Complot against Blacks revealed
Complot against Blacks revealed
Friday 13 May 2011 VOLUME 25 NO. 19 R2.00 incl. Members of the ANC outside the Phalaborwa High Court on Tuesday during the appearance of three men accused of terrorism. Georgios Kiratzidis, Martinus Vorster and Ruan Louw were arrested last year in April after they vandalised the tombstone of Norman Mashabane and allegedly planned to murder black people. Complot against Blacks revealed By: Given Sebashe and Liezille Janse van Rensburg A state witness in the case of three men accused of terrorism and vandalism of a gravestone, Dirkie Breytenbach, told the Phalaborwa High Court that three men recruited him to join them in attacking black people. Georgios Kiratzidis, Martinus Vorster and Ruan Louw appeared in the Phalaborwa High Court this week for trial on multiple charges, including being in possession of illegal firearms. Breytenbach told the court that the trio sought to form a group to establish a civil war in Phalaborwa following ANCYL Julius Malema's remarks on media and the death of AWB leader, Eugene Terblanche. Continued on p 2... Phalaborwa prominent at Tourism Indaba Phalaborwa and other areas of the Mopani region featured very prominently at this year’s Tourism Indaba in Durban. Seen here are Emma Mahomane, Manager of the Amarula Lapa in Phalaborwa, with Rob Tooley, CEO of Limpopo Tourism. More photographs from Indaba will appear in next week’s newspaper. PHALABORWA HERALD - Friday 13 May 2011 PAGE 2 NUUS Bekende prokureur oorlede Peter Kuun is op 1 Mei oorlede. Die bekende prokureur van Phalaborwa, Peter Christian Kuun is op 1 Mei oorlede. Hy was 'n kranige prokureur by Coetzee & Van der Merwe prokureurs vir twee en twintig jaar en het in Januarie van hierdie jaar sy eie firma gestig. Sy seun Christian het gesê dat sy pa hom geleer het, " Die enigste ding wat jy saam met jou na jou graf kan neem, is integriteit." Hy beskryf sy pa as 'n eksentrieke mens en iemand wat gestraal het met integriteit. Die rou diens is op 6 Mei gehou. Kuun word oorleef deur sy seun Christian, sy klein seun Peter en sy skoondogter Erne. Hoor vandag van hospitaal Die verteenwoordigers van die Phalaborwa Health Group (Pty) Ltd nooi aandeel houers en die gemeenskap na 'n vergadering m b t die Phalaborwa Hospitaal se vordering. Die beoogde datum vir die volle heropening van die hospitaal is 1 Julie. Die vergadering sal Donderdag 12 Mei plaasvind om 18:00 by die Munisipale aktiwiteit saal. Schalk is van Laeveld Slaghuis Die HERALD wil graag verskoning vra vir die fout wat in die uitgawe van 22 April begaan is aangaande die jagters vereniging se borg, oom Schalk. Hy is nie van Bosveld Slaghuis nie, maar van Laeveld Slaghuis. Kla hier oor dienslewering HET jy klagtes oor dienslewering? Limpopo se premier, Cassel Mathale het nou ‘n blitslyn wat oop is vir klagtes oor korrupsie en dienslewering. Persone kan ook inligting oor regeringsdepartemente kry as hulle die nommer 0800 864 729 skakel. DIE renosterkoei wat verlede week op ‘n plaas in Letsitele 29 keer met ‘n outomatiese geweer geskiet is se herstel word fyn dopgehou. Die agt jaar oue koei is verlede Dinsdagnag op 'n plaas van Edward Vorster, 'n bekende boer in die omgewing, geskiet, vermoedelik met 'n outomatiese geweer. Die renosterkoei is vanuit die lug verdoof voordat 'n span mense, onder wie 'n veearts, haar wonde behandel het. Renoster 29 keer geskiet Die kalf is ongedeerd. DIE renosterkoei wat verlede week op ‘n plaas in Letsitele Die renosterkoei is uit die lug verdoof voordat 'n span 29 keer met ‘n outomatiese geweer geskiet is se herstel mense, onder wie 'n veearts, haar wonde behandel het. word fyn dopgehou. Daar is 29 skietwonde in die renoster se vel getel. Die agt jaar oue koei is verlede Dinsdagnag op 'n plaas Van die skote is in haar horing in. van Eduard Vorster, 'n bekende boer in die omgewing, Daar is ook skietwonde aan haar kaak, en bo haar oë. geskiet, vermoedelik met 'n outomatiese geweer. Die stroper(s) het gevlug sonder om haar horing af te sowel as skietwonde van agter. Dit dui dat sy weggehardloop het. saag. Dis onseker om vas te stel of sy sal herstel na al die skote Vorster sê van sy werkers het Dinsdagnag 'n sarsie geweervuur o a ook ‘n kopwond, het Vorster aan Letaba Herald gesê. Met ons ter perse gaan is daar verneem dat die koei goed op die plaas gehoor. Niks minder aansterk maar dat sy nog in gevaar is. nie as 29 skote is geskiet. in possession of unlicensed firearms and posDaar word ook glo gevrees dat die vermeende stropers Woensdagoggend is daar op 'n session of live ammunition and explosives. bloedspoor op die plaas weer kan toeslaan. Their legal representatives told the court that afgekom. Dit sal ook afhang van sekondere infeksies. the accused regret vandalising Mashabane's Sy is ook van agter af geskiet, het Vorster gesê. Vorster het 'n veearts ontbied tombstone. Hy vertel ook dat haar een speen stukkend geskiet is en en hulle het in 'n helikopter oor Furthermore, Kiratzidis admitted that there die plaas gevlieg. dat hulle dit probeer aanwerk het. were pipebombs at his house. This after Die wonde is skoongemaak en antibiotikum toegedien. Die gewonde renosterkoei is Breytenbach was cross-examined about the gesien. Vorster het gesê hulle is voortdurend op die uitkyk vir weapons found at Kiratzidis house. Haar kalfie was glo naby haar renosterstropers. Meanwhile, ANC members marched outside en wou nie sy ma uitlos nie. Niemand is in hegtenis geneem nie. the court to strongly condemn the alleged actions of the accused and also to support the Mashabane family. ANC chairperson in the Mopani region, Joshua Matlou, said they were pleased that the accused pleaded guilty to vandalising their hero's tombstone - Mashabane was a member The Namakgale police arrested 26 people grievous bodily harm, one for rape and one of the ANC who fought in the struggle. over the past two weeks for various criminal for crimen injuria. "We hope that the magistrate will give a fair offences. One person was arrested for house robbery, judgement with regard to the vandalism. We Twelve people were arrested for drunk and one for intimidation, one for theft, two for are grateful that justice is still maintained in our driving, five for assault with intent to cause malicious damage to property and two for country," said Matlou. being in possession of stolen property. The trial continues. Complot against Blacks revealed Continued from p 1... According to Breytenbach the trio had three missions, two of which were Operation Petshop which entailed the killing of black people and Operation 456 which was to vandalise struggle hero Norman Mashabane's tombstone. Breytenbach told the court that he could not remember what the third missions was. "Kiratzidis had told me about the operations while we were at his house. He showed me some of the firearms and ammunition they had acquired for their mission," said Breytenbach. Breytenbach also said he noticed a map at Kiratzidis’ house, apparently marked with ANC leaders’s homes and those of other black residents in Phalaborwa. However, Breytenbach told the court that he was not informed as to when the operations would start and end. The trio pleaded guilty to vandalising the tombstone, putting the blame on alcohol and politics, but pleaded not guilty to other charges, including charges of terrorism, being Namakgale police arrest 26 suspects NEWS/GENERAL PHALABORWA HERALD - Vrydag 13 Mei 2011 PAGE 3 Meet the new ranger at Camp Jabulani "Die Black Spider orgideë is die naaste wat mens aan 'n swart orgideë sal kry, " het een van die lede gesê. Die Pot Green Emerald "Qeue" orgideë was beslis 'n besonderse orgideë by die skou. The 5-star safari lodge, Camp Jabulani in Hoedspruit, is proud to announce the appointment of Calvin du Plessis as a new ranger at the camp. Born in Pretoria in 1986, Calvin matriculated in 2004. He started his career working in the bush in January 2008 after being in the cargo air freight industry with a company based in Johannesburg. He gained vast experience in the company, but decided to take a leap of faith, pack it all up and head to the bush where he completed a few short courses. The highlight of one of these courses was when, for 29 days, the students were on a beautiful reserve with no electricity, no cell phone reception, living in tents next to a mighty river in a Big Five area with two of the greatest instructors educating them about all the wonders of the bush. Thereafter, Calvin completed a few more courses: Fugasa Level 1 and 2, advance riffle arm handling and, after complying with the theory level, he is due to do his practical for his trials course at the end of May. He started working in the majestic Waterberg region until he eventually moved to the Lowveld where he had been working on the Kapama Private Game Reserve since November 2008. Comments Calvin: “One of the many aspects I have learnt is that one can never stop learning in this industry - knowing that no two days bring about the same routine”. This year saw Calvin joining Camp Jabulani however and he is very pleased with the move: “I am amazed by the great elephant encounters we experience on a daily base, how the staff gets along, assisting each other and creating a family environment“. 1961 matrieks hou reünie Die matriekgroep van 1961 van die Hoër Tegniese skool en handels afdeling van Tom Naude Polokwane (Pietersburg) beplan 'n reünie tydens die naweek van 13 tot 15 Mei by Bolivia Lodge op Pietersburg. Indien u plek wil bespreek by die Lodge of meer inligting verlang, skakel vir Dawie Botes by 079 589 2166 of vir Yvonne Pienaar by 082 626 0320. Alle skool vriende is ook welkom en genooi. Die Africa Beauty orgideë in al sy glorie by die skou. Orgidee skou lok wye belangstelling Pragtige orgideë is Saterdag by die orgideë skou uitgestal. Hardekool kwekery het Saterdag 'n orgideë skou gehou vir Moedersdag. Daar is van die plante te koop gewees, en vele is beoordeel, maar slegs drie kon wen. Volgens simboliseer orgideë liefde, weelde, prag en krag. Die blomme wat uitgestal is was van wyd verspreide afkoms. Die "African Beauty" orgideë het veral aan- dag getrek. As mens goed oplet sal jy agterkom dat elke orgideë 'n ander gesiggie op het en ook anders ruik. Die Phalaborwa orgidee klub se voorsitter, Jimmy Rogers en die sek- retares Lorraine Gray was ook daar om te help met die verkope van die orgideë, asook die ander lede. Kaartjies is geloods en 'n gelukkige wenner het 'n orgideë plant wat deur die orgideë klub geskenk is gewen. Hy het sy orgideë toe aan 'n gewillige orgideë liefhebber verkoop. Teen 12:00 was daar slegs vier van die orgideë op die verkope tafel oor. The 5-star safari lodge, Camp Jabulani in Hoedspruit, is proud to announce the appointment of Calvin du Plessis as a new ranger at the camp. PAGE 4 PHALABORWA HERALD - Friday 13 May 2011 ALGEMEEN Tourists positive about alcohol ban The majority of tourists who visited the Kruger National Park over the Easter holidays responded positively towards the alcohol ban regulation which the park introduced recently. There were still a few day visitors who brought alcohol with them to the gates but the majority of visitors did not bring liquor at all, something which management appreciates and would like to thank them for. Some positive feedback was also received from the visitors, such as the following sent by a regular visitor on his feedback e-mail: "I must congratulate you on this decision you took. While I was very concerned about your decision, my family and I were in the Kruger National Park this weekend (Easter weekend) and all I can say is, what a difference. "It was an absolute pleasure to be able to stop at any picnic spot we wanted to (and we stopped at three different ones) and what a pleasure. There was no one loitering around, no thumping music from vehicles, no broken beer bottles and trash lying around. Well done to you and your team". Protection Services and Honorary Rangers staff assisted the security personnel at the gates, camps and some picnic spots to police on the matter. No major problems were reported during that busy period. Compared to last year's Easter holidays when 335 rule violation fines were issued, only 281 fines for speeding and other violations were issued during this year's Easter. The joint operations, which comprised of Protection Services staff as well as members of the South African Police Service and South African National Defence Force, on the roads and other strategic points throughout the park made a huge difference. "We would like to once again thank all visitors for the improved conduct which led to fewer violations and for responding positively towards the alcohol rule," said the KNP's head of Public Relations and Communication, William Mabasa. Lizanne en Ryno in huwelik bevestig Sielsgenote, Lizanne Otto, dogter van John en Reinette Nelson en Ryno Otto, seun van Chris en Deirdre Otto is op 26 April in die huwelik bevestig. Hulle skrop nes in Phalaborwa waar hul harte lê en waar hulle ontmoet het. Hulle is getroud by Moholoholo Ya Mati in Hoedspruit. Altwee verjaar in September, slegs 'n week uit mekaar. Hervormers hou weer Idols kompetisie Die basaar "Idols" kompetisie word hierdie jaar deur die Hervormde kerk Phalaborwa tydens die basaar op Vrydag 3 Junie gehou. Dit vind plaas op die rugby velde van Laerskool Phalaborwa, of te wel die Groenskool. Hierdie jaar se "Idols" kompetisie gaan groter as die vorige jare s'n wees, en daar kom ook heelwat nuwe talent vanuit die Limpopo Laeveld. 