Holy Ghost Catholic Church


Holy Ghost Catholic Church
Holy Ghost Catholic Church
1041 North Central Street ■ Knoxville, Tennessee 37917
Most Reverend Richard F. Stika, D.D.
Third Sunday in Ordinary Time
January 22, 2012
Bishop of Knoxville
Reverend Monsignor Xavier Mankel, V.G.
865-633-8071 or 865-522-2205
Reverend Father John Arthur Orr
Associate Pastor
Kathleen Kramer, DRE
865-719-8005, email: [email protected]
Rectory and Mailing Address
111 Hinton Avenue
Knoxville, Tennessee 37917
Phone: 865-522-2205
Fax: 865-525-6051
email: [email protected]
web: holyghostknoxville.org
PARISH OFFICE: Monday-Friday, 8:30 - 4:00PM
Dotti Morris, Parish Secretary
Catherine Cunningham, Business Manager
email: [email protected]
Sara Clem, Office Assistant
Jan Johnsson, Office Assistant
Aurelia Montgomery, Special Projects
Charles Walden, Organist
William Lovelace, Director of Sunday 6PM
Mass Choir
Hispanic Ministry - Fr. John Arthur Orr
(all fulfill Sunday obligation)
Sunday in English
7:00, 8:30, 10:00, 11:30AM and 6:00PM
Mass in Spanish 7:00PM Saturday
in Latin 1:30PM Sunday
Ruthenian Rite (Byzantine) 9:30AM Sunday
in the original church, 1031 N Central St.
6:30 and 8:00AM*
*8:00AM Mass also at St. Joseph School when school
is in session
7:00PM Saturday eve Mass in Spanish Only
CHILD CARE: Use Cry Room at any Sunday Mass;
guardian remains with child unless child care provider
is on duty. Ms. Joan Long is on duty at the 8:30 and
10:00AM Masses on Sunday.
CONFESSIONS - Saturday 5:00-6:00PM or by
appointment (except Holy Saturday & Christmas Eve)
First Friday - Eucharistic Exposition, Holy Hour and
Benediction 8:30-9:45AM at Holy Ghost Church
LITURGY OF THE HOURS Monday-Friday: Morning
Prayer 6:00AM, Evening Prayer 5:30PM
ROSARY - Each Saturday following the 8:00AM Mass
for world peace and an end to abortion.
“ Come after me, and I will
make you fishers of men.”
Mark 1:14-20
CCD - Sunday 9:45AM-11:15AM at St. Joseph School. Adult Ed on same Sunday
10:00-11:00AM. Classes mid-Sept. to May
RCIA - Sunday 7:15PM in the Church (downstairs) Sessions held mid-Sept. to May
BAPTISM - Families registering & attending Holy Ghost for at least four months
wishing to prepare for Baptism may register for the next class. (3PM Sun, January
8, 2012 in the Rectory)
MARRIAGE - Contact Church at least 4 months in advance. Engaged Encounter
ANOINTING OF THE SICK followed by Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament on the
second Sunday of February and August at 4PM. Benediction and Refreshments follow.
Pastor: Msgr. Xavier Mankel
Associate Pastor: Father John Orr
Chairman: Tom Testerman, 688-8704
Vice Chairman: Robert Montgomery, 687-2022
Education: Charles Chandler, [email protected]
Parish Life: Carolyn Toal, 599-3713
Communications: Carole Willard, 938-1996
Stewardship: Angel Brewer, 689-0484
Liturgy: Carol Lougheed, 689-7708
Hispanic: Oswaldo Cardenas, [email protected]
Secretary: Angela Ogle, 922-2134
Sr. Mary Elizabeth Ann McCullough, R.S.M., Principal - St. Joseph School,
1810 Howard Drive, 37918, 865-689-3424
Holy Ghost Catholic Church
Knoxville, Tennessee
January 22, 2012
Third Sunday in Ordinary Time
Masses for January 21 - January 29, 2012
Sun 1/22 XM
7:00pm Hispanic Community of Holy Ghost
Crystal Price by Prison Ministry
Rita Patterson* by Willia Mankel
Susan Hendershott*
Mary Eron*
Marie Broach Cartwright
Josephine Gluszek*
Jack Cleveland Williams
Debbie Olsen Lomax
Father Herbert Prescott (d 11-26-2009)
Msgr Patrick Garrity*
Msgr John Hardeman (d 11-27-53)
Lynn Toal by mother & sister
7:00pm Msgr Paul Morris (d 11-29-94)
Sun1/29 XM
Our prayers are requested for the eternal repose
of the souls of Marie Broach Cartwright, 88 of this
parish; for Deborah Stethen of Immaculate
Conception parish, for Ramona Maddox Meyers;
for Jack Cleveland Wallace; and for Deacon
Joseph Solis of St. Alphonsus Church, Crossville.
