the martin family of lisieux,france
the martin family of lisieux,france
OUR HOLY REDEEMER ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH FREEPORT, NEW YORK 18 OCTOBER 2015 THE MARTIN FAMILY OF LISIEUX, FRANCE SAINT ZELIE SAINT THÉRÈSE SAINT LOUIS “Family life can be a sanctuary of Holiness that gives birth to God.” OUR HOLY REDEEMER ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH WHERE COMING HOME IS WHAT IT’S ALL ABOUT! A PERPETUAL ADORATION PARISH 37 SOUTH OCEAN AVENUE FREEPORT, NEW YORK 11520 TELEPHONE: (516) 378-0665 FAX: (516) 546-1416 E-MAIL: [email protected] WEBSITE: OHRFREEPORT.ORG SACRAMENTAL LIFE PASTOR Rev. Douglas R. Arcoleo ASSOCIATE PASTORS Rev. Jose P. Quilcate Rev. Alessandro da Luz MASS SCHEDULE Saturday Vigil 5:00 P.M. 7:00 P.M. Spanish Sunday 7:00 A.M., 8:00 A.M., 9:30 A.M., 11:30 A.M. 1:00 P.M. Spanish Weekday DEACONS Mr. Cristobal Sanchez, Pastoral Associate Monday – Friday: 7:30 A.M. & 12:10 P.M. Wednesday: 7:00 P.M. Spanish First Friday: 7:00 P.M. Spanish Saturday: 9:00 A.M. Mr. Bruce Burnham Mr. Francisco Cales HUMAN SERVICES Sister Dorothy Lynch, C.I.J. Mr. Martinez, Director (516) 868-8289 RELIGIOUS EDUCATION Mrs. Stuhlinger, Director Mr. Cacao, Associate Director (516) 546-1057 Fax: (516) 546-0526 MUSIC MINISTRY Mr. Crouse, Director Miss Lee Mrs. Mulé BAPTISM Every 2nd & 4th Sunday of the Month at 3:00 P.M. CONFESSION/PENANCE/RECONCILIATION Saturday: 1:30 P.M. - 2:30 P.M. Wednesday: 6:30 P.M. - 7:00 P.M. or by appointment. ANOINTING OF THE SICK Offered after the 5:00 P.M. Vigil Mass every last Saturday of the Month or by appointment. MATRIMONY Marriages MUST be arranged at least six months in advance. Please call one of our Priests at the Rectory to make an appointment. DEVOTIONS THRIFT SHOP Mrs. Jewels, Manager (516) 623-3247 Divine Mercy Chaplet Every Friday after the 12:10 P.M. Mass BUSINESS OFFICE Mrs. Flaherty Pastoral Business Associate RITE OF CHRISTIAN INITIATION OF ADULTS (RCIA) Mr. Cacao, Coordinator (516) 546-1057 Miraculous Medal Novena Every Saturday after the 9:00 A.M. Mass SOCIETIES Legion of Mary Every Wednesday at 7:30 P.M. Nocturnal Adoration Society First Friday from 8:00 P.M. to 6:00 A.M. RECTORY OFFICE HOURS Monday – Saturday 9:00 A.M. to 12:00 P.M. 1:00 P.M. to 5:00 P.M. (516) 378-0665 Twenty-Ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time, 18 October 2015 FAITH AND THE HOLY SACRIFICE OF THE MASS OFFERINGS FOR THE WEEK OF 18 OCTOBER THE FRUIT OF OUR CENTENARY YEAR MASSES Monday, 19 October, Saint John de Brébeuf; Saint Isaac Jogues, and Companions 7:30 am Intentions of Father Douglas R. Arcoleo 12:10 pm † Bishop Paul H. Walsh Tuesday, 20 October, Saint Paul of the Cross 7:30 am † Bishop Paul H. Walsh 12:10 pm † Maria Rosa Pagnotta Wednesday, 21 October, Saint Callistus I 7:30 am † John Rizzo, Jr. 12:10 pm † Gregory Hennessey 7:00 pm † Felix C. Bermudez Thursday, 22 October, Saint John Paul II 7:30 am Intentions of Father Douglas R. Arcoleo. 12:10 pm † Benedict Ciaravino (90th Birthday Memorial) Friday, 23 October, Saint John of Capistrano 7:30 am Intentions of Father Douglas R. Arcoleo 12:10 pm † Maria Del Corso Saturday, 24 October, Saint Anthony Mary Claret 9:00 am † Bishop Paul H. Walsh 5:00 pm † John Di Grazia 7:00 pm The Parishioners of Our Holy Redeemer/Freeport th Sunday, 25 October, 30 Sunday in Ordinary Time 7:00 am Intentions of Pope Francis 8:00 am Intentions of Father Alessandro da Luz 9:30 am † Bishop Paul H. Walsh 11:30 am † Carol Blass, † Marianne B. Branigan, † Fresolina Duran, † Lucille Greiner, † Denis Preziosi 1:00 pm In Thanksgiving to Saint Ann En acción de gracias Por La Misericordia de Jesus † Felix Antonio Lopes † Ana Silvia Paez de Batista BREAD & WINE † Glenn Hemmelman † Giovanna Longo † Margaret Thompson continues with A TIME TO REMEMBER & A TIME TO BE REMEMBERED BREAD & WINE SANCTUARY CANDLES ALTAR FLOWERS Our Holy Redeemer R.C. Church recognizes Al Grover's Marina located at 500 S. Main Street, as our Sunday Bulletin Advertiser of the Month “Thank you for helping us ‘fish’ for men!” SANCTUARY CANDLES ALTAR FLOWERS † Bishop Paul H. Walsh Billy Dwyer Please remember the following individual(s) at the Altar of Our Holy Redeemer: NAME: ___________________________________________________________________ Living Deceased OFFERING: Bread & Wine ($20.00) Sanctuary Candles ($33.00) Altar Flowers ($40.00) WEEK OF DATE: ___________________________________________________________________________________________ AMOUNT SUBMITTED: ____________________________________ Cash Check #: _________________ OFFERED BY: (NAME):_____________________________________________________________________________________ ADDRESS: _________________________________________________________________________________________________ TELEPHONE #: _________________________________________________ A MESSAGE FROM THE PASTOR 18 OCTOBER 2015 With the approach and arrival of 18 October 2015 (traditionally the Feast of Saint Luke, Evangelist), come thoughts of the Most Reverend Paul H. Walsh who passed away on 18 October 2014. Bishop Walsh was (as you may know) the Pastor of Saint Patrick’s Roman Catholic Church in Smithtown, New York (1990 – 2003) where I spent my first five years (1998 – 2003) as a Priest. The gratitude with which I recall those years, filled as they were with so many Priestly-firsts (Baptism, Funeral, Wedding, etc.), is due in no small part to this man who during those years was known to many as Father Paul. Father Paul and I both left Saint Patrick’s on 25 June 2003. He left as a recently consecrated Bishop (29 May 2003) to serve as Vicar of the Western Vicariate of the Diocese of Rockville Centre and Pastor of Queen of the Most Holy Rosary Parish in Roosevelt, and yours truly left to serve as an Associate Pastor at Saint Ignatius Loyola Parish in Hicksville. (It was there by the way, that I met Father Jose Quilcate Paz whom this past week was told that he needs to obtain permission from his Diocesan Bishop in Peru (the country of his birth and Ordination) to continue labouring as a Priest outside of his Diocese. Father Jose will be available in Sumner Hall after the 1:00 P.M. Mass to receive anyone who wishes to say goodbye and perhaps: “Thank you Father Jose for providing the Good Shepherd’s care to so many members of His flock both within and outside our home in Freeport. Please remember “Our Holy Redeemer where coming home is what it’s all about” and come home when you can. You will be missed.”) During those years (2003 – 2008), Bishop Walsh and I spoke often about our time together in the past and the possibility of time together in the future. Well, by God’s grace, that future arrived in 2010 when Bishop Murphy gave him permission to reside at Our Holy Redeemer where two years earlier I was sent to become the Pastor. The four years that Bishop Walsh called 37 South Ocean “home” were distinguished by the same Priestly service that could be found in all of the forty-four