'n Groot aantal inskrywings is ontvang vanuit die junior en die senior kategoriee van die kompetisie. Toerusting van hoogstaande gehalte gaan vir die aanbieding gebruik word. Daar sal ook 'n groot skerm beskikbaar wees waar toeskouers die verrigtinge sal kan volg. Daar sal heerlike basaar-kosse en lekkernye wees om te geniet, en dit kan by onderskeie stalletjies gekoop word. Daar sal ook gaskunstenaars wees en dit begin stiptelik om 18:00 en sal om 21:00 klaar wees. Toegang is gratis. Sitplek is beperk en mense word aangeraai om hulle sitplekke te verseker deur hul eie opslaan stoele en komberse om op te sit, saam te bring. Die wenners van die twee kategorieë gaan weer groot pryse wen, en dit is geborg deur die mense wat die kompetisie moontlik maak. Die kerk hoop om almal daar te sien. The AA offers help Have you reached rock bottom? Would you like to have serenity? This is your lucky day, as your sobriety is our business. The Phalaborwa branch of Alcoholics Anonymous meets every Thursday at the Methodist Church in Phalaborwa at 19:30. For more information, contact Bernie on 015 781 0919 or Bill on 015 781 2220. ADVERTENSIE PHALABORWA HERALD - Vrydag 13 Mei 2011 PAGE 5 PHALABORWA HERALD - Friday 13 May 2011 PAGE 6 Phillip en Elize groet gemeenskap Die eienaars van die welbekende boumateriaal verskaffers in Phalaborwa, sê totsiens. Abelana bouers se eienaar, Phillip en sy vrou Elize trek sak en pak Wes-Kaap toe. Hul wil graag al hul kliënte bedank vir die getroue ondersteuning wat vanaf 1996 aan die maatskappy gegun is. Sonder die ondersteuning van hul kliënte kan geen besigheid 'n bestaan maak nie. Hulle bedank graag ook hul eie verskaffers en diegene wat di- enste aan hul verskaf het en wens hul 'n vrugbare toekoms toe. African Earth, 'n klei baksteen vervaardiger en verskaffer neem die depot oor en sal steeds bakstene, sand en konkruit klip verskaf. Die telefoon nommers sal egter nie verander nie. Hul hoop dat hul kliënte dit sal geniet om saam met African Earth te werk. Hulle wil ook graag hul vriende vaarwel heet asook almal wat 'n verskil in hul lewens gemaak het. Steve sing hier Die sanger, Steve Hofmeyr kom Phalaborwa toe. Ilanga Konstruksie bied elke jaar 'n kunstenaar van uitstekende gehalte aan die gemeenskap. Hierdie jaar is dit Steve Hofmeyr se beurt. 'n Ander sanger, Jean Boucher sal ook saam met hom optree. Gaan kuier lekker saam met Steve. Dit vind op 10 Junie in die Selati saal plaas. Kaartjie pryse beloop R150 vir onder en R80 vir bo op die gallery. Kaartjies is egter beperk. Gelde wat ingesamel word, word aan CPF (Community Police Forum) gegee. 'n Kontantkroeg wat beman word deur die Round Table en 'n kos stalletjie van Spur sal beskikbaar wees. Vir meer inligting skakel Chrizelle Meintjes by 082 777 3829 en vir kaartjie verkope skakel vir Esmeralda by 015 781 6331. Maatskaplike raad hou jaarvergadering Die algemene jaarvergadering van die Phalaborwa maatskaplike raad vind op17 Mei by die Nederduitsch Hervormde kerk plaas. Die kerk is op die hoek van Jansen Singel en Grosvenor straat. Dit begin om 17:00. Die gemeenskap van Phalaborwa word hartlik uitgenooi om die jaarvergadering by te woon. Indien u sou belangstel om te gaan, bevestig asseblief u teenwoordigheid voor 13 Mei by die sekretaresse Ria Weideman. Skakel asseblief 015 781 3521 tussen 8:00 en 12:00. Steve Hofmeyer sing eersdaags hier. GENERAL GENERAL PHALABORWA HERALD - Vrydag 13 Mei 2011 KNP receives wheelchairs In a gesture of goodwill, the Germiston Rotaract Club presented the Kruger National Park with a consignment of 15 wheelchairs on Friday. "We appreciate the donation and believe it will go a long way in assisting our guests who may need the chairs for any emergency. "This gesture adds another dimension to our service standards in the park and reflects on the environment that is always evolving, beckoning us to improve on the needs of our customers," said the Park's Managing Executive, Abe Sibiya during his word of thanks. The wheelchairs will be delivered to the doctors' surgery in Skukuza and be distributed to the various camps throughout the park. Pastor Carl Lourens of the NG church and the Skukuza medical doctors facilitated the donation. The Rotaract is a Rotary juvenile service club for people between ages of 18 and 30 and has branches nationally and abroad. Most Rotaract Clubs are either community or university based and initiate social responsibility campaigns and projects aimed at improving the quality of people's lives. The club encourages the youth to make a difference in the communities by sharing thoughts about society and involvement in positive activities. In a gesture of goodwill, the Germiston Rotaract Club presented the Kruger National Park with a consignment of 15 wheelchairs on Friday. KNP Managing Executive, Abe Sibiya receiving one the wheelchairs from Keren Austen of the Germiston Rotaract Club. Air Products is a leading international manufacturer and distributor of industrial and medical gases. We currently have an opportunity at our PMC On-Site Depot, in Phalaborwa, for a: Depot Coordinator Requirements: ● Matric with Maths and Science ● Computer literate, with particular emphasis on MS Office, especially Excel Spreadsheets and Outlook ● A valid forklift driver’s licence would be preferable ● At least two years experience in an administrative environment ● Fit and healthy enough to undertake physical work ● Proficient in English ● Excellent communication and interpersonal skills ● Previous experience in a mining/ technical environment will be an added advantage ● Must reside in the Phalaborwa area ● Own transport essential. Preference will be given to candidates from the designated group. The company offers a competitive remuneration package. Joy Dembo has been retained to handle the response arising from this ad. Please fax your CV to her on 0880116402940, during office hours only, or e-mail to [email protected]. Please indicate clearly which position you are applying for, and include a copy of your highest qualification only. Kindly note that only candidates who meet our minimum requirements will be considered. Please do not contact Air Products directly. CVs must reach us by 18 May 2011. If you have not heard from us within one month of the closing date, please regard your application as having been unsuccessful. Siyakhula 110406 PAGE 7 PAGE 8 PHALABORWA HERALD - Friday 13 May 2011 PROMOSIES Handelaar vereer presteerders 'n Nuwe verkoopskonsultant, Emma Marais is in diens geneem by NTT Toyota. Skakel haar gerus by 072 432 0350. Die maandelikse NTT toekennings is onlangs gehou en die adminastrasie toekenning is oorhandig aan Esmarellda Verheem. Die toekenning vir departement van die maand by NTT Toyota is oorhandig aan die parte afdeling. Renier Matthyser het die toekenning ontvang vir beste tegnikus van die maand by NTT Toyota Die Top Dog toekenning asook die beste vordering toekenning by NTT Toyota is oorhandig aan Micheal Molele. THE RIGHT PRIORITY Safety is the key to our success. INVESTIGATION OFFICER, PLATINUM, MOGALAKWENA MINE, LIMPOPO As the world’s leading primary producer of platinum group metals, we produce 40% of the world’s newly mined platinum. Our mining, smelting and refining operations are based in South Africa, while we’re developing Unki Platinum Mine in Zimbabwe and actively exploring in Brazil. We have exploration partners in