1959 Miracle Yearbook - DigitalCommons@Cedarville
1959 Miracle Yearbook - DigitalCommons@Cedarville
Cedarville University DigitalCommons@Cedarville Yearbooks Fall 1959 1959 Miracle Yearbook Cedarville College Follow this and additional works at: http://digitalcommons.cedarville.edu/yearbooks Part of the Higher Education Commons, Organizational Communication Commons, and the Public Relations and Advertising Commons Recommended Citation Cedarville College, "1959 Miracle Yearbook" (1959). Yearbooks. Book 40. http://digitalcommons.cedarville.edu/yearbooks/40 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by DigitalCommons@Cedarville, a service of the Centennial Library. It has been accepted for inclusion in Yearbooks by an authorized administrator of DigitalCommons@Cedarville. For more information, please contact [email protected]. 0 +- +- DI.VELOPMCITT Ornot CEDARVILLS. COLLUX OXDAIIVII.I4 OHIO 440 - _ I 11111111111111 MIMI 011 111//111 MIN From early childhood . . . through student days . . . to adult achievement . . . discovery is a continuing process of life through which each must pass. It may be through music or the scientific realm, by the gaining of knowledge and skills in a classroom, by diligent, constant study on our own, or through the guidance and instruction from those who help in molding our lives for the future. Discovery is not all hard work. Joy, pleasure, and lasting friendships help to make it a pleasant experience, whether through student parties, roommates, or the exercising of our bodies in sports. Yes, life is discovery. Only time, work, and study will reveal the fulfillment of that dream of early childhood as it becomes a reality at Cedarville College. Herein is recorded one year of our great discovery. : 1111 43111A M ani ai lPg ssais E 111111111111111111111111111 /1111111111111I 1111111111111111111 MP111111111 WM MOM I NO MIN.—a' -________U 111111111111111111111 11111111111111111I u-I-------DMI aleIII C 11111111,111111111. MISill 1111111111111 IN MIN Al WIN INN= Ill MOM 1111/11111111111111111 III IIIMIMI MOM IIIIIIIII OM IIINM IMO11111111111111 11/1111/101=111/111111111111111 NM Mr 11111111111111P .111 4 111111111 Nassmistrail „ orm,,,,,,, ,-1.1.11111111/01001MMoomm, r h .W ammoalma miamion111111.1 DARVILLE COLLEGE LIBRARY imINS Nal= MN= mum= e= w NIBMOMI= t110111111111111 Colaille 1111111.111111111111111111C MIOM 11111111111W 11111111111111111111= IMO=IIPO MIN 11111111111111 MOO IMMO OM IMO EMI =NIS ma MS IIIRSIM NNW 1111111111111110111 at ,111 IIIIIMSMil MIMIMIOM MOM illIPMbMIMI III MIMIMINN INIINM MillIN MillMOM MillMOW YAM MINIM ram 4111111111ime maxi PRESIDENT'S MESSAGE The dictionary says that to "discover" is, among other things, "to obtain first the knowledge" of anything. We discover what existed before, but remained unknown. How grateful we ought to be that God has made Himself known through His word. The greatest discovery any person can make is the glorious truth of the Gospel, that God has provided a remedy for the most hopeless sinner. What is the greatest discovery ever made by any human being? Is it geographical, scientific, intellectual? We dare say it is spiritual, for nothing can surpass the tremendous importance of a person's right relationship to God for time and eternity. If we have discovered by Divine illumination that as guilty sinners we may have a glorious standing before God through His Son, we have made the greatest of discoveries. "To whom God would make known ... the riches ... Christ in you, the hope of glory." (Col. 1:27). This is wealth unsurpassed. It is our prayer that young people who come to this school may learn how to make a life time of discovering how wonderful Christ really is, being ,o impressed with His person that they will spend a lifetime to tell others what they have found in Him. 4 •••• •••• From early childhood . . . . . . through student days . . . . . . to adult achievement .. . 5 4 ... discovery is a continuing process of life through which each must pass. It may be through music or the scientific realm ... 6 ...the gaining of knowledge and skills in a classroom ... 8 . . . by diligent, constant study on our own . . . 9 . . . all guided and instructed by those who help in molding our lives to the future . . . these, our professors. 10 Discovery is not all hard work. Joy, pleasure and lasting friendships help to make a more pleasant experience . . . whether through student parties, roommates or... 12 ... by the exercising of our bodies in sports. 14 .' Only time, work, and study will reveal the fulfillment of that dream of early childhood as it becomes reality at Cedarville College . . . our great discovery. 