January 31, 2016 - Our Lady of Lourdes
Our Lady of Lourdes Church Massapequa Park, New York 11762 Pastor: Assistants: Msgr. James P. Lisante Rev. Anthony John Heinlein Rev. Edward Seagriff In Residence: Rev. Cletus Nwaogwugwu Rev. Robert E. Mason Permanent Deacon: Rev. Mr. Dominick Valdaro Rev. Mr. Frank Gariboldi Parish Manager: John Carlsen Business Manager: John Brosnan Outreach Director: Corinne Lok Music Director: J.C. Laws [email protected] Religious Ed. Director: Bernadette Schaefer Telephone Numbers Rectory: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .541-3270 Religious Education: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .799-5179 Convent: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .541-1748 R.C.I.A.: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .799-5179 Parish Outreach: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .541-1260 Website: www.ollmp.org The Parish Office Schedule Monday to Friday 9AM to 9PM Saturday 9AM to 5PM Sunday 9AM to 3PM The office is Closed from 12/Noon to 1PM for Lunch Mass Times Monday through Friday: Saturday: Sunday: 6:45, 8:30am, 8:00pm 6:45, 8:30am/5:00pm and 5:15pm Chapel 7:30, 9:00, 10:30am, 12:15 & 1:30pm Baptism It is advised that the parents schedule an interview with a priest one month before the preferred baptism date. Baptismal preparation classes are offered on the 2nd Sunday of the month. Parents are encouraged to attend the 10:30 AM mass on the 2nd Sunday and the preparation class will follow the mass in the Rectory. All couples seeking to baptize a child must attend the class. Baptisms are preformed on the 2nd and 4th Sunday of every month at 3PM. Please call the Rectory to schedule an appointment at (516) 541-3270. Confessions Saturdays, Eves of Holy Days and Eves of First Fridays 4:00 to 5:00pm. Marriages The prospective bride and groom should discuss details of the marriage with one of the priests of the parish at least six months prior to the date of the wedding. The Mission Statement of Our Lady of Lourdes Parish Our Lady of Lourdes is a welcoming parish family whose purpose is to model Christ, as guided by Mary, in a life defined by faith and love. We seek to advance God's will through acts of Charity and Kindness. “to Jesus through Mary” Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time January 31, 2016 Our Lady of Lourdes Page 2 January 31, 2016 Masses For The Week Monday, February 1st 6:45 Stephanie Andryazak 8:30 Joan Fugelsang 8 PM Richard Howe Arthur Nocella Judy Freund Leeann & Melissa Lisante Tuesday, February 2nd 6:45 Micheline Brun 8:30 Fr. Robert E. Mason 8PM Int. Susan Bouffier Nicole Blanchard Al Cavalli OLL Rosary Society Wednesday, February 3rd 6:45 Shaji John 8:30 Fr. Robert E. Mason 8PM Salvatore DiFalco Family Catherine Crawford Family Thursday, February 4th 6:45 James Michalczyk 8:30 Fr. Robert E. Mason 8PM Int. Jillian Gebert Mildred Michaelczyk Reyes & Siegler Families Jean Cooper Friday, February 5th 6:45 Mildred & Peter McGinnis - Mildred & Peter McGinnis 8:30 Fr. Robert E. Mason Brierton Family 8PM Aguedo S. Guanlao Family Saturday, February 6th 6:45 For the Unborn Children 8:30 Int. Martinez Family 5PM Int. John & Cynthia Beason Robert Beason 5:15 George & Catherine Abugel - Mary & Bill Dougherty Sunday, February 7th 7:30 Purgatorial Society 9:00 Barbara A. Schiavello 10:30 Lucille E. Carano 12:15 Int. Fr. Heinlein 1:30 Salvatore DiFalco Gladys Potash Coppola Family Marie Tine Family Pray for the repose of the souls of Nancy Frances Duernberger Annamay O'Hanlon Rest in peace Lector Schedule The Bread and Wine has been Donated this week In loving memory of Mary & Frank Liberia From Bernadette & William Pesek SATURDAY, 