Newsletter - Peace In Christ Lutheran Church
Newsletter - Peace In Christ Lutheran Church
PEACE IN CHRIST LUTHERAN CHURCH • WALKERSVILLE MARYLAND 21793 PASTOR’S MESSAGE October 2016 IN THIS ISSUE: 1. Pastor’s Message 2. Church Information & Financials 3. Elder’s Message 4. October Calendar 5. Pastor’s Message (con’t) Stewardship 6. Presidents Message 7. Vice Presidents Message 8. Worship 9. Congregational News 10. Church Library 11. Celebrations & Schedules I am so grateful! How about you? It is so easy to go through each day in a hurry with our heads down too busy to notice our surroundings in our frenzy to accomplish the ever growing list of tasks we face each day. Then when the end of the day arrives, we collapse in exhaustion. God has created us for more than that. Each day is a gift from God. We can ignore it and ignore Him as we busily burn the days, weeks, months and years away. Luther said that he was so busy in a given day that he had to pray an extra hour before he started the day. That seems to be counter productive doesn't it? But it isn't! If we will only take some time to acknowledge God each and every morning (and through out the day) we will find our lives take on more order and priorities become clearer. Each day I take my dog for a walk in the morning. I slow myself down and think about all the blessings God has placed in my life. I notice how beautiful the world is, the smells, the textures and listen to the rhythm of my breathing. What a wonder our lives are! My heart fills with joy and I thank God for His goodness. This is worship! Anytime we think of God and seek Him out it is an act of worship. It can become a very addicting practice! :) You might say I am hooked on feeling good. The source of those good feelings is always God's grace and mercy. I know when most of us think of worship we think of church. The beautiful liturgy and hymns we sing with the awesome organ music leading us, it is very moving. We need that corporate worship too. But that is not all there is to worship. Paul exhorts us to pray without ceasing! that means God should not be an afterthought but an ever present force in our consciousness. How do we get there? I'm glad you asked. I want to encourage you to think of God and His presence throughout the day. Just little affirming statements like, God is with me! God cares for me! God loves me! If you are not sure how to do it, please join us as we read through a book called The Purpose Driven Life, by Rick Warren. It is an oldy but a goody. There are forty chapters and when one chapter is read each (Continued on page 5) We see God’s people gathered together, growing up and going out by God’s grace. CHURCH INFORMATION WORSHIP SCHEDULE 9:00am Christian Education for Children and Adults. 10:30am Worship with Holy Communion Peace in Christ Lutheran Church 8798 Adventure Avenue Walkersville, Maryland 21793 Church Staff Pastor Rev. Dave Weber PUBLICATION DEADLINES Sunday bulletin Wednesday at 9:00 a.m. Newsletter Third Tuesday of preceding month. 301-845-6300 Director of Parish Music Dr. Aaron Jansen CHURCH OFFICE HOURS Church Administrator Carl L. Tepper M-TH 8:00am—12:00pm [email protected] ABOUT US Pastor Emeritus Rev. David Betzner Church Council President John Jakupciak Vice President Gail Burck Treasurer Gloria Johannessen Financial Secretary Susan Riddles Recording Secretary Jeannine Jennings Christian Education Jean Samuel Church Property David Hofflinger Prints of Peace is a publication of Peace in Christ Lutheran Church, a congregation of the Lutheran Church— Missouri Synod. The LCMS teaches and responds to the love of the Triune God: the Father, creator of all that exists; Jesus Christ, the Son, who became human to suffer and die for the sins of all human beings and to rise to life again in the ultimate victory over death and Satan; and the Holy Spirit, who creates faith through God's Word and Sacraments. The three persons of the Trinity are coequal and coeternal, one God. Our congregation accepts and teaches the Bible-based teachings of Martin Luther that inspired the reformation of the Christian Church in the 16th century. The teaching of Luther and the reformers can be summarized in three short phrases: Grace alone, Scripture alone, Faith