years that preceded them; whether as a Dominican Father at Providence College in Rhode Island, the Dominican House of Studies in Washington, D.C., the Roman Catholic Church of Saint Vincent Ferrer in Manhattan, or as a Priest and Bishop of the Diocese of Rockville Centre. Priestly service that distinguished not simply by its longevity (48 years), but mainly by the humility that was at its foundation (not to mention a great sense of humour as well). Bishop Walsh’s lifetime of distinguished service to our loving Father, in the footsteps of Our Holy Redeemer, inspired many people to pursue and discover Happiness in Religious Life and Priesthood. It is “Providential” therefore that on the anniversary of his death, the Diocese of Rockville Centre that he loved so much, will be honouring Rev. Monsignor Donald Beckmann with the Immaculate Conception Medal in recognition of his lifetime of distinguished Priestly service. It is even more “Providential” that at the same time our own recently Ordained Priest, Rev. Father Alessandro da Luz, along with Rev. Father James Hansen and their three classmates, will be acknowledged for successfully completing the requirements for Priestly formation. Please pray for our Seminarians and Priests; pray for an increase in Vocations to the Priesthood and Religious Life; and together let us pray for Bishop Walsh: “It was You, O God, Who made Your servant Paul a successor to the Apostles by raising him to the Episcopal Order. May he also be associated with them forever. Through Christ Our Lord. Amen.” NOW A WORD FROM OUR POPE (ABOUT THE FAMILY) POPE FRANCIS GENERAL AUDIENCE Saint Peter’s Square Wednesday, 17 June 2015 The Family - 19. Death Dear Brothers and Sisters, Good Morning! In the course of our catecheses on the family, today we take direct inspiration from the episode narrated by Luke the Evangelist, which we have just heard (cf. Lk 7:11-15). It is a very moving scene, which shows us Christ’s compassion for those who suffer — in this case a widow who has lost her only child — and it also shows us Jesus’ power over death. Death is an experience which touches all families, without exception. It is part of life; yet, where familial love is concerned, death never seems natural. For parents, surviving their own children is particularly heartbreaking; it contradicts the fundamental nature of the very relationships that give meaning to the family. The loss of a son or daughter is like time stopping altogether: it opens a chasm that swallows both past and future. Death, which takes away a little child or young person, is a blow to the promises, to the gifts and the sacrifices of love joyfully brought to the life we gave birth to. Frequently parents come to Mass at Santa Marta with the photo of a son, a daughter, a baby, a boy, a girl, and they say to me: “He’s gone, she’s gone”. And their faces are filled with grief. Death touches us and when it is a child’s, it touches us profoundly. The whole family is left paralyzed, speechless. And the child left alone by the loss of one or both parents suffers in a similar way. She asks: “Where is my daddy? Where is my mama? — Well, she is in heaven” — “Why can’t I see her?” This question covers the agony in the heart of a child left alone. The emptiness of abandonment that opens up in him is made all the more agonizing by the fact that he doesn’t have the life-experience to even “give a name” to what has happened. “When is daddy coming back?” When is mama coming?” What do you say when a child suffers? This is what death in the family is like. In these cases, death is like a black hole that opens up in the life of the family and for which we have no explanation. And at times we even go so far as to lay the blame on God. How many people — I understand them — get angry with God, blaspheme: “Why did you take my son, my daughter? There is no God, God does not exist! Why did he do this?” We hear this so often. But this anger is basically what comes from the heart in great pain; the loss of a son or of a daughter, of a father or of a mother, is a great sorrow. This happens over and over in families. In these cases, I said, death is like a hole. But physical death has “accomplices” even worse than itself, which are called hate, envy, pride, greed; in short, the sin of the world which works for death and makes it even more painful and unjust. Family bonds seem to be the predestined and helpless victims of these helping powers of death, trailing the history of mankind. Let us think of the absurd “normality” with which, at certain moments and in certain places, events adding to the horror of death are provoked by the hatred and indifference of other human beings. May the Lord keep us free from being accustomed to this! In the People of God, by the grace of His compassion granted in Jesus, many families prove by their deeds that death does not have the last word: this is a true act of faith. Every time a family in mourning — even terrible mourning — finds the strength to guard the faith and love that unite us to those we love, it has already prevented death from taking everything. The darkness of death should be confronted with a more intense work of love. “My God, lighten my darkness!”, is the invocation of evening prayer. In the light of the Resurrection of the Lord, Who abandons none of those whom the Father entrusted to Him, we can take the “sting” out of death, as the Apostle Paul says (1 Cor 15:55); we can prevent it from poisoning life, from rendering vain our love, from pushing us into the darkest chasm. In this faith, we can console one another, knowing that the Lord has conquered death once and for all. Our loved ones are not lost in the darkness of nothing: hope assures us that they are in the good and strong hands of God. Love is stronger than death. Thus, the way is to let love grow, make it stronger, and love will guard us until the day that every tear shall be wiped away, when “death shall be no more, neither shall there be mourning nor crying nor pain any more” (Rev 21:4). If we allow ourselves to be sustained by this faith, the experience of grief can generate even stronger family bonds, a new openness to the pain of other families, a new brotherhood with families that are born and reborn in hope. To be born and reborn in hope, this gives us faith. But I would like to stress the last phrase of the Gospel which he heard today (cf. Lk 7:1115). After Jesus brought the young man, the only son of a widow, back to life, the Gospel says: “Jesus gave him back to his mother”. And this is our hope! All our loved ones who are gone, the Lord will give them back to us and we will be together with them. This hope does not disappoint! Let us remember well this action of Jesus: “And Jesus gave him back to his mother”, thus the Lord will do with all our loved ones in the family! This faith protects us from the nihilist vision of death, as well as from the false consolations of the world, so