle with Care!). An appropriate response, based on ICS and
the expectation of illegal activity, is then demonstrated. Further
Tape 953: Identifying the Stolen Car (34 min.)
response recommend ations are also made. T he programs are
[Circa 2000] Things to watch for when conducting a street stop
labeled "For Official Public Safety Personnel Only", so don't go
that might indicate that the vehicle is stolen, the occupants are
showing them around.
doing something illegal, or both, are discussed in this Calibre
Press video. The first part describes suspicious behaviors to
Tape 958: Incident Command System (ICS): Order Out of
watch for, and the imp ortance of b eing tho rough during a vehicle
Chaos (55 min)
stop. The second, much longer, part explains the history and
[November 10, 2004] This November 10, 2004, EENET
meaning of the VIN number, the Federal Certification Label, and
broadcast was produced by the Division of Educational
other identification numbers, and how confirming them during
Develop ment, Office o f Eme rgency Medica l Services, Virginia
any stop can help in catching a car thief. Where to look for "high
Department of Health, and gives a brief overview of the Incident
theft labels", confidential numb ers, and other identifiers, are also
Comm and System as they practice it. It answers such questions
as: What is ICS? How does EM S fit in? What are the key
compo nents, span of control, role of the incident commander,
Tape 952: Ted Bundy: Biography DVD (43 min.)
command functions, transfer and passing command, and the
[2002] This episode from the Biography series performs
management structure of ICS? Although it features a scenario of
something o f a forensic autopsy on the serial killer Ted B undy.
a smoke -filled house to illustrate the system, much of it is a
Significant events of his early life are described and discussed as
NEMRT Video Catalog (Fiscal Year 2008 -- April 2007), p. 19
influences on, precursors to, or evidence of his mania. How he
interest for law enforcement: much of the discussion is spent
worked, and how he hid the "monster" inside, does give the
exam ining U .S. Department of Agriculture's plans for ac tion in
viewer a lot to think about. Biography does a flashy job with the
the event of a health emergency. But it does include a segment
presentation, so this revolting story is hard to turn off. The story
about the history of the NIMS implementation, training sources
is also a good illustration of the importance of watching for
in applying the Incident Command S ystem, and a lengthy
unexpected things when performing vehicle stops: he is caught
description of USDA response to possible outbreaks of Mad Cow
at various times b ecause alert o fficers noticed o dd things in his
Disease and Av ian Influenza. It is decide dly not roll call
material, but might be useful for developing policy, and for
getting training ideas. The presentations from this teleconference
Tape 951: Intera ctive "Surv ival Sp anish ": H igh R isk Vehicle
are also available at
Stops (45 min.)
[1997] The Spanish commands an officer is likely to need when
conducting a vehicle stop with no n-English speakers is the topic
of this program. It begins with a traffic stop in which an officer
Tape 945: Developing Interagency Protocols for ICS:
is killed because he didn't recognize that the Spanish-speakers he
CoMN ET Video Magazine (1 hour)
had pulled over were p lanning on killing him. It continues with
[August 25, 2004] D eveloping mutual aid agreements, and
an exa minatio n of the re asons for kno wing co mmands in
related cooperation is the focus of this August 200 4 broad cast.
Spanish, the major commands to be familiar with, the importance
Yo u may not want to use the whole thing, but the parts would
of practicing the command s, and concludes with a segment about
make good illustrations. The featured segments include:
the T exas constable who was killed in 19 91 because he wasn't
Develop ing M utua l Aid P rotoc ols (about how to develop and
prepared to respond to S panish-speaking suspects.
a ssist in the imple me nta tion of mutual a id protocols for WMD
incidents, along with ways to prepare to cooperate with local and
Tape 950: Police Pu rsuit: M ode rn M arvels (45 min.)
regional emergency response organizations in a W MD event.)
[2004] It turns out there's a lot m ore to pursuit than driving cars!
Recogn ize Types o f Agents (Featuring Capt. Douglas Wolfe,
Although no techniq ues for pursuing vehicle are exam ined in this
Sarasota Fire Department, who describes the types of chemical
episode of the Modern M arvels series, the history of police
agents used as W MD, ho w they wo rk, and how to recognize them.)
pursuit vehicles and "getaway cars", elements of driver training,
Understanding the Use and Capability of Detection Equipment
and in-car equipment is described. Other interesting inclusions
(exam ining the typ es of W MD d etection devices currently available.)
are an explanation of the PIT (Precision Immobilization
Coordinating the Development of Plans, Procedures and
Technique) maneuver, information systems available to officers
Pro tocols (which examines how agencies can create an
in their car, "cooperative systems" for locating stolen cars, and
emergency plan for WM D, and coordinate it with those of other
the use of aircraft during a pursuit, night vision equipment. The
local agencies).
program conc ludes with a loo k at the U .S. Co ast Guard's pursuit
Tape 944: ICS and the Incident Comm and Plan: CoMNET
Video Magazine (1 hour)
Tape 949: Columbine: Understanding Why (Investigative
[February 26, 2004] Although it doesn't focus on a single issue,
Reports) DVD (45 min.)
this Feb ruary/M arch 2 004 broadcast feature s several segm ents
[2002] B ill Kurtis hosts this special edition of Investigative
that would be useful for planning a unified response to a critical
Reports, which focuses on why the April 20, 1999, Co lumbine
incident. You may want to keep the remote control close in order
Massacre occurred. Forensic experts, including, Ron Walker
to bypass the advertising (of upcoming events and such) but the
(former FBI profiler), Park Dietz (forensic psychiatrist), Joel
informational parts would make good illustrations. Those parts include:
Dvoskin, E rin Spires, Steven Pitt, conduct a "forensic autopsy"
An Overview of the services provided by National Law
on those involved in the shooting, and discuss how future crises
Enforcement and Correction's Technology Center in Denver, Colorado;
could be prevented. Video footage of the shooters, students who
ICS and the Incident Action Plan (which exam ines how to
were present during the crisis, and interviews with people they
develop an Incident Action Plan and how it is used as part of ICS);
knew are also included.
The Application of Unified Comm and to a WM D Incident (how
to expand the Incident Command S ystem to a Unified Com mand
Tape 948: Jam med U p: Prescription for Disaster (17 min.)
during W MD event,
[2004] OxyContin abuse is the subject of this program produced
and how to integrate federal, state, and local agencies and the
by the Middlesex (M assachusetts) District Attorney's Office. It
organization of resources at the scene), and the function of the
features statements from teens who have abused O xyContin (and
US Northern Command (NORTHCOM ), including how
in some cases gone on to heroin), who explain why they got
NOR THC OM can provide consequence management assistance,
involved with the prescription drug, and how abusing it has
such as would occur after a terrorist event employing a weapon
affected their lives. Statements from medical professionals are
of mass destruction.
also included , that explain how OxyCo ntin works, why p eop le
would abuse it, and how parents can get help for their children.
Tape 943: Weapo ns of Mass Destruction: CoMNE T Video
Magazine (1 hour)
Tape 947: Living with Grief: Coping with Public Tragedy (1
[June 23, 20 04 ] T he June 23 , 200 4, broa dc ast of FEMA's
[April 2003] This condensation of an April 2003 Hospice
TR AIN ING (CoM NE T) M AG AZIN E" includ ed these
Foundation of A merica examine factors tha t define a public
informative segments: Recognize a Terrorist Incident: Ways
traged y, how p rofessio nals can help the victims or fam ily
of recognizing if an emergency to w hich one is respo nding is a
members involved, and how the community can address its own
W MD emergency, and precursor signs of a chemical/biological
grief related to the public tragedy. Major illustrations include
assault. Special Hazards of a Terrorist Incident: The different
response to the 2002 tornado that leveled La Plata, Maryland, and
"zones" of a response, principles for setting up a staging area,
the effect of the September 11, 2001 , terrorist attack. Supportive
watching for secondary devices and terrorists who still may be
responses for those involved in public tragedy are discussed and
present, decisions about "defensive mode", and special
analyzed (includ ing a discussion of C ritical Incident Stress
considerations for respo nding. Emergency Powers and
Debriefing), along with what can be learned from the p ublic
Declarations: what is involved in setting up an incident
command and resource management, the importance of keeping
track of resources, alternative sources for assistance (like the
Tape 946: Ninth An nua l Em ergency Prep ared ness S atellite
Salvation Army or the Red Cross) and what the Stafford Disaster
Seminar (NIM S and Agriculture) (4 hours)
Relief and E mergency A ssistance Act means to local agencies.
[Sep tember 16 , 200 4] O rdinarily, this program would hold little
Un derstanding Assets Av ailab le: How agencies can get the
NEMRT Video Catalog (Fiscal Year 2008 -- April 2007), p. 20
equipment they need, when the need it. A segment listing formal
courses on W MD emergency response is also discussed, along
[Sep tember 20 02] The U.S. Department of Ho meland Security
with an examination of the Master's Degree offered by the Naval
produced these two videos to give first responders some structure
Postgraduate School. A segment featuring news, initiatives and
from which to plan the ir respo nse to, what amounts to , a
conferences, is includ ed in the midd le. The Southeastern Public
hazardous materials situatio n. Part 1, M anaging T errorism
Safety Institute of St. Petersburg College (Florida) offers viewer
Incidents Using the Incident Command System for W M D
CEUs for those who register to receive them. Visit The National
Incidents, uses a scenario in which some paramilitary-types
Terrorism Preparedness Institute W eb P age at:
plant a bomb on a tank car in a rail yard, killing a police officer for more information.
in the process., to illustrate how the ICS (Incident Comm and
System) works in theory and practice. At the end of that video,
Tape 942: National Incident Management System [NIMS] : An
the bomb goes off, and the poison gas starts spreading toward the
Introduction Bro adca st for First Respo nders (45 min.)
city. The seco nd part, M anaging Terrorism Incidents: Using
[March 10 , 2004] T his March 10, 200 4, telecast from the
Unified Com mand in W M D Incidents, continues to use the
Emergency Education Network gives viewers a general idea of
scenario, to illustrate how an Incident Command system
the origins, purpose and benefits of the National Incident
transitions to a Unified Command system. Aspects examined
Management System [NIMS]. It is a standardized emergency
include the ro les of the agencies that will respond to the incident,
management structure for local responders, that the local
and the four "teams" that oversee the response and their roles, the
agencies develop themselves., based on the Incident Command
federal agencies (FBI and FEM A) that will be invo lved,
System and the principles of mutual aid. In short, it's about
requirements for the command center, methods of insuring
cooperation, not equipment. Although it doesn't explain the
memb er cooperation, and issues the agencies will have to ad dress
NIM S guide (available at
(such as division of expenses). The programs are labeled "For
http// Public Safety Personnel Only", so don't go showing them
web.pdf) specifically, it does raise viewer interest the system, and
provides a frame work of idea s to make the N IM S manual clear.
By the way, a useful web resource on NIMS is The National
Tape 937: Georgia Deputy M urde r : In the Line of D uty
Incident Management System (NIM S) Integration Center,
Special Issue (56 min.)
availab le at: http://www.fema .gov/p reparedness/nims/ .
[2001] Deputy Kyle Dinkheller thought he was making a lowrisk traffic stop in 19 98, b ut the speeder had murd er in mind.
Tape 941: Tea ching Kids to K ill (1 ho ur, 44 min.)
This video, from the In the Line of Duty series, examines what
[1999] In this pro gram, Dav id Grossm an (author of On Killing)
originally made the stop suspicious, what happened when the
presents the lecture that became his other book Stop T eaching
suspect began behaving strangely, and what other officers can do
Our Kids to K ill to an audience of what appear to be teachers
to prevent being a victim. Some commentators remark that Dep.
and parents. The video appears to have been made sometime
Dinkheller was too "agreeable": pleasantness needs to be second
between the school shooting in Jonesboro, Arkansas, and the one
to officer safety; and the time does come when shooting an
in Columbine, Co lorad o. The top ic is the effect of violent med ia
offender is the only option. Another point made is that, although
entertainment on you th, and what parents can do to pro tect their
Dep. Dinkheller shoo ts 33 times, only o ne bullet hit the offender.
children. He includes examples from (then) recent shooting
The suggestion is tha t officer firearms training needs to
incidents, military training, and anecdotal material. The NEMRT
incorporate similar scenarios. The footage from his in-car video
Libra ry has co pies of both o f Gro ssman 's book s, if you would
camera, along with captioning of the dialogue is included, along
like to use them.
with a description of how the offender was captured. By the
way, as a rule, In the Line of Duty videos are for "law
Tape 940: Freew ay M adness (45 min.)
enforcement only", so don't go showing them around.
[199 6] If you're planning a training session ab out traffic crashes,
or acciden t investigatio n, or wh at might turn up during a patro l,
Tape 936: What Every Law Enforcement Officer Should Know
this program might be useful. It consists of footage of
about TASER (44 min.)
emergency response to traffic crashes in Southern California,
[2004] This is not your father's T ASE R. Ac cord ing to this
filmed from a helicopter, and narrated by a pilot/reporter. The
Special Edition entry in the In the Line of Duty series, only
actual crashes aren't shown, but the helicopter camera can get
within the last severa l years has the technology caug ht up with
pretty close to the response. Included is a bus/motorcycle crash,
the theory, making the current TASER an effective less-lethal
a hostage situation in a cab, a fleeing demon (yes, it's someone
force option. The program op ens with a brief history of the
prowling in a demon costume), another extrication, a pipe bomb,
device and how it functions; the n feature s various officers talk
and footage of other crashes and such presented without
about incidents in which they were able to use a TASER
comment. Some of the scenes would benefit from some
successfully and user testimonials. The producer discusses the
additional commentary, but, either way, the scenes might make
limitations and cond itions that interfere with its effectiveness,
good opportunities for discussing appropriate response, or
injuries (such as they are) that may be associated with its use, the
dep artment policy.
testing that has taken place to demonstrate the safety of the
device, and how its use can reduce a d epartment's liability costs.
Tape 939: ICS: The Incident Comm and System DVD (23
The program concludes with a list of questions to examine when
considering whether to use TAS ERs at a department. Although
[2000] The two most useful parts of this very general overview
NEM RT doesn't necessarily endorse the equipment or procedures
of the principles of Incident Command are the last section,
described in this video, they m ight be interesting to kno w about.
explaining the com pon ent units, and the interactive true/false test.
As always, compare the techniques with agency policies and
If a viewer selects the wrong answer, a link is included to take
procedures before applying them. Incidentally, did you know
the viewer back to the section of the DVD that discussed that
that TASER stands for "Thomas A. Swift's Electric Rifle"? By
point. Otherw ise, although it offers no specific directions, it's a
the way, as a rule, In the Line of Duty videos are for "law
convenient program for getting a general idea of the principles
enforcement only", so don't go showing them around.
of ICS, why having a plan is a good idea, and how the system
works. Judging from the information presented in the DVD,
Tape 935: Hidden C om partm ents of D rug T raffickers (1 hour,
practice and analysis is going to be critical to getting the system
50 m in.)
to function properly during an actual emergency. Viewers might
[1998] T his relaxed video, featuring "live" footage of drug
want to share it with other emergency responders in the
officers around the country searching vehicles at drug
checkpoints, includes anecdotes of how drugs were found in the
vehicles. W atching the officers in action is interesting, and the
Tape 938: Mana ging Terrorism Incidents Tape Set (29 and 26
tricks drug trafficke rs may use to distract office rs and narco tic
detection dogs gives officers something to look for when
performing their own searches. Watching and listening to them
interact with the detained people can also be informative. It
might best be used as a source for footage to incorporate into a
larger training program.
NEMRT Video Catalog (Fiscal Year 2008 -- April 2007), p. 21
The pro gram is also available in Spa nish (#931 : Reduciendo su
riesgo en un acciden te).
Tape 934: Drug Traffickers Hiding Places in Unaltered Autos
(49 min.)
[1998, footage 1994] Although the recording quality leaves
something to be desired, the information Deputy Sheriff (and
mechanic) Brett Hernsworth presents, about where imaginative
drug traffickers m ight hide drugs in a vehicle, is still interesting.
He works from the front bumper, through the engine block, to the
back bump er, pointing out how drugs could be packed in various
locatio ns without interfering with the o peration of the car. H e is
also a K -9 handler, so some of his ad vice has to do with
searching when the dog alerts on something that isn't being found
easily, and things to prepare the dog for when in the field . He
also describes how some of the existing compartments can be
enhanced, and how they can be made to look like original
equipment, things to look for in a gas tank, the use of
diversionary odors, and general considerations for making a
thorough search of a vehicle. The program concludes with a 5minute slide show of vehicles, with the spots where drugs were
hidden exposed . (Skip the advertising that follows)
Tape 933: Hid den Traps & Secret Co m partments (30 min.)
[circa 2002] Pat McCarthy (formerly of the Chicago Police
Dep artment) dem onstrates the places where drug traffickers,
gang members, o r other dangerous peo ple, can hide contra band.
Some of the "traps" are pre-existing spots in vehicles, furniture
and canned goo ds, and some were created. In any event, they are
all places officers need to check when looking for dangerous
items. He also give some tips on what to look for in a piece of
furniture or such that might contain a secret compartment. An
interview with an incarcerated gang mem ber includes a
description of what they would keep in their various hiding
places. A lot of these spots are obvious, especially if one reads
mystery stories, but if you don't, the program is a great reminder
that there might be more in that unopened coffee can than coffee.
Tape 932: Tire S afety Police Training : M ichelin (23 min.)
[2003] W e got this p rogra m from Michelin N orth A merica. In it,
officials of ALERT International (Association of Professional
Law Enforcement Em ergency Vehicle Response Trainers
International) and Michelin Tire testers participate in tests of
various simulated tire-related emergencies that police officers
might have while driving. The program describes what happens
when vehicles experience blow-outs, or hydroplaning, and what
officers should do in such circumstances. The importance of
appro priate tire pressure, and the placement of new tires is also
discussed. (The descriptions of how some of the emergencies
were created is interesting, too, as is the footage of cars spinning
Tape 931: Reduciendo su riesgo en un accidente [Reducing
Your Risks in the Crash] (10 min.)
[1999] This program is a Spanish-language remake of NEMRT
Video #9 30 (Reducing Y our Risks in the Crash), without the
introductory scenario (which is too bad, because the scenario was
a good introduction to the topic). It is similar to 200
Milliseconds of Y our Life (#268), in that it exam ines the events
inside a passenger compartment during a car crash. This one
spends more time describing the proper use of vehicle restraint
systems (seat belts, airbags, and headrests), and child restraint
systems, though.
Tape 930: Reducing Y our Risks in the Crash (9 min.)
[1996] This program is similar to 200 Millisec ond s of Yo ur Life
(#268), in that it examines the events inside a passenger
com partm ent during a ca r crash. It opens with a scenario of a
family being involved in a crash, and goes on to describe the
proper use of vehicle restraint systems (seat belts, airbags, and
head rests), and child restraint systems (wh ich #2 68 d oesn't do).
Tape 929: Understanding Car Crashes: It's Basic Physics (22
[2000] A youthful physics teacher uses the facilities of the
Insurance Institute for Highway Safety's Vehicle Research Center
to demon strate various law s of physics, and how they app ly, to
car occupants particularly, during a crash. Newton's Laws of
Mo tion, including Inertia, Mom entum, Acceleration (and
deceleration), and kinetic energy, are used to explain the reasons
for victim injuries, vehicle design, multiple-vehicle impacts, and
crash-worthiness. It's an entertaining video, and ought to be just
the thing if an SRO has to keep an eye on a science class. By the
way, the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety has a teacher's
guide available in PDF format at
http://www e.pdf.
Tape 928: Michelle Norton Story [The] (20 min.)
[circa 2001] Bruce Cabral, of ALERT International (Association
of Professional Law Enforceme nt Emergency Ve hicle Respo nse
Trainers International) provided this painful video, about the
dangers high-speed police driving can pose to the public. The
bulk of the program features the mother of two teenagers, who
were killed in a 1998 crash with a police car, who talks about her
sons; and then graphically describes the effects of the crash they
were all in. Although the intent of the program is to discourage
careless police driving, it is perhaps even more appropriate for a
discussion of victim needs, grief, and death notification. The
program concludes with a series of discussion questions about
the results of the crash, and how they could be prevented.
Tape 927: Autism and Law Enforcement Roll Call Briefing
Video (21 min.)
[2004] With increasing numbers of children being diagnosed
with Autism, officers are inc reasingly likely to enc ounter autistic
children and adults. This video, featuring an officer whose son
has Autism, exam ines some b ehaviors associated with Autism
(such as wandering away from home, not understanding
commands, fascination with water or shiny objects, or not
recognizing danger), and suggests ways law enforcement
officers can respond when they encounter someone who may
have som e form of A utism. The b est start, the program imp lies,
is for officers to kno w the peop le in their co mmunity.
Suggestions for tagging addresses in a 911 database, making
homes more escape-proof, speaking with people with Autism,
and reading them their M iranda rights are also include d.
Incidentally, the program points out that, because of factors
related to the condition, many people with Autism also be prone
to po sitional asphyxia, so care during the arrest process is
Tape 926: Survival Mindset (The) (23 min.)
[1994] T his motivational video from Performance D imensions
features law enforcement officers/trainers from a variety of
agencies, who talk about the elements of a will to survive, and
how officers can develop them. The advantages to the
com munity, ho w the Survival Attitude helps o fficers cope with
the stresse s of law enforcement, and mental exercise for survival.
Several scenarios of planned and unplanned responses are
Tape 925: Elder Physical Abuse and Sexual Abuse: The
Medical Piece (2 hours, 11 min. on 2 tapes)
[2003] Even for general investigations, this pro gram is useful!
The California D istrict Attorneys Association produ ced this
program, which features num erous criminal investigators,
prosecutors, elder advocates, doctors and nurses, who talk about
elements of a crimina l investigatio n of elder abuse and neglect.
The neglect part is particularly interesting: behind the speakers,
is an unobtrusive diffused presentation of pictures of some
painful-looking injuries. Topics discussed include investigation
suggestions, neglect, malnutrition, dehydration, strangulation,
burns, osteop orosis, avulsions, abrasions, cuts and stabs,
NEMRT Video Catalog (Fiscal Year 2008 -- April 2007), p. 22
racial p rofiling as " T he de tention, interdiction, or other d isparate
treatment of an y perso n on the basis of their racial or ethnic
status or characteristics." This reassuring "Special Issue" from In
the Line of Duty describes ways police departments can avoid the
appearance of bias-based policing. Being able to describe
reasonable suspicion, and responding courteously to the stopped
person, are two key elements to irreproachable behavior. The
program conc ludes with the C hicago Police Department's public
service announcement about how it won't engage in racial
Tape 924: Pit Bulls and Dogfighting (26 min. and 17 min.)
profiling. The handout that accompanies the video concludes
[2004] In the Line of Duty produced this video, about the
with the IACP 's "Sample professional traffic stops policy and
relationship between dogfighting and other local crime problems
procedure", which might be useful for comparison to agency
(drug trafficking and abuse, domestic violence, robbery, arson,
policy. By the way, as a rule, In the Line of Duty videos are for
gang violence, etc.). Officers from Chicago and San Diego talk
"law enforcement only", so don't go showing them around.
about the extent of the problem, the importance of using
community policing principles to stop the crimes that surround
Tape 919: Pat Downs -- Officer Deaths (In the Line of Duty)
the dogfight (besides animal cruelty, crimes including alcohol
(35 min.)
sales, vice, and building code violations are likely to be taking
[2002] A handcuffed detainee bent on shooting cops kills a police
place), They also point out things to look for that might indicate a
officer with a concealed gun that was missed during a searc h in
dog is being trained for fighting, how to use the Internet and the
this In the Line of Duty episode. Stories of other officers who
newspapers to find local dogfighting, things to docume nt at the
have been killed with missed contraband are used to illustrate the
crime scene, and questions to ask when investigating other
need for thorough searc hing of detaine es: even com pliant ones.
crimes that might lead to evidence of dogfighting. Some
The recommended procedure here is: "Control, Speed Cuff",
interesting statistics about the relationship between childhood
Thoroughly Search". Some suggestions about the importance of
animal abuse and later crimes are included at the end. The video
consistency when conducting searches, where and how to look
features a lot of footage o f injured dog s and bloody do gfights,
for contraband, and how to speedcuff a subject are also ma de.
plus a 17-minute home video of a dogfight after the training
The program concludes with some information about water
portion. By the way, as a rule, In the Line of Duty videos are for
bottles altered to hide contraband inside. Although NEMRT
"law enforcement only", so don't go showing them around.
doe sn't necessa rily recommend the pro cedures described in this
video, they might be interesting to know ab out. As always,
Tape 923: Death Investigations FBI Teleconference (2 hours)
compare the techniques with agency policies and procedures
[December 1, 2003] This December 2003 teleconference
before applying them. By the way, as a rule, In the Line of Duty
describes good processes for investigating deaths (p articularly
videos are for "law enforcement only", so don't go showing them
violent ones), including working with med ical examiners,
elements of an autopsy, and when to bring in exp erts. Panelists
include Art Westveer (Violent Crime Specialist, FBI), Dr.
Tape 918: San F rancisco Police D epartm ent Cruiser C rash (In
W illiam Rodriguez (Office of the Armed Forces Medical
the Line of Duty) (36 min)
Examiner), and David Fowler (Chief Medical Examiner, State of
[2003] After a b rief trailer ab out another program, this entry in
Maryland). They discuss the functions of the officials who
the In the Line of Duty series examines the circumstances
respo nd to death scenes, equip ment (such as digital photography)
surrounding a crash involving two San Francisco Police
that can help with investigations, ways of finding and identifying
Department patrol cars responding to a call. One officer was
bod ies, ways o f identifying causes o f death, details of an auto psy,
killed, and the other three were seriously injured. How such
bullet wound identification, fore nsic ento molo gy, and where to
issues as the nature of the call, the officers' patrol experience,
go for resources or more information. Case studies and
siren "washo ut", rad io traffic ab out a d ifferent incid ent, seat b elt
anecdotes abo ut important investigatio ns are featured to illustrate
and air bag function when a car is upside down, and the speed of
various training points. Gruesome pictures are included.
the vehicles, contributed to the crash are analyzed, illustrated
with pictures of the wrec ked cars. A segment about the eleme nts
Tape 922: Law Enforcement Training and Education Through
of the San Francisco Police D epartment's Emergency Vehicle
the FBI Virtual Academy FB I Teleconference (1 ho ur, 50 min.)
Op erator's Course is includ ed. T he program co ncludes with
[No vember 5 , 200 3] T he be nefits of using what will eventually
information ab out how to m ake a hand cuff key out of the clasp
be the FBI's distance education initiative, The FBI Virtual
from a kraft paper envelope, and footage of som e especially
Academ y, are described in this N ovembe r 2003 telecon ference.
brazen shoplifters. The program is a great illustration of why one
Evidently, the idea is to speed course registration, track training
can't let righteo us anger get in the way of safe driving princ iples.
activity, pro vide training op portunities and information access to
By the way, as a rule, In the Line of Duty videos are for "law
registered law enforcement agencies. Panelists include FBI
enforcement only", so don't go showing them around.
perso nnel B ob C hristenb erry (mode rator), Larry W alker (U nit
Chief, Training Development Unit), Jane Homeyer (Acting Dean,
Tape 917: Prisons: M ode rn M arvels (44 min.)
Academic Studies and Professional Development, Office of
[2000] Ad mittedly, this program is most appropriate for a
Training and Development), and Dean Fletcher (Program
criminal justice survey course , but I learned things from it. Th is
Mana ger, Synchronous Learning). They talk about why the
episode in the History Channel's Modern M arvels series
Virtual Academy is being developed, "Blended Learning",
examines the history of incarceration, and the forms
software selection for the system, and what can be found on the
imprisonment has taken. It goes from the dungeons of the
website. The seco nd half is devoted to how to register's one's
Roman era thro ugh the mod ern sec urity innovations prese nt in
law enforcement agency, how individuals can register, and how
current prisons, examining the philosophies about penitentiaries
to register for co urses. A reminder: although these sp eakers talk
that inspired those forms. Discussion of the advantages of each
a lot about online community and buying copies of journal
system is also featured. Prisons selected for special notice
articles online, your public library and your reference librarian
include England' "Hulks", Eastern S tate Penitentiary (in
can help you acquire a lot of the information you may need,
Philadelphia), Sing Sing, women's prisons, Alcatraz, and the
without the hassle of a credit card . Librarians are here to help
federal penitentiary in Marion (IL). The pro gram ends with a
you find information: include them in your asynchronous
description security measures currently used in prisons (including
learning endeavors.
a brief description of electronic monitoring).
toxicology, dementia, delirium, depression (and suicide), sexual
assault, domestic violence (and how to offer services),
interview ing exp ectations and special considerations, ho w to
overcome ob stacles and defenses, and multidisciplinary
approaches. Websites for finding more information are listed
after mo st segments. As a lways, co mpa re the tec hniques with
agency policies and procedures before applying them. Either
way, don't watch it at lunch.
Tape 921: Racial Profiling (In the Line of Duty) (15 min.)
[2001] The International Association of Chiefs of Police defines
Tape 916: Widening the Circle: Sex ual A ssault and people
with D isabilities a nd the Eld erly (22 min.)
[1998] The W isconsin Co alition Against Sexual Assault
(WC ASA) produced this low-key program, which examines
reaso ns why elderly and disabled people are especially
vulnerable to sexual assault, and ways they can get the support
and assistance they need. V arious advocates (and possible
victims) talk abo ut ways o f approaching the victim, barriers to
receiving assistance that the victims may face (for instance, lack
of disabled accessibility or no advertising of available services),
and ways o f finding out how agencies can best serve those
NEMRT Video Catalog (Fiscal Year 2008 -- April 2007), p. 23
Tape 915: 2004 Legal Upd ate: Illinois State Police (9 min.)
[2004] The Illinois State Police produced this short program,
which lists the changes in the law that are most likely to affect
police officers. They includ e:
Senate Bill 52 (Amends the child passenger protection act).
House Bill 2446 (Amends aggravated arson to include arson
against schools).
Sena te Bill 407 (Amends the offense of a hate Crimes act, to
include harassment by electronic communications).
Ho use B ill 532 (Peace o fficers outside their jurisdiction can help
state/local law enforcement officials).
House B ill 3072 (N ew offense of a dangerous place for the
commission of a drug offense).
House Bill 2041 (New offense of endangering the life of an
emergency responder).
House B ill 2843 (A mends the Anhydrous Amm onia act).
Senate Bill 642 (Amends the Drug P araphernalia Control Act).
Senate Bill 880 (Amends a hypod ermic/syringe Needles act).
House B ill 92 (Defines aggravated fleeing/eluding a peace officer).
House Bill 136 (Amends the Vehicle Code: can't sell vehicles
looking like police vehicles to citizens).
House B ill 1574 (T hat Left-lane driving law).
Senate Bill 30 (That racial identification at traffic stops law).
Senate Bill 58 (The one about the number of passengers teen
drivers can have).
Senate Bill 1175 (Penalties for secret compartments in vehicles).
Tape 914: Exp anding State a nd Local C ounter-T errorism
Training FBI Teleconference (2 hours)
[June 11, 2 003 ] The terrorism rec ognition training availab le to
law enforcement officers, and how to apply community policing
principles to terrorism prevention, are the topics of this June
2003 F BI teleconference. Panelists include Doug Bod rero
(SLATT Program), Robert McH ugh (Tri-State Regional
Community Po licing Institute), John Ad ie (FB I, Minneap olis
Office), and by video Louis Quijas (Office of Law Enforcement
Coordination). They discuss the Train-the-Trainer programs
their organizations have offered, the elements of those programs
and the usefulness of citizen training for terrorism prevention.
The most interesting section is the second half: it includes
footage from an Al Qaeda training video, which features
techniq ues for assassina ting po lice officers and hostages.
Various callers tell ab out "how they do it good " in their a rea.
The importance of having a respo nse plan in place is em phasized.
A list of resources is featured during the break. Video # 901
(Recognizing, Reporting & Preventing Terrorism POST
Telecourse) gives more spec ific information on counterterrorism
training, b ut if you're trying to deve lop a class of your own, this
program would give you good ideas about topics to include.
Tape 913: Non-Lethal W eapo ns [M odern Ma rvels] (45 min.)
[2003] This Mode rn M arvels episod e exp ands on the segment in
NEM RT video #828 (Police Technology) about less-than-lethal
weaponry. The program gives an overview of the history of such
items as non-lethal projectiles (including baton rounds and rubber
bullets), crowd -contro l equip ment (water canno ns, stingball
grenade s, net rounds), the T ASE R (briefly), repulsive od ors,
chemical agents (tear gas, pepper spray and Peppe rBall rounds),
"weapons of light and sound" (flashbangs , "laserdazzlers",
acoustic "b ullets", an d hea t-prod ucing units), and machinerydisab ling devices (including devices to sto p fleeing vehicles).
Also considered are possible m isuses of less-than-lethal weapons,
which emp hasize how those m isuses are far outweighe d by the ir
Tape 912: Forensic Science: The Crime Fighter's Weapon
[Modern Ma rvels] (48 min.)
[1997] Although a criminalistics class or a citizens academy
might be the logical audience for this Modern Marvels program,
it makes a great reminder to officers of the importance of
physical evidence in solving crimes. Thanks to Sherlock Holmes
(believe it or not), the field of criminalistics was developed.
Sources of evidence discussed in this program include
Fingerprints, Hair and Fiber, Bombs (on airplanes), and DNA
(which is particularly interesting, because its case study is about
a man saved from execution through DNA testing). The
descriptions of how the cases were investigated, and the evidence
collected, is perhaps somewhat dated (the program is from 1997),
but still fascinating.
Tape 911: Defend ing the H ighrise : Mode rn M arvels (44
[2003] This episode in Modern Marvels' subseries Terror Tech
describes protective equipment available for the protection of
buildings: and , in spite of the title, not necessarily tall ones.
Equipment described includes vehicle barricades, devices for
video surveillance, video identification, or biometric
identification, bomb detection equipment, biological weapon and
radioactivity detection devices, blast-resistant building materials,
and perso nal parachutes. A brief history o f bom bings o n W all
Street is also included. At the very end of the program, someone
makes an interesting observation: that perh aps the best terrorist
deterrent is the knowledge that their ac ts won't terro rize anyone.
Demon strated prep aredness ca n convey that knowledge .
Although NEM RT d oesn't necessarily recommend the
manufacturers described in this video, their equipment might be
helpful to know about.
Tape 910: Sniper Attack: Handling Interjurisdictional Cases
[FBI Teleconference] (1 ho ur, 57 min.)
[July 23, 20 03] Ho w the different law enforc ement agencies in
the Washington, D.C., area were able to work together to catch
the Beltway Sniper is discussed in this July 2003 FBI
Telecon ference. Speakers includ e Gary Bald (FBI), Charlie
Deane (Chief, Prince William Co. Sheriff's Office), Charles
Mo ose (former Chief, Montgomery Co. Po lice Department),
Thoma s Manger (Chief, Fairfax Co. Police Department) , with
Tom Christenberry as moderator. The program opens with a
recounting of the events in shooting spree, after which the
panelists talk about their participation in the investigation. Issues
that arose included the request for assistance under the federal
serial murder statute, planning for agency response, securing
large crime scenes, handling false leads, and coordinating
agencies' response to the media, and handling the
misund ertand ings. Fo r instance, the FB I never released its profile
of the shooters: all the releases on that subject were from outside
speculators. Using federal resources and coordinating news
releases stand out most in the presentations.
Tape 909: Managing Limited Duty Officers FBI
Teleconference (2 hours)
[August 13, 2003] The deployment of disabled officers, as
opp opsed to mana ging officers on light duty, is the topic of this
August 13, 2003, teleconference. Short video programs about the
activities of various officers who have lost limbs or have been
paralyzed, and wh o currently wo rk in various ca pacities at their
police departments. The upshot of the teleconference is that the
officers may need some considerations, but they don't need to be
"carried." Panelists include Chief James Dailey (Newton,
Kansas, Police Department), David Laeffler (Prosecutor, State of
Minnesota), and Patti Moore (Phoenix, Arizona, Police
Departm ent). T hey talk about how the y were injured , their
current activities at the departm ent, issues that large and sm all
police dep artments need to consider when formulating their
po licies, A DA issues, a nd how d ep artments can get their mon ey's
worth out of each officer's training. A lot of resources for more
information are listed during the break.
NEMRT Video Catalog (Fiscal Year 2008 -- April 2007), p. 24
Tape 908: Com m unities A nswering the Call: M inistering to
Sheriff's Dept.) describes how con artists operate, and how
First Responders FBI Teleconference (1 hour, 51 min.)
various scams work. Con games described include the "Quick
[May 14 , 2003] Po lice chaplains talk about their work, and the
Change" (or "9+1=20"), "Shell and Pea", "Magic Shot Glasses",
ways they, and local faith com munities, can help other first
"3 C ard M onte" , "T he Pigeon Dro p", and "Rocks in the Bo x". A
responders spiritually, in this May 14, 2003, teleconference.
couple of remarks about how an officer can get information from
Panelists include Sgt. Craig Hungler (Dublin, Ohio, Police
victims of these frauds, and how the department can use that
Department), Rev. Michael McCullough (Los Angeles Police
information, is included at the end.
Departm ent), Rabb i Cary F riedm an (Invited G uest Consultant,
Behavioral Sciences Unit, FBI), and K. Randel Everett (John
Tape 902: Crow d M anagem ent & Civil Disobedience , Parts 1
Leland Center for Theological Studies, A rlington, Virginia).
and 2, POST T elecourses (3 ho urs, 45 min.)
They evaluate the impo rtance of spiritua l balance and purpose in
[May 2003] De partmental considerations for respond ing to mass
an officer's life, but much of the discussion is on developing
demonstrations are described in these California POST
department policy that allows officers to get the stress-related
telecourses from May, 2003. Topics include how crowds
counseling they might need, without being stigmatized. Other
become unruly, and the amount of intervention that might be
topics include the importance of a po lice family's participation in
required to respond to them, along with the tactical training
a community of faith, elements to consider when setting up a
protesters may rece ive, the kind of equipment they use to
chaplaincy program, qualities of a police chaplain, and how the
antagonize officers, how protesters try to manipulate the media,
local com munity of faith can partner with their first response
pre-planning for events, arranging for mass arrest and booking,
agencies to help the comm unities' officers.
event documentation and criminal investigation, command issues
and after-action reports. Part 2 starts with advice on managing
Tape 907: DU I, Deran ged, or? (11 min.)
protesters before a protest starts, along with useful suggestions
[2003] The "O r" in the title turns out to be a diabetic seizure.
for making the police presence, such as how to arrive, use of
W hile videotaping the activities of the Lake W orth Police
barriers, reading of the dispersal order, handling lockdown
Dep artment, A LE RT vide og raph ers cap tured o ne officer's
devices and carrying protesters, use of force considerations, and
respo nse to a man w ho had parked his vehicle in a traffic lane.
response documentation. Footage of actual unruly crowds, and a
During the interchange, the officer concludes (correctly) that the
scenario in which officers respond to a public disturbance, are
man is having a medical emergency. This program is interesting,
also included. Some of the material appeared previously in the
not just for a demonstration of what a diabetic emergency might
Civil Disobedience POS T T elecourse (NEM RT V ideo #654 ), but
look like, but for an examp le of po lice / citizen interaction in
this broadcast goes into more depth. Neither, however, give a lot
general. It would be great for a "what would you do" discussion.
of attention to specific crowd control tactics (though officers are
strongly encouraged to learn them well).
Tape 906: High Pro file Policing: M isdem eano r Offenders
Program (7 min.)
Tape 901: Reco gnizing, R eporting & P reventing Terrorism
[200 1] The W est Palm B each (Florida ) P olice D ep artment's
PO ST T elecourse (1 ho ur, 54 min.)
program of ticketing misde meanor o ffenses (like drinking in
[April 17, 2003] Do you have a Terrorist Liaison Officer yet?
public) is described briefly in this program from the ALERT
This telecourse, broad cast April 17 , 200 3, is intend ed to
series. Footage of officers stopping subjects is included. The
familiarized police officers with the common components of
rationale behind the program is that those committing
terrorist organizations. Included are scenarios in which officers
misdemeanors m ight also be com mitting more serious crimes, so
might encounter potential terrorists (including domestic and
when watching the progra m, watch for how o fficers insure their
"top ical" extremist group s), such as attemp ting to gain acce ss to
own safety.
secure area s, mem ber re cruitment, couriers, finan cial support,
c ommon te rrorist behaviors, pote ntia l ta rgets (a nd WMD
Tape 905: Non-Testimonial Identification Procedures (42
sourc es), safe houses, and the purpose of the C alifornia Antimin.: 19 min. and 23 min.)
Terrorism Inform ation C enter. T he ma in idea is that, if
[2002] In this two-part program, legal trainer Randy M eans talks
something seems there is probably something wrong. Other
about the many concerns that surround federally-permitted forms
topics discussed include international and domestic terrorism and
of non-testimonial identification (such as fingerprinting,
its purpose, the case against profiling, the manufacture of
fingernail scrapings, body measurements, hair samples, voice
weapons of mass destruction, and what a terrorist liaison officer
analysis, handwriting samples, bodily fluid collection, or
does. By the way, that officer acts as a liaison between the
appearance in body line-ups, show-ups, or photo spreads). In
California Anti-Terrorism Information Center and the local
Part 1, he discusses what ca n (and can't) be obtained without a
department, so we do n't have any in Illinois.
warrant incide nt to arre st or custody, and ca n be d one if if there is
no arrest/custody. In Part 2, he talks about the Sixth Amendment
(Incidentally, this program would be even m ore useful if viewers
right to counsel, and how it fits with non-testimonial
are familiar with the "creative enforcement" method of COP , and
identification. He also describes some dos and don'ts for
have time to d iscuss its ap plications to susp icious, b ut not strictly
witnesses and suspects when conducting a line-up, advantages of
illegal, activity.)
a show-up, the compelling of participation in a line-up/show- up,
and obtaining court orders. He reminds viewers that state laws
Tape 900: Boo by Tra ps (M odern Ma rvels) (44 min.)
are often more restrictive than federal ones, so check with your
[2003] This episode in the History Channel's M ode rn M arvels
local counse l before applying his suggestions.
series describes the history of booby traps, from tomb protection
to battlefield deterrents to criminal applications. Both nonlethal
Tape 904: Acquaintance/Date Rape Investigation (19 min.)
and lethal ones are considered, not to mention electronic ones
[2001] This program from the ALERT series gives a quick
(computer viruses). Some of these traps are quite ingenious, but
overview of some of the characteristics of a date rape. Answers
there are some alarmingly simple ones, too, so let's hope the
are provided about the kinds of drugs genreally used (including
antisocial element doesn't get any ideas. Either way, it's a great
alcohol), the condition of the victims, and characteristics of the
reminder to always be on guard when going into an unsecured
rapists, and prosecuting difficulties. Sgt. Tom Jost, of the
(M issouri) P olice D epartment describes ho w a rap e case can still
be put together after a reporting delay and without physical
Tape 899: Attack at Waco (American Justice) (45 min.)
evidence. Things to avo id saying to rape victims are also
[1996] Bill Kurtis hosts this episode of American Justice, which
mentioned, as are ways of recognizing false claims of rape.
examines the background and outcome of the ATF's 1993 raid on
the Branch Davidian Compound in Waco, Texas. Illegal
Tape 903: Con Gam es an d Con A rtists (27 min.)
activities the Branch D avidians were involve d in, along with
[1993] E ric Johnson (as of 1993, of the Racine Co., Wisconsin,
federal law enforcement procedural miscalculations and failures
NEMRT Video Catalog (Fiscal Year 2008 -- April 2007), p. 25
during the standoff, are considered, and highlighted by remarks
about the effect the Health Insurance Portability and
from both law enforcement personnel and surviving Branch
Accountability Act of 1996 (H IPAA) is having on getting
Davidians. A description of the resulting lawsuits, and the fallout
medical information about a suspect or victim, and how to go
at the ATF, conclude the program. The p rogram might be useful
about getting it. Speakers discuss the definitions of the terms
for illustrating how important it is to establish good policies and
associated with HIPAA, what is regulated by HIPA A, exceptions
procedures for police response, and to follow them.
to the rules, obtaining required subp oenas and court orders,
liability concerns, and legal remedies and penalties. Other laws
Tape 898: Cop Killers (American Justice) (45 min.)
to comply with are also referred to. The PowerP oint outlines the
[1996] B ill Kurtis hosts this episode of American Justice, about
speakers use are very difficult to read, and we don't have the
the circumstances and motives surrounding the murders of
handouts that accompanied the presentation yet, but it does give
several police officers, from about 1946 to 1991, and law
useful information that viewers could use to develop their own
enforcement resp onse toward those who com mit such murd ers.
Deaths described include those of Bill Davidson (Texas, 1992),
Eddie Byrne (New York City, 1988), Darrel Lunsford (1991,
Tape 893: Incident Command 9-11: Lessons Learned at the
Texas), Gregory Ho user and Raymond K ilroy (Chicago, 1990),
World Trade Center, the Pentagon, Shanksville, Pennsylvania,
and John Milledge (Miami, Florida, 1946). The motivation of
and Boca Raton, Florida (EENET Teleconference) (2 hours)
the perpetrators to kill the officers, along with a description of
[May 15 and June 5, 2002 ] Originally broadcast M ay 15 and June
their apprehension and prosecution is also given. How these
5, 2002, these two EENET teleconferences were so popular that
deaths could have been prevented would be a useful topic of
they were rebroadcast in July, 2003. For viewing convenience,
they are together on one tape. They feature presentations given
on April 5, 2002, at the National Fire Academy's annual
Tape 897: Surviving the North Hollywood Shootout (38 min.)
Execu tive Fire Officer Graduate Symposium , about the response
[2003] In this In the Line of Duty program, (now former) Officer
to the terrorist attacks on September, 11, 2001, and the anthrax
Martin W hitfield, who was seriously wounded during the
investigation in Boca Raton, Florida. Speakers include NYFD
February 28, 1997, North Hollywood Shooting, tells about how
Deputy Fire Commissioner Tom Ftzpatrick, Dep. Chief Peter
his military an d po lice training , and survival mindset, helped him
Hayden (on the W orld Tra de C enter re sponse), Arlington County
survive and fight back. The four points for surviving critical
(VA ) Asst. Fire Chief John W hite and Col. Egon Ha wrylail
incidents are also described. The program concludes with a
(Pentagon response), Chief Terry Shafer and Asst. Chief Rick
description o f soda cans and bo ttles (and other com mon items)
King (Shanksville, P A), and Jack M cCart (Bo ca Raton).
that have been modified to carry contraband, a demonstration of
Surp risingly, a lot o f the discu ssion is ab out "Ho w we d id it
a handheld metal detector, and a short piece on bomb-sniffing
dumb", and how viewers can plan to do better if they are faced
dogs, recruited from dog p ounds. By the way, as a rule, In the
with a large-scale emergency. It isn't rollcall material, but would
Line of Duty videos are for "law enforcement only", so don't go
be very helpful for agency planners. T he NE MRT Library also
showing them around.
has a number of reports on the topic, if you would like more
Tape 896: Shoo tout at H arrah's : P olice Rapid Re sponse (47
Tape 892: Deadly Force (41 min.)
[May 2003] Anyone familiar with biker gangs knows that
[2002] This Performance Dimensions video is about ho w to
Mo ngols and Hell's Angels don't mix. This program, from In the
avoid being honored. The honor b eing avoided, in this case, is
Line of Duty, describes the emergenc;y response to the "rumble"
getting one's name inscribed on the National Law Enforcement
that took place during the 2002 River Run at the Harrah's Hotel
Officers Memorial. Recognized police trainers talk about such
in Laughlin, Nevada. Respo nding officers, and emergency and
issues as fear of litigation, the importance of training, mental
communications personnel, tell about what happened, how they
prep aration, stress co ntrol and visualization, p erson al safety
respo nded, and what they learned from the exp erience. A fair
precautions, and choosing to use deadly force. Watch for the
amo unt of attention is given to the problem s they had with
discussion of aiming at threats at various distances, and Dave
locking down the city, and then the hospital where the injured
Grossman presenting the essential version of his lecture on
bikers were taken. Investigative procedures are also described
officer survival. Footage of actual police encounters that
briefly. Also included are short programs on the importance of
required the use of deadly force are also included. Although
keeping one's hands available (and out of one's pockets) during a
NEM RT doesn't necessarily recommend the policies or
citizen contact, and on searching inmates. By the way, as a rule,
procedures described in this video, they might be interesting to
In the Line of D uty videos are for " law enforcem ent only", so
know about. As always, compare the techniques with agency
don't go showing them around.
policies and procedures before applying them.
Tape 895: What Dogs Try to Tell Cops (24 min.)
[2003] W e have a couple of videos on body language and
diffusing aggressive behavior for people. This one, from the In
the Line of Duty series, comb ines the two sub jects, and applies it
to dogs. Since about 30% of U.S. households have dogs -- and
who knows how many drug dealers -- officers need to know what
to expect from the dogs they are likely to encounter. Topics
include dog body language, ways of approaching a d og, available
tools for controlling an attacking dog, and methods of protecting
oneself. The program appears to have b een m ade in response to
an incid ent in which a friendly family dog w as shot when it
bou nded out of a car during a traffic stop , so using lethal forc e is
recommended only as a last resort. A handout with discussion
questions is included . By the w ay, as a rule, In the Line of D uty
videos are for "law enforcement only", so don't go showing them
Tape 894: HIPAA: Medical Privacy Issues for Law
Enforcement Agencies (59 min.)
[M ay 21, 200 3] T he Justice T elevision Ne twork broadcast this
short teleconference to U.S. Attorneys' offices on May 21, 2003,
Tape 891: Concealed Carry for Law Enforcement (34 min.)
[200 1] A c oncealed backup weap on has saved ma ny an officer's
life. Although the focus of this Performance Dimensions vidso is
how to conceal a handgun while wearing street clothes, many of
the suggestions overlap. Selecting, placing (and obscuring) a
holster, drawing and firing techniques, training suggestions, and
making a practice of carrying a concealed handgun are discussed
throughout the pro gram. Although N EM RT doesn't necessa rily
recommend the policies or procedures described in this video,
they might be interesting to know about. As always, compare the
techniques with agency policies and procedures before applying
them. T he program co ncludes with some remarks on possible
benefits of having a federal law which would permit law
enforcement officers to carry weapons off-duty wherever they go .
NE MRT does not necessarily endo rse the views expressed; but,
ironica lly, this video was produced in 200 1, and it's interesting to
speculate how history might be different if such a law had been
in force on September 11.
Tape 890: Tactical Patrol Strategies (25 min.)
[1994] Andy Casavant (Midwest Tactical Training Institute)
NEMRT Video Catalog (Fiscal Year 2008 -- April 2007), p. 26
narrates this Pe rformance Dimensions video, about tactically
snowy day. (Just do n't call it "playing" in the snow .) As always,
effective ways to approach unknown threats. A lot of the
observe the rules of safe training when prac ticing any of these
discussion focuses on how often, when officers approach a
techniques, anywhere.
location, offenders can see them better (and long before) the
officers can see the offenders. Such factors as approaching a
Tape 885: Education, Disability and Juvenile Justice (EDJJ
darkened area from a lighted one, reflections, and bad positioning
Teleconference) (2 hours)
are described an d discussed. The program enco urages officers to
[M arch 6 , 200 3] O ne of the prima ry observations panelists of this
look at places where they go (the co nvenience store o r whatMarch 2 003 teleconference make is that more than a third of the
have-you) from an offender's point of view, and plan
juveniles who wind up in the juvenile justice system have
acco rdingly fo r future respon ses. A lthou gh NEMRT do esn't
learning or emotional/behavioral disabilities. The panelists go on
necessarily recommend the procedures described in this video,
to describe program s that have either helped prevent these at-risk
they might be interesting to know about. As always, compare the
students from getting involved in drugs or violence, or have
techniques with agency policies and procedures before applying
given incarce rated teens the educ ation the y need to rejo in society,
in a form they can understand. Programs examined include
Louisville, Kentucky's "Project SH IELD ", Wilmington,
Tape 889: Contact and Cover (28 min.)
Delaware's Ferris School, and Massachusetts's Department of
[1994] Lt. Larry Smith (San Diego Police Dep artment, Ret.) talks
Youth Services Western Region Re-Entry Model. It's often
about the advantages of two-officer patrol teams, one to conduct
interesting to see how often research can support conventional
the citizen contacts, and one to cover or "watch the back" of the
contact officer. Several scenarios are used and d iscussed to
illustrate effective usage. The ways the two officers
Tape 884: Rapid Response to the Active Shooter (In the Line of
communicate, including the use of hand signals, and the
Duty Special Issue) (50 min.)
impo rtance to keep eac h other inform ed ab out their activities, is
[2000] The premise of this video is that, in these situations, street
emphasized. Although NEM RT d oesn't necessarily recommend
officers w ill have to go in before the SW AT team arrives.
the procedures described in this video, they might be interesting
Officers from the Decatur (IL) and St. Louis (MO) Police
to know about. As always, compare the techniques with agency
Departments demo nstrate the methods they use to train for and
policies and procedures before applying them.
respond to active shooters, particularly those in large buildings,
like schools. These agencies use some interesting tactics, so, as
Tape 888: Multiple Assailant Confrontations (29 min.)
always, compare the techniques with agency policies and
[1994] P hil Messina (Modern W arrior®) points out that too many
procedures before applying them. The importance of
officers try to fight multiple assailants one at a time, and that's
establishing incident com mand, the formation of co ntact teams,
an ineffective use of energy. In this video from Performance
methods of search and rescue, and the removal of victims are
Dim ensions, he explains and demonstrates ways of fighting with
also described in the course of the program. Since a lot of the
several people, in which single moves unbalance several
footage is from St. Louis and Decatur training sessions, a lot of
attackers. He also describes tactics that are effective for smaller
commentary about things responders and incident commanders
officers. The basic principles of adapting the tactics to the
need to keep in mind is also featured.
situation, and think ing pro actively, are emphasized. The scenario
A training guide for this program is available at
at the end, in which an o fficer stop s three attackers, is . By the
particularly interesting. Altho ugh N EM RT doesn't necessa rily
way, as a rule, In the Line of Duty videos are for "law
recommend the procedures described in this video, they might be
enforcement only", so don't go showing them around.
interesting to know about. As always, compare the techniques
with agency policies and procedures before applying them.
Tape 883: Handling a School Shooting (15 min.)
[2001] The princ iple of "Imm ediate Intervention" or "C risis
Tape 887: Fina ncial Abu se Sp ecialist T eam (F.A.S.T.) (33
Entry" is demonstrated and described in this video produced by
the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Office. A scenario of an active
[August 2002] The Santa Clara (California) County Social
shooter in a school campus opens the program, but the narration
Services Agency, Dep artment of Ag ing & Adu lt Services call
goes on to explain how the principles can apply to workplace or
their elder abuse response program F.A.S.T., and this video is an
emergency situations. The personnel involved and the actions
overview of the different aspects o f that prog ram. The team 's
they perform, the equipment they may need, tips for training, are
primary purpose is investigating and prosecuting po ssible
described . Also mentioned are issues a business or schoo l should
financial crimes against elderly clients, but other form s of abuse
consider in the event that a dynamic shooting situation develops
are also described, since are also generally present. The team
in their area. It's short, but pithy. According to the box, the
consists of representatives of different (local) government
video also received The Communicator Awards Crystal Award of
agencies, so it's useful as a demonstration of the results that can
Excellence [for video] in 2001.
be achieved through cooperation. If you're thinking of setting up
similar program, or improving one that's already active, the
Tape 882: Dirty Bombs [Nova] (55 min.)
program might give you so me ideas for approaching it.
[2003] This March 2003 episode from the series Nova examines
the dangers p osed by the explosion of a "dirty bom b": a
Tape 886: Tactical Ground Fighting (29 min.)
conventional bomb com bined with radioactive materials. The
[1994] Defending oneself after being knocked down is going to
kind of damage this "radioactive dispersal device" can do, by
be awkward, but New York Police Department officers Tracy
contaminating the area in which it is detonated, the types of
Robinson and Douglas Chu describe and demonstrate methods
dam age it co uld do (such as cancer resulting fro m the expo sure to
for fighting back from the ground. A couple of scenarios are
radiation and radiation sickness), and the possibility of one being
included in which officers were killed, and the instructors
used, are described. Case stud ies abo ut experiences with
demonstrate responses that would have saved their lives. They
radiation releases (in Brazil, former-Soviet Georgia, and
go on to explain and demonstrate exercises for developing
Greenville, North Carolina), where those radioactive sources
appropriate reflexes and responses to threats. They use the
came from, what is involved in decontaminating such dangerous
methods developed by Modern Warrior®. which involve a lot of
release s, and examples of public hysteria, are especially
rolling without wrestling. Although NE MRT doesn't necessa rily
recommend the procedures described in this video, they might be
interesting to know about. As always, compare the techniques
Tape 881: Crime in the Health Care Industry [FBI
with agency po licies and procedures before applying them .
Teleconference] (2 hours)
Incidentally, the introdu ction o f the instructors is esp ecially
[December 4, 2002] Investigating fraud is the primary topic of
interesting, and might give viewers new ideas for training on a
this December 2 002 FB I teleco nference. Featured pane lists
NEMRT Video Catalog (Fiscal Year 2008 -- April 2007), p. 27
Tape 877: Bomb Squad [Nova] (54 min.)
[1997] T he British Army's bomb disposal team, said to be the
busiest in the world, and their response to IRA bom bs, is the
focus of this 1997 NOV A broadcast. Highlights include a
running interview with a former IRA bomb-builder and bombresponders, overviews of the history of the IRA terror campaign,
recruitment strategies, bomb defusing techniques (including a
history of robotic bomb respo nders), and mortar and hostage
bombs. Finally, the change in IRA tactics -- targeting the bomb
squad with b oob y traps -- and the b omb squad's respo nse, is
described . A lot of personal experience s, from soldiers, planners,
and members of the London Bomb Squad are included.
Tape 880: Achiev ing Tra ining Ex cellence P OST Teleco urse (2
Tape 876: Sma llpox Vaccine Administration Training Video
[August 22, 2002] T his California Commission on Peace O fficers
(38 min.)
Stand ards a nd T raining telecou rse, bro adcast August 22 , 200 2, is
[No vember 2 7, 20 02] This brief telec onference video , originally
intended for both students and instructors. The first half hour is
broadcast No vember 27, 20 02, "describe[s] smallpox vaccine and
directed at potential students, with suggestions on how to get the
common reactions following vaccination, how to screen potential
most out of any training or courses they attend (choosing classes
vaccinees for contraindications to vaccination, how to administer
appropriate to their learning style, asking questions, participating,
smallpox vaccine; and how to care for the vaccinatio n site." It's
and so forth). The rest of the program is devoted to inproving
better suited to those who would be doing the actual
current instructors' delivery methods (new technologies for
vaccinations, but the information on what to expect from the
getting the point across, instructions about instructor behavior,
immunization process, side effects, and caring for the vaccination
making the training appropriate to the student, etc.). For
site is still useful. Like NEMRT Video #875, it includes some
inexperienced instructors, it would be a useful start, in spite of
grueso me p ictures o f the effects o f smallpox on the human bod y,
the continual reference to California PO ST training and their
and of vaccinations that didn't go as expe cted. T he view er will
educational procedures. And it might make a good reminder for
certainly know more than he or she did. Just don't think that
experienced instructors, too. Just remember to turn in NEMRT
watching the video makes the viewer competent to adminster the
pap erwo rk according to N EM RT 's procedures, not California
PO ST's.
Tape 875: Smallpox Preparedness: Considerations for
Tape 879: Muslim Culture for Law Enforcement [FBI
Respo nse Team Volun teers (45 min.)
Teleconference] (2 hours)
[December 20, 2002] According to the box, "This program is an
[February 2003] This February 2003 FBIT N Teleconference
edited version of a live satellite broadcast from December 20,
gives a general overview of the Muslim culture as a U.S. law
2002." Its goal is to present to first responders -- in this case,
enforcement officer is likely to encounter it. Panelists include
mainly medical responders -- what to expect from a smallpox
Special Agent Foria Younis (FBI, New Y ork office; a Pakistani
vaccination. M ost of this q uestion-and answer prog ram is
immigrant), John Marley (New Jersey State Police), and Tom
devoted to describing the immunization process (for instance, the
Fisher (Denver Police Department, via satellite). Topics include
development and dissipation of the sore spot takes about 21
the form ation o f Arab and M uslim names (A rab o nes generally
days), care of the vaccinated area, to avoid cross-contamination,
have four parts), terms and titles associated with various types of
possible side e ffects and effects on the respo nder's family. Also
people, the difference between a Muslim, a Hindu, and an Arab
included, however, are some gruesome pictures of the effects of
(apparently, only 20% of the world's Muslims are Arab, and 50%
smallpox on the human body, and of vaccinations that didn't go
of Arabs in the U.S. are Christians), rules and mores of the
as exp ected . It'll give the viewe r something to think about, all
religion Islam (and how they may apply in the U.S.: the informal
funds transfer system is especially interesting), how its festivals
are celebrated, cultural bias against police officers and other
Tape 874: CALEA Accreditation: Professional Excellence (8
cultural misconcep tions, and investigation a nd interroga tion tips.
The subject of hon or killings doe sn't com e up. Althou gh it's
[circa late 1990s] If your agency is planning to go through
somewhat buried in the program, one point they make, which I
accreditation through the Commission on Law Enforcem ent
have heard in no other "d iversity" p rogra m is that, altho ugh it is
Accreditation, this program would be helpful for promoting the
well for officers to be instructed ab out other pe ople's cultures,
process. It tells about the origins of CALEA, the benefits of
people from other cultures need to be instructed about the
CALE A accreditation, the types of agency standards the
officers' culture, too. Tolerance goes both ways, and the
Commission oversees, and the steps for accreditation. Other
reminder was refreshing. Also: after viewing this program, eservices CALEA offers are also mentioned.
mail [email protected] . They're looking for viewer
response in order to develop approp riate programming.
Tape 873: Children in Traffic (Spanish Version) (14 min.)
[October 2002] This program, from the AAA Foundation for
Tape 878: Bioterror [Nova] (55 min.)
Traffic Safety, not only revises the original Children in T raffic
[2001] This 200 1 N ova program is the first one I've seen w ith
(NE MRT Video #575 ), with updated vehicles and children in
reviews. According to the Indian apo lis Star, this progra m tells
current fashions, but with narration in Spanish. The program
"... basically everything you'd want to know about biological
exam ines the d ifference s between ho w children and adults
weapons but were too scared to think about . . . far scarier than
understand traffic signs and traffic patterns. Spanish speakers
any horror movie you could imagine." The program is based on
who work with young pedestrians, or with Spanish-speaking
the bo ok G erms: Biological W eapons and A merica's Secre t W ar.
drivers, can benefit from the presentation, since considerations
The authors, and others, describe the history of biological
such as a child's field of view, recognition of approaching speed,
warfare, who was doing what with biological weapons, to whom
and understanding of a vehicle's behavior are discussed. The
those germs have been, or may have been, distributed, how
original version has also been a helpful program to accomp any
biological weapons are used, and what might happen if the germs
crossing guard training.
should be released. Anthrax, Smallpox, and Salmonella, are
discussed, along with who has actually used them.. Pay
Tape 872: Children in Traffic (New Version) (14 min.)
particular attention to the description of the D enver Plague D rill
[1999] This program, from the AAA Fo unda tion for T raffic
of 2000, for the "turf" problems. By the way, the NEMRT
Safety, revises the original Children in Traffic (NEM RT V ideo
library has a co py of G erms, if you would like to borrow it.
#57 5), with upda ted vehicles and child ren in cu rrent fashions.
include William J. Mahon (N ational Health Care Anti-Fraud
Association), Bert Lacatino (FTI C onsulting), and Timothy
Delaney (Health Care Fraud Unit, FBI), who discuss the forms
health care fraud can take, associated crimes (including
homicide) and punishments, who the victims are, ways of
recognizing fraud, and techniques for investigating it. Various
agencies that specialize in these types of fraud investigation are
also described. The information may be helpful when planning
or carrying out investiga tions of other typ es of fraud as well.
Some interesting cases are described, with good suggestion for
conducting investigations in general.
NEMRT Video Catalog (Fiscal Year 2008 -- April 2007), p. 28
The content, however, remains the same: the program examines
Tape 868: Racially Biased P olicing: A P rincipled R espon se
the differences between how children and adults understand
(15 min.)
traffic signs and traffic patterns. Officers who work with young
[2002] According to the memo that came with this video from
children will find the presentation interesting, since
the Police Executive Research Forum and the U.S. Department of
considerations such as a child's field of view, recognition of
Justice's Community O riented Policing Services, " this 15-minute
approaching speed, and understanding of a vehicle's behavior are
video is intended to facilitate the dialogue police and the
discussed. It has been a helpful program to accompany crossing
com munity o n racially biased policing and the perceptions of its
guard training. The program is also available in Spanish (#873).
practice." It includes a number of statements by people who
believed themselves to have been singled out for police action
Tape 871: Groundfighting/Gunfight (In the Line of Duty) (45
because of their ethnicity, and suggestions for developing
relationships with minority com munities.
[2000] In this In the Line of Duty program, a five-minute officer
survival incident from December, 1994, becomes a microcosm of
Tape 867: Qua lities of a Goo d FT O P OST Teleco urse (1
the issues surrounding officer survival, equipment selection,
hours, 51 m in.)
ground fighting, liability, K-9 use, and deadly force. A D allas,
[October 20 02] Several field training officers from various
Alabama, officer loses his primary weapon in a struggle with a
California law enforcement agencies talk about leadership and
suspect, is nearly shot, and shoots the subject with his back up
motivational qu alities that enable FTOs to provide the b est
weapon. Using the video footage of the struggle, the officer
training experience for their trainees, in this October 2002 POST
describes what happened and what he was thinking as the
telecourse. The format is of a facilitated group discussion of the
incident transp ired, what he learned about the weaknesses in his
actions of an FTO and trainee in a running scenario of their patrol
training (fo r instance, he had never been traine d in
activities. The group members also discuss what made them
ground fighting) and his equipm ent (for instance, he now uses a
want to be FTO s, and w hy they are willing to do it. The "film
duty belt that doesn't slip: his belt had turned during the struggle,
noir / hot jazz" soundtrack for the scenario is amusing, but the
and he couldn't find his equipment), and what happened during
scenario and its analysis would be helpful to any officers who
the post-incident investigation. The incident has all kinds of
need to instruct other personnel. As always, compare the
possibilities for discussion and analysis! Also included is a short
procedures and suggestions given here with agency policies and
segment about the use of stre aming video (of In the Line o f Duty
procedures before applying them.
programming, o f course) through the Chica go P olice D epartment,
and about the co mmercial availability of baggy clothes with
Tape 866: Intelligence P rocess (The) PO ST T elecourse (1
secret poc kets.
hour, 43 m in.)
A training guide for this program is available at
[September 200 2] This October 2 002 P OST telecourse uses the
http://www /library/vo lume_ 6_p rogra m_1 .pdf .
analogy of an investigation to a jigsaw puzzle: some are simple,
By the way, as a rule, In the Line of Duty videos are for "law
and one p erson can so lve them easily, som e require multiple
enforcement only", so don't go showing them around.
"assemblers" and people expe rt in putting pieces together.
Sources of information, collection plans, and ways of processing
Tape 870: Law Enforcem ent Snipers (Th e H istory C han nel)
information are examined in this program. News reports, are
(45 min.)
used to illustrate the processes. Also include d are answers to
[2002] T he sniper teams from the FBI, the Secret Service, and
specific questions previously submitted to the producers,
several law enforcement agencies (including Albuquerque and
information netwo rks, and overviews of the anti-terrorism
San J ose) a re featured in this 2 002 History Channel production.
investigative centers that exist in California and Arizona . This
The members, and retired members, talk about what they do,
telecourse was intended for California and Arizona officers, so,
what they use to do it, and incidents that they and their teams
as always, compare the techniques described here with agency
have been part of. Major incidents which are examined include
policies and procedures before applying them. But some of them
Ruby R idge and W aco, as well as lesser-know n local events,
are very interesting!
which show the uses (and limitations) of snipers' work. The
section on how the San Jose Police Department's MERGE
Tape 865: Dispatchers 2002: Becoming Culturally Competent
"SW AT -like unit" tra ins on a minimal bud get is especially
PO ST T elecourse (2 hours)
[July 2002 ] Courtesy and cultural awareness programs are fairly
common for police officers, but this is the first one I've seen for
Tape 869: Comm unication During Crisis: The Role of the
dispa tchers. T his July 2002 telecourse from the C alifornia
Media During Public Health Emergencies (57 min.)
Commission on Peace Officers Standards and Training describes
[December 3, 2002] According to the label, "This program
the importance to dispatchers -- often the public's first contact
addresses how public health professionals and the media deal
with the police agency -- of becoming aware of the cultures
with communication and public information sharing before and
(ethnic, religious, and social) that are active in the jurisdiction,
during a public health crisis. The goal. . .is to assist local and
and of recognizing responses that are helpful to them. Various
regional media and public health officials to work together to
dispatchers from California agencies talk about the importance of
provide honest, broa d-based, sp ecific and appropriate
being respectful when speaking with callers, methods for
information b efore the oneset of a crisis and to develop tools to
learning more about the cultures of the people who will be
maintain useful communication channels after an event occurs."
calling, (the importance of not raising one's voice -- almost all the
The University at Albany C enter for Pub lic Health Pre paredness
speakers mentioned this o ne), the " Three R s" (Respect,
presented this telecast December 3, 200 2, featuring Douglas Starr
Responsibility, and Relationships), responding to prejudicial
(Kinght Center for Science and Medical Journalism, Boston
reports of suspicious activity, connecting callers with translators,
University College of Communication) and Peter Slocum (Vice
cultural/language barriers, and the importance of respect and
President for Advocacy, American Cancer Society). They
professionalism within the communications center, too. The last
discuss the importance for learning about illnesses that might
segment includes a brief overview of culture of Islam. The
break out, planning governmental / informational responses
program is divided into short segments suitable for roll call use,
before an emergency happens, how to present answers during
so don't let the video length alarm you. As always, compare the
press briefings (with some good suggestions on wording),
techniques described here with agency policies and procedures
considerations when reporting "worst case" scenarios, and
before applying them.
exam ples from recent public informatio n cam paigns. Specific
attention is given to the smallpox vaccination situation. It's a
Tape 864: Cultural Com petency PO ST T elecourse (1 hour, 45
"talking head" program, without being a "yawner": the
suggestions are a great basis for planning for any emergency
[June 200 2] T his June 200 2 program from the Ca lifornia
response , not just illnesses.
Comm ission on Peace Officers Standards and Training opens
NEMRT Video Catalog (Fiscal Year 2008 -- April 2007), p. 29
with a ree nactment in which an o fficer is killed, ultimately
gang: the Ching-a-Lings. The program describes their lifestyle,
because he hadn't recognized the non-English words for weapons
their activities (legal and illegal), the women connected with the
the subjects were using. The program goe s on to describe the
gang and the attitudes toward them, and how the gang has
importance to officers of knowing about other cultures, using
changed since its organization in 1963. The program examines
various scenarios of officers responding to a crime against
the gang mainly as a street-type gang, not just as a biker gang.
members of a particular group. The program features overviews
Events recounted in the life of the gang include a Halloween
of the Muslim culture, domestic violence in the Gay/Lesbian
party, and a "funeral run".
community, the Deaf culture, and the Russian culture. Remarks
are offered o n working with the Asian culture and p eop le with
Tape 858: Surviving Weapons of Mass Destruction (14 min.)
developmental disabilities. Officers and experts provide tips on
[Sep tember 20 02] The video is labelled " For Official P ublic
procedure and cultural nuances as the scenarios unfold. The
Safety Use Only", so make sure that's the audience. Author Tom
second half of the program be gins with an exam ination o f aspec ts
Clancy narrates this brief pro gram from the Office for D ome stic
of racial profiling..
Preparedness, which would make a great lead-in for a longer
training class. The key p oints for respo nding to a po ssible
Tape 863: Special Respo nse Ta ctics POST T elecourse (1 hour,
exposure to hazardous chemical or biological materials are
58 m in.)
described, with statements from emergency responders who have
[April 2002] Don't let the length put you off: this April 2002
survived unpleasant surprises at exposure sites. The types of
telecourse from the California Commission on Peace Officers
biohazard s that migh t be encountered are described, alo ng with
Stand ards a nd T raining is-- as they all are -- broken down into
the importance of protecting the crime scene, notifying area
segments of abou t 20 m inutes, to allow for roll call use . This
hospitals, managing hysteria, controlling an evacuation, and
program exam ines techniques for resp onding to high risk vehicle
keep ing oneself safe. It d oesn't give a lot of d etails about ho w to
stops, emotionally disturbed persons, injured people in the line of
do these things, but it does give the viewer an informational
fire, active shooters, and weapons of mass destruction
structure to "hang" those de tails.
(W MD)/bioh azards. It's directed tow ard first respo nd ers, so it's
most appropriate for p atrol officers, rather than the SW AT team.
Tape 857: Weapo ns of M ass Destruction and the First
Interesting angles taken on these resp onses include the use of K-9
Responder (25 min.)
units in vehicle stops, modifications to the "command presence"
[Sep tember 20 02] First resp onders aren't much help to victims if
to communicate with a consumer in crisis, detailing officers for
they becom e victims themselves. T his Office of Dome stic
respo nding to active shoo ters (with an exciting scenario of a
Preparedness video briefly describes what they can do -shooter in at television station), and a case study of how the
particularly if they're fire fighters -- to assess potential targets of
threat of a potential biohazard disaster was handled.
biological or chemical exposure, control the scene, and rescue
and deco ntaminate the victims. Sp ecial attention is given to
Remembe r, these demo nstrations are for California officers,
setting up emergency decontamination showers, and helping
so, as always, compare them with agency policies and procedures
those who have b een exposed through the pro cess.
before applying them.
Demo nstrations from what appears to have been a training event
for the S eattle (W ashington) Fire Department are included .
Tape 862: Hell's Angels (History Channel's In Search of
Ultimately, this program shows viewers their own need for
History) (41 min.)
further preparation and training for these potential disasters.The
[1999] The History Channel series In Search of H istory goes "in
program is labelled "For Official Public Safety Use Only", so be
search of" the histo ry, mystiq ue, and activities of the H ell's
sure to use it with that audience.
Angel's motorcycle gang, from its origins in the late 1940s
through the 1990s. Major events in the existence of the group are
Tape 856: Homeland Security and CommunityPolicing FBI
exam ined , (including the "Hollister Riot", Hunter T ho mp son's
Teleconference (2 hours)
book, and the Rolling Stones' concert, their gradual involvement
[September 5, 2002] Penny Parrish hosts this September 2002
in organized-type crime, and the club's global expansion) is the
teleconference about how United States law enforcement
most prominent aspect, though close attention is not given to the
agencies are chang ing their relationship with their com munity in
group's activities after the early 197 0s. Interviews with experts
the face of an ongoing terrorist threat. Panelists include D avid
and original club members, are included, so viewers can draw
Carter (Director of the National Center for Community Oriented
their own con clusions abo ut the assertions.
Policing, M ichigan State U niversity), C harles A . Moose (Chief,
Montgo mery C ounty P olice: you may remembe r him from all
Tape 861: MPs: Warriors Behind the Badge (100 min.)
those "Beltway Sniper" press briefings) Dr. Richart Holden
[2002] Policing goes to war in this History Channel
(Crim inal Justice Department, Centra l Missouri S tate
documentary, which uses first-person narratives to recount the
University), Louis F. Quijas (FBI Office of Law Enforcement
history an d activities of U.S. M ilitary Police. M ost of the time is
Coordination / former chief of the High Point, NC, Police
spent describing their contribution to World W ar II and the war
Departm ent). Other top ics includ e the use of community
in Vietnam, b ut current training and de ployment is also
policing techniques to help insure home land se curity and how to
described. Of special interest are the sections on the use of K9
get citizen s involved, the implica tions of the "U SA P atriot Act"
units and female officers. It isn't exactly roll-call material, but
( , as of January
it's definitely interesting, and would be useful for citizen
9, 2003) and the H omeland Security Act, the purpose of the
acad emies, law enfo rcem ent classes --and mayb e recruitment.
Office of Law Enforcement Coordination, the redefinition of
terrorism following recent terrorist acts, what agencies have
Tape 860: Wild Ride of O utlaw B ikers (100 min.)
learned about interagency communication and trust, prediction of
[199 9] This docum entary from A& E H ome V ideo gives a
terrorist targets, and training opportunities from the federal
cursory overview of the history of U.S. biker groups (one
government. The program begins with a "Requiem", featuring
ongoing program theme is that most bikers aren't criminals), the
images from the September 11, 2001 , terrorist attack.
development of the biker gang "mystique", and (as of 1999) the
activities of biker gangs (outlaw and otherwise). It doesn't give
Tape 855: Managing the Midsize Department (FBI
any tips on handling the criminal element, but it does give an
Teleconference) (2 Ho urs)
idea of how biker gangs got to be what they are.