16 TABLE OF CONTENTS DEDICATION laborers together MASTERS faculty SEARCHERS students DISCOVERIES knowledge friends joy skill pleasure truth 17 - DR. and MRS. CLIFFORD R. ••• laborers together...MADDOX DEDICATION Because of your vast contributions to the academic, social, and spiritual welfare of our school, we the Junior Class proudly dedicate our yearbook to you Dr. and Mrs. Clifford R. Maddox. During your years at Cedarville you have given unselfishly of your time and talents to the betterment of our school. Your untiring enthusiasm and faithful service will long be remembered as contributing factors in our school's history. We cannot even begin in this short space to enumerate your efforts put forth to help Cedarville College grow in the wisdom and knowledge of our Lord. We, the Junior Class, sincerely thank you and will continue to uphold you in prayer as you labor for Him who loved us and gave Himself for us. ....•••••••• 1 20 ... And gladly wolde he lerne and gladly teche . .. -CHAUCER M Deans ROBERT UNDERWOOD, M.A. Registrar Education ARTHUR F. WILLIAMS, B.A., D.D. Dean of Students Bible CLIFFORD R. MADDOX, Ph.D. Academic Dean Psychology and Education Executive Committee George S. Milner, Chairman C. R. Maddox George L. Boyd Wm. Patterson Earl Willetts Wm. Brook Wilbur Rooks Arthur Williams James T. Jeremiah Robert Underwood Board of Trustees Charles Barth Joseph H. Bower Glenn Davis Herman W. Harvey George S. Milner, Chairman William B. Patterson Gerald Smelser Earl Willetts Alfred Colwell 22 George A. Bates George L. Boyd John Draxler James T. Jeremiah Kenneth A. Muck Wilbur C. Rooke Eugene B. Smith Donald Woodby William Brock Norman B. Chappell Arthur Dyke Allen E. Lewis Dale Murphy R. 0. Sanborn Charles Wallace Thomas Younger - HARMON BERGEN, B.A. English Language SHERWIN BOWSER, B.S. Physical Education RICHARD COOKE, M.S. Music RUTH KANTZER, B.A. English CLEVELAND McDONALD, M.Litt. Social Science 23 DALE THOMSON, B.A. Biological Science WARREN WEBBER, M.Mus.Ed. Music 24 G. PAUL WYLAND, M.A. History BRUCE TURNBULL, B.D., M.S. Chemical Science Staff Left: MR. MARSHALL, Superintendent of Maintenance Right: CLIFF BOESSEL, Assistant MRS. RUDER Cashier ELINOR KEEVER Bookkeeper BERNICE MICK Bookstore Manager MISS WOOD Secretary of Publications MRS. SHIRLEY Cafeteria Manager MRS. FRIBERG Cafeteria Assistant MRS. UNDERWOOD Housemother of Faith Hall MRS. TURNBULL, R.N. Nurse 25 0 26 If thou seekest her as for hid treasures; Then shalt thou understand ... -PROVERBS searchers 27 - is& Seniors K PAUL VAN KLEE ON TS WA LL HA RS MA GRACE WILLETTS SANDY NIILLIKIN "The life that goes forward triumphs." 28 President Vice President and Chaplain Secretary Treasurer CLIFFORD BOESSEL Hobart, Indiana First Baptist Church B.A., History Class President 3; Basketball 1; Baseball 2. SANDRA MILLIKIN ENTNER Kalkaska, Michigan Kalkaska Baptist Church B.A., Social Science Class Secretary 3, Treasurer 4; Miracle Staff 3; Whispering Cedars, Assistant Editor 2, 3; Trio 4; Choir 1, 2, 3, 4; Gamma Chi 2, Social Chairman 3, 4; Cheerleader 1, 2, 3, 4; Girls' Chorus 3; Pep Band 1, 2, 44 Girls' Basketball 1, 2, 3, 4. EUGENE CHRISTIAN Cedarville, Ohio Grace Baptist Church B.A., History Class President 1; Basketball 1; Miracle Staff 3; Choir 1; Intramurals 2, 3, 4. ROBERT HOWDER Angola, New York First Baptist Church B.S., Physical Science Wheaton College Summer School Class Vice President 3; Student Council 1, Treasurer 4; Varsity "C" 3, Business Manager 4; Basketball 1, 2, 3, 4; Baseball Manager 2, 3; Miracle Staff 3; Trumpet Trio 3, 4; Alpha Chi 2, Secretary and Treasurer 3, President 4; Traffic Court 4. 29 CAROL JOHNSON West Palm Beach, Florida Blessed Hope Baptist Church B.A., Bible Class Secretary 2, Treasurer 3; Student Council Secretary 4; Miracle Staff 3; Girls' Chorus 3; FWM Sepretary 2,4. RAYMOND REINER North Boston, New York Hamburg Baptist Church B.A., Bible Miracle Staff 3; FWM President 4. II JERROLD ROOT Monterey, New York Monterey Baptist Church B.A., Bible Baptist Bible Seminary MARY SMITH Blanchester, Ohio First Baptist Church B.A., Bible Tennessee Temple College 51-53 30 DAVID THOMAS Dayton, Ohio Christian Missionary Alliance B.S., General Science Student Council 3, 4; Varsity "C" 2, Secretary 3 and 4; Basketball Manager 1, 2, 3, 4; Baseball Manager 1, 2, 3, 4; Whispering Cedars 4; Alpha Chi 2, 3, Vice President 4; Student Court 3, 4; Chairman of Election Board 4; FWM 4; Homecoming Play 4. PAUL VAN KLEEK Lapeer, Michigan First Baptist Church B.A., Social Science Class President 4; Student Council 2, President 3; Discipline Committee 3; Miracle Staff 3; Whispering Cedars 4; Choir 1, 3, 4; Alpha Chi 2, 3, 4; Pep Band 1, 2, 3, 4; Tract Club President 1. MARSHALL WATSON JR. Cedarville, Ohio Zion Baptist Church B.A., History Class President 1, Chaplain 2, Vice President 4, Chaplain 4. DICK JOHN SON (Not Pictured) 31 LES WEBSTER Hamburg, New York First Baptist Church B.A., Bible Class Vice President 2, Chaplain 3; Varsity "C" 4; Basketball