that the Christian truth “does not risk mixing itself with myths of various types”, surrendering to superstitions beliefs (Benedict XVI, Angelus, 2 November 2008). Today it is necessary that Pastors and all Christians express in a more concrete way the meaning of the faith in regards to the family experience of grief. We should not deny them the right to weep — we must weep in mourning — “Jesus wept” and was “deeply troubled” by the grave loss of a family that He loved (cf. Jn 11:33-37). We can draw from the simple and strong testimony of the many families who have been able to grasp, in the most arduous transition of death, the safe passage of the Lord, Crucified and Risen, with His irrevocable promise of the resurrection of the dead. God’s work of love is stronger than the work of death. It is of that love, it is precisely of that love, that we must make ourselves hard-working “accomplices”, with our faith! And let us remember Jesus’ deed: “And Jesus gave him back to his mother”, so He will do with all our loved ones and with us when we meet again, when death will be definitively conquered in us. It was conquered by Jesus’ Cross. Jesus will give us all back to the family! All Souls' Day Novena of Holy Masses 2 November - 10 November, 2015 All Souls’ Day Novena envelopes are available in the church and the rectory for you to enroll your deceased friends and family members in the Novena. AND THE RAINS CAME … PRAYERS REQUESTED Our good friend Bishop Robert E Guglielmone of Charleston, South Carolina has asked for prayers in the aftermath of the extreme rain and heavy flooding that washed away lives, homes, and property in “Sandy-like” proportions. “We simply ask for prayers, especially for the families of those who lost their lives in this horrific storm, “Bishop Guglielmone told The Catholic Miscellany, the newspaper of the Charleston Diocese. “Many people lost homes, cars, and other possessions, but in time and with assistance, those can be replaced. The strong spirit of our people in South Carolina and their lively faith will get us through this difficult time and will sustain us.” Please keep the residents of South Carolina in your prayers. Because of Bishop Guglielmone’s ties to the Diocese of Rockville Centre, and in particular the Parish of Our Holy Redeemer, some of you have asked if there’s anything “more” as in “25 Cents and More” we can do to assist him in his efforts to provide for the needs of the victims. I’ve presented that inquiry to Bishop Bob and he writes: “Many thanks Doug! I appreciate your prayers for us. Thank you for your offering of financial assistance – those funds should be directed to: The Diocese of Charleston with a designation of ‘Disaster Relief’. Your financial assistance can be deposited in our Sunday Offertory Basket or delivered to the Rectory with that same designation: “The Diocese of Charleston – Disaster Relief” or you may send it directly to Bishop Bob at the following address: The Roman Catholic Diocese of Charleston 901 Orange Grove Road Charleston, SC 29407 Thank you! Father Arcoleo Catholic ministries appeal OCTOBER IS RESPECT LIFE MONTH “Life in all Stages” Our Holy Redeemer Says: “Whatever You Do for One of These . . . . . . You Do For ME.” 2015 Goal Pledged Amount Paid Pledges No. of Donors Rebate Amount $73,800.00 $85,436.79* $77,794.04* 255* $17,955.23* *As of 13 October 2015 Thank you for ALL that YOU do for Our Holy Redeemer! You can make a difference! Please make your check payable to: Catholic Ministries Appeal and either mail it to: Catholic Ministries Appeal, Diocese of Rockville Centre, P.O. Box 4000, Rockville Centre, New York 11571 or deposit it in the Sunday Offertory Basket. Thank you! OUR HOLY REDEEMER Parish: _______________________________________________ Name: _______________________________________________ Address: _____________________________________________ City, State, Zip: ________________________________________ Phone: _______________________________________________ Donor Signature: _______________________________________ Pledge: $ ______________ Down Payment: $ ______________ Balance: $ ______________ Monthly Quarterly Annually Other FAITH AND EDUCATION SCHOOL’S IN: DRIVE CAREFULLY (both on and off the road) NEWS FROM THE DE LA SALLE SCHOOL (516) 379-8660 “Quiet on the set!” We did not hear that phrase but we certainly received that message on Tuesday. From before the start of classes until several hours after dismissal close to four dozen people were hard at work filming a 60 second video for Lenovo computers. Access to parts of the school building was blocked and we were asked to keep our distance from all the workers. Included among the participants in the filming were Eric Decker, a wide receiver for the NY Jets, and Odell Beckham, Jr., a wide receiver for the NY Giants. Our students were disappointed they did not have the opportunity to meet these stellar athletes but they were excited to realize they were in the building. When they came on site to scout the location three staff members from Mustache Agency, the company that produced the video, met with our students for almost an hour. Our young men learned about some new career possibilities and were amazed to realize the number of people and the amount of time associated with creating a professionally crafted video that is to be displayed on a screen for only a minute. The filming occurred in parts of the building we do not regularly use, and except for our exclusion from the gym for the day we were not inconvenienced. All in all it was a unique day in our history and great learning experience. 18 October 2015 – The Twenty-Ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time B Sunday Readings: Isaiah LIII: 10-11; Hebrews IV: 14-16; Saint Mark X: 35-45 Student’s Name: ____________________________________________________ Class Day/Session: __________________________________________________ Catechist Name: ____________________________________________________ Mass Time (Circle One): Sat: 5:00 PM 7:00 PM Sun: 7:00 AM 8:00 AM 9:30 AM 11:30 AM 1:00 PM GOSPEL QUESTIONS: (Religious Education Students please answer ALL questions) Fill in the blanks: What do Saints James and John ask of Jesus? “Saints James and John asked Jesus ________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________.” How does Jesus want His followers to become great? “Jesus wants His followers to become great by ________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________.” Announcement for Confirmandi: Next week, 25 October is the 8/13 Gospel Reflection DUE for Confirmation. The 5th meeting with the Pastor will be 1 November (not 25 October, but there is one today, 18 October)! Reflections are to be returned to the Religious Education Office or [email protected]. Save the Date: 27 October 7:00 P.M.