2/6 - 5:00 PM – DAN DONAHUE SUNDAY, 2/7 - 7:30 AM – MICHELLE TINE - 9:00 AM – MARY CHAMPNEY - 10:30 AM – LISA JANDOVITZ AND BOB KALIBAN - 12:15 PM – AL HANS - 1:30 PM – BILLY DWYER The Sanctuary Candle in the Chapel has been donated for a Special Intention The Sanctuary Candle in the Church has been donated for a Special Intention ASH WEDNESDAY, 2/10 - 6:45 AM – MARCELLA SAHNI - 8:30 AM – EFREN BACANI - 12:00 PM – LENTEN PRAYER SERVICES – MARY LUCICH - 3:00 PM – LENTEN PRAYER SERVICES – MICHELLE TINE - 5:00 PM – LENTEN PRAYER SERVICES – DAN DONAHUE - 8:00 PM – JEANNE VIRZERA Page 3 Our Lady of Lourdes January 31, 2016 Page 4 Our Lady of Lourdes January 31, 2016 Page 5 Our Lady of Lourdes January 31, 2016 Our Parish depends solely on your generosity to meet each week’s expenses. Our regular Sunday collections account for more than 60% of our operating budget. Your continued support, especially during these difficult economic times, is both needed and appreciated. Last week you donated: $ 13, 659.51 Thank you! Let us continue to pray for peace. Let us also pray for all those serving in the military. Prayers for the Sick Carol Abrams, Kay Abugel, Gayle Bennett, , Clara Bernal, Ed Burch, Kevin Burch, Timothy Burns, Kenny Burns, MiWith special care we pray especially for: chael Caselli, Mike Conlin, Siham Denho, Jane Depraida, Christopher B. Afetian - Sgt USMC, Sgt. Kevin L. Blieka Barbara Donovan, John Dorrer, Jose Dungca, Bob Ellis, U.S. Army, Sgt. Brian Andrew Dayman US Army, PFC Leticia Escanan, Leo Fabrizio, John Galietti, Carol HayJoseph DiCicco Army, Commander Christopher DeMay - ward, Russ Hayward, Michael Heinlein, Peggy & Gloria Navy , Nicholas R. DoLieto - Marine Corps, A1C Timothy Helm, Gaspar Ingui, Joan Johnson, Jesus Jupio, Peter Erkens USAF, Army, Capt. Michael Ferrari, USMC, Kearns III, Basilio Klonis, Nicholas Krosofsky, Sophia Spencer French, 1st Lieutenant, SRA Senior Airman Maglione, Donald Mason, Marie Molloy, Blanche & HerRobert J. Gerry - Air Force,Spec. Steven Gianatiempo man Navon, Vincent Pinto, Jean Marie Roncallo, Ayden W. US Army, Brandon Goodwin, Petty Off., 2nd Class, USCG, Sabino, Jan Santacapita, Nicole Scrofani, Charles Sinisi, Stefanie Goodwin, Petty Off., 3rd Class, USN, Kenny William & Patricia Slezak, Carolyn Sweeney, Ann Stella Greening -PFC-Army, Sean Hendrickson -Master of Arms, Thomson, Marie Tine, Donna Vollaro, John J. Wilson, Jr. US Navy, Chaplain Major Timothy Hirten, USAF, Maj. Luke Holian USMC, SPC Justin Lansford -US Army, Sgt. Todd J. Lobraico USAF, Major Michael Edward Loconsolo, US Army, Pvt Matthew Macario - US Army, Garrett Macchio A1C, Air force, Pvt. Ryan McCann Army, Pvt. Matthew McQuade-Army, Jason Moritz - Sgt. USAF, Pvt 1st Class Joshua Nichols - US Army, Lt. Col. Thomas O’Connor, US Army, Spc. Manuel E. Palmer US Army, Cpt. David Paolillo USAF, Cpt. Kathleen Paolillo USAF, L. CPL Michael E. Porfidio - USMC, PFC Dominique R. Quiban, USMC Capt. Joseph Shultz, L CPL Eric Vazquez USMC, US Army, Spec. Zachary Small - US Army, US Army Sgt. Michael Stephney If you know a Service Member that you would like to add to this list please contact the rectory 516-541-3270 Please include name, rank and branch of service. Monday, February 3rd, is the Feast of St. Blaise. Throats will be blessed at the conclusion of the daily Masses. The Mass times are 6:45, 8:30am and 8pm. Our Lady of Lourdes Page 6 January 31, 2016 Parish Outreach “Food Pantry” Thank you everyone for your generosity, support and encouragement. As you know Parish Outreach assists families every day with the basic human need of good foods. We could not do all we do without your kind concern for those in need. As we begin a bright