Statistician 3; Tennis 2; Alpha Chi, Program Chairman 1, 2, 3, 4; FWM Vice President L GRACE WILLETTS Berea, Ohio Berea Baptist Church B.A., Music Class Treasurer 2, Secretary 4; Student Council 3, 4; Discipline Committee 3, 4; Miracle Staff 1, 3; Trio 1, 2, 3, 4; Choir 1, 2, 3, 4; Music Masters 3; Student Council 3, 4; Gamma Chi 2, 3, Vice President 4; Girls' Chorus 3; Social Committee 1, 2; Homecoming Play 3, 4; Women's Council Vice President 3, 4; Girls' Basketball 1. RUTH YOST North Collins, New York Hamburg First Baptist Church B.A., English Student Council 1; Miracle Staff Assistant Editor 1; Whispering Cedars 1, 2, Editor 3; Trio Pianist 1; Gamma Chi Secretary 2, Vice President 3, President 4; FWM 1, 2, 3, 4; Homecoming Play 3, 4; Women's Council Vice President 3, President 3, 4. 32 Juniors KEITH COLLETT WARREN WOODARD WANDA HORN LOIS JEREMIAH RAY SHEPARD President Vice President SecretSry Treasurer Chaplain "To God the Glory, to men the Gospel." 33 MERLIN AGER Verona, Wisconsin Memorial Baptist Church PAUL ANDERSON Gary, Indiana Miller Baptist Church ROY CARR Sinclairville, New York First Baptist Church Picture Not ALBERTA CHAFFE Thompson, Ohio South Madison Community Church Available STUART CHAFFE Thompson, Ohio South Madison Community Church KAREN COLLETT Cedarville, Ohio Berea Baptist Church KEITH COLLETT' Cedarville, Ohio DAVID DAUTEL Portsmouth, Ohio Temple Baptist Church KEN DOCTOR Ellsworth, Michigan Eastport Baptist Church JOHN ENTNER Connersville, Indiana Community Baptist Church PHYLLIS ERNST Fayette, Ohio Ambrose Baptist Church WILLIAM EVANS Columbus, Ohio Memorial Baptist Church DWAYNE FRANK Kuna, Idaho First Baptist Church TIMOTHY GRAFTON Freeport, Pennsylvania Union Baptist Church CAROLYN HALE Toledo, Ohio Emmanuel Baptist Church CHARLES HORN Cedarville, Ohio Bethlehem Baptist Church WANDA HORN Cedarville, Ohio Bethlehem Baptist Church ROBERT HUMPHREYS Toledo, Ohio Emmanuel Baptist Church LOIS JEREMIAH Cedarville, Ohio Grace Baptist Church LUCY LYONS South Euclid, Ohio Bethlehem Baptist Church 35 WILLIAM MASON Columbus, Ohio Vallejo Bible Church DAVE MATSON Plymouth, Indiana First Baptist Church DAVID MULDER Donna, Texas Calvary Baptist Church JAMES NEELY Glenview, Illinois Community Baptist Church NORMA NULPH Climax, Pennsylvania Climax Baptist Church KENNETH PIERPONT Grandview, Illinois Emmanuel Baptist Church WARREN PROUD Grand Rapids, Michigan Trinity Baptist Church PETE REESE Cedarville, Ohio Clifton Presbyterian Church SALLY ROUDYBUSH Butler, Pennsylvania First Baptist Church Picture Picture Not Not Available Available Picture Not LEON ROWLAND Springfield, Ohio Blessed Hope Baptist Church 36 Available DONALD SEWELL Batavia, Ohio RAY SHEPHERD Cincinnati, Ohio Norwood Baptist Church Picture Not Available BARBARA SHERRY Worthington, Pennsylvania First Baptist Church RUTH SMELSER Cleveland Heights, Ohio Bethlehem Baptist Church LARRY SMITH Macon, Illinois Riverside Baptist Church ROSEMARY SMITH Kirkersville, Ohio Reynoldsburg Bible Mission Picture Not Available HUBLALL SOOKRAM Corentyne, British Guiana First Regular Baptist HORACE WARD Springfield, Ohio Pentecostal Church WARREN WOODARD Jamestown, New York Chandler St. Baptist Church 37 ANM. MEI MN. 11111, 1111111%.1 onl ftd i 2 11111 Sophomores LON REISING President GLENN SEEVERS _____ Vice President DELORES OSBORN Secretary PAT PETRY Treasurer DEAN ZERBY (Not Pictured) _ Chaplain "With eternity's values in view" 38 JOHN BUTLER Greene, Iowa Alameda Baptist Church DAVID COCHRAN Russell, Iowa Center Community DONIS COLLIER Moweaqua, Illinois Grace Baptist Church DICK COOK Flint, Michigan Riverdale Baptist Church MARCIA CROTHERS Lakeville, Indiana First Baptist Church MARLENE DAVIS Parma, Ohio First Baptist Church PHYLLIS DOBBS Kuna, Idaho First Baptist Church LOIS DODSON Winona Lake, Indiana Winona Lake Baptist Church JACK DOWDEN Ames, Iowa Campus Baptist Church JAMES ENTNER Connersville, Indiana Community Baptist Church CHARLES FRY Crawfordsville, Indiana First Baptist Church TERRY GOODRICH Boise, Idaho Baptist Temple 39 COLBY GOODRIDGE Lincoln Center, Maine JOYCE GRANT East Moline, Illinois Third Street Baptist SHIRLEY HARRINGTON Watseka, Illinois First Baptist Church Picture Not Available RUTH HIMSEL Verona, Wisconsin Memorial Baptist Church Picture JOHN INGRAM Columbus, Ohio Immanuel Baptist Church RICHARD JACOBS Flint, Michigan Riverdale Baptist Church Not Available BARBARA JOHNSON Poland, Ohio Struthers Baptist Tabernacle LINDA JOHNSON Findlay, Ohio First Baptist Church MAURINE LARSEN Ames, Iowa Campus Baptist Church NANCY McDIVITT Garrettsville, Ohio Troy Baptist Church DEAN MAYO LaGrange, Ohio Midview Baptist Church DELORES OSBORN Westminster, Colorado First Baptist Church PAT PETRY New Madison, Ohio Immanuel Baptist Church Picture Not Available DAN PURDY Columbia Station, Ohio Berea Baptist Church LON REISING Chesterfield, Missouri Lack/and Road Baptist SHARON ROUSH Flint, Michigan Riverdale Baptist Church Picture Not Available GLENN SEEVERS Cleveland, Ohio Parma Heights Baptist ROBERT SELF Toledo, Ohio Emmanuel Baptist Church ESTHER WEISS Fairview Park, Ohio Berea Baptist Church Picture Not Available WILLARD WENTZEL Lorain, Ohio DEAN ZERBY Berrien Springs, Michigan Picture Not Available TERRY ZERBY Berrien Springs, Michigan CAROL ZOELLNER Sandusky, Ohio Woodlawn Baptist Church RONALD ZOELLNER Sandusky, Ohio Woodlawn Baptist Church Picture Not Available 41 Freshmen KEITH WEBSTER DAVID ................ EARNHART President CAROL DI Vice NSMORE President . CHARLENE RESSLER Secretary ROBERT DOMOKOS _ Treasurer ---------------Chaplain "We enter to learn and go forth to serve." 42 DALE ADAMS Meadville, Pennsylvania Calvary Baptist Church VANCE ASHLEY Avon Lake, Ohio Trinity Baptist Church LONNIE BELL Cincinnati, Ohio Union Baptist Church ALLEN BIDDLE Rutland, Ohio First Baptist Church ROBERT BLUMENSTOCK Teaneck, New Jersey First Baptist Church STEVE BOALT Cleveland, Ohio Cedar Hill Baptist ROBERT BOORMAN JR. Portsmouth, Ohio Temple Baptist Church MARGARET CANINE Blanchester, Ohio First Baptist Church Picture Not Available LORRAINE CARTWRIGHT Ewington, Ohio First Baptist Church ELDONNA COONS Brownsburg, Indiana Waveland Baptist Church JUDY COUSINEAU Saginaw, Michigan Grace Baptist Church VIRGINIA COX Russell, Iowa Center Community Church Freshmen 43 CLAUDIA CROSS Rochester, Michigan First Baptist Church DARLENE DERR Flint, Michigan Grace Baptist Church WAYNE DICICASON Ortonville, Michigan Ortonville Baptist Church CAROL DINSMORE Cleveland, Ohio Euclid-Nottingham Baptist Church SHARON DOBBS Kuna, Idaho Kuna Baptist Church ROBERT DOMOKOS Windsor, Ohio Huntsburg Baptist Church DAVID EARNHART Waynesville, Ohio Xenia Emmanuel Baptist Church MARVIN FRANK Hammond, Indiana Hessville Baptist Church WALLACE FRANK Kuna, Idaho Kuna Baptist Church SANDRA HAMMERSTROM North Royalton, Ohio North Royalton Baptist Church JAMES HOLCOMB Paw Paw, Michigan Community Bible Church MARGARET HOWARD Meadville, Pennsylvania Calvary Baptist Church Freshmen 44 JAMES INMAN Olean, New York Christian and Missionary Alliance DOLLY JESSE Elyria, Ohio First Baptist Church FRED JOHNSON Cambridge, Ohio First U. P. Church RUTH JONES Springfield, Ohio Blessed Hope Baptist Church ELAINE JORDAN Richmond, Virginia Berean Baptist Church JAI* Picture Not Available TONY KILBOURN Hudson, Michigan Locust Corners Baptist Church BARBARA KRUTSINGER Argenta, Illinois Riverside Baptist Church KAY LAMB Crawfordsville, Indiana East Side Baptist Church CAROLE LANIUS Covington, Kentucky Calvary Baptist Church DAVID LEWIS Portsmouth, Ohio Temple Baptist Church PAULINE LOWE Osseo, Michigan Locust Corners Baptist Church MARVIN McCASLIN Lorain, Ohio Penfield Junction Baptist Church 45 CARMEN MANCHESTER Saginaw, Michigan Grace Baptist Church NORMA MERGET New York, New York Park Avenue Methodist Church DONNELL MIDDLETON Media, Pennsylvania North Chester Baptist Church JANET OCCHIUZZO Carlstadt, New Jersey First Baptist Church MARY PENNEY Columbiaville, Michigan Lapeer First Baptist Church DAVID PIPER Pittsford, Michigan Locust Corners Baptist Church ROBERT PRICE Onaway, Michigan First Baptist Church KENNETH PYCRAFT Elyria, Ohio First Baptist Church WAYNE RADER Renfrew, Pennsylvania First Baptist Church CHARLENE RESSLER Shell Rock, Iowa First Baptist Church JOHN REYNOLDS Windsor, Ohio Huntsburg Baptist Church MARY REYNOLDS Windsor, Ohio Huntsburg Baptist Church Freshmen 46 HAROLD RODIN Burlington, Iowa Kaimuki Community Church CATHERINE SHELTON Clinton, Michigan Clinton Church Picture Not Available RICHARD SHOFF Cheektowaga, New York DAVID SKAGGS Portsmouth, Ohio Temple Baptist Church DAVID SMELSER Medina, Ohio First Baptist Church MARILYN SMITH Xenia, Ohio First Reformed Church BOGLE STANDIFER Galion, Ohio First Baptist Church DENNIS STILLWELL Huntsburg, Ohio Huntsburg Baptist Church 1 JACK STITT Altoona, Pennsylvania Calvary Baptist Church OTIS STONE Rochelle, Illinois First Baptist Church ESTHER STUTESMAN Tecumseh, Michigan Britton Bethel Baptist CHARLES TAYLOR Traverse City, Michigan Immanuel Baptist Church 47 ELEANOR TAYLOR Cleveland, Ohio Hayden Avenue Baptist Church DONLEY TENNANT Bellefontaine, Ohio First Regular Baptist Church DONNA THOMPSON Bedford, Ohio Northfield Baptist Church THOMAS THOMPSON Boise, Idaho Baptist Temple TED WALBORN Wauseon, Ohio First Baptist Church JOANN WATSON Kuna, Idaho First Baptist Church KEITH WEBSTER Bedford, Ohio First Baptist Church Picture Not Available JAY WICKHAM Boise, Idaho Baptist Temple MARVIN WISEMAN Springfield, Ohio Blessed Hope Baptist Church EMERSON WRIGHT Eaton, Ohio Picture Not WAYNE WRIGHT Huron, Ohio Calvary Baptist Church Available