-9:00 P.M., Culture Project. All youth are invited! ‘SPECIAL EDUCATION’ CATECHISTS NEEDED! Our Holy Redeemer Parish’s Religious Education Program is in need of Catechists for Special Education. Please call Mrs. Joanne Stuhlinger, Director, at (516) 546-1057 if interested or for more information. Thank you. PARISH FINANCE COUNCIL MEMBERS: Charles Shields III Joann Flaherty FAITH AND FINANCES Donald Gallant Sheila Walsh YOUR TITHING (25 CENTS AND MORE) IS MAKING A DIFFERENCE! (GOD WILL NOT BE OUTDONE IN GENEROSITY!) SUNDAY, 10/11 OCTOBER OFFERING TOTAL: $16,817.75 MASS ** E-Giving ** Prior to Weekend NUMBER OF CHILDREN ENVELOPE USERS: 253 5:00 pm 7:00 pm 7:00 am 8:00 am 9:30 am 11:30 am 1:00 pm TOTAL Please use envelopes and remember to indicate the amount of your offering on the front of each one. Thank you!!! Good-bye Freeport!! FIRST COLLECTION ENVELOPE USERS $ 1,313.25 $ 1,484.50 $ 2,516.25 $ 390.00 $ 1,045.75 $ 1,173.75 $ 1,970.25 $ 1,797.75 $ 1,279.50 33 19 68 22 37 30 59 71 27 $12,971.00 366 SECOND COLLECTION (MAINTENANCE) $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 315.00 72.00 711.25 367.00 239.50 514.00 561.00 476.00 591.00 $ 3,846.75 Hello Florida!!! ATTENTION SNOWBIRDS! Please Don’t Leave Our Holy Redeemer Out in the Cold This Winter Going South! Help Keep Our Holy Redeemer Warm Sign Up For On-Line Giving What do you do when inclement weather or sickness prevents you from attending Sunday Mass at Our Holy Redeemer, or family/business obligations take you to Sunday Mass somewhere other than Our Holy Redeemer? More than likely, if you use Parish Envelopes to make your offering, you will place “Sunday-missed” envelopes in the Offertory basket the next time you attend Mass. If you don’t use envelopes, it is more than likely that your Sundaymissed offering will remain missing. It is not that you intentionally choose to give Our Holy Redeemer less, it’s just hard to intentionally give to Our Holy Redeemer what you think is more. “Stop thinking”; use envelopes or use E-Giving! E-Giving, like Offertory Envelopes (thank you for using them) provides you with a way of exercising faithful stewardship even when inclement weather or sickness prevents you from attending Sunday Mass at Our Holy Redeemer, or when family/business obligations take you to Sunday Mass somewhere other than Our Holy Redeemer. For more information about E-Giving either call the Rectory or visit the secure web site at FAITH AND PRAYER Please Pray for Our Priests O God, Who made Your Only Begotten Son eternal High Priest, grant that those He has chosen as ministers and stewards of Your mysteries may be found faithful in carrying out the ministry they have received. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, Your Son, Who lives and reigns with You in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen. 19 October: 20 October: 21 October: 22 October: 23 October: 24 October: 25 October: Monsignor Thomas Costa & Monsignor Christopher J. Heller Father John J. McCartney & Father Augustine Fernando All Retired Priests Father Bruce Powers & Father Cyprian Osuegbu Father Damian Halligan, S.J. & Father Charles F. Kohli Father Christopher Costigan & Father Gerald Cestare Bishop John C. Dunne & Bishop Emil A. Wcela and for Our Seminarians, Br. Pierre Toussaint (Alain) Guiteau, C.F.R. Heavenly Father, please grant to Your Faithful servants, the grace and strength to carry out Your mission for the Church each day. Keep our Seminarians close to You and continue to inspire them to serve others in Your Holy Name. Please inspire the men You have called to the Priesthood to respond “yes” to Your call through our Lord Jesus Christ, Your Son, Who lives and reigns with You in the unity of the Holy Spirit one God for ever and ever. Amen. Mr. Odalis Rodriguez Please Come Home and join us for a Holy Hour as we pray for Life, Marriage, & Religious Liberty Sunday, 25 October 2015 8:00 P.M. in the church Looking for a Miracle?” Well, so is Venerable Father Anthony Vincent Gallo Diocesan Priest, Oblate of the Congregation of the Priests of the Sacred Heart Montforte Irpino: 11 January 1899 – 2 May 1934 For more information please visit: MORE FAITH AND PRAYER Please Pray for: Please Pray for our beloved deceased: SAVINA ALEXANDER DOROTHY BREHAUT, ALBERT E. CHIMERI RICHARD LEGENDRE READINGS FOR 25 October 2015 THE THIRTIETH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME 1st Reading: Jeremiah XXXI: 7-9 Responsorial Psalm: Psalm 126 2nd Reading: Hebrews V: 1-6 Gospel: Saint Mark X: 46-52 Peter Anglim, Lorraine Avitabile, Doris Jean Baptiste, Madeline Basalone, Jayne Biscardi, Maryann Brannigan, Bobby Brehaut, Joseph Garry Brisson, Warren P. Cochol, Barbara Costante, Brunhilda Cuniglio, Arvin De La Rosa, Wendy Eager, Guillermo Ferreira, Kathy Fitzsimmons, Angela Franklin, John C. Hannan, Sr., Michael H., L. Jacques, Linda A. Kane, Carol Kelly, Dominic Lagano, Karen Larsen, Richard Laudman, Josephine Lucci, Angelina Macchia, Barbara McEneaney, Donald McIntosh, Amanda Mucaria, William Myers, Jenniffer O’Connell, Haydee Pascasio, Madeline Pitella, Kathleen Randall, Kenneth Rischi, Carolyn Rodriguez, Lidiana Santiago, Marie Sheridan, John Sturmer, Millie Torre, Sharon Trabbold, Barbara Trommer, Gerry Wright … and please call the Rectory if you know anyone in serious need of prayers. The names will remain on our prayer list for four weeks. Thank you. Scripture Reflection “Grant that in Your glory we may sit one at Your right and the other at Your left.” We can sympathize with this request from John and James. It is very natural. It is very human. Yet, Jesus’ response helps us to understand that things are diametrically different in the Kingdom of God. “Can you drink the cup that I drink or be Baptized with the Baptism with which I am Baptized?” (See Mark 10:35-45) In the Kingdom of God the one who wants to be first must be last and serve others. Christianity is a call to sacrifice. Jesus’ cup is a sacrificial cup. The more we penetrate in the mystery of Christ the more we realize that to be a Christian is to be willing to make sacrifices. We cannot do this on our own. We need help from above. Glory will come, but first comes sacrifice. But Jesus is not the kind of teacher that tells you what to do and does something else himself. He goes on to say: “The Son of Man did not come to be served but to serve and to give His life as a ransom for many.” Where the Master trod we can follow. In fact, we must follow, because to be a disciple means to be a follower. The good news is that Jesus accompanies us all the way. We are also accompanied by His Mother, Holy Mary. She is the example of the perfect disciple, the “handmaid” of the Lord. THE MEMBERS OF THE ARMED FORCES NEED YOUR PRAYERS Melissa Castillo, Ensign Frank Chavez, Capt. Thomas Collins III, Anthony Costante, Tyler Daly, Juan Diaz, Ryan Dugan, Michael George Gonzalez, Daniel Ingin, Brig. Gen. Kevin Killea, Susana Ladino, Capt. Peter Lawless, Cpl. Gaelan Lynch, Sgt. Ramon Marrero, Pvt. Jack McKnight, John Mediate, Sgt. Kelvin O. Melara, Airman 1st Class Jerome