[June 26, 2002 ] Penny Parrish hosts this June 2002 entry in the
FBI's teleconference series, about how suburban and mediumTape 859: Road Warriors: The Biker Brotherhood (Inside
sized agenc ies can help, and be helped by, the larger dep artments
Story) (50 min.)
they may border. P anelists include C hief Danny B radley (No rth
[1998] Bill Kurtis hosts this episode of Inside Story, which
Little Rock, AR, Police Department), Sheriff Jeffrey Wiley
examines the history and workings of a New York [Bronx] biker
(Ascension Parish, LA , Sheriff's Office ), Chief Rand y Carroll
NEMRT Video Catalog (Fiscal Year 2008 -- April 2007), p. 30
(Bellingham, WA, P olice Department). They describe the
rule, In the Line of Duty videos are for "law enforcement only",
challenges of leading a department that is too big to be small, and
so don't go showing them around.
too small to be big; recruitment strategies, cooperation with the
comm unity, the business comm unity, and with other agencies,
Tape 850: Darrell Lunsford Murder: Lessons Learned (7
crime prevention initiatives (C PT ED princip les figure stro ngly
here), the use of regionalized services, maintaining an ethical
[2000] At this writing, it's been eleven years since Trooper
dep artment, with a foc us on su pervising narc otics officers, media
Darrell Lunsford's videotaped murder, but the incident continues
relations, and getting, using, and p rotecting available tec hnolo gy.
to be instructional. In 2000 , In the Line of D uty produced this
A question-and-answer session with the studio audience is also
brief overview of what went wrong when Trooper Lunsford tried
included. Some of the chiefs' anecdotes are interesting. Another
to do a single-handed street stop. Included is footage of the
interesting feature are highlights from a video one agency made
actual murder, and pithy analysis by experienced police officers
for store owners about recognizing a possible methamphetamine
that can help o ther officers from ma king the sam e m istakes. It's
lab operator.
like a miniature version of NEMRT Video #236, Murder on
Tape. By the way, as a rule, In the Line of Duty videos are for
Tape 854: School Safety by Management and Design
"law enforcement only", so don't go showing them around.
(Ham ilton Fish Institute Teleconference) (1 ho ur, 51 min.)
[Oc tober 25, 200 1] T heoretically, this 2001 teleconference was to
Tape 849: Jac k-in-the-B ox: In the L ine of Du ty (26 min.)
have been about CP TE D issues for schools. The resulting
[1996] This case study of what hap pened when, in 1 995 , a
program, however, spends more time talking about the efficacy
Livonia, Michigan, officer was surprised by someone hiding in a
of student violence prevention or intervention training at various
car's trunk act as a good reminder to expe ct suspects in
schools, particularly in Kentucky. If you listen closely, though,
unexpected places. An instructor had recommended this one,
every so often one of the speakers will remark on some useful
because of the explanation of the reasoning b ehind the officers'
application of building design, scheduling modifications, incident
actions in initially detaining and searching the stopp ed subjec t.
mapping, or record keeping that can help maintain order
(Another interesting point is that the subject hiding in the trunk
independent of student behavior. Also scattered throughout the
had a weapon ready to fire, and that subject was a woman. As
program are some rema rks on the legality of locker or student
NEM RT video #651 (Women W ho Kill and Assault) reminds
searches. Since the teleconference was sponsored by the
viewers, don't be tricked by sexual stereotypes.) The thoughtHamilton Fish Institute, the Institute's initiatives get special
provo king questions at the end , along with the story of a Crest
Hill (Illinois) officer who w as killed b y a subject hiding in a car's
trunk, are also particularly useful. By the way, as a rule, In the
Tape 853: Safety Sta rts with C rash Da ta (15 min. and 8 min.)
Line of Duty videos are for "law enforcement only", so don't go
[July 2002 ] The title is promising, b ut the program is
showing them around.
informational, rather than technical. Instead of being about how
to collect data from traffic crashes, the program describes how
Tape 848: Surviving the Secondary Device : The Rules have
various transportation agencies use collected data. Viewers who
Changed (10 min.)
have to investigate traffic crashes are urged to submit "accurate,
[1997] T his program is for law enforcement use only, so don't go
complete, and timely" crash reports. Two versions (a long one
showing it around. A fter several 19 97 b omb ing incidents in
(15 min.) and a short one (8 min.)) are included. In that the
which two time-delayed bomb s, instead of just one, were
analyzed data is supposed to lead to safer driving conditions, the
detonated, the state of Georgia produced this program about the
program doe s explain how crash data show problems with the
impo rtance of anticip ating a secondary d evice. Things to keep in
driving environment or education, so preventive changes can be
mind when responding are briefly considered. They include the
made. And some of the crashes are exciting to see.
actions that can detonate a bomb (using a radio, for instance),
hazmat issues, securing the crime scene and videotaping /
Tape 852: Grade Crossing Safety -- A Train Crew's Perspective
sketching it, victim injuries and victim evacuation, and evidence
(10 min.)
recovery. The producers remind viewers to familiarize
[2001] This Operation Lifesaver program reminds viewers that
themselves with their own agency's and state's policies and
accidents involving people and trains are likely to increase soon,
procedures for responding to bombing incidents, as do we.
so the public needs to be reminded to "Stop, Look, and Live" (as
their slogan says). This particular video features statements from
Tape 847 (Missing): Practical and Tactical Handcuffing (32
engineers and train crew members, describing how being
involved in a crash victimizes them. V iewers are rem inded to
[2002] In this program from Performance Dimensions, Ed
stay off railroad prop erty, and to obey grade cro ssing signals.
Nowicki and other law enforcement trainers describe and
demonstrate aspects of the safe usage of handcuffs. Topics
Tape 851: Staying Calm / Avoid Comm unication Screw-ups
include a discussion of the advantages of chain-link and hinged
(Special Issues : In the Line of Duty) (29 min.)
cuffs with sug gestions for selection, ways cuffed people can still
[2000] This In the Line of Duty video examines the stress placed
be dangerous, how to take care of and carry them. Then,
on Dispatchers. Audio and video footage of incidents, including
handcuff trainers describe methods and safety concerns for
the North Hollywood Shootout and the Jonesboro school
various methods for handcuffing subjects, along with
shooting, are used to demonstrate the importance of dispatcher
suggestions for training. Departmental policy suggestions, an
demeanor during incidents, and the amount of tension they have
overview of Constitutional issues regarding handcuffing, and a
to bear. Trainer Michelle Lewis discusses personal training
description o f the injuries associated with hand cuffing are also
techniq ues, including visualizatio n (plan ning responses to
included. Officer safety is always emphasized, so viewers are
possible incidents in advance), the importance of putting
reminded of the importance of keeping a "wha t if" mentality
professionalism before personalities (in the field and in the
when handling subjects, a nd of the necessity of keeping up one's
communications room), how officers and telecommunicators can
keep keep from antagonizing each other, the importance of
including the dispatchers in incident debriefing, and suggestions
Tape 846: Youth Gangs in America : An Overview of
for de velop ing outside interests to help maintain hea lthy balan ce.
Suppression, Intervention and Prevention Programs (OJJDP
Also included is hair-raising au dio footage of a
Teleconference) (2 hours)
"telecommunicator traumatized by an assault in progress", which
[March 21 , 1997] T his 1997 teleconference, sponsored by the
emphasizes the crucial need of personal training to prepare for
Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention, examines
the unthinkable.
three community programs intended to prevent, intervene in, and
A training guide for this program is available at
suppress youth involvement in gangs. As one of the speakers 0.pdf . By the way, as a
points out, all three aspects must be addressed in order for a
NEMRT Video Catalog (Fiscal Year 2008 -- April 2007), p. 31
Tape 840: Subject Control: The Swarm Method (20 min.)
[2002] As a response to the possibility of death related to a
subject's being hogtied, and the appearance of excessive use of
force, the Swarm m ethod of subject restraint was developed.
Judging from the lengthy explanation that Lt. Pete Ebel, (Lake
Tape 845: Anti-Terrorism for Law Enforcement (32 min.)
W orth, Florida , Police Department) gives of the technique, it is
[2002] Ed Nowicki hosts this motivational program on terrorism,
especially useful when responding to subjects in drug-induced or
and what officers can do to prevent acts of terrorism. He talks
mental crisis. The Swarm technique involves at least three
about what it is, terrorist target selection, intelligence collection,
officers, wide nylon band hobbles, and the use of clear
and the use o f existing police powers to discoura ge and d efuse
commands. At the end, the officers of the Lake Worth, Florida,
terrorist activities. Domestic terrorist groups, and training
Police Department demonstrate the technique, and describe
considerations, are also described. It's a wide-ranging, general
considerations when securing the subject in a vehicle. Although
overview of the issues related to the topic: it doesn't go into a lot
NEM RT doesn't necessarily recommend the procedures
of depth, bu t it's a useful place to start.
described in this video, they m ight be interesting to kno w about.
program to be effective. The three initiatives addressed are the
GREAT Program, The Fort Worth (TX) Boys and Girls Clubs
"Com in' Up" p rogram, and Chicago's Little Village Gang
Violence Red uction Pro ject.
Tape 844: Personal Metal Detectors: Searches of Persons (15
[2002] Officers from the Lake Worth (Florida) Police
Department describe and dem onstrate the advantages of using
hand -held m etal detectors when frisking stop ped subjects, in this
program from the ALE RT series. Tips on learning how to learn
to recognize types of items from the detectors response are
described, as are legal considerations for the device's use.
Tape 843: Instinctive Point Shoo ting with M ike Ra yburn (36
[2002] Since real sho oting incidents d on't allow officers time to
think and aim, as they would on a range, Mike Rayburn
advocates a shooting method that helps assure instinctive,
accurate sho oting. H e calls it "Instinctive Point Shooting" , and in
this video of one of his seminars, he describes and demonstrates
the techniques. App arently, the system is intended for use with
semi-autom atic hand guns, ra ther than revo lvers (in case that's
important to you). One interesting aspect is the use of "reactive"
mov ement to counteract the ad versary's "active" advantag e.
Personal training method s are also considered. As always,
NEM RT doesn't necessarily recommend the procedures
described in this video, they m ight be interesting to kno w about.
As always, compare the techniques and suggestions made here
with department policy before using them.
Tape 842: Distance Learning in the Criminal Justice Field:
Where are We and Where Do We Go Next? FBI
Teleconference (2 hours)
[May 29, 2002] Tom Christenberry is back, in this May 2002 FBI
Teleconference, recorded at the 2002 International Association of
Directors of Law Enforcement Standards and T raining
(IAD LEST ) Conference in B ellvue, W ashington. Panelists
include Jeff Jim Dozier (Texas C ommission on Law Enforceme nt
Standards and Educ ation), Ray Franklin (Maryland Po lice and
Correctional Training Commission), Jeff Langford (Justice and
Police Safety , Microso ft), and M ike DiMiceli (Ca lifornia
Commission on Peace Officers Standards and Training ). They
discuss what distance learning is, and isn't -- for instance,
distance learning isn't exclusively Internet-based -- its advantages
and effectiveness for various types of police training or
education, as they've experienced in their states. They also
examine equipment and methods of presenting distance training,
and their merits. A number of useful websites for training
information are mentioned in the course of the broad cast.
Tape 841: Bike Patrols: Overview and Equipment (14 and 12
[200 1] The W est Palm B each (Florida ) P olice D ep artment's
bicycle patrol is used as an example in this entry in the ALERT
series. Officers talk about the gro up's history and activities,
physical fitness considerations, as well as the type of bicycle the
officers use, and how it is outfitted. Part 2 follows the bike
patro l's activities as they cruise the streets. Sp ecial attention is
given to drug enforcement activities and tactics. (At the
beginning of Part 1, the narrator mentions that Part 2 would cover
riding techniques. Between the release of Part 1 and Part 2, a lot
changed at ALERT , and the riding techniques apparently never
mad e it to vide o.)
Tape 839: Hu m an D iversity (34 min.)
[1994] Improper and proper techniques for responding to irritated
men and wom en of various racial origins are demonstrated in five
scenarios: court security, departmental sexual harassment,
Latino in a wheelchair, Homosexual dom estic violence, and
hostage negotiation with prisoners. In practice, however, the
theme of the program is handling irritated people in general. The
viewers are probably going to howl with laughter (somehow,
proper proced ure ends up being extremely "talky", and the
scriptwriter was not Shakespeare), but once they get past that, the
basic principles involved -- of appealing to reason and safe,
uniform procedure, and leaving personal biases out of the
discussion -- still make a lot of sense.
Tape 838: Street Talk (32 min.)
The destructive effect of cultural bias on the public perception of
the law enforcement profession is discussed in this program. It
goes on to describing what are supposed to be general
characteristics of various ethnic groups, and possible police
respo nses to them. (I thought this assigning of characteristics to
people groups counterproductive. BUT! the suggestions of
possible methods for handing the PERSON ALITY types
described, or multi-lingual people, may be very helpful. Use the
information with discretion, and ALWAYS compare information
described in any videos with departmental policies and
Tape 837: Answering the call: How to handle anthrax & other
biological agent threats (Police version) (6 min.)
[2002] T he theme of this video pamphlet is law enforcement
response to suspected anthrax contamination, but the response
might be appropriate for many possible hazardous material, not
exclusively anthrax. The program begins with an explanation of
what anthrax itself is, then, using the scenario of someone
winding up with a lapful of suspicious white powder, the
presentation goes through suggested actions of the dispatcher, the
building managers, and the first responder. By all means
compare the procedures described here with departmental
policies and procedures before applying them ! This is o nly a
generic, basic overview of possible response.
Tape 836: Identity Theft: The Game of the Nam e (14 min.)
[August 2001] The U.S. Po stal Inspection Service po ints out, in
this program, that almost all cases of stolen identity involve the
mail, so the crime of identity fraud is important to them. Some
information is given on how to prevent the theft in the first place,
but the memorable part of the program focuses on the reporting
process (what agencies victims sho uld repo rt to. That includes,
of course, their local police department). Interagency
cooperation is encouraged. Interviews with a victim, a postal
inspector, and a convicted identity thief are also featured.
Tape 835: Supreme Court Update 2001 (23 min.)
[2002] Randy Means describes two decisions from the 2000
session of the U.S. Supreme C ourt that affect law enforcement
investigative techniques. T hey are Dickerson v. U nited States,
decided on June 26, 2000, which examines whether Miranda
Rights are constitutional law or a procedural safeguard (the
decision indicates that Miranda is here to stay); and City of
Indianapolis v. Edmond, decided on November 28, 2000, which
held that "because the [drug interdiction] checkpoint's primary
purpose is indistinguishable from the general interest in crime
control, the checkpoints violate the Fourth Amendment." (taken
from the handout). Although it's a "talking head" program , the
results of the cases described make the program thought
NEMRT Video Catalog (Fiscal Year 2008 -- April 2007), p. 32
Bumpers (625 ILCS 5/1-106.5)
Tape 834: Cultural Diversity : Affecting Every O fficer, Every
Day FBI Teleconference (2 hours)
[March 13, 2002] The strong point of this March 13, 2002,
broadcast is the discussion of method s of recruiting fem ale
officers for the New York State Police in the second half. The
first half features Pamela Mo ore (Anti-Defamation League),
Josef Levy (Long Beach Police Department), and Deborah
Campbell (New York State Police) describing the importance of
cultural diversity education, with a few sug gestions for getting to
know the minority cultures in the agency's patrol area. As too
many programs on cultural diversity do, though, what the
prod ucers mea n by cultural diversity is not clearly identified, so
it rambles between bias crime response, bias-based policing,
cultural sensitivity, and sexual harassment issues. But the part on
recruiting women gives useful marketing ideas for ways of
reaching any target group.
Tape 833: Prison Bound : The Film about Los Angeles Gangs
(1 ho ur, 12 min.)
[1997] Gang me mbers from variou s black and hispanic gangs in
Los Angeles talk about what it means to be part of a gang. Issues
such as relations with other gangs, and other e thnic gangs,
intergang violence, going to prison, signs and tattoos, and the
effect on families, are discussed throughout the program. The
footage is in black and white, which gives the video the sense of
an animated newspaper photograph. By the way, the video was
donated by Lt. Steve Podrovitz, BNS F Police (Ret.), who warns
that the language is extremely harsh. It is harsh, but the
harshness is so monotonous (f*** and m******f*****, over and
over again), that the viewer is eventually callouse d to it.
Tape 832: Straight Scoop: Kids Talking to Kids about Drugs
(27 min.)
[Circa August 1999] As a discussion-starter, or part of a school
program or project, this one might not be bad. Without such
direction, the fea tured teens' free-ranging d iscussion of their
attitudes toward, and experiences with drug abuse, could be
counterproductive. (After all, there may be some kids who think
the "rush" is worth the risks.) The experiences and attitudes of
the lead ing teenagers, and the youths the y meet, during this
August 1999 road trip, can be informative for planning and
responding to young people. A teacher's guide accomp anies the
video. (T he program includes three breaks for comm ercials, so
be prepared to fast-forward thro ugh them.)
Tape 831: Legal Update Video 2002 [Illinois State Police] (8
This year's law changes include:
Aggravated Arson (720 ILCS 5/20-1.1)
Unlawful use of a firearm in the shape of a wireless telephone
(720 ILCS 5/24-3.6)
Cyberstalking (720 ILCS 5/12-7.5)
Unauthorized Videotaping (720 ILCS 5/24-6)
Zero Tolerance Drug Policy (applies to the State Police) (20
ILCS 2610/12.5)
Wildlife Code Prohibitions (520 ILCS 5/2.33
Altered, Forged or Counterfeit Firearms Owner Identification
Card (430 ILCS 65/6.1)
Firearms Tracing (720 ILCS 5/24-8)
Headset Receivers (625 ILCS 5/12-610)
Oscillating, Rotating or flashing lights on motor vehicles (625
ILCS 5/12-215)
Op eration of V ehicles W hen A pproaching an Emergency Vehicle
(625 ILCS 5/11-907)
Child Protection Act (625 ILCS 25/4a)
Tape 830: Bioterrorism: Anthrax (22 min. and 21 min. on 2
[2001] In this two-part program from the ALERT series, Dr.
Greg Evans (D irector of Saint Louis University's Center for the
Study of Bioterrorism and Emerging Infections) discusses
bioterrorism , and what law enforcement is likely to be up against.
In Part 1, he describes the nature of bioterrorism, types of
biological agents that might be used in terrorist acts, lethality of
the most likely agents (anthrax, smallpox, and [bubonic] plague),
distribution methods, and possible targets. He concludes by
briefly describing the grave differences between planning for a
mass infection and a "trad itional" emergency or disa ster.
Planning will be the key to the response, since bioterrorism
strikes sud denly. In Part 2, a police o fficer describes how his
agency has responded to various types of possible exposure, the
training they had been receiving. and changes local services have
made in their emergency plans. (His discussion of the equipment
his dep artment uses is informative.) Dr. Evans then goes o n to
discuss response equipment, and planning for the response. He
indirec tly suggests who in the com munity should be included in
the planning p rocess, but is more sp ecific on what situations to
plan for. He goes on to describe elements of ineffective and
effective response plans, and earnestly encourages preparation
for more, and mo re widespre ad, attacks.
Tape 829: Use of Force (39 min.)
[2002] Ed Nowicki hosts, and Bloomingdale's own Chuck Mader
appears in, this Performance Dimensions program o n the lawful
use of force. The program begins with an examination of the
federal (color-coded) escalation of force model, with patrol car
camera footage on how it is applied in real life. (One thing to be
said about the example is the advisability of an officer's planning
alternative methods of responding to apparently non-violent but
noncomp liant detainees. It may be possible to de-escalate the
contact before it reaches a violent conclusion.) As a matter of
fact, the progra m goes on to use m ore footage to demon strate
alternative methods of responding to situations. Deputy Chief
Mad er (Bloomingdale, Illinois, Police Department) then talks
about how to show "the reasonable use of force" in internal
affairs reports. Lower-level force responses, force terminology
(and the abuse of that terminology), documentation of force use,
and the importance of staying familiar with the legal and
administrative policies on the use of force are also discussed.
Tape 828: Police T echno logy [H istory Cha nnel's M odern
Marvels] (44 min.)
[2001] M y mother liked this one. This entry, in the History
Channel's Modern M arvels series, describes how law
enforcement technology has changed over the history of police
forces. Technologies discussed include the 911 system, dog
scent training, body armor, evidence collection techniques
(including AFIS, and fingerprint and DNA collection), NCIC,
nonlethal weapo nry (including tasers, p ep pe r spray, and Drago n's
Breath), pursuit "preventers", patrol car innovations, face
analysis programs, infrared programs, and that new innovation
that takes policing back to where it started in E ngland :
Com mu nity P olicing. This one ought to be great for citizen's
Tape 827: Metham phetamine in Illinois : User/Manufacturer
Behavior (34 min.)
[2001] V arious Illinois law enforcement officers talk about
incidents in which they faced suspects under the influence of
methamphetamine. Mo st of the officers are from central and
southern Illinois, but don't let that lull you into thinking that
"tweakers" couldn't be found anywhere. The descriptions of the
places in which the subjects were found and what they were
doing were especially interesting. In the second half of the
program, Dr. M ichael Richardson (Quincy, IL) describes the
stages of response to and recovery from methamphetamine use.
NEMRT Video Catalog (Fiscal Year 2008 -- April 2007), p. 33
Tape 826: Metham phetam ine L abs: A N ew D ang er for Illinois
Tape 821: Technology on the Job (30 min.)
(35 min.)
[circa 200 1] T echnology applications that The N ational Institute
[January 2000] To most of you, the information in this program
of Justice's Office o f Scienc e and Techno logy is ap plying to
is probably old news, but it does make for a useful review. The
police work is the topic of this promotional video. Applications
program describ es the history of methamphetamine in Illinois,
examined include Thermal Imaging, Geographical Information
the increasing number of labs that officers are finding and the
Systems (crime m apping), V ideo E vidence A nalysis,
dangers they pose, ways of recognizing a clandestine lab, and the
Interoperability, Bullet Resistance Testing, and DNA Evidence
behavior of users/makers. Included are statements from several
(by the way, the NEM RT Instructors Library has the training
officers and fire fighters from Q uincy, Illinois, who tell about
CD-ROM s described in this segment). The program concludes
responding to a fire in what turned out to be a meth lab, along
with a description of the National Center for Law Enforcement
with descriptions from other officers who had unpleasant
and Corrections Technology Center. W hat the video lacks in
enco unters with cland estine lab s. The pro gram conc ludes with
enthusiasm, it makes up for in applicability (case studies of how
pictures of things officers might find at a lab, and an interview
the applications worked in a real criminal justice situation are
with an inc arcerated user/ma ker, who talks about how he got into
included). It's useful for getting ideas for which coming
making it, and the effect the drug had on him. The techniques for
techno logies would work well at your agency.
approaching a possible lab and a possible methamphetamine user
are very prac tical.
Tape 820: New Era of Disobedience: Is Your Department
Ready [FBI Teleconference] (2 hours)
Tape 825: Use of Force Report Writing (13 min. and 15 min.
[November 7, 2001] The November 2001 FB I Teleconference
on 2 tapes)
examined the issues surrounding large public demonstrations,
[2001] R eport writing videos have a tendency to be yawners, and
using lessons lea rned in the riots in Seattle (and attemp ted riots
boilerplate repo rts end up leaving the readers yawning.
elsewhere) as examples. Panelists include Sheriff Kevin Beary
According to this set from the ALERT Series, boilerplates are
(Orange Co., Florida), Chief Robert Bragdon (Spokane,
out. In Part 1 (possibly because it's about reporting use of force),
W ashington, Police D epartment), Greg Co mco wich (D ome stic
officers are encouraged to write descriptive reports that are
Terrorism, Civil Rights Unit, FBI), and Chief Charles Ramsey
viscerally moving, as well as accurate. If the reader can feel the
(Washington Metropolitan Police). They talk about how
fear the writer felt, they will understand the reasons for the force
protesters can use a lawful protest to engage in unlawful
level used. In Part 2, suggestions on what to include in the report
activities, modern tactics of protest, how protests can become
(the suspect's appearance, his words, his exact behavior, etc.),
acts of terror, and ho w to get information o n extremist group s'
including a checklist of pieces of information to includ e in a use
activities. A lot of foo tage of police respo nding to pro testers is
of force report are discussed. The importance of writing an
included, along with a lot of useful resource references during the
articulate, useful Use of Force report is emphasized at the end of
break. T he program op ens with a video m emorial to the first
the program. Although North East Multi-Regional Training
responders who were affected by the September 11, 2001
doesn't necessarily recommend the techniques described in the
terrorist attack, produced by the N ational Terrorism Prepared ness
program, they might be useful to kno w about.
Tape 824: Automatic Weapons in Law Enforcement (12 min.)
[2001] The circumstances in which automatic weapons can be
helpful to officers are briefly desc ribed in this ALER T video.
Most of the program is devo ted to variou s two-officer Imm ediate
Action Drills, including stoppage drills (the ones about getting
used to switching between a machine gun and a handgun
interested me), reload drills, the description of a balanced stance,
and what the well-dressed W est Palm Beach Po lice Department
SW AT team m emb er is currently wearing (as o f 200 1).
Although N orth E ast M ulti-Regio nal T raining d oesn't necessarily
recommend the techniques and equipment described in the
program, they might be useful to kno w about.
Tape 823: Interpersonal Comm unications: Legal Implications
(32 min. on 2 tapes)
[2001] T o begin this ALERT series program, law enforcement
attorney Randy Means states that the most successful peace
officers he has encountered are those who approach subjects in a
coop erative, rather than an autho ritarian, style. In other word s,
Asking is more effective than Telling. In Part 1, he shows how
the wording of a contact can mean the difference between the
courts treating it as a voluntary or involuntary stop. He then
describes ways of keeping track of exact wording of subject
contacts. Part 2 concerns nonverb al comm unication, imprec ise
requests, verbal aspects of force transactions, and the drawbacks
of coarse language. He points out that, in one study, 70% of
com plaints against officers invo lved o fficer rudeness to citizens.
He concludes by saying that one of the best things an officer can
do to protect him- or herself is to pra ctice anger management.
Tape 822: Lookin g Back , Pushing Forward : T hree Decad es in
the Fight Against Domestic Violence (14 min.)
[circa 1995] Polaroid pro duced this history of the movement
against domestic violence, from the 1970s through the passing of
the Violence Against W ome n Act of 1994. F eatured are activists
who were instrumental in the development of governmental
recognition o f the issue, of victim shelter pro grams, and in
establishing law enforcement cooperation.
Tape 819: Combating Underage Drinking OJJDP
Teleconference (2 hours)
[September 22, 2000] The model compliance programs of Las
Vegas (Nevad a), Puerto Rico, and Omaha (N ebraska) are
described in this September 2000 teleconference from the Office
of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention. After a short
video about how each of the three underage drinking/alcohol
sales to minors compliance program works, a panel discussion of
participants' exp eriences and viewers' questions is featured . A
handout describing the initiatives, and listing other useful
resources, is included.
Tape 818: OC Aeroso l in Law Enfo rcem ent II (38 min.)
[200 1] Ed Now icki appears in this addendum to O C Aerosol U se
in Law Enforcement (NEM RT video #435), to discuss further the
issues related to OC spray use. Topics include ways of
neutralizing oleoresin capsicum after contact, the types of spray
patterns and their applications, OC spray and co ncerns about
flammability, the value of OC spray as compared to impact
weapons, and training issues. The use of OC spray offers many
benefits as a non-lethal force option, but listen for the important
training p oint Ed N owicki makes at the p rogra m's beginning:
"D on't bet your life on O C." T he ap propriate use of O C spray is
also discussed.
Tape 817: Tom a Live (1 hour)
[199 0] In this emo tio nal add ress, which we got from NEMRT's
Basic Training Manager Harriet Johnson, the legendary former
police officer D avid T oma talks ab out the ways that drug ab use
destroys people's lives. He talks about his own drug abuse, what
he has learned about dope dealers and their products, how
abusers are misused by their friends; and about his life as a police
officer. I found that part most interesting of all; and for that
reason would suggest this tape for use with law enforcement job
stress classes even mo re than for drug abuse pro grams.
Tape 816: Identity Theft: How to Protect Your Money, Your
Credit, and Your Good Name (27 min.)
NEMRT Video Catalog (Fiscal Year 2008 -- April 2007), p. 34
[2001] (Just like a commercial video release, it opens with a
Tape 811: New Face of Crim e [The ] : Investigative R eport (45
trailer about related videos the producer has available. Oh, well.)
This program goes over the types of people who are at risk of
[1997] Bill Kurtis hosts this Investigative Report episode, which
having their identity stolen (anyone with a social security
examines how gang activity has changed from general street
number), how the theft affects victims (both individuals and
crime to widespread organized crime. The presence of active
businesses), how identities are stolen, and how victims can
gang members in legitimate bu siness, law enforceme nt agencies,
prevent having their credit (and money) stolen. It makes you
and the U.S. Military is the topic being investigated. Mo st of the
wonder about your garbage collector.
gang activities examined are Chicago-centered, but Asian gang
activity is mentioned briefly in the segment on co rporate
Tape 815: Racial Profiling -- Chicago Police Department (40
infiltration. A lot of time is spent describing the public relations
activities of the Gangster D isciples.
[2001] This five-part program produced by the Chicago Police
Department, which we received from the Illinois Law
Tape 810: New Skinheads [The] (44 min.)
Enfo rcem ent M edia R esource C enter, considers various aspects
[1995] T his Investigative Report features Bill Kurtis, discussing
of officer courtesy.
the history and activities of white supremacist / Neo-Nazi groups
Part One describes the circumstances under which an
in the United States. Included are brief interviews with Tom
investigatory street stop may be made in the city of Chicago, as
Metzger, Ashley Brown, Mark Thomas, and other whiteof 2001, and how to fill out the Contact Card;
supremacists. The thread connecting the segments is a discussion
Part Two demon strates some tac tical communicatio n skills
of the Freeman murders in Pennsylvania and the Rivera murder
to help insure subject compliance during a traffic stop; and
in Queens, New York. Some discussion is included about how
Parts Three, Fo ur, and Five encourages officers to maintain
parents can respond to "hate"-ful attitudes from their children
a good attitude and demeanor with the citizens they encounter
(the upshot is that ignoring them won't make them go away), and
during their work. Examples include a mother and child in a
skinhead graffiti.
traffic stop, a missing person report, and an out of town visitor
with a lost brief case.
Tape 809: Gang Violence in America : 20th Century with Mike
As always, compare the recommendations and behaviors
Wallace (43 min.)
demonstrated in this program with local practices before applying
[1996] A&E Home Video and CBS News produced this episode
them. This program was referred to during the 2001 Bias-Based
of The T wentieth Century, which describes the history and
Law Enforcement Summit, which may be why it is entitled
evolution of gangs in the United States. Street gangs and
"Racial Profiling". Except for a public service announcement at
motorcycle gangs are the initial focus. A number of brief
the very beginning, the issue is not specifically considered.
interviews with gang members, former gang members, reluctant
wannabees, and girl gang mem bers are featured, alo ng with ways
Tape 814: Law Enforcement and Media: A Perspective from
various communities are respo nding to the challenges. Its length
Behind the Camera [FBI Teleconference] (2 hours)
and presentation d oesn't lend itself to roll-call use, but it ought to
[July 11, 2001] With this FBI Teleconference, the series changes
be helpful in a citizen acad emy or criminal justice class.
its name to Law Enforcem ent Live , so do n't let it throw you. This
California and Chicago gangs are the ones most closely
July 20 01 p rogra m co ncerns the sam e topic as the C alifornia
exam ined. T his pro gram is also available in DV D format.
Commission on Peace Officers Standards and Training's Law
Enforce ment and News M edia Relations PO ST Telecourse
Tape 808: Sniper (The) : Sixty Minutes (13 min.)
(NEMRT Video #427). Panelists include Blake Morrison (USA
[July 17, 2001] This sequence from the July 17, 2001, episode of
Tod ay), Tina Commo dore (W BN S-TV , Columbus, OH ), Richard
Sixty Minutes II gives an overview of police sniper training, how
Adkins (W RAL, Raleigh, NC), Ba rbara Cochran (Rad io and
they are deployed, and the social and personal liabilities of using
Television News Directors Association, Washington, DC), Bob
one. Of course, part of the issue is that snipers are people, and the
Steele (The Po ynter Institute, St. Petersburg, FL), and Greg Luft
ramifications of one person's taking the life of another is a major
(Colorado State University). They discuss what the media needs
part o f the pro gram. It's also interesting to hear how reporter Jim
from law enforcem ent in order to do its jo b, and why they would
Stewart interviews a sniper formerly of the Albuquerque, New
want or need it. The analysis of media response to law
Mexico , Police Department.
enforcement-related incidents is interesting.
Tape 807: Overcom ing Po lice Misco nduc t: Three C EO s'
Tape 813: Preventing Disaster at the Crossing : How Bus
Success Stories [FBI Teleconference] (2 hours)
Drivers Can Prevent a Tragedy at Highway-rail Crossings (18
[March 28 , 2001] T he police chiefs of New O rleans, Louisiana
(Richard Pennington), Washington, D.C. (Charles Ramsey), and
[1991] If your school district is not one of the districts in the area
Los Angeles, California (Bernard Parks) talk about how they
that go out of their way to lay school bus routes away from grade
went ab out "cleaning up" the corrup tion in their agencies, in this
crossings, this program might be useful for the bus drivers. It
March 28, 2001, teleconference. Some of the methods they used
goes over safety procedures for crossing railroad tracks with a
included tightening of recruitment and training standards, pay
school bus, and describes some horrifying instances in which
increases, altering of citizen complaint procedures, external
locomotives did strike school buses, including the train-school
investigations, and Union concerns. In the second half, they
bus crash in Greeley, Colorado, in 1961, in which 20 children
answer questions about their experiences from the audience and
were killed.
viewers. (One audience member got an interesting answer when
he asked the panel for one piece of advice that would prevent
Tape 812: Paths of Thunder (20 min.)
misconduct: the immediate answer he received was to have
[1982] Although the presentation on this Burlington Northern
courteous officers.)
Railroad safety video is somewhat dated, the information is as
relevant now as it ever w as. Railroad tracks are metapho rically
Tape 806: Futuristics and Law Enforcement: The Millennium
described as "paths of thunder", and if one crosses them
Conference [FBI Teleconference] (3 hours o n 2 tapes)
carelessly, one is likely to get struck. The importance of staying
[July 2000] Two panel discussions from the FBI's July 2000
away fro m railro ad tracks, and of p racticing good safety
Millennium Conference are featured in this pro gram. The first,
procedures when crossing them, is the main message of the
Technology, Training and the 21st Century Officer includes
video . It include s a num ber o f reenactments of acciden ts with
panelists Be rnard Levin (W aynesb oro Police Department), Lt.
cars (including one, with a co uple o f "good o l' boys" tha t is
Tom Co wper (New York State Police), Mike Birzer (East Central
especially horrifying, because it is also gruesomely funny).
University) and M ichael Buerger (Northeastern University), who
discuss the influence technology is having on officer recruitment
(and supervising those people) and training (both as a training
NEMRT Video Catalog (Fiscal Year 2008 -- April 2007), p. 35
tool and a training need). The second panel examines
Police Legislative Advisory Comm ittee's contribution to the
Privatization and Policing in the 21st Century. Panelists include
legislative process.
Cliff Maurer (Carter-W allace, Inc.), SSA John "M ike" Bellus
(FBI), and Capt. Al Youngs (Lakewood, Colorado, Police
Tape 801: Achieving Diversity through Marketing FBI
Department), who describe what "privatization" means to them,
Teleconference (2 hours)
and the benefits of including line officers, citizens, and
[January 17, 2001] In this January 2001 FBI teleconference,
businesses in the processes of law enforcement, as well as the
Chandra Oden (Detroit Police Department), Doug Spring (Las
benefits of using non-sworn p erson nel in certain po lice po sitions.
Vegas Metropolitan Police Department), Cmdr. Betty Kelepecz
The reference material presented b etween the segm ents is also
(Los Angeles Police Department) talk about recruitment
strategies, both in general, and in targeted populations. General
marketing of a police department is a major portion of the
Tape 805: Less-Lethal F orce Op tions: S L-6 Multi Roll
discussion, too. Although the "advertised" strategy is TV
Projectile Launcher (13 min.)
advertising, the pane lists talk abo ut a num ber o f the ways the ir
[2001] The main focus of this program from the ALERT series
police departments promote themselves to the public. Some of
an overview of the Sage SL-6 Multi Roll Projectile Launcher,
the interesting aspects examine d are com munity involvem ent in
and its advantages as a less-lethal force option. The program
recruiting, ways of preparing young people to join the police
opens, however, with footage of officers assisting a seizure
department, and ways of preparing o fficers as recruiters.
victim*. Afterward, West Palm Beach (Florida) officers show
the parts of the p rojectile launc her, and demon strates ho w it
Tape 800: Recognizing and Dealing with Mental Illness FBI
works, how it is loaded, and its applications for incident
Teleconference (2 hours)
response. Although North East M ulti-Regional T raining doe sn't
[September 13, 2000] In the first part of this September 2000
necessarily endorse this product, or these applications, they are
teleconference, Off. Tony Rolon (St. Petersburg Police
useful to know about.
Department), George D eShazor, Jr. (FBI), and Gerry Suchy
(National Mental Health Association) talk about the history of
*(Evidently, officers from the West Palm Beach Police
deinstitutionalization, and the prevalence of mental illness among
Department were being filmed for an upcoming ALERT tape,
peop le officers are likely to be in contact with. They then discuss
and during the filming came across an unconscious woman lying
existing training programs for respo nse to the mentally ill in
face down in the dirt. The ALERT cameraman records how they
crisis, characteristics to watch for, officer safety considerations,
respo nded and were able to revive her.)
and the importance of being aware of, and of developing,
com munity resourc es. On e of the highlights of the seco nd half is
Tape 804: Firearms T raining Safety: Com bat Shooting -a narrative by an officer of how she dealt with her son 's
Sho ot, Don't Shoo t Drills (22 min.)
unrecognized mental illness when he threatened her life and
[200 1] Ernest Ham me r (Palm B each Cou nty (Florida) Sheriff's
those of her o ther children. S ome discussion of suicide-by-cop is
Office) opens this ALER T program with an overview of range
also included.
safety procedures, firearms training equipment (including
ammunition), tips on selecting steel targets, and demonstrations
Tape 798: Adventures in Public Speaking {Viewpoints from the
of various types of training drills. Toward the end, a decisionFBI Academ y} (24 min.)
training drill/scenarios is described and dem onstrated. Although
[December 2000] Rather than just looking at people's fear of
North East M ulti-Regional Tra ining doesn't necessarily endorse
public speaking, this D ecem ber 2 000 entry in the V iewpoints
these procedures, they are useful to kno w about. As always,
from the FBI Academy looks at the specific fears speakers have,
compare the information described here with policies and
and explains ways of handling those fears. Sgt. James Tilton
procedures at your department before applying them.
(Nassau County Police Dep artment), a public speaking instructor,
is the featured presenter. Bad habits new speakers can develop,
Tape 803: Reading Gang Tattoos (62 and 48 min. on 2 tapes)
and how speakers ca n hand le their "prejudice s" ab out their
[1998] B ill Valentine, of the Nevada D epartment of Prisons
audiences, and the use of visual aids, are also discussed.
(retired), describes and discusses photographs of various gang
tattoos, as well as some examples of some hand signs and
Tape 797: Critical Incident Stress Reaction {Viewpoints from
graffiti. W hite Sup rema cist and Hisp anic gangs are most closely
the FBI Academy} (24 min.)
examined, though some examples from African-American and
[May 2000] Lt. Lianne Toomey (Burlington, Vermont, Police
Asian gangs are also considered. The video is labelled Law
Dep artment) describes the manifestation of critical incident stress
Enforcement Only, so don't go showing it around.
in order to sho w the importance of a critical incident stress
management program, in this May 2000 ep isode from the
Tape 802: 200 1 Legal Update (15 min.)
Viewpoints from the FBI Academ y series. Sources of stress, the
[2001] This Illinois State Police video goes over the law changes
personality types of people most likely to experience critical
most likely to affect Illinois law enforcement. Included are:
incident stress, and the ways the stress can be experienced and
720 ILC S 5/26-4: Unauthorized Video Taping
symptoms a re examined , as are the basic c omp onents of a
720 ILCS 5/19-4: Criminal Trespass to a Residence
management program. An interview with one of the officers who
720 ILCS 135/1-1: Harassing and Obscene Communications Act
respond ed to the M urrah Fed eral Building B omb ing is also
720 ILCS 5/2 1-1.5 : Unlawful Transp ortation of Anhydrous A mmoniaincluded.
720 ILCS 5/1 1-9.3 : Prese nce W ithin a School Zone of a Child
Sex Offender
Tape 796: Responding to Alien Crime {Viewpoints from the
325 ILC S 5/3: Abused and N eglected Child Reporting
FBI Academ y} (24 min.)
735 ILCS 5/12-652: Foreign Orders of Protection
[February 2000] Bart Szafnicki (Immigration and Naturalization
625 ILCS 5/15-102: Lighting Requirements on Wide-Load Vehicles Service) is featured in this February 2000 episode of the
625 ILCS 5/1 5-10 9.1: Load Security
Viewpoints from the FBI Academy. According to the statistics
625 ILCS 5/12-611: Sound Amplification
listed here, 27% of the U.S. prison population are foreign
625 ILCS 5/11-501.5: Pupilometer Technology (It's about an 18nationals. The development of developing federal and local
month pilot test of the use of Eyecheck: a device that measures
partnerships to catch illegal aliens involved in crimina l activity,
someone's pupils reaction to light to determine im pairm ent: both
and how to depo rt them, is its main topic. Task forces that have
chemical-related and fatigue related)
been successful are also examine d briefly.
PA 91-8 58: C hemical Stan dard s and Pro cedures of Chem ical Analysis
720 ILC S 5/3-5: Prosecution to commit first-degree murder.
Tape 795: Workplace Violence FBI Teleconference (2 hours)
The pro gram conc ludes with an explanation o f the Illinois State
[M ay 17, 200 0] P amela Paziotopoluous (C ook Co. (evide ntly
Illinois) State's Atty's Office), Victoria Havassy (Psychological
Resources), and S.S.A. Eugene Rugala (FBI: NCAVC -Critical
Incident Re sponse G roup ) join m ode rator T om C hristenb erry in
discussing the prevalence and prevention of workplace violence,
in this May 200 0 teleconference. They point out that the
violence is not only related to disgruntled workers, but dome stic
violence or stalking situations that violently erupt at work, rather
than at home. Subject behaviors -- of the disgruntled employee,
the abuser, and the victim -- are also discussed, along with the
develop ment of prevention pro grams.
NEMRT Video Catalog (Fiscal Year 2008 -- April 2007), p. 36
Innovative Practices for Law Enforcement (17 min.)
[2000] A child who w itnesses violent crime is both a victim of,
and a witness to, that violence: over tim e, child witnesses to
violence are more likely to be arrested for violent behavior as
teens or adults. The main thrust of this program from the
National Institute of Justice's Office for Victims of Crime is the
impo rtance of an agency's doing so mething to ap propriately
respo nd to a child's needs, inc luding organizing child-spe cific
support services, training programs for interviewers of children,
and police/psychologist partnerships, to insure the child has the
protection he or she needs, and that the criminal cases are not
Tape 794: Creating Media for Comm unity Relations
[Viewpoints from the FBI Academ y] (24 min.)
[March 2001] The FBI concluded its Viewpoints from the FBI
Academy series with this March 2001 program. In it, Chief Bob
Edwards (Dover, Vermont, Police Department) talks about how
the Dover Police Department uses mailings, newsletters (and enewsletters), community service videos (made in collaboration
with the local high school), and public relation s programs to
explain their work to the citizens. He talks about the types of
media available, developing the forms, and getting the
community involved in producing it (the discussion of the high
school students producing law enforcement-related public service
announcements, which look pretty good).
Tape 793: Less-Lethal Technology (Viewpoints from the FBI
Academ y) (24 min.)
[February 2001] Lt. Randy Quan (Los Angeles Police
Departm ent) ap pears in this February 2001 edition o f Viewpoints
from the FBI Academy. He goes over definitions, and types of
portable devices, and experimental devices, including the
Cap ture N et, Be anbag rounds (revo lver-size), the Pepp er Pistol,
and the Beanbag B aton (PR-24 type). He also describes the
expectations of less-lethal devices, their advantages, and
appro priate situations for less-lethal options.
Tape 792: Respo nding to Child V ictims an d W itnesses:
Innovative Practices in the Courtroom (15 min.)
[2000] The focus of this program from the NIJ's Office for
Victims of C rime are things that can b e done in a courtro om in
order to make a child witness comfortable (and therefore a better
witness). Included is an overview is the "Kid's Court" program,
which allows children who are going to be part of a court
proceeding to experience beforehand what a courtroom is like
and what to expe ct. The use o f closed -circuit television, family
members, child-specific interviewers, and the judge's recognition
that a child has sp ecial needs, are also described . (The child
sexual assault case described in V ideo #79 0 is also briefly
referred to.)
Tape 791: Respo nding to Child V ictims an d W itnesses:
Innov ative Practices for Pro secutors (17 min.)
[2000] C hild-appropriate services can reduce the time spent
gathering evid ence for a child abuse case from weeks to hours.
This program from the National Institute of Justice's Office for
Victims of Crime briefly examines programs and processes that
have been successful. The length doesn't allow for an in-de pth
explanation of how to set up programs, but it's a great motivator
toward organizing something that will help both children and the
criminal justice system. So me tim e is spe nt describing "K id's
Court", in which child victims see what a courtroom and
courtroom proceedings are like.
Tape 790: Respo nding to Child V ictims an d W itnesses:
Promising Practices to Improve Case O utcomes (16 min.)
[2000] Children exposed to ongoing violence learn to expect that
violence is a na tural part of relatio nships, and are mo re likely to
become violent offenders themselves. This program from the
NIJ's Office for Victims of Crime briefly examines collaborative
programs for helping children work through the effects of the
violence they have experienced. A sequence about the
investigation and prosecution o f a child sexual assault case is
also informative.
Tape 789: Respo nding to Child V ictims an d W itnesses:
Tape 788: Baton as a Control Device (13 min.)
[200 1] The introduction of this ALER T vide o states that most
officers learn striking techniques for batons, but lack subject
control/manipulation tech niques. Martial arts trainer Steve U hrig
dem onstrates vario us blocks and compliance m oves that help
subdue a suspect without "impact". It's useful as an "idea" tape,
or as a motivation for getting more baton training, because the
techniques are merely demonstrated at full-speed, and are not
explained as they are dem onstrated . As always, N EMRT do esn't
necessarily recommend these techniques, always compare
techniques with departmental policy before applying them, and
don't apply these without getting some real training in baton
control tactics.
Tape 787: Meeting the M ental Health N eeds of Crim e Victims
(40 min.)
[1998] Doctors Dean G. Kilpatrick and Connie L. Best (National
Crime Victims Research and treatment Center, South Carolina)
appear in this panel discussion regarding the effect of a crime on
the mental health of a crime victim. They describe the
psychological trauma, the symptoms, how those symptoms can
hinder an investigation or prosecution, and what criminal justice
professiona ls and advocates can do to help. Bec ause o f its
conversational-lecture format, it's something of a yawner, but the
information is presented clearly, and is of great use to anyone
who has co ntact with crime victims, including officers,
prosecutors, family members, and advocates.
Tape 786: News Media's Coverage of Crime and Victimization
(26 min.)
[1999] W ith the proliferation of news sources on the Internet and
direct television, the reporters finding the news have become
more aggressive. Their actions can doubly victimize the victims
of the crimes they are trying to cover. This program from the
National V ictim Assistance Academ y uses interviews with
victimized victims and media professionals to show the
importance of media workers sensitivity to victim needs, what
those needs would be, and the use of a victim advocates and a
"media consortium". Some o f the cases described include the
Jennifer Levin Murder (the "Preppie Murder"), the Oklahoma
City bombing, and the Columbine High School shooting.
Tape 785: Hig hway-R ail Grade Cro ssing S afety: Roll Call (9
[1999] E nforcement of laws related to railroad grade crossings
and railroad property can save lives. This program reminds
officers of that fact, goes over areas (geographic and legal) where
enforcement would be necessary, and some techniques for doing
it. Also included is information on the process of going about
stopping a train in an emergency, and malfunctioning signals. By
the way, did you know that a locomotive wheel only makes about
3/4" contact -- about the width of a dime -- with the rail? That's
another reason why railroad s don't want coins put on the rails.
Tape 784: It's Your Call: Increasing Judicial Awareness of
Hig hway-R ail Safety (12 min.)
[2000] If a judge only "slaps the wrist" of people ticketed for
trespassing on rail pro perty, they aren't going to realize in just
how much danger they were putting themselves. This Operation
Lifesaver video demonstrates the ease with which citizen
ignorance and carelessness will get them killed, including
NEMRT Video Catalog (Fiscal Year 2008 -- April 2007), p. 37
[2000] Form er LA PD detective Trinka P orrata narra tes this
program abo ut the effects various "date-rape" or "designer" drugs
have on users: both deliberate and unintentional ones. The
initial scena rio features a girl who finds herself the victim o f a
spiked drink (and the man who spiked it). Since the video 's main
audience are people who might be the victim of drugging,
drinking safety tips for attending parties and clubs are also
Tape 783: Exp losives: Ha ndle with Care (14 min.)
described , along with inform ation o n what to do if a victim
[2000] This condensed lecture is intended as a general overview
suspects he or she has been sexually assaulted.
of how a bo mb w orks and wh at it can be made of. Feature d is
Tom M ayton, of the Cook Co. Sheriff's Department. Topics
Tape 776: Pursuits: Training, Vehicle Upgrades and Policy
include the phases of an explosion, the types of explosion, types
FBI Teleconference (2 hours)
of exp losives, and types of devices. For information o n how to
[November 2000] The typical lack of support in policy
respond to possible explosives (in addition to calling your local
supervision, and training, available to officers when beginning or
bomb squad), Dick and Harry: Rest in Pieces (part of NEMRT
terminating a vehicle p ursuit, and how to provide the support, is
video #48 4) might also be use ful.
the topic of this November 20 00 FB I teleconference. Speakers
include Trooper Stephen D. Charette (Massachusetts State Police
Tape 782: Bom b Sca re (15 min.)
Academy), Earl Hardy (NHTSA), Chris Sutterfield (Oklahoma
[2000] Bo mb threats to schools are the main focus of this
Law Enforcement Academy), and Tim Fox-Moles (TEVOC,
program, though the basic information about threats and what
FB I/Quantico). Other issues ex amine d include liab ility to
possible mail bombs look like would ap ply to businesse s as well.
agencies, basic principles of police driving, setting the
Characteristics of students who make bomb threats is described,
appropriate tone for police driving training, pursuit termination,
as are possible plans for responding to the threat and levels of
and new techniques and technology for stop ping suspects.
threat. Check with your regional bomb squad, though, before
telling your schools or offices to apply this information. By the
Tape 775: Hostage Officer Survival (82 min.)
way, this program was made in connection with the Cook Co.
[1998] According to the box of this Calibre Press release,
Sheriff's Department's Bomb Squad.
designed as a personal in-service training program for law
enforcement personnel, viewers learn what to say and do to
Tape 781: Con Gam es Behind Ba rs (36 min.)
escape alive if taken hostage, how and when to apply 14 physical
[1991] The main point in this video is that, in the prison or jail,
escape tactics, how to work with backup officers, how to defeat
the corrections officer is in the Inmates' dysfunctional world, and
various type of binding (rope, duct tape, car trunks, handcuffs),
the officer's expe ctations of approp riate soc ial interaction won't
and proper use of deadly force. Also included is live footage of
app ly. It goes o ver the techniq ues inmates mayuse to manip ulate
actual events and survivors, reenactments showing common
or compromise the corrections officer, and how the officer can
offender motivations, and psychological tactics. Since the
avoid being tricked. (A number of corrections officers from
program is made for law enforc ement, don 't go showing it
Joliet State Prison are featured in the interviews.) Special focus
around. N orth E ast M ulti-Regio nal T raining, d oesn't necessarily
is given to the methods inmates may use with female corrections
recom mend any of the techniques and tactics described here, so
check them with agency policy before applying them. And when
practicing techniques -- because techniques must be practiced -Tape 780: Cops & Company (17 min)
make sure everything is unloaded , that everyone know s the safety
[1991] Various police agencies from around the country helped
codes, and that you don't hurt each other.
produce this video about the requirements to be, and the activities
of, the various types law enforcement and corrections officers,
Tape 774: Surviving a Shooting: Your Guide to Personal Body
and the staff that supports them. It is especially helpful for
Armor (14 min.)
criminal justice students or citizen academies as an overview of
[2000] T he Office of Law Enforcement Technology
the wide range of jobs that are connected with policing.
Comm ercialization produced this program, which gives the
viewer a crash course in body armor. While it isn't anywhere
Tape 779: Cultural Diversity for Law Enforcement (30 min.)
near as exciting as Second Chance v. Magnum Force (NEMRT
[200 1] Acc ording to this video from Performance Dimen sions,
video #50), it does give a brief description of how body armor
cultural diversity for law enforcement also involves helping the
works, how ratings are determined, and how to care for the
community understand their and the needs of the community they
live in. It doesn't address specific conduct towards particular
ethnic groups, but the importance of learning issues and such that
Tape 773: Vehicle Searches (21 min.)
affect local ethnic and social groups. Also included is footage of
[2000] In this AL ER T p rogra m, officers John De lgado (M iami,
a trooper's complete loss of professional demeanor during a
FL) and Richard Grassi (Topeka, KS) go over techniques for
traffic stop with a co ope rative black wo man and interviews with
conducting a safe "pat-down" of a vehicle. Searching techniques
victims of bias crimes. (It isn't fatal to the presentation, but there
for both the passenger compartment and the engine compartment
are some irritating sound drops at vario us po ints in the progra m.
are included. Surprisingly, some of the techniques are the same
Just so you know.)
as patting down a suspect: officers sho uld use rubb er glov es to
help prevent bloodborne pathogen contamination, and look
Tape 778: Sudden In-Custody Death: Training for Prevention
before touching anything. As always, compare procedures
/ Positional Asphyxia Upda te (16 min.)
described here with those of your agency before applying them.
[2000] This ALERT video reexamines issues and procedures
presented in Positional Asphyxia, Sudden Dea th, and
Tape 772: Alcohol Com pliance Checks: Just the Facts:
Transporting Suspects (#522). It goes over the key indicators
Training Vide o for Y outh B uyers (8 min.)
that might lead to a suspect's in-custody death, techniques for
[1999] T his program, produced by the Alcohol Epidem iology
training o fficers, and a discussion o f a sudd en-death incid ent in
Pro gram at the U niversity of Minnesota, has been a long time in
Kansas City, Missouri (which is reenacted in #522). What
coming. It is made for use with the teens who have been
positions may can contribute to asphyxia, and incidents in which
recruited to help check if bu sinesses are selling liquor to mino rs.
suspects died in custody through no fault of detention procedures,
It could probably also be used as a recruitment tape: a number of
are also described. As always, compare techniques described
underaged buyers appear, and remark on ho w they've enjoyed the
here with departmental procedure before using them.
job. Areas considered include how youth buyers should d ress,
what procedures to follow during the "buy", and what to expect
Tape 777: GHB D rug-Induced Rape (16 min.)
during the compliance check. Always compare departmental
trespassing (walking along the track), disregard of crossing
signals, and vandalism. Although intended to inform judges of
the imp ortance of enforcing laws about railroad s, the pro gram is
also useful for showing officers and citizens the dangers of
horsing around where trains are concerned. It has footage of
some eye-opening crashes, too.
NEMRT Video Catalog (Fiscal Year 2008 -- April 2007), p. 38
Tape 766: Pub lic Safety D ispatchers P OST Teleco urse (2
[March 2000] If you don't get anything else out of this March
Tape 771: True Stories of the NYP D [H istory C han nel T ime
2000 C alifornia Comm ission on Peace Officers Standards and
Machine] (90 min.)
Training telecourse, you should get the motivation to teach your
[1999] T he History Channel produced this overview of the
citizens what information Dispatchers ask for and why they need
history of the first orga nized police force in the U nited S tates:
it. Much o f the hostility the callers "highlighted" in the
The N ew York C ity Police Department. The department's work,
program's analyses would have been defused if they had realized
the issues that have affected the officers, and the personalities
that their, and the responding officers', safety depended on the
that have influenc ed its develo pme nt is exam ined fro m its origin
answers. In any event, a panel several experienced dispatchers
in 1845, through Theodore Roosevelt's tenure as police
discuss and describe their role in relation to:
commissioner, the Roaring Twenties and the resurgence of the
Com munity Oriented Policing (and cranky callers)
Mafia, Serpico and the corrup tion investigations of the seventies,
Crisis Callers (techniques for responding, and the toll on
to CO MST AT and their current activities. It's rather long for ro ll
the dispatcher)
call, but would be useful for a citizens academy or a criminal
Issues related to Domestic Violence
justice class. It's also a good reminder of how the law
Critical Incidents (Tactical and psychological aspects), and
enforcement profession has developed: from political hangers-on
Hate C rimes.
who bought their jo b to the trained professiona ls of today.
(The sections are short enough to use as roll-call material.) They
go on to asse ss reco rded dispatcher re sponses to actual inc idents.
Tape 770: Guns of the Police [Tales of the Gun] (45 min.)
Some of the program is amusing, some is inspiring, but some of
[2000] T his entry in the History Channel's Tales of the Gun
it is harrow ing: audio footage of a wom an who is apparently
series presents an overview of both the law enforcement
murdered during the call is included. So be warned. And be sure
profession and the firearms available to officers. It concludes
to compare the techniques and principles described here with the
with a section on new weapons (especially non-lethal ones) that
policies and procedures of your own department before applying
soon may b e available to the po lice. It may be better suited to
use in a criminal justice overview class or a citizens academy
than for roll call, but whatever group views the program is going
Tape 765: Recognizing Mental Illness -- A Proactive Approach
to know more than it did about police firearms, and why police
PO ST T elecourse (2 hours)
use what they do. By the way, did you know that, at one time,
[February 2000] According to this February 2000 telecourse from
you could buy Thompson submachine guns at hardware stores?
the California Comm ission on Peace Officers Standards and
And aren't you glad times have changed?
Training, the primary mental health institutions are now the jails,
and the primary first response is from law enforcement. To allow
Tape 769: Supreme Court Update -- 2000 (21 m in.)
for use in roll call training, the p rogra m is bro ken into segments
[2000] This prgram from the ALERT series examines three
on the history of public attitudes about mentally illness, the types
Supreme Co urt cases that will affect law enforcement, and why
of mental illness (thought disorders, mood disorders, and
the Court may have decided as it did:
substance abuse), Legal response (in California!), Assessment of
the incident, Suggestions for various types of po lice response
Illinois v. Wardlow, on whether a citizen's flight in a high(plus scenario s), and Op tions for help in the California
crime area a t the appeara nce of law enforc ement officers is a
corrections system, and ideas for proactive response to the
source of reasonable suspicion (the Court said yes).
mentally ill in the com munity.
policy/procedures with those in the training tape before applying
Florida v. JL, on whether suspicion resulting from an
anonymous tip is reasonable suspicion (the Court said no).
Bond v. United States, on whether an exploratory
manipulation of luggage is an illegal search (the Court said yes).
Tape 768: Realistic Firearm s Training Shoo ting Sim ulators
(Demonstration) (19 min.)
[2000] If your agency hasn't had its turn with the FATS machine,
this program, from the ALER T series, will show you what you're
missing. It's basically an overview of how sho oting simulators,
such as the FATS machine work. T he one demo nstrated is the
PRISM system (which shoo ts back). Rem embe r, this is a
DE MON ST RATION tape, so it's not so great for training. But it
doe s make som e useful suggestions for "simulated range" safety
and training system applications.
Tape 767: Police, with Bill Ku rtis (94 min.)
[1997] The Arts & Entertainment Network pro duced this
program, about the history of po licing -- or m ore sp ecifically,
Community Po licing -- in the U nited S tates, and how p olicing is
practiced in major areas. Changes in the police forces of
Charleston, South Carolina; San Diego, California; and Chicago,
and their successe s, are examined . Issues raised during these
profiles include racial discrimination, officer professionalization,
citizen involvement, corruption and abuse of power, development
of good com munity relations, and use of force. Ultimately, the
application of the principles of Community and ProblemOriented P olicing in these cities is dem onstrated. It proba bly
isn't roll-call material, but if you need something for your
citizen's academy or criminal justice overview, it should be
Remembe r, this program wa s made for California officers,
so disc ussion of the state of affairs in Illino is will be needed to
use this program effectively. Also, be sure to compa re
procedures described here with those of your agency before
applying them.
Tape 764: Em otional Survival POST Teleco urse (2 hours)
[No vember 1 999 ] In this intera ctive progra m, recorded in
November, 1999, Dr. Kevin Gilmartin talks with an audience of
California law enforcement officers about the causes of officer
burnout and ways to pre vent the emo tional toll the job takes. I
like this program: he presents these unaddressed problems of law
enforcem ent officers in a non-threatening, humorous,
sympathetic manner. Topics he addresses include the
development of Police Cynicism, the Physical Effects of
continual Hypervigiliance (and the effect of the resulting
depression on the family and the officer), The Development of
Victim Mentality and the "Continuum of Compromise", and How
to Become a Survivor, instead of a victim.
Tape 763: Suicide-by-Cop POS T Telecourses (4 hours)
[July and August 1999] As the introduction to these July and
August 1999 telecou rses po int out, the o ne of the problems with
the term "suicide-by-cop" is that the real shooting victim is not
the shot suspect (the "precipitator"), but the officer. Topics
addressed include an overview of the incidents, background and
behaviors of the suspects (plus a number of very interesting cases
of suspects using officers to attempt suicide), Call Intake (how
dispatchers' questions ca n help), Questions officers should ask
about the situation, Officer training, preparation, and strategies
for handling precipitators. Also included is a discussion of
incident investigation, factors to look for, civil lawsuits, helping
the family of the precipitator, plus Dave G rossm an on post-
traumatic response and pre-incident preparation. (Officer
suicide s-by-cops are not co nsidered here.)
NEMRT Video Catalog (Fiscal Year 2008 -- April 2007), p. 39
citizens. But the program would benefit from scenarios in which
the discussion was demonstrated.
Tape 762: Implementing Comm unity Oriented Policing
(LESAT T eleconference) (2 ho urs, 20 min.)
[M ay 16 , 200 0] The Huntsville, Alab am a, Police D ep artment's
application of the philosophy of community oriented policing,
and how they worked out, is the focus of this May 2000
teleconference from the Law Enforcement Satellite Academy of
Tennesse e. It begins with a d iscussion of what Co mmunity
Oriented Policing is (and isn't), the advantages of applying the
philosophy to officers' work (working smarter, not harder), and
then broad ens into descriptions of ways to go about applying it.
Included are videotaped remarks from the Huntsville (AL) Police
Departm ent's Patro l division, the Bicycle P atrol, the Yo uth
Services Division, a Domestic Violence advocate, its Mounted
Patrol, as well as the city managers. About an hour into the
program, the 20 00 P olice M emo rial W eek m usic video is sho wn.
The song, "On and On They Stand", is by Mark Hutchison
(Athens, TN, Police Dep t.).
Tape 761: Police Use of K-9s (LESAT T eleconference) (2
hours, 20 m in.)
[May 3, 200 0] W hile this program, from the Law Enforcement
Satellite Academy of Tennessee, won't help you train your dog
any be tter, it does give viewers an overview o f the history,
capabilities, and advantag es of K -9 units in law enforc ement.
Includ ed is interesting footage of do gs at wo rk and on trails
(including a cadaver search), and discussion of the physiology of
dog s that make them so useful.
Tape 760: Youth Trends in Law Enforcement (LESAT
Teleconference) (2 ho urs, 20 min.)
[April 5, 2000] Jack Enter is featured in this April 2000 Law
Enforcement Satellite Academy of Tennessee Teleconference
abo ut sources of youth vio lence. Awww, my: this is spooky!
He brings up the changes in the American family, the
replacement of self-worth with self-esteem , incivility,
irresponsibility, the desensitization effects of the media and video
games, and how these have contributed to creating a generation
with inadequate life skills. The program concludes with a
discussion of what law enforcement can do to help. Much of
what he suggests amounts to officers' making themselves, and
making them selves available, as role m odels.
Comp are Enter's remarks with those of Bud H ulsey, who
app ears o n tape #18 7 (T hree W ays to K eep Yo ur Kids O ff
Drugs/Why Drugs): times may change, but people, and what
they need , don't. H e also refers fre qu ently to Dave G rossma n's
book O n Killing (available at the NEM RT L ibrary).
Tape 759: Officer Survival 1998: Center Axis Relock (2 hours,
20 m in.)
[February 4, 1998] Police use of firearms, specifically the Center
Axis Relock (CA R) shoo ting stance, is the topic of this broadc ast
from the Law Enforcement Satellite A cademy o f Ten nessee .
Paul Castle, its developer, describes its origins, its advantages,
and demonstrates the techniques. An analysis of an officer
shooting during a domestic call, and an interview with the
officers involved is includ ed. Although No rth East MultiRegional T raining d oesn't recommend the tactics described in
this program, they are something to think about. Compare them
with agency procedures before using them.
Tape 758: Seizure vs Non-Seizure of Persons (34 min. on 2
[2000] This two-tape program from the ALERT series features
lawyer R andy Means d iscussing the types of citizen contacts
officers make (voluntary/consensual and involuntary/seizure of
person (Terry-type Stops and arrests)), what the conditions are
for the typ es of co ntact, and how to use word s and actions to
achieve the appropriate contact. He refers to court cases that
have affected the levels and lim its of officer contact with
Tape 757: Officer Survival Teleconference (LESAT 2000) (2
hours, 20 m in.)
[February 23, 2000] Although survival tactics are not the focus of
this February 2000 teleconference from the Law Enforcement
Satellite Academy of Tennessee, equipment (mostly body armor)
and training that can protect an officer in dangerous
confrontations are examined. Handcuffing techniques and
shooting techniques are also featured, though. The program
conclude s with a sho rt test, (but the re's no answer ke y, so you'll
have to figure out the answers for yourself). As always, be sure
to compare the information described with departmental
procedures before using it.
Tape 756: Missing & Exploited Children Teleconference
(LESAT 2000) (2 ho urs, 20 min.)
[Janu ary 26 , 200 0] W ith the proliferatio n of elec tronic
communication devices, a missing child or runaway case are
increasingly becom ing technological inve stigations. This
January 20 00 telecon ference from the Law Enforcement Satellite
Academy of T ennessee examines child exploitation and missing
persons, but most of the focus of the program is on the computer
technology that lures them, the cyberstalkers that hunt them, and
the training investigators need to follow and collect the electro nic
trail of evid ence. The program features the National W hite
Collar Crime Institute's videos about online crime (see Tape Set
19, Fighting Cyber Crime). The program concludes with a short
test, (but there's no answer key, so you'll have to figure out the
answers for yourself). As always, be sure to compa re the
information described with departmental procedures before using
Tape 755: Law Enforcem ent and Suicide FBI Teleconference
(2 hours)
[September 22, 1999] Suicide-by-cop, but mostly police officer
suicide, are the topics of this September 1999 FBI
teleconference, presented in conjunction with a conference on the
topic. Panelists include SSA Don Sheehan (FBI Behavioral
Sciences), Dr. James Sewell (Florida Dep t. of Law Enforcement),
and the Re v. Dr. Katherine E llison (M ontclair State U niversity).
They discuss the extent of officer depression, the lack of
resources available to officers to handle the problem; and what
police ma nageme nt and other o fficers can do to help. The last
twenty minutes examines the "suicide-by-cop" phenom enon and
respond ing to citizen suicides.
Tape 754: Video and Law En forcement: Shooting for Justice
FBI Teleconference (2 hours)
[March 15 , 2000 ] The a dvantages of videotap ing crime scenes,
interrogations, and citizen contacts are examined in this March
2000 F BI T eleconference. Sean Walsh (NY CSCA , Office of the
Inspector General), Grant Fredericks (Vancouver City Police
Dept.), Shelley Wennermark (Las Vegas Metropolitan Police
Dept./LE VA ), and Rick B ravo (M iami-D ade Police Dept.)
discuss specialized video uses, and their particular areas of
expertise in vid eo production. Agency policies, equipment,
public-area surveillance use, professional organizations, and the
advantages of its use in police training and courtroom
presentations are discussed. M uch of the pan elists' expertise
came fro m w orking in broa dc ast med ia at some po int, so it's
especially interesting to see how some of their past job
experiences has b een turned to agency be nefit!
Tape 753: Chiefs and the Union: Building a Better
Relationship FBI Teleconference (2 hours)
[Janu ary 19 , 200 0] P anelists D ennis N owicki (Pfeiffer University
Center for Public Service and Leadership), Robert K. Olson
(Minneapolis Police Department), and Ron Palmer (Tulsa Police
Department) talk about establishment of good relations with the
officer union unit in this January 200 0 teleconferen ce. The y also
discuss developing and maintaining good relations with the
NEMRT Video Catalog (Fiscal Year 2008 -- April 2007), p. 40
about when case preparation sho uld begin, M iranda issues,
response to subpoenas, materials that may help the officer on the
witness stand, and some concerns about search and seizure and
Tape 752: Columbine High School – Lessons Learned [LETN
informants. A p ainful demon stration o f what no t to do in court is
Special] (1 hour)
also featured. The program concludes with a short test (but
[April 2 0, 20 00 ] According to the adv ertising of the program 's
there's no answer key, so you'll have to figure out the answers for
availability, released on the first anniversary of the Columbine
yourself). But accepted practices may be different in your
High Scho ol shootings, " the video ex amine s the tactical skills
jurisdiction: be sure to com pare the inform ation d escribed with
needed to manage an intense crisis situation and the emotional
dep artmental pro cedures before using it.
implications for officers involved in such an event." It features
Steve D avis, PIO with the Jefferson Co. (CO) Sheriff's
Tape 745: Crime Scene Investigations (LESAT 2000) (2 hours,
Departm ent, discussing the med ia's interference with
10 m in.)
containment of the scene; and then SW AT officers who we nt into
[M arch 2 2, 20 00] Paul Carro ll (Chica go P olice D epartment, ret.)
the scho ol talking about their experiences. M ichael Dorn, a
provided and ap pears in this March 20 00 teleconference from the
school violence expert, is also interviewed in the studio on the
University of Tennessee's Law Enforcement Satellite Academy
topic of searching students' homes and critical incident planning.
of Tennessee. M ajor issues disc ussed are first respo nd er's
News rep orts from the lo cal me morials are fea tured as well.
respo nsibilities to p reserving a crim e scene, responder safety
(from physical and biological hazards) on the scene, access
Tape 751: Death Notification (Mothers Against Drunk
control, important documentation and reports about the scene,
Driving) (25 min.)
and useful eq uipment for evidence rec overy. W hile the whole
[1995] Although the examples used in this MADD video involve
program is too long for ro ll-call use, it is inform ative, and parts
victims o f DU I incidents, the informatio n presented on ho w to
of it could be helpful for short uses. Two particularly noteworthy
deliver death notifications wo uld ap ply to any type of victim.
segments are footage of the examination of a badly decomposed
Examples of who to include in a notification team, what to expect
bo dy, and an overview of the equipme nt of one of Tennessee's
from the recipients, and wh at officers can d o to he lp are given in
evidence recovery units. Some discussion of law and procedure
the course of the program. Suggestions for "long-distance"
is included: compare it to what is expected in your agency before
notifications and for handing the family at a crime scene, are also
applying such things.
included. An interesting added "angle" are anecdotes from
survivo rs, who tell about notifications-go ne-wro ng (but some tell
Tape 744: They Gave It All: Police Memorial Video 1999 (5
about things they appreciated).
[1999] If you're looking for something to show for Police
Tape 750: Diplomatic and Consular Immunity: Guidance for
Memo rial Da y, this program is a goo d cho ice. This song this
Law Enforcem ent and Judicial Authorities (21 min.)
music video is based upon is by M ark Hutchison (Athens,
[August 1998] The Bureau of Diplomatic Security and the Office
Tennessee, Police Department), which features footage of
of Protocol and the Office of Fo reign M issions p roduced this
officers at work, appreciative citizens – and police funerals. The
overview o f how D iplom atic Imm unity affects law enforcem ent.
comb ination of the song and the footage is very touching, so
It goes over the levels of immunity, the types of
bring a hand kerchief. Paul Carro ll (Chica go P olice D epartment,
diplo matic/consular personnel that ma y have im munity, possible
Ret.) provided this video.
procedures for handling incidents involving such personnel, and
the importance of reporting the incidents to the Department of
Tape 743: Responding to Hate Crimes: A Roll Call Training
State. Several scenarios are featured – such as a shoplifting
Video for Po lice Officers (20 min.)
incident, a fight, and a DUI – along with commentary about how
[1999] This three-part program from the Bureau of Justice
officers could respond. Always compare described procedures
Assistance goes over the difference between hate incidents and
with departm ental ones before app lying them; but you may also
hate crimes, what first responders need to be aware of, and
want to go over your pro cedures to make sure they are up -to-date
resources to help prevent bias crime. Because of its format, the
regarding "immune" people.
video can be used all at once, or over several sessions. Other
issues considered over the course of the program include bias
Tape 749: What's Working in Crime Prevention United
crimes' relation to enhanced penalties, laws and data collection,
Against Crime T eleconference (1 ho ur, 42 min.)
victim response (which is good for any victim response), and
[October 14, 1999] The successes of Freeport, Illinois; downtown
evidence collection. A booklet from the International
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania; Burlington, North Carolina; and
Association o f Chiefs of Police (available on their web site) also
Hillsborough County (Tamp a), Florida, in reducing crime are the
com es with it.
topic of this October 19 99 U nited A gainst C rime T eleco nference.
The basic theme is that "crime prevention strategies do work",
Tape 742: Perfect Disaster Response (The) (17 min.)
and the panelists discuss how their regions came up with their
[1999] If you participated in the September 1999 THUNDER
programs, and how they implemented them. It's a great idea
class North East Multi-Regional Training sponsored, you might
want to look for yourself in this video based on the training. A
ME TRA train has an accident with a chemical truck, and the
Tape 748: Through M y Eyes: Children Exposed to Violence
participants go over the appropriate police and fire service
(9 min.)
response. The narration emphasizes that the first step toward a
[1999] Children exposed to violence learn to expect that violence
safe response is a good plan before an accident takes place.
is a natural part of relationships. This video features remarks and
artwork from child victims of violence, along with clinical
Tape 741: Storm W atch (30 min.)
discussion from child psychology professionals. The program
[1995] The National Weather Service for the Chicago Area uses
focuse s on the effect of the violence, rather than techniq ues to
this video in its tornado-spotting training. It describes the
prevent it. It makes a useful introduc tion to such discussions,
formation of violent storms, how to recognize storms that are
likely to become d angerous, as well as dangerous features o f
those storms. Then the emphasis shifts to elements in a storm
Tape 746: Case Preparation & Courtroom Demeanor (LESAT
that produce tornadoes, and what physical aspects to look for that
1996) (2 ho urs, 8 m in.)
would indicate a tornado's prese nce o r imminent ap pearance .
[1996] An officer's credibility, truthfulness and demeanor can
This program is also available on DVD
easily be called into question o n the witness stand, as this
broadcast from the Law Enforcement Satellite Academy of
Tape 740: Safer Pla ce (A ): Co ping with E lder A buse in Illinois
Tennessee states. The program is intended to inform viewers
(20 min.)
mayor/city manager, influential groups in the community, and
contract nego tiation methods and issues.
NEMRT Video Catalog (Fiscal Year 2008 -- April 2007), p. 41
[c. 1999] This is one of the better elder abuse prevention tapes
Justice System (OJJDP Teleconference) (2 hours)
I've seen. The forms abuse can take (including verbal, financial,
[M ay 1999] According to the information p resented in this
negligent, as well as physical), warning signs (for both observers
teleconference, produced in May, 1999, b y the Office of Juvenile
and overwhelmed caregivers), sources of assistance, and the
Justice and Delinquency Prevention, delinquent girls are
importance of reporting possible abuse to the Illinois Department
generally involved in non-violent or status offenses, and they are
on Aging's hotline are described. But what makes this program
three times mo re likely to have b een victims of sexual ab use.
especially interesting are the remarks from a remorseful elderThe premise of the teleconference is, since the juvenile criminal
abuser. She had been a stressed caregiver, and she tells about
justice system was basically developed to respond to violent
how she got to the point of being abusive, and what others can do
(male) delinquents, female juvenile offenders are not receiving a
to avo id reaching that point.
response appropriate to their crimes or victimization. Three
programs that have had success in helping girls get out of the
Tape 739: Behind Closed Do ors: Elder A buse (13 min.)
cycle of crime are examined : The PACE (Practical Academic
[c. 1999] The Illinois Department on Aging produced this general
Cultural Education) alternative school program from Florida, the
overview of the problem of abuse of the elderly. The types of
Volunteer Probation O fficer Program from Arkansas (providing
abuse, the evidence of abuse (for observers, rather than
mentoring and parenting training for teen mothers on probation
prosecuto rs), the type s of abusers, and how the Illino is
and their families), and the Harriet T ubm an Residential Fac ility
Department on Aging can help end abuse are discussed in the
(and its gender-specific curriculum) in Ne w York.
course of the program. It would be a useful addition to
discussions in crime p revention groups or citizens aca demies.
Tape 733: Psycho path y and Crim inal B eha vior [V iewp oints
from the FBI Academ y] (24 min.)