Freshmen 48 JEAN LOCKERBIE GARY LUSCOMBE BEVERLY LYON Second Semester Students LOREN SCHENCK .A.. WAYNE STANCHFIELD "Everyman has in himself a continent of undiscovered character." I BACK ROW: Ray Shepherd, Warren Woodard, Vance Ashley, John Butler, Dwayne Frank, Dave Matson, David Smelser, Paul Van Kleek, Wayne Dickason, Merlin Ager. SECOND ROW: Dick Cook, Bob Humphreys, Dolly Jesse, Carole Lanius, Carol Zoellner, Grace Willetts, JoAnn Watson, Ruth Himsel, Jean Lockerbie, Jack Dow- Discovering Joy 52 The Chapel Choir den. FIRST ROW: Carolyn Hale, Esther Weiss, Lucy Lyons, Eleanor Taylor, Rosemary Smith, Shirley Harrington, Lois Jeremiah, Donna Thompson, Patsy Petry, Marlene Davis. Director: Mr. Dale Thompson. The school choir is an organization which renders manifold blessings to its members through the use of vocal talents in the Lord's service. 53 LEFT TO RIGHT:Ruth Yost, Lois Jeremiah, James Neely, Shirley Harrington, Dwayne Frank, Grace Willetts, Dave Matson, Carol Zoeliner. Music Masters Each year students, outstanding in leadership, cooperation, character, scholarship and service, are chosen for membership in the Modern Music Masters, National Honor Societies. 54 The Pep Band BACK ROW: Carmen Manchester, Sally Roudybush. THIRD ROW: Keith Collett, Dave Matson, Steve BoaIt, Dave Smelser, Marvin Frank. SECOND ROW: Joyce Grant, Esther Weiss, Rosemary Smith, Paul Van Kleek. FIRST ROW: Carol Zoellner, Maurine Larsen. Director: Mr. Warren Webber. The Ladies' Trio Grace Willetts, Carol Zoellner, Carole Lanius. Accompanist: Carolyn Hale. 55 John Butler, Dave Matson, Vance Ashley, Dwayne Frank The Men's Quartets TII Roy Carr, Warren Woodard, Keith Collett, Dick Cook. Accompanist: Marcia Crothers. 56 . . . Discovering Skill. . . 57 COACH BOWSER COACH DAUTEL Pete Reese receiving 1957-58 M.V.P. award. 59 NW V a BACK ROW:Tony Kilboum, Trainer; Dave Eamhart, Pete Reese, Coach Bowser, Dave Matson, Publicity Director; Vance Ashley, John Entner, Dave Thomas, Manager. FRONT ROW: Dave Skaggs, Jim Entner, Bob Humphreys, Dave Lewis, Merlin Ager, Terry Zerby. Schedule 1958-59 U. S. Naval Station Wilberforce U. Taylor University Defiance Ohio Northern Findlay Wilmington Malone College Huntington Ashland Wilberforce Bluffton 60 WE THEY 29 99 84 _____78 88 61 _71 80 94 91 78 93 66 85 89 94 83 93 88 78 72 57 85 U. S. Naval Station Roberts Wesleyan Ohio Northern Fenn Bluffton Ashland Defiance Malone College Grace College Findlay Wilmington Alumni WE THEY 61 100 83 98 99 120 69 90 87 108 75 79 87 66 82 87 61 77 BACK ROW:Dave Eamhart, John Butler, Coach Dautel, Bob Howder, Vance Ashley. FRONT ROW: Otis Stone, Marvin McCaslin, Merlin Ager. JIM ENTNER JOHN ENTNER PETE REESE DAVE LEWIS 62 The DAVE SKAGGS MERLIN AGER VANCE ASHLEY DAVE EARNHART Team BOB HUMPHREYS TERRY ZERBY Esther Weiss, Donna Thompson, Sandy Hammerstrom, Sandy Entner Cheerleaders Esther Stutesman, Kay Lamb, Dolly Jesse, Carole Lanius 64 The Yellowjacket Baseball Team 2. COACH BOWSER Baseball The 1958 Yellowjacket baseball team found the going hard during the season, winning one and losing fourteen. The loss of several players at the beginning of the season handicapped their efforts. Most of this year's team are returning next year and with the prospect of new talent better things should be in store for the Jackets. Assistant Coach ROBERT MARCELLINO 65 Infield 66 Battery 7 „ 68 Tennis Last spring the Yellowjacket netters found that the season was harder than anticipated. The squad won two out of their six games. In the Mid-Ohio League the Jackets tied for second place. Next year promises to be better with all this year's squad returning except Dick Wentzel and Land Moody who were lost by graduation. 1958 TENNIS SUMMARY Bluffton Bluffton Ohio Northern U. Wilmington Wilmington Defiance 5 4 6 4 5 1 Cedarville Cedarville Cedarville Cedarville Cedarville Cedarville 2 3 1 5 4 6 , ...... : : .. :: COACH AMBROSE vier- • • LEFT TO RIGHT: John Entner, Coach Ambrose, Jim Entner, Lane Moody, Keith Collett, Stuart Chaffe, Warren Woodard. 70 . . . Discovering Pleasure. . ; k 4 n.41'4.0 71 • i Students and guests enjoy film "Red River of Life." Visitors are given the opportunity to observe classes. climaxed the musical tun 72 program ads events. GARB C One of many groups beginning to gather for a student-conducted tour of the CC campus. Visits Our Campus Mrs. Maddox offers another good suggestion to a student who is helping to serve the 850 guests and students on GARBC day. Guests from all over the United States and the world chat for awhile on the CC campus as they enjoy looking over our buildings and ground. The Christian Activities Center in Dayton was the scene of the Junior and Senior Banquet. A spring garden, constructed by the Juniors, and Ce SVe\°I1' 3,0012 e•c( `-1661 4,NO oiN‘e6 ter o. ket r (0vojc/411.1 ‘ 1 vow- 66-9e4 , - the red, white, and gold colors of the Senior class, added to the festivity of the event. Senior Banquet Dr. Kantzer, guest speaker, "Theology in our Time" 75 The Junior Class—some triumphant, some doubting Cliff B., Junior class president, initials the rock. The Conspirators 76 78 J46 1 4 ... cap and gown measurements... exams... thesis ... parents and friends ... class gift. .. pomp and circumstance ... president's trophy . . . summa cum laude. .. diploma ... farewells... May 24, 1958. 