Canada, Russia and China, and a number of joint ventures with several historically disadvantaged South African consortia as part of our commitment to the transformation of the mining industry. A part of Anglo American, we are helping to build the leading global mining company. In this specialist role, you’ll apply best practice investigation and surveillance techniques when monitoring high-risk situations, apprehending criminals and investigating breaches of security. The scope of your duties will also include liaising with superiors on strategy and operations and identifying opportunities for improvement. To succeed here, you’ll need a Grade 12 certificate, some 2 years in a similar role (normally SAPS) and registration with PSIRA. First Aid and Firearm Certificates will also be required, together with a valid Code 08 driver’s licence. Should you be studying towards a Protection Services-related degree/diploma, so much the better. So, if you don’t have a criminal record and are able to acquire a medical certificate of fitness, apply today. Ref: 699509 Make Anglo Platinum Ltd your first career choice. Visit and click on “Careers”, then on “Employment Opportunities”, and then search the relevant reference number. Alternatively, fax your CV to (011) 638-5984 (using the same reference). Closing date: 19 May 2011. Appointments will be made in line with Employment Equity considerations. Human Communications 75872 Die toekenning vir verkoopsman van die maand is oorhandig aan Gavin Monyela by NTT Toyota. GENERAL Happiness is a bed... Akanani Centre boys were all smiles on Tuesday when Foskor donated 16 new bunk beds bought with funds raised through Foskor's Charity Golf Day held in October last year. Boys of Akanani, caretakers of the children and Foskor's Abby Ledwaba (right) on Tuesday. PHALABORWA HERALD - Vrydag 13 Mei 2011 PAGE 9 PAGE 10 PHALABORWA HERALD - Friday 13 May 2011 SKOLENUUS/ALGEMEEN Fransies se gholfers laat stokke swaai Die B-span gholfspan het onlangs uitstekend teen Ben Vorster mekaar die stryd aangesê. Die span bestaan uit Franko Putter, Tiaan Balt, Schalk Meintjies en Boeta Snyman. Carl opgeneem in Gauteng judo span Frans du Toit se Carl Coetzee het deelgeneem aan die Gauteng-Noord judo proewe vir die SA kampioenskap in Pretoria. Coetzee is opgeneem in die Gauteng Noord span. SKOLENUUS Die Frans du Toit Hoërskool se gimnas, Cherise Moore het onlangs in die gimnastiek kampioenskappe in Nelspruit gaan deelneem. Sy het 'n brons medalje ontvang vir haar uitstekende prestasie. Frans du Toit se rugbyspanne kragte het kragte gemeet met Lowveld High School in Nelspruit op 7 Mei. Al die wedstryde is deur Frans du Toit gewen. Die kaptein van die o/14 span, Dieter Meyer, o/15 span Janrick Bezuidenhout en Willem Greyvenstein van die 1ste span is die kapteine van die wenspanne. Die Fransies gholfspanne het uitstekende gevaar teen Hoërskool Ben Vorster. Robby Scattolin, Devlon Preston, Reynard Reynecke en Christefer van Dyk was deel van die Aspan. PHALABORWA HERALD - Vrydag 13 Mei 2011 PAGE 11 PHALABORWA HERALD - Friday 13 May 2011 PAGE 12 SPORT/SCHOOL NEWS Police soccer team wins against Phalaborwa FM The Namakgale police soccer team won 2-1 against Phalaborwa FM on Saturday at a tournament held at Phosphate Community Centre. Fransies se tonge is los Ses leerlinge van die Hoërskool Frans du Toit het aan die ATKV redenaars gaan deelneem Donderdag 5 Mei. Caymarè Fourie, Jacqueline Hendriques en Chrisna Jordaan was deel van die span. Die leerder wat deurgedruk het was Janè Fourie, afwesig . Sy sal aan die semifinaal deelneem 10 Junie in Warmbad. Thibela chosen for provincial rugby trials A learner from Fauna Park, Bornwise Thibela, participated in the Letaba rugby trials at Dr Annecke Primary School on May 4. Thibela was chosen to participate in the provincial trials to be held at Laerskool Pietersburg- Noord on Saturday. Barrick Gold is a leading international gold mining company, with a portfolio of twenty seven operating mines and seven advanced exploration and development projects, located across five continents. African Barrick Gold is the largest gold mining company in Tanzania with four operating gold mines, Bulyanhulu, North Mara, Tulawaka and Buzwagi. Manager: Mine Planning Based in Johannesburg and reporting to the Technical Services function, the incumbent will take charge of the mine planning function across the different ABG operations. The main objective of this role is to establish a strategic LOM plan commensurate with the strategic vision of the underground and openpit mining operations within ABG. Core functions include analysing the internal and external business environment, deducing business implications from LOM plans and carrying out trade-off studies. We seek to employ a person highly experienced in underground and open-pit hard-rock mining who has an impeccable track record at Chief Mining Engineer level and recent experience in the gold mining industry. A tertiary qualification in Mining Engineering from a recognised university is absolutely essential, with further advanced qualifications in Mining, Mineral Economics, Management or other related areas being well regarded. The nature of the post demands thorough knowledge of ore resources (especially optimisation) and detailed knowledge of best practice standards in open-pit and underground mines, as well as exposure to management presentations and a thorough understanding of the consulting role required for effective service delivery. Candidates will also need exposure to the development of Life of Mine strategies utilising 3D mine design and scheduling software packages and thorough knowledge of relevant mine planning and optimisation software. Sound knowledge of business imperatives and financial aspects of mining, including budget development, project evaluation and investment analysis, is also needed. A person with exposure to the challenges of operating in remote sites, developing countries and the development of national talent will thrive. Mine Planner: Open Pit Based in the Johannesburg office and reporting to the Manager: Mine Planning, the incumbent will assist in the provision of long-term five-year and life of mine production and development plans. He/ she will also offer professional technical support regarding ore reserves and co-ordinate activities/ communication between mine planning and internal, external and affected parties. Specific focus areas include calculation and presentation of mid-year and annual ore reserves and supervision and training. Candidates must hold a BSc in Mining Engineering from a recognised institution, or equivalent recognised qualification, plus a minimum of 5 years’ open-pit mine planning experience (preferably in precious metals) in order to apply. Knowledge of ore reserve estimation and expertise in mine planning software (Datamine or Vulcan), pit optimisation software (Whittle or NPV Scheduler) and XPAC or equivalent mine scheduling software