Tape 738: Crisis on Campus (23 min.)
[1999] Much of the information presented in this 1999 episode
[1999] The Police Executive Research Forum provided this Law
from the Viewpoints from the F BI A cademy appe ars to relate to
Enforcement Television Network broad cast, which features the
Robert D. H are's book Without Conscience: The D isturbing
Naperville, Illinois, Police Department's School Liaison Officer
World of the Psychopaths Among Us. George DeShazor (from
program and its C risis Incident M anagement Plan , as part of its
the FBI's Behavioral Science Unit) presents a general overview
exam ination o f schoo l shootings. Topics considered in this
of what defines a psychopath, recognizable behaviors, and how
program include CPTE D aspects of school design, emergency
psychopaths (criminal and otherwise) affect law enforcement and
drills, practicing the actual crisis response, and responding to the
media. It concludes with a discussion of incident aftermath, and
the function of police so cial workers.
Tape 732: Hum an Factors in Undercover Operations
[Viewpoints from the FBI Academ y] (24 min.)
Tape 737: Dangerous Crossings: A Second Thought (17 min.)
[1993] O ne of the most physically and mentally dangerous
The Burlington No rthern S anta Fe Railroad Police pro vided this
ope rations an officer can p articipa te in is an undercover one.
video , which was pro duced by the M ichigan State P olice.
This 1993 episode features Steve Band (FBI Behavioral
According to the statistics quoted, over 6000 car-train crashes
Sciences Division) examines the effect of covert operations on
take place annually, with 600 deaths resulting from them. The
the officers, and what management can do to minimize the
topic, then, is how to enforce motorist's respect of railroad
"dam age" o n the participants.
crossing signals (and the imp ortance of p reventing vandalism to
the crossing signals). Some of the enforcement suggestions
Tape 731: Weapon Suitability and Safety [Viewpoints from the
might also work for other traffic violations, too. A number of
FBI Academ y] (24 min.)
crashes are shown, including one in which a couple of police
[1993] Although this episode dates from 1993, the issues
officers are killed for ignoring the signal. The train-semi truck
examined – duty weapon (handgun, that is) selection and
collision is especially interesting.
avoiding lead contamination – are still relevant. Three firearm
instructors from the FB I talk about officer size and hand size in
Tape 736: Deadly Force Issues (25 min.)
relation to gun size, hand-strengthening exercises, (unobtrusive)
[1999] Instead of considering circumstances in w hich deadly
holster types, and precautions to avoid lead contam ination w hile
force may be justified, this ALE RT tape examines what is likely
on or around the firearms range. Special issues for pregnant
to hap pen after deadly force has been used . A Kansas C ity
officers are also considered briefly.
(Missouri) officer talks about an incident in which he was forced
to shoot and kill a suspe ct, then va rious instructors and attorneys
Tape 730: Right to Silence & Right to Counsel (50 min.)
discuss tactical training tips, the problems of "second-guessing",
[1999] Law enforcement attorney Randy M eans lectures to
the importance of writing accurate reports, and departmental
viewers abo ut the ba sic con cepts of interro gation rights, in this
"fallout" (what the officer may experience within and outside the
1999 entry in the ALERT and ABLE series. The three rules
dep artment). Th e pro gram conc ludes with Chaplain Bill
considered are The R ight to Silence, the Fifth Amendment
Derryberry's remarks on Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
Miranda Right, and the Sixth Amendme nt Right to Co unsel.
and its symptom s.
Training objectives include
Explaining what rights a suspect can have that could bloom
Tape 735: IPMB A Firearms Training Video (16 min.)
in the context of police interrogation;
[1999] The Tacoma, W ashington, Police Department produced
W hen those rights apply (or have attached, as they say in legalese),
this overview o f firearms training as it applies to bicycle officers.
The rules regarding interrog ation after the assertion of rights,
It doesn't discuss bicycle officer-specific shooting techniques, but
various courses o f fire, under different cond itions that a bicycle
The need of waivers of rights when applicable.
officer is likely to encounter. It's a great program for firearms
Speaker M eans points out that some state laws are more
instructors, for planning specific shooting drills for his or her
restrictive of police action than the Federal Constitution or the
agency's bicycle officers, or for officers interested in improving
Miranda Rule. Be sure to compare the information presented
their own performance. By the way, the International Police
here w ith agency policy and procedure before applying it.
Mo untain Bike Association (IPM BA) disclaimer at the beginning
says something to the effect that this video is for
Tape 729: Sting Operations [Viewpoints from the FBI
training/instructional purp oses o nly, it is intended to b e used in
Academ y] (24 min.)
conjunction with actual firearms training, and trainers and
[April 1999] Sting operations are among the most challenging
trainees need to be careful when applying the suggestions made
and dangerous activities an officer can participate in. Barry
in this program. So use discretion when using the tape.
Abram ow itz, of the Jacksonville (Florida ) State's Atto rney's
Office, appears in this April 1999 program. He d escribes the
Tape 734: What About Girls? Females and the Criminal
"Operation Cellmate" sting operation he helped run, which
NEMRT Video Catalog (Fiscal Year 2008 -- April 2007), p. 42
targeted cellular phone fraud and cloning in Florida. Aspects of
who are genuinely interested in the students, and plain ol'
stings he talks about include officer conduct during an operation,
funding, security (for the officers as well as the operation itself),
asset forfeiture, use of mass med ia (and pro tecting suspects'
Tape 724: Polaroid Dom estic Violence Response Video :
rights), and other investigations that can benefit from the
Health Care Professional Version (10 min.)
operation's findings.
[1997] P olice officers are generally trained to recognize and
document evidence of domestic battering. This program,
Tape 728: 1999-2000 Lega l Update Video (22 min.)
designed for nurses and hospital staff (who may not have such
[1999] The Illinois State Police produced this cursory overview
training), includes information o n recognizing the injuries most
of new legislation, that will (generally) take effect beginning
likely caused during domestic violence, the behavior and body
January 1, 2000. Statutes referred to include 625 ILCS 5/3.405
language of batterers, and the importance of gathering evidence
(Speeding 40 MPH over the po sted limit), 720 ILCS 5/9 -3
of the violence. Polaroid produced the video to help instruct
Involuntary Manslaughter and Reckless Homicide), 625 ILCS 3viewers in the use of their SPEC TRA Autofocus Camera, but the
405 (Application for [car] registration [for State Troopers]), 720
information it give s on photographing victims of vio lence is
ILCS 5/24.6-20 (Aiming a Laser Pointer at a Police Officer), 720
useful, regardless of what kind of camera is used.
ILCS 5/12-3.2 (Domestic Battery) and 12-3.3 (Aggravated
Domestic Battery), 720 5/12-4 (Aggravated Battery), 625 ILCS
Tape 723: Polaroid Dom estic Violence Response Video : Law
5/11-501.4-1 (Ho spital personnel reporting BAC o f accident
Enforcement Version (9 min.)
victims), 7 20 ILCS 5/11 -23 (P osting info rmatio n abo ut peo ple
[1997] Although the primary topic of this program is use of
without their knowledge on a pornographic Internet web site), the
Polaroid's SPECT RA Autofocus Cam era when photographing
Automated External Defib rillator Act, 720 ILC S 5/2 1-1.5
injuries, the discussion between the instructions is an important
(Tampering with anhydrous ammonia equipment), 730 ILCS
encouragement to make photographic documentation of evidence
150 /8 (Photographs of Se x Offenders), 720 ILC S 5/1 1.94 (Child
of domestic violence. The suggestions for what to photograph
sex offenders p revented from being associated with a business
would apply regardless of what kind of camera the officer has
intended to provide services for children), 730 ILCS 150/3 ([Sex
offend er] du ty to register place of em ploym ent), 72 0 ILC S 5/2 4-9
(Firearm accessibility to persons under the age of 14), 720 ILCS
Tape 722: Long Gu n Retention and Disarming Techniques (27
5/11 -9.3 and -9.4 (sex offender pro ximity to children in a pub lic
place), 510 ILCS 70/3.03 (Animal torture), and 625 ILCS 5/12[1999] Officers are m ore likely than ever to en counter susp ects
612 (False/secret compartments in a motor vehicle). The
with long guns, including poachers, drug producers, and even
production values aren't high, but the topic is timely.
suburbanites. And long guns are no longer just shotguns, but
rifles and carbines as well. This program from the ALERT series
Tape 727: At Work, At School, At Worship: Living with Grief
describes and demonstrates the Lindell methods of disarming
(1 hour)
suspects with such guns, and retaining them when the officers
[1999] This edited version of a 1999 Hospice Foundation of
use them themselves. A lot of attention is given to safety issues
America teleconference considers the myths about grief, and the
when learning and practicing the techniques, and the importance
way grief may be expressed and addressed in public life,
of practice (and accurate practice) in learning the techniques. As
including what businesses, schools, and faith communities can do
always, comp are the techniq ues and sugg estions listed here with
to help. One interesting point is that grief relates to loss, not just
department policy before using them.
death, so grieving can be a response to many unexpected
circum stances. Bo th children's and adults' resp onse to loss is
Tape 721: Watchful Sensitivity: Investigating Sudden and
examined. By the way, one of the panelists is the director of the
Un exp lained Infant D eath (49 min.)
New York State Police's employee assistance program, which
[1994] The State of W ashington D eath Investigatio n Co uncil
add s interest.
produced this program for emergency service providers about
responding to infant deaths: SIDS and otherwise. It features
Tape 726: Children Mourning, Mourning Children: Living
interviews with officers who have respond ed to SID S deaths,
with Grief (59 min.)
including one officer whose own child had d ied of SIDS. A
[1995] Although this edited version of a 1995 Hospice
medical examiner also tells about his experiences, and the
Foundation of America teleconference is too long, as a whole, for
importance of an autopsy in determining cause of death. The
roll call use, the top ic of how children grieve, and how a dults
responders talk about the effect of the call on them, how the
grieve for children, is always valuable. Parts of the program may
families reacted, and gentle ways of finding out the things, and
fit well. The aspects of the effect of grief on children that are
doing the things, necessary for the investigation. T he second half
exam ined include: developm ental perspectives of child ren's
of the program is a "debriefing" of all the responders who were
understand ing of loss and exp ression of grief, a child's response
involved with a particular SIDS death. (This second-generation
to life-threatening illnesses, mourning the loss of a child, and
copy was provided by the SIDS Alliance of Illinois. The video
what others can do to help . The drawback of the p rogra m is its
"rolls" some at the beginning, but goes away before the
wide-ranging explo ration o f the topic: it doesn't give any sim ple
interview s begin.)
answers, but the viewers are given food for thought because of
the style of presentation. The beginning and the end may be
Tape 720: Sudden Pediatric Death from a Pa rent's Perspective
useful for roll call.
(50 min.)
[1998] Watch the speaker in this video, from the SIDS Alliance
Tape 725: Prom ising P ractice s for Safe a nd E ffective Schools
of Illinois: her reactions and attitudes are more informative about
Teleconference (90 min.)
responding to grieving people than her lecture. Nurse Nancy
[September 15, 1999] This September 15, 1999, OJJDP
Maruyama, who also lost a child to SID S, discusses ways first
teleconference mixes panel discussions with video clips
respond ers and hea lth care provid ers can help grieving parents,
describing programs various US schools have that have worked
illustrating her points with anecdotes. She also talks about the
well toward preventing violence. It's informative, though not
forgotten grievers (such as siblings and grandparents), and
really roll call material, and the program had some technical
suggestions for follow-up. T he program itself is too long for roll
problem s. The book E arly warning, timely respo nse : A G uide to
call, but parts of it would be useful – and as mentioned earlier, by
safe schools. (W ashington, D.C.: U.S. Department of Education;
watching the speaker, viewers can get an idea of what they are
August 1998.) is one of the bases of the presentation. If you
likely to encounter when responding to the death of a child.
would like a copy, ju st request it with the vid eo. It's startling to
hear how m any of the se pro grams are ultimately based o n adults
Tape 719: Workplace Violence POST Teleco urse (2 hours)
[June 1999] According to the statistics quoted in this program,
NEMRT Video Catalog (Fiscal Year 2008 -- April 2007), p. 43
the num ber o ne cause of death in the wo rkplace for wom en is
witnesses and victims recall important details of events. She
now homicide. T his timely vid eo from the C alifornia
goes over the three stages of crisis reaction, The importance of
Com mission on P eace O fficers Standards and Training telecourse
"psychological first aid" (setting the appropriate environment for
series examines issues that patrol officers need to be aware of
the interview), "m emo ry-jogging" and "tell-mentality"
regarding workplace violence. Topics considered here include
techniques, changing sequence and perspective and explained;
what workplace violence is, threat levels, legal issues and
and then Debra Lees and the moderator give a brief
problem areas, what responding officers and investigators can do,
demo nstration of the process.
working with businesse s to estab lish goo d prevention and safety
plans, and critical incident follow up. A number of case studies
Tape 713: Stress Management in Law Enforcement FBI
of actual incidents (from California and Arizona) are examined,
Teleconference (2 hours)
as well as a demonstration incident. T he end includ es a
[M arch 1 0, 19 99] As mode rator T om C hristenb erry po ints out in
discussion of the advantages and disadvantages of restraining
the introduction to this March 1999 teleconference, the stresses
of law enforcement can produce not only high blood pressure and
other physical effects, but excessive use of force, failed
Tape 718: Search Incident to Arrest and Gender Problems (30
marriages, alcoholism, and suicide. Unless stress is recognized,
it can't be managed effectively. T he pa nelists Dr. Victoria
[1999] T his program from the ALERT series follows up the
Havassy (of Psychological Resources), SSA Don Sheehan (FB I),
information in Tape # 710 (T actical Pat Downs and Frisk Search)
Dr. Ellen Kirschman (author of I Love a Cop), discuss the types
with a demonstration of techniques appropriate to a search
of stress -- cumulative and traumatic -- and their sources and
incident to arre st. The issue of " Span of Contro l" is important to
effects; and coping strategies for police. It won't come as any
such searches, so, since suspects may b e arrested in such p laces,
surprise, but one of the main sources of police stress is the police
searches of a vehicle, a search in an office setting, and in a home,
organization, and officers "addicted to their own adrenalin" are
are also discussed and demonstrated. In order to prevent
one of the main sources of stress on a police family. The
accusations of misconduct, the importance of having at least two
importance of maintaining relationships with people outside of
officers involved is emphasized. Also considered are cross-sex
law enforcem ent (and the difficulties in doing so) is also
searching issues (and the use of observers), suggestions for
emphasized. W atch for the references listed on the screen during
searching prisoners, and custod ial searches of female prisoners in
the "intermission".
particular. The program also includes remarks about legal
considerations. As always, compare the techniques and
Tape 712: Children and the Internet: Street Smarts for the
suggestions listed here with department policy before using them.
Information Super-Highway (UAC Teleconference) (1 hour, 39
Tape 717: Violence Against Children [Viewpoints from the
[July 1999] This program, from the United Against Crime
FBI Academ y] (24 min.)
Teleconference series, condenses information that is also referred
[M arch 1 999 ] Gus Ko lilis (Missouri C apital P olice) appears in
to on Tapes 631 (Protecting Children Online OJJDP
this episode o f Viewpo ints from the FB I Acad emy to discuss
Telecon ference) and 511 (Child Abu se and Exp loitation in
basic investigation tech niques for violent child abuse and child
Cyberspa ce FB I Te lecon ference), and updates it with some b asic
homicide. In addition to explaining how he got involved in the
child safety techniques. Speakers include M ichael Medaris
subject, he examines the problem, abusers and their motives, how
(National Institute of Justice, Office of Juvenile Justice and
to find evidence (including the "Dirty Dozen" suspicious stories),
Delinquency Prevention), Peter Banks (National Center for
and recognizing the difference b etween a homicide and SID S.
Missing and Exploited Children), and Sgt. James Doyle (New
Some pictures are included.
York City Police Dept.). They discuss the ease with which
predators can determine personal information about Internet
Tape 716: Assa ults on Law Enforcem ent O fficers [V iewp oints
users, new sources for crime tips and evidence, and suggestions
from the FBI Academ y] (24 min.)
on how to learn about Cyberspace with the children. Additional
[April 1997] B etween April and June, 1997, Viewpo ints from the
resou rces are listed d uring the break. The main emp hasis is
FBI Academy broadcast three programs about the research that
Parental Supervision and Participation when children use the
led to the 1997 report In the Line of Fire. This program is the
Internet for their protection, both on- and off-line.
first (with the other two being W omen who Kill and Assault
(#651) and Post Assault Support (#666)). In this broadcast, Ed
Tape 711: It Ain't Love (58 min.)
Davis (FBI) discusses the basic methodology and findings of the
[1997] T he FACE S improvisational theater group of New Yo rk
report, the history of FB I research into assaults on officers,
City, which is made up of teenagers, discuss the dating and
changes in demographics of assaulted officers between 1992 and
dom estic violence that has gone on in their own relationships.
1996, and what the findings may mean to officers. Also included
They compile and discuss incidents in which they were abused
are a couple of brief video clips of interviews with offenders and
(or more interestingly, ab usive) to create a show on the topic, to
be presented to other teens. The video goes on to show the
changes within the FACES group (between the boys and the
Tape 715: Truth or Deception [Viewpoints from the FBI
girls) as the relationships are discussed and examined. The box
Academ y] (24 min.)
says "This program contains strong language and frank
[May 19 96] Bo dy Language, or non-verbal response, is Sue
discussions o f sex. Pa rental discretion is advised" , and it's true:
Adams' topic, in this May 1996 program. This representative of
the teens have trouble compo sing sentences without the word
the FBI's Communications Unit discusses the two-step process
f***. The subject is valuable, but the urban experiences and the
for determining deception, which begins with determining what
teens' New York dialect work against it. It's a good "idea" tape,
normal behavior is for the suspect, and then watching for signs of
and parts of it may be good for illustrations, but it's somewhat
"stress". She talks about these physiological changes (sweating,
long for class use.
itching, breathing, "twitching", eye movement, etc.). It features
video clips of people being interviewed and being "dec eptive". It
One of the sc ary thing about this program is how apt the title
doe sn't go in to a lot of de tail, but it is also sh ort eno ugh to hold
is: these teens really don't know what love is supposed to look
viewer interest.
like, except in a sexual context, because they evidently have
never seen it. Courtesy in a relationship seems to be an alien
Tape 714: Cognitive Interviewing [Viewpoints from the FBI
concept to them. If they are an example of what other teens are
Academ y] (24 min.)
like, it should give viewers a who le new respect for what juvenile
[April 1996] De bra Lees (FBI C ommunications Unit) is the
and school liaison officers have to face.
featured speaker in this April 1996 program. She describes the
Cognitive Interviewing technique, a method which helps
NEMRT Video Catalog (Fiscal Year 2008 -- April 2007), p. 44
Tape 710: Tactical Pat Downs and Frisk Searches (Searches of
Tape JOB 706 : Conflict Resolution Interven tion in a Ja il
Persons 1) (28 min.)
Setting (9 min.)
[1999] Routine procedure is good as long as it is good procedure,
[circa 199 5] T his Jail O perations V ideo Bulletin is intended to
and this program from the ALER T series encourages officers to
assist jail officers in developing their ability to apply the
establish a systematic method of examining suspects for
"Conflict Resolution Interventio n" method of conflict resolution.
weap ons. A Courteous head-to-toe basic frisk search is
It describes the importance of resolving conflicts without using
dem onstrated, while the frisking officer d escribes appropriate
violence, how the process works, when its use is appropriate, the
methods for searching, and the importance of remembering that
selection of the third-party "intervene r", the steps of the pro cess,
common objects may not be what they appear (for instance,
and the benefits of applying the intervention method.
pagers and wallets may actually be weapons). Incidentally, one
of the ke y tips is to keep the suspect (physically) off-balance.
Tape 705: Charity Con Video (16 min.)
Randy Means, law enforcement lawyer, discusses the legal
[No vember 1 998 ] This interesting AARP video goes well with
issues, including the extent and limits, of a frisk search. As
Tape Set 17 (Don't Fall for a Telephone Line: Stop
always, comp are the techniq ues and sugg estions listed here with
[Telemarketing] Fraud P rogra m K it): this one focuses o n charity
dep artment policy before using them.
telemarketer fraud. It features interviews with victims of
fraudulent donation requests and a currently-incarcerated
Tape 709: Dom estic Violence: Law Enfo rcem ent Resp onse
telemarketer, that show the extent of the problem, and the impact
FBI Teleconference (2 hours)
on legitimate ch arities. It concludes with a list of tips on how to
[May 19 99] Yo u'll have to listen carefully for all the useful
set up your own charity giving plan, and avoid being a victim.
investigative and prosecution tips in this May 1999 FBI
teleconference. The main training concerns are the issues that
Tape 704: Scho ol Violence Prev ention: P ast Lessons, Future
complicate domestic violence investigations, and what policies
Promises (FBI and United Against Crime Teleconference) (1
other agencies are developing to help; but useful information on
hour, 53 m in.)
abuser personality and behavior traits, stalking, strangulation,
[May 1999] In May, 1999, the FBI and the United Against Crime
cross-jurisdictional prosecutions, and the importance of
Network held a joint teleconference on critical incidents that
recognizing the effect of domestic violenc e on children also
have taken place in schools. Responders to the school shootings
app ears. P anelists include S SA G eorge DeSha zor, Jr. (FB I), Sgt.
in Springfield, Oregon, and Jonesboro, Arkansas, talk about what
Lori McIntyre (Nassau Co. Po lice Dept.), and Capt. Mary Ann
took place, and what the local departments' response was. Other
Papili (Delaware State Police).
segments include a discussion of behaviors that may indicate a
violence-prone youth, the Scholastic Crime Stoppers program
Tape 708: Mental Illness: Po lice Respo nse (16 min.)
(which assists students in being able to report school crime), the
[1995] Encounters with the mentally ill can be some of an
Center for Prevention of School Violence, and the SAFE
officer's most complicated and time-consuming calls. Officer
program. A particularly interesting section is the discussion by
responsibilities, with regard to the Americans with Disabilities
the media officer from Arkansas who describes the conduct of
Act, when encountering a mentally ill subject, are the main focus
the mass media immediately after the Jonesboro shooting.
of this program from the Police Executive Research Forum. Part
1, on me thods of assessm ent and stabilization, is the most
directly useful: it describes obligations under the ADA, signs of
mental illness, suggested sources of assistance, and suggested
Tape 703: Who W e Are, How We G rieve: Living with Grief (1
techniques for approaching the consumer (the preferred term for
someone with a m ental illness). Part 2, CO P R esources, stro ngly
[1998] Grieving and cultural (and social) diversity is the topic of
enco urages the viewers to get to kno w their co mmunities, and to
this 1998 Hospice Fo undation of America panel program. The
look for resources that can help them help the consumers they are
panelists discuss the various ways people grieve, the importance
likely to encounter.
of rituals, and how resp onders can help then thro ugh the process.
Top ics include the individuality of grief; the roles of culture and
Tape 707: Resp ond ing to School V iolence Part 2: Crisis
spirituality on grief, the influence of age, sex, and class on grief,
Response and Action – Comm unity Policing 2 (39 min.)
and the imp lications for caregivers or respond ers.
[1999] The Highland, Illinois, school district's Code Red system
for rep orting and responding to violence in sc hools is the main
Tape 702: After Sudden Loss: Living with Grief (62 min.)
focus of this video from the ALERT series. School
[1996] This 1996 panel program, from the Hospice Foundation of
administrators and police officials talk about how the plan for
America, features experts in grief management and counseling
reporting emergencies in the school works, and what other
who discuss the effect of unexpected death on the family and
relationships (such as school/police cooperation) need to be in
friends of the deceased. The issues examined include sudden
place to maintain a secure educational environment. Other
loss and how it complicates the grieving process, what can be
concepts mentioned include public relations, school resource
done to help survivors, how communities can prepare for
officer function and conduct, truancy issues, aggressive behavior
responding to sudden loss, and how caregivers or responders can
de-escalation, and expectations of students' property being
be helped.
Tape 701: Responding to School Violence pt. 1: The Warning
Tape 706: Responding to School Violence: Legal
Signs [Comm unity Policing 2] (40 min.)
Considerations in School Searches & Interviewing (29 min.)
[1999] AL ERT produced this program for law enforcement
[1999] R andy Mea ns, law enforcement attorney, talks about
agencies to share with the staff of the schools in their area. It
various court cases that relate to school administrator and police
demonstrates the importance of school/law enforcement
searching of students' property and getting information from
cooperation in preventing violence in schools. Police and school
students, in this program from the ALERT and AB LE video
adm inistrators talk about the extent and types of vio lence in
series. Interesting aspects include the use of students as
schools, factors that contribute to violence, the function of school
informants, and the use of scent-detection dogs. While the
resource officers, dealing with the early stages of inter-student
information is important, especially to school liaison officers or
violence (such as teasing), and the warning signs. Attorney
school administrators, the presentation is not flashy. As Randy
Randy Means concludes the program with a discussion of what
Means points out, be sure to make yourself aware of state laws
school officials can do to manage liability. The schools and
on the same subjects: some states have more restrictive laws
police interviewed are mainly from central Illinois and Missouri,
than the court cases described.
which adds to its interest.
Tape 700: Dom estic Terrorism PO ST T elecourse (2 hours)
NEMRT Video Catalog (Fiscal Year 2008 -- April 2007), p. 45
[March 19 99] This M arch 1999 telecourse describes the
Factors and Successful Interventions OJJDP Teleconference
ideologies and tactics of the extremist anti-government groups
(2 hours)
currently ope rating in the United States, though som e attention is
[Septem ber 17 , 1998 ] Neve r Too Early, N ever T oo La te: Risk
given to international terrorism. The first half focuses on the
Factors and Successful Interventions for Serious and Violent
history of U.S. extremist groups, their intentions and their tactics
Juvenile Offenders is a 1997 repo rt produced by the Study Group
for intimid ating those who opp ose the m. T he second half
on Serious and Violent Juvenile Offenders. In this September
examines ho w officers can reco gnize mem bers of such gro ups,
199 8 program, the researchers describe the findings of their
and suggestions for how to approach the individuals. The
research, the indicators of violent offending, components of
terrorist techniques, which include such things as frivolous
successful interventions, and specific programs that apply the
lawsuits, liens, "roughing up" government representatives, right
components. They also answer questions from teleconference
on up to hunting down police officers, are especially interesting.
viewers. Speakers include: Rolf Loeber (University of
Pittsburgh), John W ilson (Deputy Administrator, OJJD P), Frank
Tape 699: Back from the Brink: Saving America's Cities by
Sanc hez (D elinquency P revention Progra ms, B oys and G irls
Design (57 min.)
Clubs of America), and Judge Glenda Hatchett (Fulton Co.
[1996] The upshot of this video, from the American Architectural
Juvenile Co urt, Atlanta, Georgia). The pro gram isn't roll-call
Foundation, is that changing citizens' attitudes about their
material, but juvenile and school liaison officers wo uld benefit
community through thoughtful community design, will revitalize
from hearing the d iscussion and rec omm endations.
that community. And while it is not directly stated, good citizen
attitudes lead to reduced crime. Of the three cities considered in
Tape 691: Cultural Diversity in Am erica (United Ag ainst
this program, two were dying communities (Suisun City, CA;
Crime Teleconference) (1 ho ur, 50 min.)
and Chattanooga, TN ), and one had grown too big too fast
[1998] Dep. Chief Ondra Berry, of the Reno (Nevada) Police
(Portland, OR). The pro gram describes how the cities were
Department, regularly comes to the Chicago area to present
brought "back from the brink". This environmental design video
workshops on cultural diversity. If you have never been to one,
was the most recommended title on a recent CPTED (crime
here's your chance to se e what you've been m issing. In this
prevention through enviro nmental design) training bib liograp hy:
program, taped at the 19 98 N ational Crime Prevention Counc il
it's a useful "idea" video.
Annual Conference, he discusses the contributions that different
types of people (and not specifically different ethnic groups, but
Tape 698: Legal Considerations in Report Writing (26 min.)
different sexes o r temp eram ent styles and such as well) make to
[1999] W hile this ALER T and A BLE tape is about report writing
an organization. He also discusses the development of culture,
in general, use of force reports make up the main emphasis of the
and impo rtance of learning about peop le different from oneself.
program. Law enforcement attorney Randy Means discusses the
Dep. Chief Berry is almost as funny as George Tho mpson, and
impo rtance of truthfulne ss in police rep orting and liab ility
far mo re pleasant, so the pro gram is entertaining to wa tch as well
concerns. Police instructor Teresa Carton (Eastern Missouri Law
as informative. (His demonstration of the different types of
Enforce ment T raining Center) is also featured . As always,
temperam ents is a stitch!)
compare what is described here with your agency's policies and
Tape 690: Misconduct to Corruption: Avoiding the Impending
Crisis FBI Teleconference (2 hours)
Tape 697: Report Writing 1: The Basics (33 min.)
[January 13, 1999] In Dec ember, 1997 , the National Executive
[1999] This ALERT tape features police instructor Teresa Carton
Institute developed a guide called Misconduct to Corruption:
(Eastern Missouri Law Enforcement Training Center), who talks
Avoiding the Impending Crisis. The principles to prevent
about past problems with report writing techniques, and
corruption and loss of control were developed and tested with the
examines good report writing tools and techniques. Viewers are
New Orleans Police Department. This January 1999 program
reminded that reports are not written for the law enforcement
goes over the ways the guide described for determining where
agency, but for the insurance companies, attorneys, probation
problems exist, how to deal with them, how to reduce misconduct
officers, and so on; so officers need to report the facts and
and corruption, and how to minimize the risk of corruption in the
evidence in a way that they can all understand. The importance
future. Panelists include Steve Rothlein (Uniform Service
of making unbiased field notes is emphasized.
Division /Miami-Dade Po lice Department), Col. Kim Ward
(Baltimore Co. Police Department), and Unit Chief Michael
Tape 695: Searches of Persons (58 min. on 2 tapes)
Ferrence (Leadership & Management Science Unit, FBI
[1999] This videotaped lecture from the ALERT and ABLE
Academy). They talk about the effect of agency culture on
series features attorney Randy M eans, who discusses important
misconduct, how the media can help in responding to officer
issues relating to searching people. Part One of the two-tape set
misconduct, and how the "redemption" process worked in New
examines Minnesota v. Dickerson and the plain-feel doctrine;
Orleans. It's a surprisingly interesting program, though when the
what a frisk search actually is and when (or if) it is permitted;
panelists are confro nted with questions ab out officer's respo nse to
permitted extent of a frisk, and threat factors. The topic then
miscond uct of superiors, they can't give any specific pro cedures.
changes to searches incident to an arrest, inventory search rules
and procedures, and discovery of evidence. Part Two continues
Tape 689: Managing Deadly Force Training: Questions and
exam ining issues of searches inc ident to arrest, relating to
Issues FBI Teleconference (2 hours)
probable cause; then goes on to strip and body cavity search
[November 18, 1998] This November 1998 teleconference
considerations, searches incident to a change in custody, and
examines the elements, and the importance, of valid police
examining items that have been held after a search.
survival training. Several of the panelists were victims of
assaults, and they talk about what was right about their training,
Tape 694: B.J. Le arns ab out Federal an d Triba l Court (10
and what should have been different. Ed Davis (Behavioral
Science U nit, FB I), Ge ne Cassidy (B altimore Police D epartment,
[April 1992] T he subtitle of this 1992 video is "For Native
who was b linded in a shoo ting), Peggy Sullivan (Fairbanks,
American Children Required to Testify in Court". For that
Alaska, Police Department, who had also been shot), Shannon
matter, it would be use ful for any children who have to testify in
Bohrer (Firearms Training Unit, FBI). The statistics from the
court, or for citizen academies as an ov erview of the person nel in
Law Enforcement O fficers Killed and Assaulted series are
a courtroom and their functions. A boy is nervous about having
described and analyzed. Interestingly enough, accidental police
to testify in court, and his friends and their grandmother show
deaths (car and aircraft accidents) are greater than they have ever
him what to expect. The production values aren't high, but the
been. Also included in this program is a long discussion of the
information is presented clearly.
value of FATS training, and a number of videotaped interviews
with suspects (now inmates) who had shot officers, and officers
Tape 692: Serious a nd V iolent Juvenile Offenders : Risk
who had survived shoo tings.
NEMRT Video Catalog (Fiscal Year 2008 -- April 2007), p. 46
Tape 688: Disaster Management [Viewpoints from the FBI
Tape 682: Interpol: The International Link [Viewpoints from
Academ y] (48 min.)
the FBI Academy] (24 min.)
[January/February 1999] W hen TW A Flight 800 exploded over
[April 1998] "Crime d etection doesn't have to stop at the
the ocean on July 17, 1996, the agencies called on to respond had
borders," they say in this April 1998 program. John Imhoff, then
one of the largest possible crime scenes in history to protect. In
Chief of the National Central Bureau for Interpol, talks about
this program from early 1999, Lt. John O'Brien describes the
how Interpol can help state and local law enforcement agencies
management of this disaster. In Part 1, The Respo nse, he talks
around the world find and distribute inform ation abou t criminals.
about the initial response, the coordination of the numerous
He describes what Interpol really is (for instance, there is no such
agencies that were required to respond to the disaster, tactical
thing as an Interpol agent), telecommunications network Interpol
responsibilities, and dealing with the media. In Part 2, The
maintains, and its history; and how to access and benefit by the
Recovery, he discusses the things the responders learned from
network. This program might also work well with citizen
this emergency. As their responsibilities changed from recovery
academies, as an example of international law enforcement
to investigative efforts, such issues as evidence management,
evidence chain of custody, processing the bodies, and protecting
the enormous crime scene, were raised. He emp hasizes the
Tape 681: Homicide by Poisoning [Viewpoints from the FBI
importance of disaster/emergency training, because the
Academ y] (24 min.)
responding agencies' previous training helped them cope with the
[Decembe r 1997] Spe cial Agent Art W estveer and toxicologist
pressures of the situation. He also describes how the agencies
John T restrail appear in this De cemb er 199 7 program to d iscuss
respo nded to the victims' families and how the departments
this most difficult crime to detect. They discuss the problems
organized to handle the routine matters during the disaster
with investigating deaths that appear natural but may be
poisonings, poisoner profiles, examining the (multiple) crime
scene, the ways poison is administered, and things to look for at
Tape 686: Fatal Fire Investigations [Viewpoints from the FBI
the death scene (and things medical examiners should remember
Academ y] (24 min.)
to look for). The specific poisons they mention include arsenic,
[Oc tober 1998] According to this O ctober 19 98 p rogra m, arso n is
cyanide, and strychnine.
a growing problem in the United States, and a crime for which
evidence is often disguised. Investigators Art We stveer and
Tape 680: Firearms Training Philosophy [Viewpoints from the
Gene W est discuss death investigations when the death is related
FBI Academ y] (24 min.)
to a fire. Other issues considered include the importance of
[April 1995] The guest on this April 1995 program is Wade
working with the fire marshal or fire department and the medical
Jackson, at that time chief of the Firearms Training Unit of the
examiner, ideal investigation procedures, scene reconstruction,
FBI Aca demy. He discusses the three-tiered firearms training
and what kind of evidence to look for. The importance of calling
process at the acad emy: basic marksm anship , to "co mba t"
in the experts as quickly as possible is strongly emphasized.
shooting (street applications), to judgmental skills, and the effect
the M iami Shooting had on the FB I's firearms training program.
Tape 685: Police Pursuit [Viewpoints from the FBI Academ y]
He also describes the variables in firearms training, from stances
(24 min.)
to weapons issued, the "Quick Incapacitation" target, the
[September 1998] Lt. Don M etcalf, of the Carlsbad (California)
Academy's firearms ranges (and how you can achieve the same
Police Department appears in the Septemb er 19 98 p rogra m, to
effect "on the cheap"), and evaluation methods.
describe what effective and comprehensive pursuit policies
should contain to best protect officers and the community. He
Tape 679: Partnership in Education [Viewpoints from the FBI
goes over the elem ents of a good po licy, three p arts of a p ursuit
Academ y] (24 min.)
that need to be covered (inception, continuance and
[March 1995] Dr. Lois Knowles , of the University of Virginia,
discontinuance), and considerations for the necessary
appears in this program from March 199 5, to discuss the
intergovernmental agreements (and intergovernmental
partnership betwe en the U niversity and the F BI A cademy. T his
program isn't roll-call material, but it is good for criminal justice
instructors at institutions of higher education and police
Tape 684: Law Enforcement in the Information Age
managers and tra iners, as a dem onstration of the valuab le
[Viewpoints from the FBI Academ y] (24 min.)
relationship between education and training. She talks about the
[August 1998] This philosophical program from August, 1998,
history of the partnership, its organization, and its many
features Bob Hall (FBI Acad emy instructor), who describes the
functions, particularly in international police training.
importance of managing the many forms information takes in the
modern po lice department, so it is available and usable in the
Tape 678: Bloodborne and Airborne Pathogens (45 min.)
future. He describes the ways information is gathered (at crime
[1999] According to this ALERT tape, OSHA estimates that
scenes and such), how it is stored, how it is accessed, and the
about six million workers are at risk of exposure to bloodborne or
impo rtance of organizing it with a system that makes it easy to
airborne pathogens. The topics discussed in this program include
retrieve. Digital imaging is also discussed briefly. Little is said
sourc es of infec tion that law enforc ement officers are likely to
on information retrieval, but the basic ideas behind organizing
encounter; the diseases themselves, especially Hepatitis B and C
information are considered. It's a great program for getting ideas
and Tuberculosis; things officers can and should do to protect
to organize processes at your department.
themselves from exposure, decontamination procedures, and
training sources. Police officers and health professionals from
Tape 683: Com m unication in Po lice Training [Viewp oints
the St. Louis (M issouri) are featured in the presentation. W hile
from the FBI Academ y] (24 min.)
AIDS is discussed, protection from H epatitis (B and C) and
[July 1998] In spite of its "soft" title, the topic of this 1998
Tuberculosis, which are potentially far mo re dangero us to
program from the Viewpoints from the F BI A cademy series is
officers, are emphasized. You may c huckle, but a se gment is
how to train police officers more effectively, and to get them
also included on goo d handwashing techniques.
involved in the learning process. B ob H all (of the F BI A cademy)
discusses the learning process, the Instructional Pyramid (and
Tape 677: Investigating Financial Exploitation Against the
how to apply it when designing training sessions), and the
Elderly Interactive Teleconference (2 ho urs, 25 min.)
impo rtance of "attacking" the senses in order to help students
[March 11, 1999] As Patrick Vaughan states in the introduction
retain information. Indirectly, he demonstrates the elements of
to this Marc h 199 9 teleconferen ce, its purpose is to ad dress
good visual aids, with a "public service announcement" training
issued related to financial crimes against the elderly. The
video on co mmunicab le disease transm ission. B ecause of its
specific focus is investigative strategies for cases of exploitation,
length, the topics aren't explored in detail; but the program does
and application o f the Illinois criminal statutes. Sp ecial em phasis
give a useful overview and introdu ction to the learning pro cess.
is placed on instances when the perpetra tor is a friend or a family
mem ber, and using alterna tive and com munity resourc es in
investigations. Sp eakers includ e Chief James L. Roche (St.
Charles Police Department), Special Investigator Edward
Hazewski (D elaware D ep artment of Justice), Asst. State's
Atto rney Au gusta R. Clarke (DuP age C o. State's Attorney's
Office), and Asst. Attorney General Margaret O'Connell (Office
of the Illinois Attorney General).
NEMRT Video Catalog (Fiscal Year 2008 -- April 2007), p. 47
equipment, lack of training, lack of physical ability, fear, and
anger; and what officers and departments can do to prevent them.
Tape 676: Subject Control and Compliance 2: Ground Control
and Defen se (26 min.)
[1998] According to the information in this program, most fights
with suspects end up on the ground. This program from the
ALER T series features trainers Steve Kaminski and Brad Inm an,
who discuss and demonstrate various techniques for subduing
attackers from a prone position. Good training safety procedures
are described before the techniques are, so be sure to follow them
when trying these moves. Also check with departmental policy
as to the appropriateness of the techniques before applying them.
Tape 675: Probable Cause and Reasonable Suspicion 2: The
Suspicion Fa ctors (44 min.)
[1998] This program from the ALERT & A BLE series features
attorney Randy Means examining ways of "aggregating"
probable cause and reasonable suspicion factors, so that a person
(for instance) can be stopped or questioned. While the program,
necessarily, includes a lot of lecturing, there is an ongoing
scenario that helps illustrate the factors described. As always,
check with the agency's legal counsel and departmental policy
about the current state of the law on these issues.
Tape 674: Ethical Decision Making in Law Enforcement POST
Teleco urse (2 hours)
[November 19, 1998] Although the format of this forum on
Police Ethics, bro adcast Novembe r 19, 199 8, do esn't lend itself
to use during roll call, it does give practical insights on how
officers can mo st hono rably p erform their duty to their
profession, their agency, and themselves. Representatives from
several law enforcement agencies and ad vocacy gro ups discuss,
round table-style, issues o f discretionary justice, co mmunity,
entitleme nt, Code of Silence, and N oble Cause Co rruptio n.
Officers are given guides for making their own decisions about
what is ethical conduct. The segments are short enough to be
used in several sho rt training sessions.
Tape 673: Probable Cause and Reasonable Suspicion 1: The
Concepts (23 min.)
[1994] This talky program from early in the ALERT & AB LE
series features attorney Randy Means examining the way
probable cause and reasonab le suspicion can be determined, and
what is involved in verifying reasonable suspicion. He also
describes how to explain "gut reaction" so that it may be
recognized as reasonable suspicion.
Tape 672: Emergency Vehicle Operation (29 min)
[1998] The main topic of this AL ER T & AB LE program is
Police Driving: the routine driving officers do that is not related
to pursuits, though pursuits are considered. According to the
statistics attorney B ob T hom as quotes, most po lice traffic
accid ents take place during routine driving. He then goes on to
list the liabilities, and the conditions that lead to driving
accidents, and how they can be avoided. Don't laugh, but one of
the most common type of accidents is backing into stationary
objec ts. Other topics include supervisory monitoring of pursuits,
and use of force issues related to pursuits. Close officer
familiarity with state and departmental pursuit policy is part of
the risk management plan presented here.
Tape 671: Managing Force Escalations (36 min)
[about 1995] This talky program from early in the ALERT &
ABLE series features attorney Randy Means, who examines
"reasonable force", and accep table comp ared with unaccep table
force escalations. He then goes into interesting detail about the
five factors that lead to unacceptable force escalations: lack of
Tape 670: Make Your Case: Basic Law Enforcement
Photography (21 min.)
[September 1998] The Polaroid Corporation provided this video,
which features Ed G affey's crash course lecture on how to take
crime scene photographs. W ithin the major topics, attention is
given to photographing victims, night photography, photography
of skin (like tattoos), optics, film selectio n, and equip ment. It is
useful, general, o verview that isn't Po laroid product-specific
(though Polaroid products are demonstrated and referred to).
Tape 669: Victim s of Frau d: Beyond Finan cial Loss (20 min.)
[1998] The Office of Victims of Crime produced this program,
mainly about the effect of fraud on victims. Other topics include
the types of fraud citizens might encounter, and the function of
Victim-W itness Coordinato rs. It consists mostly of statements
from victims, investigators, and coordinators. The range of
services victims may need is also considered.
Tape 668: Law Enforcement Management, Pts. 1 and 2
(Viewpoints from the FBI Academ y) (48 min.)
[January and February 1998] This two-part program features
Capt. Teresa Chambers (Prince George's County, Virginia, Police
Department), who describes how to apply Tom Blanchard's One
Minute M anager techniques to a law enforcement agency. In
part one, she goes over the principles of goal-setting, praising,
and reprimands, and how to comb ine them. In part two, she
discusses the p rinciples of situational lead ership (that is to say,
the leadership style is dependent on the situation and the follower
being led). Topics include the four types of leadership style, the
types of people who are "led", and how the different leadership
styles will help them. Even better, she talks about how these
principles are app lied at he r agency, and gives examp les of their
Tape 667: Casino G am ing in Your H om e To wn (View poin ts
from the FBI Academ y) (24 min.)
[August 1997] This conversational program features Chief
Tom my Mo ffett (Biloxi, Mississippi, Police Department), who
talks about the concerns cities need to address when they
consider having casino gambling. Some of the unanticipated
results Biloxi faced included an increase in crime-related issues
(fraud, vice, and domestic violence), increased numbers of
homeless people, police agency employees who gamble (the
effect on possible job assignments and secondary employment),
and the importance of including the police department in the
planning committee for pro jected casino s.
Tape 666: Post Assault Support (Viewpoints from the FBI
Academ y) (24 min.)
[June 1997] Ed Davis, of the FBI Academy's Behavioral
Sciences unit, talks about the findings from the 1997 rep ort In the
Line of Fire. In this conversational program, he talks about how
officers are affected by b eing assaulted in the line of duty. A
number of short interviews with victim officers are included, who
talk about good things their departments did, as well as the bad
things. As the title suggests, this program would be helpful for
departments (as well as individual officers) to analyze their own
current practices.
Tape 665: Coaching the Problem Em ployee (Viewpoints from
the FBI Academy) (24 min.)
[Decemb er 1993] In this conversational program from 199 3, John
Velier (Unit Chief of the FB I's Education/Com munic ation A rts
Unit) talks about the impo rtance of restoring em ployees to their
full contributing abilities. He discusses the difference between
problem and "problemed" employees, the types of problem
officers, how supervisors contribute to creating problem
employees, methods of setting up coaching sessions, and the
importance of documentation. Departments have a lot of time
and money invested in their officers, and as John Velier points
NEMRT Video Catalog (Fiscal Year 2008 -- April 2007), p. 48
out, it's more effective (and cost-effective) to correct the problem
of harassment can take. The importance of having policies
than to get a new employee. Th e pro gram is short, but pithy.
regarding harassm ent, and the administrato rs' obligatio n to
enforce them, plus suggestions for making the policies clear, and
Tape 664: Speeches They'll Remember (Viewpoints from the
what the policy should include, are also included. The program
FBI Academ y) (24 min.)
concludes with an application of the 1998 Suprem e Court
[December 1992] This conversational, and enthusiastic, program
decision Oncoli v. Sundowner Offshore Services (and several
features Larry L evine (Education and Communicatio ns Arts
earlier decisions) to the law enforcement environment
Division at the FBI Academy) who gives some practical tips on
giving public presentations. He emphasizes the importance of
Tape 655: Control Holds and Take Downs (30 min.)
the parts of a speech (the beginning, body, and conclusion), the
[1994] T his program from the ALERT series features Larry
importance of structure, as well as that of doing the research on
Smith (San Diego Police Dep artment, retired) discussing and
the topic of the speech, and ways of making the speech
demonstrating various subject control/pain compliance
mem orab le. The con versational style o f speec hmaking is
techniques. One unique feature of this program it the attention
emphasized. Even practiced speakers are likely to get some
paid to training and practice techniques, and how to apply the
useful information out of this interesting program.
techniques mo st effectively. A s with all defensive tactics, d on 't
app ly these techniques until you've com pared them with
Tape 663: Effective Courtroom Testimony (46 min. and 1 hour)
departmental policy, and until you've practiced them the right
[October and N ovember 19 98] This talky program from the
ALE RT Series features attorney Randy M eans, along with
several police officer-attorneys from . In Part 1, Preparing for
Tape 654: Managing C ivil Disobed ience POST Teleco urse (2
Court, they discuss how to establish Credibility on the street, and
later, in the courtroom. Other topics include the Brady Rule and
[July 1998] A number o f California police officers who respond
related court decisions about the availability of information about
to civil disobe dienc e app ear in this July 1998 P OS T telecou rse to
officer dishonesty and biases; and things officers should do (as
discuss police response to public protests. They discuss the
well as learn about: imp ortant court cases, for instance) to
history of civil disobedience, the techniques protestors are using,
prepare for testifying.
and the planning and decisions that need to be made before and
after responding to a protest. Other topics discussed include
In Part 2, Principles and Performance, attorney Randy M eans
crowd mentality, law enforcement objectives, po ssible protest
gives some direct and practical tips on how to look and act in and
sites, tactical fundamentals, force options, mass arrest/booking,
around a courtro om. L ittle scenarios are used to demon strate
criminal investigations, and incident docum entation. Also
inapp ropriate co nduct.
included is a d iscussion of the use of pepp er spray and med ia
relations, along with video footage of police response to protests.
Tape 662: Domestic Abuse by Police Officers FBI
Teleconference (2 hours)
Tape 653: Street Gangs: What Law Enforcement Can Do
[September 1998] This September 1998 teleconference addresses
(Viewpoints from the FBI Academ y) (24 min.)
the pro blem of do mestic violence in police families. Participa nts
[June 1998] In this June, 1998, program, John Lanata, of the
in this discussion, wh ich was filmed w ith a live audienc e at a
FBI's Behavioral Sciences Unit, continues his discussion of
conference on the topic include SSA Don Sheahan (FBI
gangs by examining what law enforcement officers can about
Behavioral Sciences Unit) Dr. Vincent B. Van H asselt (Nova
gangs in their community. He describes methods of recognizing
Southeastern University), Dr. Eleanor Pam (John Jay College of
gang members, the ways gangs spread , gangs in prisons,
Criminal Justice), and Bonnie J. Cam pbell (V iolence Ag ainst
projections for the future and their crime trends (for instance,
Women Office). {Every so often, the picture starts to jump
statistics appear to indicate that revenge arsons are increasing),
around on this video: if you have any trouble, please let me
and what law enforcement agencies can do to prevent gang
know. SLC}
growth. Interestingly enough, Lanata believes that the
breakdown of family structure is the main reason for gang
Tape 660: Jan e: A F ilm (25 min.)
growth. He concludes with remarks about gang recruitment of
[1998] A talented young woman tells about her happy youth, the
the children of law enfo rcement officers.
successes she had as a teacher, and how, while d riving while
intoxicated, she severely injured herself, killed her boyfriend, and
Tape 652: Street Gangs: An Overview (Viewpoints from the
got a five-year prison term for m anslaughter. She goes into d etail
FBI Academ y) (24 min.)
abo ut how she ran into the concrete barricade an d how she felt
[M ay 19 98 ] In this M ay 19 98 program, Jo hn Lanata, of the FBI's
when she realized her boyfriend was dead. Interestingly enough,
Behavioral Sciences unit, talks about the extent of the United
she wasn't especially drunk at the time: the issue was her and her
States gang problem, the types of crimes gangs com mit,
boyfriend's bad judgem ent, not their impaired d riving. She also
indications of gangs in the neighborhood , demographics of gang
talks about the therapy process and the help she received through
members, the appeal of gang membership, and how the gangs are
Alcoholics Anonymous meetings. Law and Order M agazine and
Bruce Cameron provided this program.
Tape 651: Wom en who Kill and Assault (Viewpoints from the
Tape 658: Preventing Road Rage: Anger Management for
FBI Academ y) (24 min.)
Drivers (20 min.)
[May 1997] The title of this video is somewhat deceptive, in that
[1998] This program from the AA A Fo unda tion for T raffic
the top ic of the p rogra m is officers' failure to regard female
Safety is designed for use with citize ns to help them deal with
suspects as dangerous. Ed D avis, of the FBI Acade my's
violent aggressive driving. Anger management is the key idea
Behavioral Sciences unit, talks about the findings from the 1997
here: it doesn't give driving tips, but attitude-changing and
report In the Line of Fire, as it applies to women and women
stress-reduction tips. Statements from former angry drivers and
police officers. Brief videotaped interviews with women who
Dr. John A. Larso n (Institute of Stress Med icine) are also
have killed officers are also included.
Tape 650: Pursuing Publication (Viewpoints from the FBI
Tape 656: Sexual Harassment in Law Enforcement: Role of
Academ y) (24 min.)
Victim and Administration (30 min.)
[July 1996] Julie Linkins, (then) associate editor of FBI Law
[1998] R andy Mea ns and Bob Thom as, law enforcement
Enforcement Bulletin, talks about how to go about getting an
attorne ys, continue the d iscussion from Sexual Ha rassment in
article published in law enforcement magazines. She discusses
Law Enforcement: The Harasser's Behavior (NEMRT Video
the selection of a topic, possible publication sources, and good
#64 4), by d escribing appropriate actions and processes the victim
procedure for submitting the finished article. It's similar to her
article on getting published that appeared in the May 1996 issue
of FBI Law E nforcement Bulletin.
NEMRT Video Catalog (Fiscal Year 2008 -- April 2007), p. 49
of Violent Crime, and the effect that amendment would have on
the Criminal Justice system.
Tape 649: Deadly Force Policy (Viewpoints from the FBI
Academ y) (24 min.)
[M arch 1 996 ] Acc ording to this M arch 1 996 program, until this
time, the law enforcement components of the Department of
Justice each had their own dea dly force policies. In this
conversational program, Richard Shiffren (Deputy Assistant
Attorney General, Office of Legal Counsel of the Department of
Justice) exam ines the unified fed eral law enforc ement deadly
force policy. He discusses the circumstances when deadly force
may be used, and exceptions that the Bureau of Prisons have
found effective.
Tape 648: Writing for Readers (Viewpoints from the FBI
Academ y) (24 min.)
[May 19 94] In this conversational program, Ginny Field, writing
instructor for the FBI Academy, discusses the importance of clear
writing in the law enforcement profession, what readers need
from writers, and techniques to help get the point across quickly.
W riting style is also considered. The techniques described in the
program are prob ably more applicable to business writing, but
the ideas can be helpful in report-writing.
Tape 647: First Aid for First Responders: Heart Attacks and
Adult CPR (29 min.)
[1998] This program from the ALER T series would be especially
effective w hen used in a hands-on C PR or First Aid class.
Officer Greg Strauss (Florissant, Missouri, Police Dept.) talks
abo ut the situatio ns when an officer might be called o n to
perform CPR, safety concerns when doing so, equipment that
will be necessary (like gloves and pocket masks) or might be
available (here, an Automatic External Defribillator), and
techniq ues for perfo rming CP R or artificial resp iration o n adult
victims. At the beginning and end of the program, a law
enforcement attorney talks about liability concerns. Always
compare described techniques and procedures with departmental
policies before using them, and getting hands-on experience
before attempting the procedures would be wise, too.
Tape 646: Wom en Executives in Law Enforcement FBI
Teleconference (2 hours)
[July 8, 1998] This July 1998 teleconference examines the
obstacles female law enforcement executives have faced, and
what the future ho lds for wome n in law enforcement. Panelists
include Chief Joy Rikala (University of Minnesota Police
Department), Chief Christine Silverberg (Calgary (Alberta)
Police Department), Chief G ertrude Boga (Bel-Ridge, M issouri,
Police D epartment), and Chief Ellen Hanso n (Lenexa , Kansas,
Police Department). They talk about their experiences as police
chiefs, the number o f women choosing law enforceme nt as a
career, the effect of their position on their family relationship,
leadership development, mentoring, and networking, and changes
that are likely to occur. Also included is a telephone interview
with the former chief of Houston and Austin, Texas, Police
Departments, Elizabeth Watson, and one with SAC Sheri Farrar
Tape 645: Law Enforcement Perspectives on Victim Rights and
Services FBI Teleconference (2 hours)
[May 13 , 1998] T his May 1998 FBI T eleconference considers the
major victim assistance progra ms that exist in the United States,
and the importance of having access to such programs in the
com munity following crises. Also considered are the rights
victims have in o btaining justice. P anelists include C arolyn
Hightower (Deputy Director, Office for Victims of Crime
(OVC)) Lt. Ed Nekel (President of National Organization for
Victim Assistance (NOVA)), Chief Frank Winters (Clayton, NJ,
Police Dept.), and Dr. M arlene Young (NO VA E xecutive
Director). Topics discussed include the functions of the OVC
and NO VA, crisis response teams, and community policing
initiatives. Mo st of the discussion in the second half focuses on a
proposed Constitutional amendment for Basic Rights for Victims
Tape 644: Sexual Harassment in Law Enforcement: The
Harasser's Behavior (25 min.)
[1998] According to the statistics presented in this program from
ALER T's Law and Liability series, about 70% of women in the
workplace will expe rience some form of sexual harassment. This
presentation goes over what behaviors that can be sexual
harassment, statistics, and avoid able b ehaviors that m ight lead to
allegations of sexual harassment. Attorney Randy Means speaks
specifically about sexually-targeted joking, cross-gender
touching, and repetitive sexual and/or gender-based behavior. It
takes M r. Means a while to get to the p oint, but once he gets
there, the point is interestingly presented.
Tape 642: Miranda Considerations (28 min.)
[1998] Law enforcement attorney Randy Means begins by
talking about the history of Miranda rights, in this program from
ALER T's Law and Liability series. He goes on to talk about
deliberate violation of M iranda princ iples in order to admissible
evidence, and the drawbacks of such violations. Such drawbacks
include suppression of evidence and civil liability. The case used
as an example is Cooper v. Dupnik. Attorney Means concludes
with an overview of Miranda principles.
Tape 641: Forced Entries: Legal Risks (29 min.)
[199 8] In this program from A LER T's Law and Liability series,
law enforcement attorney Randy M eans discusses when it is, and
when it is not okay to ma ke non-co nsensual entry into some on e's
home. He goes over the types of lawful entries officers make,
exigent circumstances and the verdict in U.S. v. Rohrig (which
held that loud music c an be an exigency). H e then goes o n to
consider the implications and liabilities that would be associated
with a possible exigency that would not be considered a
dangerous situation. While No rth East Multi-Regional Training
doesn't necessarily recommend any of the practices described
here, they are interesting to know about. Check with agency
policy before applying them.
Tape 640: Drug E nforcem ent [in] Airports, Hotels, and Buses:
Seizures/Non-Seizures (24 min.)
[1998] Law E nforcement attorney Bob Thom as talks about the
difference between Seizures (which involve arrest) and NonSeizures (which don't, and avoid Fourth Amendm ent concerns),
and how they can relate to drug investigations, pa rticularly in
public places. Other topics considered include suspect profiling,
body language, abandoned versus unclaimed items, and drugsniffing anim als. M aking Y our C ase and M aking it Stick, pts. 1
and 2 (N EM RT video s #54 6 and #56 8) co ver similar material,
without the drug enfo rcement emphasis. W hile North E ast
Multi-Regional Training doesn't necessarily recommend any of
the pra ctices described he re, they are interesting to know abou t.
Check with agency policy before applying them.
Tape 639: Dom estic Violence: Comm unity Oriented Policing
PO ST T elecourse (2 hours)
[June 199 8] G etting out of a violent do mestic relationship is
described as like being in a burning building, only the victim is
not on the first floor, but the eighteenth. In this metaphor, the
victim will have to jump into the rescue net, but if it is only being
held by two people -- the police officer and the advocate -- the
net may tip and the victim won't jum p for fear of falling. This
telecourse from June, 1998, presents programs from law
enforcement agencies across the United States that help the
Comm unity help the victim, in ways that won't undermine the
agency's budget. To conclude the metapho r, the "net"[work] the
victim must jump into will be held by a lot of people, and
therefore be able to escape the "fire" of domestic violence. The
Coordinated Co mmunity Action Model, the SARA method, and
supervisory support of officers' initiatives, are encouraged.
NEMRT Video Catalog (Fiscal Year 2008 -- April 2007), p. 50
Tape 638: Dom estic Violence: A Matter of Culture POST
personal ethics. The various speakers discuss the importance of
Teleco urse (2 Ho urs)
representing the Law Enforcement Agency rather than oneself,
[April 1998] T he intent of this April 1998 telecourse is to explore
ideas for pre senting ethics training within an agenc y, and sp ecific
the ways culture affects a domestic violence incident. The
issues of police conduct. The program concludes with a segment
program is brok en into short segments to help with ro ll call
on law and liability.
training. It begins with an overview of cultures in the United
States, and the cultural segments include: East Indian/Hindu,
Tape 632: Subject Control and Com pliance 1: Force
Russian/Armenian, Hispanic/Latino, African, Southeast Asian,
Continuum and Relative Positioning (27 min.)
and Native American. Also included are segments about
[1998] This program from the ALERT series begins by
unde rserved victim s, specifically domestic violence relating to
examining the familiar force continuum and the levels of
Gays/Lesbians, Elder domestic violence, and teen dating
resistance, then points out the importance of developing good
listening skills (instead of interrupting skills) and empa thy.
Other topics considered include the Reactionary Gap, various
Tape 637: Missing Perso ns PO ST T elecourse (2 hours)
positions in relation to the subject that help to pro tect officers.
[May 19 98] This M ay 1998 P OST Telecourse begins with the
The program concludes with an examination of liability issues.
statement that ev ery missing person is a p otential homicide case.
It goes on to ex amine (California) laws about m issing persons,
Tape 631: Protecting Children Online OJJD P Teleconference
categories of missing persons, initial response for dispatch and
(1 ho ur, 57 min.)
patrol, at-risk investigation, reporting and follow-up investigation
[April 22, 1998] Acco rding to the participant handout, the
(which includes a section on forensic odontology), case closure,
broadcast objectives for this April 1998 program are to allow
and other resources. The focus is on both adult missing persons
participants to better recognize the threat posed by emerging
and missing children, though the running scenario is of a missing
online technology, to identify available resources to assist law
child. The program also functions as a motivator for officers and
enforcem ent officials to successful resolve online crime s against
dispa tchers to take missing person inciden ts seriously, and to
children, and to identify critical components of successful
look for related crim es that may involve the m issing person.
prevention programs. Panelists include Daniel Armagh (National
(Internet-related disappearance s are no t directly considered in
Center for Prosecution of Child abuse), Fred Cotton (SEARCH
this program.)
Group), Rick Potosec (FBI), Richard Tyler (San Bernardino Co.
Sheriff's Dept.), and Ruben Rodriguez (National Center for
Tape 636: Wheels of Survival: Police Cars in the Pursuit of
Missing and Exploited Children), with Bonnie Krasik as
Justice (44 min.)
moderator. The que stion and answer sessions are what make the
[1997] The History Channel produced this program, which
broadcast valuable, because officers across North America bring
describes the history of the police car (and police vehicles in
up the issues that most affect their investigations (one of which is
general: according to this documentary, the bicycle police of the
convincing their management that Internet crime is an issue). A
early 1900s were the first pursuit police), in the context of the
running scenario of a police department trying to find a runaway
history of crime in the United States. A discussion of the future
who had been exchanging e-mail with a predator helps move the
form the police car will take co ncludes the progra m. A fair
numbe r of "war stories" and descriptions of sensational crimes ,
and the development of the equipment associated with the police
Tape 630: Park Sm art (20 min.)
car (such as the two-way radio) are also considered.
According to this entertaining video, Illinois ranks fifth in the
nation for auto thefts, and older cars are as likely as any to be
Tape 635: Railroad Police (Trains Unlimited) (45 min.)
stolen. Trooper Howard Crull of the Illinois State Police donated
[1998] The History Channel produced this program, as part of
this program, which was pro duced for the Illinois Anti-Car T heft
their Trains Unlimited series), which descries the development
Committee and the Illinois Motor Vehicle Theft Prevention
and history of law enforcement connected with the United States
Council. It goes over good techniques for helping to keep a car
railroads. Surprisingly enough, the history and development of
from being stolen or robbed. It also gives tips for avoiding a
railroad crime figures highly in this program, too. About half the
carjacking, ideas for security systems, and tips for buying a used
program examines what railroad police currently do. A lot of
car (to avoid buying a stolen one).
interesting historical "war stories" and railroad footage are
Tape 629: It Could Happen to You (19 min.)
[1997] Harold McQueen, at this time on Kentucky's Death Row
Tape 634: Violence and Mental Illness: A Com m unity
for a robbery and murder at a convenience store, talks with an
Solution UAC Teleconference (106 min.)
interviewer about how drugs and alcohol led to his life of crime
[1998] This program from Radio Shack's, the National Crime
and degradation. He talks about how drugs were able to take
Prevention C ou ncil's and the National Sheriffs' Association's
over his mind, and how users who think they can control it are
United Against Crime teleconference series examines issues
kidding them selves. H e also talks abo ut what p rison life is like.
relating to victims of mental illness. According to the statistics
The presentation is in interview style, so there isn't a lot of
presented, about 10% of adults suffer from some form of mental
action; but McQ ueen's remarks are thought-provoking. He was
illness each year. Panelists include Dr. Annie Saylor (National
electrocuted on July 1, 19 97. (T he presentation would b e most
Alliance for the Mentally Ill: NAM I), SSA George D eShazor,
app ropriate for o lder stud ents and adults, sinc e M cQueen is not a
Jr., Lt. Sam Coc hran (Mem phis Police Department), Dr.
young man, and has an accent.)
Randolph DuPont (University of Tennessee), and Dr. Greg
Neimeier. Topics of discussio n includ e organizations to help
Tape 628: Wales Bank Robbery Incident (27 min.)
families cope with members with illnesses, law enforcement
[June 1997] If you found Anatomy of a Chase interesting, you're
techniques for recognizing and working with them,
likely to find this one interesting, too. T he W isconsin
considerations for therap ists, and a description of the C IT (Crisis
Department of Justice – Training and Standards Bureau provided
Intervention Team) at the Memphis (Tennessee) Police
this video about the April 1994 W ales Bank/Oswald incident: the
Department. By the way, did you know that the term the
pursuit and apprehension of a father/son bank robbery team,
organized mentally ill prefer for referring to them selves is
during which a captain from the W aukesha Police Department
was killed . As the p ursuit is reenacted, participating officers talk
abo ut what the y did, why they did it, and what they learned. A
Tape 633: Professional Ethics in Law Enforcement (41 min.)
Training Guide accompanies the video.
[1998] T his ALERT lecture tape begins by examining the
meaning of Mo rality, Ethics, Values, and Pro fessiona l Integrity,
Tape 627: Promising Practices: Comm unity Partnerships
and then explores the aspects of the term s assoc iated with
He lping Victim s (22 min.)
NEMRT Video Catalog (Fiscal Year 2008 -- April 2007), p. 51
[1997] This program is especially useful for those interested in
Enforcement Satellite Academy of Tennessee), Lt. Ceaser
starting some sort of victim advocacy program in their area. It
Moore, Jr. (H ouston Po lice Department), and R ay Franklin
examines the Pima County Victim Witness Program (where
(M aryland Police & Correctional T raining C omm issions).
people go with the police to crises), Children's Advocacy
Topics include what constitutes a hate crime, types of
Centers, Tulsa Sexual Assault Nurse Examiners (SANE –nurses
perpetrators, the importance of law enforcement response, and
specially trained to assist sexual assault victims in collecting
dangers to law enforcement officers. A segment featuring
evidence), TRIAD, Abused Deaf Wo men's Advocacy Services
interviews with participants at a Klu Klux Klan rally, and the
(ADW AS), Telemed icine: Partnerships through Technology
descriptions of skinhead tattoos are particularly interesting.
(which uses the Internet and telephone connections to analyze
injuries, particularly possible child abuse injuries), Eastern
Tape 622: Vests: Smart and Creative Ways to Dress for
District of Wisconsin Drug Victim Initiative (which allows
Survival FBI Teleconference (2 hours)
people in communities with frequent drug crimes to voice
[1997] M oderator To m Christenberry raises the question "If
concerns and help in the arrest of drug o ffenders), M AD D V ictim
ballistic vests really save lives, why don't more officers wear
Impact Panels (MA DD stands for Mothers Against Drunk
them?" This November 27, 1997, FBI broadcast tries to answer
Driving), and Tariq Khamisa Foundation Violence Impact
this question, and sugg ests ways fo r officers and m unicipalities to
Forums (w hich helps to intervene in the lives o f children in
get vests, if their dep artments don't provid e them. Panelists
violent communities. This one is especially interesting, because
include Bill Brierley (Law Enforcement Consultant with the
it was formed by the father of a shooting victim and the father of
Interna tional A ssociation of C hiefs of P olice), Tro ope r Angela
his shooter.) The video case cover includes contacts and
Watson (Ohio State Highway Patrol), Chuck Porucznik (Firearms
addresses for these programs.
Training Unit, FBI), and Richard Gray (Police Officer and
president of Vest-A-Cop). Second Chance vs. Magnum Force
Tape 626: Effective P rogram s for Serious, Violent and Chron ic
(NE MRT video #50 ) is a mo re effective pro gram to mo tivate
Juvenile Offenders OJJDP Teleconference (1 ho ur, 50 min.)
body armor use, but the information in this one is more up-to[October 11 , 1995 ] This O JJD P teleconference. broadcast
October 11, 199 5, examines three p rogra ms for violent juvenile
offenders that appear to have low recidivism rates. The programs
Tape 621: Developing and S upporting First Line Sup ervisors
include The Florida Environmental Institute ("Last Chance
FBI Teleconference (2 hours)
Ranch"), the Capital Offender Program in Giddings, Texas, and
[1998] This broadcast, from January 14, 1998, features
the M ulti-Systemic Treatment pro gram at the M edica l University
Commander Catherine McNeilly (Pittsburgh (PA) Bureau of
at South Ca rolina--C harlesto n, which works with the whole
Police), Richard Ayres (Center for Labor/Management Studies),
family. The critical importance of aftercare programs for the
Exec.Asst. Chief David Brewster (Phoenix (AZ) Police
juveniles after they are returned to the community is emphasized
Departm ent), who rep ort on the findings of the Major City
throughou t.
Chiefs' findings about supervising sergeants in law enforcement
agencies. T hey examine the importanc e of first-line supervisors,
Tape 625: First Response to Armed & Barricaded Situations
the prob lems of those who manage those first-line supervisors,
(Parts 1 and 2) (66 min. on 2 tapes)
and ways of working out those problems. Also featured are
[1998] Part One of these ALERT programs feature Major Tom
interviews with Retired Chief Matt Rodriguez (Chicago Police
O'Connor (M aryland Heights, MO, Police Dep artment) and Gene
Department) and Sheriff Jerry Keller (Las Vegas Metro Police
Dorough (St. Louis Co. Po lice Department), who go over the
Department) about significant aspects of supervision.
types of armed and barricaded suspects an officer might
encounter, the importance of time in reducing the barricaded
Tape 620: Telemarketing Fraud: Don't Let it Happen to You
suspect's anxiety level, the importance of listening to suspect
(United Against Crime teleconference) (2 hours)
while he or she vents, rapport-building and communication
[1998] This 1998 United Against Crime teleconference features
techniq ues, and basic o fficer safety (and liab ility) consid erations.
some unique panelists to discuss telemarketing fraud, including
Part Two, T actical C onsiderations, add s Lt. Tom J ackso n (St.
the FBI agent who let a recent large-scale sting operation against
Louis Co. Police Department). The program features a scenario
fraudulent telemarketer, and the former First Lady of Idaho, who
of a man holding his wife hostage, and the officer response, using
was "taken" for tens of thousands of dollars. Other topics
the techniques described in Part One, along with control and
considered include how some telemarketing scams work, ways of
containment techniques, negotiation techniques, post-incident
recognizing fraudulent calls, and what law enforcement officers
reporting, and officer selection for negotiating with barricaded
can do to help po tential and ongo ing victims.
Tape 619: Power o f Prevention (U nited Against C rim e
Tape 624: Tactical Pistol 1: Basic Shooting Technique and
teleconference) (123 min.)
Dry Fire D rill (48 min.)
[1997] This installment of Radio Shack's United Against Crime
[circa 1990] The Gunsite Training Center of Paulden, Arizona,
teleconference series features highlights of the 1997 National
produced this program, which was donated by Bruce Cameron
Crime Prevention Council Conference. Videotaped p resentations
and Law and O rder Magazine. The introduction states, "T his
include "Getting Kids Out of Gangs" (Wayne Sakamoto, San
program covers and reviews the basic elements of the modern
Diego Co . (CA) Office of Education; and Tyrone Parker,
technique of [9 mm] pistolcraft, as taught at the Gunsite Training
Alliance of Concerned Me n), "Community Policing and the
Center". Narrator Jack Furr considers the Weaver stance,
Challenges of Diversity" (Ondra Berry, Reno (NV) Police
Presentation/Draw Stroke, Sight Alignment, Trigger Control, and
Departm ent), "C rime P revention and Comm unity Po licing: A
the Heavy D uty Pistol. Weapon malfunctions are also discussed.
Vital P artnership" (Jose ph H arpo ld, FB I ), "Se niors: P artners in
The program concludes with a description of a dry fire drill, and
Community-based Crime Prevention" (Michael Courville,
a series of scenarios for practice. By the way, "this video is for
IACP), and "Telemarketing Fraud Prevention" (various AARP
educational reference information only", according to the
representatives). T he segments are of convenient length to use in
disclaim er, so " viewers must assume all liability for their
short training sessions, though not in the order listed.
subsequent actions and firearm practices".
Tape 618: Dealing with D iversity: P ercep tion vs. Reality
Tape 623: Hate Crime – The Violent Outgrowth of Intolerance
(United Against Crime Teleconference) (1 ho ur, 56 min.)
FBI Teleconference (2 hours)
[July 1997 ] This July 10 , 199 7, teleconference from R adio
[1998] T his March 11, 199 8, FBI teleconference examines the
Shack's United Against Crime series, features FBI Supervisory
incidence o f bias crime in the Un ited States, including those
Special Agent James Kavina, who, with the studio audience,
directed against po lice officers and Internet-related bias crimes.
examines how diversity is understood in the American culture,
Panelists include Ed Davis (FBI Academy), Sherry Riley (Law
diversity and union within the culture, and ways that diversity
NEMRT Video Catalog (Fiscal Year 2008 -- April 2007), p. 52
affects the workplace. This program also features a substantial
recognize alien detainees who m ay be in the country illegally,
clip about the classroom experiment in which children were
and what special considerations they will require. Topics
divided according to eye color, and how conscious discrimination
addressed include the d ifference between legal and illegal aliens,
affected them (the experiment featured in the video Eye of the
procedures to follow when an illegal or criminal alien is detained
in the facility (which agenc ies to notify, federal agencies' needs,
and such), the imp ortance o f checking the validity of detainees'
Tape 617: Missing and Exploited Children: Yesterday, Today
documents, suggestions for housing these detainees, procedures
and Tom orrow (United Against Crime Teleconference) (2
for release, and cultural differences that need to be considered
(including medical screenings, and ethnic rivalries).
[April 10, 1997] This United Against Crime teleconference
focuses on the p revalence an d preve ntion of crimes aga inst
Tape 612: Crime in the Schools: A Problem-Solving Approach
child ren, includ ing those forms of exp loitatio n that aren't
(NIJ Research in Pro gress) (1 ho ur, 7 min.)
frequently regarded as exploitation (such as runaway
[Decemb er 1997] D ennis Kenney, Ph.D. (Police Executive
victimiza tion and child pornography on the Internet). Ernie
Rese arch F orum ) talks about crim e issues in schools, in this
Allen, of the National Center for Missing and Exploited
December 1997 Research in Progress lecture. His premise is that
Children, discusses the importance of taking missing child or
current urban school crime policy is simplistic, not based on a
runaw ay reports seriously, investigation suggestions, child
valid understanding of the problem, and the refore unlikely to
predators on the Internet, and techniques for protecting children
work. He begins by describing previous research findings, and
from such crimes. Also included is an interview with a woman
the problems with the way the research was conducted, and what
whose underage sister was enticed through the Internet and (at
kind of response the research indicates. He then describe the
the time of this broadcast) is missing.
research on the stud ents' use of the SA RA metho d in certain
Charlotte, North Carolina, schools, and how crime and violence
Tape 616: Violence in the W orkplace: Reduce the Risk (18
in those schools was affected.
[circa 1996] According to this video, about a million people per
Tape 611: Street Level Spanish: Cultural Diversity I (32 min.)
year are injured by violence in the workplace. Topics considered
[1997] This program from the ALER T S eries is intended to
in this overview designed for non-police viewers are Potential
remind officers that most people of Spanish origin are lawcustomer service violence, Stranger attacks, and Potential
abiding. Even so, since the fastest-growing segment of the
Employee Violence. It also includes useful suggestions for
pop ulation a re Sp anish-sp eakers, officers need at least a b asic
personal safety, facility design, descriptions of sources of job
understanding of Spanish words and phrases. This program goes
stresses, and charac teristics of potentially violent employees.
over some basic phrases an officer would use in a street stop or
W ithdraw n January 2007 . Tap e lost.
during a do mestic dispute call, "b uzz" word s that may indicate
illegal activity or a possible attack., and interviewing
Tape 615: Officer's Terror Ride: Real-Life Street Survival (15
considerations. Also ava ilable it an audio cassette of the m aterial.
If you want to borrow it also, ask for it. Copies of the tape are
[199 7] Off. Shaw n Bea ne (co-star of AL ERT 's videos Line
also available for $ 9.95 from ALE RT (P.O. Box 6 738, St. Louis,
Officer Tactical Shotgun and Line Officer Survival and Safety:
MO 63144 -6728. Call 1-800-ALE RT-45 for more information.
Building Searches, Frisks & Equipment) donated this Calibre
Press production to the NE MRT Library. This program reenacts
Tape JOB 611 : Fem ale G ang Mem bers in Jails (13 min.)
an incid ent in which Officer John W ilbur (P ittsburgh, PA) is
[circa 1995] This Jail Operations Video B ulletin describes the
dragged at high speeds by a suspicious car he had pulled over,
nature of fema le gang mem bers, and the nature of their
survives the ordeal, and then is roasted in the public arena for
association, how women are generally treated when they are
shooting the vehicle's occupants. The officer describes the
assoc iated with a gang, the kind s of wea pons they carry, where to
incident (shows his scars, and they still look painful five months
look for gang-related tattoos and body markings, the importance
after surgery), and tells about what he learned from the
of tracking female gang members within the institution, and
things to watch for in female jail visitors.