May their souls and the souls of all our beloved
faithful departed through the Mercy of God rest in
peace. Amen
Willia Mankel* (b 1-8-1912)
People of Holy Ghost
Ruthe Edwards* by friend
Jeff, Jeanne & Hal Emitt Sr* by family
Joseph Busch by Beckham family
Joe C Thomas*
Please phone the Rectory (522-2205), and speak with Dotti
Morris to add names to the following:
John Bentley .. Marian Braatz .. Mary Pat Chandler ..
Bobby, Joanna and Leon Cook .. Pat Davenport .. Maria
Dulin .. Mrs. Duncan .. Jason Edwards .. Sidnee Edwards ..
Hal Emitt, Sr. .. Lauren Evans .. Charlotte Guy .. Todd
Hargis .. Bob & Mary Holifield .. Lisa Hurt .. Jim
Johnson .. Clyde Letsinger .. Tycen Letsinger .. David
Joseph Long .. Patti Loveday .. Roger Marlow .. Carolyn
Payne .. Christine Price .. Carl Rose .. Sam Sharpe ..
Vincent Sebagabo .. Gabrielle Sillyman .. Brenda Turner ..
Claudia Wilson .. David Wolf
People of Holy Ghost
Father John Savoca (d 11-29-99)
Ingrid & Hal Emitt Jr* by family
Msgr Christopher Murray (d 12-1-85)
Deacon Milton Robelot (d 12-3-2004)
Msgr Joseph H. Siener (d 12-6-89)
* denotes “living”
SSgt Robert Ayala
PFC Nathan Babcock
SPC Joseph Caldwell
PO Christopher Corum
Sgt. Francis (Joseph) Dunn Jr.
Capt. C.B. Hancock
Lt. Col. Joseph P. Henderson
Sgt. Aaron Hosford
3rd CPO Karl Kolzow
Spec Joseph Nate Mankel
CMSgt Charles A. Morris
SSgt Thomas J. Morris
Capt. Kelly Padden
Spec Jeff Taylor
3rd CPO Brian Wallace
July 1, 2011 through June 30, 2012
Collection for January 14 & January 15, 2012
Parish Building Fund
St. Joseph Gym
KCHS Operation
St. Joseph Operation
Votive Candles
Offertory to date since July 1, 2011: $284,709.34
Thank you for your stewardship generosity!
U.S. Air Force
U.S. Army
U.S. Army
U.S. Navy
U.S. Marines
U.S. Air Force
U.S. Army
U.S. Marines
U.S. Navy
Middle East
U.S. Army
U.S. Air Force
U.S. Air Force
U.S. Air Force
U.S. Army
U.S. Navy
ear Members of Holy Ghost Parish:
Lest we become immune to the
realities of our on-going, day-by-day
relationships with the Lord by being overly
distracted by many wonderful things going on
around us (the civil rights crusade, the prohuman life endeavor, the Church Unity
Octave, etc.) let us remind ourselves that
Sunday Mass is the foundation upon which we must build our
lives, be it a super-Sunday like Easter, Pentecost, Epiphany,
Palm, Laetare or a “Regular” one like the Twelfth Sunday in
Ordinary Time. There is no other day of our lives that can
substitute for the Lord’s Day. This is why it is necessary to
include Sunday Mass within your vacation plans. (Of course, if
presently you are going on one of those ten day rides to the
moon, you’ll just need to miss Mass that Sunday. Being ninety
thousand miles away from the nearest church is an excuse for
missing Mass that Sunday which even the most strict Canon
lawyers would find acceptable.) Tour people pride themselves
on being able to provide accommodations for the people they
serve. If you indicate your need for Sunday Mass on a cruise,
pilgrimage (non-religious: e.g. a history tour) most tour
companies will go the extra mile to help you schedule Sunday
Mass. Once they see how important it is with you, it will take
an importance for them too. See how little it takes to
Some of us hesitate to ask time off from work to go to Mass
(e.g. daily Mass during Lent, a special novena of Masses being
celebrated for some worthwhile cause). If we do not step up to
the plate our bosses must think that Mass is not as important as
we know it really is.