79 Yes, college days are a time of discovering ... but the most important discovery this year's graduating class made was that commencement marks the beginning of great discovery . . . "We cannot see beyond today as God can see ... many joys are waiting yet ..." 80 The beginning of a year-long battle Again each Fall the new students find their way to our Cedarville campus and join with us in a new year of discovery. Cleanup Day . 11111 ENIII 4112111111•6111.11111.11111111.1111.11111.1.11411111.111.1111111.1 " MINUINI•muimoismiammsmos) wessem• •IMO 11111111111•111111111•1111•111111••••••••••••••■•••• 111111111•111113•111.11111111•111•Emaissms Immo emem imM••11111111MIN swim rommum•••••• A Ain WPM 1111111111111111111101111111111111111111111111 --.4_ AWN MINIM INNS 1111111111MIN a Student-Faculty Reception What's up, Doc! The Big Three A Green Freshman Mat Daveson "Indian Lovecall" Beep-Beep 82 Homecoming Weekend Getting together with old friends, the gathering of the ghosts and goblins in the gym . . . 0 so .. . the trip downtown to watch our float pass the judges ... 83 Many hours of work went into the building of the displays. The Freshman display won second prize. FWM Display, Third prize winner. . . . the judging of the displays . . . 84 Dr. Hudson's Secret Journal "Sometimes we succeed. Sometimes we fail." "What's your specialty, Barbara?" . .. the Homecoming play. All these add up to a memorable weekend." 85 Senior Sneak Bye, Juniors! VInt, tut00% • -' sty° • cAvIc° Free, but not forgotten. 86 NARRATOR: Ruth Yost MASTER OF CEREMONIES: Rev. Glenn Greenwood Valentine Banquet 87 Will Come" "Some Day My Prince 7 "Anything You Can Do" "I Hate Men" 88 "Without A Song" "I Can Do Better" "You Can't Get A Man With A Gun" "If I Give My Heart To You" Oscar Henry, Tenor Soloist Artist Series Oberlin String Quartet John Dailey, 2nd violin; Andor Toth, 1st violin; Peter Howard, violoncello; William Berman, viola. 90 . . . Discovering Friends. . • Student Council The Student Council is chosen by the student body to act as their representatives to the faculty and administration. It strives to develop a well-rounded social, spiritual, and academic life on the campus. SEATED: Robert Howder, Esther Weiss, Merlin Ager, Dr. Maddox, advisor; Kay Lamb, Robert Humphreys, John Entner. STANDING: David Thomas, Grace Willetts, Tony Kilbourn, James Entner, Carol Johnson, Lucy Lyons. President _ Vice President 92 JOHN ENTNER MERLIN AGER Secretary CAROL JOHNSON Treasurer ROBERT HOWDER Fellowship for World Missions The purpose of Fellowship for World Missions is to remember our missionaries in prayer, to create an interest within the student body for missions, and to correspond with missionaries with whom we are familiar. President Vice President Secretary-Treasurer Advisor RAY REINER DEAN MAYO CAROL JOHNSON MR. CLEVELAND McDONALD 93 Whispering Cedars Staff A Weekly Publication MARLENE DAVIS, Editor Davis Plice,14410leo Gtar,t,13ob 100 Miracle Staff An Annual Publication LARRY SMITH, Editor; MISS RUTH KANTZER, Advisor. Larry rp _ Smith, • I.ois arre inessEdito xranagerW. nJeremiah A Woodard, ate 'QUO us- rEys.pttetr. Teiss, UoY Assistant; Phyllis Social Ernst Editor. Lyons, Dave Matson, gr Advertising Sports apher. Editor; Editor; John Charles Entner, lion], Photo95 The Varsity "C" Club encourages and promotes intramural and intercollegiate athletics in order to bring glory to our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ and to produce good sportsmanship and strong bodies. •••• Dave Dautel, Jim Entner, Dave Cochran, Bob Humphreys, Dave Thomas, Keith Collett, Pete Reese, John Entner. President _ Vice President ___ Chaplain 96 JOHN ENTNER STU CHAFFE _ _BOB HUMPHREYS Willy Wentzel, Merlin Ager, Dan Purdy, Les Webster, Bob Howder, Roy Carr, Stu Chaffe, Coach Bowser. Secretary Treasurer _ Business Manager DAVE THOMAS KEITH COLLETT BOB HOWDER Dramatics Club From L. to R.: Keith Webster, Lois Jeremiah, Dave Matson, Ruth Yost, Rosemary Smith, Grace Willetts, Dwayne Frank, Delores Osborn, Bob Howder. "The purpose of the Dramatics Club is to provide the opportunity for dramatic experience through occasional productions for campus events and to recognize students who have contributed this service." 