Tape 614: Hom icide/Death Investigation Part II for Detectives
& In vestigators P OST Teleco urse (2 hours)
[No vember 1 997 ] This No vember 1 997 PO ST telecourse is
intended for those officers who may be called on to investigate a
homicide or suspicious death. The investigators work their way
through a possible homicide scenario, from the initial call to the
investigator, to the examination of the crime scene, to the
neighborhood canvass, with expert comment between the
segments and a panel discussion after the scenario is finished.
Especially interesting is the evidence collection and processing
segments, and the discussion of media relations during the panel
discussion. As always, compare the techniques and procedures
described here with those of your agency before applying them,
since this program is made for C alifornia and Arizo na officers.
Tape 613: Roa d Ra ge: 48 Ho urs (45 min.)
[September 1997] Dan Rather hosts this September 1997 48
Hours, which considers aggressive driving, or Road Rage. It
features several short features relating to the phenomenon,
including interviews with p eop le involved in a multi-fatality
incident in New York, California motorcycle officers, a former
deacon who shot somebody during a traffic altercation, a roadrage therapist, a teenager learning ho w to drive, and some com ic
relief about hand signals.
Tape JOB 612 : Working with Illegal Alien Inmates (12 min.)
[1997] This Jail Operations V ideo Bulletin desc ribes how to
Tape 610: Strategies fo r Fighting Crim e Ag ainst the Eld erly
(27 min.)
[circa 1997] This video, from the National Association of
Veteran Police Officers, features senior citizens and senior
advocates talking about how life has changed during a senior
citizen's lifetime, and how and why seniors are scammed. The
program continues with senior advocates incidents in which
elderly persons were scammed, and descriptions of how some
seniors and law enfo rcem ent turned the tables on the sca m artists.
It conc ludes with persona l safety techn iques especially
appro priate for senior citizens.
Tape JOB 610 : Inm ates, Jails and Me ntal Illness (15 min.)
[1997] This Jail Operations V ideo Bulletin discusses issues a jail
need s to consider when handling inma tes with mental illness.
Topics addressed include indicators that someone might have a
mental illness, the myths and facts of mental illness in jails, the
importance of inmate screening and the benefits of providing
treatment pro grams, times when an inmate might ne ed crisis
intervention and ways of assisting an inmate in crisis, and how
mental health professionals and jail staff can help each other.
Tape 609: TRIAD: Making a Difference / Seniors and Law
Enforcement Together (33 min.)
[c. 1995] This program examines the Triad program, which
brings police departments, sheriff's offices and senior citizens
together to protect the elderly from crime. Part 1, Making a
NEMRT Video Catalog (Fiscal Year 2008 -- April 2007), p. 53
Tape 604: Line Officer Survival and Safety: Building
Searches, Frisks & Equipment (28 min.)
[1997] T his ALERT program features Sgt. Mike King
(Reedsburg, W I) and Off. Shawn Beane (Hano ver Park, IL), who
demonstrate safe methods of conducting building searches and
street and wall frisks. The, the two demonstrate some useful new
Tape JOB 609 : Liability Issues Involving U se of Fo rce (In
equipment for carrying weapons and such, and handgun retention
Jails) (12 min.)
techniques, particularly for the new holsters. Attorney Randy
[1997] This Jail Operations Video Bulletin goes over the issues
Means concludes the program with a discussion of anger
surrounding the use of force in a jail setting. Definitions of "use
management, in the officer and the detainee.
of force" and "cruel and unusual punishment" are examined, the
effect of the Hudson vs. McMillian case o n use o f force in jails
Tape 603: Crim e of Stalking: H ow B ig is the Prob lem ? (NIJ
and suggestions on how to apply them in the officer's workplace,
Resea rch in Pro gress) (56 min.)
and ways of protecting the officer and institution from
[1997] T his presentation by Patricia Tjaden, Pd.D., on January
accusations. D ocumentation (including written and video form s)
16, 1997, examines the preliminary findings of the National
is encouraged.
Violence Against Women Survey as related to stalking. Since
this program exam ines research, its main purpose is to explain
Tape 608: Crimes Against the Elderly Interactive
how the research was conducted and analyzed. Highlights of the
Teleconference (2 hours)
findings include that stalking is half again as prevalent as
[1998] The Illinois Law Enforcement Training and Standards
originally believed, that it affects all races about equally, and that
Board provided a copy of this Illinois State TRIAD
victims d on't believ e that law enforc ement takes it seriously
teleconference, broadcast January 22, 1998. In it, panelists Chief
W illiam M iller (Sko kie Police D epartment), Charles Re dpa th
(Illinois A ttorney G enera l's Office), T erry Lucas (Illino is State
Tape 602: Victims of Violence: A Guide to Help Bring Justice
Police), Kathleen Quinn (Illinois Department on Aging), Rick
(70 min.)
Fair (M edica id Fraud U nit: Illinois State Po lice), and Dennis
[1997] T his August 1997 PO ST b roadcast was made for citizens
Presley (Illinois S heriff's Association) "ad dress issues related to
-- victims of violent crime and their families -- to help explain the
elderly crime victims, and the adop tion of p rotocols by Illinois
criminal justice process they will expe riencing, and what their
law enforcement officers", as moderator Patrick Vaughn
role might be in helping law enforcement solve the crime that has
explains. Topics considered include elderly crime victimization,
affected their lives. Since it was made for California victims,
scams, abuse and neglect, and law enforce ment pro tocols.
you will want to discuss the Illinois variations. Direct and
indirect victims of violent crimes (murder victim survivors and
Tape 607: Crim e, the M edia, an d Ou r Pub lic Discourse (NIJ
rape survivors) talk about their experiences with the criminal
Perspectives on Crime and Justice) (72 min.)
justice system, and what they could have done to help the cases
[199 7] In this p resentation from the National Institute of Justice's
be solved faster. Unsolved cases are also considered. Criminal
Perspectives on Crime and Justice lecture series, Norval Morris
justice professionals describe their needs at different stages in the
(Ph.D., University of Chicago) presents the idea that the problem
investigation and prosecution.
with criminal justice in the U nited S tates is not with the quantity
of crime, but with the emotionalism and sensationa lism of its
Tape 601: Con trolling Violent Subjects pt. 3 P OST Teleco urse
presentation to the public, and with the politization of ineffective
(2 hours)
crime-fighting strategies (po liticians using program s that do n't
[1997] T his July 1997 telecourse continues the Controlling
work but look good in order to get votes). Afterwards, he takes
Violent Subjects series of programs PO ST has mad e. According
questions from the audience. T he program is philosop hical,
to the statistics quo ted in this p rogra m, 99 % o f officers (in
rather than specifically ac tion-dire cted. T he program isn't rollCalifornia and Arizona ) survive assaults m ade upon them. This
call training material, but his add ition al prem ise that the U .S.'s
video considers the survival attitude of officers who have
crime problem is actually a violence problem gives the viewer
survived line-of-duty casualties (in this case, sho oting incidents).
something to think about.
About ten officers tell about the shooting incidents in which they
were wounded, and how they survived. Incidents considered
Tape 606: Conflict Resolution for Youth: Programming for
include officer ambush, vehicle pullover (ambush and pursuit),
Schools, Youth-serving Organizations, and Comm unity and
crime trends, domestic violence, high-risk/crime in progress, war,
Juvenile Justice Settings (Office of Juvenile Justice and
workplace violence, use of deadly force, and off-duty (ro bbe ry in
Delinquency Prevention Teleconference) (2 hours, 23 min.
progress and kidnapping). As always, compare techniques and
(over two tapes))
concepts described in this California program with local policies
[M ay 1996] This OJJDP T eleco nference, broadcast du ring M ay,
before applying them.
199 6, pro motes the use of conflict resolution curricula in p ublic
schools. A number of video clips describing conflict resolution
Tape 600: Arson and B om bs PO ST T elecourse (2 hours)
principles, and programs from different parts of the country, are
[1997] Ac cording to this September 1997 telecourse, more than a
included in the broadcast. Programs used in juvenile correction
third of all fires are started through arson, and the United States
settings are also describe d. Betwe en the clips, various pa nelists,
has more bombings than any other place in the world. Topics
including conflict resolution instructors, curricula designers, and
covered in this program include arson and fire behavior (for
at least one student mediator, who has participated in the
instance , fires don't look or behave anything at all like they do in
program at his school, answer questions from callers.
the movies), first response to arson, wildland fires, behavior of
arson ists and b omb ers, und erstand ing bo mbs, first response to
Tape 605: Juvenile Boot Camps (Office of Juvenile Justice and
bom bs, and investigation. Also included are interviews with
Delinquency Prevention Teleconference) (1 ho ur, 51 min.)
people who have been involved in fires and explosions. As
[1996] This OJJDP teleconference, broadcast February 14, 1996,
always, since this program was mad e for California officers,
features panelists Shay Bilchik, Linda Albrecht, Col. Thomas
compare the proced ures described with your agency's before
Cornick, A rnold Ho pkins, and Jo hn M . Riley, all co ntributo rs in
applying them.
the area of juvenile co rrections, discu ssing the history, basic
theory, and ad vantages of juvenile boot cam p programs. Also
Tape 599: Traffic Stops PO ST T elecourse (2 hours)
considered is discussion of what makes the boot camps effective,
[1997] This September 19 97 telecou rse from the Ca lifornia
and aftercare programs. The Sgt. Henry Johnson Boot Camp
Commission on Peace Officers Standards and Training goes over
Program, which uses the Platoon Sergeant model of individual
safety considerations and attitudes relating to traffic stops.
development is specifically examined.
Includ ed is footage of actua l traffic stops, and interviews with
Difference (15 min.), demonstrates types of activities provided
by the S ALT (Senior And Law enforcement To gether) councils
that coordinate the local Triad programs. Part 2, Seniors and
Law Enforcement Together (18 min., which is also available by
itself as NEM RT V ideo #403), presents more of the same.
trainers and officers. Topics considered include a historical
perspective on traffic stops, vehicle stop review, safety and legal
issues, rural tacitcs, multi-jurisdictional traffic stops, the role of
the cover officer and the supervisor, hostage situations, and high
risk van stops. The program is broken down into shorter
segments that can b e used as ro ll call training. As always,
though, compare described techniques with departmental
procedures before applying them, especially since this program
was mad e for California officers.
NEMRT Video Catalog (Fiscal Year 2008 -- April 2007), p. 54
have been shot, or have shot people. The program is intended for
informational purposes o nly.
Tape 598: Troope r Coates Shoo ting (In the Line of Du ty
Series) (31 min.)
[199 6] W hile North East M ulti-Regional T raining doe sn't
subscribe to the In the Line o f Duty series, we were sent this
video as a sam ple. In this N ovembe r 1992 inciden t, a South
Carolina o fficer is fatally sho t during a routine highw ay traffic
stop. Included is the in-car videotape footage of the shooting,
interviews with officers who saw the incident, and a discussion
of how the incide nt could have been p revented. B y the way, as a
rule, In the Line of Duty videos are for "law enforcement only",
so don't go showing them around.
Tape 593: Andy's Bicycle Safety Video (8 min.)
[1997] T his bicycle safety video uses the scenario of a young
teenager (the Andy in the title) who videotapes his day on a
bicycle. One of his friends shows good sense as she cycles, and
the other is a go of-off who nea rly gets into a coup le of acciden ts.
Topics considered include proper safety gear and maintenance,
lights and reflectors, (a little on hand signals), an d bicycle
registrations. You're still going to want to talk about local laws
and safety practices, but the program shows scenes that can start
the discussion.
Tape 597: Massachusetts Anti-Terrorism Training Video (18
[1996] We got this program from the Massachusetts National
Guard . It goes over safety proc edures for go vernmen t workers,
that will help them protect themselves from various forms of
attack or assault. While the title emphasizes protection from
terrrorist attack, the procedures described are general good crime
prevention or perso nal safety techniques.
Tape 592: Resp ond ing to Do m estic Violence pt. 2 : Child
Abu se, Dea th Threats, Stalking a nd E lderly Abuse (32 min.)
[1997] As the title indicates, this ALERT p rogram goes over
other forms of family violence. While the program doesn't allow
for a lot of detail, the program gives some indications to watch
for. Again, Elizabeth Stoodley (Executive Director, ALIVE) and
Off. Phil Johnson (Creve Coeur, Missouri, P olice D epartment)
provide ru nning comm entary. T opics include the effec t of family
violence on the community, general suggestions for beginning
investigations, recommendations for victims. It also mentions the
1996 federal law that prohibits those convicted of certain types of
domestic violence from owning firearms. NEM RT also has
other, longer, training videos from the California Commission on
Peace Officers Standards and Training on these topics (such as
#411/412, #537, and #567). As always, check with local statutes
and de partmental policy before ap plying the suggestions.
Tape 596: Line Officer Tactical Shotgun (27 min.)
[1997] In this ALERT program, Sgt. Mike King, of the
Reedsburg (Wisconsin) Police Department, and Off. Shawn
Beane, of the Hanover P ark (Illino is) Po lice Department, talk
abo ut the tactical advantage s of using shotguns, dem onstrate their
ability, and describe how shotguns are used at the Reedsburg
Police Department. Other topics include the capabilities of
various types of ammunition, search techniques, and mounting
options. Attorney Mark Neill then discusses liability concerns
about shotgun use.
Tape 591: Resp ond ing to Do m estic Violence pt. 1 (34 min.)
[1997] This program from the ALERT series examines
traditional domestic violence calls. Capt. Frank Harris (Creve
Coeur, Missouri, Police Department) and Elizabeth Stoodley
(Executive Director, A LIV E) provid e running commentary.
Topics considered include helpful information the dispatcher can
get, practical techniques for responding at the house, how
domestic violence laws have changed, and considerations when
making a report. As always, check with local statutes and
departmental policy before app lying the suggestions.
Tape 595: Com bating High-Tech Crime FBI Teleconference
(2 hours)
[1997] This September 1997 broadcast features Marylu Korkuch
(Technology Theft Prevention Founda tion), Jo e Chiaramonte
(Sun Microsystems), Sgt. Phil Povey (Irvine, California, Police
Dept.), Special Agent David Johnson (FBI, San Jose office), as
well as clips from the two POST telecourses about High Tech
crime (NEM RT video s #566 and # 582). They com ment on the
prevalence and types of high-tech crimes, the many victims of
these crimes, things to look for during street stops, and some
general investigation tips. Also considered are international
connec tions, proprietary inform ation theft, a interesting case
study of an unexpected security breach at Recon Optical
(Barrington, Illinois) and suspect profiles. It isn't as thorough as
the POST tapes, but it does give an overview of the problem.
Tape 590: Passen ger Tra in Em ergenc y Prep aredn ess (52 min.
On 2 tapes)
[199 7] This video set was distributed during METRA's
Emergency Evacuation of Commuter Trains train-the-trainer
co urse, and is intende d to b e used w ith a trained tra iner's
prese ntation. P t. 1, Evacuation from Commuter Equipment,
exam ines ap proaching and assessing the incident, who to contact,
what to report, how to enter the equipment, and how to control
the area. Pt. 2, T echnical D etails: Locomo tives and Co aches,
goes over the types of main types of locomotives and coaches
used on ME TR A lines, how to get in them during eme rgencies,
and other procedures and precautions that need to be taken.
Tape 594: Handg un Stopping Power: The Video (78 min.)
[1996] This fairly technical pro gram is, as the title indicates, a
Paladin Press-produced video based on the Marshall and Sanow
book Handgun Stopping Power (also available at the NEMRT
Instructors Lib rary). T he presentation seems co mpa ratively dry,
but the information is presented clearly. Topics include the idea
of stopping power, types of cavities produced, equations for
calculating power and such of bullets (a lot of equations!),
previous research that has been conducted on the top ic (and its
validity: this part was especially interesting), preparing and
using ballistic gelatin, techniques for cond ucting tests, a
comparison of gelatin results with street results (bullet
performance), conditions that may change bullets' intended
effects, the effect of firearm on bullet performance, and the
importance of wearing body armor and thinking tactically after a
subject is shot. Also included are interviews with people who
Tape 589: 1997 Supreme Court Update (ALERT & ABLE
Series) (26 min.)
[1997] This program from ALERT 's Law and Liability series
(which NEM RT d oesn't subscribe to), discusses the recent
decisions of the US Suprem e Co urt that affect law enfo rcem ent.
Decisions include Maryland v. Wilson (in which it was decided
that officers can make both drivers and passengers out of
legitimately stopped vehicles), Wilson v. Arkansas (1995) and
Richards v. Wisconsin (1997) (abo ut knock-notice and
exceptions), and Whren and B rown v. United States (1996) and
Ohio v. Robinette (19 96) (abo ut the use of traffic violations to
justify stopping a vehicle).
Tape 588: DW I Detection & S tand ardized F ield So briety
Testing (2 hours)
[circa 1996] W e got this two-tape set from the Illinois Law
Enforcement Training Standards Board. It is apparently designed
to be used in standardized field sobriety testing classes, and
consists of a numbe r of DUI investigatio n short subjects. Ta pe 1:
NEMRT Video Catalog (Fiscal Year 2008 -- April 2007), p. 55
In the first segment, a young driver is observed driving recklessly
Tape 582: High-Tech Crim es Part 2 PO ST T elecourse (2
and, after field testing, is believed to be intoxicated. The officer
then goes over the case with the attorney. Segment 2: Buck
[1997] This May 29, 1997, broadcast concludes the program
Savage testifies in a DUI case. Segment 3: Segment 1's officer
begun with H igh T ech C rimes P art 1 (N EM RT video # 56 6).
testifies in the DU I case. Segm ent 4: A midd le-aged man runs a
This program focuses on the aspects of Cell Phone Fraud, The
red light, and is stopped. Tape 2: Segment 1: "Visual Detection
Internet, Computer Intrusion, Information Crimes, the use of
of Driving While Intoxicated" (film footage of possible DUI
Computers in Counterfeiting, and considerations for Computer
drivers). Segment 2: "Detection of DWI Motorcyclists".
Search & Seizure.
Segment 3: DW I Detection Phase 1: "Leaving the Shopping
Center"; "The Silver Jeep", "T he Sliding Sports Car", "The
Tape 581: Cargo Theft FBI Teleconference (2 hours)
Impatient D river", "T he Busy Businessma n", "T he Busy
[March 19 97] This M arch 1997 F BI T eleconference is something
Businessm an Exiting", (So me of these are repeats from the first
of a sequel to the FBI's 1996 L atin American Theft Rings
tape). Segment 4: DW I Detection Phase 2: "Throwing a
teleconference, since theft rings are often responsible for cargo
Curve". Segment 5: "Standardized Field Sob riety Testing"
theft as well. It would also go well with the High-Tech Crimes
PO ST Telecou rses, since part of high-tech crime and cargo theft
Tape 587: Sem i-Conscious: D riving in the R eal W orld (12
is theft of the actual high-tech products. More importantly, it's an
interesting, practical program. Panelists include Lt. Jack Jordan
[1996] The target audience for this highway safety progra m is
(Los Angeles Co. Sheriff's Dept.), Dan Saviola (Roadway
teenagers. Fo ur teen are go ing on a picnic, and tell about their
Express, Inc.). Sgt,. Jim Abele (California Highway Patrol), and
experience driving to the park. Giving semi tractor trailers
Lt. Joe Rogalski (New Jersey State Police), who talk about the
enough space to turn, highway merging, allowing a safe space
prevalence of cargo theft, investigative aids, like CargoTips on
between vehicles, and not driving in blind spots (particularly for
the World Wide Web, and things patrol officers can watch for
semis) are the issues demonstrated. The songs explaining the
that migh t indicate a stolen truck or trucklo ad of merchand ise in
expe riences are kind of hokey, b ut if it's hok ey and w orks, it isn't
transit. Toward the end, attention is paid to personal safety tips
hokey. Test it with your own audience.
for truck drivers.
Tape 586: Law Enforcement and the Internet FBI
Teleconference (2 hours)
[July 1997] This July 1997 program is intended to show law
enforcement personnel Internet sites for finding useful
information, and inexpensive ways of accessing the Internet.
Panelists includ e Richard Abshire (formerly with LE TN ), Jim
W right (International Association of Chiefs of Police), and Ray
Franklin (Maryland Police and Correctional Training
Commissions). Also included are remarks on the future of crime
from Kirk Tabb ey (Jackson Co, Michigan, prosecutor) and
W illiam A. Tafoya. The second half emphasises Internet
applications for p olice training and website guidelines.
Tape 585: After the Robbery: Crisis to Resolution (20 min)
[199 7] This uniqu e program , produ ced b y the U nited S tate's
Attorney's Office, Eastern District of Wisconsin and the Office
for Victims of Crime, is a critical incident stress video for nonpolice, particularly Bank personnel. It goes over the emotional
and physical effects on the victims, a little of what to expect from
the law enforcement response, and what happens if the case goes
to court. It features a staged victim to introduce the types of
effects, then presents the remarks of a number of victims of bank
robb eries about their responses.
Tape 584: Motor Vehicle Drivers Disclosure Act (8 min.)
[199 7] Effective July 1, 19 97, law enforcement officers must
notify the Secretary of State of any accident resulting from a
driver's medical condition that impairs the ability to safely
ope rate a m otor vehicle. This short video fro m the Illino is
Secretary of State's Police discusses the changes to ILCS 625
Section 11-408, and how they affect accident reporting, explains
how to fill out the "Medical Reporting and Re-examination
Request" form, and describes the many ways the form can be
submitted to the Secretary of State.
Tape 583: Crime Fighters (The) (9 min.)
[1938] We learned from the California Commission on Peace
Officers Standard s and Tra ining that this p rogra m is evid ently
now in public domain. So we're listing it. This Paramount short
feature describes the crime fighting tools and activities of the San
Francisco Police Department in the late 1930 s. It's particularly
interesting for showing how law enforcement techniques have
progressed since the Roaring 20's and 30's. Watch especially for
the apprehension of the suspect in the "crime reenactment", and
count the fatal errors.
Tape 580: Training and Technology FBI Teleconference (2
[January 1997] This January 1997 teleconference examines what
it's like to use technology in training. Aspects considered include
an overview of the various types of technology used to deliver
training, the issues associated with determining which type of
technology is appropriate for given situations, program design,
and the impact of need assessments on the quality of the training
sessions. Panelists includ e Patricia B oord (FB I National Security
Training), Jo Anne Smith (National Drug Intelligence Center),
Richard Abshire (Law Enforcement Technology Magazine,
formerly of LETN) and Guy Cashman (U .S. Coast Guard
Training Academy).
Tape 579: Citizens Protecting America's Parks (13 min)
[1996] T his program, donated by Law and O rder Maga zine, talks
about the unique and common problems that face the United
States' national parks, and what the National Parks and
Conserva tion Association (N PC A) has don e to help solve them.
Sites specifically considered include the Sweet Auburn District
(Atlanta, GA), the Petroglyph National Monument (New
Mexico ), and the national parks in Alaska. W hile the progra m is
basically a promotion to encourage NPCA members to renew
their me mbe rship, the message that citizens can work together to
protect something that is important to them can be a useful
encouragement for citizen participation in Comm unity Policing
Tape 578: Power o f [Crim e] Preven tion w ith Co m m unity
Policing FBI Teleconference (2 hours)
[M ay 1997] This May 1997 b road cast features SS A Jo e Harpo ld
(FBI Behavioral Sciences Unit), representing the National Crime
Prevention Council (NCPC). He discusses with Tom
Christenberry what the NCPC does, what it can do for
communities, and the importance of crime prevention functions
in a Community Oriented Policing environment. The program
features a lot of NCPC public service announcements and a lot of
calls from viewers abo ut crime prevention initiatives that work in
their community (and questions about how to get initiatives
started). The last half ho ur focuses on youth involvem ent in
crime prevention and volunteer pro jects.
Tape 577: Are W e Delivering on the Prom ises of C om m unity
Policing: United Against Crime Teleconference (107 min.)
[1997] Panelists on this Radio Shack / National Crime Prevention
Council / National Sheriffs' Association teleconference include
Louis Nicholson (Pastor, Holy Tabernacle Church of
Deliverance, Newport News, VA), Beverly W atts-Davis (San
Antonio Fighting B ack, San Antonio , TX ) David B rown (Asst.
City Manager, Temp e, AZ), Ronald Glensor (Dep . Chief, Reno
(NV) Police Department), Phil Keith (Chief, Knoxville (TN)
Police Department), Thomas Sweeney (Chief, Bridgeport (CT)
Police D epartment). They discuss what Com munity Policing is,
how well it works for service delivery, and how well agencies
have accepted comm unity policing.
NEMRT Video Catalog (Fiscal Year 2008 -- April 2007), p. 56
Then, he gives the history of the low-light gun sight, and what he
has learned about police training as it relates to survival. Finally,
he describes and demonstrates a low-light shooting
training/p ractice course that viewers can do themse lves. T alk
with your training officer about departmental policy before
applying this information, of course; but it is useful information
to be aware of.
Tape 576: Carbon Monoxide Fire Services Training (26 min.)
[1996] W hile mo st appropriate for fire service perso nnel, this
program is also useful for any first responders who may ha ve to
respond to an emergency call. Viewers are shown an effective
way to examine a site where a carbon monoxide (CO) alarm has
gone off, possible sources of CO, and some tips for CO alarm
Tape 575: Children in Tra ffic (14 min.)
[1970s] T his German program, with narration in English,
exam ines the d ifference s between ho w children and adults
understand traffic signs and traffic patterns. Officers who work
with young children will find the presentation interesting, since
considerations such as a child's field of view, recognition of
approaching speed, and understanding of a vehicle's behavior are
discussed. This video is also used with the State of Florida's
crossing guard training program.
Tape 574: Ready, Set, Winter! Driving Safely on Ice and Snow
(9 min.)
[1996] Officers might find this program useful as a reminder
about driving under winter conditions. It's most appropriate,
though, for citizens who need to get their cars ready for, as the
title says, ice and snow. Things to keep in the car are described,
as are some driving techniques.
Tape 573: Don't Let Up : ABS (Anti-lock Brak ing System s) (9
[1994] T his program is probably most appropriate for beginning
drivers, but co uld be used with anyo ne who might not be used to
an anti-locking braking system. Several young drivers are
instructed to p ut their cars into skid s at GM 's testing grounds.
First, they skid with regular b raking systems, and then with ABS .
They talk about how the systems felt when engaged, and which
they were more comfortable with.
Tape 572: Are You Sure it's Secure? (15 min.)
[1996] The University of Maryland produced this crime
prevention program, which we got from Law and Order
magazine, about protecting office equipment on college
campuses. The scenarios show thieves walking off with the
equipme nt, then the same scenario in which the thief is not able
to steal anything. T he upshot of the suggestions is fo r office staff
to be aware of the people coming and going in the building, and
to imp lement some basic crime prevention plans. It's an angle
that we haven't seen before, for a population that doesn't get
many crime prevention videos.
Tape 571: Controlling Violent Subjects Part 2 POST
Teleco urse (2 Ho urs)
[1996] This November 1996 broadcast continues the program
begun with the May 1996 Controlling Violent Subjects POST
Telecourse (#536). This one covers the management of
confrontations, attitude and mindset, Ongoing training, and force
optio ns, includ ing demon strations of chemical agents, electronic
devices and impact weapons. The myths and realities about
carotid co ntrol (neck restraints) and in-custod y deaths are also
considered. The program includes so me interesting reenactments
of trying to control violent subje cts.
Tape 569: Police Survival and Low Light Shooting (48 min.)
[1996] This program, which Bruce Cameron and Law and Order
Magazine donated to the NEMR T Instructors Library, features
Julio Santiago (Dakota Co. Sheriff's Office, Minnesota, ret.). He
first describes the sensations someone involved in a shooting
incident is likely to experience, while an inc ident is reenacted.
Tape 568: Ma king You r Case and M aking it Stick Pt. 2:
Detention, Arrest and the Miranda (30 min.)
[1997] T his ALERT tape, which is intended to help officers think
abo ut making sure that what they do will be ac ceptable in c ourt,
continues the information p resented in N EM RT Video #546 .
This time, Miranda warnings as they apply to detention of
citizens or suspects and arrest, are the topic. The program also
touches on Probab le Cause, Terry Stops, Check with the
dep artment's legal counsel ab out ho w the informatio n in this
program applies at your department, but in the meantime, it gives
the viewer a lot to think about.
Tape 567: Elderly A buse P OST Teleco urse (2 hours)
[1997] As the introduction of this bro adcast from , February,
199 7, po ints out, if children we re cared for the way many e lderly
perso ns are, the public would be outrag ed. T he focus of this
telecourse is the abuser and the types of abuse. Experienced
investigators discuss the characteristics of the abuser, then
describe the forms physica l and financial ab use may take.
Recreation of actual cases, and interviewing and investigation
techniques, are included.
Tape 566: High-Tech Crim es Part 1 PO ST T elecourse (2
[1997] This March 1997 telecourse examines theft of high-tech
equipment (including hijacking, kidnaping, and armed robb eries),
intellectual property theft, computer/network intrusion,
telecommunications fraud, and software piracy and
counterfeiting. W hile two hours doe sn't allow for a lot of d etail
on the topics, it does give a pretty thorough overview. According
to the instructional goals are to provide law enforcement
perso nnel with an overview of the high-technology industry,
what co nstitutes a " high-tech" crime and its extent and impact,
how the Internet and other e merging technologies are used to
commit crimes, how to identify basic characteristics of various
types of high-tech crimes, basic responsibilities and limitations of
the field o fficer in a high-tech crime investigation, officer safety
considerations, and the need and m eans to properly identify,
preserve, and collect technology-related evidence.
Tape 565: Street Level Fitness: Job Performance and the Law
(30 min.)
[1997] T his program, from the ALERT series, features Robert
Hoffman (director of FitForce). He discusses the importance of
an officer's being physically fit enough to encounter and control
the typically "pumped-up" suspect. Topics considered include
methods of fitness testing, modifying poor eating habits, and
liability issues that can affect physically run-down officers and
the their departm ents.
Tape 564: Crash Dynamics for Training Programs (19 min.)
[1992] The Illinois D epartment of Transp ortation pro duced this
program from a number of other seat restraint programs from
around the world. The programs all show the effect car crashes
on restrained and unrestrained vehicle occupants. The highlight
of the highlights is clear and unsubtitled footage from the
legendary German Seat Belt video.
Tape 563: Plan to Get Out Alive: Family Fire Safety Video
(45 min.)
[1988] NE MRT got this progra m, produced by First A lert,
McD onald's and WCB S--New York, from the Illinois State Fire
Marshal's office. It smashes many of the familiar myths about
the nature of fires and how fires start. It's especially interesting
because it includes footag e of a fire a s a firefighter would see it
(it doesn't look like it does in the movies), interviews with fire
victims, and a running quiz about fire survival. The video would
be useful for officer's personal information, and good for
com munity p resentations (talk to your fire dep artment first,
though, so you won't duplicate their efforts).
NEMRT Video Catalog (Fiscal Year 2008 -- April 2007), p. 57
circumstances surrounding the uses of force, and plans for
extending the research to other agencies, is also considered.
Tape 562: AlcoSensor IV / RBT IV Training Tape
(Intoxim eters, Inc.) (57 min.)
This program explains, describes and demonstrates the use of
Intoximeters, Inc.'s AlcoSensor IV and the RB T IV breath testing
devices. If you use, or plan to use, a different type of device,
don't depend on this program. It would give you useful
information about how a breathalyser works, though.
Tape 561: Alco hol in the H um an B ody (Intox imeters, Inc.) (29
This program from Intoximeters, Inc., covers the general
information we all got in driver's education class about the effect
of alcohol on the body, and on a person's level of impairment. It
then goes on to the more technical information about the history
of Intoximeters, why a breathalyser works, and techniques for
getting the most accurate readings p ossible with a breathalyser.
The breathalyser in this particular program is being used in a
workplace setting, so some allowance may have to be made for
field or evidentiary use of breathalyser results.
Tape 560: Law Enforcem ent Sexual Harassment -- Techniques
for Elimination (1 hour, 4 m inutes)
[1996] The two key ideas to Risk Management are: Things that
can go wrong in life are highly predictable, and If it's predictable,
it's preventable. In this presentation, risk management speaker
Go rdon Graham entertainingly applies these principles to
preventing sexual harassment within a law enfo rcem ent agency.
He focuses on how the Five Pillars of a Good Law Enforcem ent
Agency (Good People, Good Policy, Good Training, Good
Supervision, and Good D iscipline) are critical to preventing
Sexual Ha rassment.
Tape 559: Law Enfo rcem ent Civil Liab ility: The True Story (1
hour, 24 m in.)
[1996] The two key ideas to Risk Management are: Things that
can go wrong in life are highly predictable, and If it's predictable,
it's preventab le. In this presentation for patrol officers, risk
management speaker Gordon Graham entertainingly discusses
principles of Risk Manage ment for law enforcement officers. In
addition to the Five Pillars of a Good Law Enforcement Agency
(Good People, Go od Po licy, Good Training, Good Sup ervision,
and Go od Discipline), he talks about the importance of writing
reports from a liability point of view (particularly civil liability),
instead of a prosecution point of view.
Tape 558: Law Enforcement Operations: Why Things Go
Right -- Why Things Go Wrong (1 hour, 21 minutes)
[1996] The two key ideas to Risk Management are: Things that
can go wrong in life are highly predictable, and If it's predictable,
it's preventab le. In this presentation for managers, risk
management speaker Gordon Graham entertainingly discusses
principles of Risk Management for law enforcement. He focuses
on these Five Pillars of a Good Law Enforcement Agency: Good
People, Go od Po licy, Good Training, Good Sup ervision, and
Goo d Discipline. He then describes effective ways to achieve
these critical pillars.
Tape 557: Use o f Force By an d Ag ainst the Po lice (NIJ
Resea rch in Pro gress) (49 min.)
[1996] In this February 1996 lecture, Joel H . Garner, P h.D.,
discusses the results and conclusions of a study of force
conducted at the Arizona Police D epartment with the department,
Rutgers University, and Arizona State University. The research
was intended measure the amount of force used in various
situations, and to address traditional vs. community policing
issues, race and bias issues, and liability issues. How the
research was conducted and the survey presented is discussed,
based on the elements of use of force (including weapons and
tactics, restraints, demeanor, and flight/pursuit). The
Tape 556: Prevalen ce an d Conse que nces of Child
Victimization: Preliminary Results from the National Survey of
Ado lescents (NIJ Research in Pro gress) (59 min.)
[1995] In this lecture, videotaped in D ecem ber, 1 995 , Benjamin
E. Saunders, Ph.D., and Dean G . Kilpatrick, Ph. D., talk about
the preliminary conclusions being drawn from the information
provided from the National Survey of Ad olescents. They discuss
the development of the research, their hypotheses, and how the
information fro m the survey responses co rrespond with their
expectations. An interesting feature is a discussion of how the
National Survey of Adolescents was conducted, since a
parent/primary caretaker had to give permission before the
survey could be administered.
Tape 555: Com m unities and Crim e: A Stud y in Chica go (N IJ
Resea rch in Pro gress) (58 min.)
[1995] In this lecture, videotaped in October, 1995 , Robert
Sampson, Ph.D ., of the University of Chicago, discusses the
prelim inary findings of the Pro ject on Hu man Develop ment in
Chicago Neighborhoods, a survey of life in Chicago, Illinois. He
discusses the survey design, featuring the Accelerated
Longitudinal Design for conducting the research. The highlight
is the discussion of how the research measured informal social
control, and the description of the community environment
survey and video.
Tape 554: Officer Stress Managem ent II: Citizen
Contacts/Post Pursuit (32 min.)
[1996] This ALERT program discusses the importance of
controlling actions and thoughts in order to prevent
counterproductive o fficer stress after suspect pursuits. Sgt.
Kipper Co nnell stresses the importance of not letting "payback"
and contact expectations interfere with go od p olice p rocedure.
His lec ture is highlighted w ith footage from video taped pursuits
and reenacted su spect contacts from around the country.
Tape 553: Hom icide/Death Investigations Part I POST
Teleco urse (2 hours)
[1996] This October 1996 broadcast is intended for patrol
officers who may find themselves as the first-responder to a
possible homicide crime scene. Using the scenario of a shooting
in a residential neighborhood, several homicide-investigation
instructors talk about what officers need to keep in mind, ways of
protecting themselves and the crime scene. and relating to the
emergency medical personnel and the media.
Tape 552: Uniting Youth and Adults in Crime Prevention
(United Against Crime Teleconference) (2 hours)
[1996] T his United Against Crime Teleconference brings
together a number of youth and young adults to talk about
successful crime prevention programs that are led and managed
by young people. They discuss how their respective programs
origina ted, what they do, and why they are succ essful.
Tape 551: Forensic Laser Applications (90 min.)
[1992 (circa)] This program features several well-known
evidence technicians, who discuss various aspects of the use of
lasers during crime scene investigations. Topics include the
history of laser use for investigations, types of lasers, processing,
and techniq ues for using lasers and alternate light sources in
locating and identifying fingerprints, body fluids, fiber evidence,
and inks. A section about photographing laser-enhanced
Tape 550: Digital Imaging for Law Enforcement (24 min.)
[1994 (circa)] This program describes the benefits of using
Digital imaging (computer pictures), and describes some useful
techniques for using the technology. Topics include techniques
(and benefits) for enhancing fingerprints, for creating court
displays, why the photo lab can be eliminated through its use,
and why higher AFIS hit rates are possible. Pictures taken with a
Kodak DC S camera are the source of most of the images
Tape 549: Use o f Force: The K eys to La wful U se (30 min.)
[1996] In this initial pro gram of AL ER T's Law and Liability
series, Randy M eans, law enforcement attorney, talks about
considerations of the levels of necessary versus lawful use of
force versus p olice authority. His lecture is highligh ted with
reenactments of acts of force.
NEMRT Video Catalog (Fiscal Year 2008 -- April 2007), p. 58
hazardous materials during their regular patrols, and shows
app ropriate ways of handling the situations. The y usually
encounter the hazards accidentally, so awareness is key word for
recognizing them. Local ordinances and departmental
procedures will, of course, take priority over the techniques
shown here, but the scenarios give a good place to start an
examination of good procedure.
Tape 548: Major Incident Protocol FBI Teleconference (2
[1996] T his November 19 96 broad cast features Cmdr. M arcus
Aure lius (Phoenix, AZ, Police Department -- yes, that's really his
name), Lt. Amos Mac hanic (Metro-Dade P olice Department),
and Maj. Larry Gramling (Oklahoma City, OK, Police
Department) discussing local response to disasters, both natural
and man-made. T his program is intended to give agencies the
tools and general concepts to design respo nse plans ap propriate
to their area.
Tape 547: Subterranean L ife Safety and Fire Protection: A
Partnership in the Codemaking Process (EENET
Teleconference) (3 hours)
[1996] If you have mines in your area that are being converted
for co mmercial use, or structures that are d eep undergrou nd, this
program might be interesting for the emergency responders in the
area. This September, 1996, broadcast discusses various types of
underground structures, their advantages and drawbacks, and
planning necessary to be ab le to resp ond to fires in suc h facilities.
About an hour into the program, the video channel switches to a
commercial station, though the audio remains with the
teleconference, but after about half an hour it comes back and
stays with the original program to the end.
Tape 546: Ma king You r Case and M aking it Stick Pt. 1:
Voluntary Contacts / Terry Stops (28 min.)
[1996] T his ALERT program is intended to help officers think
abo ut making sure that what they do will be ac ceptable in c ourt.
The 4th A mendme nt (the difference betwe en voluntary co ntacts
and Terry Stops) is the topic of this particular program. It
features a po lice lawyer lecturing in a courtroo m setting, with
scenarios showing a patrol officer gaining compliance (and
diverting it), then preparing a ca se with a an agen cy attorney,
Tape 545: Surviving Dom estic Violence (22 min.)
[199 6] This program , produ ced b y the C oo k C ou nty State's
Attorney's Office, features interviews with several victims of
domestic violence. They talk about the abuse they endured, how
they got out of the relationship, the importance of orders of
protection, and how glad they are to be out of the abusive
surroundings. Some information is presented at the end about
who is able to get orders of protection
Tape 544: Training Civilians for Disaster Response (EENET
Teleconference) (2 ho urs, 20 min.)
[1996] During a disaster, more re gular citizens will be available
to help those in trouble than p rofessio nal emergency personnel.
This teleconference describes existing programs around the
world that train civilian volunteers to be effective first responders
during disasters. This video is more of a promotional program for
the concep t than a description of how to train interested civilians.
If your agency, or your fire/emergency response district, has
considered using citizens, or currently uses them, this video
provides a lot of how-we-do-it-well-here information.
Tape 543: Environmental Crime Awareness for Law
Enfo rcem ent Officers (46 min.)
[1995] Harrison Ford hosts this program, which was produced by
the International Association of Chiefs of Police, the Federal Law
Enforcement Training Center, and the U.S. Environmental
Protection Agency's Office of Criminal Enforcement. It features
12 scenarios of officers across the country encountering
Tape 542: TRIAD: Seniors and Law Enforcem ent Together
FBI Teleconference (2 Ho urs)
[1996] This FBITN teleconference concerns the American
Asso ciation of Retired P erson s' TRIAD program. Panelists
include Betsy Cantrell (National Sheriff's Association), Sgt. Mike
Green (Northbrook, IL, Police Department), Robert Garvey
(Hampshire County, Massachusetts, Sheriff's Office), Retired
Chief Mike Courville (Duncanville, Texas), Maria Reynolds
Diaz (AAR P/Dallas, Texas), who discuss the history of the
TRIA D program (philosophy or movement, more accurately) and
SALT councils, the types of crimes senior citizens experience
(con games), and how agencies can organize resources in the
comm unity to help the senior community help itself. It also
includes a section about citizens' police academies for senior
Tape 541: Too G ood to be T rue: How to Avoid Ripoffs (33
[1992] This scam program from the Aid Association for
Lutherans features a crooked repairman talking the viewer
through the p rocess of che ating peop le out of their mo ney.
Reena ctments of vacation, charity, and investment scam s are also
included. The program is broken into segments that allow for
viewer discussion. Your department may have already received a
cop y: those who have seemed to have liked it.
Tape 540: Leadership P OST Teleco urse (2 hours)
[1996] Whether they like it or not, police officers are regarded as
leade rs in their co mmunity. This Sep tember 19 96 b road cast is
intended to help viewers focus o n who they are as a pe rson, b oth
on the job and in their persona l life, and ho w they ca n learn to
lead others more effectively. Personal values, the treatment of
others, and accountability are the primary areas considered.
To pics discussed in the program include what lead ership is,
recognizing leadership, values and principles, what leaders do
(and don't do), developing leadership, the realities of promotion,
and courage vs. conformity. The format includes panel
discussions of ethical dilemmas, too.
Tape 539: Hostage Negotiation (1 hour, 15 min. on two tapes)
[1994] T his program uses the scenario of a Vietnam veteran who
believes his wife is going to dump him for her boss, and who
ends up taking him hostage to illustrate the techniques and issues
to consider in ord er to co nduc t a succe ssful hostage neg otiation.
The main direction of the program is establishing rap port with
the hostage-taker, rather than scene security and such. The
program is an overview: practical training and discussion will be
necessary to ap ply the techniques m ost effectively. It makes a
good place to start, though. (The scenario acting is pretty
hammy, but at least it gets the scene set.)
Tape 538: Auto T heft PO ST T elecourse (2 hours)
[1996] This program, from August 1996, spends a fair amount of
time talking about California vehicle laws and circumstances, but
good procedure is still good procedure. Besides an overview of
laws and vehicle identification terms, topics considered include
motives and methods of vehicle theft, vehicle documentation and
identification, vehicle recovery through vehicle contacts, and the
big picture of vehicle recovery, investigation and documentation
of theft, motorcycles and non-passenger vehicles (like boats), and
special problems.
Tape 537: Stalking PO ST T elecourse (2 hours)
[1996] This broadcast from June, 199 6, discusses va rious aspects
of the co mpa ratively recently recognized crime of stalking.
Top ics include stalking victims, stalking laws (in California),
stalking recognition, initial investigation, stalker profiles, case
manage ment, and victim intervention. The p rogram is set up so
that the sections can be reviewed easily. It's especially
interesting because it starts off with an interview with a San
Diego C o. Sheriff's Dep artment dep uty who was stalked by a
woman for six years. It points up the fact that anyone can be
stalked , and tha t it is important to investigate and prosec ute
stalking cases. (it starts with a disclaimer that the audio clips of
stalking m essage s are from actual stalkers, and contain grap hic
and violent language.)
Tape 536: Controlling Violent Subjects Part 1 POST
Teleco urse (2 hours)
[1996] Ed Nowicki hosts this May 1996 telecourse, which
exam ines the issues surro unding the use of force. Acc ording to
the statistics referred to in the program, only 1.7% of all the
arrests Los Angeles Police Department made in 1988 required
use of force reports. Topics considered in this program include
the risk an d resp onsibility of using force, threat assessment,
persona l evaluation, effective teamwork, comm unication tactics,
plus some physical contact demonstrations. There are a lot of
reena ctments of incid ents, too . Each segm ent is short enou gh to
use as roll call training.
NEMRT Video Catalog (Fiscal Year 2008 -- April 2007), p. 59
Tape 532: Preventing Gangs: Signs, Strategies, Solutions
(United Against Crime Teleconference) (2 ho urs, 30 min.)
[1996] The mo st interesting aspects of this progra m from Rad io
Shack's United Against Crime teleconference series are the
prese ntations by the school administrator and the interview with
the current (and contented) gang member. They, and the other
prese nters (who include law enforcem ent and paro le officers) talk
about the gang problem, the advantages and disadvantages of
gang membership, and ways of keeping youth out of gangs. The
program is clearly not roll call material, but it is useful for
informational purposes, and for developing programs and
Tape 535: Latin American Theft Rings FBI Teleconference (2
[199 6] This June 19 96 broadcast features Sgt. Joe M orrash
(Alexandria, VA) Sgt. Jeff Ro ss (Northb rook, IL), Sgt. Pau la
Franks (Houston, TX ), S.A. Lincoln Benedicto (Miami, FL), who
talk about the activities of organized shoplifting rings originating
in South Am erica. How the crimes co mpare with Gypsy crimes,
how the stolen goo ds are fenced , tools the shop lifters use in their
business, a nd techniqu es for investigating sho plifting crime s. It's
a surprisingly interesting program, because the information they
prese nt app lies to any type of theft crime, regard less of the ethnic
origin of the suspects. Sections of the program, especially the
surveillance camera footage of actual thefts would be useful for
business crime prevention programs. Since the stolen goods are
frequently marketed in Latino communities, the information
would b e helpful in crime or fraud prevention p rograms for those
com munities. Som e discu ssion o f airline ticket or luggage theft
and theft from vehicles is also included.
Tape 534: Sexual Assault Video Tapes (ILETSB & ICASA)
(84 min. over 3 pro grams)
[1996] The Illinois Law Enforcement Training and Standards
Board and the Illinois Coalition Against Sexual Assault (ICASA)
produced these programs to accompany the Illinois Sexual
Assault Model Guidelines and Sex Crimes Investigation Manual
(SCRIM). The three programs give a general overview of
procedures for interviewing an adult rape victim (in the program,
a victim of acquaintance rape), the types of evidence to look for
at the crim e scene, and approaches for interviewing susp ects.
The evidence collection po rtion (E vidence Collectio n (29 min.) is
for informational purposes only, and should not be regarded as
exam ples of appropriate procedures for evid ence collection.
Discussion of departm ental policy and effective pro cedure will
be necessary when using this, or any such program. The
sections of the tape are: Preliminary & Indepth Interview of the
Adult Victim (36 min.), Evidence Collection (29 min.), and
Suspect Interview (19 min.).
Tape 533: Seniors: Victim s or Partners in Co m m unity
Solutions (United Against Crime Teleconference) (2 hours)
[1996] One of the panelists in this United Against Crime
Teleconference (sponsored by Radio Shack) is Michael Green, of
the Northbrook Police Department. He, and representatives of
the American Association of Retired Persons, and other
organizations interested in the welfare of senio r citizens, talk
about white collar crime directed against seniors, elderly abuse,
and especially Eld erly Service O fficer pro grams. (By the way,
the tape arrived with a note saying that the complimentary tape
offer the Texas Attorney G enera l's Office ma kes only app lies to
Texas residents. S orry for the inco nvenience.)
Tape 531: Com m unity P olicing I: Resp ond ing to Violence in
the Workplace (35 min.)
[1996] According to this program, from the ALERT series, police
officers being killed in the line of duty account for only 7% of
the total number of workplace homicides 1994, and workplace
violence is the # 1 cau se of death for wom en in the workplace .
The program does not give any specific procedures to follow
when responding to workplace violence, but it gives a lot of
specific suggestions for making procedures appro priate to the
service area. How law enforcement agencies in Texas and
Missouri prepare for and respond to violence is examined. The
officers interviewed also talk about how they have established
good working relationships with the security staff at the various
business complexes in their area, and the importance of such
Tape 530: Building Searches (30 min.)
[1995] Two officers performing a building se arch in a store starts
this program, which demonstrates and explains good procedures
for conduc ting build ing searches. A s is always the case with
training programs, North East Multi-Regional Training does not
necessarily recommend the techniques described: they will need
to be compared with appropriate departmental policy. The
program is a goo d place to start explaining what officers will
need to do, and keep in mind, while conducting the search,
Tape 529: Directing Traffic: The Basics (15 min.)
[circa 1994] The Los Angeles County Sheriff's department
produced this p rogra m, which goes over what o fficers nee d to
know (and keep in mind) when directing traffic. #2 01 (Traffic
Direction and Control), although older, gives more detailed
information about pure traffic direction on different types of
intersections. This one spends more time on other
considera tions, whistle use, and use of flares.
Tape 528: Predicting Criminality (National Institute of Justice
Crime File) (29 min.)
[1988] This Crime File program examines recidivism: methods
of predicting if peop le released fro m incarceration will co mmit
more crimes, and what kind and how m any they m ight. Panelists
include Peter Greenwood (RAND Corporation), Peter Hoffman
(U.S. Parole Commission), and John Monahan (University of
Virginia Law Scho ol), with James Q. W ilson as m ode rator.
Topics discussed include "The Salient Factor Score", for
assessing a prisoner's likelihood of recidivism, the role of the
Parole Bo ard, criticisms of trying to predict recidivism, and
justification s for do ing it.
Tape 527: Street Level Drug Enforcement (33 min.)
[1996] This program from the ALERT series presents "how we
do it here" information from Wisconsin, Missouri, and Texas law
enforcem ent agencies abo ut unde rcover drug buys. It do esn't
give any step-by-step techniques, but officers who work in drug
and gang enforcement talk about ho w they operate, and how w ell
it works. It's a good "idea" program, because viewers can get
ideas about what they can do at their own agencies. A substantial
portion of the program is about evidence handling and protection.
Also included is an interview with an incarcerated gang member
(his motivation for being in a gang was money), and an overview
of liability issues for drug buys.
NEMRT Video Catalog (Fiscal Year 2008 -- April 2007), p. 60
Tape 526: Straight Baton Techniques (32 min.)
California 's Mand atory Sentencin g Law (NIJ Research in
[1996] This program from the ALER T series goes over basic
Prog ress) (45 min.)
strikes, blocks, commands and controlling techniques officers
This NIJ Research in Progress Program from October, 1994,
need to be aware of when using a straight baton. In several of the
features Dr. Peter Greenwood discussing the benefits, and
dem onstrations, expandab le-type straight batons are used , so it
drawbacks, of California's Three Strikes You're Out felony
would probably also be appropriate for use with ASP baton
sentencing program. Issues considered in this RAND research
training. Other topics considered include escalation of force
include the driving force behind the debate, how much will crime
theory (as applied to using a baton), the importance of continual
be reduced and at what cost, can alternatives achieve many of the
practice and training (sk ills get rusty pretty fast), and liability
benefits at less cost, and are either the new law or any
issues. The video will not replace hands-on training with a
alternatives affordable. He raises some concerns about the
com peten t instructor--the vide o says as much during its
concept: on the whole, the research casts some doubts on the
introduction--but it does present an o verview of important skills
three-strikes implementation.
and techniques. It's a good refresher for baton use.
Tape 516: Less Than In vincib le (9 min.)
Tape 525: Red ucing the Sale of Toba cco to Yo uth (22 min.)
An officer with the San Diego Police Dep artment whose 16-year[1995] This program, produced by the Illinois Liquor Control
old so n was killed in a traffic accident help ed produce this
Com mission, explains how the "Annual Survey" mock p urchase
program to remind young people that they are not invincible. He,
procedure wo rks (it is the sen ding o f teenagers into randomly
along with the surviving young people, their mothers, and the
chosen establishments selling tobacco prod ucts to see if the
paramedics who respond ed to the call talk about why the accident
management will allow the teens to buy any), and reenacts the
happened (careless high-speed driving--it's not a DU I program),
purchase procedures as they are done in Chicago and W oodridge
and the effect it has had on their lives. At the time the program
(IL). Other topics include a discussion of tobacco use reduction
was produced, the survivors had spent about half a year in the
strategies for teens, and tip s for co ntrolling to bacco sales to
hospital, one had memory lapses, and one was paralyzed on one
side. T he pa rents talk about the changes the accident caused in
their child ren, their families, and their live s. It's kind of talky,
Tape 523: It's Your Right: Legal Tips for Hom e Repair Fraud
but with an audience that isn't likely to drink and drive, it wo uld
(16 min.)
probably work well. (This program is examined in the January
[1994] T his AARP p rogram uses a scenario of a strolling
199 6 issue of Law and O rder Magazine.)
workman forcing his services on an elderly widow to show
viewers warning signals that a contractor is "shady". As the
Tape 515: Dynam ics of O ff-Duty Enco unters, Pt. 2 (36 min.)
scenario progresses, the narrato r explains to viewers so me do 's,
Police officers are o ff-duty far longer than they are on-duty. This
don'ts and recommendations for working with contractors, and
1996 A LERT Program po ints out the importance of being
what to do if they think they've been victimized. So far, it's one
prepared for (generally armed) off-duty confrontations. Topics
of the better con games pro grams N EM RT owns.
considered in this program include off-duty dress, weapon and
equipment selectio n (especially ho lsters), sho t placement,
Tape 522: Positional Asphyxia, Sudden Death, and
techniques for drawing the concealed weapon (and their various
Transpo rting Suspe cts (29 min.)
advantages), consideration of the behavio r of your com panions,
This program from the ALE RT series examines the reasons why
and allegations of domestic abuse within law enforcement
some suspects may die o f asphyxia while in custody, and how to
families. This program needs to be used with Tape #514,
avoid putting suspects in positions where they migh t have tro uble
Dynamics of Off-Duty Encounters Pt. 1.
breathing. Other topics considered include additional forms of
restraint (such as hobbles an d such), safety and liability
Tape 514: Dynam ics of O ff-Duty Enco unters, Pt. 1 (29 min.)
considerations for using them, and things to consider when
Police officers are o ff-duty far longer than they are on-duty. This
transporting prisoners
1996 A LERT Program po ints out the importance of being
prepared for (generally armed) off-duty confrontations. Topics
Tape 520: Com m unity Oriented Policing POST Teleco urse (2
considered include confrontational statistics and what they mean
to officers, identification techniques, secondary employment
This March 1996 program examines how Community Oriented
liability, departmental expectations of how an officer's actions
Policing is practiced in Charleston, South Carolina; Seattle,
off-duty, and personal safety techniques (in restaurants or by
W ashington; Portland, Oregon; Oakland, California; Phoenix,
AT Ms, for instance). Ideally, this pro gram need s to be used with
Arizona; and Santa Ana, California. Officers from the
Tape #515, Dynamics of Off-Duty Encounters Pt. 2.
departments talk about the difficulties and successes,
dep artmental po litics and the financial burd en, community
Tape 513: Em ployee Assistance Programs FBI Teleconference
resources, and the results achieved.
(1 ho ur, 50 min.)
Although this 1 995 program does not give specific
Tape 519: Pursuit Driving POST Teleco urse (2 hours)
recommendations for handling officer stress, it provides a lot of
This February 1996 program focuses on the decision-making
discussion o f issues and conc erns that agencies need to address.
process when a pursuit is initiated. While the laws the presenters
Topics include an overview of the kind of employee assistance
refer to are California ones, the factors to consider before and
programs the FBI offers to its agents, a long discussion of officer
during a pursuit, as well as those regarding the aban donment of a
suicide and su icide prevention, sub stance addictions (p articularly
pursuit, will be valuable in any state.
alcoholism) and recovery, and the importance of chaplaincy
programs. The chaplaincy program section was esp ecially
Tape 518: Gam bling Recognition PO ST T elecourse (2 hours)
interesting: how chaplains help ed with the Oklahoma C ity
This April 1996 program concerns California gamb ling laws, so
bombing recovery, and training needs that arose are considered at
that part isn't much help in Illinois. On the other hand, the
enforcement techniques would be extremely useful to any
officers in any areas. A lot of the illegal gamb ling in Ca lifornia
Tape 512: Youth Violence in Am erica FBI Teleconference (1
app ears to take place in the Asian com munity, so the pro gram is
hour, 50 m in.)
also useful for Asian cultural awareness. Forms of gambling
[December 1995] This December 1995 program examines
considere d include illegal gambling games, illegal lotteries,
finding fro m the M ajor City Chiefs' study and recommendations.
bingo, casino nights, con games and carnival fraud, and animal
To pics co nsidered inc lude b ehavioral characteristics of juvenile
offend ers, the A merican juvenile justice system and how it
works, and a discussion of programs that seem to have a positive
Tape 517: Three Strikes You're Out: Benefits and Costs of
effect on the problem.
NEMRT Video Catalog (Fiscal Year 2008 -- April 2007), p. 61
Tape JOB 512 : Offenders of the '90s (17 min.)
Describe how they can lessen the effect of shift work on
After viewing this videotape, jail officers will be able to:
their wellness.
List four typ es of inm ates freq uently found in jails today;
(Taken from the video bo x.)
Describe the dangers and difficulties presented by
white-co llar criminals, ex-m ilitary offend ers, and inmates with
Tape 509: Law Enforcement Officers Flying Armed POST
mental or physical disabilities [including the elderly -- SLC];
Teleco urse (1 hour, 20 min.)
Define "multijurisdictional offender" and describe the
This telecourse from November, 199 5, along with the
prob lems this type of offender p resents;
accompanying workbook, is intended to satisfy new federal
Describe the training and education jail staff members
regulations and ma ndates for law enforc ement officers who w ill
need to d eal with multicultural inmates;
be flying armed (in California, anyway). Its main goal is to
Exp lain why education o f the pub lic is vital to the field
make flying arm ed an uneve ntful experience. Viewers will
of corrections.
unde rstand the specific conditions when peac e officers can safely
(Taken from the video bo x.)
and legally carry firearms and other weapons or restraints aboard
an aircraft; the required procedures for transporting a firearm and
Tape JOB 511 : Managing Conflict Resolution (12 min.)
ammunition in checked baggage; procedures to follow when
After viewing this videotape, jail officers will be able to:
transporting a prisoner aboard an aircraft; and the roles and
Describe the pro blem s facing fac ilities with too much conflict;
responsibilities of flight and ground crew mem bers in the event
Describe the pro blem s facing fac ilities with too little conflict;of a passenger disturbance or other in-flight emergency (taken
Explain why mod erate levels of conflict can be also
from the program announcement).
called "functional conflict";
List the thre e mo st com mon causes of conflict;
Tape JOB 508 : Sexual Harassment (21 min.)
Explain why problem solving is the best method of
After viewing this videotape, jail officers will be able to:
conflict resolution;
Define sexual harassmen t;
Explain the roles of the parties involved in problem solving.
List types of conduct toward staff and inmates that may
(Taken from the video label.)
be considered sexually harassing;
Explain why courts use the "reasonable woman"
Tape 511: Child Abuse and Exploitation [In Cyberspace] FBI
standard to identify acts of sexual harassmen t [Surp risingly
Teleconference (1 ho ur, 50 min.)
enough, sexual harassment of males is also considered. In the
The official title of this March 1 996 program is mislead ing: it is
video, this section is called the "reasonable person" standard. SLC];
about the use of comp uter networks by pedophiles for the abuse
Describe three ways in which sexual harassment
and exploitation of juveniles. Topics include an overview of
destroys the corre ctions team and endange rs officers;
child exploitation, the use of computer networks for the purpose,
Describe the steps a person who is subject to sexual
and som e basic investigative techniques. This pro gram also
harassment should take.
features graphic sexual images (they've been altered to protect
(Taken from the video box. You could probably use the program
the identity of the victims and to cover any graphic sexual
in a law enforcement agency as well as a jail. Most of the
content, but the y're still pretty strong), so the video com es with
prese ntation is not corrections-specific.)
the caveat that it is for training purposes only. Viewer discretion
is advised.
Tape 508: Legal Investigations Involving Peace Officers POST
Teleco urse (2 hours)
Tape JOB 510 : Program m ing O ppo rtunities in Jails (18 min.)
[May 1995] This telecourse from May, 1995, examines the legal
After viewing this videotape, jail officer will be able to:
issues a o fficer might face d ue to action tak en on the job , as well
Describe how jail-based programs and services be nefit
as the righ ts and o bligations of an officer (in California, at least)
the inmates, the ja il, and the com munity;
who is involved in a criminal, administrative, or civil
List five commo n types of jail-based p rograms and services; investigation and/or legal action. Viewers will learn the rights
Describe the key components of a substance abuse program; and obligations of the law enforcement agency in the
Define "life skills" and list four life skills that inmates
investigative and legal processes; learn the step-by-step
can learn in a jail program;
investigative and legal process an officer might face, p articularly
Explain what jail administrators can do to ensure the
if involved in a critical incident; Learn the importance of
success of pro grams and services;
"detailed" accuracy and consistency in statements and report
Explain what jail officers can do to ensure the success of
writing in criminal, administrative, and civil investigations; and
programs and services.
will be aware that not knowing these things can affect their
(Taken from the video bo x.)
career, freedom, and financial status (taken from the program
announcement). In any event, before applying the information
Tape 510: Crime in a Birth Cohort: A Replication in the
from this program, viewers should check with agency legal
People's Republic of C hina (N IJ Research in P rogress) (45
counsels about how to apply it in Illinois, and should become
familiar with the Law Enforcement Officers Bill of Rights.
[M arch 1 995 ] In this program from March 1 995 , Dr. M arvin
W olfgang talks about how a 1950 's study of crime within a group
Tape JOB 507 : Preparing for Promotion: Climbing the Ladder
of juveniles in Pennsylvania is being duplicated in China. He
(18 min.)
describes the original study, how the research is being conducted
After viewing this videotape, jail officers will be able to:
in China, the differences between the availability of information
Explain why administrators must prepare employees for
in the U nited S tates and China , and the difference in results. His
promotion before there is an opening for an upper-level position;
discussion about crime information in the People's Republic of
List three things a supervisor can do to help an
China is especially interesting.
employee prepare for promo tion;
List three things employees can do to prepare
Tape JOB 509 : Staff W ellness (9 min.)
themselves for up per-level positions;
After viewing this videotape, jail officers will be able to:
List the fourteen traits of a leader;
Describ e how individuals' wellness helps themselves,
List ten principles central to being an effective leader.
their families, their coworkers, and their employees;
(Taken from the video box).
List three major barriers to personal wellness that are
comm on to jail officers;
Tape 507: Crime Scene Preservation (33 min.)
Discuss four wa ys to relieve occup ational stress;
This program, from the ALERT Series, features several evidence
Describe five exercises that can correct or prevent lower
technicians and evidence managers, who discuss how they
back p roblem s;
process crime scenes and evidence. Also included is some
consideration of photographing (and videotaping) the scene and
suspect interviewing. A case study of an actual homicide case is
featured (along with some photographs).
NEMRT Video Catalog (Fiscal Year 2008 -- April 2007), p. 62
(Taken from the video bo x.)
Tape 506: Warrant Service and Building Entry Tactics POST
Teleco urse (2 hours)
This October 19 95 broad cast presents to officers basic tactics and
other safety issues regarding the safe entry into any structure.
According to the POST announcement, viewers are familiarized
with "the fundamental elements of safe building entry tactics. . ."
and are introduced to the process of identifying the mission
objectives, planning and executing the entry, and debriefing and
critiquing of the entry.
Tape 504: Drug Trafficking (Crime File) (29 min.)
This program, from the National Institute of Justice's second
Crime File series, examines "successful targeting of resources on
arrest of street-level dealers" (taken from the NIJ synopsis). The
program concludes with a panel discussion between James Q.
W ilson (Moderator), Mark K leiman and Mark M oore (Harvard
University) and John C. Lawn (D rug Enforcement
Tape JOB 503 : Why not Direct Supervision? (20 min.)
After viewing this videotape, jail officers will be able to:
Describe the differences between a direct supervision
Tape JOB 506 : Jail Literacy Programs (16 m in.)
facility and a traditio nal linear facility;
After viewing this videotape, jail officers will be able to:
Give at least three reasons why direc t supervision ja ils
Describe how jail literacy programs help reduce recidivism; are safer than linear jails;
Describe how jail literacy programs help officers
List the nine principles of direct supervision;
manage the jail population;
Explain what it means to say that officers, not inmates,
Explain how to identify inmates who might have
control the d irect sup ervision jail;
literacy problem s, and how to screen and select program participants;
Explain why the furnishing in direct supervision jails are
Discuss the be nefits of offering a variety of jail literacy programs;
less institutional than those in traditional jails;
Explain the roles the officer plays in making a literacy
Describ e how o pen bo oking works.
program a success.
(Taken from the video label. Since many of the jails in the
(Taken from the video box. You might also want to take a look
Chicago area are already direct supervision jails, the program
at #491, Breaking the Code: The Sound/Symbol System of
may be old news, but it might also be interesting to see how your
English Spelling.)
practice compa res with the practices described.)
Tape JOB 505 : Jail Equipment Technology Advances (16
After viewing this videotape, jail officers will be able to:
Explain how the use of computer networks can improve
the storage and retrieval of inmate records;
Explain how fiber optic technology can enhance
perim eter sec urity;
Define "addressable head" and explain how this device
can improve fire detection;
Describ e two recent improvem ents in intercom systems;
Exp lain how the use of card readers and pneumatic
technology can impro ve the control of doors;
List four technological advances that can improve a
jail's video surveillance capabilities;
Explain why it's not always wise for a jail to use the
latest technology.
(Taken from the video box. Some of the more unusual ideas for
subject restraint, such as sticky goo and such, have come from
the area of corrections. They don't get into the theoretical
technologies here).
Tape 503: Drug Testing (Crime File) -- Spanish Version (29
This program, from the National Institute of Justice's Crime File
series, is the same as #502 (Drug Testing), only this one has
Spa nish-language voice-overs for the sp eakers. Yo u can still
hear the English a little under the translations, but it's not
irritating. It would be an excellent program for presenting to a
group o f primarily Spanish spe akers.
Tape 505: Drug Trafficking (Crime File) -- Spanish Version
(29 min.)
This program, from the National Institute of Justice's Crime File
series, is the same as #504 (Drug Trafficking), only this one has
Spanish-language voice-overs for the sp eakers. Yo u can still
hear the English a little under the translations, but it's not
irritating. It would be an excellent program for presenting to a
group o f primarily Spanish spe akers.
Tape 502: Drug Testing (Crime File) (29 min.)
This program, from the National Institute of Justice's second
Crime File series, examines pre-trial drug screening, and legal
questions related to the issue. The program concludes with a
panel discussion b etween Jam es Q. W ilson (the mod erator), Eric
W ish (National Institute of Justice), Elizabeth Symonds (National
Capital Area American Civil Liberties Union), and Jay Carver
(D.C. Pretrial Services Agency).
Tape JOB 504 : Sma ll Jails: Special Problems (18 min.)
After viewing this videotape, jail officers will be able to:
Tape JOB 501 : Jail Officer's Leadership Role (The) (12 min.)
After viewing this videotape, jail officers will be able to:
Define leadership and explain the difference between a
leader and a manager;
List and define seven character traits of an effective leader;
Exp lain the importance of being a positive ro le model;
Describe the difference between proactive, reactive, and
inactive officers;
Name the four basic leadership styles and explain when
each style is most appropriate;
Describe five practical ways in which leade rship skills
can b e app lied in a d irect sup ervision enviro nment.
(From the video label.)
Describe how to provide low-cost staff training;
Explain what a jail officer reserve pro gram is and list
four precautions to take before implementing one;
Describe two ways to provide necessary medical
services to the small jail population;
List the three major expenses of a food service
department and one cost-cutter for each;
Describe how to keep an antiquated jail functioning on a
limited m aintenance and renova tion bu dget;
List three no-cost ways to provide inmate progra ms;
Describe why it's important to maintain good
com munity relations, and name the mem bers o f the com munity
who may prove mo st valuable to jail administration.
Tape JOB 502 : Effects of O fficer E xpe ctation s on In m ate
Behavior (The) (9 min.)
After viewing this videotape, jail officers will be able to:
Define "officer expectations";
Explain why all staff members must enforce
expectations in the same way;
Describe when and how to com municate exp ectations to
Explain the difference between proactive and reactive supervision
Explain the importance of documenting inmate behavior.
(Taken from the video box).
Tape 501: Drug Education (Crime File) -- Spanish Version
(29 min.)
This program, from the National Institute of Justice's Crime File
series, is the same as #500 (Drug Education), only this one has
Spanish-language voice-overs for the sp eakers. Yo u can still
hear the English a little under the translations, but it's not
irritating. It would be an excellent program for presenting to a
group o f primarily Spanish spe akers.
NEMRT Video Catalog (Fiscal Year 2008 -- April 2007), p. 63
Chicago, why community policing flounders in many cities, and
how Chicago worked to avoid those problems. The answer to the
question posed in the title is "Fact", in c ase you were curiou s.
The program concludes with a question/answer session, in which
Dr. Skogan gets some argument with his research.
Tape 500: Drug Education (Crime File) (29 min.)
This program, from the National Institute of Justice's second
Crime File series, examines methods of teaching children about
drug abuse prevention. Its main focus is the DA RE program.
The program concludes with a panel discussion between James
Q. Wilson (Moderator), Joyce Nalepka (National Federation of
Parents for Drug-Free Youth), Stephen Leinen (School Program
to Educate and Control Drug Abuse), and Michael Goodstadt
(The Ad diction Research Foundation).
Tape 499: Parental Abductors: Four Interviews (43 min.)
This 1994 program, from the National Institute of Justice and the
School of Social Work, at the University of Maryland at
Baltimore, features interviews with four parents who, for some
reason or other, abducted their children and hid then for from two
weeks to eleven years. The idea behind this program is to
examine the motivation behind these parents' actions. One of the
things that does come out is how the criminal justice system was
misused or workers within the system were neglecting their
responsib ilities.
Tape 498: Conditions of Juvenile Confinement OJJDP
Teleconference (90 min.)
This teleconference, from Septemb er 17, 1993, examines the
findings o f the Ab t Study o f the con ditions of confinement in
juvenile facilities in the United States. It begins with an
overview of the findings, which were 1.) the major problem areas
in the facilities are living space, health care, security, and control
of suicidal behavior; 2.) that conforma nce to stand ards do esn't
necessarily lead to improved confinement conditions; and 3.) the
deficiencies are spread across various types of facilities. It then
features a panel discussion of what the findings mean, and
conclude s with a panel discussion of ho w the findings apply to
suicide preve ntion in juvenile facilities.
Tape 497: Reducing Gun Violence: Comm unity Policing
Aga inst Gun Crim e (NIJ Research in Pro gress) (51 min.)
This lecture from Ap ril, 1995, features Lawrence W . Sherman,
who talks about ap plying the SAR A method of community
policing to gun violence, an d focuses on what police can do to
seize illegal firearm s through enfo rcem ent of gun-carrying laws.
The research he discusses took place mainly in Kansas City and
Indianapolis, and involved gun-seizing during traffic stops. He
also discusses evaluation methods (and seems rather defensive
and opinionated, for so me reason), and how techniques need to
fit the area being studied. The program co ncludes with a
question/answer session.
Tape 496: Youth V iolence, G uns, a nd Illicit D rug M arkets
(NIJ Research in Pro gress) (1 hour)
[September 1994] This lecture from September, 1994, features
Alfred Blum stein, Professo r at the Carnegie-M ellon U niversity,
who discusses the conne ction b etween the drug market and youth
violence, crime statistics, and so forth. It concludes with a
segment on where we go from here. An interesting aspect of this
program is how Professor Blumstein makes his presentation (as
well as his demonstration of how to lie with statistics, and
explanation of ways of reading a graph). (Incid entally, this
program is the first in the series.)
Tape 495: Comm unity Policing in Chicago: Fact or Fiction
(NIJ Research in Pro gress) (1 hour)
[May 1995] This lecture from M ay, 1995, features Wesley
Skogan, of Northwestern University, who describes the CAPS
program, the impact of the program on the neighborhoods of
Tape 494: Correc tions-Based D rug Abuse T reatm ent (NIJ
Resea rch in Pro gress) (45 min.)
[January 1995] T his lecture from January, 1995, features Dr.
James Inciardi, director of the Department of Drug Studies at the
University of D elaware. He talks a little ab out his histo ry with
corrections and drug treatment (and coerced treatment), describes
the program used in Delaware in the late 1980s, and then talks
about his follow-up research on the program's success. For a
clear narrative of how a prog ram and evaluative research works,
this program is appropriate. It concludes with a question/answer
Tape 493: Intervening with H igh-Risk You th: Prelim inary
Find ings from the Children-at-Risk Program (NIJ Research in
Prog ress) (44 min.)
[February 1995] This lecture from February, 1995, features
Adele Harrell, Ph.D., director of the Program in Law and
Behavior at the Law Institute, who talks about the Children at
Risk Program: a drug and violence prevention program for a
specific type of youth between 11 and 13. The main feature of
this program is her disc ussion of the evaluation of the p rogra m.
How the program works, and what the program involves is also
explained. (Evidently, in addition, Janet Reno is present in the
audience, and m ore is m ade of her p resence than is necessary to
the information.) The lecture concludes with a question-andanswer session.
Tape 492: Un dersta ndin g & Prev enting Violence: A Public
Health Persp ective (NIJ Research in Pro gress) (1 hour)
[Decemb er 1994] T his lecture, from December 19 94, features Dr.
Arthur Kellerman, director of the Center for Injury Control at
Emory University. He talks about preventing firearms violence
from a Public Health (a proactive) perspective. This program,
and the others in the series, are not roll-call material, but they are
informative for students and officers conducting research, or
planning to do research. Topics considered include firearm
fatalities in households, behavioral factors for firearms violence,
home safety and self-defense, non-fatal gunshot injuries, incident
circumstances, reporting realities, research applications, and
possible results. A question-and-answer segment is included at
the end.
Tape 491: Breaking the Code: The Sound/Symbol System of
English Spelling (88 min.)
This program, from the National Institute of Justice, argues
(rather convincingly) tha t one o f the major ca uses of juvenile
delinquency is illiteracy. The code that is being broken is that of
written E nglish. T his pro gram turns out to be a crash course in
phonics! This program might be helpful for officers who are bad
spellers, but would probably be most appro priate for training
reading tutors, especially in a corrections setting. It demonstrates
some classroom techniq ue, so agencies might do well to use it
with reading training volunteers.
Tape 490: Tra ffic Sto ps: H igh R isk Vehicle Contacts (27
This program, from the ALE RT series, examine s safety
procedures for conducting a traffic stop, when the officer
believes that the vehicle oc cupants are d angerous. As always,
de pa rtme ntal proc ed ures take preced ence over the program 's
training suggestions. Officers are also going to need to practice
techniques in order to apply them effectively. Officers are
enco uraged to no t get locked into a particular style o f traffic stop.
The stop may begin with routine techniques, but the officer needs
to be ready to change techniques to fit the situation.
(Incidentally, Kenosha (W I) Sheriff's Department officers are
featured in the d emo nstration.)
NEMRT Video Catalog (Fiscal Year 2008 -- April 2007), p. 64
Accident S cene Safety (A rizona Department of Public Sa fety
/ 10 m in.) Th e object of this segment is to demo nstrate the safe
and effective m anagement of acc ident scenes. G uideline s to
insure the safety of victims, approaching motorists, responding
officers, and rescue personnel are also included.
Police and the Hearing Impaired (Denver Police Dept. / 29
min.) Law enforcement's obligations to the deaf community are
the main consideration of this program. Other topics include
indications for recognizing a deaf citizen, how to use an
Tape 488: Dom estic Violence Awa reness: U nited Ag ainst
interpreter properly, and hand signs an officer can use to start
Crime Teleconference (2 hours)
communications with the hearing impaired. It starts off with a
This teleconference, broadcast in October, 1995, was the first of
Shoot/Don't Sho ot scen ario in which the suspect is invariably
Radio Shack's United Against Crime teleconferences. It features
shot, but then turns out to be deaf.