Now, let us take a giant step up the ladder to the Lord.
Granted that daily Mass is the way to sanctity, there are other
ways, official ways, liturgical ways to increase God’s grace
within us. Benediction of the Most Blessed Sacrament, the
reception of any of the seven sacraments, and the Liturgy of the
Hours—all are part of that “package” which help us along the
path to God. There are devotional ways, also, which help us
tremendously: Morning, Noon and Night Prayers; the Rosary;
novenas; litanies; and the like. We strongly recommend
establishing a pattern of the use of these actions so that day-in
and day-out we are steady as rock foundations. We glibly
mouth that we practice stewardship in the use of time, talent,
and money. Sometimes we think that so long as we support
Christ’s church with our money that this is all we need to do.
Well, no, it isn’t. The allotment of time and talent is also very
important and gives a beautiful balance to our acts of genuine
stewardship. Wow! It’s complicated to live the Catholic Life,
you’ll say. Well, it’s complicated to assemble a watch or an
automobile too, but once it's done we develop the necessary
skills to use them. It’s somewhat the same way with our life
with God—once we develop our regular skills of
communicating with Him, the complications fall away and we
ultimately wind up in the Presence of God Who is Simplicity
Itself. What a challenge! And what a life!
Devotedly your in Christ,
Monsignor M-
y dear Parishioners,
Peace! The ninth article of the
Apostle’s Creed is "I believe in the
Holy Catholic Church." There are thirty-five
(35) In Brief passages in the Catechism of the
Catholic Church regarding this article of the
Creed. The following is a reflection on article
Of the sixteen (16) documents of the Second Ecumenical
Council at the Vatican (1962-1965) there is one which
specifically addresses the apostolate of the laity, Apostolicam
Actuositatem. There are other documents, however, which also
address the laity, those who have not received the graces of Holy
Orders. The Catechism of the Catholic Church here cites
Gaudium et Spes, 43, regarding the laity under four (4) points:
The laity have a prophetic mission in the world. What is the
mission of a prophet? The prophet’s mission is to speak for God
(cf. Ezekiel 7:1). The laity fulfill their prophetic mission in the
world when they stand up for whatever is good and true and
beautiful (cf. Philippians 4:8). Whenever the laity speak the truth
in love they are fulfilling their prophetic role and mission in the
world (cf. Ephesians 4:15). Calling sin sin and grace grace is
also part of the prophetic role to which the laity are called, under
the guidance of the Magisterium (teaching authority) of Mother
Church (cf. Matthew 16:19; Luke 10:16; John 8:47). The truths
to be spoken by the prophetic laity include doctrinal truths (i.e.
the divinity of Christ, the divine inspiration of Sacred Scripture,
the divine institution of the Sacraments and Mother Church...) as
well as moral truths (i.e. the evils of abortion, calumny,
The laity live their call in all circumstances. Some lay people
live as single persons in the world. Some lay people live in Holy
Marriage. All of the laity, regardless of marital status, are called
to live out the call of Holy Baptism and Confirmation wherever
they find themselves, at work, at home.
The laity are called to be at the heart of the human
community: To be at the heart of the human community is be
identified with society. Sacred Scripture sees the heart as the
embodiment of the person (cf. Deuteronomy 7:17; Isaiah 14:13).
With pious laity in every sphere of social life then society will
truly be lifted up by authentic Christian witness.
The laity are called to be witnesses of Christ, wherever they
find themselves, at home, at work, at play. The laity are called to
bear witness to the truth of the Gospel, our saving faith. To not
do so would be sinful (cf. Proverbs 29:24). Some have been so
faithful in bearing witness to Christ, His Gospel and His Church,
that they have suffered martyrdom. The Greek word for "martyr"
is martus (cf. Acts 22:20; Revelation 2:13; 17:6). Not all
martyrdom, however, is bloody and red. The "white" sort entails
constant witness and longsuffering and fidelity over the long
haul by God’s grace and strength at work (cf. Philippians 4:13).
God bless you!