alone. Board of Outreach Peter Labrie AUG YTD Weekly Offering Needed $4,525 $4,525 Weekly Offering Average $3,294 $3,998 $(1,231) $(527) Avg. Weekly Exp Budgeted $4,894 $4,894 Avg. Weekly Exp Actual $4,857 $4,518 Avg. Exp (Over)/Under Budget $ 37 $ 376 Total Actual Income $14,014 $147,802 Total Actual Expense $19,428 $158,128 Total (Shortfall) Over thru 8/31 $(5,414) $(10,326) Avg. Income (Shortfall)Over/week EXPENSES TOTALS 6000 5000 $4,894 needed weekly to 4000 meet budget 3000 2000 Weekly Income, averaged for each month 1000 0 Jan Feb Mar Apr May June July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec Board of Elders Mary Meeker David Stupke Patti Adamson Steve Graunke Carl Tepper Heide Breuer INCOME 7000 Board of Stewardship VACANT Board of Fellowship Laura Battaglia Cindy Hofflinger FINANCES THROUGH August 31 2 ELDER’S MESSAGE - WHERE ARE WE GOING? “This is my command: These words of scripture always come to my mind whenever I think about changes or decisions in my life. Often times in life we come to a crossroads or a point where we have to make a clear decision that could adversely affect our lives or the lives of our loved ones. It is natural that we fear the unknown. As children sometimes we are afraid of the dark or a strange person or place. The natural world has taught us to be cautious and wary. We apply our intellect to everyday problems and decisions and make choices based on the best perceived outcome. But, many times our intellect can fail us. We make poor choices and the outcome is not as desirable. We learn from our mistakes and hope to not repeat them in the future. We often forget the supernatural, the spiritual side of our being. We neglect to make God part of our decision making process, and in doing so take the glory of his perfect plan for our life for ourselves. Recently my wife and I made a decision for me to change careers. The first criteria in our decision making process is to pray about it. What does God want me to do? How will a different vocation help me to glorify him? I have found that if you honestly ask God “what should I do?” and earnestly listen to your heart, He will give you the answer that you need. As your fellow worker in the vineyard it is my prayer that you too will search your heart. Ask God “what is it that you want me to do.” We as the body of Christ are seeking answers to the question of “what is God’s plan for us” and “how we can be more effective disciples of Jesus Christ.” I pray that you examine your heart for your purpose in God’s kingdom, and that you go unafraid and unhindered into the world… To Live the Vison. In his service, Steve Graunke, Elder 3 4 25 31 Halloween 9a-10a Christian Education 7:30p-9p AA Meeting 9:15a-10a Jesus & Friends 10:30a-11:45a Worship Service w/ Holy Communion 3p-7p IPV 30 9a-10a Christian Education 1p-2p Bible Study:The Purpose 12:30p-1:30p Good Grief Driven Life 9:15a-10a Jesus & Friends 10:30a-11:45a Worship Service 7:30p-9p AA Meeting w/ Holy Communion 3p-7p IPV 6p-8p Confirmation 24 United Nations Day 23 18 Newsletter Deadline 4:30p-5:30p Girl Scouts (using facility) 7:15p-8:15p God's Bit 17 9a-10a Christian Education 7p-9p Council Meeting 9:15a-10a Jesus & Friends 7:30p-9p AA Meeting 10:30a-11:45a Worship Service w/ Holy Communion 12:30p-2:30p Cottage Meeting @ Hofflinger Residence 3p-7p IPV 16 9a-2p Circuit Pastors Meet (Hagerstown) (8798 Adventure Ave\, Walkersville MD 21793) 12:30p-1:30p Good Grief Wed 6p-9p IPV 26 6p-9p IPV 19 6p-9p IPV 7p-9p Cottage Meeting @ Jennings' Residence 12 1p-2p Bible Study: The Purpose Driven Life 1p-2p Bible Study:The Purpose Driven Life 7:30p-9p AA Meeting 11 10 Columbus Day Pastor Appreciation Day 9a-10a Christian Education 9:15a-10a Jesus & Friends 10:30a-11:45a Worship Service w/ Holy Communion 12p-1p Worship Committee Meets (Library) 3p-7p IPV 6p-8p Confirmation 5 9 4 Tue 6p-9p IPV 3 Mon LWML Sunday 7p-9p Elders Meeting in Library 4:30p-5:30p Girl Scouts (using (Library) facility) 9a-10a Christian Education 7:30p-9p AA Meeting 7:15p-8:15p God's Bit 9:15a-10a Jesus & Friends 10:30a-11:45a Worship Service w/ Holy Communion 12p-2p LWML Mission Fair in Fellowship Hall (Fellowship Hall) 3p-7p IPV 2 Sun ~ October 2016 ~ 7p-8p Hand Bell Choir 8p-9p Vocal