Detective Lydia M artinez of the N ew Y ork P olice D epartment,
California Case Law Updates
who talks about the prevalence of domestic violence, and what
Arrest: Whether "Citizen's Arrest" Lim its Your Po wer:
viewers can do to prevent domestic violence. Since this program
Johanson (Alamed a Co . Dist. Atty / 9 min.)
was presented to a gene ral aud ience, rather tha n a spe cifically
Search: T he Scope of Auto Search Incide nt to Arrest:
law enforcement audience, the style of presentation may be
Mitchell (Alameda C o. Dist. Atty / 10 m in.)
irritating to viewers. It doesn't give any specific enforcement
Suspicious P ersons in Pa rked V ehicles (Go lden W est
tips. Basing one's own com munity p resentation on De t.
College / 12 min.)
Martinez's format, ho wever, might work well.
Arm ed in the Commission (G olden W est Co llege / 12 min.)
Tape 489: Traffic Stops: Unknown Risks (32 min.)
This program, from the ALE RT series, examine s basic safety
procedures for co nducting a traffic stop. As always,
de pa rtme ntal proc ed ures take preced ence over the program 's
training suggestions. The emp hasis is on survival thinking and
not making assumptions: that the individual being pulled over
might actually be dan gerous. B oth daytime and nighttime stops,
and escalating stops are considered.
Tape 487: Search Wa rrants PO ST T elecourse (2 hours)
[September 21, 1995] The learning goals of this telecourse,
broadcast September 2 1, 1995, are to demystify the warrant
writing process; to encourage cooperation with District Attorney
offices, an d to un derstand the chang ing legal climate a nd its
impact on the need for search warrants; to introduce recent
innovation and technology in the writing and acquisition of
search warrants; and to encourage officers to prepare more search
warrants, taking a proactive approach to problem solving (taken
from the telecourse announcement). Segments included in the
program cover what search warrants are and when to use them,
how to justify search warrants and have them granted, tips on
working with judges and district attorneys, probable cause, and
corroboration of sources. As always, check Illinois and
munic ipal procedures before applying these California
suggestions in yo ur community.
Tape 486: Law Enforcement Awareness of Disabilities (LEAD)
PO ST T elecourse (2 hours)
[June 8, 1996] This program, broadcast June 8, 1996, is intended
to assist law enforcement personnel better understand, recognize,
assist, and communicate with persons having developmental
disabilities. Viewers will be able to list the four major types of
developmental disabilities, and describe the general
characteristics of people with those disabilities, as well as
strategic communication and safety techniques to use with each
disability. Viewers will also be able to differentiate between
techniques to use when the person having the developmental
disab ility is a victim, a witness, or a perp etrator of a crime.
Finally, viewers lea rn to recognize an d begin to use "Peop le
First" terminology, and recognize and describe general
characteristics of persons having a Traumatic Brain Injury (taken
from the telecourse announcement). As always, the laws and
techniques described in this program apply to California. Make
sure the information applies the same way in Illinois before using
Tape 484: POST Satellite Broadcast--September 1995 (2
[Septem ber 19 95] T his month's program includes:
Cellular Pho ne Fraud: The Cloned P hone Threat to P ublic
Safety (Bell Atlantic / 16 min.) This program begins by
examining the seriousness of stealing cellular phone numb ers,
then goes over how the numbers are stolen, what kind of
equipment is used, how cloned phones are used, and how officers
can help ca tch phone -cloners.
Child Safety Seats: T he Lo ving Conne ction (C alifornia
Office of T raffic Safety / 10 min.) If your comm unity has a
public safety program, this segment should fit right in. It
demonstrates the importance of using child safety seats when
children are in the car, and explains the sizes appropriate for the child.
Bomb E xplosion: First Responder (Los Angeles Police
Dept. / 10 min.) This program goes over what an officer can
expect, and what should be done, when at an explosion crime
scene. Departmental policy will also need to be examined, but
the video is a good place to start to explain the po licy.
Dick and Harry: Rest in Pieces (Niagara Regional Police
Force / 7 m in.) Th is brutally funny pro gram features graphic
footage and still photographs from bomb scenes, explosions, and
victims o f bom b blasts. The idea is for officers to be extrem ely
careful around bombs and possible bomb scenes, since
explosives don't generally look like something that might blow up.
It's No B ig Deal (Denver Police Dep t. / 19 min.) Officers
frequently do n't consider credit card thefts as da ngero us crimes.
This program talks about credit card offenders who turned violent
when approached by the police. It also considers major
investigations that were helped through cred it card record s.
California Case Law U pdates:
Possession in the B lood stream (Go lden W est Co llege / 10 min.)
P.C. Section 243(c): Battery on a Peace Officer with Injury
(Go lden W est Co llege / 11 min.)
Search: Exigent R etrieval: Hull (A lameda D ist. Atty / 14 m in.)
Evidence: Unwanted W eight Loss: Valenzuela and Ho ward
(Alam eda Dist. Atty / 12 min.) Parts of this program co uld
probably be used in Illinois: the weight loss is from drug
evaporation, and it features information on investigating
methamphetamine labs, including the "Mexican National" lab
Tape 485: POST Satellite Broadcast--October 1995 (2 hours)
[October 1995] This month's programs include:
Stinger 12 Stunbag (Los Angeles Co. Sheriff's Dept. / 10
min.) The advantages of using the Stinger 12 Stunbag on
unco ope rative suspects is demonstrated (the stunbag, by the w ay,
is a weighted bag sho t from a shotgun). Pro cedures for using it,
Tape 483: Protection Training: The Beginning (2 hours)
situations when using it are appropriate, and safety measures are
This Leerburg video is the "starter" tape for their dog training
also considered . North East M ulti-Regional T raining doe sn't
series. On it, the process and principles of bitework are
necessarily recomm end this device, but it is interesting to know about.demonstrated on a number of young shepherds and rotweilers, as
Officer Involved Shooting: Stacey Lim (Los Angeles Police
well as one old er rotweiler that was mishandled in its youth.
Dept. / 10 min.) The importance of having an off-duty survival
NEM RT d oesn't necessarily recommend the dog training
plan is the topic of this pro gram, which re enacts an off-duty
techniques demonstrated here, and certainly doesn't recommend
incident in which the officer is shot at b y carjackers. I think this
applying any techniques without guidance from an experienced
is also the first program NEM RT has to feature a woman officer
dog trainer, but the program doe s give the background of the
in a survival situation, too.
NEMRT Video Catalog (Fiscal Year 2008 -- April 2007), p. 65
Tape 472: FTO P rogram FB I Teleconference (3 hours)
[June 10, 1992] This teleconference, broadcast June 10, 1992,
goes over the origins of various FTO p rograms (especially the
Tape 482: Accident Scene Management (30 min.)
San J osé M ode l), useful techniques in training recruits, things to
This program from the ALERT Series features officers from
consider when selecting field training officers, and training
Kenosha, W isconsin, who give a straightforward, o rderly
updates for the FTOs. Panelists include: Sgt. Mark Rogers
explanation of things to consider when working a traffic accident
(Fairfax Co . Police Academy), Capt. La ura B arton (Kansas C ity
crime scene. As they point out, departmental policy supersedes
Police Department, and S.A. Larry Bonney (FB I Academy).
their guid elines, but the suggestions they ma ke, and the safety
tips they give, are good to keep in mind.
Tape 471: Media Relations in Crisis Situations FBI
Teleconference (2 hours)
Tape 479: Training Police Service Dogs (2 hours)
[April 12, 1995] This teleconference, broadcast April 12, 1995,
This program, a Leerburg Video Production, goes over the basics
examines the ne eds of the news media, especially during crises,
of bitework training for dogs used in police work. It will never
things managers need to consider in setting up a media relations
replace co ntact training, but it does give an o verview of what to
policy, and give pro active tips on working with the m edia.
expect from a trained dog, and from training a dog for police
Panelists include Penny Parrish (Minneapolis Police
work. The video also assumes some understanding of bite work
Department), Joe Gentile (Washington DC Police Department),
training, but is still informative.
Bob Hawk (Cleveland FB I), Jim Vance (FBI Acad emy).
training described in NEM RT videos 479 (Training Police
Service Dogs) and 47 8 (Tactical Training/Police K-9).
Tape 478: Tactical Training/Police K-9 (2 hours)
W hile it will not replace a hands-on training class, this Leerburg
production will give the viewer an id ea of what to expect with
and from a trained police dog. The focus is not only on training
the dog, but in training the officer to plan for survival while using
the do g. The narrator p oints out that handlers have a tendency to
dep end heavily o n the dog and forget abo ut surviva l tactics.
You'll probably want to begin by looking at #479 (T raining
Police Service D ogs). (W e've had some troub le with this
program: on the small video player, it has picture dropouts, on
the office VCR it works fine. If you have any problems, let us
know .)
Tape 477: Legal Update 1995 FB I Teleconference (2 hours)
[199 5] Daniel Schofield and K imbe rley Crawford, of the FBI's
Legal Instruction Unit, examine various Supreme Court decisions
that will affect law enforcement perso nnel. Of special interest
are First Amendment concerns, policing civil disturbances, and
police/media relations. The program concludes with an interview
with Hank G ivens, about legal issues during crisis situations.
Tape 476: Officer Stress Managem ent 1: Stress of the
Gunfight (30 min.)
This program from the ALE RT series goes over Critical Incident
Stress: what it's like and ways of dealing with it. The program
includes several interviews with officers who were involved in
shooting inciden ts, who talk about their exp eriences.
Tape 475: How to Save You r Dog's Life (36 min.)
This Leerburg video is about first aid for dogs. While the
injuries considered are gene rally those most likely to affect house
pets rather than police dogs, they, too, can have limbs broken, or
encounter poisons, or get something in their ears. If you have a
dog , you might want to take a look at it, anyway.
Tape 470: Figh ting throug h Pepp er Sp ray: C oun ter Assa ult
and Survival Tactics (29 min.)
This program fro m the AL ERT series is unusual in that it doe sn't
show officers how to use pepper spray, but how to keep going
after hav ing been sprayed themse lves with p epp er spray. W hile
No rth East Multi-Regio nal T raining d oesn't necessarily
recommend the tactics described , they are useful to know abou t.
Tape 469: Ga ngs: Not My Kid (29 min.)
This program, which is also used with the EDG E gang
prevention training p rogra m, is especially go od to show to
parents. It's mainly about the efforts of inner-city single mothers
in keeping their children out of gangs, and fighting gang
encroac hment in their neighbo rhood s.
Tape 468: Rea listic Side-Hand le Ba ton: B asic (59 min.)
This two-tape set features John G. Peters and others
demonstrating the abilities of, and the techniques for using, sidehand le, PR -24-type bato ns. W hile this video no t intende d to
replace a hands-on course and much practice, officers will have a
better understanding of the baton. To pics discussed include ways
to grip the baton, blocking and self-defense techniques, restraint
and control techniques, and blunt force injuries. (By the way, the
tape's production was partly financed, it appears, by a police
products distributor. T he program be gins with so me advertising.)
Tape 467: Situationa l Use of F orce O ptions Ch art (9 min.)
This program , from the Los An geles County Sheriff's
Department, goes over the use of the "Use of Force Options
Chart", and uses it to illustrate different levels of force and
appropriate reactions to various kinds of aggression.
Tape 474: Interrogations/Confessions: Legal Issues POST
Teleco urse (2 hours)
The subject of this particular telecourse is Interrogation and
Miranda con siderations. Since the p rogra m originated in
California, the laws that are discu ssed are generally California
ones. You're going to want to talk about the Illinois laws that are
similar, in order to make the program most effective. Topics
considered include Fourth, Fifth, Sixth, and Fourteenth
Amendment issues, and how M iranda ap plies.
Tape 466: Dynam ics of a Shooting Involving an Officer (34
This program, from the Seattle Police Department, goes over an
incident in which one o f their officers was sho t while
investigating late-night drinkers in a park during the winter. He
talks about what happened, what he did, what the several
suspects did, and what hap pened later. It's broken down into
shorter sections: Incident Outline (the longest section), Recovery
Time, Incident Critique, Experience is the Best Teacher, and
Basic Ad vice for New Officers. (B y the way, the program is
specifically labelled "Fo r Law Enforceme nt Viewing O nly", so
don't go showing it around.)
Tape 473: Sexu al Assau lt Investigations P OST Teleco urse (2
[July 1995 ] This program, broa dcast in July, 19 95, is intended to
help viewers und erstand the mo tivation behind sexual offenses,
understand the impact of sex-related offenses on victims, and
learn appropriate techniques for interviewing victims, collecting
evidence, and documenting the incident. Since the program
origina ted in C alifornia, the laws tha t are disc ussed are California
ones. You're going to want to talk about the Illinois laws that are
similar, in order to make the program most effective.
Tape 465: Stalking: Attorney General's Law Enforcement
Training Video (45 min.)
[1995] T his 1995 video features highlights from several seminars
law enforcement educational seminars the Illinois Attorney
General's Office sponsored in 1994. Segments are included on
the conditions of Illinois' stalking law, methods of enfo rcem ent,
wo rking with the victim , and the imp ortance of taking the law's
enforcement seriously. (Merri Dee, from WGN -TV, who was
shot by a stalker, talks about the law's impo rtance. Her story is
really something!)
Tape 464: Teens Talk Violence (In the Mix) (30 min.)
[1993] This made-for-teens PBS program from 1993 uses
interviews with teens to show the prevalence of violence in a
teenager's world. It then goes on to show how various groups
and programs are working to decrease hostilities, and gives
persona l safety tips. Also included are segm ents on girl gangs,
handling ethnic slurs, and conflict resolution.
NEMRT Video Catalog (Fiscal Year 2008 -- April 2007), p. 66
Tape 459: Escalation to Deadly Force: The Keith Hum phries
Story (21 min.)
The U.S. D EA p rovided this program, which reenacts a dru g bust
incident in which this officer is forced to shoot the suspect he is
grappling with. The incident is first reenacted , then the sc ene is
repeated while Keith Humphries describes the action and
explains why he did what he did. Also included are tips on
survival, and the importance of wearing body armor.
Tape 463: POST Satellite Broadcast--April 1995 (2 hours)
[April 1995] T his month's broad cast includes:
Officer Survival: Garden Grove Detectives (Los Angeles Co.
Sheriff's Dept. / 8 min.), which reenacts an incident in which two
plainclothes officers are forced to shoot a suspect. The officers
talk about what they did wro ng, and what they did right.
Hate Crimes (FBI / 19 min.) This straightforward program goes
over the seriousness of bias crimes, the Hate Crime Statistical
Act of 199 0, the FBI's process for national bias crime data
collection, and procedures for identifying and reporting suspected
bias crimes.
How to Ma ke a Video (Idaho Dept. of Law Enforcement / 15
min.) Fiskell and Deebert, those training film critics (see videos
#400 and #328), branch out from in-car videotaping into actual
training video production. W hile you probab ly won't be able to
go out and make one immediately, the program does provide an
overview of factors to consider in the planning and production of
a video.
Partnersh ips for a Safer California (California Commission on
Peace Officers Standards and Training / 12 min.) This program
goes over the method by which the California Commission on
Peace O fficers Standards and Training is providing training in the
state, the training relationship s it is establishing with other public
safety agencies (like fire departments), and how they will provide
training to their client agencies in the future.
California Case Law Updates (as usual, some of these updates
could ap ply in any state, and others are o nly for California. Ask
your legal counsel for advice on applying any of this information):
Interrogation: Are You Invoking, or Just Curious (Alameda Co.
Dist. Atty / 12 min.)
Elem ents of C rime: A spects of Asp ortation (Alamed a Co . Dist.
Atty / 10 min.)
"T o Collect and P reserve" (G olden W est Co llege / 11 min.)
Latest News from the DNA W ars (Golden W est College / 9 min.)
The news, by the way, is that DNA won.
Tape 462: Susp ect Loca tion O bserv ation Techniq ue (S .L.O .T.)
(7 min.)
This program, from the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police
Department, has been made for use with Casino personnel. It
goes over what they should do (or not do) if the cashier is robbed
and what the casino personnel can expect from the responding
law enforcement personnel. It is for law enforcement training
purposes only, and, according to the Las Vegas Metropolitan
Police Department's terms, may not be shown to the media. If
the law enforcement agency shows it to the casino perso nnel, it
ough t to be all right.
Tape 461: Sight Alignment (7 min.)
This program, provided b y the Firearms Training Section of the
U.S. DE A, goes over the proper way to line up the sights on a
handgun in order for the shot to be straight. Other factors, such
as ineffective grips or squee zing more than the trigger, are also
Tape 460: David High Story: A Guide for Close Combat
Survival (25 min.)
This program, provided b y the Firearms Training Section of the
U.S. DE A, reenacts a drug bust in a fo rested area where a coup le
of things w ent wro ng, and one o f the agents find him self
grappling with the susp ect witho ut his team know ing where he is.
Happ ily, the agents were able to arrest the suspect without
anyone being seriously injured, but David High, while recounting
the incident, talks about how the glitches could have been
avoided. He also talks about the other safety precautions that
probably saved his life.
Tape 458: U.S. Postal Inspectors: Your Partners in Law
Enforcement (12 min.)
If your Explorer or Cadet group are looking for programs on
areas of law enforcement to get into, this program would be a
help. It goes over a little of the history of the postal inspectors,
talks about what they do now, and how they can help the police
track dow n criminals.
Tape 457: Yonge & the Restless: Policing the World Series
(23 min.)
[circa 199 4] T his pro gram, from the Metrop olitan T oronto
Police, describes the planning that went into their handling of the
crowds celebrating the Toronto Blue Jays's winning the 1993
World Series, and then discusses how the plans worked.
Tape 456: Recognizing Criminal Personalities POST
Teleco urse (2 Ho urs)
[M arch 2 3, 19 95] The criminal persona lities considered in this
March 2 3, 1995, telecourse, are basically those of potential and
active sex offenders. The panel of experts (from the FBI and
elsewhere) talk about the basic kinds of disorders (Psychopathic,
Narcissistic, Parano id and Paraphilic), personality assessment,
and interroga tion tactics and strategies.
Tape 455: Firearms and Use of Cover (27 min.)
This program, from the ALE RT series, go es over correct an d safe
techniques for handling firearms. Basic firearm grip and stance,
target practice, something referred to here as "points of natural
body armor" (which refers to places on the body that have no
natural protection), and use of cover. North East Multi-Regional
Training, as always, does not necessarily recommend or agree the
techniques and ideas described here, but it is always interesting
to hear other p eople's ideas.
Tape 454: Police Bicycle Riding Skills and Tactics (46 min.)
W hile it isn't a glitzy show , the pro gram clearly co vers the basic
things bicycle patrol officers need to know about a police
mountain bike and its capabilities in order to be effective. Topics
include bicycle maintenance, riding skills and technique, and
various patrol tactics. The program is broken into short
segments, so it co uld easily be used during roll call.
Tape 453: Police Officer Exams Review (2 hours)
If you have a job with a police department, this video has arrived
too late to help you: it's about what to expect and how to study
for a police selection exam. It would be helpful for officers who
have to work with potential recruits, though, and, since much of
the tape is on how to study for and take a test, it might help
promotional exam candidates. The program is divided into eight
sections on such topics as Police Selection Exams, Test Taking
Strategies, Mem ory Questions, Processing Information,
Questions Based on Forms, Read ing Com prehension Questions,
and Ho w to Study for the Exam, with Robert Panzarella leading
the instruction.
Tape 452: Practical Patrol Tactics for the 911 Officer (31
Building searches have been a popular topic among NEMRT
library users, but there aren't too many programs available (that
we know of) about making them. This one is designed for
officers who may be called on to go into unknown residences or
buildings. It goes over techniques for clearing stairwells and
hallways (without tactical mirrors or such) and making room
NEMRT Video Catalog (Fiscal Year 2008 -- April 2007), p. 67
Tape 451: Stress Managem ent and the Law Enforcement
Tape 447: Supervising Critical Incidents: The First 30
Fam ily POS T Te lecourse (2 hours)
Minutes PO ST T elecourse (2 hours)
[October 1994] This program, broadcast in October of 1994,
[February 1995] Sup ervisors who found themselves participating
strings together the comments and anecdotes of current and
in several California disasters talk about how things went, in this
former members of police families. They talk about the fears and
February 1995 P OST telecourse. Emergencies include the
problems they had, how those problems were solved, what the
Oakland/Laguna B each fire of 1993, a multi-car pileup on a
department could have done to ease those problem. T hrough
highway (and they can be over 100 cars long in California), and
these interviews, viewers are to understand the law enforcement
an armed suspect in an office building. During the last 45
environment and how it relates to stress on officers, their families
minutes, though, the discussion turns to dealing with officer
and relatives; how to recognize the effect of law enforcement
involvement in illegal activities, and leadership skills. The
work/stress on the officers' family, and understand the signs and
Laguna Beach p art is especially interesting (and could be useful
symptoms of family stress; and possible solutions for the
for dispatcher training), as is the leadership part (since during
prob lems of stress.
critical incidents, you can get several people who think they
ought to be in charge).
Tape 450: POST Satellite Broadcast--March 1995 (2 hours)
[March 19 95] T his month's broad cast includes:
Tape 446: Serving Search W arrants (26 min.)
Community Law Enforcement Center Team (Los Angeles Co.
[1995] T his 1995 program from the AL ERT series talks about the
Sheriff's Dept. / 7 min.), which describes the creation of the
issues officers must consider when serving search warrants and
"N orwa lk M ode l" (from No rwalk, C A), for coordinating the city
making searches (including accusations of theft or planting
and county public agencies crime prevention activities. (They're
evidence, as well as safety considerations). The activities of the
mostly gang crime prevention activities)
Palm Beach C ounty (F lorida ) Sheriff's Special Resp onse Team is
*Death Notification (Los Angeles Police D ept. / 18 min.) T his
also examined.
program recognizes the difficulties of delivering d eath
notifications, and goes o ver good procedure for doing it. The last
Tape 445: Skywatch Training 1995 (1 ho ur, 40 min.)
ten minutes are of an interview with the Squires (founders of
[February 13, 1995] Jim Allsopp, of the National Weather
Mad About Rising Crime) discuss the good (and b ad) things
Service, talks to an aud ience of po tential spo tters in Naperville
police did when their son was sho t.
on February 13, 1995. The main focus is the development of
Officer Invo lved Sh ooting: Craig Ju nging er (Huntington Beach
tornados, and how to distinguish a funnel cloud from other
Police Dept. / 20 min.) Motorcycle officer Craig Junginger
storm-related phenomena, though the dangers of thunderstorms
reenacts and talks about a 1989 shootout he had with a bank
(lightning a nd flash floods) are also discussed briefly.
robber. At the end of the program, police psychologist Dr. Larry
Blum discusses post-trauma effects and survival shooting
Tape 444: POST Satellite Broadcast--February 1995 (2 hours)
training. (A lso ava ilable as part o f Tap e 256.)
[Februa ry 1995 ] This mo nth's program includes:
Carcinogens and You: A Safe Approach (POST / San Jose Police
*Dress for Death (Los Angeles Co. Sheriff's Dept. / 13 min.)
Dep t. / 12 min.) This pro gram, directed at patrol officers,
This program is good for showing to parents and such: it goes
discusses where hazardous m aterials can be found , and how to
over the kinds of clothing, signs, activities, and behavior that
hand le them. It's similar to T ape 62 (" Initial Response. .
may ind icate a child is part of a gang. The drawback is that it
.HazMat Incidents"), but more strongly emphasizes officer
focuses on gangs of the Los Angeles area, but with some added
safety. (Also ava ilable as part o f Tap e 127.)
discussion, it could probably be used in the Chicago area.
California Case Law U pdates:
Living with Africanized Honey Bees (KNSD and (California)
W ill that Old Dog H unt? (Golden W est College / 10 min.) (about
Department of Agriculture / 13 min.) "Killer" bees are not
how a K-9 "sniff" is no t a Fou rth Am endment "search".)
believed to have reached Illinois yet, but this program can let us
Elder Abuse under P.C. Section 368(a) (Golden West College /
know what we would be in for. This program goes ove r the bees'
13 m in.)
migration, their d angerous charac teristics, and their threa ts to
Detention: The Significance of Walking Away (Alameda Co.
agriculture and people.
Dist. Atty. / 13 min.)
Detecting Fraudu lent D ocu ments (W ashington State Patrol /
Search: Getting Consent Beyond the Immediate Area (Alameda
12 m in.) The focus here is on W ashington state documents, but it
Co. Dist. Atty. / 11 min.)
could be helpful if you talk about it with the audience. It
{*Available Separately}
identifies security features for birth certificates, drivers licenses,
social security cards, and such.
Tape 449: Ultimate Sniper: The Video (1 ho ur, 25 min.)
Field Comm and Posts (Los Angeles Co. Sheriff's Dept. / 13
Unless you are a marksman or firearms specialist at your
min.) This program explains the necessity of field command
department, don't even bother with this one: the program goes
posts, how to set one up, and how it should function. It also talks
over how to be a good sniper. Most of the material is for
about the mobile command posts available through the Los
outdoor, long-distance sniping. Most people don't need to know
Angeles Co. Sheriff's Dep artment.
abo ut these thing (and there a lot of pe ople we do n't want to
*Bank Robb ery Prevention (San Jo sé Po lice Dept. / 8 m in.)
know these things), so if you are a marksma n/firearms specialist
This program goes over how b ank em ployees can prep are to
who borrows this program, don't go showing it around.
survive a bank robbery and help catch the robber. This program
is a goo d one for sho wing to banks that are setting up security
Tape 448: Dangerous Missions: SWAT (44 min.)
procedures for its tellers.
[200 2] This video, from the H istory Channel's series Dangerous
California Case Law U pdates:
Missions, addresses the origins and activities of SWAT teams. It
Child Sexual Abuse (A lameda C o. Dist. Atty / 13 m in.)
starts in 1967, when the Los A ngeles Police Dep artment first
Search Warrants; Avoiding Anorexic Affidavits (Alameda Co.
organized a special wea pons and tactics unit, and we nt on to
Dist. Atty / 14 min.)
demonstrate its importance during raids on the hideouts of the
"Fresh Comp laint" D octrine (Go lden W est Co llege / 11 min.)
Black Panthers and the Symbionese Liberation Army. Other
Search his E lectric M eter! (G olden W est Co llege / 9 m in.)
noteworthy SWAT responses include the 1997 North Hollywood
*Available Separately
Bank Rob bery shoo tout, the Columbine shoo tings, and lessfamous, but educational encounters with troub led sub jects.
Tape 443: Pursuit and Defensive Driving (25 min.)
Otherwise, the equipment used, tactics employed, and the attitude
[1994] T his 1994 program from the AL ERT series talks about the
participating officers need are also examined. Teams from the
importance of training in both defensive and pursuit driving for
Los Angeles Police Department and the St. Louis Police
police officers. The Palm Beach (Florida) Sheriff's remedial
Department are featured.
driving program, along with their unique p ursuit po licy is
described , as are factors to consider when engaging in pursuits.
NEMRT Video Catalog (Fiscal Year 2008 -- April 2007), p. 68
product, and provide an overview of how the product should be
used. This program goes over law enforcement applications for
using Oleoresin Capsicum spray. It goes over the advantages of
OC spray, how to use it, the importance of self-defense training
with the product, and special considerations for handling subjects
who have been sprayed with OC. When you request this one, be
sure and ask for Video #818 as well: OC Aerosol Use in Law
Enforcement II, in which Ed Nowicki gives more information
Tape 441: Victim Con tact Skills PO ST T elecourse (2 hours)
about what law enforcement officers can expect when using OC
[Janu ary 19 , 199 5] T his pro gram, broa dcast January 19 , 199 5, is
intended to help officers interact more effectively with citizens
who have become victims of crime. Topics covered include
Tape 434: Pepper Sp ray for Self-Defense (17 min.)
effective communication skills, responsibilities to victims at
While no video alone will make a viewer proficient at using OC
crime scenes (in California, at least), what to tell victims about
spray, a video can show someone what to expect from the
the criminal justice system, and how to refer victims for further
product, and provide an overview of how the product should be
used. This p rogra m, produced for use w ith the general public, is
such a program. It goes o ver the adva ntages of OC spray, how to
Tape 439: POST Satellite Broadcast--January 1995 (2 hours)
use it, and the importance of self-defense training with the
[January 1995] This month's programs include:
New Firearms Qualification Course (Los Angeles Co.
Sheriff's Dept. / 3 min.), which describ es the new 3-round-burst
Tape 433: Zero Tolerance Video (1 ho ur, 35 min.)
firearm qualificatio n cou rse the Lo s Angeles Co. Sheriff's
[N ovem be r 18, 19 94 ] T his Illinois S ecretary of State's
Department is switching to.
Police/W estern Illinois University teleconference , broadcast
The Bait Car (Los Angeles Co. Sheriff's Dept. / 6 min.),
Novem ber 18, 1994 , gives an overview of the state's Zero
which demonstrates the capabilities of their specially equipped
To lerance Law , which went into effect January 1, 199 5. Pe ople
car, which they use to catch car thieves.
under 21 who are caught driving with any measurable alcohol
Altered and Counterfeit Credit Cards: The Hi-Tech Holdup
level in their system automatically lose their driving privileges.
(Visa U.S.A. / 17 min.). T his pro gram, which the California
Norm K appes of the Illinois Secretary of State's Police, explains
Comm ission on POST helped produce, describes the
how the law affects law enforcement officers, how to fill out the
characteristics of genuine credit cards, so officers can recognize
necessary forms, and then answers viewer questions.
them from counterfeit ones. It sounds like an odd topic for a
training video, but, as is pointed out in the program, those who
Tape 432: POST Satellite Broadcast--November 1994 (2 hours)
use co unterfeit credit ca rds are often involve d in other crimes as we ll.[November 1994] This month's programs include:
Gangs: Tu rning the Corn er (California Atty General / 41
Hazardous Devices (FLETC / 20 min.) Booby traps associated
min.) This glitzy docu mentary, narrated by James Earl Jones,
with drug-dealing, is the focus of this program. Officers are
points out the need of parents, teachers, police, and other
reminded to watch for evidenc e of hazardous d evices, and to
community leaders to work together to stop the spread of gang violence.
request help from experts if any are suspected. Operation
California Case Law U pdates:
Alliance is also examined.
Mischievo us Animals (G olden W est Co llege / 13 min.)
Driven to Distraction (Los Angeles Co. Sheriff's Dept. / 5 min.)
HG N: It T akes a Rocket Scientist. . .(Golden W est Co llege / 12 min.)This program goes over the importance of driving patrol cars
Search and Seizure: The Irrelevance of the Reason for a
defensively and make allowances for in-vehicle activity.
Righteous V ehicle S top (A lameda C o. Dist. Atty / abo ut 11 min.)
Integrity in the Workplace (Pt. 2) (Federal Bureau of Prisons / 34
Statements: Pre-Miranda Prolonged Detention (Alameda Co.
min.) This segments continues the program begun in the October
Dist. Atty / about 11 m in.)
1994 broadcast (#425). Another incident of employee
misconduct from the Bureau of Prisons is reenacted, and one of
Tape 438: Verbal Judo: Methods and Tactics (3 1/2 hours on 2
the incid ents from the earlier pro gram is continued. It is
especially useful for corrections/jail officers, but it's an
[1992] This program com pletes the PO ST Telecou rse be gun with
interesting reminder for law enforcement officers about the
Tactical Communication (NE MR T V ideo #247 ). In it, George
temptations of public service.
Thomp son, of the Verbal Judo Institute, elab orates on the basic
California Case Law U pdates:
principles he discussed in the first telecourse. This particular
W arrant Chec ks During C onsensual E ncounter (G olden W est
program in broken into short segments, so can be used
College / 12 min.)
conveniently for roll call training.
"Jeff Without M utt" (G olden W est Co llege / 11 min.) (T his is
interesting: it goes over the dange rs and drawbacks of team interrogations)
Tape 437: Gang Recognition (29 min.)
Exclusionary Rule: A Warrant too Late? (Not): Link (Alameda
This program from the ALERT series goes over ways of
Co. District A tty / 12 min.)
recognizing gang signs and gang membe rs. In many ways, the
Exclusionary Rule: The Impact of Knock-No tice: Watkins
program is pretty basic for local department, but since the
(Alam eda Co. District A tty / 12 min.)
program comes out of the St. Louis area, the program focuses on
gang activities in the Midwest. It gives tips on what to look for
Tape 431: Armed R obbery Survival Techniques (10 min.)
when investigating possibly gang-related crimes, or other
NEM RT has a co uple of videos about bank teller safety: this one
incidents, that might lead officers to identifying gang membe rs.
is designed sp ecifically for convenien ce-type store emplo yees.
You will still want to talk about it with the employees after
Tape 436: Law Enfo rcem ent Professionalism (28 min.)
showing it, but it is a useful place to start describing safe
In this lecture with scenarios, Lt. Art Sapp (Co lorado Springs,
procedures for dealing with a confrontation with a robber. Much
CO, Police D ep artment) talks abo ut the imp ortance of an officer's
of the progra m is about what not to do, and wh y not to d o it, but,
app earan ce and demeanor in getting along with the com munity
combined with your discussion of what employees should do,
he or she serv es, the department, and themselves. It pro bab ly
and why they should do it, the program should be a lot of help.
won't tell you anything you don't know, but it is a good reminder
of why yo u need to act righ t.
Tape 430: Crim e Sen ior Alert (2d ed.) (21 min.)
Common crimes p racticed aga inst senior citizens a re analyzed in
Tape 435: OC Aerosol Use in Law Enforcement (22 min.)
this program, which was very kindly received from Bruce
While no video alone will make a viewer proficient at using OC
Cam eron and L aw and O rder Magazine. Eld erly "victims" talk
spray, a video can show someone what to expect from the
abo ut how they were taken adva ntage o f, the crime (both
Tape 442: Breaking the Cycle: Inmate Work Programs (12
[Oc tober 1994] The Jefferson C ounty S heriff's Dep artment in
Beaumo nt, Texas, produced this program in October, 1994. It
describes their successes they have had with their direct
supervision (and work training) program, called Positive
Prod uction, for inmates.
confidence crimes and robberies) are reenacted, and then the
"victims" talk about what they have done to prevent being
victimized again. It would be pretty good for use with senior
NEMRT Video Catalog (Fiscal Year 2008 -- April 2007), p. 69
Miranda Invocation: When to Clarify (Golden West College / 12
Interro gation for the T ruth (G olden W est Co llege / 12 min.)
Tape 429: Com bat Shooting Tactics (18 min.)
This program, which was very kindly received from Bruce
Cameron and Law and Ord er Magazine, goes over the
importance of practicing survival tactics, and applying them
while on patrol. Aside from the shooting reenactments at the
beginning and end (which are analyzed for mistakes), the
presentation is surprisingly easy-going. Tips on shooting
techniques, methods of practicing them, and choosing leather are
included, alo ng with footage of officers' survival sho oting tests
on the firing range.
Tape 428: Devil Worsh ip: The Rise of Sa tanism (63 min.)
This program, which was very kindly received from Bruce
Cameron and Law and Order Magazine, is not specifically law
enforcement-related, but it does provide some useful information
about the reasons people get involved in occult practices, and
evidences of legal and illegal rituals. Much of the information
come s from Europe, but North A merican trend s are also
considered. The program includes a numb er of interviews w ith
current and forme r Satan ists and W iccans, which are interesting.
(The last 15 minutes is interesting:: most of it is devoted to the
crucial part Christianity plays in both causing and stopp ing occult
Tape 427: Law Enforcement and News Media Relations POST
Teleco urse (1 hour)
[November 1994] This program, broadcast in November of 1994,
goes over California law regarding m edia relations. Pub lic
information officers from several law enforce ment agenc ies,
along with an active reporter, discuss the importance of good
med ia relations and a med ia relations policy, and ideas o n how to
develop good relations. Even if you don't agree with the
panelists, having heard their ideas might be helpful in developing
dep artmental po licy.
Tape 426: Basic and Power Handcuffing Techniques (ALERT
Series) (30 min.)
This program from the ALERT series goes over the importance
of handcuffing skills, how to cuff, and techniques and positions
for po wer ha ndcuffing. As always, you 're going to want to
compare the techniques suggested here with departmental policy
before implementing them.
Tape 425: POST Satellite Broadcast -- October 1994 (2 hours)
[October 19 94] T his month's program includes:
International Law Enforcement Fraud Assistance (VISA
International / 14 min.) This program gives an overview of
international credit card fraud, the general area s that VISA 's risk
management personnel investigate and ways law enforcement
officers can help V ISA solve international fraud pro blems.
Mo lotov Cocktails (Los Angeles Co. Sheriff's Dept. / 5 min.),
which goes over types of firebombs, their effect when exploded
against a building, and the importance of officer safety and
evidence preservation d uring firebomb ing investigations.
Firearms Safety Review (Orange Co. Sheriff's Dept. / 12 min.) A
reminder fo r officers to never take their firearm s for granted: it
goes over procedures for caring for, transporting, and storing
revolvers, semi-autom atic pistols, and shotguns.
Integrity in the Workplace (Pt. 1) (Federal Bureau of Prisons / 32
min.) This exposé-news-report-style program reenacts actual
Bureau o f Prisons incidents of emplo yee misconduct. It is
especially useful for corrections/jail officers, but it's an
interesting reminder for law enforcement officers about the
temptations of public service.
California Case Law U pdates:
Search and D etention: Knowledge of Sea rch Condition: Tyrell
J. (Alamed a Co . Dist. Atty / 12 min.)
Identifications: Avoiding Suggestions and Pro viding Counsel:
To mlin V . Myers (Alameda C o. Dist. Atty / 12 m in.)
Tape 424: POST Satellite Broadcast -- April 1994 (2 hours)
[April 1994] T his month's program includes:
Seeing is Believing (Los Angeles Co. Sheriff's Dept. / 11 min.)
The topic for this entertaining program is courtroom preparation.
Through the demo nstration of a Buck Savage-like officer,
viewers see how to behave in and around a courtroom, and why
professional behavior is critical to the favorable outcome of court
A Will for Life (Los Angeles Police Dept. / 9 min.) While estateplanning is a touchy subject with police officers, this program
goes over the importance of having a will and of updating
personn el packets.
An Introduc tion to Pep per G as (OC) (California Dept. of Justice
/ 8 min.) This program was made to show to California citizens
(rather than officers). It provides an overview of the
characteristics of OC spray, (California) laws governing its use,
the types of canisters, license requirem ents, safety procedures,
and procedures for decontamination.
Aurora Colors II: Dealing with the Gang Issue (Aurora
{Colorado} Regional Medical Center / 28 min.) This program
updates the first Aurora Colors program on Tape 323, and gives
information on how to build a community based anti-gang program.
California Case Law Updates
The "O utside M iranda" Fad) (A lameda C o. Dist. Atty / 12 m in.)
The Eyes (and Ears) of Needles (Alamed a Co . Dist. Atty / 12 min.)
Post-Arraignment Interro gation (Go lden W est Co llege / 12 min.)
Search W arrants: Time Limits (Go lden W est Co llege / 12 min.)
Tape 423: Edged-W eapon Defense and Disarming Techniques
(ALERT Series) (31 min)
[circa 1995] This program from the AL ERT series goes over the
importance of knowing edged weapon defense techniques (after
all, most households have a lot more knives in them than guns),
appro priate training techniques, and the techniques them selves.
Tape 422: Getting T ough on D WI: The D efense: C ross
Exam ining the Arresting Officer (65 min.)
[circa 199 2] D on't use this tap e by itself: it is most appropriate
for use in a training program with an instructor. The main focus
of this program is on how to make a police officer look foolish in
court, so an instructor is essential to put the presenter's remarks
in context. It would be appropriate to use with report-writing
training, evidence collection and processing, and courtroom
performance training.
Tape 421: COPP S: Comm unity Oriented Policing & Problem
Solving (43 min. on 2 tapes)
[1993] The California A ttorney G enera l's Office produ ced this
program in 199 3, and p ersonnel of the D uP age C o. Sheriff's
Department have recommended this video as a useful overview
of the C omm unity Oriented Policing co ncep t. Part 1 (15 min.)
gives an overview of what Comm unity Oriented Policing is and
how it works. Part 2 (28 min.) consists of two interesting
prese ntations given to a live aud ience. Superintend ent Ch ris
Braiden of the Edmo nton (Canada) Police talks about the history
of Po licing, and how it fits with C OP ; then H erma n Go ldstein
discusses implementation.
Tape 420: Chicago Stings (10 min.)
[1993] T he Conrail Police Department, in association with the
Chicago Police Department (and severa l others) put together this
program from fo otage of videotaped semi-trailer ro bbe ries in
199 3. A truck driver wo uld park his semi on a Chicago street,
and then go away for some reason. The activity around the
trailer was then vid eotap ed. W hen the trailers were bro ken into
and entered, a door would close behind the thieves, trapping then
in the trailer, and p olice o fficers wo uld co me running fro m all
over to apprehend the suspects. If your agency is planning any
sting op erations, it might b e helpful for getting ideas; and if it
isn't, you might get a kick out of the attempted ro bberies.
Tape 419: EVO C D riving Co urse (6 min.)
[circa 199 5] If you've taken any Em ergency V ehicle Op erators'
Courses, you may have seen this video. The Batavia Police
Department prod uced it to show participants what the different
courses they w ould be expected to drive lo ok like, and how to
handle them.
NEMRT Video Catalog (Fiscal Year 2008 -- April 2007), p. 70
working environments, what is meant by "zero tolerance" and
"quid pro quo", and how to respo nd to com plaints o f harassm ent.
Tape 415: POST Satellite Broadcast--August 1994 (2 hours)
[August 19 94] T his month's program includes:
Gang Incident Tracking System (Ora nge C o. Sheriff's Dep t. /
6 min.), which talks about California requirements in identifying
Tape 418: POST Satellite Broadcast--September 1994 (2
gang crimes as such in incident repo rts.
ARWEN (Los Angeles Co. Sheriff's Dept. / 7 min.), which
[Septem ber 19 94] T his month's broad cast includes:
explains the advantages (and departmental requirements) of using
Scratch er Ticket Fo rgery (California State Lottery / 12 min.)
the AR W EN 37 five-shot sho ulder weap on (it uses a pro jectile to
W hile mo st of the progra m ap plies to the Ca lifornia State
stun the suspect).
Lottery, the examples of how losing lottery tickets can be altered
K-9 Chemical Testing (Las V egas M etrop olitan P olice D ept.
to appear to be winning ones would be helpful to out-of-state
/ 6 min.), which shows the importance of giving police dogs
enforcem ent officers.
training with OC and CS sprays (it seems that they don't affect
Leg al Helmets (California H ighway Patro l / 7 min.)
dogs much, and with proper training a K-9 will keep doing its job
California has a mandatory mo torcycle helmet use law , and this
after contact).
program goes o ver ways of reco gnizing unapp roved (and unsafe) helmets. Basic Marksmanship Instruction: The Ball and Dummy
Tran sporting T AR Ped Susp ects (Los An geles Co. Sheriff's
Exercise (FLETC / 6 min.), which goes over slow fire, timed fire,
Dept. / 8 min.) Use of the Riphobble device in the Total
and rap id fire exercises with revolvers.
Appendage Restraint Position (TA RP ) is not co mmon in Illino is.
Basic Marksmanship Instruction: The Practical Pistol
If any age ncy do es use it, this progra m goes over appropriate
Cou rse (FLET C / 10 min.), which covers proper drawing
safety proced ures.
techniq ue, how to remov e a revolver from its ho lster, how to
Communications Fraud: Are You Prepared? (FLETC / 11
shoot from behind a barricade, and how to shoot with the weak hand.
min.) This program briefly describes the growing
Choose Not to Lose (Cook Co. State's Atty / 18 min.), which
comm unications fraud problem s (stealing telephone ca rd access
is the same as #304, about gang prevention for young people.
numbers and such) and then promotes the Depa rtment of the
California Case Law U pdates:
Treasury's Telecommunications Fraud Investigative Training
Exclusionary Rule: The Involuntary W itness: Badgett
Program in Georgia.
(Alam eda Co. Dist. Atty / 9 min.)
Life or Death: The Harwell Incident (Louisiana State Police
Search Warrants: The Endangered Informant Protection
Academy / 20 min.) This program recreates a street stops that
Act: H obb s (Alam eda Co. Dist. Atty / 14 min.)
ended up a shooting incident, and how the officer involved
Pro bab le Cause to A rrest/Search (Go lden W est Co llege / 10 min.)
recognized that the violator was likely to attack him.
Pro tection of Informants (Go lden W est Co llege / 12 min.)
California Case Law U pdates:
(which is also about the Hobb s case).
The Righ t to Beg (G olden W est Co llege / 12 min.)
Vehicle S tops: Beer Cans, B illy Clubs, and Drugs (Golden W est
Tape 414: Handgun Retention II: Drawn Gun/Disarming
College / 10 min.)
Techniques (30 min.)
Detentions: Through a W indshield, Darkly: Samaniego
[circa 1994] This program from the AL ERT series continues the
(Alam eda Co. Dist. Atty / 10 min.)
dem onstrations begun in Ta pe #377 (Handgun Retention:
Detentions: Reasonable Suspicion of Criminal Activity:
Holstered Techniques), this time focusing on disarming
Conway (A lameda C o. Dist. Atty / 10 m in.)
techniques. These techniques look great on video, but remember
you have to practice them many times (with a FAKE gun, of
Tape 417: Reducing the R isk II: Making Yo ur Church Sa fe
course) to actually make them wo rk for yo u and to avo id
from Child Sexual Abuse DVD Set (108 min.)
[2003] One section of the co mmunity frequently neglected in
community policing is the religious community. Many area
Tape 413: White Gangs P OST Teleco urse (1 ho ur, 30 min.)
churches provide daycare and babysitting services. Law
[August 1994] T his August 1994 telecourse completes the
enforcement officers pro bab ly won't hear anything new in this
California Commission on Peace Officer Standards and
program, but it might be useful at crime prevention talks or for
Training's overviews of gangs. The gangs discussed include
building community relations with churches or child care
W hite street gangs (which model themselves after the Africanfacilities. This fairly comprehensive program examines the
American gangs), Taggers (vand alism gangs), and W hite
impact of child sexual abuse (on both the victim and the
supremacist groups. T he Aryan B rotherhoo d prison ga ng is also
caregiving facility), ways churches in particular can protect
themselves and the children in their care, and then gives detailed
information about how to screen and supervise workers, respond
Tape JOB 412 : TIE: Training, Industry, and Education (16
to abuse allegations, and implement a prevention program. (The
NEM RT library also has the training manual that goes with the
After viewing this Jail Operations Bulletin video, jail officers
program If you would like to use them, just ask).
will be able to give two reasons why training, industry, and
The segments of the program are:
education in the jail; explain the difference between vocational
Ma king Yo ur Ch urch S afe from Child Sexual Abuse (22 min.)
training and industry programs, and two ways of integrate them;
Understand ing the P rofile of Child M olesters (18 min.)
describe four types of educational programs; and describe how
Selecting a nd Screening Workers (19 min.)
officers can help an inm ate's participation in TIE program s.
Principles of Supervision (15 m in.)
Respond ing to Allegations of Abuse (24 min)
Tape 412: Child A buse: Investigation P OST Teleco urse (2
Implementing a Program to Reduce Child Sexual Abuse in Your
Church (10 min.)
[July 1994] This telecourse, also from July, 1994, is the second
part o f the set of p rogra ms on law enforcement respo nse to child
Tape 416: Sexu al Ha rassm ent PO ST T elecourse (2 hours)
abuse (both physical and sexual) and child neglect. This part
[Septem ber 1, 19 94] A lthough this telecourse, bro adcast
talks about what investiga ting officers can d o once ab use is
September 1, 1994 , covers mainly California law re lating to
identified. Sections on interviewing both the child victim and the
sexual harassment, the information about recognizing and
perpetrator are included, along with tips on evidence collection
preventing harassm ent should ap ply in any state. The pan elists
and courtroom preparation. Since the program was designed for
discuss the history and nature of sexual harassmen t/hostile
California law enforcement personnel, parts of the presentation
would not apply in Illinois, but the program is quite informative
and a goo d basis for study.
NEMRT Video Catalog (Fiscal Year 2008 -- April 2007), p. 71
from W icklander-Zulawski & Associates who discusses various
aspects of body language. T he program is split into two parts (to
help with roll-call viewing): the first one is on basic body
language and proxemics, and the second is mainly about
neurolinguistics (eye movement) and nervous reaction.
Tape 411: Child Abuse: Recognition and Impact POST
Teleco urse (2 hours)
[July 1994] This telecourse, from July, 1994, is the first part of
the set of program s on law enforcement resp onse to child ab use
(both physical and sexual) and child neglect. This part talks
about, not only ways of recognizing signs of possible abuse and
the effect of abuse on the child, but the effect on the officer as
well. Since the program was designed for California law
enforcement personnel, parts o f the presentation wou ld not apply
in Illinois, but the program is quite inform ative and a go od b asis
for study.
Tape JOB 410 : Working with Inm ates with M ental Illness (17
Viewing this program should enable jail personnel to: name five
categories of mental disorders; name the four common types of
med ication used to treat m ental disorders; exp lain when not to
use medica tions on an inm ate; describe how to handle mentally
disturbed inmates, and identify three common signs of suicidal
Tape 410: AIDS--The Silent Cop Killer (17 min.)
This program starts out covering the basic information about
AIDS (means of transmission and forms of protection), and then
takes an unusual angle for an AIDS prevention tape. Taking the
view that AIDS is a form of deadly force, it talks about ways of
handling encounters with suspects that involve the least risk of
transmission. Officers from the K ankakee and B radley (Illinois)
Police Departments also ap pear in the progra m, so it is doubly
Tape JOB 409 : Understanding Jail Management (16 min.)
After viewing this p rogra m, viewers sho uld be able to exp lain
why jail officers nee d to un derstand the respo nsibilities of their
manage rs; to identify six areas of responsibility for jail managers;
to explain why jail managers must respond to inquiries from the
public about jail operations; to explain why drills, written reports,
retraining, and routine inspec tions are essential in a jail; and to
explain why managers must attend seminars and conference s.
Tape 409: Transporting Prisoners: The Most Dangerous
Cargo (40 min.)
Agencies that transpo rt detainees regularly will be especially
interested in this program, which goes over safe procedures for
searching and moving prisoners from one facility to another. It
starts off with a graphic scenario in which carelessness lea ds to
an escapee's gory murder of the transporting officer and the
priso ners who w ere with him. It's sure to get the viewer's
Tape 408: Violence in the Workplace (FBI Teleconference) (2
This FBI Teleconference, broadcast in February, 1994, features
representatives of both the FBI and the United States Postal
Service, who examine causes and problems relating to workplace
violence. Indicators, personality problems, pre-employment
screening co nsiderations, and victim assistance are also
Tape JOB 408 : Professionalism and Ethics (16 min.)
This Jail Operations B ulletin video en ables viewers to exp lain
what it means to be a professional, describe how to interact
professiona lly with inmates and other staff mem bers, explain
what a c ode of ethics is, d escribe the dangers resulting from a jail
officer's abuse of drugs or p ower; or failing to enforce jail rules,
and de scribe how a jail officer can face challenges suc h as stress,
isolation, and a difficult jail population.
Tape 407: Field Interviewing: Recognition of Deception (40
min. (20 min. each section))
This program from the ALERT video series features a lecturer
Tape JOB 407 : Con Gam es and Inmates: What the Line
Officer Needs to Know (15 min.)
After viewing this program, officers will be able to explain why
inmates attempt to manipulate officers; list characteristics that
inmates consider to be go od indicato rs of a officer's suscep tibility
to manipulation; describe the four-step process inmates use to
test for susceptibility; explain how inmates create a gap between
the officer they are attempting to m anipulate and other officers;
explain how inmates develop a bond between themselves and the
officer they are trying to manipulate; and list ways officers can
protect themselves against manipulation by inmates.
Tape JOB 406 : Sub stance Ab use T reatm ent P rogram s for Jails
(15 min.)
This program enables viewers to explain what a jail substance
abuse treatment program is; describe what steps to take to ensure
smooth implementation of the program; define "cross-training",
and explain how it can serve to stren gthen the relationship
between jail security staff and treatment staff; List four criteria
for determining which inmates are eligible to particip ate in a jail
substance abuse treatment program; and list the most common
symptoms o f drug and alcohol overd ose and withdraw al.
Tape 406: After the Violence (30 min.)
The topic of this progra m is family reaction to violent deaths.
Parents, grandparents and siblings tell about the circumstances of
their loved one's death (homicide, mainly in gang-related
shoo tings), how they felt at the time, and how they feel ab out it
currently. Experts on grief then talk about what would be a
normal grieving process. T he program may have be o f some use
to a gang prevention pro gram, but wo uld prob ably be most
helpful to officers who have to make death notifications, or work
with people in grief (school liaiso n officers would also find it
Tape 405: Tunnel (The) (23 min.)
[1975] One of the gang prevention programs on which the EDGE
program was modelled recommended using this film as a
discussion stimulator. Unhappily, while it may still have
discussion va lue, its presentation is sadly d ated (it was ma de in
1975 and looks it). In any event, it's about a b oy who stab s a
member of a gang of boys who were bullying him, how he
refuses the help of friends, teachers, and what appears to be a
rival gang when the bullies threaten retaliation, and how he is
outgunned in the ultimate confrontation.
Tape JOB 405 : No n-Sm okin g Ja ils (18 min.)
This program enables officers to describe the benefits of
prohibiting smoking in the jail, explain why it is best to establish
a transition period, describe how inmates and staff members are
likely to react to the news of the transition to a smoke-free
facility, list three ways to help inmates and staff members ad just
to not smoking in the jail, and explain the problems that smokers
entering a smoke-free jail will face. (This one reminded me of
the film Cold Turkey--you might want to look at that film, too , to
get an idea of what to expect when making the transition to a
smoke-free environment. SLC)
Tape JOB 404 : Problem-Solving from an Officer's Viewpoint
(11 min.)
After viewing this program, jail officers will be able to list the
five steps of problem-solving, list three limitations that must be
considered before develo ping so lutions to any problem, exp lain
why it is essential to develop several alternative solutions to a
problem, explain the importance of documentation and
evaluation in problem-solving, and describe a situation in which
group problem-solving would be necessary.
Tape 404: Com batting Violent Crim e through Com m unity
Involvement (FBI Teleconference) (1 ho ur, 50 min.)
[June 8, 1994] This June 8, 1994, FBI teleconference features
interviews with representatives of major crime prevention and
apprehension groups in the United States. They talk about how
their group or program work, and how law enforcement can
benefit. Gro ups fea tured include Crim e Stoppe rs International,
the TRIAD concept, the American Association of Retired
Persons crime prevention programs, and the FBI itself. The
success of the television program America's Most Wanted is also
NEMRT Video Catalog (Fiscal Year 2008 -- April 2007), p. 72
are not gang memb ers may bec ome invo lved in gang activities,
and use the information in graffiti and tattoos to control gang
activities. (T his pro gram is more "theo retical" than practical:
that is, the information is generic, and officers will have to make
themselves aware of regio nal gang activities and term inology in
order to identify and contro l gang activity most effectively.)
Tape JOB 403 : Work Release: An Overview (9 min.)
This program enables viewers to describe work release and how
it benefits inmates, the jail, the courts, and the com munity;
explain what community corrections is, and ho w it can help
inmates; describe three work release security measures, and
describe furlon gs and pa sses.
Tape 403: Triad: Seniors and Law Enforcem ent Together (20
The Illinois Law Enforcement Training and Standards Board
provided this program, which explains how the Triad program
works, and gives exa mple s of its successes around the country.
Tape JOB 402 : Working in a Lock dow n Unit (10 min.)
This program enables viewers to list three reasons why officers
assigned to a lockdown unit must pay special attention to the
inmates, explain why courts carefully scrutinize treatment of
inmates in a lockdown unit, explain how improper
doc umentation o f activities in the lockd own unit can lead to
errors in inmate classification, and list three reasons why
supervisory staff must visit the lockdown unit frequ ently.
Tape 402: POST Satellite Broadcast -- June 1994 (2 hours)
[June 19 94] T his month's broadcast includes the pro grams:
Chemical Agents for Use in Crowd and Riot Control (Los
Angeles Co. Sheriff's Dept. / 10 min.) This program gives an
overview of the CS chemical devices used at the Sheriff's office,
and their safe hand ling proced ures.
Citizens Police Academy (Las Vegas Metropolitan Police
Dept. / 12 min.) If your agency is thinking of setting up a Citizen
Police Academy (or has one already), this program can give you
some ideas about the curriculum. It goes over Las Vegas's 10week pro gram for P olice Awareness.
Respon ding to High R isk Ca lls (Los An geles Co. Sheriff's
Dept. / 12 min.) Like Holdup Alarm Respo nse (NEM RT # 40),
this segm ent talks abou t safe approaches to sites of possib le
(Bank) robbe ries. Unlike it, though, it discusses and
demo nstrates a multi-unit response, dispatcher respon sibilities,
and departmental po licy.
Psyche of Survival (ATF / 28 min.) A number of ATF
agents who had been shot in the line of duty talk abo ut how their
attitude to ward the situation saved their live s. Also include d is
police psychologist Dr. Roger Solomon's commentary on the
agents' narratives, and tra um a surgeon Dr. How ard C hamp ion's
assurance that firearms injuries are seldom fatal in themselves.
California Case Law U pdates:
Search: T he Lim its of Go od F aith (Alamed a Co . DA / 10 m in.)
Pub lic Access to P olice R ecords (A lameda C o. DA / 10 min.)
3 Strikes Highlights (G olden W est Co llege / 12 min.)
Ho tel Room S earch (Go lden W est Co llege / 11 min.)
Tape 401: Miranda and the Deaf Suspect (8 min.)
The program, produced by the Police Executive Research Forum,
goes over the problem with Mirandizing a deaf suspect in a
legally admissible way. All the tape says is for officers to not
Mirandizing the suspect at all and to get the suspect an attorney
and interpreter, and to video tape the pro cess.
Tape JOB 401 : Gangs and Gang Identification (11 min.)
After viewing this program, jail officers will be able to give four
reaso ns why p eop le join gangs, explain why it is important to
know if an inmate is a gang member, explain how inmates who
Tape 400: Thum bs Up Video (25 min.)
[circa 199 2] T he Idaho Departm ents of Law Enforcement (State
Police Division) and Transportation (Highway Safety) produced
this program, which was kindly provided by Law and Order
Magazine. They use a couple of comic movie critics (Roger
Deebert and G ene Fiskell), in the first part of the program, to
explain effective in-car video taping technique, and how a good
video can help the officer later. (This part is also available as
part of Tape #3 28). The second p art features these characters
talking ab out the use of the Sony TR -31 8 mm video camera.
This sectio n can be summ ed up with "R ead the Manual", but it's
helpful to see the demonstrations with the camera.
Tape 398: Liability Issues for Adm inistrators (28 min.)
[circa 198 7] T his early L.E. N et pro gram, which was kindly
donated by the Santa Fe Railroad Police, covers the three major
areas of police liability: High-Speed Pursuits, Firearms
Discharge, and Non-Lethal W eapon U sage. Negligent
Supervision or Retention and Failure to Train, however, are the
main topics discussed.
Tape 397: Firea rm s Tra ining Up date (23 min.)
[circa 198 7] T his early L.E. N et pro gram, which was kindly
donated by the Santa Fe Railroad Police, describes the various
firearms used in law enforcement (the revolver, the 9mm, and the
shotgun), and safety considerations for keeping service weapons
at home. Part of the program was filmed at the Smith & Wesson
Firearms Academy (Springfield, MA). The Weaver Stance for
shooting, by the way, is recommended.
Tape 395: Impact W eapon Training Issues (26 min.)
[circa 198 7] T his early L.E. N et pro gram, which was kindly
donated by the Santa Fe Railroad Police, gives a general
overview of how to use straight and side-handled batons, model
policy for a baton's use, and liability considerations. Mo tor point
impact points are also described (as the "practice practice
practice" learning method is encouraged).
Tape 394: Missing Persons (20 min.)
[circa 198 7] T his early L.E. N et pro gram, which was kindly
donated by the Santa Fe Railroad Police, gives a general
overview o f the hand ling reports of missing tee nagers and adults.
Highlights includ e ways o f locating the missing individ ual, ways
of interviewing friends and family members, and interdepartmental cooperation.
Tape 393: Police Stress (20 min.)
[circa 198 7] T his early L.E. N ET program, which was kindly
donated by the Santa Fe Railroad Police, features a discussion of
stress and the law enforcement officer, how stressors have
changed from the 1960s to the 1980 s, ways of dealing with it,
how departmental management can help, and related liabilities
Tape 392: Security and Protection Techniques (27 min.)
[circa 1987] The "security" referred to in this early L.E.NET
program, which was kindly donated by the Santa Fe Railroad
Police, is VIP Security. The highlight of the program is a
discussion of ways of identifying potential troublemakers (such
as assassins) in a crowd. Also included is a brief demonstration
of evasive driving m aneuvers and high-risk escort techniqu es.
Tape 391: Field Training Symposium (39 min.)
[circa 198 7] T his early L.E.N ET program, which was kindly
provided by the Santa Fe Railroad Police, features a number of
(then) experts in recruit field training, who discuss the history of
formal field training, the function and theory behind field training
programs, and its importance.
NEMRT Video Catalog (Fiscal Year 2008 -- April 2007), p. 73
Tape 390: POST Satellite Broadcast -- May 1994 (2 hours)
PO ST Telecourse (#3 44), this progra m, which was b roadcast
[May 1994] This month's programs include:
May 12, 199 4, goes over the establishm ent of probable cause in
Handling Vicious Dogs (Los Ange les Co . Sheriff's De pt. / 9
drug investigations, the ways major types of drugs are packaged,
min.), which outlines pro cedures for hand ling vicious do g radio
and search and seizure concerns. It also includes a section on
calls, means by which to stop dog fights, and ways to minimize
testifying. W hile many of the statutes and procedures may app ly
danger to bystanders.
primarily to California, it's a good place to start for an
Off-Duty Encounters: Officer Rivers Incident (Los Angeles
understanding of Illinois law and procedure.
Police Dept. / 13 min.), in which Off. Phil Rivers describes an
enco unter with arme d intrud ers in his ho me. T he LA PD Fron tTape 384: First Response to Vehicle Accidents Involving
Rifle-Takeaway technique is demonstrated.
Ha zardous M aterials (49 min)
*Range Safety (FLETC / 18 min.), which is also available as
[circa 198 7] T hese two early L.E. N et pro grams, which the Santa
part of #256, goes over policies and procedures a firearms
Fe Railroad Police kindly donated, discuss an officer's plan of
instructor needs to have for maintaining order on the firearms range. action upon encountering an accident which might involve
*Major Crime: Are You Prepared (Royal Canadian Mounted
hazardous materials, and plans of action for the emergency
Police / 23 min.) This segment is a case study of the pursuit and
service agencies that will respond. Part A goes over the use of
ultimate capture of a serial rapist through a forested area into a
the Emergency Response Guidebook and good procedure for
commercial area. The frank discussion of their problems and
handling an incident. Part B focuses on agency policy, preparing
successes with the pursuit make this program especially useful.
to handle hazardous materials incidents, and departmental
California Case Law U pdates:
Storm y W eather: Do uble L iability (G olden W est Co llege / 11 min.)
P.C. Se ction I202 2 (c): Availability of Firearm (Golden W est
Tape 383: Ho w to Ca tch a Ra pist (51 min.)
College / 13 min.)
[circa 198 7] T hese two early L.E. N et pro grams, which the Santa
Search W arrants: Anticipating the A dversary (A lameda C o. Dist.
Fe Railroad Police kindly donated, feature Nancy Hightshoe,
Atty / 15 min.)
former investigator w ith the St. Louis P olice D epartment (who is
Vehicle Detentions: Checking your Adrenaline Coolant
also the speaker on Tape #13 0, Ra pe Investigatio n). Part A, T he
(Alam eda Co. Dist. Atty / 10 min.)
Types of Rapists and Their Victims, describes the four basic types
of rapist and their MOs, several pain-compliance escape
Tape 389: Dealing with A dolescents (27 min.)
techniq ues wo men might be able to use, and their possible
[circa 198 7] T he Santa Fe Railro ad P olice kindly do nated this
liability for injuring a possible rapist. Also included is a segment
early L.E . Net p rogra m, which gives the viewe r tips on how to
on departmental consolidation (combining fire and police service
handle teena gers, especially when they are in groups.
into a single dep artment). Part B, Profiling and Apprehending
the Ra pist, is the best part of the set. It repeats the descriptions
Tape 388: Medical/Legal Death Investigations (18 min.)
of the basic types of rapist (with more detailed information), then
[circa 1987] The topic of this early L.E. Net program, which was
goes over the kind of que stions to ask a victim of sexual assault,
kindly donated by the Santa Fe Railroad Police, is death scenes
and information to get from the examining med ical staff.
(either homicide or accidental). It includes a discussion of
securing the scene, plus a general overview of physical indicators
Tape 381: Techniques for Safe and Controlled Vehicle Search
of time o f death (featuring a lot of graphic slides o f corpses).
(27 min.)
The program concludes with comments on public information
[circa 1987] This early L.E. Net program, which the Santa Fe
relating to a dea th investiga tion. One of N EM RT 's death
Railro ad P olice kindly do nated , isn't too bad, thou gh, as the hosts
investigation instructors pointed out some fairly serious problems
adm it, it is somewhat rem edial. It go es over appropriate
with the pictures used in the program:
techniques for a safe approach for a street stop (this is the best
part), then gives a little information on searching vehicles. Also
In three separate slide s, the people
included is a segment on fingerprinting children for future
investigating the crime scene are not wearing pro tective gloves.
Not only are they in a good position to contaminate themselves,
but they are getting their fingerprints on the crime scene. Wear
Tape 380: L.E.Net Physical Fitness Training (24 min.)
your gloves at a crime scene.
[circa 1987] This early L.E.Net program, which the Santa Fe
Railro ad P olice kindly do nated , prom otes the Coope r Institute
W hen the doctor/narrator is explaining about
program for officer physical fitness, and then go es over basic
Rigor Mortis, a photo of a baby is shown. The information given
changes in lifestyle that can improve officer health.
at that time is correct for adults, but not for babies.
Tape 379: Pressure Point Control Tactics and Use of Force
Tape 387: Law Enforcem ent Medical-Legal Issues (25 min.)
Overview (21 min.)
[circa 198 8] T his early L.E. N et pro gram which w as kindly
[circa 1987] This early L.E. Net program, which the Santa Fe
don ated b y the Santa Fe Railro ad P olice, examines po ssible
Railro ad P olice kindly do nated , is somewhat disapp ointing, in
liabilities related to an officer's rendering aid (or failing to render
that it discusses the advantages of using pressure point control
aid) at the scene of an accident or crime. Since the program was
tactics instead of giving directions on performing the tactics
made about 1988, you will want to talk about the conclusions that
(which is unarguably a safer kind o f video to ma ke). But it's
are made, but it's a good place to start a discussion of
interesting to hear about them, as well as the other short
dep artmental po licy.
informative segments of the program.
Tape 386: Am erican Criminal Justice System (The) (28 min.)
[circa 1987] This early L.E. Net program (originally called
Victims--Part 2), which was kindly donated by the Santa Fe
Railroad Police, would be great to show to crime prevention
groups or beginning criminal justice students. It goes over the
origins of the American Criminal Justice System, the criminal
justice p rocess (plus tips for victim s), the reasons for pub lic
frustration with the process (and how to handle reporters).
Tape 385: Drug Investigation and Recognition POST
Teleco urse (2 hours)
[May 12, 1994] Unlike the earlier program, Drug Influence
Tape 377: Handg un Retention; Holstered Techniques (29
[circa 1995] This program from the ALERT (Advanced Law
Enforcement Readiness Training) goes over the Lindell Method
techniq ues for regaining control of a hand gun, and to p revent its
being snatched in the first place.
Tape 375: Lea rn G un S afety With Ed die E agle (7 min.)
[circa 1995] Apparently, this program (which Law and Order
Magazine donated) is meant to be used as part of the National
Rifle Association's Elem entary G un Safety Education Pro gram.
It consists mainly of a cellular phone conversation (in rhyme)
between E ddie Eagle and Jason Priestly, during which E ddie
Eagle tells about the circumstances in which he stopped children
from playing with guns.
NEMRT Video Catalog (Fiscal Year 2008 -- April 2007), p. 74
Ha zardous Ma terials (38 min., which is mostly about Boiling
Liquid Ex panding V apo r Exp losions: Blev es), Hazardous
Ma terials--S pills (24 min.), and First on the Scene (32 min.,
which shows the right way to handle possible hazardous
materials accidents).
Tape 374: Use of Non-Lethal Force (27 min.)
[circa 1987] This early L.E.NET program, which the Santa Fe
Railro ad donated, goes over the levels of force and appropriate
kinds of force (as o f 1987 , that is) to respond with. Also
included is a section on writing a report of a use of force, and one
on what to loo k for in an expert witness.
Tape 373: Pursuit/Defensive Driving Techniques (27 min.)
[circa 1987] This early L.E.NET program, which the Santa Fe
Railro ad donated, is very much like #1 29, P ursuit D riving:
Procedures and Liabilities, only somewhat more talky. It goes
over good driving and backing techniques.
Tape 372: Ha ndling N oise C om plain ts (20 min.)
[circa 1987] This may sound like a basic topic, but when was the
last time you had any training on noise co mpla int policy? T his
early L.E.NET program, which the Santa Fe Railroad donated,
discusses the importance of noise complaint policy, and
techniques for m anaging noisy citizens.
Tape 371: Operation Lifesaver: Kansas (7 min.)
This program, which the Santa Fe Railroad kindly donated,
consists of public service announcement about stopping at
railroad crossings (including the Warner Brothers/Road Runner
one, and several with Michael Gross). The footage of a train/car
collision filmed from inside the car is quite effective.
Tape 370: Texas Grade Crossing Accident (6 min.)
The Santa Fe R ailroad donated this program, which features the
news coverage o f a train/van collision near W abb aseka, Texas.
Also included is the news coverage of a Union Pacific Railroad
program in Arka nsas to keep children away from tra ins and train
Tape 369: Santa Fe's Grade Crossing Accident Investigation
(21 min.)
[circa 1980] This slide program on video is designed for
investigators and responders who may be unfamiliar with the
signals and equipment associated with railroads. It goes over the
functioning of a locomotive, its safety equipment, the duties of
the train crew, and the types o f grade crossing warning devices.
Tape 367: Occult Investigation (Iowa Beat, March 1990) (12
[March 19 90] A lthough the Iowa Beat video series didn 't last
very many issues, it was nice while it lasted. It had been
designed, by the Iowa Law Enforcement Academy, to keep Iowa
police dep artments inform ed ab out law enforc ement news, and to
give them some training. The whole program is about an hour,
but the section on investigating possible occult-related crime and
trespassing lasts ab out ten minutes. It shows viewers what to
look for, and where to look for evidence of crime. (The Santa Fe
Railro ad ve ry kindly d onated this progra m.)
Tape 366: Deadly Crossing (13 min.)
[circa 198 0s] T his pro gram, which the Santa Fe Railroad kind ly
don ated, was pro duced by GT E and Conrail. It quite effectively
shows the importance of crossing railroad grades safely: to stop,
look, listen, and not defy the lights or guard rails. Two fatal
accidents are reconstructed.
Tape 365: Santa Fe Railroad Grade Crossing Accident
Investigation (2 hours)
[circa 1980s] This series, provided by the Santa Fe Railroad
Police, include s the program s Deadly Crossings (13 min., about
grade crossing safety--it's pretty effective), Railway Equipment
and Personn el (21 min., which covers the equipment in and
around a train, and the personnel working on the train) Pulse of
Prog ress (11 min., about the electro nic network conne cting parts
of the Santa Fe Railroad ), Recognizing and Identifying
Tape 364: Grade Crossing Series (November 1988) (12 min.)
[November 1988] The Santa Fe Railroad provided this tape,
which consists of a series of investigative reports KOCO-TV
(Oklahoma City, OK) produced on drivers who cross in front of
app roaching trains. The reports with the offending schoo l bus is
Tape 363: Grade Crossing Accident Investigation (44 min.)
The Santa Fe Railroad kindly provided this program, which
features the footage o f the staged train/car collision in Ho dgkins,
and a number of news reports of various types of railroad
collision s. Issues covered in the news repo rts include a po ssible
murder disguised as an accidental train/pedestrian accident, and
various car and truck collisions, including some involving
hazardous materials. There's a lot of twisted metal in this one.
Tape 362: Soft Body Armor (10 min.)
[circa 1980s] This program, produced by the Los Angeles Police
Department in the mid 1980s as a reaction to a Police Product
News article, compares the "stopping" power of new and used
soft body armor. The conclusion that properly maintained armor
that has been in service for some time works as well as new.
Tape 361: Emergency Response Training (10 min.)
[circa 1980s] This hazardous materials response video, which
was kindly provided by the Santa Fe Railroad, discusses
procedures for handling such emergencies. Since it was made by
the Santa Fe Railroad, it's most appropriate for railroad police,
but the emphasis on the importance of following the plan during
a hazardous materials emergency would be appropriate for
anyone, and the explanation of existing equipment is interesting.
Tape 360: Operation Lifesaver/Phoenix, Arizona (20 min.)
[circa 1980s] In the late 1980's the Santa Fe Railroad instituted a
safety program to prevent grade crossing accidents by ramming a
car with a locomo tive (you may remembe r the Hodgkins
"accident": see Tape #68). This video shows the crash that took
place in Phoenix, Arizona, the reaction of the onlookers, and the
newscasts that covered the incident. This program has a greater
impact than the coverage of the Hod gkins crash.
Tape 359: Gra de C rossing Accide nts (10 min.)
The Santa Fe Railroad Police donated this program, which was
made to inform locomotive crews what they should do in the
event of a crash at a railroad crossing grade (or wherever). For
officers w ho are called to investigate these accidents, this
program would be useful to let them know what the railroad crew
will need to know for their records for the investigation.
Tape 358: It's Your Tomorrow (15 min.)
[1973] T his is a sad video, which was kindly donated by the
Santa Fe Railroad Police. It's not that the top ic--juvenile safety
in and around railroad yards--is presented in a depressing
fashion, or that the presentation is p oor. In fact, it's quite
engaging. The problems are that it is a video copy of a 16mm
film, and that it was made in 1973. The intended audience (now)
would be so busy chuckling about the fashions and the old slang
that they would miss the point of the program: to stay away from
moving trains and to stay off railroad property. It's sad that such
a goo d program sho uld thus beco me so hard to use. It would still
be good for getting ideas for presenting the information,
Tape 357: First on the Scene (30 min.)
[circa 1985] Hand ling hazardous materials accidents safely is the
topic of this Chemical Manufacturers Association video, which
was kindly do nated by the Santa Fe Railroad Police. A fair
amount of time is spent describing how to use the Emergency
Resp onse Guid ebo ok. T he imp ortance of safety over spee d in
responding to possible accidents is also emphasized.
NEMRT Video Catalog (Fiscal Year 2008 -- April 2007), p. 75
and trends in African American street gangs, specifically the
Crips and the Bloods. A lot of time is given to how and why
they operate, and to gang member tracking.
Tape 356: Effective Report Writing (26 min.)
[circa 198 7] T his early L.E.N ET program, which was kindly
donated by the Santa Fe Railroad Police, gives a general
overview of (as the title states) effective report writing
techniques. The Narrative method is emphasized.
Tape 355: Illegal Possession an d Use of Firearms Telecourse
(2 hours)
[April 14, 1 994 ] W e in Illinois will prob ably no t be ab le to ap ply
most of this program, which was broadcast April 14, 1994. It
was produced by the California Commission of Peace Officer
Standards and Training to inform California officers about the
enforcement of the existing statutes. The presentation of the
information, how ever, is an excellent exam ple for instructors,
and some of the tips of search and seizure would probably be
useful. Information on federal laws and identifying types of
firearms is also included.
Tape 354: Crime Scene Protection (7 min.)
[circa 199 2] P aul Ca rroll, of the Chica go P olice D epartment,
narrates this program, which goes over the procedures and
important considerations of managing a (mainly homicide) crime
Tape 353: Bom b Sq uad Mana gem ent: P rofessiona lism, Safe ty
and Technology (FBI Teleconference) (2 hours)
[April 13, 1994] This FBI Teleconference, broadcast April 13,
1994, features representatives of the FBI Bom b Data Center and
the Kentucky State Police's Bomb Squad. They talk about the
importance of standard operating procedures, and the types of
equipme nt now availab le for bomb squad personnel.
Tape 352: One Step Further (25 min.)
W e got this p rogra m ab out cre dit card fraud fro m the N orth
Aurora Police Dept. and one of the local banks (and it is labelled
"for law enforcement only", so don't go showing it around). It
explains how credit cards can be altered, and how some forms of
fraud work, and emphasizes the importance of examining any
detainee's credit cards for fraudulent cards. An altered card can
lead to the identification of a larger crime ring.
Tape 351: Terrorism Road Show (1 hour)
[circa 1990] This program ca me from the Air Force Reserve, and
while the production date is uncertain, much of the information
might still be useful. It includes the programs:
No Place to Hide (28 min.), which gives the history and
programs of the world 's major terrorist groups;
Anti-Terrorism Awareness Briefing (19 min.), which goes
over the importance of following procedure during a threat of
terrorist acts and being generally observant for unusual
occurrences (By the way, the same plans would apply for bomb
threats, so the program could be used for bom b threat training,
too); and
Who's Watching Who: OPSEC and Counternarcotics (17
min.), which talks about the importance of keeping undercover
information quiet, and ways of preventing criminals (here, drug
smugglers) from finding out enforcem ent plans.