Miles, Lt. Cmdr. Colleen Minihan, Maj. Paul Minihan, Sebastian Moreno, Sean Joseph Mormon, Sgt. Allyson Parla, PO Floyd A. Rivera, Sgt. Sammy Rodriguez, Benjamin Rhodes, Edwin Sandoval, Doug Schambert, Paul Seiden, Luis Sic, PFC Ashley Sumner, Capt. John Talafuse, Lt. Matthew Talibon, Corp. Daniel Vargas, SCPO William A. Vega, Capt. Johnetta Washington, Anthony Williams, Sgt. 1st Class Lynroy Williams; Lt. Cmdr. Brad Younger OCTOBER IS RESPECT LIFE MONTH! We are all called to respect life at all stages. During the month of October, please spend time with a member of the Our Holy Redeemer Parish Respect Life Group by the main entrance of the Church after Mass, in order to see how you can make a difference. (631) 243-2373 DONATIONS NEEDED! If you are interested in becoming a member of our Respect Life Family, please call Meaghan Baldwin at (516) 660-0949. SAVE THE DATE The Life Center of Long Island is in desperate need of the following baby items: Clothes for Girls and Boys (Sizes 0-6 and 18-24 Months especially needed) Please Join Us for the 43rd Annual RESPECT LIFE PILGRIMAGE in Washington D.C. Friday, 22 January 2016 5:00 A.M. Mass at Our Holy Redeemer Receiving Blankets Blankets Onsies Stretchies Bibs Bottles Baby Wipes Baby Shampoo Baby Wash Powder Diaper Rash Cream Cribs (Non-drop sides) Bassinets Crib Sheets Hooded Towels Wash Cloths Diaper Bags Pack-N-Plays Car Seats (Infant and Toddler) Strollers Bus leaves immediately after Mass (seats are limited so “reserve yours” now!) Come and be one of thousands who speak out for those who cannot speak for themselves: the unborn! For more information and/or to reserve your seat on the bus, please call the Rectory at (516) 378-0665. Thank you for any help that you can provide to help us support these women, especially those who are in crisis. Donations can be dropped off at our Deer Park location: 1767 Deer Park Avenue, Deer Park, New York 11729 (Across the street from Saints Cyril & Methodius Roman Catholic Church and the Boyd-Carratozollo Funeral Home) Questions? For more information please call (631) 243-2373 OUR HOLY REDEEMER ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH FREEPORT ATTENTION STUDENTS! FOURTH ANNUAL OUR LADY OF GUADALUPE PRO-LIFE ORATORY CONTEST Sunday, 25 October 2015 4:00 P.M. Lower Church The Parish of Our Holy Redeemer is holding its fourth annual Our Lady of Guadalupe pro-life essay and oratory contest. A parishioner has donated $1,500 for the contest. Scholarships will be awarded as follows: First Place $300, Second Place $200, and up to ten Honourable Mentions at $100 each. Our Holy Redeemer parishioners in the 6th grade through senior year in high school are eligible. Each contestant will make a verbal presentation of his or her essay in the lower church on Sunday, 25 October 2015 beginning at 4:00 p.m. Family, friends, and parishioners are invited to attend. Winners will be announced at the end of the contest. Checks made payable to each scholarship winner will be given out that evening. Essays should be between 250 to 500 words and should emphasize what efforts the candidate has made on behalf of the pro-life movement and his or her proposed future pro-life activities. Possible essay topics include: ‘How I saved an unborn child’s life;’ ‘How I spread the pro-life message among my friends/classmates;’ praying for an end to abortion through organization of a prayer group; the importance of Chastity before Marriage and how it helps to avoid abortion; the injustice of the Roe vs. Wade Supreme Court decision legalizing abortion. Please contact Meaghan Baldwin at (516) 660-0949 for more information and assistance. DEADLINE FOR SUBMISSION IS 22 OCTOBER 2015 Please Mail to: ROBERT L. DOUGHERTY, ESQ. 226 SEVENTH STREET, SUITE 202 GARDEN CITY, NEW YORK 11530 Please put your Name, Address, and Telephone # on your essay and keep a copy as you will be called upon to give an oral presentation before the judges on 25 October 2015. “LIFT ME HIGHER” CAMPAIGN WHO IS LIFTING OUR HOLY REDEEMER HIGHER? G O I N G U P ? $40,000.00 Thanks be to God for the Love and the Spirit of Generosity that moves more and more people to offer the time, talent, and treasure that keeps lifting Our Holy Redeemer higher and higher throughout the year. That offering is adding to the ranks of many Church Organizations and Societies such as the Legion of Mary and the Catholic Daughters of the Americas, Liturgical Ministries such as Lectors and Ushers, and that offering is even adding the “more” as in 25 Cents and More a week that with the help of: Mr. & Mrs. Arnold Gallo, William Gallo, The Village of Freeport, the Friends of Angie Cullin, Alan & Cathy Richartz, John Anzovino, Margaret Nyland, Diana Gibson, Our Holy Redeemer Parishioners who participate in the “Oceanside Christopher Federal Credit Union Parish Revenue Sharing Program”, Mr. & Mrs. Walter Shorak, Gloria Di Brizzi, Gloria Cintorino, Barbara & Raymond Burkart, Carol Sparaco, Ann Kelly, Doreen & Donald Smith, Angela & Donald Valone, Joseph F. Mercurio, Charles & Deborah Shields, Court Stella Maris #822 Catholic Daughters of the Americas, Adele & Bob Dzienius, Ellie & Harold Mahony, Angela & Peter Ruiz, Widow & Widowers Club, Richard Roman, In Memory of Maria Arroyo, In Memory of Elizabeth O’Sullivan, The Nocturnal Adoration Society, Linda Assaf, Phyllis & Joe Doyle, Tina Scalamandre, Richard & Rita Barry, Clara H. Lomangino, Donald W. Suchan, Cathleen August, Mother of Our Holy Redeemer Legion of Mary, Silvester Guiteau, In Memory of James B. Dempsey, Rosemary Mazza, Gloria Walker, Anonymous Donor, Kathleen M. Randall, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Raynor, Sheila & Bill Walsh, Kenneth Alcorn, Mr.& Mrs. James J. Schlegel, Bill & Donna Maclay, Marie & Janice Basilicata, Teresa Archer, Barbara Brady, In Memory of Ann and William Sarro, In Memory of Lucille Greiner, Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Marchese, In Memory of Louise Callus, The Hall Family, Patricia Warren, D’Brickashaw Ferguson Foundation ($10,000.00), Edward Haegele, has contributed over $30,000.00 to our “LIFT Me Higher” campaign. That “more” also includes everyone who made and satisfied a pledge to the 2015 Catholic Ministries Appeal. Those satisfied pledges by the way, merited a $15,000.00 rebate from Bishop Murphy, which will be used to help pay for the purchase and installation of the outdoor LIFT that will literally: “LIFT Us Up!” SACRAMENTS OF INITIATION Baptism, Eucharist, Confirmation What’s that you say? You’re a teenager and you haven’t yet made your First Holy Communion? You’re a graduate from College and haven’t yet been Confirmed? You’re a Senior Citizen and haven’t yet been Baptized? You’re legally married but did not receive the Sacrament of Matrimony? You’re not a Catholic yet come to Mass every Sunday? Well don’t let your heart be troubled. It’s not too late to become a fully initiated member in our absolutley beautiful Church! Please