97 The purpose of Alpha Chi and Gamma Chi is to develop its members along literary lines . . . BOB HOWDER President DAVE THOMAS Vice President TERRY GOODRICH Secretary-Treasurer DAVE MATSON Parliamentarian MR. HARMON BERGEN Advisor 98 . .. to promote the spirit of refinement and social tastes; to develop poise, personality, and leadership at both formal and informal events. .- - , 1411=11111110111111111111111 , • - 1 Is 11, President RUTH YOST Vice President ______GRACE WILLETTS Secretary-Treasurer ESTHER WEISS Parliamentarian RUTH SMELSER Program Chairman LUCY LYONS Advisor MRS. WARREN WEBBER 99 FIRST PRIZE: "Half time with 'Papa Steve.'" taken by Dolly Jesse SECOND PRIZE: "I'm so-oo tired after that Smorgasbord." taken by Carmen Manchester. Photo Contest 100 , . . . Discovering Truth. . . . . . And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free. 101 , Greene County Home group meeting for prayer before visiting the Home. ".1 .L7 . . . BUT SPEAK THOU THE THINGS WHICH BECOME SOUND DOCTRINE. , -• -A .! A THAT THE AGED BE. . . SOUND IN FAITH . . . Lon Reising explaining the simple plan of salvation. Dave Cochran comforts a lady at the Knights of Pythias Home. , A A All NEEKAGORKRY OFFERING" TO•DAY OFFERING A NEEKAGOIGif Ken Pierpont checks attendance as one of his many duties as Sunday School Superintendent. . . . PREACH THE WORD, BE ZEALOUS IN SEASON AND OUT OF SEASON; . . . • Don Sewell as pastor of the Williamsburg Baptist Church. Keith Collett directing young people's choir. • • TRAIN UP A CHILD . . . AND WHEN HE IS OLD . . . The Boys' Brigade and Boys' Stockade is a National organization sponsored by the local Church. Its program is centered around athletics and Christian service. 104 -A THE WAY HE SHOULD GO ... HE WILL NOT DEPART FROM IT. . . Virginia Cox and Peggy Howard are two of the many girls who conduct Bible Clubs each week in different homes and churches. 105 The Springfield Jail group meeting for prayer. . . . THEN WILL I TEACH TRANSGRESSORS THY WAYS; AND SINNERS SHALL BE CONVERTED UNTO THEE . . . Terry Zerby 106 Xenia Jail. man in dealing with a Marvin McCaslin speaking to the group of men at the jail. Our Field Representative waar7777 From Seattle, Washington, to Vestal, New York, Rev. Ernest A. Lockerbie has represented our college to the young people of our churches as he proclaimed the Gospel of Christ. 107 Evening School Evening school students meet at the Euclid-Nottingham Baptist Church, Cleveland, Ohio, for classes in Bible. During the first semester 103 students were enrolled. REV. DONALD B. WOODBY Director OFFICERS OF ADMINISTRATION Director REV. DONALD B. WOODBY Assistant Director REV. ALLAN E. LEWIS Registrar MISS KATHERINE KISTNER TEACHERS Rev. Roy Clark Mr. James Dalton Rev. J. Gordon Dandignac Mrs. Esther Jeunnette Rev. Earl Leiby Rev. Allan Lewis Rev. Charles Ohman Rev. Paul Schenck Rev. Milton Sealey Rev. Paul Tidball Rev. Donald Woodby Mrs. Donald Woodby 108 Mrs. N. Miller, students. librarian, assists Stude d te fore atS an; :hers St0 asses Le gin. I3 to be. be. CALVARY BAPTIST CHURCH, --Covington, Kentuc D. B. EASTEP, Pastor ADVERTISING L CONGRATULATIONS to the GRADUATING CLASS OF 1959 and to CEDARVILLE for the important task excellently done of training its young men and women to serve God and their fellow men. From the GRAND RAPIDS "School of the Prophets," where the same spiritual emphasis is maintained and further training for Christian service is offered," that the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good work." GRAND RAPIDS BAPTIST THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY 811 Wealthy Street S. E. GRAND RAPIDS 6, MICHIGAN Compliments of ELLIS MOTOR SALES, INC. Ford Sales and Service XENIA, OHIO DR 2-6978 CEDARVILLE MIAMI DEPOSIT BANK Complete Facilities Ready to Serve You .1 I CEDARVILLE, OHIO and YELLOW SPRINGS, OHIO Member of the FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION MUSIC Is Our Business BAND BOX MUSIC CENTER 31 West Main Street opt • ELYRIA PLACEMENT SERVICE DYKE DIRECT MAIL SERVICE 30 Century Block ELYRIA, OHIO Xenia, Ohio FIRST REFORMED CHURCH Detroit and Church Streets XENIA, OHIO (Where The Bible Is Taught) RUSSELL MAYER, Pastor Independent, Fundamental, Premillennial Congratulations, Class of 1959 Congratulations From the RIVERSIDE BAPTIST CHURCH Corner South Jasper and East Cleveland Streets FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH of DECATUR, ILLINOIS Pastor, GEORGE A. BATES Russell, Iowa ROBERT FELTZ, Pastor Visit Us When You Visit Iowa To Him Who ever loves us and once for all released us from our sins by His blood, and has made us a kingdom of priests for His God and Father: to Him be glory forever. Amen." Williams Translation Revelation 1:56 and 6 BEREA BAPTIST CHURCH 250 West Street BEREA, OHIO tote: Bible School Morning Worship s siiisIN siBible Training Union Evening Gospel Service Meeting—Wed. _vahaPrayer : c i it a t ,, d ,, .,;._•;* 9:30 A.M. 10:45 A.M. 6:30 P.M. 7:45 P.M. 7:45 P.M. "That in all things He might have the pre-eminence" EARL V. WILLETTS, Pastor THE REYNOLDSBURG BIBLE MISSION BAPTIST CHURCH Pastor. LLEWELLYN THOMPSON CITY GOSPEL MISSION 1419 Elm St., Cincinnati, Ohio Located on South Taylor Road REYNOLDSBURG, OHIO CH 1-5525 Superintendent Mrs. Marguerite Conn Religious Director Ray Shepherd Social Service Director Mrs. M. Von Briesen Children's Worker Francis Francia Open seven days a week, the mission ministers to the needy of the basin area with meals, clothing, lodgings, groceries, etc. We Support CEDARVILLE Because Compliments of . . . its PAST graduates have proved a blessing to our Church. . we know our young people studying there at PRESENT are receiving invaluable Christian training in every field. THE FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH 276 Washington Avenue Elyria, Ohio ROBERT J. REYNHOUT, Pastor J. R. PAYNE, Minister of Music . . . in the FUTURE Cedarville must continue, for more than ever our children will need its sound training. Congratulations and the Lord's Blessing to the 1959 Graduates MEMORIAL BAPTIST CHURCH 201 South Main Street VERONA, WISCONSIN "The Church in the Heart of the Village With the Village at Heart" WILLIAM F. HARRIS, Pastor TEMPLE BAPTIST CHURCH Gallia at Waller Street PORTSMOUTH, OHIO Lord's Day Services 9:15 a.m. Bible School 10:30 a.m. Morning Worship (Broadcast over WPAY) 6:30 p.m. Training Unions 7:30 p.m. Evening Service T. D. BUNYAN Minister of Music HALL DAUTEL Pastor Holding Forth the Word of Life FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH MEDINA, OHIO Just Off the Square on West Liberty In the Heart of Medina, With Medina on Its Heart R. KENNETH SMELSER, Pastor Congratulations to the Senior Class From the EUCLID-NOTTINGHAM BAPTIST CHURCH 18901 Lake Shore Boulevard Euclid 19, Ohio REV. ALLAN E. LEWIS, Pastor FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH 118 West Walnut Street Galion, Ohio SUNDAY Bible School Worship Service Baptist Youth Fellowship Gospel Service WEDNESDAY Prayer Meeting and Bible Study 9:30 10:30 6:30 7:45 a.m. a.m. p.m. p.m. 7:30 p.m. REV. WILFRED BOOTH, Pastor —Jo Best Wishes HALE DRUGS Your Walgreen Agency Friendly, Personalized Service Prescription Specialists TELEPHONE TU 2-3113 MAIN STREET JIM BURKS BARBER SHOP 70 Main Street CEDARVILLE, OHIO SYLVANIA, OHIO r •••/LUBRICATI ON 7"'" - SERVICE TIRES • BATTERIES rn U I 11111111 lesiLil (.1 .v ki0uwli,Imb 0 ;1 Special Rates to College Students Marathon LANG'S Xenia, Ohio HAGLER SERVICE STATION Fairborn, Ohio Phone SO 6-0110 CHEVROLET OLDSMOBILE CEDARVILLE, OHIO Compliments of MORRIS BEAN AND COMPANY YELLOW SPRINGS, OHIO CEDARVILLE, OHIO Compliments Compliments of of CEDARVI LLE HARDWARE STOKES MOTOR COMPANY Progressive Hardware Service CEDARVILLE, OHIO PHONE SO 6-1941 South Main Street Your GE Appliance Dealer CEDARVILLE, OHIO Phone SO 6-4021 U. RANDALL MaN E & II MI STORMONT . M II INC. • II II Phone SO 6-1031 M CEDARVILLE .III OHIO . I . It-1 . RHEUBERT'S MARKET , North Main Street ---.., - CEDARVILLE, OHIO _ .... _ ii a — FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH r-71 of Parma, Ohio /CHEVROLET/ I — II — 5994 Ridge Road (Route 3) PARMA 29, OHIO Sunday School Worship Service Youth Service Evangelistic Service Prayer and Praise, Wed. 10:00 11:00 6:30 7:30 7:30 CUMMINGS a.m. a.m. p.m. p.m. p.m. Sales and Service CEDARVILLE, OHIO Phone SO 6-2701 ELLIOTT HORTON, Pastor TU 4-2990 A & B LUNCH FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH OF ASTON Xenia, Ohio DON J. GUARNERE, Pastor MOM'S RESTAURANT Bridgewater Farms, Pennsylvania Cedarville, Ohio Ak Open Six Days a Week Serving Home-Cooked Meals and Home-Made Pies 1111 III . _ •.,:. . . . ... CHICK'S CLIP JOINT South Main Street CEDARVILLE, OHIO SO 6-4801 By Appointment Only • "A Friendly Family Fellowship" SUNDAY SERVICES Sunday School Morning Worship Youth Fellowship Evening Worship 9:30 10:45 6:30 7:00 WEDNESDAY Prayer and Praise Service 7:30 p.m. a.m. a.m. p.m. p.m. --.1.. JAMES CUT-RATE 7- ,.--..--A,\), um - ,re.,1 -d• a The Rexall Store •• ,tio Phone SO 6-1771 - CEDARVILLE, OHIO — CHAPLIN CLEANERS Laundry Service Cleaning Shoe Repair 1 IV ,/, , 7 _ ..,1:19401i i • — -,-. .,.. - 4 .ve. -44, — — ' —61 10 P.1 i CEDAR HILL BAPTIST CHURCH John G. Balyo, pastor Earl Leiby, associate pastor Pressing CEDARVILLE, OHIO 12601 Cedar Road, Cleveland Heights 6, 0 1 CONGRATULATIONS, CEDARVILLE on Another HARNER'S CEDARVILLE MARKET Meats Groceries Produce Miracle Year!!! "God Answers Prayer!" ****** FELLOWSHIP OF BAPTISTS FOR HOME MISSIONS ELYRIA, OHIO ****** Phone SO 6-1201 CEDARVILLE, OHIO Re-Churching America With True Baptist Churches 1 /TAYL PUBLISHING COMPANY "The Worlds OR Best Yearbooks Are Taylor-made" ,E•RBOOK /' 2 ..&/•.. • • ,19•'' _