Tape 350: Principles of Officer Safety and Survival (30 min.)
[1994] This first program of the ALERT (Advanced Law
Enforcement Readiness Training) series features "Coach" Bob
Lindsey talking and demonstrating how easy it is for an offender
to assault a police officer. He goes on to show safer ways of
standing and reacting to threats, and talks about a survival
attitude. The program was filmed at the hotel where the 1994
ASLET conference in Washington, DC was being held.
Tape 349: African Am erican G angs PO ST T elecourse (2
[circa 1995] Like the programs on Hispanic Gangs (#2 94) and
Asian Gangs (#320), this broadcast examines the history, nature,
Tape 348: POST Satellite Broadcast -- March 1994 (2 hours)
[March 19 94] T his month's broad cast includes the pro grams:
Tails of the Force (Royal Canadian M ounted Police / 13 min.),
which gives an overview of how dogs are used in law
enforcement by following a drill instructor who is showing a
rookie (dog) what will be expected of him. They do it without
one allusion to Sgt. Preston or Yukon King, which impressed me.
Handgun Retention (Peel Regional Police Fo rce / 18 min.).
W hile this program says nothing new about handgun retention,
but it does present the information in a different fashion. Also
included are (Canadian) officers who were involved in disarming
Letter Bombs (Los Angeles Police Dept. / 3 min.), which goes
over how the bom bs are ma de, and what to look for in suspicious packa ges.
Right from the S tart (Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Dept. / 26
min.), which reenacts the Supreme Court decisions Dunaway v.
New Y ork (1979), California v. Hodari D. (1991), and Florida v.
Bostick (1991), to illustrate the "objective" test used by the
courts to evaluate o fficer's actions in contact with citizens.
California Case Law U pdates:
OC Spra ys: Plan B (Go lden W est Co llege / 12 min.)
McLau ghlin H earings: Adults Only (G olden W est Co llege / 12 min.)
Preservation and Examination o f Evidence (Alam eda Co. Dist.
Atty. / 9 min.)
Statem ents and Contact with D efendants (Alameda C o. Dist.
Atty. / 10 min.)
Tape 347: Safety Considerations for Special Rescue Situations
(4 ho urs, 20 min.)
[July 21, 1993] This EENET Teleconference, broadcast July 21,
1993, has a lot of information on how to perform complicated
rescues in awkward places. Much of the program is devoted to a
video of the rescue of a man from a collapsed hotel in the
Phillippines during 1990. As you can guess, a lot of the program
is not especially law enforcement-related, but during the last two
hours, the presenters give a lot of good information on belaying,
water rescue, and rescue from machinery. While officers might
never have to make such rescues, the information could easily be
applied in other situations
Tape 346: POST Satellite Broadcast -- February 1994 (2
[February 1994] This month's programs include:
In Crime's Wake Series (49 min., total) This program, produced
by the U.S. Department of Justice and the Police Executive
Research Forum, highlights the importance of a responding
officer's attitude toward a victim of crime. The sections are
divided by type of crime.
Making a Difference on Patrol (12 min.), about how citizens
of Fo rt W orth (T exas) react to crime, and how important a
sympathetic re sponse is to the ir recovery.
Domestic Violence: E scaping Ab use (12 min.), in which
women talk about the circumstances of their abuse, and how the
responding officers helped them get the help they needed.
Sexual Assault: Listening to Victims (9 min.), about why
sexual assaults are frequently unreported, and how the conduct of
the investigating officers helped the victims deal with the trauma.
Elder Abuse: Hidden from View (10 min.), in which an
officer talks about her experience in discovering, investigating,
and prosecuting abuse against an elderly woman in her area. The
impo rtance of being on good term s with the ne ighbo rhoo d is
emphasized, since the officer's familiarity with the people in her
neighborhood was what led to the discovery of abuse.
It Can Happen to Anyone (6 min.), in which officers who
have been the victims of crime talk ab out their expe riences with
the investigating officers.
California Case Law U pdates:
Detentions: Objectivity, R.I.P. Sherman 19 Cal App 4th 1204
(Alam eda Co. Dist. Atty / 9 min.)
Sufficiency of Evidence: The Boxed Lab: Lancelloti 19 Cal
App 4th 809 (Alam eda Co. Dist. Atty / 14 min.)
Plain View , Plain P hoto (Go lden W est Co llege / 11 min.)
Sob riety Checkp oints (G olden W est Co llege / 13 min.)
NEMRT Video Catalog (Fiscal Year 2008 -- April 2007), p. 76
recognize a stolen car or "doctored" VIN number, what a VIN
number means, and how to question the driver.
Tape 338: Baby Busters: Dealing with the New W ork Force
Tape 345: POST Satellite Broadcast -- January 1994 (2 hours)
(FBI Teleconference) (2 hours)
[January 1994] This month's programs include:
[June 199 3] P anelists A rnie M oorin (DEA ), Ho ward Hall
Tagging (L.A. Co. Metro Transit Authority / 13 min.), which
(Baltimore County Police Dept.), and a group of young
describes tagging teams (juvenile gangs organized primarily for
employees talk about the nature of new employees, the children
the purpose of vandalism), and the crimes they co mmit.
of the Baby Boo mers, coming into today's workforce in this June
Vehicle Rob bery (Los Angeles Police Dept. / 12 min.),
199 3 FB I Te lecon ference. Th e pro gram is intende d to he lp
which examines various carjacking methods, and gives tips on
managers in recruiting training, supervising and staffing with
how to avoid being a victim.
these new, young recruits.
In-Custody-Related Deaths (California H ighway Patro l / 6
min.), which gives an overview of the symptoms and the care of
Tape 337: Locating Hum an Rem ains (FBI Teleconference) (2
peop le who have been taken into custody who may have m edical pro blems.
When the Shooting is Over (FLET C and AT F / 30 min.),
[October 13, 1993] This teleconference, broadcast October 13,
which discusses critical incident (post-traumatic) stress resulting
1993, investigates the considerations of detection, recovery, and
from officer-involved shootings, using incidents in which ATF
identification of skeletal remains. The emphasis is on recovering
agents shot and were shot. Involved officers talk about what
victims of disasters, and the work of the FBI's laboratory
happened and how they felt, about both the shooting and the
services. It doesn't include any crime scene pictures, though.
investigation, and a psychologist points out the important
features of a supportive investigation. The program also goes
Tape 336: POST Satellite Broadcast--December 1993 (2 hours)
over the po licies of ATF for investigating shootings.
[Decembe r 1993] This month's broad cast includes:
California Case Law Updates
Cops and Buses (Los Ange les Co . Metro T ransit Authority
Photospread ID: Similar--Not Identical (Golden West College /
Police / 12 min.) If pu blic mass transportation is important in
11 m in.)
your town, this progra m can help you explain the laws relating to
Interna l Affairs (G olden W est Co llege / 15 min.)
the system. Obviously, the laws in this video are California ones,
Ob struction: What Co nduc t Add s up to 148 (Alam eda Co. Dist.
but if the similar Illinois laws are discussed later, it should get the
Atty / 12 min. )
point across clearly.
Confession s: Taking "No t" for an Answer (A lameda C o. Dist.
Plain Feel (Las Vegas M etropolitan Police Dept. / 15 min.)
Atty / 13 min.)
This program uses scenarios and reenactments to illustrate the
rules of search and seizure, from Terry v. Ohio to Dickerson v.
Tape 344: Drug Influence PO ST T elecourse (2 hours)
Minnesota (1993 ).
[January 13, 1994] This program, broadcast January 13, 1994,
High Tem perature Acce lerant Fires (Los Angeles Co.
goes over the physical influence drugs and psychoactive
Sheriff's Dept. / 5 m in.) W ays of recognizing a fire started with
substances m ay have on susp ects or victims. It is intended to
HTA s (High Temperature Accelerants) are described, as well as
help o fficers recognize whether they are in co ntact with p eop le
ways of dealing with them, and investigation and reporting pro cedures.
under the influence of drugs (both legal and illicit), whether they
*Lifeline: Reco gnizing a nd R eporting Elder A buse
are impaired, and what drugs they might be under the influence
(California A ttorney G enera l's Office / 24 min.) Since it is
of. HGN testing is also demonstrated.
divided into three shorter sections, this program can be used
easily with roll call training. Actress Betty White narrates the
Tape 342: Con Comes Calling (A) (53 min.)
segments, which discuss the prevalence of Elder Abuse, the types
The Chicago Police Department video taped highlights fro m this
of abuse, and the im portance of reporting and investigating it.
live amateur community "theatrical", in which the major types of
California Case Law U pdates:
scams practiced on the elderly are reenacted. Since the
Search: An Unexpected C aller at the Search Warrant Scene
performers are just regular people, the performance may get
(Alam eda Co. Dist. Atty. / 11 min.)
laughs where none were intende d, but the method of the sca ms is
Confession s: Observing Miranda, Securing A dmissibility
made clear. Scams covered include: The Bank Examiner Scam,
(Alam eda Co. Dist. Atty. / 12 min.)
The Counterfeit Money Scam, The Home Improvement Scheme,
P.C. Se ction 153 1 Kn ock N otice: Inner Doors (G olden W est
The Phony Inspector Scheme (which show how an honest man
College / 7 m in.)
can be cheated), and The Pigeon Drop.
Out of Sight, O ut of M ind (G olden W est Co llege / 12 min.)
(*Ava ilable separately)
Tape 341: End, But Not For Me (The) (28 min.)
The End, in this program produced by the Chicago Police
Tape 335: Criminal Sexuality / Pattern Sex Offenses (FBI
Department, is the result of being a street gang member. That
Teleconference) (2 hours)
end is either prison or death. People interested in the welfare of
[Decembe r 8, 199 3] This FBI T eleconference, broad cast
youths talk about why the youths joined gangs, and the
Decemb er 8, 1993, features speakers Dr. John Hunter (Norfolk,
importance of staying out of them. One of the main features is an
VA ), Roy Hazelwo od (FB I), and Ken Lanning (FBI), who talk
interview with a Stateville inmate, who talks about how gangs
about juvenile sex offenders, serial rapists, and multi-agency
got him into prison and then gives an explicit description of what
prison life is like (including how yo ung inm ates are sexually
Tape 334: Non-Felony Vehicle Stops (4 min.)
The Chicago Police Department produced this short program,
Tape 340: Police C ourtesy (7 min.)
which reminds officers how to perform a safe vehicle stop.
The Chicago P olice Department produced this program, about
appropriate behavior expected from their officers. It goes over
Tape 333: What H app ens W hen You're C aug ht? (14 min.)
the importance of politeness when dealing with the public, the
The M onmouth Co. (New Jersey) Sheriff's Department produced
importance of appropriate use of force (and its appearance), and
this video to use with their DARE program. It shows viewers, as
the importance of the correct use of handc uffs.
the title says, what happens when you're caught (with drugs): it
goes through the intake procedure for the Mo nmouth Co. jail, and
Tape 339: Stolen Vehicle Recognition (17 min.)
the lifestyle "on the inside". At the end are several interviews
The Illinois Law Enforcement Training and Standards Board
with inmates, who talk about their drug habits, and what jail life
provided this video , which gives a ge neral o verview of ways to
is really like.
Tape 332: Comm unity Response to Juvenile Firesetting &
Juvenile Arson (2½ hours)
[July 1993] This EENET teleconference, broadcast July 14,
199 3, discusses the prevalence of, and reasons for, juvenile
arson; the type of children most likely to set fires; and arson
prevention strategies for youth.
NEMRT Video Catalog (Fiscal Year 2008 -- April 2007), p. 77
Association's Public Relations Committee, hosts this program
about the state of domestic violence and stalking laws (circa
199 2, that is), and esp ecially ho w they ap ply in D uPa ge County,
Illinois. G uests include Jam es Ryan, DuP age C o. State's
Attorney; Associate Judge Tom Dudgeon, whose courtroom
hand les the dome stic violen ce cases for D uPa ge Co.; and Craig
Fisher, Clinical Supervisor of the Domestic Violence Program for
DuPag e Co ., who talks abo ut how his program helps p articipa nts
handle domestic stress, and where to turn for help.
Tape 331: Disabled and Elderly Persons in Disaster: Key
Issues for Em ergenc y M angers (4 ho urs, 10 min.)
[July 8, 1993] This EENET program, broadcast July 8, 1993,
discusses the Americans with Disabilities Act and its effect on
emergency service personnel for the first two hours. The rest of
the program is devoted to a description of the effect Hurricane
Andrew had on services for the disabled and elderly, and how the
many problems that arose could have been avoided.
Tape 330: Com m unicab le Diseases P OST Teleco urse (2 hours)
[November 4, 1993] This program, broadcast November 4, 1993,
goes over infection transmission and the p rocedures officers (in
California, in any event) must follow to protect themselves from
infection from T uberculosis, Hepatitis A and B , and H IV. W hile
the statutes and regulations referred to on the tape are those of
California, the program makes a good basis for Illinois-based
instruction, espe cially if the instructor rese arche s the compa rable
Illinois regulations: the safety procedures could apply anywhere.
Tape 329: Armed Robbery & Financial Institutions (19 min.)
Both bank em ployees and law enforcement/corrections officers
can benefit from this program, from the Glenview Police
Departm ent and Glenview T elevision. The pro gram consists of a
narrated video of a (staged) bank robbery that turns into a
hostage incident, and an explanation of how the bank employees
reacted and what they should have done. Tips on preserving
evidence and being a good witness are included, but much of the
program consists of a discussion of hostage behavior and
reaction. Bank employees see what they should do in case of
robb ery, and officers find out about surviving hostage situations.
Tape 325: Between the L ines; Adult Schoo l Crossing G uard
Training (20 min.)
Technique is the stro ng po int of this AA A-produced video .
Potential adult crossing guards are shown how and when to stop
traffic when working a single cro ssing, a double crossing, a
boulevard (a road with an island in it), and a one-way street.
(One of the e xpectations of the progra m is that the guard will
have a school-aged safety patrol to control the children while the
guard contro ls the intersection. If your district doesn't use safety
patro ls, it might do well to co nsider it. These pro cedures will
still work, b ut your crossing guard s may have their hand s full if
the child ren are rowdy.)
Tape 324: Crossroads (19 min)
Somebody pointed out how the NEMRT Instructors' library had
nothing abo ut tra ining schoo l crossing guards, so here's
something to fill that gap. This program, designed for training
school-age (up to 8th grade) crossing monitors, uses the plotline
of a lackada isical boy who is cross about not being chosen as a
crossing guard to show viewers the skills required to fill that
respo nsible p osition. Interestingly enough, the subplo t of this kid
learning to take the job seriously, as well as the responsibilities of
adolescence and adulthood, is a lot more interesting than the
discussion of what a crossing guard needs to know.
Tape 323: POST Satellite Broadcast -- September 1993 (2
[Septem ber 19 93] T his month's broad cast includes:
Tape 328: POST Satellite Broadcast -- October 1993 (1 Hour)
Urban Sniper Situations (Los Ange les Co . Sheriff's De pt. /
[October 1993] This month's programs include:
16 min.), which goes over what to expect from a sniper situation,
Civil Disturbance Training (Los Ange les Co . Sheriff's De pt.
and how to prepare for and deal with them.
/ 17 min.), which discusses and demonstrates various crowd
Microwave Exp osure a nd Tra ffic Rada r (California
control formations and signaling techniques. It also includes a
Highway Patrol / 13 min.), which examines the possible risk of
section on the use of vehicles in riot control.
excessive exposure to radiatio n from the traffic rad ar equipment,
Thumbs up with Fiskell & Deeb ert (Idaho Dept. of Law
and how to use the equipment prop erly.
Enfo rcem ent / 16 min.), in wh ich a co uple o f comic film
Citizen Alert: Modern Crime Prevention Training
reviewers go over the appropriate techniques for using in-car
(Riverside Co. Sheriff's Dept. / 8 min.) Avoiding Carjacking,
video equipment to make recordings that can be used as
Mall-muggings, ATM robberies, and highway shootings is the
evidence. As you can gue ss from the title, the program ge ts a
purpose of this program.
little silly, but it makes a num ber o f good po ints in an am using wa y.
Auro ra Co lors: Dea ling with the G ang Issue (Aurora (CO)
Ha zma t: First Respo nde r Safety (Riversid e C o. Sheriff's
Regional Medical Center / 19 min.). This program, from
Dept. / 7 min.), which goes over safety procedures for officers
Colorado, talks about the growing gang problem in the city, the
respond ing to hazardous materials inciden ts.
process by which youth get involved in gangs, and what Aurora,
Using Cover (Los Angeles Co. Sheriff's Dept. / 16 min.),
Colorado, is doing to try to check the violence.
which is reminiscent of some of the shooting demonstrations
California Case Law U pdates:
from Second Chance v. Magnum Force: officers show how far
Plain Feel... Instant Know (Golden West College)
various types of bullets can penetrate items tha t are freq uently
Do mestic Disp utes (G olden W est Co llege / 11 min.)
used for cover during shooting incidents. (T heir findings pretty
Anatomy o f Miranda: Invocations (Alam eda Co. Dist. Attorney /
much boil down to how an officer had best wear body armor: the
11 m in.)
street doesn't have much in the line of go od cover.)
Questioning an Inmate Witness (Alameda Co. Dist. Attorney / 11
Tape 327: Fear Awa reness PO ST T elecourse (2 hours)
Officer survival is the focus of this program, which describes
Tape C RT 322 : Cross Gender Search (16 min.)
how officers can use fear reaction to help the m survive in crisis
[2000] Same-sex searches are still the recommended procedure,
situations. Panelists also d iscuss reasonable and unreaso nable
but in this entry from the CORT series features Sgt. Joe
fears, techniques for managing fear/stress, and the phases of
Steinhauer (St. Clair Co., Missouri, Sheriff's Department), who
"fear" (or reaction to crises). Also included are interviews with
discusses techniques for male officers to use when searching
several officers who ha ve been in shooting or ho stage incidents,
female prisoners that can minimize harassment or assault
and they talk about how they felt and turned used their fear
lawsuits. Clothed frisk-type searche s are the kind examined.
reactions to survive and win.
Although the program was made for corrections officers, the
information presented should be appropriate for patrol officers as
Tape 326: Dom estic Violence/Stalking Laws (Legal Action
well. Special attention is given to searching sensitive areas, and
Series) (1 hour)
shoe searches. As always, compare techniques described here
[circa 1992] Richard Russo, chairman of DuPage Co. Bar
with departmental procedure before using them.
NEMRT Video Catalog (Fiscal Year 2008 -- April 2007), p. 78
Tape 322: Cancelled Lives: L etters from the Inside (A dult
(Minneapolis) talk about their ideas about running a police
Version) (50 min.)
department in their specific localities in this documentary, which
This program is the original sequence from which the EDGE
we got from Bruce Cam eron and L aw and O rder Magazine. It's
course-recommended programs Life Behind Bars--Letters from
interesting for management ideas, b ut I wou ldn't use it in roll
W ithin set was made. In order to discourage youth (or anyone)
call, since it has a tendency to drag and the narra tor has a
from getting involved in offenses that involve detention time,
actual letters from inmates are read by celebrities, and interviews
with the incarcerated are also included. The voice track
Tape 316: Tactical Intervention T elecourse (2 hours)
combined with scenes from inside the different facilities, is holds
[July 8, 1993] How and why to diffuse aggressive behavior of
the viewer's interest, as d oes the pain and regret in the letters.
other officers is the topic of this July 8 , 199 3, POS T telecou rse.
This video is divided by incarcerating agency (Juvenile Home,
It doesn't talk so much about how an officer can control him- or
County Jail, and Prison). There is not one happy word in any of
herself, but how to help other o fficers from "losing their co ol"
the letters, and many of the words are profane ones, too. The
and doing som ething to a citizen they migh t regret.
Adult V ersion includes all the "G D"s, "M F"s and "A**H ***"s,
along with some crime scene photos of prisoners who had been
Tape 315: Decoy Cops (25 min.)
This program, using the Pontiac, Michigan, Police Department as
an example, explains and demonstrates how to set up a
Tape C RT 321 : Handcuffing: Team Cuffing / Close Quarter
prostitution decoy operation. T opics discussed include how to
Cuffing (14 min.)
select the deco y officer, ho w to set up the comm unicatio ns (rad io
[2000] In this CORT tape, Brad Inman (Kent Co., Rhode Island,
and otherwise), and how to lay out the surveillance.
Sheriff's Dept.) and his assistants demonstrate techniques several
officers can use for handcuffing an inm ate in a restricted space.
Tape C RT 315 : Bioterrorism : Anthrax Awaren ess [in
Techniques includes the Kne e Press, the Foot P ress, the A nkle
Correc tions] (28 min.)
Press, the Fo ot Press, the Figure Four Le g-to-Leg Loc k. Also
[2001] In this CO RT program, which is not specifically
included are come basic suggestions for safe and secure
corrections-related , Dr. G reg E vans (D irector of Saint Louis
handcuffing. As always, compare the techniques described here
University's Center for the Study of Bioterrorism and Emerging
with departm ental policy, and do n't use them without safe
Infections) discusses the nature of bioterrorism, types of
training and practice.
biological agents that might be used in terrorist acts, lethality of
the most likely agents (anthrax, smallpox, and [bubonic] plague),
Tape 321: Cancelled Lives: Letters from the Inside (School
distribution methods, and possible targets. He d iscusses response
Version) (41 min.)
equipment, and planning for the response. Planning will be the
This program, and the adult version, are the original sequences
key to the response, since bioterrorism strikes suddenly. Dr.
from which the ED GE course-reco mmended progra ms Life
Evans goe s on to indirectly suggest who in the com munity should
Behind B ars--Letters from W ithin set was made (and this one
be included in the planning process, but is more specific on what
could probab ly be used just as well). In order to discourage
situations to plan for. He goes on to describe elements of
youth (or anyone) from getting involved in offenses that involve
ineffective and effective response plans, and earnestly
detention time, actual letters from inm ates are read by celebrities,
enco urages prep aration for more, and more widesp read, attacks.
and interviews with the incarcerated are also included. The voice
For a lengthier discussion of the issues, see NEMRT video #830,
track comb ined with scenes from inside the different facilities, is
Bioterrorism: Anthrax.
holds the viewer's interest, as does the pain and regret in the
letters. There is not one happy word in any of them. This video
Tape C RT 314 : Report W riting [in Correc tions] (13 min.)
is divide d by inc arcerating agency (Juvenile Ho me, C ounty Jail,
[2001] If you're having a training session on report writing, this
and Prison). The School Version has most of the profanity (it has
CORT program m ight ma ke a useful add ition. W hile it doe sn't
a "PG " vocabulary, according to the producer, but it may run
give a sp ecific, po int-by-po int, guide for writing good rep orts, a
more towa rd P G-13), and the m ore graphic pictures, edited out.
number of useful suggestions to producing better reports are
included. T he final segment, abo ut how the construction of a
Tape 320: Asian G angs PO ST T elecourse (2 hours)
repo rt can b enefit (or reflect poorly) on the officer who wrote it,
[August 12, 1993] Denise Yamada moderates this program,
is a helpful reminder of the importance of careful reporting, and
broadcast August 12 , 199 3, which talks ab out the history,
of developing goo d writing skills.
behavior, motivation and methods of gangs of youth from,
primarily, Southeast Asia. The brief section about the history of
Tape 314: Real Rookies (The) (28 min.)
Southeast Asia, and the cultural aspects of dealing with Asians
[1970s] A co uple of departments like to use this program as part
are especially interesting.
of their recruitment drives, or for showing people what it's like to
be a police officer. This documentary from the 1970's shows the
Tape 319: Handcuffs as Defensive Impact Tools: Tactical
progress three Los Angeles recruits make, from the police
Ha ndcuffing, Ba sic Pa rt 2 (20 min.)
acad emy through their field training. If you use it, you'll want to
While NEMRT concurs with the disclaimers on the tape, from
talk about it, since, in some ways, training and expectations are
Reliapon Police Prod ucts, and doesn't necessary recommend any
different here and now.
of these techniques, they are interesting to know about. The
section s on why peo ple sho uldn't be handcuffed in front,
Tape 313: Report Writing (21 min)
techniques for uncuffing people handcuffed in front, and dealing
[1987] Produced in 1987, this video uses the scenario of an
with people with small wrists are also interesting. (NEMRT
officer's catching and arre sting a co nvenience store ro bbe r to talk
doe sn't have P art 1 of Reliap on's Basic T actical H andcuffing set)
about good report-writing practices. Once the officer has made
the collar and has returned to the station, the narration talks about
Tape 318: Isn't It Ab out T ime (11 min.)
how he sho uld prepare to write the rep ort, and then actually write
[circa 1992] The Midwest Environmental Enforcement
Association and Channel 50 produced this program, which
discusses how citizens can help prevent environmental crimes. It
Tape 312: Stop Business Crim e: Shoplifting / Employee T heft
would be a good program for use with citizen or crime
(27 min.)
prevention groups.
This pro gram, which was prod uced b y the Small Bu siness
Advancement Institute, wo uld be a good o ne to show to small
Tape 317: Police Ch iefs (P.O.V .) (58 min.)
business owners for public relations and such. Various methods
[1970s] Police Chiefs (now former police chiefs) Daryl Gates
of shoplifting are demonstrated, as are ways employees can cheat
(Los Angeles), Lee Brown (Houston), and Anthony Bouza
customers and steal merchandise.
Tape JOB 312 : Rights vs. Privileges (15 min.)
Viewing this program should enable jail officers to explain the
difference between a right and a privilege; to describe how
courts' attitudes toward inmates rights have changed from the
pre-1 960 s to the p resent; explain why jails grant privileges to
inmates, and under what circumstances privileges may be
withdrawn; explain under what circumstances a jail may restrict
an inmate's rights; and list the minimum requirements of a due
process hearing.
NEMRT Video Catalog (Fiscal Year 2008 -- April 2007), p. 79
that an inmate may be suicidal, explain why drug/alcohol abusers
and mentally ill inmates present special concerns for inmate
violence, describe some common signs of drug/alcohol use and
withdrawal, and describe the steps of verbal crisis intervention.
Tape JOB 311 : Hig h-Risk Security E scorts (8 min.)
Viewing this program should enable jail officers to list four
things the office must do before picking up an inmate for escort,
explain the importance of the pre- and post-escort briefing,
describe the proper deployment of vehicles for one-, two-, and
three-car escorts, list three ways to ensure that the escort drop-o ff
goes smoothly, and describe how an escort officer can acquire
the prop er attitude for cond ucting escorts.
Tape 311: Ethics: Doing the Job Right and Doing the Right
Job (FBI Teleconference) (3 hours)
[August 1992] This program, from about August 1992, features
George Olivet, Neil Trautman, Al Scaduto, as well as interviews
with Richard Ayres and Walt Sirene, discussing the importance
of police ethics and professionalism. They also point out how
ethical behavior is essential to acceptable police management and
leadership. The format is "talky", but the subject is a lot more
inspiring than the viewer (this one, anyway) would exp ect.
Tape 310: School for Feds (22 min.)
This program from the National Geographic Society's Explorer
Series show s how stude nt FB I agents are tra ined in the FBI's
crime simulatio n facility "H ogan's Alley". T he sub ject matter is
similar to that on Tapes 205 (An Introduction to Laser Village)
and 301 (Street Survival), and since the participants spend m ost
of the tap e talking a bou t how m uch fun they're having, it would
probab ly be an interesting program to show to tho se interested in
getting into federal law enforcement. (By the way, the National
Geographic Society provided the program on the condition that
"no part of the video may be reproduced, copied, modified or
edited, transmitted, or used for any other purpose [than law
enforcement-related training]". So do n't misuse the program.)
Tape JOB 310 : Proactive Approach to Avoidin g Lawsuits (15
This program should enable jail officers to explain under what
circumstances jail officers and administrators may be liable for
violating an inmate's constitutional o r civil rights; to explain
when public officials may be immune to liability, and why they
receive this protection; to name several rights the U.S.
Constitution guarantees to inmates; and describe the various roles
of the jail staff attorney.
Tape JOB 309 : Contraband Control (9 min.)
After viewing this vid eo, co rrections personnel should be able to
define and give examples of contraband, explain when why
searching inmates is necessary, describe the proper procedure for
searching a cell for contraband, explain why "thinking like an
inmate" is imp ortant when se arching for co ntraband, and id entify
areas of a jail that officers m uch watch clo sely in ord er to
intercept contraband.
Tape JOB 308 : Cross-Gender Supervision (8 min.)
This pro gram should enable jail officers to list types of crossgender supervision, explain how courts have balanced the
interests o f equal employment opportunities and inmate privac y,
define sexual harassment, explain the dangers that result from
introducing sexual overtones to the jail environment, and name
ways to prepare staff for the introduction of cross-gender
Tape JOB 307 : Dealing with Aggressive Behavior (10 min.)
This program should enable jail officers to identify some
commo n causes of inmate aggression, describe warning signs
Tape 306: Drug s: This is the W ay it Is (59 min.)
W hile not especially graphic, this talking-head program about the
pitfalls of drug abuse, goes into explicit detail about how drugs
ruined the lives of the four interviewees and the terrors of prison
life. The descriptions can get pretty revolting. This video is also
one of the suggested programs for use with EDG E instruction.
Tape JOB 306 : Control of Keys, Tools and Supplies (8 min.)
After viewing this p rogra m, jail officers sho uld be able to exp lain
how inmates can use keys, tools, food, chemicals, and medical
supplies to escape or cause injuries, describe an effective system
for controlling jail keys and tools, explain the importance of
monitoring contract workers and their tools, and describe the
proper procedures for keeping food, cleaning supplies, medical
equipm ent, and med ications out of inmate hands.
Tape JOB 305 : Releasing Inma tes (8 min.)
Jail officers who view this p rogra m sho uld afterward s be able to
explain the circumstances under which pretrial detainees and
sentenced offenders can be released, describe the steps for
verifying a release order and the identity of the inmate being
release d, describe the pro cedure for releasing an inm ate to
another authority, de scribe the pro cedure for returning pro perty
to an inmate being released, and explain how the release officer
can he lp the inm ate get o ff to a goo d start outside the jail.
Tape 305: Introduction to the Glock Pistol (48 min.)
The Glock comp any very kindly provid ed this frequentlyrequested program, which explains how a Glo ck sem i-autom atic
pistol works, and ho w to take care of it.
Tape 304: Cho ose N ot to Lose (18 min.)
The Co ok Co. State's Attorney produced this grim anti-gang
program, which is directed at middle-school-aged youth. The
Chicago Bears' Dave D uerson takes viewers through the
interviews with youth with experience with gangs, police officers
who work with gangs, former gang members, and convicts at
New Jersey's Rahway State Prison. Actor Edward James Olmos
is also featured, and he discu sses ways of keeping o ut of gangs.
This video is also one of the suggested progra ms for use with
EDG E instruction.
Tape JOB 304 : Booking & Admissions (8 min.)
After viewing this video, jail officers should b e able to list
procedures to follow when admitting a new inmate, explain how
to determine whether an inmate is being adm itted legally,
Describe common indications that an individual may be to ill or
seriously injured to be adm itted, Explain how to cond uct a health
screening of a new inmate, and explain why and how to conduct
a pro perty inventory.
Tape 303: Tornado Spotters Training 1993 (1 ho ur, 30 min.)
[February 10, 1993] Jim Allsopp, of the National Weather
Service, talks to an aud ience of po tential spo tters in Naperville
on February 10, 199 3. While the main focus is the development
of tornados, and how to distinguish a funnel cloud from other
storm-related phenomena, the dangers of thunderstorms
(lightning a nd flash floods) are also covered . This is p robably
the most entertaining tornado-spotter training video we have,
though It Sounde d Like a Freight Train is mo re to-the-point.
Tape JOB 303 : Coping with the Job (10 min.)
This pro gram should enable viewers to identify causes of stress
in corrections work, explain how stress can affect a person
physically and emotionally, identify and eliminate defensive
mechanisms and destructive habits, and develop coping
techniques for job-related programs. (It doesn't really say
anything new, but it does emphasize the need for a corrections
officer to do so mething if he or she feels under stress.)
NEMRT Video Catalog (Fiscal Year 2008 -- April 2007), p. 80
Tape JOB 302 : Natural Disasters: E arthqu ake P repared ness
Legal Action features Richard Russo, chairman of the DuPage
(8 min.)
Co. Bar Asso ciation's Public Relations co mmittee. He and his
W hile earthquakes are n't comm on in Illino is, the New M adrid
guests Jim Ryan, Chief Richard Edd ington (Roselle), Richard
fault is thoug ht to still be q uake-pron e. Th is program should
Griesham (Dean, Downers Grove High School), and William
enable jail officers to explain why jails need emergency plans for
Eufrasio (Dean, Addison T rails High School) talk about what the
earthquakes, to identify the three phases of emergency planning
state of ga ng infestation is in D uPa ge Co., what parents shou ld
for earthquakes, to recognize sites in a jail that would be
know about gangs in DuPage County, and what they should do
potentially hazardous during and after an earthquake, list the
abo ut it. The information is pretty basic for patrol or gang unit
steps that should be taken to protect staff and inmates during and
officers, b ut the program wo uld give viewers who may ha ve to
after an e arthquake, and explain why all jail person nel should
give a p resentation on gangs sometime an idea about what to talk
have an ea rthquake em ergency plan for their homes and families.
about. The section with the scho ol administrators is the most
Tape 302: From Out of the Blue; Storms of Destruction (1
Tape 295: Second C hanc e v. the Co p Killers (8 hours)
Andy Avilos and Bob Collins talk about the dangers of
[circa 199 2] Se cond Chance Body A rmor have put together the ir
thunderstorms, floo ds, lightning, and tornad os, and how to
first two videos (Second Chance v. the UAP and Second Chance
recognize the dan gers. T oward the e nd, M ary Hanlon and B ill
v. Magnum F orce) in this program, and have added more of the
Reynolds, o f the Naperville Em ergency M anagement Agency,
same. The whole product ends up being about 8 hours long, so it
join the group and they talk about how storm warnings are
isn't likely you're going to want to use the whole program for
issued, and ho w people can protect themselves.
Tape 301: Street Survival (FBI Teleconference) (3 hours)
The main subject of this teleconference is the kind of training the
FB I provides at its "Hogan's Alley" facility at Quantico, VA .
The various presenters talk about how the live-action survival
training is conducted, and the advantages of that type of training.
Tape JOB 301 : Inmates at Risk for Suicide (9 min.)
After viewing this video, officer should be able to explain why
suicidal inmates are occasionally admitted to jail, describe
precautionary measures that should be taken to prevent inm ate
suicides, describe crisis intervention techniques that officers
should use in dealing with suicidal inmates, describe emergency
procedures that officers should use when a suicide attempt
occurs, and explain how changes in jail design can help reduce
suicide attempts.
Tape 300: Interroga tions PO ST T elecourse (2 hours)
This program is the second half of the POST series on Interview
and Interro gation Techniques. Continuing the case stud y, a
suspect in a holdup is apprehended, and the interviewing officer
gets the suspect to confess. Viewers are instructed in the use of
the Co nfrontation Interroga tion T echnique, and sho wn ho w to
apply the techniques.
Tape 299: Interviews P OST Teleco urse (1 ho ur, 45 min.)
This program is the first half of the POST series on Interview and
Interrogation Techniques. Using a case study, in which a shop
owner is shot during a holdup , viewers are instructed in the use
of the C ognitive Interview, to get the mo st, and the most useful,
information from a witness.
Tape 298: DU I Imp act (Leg al Action Series) (1 hour)
[1992] This 1992 episode of the Metrovision cable program
Legal Action is hosted by Jack Do nahue, president of the DuPa ge
Co. Bar Asso ciation. The program itself is a victim im pact panel,
in which two victims and one convicted drunk driver talk about
ways the misuse of alcohol have ruined their lives, and those of
others. The seco nd segment, in which a wom an tells ab out all
the surgeries and injuries that she suffered due to having a crash
with a drunk d river, is pa infully explicit.
Tape 297: Drug Offen ses (Leg al Action Series) (1 hour)
[1992] This 1992 episode of the Metrovision cable program
Legal Action features Jack Donahue, president of the DuPage
Co. Bar A ssociation. He and his guests Det. Bill Simmons
(D uP age C o. Sheriff's D ep t.), Jim Ryan (DuP age C o. State's
Atty), and Judge T om Callum talk about the problem of drug
abuse and delivery in Du Pag e Co unty; and the enfo rcem ent,
prosecutio n and sentenc ing relating to drug laws. (It was made in
pre-Ecstasy days, so that topic is not addressed)
Tape 296: Gang C rimes (Lega l Action Series) (1 hour)
[1992] This 1992 episode of the Metrovision cable program
Tape 294: Hispa nic Ga ngs P OST Teleco urse (2 hours)
[199 2] (Du e to the telecourse running over two hours, the last
few minutes of the program were cut off). This program
examines the origin and history of Hispanic gangs in California,
ways of recognizing gang m emb ers, and how o fficers sho uld
protect them selves when ap proaching possible gang me mbe rs.
To ward the end of the progra m, officers from across California
call in and talk about their own gang problems and successes
with the teleconference's panel of experts.
Tape 293: POST Satellite Broadcast -- March 1993 (2 hours)
[March 1993] This month's programs include:
*AIDS Bulletin for Law Enforcement (Florida Dept. of Law
Enforcement / 23 min.), which is also available separately as
Tape #11.
NCIC License Pla te File (NC IC/N ew H amp shire State
Police / 10 min.) This pro gram gives an overview o f the License
Plate File system, and outlines procedures for reporting stolen
plates and verifying a hit.
*Teleph one C ourtesy (Los Ange les Po lice Dept. / 13 min.)
This section goes over techniques for courteous handling of
phone calls from citizens. "Customer Satisfaction" is emphasized.
*Child Pa sseng er Sa fety (NHT SA / 17 min.) This program
is availab le sepa rately as T ape #29 1. The three short segments
exam ine the need for spe cial child restraints in cars, ho w to
choose the appropriate safety seat for the child, and questions
parents have about child restraints.
California Case Law Updates: The last segments of the tape
mainly examine California case law, and while they are
interesting to listen to, Illino is officers m ay not b e able to apply
the information in the way it is described in the individual
programs. Because their information is "if"-fy for Illinois
officers, they haven't been indexed.
Physical Evidence: What (and When) to Preserve (Alameda
Co. Dist. Attorney / 1 2 min.)
Search Warrants: Corroboration of Informants (Alameda
Co. Dist. Attorney / 1 2 min.)
Silence is Go lden: Ado ptive Adm issions (Gold en W est
College / 14 min.)
Keeping Co nsensual Enc ounters Co nsensual (Golden W est
College / 8 m in.)
Tape 292: Law Enfo rcem ent To rch Ru n; M aking Drea m s a
Rea lity (6 min.)
[circa 199 2] T he Illinois Special Olympics produced this m usic
video, which features scenes from the Special Olympics Torch
Run and various events from the Special O lympics.
Tape 291: LETN Child Restraint Tape (17 min.)
The Illinois Law Enforcement Training and Standards Board
obtained this tape fo r NE MRT . The three short segments
exam ine the need for spe cial child restraints in cars, ho w to
choose the appropriate safety seat for the child, and questions
parents have about child restraints. The sections are: Why
Enforce Child Passenger Safety Laws?, Which Safety Seat
Should Parents U se?, and A nswering Pa rents' Questions.
NEMRT Video Catalog (Fiscal Year 2008 -- April 2007), p. 81
#284) and Dispatcher Skill Building (Tape #285). Topics
covered on this set are
Prop er radio m essage formats,
Effective transmission,
Minor radio pro blem troubleshooting, and
Avoiding "bad " radio habits.
Tape 290: LETN Seat Belt Tape (20 min.)
The Illinois Law Enforcement Training and Standards Board
obtained this tape for NEMR T, to encourage officers to wear
their seat belts while on patrol. The program includes the four
short segments Crash Course on Safety Belts (about how many
lives could be saved if more people wore seat be lts), Seatb elts:
An Add itional Too l for Officer Survival, Seatbelts: Enforcement
Is the Key, and Fraternal O rder of P olice on Se atbelts.
Tape 289: POST Satellite Broadcast -- February 1993 (2
[February 1993] This month's programs include:
Crackdown (Flo rida D ept. of Law Enforcement / 21 min.)
The program was made to give non-narcotics officers an
overview of how Crack is made and consumed , its effects, and
how to recognize the drug itself as well as possible dealers and
users. It includes a lot of surveillance footage.
Memory Loss Victims and Law Enforcement (Los Angeles
County Sheriff's Dep t. / 14 min.) Jam es Garner hosts this
program a bo ut dealing with prob ab le victims of Alzheimer's
Disease. Much of the emphasis is on the use of Med ic Alert
bracelets to identify victims. (It's a lot like Innocent Offenders
(Tape 5 1), only it keeps "pushing" the bracelets).
NCIC Delay ed Inq uiry Program (N CIC and the Fort W orth
Police Dept. / 7 min.) This section goes over how the Delayed
inquiry Program works, and how well it works.
10-30 / P ics and Prints / Impaire d/H ypo glyce mia (Niagara
Regional Police Force / 13 min.) These pithy programs came
from Canada, and include a segment about the dangers of
goofing around on the police radio (10-30, also available as part
of Officer Courtesy Tape (#157)), one on where to look for
fingerprints and how to plan evidence pictures (Pics and Prints),
and one abou t how easy DUIs have it in C anad a com pared with
the rest of the world and how to recognize the difference between
a diabetic emergency victim and a DU I (Impaired/Hypoglycemia).
Com mu nicating w ith Deaf P eop le (Los Ange les Po lice Dept.
/ 7 min.) This segment gives a basic ove rview o f how to
recognize and co mmunicate with the hearing impaired (mainly in
a street stop setting).
California Case Law U pdates:
Miranda: W hat's No t Custody (G olden W est Co llege / 13 min.)
The Juvenile Drug Trafficking and Schoolyard Act of 1988
(Go lden W est Co llege / 13 min.)
Search: Probable Cause from Peculiar Gestures: Mims
(Alam eda Co. Dist. Atty / 11 min.)
Statements: Establishing the Miranda Waiver: Allen
(Alam eda Co. Dist. Atty / 11 min.)
Tape 288: Center of the Search (The) (18 min.)
The topic of this program, which was very kindly provided by
Bruce Cameron and Law and Order Magazine, is the National
Center for Missing and Exploited Children. Viewers are shown
the Center's facilities and its most noteworthy staff members, as
well as its capab ilities and functions. It would be an appropriate
video to show to crime prevention or Neighborhood Watch
groups, and officers would probably learn something from it, too.
Tape 287: Roadside Safety Check Tape (14 min.)
The W illowbrook Po lice Department, the Du Pag e Co unty
Sheriff's Department, and NC TV put together this program about
how to set up a DUI roadside safety check site. It was designed
to inform the public about what to expect in a safety check, and
how the law enforcement agencies go about setting them up.
Tape 286: Radio Dispatching Guidelines (1 hour)
This (entertaining) videotaped lecture by Dennis L. Bruns
(president of Public Safety Communications Specialists) is the
third of three programs that reinforce and amplify what
dispatchers learn in their basic training. The other two programs
in the series are Telephone Techniques for Dispatchers (Tape
Tape 285: Dispatcher Skill Building (109 min. on 2 tapes)
This (entertaining) videotaped lecture by Dennis L. Bruns
(president of Public Safety Communications Specialists) is the
second of three programs that reinforce and amplify what
dispatchers learn in their basic training. The other two programs
in the series are Telephone Techniques for Dispatchers (Tape
#284) and Radio Dispatching Guidelines (Tape #286). Topics
covered on this set are
Critical roles and resp onsibilities,
Specific techniques for improving performance,
Ho w to become a true disp atching professiona l,
Further development of a sense of professional
pride and self-esteem.
Tape 284: Telephone Tech niques fo r Dispatchers (90 min. on
2 tapes)
This (entertaining) videotaped lecture by Dennis L. Bruns
(president of Public Safety Communications Specialists) is the
first of three programs that reinforce and amplify what
dispatchers learn in their basic training. The other two programs
in the series are D ispatch er Skill Building (T ape #28 5) and Radio
Dispatching Guidelines (Tape #286 ). Topics covered on this set are
Effective interpersonal skills,
Active versus passive listening techniques,
Specific calming techniques, and
Information gathering and call processing
Tape 283: Juv enile L aw Up date (3 hours)
[De cember 8 , 199 2] T his pro gram is a videotape of the N orth
East Multi-Regional Training class, held December 8, 199 2. The
emphasis is on law enforcem ent custody of juve niles.
Tape 282: Eva luation of M ana gers; Measu ring M ana gem ent's
Effectiveness {FBI Teleconference} (2 ho urs, 34 min.)
[Decemb er 9, 1992] T his program, featuring Richard Ayres and
M. John Velier, was b road cast D ecem ber 9 , 199 2. The ma in
topics are what makes a good leader, how police managers can
evalua te their management ability, and go on to make their
organizations effective. It's basically a talking-heads program,
but what the heads are saying is definitely thought-provoking.
Tape 281, p t. A: Cite for Life (11 min.)
The California Highway Patrol produced this program, which
reenacts an incident in which a woman was cited for not wearing
her seat belt during a street stop, and minutes later was in an
accident. The fact that she had her seat belt on saved her life.
Tape 281: POST Satellite Broadcast -- December 1992 (2
[December 1992] This month's programs include:
*Cite for Life (California Highway Patrol / 11 min.), which
reenacts an incident in which a woman was cited for not wearing
her seat belt during a street stop, and is then in an accident. The
fact that she had her seat belt on saved her life.
*Ha ndlin g U nde rcover Co ntacts (Los An geles Co. Sheriff's
Dept. / 10 min.), which is available separately (Tape #271 ).
Helping Crime Victims ([California] Department of
Corrections / 11 min.) This program explains the [California]
state prison and parole system, and is intende d to give California
officers a basis from which to explain to crime victims how they
can work within the system to get assistance.
Caller I.D. (Florida Dept. of Law Enforcement / 8 min.),
which suggests ways to control revealing one's identity when
making undercover calls in areas where "Caller I.D." is available.
NCIC Missing and Unid entified: Up dating the Record
NEMRT Video Catalog (Fiscal Year 2008 -- April 2007), p. 82
(NCIC/San Diego Police Dept. / 10 min.). This program
Sava ge, as you know, is a lovable jerk. T rooper M alice is just a
provides an overview of the NCIC system, and reinforces the
jerk, and for that reason, his examples of ineptitude are a lot more
need to keep the records up to date.
biting. You might also want to take a look at Handle With Care!
California Case Law U pdates:
(#270), another Malice episode. The episodes on this tape,
Auto Searches: Hand Me the Chain Saw (Golden West College /
though, are:
13 m in.)
Tou gh G uys C an't W in (11 min.), in which Trooper Malice
Miranda: Indire ct Questioning (Golden W est Co llege / 13 min.)
tells viewers why they should be "tough guys" in court, while
Informants: Inducements to Testify: Jackson, 3 Cal 4th 578
dem onstrating why they should n't;
(Alam eda Co. Dist. Atty / 12 min.)
No Second Cha nce (12 min.), which, among o ther things,
Search: The Scope of Exigency, Ngaue, 8 Cal App 4th 896
shows the imp ortance o f being survival-minded and rights(Alam eda Co. Dist. Atty / 14 min.)
conscious while performing vehicle stops; and
The Right Way (11 min.), on the imp ortance of good public
Tape 280: Incident on LA-15 (35 min.)
[circa 199 0] The main them e of this program is that officers must
expect the unexpected. The Louisiana State Police Academy
Tape 276: Cultural Awareness {POST Telecourse} (1 hour, 50
produced this video, in which officers involved in a street-stop
shooting in March of 1986 reco unt what happened and how the
[November 12, 1992] This telecourse, held November 12, 1992,
incident has affected them. The officers also talk about the
is intended to help officers prepare themselves for interactions
mistakes they made in handling the situation, and how the
with persons of diverse backgrounds, Identify behaviors that may
mista kes could have been avoide d. It's kind of "talky", but it's
be important when interacting with pe rsons of diverse
regular officers who are doing the talking.
backgrounds, and apply approp riate procedures for interacting
with persons of diverse backgrounds. Included are three speakers
Tape 279: ASP Tactical Baton; A Video Training Manual (1
on the nature of understanding cultures (including the Police
culture), a number of video scenarios, and five panel discussions
John G. Peters, Jr., Takayuki Kubota, Ken Parsons, and others
and viewer call-in times.
combine their skills to provide the viewer with an overview of
the abilities of, and the techniques for using, the ASP tactical
Tape 275: POST Satellite Broadcast -- October 1992 (2 hours)
baton. While this video not intended to replace a hands-on
[October 1992] This month's programs include:
course and much practice, officers will have a better
*Internal Affairs: Problem Resolution (San José Police
unde rstanding of the baton. To pics discussed include ways to
Department / 17 min.). Several scenarios are presented where
grip the baton, blocking and self-defense techniques, restraint and
police do things that might seem strange to bystanders, the
control techniques, and blunt force injuries.
viewers have a chance to discuss what happened, and then a
scenario which reso lves the p roblem before trouble begins is
Tape 278: POST Satellite Broadcast -- November 1992 (2
presented. This one would be helpful in officer courtesy training.
To Lock or Not to Lock (California Youth Authority / 18
[November 1992] This month's programs include:
min.). This one is the California version of OJJDP Law
*Real Men/People Don't Get AIDS (FLE TC / 28 m in.) Th is
Enforcement Custody of Juveniles (NEM RT T ape #227 ). It
engaging program, based on Dickens' A Christmas Carol, shows
examines what can (and can't) be done with detained juve niles.
how AID S is spre ad, wh o is at risk, and ho w to protect onese lf.
The Q uiet War (California N ational Guard / 14 min.) T his
An o fficer learns one of his buddies recently died of AID S, is
one shows what the California N ational Guard has been doing to
visited by the friend's spirit, who warns him that he, too, is at
catch drug traffickers.
risk, and when the officer won't listen, he is visited b y the Sp irits
Division of Law Enforcement (California Department of
of AIDS Past, Present, and Future. The Ghost of AIDS Past is a scream!
Justice / 10 min.) The California Dept. of Justice discusses how
Em ergency Ligh ting a nd S iren A udib ility (Los Angeles Co.
it helps law enforcement agencies do their job.
Sheriff's Dept. / 7 min.) This program demonstrates where and
California Case Law U pdates:
when Mars lights and sirens are most effective. It's a good
Consent E ntry: To T alk or A rrest (G olden W est Co llege / 14 min.)
reminder for officers that their warning equipment is not as
W hat won't justify a car stop (G olden W est Co llege / 11 min.)
noticeable as they think it is, especially during daylight and on highways. Defenses: Stings and errors: Skare, Mendoza and Burns
Gu nshot Re sidue : Field Tech niqu es for A gen ts (San Diego
(Alam eda Co. Dist. Atty / 17 min.)
Police Dept. / 6 min.) This segment gives an overview of what
Identifications: DNA Under attack: Barney (Alameda Co.
gunshot resid ue is, where to look for it on susp ects, and how to
Dist. Atty / 8 min.)
get samples. Instruction on local procedures regarding obtaining
(*Ava ilable separately)
evide nce will still be necessary, but the pro gram is still a place to
Tape 274: Policing in the 21st Century {FBI Teleconference}
Expandable Side-handle Baton (Los An geles Co. Sheriff's
(2 ho urs, 40 min.)
Dept. / 9 min.) This one is an overview of the advantages and
[Oc tober 1992] This October 1992 b road cast features Ed T ully
techniques of using this kind of baton.
(FB I Aca dem y), Matt Rodriguez (C hicago Police Department)
Taggers (Los Ange les Co . Sheriff's De pt. / 11 min. -- W e
and Richa rd W ard (U niversity of Illinois at Chicago ). They talk
noticed som e rolling in the picture in this segment, but it's mostly
about how the past and present social trends are likely to affect
in places where there's nothing to look at anyway) G angs whose
(mainly urban) policing in the coming decade. The discussion
main objective is marking territory with graffiti is the subject of
seems to be gloom-and-doom -y, but the method of analyzing the
this program. How and why they do it, and how the vand alism
past and present is interesting to hear.
can be prevented are also discussed.
California Case Law U pdates:
Tape 273: Operations of Traffic Radar (MPH Industries
Detentions: How's Your Probable C ause?: Gonsalez, Rivera
Training Tape) (1 ho ur, 55 min.)
(Alam eda Co. District A tty. / 11 min.)
[June 14, 1985] Bruce Cameron, of Law and Order Magazine,
Search and Seizure: Freezing the Scene: Gentry (Alameda
provided this program. In this classroom presentation (taped live
Co. District A tty. / 11 min.)
in Nashville on June 14, 1985), Ed Sargent of MP H Industries
Liability for Lulling (G olden W est Co llege / 13 min.)
talks about ho w a traffic radar works, alleged problems with
Kid naping: M ovement (Go lden W est Co llege / 9 m in.)
radar readings (the myths of speed detection), and testifying
techniques. The information may be a little old, but it might
Tape 277: Trooper Malice Tape (34 min.)
make a good base for discussion.
The Arizona H ighway Patrol has its "Buck Savage": the
Louisiana State Police have their "Trooper Malice". Officer
Tape 271: Ha ndling U nde rcover Co ntacts (10 min.)
The Los Angeles Co. Sheriff's Dep artment produced this
program, about how patro l officers can be sure tho se people
identifying themse lves as undercover officers, and how to help
them do their job (and thus avoid their blowing their cover).
NEMRT Video Catalog (Fiscal Year 2008 -- April 2007), p. 83
inmates, who have come to expect this kind of thing. Viewers
will probab ly want to b e care ful app lying all these techniq ues to
searching all arrestees. (NEMRT doesn't have the second part, on
unclothed searches).
Tape 270: Handle with Care! (12 min.)
The Arizona H ighway Patrol has its "Buck Savage": the
Louisiana State Police have their "T rooper M alice". In this
program in the series, Malice decide s to pack up the evid ence in
a drug lab while the crime lab investigators are gone. This
episode would be useful for starting a class on crime scene
Tape 269: Night Stops (8 min.)
The Louisiana State Police produced this program, which gives
an overview of the conditions an officer must keep in mind when
conducting a street stop after dark. It doesn't give any
demonstrations of techniques, but it does remind officers of the
dangers to compensate for.
Tape 268: 200 M illiseconds of Yo ur Life (13 min.)
This semi-promotional tape, which we got from Bruce Cameron
of Law and Order Magazine, came from Saab Cars USA, Inc,
and shows the chain of events in a vehicle crash. The title comes
from the fact that the critical elements of a head-on collision
taking p lace at 35 m ph (the safety stand ard fo r American cars) all
take place in 0 .2 seconds (200 millisec onds). No rth East MultiRegional Training isn't promoting Saab cars, the accident
demonstration is interesting to see.
Tape 267: AKD 48 (16 min.)
This promotional tape, which we got from Bruce Cameron of
Law and Order Magazine, shows the capabilities of the AKD 48
Baton (if you aren't familiar with this baton, it looks like a twohandled PR-24). "AKD" stands for "Altered Kinetic Distance",
and the advantage of the baton is that the officer uses it to control
an offender's attack. While North East Multi-Regional Training
doe sn't recom mend the A KD 48 B aton, this non-striking bato n is
interesting to learn about.
Tape 266: Rodne y King Case (T he): W hat the Jury Sa w in
California v. Po well (1 ho ur, 56 min.)
This condensed ep isode from the Courtroom Television Network
gives 2 hours of highlights from the 150 hours of their coverage
of the trial. The program should be most helpful for analysis of
courtroom performance and excessive use of force, as well as
giving viewers a clearer understanding of what went on during
the trial.
Tape 265: Media Relations (9 min.)
The Los Angeles Police Department, and local (California) news
reporters produced this program, which helps explain why
reporters do the things they do at accident or crime scenes. It
basically goes over how an officer should treat repo rters.
Tape 264: Makin g the Transition: A Career in Security
Managem ent (45 min.)
[circa 1991] Bruce Cameron, of Law and Order Magazine,
provided this video. The program has been designed for law
enforcement personnel (especially police managers), to point out
what he or she will have to do to learn to get along in the area of
private security. Security managers Dennis Dalton and Steve
Keller sit in a living ro om setting and talk about ten tips that will
make the change easier. T itles are used to reinforce these points.
In many ways, the program is not a "grabber", but the
information will be helpful for those interested in changing
Tape 263: Inmate Body Searches, Part 1: Clothed (16 min.)
[circa 1984] This program is a little old, but the importance and
techniques of searching detainees hasn't changed much. The
importance of conducting a thorough, methodical search of the
inmate is emphasized, and basic techniques for searching inmates
are demonstrated. This program was designed for searching
Tape 262: Diffusing Aggressive Behavior (18 min.)
This tape would make a good accompaniment to either #240
(Verb al Judo R eview) or #247 (Tactical Comm unication). Just
as those pro grams talk about dealing with upset people, this
program demonstrates ways officers can handle uncooperative or
angry peo ple without unnec essary violence. T his one also
includes scenes of officers actually using the techniques. It's also
good for discussion.
Tape 261: POST Satellite Broadcast -- September 1992 (2
[Sep tember 19 92] The picture on this month's recording is a little
fuzzy, and the so und d rops on the Case Law U pda tes, (the fault
of the broadcast, not our recording, which was kindly provided
by the North Aurora Police Dep artment), but otherwise the
recording is all right. The programs include:
Legal Review of 5th Amendm ent Issues (FLET C / 36 min.),
which presents reenactments of inc idents in which su spects
incriminated themselves that led to cases presented before the
Supreme Co urt. The narrator gives the circumstances of the
incident, the reenactm ent is shown, and the aud ience has to
decide how the Supreme Court ruled in the case. At the end of
each segment, the Supreme Court's decision and rationale are explained.
Safe Schools: A Guide for Action (California Atty General /
29 min.) The book Safe Schools: A Planning Guide for Action
is supposed to accompany this video, which is hosted by Pat
Morita. N EM RT doesn't have the boo k, but the program still
gives viewers ideas about how all aspects of a community can
work together to make schools safe places to learn.
California Case Law U pdates:
Miranda: Invocation, Ambiguity, and Afterlife (Alameda
Co. Dist. Atty / 8 min.)
Identifications: A Look of Their Own: Kaiser (Alameda
Co. Dist. Atty / 11 min.)
Separation of Church and Statements (Golden W est College
/ 13 m in.)
Preparing to Testify (Golden West College / 13 min.), which
gives ten tips on how to impro ve one's ability to testify.
Tape 260: Cou rtroom Testim ony T elecourse (1 ho ur, 52 min.)
This California POST Telecourse, broadcast September 10, 1992
(and very kindly brought down for us by the North Aurora Police
Department), uses expert discussion, scenarios, and practitioner
examples to help officers perform better in courtroom situation.
Tape 257: Take Another Look; Police Response to Seizures
and Epilepsy (15 min.)
The Police E xecutive Research Fo rum and the Epilepsy
Foundation of America produced this two-part program, which
informs viewers abo ut how to reco gnize a seizure, and how to
handle someone who is having a seizure. The first part of the
program (8 min.) goes over dealing with seizures in a way in
accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, and the
second (7 min.) emphasizes the necessity for care when facing
someone having a seizure. Legal obligations are emphasized
more strongly here than in Epilepsy: A Police Problem (#156),
but the varieties of seizures seemed clearer in that earlier tape.
Tape 256: POST Satellite Broadcast -- August 1992 (2 hours)
[August 1992] T he picture quality is good in this tape, but the
audio track has a hiss. The programs are interesting enoug h to
take your mind off the hiss, tho ugh. P rogra ms broad cast this
month include:
Officer Invo lved Sh ooting: Craig Ju nging er (Huntington
Beach P olice D ept. / 20 min.) M otorcycle officer Craig
Junginger reenacts and talks about a 1989 shoo tout he had with a
bank robber. At the end of the program, police psychologist Dr.
Larry Blum discusses post-trauma effects and survival shooting training.
*Target Harden: Making Your Homes Safer (Florida D ept.
NEMRT Video Catalog (Fiscal Year 2008 -- April 2007), p. 84
of Law Enforcement / 23 min.) This one would be a great
commit suicide, ways of preventing suicides, and the legal
program to show to crime prevention gro ups o r at com munity
concerns of suicides in a jail. The program is made to sound like
fairs. After an older lady in a community has her house
a documentary, b ut the narrator is no M ike W allace. It is
burglarized , the crime prevention officer shows the community
informative, though, and the scene where the jail officer listens to
how to make their houses harder targe ts for burglars. It's a little
the inmate talk about committing suicide is interesting.
more "hard-sell" than You Make a Difference: Preventing Home
Burglary (#78), but the story line is better.
Tape 250: Officer as Hostage / Tactical Movement (25 min.)
*Range Safety (FLET C / 18 min.) What firearms range
The two segments featured on this LETN video consists of two
instructors need to do (and keep trainees from doing) to keep
recordings of LET N's Street Beat program. Officer as Hostage
anyone from getting hurt on the range is covered in this program.
features Bob Welsh of the Ohio Highway Patrol, who gives
Safe ways of hand ling different types of firearms, hand signals,
officers an understanding and working knowledge of what to do
and loading procedures are included, too.
if taken hostage (or lured into the suspect's trap), according to the
California Case Law U pdates:
lesson plan. The program is mostly about the Survival Attitude,
Dangerous Limitations on Prolonging a Traffic Stop (Golden
though. Tactical movement features David S. Tracy explaining
W est Co llege / 11 min.)
and demo nstrating how to sneak from one place to another.
Search Incident to Arrest: Contemporaneousness (Golden
W est Co llege / 8 m in.)
Tape 249: Active Countermeasures / Crime Scene
Search: The Scop e and Exploitation of Search Conditions
Diagramming (50 min.)
(Alam eda Co. Dist. Atty. / 11 min.)
This LETN/L.E.NET tape features segments from the LETN
Defenses: E ntrapment: Back to B arraza (Alamed a Co . Dist.
programs Street Beat and Crime Scene. In Active
Atty. / 11 min.)
Countermeasures, Gary Klugiewicz, from the Milwaukee Co.
Sheriff's Dept., discusses and d emo nstrates p rinciples of basic
Tape 255: Action for the First Responder / Negligent Retention
unarmed blocking and striking maneuvers. In Crime Scene
(50 min.)
Diagramming, D on O sterme yer, of the Orlando Police Dept.,
[1990-199 1] Action for the First Responder is the May 20, 1991
talks about the impo rtance of crime scene diagrams, and how to
episode of LETN's Star Points. The experts in this program
go about preparing one.
discuss and describe the DOT 's Initial Isolation and Protective
Action Table, the type of chemical release from different types of
Tape 248: Confidence Crimes Prevention and Education Series
containers, and ac tions to take be fore using the T able, along with
(1 hour)
things to consider whe n planning to evacuate an area. Negligent
[circa 1992] The Video Services Section of the Chicago Police
Retention is the Septem be r 17, 19 90 episo de of LE TN's
Dept. produced this tape, which demonstrates three common con
Command Up date. This is a great program for giving police
games, and points out ho w the viewer ca n reco gnize a con artist.
managers anxious nightm ares. W illiam Ready discusses how to
As the video's 6-minute introduction points out, it is an
minimize the damage when a department is sued for having
appropriate program to show to com munity groups. The sections
officers on the force who cannot perform their job, or parts of
are: Home repair (20 min.), The Pigeon d rop (18 min.), and The
their job, adequately.
Badge Play C ome Back (16 min.)
Tape 254: Bloodborne Pathogens: Safeguarding Employees by
Reducing the Risk to Occupational Exposure to Bloodborne
Disease (2 ho urs, 25 min.)
[June 16 , 1992 ] This pro gram is a video tape of the N orth East
Multi-Regional Training class, held June 16, 1992. Instructors
Doug Nelson and Thomas Lovejoy talk about the transmission of
body-fluid-borne diseases, how to prevent contamination, and
ways of meeting the O SHA standards.
Tape 253: How to Videotape an Incident (14 min.)
The Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department provided this tape,
about using a hand-held video camera. Topics include the kind
of incidents to videotape, how to use a camcorder, and the
program also gives recomm endations o n videotaping technique.
Also described are the videotaping guidelines for the Los
Angeles Co. Sheriff's Dept., which won't necessarily mean much
to us in Illinois, but are a good basis for making videotaping
Tape 252: Sticky Situations: True-Life Training Scenarios (13
The Am erican Jail Association sponsored this program about
management relations, too. It's an excellent source from which
to discuss departm ental policy, as well as appropriate
professiona l behavior, within a jail setting. The scenes show jail
officers reacting to situations (mainly with superior o fficers) in
ways that are understandable, but potentially stupid or
unprofessional. After the scene, the tape is supposed to be
stopped so the viewers can discuss what has taken place. Then,
the narrator points out what was wrong with the situation, and
what the officer should have done. It's similar to NEM RT Tape
#73 , Decision Exercises, but this one emphasizes inter-officer
relations, rather than officer-inmate relations.
Tape 251: Suicide: T he Silent Sig nals (29 min.)
[1985] The Am erican Jail Associatio n helped produce this tape in
198 5. It discusses the reaso ns detainees may ha ve for trying to
Tape 247: Tactical Com mun ication (POST T elecourse) (2
[April 23, 1992] "Tactical Communication" is an euphemism for
Verbal Judo, and o riginator George Thomp son enthusiastically
explains the b asic principles of avo iding ve rbal conflict with
citizens to an aud ience of California police p rofessio nals in this
telecourse broad cast April 23 , 199 2. If you aren't familiar with
Verbal Judo, this program is worth the seeing. If you are,
watching George Tho mpson put on his show is worth the seeing,
Tape 246: POST Satellite Broadcast -- April 1992 (1 hour, 40
[April 1992] T he primary topic of this broadcast is an update and
explanation of California's "Proposition 115", which allows
hearsay evidence under certain conditions at preliminary
hearings. It won't apply in Illinois, but the explanation of how
the pro position wo rks is interesting. (45 min.)
California Case Law U pdates:
Rep eat Interroga tion (G olden W est Co llege / 15 min.)
Resp onse to a "9 11" Call (G olden W est Co llege / 12 min.)
{Although it may not apply in Illinois, this one was interesting,
about suppressing evidence found in connection with responding
to a 911 call.}
Statements: I Only Said What They Wanted: Page (Alameda
Co. Dist. Atty. / 12 min.) {Although this one may no t apply in
Illinois, either, it was interesting to hear tips on how to
interrogate a suspect so most of his or her statements can be used}
Search W arrants: The Minimum Due -Process R equirement:
Runge and Bettencourt (Alamed a Co . Dist. Atty. / 11 min.)
Tape 245: Crim inal Justice in Crisis (18 min.)
[1992] The Criminal Justice Section of the American Bar
Association p roduced this progra m, which is prob ably most
appro priate for a civilian audience. The va rious speake rs discuss
why the criminal justice system in the United States is not
functioning, and why we need more money to fund the criminal
NEMRT Video Catalog (Fiscal Year 2008 -- April 2007), p. 85
justice system. Drug-related crime is em phasized, while little is
interesting program explains how to get out of a skid , and how to
said on crime deterrence (keeping people from becoming
avoid skidding in the first place.
criminals in the first place). On the whole, though, it's an
Latent Print Section ([California] Department of Justice / 12
interesting program to watch and discuss. By the way, the video
min.) T echnicians at the Dept. of Justice exp lain the va rious ways
is based on the ABA rep ort Criminal Justice in Crisis, which the
latent prints are developed.
Instructors' Libra ry has (call no. 3300 0-AB A-19 88), and is
Homicides: Crime Scene Preservation for Patrol (Los
acco mpa nied b y two guidebooks: Presenting a Public Education
Angeles Sheriff's Dept. / 11 min.) The program focuses on how
Program on Crime, Drugs and Criminal Justice; A Guidebook
responding officers can unintentionally meddle with the crime
for Prog ram Sponsors, and Crime, Drugs and Criminal Justice;
scene, and the narration explains what officers should look out
A Public Education Handbook. If you want to use these bo oks,
for when responding. The conclusion, in which everything that
just ask for them when you request the video.
could go wrong at a crime scene does, is almost as funny as Buck
Savage's homicide investigation.
Tape 243: Standardized Field Sobriety Test; The New Weapon
No Way Out (San José Police Dept. / 13 min.) which
Against Drunk Driving/Drug Recognition Expert Training (32
reena cts an incident in which officers resp onded during a fire in
order to show what should (and shouldn't) be done. At the end,
[1991] Sgt. Talbo t, of the W oodridge Po lice Dept. (now retired),
an officer's responsibilities during a fire are described.
gave us this American Bar A ssociation-produced video . In
Low Risk Pullover and Approach (Los An geles Sheriff's
Stand ardized F ield Sob riety Test, the narrator gives the history of
Dept. / 12 min.) Safe methods for making vehicle stops are
standardized field sobriety tests, then talks about the types of
demonstrated. Methods for making them at night are also included.
tests and the legal validity of the tests, especially HG N. Then,
California Case Law U pdates:
the difficulty of detecting the drugs that cause drug-impaired
Search: The Out of Car-Body Experience (Alameda Co.
driving is discussed, as are the types of impairing drugs. In
Dist. Atty / 9 min.)
Drug Recognition Expert Training, the DRE (drug recognition
Interrogation: Avoiding and Ignoring Miranda (Alameda
expert) training process is examined.
Co. Dist. Atty / 9 min.)
Take Your Hands Out of Your Pockets, Please. . . (Golden
Tape 242: Ethics in Policing (POST Telecourse) (2 hours, 40
W est Co llege / 9 m in.)
Spo ntaneo us Declaration (G olden W est Co llege / 13 min.)
The panelists, and lecturer Michael Josephson, discuss the nature
of ethics, what makes one an ethical person, and the importance
Tape 237: Law Enforcem ent Ethics (28 min.)
of ethics in policing in this progra m, broad cast M arch 1 9, 19 92.
This L.E.N ET program is built around an interview with N eil
The presentation is divided in three sections, in which Josephson
Trautman, well-known police trainer. He discusses why being an
lectures, a scenario of an ethical dilemma is shown, and a panel
ethical p olice o fficer is important, why officers go b ad, and ways
of (California) law enforcement managers discuss the resolution
officers (and departments, too) can go about doing "the right
of the dilemma. It isn't anywhere near as dull as it might sound,
thing". Also included are a few case studies of unethical use of
either. The program has a lot of interference, but if you turn up
force, and suggestions for deve loping ethics training for officers.
the volume, you can probably live with it. It was the best we
could get.
Tape 236: Murde r on T ape (LE TN Com m and Up date Special)
(55 min.)
Tape 241: Staying Healthy Telecourse (POST Telecourse) (2
[circa 1992] The Law Enforcement Television Network produced
hrs, 8 m in.)
this program, which discusses and analyzes the Lunsford Murder
This program, from the California Commission on Peace Officer
Tape (a 1 991 incident in which an officer's in-car video camera
Standards and Training, talks about the importance of personal
recorded his murder by marijuana traffickers). A state trooper
exercise programs (and how to do them), how to use weight
who had been in a similar situation and survived is also featured,
equipment correctly, which foods are better for patrol snacking,
and the two incidents are compared. O ther topics that come up
and how to keep mentally fit. It's like an FBI Teleconference for
are the placement of in-car video equipment, the usefulness of
patrol officers, and I didn't feel anywhere near as fat and
foreign language training for officers, and the importance of
awkward after watching it as I did after the FBI one. Since the
survival training.
sections are about a half-hour long, the program could be used
over several days or weeks, instead of all at one time.
Tape 235: Ha te Crim es PO ST T elecourse (2 ho urs, 20 min.)
W hile the focus is the California police response to bias crimes,
Tape 240: Verbal Judo Review (1 hour, 49 min.)
the information by-and-large applies to jurisdictions across the
In this program, George Thompson explains, in his earthy style,
country. The panelists discuss the nature of bias crimes, what
how officers can avo id conflict with the p eop le they have to
makes a crime a bias crime, and how law enforcement agencies
interact with through their use of wo rds and ma nner. It basically
should go about investigating such crimes. The questions the
combines the principles of How to Win Friends and Influence
viewers ask are thought-provoking ones, and the answers are
Peo ple and Jud o to p ractical policing. The pro gram is a little
worth discussing. (By the way, the NEM RT Library has a copy
long to show at one sitting, but it is broken down into several
of the workbook that was made to accompany this telecourse. If
shorter sections. Whether you agree with the principles
you wo uld like to borrow it, just mentio n it when you ask to
described or not, it is an interesting program to hear.
borrow the tape.)
Tape 239: NC IC/ATF Violent Felon F ile (11 min.)
This program explains the use and importance of the (new)
Violent Felon File the Department of Alcohol, Tobacco, and
Firearms sponsors, that is available through NCIC. It lets users
know if the detainee is a violent felon or is prohibited from
owning a firearm. The Chicago Police Department participated
in the making of this tape, so that makes it especially interesting.
Tape 238: POST Satellite Broadcast -- March 1992 (2 hours)
[March 19 92] The N orth Aurora Police Depa rtment was kind
enough to bring this one d own, and aside from a little
interference in the center of the picture, it looks p retty goo d.
This month's programs include:
Skid Control (Los Ange les Sheriff's Dept. / 10 min.) This
Tape 234: POST Satellite Broadcast -- February 1992 (2
[Feb ruary 1992 ] The reco rding quality on this one leaves a lot to
be desired, but it's the best we could get. So, turn up the volume
on your m onitor and see the programs:
The Crime Scene Computer (NIJ / 8 min.), which gives an
overview of how to protect evidence that might be in a computer
found at a crime scene.
Officer Involved Shooting: Pace Warehouse/Downey PD
(Los Angeles Police Dept. / 19 min.) A holdup at a grocery
warehouse and the officers' response to the call is ree nacted. A
couple of officers were ambushed and shot, but are alive today
and talk about the incident.
Western States Information Network ([California] Dept. of
NEMRT Video Catalog (Fiscal Year 2008 -- April 2007), p. 86
Justice / 17 min.) Since the topic here is the computerized
to tears by this program, which was p rovid ed by the Ca lifornia
Regional Information Sharing System that covers the Western
Highwa y Patrol Academ y. If you need to know about air brakes,
States, this one doesn't have much to do with Illinois policing. It
truck inspection, and the turning capab ilities of long trucks,
might give the viewer some tips on using local law enforcement
though, this is the progra m for yo u. The titles includ ed on this
computer networks in investigating drug dealing, though.
tape are: Introduction to the Fundamentals of an Air Brake
NCIC 2000 (FB I and the Indiana State Police / 14 min.)
System , Air B rake Systems (P t. 1-2), C omm ercial V ehicle
Since NCIC was designed almost a quarter-century ago, and
Safety; Alliance Inspection, Long Truck D emonstration, and Pro
computer technology has improved considerably since then. For
Partners for Safety.
that reason, the program is sched uled to be replace d. This
program explains why and how.
Tape C RT 229 : Teamwork: Team Building in Corrections (13
California Case Law U pdates:
Consent W ithout Suspicion (G olden W est Co llege / 14 min.)
[2000] T he object of this CORT p rogram is to help recognize the
Hamm er V. Gross (Go lden W est College / 13 min.) (about
impo rtance of working together as a team . It is also intended to
the use of excessive force to extract blood for testing)
show case the P alm B each County (Florida) Sheriff's
The Conditional Consent Conundrum (Alameda Co. District
Department's Team Building training, which includes both law
Atty. / 10 min.)
enforcement and correctional personnel. This training includes
If Privacy Isn't There, Don't Create It! (Alameda Co. District
"stunts" and drills the teams have to perform, which are intended
Atty. / 11 min.)
to increase participants' understanding of themselves and the
other individuals that make up the team. Well, at least watching
Tape 233: Wellness a nd F itness: A Ho listic Approach to
the stunts is good for laughs.
Health {FBI Teleconference} (2.58 ho urs)
[1992] Bro adcast Feb ruary 12, 19 92, the pane lists on this
Tape 229: Felony Hit and Run Investigation (11 min.)
teleconference talk abou t the benefits of a d epartmental health
W e got this video from the California H ighway Patro l Acad emy,
program and how to go about setting one up. It was a lot more
which goes over the process of investigating a hit and run
interesting than I thought it would be.
accid ent. It may remind the viewer o f a short episod e of D ragnet,
but the methods the investigators used to find the hit and run
Tape C RT 232 : Edged Weapon Defense & Disarming (14
driver are worth remembering.
[2000] Brad Inm an (K ent Co ., Rhode Island, Sheriff's Office) is
Tape 228: Red Asphalt III / Suddenly Tragedy (17 min. / 6
featured in the COR T program . He goes over the type of shanks
that corrections officers might encounter, the importance of
The California Highway Patro l Academy prod uced these
knowing edge weapon d efense techniques (after all, prisoners
programs about traffic accidents. Red Asphalt III is a collection
have a lot of time on their hands in which to make types of
of graphic videos of accidents and victims, many of whom were
knives), and brief demonstrations of techniques for defending
maim ed an d killed due to DU I or failure to wear seat belts.
against surprise attacks, particularly those from much larger
Suddenly Tragedy is the footage of an accident that occurred
attackers. N orth East M ulti-Regional T raining doe sn't
while a TV crew was interviewing witnesses of an earlier
necessarily recommend any of these techniques, but they are
accid ent.
interesting to know about. As always, compare the techniques
and suggestions described in the video with department policy
Tape C RT 228 : AD A in Co rrections I (21 min.)
before using them.