complete the form below and place it in the Sunday Mass Offertory basket or contact Mrs. Stuhlinger or Mr. Cacao at the Religious Education Office (87 Pine Street) at (516) 546-1057. Thank you. Name (First, Middle, Last): _____________________________________________________________________ Address:____________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ Telephone Number: __________________________________________________________________________ E-mail address: ______________________________________________________________________________ Please circle the Sacraments needed: Baptism (Confession) Holy Communion Confirmation Matrimony OCTOBER IS DEDICATED TO MARY, QUEEN OF THE MOST HOLY ROSARY Please stop by the CD Kiosk in the Main Vestibule of the Church or the Rectory, for a selection of books, booklets, and CDs about the Holy Mother of God. 1 World Mission Day (A DAY TO PAUSE AND REFLECT) “The World Mission Day is not an isolated moment in the course of the year but rather a valuable opportunity to pause and reflect on whether and how we respond to our missionary vocation; an essential response for the Church’s life.” Beyond the “essential response” demanded by our missionary vocation, of which Pope Benedict XVI developed in his message for the World Mission Sunday 2011, lies the ora et labora that has sent labourers into the harvest for two thousand years. More often than not, but perhaps not often enough, we emphasize the need for Priest-labourers (is God calling you? Call Father Arcoleo at (516) 378 – 0665 and find out). The need for lay-labourers however, is urgent as well. While the Priest brings Our Holy Redeemer to us at Mass, who will bring Him from Mass … to the homebound and the shut-ins who cannot come home to receive Him; into Israel where they are still waiting for Him; into the United States Supreme Court to judge without reference to a person’s sex, colour, or religion; into the United States Congress to make laws that protect every human person: born and unborn; into the United States Oval Office to preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States; into the United States Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS) to welcome the stranger; into the Village of Freeport Fire Department and Police Department to serve with honour and dignity; into Dodd Middle School and Freeport High School to teach boys and girls how to respect one another; into South Nassau Communities Hospital to visit the sick; into Nassau County Correctional Facility to visit the imprisoned; into the various Sports arenas to exercise and promote fair play; into Hollywood to produce and act in films that promote Religious values and moral behaviour? If after you “pause and reflect” and you realize that you have: failed to proclaim the Good News to the People of Our Holy Redeemer in the pews then call Father Arcoleo and become a Priest; failed to proclaim the Good News to the children of Our Holy Redeemer in the classroom then call (516) 546 – 1057 and become a Catechist; failed to proclaim the Good News to people when they come home to Our Holy Redeemer for Mass, then call (516) 378 – 0665 and become an Usher; failed to proclaim the Good News to the poor of Our Holy Redeemer then call (516) 623 – 3247 and volunteer at Our Holy Redeemer Thrift Shop in memory of Janene Suchan. The Church exists in order to evangelize (cf. Paul VI, Apostolic Exhortation Evangeli Nuntiandi, n. 14). If you are the Church (as the song goes) then that is why you exist too! The Catholic Daughters of the Americas-Court Stella Maris #822 presents their ANNUAL ALL HALLOW’S EVE/HALLOWEEN CAKE SALE SUNDAY, 25 OCTOBER 2015 8:00 A.M. TO 2:00 P.M. SUMNER HALL Join us for a cup of coffee after Mass and pick up some delicious ‘treats’ to bring home. Brownies, cookies, cakes, cupcakes, and other goodies will be available. YOU AND YOUR LABOURS ARE NEEDED TO HELP KEEP OUR CHURCH LOOKING “ABSOLUTELY BEAUTIFUL” LO NECESITAMOS A USTED Y A SUS LABORES PARA MANTENER NUESTRA IGLESIA “ABSOLUTAMENTE HERMOSA” ATTENTION PARISHIONERS! ¡ATENCIÓN FELIGRESES! Do you want to help keep our church looking “absolutely beautiful?” ¿Desea usted ayudar a que nuestra iglesia se mantenga “absolutamente hermosa?” Then we want you to join our Altar Guild! ¡Entonces, únase a la Cofradía del Altar! Some of our monthly tasks: Algunas de sus tareas mensuales: Arrange Missals in the racks Vacuum the rugs Sweep/mop the floors Clean the glass around the church Raise the kneelers Remove gum Clean the bathrooms Dust To volunteer or for more information about the Altar Guild, please call Jane Dengel at (516) 379-2331 THANK YOU! Organizar misales en las bancas Pasar la aspiradora sobre las alfombras Barrer/mapear los pisos Limpiar el cristal en la iglesia Elevar los reclinatorios Remover chicle Limpiar los baños Sacudir el polvo Para ser voluntario o para más información acerca de la cofradía del altar, favor llamar a María Romero al (516) 992-2276 ¡GRACIAS! UN MENSAJE DEL PASTOR 18 OCTUBRE 2015 Con el acercamiento y la llegada del 18 de octubre del 2015 (tradicionalmente la Fiesta de San Lucas, el Evangelista), vienen pensamientos del reverendísimo Paul H. Walsh quien pasó a la otra vida el 18 de octubre del 2015. El Obispo Walsh fue (como Ud. tal vez sabe) el Pastor de la Iglesia Católica Romana de San Patricio en Smithtown, Nueva York (1990-2003) donde yo pasé mis primeros cinco años (1998-2003) como sacerdote. El agradecimiento con cual yo recuerdo esos años, llenos de tantos primeros eventos de sacerdocio (Bautizo, Funeral, Boda, etc.) se deben en mucho a este hombre quien durante esos años era conocido por muchos como el Padre Paul. El Padre Paul y yo ambos salimos de San Patricio el 25 de junio del 2003. Él salió como un recientemente consagrado Obispo (29 de mayo 2003) para servir como Vicario del Vicariato Occidental de la Diócesis de Rockville Center y Pastor de la Parroquia de la Reina del Santísimo Rosario en Roosevelt, y yo salí para servir como Pastor Asociado en la Parroquia San Ignacio Loyola en Hicksville. (Fue allá a propósito que conocí al Padre José Quilcate Paz, a quien esta semana le dijeron que necesita obtener permiso del Obispo de su Diócesis en Perú (el país de su nacimiento y Ordinación) para continuar laborando como sacerdote fuera de su Diócesis. El Padre José estará disponible en Sumner Hall después de la Misa de la 1:00 para recibir a cualquiera persona que desee despedirse y tal vez decirle “Gracias Padre José por proveer el cuidado del Buen Pastor a tantos miembros de su rebaño tanto dentro como fuera de nuestra casa en Freeport. Por favor recuerde “Nuestro Santo Redentor donde el venir a casa es lo importante y venga a nuestra casa cuando pueda. Nos hará falta.”) Durante esos años (2003-2008), el Obispo Walsh y yo hablábamos a menudo acerca de nuestro tiempo juntos en el pasado y la posibilidad de tiempo juntos en el futuro. Bueno, por la misericordia de Dios, ese