Father John Arthur Orr
Seeking a manager for
hours per week. A
Degree in social work is
preferred, Call (865)6918779
Today, Sunday, January 22, 2012, 2:00 PM
(Rain or Shine) Calvary Baptist Church, 3200
Kingston Pike with guest Mayor Tim Burchett
and music by Wild Blue Yonder. A brief prayer
service will be followed by the March past one of
Knoxville’s abortion facilities to Tyson Park.
Shuttles will be available back to the church.
Even if you are unable to participate in the actual
March, please join us for the prayer service.
It matters if you are there!
"Come after me, and I will make you fishers of men."
Mk 1:14-20
After a lifetime of struggling to catch fish from the Sea of
Galilee and building a business with Simon and Andrew,
Zebedee surely hoped his sons, James and John, would take
over and relieve him of the labor of casting nets into the Sea and
the dangers of the life of a fisherman. Then a man comes along
and calls his sons to become fishers of men and they drop his
nets and leave him. James and John could not have known what
awaited them. Their mother apparently thought Jesus would
establish an earthly kingdom and asked that her sons sit at his
side. But it is Zebedee, with the wisdom that sometimes comes
with age, who understood the real implications and challenges
of the invitation of Jesus to his sons to become fishers of men; to
be men who by what they say and do challenge others to do
good and avoid evil; who choose right rather than wrong; who
imitate Jesus and accept the consequences. Zebedee must have
been pleased with his sons. Are we prepared to be fishers of
men to lead others to God by imitating Jesus?
Saint Joseph School, a Pre-K - 8, Catholic elementary school
in Knoxville (1810 Howard Drive), will be holding an Open
House on Sunday, January 29 from 2:00 p.m. until 4:00
p.m. and again on Tuesday, January 31 from 8:00 a.m. 10:00 a.m. and 1:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m. Current and
prospective families are welcome to come and meet with
students, staff and parents. Student Council led tours on
Sunday and parent led tours on Tuesday will provide an
opportunity to discover the great treasure that is Saint Joseph
School! Refreshments will be served both days. Come and
see all that Saint Joseph School has to offer. For more
information, please call 865-689-3424.
Merry Widows will meet at the Red Lobster on Merchant
Drive at 12noon on Tuesday, February 7.
Receiving assistance from Catholic Charities for St. Joseph's
School... attend Dave Ramsey Financial Peace University and
get your finances under control so one day you won't need
help ... you might even be able to help others! Class continues
from Monday January 02, 2012, to March 26, 7:00pm9:00pm . It’s not too late to sign up, please call Carol
Lougheed 689-7708
“Romans 15:4-9 “Welcome one another as Christ
welcomed you, for the glory of God.” Will you join us in
the ministry of greeting worshipers as they enter and leave
the church? We need about 2 more people to volunteer at
each Mass. This would enable us to have four greeters per
Mass and only have them responsible for two months a
Please call Linda Bolen, 524-7957 or
[email protected] to join in this rewarding service to our
church. Thank you to all who are already so generously
Elizabeth’s Home program is seeking volunteer CPAs for
January 2012 to assist low-income families in filing their
2011 taxes . Please contact Angela at 865-971-3570 or
[email protected].
Save these dates: Thursday, February 16, 2012 - Catholic
Charities’ 3rd Annual Hearts of Gratitude Mass at All
Saints Church in West Knoxville
Thursday, March 8, 2012 - Catholic Charities’ 27th Annual
Dinner, “An Emerald O’ccasion,”
at the Knoxville
Convention Center.
Catholic Charities needs a volunteer to review menus for
Columbus Home Children's Services; must be a registered
dietitian. Contact Laura Bryant at (865) 971-3560 or
[email protected] .
The Blessed Sacrament is reserved in this Church. Please
maintain reverence, silence and a prayerful attitude at all times,
especially before and after Mass. Our full participation for the
entire Mass is most important. We are here to worship God every
week - therefore it is very important not to leave Mass until the
recessional hymn has begun. The way we dress for Mass shows
our internal disposition towards God. Be mindful that short-shorts
and tank tops are not appropriate attire for church.
Monsignor Xavier Mankel
Padre John Arthur Orr
Les damos la bienvenida a todos los que nos visitan
por primera vez y a aquellos que nos visitan de otros
estados y/o países. También a todos aquellos que se
ingresan como nuevos miembros de nuestra iglesia y
les recordamos ponerse en contacto con algún
miembro de la Pastoral de Conjunto.