new year, please continue to be as generous as your means allow especially during these winter months. At this time our food pantry needs replenishing of TOMATO SAUCE, PASTA, TUNA, MACARONI & CHEESE and JELLY. May God Bless you and your families for all the good you do for others! Canned Tuna Canned Fruit Pasta Tomato Sauce Peanut Butter Jelly Oatmeal Cereal Coffee or Tea Pancake Mix Powdered Milk Pancake Syrup Juices Can Vegetables Soup Instant Potatoes Macaroni & Cheese Rice Cookies/Crackers Beans Jell-O/ Pudding TENDING YOUR GRIEVING HEART VALENTINE’S DAY WORKSHOP Valentine’s Day can be a particularly difficult time for someone who has lost a loved one. Intended to celebrate love, this day can bruise an already grieving heart. Please join the Bereavement Specialists of Good Shepherd Hospice for a free workshop offering encouragement, education, coping strategies and support. The Workshop will be held on Thursday, February 11, 2016 at Good Shepherd Hospice Administrative Office, 110 Bi-County Blvd., Suite 114, Farmingdale, NY from 7PM-8:30PM. Seating is limited. Registration is required. Please call (631) 465-6262. Parish Outreach hours are Mon.-Thurs., 9:00am-4:00pm. “Ministry of Consolation” “We Care Blankets” Our parish is richly blessed to have gathered a wonderful group of volunteers who make up Our Lady of Lourdes “Ministry of Consolation” team. The most valuable gifts As our wonderful group of “Care Blanket” volunteers con- we can give are the gifts that come from the heart. The tinue to meet on Wednesday mornings from 10:00 - precious gifts of our time, love and compassion are espe11:30am at Parish Outreach, the gifts of their love, time and cially needed during the time of the loss of a loved one. talent in crocheting and knitting beautiful blankets for seri- Created to provide warmth, caring and personal attention to ously ill children is nothing less than a beautiful thing! assist families in preparation for the funeral mass, this parSince our group began in November 2009, the completed ticular ministry can never have too many helping hands. Whether your interest be that of a Greeter, Lector or EM, blanket count stands at 1,767 I’m sure in no time at all we please give some thought as to sharing your time and talwill be adding to this amazing number. Thank you to our ents and being a part of this ministry’s call to love and care lovely group of ladies for all the good work you do to bring for one another. love and comfort to many children undergoing cancer care. Thank you so much to our coordinator, Deacon Frank GariOutreach is happy to accept donations of yarns, crochet boldi and all our volunteers for embracing this beautiful hooks or knitting needles in support of this effort. ministry. Please call Parish Outreach at 516-541-1260 if If you are interested in joining our group please contact you would like to volunteer. Thank you for your consideration. Parish Outreach at 516-541-1260. Page 7 Our Lady of Lourdes January 31, 2016 Our Lady of Lourdes Page 8 January 31, 2016 NEXT WEEKEND MASS CELEBRANTS Saturday, February 6th 5:00 p.m. Fr. Ed 5:15 p.m. Fr. Tony / Chapel Sunday, February 7th 7:30 a.m. Fr. Ed 900 a.m. Fr. Tony 10:30 a.m. Msgr. Lisante 12:15 p.m. Fr. Ed 1:30 p.m. Fr. Cletus 2nd THURSDAY EVENINGS , 7:30 PM IN THE P ARISH CENTER ROOM 16 We have changed our MOSJ meeting days to ONLY ONE Thursday each month. Next Meetings: February 11th March 10th If you know of anyone who, because of age or infirmity, can’t come to Church for sacraments, please phone the Rectory and leave their name, address & telephone number, so a Priest or Eucharistic Minister can visit them. NEXT COFFEE SOCIAL March 13th 8 am to 12:30 pm Everyone