[1999] Disabled inmates may turn up at a correctional facility at
any time. This program from the CORT series discusses some of
Tape 231: In Vehicle Video Taping (19 min.)
the issues corre ctional officers ne ed to address in order for their
The Illinois Law Enforcement Training and Standards Board
facility to me et the req uirements of the Americans with
produced this program, about how to use an in-vehicle video
Disabilities Act. Included is a discussion of what co nstitutes a
camera most effectively during a traffic sto p. The focus, in this
disab ility, the impo rtance of staff training, and facility
case, is " setting the sc ene" and su ch for taping a DU I stop.
modifications that physically or mentally challenged inmates
Experts also provide running commentary on why the techniques
may require. Sources of assistance for equipment (like TDDs
described in the tape are good to keep in mind.
and such) and the importance of searching physically disabled
inmates thoroughly are also considered.
Tape C RT 231 : Gangs in Corrections (22 min.)
[2000] Watch the body language in this program from the CORT
Tape 227: Law Enforcem ent Custody of Juveniles (29 min.)
series. It features remarks from a St. Clair Co. (Missouri)
This program, produce d by the OJJD P, shows law enforcement
corrections officer on how gang memb ers are processed and
officers taking juv eniles into custod y and d etaining them in
placed in the facility, and those from an incarcerated gang-banger
appropriate (legal) ways. Detention for both status offenses and
on how members are handled, and what they are likely to do
delinquent offenses are considered.
while they're in the facility. The gang member's description of
how prisoners (and co rrections officers) act is especially
Tape C RT 227 : Correc tional Sea rches of P ersons 1 (17 min.)
interesting, and not gang-specific.
[1999] If officers assume , when they rece ive custo dy of a
prisoner, that he or she hasn't been searched , the officers are most
Tape C RT 230 : Lateral Vascular Neck Restraint for
likely to perform a thorough search. This program from the
Corrections [Demonstration] (24 min.)
COR T series features Brad Inman (K ent County, Rhode Island),
[2000] T his program from the CORT series is not so much a
who describes and demo nstrates safe procedures for searching
training tape as it is a prom otional dem onstration of the bene fits
prisoners (and holding cells) for contraband and weapons when
of using Jim Lindell's Lateral Vascular Neck Restraint, which
they are brought to the detention center. As always, compare the
involves pre ssing on the veins in a resisto r's neck to gain
techniques and suggestions listed here with department policy
compliance. The dem onstrations, and the discussion of the
before using them. The program ends with a discussion of the
advantages of using the system, are clear; but viewers won't be
importance of documentation for use of force, injuries, and
qualified to apply the techniques unless they go through an
officer training.
authorized training program. North East Multi-Regional
Training d oesn't recommend this procedure, but at least you'll
Tape 226: Ultim ate Survivors (85 min.)
know more about it than you did.
W illiam Shatner narrates the stories of four police officers who
survived horrible p hysical and me ntal ord eals. One had half his
Tape 230: Air Brake Program (108 min.)
face blown o ff with a shotgun (a p icture of the "damage" is
Unless you're crazy about semi trucks, you're going to be bored
included in the tape; once you get past that, though, the rest of
NEMRT Video Catalog (Fiscal Year 2008 -- April 2007), p. 87
min.) This program has little to do with case law: Judge William
Bedswo rth (Orange Co. Superior Court) talks about why policing
is so difficult in the United S tates, how incongruo us legislatio n is
with social problems (for instance, in California, the punishment
for killing a bird that isn't a swallow in a cemetery is greater than
Tape C RT 226 : Suicide Watch & Intervention (26 min.)
that for leaving the scene of a skiing accident), and how different
[1999] The critical im portance of mo nitoring arrestees, especially
groups perceive the police after the Rodney King incident. It's an
those in jail for the first time, for suicide attempts is the focus of
inspiring, entertaining speech.
this CORT program. Issues considered include methods inmates
(*Ava ilable separately)
may use to attempt suicide, prevention methods, profiles and
actions of po tentially suicid al inmates, first respo nse and first aid
Tape C RT 223 : Professional Ethics in Corrections (30 min.)
procedures, initial death investigations, and liability and safety
[199 9] Co rrections officers daily work with some of the mo st
issues. Procedures at the Kenosha Co. Jail (Wisconsin) are used
unethical people in society, so they need to be especially careful
as the basis for discussio n: be sure to exam ine you r agency's
to maintain their own professional excellence. Various
procedures for com patibility before applying those discussed in
corrections instructors discuss ethical dangers to officers, the
the program.
importance of professional appearance and attitude, professional
conduct and bigotry, contraband and gratuity issues, and
Tape 225: Who Goes to Prison? (2 hours)
disciplinary concerns (as well as the use of video cam eras in
[December 4, 1991] The panelists on this teleconference, which
encouraging excellent conduct in officers).
origina ted from the 8 th Annual Co rrectional Sym posium in
Lexington, KY (taped D ecember 4, 199 1) discuss who is being
Tape 223: NCIC Overviews (2 ho urs, 10 min.)
sent to prison, and how states and federal facilities are dealing
This tape collects the NCIC-related training videos from NEMRT
with the problems of an increasing prison population. Most of
Tapes 176 and 221. The programs are:
the panelists are from correctional facilities in the Midw est, so
NCIC Overview for Law Enforcement Officers {FBI &
the suggestions are especially appropriate. (The picture is kind
Arizo na D ept. of Pub lic Safety} (6 min.)
of grainy, and toward the middle the volume drops, but it's the
NCIC Vehicle File for Law Enforcement Officers {FBI &
best record ing quality we co uld achieve.)
Los A ngeles Police Dept.} (8 min.)
NCIC U nidentified Person File {FBI & Los Angeles Police
Tape C RT 224 : Special Response Team Training Set (55 min.)
Dept.} (8 min.)
[1999] B ecause tactical teams may not be available when and
NC IC Investigative Off Line Se arch { FB I} (13 min.)
where they are needed, the Kenosha County (Wisconsin)
NCIC Hit Confirmation for the Patrol Officer {FBI & the
Sheriff's Department has trained all its corrections officers in cell
New York S tate Police} (8 min.)
extraction and response training tactics. This 2-tape set from the
NCIC Validation {FBI & the N ew York State Police} (9
CORT series describes and demonstrates a cell extraction
training session. Part 1, Overview and Ob jectives, explains the
NCIC Responsibilities for the Agency Administrator {FBI &
reasoning for the training, and the basic overview of the session
Los A ngeles Police Dept.} (13 m in.)
(and the technique the jail uses). Part 2, Practical Application
NCIC Vehicle File: The Winning Team (FBI & Ind iana
and Techniques, shows the actual extraction simulation. The
State P olice / 16 min.)
jail's trainer plays the uncooperative inmate in the simulation,
NCIC B oat File (FBI & Florida Department of Law
which is an interesting idea. W hile equipment is not specifica lly
Enfo rcem ent / 12 min.)
identified, useful items are mentioned in the course of the
NCIC Interstate Identification Index (FBI & No rth Carolina
program. Positional Asphyxia, and the importance of allowing
Justice Academ y / 10 m in.)
the subject's chest to exp and, is also co nsidered in the seco nd half
NCIC packing the Record for Law Enforcement O fficers
of the progra m. As a lways, co mpa re the tec hniques described in
(FB I and Arizo na D epartment of Public Sa fety / 6 min.)
this program with departmental policy before applying them.
NCIC W anted Person File for Law Enforcement Officers
(FBI & Arizona Depa rtment of Public Safety / 10 min.).
Tape 224: POST Satellite Broadcast -- January 1992 (2 hours)
NCIC and M issing Children (FBI & M aryland State Police /
[January 19 92] T his month's broad cast includes:
11 m in.)
Assault Weapo ns Registration Educational Campaign
([California] Attorney General's Office/10 min.) This program
Tape C RT 222 : Tran sporting In m ates 1 (34 m in.)
would mean little to Illino is officers, sinc e it consists of public
[1999] This CO RT program begins by de scribing the basic
service announcements about California's law about registering
principles of safe inmate transportation, then features various
legal assault weapo ns.
corrections trainers d iscussing the details of these princip les.
*W ith Resp ect (Anaheim Police D epartment/19 m in.) Th is
Since both corrections and law enforcement personnel may be
one is available separately as #172, and is about how a law
required to transport prisoners and suspects, the information
enforcement officer can b est relate to the V ietnamese co mmunity.
presented here is appropriate for both types of officers. A major
*Juveniles Out of Gangs (San Diego Police Dept./28 min.)
portion of the program is on safe inmate searching techniques.
The San Diego Police Department put together this program for
Before applying the techniques, however, make sure that they
use with their DARE program. It tells viewers what it's like to be
match departmental procedures, and that they will apply to the
in a gang, how it will mess up their lives, and what they can
facilities to which the inmates are being transported.
expect when they go to juvenile detention facilities. At the
beginning and the end o f the segm ent is a explana tion of how to
Tape 222: Courtroom Skills and Tactics (30 m in.)
use the programs.
In this L.E.NET tape, a DUI hearing and subsequent civil trial are
California Case Law U pdates:
reena cted, and the reactio n of the testifying officer is analyzed.
Confessions: Post-Attorney Reinitiation: Mickey (Alameda
Suggestions for improving the p resentation of testimony are also
Co. District A tty./12 min.)
given. Unlike some of the other courtroom performance tapes
Confessions: Anticipating Aranda: Douglas (Alameda Co.
NE MRT has, the o fficer's performance in this one was app arently
District Atty/12 min.) T he information in this one cou ld
unrehearsed. Forewarned is forearmed, and seeing what a real
probably apply outside California: it's about the importance of
officer is likely to do in the witness stand can be helpful for other
getting one of two confessing suspects to word their confession
real officers who are likely to be there sometime.
so that, if the confessor wo n't testify, the right of co nfrontation is
not violated.
Tape 221: POST Satellite Broadcast -- December 1991 (2
*A Judicial Perspective of the Law Enforcement
Community: Where Are We Headed? (Golden West College/31
[Decemb er 1991] T he recording has a few audio drops and
the tape is not especially graphic), one had most of his skin
burned off in a patrol car accident, one survived an ambush, and
one overcame self-doubt after failing to prevent the shooting of
another officer. It's a thought-provoking, encouraging program.
NEMRT Video Catalog (Fiscal Year 2008 -- April 2007), p. 88
interference in p laces, b ut otherwise it loo ks pretty good .
Diego P olice D ept.). (T here is so me interferenc e, especially in
Otherwise, this month's training programs are all on using NCIC
the second half. It is somewhat distracting, but you can still hear
(and you might want to use it with Tape 176, which also features
what is being said, and what is being said is important).
a number of short programs about NCIC), and they are:
NCIC Vehicle File: The Winning Team (FBI & Ind iana
Tape 219: Tarnished Years (The) (40 min.)
State Police / 16 min.) How information on stolen and recovered
[July 5, 1990] This episode of 48 Hours originally aired on CBS
vehicles should be gathered and placed into the computerized
July 5, 1 990 . It discusse s the prevalence and nature of E lderly
NCIC Vehicle File is the main topic of this program.
NCIC B oat File (FBI & Florida Department of Law
Enforcement / 12 min.) This program describes the NCIC Boar
Tape 218: POST Satellite Broadcast -- November 1991 (2
File and procedures for checking boat hull numbers, and boat and
trailer registration. (This one will be a good program for any
This mo nth's broadcast features the p rograms:
agency serving a community with a marina or a lot of pleasure
Never G ive Up (San José P olice Dept./9 min.). An incident
boats around. SLC)
is reenacted, in which an officer's being prepared for a po ssible
NCIC Interstate Identification Index (FBI & No rth Carolina
attack (and the fact he was wearing his body armor) saved his life.
Justice Academy / 10 min.), which provides information and
Splitting Up (Los Angeles Police Dept./4 min.), which
procedures for use of an on-line, on-time computerized criminal
describes the dangers of splitting from one's partner during a foot
history record system available through N CIC in 22 states.
Illinois is N OT one o f those states, at this time, at least, but this
*Management Scenarios (San Diego Police D ept./9 min.).
program gives a lo t of goo d reasons for a state's participatio n in
This program ought to be great for supervisors, or for those who
the program.
instruct in areas of police management or communication. It
NCIC Packing the Record for Law Enforceme nt Officers
features a number of open-ended scenarios of incidents that
(FB I and Arizo na D epartment of Public Sa fety / 6 min.) This
might o ccur w ithin a po lice departm ent among the personnel.
program emp hasizes the importance of entering complete and
The viewer has to think about what he or she would (or should)
accurate information into NCIC to ensure effectiveness of the
do in such a situation.
system and to increase officer safety.
*70% by '92 (NHTSA/15 min.) This program describes
NCIC W anted Person File for Law Enforcement Officers
their program to increase seat belt usage by 1992. If your agency
(FBI & Arizona Department of Public Safety / 10 min.), which
wants to do some kind of public relations program to increase
provides information for use of the NCIC Wanted Persons File,
seat belt usage, the program also explains how to run a summer camp aign.
and explains how an entry automatically searches various other
The D esignated Driver (Pleasant Hill Police Dept./5 min.)
files to access additional information.
This one is a promotional tape for designating non-drinking
NCIC and M issing Children (FBI & M aryland State Police /
drivers for affairs where alcohol will be served.
11 min.) This program describes the services of NCIC for
Search and Seizure for School Administrators (Ventura Co.
reporting and locating missing children. It also emphasizes the
Sheriff's Dept./19 min.) W hile the ca se law m ight not apply in
importance of immediate entry of data, accuracy of information,
Illinois, a viewer might be able to use the theory behind the case
and co mpleteness.
law. This program goes over the (California) search and seizure
California Case Law U pdates:
laws that apply to public school campuses, and the rights of
Vehicle "Pat D owns" (G olden W est Co llege / 8 m in.) This
school ad ministrators.
one discusses an officers authority to inspect a license,
registration, and V.I.N. related to (California) Vehicle Code
Search: Patting down and getting it in: Frank V. (Alameda
regulations. The interesting part, though, is the discussion of
Co. District A tty./12 min.)
safety considerations that allow officers to order driver to exit the
A Trap is not Entrapment: Wesley (Alameda Co. District
vehicle, and to enter it to retrieve these items from places where
Atty./13 min.)
they are usually kept, which should apply in any state.
Deadly Force: T raining and Liab ility (Golden W est
Single-Pho to I.D . (Go lden W est Co llege / 14 min.)
College/13 min.) (This one was interesting, whether all the
Confession s: The Fed eral Standard: Collazo V. E stelle
information can be applied in Illino is, or not)
(Alam eda County District Attorney / 11 min.)
Bad D efenses Bite the Dust (Golden W est Co llege/9 min.)
Searches : The Scope of a Warrant: Ybarra (Alameda
(*Ava ilable Separately)
County District Attorney / 11 min.)
Tape 217: Hate Groups: Violence in America {FBI
Tape C RT 221 : Managem ent of Bloodborne and Airborne
Teleconference} (3 hours)
Pathogens in Corrections (41 min.)
Pan elists Richard H olden, J. Harper W ilson, and W illiam T afoya
[1998] This surprisingly interesting program from the CORT
talk about the beliefs o f people who join hate group s, efforts
Series examines the ways communicable diseases are spread, the
made to keep track of their bias crimes, and the long-term effect
likelihoo d of corrections o fficers contracting such d iseases, safe
on law enforc ement in com batting these group s and their crimes.
ways of handling prisoners and inmates, ways officers can reduce
exposure to the diseases, and suggested rep orting p rocedures.
Tape 216: Victim Officers: Post Shooting & Psychological
Corrections officers and health p rofessio nals from the St. Lo uis
Services Concerns {FBI Teleconference} (3 hours)
(M issouri) are featured in the prese ntation. W hile AID S is
The panelists in this program discuss the psychological and
discussed, pro tection from H epatitis (B and C) and Tub erculosis,
emotional trauma officers can experience after shooting
which are potentially far more dangerous to officers, are
someone, and steps to minimize it, the importance of peer
emphasized. Although the program is corrections-based, the
counseling, trauma of victim officer families, and organizational
material should be appropriate for use in law enforcement
steps to minimize psyc hological damage and liability.
settings as w ell.
Tape 215: Drug Interdiction (30 min.)
Tape 220: Use of Excessive Force (The) {FBI Teleconference}
L.E. Net produced this program in association with the DEA and
(3 hours)
the Jacksonville (FL) Police Depa rtment. The best part is the
[December 1991] The topics of this December 1991
discussion and demonstration of techniques for searching
teleconference are the problems and corrective actions police
vehicles for drugs. In ad dition, the use of subjec t profiling in
managem ent can take when forc e is used excessively within their
drug investigations is discussed, along with techniques for using
dep artment, what areas o f police training need refocusing to
existing traffic laws to catch drug couriers.
avoid such incidents, and how to deal with the media. Panelists
include Harvey Goldstein, Mike Bostic (Los Angeles Police
Tape 214: POST Satellite Broadcast -- October 1991 (2 hours)
Dept.), Ron Smith (St. Louis Police Dept.), and Dave Hall (San
This month's broadcast requires the viewer to crank up the
NEMRT Video Catalog (Fiscal Year 2008 -- April 2007), p. 89
volume, and includes:
Tape JOB 211 : Critical Incidents in Jails (9 min.)
Environmental Enforcement (Newport Beach Police
This program should enable viewers to distinguish between
Dept./10 min.) While most approp riate to California, the theory
incidents that can and canno t be prevented; explain the need to
behind the program is interesting. The impo rtance of enforcing
develop policies and procedures before a critical incident, how
environmental or conservation laws is discussed, and then
training and simulations can be used to help prepare for
seemingly unrelated sections of the Penal, Vehicle, Health and
incidents, and the importance of communication (within and
Safety, an d Fish and G ame codes that can be used to prosecute
outside the jail) during the incident. Viewers should also be able
violators are examined.
to describe the symptoms of stress that may be exhibited during
Driving Tactics {Officer Survival Series} (Los Angeles
and after a critical incident, as well as the process of review and
Police Dept./7 min.) The POST announcement says of this video,
doc umentation that must take place following an incident.
"Covers basic driving tactics during normal patrol and Code 3
runs", and we couldn't say it any better.
Tape 210: Street Signs (27 min.)
Do mestic Violence (Los Ange les Sheriff's Dept./10 min.)
[198 9] L.E.N ET produced this genera l program about the tattoos,
This pro gram is really only applicable to California age ncies,
graffiti, and patches associated with biker, street and prison
since it explains how officers should go about enforcing
gangs. An overview of Chicago and Los Angeles gang graffiti is
California Domestic Violence laws. It is interesting to see what
included, alon g with examp les of prison and biker gang tattoos.
they do out there, though, and it might give local agencies some
ideas on ho w to enforce Illinois one s.
Tape JOB 210 : Natural Disasters: H urricane Prepa redness
Questione d D ocument Section (Dept. of Justice/8 min.)
(10 min.)
"Provides an overview of services provided by the Department of
Although we aren't likely to get any hurricanes out here, the
Justice's Questio ned Do cument Section."
program's informatio n can b e app lied to any reaso nably
Case Up dates: The last segments of the tape mainly examine
predictable disaster (like floods, storms, and such). This program
California case law, and while they are interesting to listen to,
should enable jail officers to explain the importance of
Illinois officers may not be able to apply the information in the
developing a disaster response plan, list the major issues relating
way it is described in the individual pro grams. Because their
to staffing, food service, medical service, electric power,
information is "if"-fy for Illinois officers, they haven't been indexed. com munication equipment, water, sew age, sanitation, supply
Interviewing Defendants About O ther Crimes (G olden W est
inventory, and security that must be addressed when developing a
College/8 min.)
disaster response plan, and describe the four phases of a disaster
Death of the "Threatened Illegal Detention": Peop le vs.
response plan.
Arrangure (June 6, 1991)
91 Daily Journal D.A.R. 6489 (Golden West College/11
Tape 209: Interview with a Hi-Tech Burglar (20 min.)
The San José (CA) Police Department produced this interview
Search: Co-Occup ant Co nsent: Childs (A lameda C ounty
with Jason Smith, a burglar who stole $1.3 million worth of
Dist. Attorney/1 2 min.)
computer equipment over two years. He talks about how he
Search: Take it all: Harvey, Jaramillo-Suarez (Alameda
chose the stores he robbed and fenced the merchandise, and how
County Dist. Attorney/11 min.)
his thefts could have been prevented. The interview can be
helpful in loss-prevention programs for businesses, and for
Tape 213: Vehicle T heft Investiga tions: Prac tical Aspects &
officers who ma y have to investigate store bu rglaries.
Investigative Needs {FBI Teleconference} (3 hours)
John Eanniello (NYPD Auto Crimes Division), Mary Ellen
Tape JOB 209 : Emergency Preparedness Planning (10 min.)
Beekman (FBI), Gen e Rutley (California H ighway Patro l)
This program would also be appropriate for police officers, since
Thomas R. Morton (National Auto Theft Bureau) give tips on
it talks about the need for officers and their families to have prepreventing and investigating car and big equipment thefts, the
incident (dea th or disaster) p lans in place. After viewing this
exportation of stolen vehicles, and the importance of tracing
video, officers should be able to identify the goals of emergency
vehicle thefts. Yo u might want to b e care ful who this tape is
preparedness plans, explain how studying actual jail emergencies
shown to: the first speaker gives a lot of practical advice about
can improve emergency response techniques, develop a personal
how to m ake big bu cks selling stolen auto parts.
emergency respo nse plan for the ir families, explain why all jail
officers must be aware of emergency plans for the entire jail and
Tape JOB 212 : Preventing Suicides (10 min.)
each post the y work, describe the three initial responses to a jail
After viewing this p rogra m, officers should be able to explain
emergency, and describe four ways in which they can prevent
how potentially suicidal inmates can be identified during the
emergencies in the jail.
arrest and ad mission process an d how the jail environment itself
can influence an inmate to attempt suicide; identify factors that
Tape JOB 208 : Officer Comportment (9 min.)
may p redisp ose an inmate to suicide and signals that an inm ate
After viewing this p rogra m, viewers sho uld be able to exp lain
may be contemplating suicide; and describe the proper procedure
why officers must deve lop and maintain a positive image, list
for conducting an intake interview.
guidelines for interacting with inmates, and describe techniques
for interacting positively with fellow officers, supervisors, and
Tape 212: Confessions of a Vietnamese Gang M ember (71
administrators. Officers should also be able to explain the need
to present a positive image to the public, and the importance of
The Santa Ana (CA) Police Department produced this program,
maintaining a professional appearance in dress, speech, and body
which features a former Vietnamese Gang mem ber talking about
gangs, how he got involved in gangs, what crimes they
com mitted and w hy, and how gang m emb ers regard the police.
Tape 208: Cross Sex Supervision (9 min.)
He also has a few interesting comm ents on the po lice in
[1989] This program, from the Orange C o. (CA) Sheriff's Dep t.,
communist Vietnam, in the last quarter of the video.
was produced in 198 9, whe n a num ber o f posts within their jails
were to be staffed by both male and female deputies. The video
Tape 211: One on One: Handling a Prisoner Under the
talks abo ut the areas in the jails that will be affected , . It's
Influence of PCP (11 min.)
ba sic ally an "Informative" vide o for the O range C o. Sheriff's
This program, originally prod uced by the Santa C lara Co. (Calif.)
Dept. (that is, it doesn't have much to say), but it is kind of
Sheriff's Dept., uses a scenario in which a " dusted" individual in
interesting to see what Orange Co. Jails look like.
custody ends up killing a deputy. The scenario is stopped so that
the attacker can tell the view er wha t dumb things the deputy did
Tape 207: Violent Disturbances (8 min.)
that got him killed, and how PCP affects users so they're
This program, from the Huntington Beach (CA) Police
especially hard to handle.
Department, is best suited to police managers who may be called
on to make disturbance control plans. Instead of giving
suggestions on how to control crowds and such, it goes over the
points a manager must consider when planning disturbance
control policy. The NEMRT Library has all kinds of books on
the "hows": if you're interested in the subject, just give the
NE MRT Librarian a call.
NEMRT Video Catalog (Fiscal Year 2008 -- April 2007), p. 90
Tape 203: Ha te Crim e: A Tra ining Vid eo for P olice Officers
(17 min.)
This program, along with Tape 168 , Fear that Doesn't Fade, are
used with the State-mandated Bias Crime training program. The
emp hasis of this tape is the effect of b ias crimes on the victims.
It doesn't give any really practical information on how to go
about investigating the crimes themselves.
Tape JOB 207 : Hostage Survival (10 min.)
After viewing this video, officers should be able to give five
reasons why hostage situations are likely to occur in a
correctional facility, eight events that are likely to occur during a
hostage incident, define the Stockholm Syndrome, explain how
to act as a hostage, describe two w ays in which hostage incid ents
may be terminated, and describe events that are likely to happen
after a ho stage incident.
Tape JOB 206 : Dru gs in the Jail (9 min.)
This video enables officers to explain how drug use threatens
safety and security in a jail, five kinds of commonly abused drugs
and the behavior associated with them, three kinds of
paraphernalia associated with drug use, activities during which
the jail is most vulnerable to drug smuggling, factors inmates
consider when looking for a place to hide drugs, and procedures
to use w hen searching inmates, visitors, and em ployees for d rugs.
(This program gives tips that are good for looking for any
contraband, no t just drugs.)
Tape 206: Anti-Lock Brake Demonstration (9 min.)
[1991] You may already have this tape: it appears to have been
part of the 1991 Chevrolet Caprice advertisement packet for
police departments. As the title suggests, it shows the
advantages of having anti-lock brakes on a police car. It can also
be useful in discussions of skid avoidance, since many police
cars swirl past the camera.
Tape 205: Orientation to Laser Village (An) (10 min.)
This program, from the Orange C o. Sheriff-Coroner Departm ent,
shows the training "city" the departm ent built in order to recreate
situations officers are likely to encounter. T his pro gram would
be especially good for police trainers, since it talks about the
need for and importance of realistic police training, as well as
giving examples of how to do it.
Tape JOB 205 : Administrative Segregation (10 min.)
This program enables viewers to explain under what
circumstances an officer should recommend adm inistrative
segregation for an inm ate, und er wha t circum stances an inmate
may request protective custody; distinguish between
administrative and disciplinary segregation, describe the
procedure for getting authoriza tion to p lace an inmate in
adm inistrative segregation and the inm ate's rights while
segregated , list several skills that will help an officer deal with
the kinds of inmates typically found in administrative
segregation, and explain when it is appropriate for an inmate to
be released from administrative segregation.
Tape JOB 204 : Selecting a nd Su pervising In m ate W orkers (9
This program should enable viewers to describe the benefits of
inmate work programs for the jail and the inmate, explain why
"trusties" is an inappropriate name for inmate workers and how
to select the mo st qualified inmates to be inmate workers.
Officers should also be able to list guidelines for assigning tasks
to inmate workers and for p roper sup ervision of these inmates.
Tape 204: It's Up to You (18 min.)
[1990] The Orange County (California) Sheriff-Coroner
Departm ent pro duced this p rogra m in 1990 (and they pro vided it
for free, which was very kind of them). It gives an overview of
what recruits can expect from the Orange Co. Sheriff's Academy.
It may or may no t be what Illinois recruits will get at Illinois'
police training academies, but it is something to work from when
giving a presentation to police "wannabees".
Tape JOB 203 : Coping with C rowded Jails (8 min.)
After viewing this program, officers should be able to list the
primary causes of jail overcrowding, describe ways to reduce
pretrial delays, explain the roles of pretrial service agencies and
jail cou nselors in reducing jail populatio n, desc ribe three po ssible
alternatives to incarceration, and explain the need for cooperation
among all members of the community in order to relieve
Tape JOB 202 : Stress Managem ent (10 min.)
This program instructs officers in the d efinition o f stress and its
effect on the body, explains why the corrections profession and
environment are so stressful for officers, the five response stages
to a stressful situation, the causes of burnout for jail officers, and
strategies for managing stress.
Tape 202: Sex Crimes (28 min.)
This L.E. N et pro gram goes over the mo st effective way to
investigate a case of alleged rape or child molestation. Much
attention is given to officer demeanor with the victim and the
collection of evidence.
Tape 201: Traffic Direction & Control (22 min.)
This program may be from the 1970's, but has traffic direction
changed much since then? V iewers will get a basic
understanding of the theory and practice of directing traffic, and
an overview of appropriate equipment used while directing
traffic. Direction of unique types o f intersections is also
discussed. More information on hand signals would have been
helpful, but otherwise it's all right.
Tape JOB 201 : Frisk/Strip Search (12 min.)
After viewing this p rogra m, officers should be able to identify
when an inmate should be searched, explain why booking/intake
officers m ust searc h all newly admitted inmates, list and explain
guidelines for conducting inmate searches, describe the
procedure for both frisking and strip searching an inmate.
Tape 200: POST Satellite Broadcast -- August 1991 (2 hours)
[August 1991] This month's segments include:
Sudden Stress Reaction (San Diego State U./16 min.): which
describes a police survival training program in which the way the
participants are introduced to the training scenarios more closely
resembles the way they would actually encounter potentially fatal
situations. That is to say, participants do a lot of running around.
Op eration Buckle-D own (NH TS A/27 min.), which is available
separately as Tape 179. It's a series of short programs on why
police officers should wear their seat belts.
Pat D own Searches (L os Angeles Sheriff's Dept./5 min.) T his
program exam ines what an officer can and canno t do (in
California, anyway) when making a pat-down search.
Disturbance Control, Riot Formation, and Cell Extraction
(Riverside Co. Sheriff's Dept./9 min.): Tactical formations and
maneuvers for controlling large groups of inmates are discussed
and demonstrated (though the techniques could be used outside
the jail, if need be).
Case Upd ates: The last segments of the tape mainly examine
California case law, and while they are interesting to listen to,
Illinois officers may not be able to apply the information in the
way it is described in the individual pro grams. Because their
information is "if"-fy for Illinois officers, they haven't been indexed.
Detention. . .N ot Arrest (G olden W est Co llege/13 min.)
Search of a Suspect's Mouth; Johnson 91DAR 6818 (Golden
W est Co llege/13 min.)
Not Restrained, Not Detained; Hodani D. (Alameda Co.
DA /12 m in.)
Abolition o f the Blanket M iranda; M cNeil v. W isconsin
(Alam eda Co. DA /17 m in.)
NEMRT Video Catalog (Fiscal Year 2008 -- April 2007), p. 91
Non-Traditional Groups (30 min.)
The highlight of this L.E. Net program is the display of items
taken from ritual crime-related crime scenes. The basic types of
individuals invo lved in ritual crime are d iscussed , along with
reasons for their being involved.
Tape 199: Courtesy, The Bottom Line (12 min.)
The Newport N ews (C A) P olice D epartment prod uced this
program, which emphasizes the importance of sympathy when
dealing with the public, both in face-to-face encounters and on
the telephone. While the subject is important, and the information
is accurate and useful, the good communication techniques
discussed are not demonstrated. (Common Ground (#167) gives
good po liteness demonstrations.) It's a good start toward
encouraging officer courtesy, though.
Tape 198: Police Pursuit: A Victim's Perspective (1 hour, 15
"Police chief from Oklahom a and alderman from N ew Jersey, tell
of the impact of loss of loved ones [as] a result of po lice pursuit.
They relay their concern about police pursuits. The presentation
was made at Summer 1991 conference of Illinois Association of
Chiefs of Police. Program is intended to sens[i]tize police
officers of the potential impact of police pursuits". (taken from
the Illinois Law Enforcement Med ia Resource Center descriptive
flyer, who very kindly provided the video). The Police Chief
from Oklahoma had lost a wife and daughter due to a police
pursuit, and he talks about what it was like. The second speaker,
the New Jersey Alderman, lost a teenage daughter, and he speaks
about the loss emotionally. He goes on to talk about how the
number of police pursuits can be reduced.
Tape 197: Drugs: Workplace Testing {Crime File} (29 min.)
In this program, the BE&K Construction Company's random
drug testing program is described, then Ted C. Kennedy (BE&K
Construction Company), Bryan S. Finkle (University of Utah
toxico logy professo r), and Cliff Palefsky (em ploym ent attorney)
talk about the effect of drug testing on the organization, the
reliability of drug testing compa nies, and the need for a test to
indicate impairment. Although it doesn't have a law enforcement
angle, the program might be helpful to departments considering
an in-house drug testing program.
Tape 196: Drugs: Youth Gangs {Crime File} (29 min.)
This episode features Malcolm Klein (USC professor), Steve
Valdivia (Community Youth Gang Services) and Lorne Kramer
(Los Angeles Police Dept.) discussing the nature of modern
youth gangs, their relation to drug trafficking, and police and
comm unity responses to the gangs.
Tape 195: Drugs: Asset Seizure {Crime File} (29 min.)
James Q. Wilson narrates the description of the Broward Co.
(Florida) Sheriff's Department's experience with Asset Seizure,
and the interp retation of the ap plicatio n of the se izure laws.
Then, Ronald Glad stock (New Yo rk State Organized C rime Task
Force), Peter Ronstadt (Tucson {A Z} Police Dep artment) and
Gerald Lefcourt (New Y ork defense attorney) go around about
the fairness of the laws and ways of misusing them.
Tape 194: Buck Savage Tape (32 min.)
Yo u asked for it, and here it is: J.D. "Buck" S avage is here!
Buck's misadventures include: At the "Stop-and-Rob", In the
M.O .P., The Police Image, Looking for Pinkie's, "Wa tch the
Hands" (the Street Stop), Robber with Car Tro uble, More
Troub le at Pinkie's, Buck Testifies in Court, Buck Joins the
Narcotics Squad, B uck Investigates a Homic ide, B uck G oes to
the Police A cademy, an d B uck T rains with the M otorcycle
Tape 193: Safe Neighborhood Programs: The Ham pton,
Virginia Plan {FBI Teleconference} (3 hours)
The successful Community Policing program of Hampton, VA,
(or E xtended co mmunity po licing program, since their pro gram is
more inclusive than traditional community policing) is discussed
and analyzed.
Tape 192: Em ergenc e & In vestigation o f the Occult, Cults &
Tape 191: Initial Burglary Investigation (22 min.)
This program goes over the basic procedure for investigating an
alleged burglary. Things to look for at the crime scene and the
point of entry are discussed, as well as evidence that may
indicate fraud. The presentation is clear and to-the-point.
Tape 190: Drug Abuse by Police Officers {FBI Teleconference}
(3 hours)
Panelists James Horn, Jeffrey Higgenbotham, Edw ard Tully, and
Joe Beaz ley, talk about drug testing, legal aspects of testing, and
case studies relating to drug testing. (This is the second FBI
Teleconference broadcast, so the information might be
considered a little old. But if you've never had to consider
departmental drug testing, it's a useful place to start).
Tape 189: Stress Management for Police Officers {FBI
Teleconference} (3 hours)
W hen this program was made, research had indicated that
handling personal problems was the main training need police
departments wanted met. James T. Reese, James M . Horn, and
Gerald M . Smith talk about the m yths surrounding police stress,
critical incident response, and physical fitness aspects of stress
managem ent.
Tape 187: Three Ways to Keep Your Children Off Drugs / Why
Drugs (80 min.)
This (1982) p rogram came from the FB I Academy and the
Kingsport, Tennessee, Police Department. Warrant officer "Bud"
Hulsey talks to an audience of parents about how building good
chara cter in children w ill keep them o ff drugs, and ho w to build
that good charac ter (this may sound like a dum b sub ject, but Off.
Hulsey can sure tell stories: not only does what he says make
sense, b ut he's great fun to listen to!). He also goes on to
describe how, in his experience, BOR EDO M (and not peer
pressure) was the m ain reason for youth d rug ab use. T his
program has been previewed by several experts in the area of
child-rearing, an d they tho ught it was an exc ellent, accurate
Tape 186: Confidence Gam es (25 min.)
This program, from New York, goes over how various swindles
and con games work. T he reenactments are especially interesting
to watch.
Tape 185: Cultural Awareness Series (114 min.)
[1982-1986] This series, produced by the Los Angeles Police
Dep t., consists of programs ab out the following cultures:
Hispanic (1983 -- 10 min.), featuring Ricardo Mo ntalban;
Armenian (198 4 -- 17 min.), with M ike Conn ors;
Black {African-American} (1984 -- 10 min.), with Michael Warren;
Jewish (1982 -- 11 min.), with Hal Linden;
Chinese (1985 -- 11 min.), with Frank Kwon;
Indian {from India} (1986 -- 10 min.);
Japanese (1983 -- 15 min.), with Joanne Ishimine (this program repeats);
Native Am erican (no d ate -- 13 min.) with Iron E yes Co dy;
Mo slem (1986 -- 5 min.); and
Korean (19 83 -- 12 min.).
It's a little like a travelogue since the programs talk about the
groups' history, and is worth watching even for fun. In addition,
techniques for working with the individual communities are
Tape 184: Anatomy of an Arson (32 min.)
This program was app arently made for insurance investigators
who might ha ve to d o initial investigation o f fire dam age claims.
The inform ation o n how fires spread an d things to look for to
indicate arson is perhaps basic, but intere sting (and useful)
NEMRT Video Catalog (Fiscal Year 2008 -- April 2007), p. 92
Tape 183: Comm ercial Burglary Prevention / Residential
permission of WGN-TV." The station's address is 2501 W.
Burglary Prevention (11 m in. / 10 m in.)
Brad ley Place, Chica go 60 618, so writing for permission to use
Pro duced in the 197 0's for the D enver (CO ) Po lice Dept., this
this with community fairs or in classrooms shouldn't be too
program, and Residential Burglary Prevention, are useful to show
difficult, either).
to business and home o wners during crime preve ntion meetings,
or to officers as an encouragement to warn citizens about
Tape 176: POST Satellite Broadcast -- May 1991 (2 hours)
possible break-in points. They're kind of dry, but discussion of
[May 1991] This month's videos include:
the information afterward would take care of that. Preventing
NCIC Overview for Law Enforcement Officers {FBI &
Hom e Burglary (#78) is more interesting, but this one covers
Arizona Dept. of Public Safety} (6 min.), which gives an
more material.
introductory overview of the National Crime Information Center
(NCIC) system file.
Tape 182: Ho t Cars, Cold Fa cts (23 min.)
NCIC Vehicle File for Law Enforcement Officers {FBI &
This cute program , from the C alifo rnia Attorney General's
Los Angeles Police Dept.} (8 min.), which describes how the
Office, gives viewers tips on how to protect their car from being
NCIC helps agencies identify missing vehicles, and explains the
stolen. In it, Johnny Five (from Short Circuit, et. al.) has his car
policies and procedures for using the NCIC Vehicle File.
stolen, and he and his neighbor talk about how the theft (and
NCIC U nidentified Person File {FBI & Los Angeles Police
related crimes) could be prevented. It's a fun film to watch, but
Dept.} (8 min.), which describes how this file helps agencies find
the drawb ack is that the viewer (well, I did, anyway) gets so
and identify missing persons.
involved watching the robot, he or she may forget much of what
NCIC Investigative Off Line Search {FBI} (13 min.) The
was said about auto theft prevention. It's enjoyable enough to
program describes what an agency can do with information
watch twice, though.
requested in an off-line search (how old NC IC record s can help
in an investigation, and such).
Tape 180: Train Training Promotional Tape (11 min.)
NCIC Hit Confirmation for the Patrol Officer {FBI & the
The segments on this tape are:
New Y ork State Police} (8 min.), which talks about the
Grade Crossing Collision Investigation Course, which
procedures to follow to confirm "hits" or matches in the NCIC system.
described the training officers receive for the "Operation
NCIC Validation {FBI & the N ew York State Police} (9
Lifesaver" program;
min.) This one talks about the NCIC's validation policy, and
Trooper on the Train, which gives suggestions on how to set
emphasizes the need for complete and accurate information in the
up the program locally; and a News Report from M issouri about
records (to avoid missing any suspect's aliases o r to avo id
the Trooper on the Train Program.
picking up the wrong person and suc h.)
NCIC Responsibilities for the Agency Administrator {FBI &
Tape 179: Operation Buckle Down Roll Call Video (27 min.,
Los Angeles Police Dept.} (13 min.) This one is a good
reminder for police managers about how NCIC helps them, and
Another tape in the series of programs designed to encourage law
how they can help NCIC.
enforcement personnel to wear their seat belts, and how state seat
RTD Bus Alarms: Rapid Transit Tactics {Los Angeles
belt law need to be enforced. This one consists of five short
Police Dept.} (10 m in.) Be fore applying the informatio n in this
segments (designed, as the title states, to be used at roll call)
program, agencies should check with their transit system to find
which app roach the sub ject from different angles:
out what kind of buses it is using. This program explains and
1. Statistics and War Stories (5 min.).
demonstrates the tactics the Los Angeles Police Dept. uses when
2. Tearjerker (5 min.) {This angle is pretty effective,
dealing with an em ergency on a bus.
though: the concept is of a police wife (and officer) who talks
*Victims & Survivors of Crime : Death No tification {No rth
about how the accident that crippled her husband could have
Carolina Justice Academy} (12 min.) It describes and
been prevented if he had been wearing a seat belt, and how
demonstrates the steps in delivering a death notification.
everybody shuns him now that he's crippled}.
*In Honor Of... {S an D iego S heriff's Dep t.} (7 m in.) Th is is
3. Statistics and W ar Stories, this time about enforcing state
a music video, using footage of police and sheriff funeral
seatbelt laws (4 min.)
services to remind viewers of the importance of Peace Officer
4. Comic/Cartoon-type (the veterans in a department
Memo rial Da y. You won 't be able to listen to " W ind B eneath
convince a rookie of the wisdo m of wearing his seat belt) (6 m in.)
My W ings" with a dry eye after seeing it.
5. M yth-Shattering (7 min.)
Tape 175: Mana ging Freeway Incidents (13 min.)
Tape 178: Developm ental Disabilities and M ental Illness (14
For officers who haven't worked on high ways for a while, this
tape is just the thing. The California Highway Patrol produced
The Newport B each (CA ) Po lice Department prod uced this
the program, about how to manage daylight accident scenes and
program, which explains the difference between developmental
make traffic stops on the freeway without being hit. It's a very
disabilities (Mental Retardation, Epilepsy, Cerebral Palsy, and
practical tape with a running demonstration of good procedure,
Autism) and mental illness (thought and mood disorders). How
though, as always, check with department policy about whether
drug abuse can frequently mimic symptoms of developmental
these p rocedures may b e used at your p articular department.
disabilities or mental illness is also discussed briefly. The
program concludes with suggested procedures for processing the
Tape 174: Interpersonal Comm unications (25 min.)
mentally ill who are taken into custody. If your department has
The setting is basically a correctional one, but this program from
procedures, you will want to discuss the differences between
the Los Angeles Co. Sheriff's Dept. can be used with anyone who
Newpo rt Beach's and yours; if not, these can give you something
has to work with people, whether they're prisoners or other
to work from.
officers. The program features a lot of vignettes in which
officers and prisoners react badly to each other, and the narration
Tape 177: It Sou nde d Like a Freig ht Train (23 min.)
gives suggestions on how the contact could have bee n prevented .
We got this tape about tornadoes and disaster preparedness from
It's a little like a Dale Carnegie Crash Course.
W GN-TV (Chicago). Tom Skilling hosts this awesome display
(and awesome is really the only word to describe it) of the
Tape 173: Water Safety and Victim Rescue (13 min.)
varieties of tornados, discussing how tornadoes are formed, and
The Los Angeles Co. Sheriff's Department produced this video,
what to do in case of a tornado. (By the way, according to the
about what officers should and should not do when faced with a
conditions WG N put on use of this tape, "[It] must be for private,
victim in the water. Suggestions are also given about incidental
personal or in-house training only. It may not be used for any
items that can be useful in a water rescue. (The program includes
commercial or promotional purpose, and is not to be duplicated
footage of a couple of water rescues, one in which several
or broadcast on any television or cable channel without written
NEMRT Video Catalog (Fiscal Year 2008 -- April 2007), p. 93
adults and consists of three versions of the same informational
program, one for the general public, one for law enforcement
administrators, and one for businesses. The program is no
Tape 172: With Respect (19 min.)
training tape, but if you need something to show to crime
Cultural Awarene ss is an imp ortant topic these days, and this
prevention groups or at community fairs, this one would be a
program, from the Anaheim (California) Police Dept., discusses
good one to use.
important cultural aspects of the Vietnamese community that
officers would need to be aware of when dealing with the
Tape 162: Police Killings {FBI Teleconference} (3 hours)
Panelists talk about the kind of officers most likely to be killed,
the psychology of offenders who have killed officers, and the
Tape 171: Sexual Harassment (15 min.)
effects of using deadly force on an officer. A lot of recorded
The Lo s Angeles Police Department produced this short
interview s with offenders w ho have killed officers are includ ed.
program, about sexual harassment in a Police setting. It uses
Also included in the course of the teleconference is an interesting
little scenes to show what can be regarded as harassment, and
training program on how off-duty officers should react when they
also shows tha t both m en and wom en can be se xually harassed .)
become involved in a crime to avoid getting themselves killed.
officers were killed due to inadequate preparation. It makes you
Tape 170: Use of Force, Part 1: De-Escalation Techniques
(28 min.)
This L.E.Net program examines techniques to reduce the level of
force needed to control a situation. Research on police use of
force is disc ussed, along with factors that affect an officer's
perception of the level of thre at. Officers then d emo nstrate
threatening behavior and visual cues (from both the suspect and
the officer) that lead to an escalation of force, and techniques for
officer conduct that won't seem as threatening. The program
concludes with a brief discussion of the Supreme Court decision
California v. H oda ni, regarding the seizure of evidence while
pursuing a susp ect.
Tape 168: Fear that Doesn't Fade (17 min.)
The Baltimore Co . (Maryland ) Po lice Department prod uced this
program, about the importance of investigating bias crimes and
the effect of bias-related crimes on victims. Tips on how to go
about investigating bias crimes are also included.
Tape 167: Com m on G roun d: Interacting with the H ispan ic
Com m unity (16 min.)
Although this program is set in the Hispanic community, the
action is mainly about the importance of politeness when dealing
with the public in any community. A rookie officer is impressed
with the consideration his experienced partner shows to the
people he deals with. (The Santa Ana (California) Police
Departm ent pro duced this p rogra m.)
Tape 166: It'll Nev er H a pp en to M e (44 min.)
The Firea rms T raining S ection of the D EA mad e this tape, in
which DEA agents who were severely injured in armed
confrontations talk about how they survived the shooting. The
importance of physical fitness and acc urate shooting is also
emphasized. The incidents are graphically recreated, so it's sure
to hold the viewers' attention.
Tape 165: Transitional Firearms Training/Ballistics Issues (30
L.E. NET produced this program, on issues for law enforcement
agencies to keep in mind when considering a transition from
revolvers to semi-automatic handguns. Most of the program
consists of a discussion of the capabilities of semi-auto matic
guns and ammunition. It concludes with descriptions of how the
most popular police semi-automatic pistols work.
Tape 164: Glazing (15 min.)
Business owners, and businesses under construction would find
this crime prevention video useful. Cadillac Plastics and the
General Electric Company produced this program, which shows
the shatter resistance of various types of glass and glass-like
prod ucts.
Tape 163: McG ruff Story: Making a Difference (The) (39
min.: 13 min. each segment)
The Saa tchi & Saatchi advertising co mpa ny pro duced this
promotio nal pro gram for the N ational Crime Prevention Counc il,
in honor of McG ruff, the Crime Dog's 10th anniversary. It talks
about the history and success of McGruff. The tape is geared for
Tape 161: Officer Survival Tape (33 min.)
The programs Officer Involved Shooting: Limas-Roberge, from
Tape 127 and Officer Involved Shooting (Arizona Dept. of
Public Safety) are available together on this one tape.
Tape 160: Labor Relations {FBI Teleconference} (3 hours)
The panelists discuss the need and state of police unions in the
United States and Great Britain.
Tape 159: Corrections Officer Survival (30 min.)
This tape was the pilot program for the training series Lockup
USA . In it, the impo rtance of getting along with other officers,
and of not becoming complacent is discussed. Other topics
include common survival-related mistakes jail officers can make,
and the significance o f the case W ashington v. H arper. No rth
East Multi-Regio nal T raining has no other p rogra ms from this
series, but a number of titles are available from the Illinois Law
Enforcement M edia Resource Center. Call the Center for more
information or a video catalog.
Tape 158: Managing Marginal Performance {FBI
Teleconference} (3 hours)
The panelists discuss ways of responding to burnout, and options
to use when facing the problem.
Tape 157: Officer Courtesy Tape (20 min.)
This one is a compilation of several short programs about being
courteous and keeping safe, from various North American police
departments. They are:
"B e Safe, Be Sure", which show s officers just how seriously
they can be injured if they aren't sure their prisoners are secure
during transportation.
"10-30" , in which an officer is killed while conducting a
traffic stop because a couple of other officers were goofing off on
the radio while he was trying to get information on the stopped vehicle.
"W hat Bugs You? Interior Vehicle Condition", about the
importance of cleaning the junk out of the patrol car at the end of
a shift.
"Look Sharp, Be Sharp", which shows how nice an officer
can look when care is taken with his or her appearance.
"Telephone Courtesy", which uses the runaround an officer
gets from a department store's telephone system to show how
important it is for officers to be polite on the phone.
Tape 156: Epilepsy: A Police Problem (15 min.)
This program from the 1970s talks about the three kinds of
epilep tic seizure s, and how an officer should handle them.
Comp are with #257, Take Ano ther Look for a more recent
program on the subject.
Tape 155: Discrimination in the Workplace {FBI
Teleconference} (3 hours)
According to S.A. Lester Davis, the name of this teleconference
should have been "H ow to Avoid discrimination in the
workplace". The pane lists discuss legal and policy guideline
issues that address discrimination matters, and issues to consider
when ma king plans.
Tape 154: Did You See What I Said? (20 min.)
This one was actually a training tape for John Deere E quipment
sales representatives, but the insights into body language
(especially in a "selling" context) would be useful for any officer
who has to make presentations to groups, or work face-to-face
with the public, to know.
NEMRT Video Catalog (Fiscal Year 2008 -- April 2007), p. 94
Tape 144: Motor Vehicle Fire and Theft Investigation (17
In the course of this program, from the Michigan Department of
State Police, a number of cars are dismantled and burned to show
the differe nces b etween accidental car fires and arson, an d wha t a
car thief is likely to do to a car. Things to look for during
investigations are also discussed. (The explosions in the burning
cars are bre athtaking.)
Tape 153: Stamp Collecting (19 min.)
Rep ressing b ad feelings is compa red to saving tra ding stamps:
eventually they're trad ed in for prizes like depression or suicide .
The program stresses the importance of dealing with bad feelings
in a constructive way rather than saving them up.
Tape 152: Police Stress: How it Affects Survivability (31 min.)
In this L.E.Net program, presenters talk about the signs and
symptoms of stress, ten fatal errors of policing (or the Police
Mentality), and the stress of policing on an officer's family. An
interview with an officer who was severely injured in the line of
duty and his wife begins the tape.
Tape 151: Deaf Awareness Tape (27 min.)
This program consists of "Deaf Awareness", in which the
variation of communication styles the hearing-impaired use are
discussed and demonstrated; and "Hearing Impaired and the
Police", which demonstrates how an officer should speak or
communicate with the hearing impaired.
Tape 150: Investigative U se of State a nd N ational C om puters
{FBI Teleconference} (3 hours)
While the capacity of NCIC (the National Crime Information
Center) to find missing persons and vehicles, and suspects, is the
main topic, the ab ilities of localized comp uter databases are also
discussed (T he impo rtance of dental information in any datab ase
is also emphasized).
Tape 149: Arson Crime Scenes {FBI Teleconference} (3 hours)
The panelists discuss evidence to look for at fire scenes, the types
of people likely to comm it arson, structures where arson fires are
likely to occur, and agencies that can help with arson
Tape 148: Infant Abduction {FBI Teleconference} (3 hours)
Although the abducting o f babies (birth to six mo nths) is
com paratively unco mmon, it is serious eno ugh to merit a
teleconference. Presenters discuss national scope of the problem,
profiles of infant abductors, security measures for hospitals, and
steps to take in investigations.
Tape 147: Informant Development {FBI Teleconference} (3
The proc ess of finding and using informa nts, a nd the cou rt's
concern for the integrity of informant's information is the topic of
this video.
Tape 146: Firearms and Ammunition Testing {FBI
Teleconference} (3 hours)
The presenters in this teleconference talk about how bullets are
tested, how stopping power is figured, what a bullet will do to a
body, and discuss the value o f 10mm rounds.
Tape 143: Radar Enforcem ent T rainin g U pda te (62 min.)
The M ichigan Department of State Police provided this tape,
which shows the proper ways to use, interpret, and care for radar
speed detection devices. This tape also includes the "short"
Establishing a Realistic Speed Limit, about how speed limits are
set, if you're interested.
Tape 142: DW I: Sob riety Checkpo ints (30 min.)
This L.E . Net program exa mines the legal factors of checkpoints,
new DU I-testing and offender-processing devices, and
psychological factors that cause people to drink and drive.
Tape 141: Mail Bombs (30 min. total)
The FB I provided this tape from the U.S. Postal Inspectors
Service, which feature s Gre g M orris (o f Mission Im possible
fame) describing the frequency of mailed bomb s and how to
handle them . While the program is directed mainly at businesses,
the information is app ropriate to law enforcem ent as well.
Segment I gives background on mail bombs, Segment II talks
about the bomb s' characteristics and business security. The last
two segments briefly discuss bomb crime scene investigation (the
recording quality on these last two sections leave something to be
desired, but the crime scenes are still interesting).
Tape 140: Reco gnizing S IDS P OST Teleco urse (1 hour, 30
The Ca lifornia Commission on Peace O fficer Standards and
Training hosts this telec onference, which goes o ver ap propriate
techniques for investigating deaths possibly due to Sudden Infant
Death Syndrome.
Tape 139: Bomb Threat (17 min.)
The Los Angeles County S heriff's Dep artment produced this
program, which uses a staged bomb threat situation to
demonstrate Law Enforcement's responsibilities when
investigating a bomb threat. The part on looking for the bomb
itself is especially interesting. Also included are some examples
of disguised bomb s.
Tape 138: Child Se xual Abuse: Your Mo st Challeng ing Ca se
(58 min.)
W hile it doesn't replace an instructor-led training course in
interviewing young victims of sexual abuse, the tape, produced
by the Lake Co. Children's Advocacy Center (Waukegan) does
give an overview of how to cond uct an interview with bo th
children and teenagers. The program is divided into two
sections: Part One (about 20 m inutes) focuses on children, and
Part Two (ab out 40 minutes) is devoted to adolescents. Sample
interviews are also included.
Tape 137: Environmental Awareness for Local Law
Tape 145: Accident Investigation Tape (15 min.)
Enfo rcem ent Officers (34 min.)
The program s Accident Crime Scenes (from #127) and Collision
This program, from the Midwest Environmental Enforcement
Investigation (from #134) are po pular, so they've been put
Association, goes over the discovery, investigation, and
together by themselves on a tape.
prosecution of criminal disposal of hazardous waste. The
Accident Crime Scenes [Newpo rt Beach Police Dep t.] (8 min.)
information is surprisingly interesting, beca use a lot of chem icals
Police officers are given a genera l overv iew of why accidents
one would never think of as hazardous waste are dangerous. Sgt.
should be treated like crime scenes, how to route traffic around
James Triner, of the Batavia Police Department, is the narrator.
them in order to preserve evidence, and what sort of evidence to
look for in the cars and victims. The tape looks like it was filmed
Tape 136: Da m ned if You Don't (29 min.)
live at accident scenes, and includes plenty of wrecked cars an d victims.
The National Victim Center produced this program, which
Collision Investigation [Austin Police Dept.] (7 min.). Using a
discusses police and failure-to-protect negligence suits. In a
minor truck-moped collision as an example, viewers are shown
staged lecture/question and answer format, the late Frank
the basics of investigating such an accident.
Carrington discusses the state of the law, actua l cases (w ith
NEMRT Video Catalog (Fiscal Year 2008 -- April 2007), p. 95
attacke d by assailants with knives, and what gro ups are likely to
use knives against officers. Also included is a display of edged
weapons, and demonstrations of knife grips and stances
Tape 135: Major Case Investigation (FBI Teleconference) (3
assailants use, types of knife strokes and blocks, and striking
metho ds. One thing the tape doesn't show is bloo d, so this
[December 1990] This program, from December 1990, gives
program could be used in situations where Surviving Edged
information on how to go about investigating H omicides, Rapes,
W eapons (#26) would be inappropriate. {We had this program
Serial Murders, and such that may extend over several
come back once with a note saying "pretty good video. The Def
tactics are out o f date.", so be careful if you decide to use it.}
reenactments), and how supervision and training would have
prevented the suit.
Tape 134: POST Satellite Broadcast -- November 1990 (2
[November 199 0] This month's broad cast includes:
*Hazardous Situations--Breath of Death [Newport Beach
Police Dept.] (7 min.). H azard ous m aterials can turn up in
unlikely or unsuspected places, and this program reminds officers
to be on guard of suspicious chemicals, or situations where
chemicals may be involved (like at fires).
Dom estic Violence Overview [Los Angeles Police Dept.] (8
min.). This program describes what domestic violence is, and
what officers can do to help victims pro tect themselves.
Dom estic Violence Laws [Los Angeles Police Dept.] (8
min.). Although the laws examined are those of California, the
program explains them clearly and specifically. This segment
would make a useful basis from which Illinois' domestic violence
laws in an in-service situation.
E.P.R.O.--Emergency Protective Restraining Order [San
José Police Dept.] (12 min.). This program isn't all that
app ropriate to Illino is, since it discusses the situation in
California, but the situation is discussed clearly.
*Collision Investigation [Austin Po lice Dept.] (7 min.).
Using a minor truck-moped collision as an example, viewers are
shown the basics of investigating such an acc ident.
*Robbery: Seconds of Fear and Awareness [Austin Police
Dept.] (9 min.). This is just the program for departments giving a
robbery awareness program for bank tellers. It goes over what
tellers should do when faced with a robber and what to watch for
before and during a robbery. Although the segment was made
for ba nk tellers, it co uld also be used effectively with
convenience store clerks o r cashiers.
Unknown T rouble Calls (3 min.), Fan Searches (3 min.),
Arrestee Clothing S earch § (3 min.), W eapon R etention§ (4 min.)
and Hot Felony Prone Search Techniques (3 min.) [all Los
Angeles Police Dept.] These useful programs give specific,
easy-to-follow demonstrations of these techniques . {§I liked
these especially. Sarah Cole}
Malfunction Drills [Huntington Beach Po lice Dept.] (5
min.). What to do about Failure to Feed, Stovepiping, and
Do uble F eeds in a sem i-autom atic wea pon is described briefly.
Tapes # 92 and #125 go over techniques with more d etail, but this
is a good quickie-reminder.
*Personal Safety [San José Police D ept.] (14 m in.) This is a
great tape to show to crime prevention groups, ab out ho w to
avoid being a crime victim at home, at work, in public, and on
the highway.
Your Division of Law Enforcement [(California) Dept. of
Justice] (19 min.) The purpose of the Bureau of Narcotics
Enforcement, Bureau of Investigation, of Forensic Services, of
Organized Crime and Criminal Intelligence, the Western States
Information Network, the Advanced Training Center, Criminal
Identification an d Informatio n, and the Law Enforcement Data
Center is discu ssed. T he information doesn't really ap ply to
those of us outside of California, but it's nice to see what they
have going for themselves out there.
{*Available Separately}
Tape 133: Force d En try (30 min.)
This gung-ho tape from L.E. Net gives tips on how to force an
entry (on a drug house, in this case). The program goe s over the
legal implications, the equipment and information needed, and
gives a demonstration.
Tape 132: Spontaneo us Knife D efense (30 min.)
This L.E.Net program reminds officers how easily they can be
Tape C RT 132 : Legal Considerations in Corrections (29 min)
[199 8] This program from the Co rrections Officer Readiness
Training fea turing atto rney Jack B anas (S t. Charles Co .,
Missouri), who describes the types of lawsuits inmates gene rally
bring against corrections officers. He points out the cases
frequently result from an officer's initial contact with the inmate;
that officer attitude is a frequent factor in lawsuits. He also
discusses the 1 980 Civil Rights of Institutionalized P erson s Act,
and related acts, and the role use of force, "deliberate
indifference, and officer training may play in lawsuits. Running
captions feature tips o n ways institutions can help avoid liability
Tape C RT 131 : Sudden Assaults of Officers by Confined
Individua ls (25 min.)
[1998] This program from the CORT series, which features Brad
Inman (Kent Co. Sheriff's Office, Rhode Island) would be
interesting to bo th correctional and law enfo rcem ent officers.
W hile it is basically on defensive tactics for surprise attacks, it
also includes a display and explanation of various shanks and
other improvised weapons, and a list of rules for conducting
defensive tactics training. The demonstrations of the techniques
are clear: they are shown in a correctional setting, first at actual
speed, and then in slow motion.
Tape 131: Seatbelts and the Family; Shattering Some Myths
(15 min.)
This tape (w hich is also availab le in Beta form at, by the w ay), is
good for showing to crime prevention groups, or in a daycare
setting. As the title states, viewers are shown how the stories
they may have heard about the dangers of wearing seatbelts are
not true. A special emphasis is given to the wea ring of seatbelts
during preg nancy. (There is some ca r-crashing and a few test
dummies flying through windshields, but it's pretty tame as far as
wreckage goes.)
Tape 130: Rape Investigation (94 min.)
This program, led by Nancy Hightshoe (former St. Louis Police
Officer, whose average fo r clearing rape cases was 86% while
she was on the department), gives viewers a well-rounded
understanding of how to go about investigating a rape: from the
initial contact with the victim thro ugh the officer's appearance in
court. While, as a unit, it is a bit long for roll call, it's great for an
in-house presentation, or as fill-in instruction until officers can be
fit into a rap e investigation class. The program is divided into
four sections (with one break between sections 2 and 3), each
abo ut 25 minutes long, if sho rter programs are easier to use.
However you want to present it, though, the tape is clear,
specific, and worth the seeing.
Tape C RT 130 : Conflict Resolution 1: Basic Problem Solving
(32 min.)
[199 8] Sgt. D illard H ughes (Gwinnett Co. (G eo rgia) Sheriff's
Dept.) talks about the sources of Conflict in correctional
facilities, then the issues the officer will face when deciding
whether to mediate or call for backup. He continues with the
importance of constant safety awareness, including scenarios
dem onstrating goo d safety p rocedures and com munication skills.
Gene D orough, of the St. Louis Co. Police Dep artment, also talks
abo ut med iation an d the im portance of allowing the inm ate to
save face. T he program co ncludes with a d iscussion of liability,
training, and policy concerns. As always, check with agency
policy before implementing suggestions.
NEMRT Video Catalog (Fiscal Year 2008 -- April 2007), p. 96
Tape 129: Pursuit Driving: Procedures and Liabilities (30
officers today should do to survive.
DN A--T he O range County So lution [O range County
This L.E. Net program features the complete footage of an actual
Sheriff's Dept.] (10 min.) Viewers learn what DN A is, the
police chase which took place in May, 1988, in Berea, Ohio,
history of its use in crime investigation, and how it is and will be
along with an interview with the dispatcher and some of the
used in future investigations.
officers involved. Also included are som e driving pro cedures to
Handgun Fund amentals [Huntington Beach Police Dept.] (9
follow when involved in a pursuit, from the Northeastern Florida
min.). Set on a firing range, this program goes over the holding
Criminal Justice and Information Center in Jacksonville, relating
and holstering of service handguns, barricade shooting, and
to steering, braking, turning corners, and backing up. Finally,
loading revolvers and semi-automatics. It's a good reminder for
Don Livingston (of L.E. Net) talks about the legal concerns of
what to do while on the range.
police pursuit.
*Handcuffing Techniques; FBI and Freestanding [San
Diego Po lice Dept.] (Part I: 5 min. / Part II: 6 min.) Part One
Tape C RT 129 : First Response to Armed and Barricaded
goes straight to the po int on ho w to handcuff a passive sub ject,
Situations: Non-Verbal and Verbal Comm unication (27 min.)
and in which situations the Speedcuffing or Freestanding
[1998] Gene D orough, of the St. Lo uis Co . Police Department,
methods are most approp riate. Part Two d emonstrates the
continues his p resentation from CRT 128 , First Response to
techniq ues to use when confronting an arm ed or hostile suspect.
Armed and Barricaded Situations: Conflict
(The demonstrators do not tell viewers about putting the arrestee
Resolution/Containment. This time, he discusses the phases
against a wall when han dcuffing him or her, so if you do that in
barricaded subjects go through, and the important techniques of
your department, be sure and tell viewers how to do that. SLC)
active listening. Other topics include negotiation techniques,
Fitness over 40 (Los Angeles Police Dept.) Part I, Weight
proxemics, and other communication issues when facing a
Training (12 min.), gives an example of a weight training
barricade d sub ject or hostage situatio n. Again, initial response to
program appropriate for officers over 40 (the fitness instructor
the situation is the focus.
keeps picking on how Officer "John" does his exercises, and I
found his manner irritating. The information is all right, and
Tape 128: Street Weapons (25 min.)
what he has to say is important). Part II, Cardiovascular
This L.E.Net program displays and demonstrates the use of
Exercises (8 min.), discusses and demonstrates a cardiovascular
various types of hidd en or home-mad e weapons an office r could
exercise (in this case, jogging) p rogram appro priate for those
encounter on patrol. The reenactments of attacks are rather
over 40.
sobering. (C omp are with Tape 13, "D isguised W eapons" . This
{*Available separately}
one, as the title states, focuses on street weapons, while
"Disguised Weapons" includes a fair amount of information on
Tape C RT 127 : Fitness for Corrections (43 min.)
[1998] Inmates have more opportunity to keep physically fit than
officers. Since co rrections officers may have to engag e in
Tape C RT 128 : First Response to Armed and Barricaded
physical confrontation with inmates, and because of the floor
Situations: Conflict Resolution/Containment (24 min.)
plans and size of many facilities, they need to keep physically
[1998] Gene D orough, of the St. Lo uis Co . Police Department, is
and me ntally fit as well. In this CORT program , various fitness
the featured speaker in this CORT program. He discusses
trainers, along with Bob Ho ffman (FitForce) talk about the
important aspects of corrections officer conduct to help in the
impo rtance of physical fitness, nutrition, and how to gradually
successful resolution of a barricade d sub ject or hostage situatio n.
change doubtful habits for healthy choices. Several types of
Initial response to the situation is the focus. Some discussion of
exercise machines and types of weights training are
the forms negotiation might take, and the surprising things that
demo nstrated, as well as stretching techniques.
can be use d as weap ons, is included. Another officer describes a
case in which he was able to distract a hostage-taker until the
Tape 126: S.A.F.E. Shooting Method (The (46 min.)
tactical unit arrived.
W hile the presentation may be pretty basic for law enforcement
officers, this p rogra m wo uld be a good refresher for anyone with
Tape 127: POST Satellite Broadcast -- August 1990 (2 hours)
a handgun around the house. The care, cleaning, and shooting
[August 19 90] T his month's broad cast includes these segm ents:
procedures for both revo lvers and 9m ms are featured , along with
Sticker Bandits [California Attorney General's Office] (11
an emphatic section on household gun safety. Officers working
min.) This program talks about the MO of people who steal or
with Explorers, Boy Scouts, or other novice gun handlers might
buy M edi-Cal stickers (stickers that California disab led can use
also be able to effectively use this program.
to get free or discounted medical services) in order to defraud the
Medi-Cal pro gram, and suggested investigation techniques.
Tape C RT 126 : Control a nd C om plian ce II: P ressure Po ints
Since Illinois do esn't have a sticker program, this program as it is
(25 min.)
really doesn't apply, but the information and investigative
[1998] The topic of this program from the Corrections Officer
techniq ues co uld be app lied to o ther types of scam s, and is
Readiness Training series is similar to that of #23 2, Dealing with
therefo re useful.
High Le vel Resistance: stunning techniq ues. David B. Ro ss
Carcino gens and Y ou: A Safe Approach [P OST /San Jose
(Palm Beach C ounty (Florida) Sheriff's Office) discusses and
Police D ept.] (12 m in.) This program, directed at patrol officers,
shows the uses of compliance techniques involving the
discusses where hazardous m aterials can be found , and how to
hypoglossal nerve, the infra-orbital nerve, and the brachial slap
hand le them. It's similar to T ape 62 (" Initial Response. .
(viewers will still need hands-on training, because the
.HazM at Incidents"), but mo re strongly emp hasizes officer safety.
applications are demonstrated very quickly). Other corrections
*Accident Crime Scenes [Newpo rt Beach Police Dep t.] (8
officers talk about the importance of training and being in a
min.) Police officers are given a general overview of why
constant state o f safety awareness, especially in a linea r facility.
accid ents sho uld be treated like crime scenes, how to route tra ffic
They also talk abo ut the imp ortance of using verbal skills first,
around them in order to preserve evidence, and what sort of
and during the incident. As always, North East Multi-Regional
evidence to look for in the cars and victims. The tape looks like
Training doesn't necessarily recommend any of these tactics, but
it was filmed live at accident scenes, and includes plenty of
they are useful to know about.
wrecked cars and victims.
*Officer Involved Shooting: Limas-Roberge [Los Angeles
Tape C RT 125 : Con trol and C om pliance 1 : Grou nd D efense
Police D ep t.] (22 m in.) This program re-enacts an early '7 0's
and Custody Control B elt (28 min.)
shoo ting incident between 2 officers and 4 arm ed suspects. Both
[199 8] This program from the Co rrections Officer Readiness
officers are seriously injured, but manage to kill 3 of the
Training series features Brad Inm an (K ing C o. Sheriff's
suspects. After the reenactment, both officers (w ho are still
Department, Rhode Island) who talks about seasons when
alive, by the way) talk about how they survived, and what
inmates are most likely to be combative, and demonstrates
NEMRT Video Catalog (Fiscal Year 2008 -- April 2007), p. 97
techniques for responding to attacks when the officer is knocked
Tape C RT 122 : Use of OC & Pepper Spray in Corrections (30
to the ground. Techniques include the "Leg Hook", the "Scissor
Takedown", "P arallel B locks and T aked own", "B ody T hrust, Pin
[1997] T he topic of this COR T program gives an overview of the
and Roll", "Arm T uck, Wristlock, and Throw", and "S tanding
use of OC spray in correctional facilities, rather the tactical use of
Drop and Roll". As the instructor points out, watching the video
the product. Corrections officers and managers describe
isn't going to make the viewer good at these techniques: they
situations in which OC might be useful, how O C spray wo rks,
must be practiced. When you do, though , practice in a we lland especially its advantages and drawbacks. Also considered
padded area. Bob T homas, attorney, then discusses law and
are decontamination procedures, for inmates and officers, and
liability relating to use of force. The program concludes with a
liability concerns.
discussion of the advantages of a RACC (Remotely Activated
Custody Control) Belt, which functions somewhat like a stun
Tape 122: On Your Feet and Liking It--Vol. 2; The Voice and
gun, and allows officers some control of detainees once
the Body [Presentation & Discussion] (40 min.)
handcuffs and shackles are removed.
Pro fessor B aron continues her talk on public speaking with
details about how to conduct oneself while speaking, plus some
Tape 125: Basics to B ullseye s: The 9m m Sem i-Autom atic
interesting tips on handling the media while talking.
Pistol (32 min.)
NRA Pistol Champion John Pride gives a basic explanation of
Tape 121: On Your Feet an d Liking It--Vo l. 1, Ge nera l Do's
the how a 9m m sem i-autom atic pisto l works, how to care for it,
and Do n'ts (40 min.)
what to do about weapon malfunctions, and how to hit what
Professor Alma S. Baron, of the Mana gement Institute of the
you're aiming at. The presentation is divided into several
University of W isconsin (M adiso n), gives an overview of how to
sections, so it could be easily used during roll calls.
prepare to do some public speaking.
Tape 124: Valvoline National Driving Test (The) (49 min.
without commercials, 60 m in. with commercials)
The Valvoline Oil Company produced this program, which was
also broad cast on national television, and is an appropriate
program for Explorers, crime prevention groups, high school
school liaison programs, or as a reminder o f basic d riving safety
(it's for non-emergency vehicle driving). Celebrities talk about
various aspects o f driving safety, while a test of the viewer's
safety knowledge is conducted by Christopher Reeve. The
program includes at least four Valvoline commercials, so viewers
may want to kee p the VCR remote co ntrol handy, or use tho se
commercials to break the tape into segments. As you can gather,
the pro gram is on the e lderly side: Christopher Re eve is still
Tape C RT 124 : Corrections Officer Survival and Safety I:
Rela tive Po sitioning an d Escorts (34 min.)
[199 7] This program from the Co rrections Officer Readiness
Training series features officers from the Gwinnet Co. Detention
Center, Georgia, who discuss aspects of co rrections officer safety
in direct supervision and linear jails. Topics considered include
the survival mindset, threat levels, safety zones, escorting
procedures for inmates (within the facility), frisks, barred cell
considerations, and the m any security uses o f an officer's foot.
As always, compare the program's recommendations with agency
policies befo re applying them.
Tape C RT 123 : Mana ging Mentally Ill Inma tes (43 min.)
[1997] According to the statistics quoted in this CORT video,
national statistics indicate that up to 8% of detainees may suffer
from mental disord ers, and up to 1 3% of fema le detainees. T his
program is intended to give corrections personnel ideas about
ways of recognizing and handling (diagnosed) mental illness and
developmental disabilities among their population. Dana T atum
(Gwinnet Co. Detention Center, Georgia) and one of the officers
discuss the special management unit this direct supervision center
has for mentally ill inmates, which allows them to receive the
minimally required treatment withou t compromising the security
of the center. As always, before applying any ideas, compare
them with agency or facility policies and procedures.
Tape 123: Exp losives Aw areness (30 min.)
This L.E.Net program features officers of the Illinois Secretary of
State's Police demonstrating what an officer should do upon
finding something that might be an explosive, what common
explosives lo ok like, and how m uch damage they can ma ke if
they explode. Also featured are segments on the Secretary of
State's Police's H azard ous D evice Squad, explosive com ponents
that can be purchased legally, and recent U.S. Supreme Court
rulings on Search & Seizure and anonymous tips (Alabama V.
W hite), and sobriety checkpoints (Michigan Dept. of State Police
V. Sitz).
Tape C RT 121 : Cell E xtrac tions a nd U se of R estraints (28
[199 7] This program from the Co rrectional Officer Readiness
Training (produced by the same group that makes the ALERT
video s) exam ines effective pro cedures for restraining (violent)
subjects in a jail/correctional setting, and especially for
performing cell extractions. The information is presented around
an interview with Capt. Steve Mosley (Gwinnett Co., Georgia,
Sheriff's Department), and assumes an extraction team. If your
agency doesn't have one, this program is a good source for seeing
one in action. Topics considered include officers' protective
equipment, extraction procedures, safely moving the inmate,
using OC spray, and documenting the process. As always, be
sure to check your agency's policies before applying any
techniques or procedures.
Tape 120: Art of Interviewing (The) (57 min.)
The interviewing discussed here is job interviewing, not
interviewing of suspects or witnesses. Scott Passeser, president
of Career Planning Consultants in New York, gives tips on how
to prepare for, control, and negotiate during an interview. The
program is good for people looking for a job, but even better for
managers who have to talk to job applicants, or for people who
are going to be interviewed (by a promotions review board or
Tape 118: Coaching Em ployees for High Performance (48
Tom Steiner, MBA, P HD , and stand-up comic--the
"enterTRAINe r" (as the pro motio nal material describes him)-talks about how to coach employees, which employees to coach,
and what to expect after coaching. The program is a little like an
audio cassette with a face, but Dr. Steiner is an engaging speaker
and the program provides a lot of useful information. It would be
especially good for anyone in a supervisory position.
Tape 116: Where Do the Children Go? (18 min.)
This program, from the No rfolk Southern Co rporation, p resents
the importance of care in crossing railroad tracks through actual
interviews with the friends and relatives of two teen-aged victims
of train/car accidents. If the interviews don't make an impact, the
introduction will: it features a couple getting ready to go to the
prom, and at the end of the sequence, the voice-over gives an
autopsy report on a car/train accident victim. The tape can be
used with crime prevention groups, school liaison officer
programs, and as a tie-in for DUI on P rom Night (and it might
also be a good tie-in with suicid e prevention, since the peo ple
being interviewed do a lot of talking about how much the victims
are missed).
Tape 115: Action, Not Reaction (11 min.)
This is a good program to use with convenience store managers
NEMRT Video Catalog (Fiscal Year 2008 -- April 2007), p. 98
*Sudden Infant Death Syndrome [New York Criminal
Justice Pub lic Safety T raining C enter/1 989 ] (16 min.) T his is
probably the most significant program on the tape. It explains
Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) indicators (and has lots of
pictures showing the difference between SID S deaths and abuse
deaths), and how to go about handling the case. An interview
with the father of a SIDS victim, in which he talks about how the
investigation was handled in his particular case, is included. (For
more detailed informatio n, see tap e 140, "R ecognizing SID S".)