are also needed, along with high proficiency in the MS Office Suite. The role further demands exposure to the development of life of mine strategies utilising open pit 3D mine design and scheduling software packages. Strong written and verbal communication skills, with the ability to clearly present and discuss schedules and plans with operations personnel, and the ability to execute project work, evaluate options and write reports complete the profile sought. The positions will attract competitive salary packages, which will include excellent benefits. Applicants are invited to submit their CVs (indicating the position title in the subject) via e-mail to: applyafrica@ African Barrick Gold has a strong commitment to environmental, health and safety management. African Barrick Gold offers equal employment opportunities to qualified men and women. If you are not contacted by African Barrick Gold within thirty days of the closing date, you should consider your application as unsuccessful. Short-listed candidates may be subjected to any of the following: l Security clearance l Competency assessment l Physical capability assessment l Reference checking. Please forward applications before 20 May 2011. Human Communications 76167 Vier leerders van Frans du Toit is opgeneem in die Limpopo Ringbal span. Izelke Marais, Ciska van Zyl, Karla van Zyl en Christelle van Zyl. PHALABORWA HERALD - Vrydag 13 Mei 2011 CLASSIFIEDS PHALABORWA HOEDSPRUIT Skakel kantoor 0005 Personal PSYCHIC / SIENER Pieter Bezuidenhout, heldersiende psigiese berader, auraleser, in Tzaneen 31 Mei, 1 Junie. Private consultations, also telephonic/ e-mail. 021-946-4098 IT025066 THE AA CAN HELP Have you reached rock bottom? Would you like to have serenity? This is your lucky day, as your sobriety is our business. The Phalaborwa branch of Alcoholics Anonymous meets every Thursday at the Methodist Church at 19:30. For more information, contact B e n n i e o n 015-781-0919 or 015-781-2220. RL001001 Classifieds Klein Advertensies Tel: 015 781 5484 HEAL THE WORLD MINISTRIES We invite you to come visit us for our Morning Glory Sunday Service. VENUE: Sir Van Duncan Campus. TIME: 10:00 am 13:00. Contact Apostle Phiri: 076-1830-893. Your breakthrough is waiting for you, come and receive it. RL000975 HEBREW ROOTS STUDENTE Waar wil u opeindig indien u tot sterwe kom? 1. In die Hemel? of 2. Die duisendjarige Koninkryk in Israel met Yahshua as Joodse Koning wat die Sabbatdag, Feeste en die wette van YHVH toepas. Kan u verduidelik wat u vir `n duisend jaar in die Hemel gaan doen terwyl Yahshua in Israel op aarde is? Kom besoek ons vir `n koppie tee/koffie om te bespreek. S k a k e l : 015-781-5514 of 082-343-2174. RL001000 0006 Church Services Faks: 015 781 5752 LUTEA PARFUUM of sonder `n rekenaar. RL000987 TE HUUR Kobus 015-309-8686 or 082-346-9098 RL000999 maklike stap- vir- stap SHEKINAH IT025183 Te huur BEDIENINGE (PPK) verduideliking. SMS jou 4 Slaapk huis, 2 studeer naam en posadres en kamers, 3 badk, 4 H/v Pres. Kruger & poskode na motorhuise met Boshof. Dienstye: 0012 084-919-3816 elektriese deure, groot IT025307 Furniture Sondagoggend: swembad en lapa. sit 09:30. Sondagaand: VACANCY /eet/ tv kamer en 18:30. Kontak Cabinet maker, opwas. Skakel BARGAIN HUNTERS Pastoor Chris & carpenter - with 082-925-2955 of PAWN SHOP Dorothy Le Roux experience and Code 082-789-4565 Beste pryse vir meubels 10 Driver`s License. IT025308 i.v.m. berading en sitkamerstelle, stove, Contact Ralph ander aktiwiteite. Tel: Yskaste,beddens ens. TO LET: R2750 082-456-3487 015-781-5085, Sel: Skakel 015-781-6361 IT025322 IMMEDIATELY IT025131 079-307-7113. AVAILABLE. Thatch KONINGKRYK, roof bachelor`s flat in new area of town. Partly K R A G & furnished. Bathroom, 0024 HEERLIKHEID! RL000976 Looking for a job? Properties to Let SPECIAL Place your SERVICES FABRIEK TE HUUR details in our We offer the Fabriek te huur - Von following price on classifieds for Wiellighstraat, ligte request. Furniture industriële gebied. only R10!! removal, garden Beskik oor werkswinkel refuse removal, Tree ±250 vkm, kantore, groot ontvangs asook felling. Dial-a-Drum. baie veilige stoorplek vir One drum R60 per gereedskap. Huur month. 2x drums R5500-00 per maand. R100 per month. 3x Daar is pre-paid krag, drums R140 per 0008 water word apart betaal. Employment month. Cleaned Skakel Jeanette Pressly Wanted weekly. Garden 042 293 2167 of 072 service also 042 3696. I`M LOOKING FOR A RL000994 available. Contact JOB B o e t i e o n TRANSPORT FLAT FOR RENT 0 7 2 - 5 5 8 - 5 8 7 3 , DRIVER. Long distance Available 1st June. Email: boetiemartins and local area Laege Bedroom, deliveries, Game Lounge, Bathroom, RL000993 RL001015 RL001013 kitchen with cupboards, Fully tiled, very neat, Aircon, Remote gate and carport. R2500.00 per month. To apply phone 015-781-3731 or 083-715-3490. RL001009 GARDEN FLAT TO RENT 1 Bedroom, toilet & shower, sitting room separate with small kitchenette, carport. Walking distance from town & schools. Water & lights included. R2000 per month. Call: 072-938-9306. RL001014 RENTAL 3 Bedroom house, 1.5 bathrooms, lounge and dining combined, single garage and outbuilding. Rental R4100. Call Siceron 082-672-7634 or 015-781-2828, Hyacynth Properties. RL001027 RUIM TUINWOONSTEL TE HUUR Twee slaapkamers met ingeboude kaste, volledige badkamer, oopplan sitkamer /kombuis, tuindiens, onderdak parkering vir een voertuig, elektrisiteit en water by huurprys van R2800 per maand ingesluit. Onmiddelik beskikbaar. Kontak Louis: 081-411-7436. RL001012 SLEGS Kontant STRICTLY Cash E-pos: [email protected] PRAISE bied jou 134 geure om 3 Slaapkamer woonhuis 0010 TABERNACLE te bemark - uitstekende met enkel garage vanaf Business for kommissie!! Skakel of CHRISTIAN 1 Junie, naby Sale sturr faksnr vir nodige CHURCH Groenskool vir R4,500 inligting na per maand. 4 17 Park Street, of Email: Slaapkamer, 2 Phalaborwa. Sunday 083-922-3395 PHOTOSHOP AND [email protected] badkamer, dubbel morning 09:30, COPY CENTRE FOR Webwerf: www.lutea garage, swembad, lapa Junior Church 09:30. SALE vanaf 1 Junie vir IT025314 Sunday evening Print ID to A1+ photos. R8,800 per maand. 5 Faxing, typing, copying, 18:30. Pastor Billy & SOEK JY `N Slaapkamer, 3 internet. Binding MUG Lorraine de Beer: INKOMSTE? badkamers, swembad, Press printing, Data inskrywings 015-781-1304 or lapa dadelik beskikbaar CANVAS Printing, vir R6,600 per maand. email: b i l l . p t werkers word benodig. Photobook printing. All Voltooi vorms in jou eie Skakel Bertha equipment incl. Call RL000990 tyd, in jou eie huis met073-187-6290. HERVORMDE KERK PHALABORWA H/v Jansen Singel 3 & Grosvenor straat, AGS - CHARISMA P h a l a b o r w a . Oggenddiens: 09:00. GEMEENTE Aanddiens: 18:00. PHALABORWA H a r d e k o o l s t r a a t . Ds van Rensburg, Sondag o g g e n d kontak gerus, Tel: diens en kinderkerk 015-781-6263. RL000988 om 09:00. Aanddiens om 18:30. Dinsdae - LEDE IN CHRISTUS reserves visitors KERK selkerk om 19:00. transporting, VIP Blue Crane Navrae: Past. Koos 17 transporting, Messages de Jongh b y Straat, Phalaborwa. 