welcome! (Helpers needed…..phone rectory) We NEED Eucharistic Ministers to take communion to shut-ins. If you are a Eucharistic Minister and are willing to bring communion to shut-ins, please call the rectory. Page 9 Our Lady of Lourdes January 31, 2016 Love Them Both Pro-Life Vigil Celebrating the spirit of Valentine's Day by showing that unborn babies need love too. Saturday, February 13 2016 9:30am to 10:30am Peaceful presence on the sidewalk outside West Islip Planned Parenthood, 180 Sunrise Hwy (South Service Rd, between Rte 231 and Udall Rd) Rain or shine. Signs provided. Sponsored by LI Coalition for Life 631-243-1435 / [email protected] 2016 Oratory Contest, Sponsored by the Long Island Coalition for Life Education Trust Who: 11th and 12th graders, including home-schooled students What: A pro-life speech (5-7 minutes long) on Abortion, Euthanasia, Assisted Suicide, Health Care Rationing or Cloning/Embryonic Stem Cell Research - presented from a pro-life perspective When: Sunday, April 24, 2016 Where: Kellenberg Memorial High School, Uniondale Local Prizes: First Place $500.00 Second Place $300.00 Third Place $150.00 The First Prize Winner will be eligible to compete in the NYS Right to Life Committee contest held in Albany. To apply: Send student's name, full address, telephone number, email address, age, grade, school, student signature and parent signature to: Maryjane McQuade, 40 William St, Malverne, NY 11565 by February 15, 2016. Mail or email written speech by March 15, 2016 email: [email protected] (For more information call 516-599-5296.) Opposition to Assisted Suicide Education Conference Sponsored by The Diocese of Rockville Centre and the Sacred Heart Institute - February 3 2016 1pm-4:15pm Seminary of the Immaculate Conception, 440 W Neck Rd, Huntington, NY 11743 Newly proposed dangerous legislation on assisted suicide has recently been introduced into the NYS Legislature. This conference is designed to educate diocesan leadership on the moral, medical, legal and legislative dangers of physician assisted suicide. Become informed and knowledgeable on how to take action to oppose this legislation and on the Church's guidance and teaching that respects all life from the moment of conception through natural death. For information contact Diana Tellis, DRVC Respect Life Office, 516-678-5000 ext 626 Those whose lives are diminished or weakened deserve special respect. Sick or handicapped persons should be helped to lead lives as normal as possible. Whatever its motives and means, direct euthanasia [or assisted suicide] consists in putting an end to the lives of handicapped, sick, or dying persons. It is morally unacceptable. Thus an act or omission which, of itself or by intention, causes death in order to eliminate suffering constitutes a murder gravely contrary to the dignity of the human person and to the respect due to the living God, his Creator. The error of judgment into which one can fall in good faith does not change the nature of this murderous act, which must always be forbidden and excluded. Discontinuing medical procedures that are burdensome, dangerous, extraordinary, or disproportionate to the expected outcome can be legitimate; it is the refusal of “over-zealous” treatment. Here one does not will to cause death; one’s inability to impede it is merely accepted. The decisions should be made by the patient if he is competent and able or, if not, by those legally entitled to act for the patient, whose reasonable will and legitimate interests must always be respected. Even if death is thought imminent, the ordinary care owed to a sick person cannot be legitimately interrupted. The use of painkillers to alleviate the