Tape 114: Search and Seizure: Techniques and Liabilities (28
"I'd Rather Drive" P ublic Service Anno unc ements
[California A tty. General's Office /198 9] (6 min. total) This
This L.E. Net program goes over the techniques for patting down
program consists of five versions of the rap music video that was
a suspect, whe n an officer can legally co nduc t a search of a
produced to tell teens about California's new law regarding the
person or vehicle, plus a little on searching a female suspect and
consequences of alcohol offenses for teenage drivers. The
the Supreme Court's December 19 89 decision regarding
presentation is engaging and wo uld be go od for getting ideas.
searching of houses incident to an arrest. A pat-down and control
" Don't Do Drugs" [Los Angeles Sheriff's Dept./1989] (3
techniq ues to use during a pat-down are dem onstrated as w ell.
min.) This 50's style music video advises students (the
(For a more thorough examination of legal aspects of search and
discussion guide says junior high school students, but the content
seizure, look at Tape Set 5, Techniques of Search and Seizure)
would be all right to use with high schoolers, o r as a public
service announcement) to say "no" to drugs and gangs. The tune
Tape 113: T ak e th e L on g W ay H om e (15 min.)
is catchy, and the dancing is pretty good.
W hile most appropriate for a junior high to high school audience,
Em ergency Pro tective Orders [Santa Barbara Police
this program can be used with most groups as a strong reminder
Dept./February 1989] (15 min.) This is basically a "talking head"
to be careful when crossing railroad tracks. Jennifer Ballardprogram explaining eligibility, procedures, options, and
DuVall, who is now paralyzed and wheelchair-bound, talks to a
enforcement of emergency protective orders in California. As
group of stud ents ab out ho w her car was hit by a freight train in
such, it wouldn't be very useful to Illinoisans.
1980, and ho w it ruined a promising athletic and mode ling
{*Available Separately}
career. Interviews with her family are also featured.
Tape JOB 111 : Inm ate Grievance Proce dure (10 min.)
Tape JOB 112 : Use of Force in Jails (9 min.)
This program helps jail officers define an inmate grievance
After viewing this video, jail officers will be able to list actions
procedure, explain why a formal grievance procedure for inmates
that constitute force in jails and the legitimate purposes for use of
is not a threat to the authority of line officers, why line officers
force in the jail setting: explain the circumstances in which the
must m ake an effort to resolve inmate grieva nces info rmally,
use of force is not justified ; list the follow-through pro cedure to
areas that are appropriate, and areas that are inappropriate, for the
be implem ented after force has b een used in a jail, and explain
submission of formal grievances, and why a separate grievance
why these procedures are important; explain the purposes of
process is necessary for em ergency issues o f health and safety.
thorough and accurate reports on incidents involving the use of
force, and list the key elements to be included in such reports.
Tape 110: Kids and Guns; A Deadly Combination (17 min.)
This video is the one that accomp anies the "K ids + G uns: A
Tape 111: POST Satellite Broadcast -- April 1990 (2 Ho urs)
Deadly Equation" hand gun safety curriculum developed by the
[April 17, 1990] This broadcast, taped April 17, 1990, includes
Yo uth Crime W atch of Dad e Co ., Florida, and the Ce nter to
the following segme nts:
Prevent Handgun Violence. It is most appropriate for school
Officer-Involved Shooting [Arizo na D ept. of Pub lic
liaison officers considering the implementation of some sort of
Safety/June 1989] (11 min.) The program is good for all areas of
handgun injury prevention program in his or her area, or for
law enfo rcem ent, and especially disp atchers. An inc ident, in
showing to parent/teacher or student groups. Teens who have
which an Arizona officer was shot to death at 9:00 am June 28,
been shot (fo r the mo st part ac ciden tally) and are no w disabled, a
1988, during a traffic stop, is reenacted and examined. Bo th the
boy who accidentally shot his father, and the family of a boy who
officer and the dispatchers made several procedural errors, and
was accidentally shot and killed talk about their ordeal. A group
how small, careless mistakes can lead to a fatal situation is the
of teens also discuss the false glamo ur of handguns.
upshot of the program.
CAGE/CAL-ID/CCI [California Dept. of Justice/December
Tape JOB 110 : Inmate Transportation (9 min.)
198 7] (17 min.) As such, the program is not appropriate to
Topics discussed in this program include the proper use of three
Illinois law enforcement personnel: it talks about the services the
types of restraints commonly used in transporting inmates, the
California D ept. of Justice has to offer to local police agencies.
proper procedures to follow when preparing an inmate for
For departments interested in seeing what kind of officer support
transport, the proper proced ures to follow when transporting
is available elsewhere in the country, or interested in high-tech
inmates by car and on co mmercial aircraft, and the pro cedures to
developments, the program is just the thing. Top ics discussed are
follow when escorting an inmate on foo t.
the Department's "Computer assisted graphic evidence system
(CAG E)", the "California Identification System (CAL-ID)", and
Tape JOB 109 : Infec tious D iseases in the J ail (9 min.)
the California Criminalistics Institute (CCI).
The focus of this tape is primarily AIDS awareness: after
The Safety Zone [Austin (TX) Police Dep t./1989] (9 min.)
viewing it, officers should be able to define AIDS and describe
This program is about safety procedures when working around a
its sympto ms and how it is transmitted; pre cautions to help avo id
helicopter, plus a little on patient load ing procedures.
contamination, especially while conducting cell, body, pat-down
The New Ice Age (Part I) [Alam eda County (CA) D ist.
and clothing searches; and explain how to clean contaminated
Atty/October 1989] (10 min.) This "talky" program discusses
how law enforcement first learned about the crystallized form of
metha mph etamine (kno wn as " ice" o r "glass"), and its
Tape 109: Auto Theft Awareness for the Patrol Officer (28
characteristics. The program is kind of dry, but if you're
interested in methamphetamine, this is a good source of information. Viewers of this L.E.Net tape learn "what the patrol officer can do
*Stan dardized Field Sob riety Tests [Los Angeles Police
in the fight against car theft", as the introductory material says.
Dept./1989] (18 min.) In addition to reviewing basic procedure,
Included are segments on the tools used to break into and steal
the pro gram shows the usua l sober drivers driving through a path
cars, suspicious behavior, how chop shops operate, how
of cones (and then the drunk ones driving through cones), plus
documents relating to cars are forged, cars most likely to be
some H orizontal and Vertical N ystagmus dem onstrations.
stolen, and wh ere most auto thefts in the U nited S tates take place.
and store architects. The tape, produced by the National
Association of Convenience Stores briefly discusses the
percentage of convenience stores that are being robbed, robbery
deterrence techniques, and the need for stores to work with the
local law enforcement agency in preventing robberies. The
presentatio n is "talky", but the informa tio n on the Association's
Robbe ry Deterrenc e Program and in-store ro bbe ry deterrence is
good to know.
NEMRT Video Catalog (Fiscal Year 2008 -- April 2007), p. 99
Also included is a b rief segm ent on the Illinois S ecretary of State
describe ho w fires be gin and identify type s of fuels present in
Police Auto Theft Force.
jails, 2.) Id entify pro blem areas for fires and exp lain how to
control each problem, 3.) List some pieces of equipment that
Tape JOB 108 : Inmates with Special Needs (12 min.)
every jail needs to p revent and fight fires, 4.) List three high-risk
The program presents eight specific behavior patterns which may
areas for fires in jails, and 5 .) describe the procedures that should
indicate that an inmate suffers from mental illness, explains how
be followed when a fire bre aks out.
to deal with inmates who are mentally ill, mentally retarded,
disabled, elderly, or drug-add icted; explains why officers must
Tape JOB 102 B: Techniques of Report Writing (11 min.)
prepare well-documented, written reports about behavior
After viewing this vid eotap e, jail officers will be able to explain
prob lems, and why o fficers should not attemp t to diagnose
why it is important to take accurate notes about all unusual
medical or behavio ral problem s of inmates.
incidents, describe techniques and pitfalls of report writing and
traditional report writing questions, and explain how to review
Tape JOB 107 [M issing]: Basic Security Principles (9 min.)
and critique a report for accura cy.
Officers are shown how to identify jail areas that must be
searched to detect and prevent security breaches, the importance
Tape JOB 102 A: Principles of Report Writing (12 min.)
of communicatio ns, chain of command, moo d cha nges in
This program explains the purpo ses of ac curate and tim ely
inmates, and how keys, tools, firearms, logbooks, and meals can
reports, describe what must be docume nted in a written report
present security risks.
and why these activities must be docume nted, and lists the
influences that may distort an officer's percep tions.
Tape JOB 106 : Inmate Classification Procedures (8 min.)
This program instructs officers in the importance of classification
Tape 102: Do n't Give a T hief a Free Ride ; Preventing A uto
in jail operations, the benefits of an effective classification
Theft (13 min.)
program, the types of information that are used in making
This program, produced by the same company that made #78
classification decisions, the three most common types of custody
("Preventing Home B urglary"), covers the topics of why cars are
classification, and the difference between administrative
stolen, b asic theft deterrents, safer places to park, and car security
segregation and disciplinary segregation.
measures. The information is pretty basic for a police officer, but
the tape would make a good show for a neighborhood watch
Tape JOB 105 : Inmate Disciplinary Principles (8 min.)
meeting or the like.
After viewing this tape, officers should be able to explain the
difference between positive and negative discipline and give
Tape JOB 101 : How to Cond uct Cell Searches (15 min.)
examples of when to use each; explain why inmates should be
After viewing this tape, officers should be able to list the five
disciplined in private, the goal of the disciplinary process, the
rules for an effective cell search, list the 11 points to remember
three levels of d iscipline, and an inmate's constitutional rights in
when cond ucting a cell search, define contraband, and explain
disciplinary review bo ard cases.
the benefits of a systematic cell search.
Tape 105: Cults and Gangs (FBI Teleconference) (3 hours)
This program gives an overview on the subjects of street gangs
and their invo lveme nt in drug trafficking, member re cruitment,
recruitment in cults, cults involved in the occult, and the
relationship between them all. It's more cult-y than gang-y.
Tape 104: Jail Suicides and other Lockup Liabilities (30 min.)
In this L.E.Net program, the suicide- and assault-resistance of the
Monroe Co. (Illinois) Jail's design is discussed. The Chief Prison
Official of the Northern Territories of Australia, Desmond
Morriso n, desc ribes the ir Forced Cell E xtraction technique while
the technique is being demonstrated. Then, Darrell Ross, of
Ferris State University (Michigan), tells how to recognize
potentially suicidal prisoners (and what to do about them), and
first aid procedures for suicid e attempters are examined . Finally,
liability relating to jail injuries, as well as a helpful precedent
relating to search and seizure after an arrest, is reviewed.
Tape JOB 104 : Effective Interpersonal Comm unications (10
This program shows officers why it is necessary to become
proficient in interpersonal communications, three non-verbal
techniques that can improve communication with inmates, three
ways an inma te's words or behavior can give cues to the inm ate's
thoughts, and gives two exam ples of effective, positive ways to
respond to inmate requests, or to make d emand s of inmates.
Tape 103: Operations Cooperation (15 min.)
This program, produced by the American Society for Industrial
Security, is good for police managers: it points out the
advantages of working with private security to provide better
crime prevention and law enforcem ent for the whole com munity.
The associations that police and security professionals in the
Manhattan area formed are discussed as an example of what can
great things can be accomplished when the two groups do work
Tape JOB 103 : Fire S afety (8 min.)
After viewing this p rogra m, officers should be able to 1.)
Tape 101: America's Best Kept Secret; A Look at Modern Day
Satan ism (57 min.)
This video documentary examine s the incre ase of devil wo rship
in the United States. While not graphic, the descriptions of
activities are explicit, so groups viewing it should be selected
with care.
Tape 100: Police Service Dog Training (24 min.)
This L.E. Net program gives basic information on the advantages
of using dogs in police settings by examining The Nebraska State
Patrol's success with its new K-9 unit. The advantages of the
W est German dog-training method are discussed, and
demonstrations of the dogs' muzzle-fighting and biting are
Tape 99: Clan destine La boratories--Kitchens of D eath (Public
Version) (15 min.)
[circa 1988] This condensed version of Tape 98, which gives an
overview o f methamph etamine labs, is designed for showing to
crime prevention groups and such so they can watch for such
things.One drawback to the presentation, however, is that the lab
setups don 't look as p ortab le or as "makeshift" as the ones peop le
are now likely to encounter in the field. The dangers of the
chemicals involved don't seem to have changed, though.
Tape 98: Clan destine La boratories--Kitchens of D eath (30
[circa 1988] The program, produced in the late 1980s by the
California Attorney G enera l's Office, introduces viewers to
methamphetamine labs, their hazards, locations, and booby traps
associated with these labs. The tape consists of three short
segm ents, and thus may seem repe titive, but the viewer doe sn't
forget the information, either. In addition, a number of "war
stories" from officers with first-hand experience with these labs
are also included. O ne drawback to the pre sentation, however, is
that the lab setups don't look as portable or as "makeshift" as the
ones an officer is now likely to encounter in the field. The war
stories are still interesting, though.
NEMRT Video Catalog (Fiscal Year 2008 -- April 2007), p. 100
Tape 93: POST Satellite Broadcast -- January 1990 (2 hours)
Tape 90: Control Procedures for Passive Demonstration (31
[January 19 90] T his month's program features:
*Clan destine Laboratories--Kitchen s of Death (30 min.),
Bruce Siddle, L.E. Net's training director, discusses and
which introduces viewers to methamp hetam ine labs, their
dem onstrates basic pain com pliance con trol tactics for use in
hazards, loc ations, and boob y traps associated with these lab s. A
non-violent situations. The Go oseneck W rist Lock is the
number of "war stories" from officers with first-hand experience
preferred method, with pressure point techniques as an
with these labs are also included. (Also available separately as
alternative. Legal rights of the officers, the protesters, and the
Tape 98)
complainants are also considered, as well as report-writing
Submitting Readable Fingerprint Impressions (16 min.): the
recom mendations.
program shows how to make usable fingerprints, with an
emphasis on the needs of automated fingerprint identification
Tape 89: Choir Practice; Parts 1 and 2 (52 min.)
systems. (This, and the next three programs, appear to have some
[1989] Ed Do nova n, police stress p ionee r, app roaches the to pic
cross-channel interference, which is a little irritating, though by
of officer alcoholism in this two part video.
no means fatal to the program)
Part 1, "Alcoholism the Disease" (25 min.) features some
Prevention o f Metals Th efts (22 min.): Much of the program
discussion from a group of experts on alcoholism and police
focuses on why theft of aluminum and copp er, in various forms,
management, a (very interesting) group discussion with five
should be prevented. W hen the metal is stolen and what the
police officers abo ut the effect of their alcohol prob lem on their
thieves are like is emphasized.
work, and an interview with the widow of an officer whose
Courtroom Preparation [San José Police Dept.] 13 min.:
failure to acknowledge his problem brought him to murder and suicide.
This program features 5 do uble sc enes o n giving testimony in
In Part 2, "Recovery" (27 m in.), police managers talk about
court (part 1 will show how not to do it, and part 2 corrects the
available reco very progra ms, and the five officers from the first
prob lem). The tape was designed for use in classro om situations,
part talk about what their own recoveries were like. The upshot
and has places where it should be stopped for discussion.
of the whole program is that police officers really can become
Hea lth and F itness [Los Ange les Po lice Dept.] (2 3 min.):
alcoh olics, and that they will need help; but that help is availab le
The title says it all. The program features a lot of demonstrations
and they can eventually recover. (A viewing note: at NEMRT,
and useful information about diet, exercise, stretching, and
we found that the program is more effective if a break or
avoiding b ack pro blems.
something is scheduled between the Parts. A break gives viewers
Op iate Intoxica tion--Heroin [San Diego Sheriff's Dept.] (5
a chance to think about the stories fro m Part 1, and are better able
min.), which demon strates ho w to check for it.
to relate them to Part 2).
Tape 92: POST Satellite Broadcast -- November 1989 (2 hours)
Tape 88: California Earthq uake Response (31 min.)
[1989] This tape (and other POST Satellite Broadcasts) feature a
[circa 1990] An L.E. Net crew went out to California several
number of training programs California law enforcement
weeks after the O ctober 17 , 198 9, Earthquake, and talked to
agencies have produced for their own use. The Commission on
officers of the various police departments about how they
Peace Officer Standards and Training (Sacramento, CA)
handled local aspects of the disaster. In Oakland, the
distributes then to other a gencies throu gh these satellite
dep artment's response to the Cyp ress Freeway Disaster, its med ia
broadcasts. This month's programs are:
coverage, and the Presidential visit, are discussed. In Santa Cruz,
Exp losives and Firea rms U pda te (7 min.), designed to make
the topics relate to how well that department's disaster plan
law enforcem ent trainers aware of imp rovised exp losive devices.
worked ; and in W atsonville, officers talk about disaster respo nse
*" The K -9s Are H ere" (14 min.), which uses a dramatization
from a small department and media relations. The tapes
of a fatal building search in which sound safety practices and a
conclud es with tips on planning for d isasters.
police dog would have saved the situation.
Assault Weapons [California Attorney General's Office] (8
Tape 87: Illinois Mandatory Insurance Law (8 min.)
min.), which demon strates the capa bilities of va rious semi[1990] P roduced by the Chicago Po lice Department, this short
automatic assault weapons.
program gives the highlights of the Mandatory Insurance Law,
Weapon Retention [Los Angeles Police Dept.] (9 min.),
which went into effect January 1, 1990.
which recreates incid ents in which officers were disarm ed.
Suggestions for how to avoid having one's weapon taken are included.Tape 85: Legal Issues and Ma nagem ent (FBI Teleconference)
Sea t Belts [Los Angeles Police Dept.] (4 min.): Four
(3 Ho urs)
officers tell how they survived ma jor traffic accidents.
[October 11, 1989] Recorded October 11, 1989, the panelists of
*It Can Happen [California H ighway Patro l] (14 min.): T his
this teleconference talk about the court definition of searches
tearjerker shows how even no n-drinking teens can b e killed in
used in the 4th Amendment and its effects on traditional
DUI accidents. It features rem inisc ences of a 15 -year-old girl's
procedures, Constitutionally-based employment rights, and legal
family and friends, and the narrative of the boy who was driving
considera tions for law enforcem ent physical fitness standards.
the vehicle in which she was killed, which he is delivering to a
classro om o f other teens. T his pro gram should be very useful to
Tape 84: Ha ndling Critical Inc idents and Ha zardous M aterials
school liaison officers, or others responsible for teen DUI training. (FBI Teleconference) (3 Ho urs)
*Revolver Cleaning [California Highway Patrol] (20 min.),
[August 8, 1989] Topics of this program, recorded August 8,
which reviews recommended cleaning procedures. It also shows
1989, include the role of the initially responding law enforcement
what can happen when revolvers are not cleaned properly. (The
personnel, the Fire Department perspective of an initial response,
copy of this program that is available separately also includes
and the EP A's perspective of the hazardous or toxic waste
Revolver Inspection [California Highway Patrol] (17 min.),
which reviews the revolver inspection procedures taught in CHP
weap ons training classes. This pro gram seems most appropriate
Tape 83: Handling Dom estic Violence (FBI Teleconference)
for actual weapon s inspectors, b ut the informatio n of what to
(3 Ho urs)
look for in a firea rm wo uld be hand y for officers to kno w, too.)
[April 12, 1989] O n this program, recorded April 12, 1989, the
Search Techniques [Los Angeles Police Dept.] (8 min.),
panelists talk about what can b e done to sto p or reduce do mestic
which reviews app roved (for California) search techniques, with
violence, what the police respo nse should b e, law enforceme nt's
an emp hasis on the Full Pro ne and the F elony Kneeling method s.
role in mediating and counseling, and recidivism.
Police Corruption [Los Ange les Po lice Dept.] (2 4 min.).
Bra d Fisher, one of the " Ho llywood B urglars", tells in this
Tape 82: Survival Und er Stress (31 min.)
interview why he "went wrong".
The title is misleading: this L.E. Net tape actually examines
(*Ava ilable Separately)
research findings indicating that law enforceme nt person nel don 't
use their firearm and b aton training in life-threatening situations.
NEMRT Video Catalog (Fiscal Year 2008 -- April 2007), p. 101
Research conducted by Sgt. Harland Westmoreland (Euless, TX,
involved in a chase. The program includes an overview of the
Police Dept.) seems to show that officers react instinctively under
drivers' training available from the National Academy of Police
stress, rather than the way they were tra ined , and L.E. Net's
Driving, interviews with victims of crashes resulting from police
director of training (Bruce Siddle) talks about what these findings
pursuits, and a consideration of limits to the use of hot p ursuit.
can mean to law enforcement trainers. Aubry Futrell, speed
(Compare with #57, "Hot Pursuit: Is it Worth the Risk?")
shoo ting champio n in Louisiana, gives suggestions on ho w to
improve drawing speed (comp are with # 52, Handgun Retention)
Tape 73: Decision Exe rcises (The C orrections O fficer Series)
and on baton usage. The program concludes with a brief
(24 min.)
discussion of the legal ramifications of the Westmoreland
This is a goo d sup plemental tap e, for the discussion of inmate
findings, as reflected through C anton, Ohio v. Harris.
relations and departmental policy. Twenty-one short, openended scenarios, of fairly common incidents are presented. The
Tape 81: ASP Tactical Baton (19 min.)
viewers then have to decide what they would do in the same
This Coast Guard-prod uced program gives an overview of the
situation. The tape is also useful discussing departmental "dos
Intermediate Force Expandable Baton that the Guard has
and don'ts".
adopted. Included is some of the baton's history, the levels of
force appropriate to subject control, the advantages of using the
Tape 72: Assault on Officers--Tactical Mistakes (The
expand able bato n, plus the training process for using it (or just
Correc tions Officer S eries) (18 min.)
about any other impact weapon, for that matter). The program
Actual incidents of assaults on officers are reenacted to show
conclude s with a brief dem onstration of the baton's abilities in
situations in which assaults can occur. The narration then
actual use. Good for any agency considering a change in the
explains how an officer can avoid putting him- or herself in that
weapons it uses. For something more detailed, see ASP Tactical
potentially deadly position. Though specifically for corrections
Baton Video Training Manual (#279)
officers, the program is appropriate for any officers who handle
prisoners. It's quite informative, and reminds viewers to follow
Tape 80: Critical Incident Response; Sioux City Airline
agency pro cedures.
Disaster (32 min.)
[circa 1990] This L.E. NE T tape shows the need for current
Tape 71: Inm ate M anagem ent (The Correction Officer Series)
departmental disaster plans, using the Sioux City Police and
(20 min.)
Sheriff's departments' response to the July 19, 19 89, D C-10 crash
[circa 198 9] T his pro gram gives general info rmatio n on how to
as an example. Chief G. Donovan, Sheriff L. Miller, and other
get along with inma tes, from a huma n relations stand po int. It's
dep artment mem bers talk abo ut their part in the efforts. Captain
an adequate introduction or reminder for corrections officers
B. Henry of the Illinois State Police, and Chief W. Pierce of
about how an officer shou ld behave around inmates.
Highland, IL, are also featured, and talk about the need for
disaster plans. The program conc ludes with a disc ussion of Po stTape 70: Interviews and Interrogations (FBI Teleconference)
Critical Incident Trauma in law enforcement personnel. (By the
(2 ho urs, 30 min.)
way, the NEM RT Instructors' library has a number of books
[circa 198 9] T his FB I Te lecon ference goe s over the fund amentals
relating to disaster preparedness, if a department is considering
of interviewing (featuring journalist Diane Sawyer) techniques of
upd ating its po licy.)
interrogation (with Ron Hilley), techniques of personnel
interview ing, and whethe r interview ing ability can be taught.
Tape 79: Buckle Up Training (27 min.)
[circa 199 0] T his pro gram enco urages viewers to wear seat belts
Tape 69: Dom estic Violence Respo nse (29 min.)
while riding in cars, this time with a law en forcement audience in
[circa 1989] This L.E. NE T program examines the Savannah,
mind. Law enforcement officers who had been involved in
Georgia, Protocol for handling domestic disturbance calls. The
serious accidents talk about how wearing a seat belt had saved
Protocol emphasizes the making of an arrest and actually seeing
their lives, along with a little discussion o f the seat b elt law in
the case pro secuted. {C omp are with NE MRT 47, "Do mestic
Illinois. Has a tendency to be talky, but the last section, where an
Violence", which discusses the reason for this policy} The
officer talks about how an unbelted accident ended his career
program gives the step-by-step procedure, and the L.E. NET
may make viewers think.
legal consultant Jo hn Livingsto n disc usses the protoco l's
Tape 78: You Make the Difference: Preventing Hom e
Burg lary (22 min.)
Tape 68: Simulated Grade Crossing Incident (A) (2 min.)
[circa 198 8] T his pro gram is especially goo d for showing to
[circa 198 9] T his very short program sho ws what a freight train
neighborhood watch groups, or for crime prevention purposes. It
can do to a car when given the chance.
shows what kinds of precautions homeowners can take to protect
their hou se fro m b reak-ins, a nd includ es a forme r burglar's
Tape 67: Safety Belts: For Dumm ies or People / Game of Your
com ments on what a burglar looks for when planning a robbe ry.
Life (The) (26 min.)
[circa 1988] General Motors is supposed to have given copies of
Tape 76: Gang Unit Management (17 min.)
this program to all the schools in the U nited S tates. In general, it
[1988] Ac cording to the tape's prospectus, the program covers
is most appropriate for an elementary to junior high school
"law enforcement 'tactical' approach to determine your gang
audience. Safety Belts: For Dummies or Peo ple, which is about
problem . Details on ho w to set up a unit as small as one man.
wearing a seat belt while riding in a car, is so cute that anyone
Gang investigation techniques to gather information, catalogue
can see it as an effective reminder to buckle up (Larry and Vince,
and update files, who to train and how to deploy. Contains
the auto test dum mies, are feature d). T he G ame of Your Life is
'actual' tactical sweeps and metho ds to m aximize field
about the effect alcohol has on driving ability, and why one
interview s."
should not drink and drive.
Tape 75: Courtroom Performa nce (30 min.)
[circa 198 0] This program shows officers how to give the best
testimony possible in court. It features suburban Chicago
officers, and has been useful to a numb er of departments.
Tape 74: Ho t Pursuit (16 min.)
[1980] W hile most appropriate for those responsible for a
department's pursuit policy, the program, from a 1980 episode of
60 Minutes, is informative for any police personnel who might be
Tape 62: Awareness for Initial Response to Hazardous
Materials Incidents (18 min.)
[circa 1989] This program, which is also used with many of
NEM RT's Hazardo us Materials-related courses, shows the
required sign age for carriers of haz ardo us materials, and what to
do as a first respondent to an accident involving hazardous
Tape 61: Felo ny Stop P rocedure /Dru g Profiling Up date (24
NEMRT Video Catalog (Fiscal Year 2008 -- April 2007), p. 102
program, and are available for reference at the NEMRT
[circa 1989] L.E. Net's Don Marsh first discuses the significance
Instructors' Libra ry.
of the (then) recent Supreme Court decision regarding the use of
drug courier profiles, plus suggestions for recognizing a typical
Tape 52: Handgun Retention (30 min.)
ground courier (one who transports drugs in a car), and places
[circa 198 9] L.E . Net's Paul Farmer and tra iner B ruce S iddle
where drugs may b e stashed. Then, officers demon strate ho w to
discuss the types of holsters pre sently available and ho w easily a
conduct a day or night felony street stop.
suspect can d isarm an officer. W ith the help of staged scenarios,
visual cues for recognizing a possible attack, as well as some
Tape 60: Defensive Tactics with Chem ical Aerosol Sprays (39
techniques for regaining the taken hand gun, are also
[circa 1989] This program does not, in any way, replace hands-on
training with experienced instructors. It does give viewers an
Tape 51: Innoc ent Offenders (14 min.)
overview of the kinds of chemical aerosol sprays available, how
[circa 199 0] The Rochester chap ter of the Alzheimer's Disease
and when to use the m, and liability issues related to these sp rays.
and Related Disorders Association produced this program,
Oleoresin capsicum ends up being the recomm ended sp ray.
designed to help law enforcem ent personnel reco gnize certain
typ es of po ssibly criminal behavior as resulting from A lzheimer's
Tape 59: 9mm Issues and Training (3 hours)
Disease rather than criminality. It also explains how best to deal
[February 1988] The panelists in this FBI Teleconference
with a patient.
(recorded in February 1988) discuss the issues relating to 9mm
police weapons, and necessary training.
Tape 50: Second Chance vs. Magnum Force (118 min.)
[1988] W hile this film is in some ways a 2-hour advertisement
Tape 58: Deadly Distinction (The) (13 min.)
for Second Chance Body A rmor, it does remind the viewer to
[circa 198 9] T he distinction is between automatic and semiwear his or her armor, because an officer never knows when
automatic weapons, and assault weapons. This tape, distributed
somebo dy is going to open fire. As Rich Davis says at one p oint,
by Handgun C ontrol, Inc., uses interviews with law enforcement
rather than slickness, they went for honesty. The result is an
perso nnel, newspaper articles, and firing range dem onstrations to
amateurish but informative (and amusing!) potpourri of
show the wea pons' capabilities.
interviews with survivors of shooting incidents, recreations of
those incidents, examinations of the penetrating capabilities of
Tape 57: Hot Pursuit: Is it Worth the Risk? (11 min.)
various types of magnum bullets, as well as some knives, and
[April 26-2 8, 19 89] W MAQ -TV (Chicago) produced this U nit 5
comic relief sequences of how various groups perceive the
Investigative Repo rt, which aired o n the 10:00 pm N ews on Ap ril
American Law E nforcement Officer. The episo de with Go dzilla
26-28, 1989 (WM AQ also, very kindly, provided this copy for
is particularly entertaining.
the T raining C ollection). Reporter Pe ter Karl talks ab out peop le
killed during police pursuits, police department policies
Tape 49: Ha ndc uffing: Procedure s and Liab ility (26 min.)
regarding high speed pursuits, and other ways of apprehending
[1989] This L.E. Net program first demonstrates the proper
fleeing suspects.
technique for sp eedcuffing, then the commentators discuss
possible liabilities departments may face relating to the use of
Tape 55: Law Enforcement--Handicapped Parking Training
handcuffs. (Rememb er, this was recorded in the late 198 0s, so
(26 min.)
speak with your agency's counsel about current handcuff-related
[circa 1989] The Illinois Handicapped Assistance Program
(IHAP ) produced this tape, wh ich discusses the laws relating to
disabled parking in Illinois. First, Marty Olligers gives the
Tape 48: Search and S eizure (29 min.)
history of the law in Illinois, then he and Doug Tomson go over
[1986] This Crime File program consists of short scenes
the statutes themselves and what they mean to law enforcement
involving police searches and seizures, with comment from the
officers. Fines, required signage, enrollment forms, how police
panelists on the legality of the police's action. The tape was
can enforce these laws, and the rights of the disabled and
produced in 198 6, so some of the analysis may be dated, but the
business owners are examined in some detail. This program was
tape is especially good for discussion and explanation of
produced on a virtually non-existent budget, and, sad to say,
dep artment searching policy.
looks it. The information presented, however, is important, and
the tape is informative enough to merit attention.
Tape 47: Dom estic Violence (29 min.)
[1986] This Crime File tape focuses on the Minneapolis (MN)
Tape 54: DW I--It's Your Choice (35 min.)
experiment which tested the rate of repeat violence among
[circa 198 9] T he program used in M onro e Co ., New Yo rk, to
arrested offenders in domestic disputes. The panelists discuss the
convince yo ung peop le not to drink and drive, is now available to
study's validity and the possibility of implementing the policy
the rest of the country. Dave Diegert of the Monroe Co. M edical
Examiner's Office, gives the presentation (filmed before a live
audience of high school students), which presents statistics about
Tape 46: Street Peo ple (29 min.)
DW I, information abou t alcohol-induced com as, along with
[circa 1988] The panelists in this Crime File program talk about
graphic video slides of actual DW I-related accid ents and victims.
actual and ideal policies for police handling of the various types
Ho w a bo dy is "p rocessed" at the M edica l Examiner's Office is
of homeless people (Note: the topics of homeless families, or of
also shown. Not for the squeamish.
Vietnam veterans, as one of the viewers has pointed out, are not
brought up).
Tape 53: Fatal Addiction (56 min.)
[1989] This program features the controversial interview with
Tape 45: Deadly Force (29 min.)
convicted serial killer Ted Bundy, conducted b y psychologist Dr.
[1986] Produced in 1986, the panelists on this Crime File tape
James Dobson, a few hours before Bundy's execution, in which
discuss case studies of officers across the country who have been
he partially attributes his descent into crime to pornography. Dr.
forced to make deadly force decisions, and they talk about the
Dobson first relates the circumstances surrounding the interview,
related policies of various state and local law enforcement
then the actual interview is shown (about 30 min.), and the tape
conclude s with Dobson's discussion of media reaction to this
interview, and why people can commit the crimes Bundy
Tape 44: Science of Murder (The) (1 hour)
committed. By the way, The Attorney General's Commission on
[circa 198 8] This program , from the pop ular PB S series Nova,
Pornograp hy; Final Rep ort and research articles from the FBI's
examines the ways police look for clues in homicides, the issues
study of serial murderers are mentioned in the course of the
NEMRT Video Catalog (Fiscal Year 2008 -- April 2007), p. 103
of Anthrax, Smallpox, Botulism, Pneumonic (a.k.a. Bubonic)
Plague, and Tularemia. It also describes what first responders
can do to prepare for such conditions, and methods for
Tape 42: Ana tom y of a C hase (37 min.)
develop ing standard o perating pro cedures.
[Circa 1989] The Denver (CO) Police Dept. and TV station
Tape 3 – How to Stay Healthy and Survive (44 min.) Although
KCN C produced this program: the footage of the famous police
the episode begins by highlighting the importance of physical
chase of February 1988, in which a policeman and the suspect
fitness, much of the program focuses on the benefits and
were killed, filmed from a news helicopter. The film consists of
components of appropriate vaccinations, and the importance of
the chase footage alone, the footage with police radio description
using personal protective eq uipment ap prop riate to one's duties,
of the ac tion, and a short news d ocumentary about the people
including glov es, face p rotection, and bod y protection.
whose lives the manhunt and chase touched.
Tape 4 – Pre-Arrival and On-S cene Infection Co ntrol (45 min.)
which emphasizes the importance of infection control and body
Tape 41: DNA Investigation Techniques (21 min.)
substance isolation, and the prudence of "dressing" (wearing the
[circa 1989] In this program, the L.E. Net commentators describe
appropriate protective equipment) when responding to a scene. It
DN A (D eoxyribonucleic acid--the material that transfers genetic
concludes with a reminder to dress safely when cleaning up the
characteristics), and discuss the (then) growing acceptance of
scene, as well.
DNA evidence in the courts, as well as the legal implications of
Tape 5 –Post-Emergency Infection Control (35 min.)
DNA identification. The crime lab of the Los Angeles Police
Decontamination and disinfecting principles, for equipment and
Dept. also demonstrates how it prepares samples for DNA
personnel, and inexpensive or make-do methods of doing it, are described.
analysis. W e've had some com plaints tha t the pro gram is
Tape 6 – Expo sure, Follow Up and Confidentiality (25 min.)
outdated, but so far we've seen nothing better. In fact, we've seen
The importance of documenting any exposures to body
nothing else at all on the subjec t.
substances at scenes, in the eve nt a transm ission takes plac e, is
emphasized. The testing procedures for some transmitted
Tape 40: Ho ldup A larm Respo nse (29 min.)
diseases are described. The experiences of first responders who
[circa 1989] Sgt. William Fitzgerald of the Alton (IL) Police
contracted (or were rumored to have contracted) illnesses, and
Dep t. and the L.E. N et comm entators outline and discuss
their difficulties in getting workman's compensation conclude the
procedures to follow w hen responding to a ho ldup alarm that will
help insure officer survival. The focus is on bank alarms. Also
Student workbook are available for $17.95 (the price I was
included on the progra m is comment on the legality of sobriety
quoted in September 2006) from Fire Protection Publications at
checkpoints (which is likely to be outdated).
Oklahom a State University (call 1 -800 -654 -405 5, or visit
http://www .emergencyworld .com /silent_war.html for assistance).
Tape 39: Brain Power (12 min.)
As always, compare the techniques with agency policies and
[circa 1985] This short program is intended as a lead-in to a
procedures before applying them.
meeting or training session. It reviews ho w one p erceives events,
and how such perceptions may differ from person to person.
Tape 36: Biolo gy and C rim e (29 min.)
[circa 19 86 ] T his tape , part of the N ational Institute of Justice's
Tape 38: What W orks: Research and the Police (29 min.)
Crime File series, discuses several experiments about biological
[1986] Ano ther Crime F ile program, about three experiments
origins of criminal behavior, and w hat law enforceme nt's
with police work, including the Kansas City Preventive Patrol
response should be.
study. It is especially useful as an aid to planning in-house
research studies.
Tape Set 35: Problem Oriented Policing Set (1 ho ur, 39 min.,
on 6 vide os)
Tape 37: Prod uct Ta m pering--L aw E nforcem ent Resp onse (30
[circa 1998] This series, produced by the Comm unity Policing
Consortium, the Police Executive Research Forum, and a number
[circa 198 8] T he IACP and the National Grocers p roduced this
of other associations, explains and demonstrates the principles of
demonstration of the procedures for beginning a product
community problem solving in a community policing context. It
tampering investigation. (Note: the first 30 feet of this program
uses a sc enario of teens annoying citizens in the neighbo rhoo d to
have tracking problems, but the tape seems all right otherwise)
illustrate the SARA Method (Scan, Analyze, Respond, Assess) of
problem solving. The segments include:
Tape Set 36: Silent War, 2d edition (3 ho urs, 50 min.)
1.) Introduction to Problem Solving (10 min.), which explains
[2002 and 2005] T his updated and expanded version of Silent
the problem-solving process for crime prevention, and the
W ar (Se t 13) adds information o n a variety of new com municable
elements of SARA.
diseases and biological hazards, as well as liability and
2.) Scanning and Analysis: Problem Solving (16 min.), which
confidentiality concerns, and protective equipment. Student
lays out the teen problem, and demonstrates how to integrate the
projects, which appear in the student workbooks (which may be
comm unity into the scanning and analysis process.
purchased separately) are integrated into the presentation. The
3.) Response and Assessment: Problem Solving (16 min.),
set con sists of:
which describes how to implement a response, how to recognize
Tape 1 – Understanding Infection Control (45 min.) which
if the response is working, and how to avoid impediments in
describes the types of first responders who may be exp osed to
developing an attainable goal.
infectious illnesses, the three types of Hepatitis, other diseases of
4.) Community Collaboration (19 min.), which describes some
concern, including AIDS, Ebola, Tuberculosis; diseases that can
ways officers can encourage the cooperation and involvement of
be used as biological weapons, criteria for effective (and
the affected citizens, including uncooperative ones (the "Tate"
defensible) communicable disease training and record-keeping,
Family is a clever bit.). Techniques for managing a meeting are
other people who might be exposed to the illnesses, legal
also described.
obligations associated with infection control and emergency
5.) Supervising Problem Solving (23 min.), which examines the
response, and commo n transmission methods of the primary
importance of a police supervisor's making clear to his officers
communicable diseases. [At the beginning of this tape is a short
the exp ectations for implementing the problem-solving m ode l,
segment in which the host is telling ho w important the topic is.
and how to make sure they are meeting them. (Some of the
Apparently it was recorded in m ulti-track stereo, because I could
coaching techniques to encourage officers to problem-solve are
only get the backgro und m usic to p lay on m y monophonic T V.
It's the only part of the set that appears to have this problem,
6.) Impediments to Problem Solving (15 min.), which features a
though. SLC]
panel of officers and researchers, who discuss the various
Tape 2 – WM D's Biological Weapons: The Real Threat (36
objections to using the problem solving model (from officers and
min.) which discusses the transmission methods and symptoms
surrounding gun control, and why people commit murder. Live
footage of an autopsy is also included.
NEMRT Video Catalog (Fiscal Year 2008 -- April 2007), p. 104
show viewers that the ad vertisem ents sell everything b ut alcohol,
that drinking will not give them the thrills the ads promise, and
ways of refusing alcohol. Although some of the conclusions
Tape 35: Firefight--Miami Shooting (55 min.)
about the advertising are questionable, the main point -- that
[circa 1987] This FB I-produced tape, recreates a Miami shootout
drinking doesn't bring lasting happiness -- is clear.
in which several FBI agents were killed. Surviving officers
discuss what happened, the mistakes that were made, and how
Tape 32: Drunk and Drugged Driving--Parts 1 and 2 (2 hours)
those errors could have been avoided. It is useful for officer
[circa 1988] Produced for the Northwestern University (IL)
safety awareness training.
Traffic Institute, this supplemental tape to Imp roved Field
Sobriety Training outlines telltale signs of drivers under the
Tape Set 34: Roll Call Training on DUI for Police
influence of alcoho l or drugs.
Departments in Illinois: Volume 3 (43 min. on 6 tapes)
[2003] T his 6-tape set, which includes one tape from Vo lume II,
Tape 31: Training Narcotic Detection Dogs (1 ho ur, 22 min.)
is similar to Set 24 (Roll Call Training on DUI for Police
[1988] Bruce Cameron, of Law and Order Magazine, donated
Departments in Illinois), but focuses more on the motivations and
this 1988 program to us. While it will not, and was never meant
experience of the officers and departments featured, than on the
to, replace hands-on training, it's an interesting and well-made
behavior of the people being pulled over. Agencies represented
description of how to select potential narcotic detection dogs, and
include: Oak Lawn Police Department (7 min.), Sangamon Co.
how to go about training them. Unlike many law enforcement
Sheriff's Office (8 min.), Caseyville Police Department (7 min.),
training programs, it shows the right way to do something,
Illinois State Police, Dist. 9 (7 min), Westmont Police
instead of talking about the right way and then demonstrating the
Departm ent (7 m in.), and W aukegan P olice D epartment (7 min.).
wrong way.
The officers featured in the tap es talk briefly abou t their agency's
DUI enforcement philosophy, and how they spot potential
Tape Set 31: Search Warrant Process (The) [ALERT] (15, 14
intoxicated drivers. Each officer has a little different focus , and
and 18 m in.)
a different technique for success to pass on.
[2004] T he general process of how to request, serve, and act on a
search warrant is described in this program from the ALERT
Tape 34: Law Enforcem ent Response to Dom estic Violence
Law and Liability series. Attorney Randy Means talks about the
(POST T elecourse) (2 hours)
elements that should be in a search warrant, how to present the
[September 9, 1993] This broadcast from September 9, 1993,
information to an issuing authority, how to formulate a probable
features panelists from the Lo s Angeles County D ome stic
cause stateme nt, and considerations for executing the warrant.
Violence Council, the Los Angeles District Attorney's Office,
(Officer safety issues for warrant execution are not discussed in
and the Irvine, San Francisco, and San Diego (California) Police
this program.) As always, since things may be different on the
Departments. They discuss the nature of Domestic Violence;
federal, state, or local level, compare the techniques with agency
notification, response, preliminary and follow-up investigation,
policies and procedures before applying them . It's a helpful basis
restraining orders, and victim resources. Since the information
to instruct from, however.
was compiled for California criminal justice practitioners, some
of the recom mendations will have to be mo dified to fit with
Tape Set 30: Essential Comm unication Skills Tape Set
Illinois practices and reso urces.
[ALERT] (15, 17, 18 min.)
[2004] This 3-tape set from the ALERT series describes why an
Tape Set 33: Military Sn ipers T ape Set [T he H istory C han nel]
officer needs good communication skills, and then goes over
(45 min. per tape (2 hours, 15 min.))
ways to develop them. Featured instructors include Kipper
[2002] Aside from the equ ipme nt, Military sniping has little in
Connell, B rian Fitch, De nnis Conro y and D ennis A ndrade.
common with law enforcement sniping, In order to get the video
Points made include (on Part 1:) seeing the situation from the
"Law Enforceme nt Snipers" (#870), though, we had to buy the
victim's perspective, learning the customs of the people in the
whole "Sniper" tape set. T his set consists of the o ther 3 tapes in
neighb orho od [I question some o f his conclusions, but the m ain
the series. They are:
point -- that everyone deserves respectful behavior -- is useful],
Volume 1: One Shot, One Kill, which examines how the U.S.
(on Part 2): managing responses to surroundings, body language
Marine Corps trains and de ploys its snipers;
and non-verbal communication, (o n Part 3): assisting someone in
Volume 2: World's Deadliest Snipers, which describes the
crisis, and ways of listening and spe aking with suspects to
activities of sniper units from the British Royal Marines, and a
enco urage them to confess. Two highlights are Sgt. C on nell's
group of fem ale Russian snipers tha t were active during W orld
explanation of how he became interested in communications
War II; and
training (through a badly-delivered death notification), and
Volume 3: Stalk and Kill: which describes the history of U.S.
Dennis Conro y's suggestions for establishing rapp ort with
snipers, from the Am erican Revo lution to the pre sent.
delusional people.
They have some great "war" stories, but haven't all that much
app lication to law enfo rcem ent training. If you're interested in
Tape Set 29: Voices of September 11th [The] (3 ho urs, 47 min.)
how the military snipes, though, this set might interest you.
[2003] This is really som ething, especially if you're a dispatch er!
This PST C-produced p rogram consists of interviews with the
Tape 33: Laurie Dann Critique (2 ho urs, 30 min.)
dispatchers from New York, Arlington and W estmoreland
[circa 198 9] He rbert Timm, then chief of the W innetka (Illinois)
Counties, Virginia, and Somerset County, Pennsylvania, who
Police Department, discusses the handling of the Laurie Dann
were working the phon es during the September 11 terro rist
shooting spree in 1988, in this video recording his lecture. The
attack. They describe what was going on in their dispatch centers
program is especially useful for chiefs as an example of what
at the time, how they responded, things they learned from the
happens when the unexpected takes place.
experience, things that have happened to them since, how they
have coped, and how they have cha nged . The two-tap e set is
Tape Set 32: Sm arter T han Your Average T een : A M edia
divided into sections from 10 to 35 minutes, on topics including
Literacy Curriculum for DWI & Underaged Drinking (1 hour,
"Phone calls", "Equipm ent Dispatched", Skills needed", "Lessons
30 m in.)
Learned", "The Best and Worst of the Day", "Lasting Images",
[2001] Although the program is prob ably best suited for a middle
"T he Stre ss Reaction" , "Co ping with the Stress", "9 11 C ares -school health class, it might come in handy. The package
Appreciation", and "Teamwork". No curriculum accompanies
includes a 9-lesson lesson plan, handout masters, CD-ROM
the program, but, if you wanted one, you shouldn't have any
game, and a video, with ed ucato rs can teach tee ns how to
trouble coming up with something.
interpret the message s of advertising: liquor advertising in
particular. Using the social norms approach, the training sessions
Tape 29: Drink ing and Driving: The Toll, the Tears (58 min.)
supervisors!), and how to overcome them.
An instructor manuals are included with each video.
This documentary, aired on PBS, examines actual stories
involving DUIs and their effects on the people concerned. It
consists of five short scenes, and is ideal for information and
NEMRT Video Catalog (Fiscal Year 2008 -- April 2007), p. 105
viewer commented that it doesn't give enough information on fire
behavior, which will indicate whether the fire was set. For that
kind o f informa tion, loo k at #1 49, Arson Crime Scenes or #600,
Arson and Bom bs PO ST Te lecourse.
Tape Set 28: Survival Shooting Tape Set (46 min. on 3 tapes)
[2002] This three-progra m set from the A LERT series briefly
examines helpful shooting techniques used by the Bill Rogers
Shoo ting Schoo l, as taught to the P alm B each Cou nty Sheriff's
Office (Florida).
Part 1: Trigger Manipulation (13 min) provides an overview of
range safety concerns, then goes on to demonstrate some dry-fire
drills: The "O ut and In" m anipulation (pressing the trigger as fast
as possible, with someone else handling the slide), the "Flip and
Press" (allows for changing targets or ranges), with range
demonstrations. It concludes with a discussion of follow-through
(time between firing, and deciding to fire again).
Part 2: L ock-up, Stance, an d Grip (20 min.) describes Lockup/Lock Out (the importance of allowing no recoil action, or
flinching, in the arms), Stance (This program recommends the
stance the human body would take naturally when under attack),
and the develop ment of an effec tive grip (A "fundamental,
frictional grip" is demonstrated, along with a way of determining
that grip for each individual.) Some training drills and ways of
practicing are also demonstrated.
Part 3: Real Reaction Time, Holster Presentation and Sight
Alignment (13 min.) In this segment, the principle of Reaction
Time (for shooting purposes, average reaction time is measured
in quarter-second increments), and ideas for maximizing the
numb er of ac tivities that take place during the reaction time, is
exam ined. A drill for develo ping re action time is de mon strated.
The sight alignment method of "bringing the gun to the eyes,
instead of the eyes to the gun" to insure accurac y is also
Tape 28: Diabetic Emergencies (4 min.)
This supplemental tape, used in Improved Field Sobriety training,
helps officers recognize people suffering from low- or high-blood
sugar and ho w blood su gar can be an explanation for erratic
Tape Set 27: Disability Awareness for Law E nforcem ent : A
Curriculum for Law Enforcement Professionals and Police
Social W orkers (1 ho ur, 31 min.)
[2001] The con tent of this vid eo (it does so und funny to call
ONE video a "set") is similar to that of Set 15 (Police an d Peop le
with Disabilities), but is more comp rehensive. The Abuse and
Neglect Initiative in the Department of Disability and Human
Development at the University of Illinois at Chicago had
produced it, and the accompanying handouts on CD-ROM, to be
used as pa rt of a two-day training course "to raise aware ness
among the law enforcement community of the problems of
victimization of people with disabilities." It combines material
from that earlier tape set, with material from the Police Executive
Research Forum, the California Commission on Peace Officers
Stand ards a nd T raining, and other sources, to cov er "cultural"
issues of people who have physical imp airments, epilepsy,
cerebral palsy, mental retardation, autism, deafness, blindness, as
well as touching on mental illness. It goes o n to de mon strate
good po lice practices (the scenario in which the man from the
group home identifies the kids who stole someo ne's purse is
interesting), and remind viewers that 1.) people with disabilities
are several times more likely to be victims of crime than those
without, and 2.) they can be offenders as well as victims. Tips on
transporting subjects with disabilities are included. As
mentioned above, an instructor's and student guide, overhead
slides, a glossary, and a resource guide, are included in P ortab le
Docum en t Form at (*.PD F) o n th e accom panyin g CD-ROM .
Tape 27: Arson Investigation Techniques (30 min.)
Suggested step-by-step procedures for investigating a fire are
discussed in this L.E. Net program, as are the most common
reasons fires are started, and the amount of circumstantial
evidence necessary to prosecute a suspected arsonist. One
Tape 26: Surviving Edged Weapons (85 min.)
[circa 1988] This Calibre Press release, designed as a personal inservice training program for law enforcement personnel, shows
officers various ways of defending themselves against the
mounting threat of "knife culture' offenders before, during, and
after an attack.
Tape Set 26: Non-Searches (19, 24, and 22 minutes on 3
Tap es)
[2002] In this entry to the AL ER T L aw and Liability series,
Randy M eans lectures on the three "non-searches" (within the
meaning of the Fourth Amendment) by which evidence may be
recovered: Consensual, Abandonm ent, and Open Fields and
Woods. Most of the set is spent on the requirements for, and
possible method s and considerations for obtaining co nsent for,
"consent searches", the conditions and limits of such a search,
and the reasonable expectation of privacy. Other topics include
conditions for "abandoned" p roperty, and "Open fields and
woods" (entering fenced fields and woods) and the extent of
Tape 25: Physical Fitness: Tra ining II (25 min.)
[circa 1987] This L.E. Net tape focuses on the importance of
healthy physical fitness practices within the law enforcement
com munity.
Tape Set 25: Hiring the Best: Verifying an Employment
Application (59 min.)
[1995] A scenario of a med ical clinic that had just fired someone
who had falsified his credentials introduces this video of a John
Reid seminar about verifying work history. In the context of the
seminar's lecture, techniques are suggested for how to condition
an applicant to tell the truth during an interview, to evaluate the
applicant's response and "body language", to ask "probing",
"assumptive", and "corroborative" questions, and demonstrates
the "questioning" techniques. The program co ncludes with a
complete interview with a deceptive applicant, who, because of
the interviewing technique, volunteers all kinds of troubling
Tape Set 24: Roll Call Training on DUI for Police
Departments in Illinois (40 min. on 5 tapes)
[2001] This 5-tape set is produced by the Illinois Department of
Transportation— Divisio n of T raffic Safety, and d escribes itself
as "Ro ll call training videos featur[ing] top cop s from these
departments: Lincolnshire, Peru, Collinsville, Peoria, [and]
Chicago". The o fficers featured in the tapes talk briefly about
their agency's DUI enforcement philosophy, and how they spot
potential intoxicated drivers. Each officer has a little different
focus (one on recognizing drivers, one on the importance of
videotaping contacts, and so on). Footage of the officers
handling possibly intoxicated motorists is also included. (It
reminded me of short Cops episodes.)
Tape 24: Edg ed W eapo n Aw areness (25 min.)
In this L.E. Net tape, the officer sees what he or she should do
when confronted by a knife-brandishing subject, the types of
knives that are b eing use d, and in what instances d eadly force is
Tape Set 23: Veh icle Stops & Officer Sa fety (69 min.)
[2000] Although it won't replace hand-on practical training in the
safe approach of stopped vehicles, this set from the Law
Enforcement Resource Center presents an overview of
techniques and case studies to consider, and supplem ent in-house
training. A n instructo r's guide (available through LE RC and PowerP oint presentation accompanies the
videos. The tapes in the set are:
NEMRT Video Catalog (Fiscal Year 2008 -- April 2007), p. 106
Introduction (17 min.): which describes why an officer
Tape Set 20: Foren sic Anthropolog y, with Dr. W illiam Bass (2
needs to b e especially careful when making vehicle stops;
hours, 26 m in.)
Unknow n Risk (15 min.): which demon strates possible
[1986] Dr. William Bass, of the University of Tennessee at
methods of approaching a stopped car;
Knoxville's Department of Forensic Anthropology, explains and
Increased Risk (24 min.): which shows more techniques for
demonstrates the skeletal characteristics of human beings, and
observing the occupants in a sto ppe d car and approaching it,
how those characteristics enable medical examiners (and, to a
along with a number of scenarios of officers facing "trouble"
point, detectives) to determine the age, sex, race, and stature of
when stopping a vehicle; and
skeletal remains. Th e progra m is divided into four parts:
High Risk (13 min.): which goes over techniques for
Age Determination (49 min.), which describes and shows
responding officers (more than one: according to the narration,
the changes that take place in the human skeleton as a person
this is not something to be approached alone) in removing
ages: changes in teeth, bone attachment (epiphysis), and
suspects from cars.
degenerative changes (osteoarthritis-related);
As always, compare the techniques described here with agency
Sex Determination (28 min.), which describes and shows
policy and procedures before applying them.
the structural differences between m ale and female skeletons:
pelvic differences, skull differences, and sexual dimo rphism
Tape 23: Narcotics Investigation [FBI Teleconference] (3
(body size);
Determination of Race and Stature (28 min.), which
[August 10, 1988] Recorded August 10, 1988, this program
shows the differe nces in N egroid, M ongo loid, and Caucasoid
brings together several experts in the area of narcotics
skull shape and "facial" features, along with a very brief
investigation from the FBI Academy at Quantico, VA.
discussion of how to determine a body's biological height from
major bones; and
Tape Set 22: Vehicle Stops and Searches (65 min.)
Fire Scene Search (41 min.), which applies the information
[2001] These four programs from the ALERT & ABLE series
from the three previous vid eos to identifying b urned bod ies.
feature a lecture by attorney Randy Means o n the various aspects
With pictures, so be prepared.
of making federally lawful vehicle stops and justifications for
Useful suggestions for handling skeletal remains at a crime
vehicle searches. (He starts out by stating that, in some cases,
scene, and for "working" a fire scene are also made in the last
state laws are more re strictive than federal law, so com pare his
two tapes. The set was made in 1986, so the instructor makes
rema rks with local laws.) He supp orts his explanations with
some remarks that, as of 2000, may sound insensitive, but were
many references to court decisions. The topics of the four videos
clearly not intended as such. In the first tape, he also handles
some "unsterilized" skeletal remains without gloves. YOU wear
The Stops (15 min.): which goes over lawful stopping of
your gloves if you do that. Otherwise, Dr. Bass is an entertaining
vehicles, remo val of peop le from the car, frisking,
speaker. And I had no idea bones could b e so interesting!
The Consent Search (17 min.): in which he describes the
types of Consent Searches, in relation to a vehicle stop.
Tape 20: Drug Enforcement Techniques (27 min.)
Consen t Searches [contd.] (16 min.): which examines
[circa 1988] This program from the Law E nforcement Training
vehicle frisks and searches (of vehicles) incident to arrest, and
and Information Network (L.E. Net) talks briefly about the "new"
the sort of things that can be examined, vehicle searches
drugs Crack, Basuko, and Ice, gives a profile of a typical driving
involving probable cause, and circumstances in which they may
drug courier, demonstrates how to make Crack, and gives tips on
be conducted.
officer safety when investigating a drug lab and when dealing
Consent Searches [concluded]: (26 m in.): which refers to
with peop le on drug highs.
court decisions that justify vehicle searches of lawfully stopped
vehicles. He then goes over frequently-asked questions about
Tape 19: Legal Aspects of High Speed Pursuits [FBI
theories of vehicle stop s.
Teleconference] (3 hrs)
[February 10, 1988] This program, taped February 10, 1988,
Tape 22: AIDS the Challenge for Corrections AND Preventing
discusses concerns of law enforcement administrators about high
AID S: It's a M atter of Life or D eath (18 min. and 15 min.)
speed pursuits. (The recording quality isn't too great, we're sorry
[circa 198 8] T he title exp lains the content. The program AID S:
to say, but the informatio n is goo d, and it's the best we could do.)
The Cha llenge for Corrections (18 min.) is on the same tape, and
it has a leader's guide.
Tape Set 19: Fighting Cyber Crime [Viewpoints from the FBI
Academ y] (72 min.)
Tape Set 21: Lea dersh ip an d Com m unication Essen tials in
[May-July 1999] These three programs from mid-1999 give a
Law Enforcement (48 min.)
basic overview of the crimes that are committed with the help of
[September/October 1999] When I was a kid, the person I was
the Internet, and what law enforc ement can d o to he lp investigate
taught the person to always trust was a policeman. The theme of
them. The program is based on the National White Collar Crime
this two-tape set from the Viewpoints from the FBI Academy
Institute's video Cyber Crime Fighting: Law Enforcement
series is ho w po lice managers can help develo p officers who will
Officer's Guide to Online Crime. Speakers include John Ryan
behave like police officers: how to help them become the
(America Online) and Irving Sugg (Federal Bureau of
community leaders the position requires. Capt. Royce Decker
Investigation). The segments cover:
(Hernando C o. (Florida) Sheriff's Dept.) talks about The Four
Part 1: An o verview of the Internet, the way criminals
"I"s of Leadership — Integrity, Influence, Inspiration,
can use it, and sources of digital evidence.
Involvement — the development of leaders on all organizational
Part 2: T he kind of "d isguises" online criminals can use
levels, the imp ortance of learning fro m a nd enjoying life's
and how to investigate them.
experience, and the critical elements of communication. He uses
Part 3: A Basic overview of what to do, or not do,
some interesting illustrations to convey the ideas (such as the
when seizing co mputers at ho mes or b usinesses.
strengths of nails and cotton balls, the importance of the
Esp ecially interesting are the suggestions for what to
function s of vario us chess pieces, identification of obje cts in film
include in a search warrant, suggestions for getting additional
cans, etc.), none of which are especially new, but the object
help, and the many considerations involved in seizing a
lessons are interesting.
Tape 21: AIDS Bulletin for Law Enforcement (23 min.)
[circa 1988] This program, prod uced by the Florida Department
of Law Enforcement, gives a fairly thorough overview of the
HIV virus, ways of contracting AIDS, and how officers can
protect themselves.
Tape Set 18: Developing the Executive Team (Viewpoints from
the FBI Academy) (2 ho urs, 24 min.)
[August 1996 through January 1997] This series is an initiative of
the FB I to provide law en forcement supervisors with training in
the develop ment of effective, consistent, and creative leadership
NEMRT Video Catalog (Fiscal Year 2008 -- April 2007), p. 107
within the agency. Each of the six programs feature members of
Tape Set 16: Little Red D riving Ho od: Fairy Trials (23 min.)
the FBI Academy's Management Science unit, and include:
[1994] Although this p rogra m is about driving, it is not re ally a
Overview, with Mike Ferrence, which describes the coming
driving tape. T he Circuit Co urt of Cook County and the Illinois
programs; and the importance and basic principles of leadership training.
Department of Transpo rtation developed this entry in the Fairy
Vision, Value and Mission, with Marita Malone, who
Trials series, which concerns the adolescent girl "Red" app ealing
discusses the development of an agency's strategic plan (what
the revocation of her driving privileges. In the introduction to the
service the department can and will provide, and who the
trial, Red , who has a car and a learner's perm it, is enticed into
department is going to serve -- who its "customers" are), and the
driving to her sick grandmother's house with goodies, by "Wolf",
achievable direction the agency will take. The importance of
a local bad-example. By the time she smashes her car, Wolf has
public relations is also considered.
her driving recklessly, without her seatbelt, and with open beer
Leadership and Management, with Jim Kelly, who talks
cans. Initially, she pleads guilty and is sentenced to supervision,
about "situational leadership" (the application of different
but the "Ministry of Drivers Licensing" denies her a drivers
leade rship o r managem ent styles with d ifferent staff me mbe rs in
license until she is 21. The hearing this program examines is the
different situations)
appeal of the denial. The idea is good and the topic is interesting,
Personal and Organizational Change, with Marita Malone,
but I found the actual presentation irritating (the only adults that
who talks about the new work force (like the Baby Busters FBI
weren't portrayed as pitiful remnants of the 1960s were the
teleconference (#335)), resistance to change, the types and
attorneys and the judge). While the program was made to be used
degrees of resistance that one is likely to enco unter, an d how to
with middle school-aged students, as part of ethics or civics
motivate staff to make the d esired chang es.
education, older students and adults would probably benefit from
Leadership and Ethics, with Walt Sirene, who talks about
it more, as an exercise in judicial procedure. A classroom
leaders and moral rightness, ethical drains on an organization, the
guidebook comes with it, which may give you other ideas for
gaining of public trust, and the organizations' influence on
developing the ethics of the organization. He also talks about the
development of the Social Contract principle which led to the
Tape 15: Will to Survive (Th e) [Officer S urvival VII] (15 min.)
development of the police; and
[circa 1980] A reenactment of a 1976 near-fatal tragedy, in which
Communication, with Lt. Col. Jim Vance, who talks about
two Los Angeles Co. deputies survived a gun battle with three
judicious use of the mass media to communicate with the public,
suspects, this pro gram is designed to make officers aware that,
the importance of good relations with the media, and the wisdom
when an officer is down, only a strong will to survive will bring
of good com munication within the organization.
him or her thro ugh. (N EM RT does not have the o ther tapes in
Each section is about 25 minutes long, so it's convenient to use.
this series.)
Tape 18: Crashing Cars: Testing fo r Safety (8 min.)
[1986] This program demonstrates the process and planning that
goes on before an automobile crash test. It's interesting to see
how much pho tography technique is necessary in the planning
(the testers have to avoid glare from the lights, and damaged
equipment blocking cameras' view). 200 M illiseconds of Your
Life has more information about the physics of an accident, but
this one talks about the planning of the test itself.
Tape Set 17: Don't Fall for a Telephone Line: Stop Fraud
Program Kit (16 min.)
[1997] What is especially interesting about this AARP program,
aside from the material for organizing a local program, is the
running interview with the currently-imprisoned successful
telemarketer. He explains how the typical phone scams work,
what the lifestyle of the typical fraudulent telemarketer is, and
how they are able to convince their victims to send them m oney.
It concludes with a case study of a woman who was robbed of
her life savings, but who, with the help of the FBI, was able to
help apprehend them. Also included in the binder is an
audiocassette of sample fraudulent telemarketer dialogues and
the "Stop Fraud" pro gram kit. (Much o f this video also appears
in NE MRT Tape #620 , Telem arketing F raud: D on't Let it
Happen to You (United Against Crime Teleconference), if you're
interested in more d etailed information.)
Tape 17: Children in Crashes (8 min.)
A tape demonstrating the dangers of leaving children
unrestrained while riding in a motor vehicle. Several
departments have used this program at day care centers and such,
to point out to parents the need for child restraints while driving.
Tape 16: Occupant Protection Usage and Enforcement (50
This D.O.T. and N.H.T.S.A.-sponsored tape is intended for
training relating to the benefits of using seat belts and enforcing
seat belt laws. It's broken up into a lot of little segments, with a
few Larry and Vince (the crash dummies) public service
anno uncements interspe rsed fo r com ic relief. It's a goo d tape to
show at safety fairs or to community groups, as well to law
enforcement officers. The segment with the trooper whose career
was cut short because of a traffic accident is especially thoughtprovoking.
Tape Set 15: Police and People with Disabilities (1 hour)
[1996] T his two-tape program from the Law E nforcement
Reso urce C enter examines procedures when working with peop le
with various physical and mental challenges. A workbook,
which can be ord ered separately, also acco mpa nies the se t.
While the length of the set doesn't allow for in-depth coverage of
any particular disability, viewers will know more abo ut
disabilities than they did before. The program need not be law
enforcement-specific: much of the information p resented is
useful to a nyone relating to challenged people. Fo r more detail,
you might want to take a look at # 486, Law Enforceme nt
Awareness of Disabilities POST Telecourse.
Top ics included in this program include 1.) General
information about people with disabilities, 2.) M obility
Impairments (the scenario here is interesting: a w heelchair
bound woman is accused of shoplifting. Turns out she was
shoplifting!), 3.) M ental Illness, 4.) Developmental Disabilities,
5.) Speech Impa irments, 6.) Epilepsy , 7.) Deafness/Hearing
Difficulties, and 8.) Blindn ess.
Tape 14: Peace Officer Wellness Evaluation Report (POWER)
(15 min.)
[1988] This Illinois Law Enforcement Training and Standards
Board-produced tape describes the physical fitness standards new
recruits are required to meet during their basic training, as of
1988. This tape is recommended for the orientation of interested
police ap plicants.
Tape Set 14: Hirin g the Best: In terview ing fo r Integ rity (50
min. on 4 tap es)
[1995] This program from the Law Enforcement Resource Center
gives tips to law enforcement managers for conduc ting Reid
Technique integrity interviews of prospective recruits. It
basically consists of using interrogation techniques to get
backgro und informa tion from the applicants.
The pro gram starts off talking about a study John E. Reid
and Associates conducted that compared the amount of
disqualifying information found during a background
investigation with the amount that the face-to-face interview
found. The integrity interview found 30% more information than
the background interview. The program goes on to point out that
this method is not intended to replace a group interview, since the
two interviews are looking for different kinds o f informa tion.
NEMRT Video Catalog (Fiscal Year 2008 -- April 2007), p. 108
The sections of the set are: Introduction: Interviewing for
Device for the Deaf (TD D). It goes over the condition of being
Integrity, Conditioning the Applicant to Tell the Truth,
hearing or speech impaired, operation of a TDD , recognizing a
Evaluating the Candidate's Behavior, and Specialized
TDD call, possible language barriers (for instance, the grammar
Interviewing T echniques. A facilitator's guide goes with the set,
of American Sign Language is not like English's), and practical examples.
which is available through LERC. An order form will be faxed
In ord er to use and apply this training set, though, you'll
to you before you get the set.
need to get workbooks for the viewers. The workbooks are
available through HITEC Group International (8160 Madison
Tape Set 13: Silent War: Infection Control for Law
Ave., Burr Ridge, IL 60521 / (630) 654-9200, Fax (630) 654Enforcement (1 hour)
921 9). As soon as you d ecide you wo uld like to use this
[1994] This OnGuard program is basically an infection control
program, call the NEMRT Library (the number is (630) 896curriculum, which can be used in roll call, as a classroom
886 0), and we will fax to you an order form fo r the wo rkbo oks.
program, or for individual self-paced study. A student textbook
By the time you get the workbooks, you should have the video
goes with the set, which is available through OnGuard. An order
set as well.
form will be faxed to you before you get the set. The resource
manual/instructor guide includes a lesson plan, overhe ads, and q uizzes.
Tape Set 9: Dispatchers: The Vital Link (1 hour)
The sections of this three-binder set are Understanding
This 4-tape set is basically a crash course in dispatching. It goes
Contagious Disease (W hy is infection control necessary, and
over dispatching principles, procedures, handling callers, dealing
Understanding the Silent Assailan t); Red ucing Y our R isk (The
with stress, and the importance of dispatchers in officer and
Balancing Act, and Arrests, Searches, Vehicle Decon); and Postpublic safety. Probably the most outstanding p art of this set is
Incident Procedures (Collecting Evidence, and Bookings and
the section called "I would never do that", which uses actual
Lega l Issues).
soundtracks of public requests for help, dispatcher responses, and
a discussion of what would have been better procedure.
Tape 13: Disguised Weapons (20 min.)
In ord er to use and apply this training set, though, you'll
[circa 1988] This National Sheriff's Association tape helps
need to get workbooks for the viewers. The workbooks are
identify disguised weapons officers must be aware of for
available through the Law Enforcement Resource Center
personal safety and survival. It's more about explosive devices
(M inneap olis, M N). A s soon as you decid e you w ould like to
than hid den weap ons. For weapo ns, see # 128 , Street Weapons.
use this program, call the NEM RT Library (the number is (630)
896-886 0), and we will fax to you an order form for the
Tape Set 12: Inside the FBI (4 hours (1 hour per tape))
workbooks. By the time you get the workbooks, you should have
[199 5] This four-part progra m was made in 19 95 for E nglish
the video set as well.
television. It basically examines the influence of J. Edgar
Hoo ver on the FBI, and the things the Bureau has done o ver the
Tape 7: Fully Equipped (20 minutes)
few de cades that we re of doubtful legality. It isn't roll call
[circa 198 6] T his tape illustrates the necessity of using se at belts
material, but would be worth watching for those interested in the
in law enforcement.
FBI, or those who analyze the way the mass media can twist the
presentation of a situation to fit their expectations (the "doubtful
Tape Set 7: Chicago CAPS C onference (7 hours, on 4 tapes)
legality" segments sound twisted, if you listen to the wording of
[March 25, 1993] On M arch 25, 1993, the Chicago Police
the narration). In any event, the segments are:
Departm ent held an exe cutive conference about com munity
From F edoras to F lak Jackets (the origin of the FBI, and
policing strategies in Oak B rook, Illinois: Chicago Alternative
Hoo ver's personal problems).
Policing Strategy. This is a video recording of the discussion that
The Price of Freedom (the FBI's activities in squelching
went on. Speakers include Herman Goldstein, Tom Po tter
political dissent).
(police chief of Portland, Oregon), George Kelling, Felice Kirby
Fighting the F amily (This is the most complimentary one,
(of the Citizens Committee for New York City), Roy
about the FBI's pursuit of the Mafia).
Joachimstaler (police captain of St. Louis, Missouri), and many
The P rice of Progress (the lack of security for the FBI's
other criminal justice practitioners from Chicago and the United
online investigative helps, and the way white-collar criminals are
States participate in the discussion.
Tape Set 6: Ho w to Train Pu blic Safety D ispatchers (4 hours,
Tape 12: Clean ing Firea rms (13 min.)
16 m in.)
[circa 1985] Consisting of proper procedures for how to keep
In this 4-tape set, Dennis L. Bruns presents an amusing lecture
service weapons in proper firing condition.
abo ut what an experienced dispatch er needs to d o in order to
effectively train beginning dispatchers. The four programs in the
Tape Set 11: Laws of Arrest: Force (55 min.)
set are:
[1994] This program from the Law Enforcement Resource Center
Establishing T raining Go als,
features 3 sections about different aspects of the use of force
Designing the Training Program,
when making an arrest:
Developing the Training Approach, M aterials, and Trainers, and
Improving Your Odd s on the Street, about use-of-force
Conducting and Evaluating the Program.
law, making good force decisions in the field, and the importance
Along with information on how to plan and conduct dispatcher
of both good equipm ent and good dem eanor.
training, Mr. Bruns includes a lot of anecdotes about dispatching
The Federal Standard (Co nstitutional), about the 3 m ain
and training that make the series seem a lot shorter than four
cases that make up federal laws related to police use o f force:
hours. You'll want to take notes while watching it, though.
Gra ham v. Connor, Garner v. T ennessee, and B rewer v. Co unty
of Inyo. Also include d are guide lines for the use of roadblocks.
Tape Set 5: Law s of Arrest, Sea rch and Seizure (1 hour, 45
Improving Your Odds in the Courtroom, which gives tips
min., on 4 tape s)
on writing a good use-of-forc e report and how to testify in court.
This is the latest version of the Law Enforcement Resource
A workboo k accompanies this set, and for maximum training
Center's Search and Seizure video set. John Tierney, Principal
benefit, the pro ducer recomm ends viewers use the workboo k.
Attorney in the Hennep in Co. Attorney's Office, M inneap olis
W hen you req uest this set, we'll fax out an order form for those
(Minnesota) narrates this 6-section program on the basic theory
and practice of making searches and seizures. Basic is the
operative word: while the program gives a good overview of the
Tape Set 10: 911, the TDD and You (72 min.)
history an d theo ry of Search and Seizure, the inform ation is
[circa 199 0] T his 4-tap e set, from HIT EC Gro up International, is
general, and probably already familiar to many viewers. For
designed to show dispatchers how best to help a hearing/speech
explorers, or officer who want to review the basics of S&S,
impaired citizen who may call 911 using a Telecom munications
though, the set would no doubt be informative.
NEMRT Video Catalog (Fiscal Year 2008 -- April 2007), p. 109
Tape 4 to 6: DUI: Law Enforcement's Role in Curbing a
producers used bold head ings, some live-action role-play, and
Na tiona l Epid em ic (112 min.)
repeat the important ideas, so the program is easy to watch and
These three tapes com e from Northwestern University's Traffic
understand. In addition, the tapes are no more than 15 minutes
Institute, and are normally sent out as a group. They include:
long, so the series is ideal for use during roll call. T he prog ram's
Reel 1 (T ape 4) (37 min.)
optional Application Guide is included.
A. Alcoho l: Attitudes and E ffects (9 m in.)
The programs are:
B. T he D UI (1 2 min.)
1. The W rite Stuff (Introduction) (the program describes the
C. An Ove rview: D UI and the Law (7 min.)
series and is appropriate for the discussion leader, but not for
D. T he D UI E nforcement Pro cess: D eployment (9 min.)
regular viewers. It's pretty dull and, as far as we could tell, had
Reel 2 (T ape 5) (42 min.)
no noticeable instructional value).
A. T he D UI E nforcement Pro cess: D etection (10 min.)
2. The Call (a do mestic disturbance call is acted out.
B. T he D UI E nforcement Pro cess: Apprehension (8 min.)
References to reports made about this call occur in the later tapes).
C. T he DUI E nforcement Pro cess: Field Inve stigation (14 m in.) 3. Pow erful Little Wo rds
D. T he D UI E nforcement Pro cess: Arrest D ecision (9 min.)
4. Action Words
Reel 3 (T ape 6) (33 min.)
5. Factua l Statements
A. T he D UI E nforcement Pro cess: Su spect Processing (13 min.)6. Everyday Language
B. T he D UI E nforcement Pro cess: T rial Pre paration (9 min.) 7. Org anization of Tho ughts
C. T he DUI E nforcement Pro cess: T he T rial (11 min.)
8. Structure of Ideas
Tape Set 3: Writing Skills for Com man d Personnel (79 min.)
The title is correct: this program is for you, not your patrol
officers. The purpo se of the 4-tape set is to help police managers
write memos, reports, and directions in English rather than
Police-ese, so their officers will be able to understand and
com ply with them. T he mo dules are: Determining What
M akes for Good Writing (8 min.); Putting the Reader's Needs
First (11 min.); Getting Your Ideas Down on P aper (13 min.);
M aking Y our Or gan izatio n Visible (13 min.); Using Language
with Punch (12 min.); Writing Powerful Sentences (11 min.);
and Getting Results (12 min.). Y ou probably learned the po ints
made in this set in your high school English class, but it's a good
reminder of those points.
Tape Set 2: Report Writing (8 15-minute tapes)
Some dep artments may not approve of some of the wording
practices advocated in this series, but it does give clear and
concise instruction for producing quality police reports. The
Tape 2: Neck Restraints: Legal & Tactical Issues (30 min.)
[circa 1993] The focus of this L.E. Net tape is the Lindell Lateral
Neck Restraint: ho w to do it, and in what situations it is
appropriate to use. While North East M ulti-Regional Training
doesn't necessarily recommend these tactics, it is useful to know
about them. Deaths seeming to be related to use of neck
restraints, and possible legal issues regarding neck restraints are
also discussed. Compare with #522, Positional Asphyxia,
Sudd en Death and T ransporting Suspects.
Tape 1: Report W riting Skills for Patrol Officers (29 min.)
[circa 1988] This L.E. Net program gives an overview of the dos
and don'ts of police repo rt writing, the im portance and elements
of reporting p olice use of force, and related legal ram ifications.
The narrative style o f reporting is encouraged. (Compa re with
Tape Set 2, "R epo rt W riting" and #313 , "Re port W riting".)