0020 and Post master, Transport / Skakel Past. Fanie 015-781-1747. School children RL000972 Taxis / F e r r e i r a transport. SECURITY. Couriers 083-4099-719. Supervisor (grade B), C.I.T (grade B) DIENSTYE: Sondag cash-in-trans, Armed oggend: Erediens: ANGLICAN MEUBELVERVOER respond (grade B). 9:30, Sondagskool: CHURCH Vervoer en verpak Contact Silas on van meubels St. Francis By the 8:00. Sondag aand: 071-201-8293. landswyd sowel as E v a n g e l i e d i e n s : Gate. 76 Grosvenor RL001010 plaaslik. Marlien Woensdag C r e c e n t 18:00. Soek 083-252-8928 P H A L A B O R W A , aand Biduur: 19:00. IT025134 Werksgeleentheid oggend Sunday 9:00 am. Saterdag Dame opsoek na `n Holy Communion & Biduur: 6:00. ALMAL werksgeleentheid in SHUTTLE SERVICE Administrasie / Junior C h u r c h . WELKOM! RL000992 Between Tzaneen and Sekretariële rigting. In Manche Masemola Pretoria every Friday, Phalaborwa omgewing. METHODIST Namakgale, 7:00. St. Saturday and Sunday. Kontak 072-477-0064. CHURCH Mary`s Mashishimale RL001002 We also shuttle to OR 8:00 am. St. Phillips 14 Gelderland Street. Tambo. Marinda Makushane, 9:00 Tel: 015-781-1085. 082-410-5836 0009 IT025321 WELCOME. am. Rev. Cole, Tel: ALL Money Sunday Services 082-542-3922. RL000973 08:30. Sunday BENODIG JY 0007 School 08:30. Prayer KONTANT? Employment meeting at 17:30 on Ons betaal kontant vir jou kar of bakkie by GEREFORMEERDE Tuesday. Resident Action Auto. Kontak Minister: Rev. Dr. HOUSEKEEPER KERK Tertius 082-885-4947. Housekeeper with Paul Eloff. PHALABORWA RL001008 RL000989 sober habits required Jansensingel 67, NEED CASH? for large home on NG KERK P h a l a b o r w a We will pay cash for Grietjie, must speak, Eredienste: 09:00 en Eredienste 9:30 en read & write Afrikaans your car or bakkie at Selgroepe: or English. Duties will Action Auto. Call Tertius 18:00. Katagese: 18:00. 19:00. Sondae 10:00. Dinsdae 082-885-4947. include washing, RL001007 Bybelstudie: Dinsdae K e r k k a n t o o r : ironing, cleaning, Ds cooking and supervising NEED MORE CASH? 08:00 en 17:30. 015-781-0966. Work from home as a other staff when Schoeman: Bybelskool (huis en Carl Data Entry Clerk and required. Will be Ds t u i n w e r k e r s ) : 084-586-4937. start making more required to live in, Maandae 13:00. Otto van Heerden: money. Work at any comfortable staff K e r k k a n t o o r : 079-509-9945. God quarters time you like for more on premises. ons o m References required. 0 1 5 - 7 8 1 - 1 3 7 3 . roep info send your full Predikant, Ds Victor koeltebome van Sy Salary neg. Fax CV to names and postal in ons C o r r e i a : Genade address to 086-589-6029 or 072-415-1036. omgewing te wees. 015-781-7408. 086-518-8620. RL000974 PAGE 13 OVERNIGHT ACCOMMODATION Fully furnished modern house in Phalaborwa, sleep 8 people. ±5km from Kruger gate. Aircon, braai facility, alarm system, spacious parking area. Ideal for contractors , holidays and if looking for a time to just break away. R800 per night, kids welcome! Contact: 082-070-1477. RL000952 0016 Professional Services APPROVED THATCH ROOFS, HARVEY ROOFS, WOODEN DECKS, WOODPLASTIC DECKING & JUNGLE GYMS. CALL WALT AT 082-872-5530 IT025160 FOR SALE 1 Matric outfit (silver + skirt + black top) 36-38, R200. 1 Black top 36-38, R60. 1 Matric outfit black dress 36-38, R200. 1 Maroon dress 36-38, R200. Tel: 015-781-6142 or 082-466-5184. RL001005 FOR SALE Academic Gown & Cap, also 2 "Faculty of Humanities" hoods, (1) BA degree Psychology (orange), (1) Honours degree Psychology (grey). Contact 015-781-6142 or 082-466-5184. RL000995 HANNON EN PEPTAN PEPTAN soos geadverteer of "Maatband" - R210.00 vir 5 weke. Alle HANNON produkte in voorraad - gesig en hare. Classic juwele en krale om self te maak. Akrieldip en Naels. Karin - 083-272-7503. DEBT PROBLEMS? Why battle with debt payments each month? See a qualified Debt RL000986 Counsellor. We will kitchen, water and make sure you have HONEY FASHION electricity included, more take home pay. ACCESSORIES access to swimming We will reschedule all For all your Honey pool, garden and your debts without Fashion Accessories, swimming pool further loans. No contact me anytime to services, NO ANIMALS b l a c k l i s t i n g , no view or order, Tanja ALLOWED. Contact judgements o r 082-443-2982 or email: Jenny Marais attachments for at least tanjaturbridge 082-878-6871 at Jen 60 days. Only one Tom Properties. RL000970 monthly payment. Your RL001017 first visit is totally free INSTANT LAWN and then you decide. TO LET: R3800 LM & SWAZI GRASS Total confidentiality is AVAILABLE 1 MAY @ R25 per sq.m. Contact 2011. Home consists of guaranteed. lounge and dining room, James, NCRDC1374, Contact 073-548-3684 IT025139 for assistance on 2 bedrooms, 1 082-894-8274 or bathroom, kitchen, MAN`S BEST FRIEND servant`s rooms and 1 015-781-7071 or simply Spoil your dog with a carport. Contact Jenny SMS "debt" and I will kennel. Available in Marais 082-878-6871 at contact you. SA Debt Solvers CC - mail us at Sizes, XS, S, M, L, XL, Jen Tom Properties. XXL & TWIN. Contact RL001020 [email protected] for 082-778-8426 immediate advice and IT025017 TO LET: R4900 assistance. AVAILABLE 1 MAY RL000977 2011. Home consists of 0017 lounge and dining room, J. COETZEE KLINIESE Services SIELKUNDIGE 4 bedrooms, 2 CLINICAL bathrooms, kitchen with PSYCHOLOGIST steel cupboards, ACJ Services Tel: 015-781-0012 / laundry, servant`s We Specialise in 082-358-5738/32 room, 1 lock-up garage Refuse removal, Jakkalsbessie Singel 32 and shade net for 2 garden, building, etc. PHALABORWA cars. Contact Jenny Contact for free Sielkundige Toetsing, Marais 082-878-6871 at quotation: Sielkundige Jen Tom Properties. 015-781-3461. RL001019 behandeling van stres RL000998 toestande, depressie en TO LET: R5200 ander individuele GRASDAKKE AVAILABLE 1 MAY gedrags- of HARVEY DAKKE, 2011. Home consists of verhoudingsprobleme. HOUT DEKKE, lounge and dining room, Psychotherapy for HOUTPLASTIEK TV room, 4 bedrooms, various behavioral DEKKE & KLIMRAME. 2 bathrooms, kitchen problems SKAKEL WALT BY with wooden IT025128 082-872-5530 cupboards, laundry, 1 IT025162 store room, 2 lock-up 0035 garages, swimming JOU BESIGHEID SE For Sale pool and lapa. Contact BOEKE; KOPSEER OF Jenny Marais VREUGDE? 082-878-6871 at Jen ALOE FEROX By Maritel doen ons: Tom Properties. Cosmetic & Wellness •Boeke tot op finale RL001018 Products for sale. proef (bank, kleinkas, Please contact Cecilia debiteure, krediteure en WOONSTEL TE HUUR on 072-477-0064 for alle gepaardgaande 1 Slaapkamer woonstel information. rekonsiliasie) te huur vir R2,200 vanaf RL001003 •Bestuurstate •BTW, 1 Junie 2011. Kontak alle fasette (Boere wat Bertha 073-187-6290. AVROY SHLAIN RL001011 mark toe stuur baie For all your Avroy welkom) •U.I.F. Shlain Cosmetics, (Werkloosheids contact Tanja on 0015 082-443-2982 or email: versekering) •NS! Doen ook Pastel opleiding Accommodation tanjaturbridge LOTS OF met `n verskil, prakties by die werkplek. Groot SPECIALS EACH INGWE PARK sukses!! Skakel nou vir MONTH. ACCOMMODATION Marie by 072-409-7057 RL000971 IT025253 Ingwe Park Accommodation. BASS BOAT FOR Contact us for fully JZM Builders SALE equipped self-catering for houses and Bass Boat for sale. 125 chalets. We are open alterations, phone Jan Suzuki engine, in good for contract workers. or Sheena condition. R80 000 Contact: 083-430-0906 083-264-5661/ negotiable. Contact / 076-845-6207. 