sufferings of the dying, even at the risk of shortening their days, can be morally in conformity with human dignity if death is not willed as either an end or a means, but only foreseen and tolerated as inevitable. Palliative care is a special form of disinterested charity. As such it should be encouraged (Catechism of the Catholic Church, 2277-2279). "Legalized assisted suicide grants, by government decree, certain citizens, i.e. medical professionals, death-dealing authority; this in turn results in irreparable damage to the doctor-patient relationship...Legalized assisted suicide will likely lead to poorer healthcare and increased pressure on the sick, the elderly, the disabled, and the traumatically injured. Those who advocate for the physically and mentally disabled have good reason to fear that pressure will be applied to euthanize the disabled and those who have been in traumatic accidents. As the concept of 'a life not worth living' grows, and as the idea gains traction that disability (even milder forms) is a fate worse than death, those who struggle with disability may well be easy targets for those who advise suicide. Some may feel pressured to no longer be a 'burden'. Many will have the sense of their dignity being lessened...Granting individuals the right to end their life ultimately threatens us all because it implicitly denies the dignity of the dying...In other words, the 'right to die' too easily becomes the 'duty to die.'" (Msgr. Charles Pope, www.lifesitenews.com, 1/7/2016) Our Lady of Lourdes Page 10 January 31, 2016 February 11th 2016, OUR LADY OF LOURDES Feast Day, the Patroness of our parish The Parish celebration will be on Sunday February 7th. On this occasion, in honor of the Blessed Mother, we would like to decorate the church dedicated to Our Mother with natural flowers. Anyone who has devotion to our Blessed Mother and would like to offer a donation for the flowers, may bring it to the rectory during the week and / or this Sunday Jan 31 st. Someone will be in the back of the church after all Masses to receive your donation, which might be easier for you. Thanks for your generosity. Invitation to pray the Novena to Our Lady of Lourdes, 9 days before the Feast Day. FEBRUARY 2016 Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday 2/11 2/2 2/3 2/4 2/5 2/6 2/7 2/8 2/9 2/10 7 pm 7pm 7pm 7 pm after the 8:30 mass after the 1:30 mass 7 pm 7 pm 7 pm HAPPY FEAST DAY! Refreshments after each Mass: 8:30 am 10:00 am 12:00 noon 1:00 pm 3:00 pm Food donation needed as follows: Please bring bagels, rolls, cream cheese, butter and jelly up to 9 AM on Sunday For refreshment after 9:00 please give cakes, crumb cakes, cookies, brownies, juices, sodas, ice tea. THANK YOU AND ENJOY THE FEAST DAY! Page 11 Our Lady of Lourdes January 31, 2016 Page 12 Our Lady of Lourdes January 31, 2016 THEOLOGY CLASS 7:30 - 9:00pm in the Church basement Abstracts of each class are given out, so you can best follow the lectures. Phone the rectory for more information. Next meeting: Tuesday, February 2nd 7:30 P.M. Church Basement: Tuesday Evenings, approx. every 2 Tuesdays, from 7:30 to 9pm. (14 Tuesdays) Subjects: 1. Church History 2. Church Dogma 3. Apologetics 4. Scripture Everyone Welcome! Come whenever you can! Books, videos & DVD’s for Loan Free of charge Our Lady of Lourdes “annual tax statement”, detailing your contribution amounts for the year 2015 has been mailed. A separate tax statement has been mailed for the “Growth and Development Fund” donations. Thank you for supporting our church Page 13 Our Lady of Lourdes January 31, 2016 Our Lady of Lourdes Page 14 CALL FOR VOLUNTEERS Annual HEC #32 Weekend – April 28 – May 1, 2016 Planning