Les recomendamos apagar todo aparato electrónico
antes de entrar a la iglesia.
PADRES DE FAMILIA: Favor de no dejar
que los niños corran entre los pasillos durante la
misa, no andar sobre las bancas; no andar solos en el
estacionamiento; no dejar que jueguen con los misales
o libros de canto. Todo esto se les pide con el propósito
de que la Misa sea una experiencia agradable para
Si tiene una necesidad especifica, para una misa de
aniversario, acción de gracias o cualquier otro tipo de
necesidad de esta índole, comuníquese con un
miembro de la Pastoral de Conjunto. Ellos le podrán
dar los informes necesarios para su necesidad.
Recuerde que todo tipo de Misa requiere notificación
anticipada. Gracias.
Grupo: Caminando hacia la nueva Jerusalén
Este grupo se dedica a la alabanza y oración a Dios y se
reúne los domingos de 1:30 a 3:30. Para más información llame a
Jose Rameriez 828-448-2389 o Angelina Pedro 865-237-7487.
Clases de Bautismo para adultos:
Segundo y cuarto Sabado de Enero, Abril, Julio y Octubre. Se
imparten después de la Misa a las 8:00pm. Se requiere la
presencia de los papas y padrinos.
El grupo Peregrinos del Señor se reúnen los miércoles a las 8
p.m. y los domingos a las 4 p.m. a rezar el rosario. Se les invita
acompañarnos, comuníquese con Candelaria al (865) 388-9505,
Benjamín (865) 692-7167, Tomás (865) 643-5988 o con
Rigoberto (865) 255-5137.
Actividades de cada mes:
Todos los sábados:
Confesiones en español de 6 a 6:45 pm
Bendiciones de imágenes o artículos - 8 pm
Primer sábado:
Exposición del Santísimo Sacramento – 8 pm
Segundo sábado:
Chequeo de la presión de la sangre – 8pm
Tercer sábado:
Reunión de Pastoral de Conjunto – 8 pm
Cuarto sábado:
Noche de la comunidad
Todos los viernes:
Porque ser Catholico
Estudiamos la fe Catolica junta con nuestros hermanos en Cristo
Jesús, por una programa se reúne a las 7:30 pm en la iglesia.
Souper Bowl Sunday, February 5 is an opportunity for us to help stock the pantry for the Ladies of Charity.
Please bring your contributions and place them in containers provided in the Narthex of the church.
We are doing a great job making the kids in Juvenile Detention feel like kids. They are allowed to watch some
sporting events on TV. The Super Bowl is one of these occasions. Individual bags of chips and individual
drinks like Capri Sun or Kool-Aid drinks are perfect. Please drop your donations in containers provided. As one
staff member at the center said to me, "Most of these kids just need direction".
HHS’s new mandate for contraception/sterilization coverage … includes
an incredibly narrow exemption for “religious employers” that protects
almost no one. For example, a Catholic institution serving the poor and
needy would have to fire its non-Catholic staff, refuse life-affirming
care to non-Catholic people in need, and devote itself instead to “the
inculcation of religious values” to qualify for the exemption.
Individuals, insurers, and the sponsors of non-employee health plans
(e.g., student health plans in Catholic schools) would have no exemption
at all. This effort to corral religion exclusively into the sanctuaries of
houses of worship betrays a complete ignorance of the role of religion in
American life, and of Congress’s long tradition of far more helpful laws
on religious freedom.
~Cardinal Daniel DiNardo, Archbishop of Galveston-Houston and Chair of the USCCB Committee on ProLife Activities, Letter to Congress, September 7, 2011, in support of the “Respect for Rights of Conscience
Por nuestros líderes federales y estatales de las ramas
legislativa, judicial y ejecutiva del gobierno: Para que
promulguen, defiendan y hagan cumplir leyes para defender y
promover el derecho a la vida de todos los seres humanos,
especialmente los que aún no han nacido; Roguemos al Señor:
For our federal and state leaders in the legislative, judicial,
and executive branches of government: that they will enact,
uphold, and enforce laws to defend and promote the right to
life of all human beings, especially those not yet born; We
pray to the Lord:
1st Sunday Parish Life Breakfast after all morning & the
1:30 pm Latin Masses
Blood Pressure Checks after all morning Masses
2nd Sunday Knights of Columbus Breakfast after all morning Masses
3rd Sunday Parish Life Breakfast after all morning Masses
7:15 p.m. RCIA – (meet after the 6 p.m. Mass) - JPII Room
Call Elizabeth Bunker (584-2513).