083-284-2426 015-781-3461. RL000956 RL000997 IT025303 PHALABORWA HERALD - Friday 13 May 2011 PAGE 14 LORRY AVAILABLE REMOVAL OF GARDEN RUBBISH AND BUILDING RUBBLE. R350 PER LOAD WITH A 4 TON TIPPER. Contact Kosie: 083-527-0433. RL000985 MOLLDROMAT LAUNDRY As a result of customer`s request, Molldromat Laundry at Zorba centre will be open on Sundays and public holidays from 8-13pm. Effective immediately. Contact: Marie at 071-288-3984. RL000953 PALA PAVE For all your paving and precast needs. Call Gavin for a free quote 082-902-8867. RL001006 PATRICIA`S SEWING For all your Upholstery including chairs, sofas, cushions, benches, car & bakkie seats, car ceilings & door panels, mats, shade nets, gazebos, bakkie sails, canvas canopies, boats & pool covers, tents, lapa & patio curtains, canvas blinds, curtains, overalls & staff uniforms. Blinds & installations. Repairs and Alterations. Your one stop shop, where every job is treated as urgent! Call Patricia: 082-543-6141. 0023 Properties for Sale BEST PRICE 3 Bedroom house, 1.5 bathrooms, kitchen, lounge, dining, pool and lapa. Single garage and flat let. Price R685 000. Call Siceron 082-672-7634 or 015-781-2828, Hyacynth Properties. RL001026 FOR SALE 3 Bedrooms house, 2 bathrooms, lounge, large kitchen, dining. Single garage and maids room. Located in new area. R800 000. Call Siceron 082-672-7634 or 015-781-2828, Hyacynth Properties. RL001025 FOR SALE: R1 100 000 CLOSE TO TOWN. Consisting of lounge and dining room, TV room, 4 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, kitchen with wooden cupboards, scullery, laundry, 2 carports, 2 patios, swimming pool and lapa with build in braail. PLUS 1 bedroom Flatlet with an income of R3000.00. Contact Tommie Marais 082-882-5447 at Jen Tom Properties. RL001004 RL001021 PHALLIES SUPER CAFÉ New Café open behind Palfos Flats. We sell Airtime, bread, groceries at good prices. Airtime available for MTN, Vodacom, Cell-C and Telkom. For more information contact 015-781-3461. FOR SALE: R630 000 HOUSE IN OLD PART OF TOWN. Home consists of lounge and dining room, TV room, 3 bedrooms, 1 bathroom, kitchen with wooden cupboards, outside laundry, 1 lock-up garage. Contact Tommie Marais 082-882-5447 at Jen Tom Properties. RL000996 THE DRAIN SURGEON - (No job too deep, too dark, or too dirty) / THE ELECTRO CLINIC (Quick as a wink) Tel: +27(0) 15 793 0792 Cell: 083-307-9258 Fax: 086-671-9848 Email: rethadreyer@ 82 Duiker St Hoedspruit 1380 EXPERT PLUMBING SERVICES 0861-758-6237 EXPERT ELECTRICAL SERVICES 0861-353-28742 IT025151 TSUTSUMA PLUMBERS Your all-in-one specialist: Plumbing, Solar Geysers, Palisades / Walls, Paint, Build, Block drains, Tiling, General Maintenance. Diek: 082-375-3637 or 015-781-1506. RL001022 OFFERS ACCEPTED 3 Bedroom flat, 2 bathrooms, kitchen, combined lounge and dining, communal pool. Priced to go R430 000. Call Siceron 082-672-7634 or 015-781-2828, Hyacynth Properties. RL001024 REDUCED TO SELL 3 Bedroom House, 2 bathrooms, open plan kitchen, lounge and dining and study. Walled all round. Price R580 000. Call Siceron 082-672-7634 or 015-781-2828, Hyacynth Properties. RL001023 STAND FOR SALE IN DUIWELSKLOOF Part 1 of Doreen Street 29 Price: R130,000.00 neg. Concept plan for RL001016 "duplex unit" available for this stand. Contact 0018 Hennie 073-455-3207 / Entertainment Elsaleen 083-378-7594 or Pieter at brummpwa@ BOAT CRUISE PICNIC IT025304 Enjoy a wonderful picnic on the Olifants WINSKOOP River. A 3 hour boat 5400 vkm Erf. 2 cruise of majestic slaapkamer huis met scenery and wildlife werkswinkel. Swaar viewing. R100 per adult, Industriële gebied. one child free per R480,000.00. Navrae: couple. We also do Callie Nel functions, meals and 074-877-9099 of events on request. Call: Johanina Nel 082-070-1477 or 074-877-9101. 083-580-5703. RL000951 RL000957 0027 Vehicles 0026 Wanted TE KOOP 2010 Renault Logan 1.5. 15,000km. Prys R92,000.00 Skakel Ina 083-952-3627 Gesoek Broodbome/ cycads gesoek, veral Modjadjis en ook skaars soorte. Betaal beste pryse kontant. Skakel Adriaan by 082-801-1747 IT025315 SPORT IT025157 Phalaborwa FM netball team scores big Phalaborwa FM netball team walloped Maphutha Malatji Hospital 16-3 in a tournament held at Phosphate Community Centre on Saturday. A tournament was held at Phosphate Community Hall on Saturday by Phalaborwa FM and Eskom in an endeavour strengthen relationships with their stakeholders. Maphutha Malatji netball team lost 16-3 to Phalaborwa FM. More on p15... SPORT PHALABORWA HERALD - Vrydag 13 Mei 2011 Uitlanders geniet skote saam Mopanie jagters Die maandelikste takvergadering van die jagtersvereniging het onlangs plaasgevind. Die vergadering is deur 34 jagters bygewoon, en verskeie toekennings is uitgedeel. Die skietdag by die dorpsbaan het Saterdag plaasgevind en het ook 'n goeie bywoning syfer gehad. Die haelgeweer skiet oefening het groot belangstelling gelok. 42 volwassenes en 13 juniors het aan die .22 "funshoot" deelgeneem. Twee buitelanders het ook die dag terdee saam met die jagters geniet. Danie Malan, Johan Ewald, Charl Labuschagne en Chris Roux het almal met hul 80% 'n goue balkie losgeskiet. Jaco Malan, dr Scheepers, Karel van der Merwe, Deon Nieuwoudt en Mark Surmon het 70& behaal en het daarmee silwer balkies verwerf. Johann Scheepers, wat 'n junior is het 7 kleie stukkend geskiet. Hoë getalle is bereik met die .22 randslag. Tina van Niekerk het 1ste plek behaal met haar telling van 152/200, Chris le Roux met 143/200 was tweede, Edward Jenkins was derde met 141, vierde was Mike Holtzhausen met 135, Riaan Botha was 5de met 131, en Johan Maritz en Mariaan Botha het gesamentlik die sesde plek gehaal. Aan elk van die wenner van die .22 skietoefening, het Mark Gream en Tyson Horstman van Australië 'n persent geskenk. In die Jag handwapen het Awie de Villiers, Pieter de Villiers en Chris le Roux uitstekend presteer. Die .22 funshoot vir die juniors se wenner was Rikus Raath, en tweede was David Surmon met 16 uit 25. Stefan Raath was derde met 15 uit 25 en Theuns Wilkens en Michael Surmon altwee met 14 punte Die Dorpsbaan is tydelike gesluit, jy mag egter op die baan skiet indien dit vooraf gereël is. Die baan maak eers 4 Junie weer oop. Die volgende skietdag vind 21 Mei by 5SFR plaas, dit sal die Rooibok, Bosveld en oopvisier bosveld skietoefeninge wees. Registrasie vind plaas vanaf 07:00 tot 07:50 en dit begin stiptelik om 8:00. President skiet kompetisie vind 28 Mei by die Soetdoring tak op Potgietersrus plaas. Die Junior