meetings Feb. 11, March 9 and April 13 Long Island Handicapped Encounter Christ (HEC) is in need of volunteers for its annual retreat which will be held Thursday, April 28 through Sunday, May 1, 2016 at Camp Alvernia in Centerport, NY. HEC is a program that provides retreat opportunities that celebrate life, nurture faith and offer support for persons 18 years and older with special needs. HEC retreats provide an environment which persons with disabilities and ablebodied friends step away from their usual routines and enjoy a prayerful experience of song, talks and meditations, group sharing, Eucharist and many other joyful moments. The shared experiences of the retreat often develop into relationships of mutual support. There are many volunteer roles to be filled. We are in need of team members, kitchen help, setting up and taking down the camp, as well as drivers for our candidates. Our first planning meeting will take place on Wednesday, Feb. 11 at 7 pm at St. Francis of Assisi Church in Greenlawn – we invite you to come hear what we are all about. Two follow-up meetings are planned for Wednesday, March 9 and Wednesday, April 13. Please call Deacon Frank & Michele Barone at (516) 4201207 or e-mail at [email protected] for more information, to volunteer or request an application for candidate participation. Volunteers Needed We are looking for volunteers to participate in Parker Jewish Institute’s Caregiver Support Initiative. The Caregiver Support Initiative is an opportunity for you to make a difference in your community by helping family caregivers of an individual with Alzheimer’s Disease and dementia throughout Long Island. Volunteers will receive a free training and will assist the person with Alzheimer’s with activities such as friendly visiting, light chores, telephone reassurance and leisure activities. These services are vital so the caregiver can take a break and attend to personal needs, appointments and visits. Volunteers can receive a transportation stipend if deemed eligible. We hope we can count on your support for the Caregiver Support Initiative. Be a hero! Volunteer today! Contact person: Kathy Fitzgibbons Phone: 718-289-2159 Email: [email protected] Website: www.willingheartshelpfulhands.org January 31, 2016 Our Lady of Lourdes Page 15 January 31, 2016 Community News Our Lady of Lourdes Church 855 Carmans Road, Massapequa Park Friday $1800 in prizes at 7:30 PM Tuesday Golden Society, at 7:30 PM $2000 in Prizes w/Progressive Jackpot $2000 IN PRIZES - $850 GIANT JACKPOT Progressive Jackpot on Tuesdays ST. IGNATIUS LOYOLA HICKSVILLLE CATHOLIC DAUGHTERS IS HOSTING MILITARY BRIDGE When: SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 7, 2016 Where: Msgr. Tarrant Hall Msgr. Tarrant Hall is in the St. Ignatius Old School on East Nicolai Street (behind the church). The Hall is handicapped accessible. Do you want to develop a deeper relationship with God? Time: Doors open at 1:30 pm…The game starts promptly Does your search for God seem to be at a crossroad? Do at 2:00 you want to explore new methods in prayer? Or has prayer become difficult? Cost: $10.00 per person Cake & coffee/ tea are included. ", Do you feel the need for someone to assist you in discernEveryone will go home with a beautiful prize! ing the call of the spirit? Or do you feel the need for a companion on the spiritual journey to walk with you and For reservations please call Alice at 516-433-7857 listen? I will be glad to help you...Efren R. Bacani, Spiritual Director & Parishioner here at Our Lady of Lourdes. Please call me @ (516)281-5876 Spirituality For Singles - Monthly Singles Gathering Saturday, Feb 6, 2016, 8:30PM St. Aidan Parish, 510 Willis