Choir 27 5:30p-6:30p Girl Scouts (Fellowship Hall) 7p-8p Hand Bell Choir 8p-9p Vocal Choir 20 7p-8p Hand Bell Choir 8p-9p Vocal Choir 13 7p-8p Hand Bell Choir 8p-9p Vocal Choir 6 Thu 6p-9p IPV 28 21 14 7 Fri Sat 9a-12p Elders Meeting in Library (Library) 29 2p-4p Cottage Meeting @ Ochs Residence 22 2p-4p Cottage Meeting @ Johannessen Residence 2p-4p Wedding Tammy Moxley & Howard (Sanctuary) 15 12p-2:30p IPV Fellowship Picnic w/ PIC 8 8a-5p Girls Scouts (using facilities) 1 PASTOR’S MESSAGE (CON’T) (Continued from page 1) day that journey is called the forty days of purpose. We started as a congregation Monday the 19th of September but it is not to late to join us. The source of my gratitude is knowing that God created me in His Image and Likeness and has a purpose for my life. Life takes on fresh meaning each day as I seek to live out that purpose for my life. It is a purpose that begins in this life and goes for eternity. All the rest of the things that happen in life are side bars to that journey into God's love. We are a congregation made up of individuals. Each individual must realize that they are loved, chosen, called by God and given a purpose. Our congregation must then come together as those who have been called out of the darkness and in to the wonderful light of God's mercy in Jesus Christ and discover our purpose as a congregation in this place at this time. We are having cottage meetings in September and October and a day long retreat on November 5th called Living The Vision to facilitate that discovering. We need all of you to be involved. Pastor Dave Weber STEWARDSHIP - Thoughts on Giving The Bible says that the Lord loves a cheerful giver, and mentions clearly that we should put our giving first, before we spend on ourselves. The only guidance the Bible provides as to the amount we should give is the tithe, or 10%. Once a friend asked if that means 10% of our gross income or 10% of our net income? The biblical response is that we should not even be inclined to think that way and ask that question. Sometimes we rationalize that someone who makes $10 Million can easily give $1 Million and barely notice the difference in their standard of living. Whereas those of us who make a normal salary don’t always find it so easy; however, that is clearly why God provides for a percentage amount rather than any specific amount. That way the tithe can apply to all income levels. We need to take this guidance seriously, and trust that the Lord will supply all of our needs, a promise He clearly makes to us to us in His Word. We must always focus on the fact that Jesus suffered and died for our sins – the most important event in all history and central to our lives and thinking. Dave Bandy, Stewardship Chair 5 PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE What is your Journey? What are you searching for in 2016? Have you found it yet? What do you want in your life? Has it made your life complete? Mary and Joseph made their journey to Bethlehem and moved to a foreign country. What does God have planned for your journey? Let’s consider the Magi. What lessons can be taken from the passage where the Wise men from the east follow a star seeking the King of the Jews? God promised that He would send a King who would rescue us. Perhaps the Wise men had learned about the prophecy from Numbers 24:17 that says: “A star will come out of Jacob; a scepter will rise out of Israel.” What are our gifts we are giving? God is calling us to give gifts from a change in attitude of our hearts: to reflect His love to everyone around us, even those whom we may not want to. Jonah tried to run away from God’s calling. He ought to have been destroyed, but God rescued him to be a servant. Ruth had nothing to eat and searched for left behind wheat in the fields. God rescued her and blessed her abundantly. Joseph grew-up knowing the God had something amazing planned. Yet, he was thrown into a pit. It didn’t seem like the piece of the puzzle at the time was going to lead to fulfillment. Eventually he got out of the pit…only to have more unfair events occur resulting in unjust imprisonment. When he helped those in prison…they forgot about him and left him in jail. We know how Joseph’s life is blessed by God. He