futuro llegó en el 2010 cuando el Obispo Murphy le dio permiso para residir en Nuestro Santo Redentor adonde dos años anteriores me mandaron a ser el Pastor. Los cuatro años que el Obispo Walsh llamó 37 South Ocean su “casa” fueron distinguidos por el mismo servicio Sacerdotal que se pudieron encontrar en todos los cuarenta y cuatro años que los precedieron; tanto como Padre Dominicano en la Universidad Providence en Rhode Island, la Casa de Estudios Dominicana en Washington, D.C., la Iglesia Católica Romana de San Vicente Ferrer en Manhattan, o como Sacerdote y Obispo de la Diócesis de Rockville Center. Servicio Sacerdotal que distinguió no simplemente por su longevidad (48 años), pero mayormente por su humildad y su buen sentido del humor. Toda una vida distinguida se servicio a nuestro amoroso Padre, en los pasos de Nuestro Santo Redentor, el Obispo Walsh ha inspirado a muchos a seguir y descubrir la Felicidad en la Vida Religiosa y el Sacerdocio. Es “Providencial” entonces que en el aniversario de su muerte, la Diócesis de Rockville Center que él tanto amó, estará honrando al Reverendo Monseñor Donald Beckmann con la medalla de la Inmaculada Concepción en reconocimiento de toda una vida distinguida de servicio sacerdotal. Es aun más “Providencial” que a la misma vez nuestros recientemente Ordenados Sacerdotes, el Reverendo Padre Alessandro da Luz, con el Reverendo Padre James Hansen y sus tres compañeros, serán reconocidos por completar satisfactoriamente los requisitos para la formación Sacerdotal. Por favor rece por nuestros Seminaristas y Padres; rece por un aumento en Vocaciones al Sacerdocio y la Vida Religiosa; y juntos recemos por el Obispo Walsh: “Fuiste Tú, O Dios, Quien hizo a Tu Servidor Paul un sucesor Apóstol subiéndolo a la Orden Episcopal. Que también él quede asociado con ellos para siempre. Por Cristo Nuestro Señor. Amen. AHORA UN MENSAJE DEL PAPA (SOBRE LA FAMILIA) PAPA FRANCISCO AUDIENCIA GENERAL Plaza San Pablo Miércoles, 10 de Junio de 2015 La Familia - 18. Familia y Enfermedad Queridos hermanos y hermanas, ¡buenos días! Continuamos con las catequesis sobre la familia, y en esta catequesis quisiera tratar un aspecto muy común en la vida de nuestras familias: la enfermedad. Es una experiencia de nuestra fragilidad, que vivimos generalmente en familia, desde niños, y luego sobre todo como ancianos, cuando llegan los achaques. En el ámbito de los vínculos familiares, la enfermedad de las personas que queremos se sufre con un «plus» de sufrimiento y de angustia. Es el amor el que nos hace sentir ese «plus». Para un padre y una madre, muchas veces es más difícil soportar el mal de un hijo, de una hija, que el propio. La familia, podemos decir, ha sido siempre el «hospital» más cercano. Aún hoy, en muchas partes del mundo, el hospital es un privilegio para pocos, y a menudo está distante. Son la mamá, el papá, los hermanos, las hermanas, las abuelas quienes garantizan las atenciones y ayudan a sanar. En los Evangelios, muchas páginas relatan los encuentros de Jesús con los enfermos y su compromiso por curarlos. Él se presenta públicamente como alguien que lucha contra la enfermedad y que vino para sanar al hombre de todo mal: el mal del espíritu y el mal del cuerpo. Es de verdad conmovedora la escena evangélica a la que acaba de hacer referencia el Evangelio de san Marcos. Dice así: «Al anochecer, cuando se puso el sol, le llevaron todos los enfermos y endemoniados» (1, 32). Si pienso en las grandes ciudades contemporáneas, me pregunto dónde están las puertas ante las cuales llevar a los enfermos para que sean curados. Jesús nunca se negó a curarlos. Nunca siguió de largo, nunca giró la cara hacia otro lado. Y cuando un padre o una madre, o incluso sencillamente personas amigas le llevaban un enfermo para que lo tocase y lo curase, no se entretenía con otras cosas; la curación estaba antes que la ley, incluso una tan sagrada como el descanso del sábado (cf. Mc 3, 1-6). Los doctores de la ley regañaban a Jesús porque curaba el día sábado, hacía el bien en sábado. Pero el amor de Jesús era dar la salud, hacer el bien: y esto va siempre en primer lugar. Jesús manda a los discípulos a realizar su misma obra y les da el poder de curar, o sea de acercarse a los enfermos y hacerse cargo de ellos completamente (cf. Mt 10, 1). Debemos tener bien presente en la mente lo que dijo a los discípulos en el episodio del ciego de nacimiento (Jn 9, 1-5). Los discípulos —con el ciego allí delante de ellos— discutían acerca de quién había pecado, porque había nacido ciego, si él o sus padres, para provocar su ceguera. El Señor dijo claramente: ni él ni sus padres; sucedió así para que se manifestase en él las obras de Dios. Y lo curó. He aquí la gloria de Dios. He aquí la tarea de la Iglesia. Ayudar a los enfermos, no quedarse en habladurías, ayudar siempre, consolar, aliviar, estar cerca de los enfermos; esta es la tarea. La Iglesia invita a la oración continua por los propios seres queridos afectados por el mal. La oración por los enfermos no debe faltar nunca. Es más, debemos rezar aún más, tanto personalmente como en comunidad. Pensemos en el episodio evangélico de la mujer cananea (cf. Mt 15, 21-28). Es una mujer pagana, no es del pueblo de Israel, sino una pagana que suplica a Jesús que cure a su hija. Jesús, para poner a prueba su fe, primero responde duramente: «No puedo, primero debo pensar en las ovejas de Israel». La mujer no retrocede —una mamá, cuando pide ayuda para su criatura, no se rinde jamás; todos sabemos que las mamás luchan por los hijos— y responde: «También a los perritos, cuando los amos están saciados, se les da algo», como si dijese: «Al menos trátame como a una perrita». Entonces Jesús le dijo: «Mujer, qué grande es tu fe: que se cumpla lo que deseas» (v. 28). Ante la enfermedad, incluso en la familia surgen dificultades, a causa de la debilidad humana. Pero, en general, el tiempo de la enfermedad hace crecer la fuerza de los vínculos familiares. Y pienso cuán importante es educar a los hijos desde pequeños en la solidaridad en el momento de la enfermedad. Una educación que deja de lado la sensibilidad por la enfermedad humana, aridece el corazón. Y hace que los jóvenes estén «anestesiados» respecto al sufrimiento de los demás, incapaces de confrontarse con el sufrimiento y vivir la experiencia del límite. Cuántas veces vemos llegar al trabajo a un hombre, una mujer, con cara de cansancio, con una actitud cansada y al preguntarle: «¿Qué sucede?», responde: «He dormido sólo dos horas porque en casa hacemos turnos para estar cerca del niño, de la niña, del enfermo, del abuelo, de la abuela». Y la jornada continúa con el trabajo. Estas cosas son heroicas, son la heroicidad de las familias. Esas heroicidades ocultas que se hacen con ternura y con valentía cuando en casa hay alguien enfermo. La debilidad y el sufrimiento de nuestros afectos más queridos y más sagrados, pueden ser, para nuestros hijos y nuestros nietos, una