dance DV8 MSM PHYSICAL THEATRE PHOTOGRAPHS BY GAVIN EVANS DV8 MSM PHYSICAL THEATRE PHOTOGRAPHS BY GAVIN EVANS MSM- men who have sex with men. 1993. MSM is a series of images that explore and reveal the secret world of ‘cottaging’- the clandestine practice of men seeking and engaging in illicit sex in public toilets. MSM exposes the secret language and techniques of cottaging; spying through peepholes in walls, the use of small mirrors to see over the top of cubicles, hand signals to denote sexual preferences and shopping bags covering shoes to avoid detection when viewed from under a door. Cottaging is punishable in the UK by a fine or a 6 month prison sentence Research contradicts the myth that cottaging is purely the reserve of the homosexual community and reveals that bi-sexual and married men also seek sexual gratification in these public ‘conveniences’. MSM was created and developed from interviews taken from men with experience in cottaging. These images were taken in a public toilet in London for publicity purposes and as research/ reference material for internationally renowned dance group DV8. DV8-MSM©gavinevans DV8-MSM©gavinevans DV8-MSM©gavinevans DV8-MSM©gavinevans DV8-MSM©gavinevans DV8-MSM©gavinevans DV8-MSM©gavinevans DV8-MSM©gavinevans DV8-MSM©gavinevans DV8-MSM©gavinevans DV8-MSM©gavinevans DV8-MSM©gavinevans DV8-MSM©gavinevans DV8-MSM©gavinevans DV8-MSM©gavinevans [email protected]