became a great servant. So too, our purpose is to be a servant. God is calling His sheep….can you hear the Master’s voice. John Jakupciak, President 6 VICE PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE STATUS QUO Merriam-Webster defines “status quo” as the existing state of affairs, especially regarding social or political issues; “they have a vested interest in maintaining the status quo” Recently one of the most often discussed issues on the political front is the concern expressed over nothing changing in the U.S. Government. It continues to remain the same with the same officials never changing, especially in Congress. That same concern was expressed at Peace in Christ Church by many members and was determined to be important enough that it resulted in 2012 as two goals: Is there a strategy that will train and equip leaders to plan and implement programs that fulfill our common mission? Have more members of the congregation who have gifts for leadership been sought and trained to serve the Lord in new, creative ways? In achieving those goals where will new leadership come from? Who is running your church? Or are you more concerned with the political front rather than what is going on at your Peace in Christ Church? After a recent worship service at PIC, I asked, “are you at Peace in Christ Church to serve God or are you here to be served?” Is that question harsh or simply reality? Do you want things to change or do you want things to remain the same but you prefer someone else “do it.” What I have said thus far, if you know me well, is quite contradictory to my own personal philosophy, as well as, what I have learned through many studies as a teacher. In short, “you can attract more bees with honey than you can with vinegar.” And I’m confident you’re aware that bees are becoming endangered. So also is the slate of servants endangered who are stepping up to serve God in churches. And as a result many churches are dwindling. Is that what is happening here? God needs servants. Even reluctant ones. Remember Moses. Should the Israelites have perished because Moses wasn’t confident to lead? Moses seemed to forget one VERY essential fact: God was with him! He didn’t have to do the job alone! God would never leave him and He will never leave you alone to serve Him either. My minor concern in the goals stated above is the omission of God in them. HE IS IN THE DETAILS! He is with you. He will be with you in helping you serve Him. Could you possibly make a mistake in that service to Him? Of course!! There’s little doubt in my mind that Moses may have made a few mistakes along the way to the Promised Land but those were forgiven and you know he got the Israelites to where they were supposed to go. Prayer: Dear Lord, Some of your servants need respite. Please send us some new servants to do Your work at Peace in Christ Church, Help them to know you are with them always, ALL WAYS! In Your Name, I pray. Gail Burck, Vice President 7 WORSHIP - Christological Pattern of Liturgy The shape of the liturgy of Word and Sacrament outlines and proclaims the life of Christ through reenactment of His being. The Liturgy of the Word presents God’s gift of objective salvation through the biblical narrative of Christ’s work. God’s gathered children acknowledge their sinfulness and call upon God’s mercy for the sake of His Son, Christ Jesus, in corporate confession in preparation for the Liturgy of the Word and within the Liturgy of Word in the form of the Kyrie. The children of God echo Bartimaeus’ cry for mercy from our Lord Jesus (Mk 10:47). Because God’s Word is active, we are confident of our Lord’s mercy and join with the whole church in proclaiming the angel’s announcement of Christ’s birth, giving praise and thanksgiving, confessing His true identity in the Gloria in Excelsis (Lk 2:14; Jn1:29). Alternately the congregation may sing with joy of the messianic banquet awaiting the children of God because of Christ’s Easter victory in “This Is the Feast” (Rev 5:12-13; 19:5-9). The climax of the Liturgy of the Word is the delivery of God’s grace through the reading of Scripture. Luther’s reminds us to read the Old Testament within the shadow and influence of Christ. Lessons, teachings, and admonitions