vergadering is Maandag 30 Mei om 18:30 by die boogklub plaas. Al die juniors, hul ouers en die gemeenskap word genooi om die aktiwiteite van SA Jagters by te woon. Vir enige navrae skakel vir Tina van Niekerk op 082 316 9178. Stakeholders take hands By: Given Sebashe A fun filled sports tournament was held at Phosphate Community Centre in Namakgale on Saturday. The initiative to have the tournament was taken by Phalaborwa FM and Eskom in an endeavour to strengthen relationships with their stakeholders. Phalaborwa FM station manager, Sello Lepedi, said the tournament aimed at strengthening the existing relationships with their stakeholders, particularly government: "We have been working with our stakeholders in an office environment and we felt a need to have a tournament which serves as a platform to network and socialise," said Lepedi. Amongst the stakeholders were Ba-Phalaborwa Municipality, Maphutha Malatji Hospital, the Namakgale police and Eskom. The tournament also served as a forum for Eskom to embark on an education campaign on electricity. Over 200 people graced the event to watch the stakeholders compete in netball and soccer. Phalaborwa FM netball team walloped Maphutha Malatji Hospital 16-3 in the finals. In soccer, Namakgale police battled it out with Phalaborwa FM. Namakgale police won 2-1. Photos on p14... PAGE 15 Cycle challenge this weekend This weekend the mountain roads will be full of the whistling sounds of bicycle wheels and the laboured breathing of their riders as the Magoebaskloof Cycling Challenge again gets under way. The challenge is one of the oldest and best known races in Limpopo and this year the Tzaneen Cycling Club is hosting the race. The race is now called Fairview Hotel Magoebaskloof Road and Mountain Bike Challenge, and the club would like to thank and welcome the new main sponsor, Fairview Hotel. The Tzaneen area is a true mountain bike (MTB) mecca. Due to the growing demand, the Magoebaskloof Challenge now also includes a MTB race. This means that this year there will be a road race on May 14 and a MTB race on May 15. The Fairview Hotel will be the starting and finishing point for the road race. The MTB race will however start and finish at Merensky High School. The road race consists of a 70km and 45km route. A fun ride for the kids will also be available. The MTB race consists of a 40km and 20km route. The 40km route has something for everyone - great climbs and downhills, single track and jeep track, all the time winding through the plantations around Magoebaskloof Dam, a breathtaking route. Plenty of food and drinks will be for sale. Loads of great prizes as well as lots of lucky draws make this a challenge not to be missed. For more information on accommodation, online entries, etc go to Alternatively phone Piet Roode on 082 457 0570. TRACEY Mahomed and Christelle Nel ready for the Fairview Hotel and Mountain Bike Challenge taking place this weekend. PAGE 16 PHALABORWA HERALD - Friday 13 May 2011 SPORT Phala gymnast off to Switzerland By: Given Sebashe A gymnast from Namakgale, Nomvula Mohambi, is set to represent Gymnastics South Africa at the World Gymnaestrada Lausanne 2011 to be held in Switzerland in July. Mohambi was selected last year in Polokwane together with nine other gymnasts from Mopani District Municipality. Mohambi says the trip to Switzerland is like a dream come true for her because she had always wanted to make a mark in her community in an endeavour to encourage youth to get involved in sports activities. "It is our responsibility as youth to ensure that we encourage the spirit of sports in our community so that we build safer communities," said Mohambi. Mohambi's coach, Trucia Mohambi, said that she established the Namakgale Gymnaestradas club after she saw a lot of talent from youth around Namakgale, Mashishimale, Lulekani and other surrounding areas. Mohambi joined the team last year after she dropped out from Mopani South East FET due to financial problems. Trucia said that Gymnastics SA will sponsor Mohambi with a flight, accommodation and a costume for the competition. Although Gymnastics SA will assist with some of the logistics, Mohambi needs equipment to help her prepare for the world event. She needs tracksuits, takkies, hula hoops, skipping ropes and balls for rhythmic element for her practice sessions. "I am not going there to represent myself or the team, but the whole Ba-Phalaborwa and our country. I would appreciate it if community members can assist me with donations so that I can fully prepare for the competition," said Mohambi. The team, which currently has 30 participants, rely on borrowed equipment from local schools for their practice sessions. To donate tracksuits, takkies or gymnastic equipment for Mohambi or the team, contact Trucia on 078 1666 247. A gymnast from Namakgale, Nomvula Mohambi, is set to represent Gymnastics South Africa at the World Gymnaestrada Lausanne 2011 to be held in Switzerland in July and needs support from the community to help her prepare for the event. Phala rugby kry Potties punte Deur: Johan Lensley Na Potties rugby klub onttrek het in 'n tuiswedstryd, het Phalaborwa die punte met graagte ontvang. Die stryd om die boonste vier plekke in die liga is baie straf en enige punte word verwelkom, vernaam gratis punte vir 'n wegwedstryd. Dit was reeds vir 'n geruime tyd bekend dat Potties rugby klub, wat hulle rugby vanaf Mokopane speel, in ernstige moeilikheid is en dreig om te ontbind. Phalaborwa was geskeduleer om teen hulle te speel verlede Saterdag maar is op die vooraand van die wedstryd laat weet dat punte na Phalaborwa gestuur gaan word weens die speler probleme wat ondervind word. Die tweedespan van Potties het reeds 'n week terug hulle intensies om die wedstryd prys te gee, duidelik gemaak en Phalaborwa se tweedes het tot dusvêr geen wedstryde gespeel nie. Die tweedespan wat aanvanklik Hoedspruit eerstespan sou wees, het onttrek in die eerste wedstryd en daarna het hul nog geen wedstryd beskikbaar gehad nie! Beide Loskop (Groblersdal/Atok) en Universiteit van die Noorde, het opgedaag sonder tweespanne en Potties het onttrek, wat as die span se posisie op die punte leer baie gunstig laat blyk, alhoewel hulle nog geen wedstryde gespeel het nie. Vrydagaand wag daar 'n stewige toets op die tuisspan wanneer Phalaborwa, die span van Letaba aanvat op Impalapark. Die wedstryde begin om 19h00 met die derde spanne wat kragte meet en word gevolg deur die eerste spanne in die hoofwedstryd. Letaba wat hulself bewys het as 'n seker keuse vir n top vier posisie, gaan strawwe kompetisie wees vir Phalaborwa. Sou Phalaborwa die tweestryd wen, kan hulle al hul naam by die ander spanne byvoeg in die top vier maar sou hul nie suksesvol wees nie, is 'n laaste vier posisie amper onafwendbaar. Met sekerheid kan daar aangeneem word dat als in die stryd gewerp gaan word om die wedstryd as oorwinnaars af te sluit.
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