escuela de vida —es importante educar a los hijos, los nietos en la comprensión de esta cercanía en la enfermedad en la familia— y llegan a serlo cuando los momentos de la enfermedad van acompañados por la oración y la cercanía afectuosa y atenta de los familiares. La comunidad cristiana sabe bien que a la familia, en la prueba de la enfermedad, no se la puede dejar sola. Y debemos decir gracias al Señor por las hermosas experiencias de fraternidad eclesial que ayudan a las familias a atravesar el difícil momento del dolor y del sufrimiento. Esta cercanía cristiana, de familia a familia, es un verdadero tesoro para una parroquia; un tesoro de sabiduría, que ayuda a las familias en los momentos difíciles y hace comprender el reino de Dios mejor que muchos discursos. Son caricias de Dios. For the evangelization of peoples ORACIÓN ColECTA La Santa MarÍa Señor y Dios nuestro, que has querido que tu Iglesia sea sacramento de salvación para todos los hombres a fin de que la obra redentora de tu Hijo perdure hasta el fin de los tiempos: haz que tus fieles caigan en la cuenta de que están llamados a trabajar por la salvación de los demás, para que todos los pueblos de la tierra formen una sola familia y surja una humanidad nueva en Cristo, nuestro Señnor, que vive y reina contigo en la unidad del Espíritu Santo, un solo Dios, por los siglos de los siglos. Amen. El comenzó a Enseñarles Muchas Cosas El comenzó a Enseñarles Muchas Cosas Los Diez Mandamientos Explicados por el Catecismo Los Diez Mandamientos Explicados por el Catecismo CUARTA PARTE: LA ORACIÓN CRISTIANA 2604 La segunda oración nos la transmite san Juan (cf Jn 11, 41-42), antes de la resurrección de Lázaro. La acción de gracias precede al acontecimiento: “Padre, yo te doy gracias por haberme escuchado”, lo que implica que el Padre escucha siempre su súplica; y Jesús añade a continuación: “Yo sabía bien que tú siempre me escuchas”, lo que implica que Jesús, por su parte, pide de una manera constante. Así, apoyada en la acción de gracias, la oración de Jesús nos revela cómo pedir: antes de que lo pedido sea otorgado, Jesús se adhiere a Aquél que da y que se da en sus dones. El Dador es más precioso que el don otorgado, es el “tesoro”, y en Él está el corazón de su Hijo; el don se otorga como “por añadidura” (cf Mt 6, 21. 33). LA VIRGEN MARÍA VISITA TU HOGAR Este grupo visita los hogares con la imagen de la Virgen de Fátima para rezar el Rosario con la familia tan a menudo como lo deseen. Si desea que lo visiten a usted o a su familia o amistades, favor llame a Berta al (516) 379-8270 o a Gresmy al (516) 670-2687. LECTURAS PARA EL 25 de Octubre de 2015 XXX Domingo Ordinario 1ra Lectura: Jeremías, 31, 7-9 Salmo Responsorial: Salmo 126 2da Lectura: Hebreos 5:1-6 Evangelio: San Marcos 10: 46-52 Grupo Carismático Cristo Vive GRUPO SANTO REDENTOR Lo invita a acompañarlos todos los domingos de 7:30 a 9:00 P.M. en el Auditorio. El grupo Cristo Vive visita los hogares de las personas que no pueden salir. Favor llamar a Cándido Bran al (516) 852-4320 para información. Acompáñenos los martes de 7:00 P.M. a 9:00 P.M. en el sótano de la Escuela. Para más información por favor llame a Ivette Vasquez al (516) 469-9559. Oremos (Por los Hombres y Mujeres en las Fuerzas Armadas) Melissa Castillo, ENS Frank Chavez, Cpt. Thomas CollinsIII, Anthony Costante, Tyler Daly, Juan Diaz, Ryan Dugan, Michael G. Gonzalez, Daniel Ingin, Brig. Gen. Kevin Killea, Susana Ladino, Capt. Peter Lawless, Cpl. Gaelan Lynch, Sgt. Ramon Marrero, Pvt. Jack McKnight, John Mediate, Airman 1st Class Jerome Miles, Lt. Cmdr. Colleen Minihan, Maj. Paul Minihan, Sebastian Moreno, Sean Joseph Mormon, Sgt. Allyson Parla, PO Floyd A. Rivera, Benjamin Rhodes, Sgt. Sammy Rodriguez, Edwin Sandoval, Doug Schambert, Paul Seidon, Luis Sic, PFC Ashley Sumner, Capt. John Talafuse, Lt. Matthew Talibon, Corp. Daniel Vargas, SCPO William A. Vega, Capt. Johnetta Washington, Anthony Williams, Sgt. 1st Class Lynroy Williams, Lt. Cmdr. Brad Younger Reflexión Semanal Concede que nos sentemos uno a tu derecha y otro a tu izquierda.” Podemos simpatizar con esta petición de Juan y Santiago. Es muy natural. Es muy humana. Sin embargo, la respuesta de Jesús nos ayuda a entender que las cosas son diametralmente opuestas en el Reino de Dios. “¿Podrán pasar la prueba que yo voy a pasar y recibir el Bautismo con que seré Bautizado.” (Vea Marcos 10:35-45) En el Reino de Dios el que desee ser primero, debe estar dispuesto a ser último y servir a los demás. El cristianismo es un llamado al sacrificio. Mientras más penetramos en el misterio de Cristo más apreciamos que el ser cristiano significa estar dispuesto a hacer sacrificios. No podemos hacer esto por nuestra propia cuenta. Necesitamos ayuda de arriba. La Gloria viene, pero primero viene el sacrificio. Jesús no es maestro de los que dicen y no hacen. El pasa a decirnos: “El Hijo del hombre . . . no ha venido a que lo sirvan, sino a servir y a dar su vida por la redención de todos.” Donde el Maestro va nosotros podemos seguirlo. De hecho, tenemos que seguirlo, porque ser discípulo significa ser seguidor. Las buenas nuevas es que Jesús nos acompaña a lo largo del camino. También nos acompaña su santísima Madre, la Virgen María, la “servidora” del Señor. PROGRAMA SUPLEMENTAL DE ALIMENTOS Para mujeres embarazadas y postparto por 6 meses, infantes y para niños hasta los 5 años de familias con bajo ingreso. Proveemos asistencia de alimentos, educación nutricional y evaluación de salud. Le damos referencia a médicos y agencias de servicios humanos. LLAME al 516-377-0157 o VENGA A NUESTRA OFICINA. TO SERVE AND NOT TO BE SERVED Jesus summoned the Twelve and said to them, “You know that those who are recognized as rulers over the Gentiles lord it over them, and their great ones make their authority over them felt. But it shall not be so among you. Rather, whoever wishes to be great among you will be your servant; whoever wishes to be first among you will be the slave of all. For the Son of Man did not come to be served but to serve and to give His life as a ransom for many.” Saint Mark X: 42-45 Directions: Find the words below from today’s Scripture reading in the puzzle. Words can go horizontally, vertically, and diagonally in all directions (as shown). AMONG ANSWERED ASKING AUTHORITY BAPTIZED DRINK GLORY GRANT GREATEST HEARD INDIGNANT JESUS LEFT LIFE OVER PREPARED RANSOM RECOGNIZED REPLIED RIGHT SERVE SIT SLAVE SUMMONED TEACHER TWELVE WHOEVER WISHES D D Z W T R P S T G S K B Q T A G A I D W H L I F E T S A J Y S Y N C E I E G V S W U S H W E K D S M N L A E J T D D W S V Y I A W O O T R H X E R T T R G G N R E A M O D V R E P P E Q N Y G E R R M L O A S V L S R A O R L I E E U C P L B G E S N G M T U W D H S E A C W E F T O Y A T G E W E R V Q B A P T I Z E D R T H H P E B D E I L P E R E A I O S I P T R A N S O M V T N S E I U H X K N I R D O F O T C V W G N I D E Z I N G O C E R E I C D S U V V V J E S U S R R D W U R