in God’s grace and faith in Christ Jesus make up the letters from Christ’s disciples to the new congregations. Before the Gospel, we repeat the words of Simon Peter in humble recognition that Christ is the only way to eternal life (Jn 6:68) or the comforting word from Joel in times of turmoil (Joel 2:13). We then hear the real life story of Christ in the Gospel reading and leading to commentary and preaching in the sermon with focus on identifying our sinfulness in the eyes of the Law but the wonderful act of salvation carried only by God’s grace through Christ Jesus and lived by faith through the Holy Spirit. Enveloped by God’s grace, the congregation responds with words, confessing who God is in the confessions, offering prayers and asking petitions from God and ultimately giving back to God a small portion in the offering with offertory response (Psalm 116). The Liturgy of the Sacrament God enjoins His actions and gifts of Body and Blood, given and shed for the forgiveness of sins with the Word. In preparation to received God’s true body and blood for the forgiveness of sins, the congregation joins in an ancient dialogue connecting all God’s saints past and present and with the whole assembly God, the congregation proclaims the wonderful power of Christ in the Sanctus, recalling not only Isaiah’s vision but also Jesus’ triumphant entry into Jerusalem (Is 6:3, Mt 21-9). We pray to God using the model that Christ taught us (Mt 6:9-13). The pastor speaks the words of Christ Himself, consecrating the elements. In these words Christ Himself reassures that He is indeed bodily present in the Sacrament of the Lord’s Supper and that through it our sins are forgiven (Mt 26:26-28). Christ’s postresurrection entry into the locked room of the disciples is recalled in the Pax Domini (Jn 20:19) and the words of John the Baptist used to proclaim that Christ is the sacrificial Lamb of God for His people in the Agnus Dei (Jn 1:29). After internalization of the Body and Blood of Christ the pastor recalls the strengthening and preservation of our body and soul to our life everlasting in the transforming power of Christ. With thankfulness for God’s forgiveness and transforming power, we sing a canticle of thanksgiving. The pastor blesses the congregation reinforcing God’s care and love for His children. Re-enacting, outlining and proclaiming Christ’s life is significant for worship because it’s our acknowledgement that God initiated the relationship between His children and Himself. Worship is an encounter with the grace-revealing God who is known most clearly in His Son, Jesus, who sends us His faithstrengthening spirit…central to all worship.[1] We humbly recognize, praise, and proclaim that God is most clearly known through His Son, Christ Jesus. Worship, outlining and proclaiming Christ’s life, provides the avenue for the Holy Spirit to transform the lives of not only the called but also to those who have not heard of the life-saving work of our Lord Christ Jesus. Aaron Jansen, MM, PhD Director of Parish Music 8 CONGREGATIONAL NEWS PIC will again be hosting families through the Frederick Emergency Family Shelter coordinated by the Religious Coalition on November 12-18. We will need lots of volunteers! There are many ways to be involved – setting up or packing out on Saturday mornings, volunteering to help serve meals and interact with the children in the evenings, spending the night, and donating snacks and/or meals. Sign-ups will be available online thru the Sign-Up Genius web site. If you have any questions or need more information contact the church office or speak with Pastor Dave. Thank you! Heads Up! L.W.M.L. (MISSION SUNDAY) Thursdays Vocal and Handbell Choir Members of the L.W.M.L. will be assisting Pastor with the worship service. In addition we will be sponsoring a Mission Sunday interactive display in our Fellowship Hall. Table displays will introduce the ministries, and the many outreach opportunities in the world around us and with the people living right beside us. We will have people who can answer questions, provide handouts, and speak about each outreach opportunity. AND – OF COURSE – there will be MUNCHIES. So plan now to join the crowd after church on Sunday, October 2. Come