Ave., Williston Park, NY, 11596 Our Monthly gathering for singles; discussion, meditation, socialization. Ages 35+;$5.00 donation - snacks, pizza and beverages will be served Contact: Ray (516) 561-6994 or [email protected] JamesFuneralHome.com 516.541.4000 540 Broadway • Massapequa • NY • 11758 OʼKEEFE, CPA, LLC “How Can We Help You?” Certified Public Accounting PERSONAL INCOME TAX, BUSINESS RETURNS NOT-FOR-PROFIT State Inspection, Alignments, General Repairs, Road Service Timothy F. OʼKeefe, CPA, CFP, MA (parishioner) Computer Diagnostics Ed’s Service Center 950 Carmans Rd., Massapequa (516) 795-5121 Oil Change 10pt safety check $26.95 www.okeefecpallc.com 516-586-4940 up to 5 qts most cars. w/cpn only www.cedarcreekautosales.com 375 Fulton St., Farmingdale, NY 11735 •Newly Renovated Chapel • Preplanning • Handicapped Accessible Monuments & Inscriptions • Children’s Playroom ROB FLORIE LANDSCAPING (516) 799-7845 Licensed & Insured Free Estimates NEED AN ESTIMATE?? E-MAILYOUR ADDRESS, PHONE NUMBER & LANDSCAPE NEEDS TO [email protected] COMPLETE LAWN & LANDSCAPE DESIGN RESIDENTIAL OR COMMERCIAL **** STUMP GRINDING **** * Weekly Lawn Care * Sod & Seed Lawns * Railroad Ties * Custom Planting & Design * Power Raking * Tree & Stump Removal * Lawn Chemical Program CleanUps - Spring & Fall * Rock Gardens * Top Soil “Serving Massapequa / Massapequa Park, Farmingdale & Vicinity” QUICK EMERGENCY RESPONSE 24 HR. 7 DAYS (Pre-Owned Cars) Nursing & Rehabilitation Center VOTED THE BEST! (by L.I. Business News) • Subacute Care •Outpatient Rehabilitation •Skilled Nursing •Adult Day Services •Volunteer Opportunities (631) 264-0222--www.broadlawn.org 399 County Line Rd, Amityville, NY 11701 PHIL CEPA RANO Plumbing & Heating All Leaks Repaired • Floods Pumped Repair or Replace: Faucets • Toilets • Sinks • Drains • Heat • Waste & Water Lines Residential Specialist ALL WORK PERFORMED BY OWNER Highly Recommended By His Customers TRY ME ONCE YOU’LL BE IMPRESSED WITH THE SERVICE 35 YEARS EXPERIENCE www.ceparanoplumbing.com Serving the Parish Area 516-454-6557 ASK ABOUT MY 2 YEAR GUARANTEE And Holidays Lic. Master Plumber Serving all Nassau No Job Too Small Insured McCourt & Trudden Funeral Home Inc. Newly Expanded With Large Spacious Chapels and Located Only 2 Miles From Our Lady of Lourdes Joseph Trudden - Owner/Director 385 Main Street, Farmingdale MAIDENBAUM PROPERTY TAX REDUCTION GROUP, LLC [email protected] Office: (516) 336-8622 Over 25 Years of Experience 249-1303 PAT DOLAN PLUMBING Licensed Master Plumber 798-8943 24 HR. EMERGENCY SERVICE St. Martin Of Tours School 41 Union Avenue, Amityville, NY 11701 631-264-7166 Call for a Tour Today! www.smtschool.org CLASS “A” ROOFING & SIDING ROOFING SPECIALIST GM BURGER BAR “We Live Here, We Worship Here” (516) 826-5514 Lic/Ins 4902 Merrick Rd. Massapequa Park ( S o ut hg at e S h o p p i n g Ce nt e r ) 516-30 08 8-7722 www.gm burgerbar.com Ser v in g L u n c h, D in n e r & We e k e nd Br unch ART HUR F. WHITE FUN ER AL HOME, IN C. A tradition of Caring Since 1923 ROBERT A. WHITE, SR. - OWNER NANCY J. WHITE - OWNER FARMINGDALE 315 CONKLIN STREET 516-249-0336 See Your Advertisement in Full Color! Call The Church Bulletin Inc. for more information (631) 249-4994 BETHPAGE 234 BROADWAY 516-931-1454 Custom Exteriors STEPHEN J. MAHONEY - DIRECTOR WILLIAM D. PARSONS Home Improvements • SIDING • WINDOWS • ROOFING Call for FREE estimate (516) 797-9610 POWELL FUNERAL HOME, INC. Serving This Area Since 1908 67 Broadway Amityville, N.Y. 691-0172 #209 FOR ADVERTISING: THE CHURCH BULLETIN INC., 200 DALE ST., W. BABYLON, NY 11704-1104 (631) 249-4994 • www.thechurchbulletininc.com
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