Mystagogia Schedule for RCIA – monthly
meetings 2nd Sunday– Music Room
7-9:00 p.m. Opus Dei Women’s Night of Recollection - 2nd Monday
8:30 a.m. Sts. Martha & Mary Guild ~ Needlecraft –
call Lorraine McWilliams at 922-2286. JPII Room
6:00 p.m. Parish Pastoral Council - 2nd Tuesday - JP II Room
7-9:00 p.m. Opus Dei Men’s Night of Recollection - 2nd Tuesday
After school Junior Presidium - St. Joseph School
6:00 p.m. Legion of Mary (adult group) - Fr. Henkel Hall, JP II Room
7:30 p.m. Choir Rehearsal - St. Cecilia Room
10:00 a.m. Share the Word Scripture Study - Led by
Lorraine McWilliams - JPII Room
7-8:30 p.m. Pope Benedict XVI Schola
7:00 p.m. Hispanic Bible Study - Oswaldo Cardenas-in Church
8:30 a.m. Rosary for Peace – Following 8 a.m. Mass.
9:00 a.m. Rosary for Life – Meet at Concord Avenue entrance
to Tyson Park, across from the Volunteer Women’s
Medical Clinic. Call Lorie Weeden, 546-7622 for info
3rd Saturday Hispanic Leadership Meeting (8 p.m. in Church)
4th Saturday Hispanic Community Night (8-9 p.m. in Church)
Altar Servers
7:00 a.m. Art Clancy IV
8:30 a.m. Dakota Raines, Hannah Raines, Brandon
10:00a.m. Will Hunse, John Cortese, Mary Rose
Cortese, Katie Whitaker
11:30 a.m. Matt Armstrong, Monica Armstrong, Sara
6:00 p.m. Regular Servers Needed
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion
7:00 a.m. Pat Pennebaker
8:30 a.m. Julie Raines
10:00 a.m. Carol Cortese, Dave Patterson (choir)
11:30 a.m. Paul Puleo
6:00 p.m. Elizabeth Bunker
7:00 a.m. Tom Wolf
8:30 a.m Frank and Leticia Pickering
10:00 a.m Paul Dunn
11:30 a.m. Bill Sullivan
6:00 p.m. Dianne Levesque
7:00 a.m. Wayne Traffas
8:30 a.m. Don & Dora Dugan, Robert & Ellen Hunter
10:00 a.m. Martin & Marilyn Bartling, Pat Watkins
11:30 a.m. Ann Adkins, Ami Connolly
6:00 p.m. John & Kaye Whitt
Schedule for Spanish Mass
Pastoral de Conjunto:
Baptism Preparation:
Maria Barraza
Olga Sandoval
José Luís Santiago
José Sandoval
Oswaldo Cardenas
Welcome to Holy Ghost Church. If you are a new parishioner you are invited to stop by or telephone the Rectory Office to
register and let us know how we may be of service to you. If you have not received weekly offering envelopes, please call the
Church office 522-2205. Envelopes are sent to you through the U.S. Postal Service each month at no charge to you.
No Matter how long you may have been away… you can
always come home again. Share this ten week series with
someone you know who may be looking toward home.
Because they made mistakes. Often people
become burdened with by the guilt of having
hurt themselves or others. They long for
forgiveness and a fresh start. You can always
tell God your are sorry. But for complete
assurance of God’s forgiveness and the grace
to begin again, the Catholic Church offers absolution in the
Sacrament of Reconciliation.
The Church Unity
Dinner at Washington
Pike United Methodist
Church is Wednesday,
January 25 not the
18th as previously reported! Members of Holy Ghost
are invited to a Church Unity Dinner at 6pm and
service at 7pm at Washington Pike on January 25.
There is no charge for the dinner to any member of
Holy Ghost Church. A free will offering will be lifted
during the service for one of the many causes that our
congregations support. Please phone in your dinner
reservation(s) to Dotti Morris at the Rectory by noon
on Tuesday, Jan 24. We must give our hosts an
accurate count.