for a brief 7:00pm Handbell Choir 8:00pm Vocal Choir ‘look see’ or stay and get the details… but come! BIBLICAL TOUR OF ISRAEL & JORDAN (April 26 – May 7, 2017) A First Class Biblical tour where Scripture is used at each Biblical site The trip of a lifetime! This is now a safe & economical time to walk where Jesus walked! Contact Pastor Darold Reiner, retired LCMS pastor and former International LWML Counselor, for a brochure: 406-890-1149 or [email protected] 9 CHURCH LIBRARY The RENOVATION OF THE CHURCH LIBRARY is complete. A grateful thanks to Dave Hofflinger, Amy Graunke, Gregg Oberhaus, Robert Georg, Cindy Hofflinger, Mark Battaglia, Chris Walton, Leslie Oberhaus, Kaitlyn Oberhaus, Gail Burck, Jean Samuel, and Marilyn Georg. God bless all these faithful laborers for Christ. The purchase of the new Library shelving was made possible by the generous donations of money by many members of the Congregation. Thanks and God's blessings to you all! OVERVIEW OF THE NEW LIBRARY ROOM ARRANGEMENT LEFT WALL 82" high 4 section Shelving Unit for: Adult Reference Books, which do not circulate and should be used only in the Church Building. Borrowing Area, where you Check-out books that you want to borrow for a period of 4 weeks. Adult Non Fiction Books, which are found in Sections 2 to 4 of this Shelving Unit. BACK WALL Dry Erase Board for use by Groups and Classes meeting in the Library. RIGHT WALL 60" high 3 section Shelving Unit for Youth (Y) Book Collection for 6th to 12th grade youth, confirmation students and their teachers. Children's Easy (E) Book Collection for 1 year olds to 2nd graders, their parents and teachers. Children's Juvenile (J) Book Collection for 3rd to 5th graders, their parents and curriculum support materials for all children's and youth class teachers. FRONT WALL Big Picture Book Shelving Unit for teachers to use with preschool classes. These books do not circulate. Fiction (Fic) Books for adults and youth on 1 section Shelving Unit. Your Church Library is a religious educational resource that is available for the personal spiritual development of all ages from young children through senior citizens. Teachers of children, youth and adults will find books to supplement the Sunday School and Vacation Bible School curriculum, Adult Bible studies and religious topic courses. Please do not hesitate to ask Church Librarian Marilyn Georg for assistance, if you need help finding a specific book or religious topic in the Library Collection. She is available to assist you in your Church Library search after Worship Service or at a time convenient for you. Her phone number is 301-663-8575. 10 CELEBRATIONS & SCHEDULES HAPPY OCTOBER BIRTHDAYS 10/2 10/3 10/4 10/5 10/8 10/9 10/9 10/15 10/16 10/17 10/18 10/21 10/21 10/22 10/22 10/23 10/24 10/25 10/26 10/31 David Stupke Stephanie Fiore James Vaonakis Michael Ross Maribeth Marl Betty Jagow Wendy Labrie Betty Thomas Gregg Oberhaus Julia Marl Susan Bell Frank Krauch Mary Vaonakis David Bandy Austen Geck John Faber Kendra Stupke Nathaniel Mullins Richard Benjamin Cindy Hofflinger ANNIVERSARY! George & Janet Tilton 10/4/1969-47 yrs. Daniel & Maribeth Marl 10/8/2010-6 yrs. Peter & Wendy Labrie 10/25/1997-19 yrs. Jeff & Arlinda Sothoron 10/27/1996-20 yrs. SEPTEMBER WEEKLY ATTENDANCE 9-4 16th Sunday a. Pentecost 82 9-11 17th Sunday a. Pentecost 74 9-18 18th Sunday a. Pentecost 76 9-25 19th Sunday a. Pentecost 90 2016 Average 79 Gospel Text - October September Steve Graunke Oct 2: 20th Sunday a. Pentecost Luke 17:1-10 Oct 9: 21st Sunday a. Pentecost Luke 17:11-19 Oct 16: 22nd Sunday a. Pentecost Luke 18:1-8 October Marie Moyer Kerry Tepper Oct 23: 23rd Sunday a. Pentecost Luke 18:9-17 Oct 30: Reformation Day John 8:31-36 October 2016 - Worship Assistants DATE LITURGIST ACOLYTE USHERS LECTOR GREETERS October 2 Richard Benjamin Simon Labrie Fred Geck David Stupke Mary Krc Jonette Stupke October 9 Carl Tepper Augie Jansen Carl Tepper Heide Breuer October 16 John Jakupciak Jack Jakupciak Carl Tepper Kerry Tepper Glen Krc Heide Breuer Susan Riddles David Stupke Jonette Stupke October 23 Richard Benjamin Amelia Jansen John Jakupciak Bob Georg Mary Krc Jeannine Jennings October 30 Carl Tepper Andre Labrie Tom Bell Susan Bell Carl Tepper Doris Ochs 11 12