September 20, 2015 - Our Lady of Lourdes
Our Lady of Lourdes Page 2 Masses For The Week Monday, September 21st 6:45 Katherine Lychner Friends 8:30 Dec. Members of O’Donnell Family -M/M Peter Gannon 8 PM Rev. Thomas Vigliotta, OFM- Cunningham Family Tuesday, September 22nd 6:45 Clement Hudson 8:30 Int. Maria Mitchelle Enano 8PM Noel Martinez Family Lynn, Nicole & Dann Pat & Joe Bambinelli Wednesday, September 23rd 6:45 Int. Fr. Edward Seagriff 8:30 Noel Martinez 8PM Edith Johnson Mrs. Eileen Cioci Shirleyann Watson Cindy Thursday, September 24th 6:45 Int. John Gangemela 8:30 Int. Fr. Mason 8PM Int. Fr. Robert E. Mason Family Lynn, Nicole & Dan Pat & Dom Valdaro Friday, 6:45 8:30 8PM September 25th Joseph & Patricia Monti Noel Martinez Joan Fagan September 20, 2015 LAY CARMELITE COMMUNITY Are you seeking a more prayer-filled way of life, yet remain a lay person, active in today's world? Are you being called to contemplative prayer and a deeper relationship with Our Lord? The St. Joseph's Chapter of Third Order Carmelites (TOC) provides a community for lay persons affiliated with the Carmelites (Third Order Secular). We gather for mass, prayer, a general meeting, and ongoing formation. Share in the work, prayer and benefits of the Order of Carmel. Lay Carmelites strive to live the traditions, spirit and charisms of Carmel (prayer, ministry, and community). Our community meets every second Tuesday of each month @ 7 pm (in the Abbey) at St. William the Abbot in Seaford. We invite you to come and sit-in on a meeting. For more information, please call Maryanne @ 516799-0439. D’Onofrio Family Family Saturday, September 26th 6:45 Marie Mawn Your Friends at the Life Center 8:30 Leskody & Gerry Families Charlotte 5PM Carmen Midy Children 5:15 Mary Prutoma M/M Vincent Castoria Please pray for the repose of the souls of Sunday, September 27th 7:30 Francis Daly Gail Buono 9:00 Alfonse Nedermeyer Richard & Jean Olson 10:30 Mass of Thanksgiving Ellen & Vincent Ricciuti 12:15 Helen & Anthony Vanis Family 1:30 Mildred & Peter McGinnis Mildred Czech Ellen Iovelli The Bread and Wine has been Donated this week For a Special Intention John "Jack" Parker Eileen T. Kelly Nancy Mileto Rest in peace Lector Schedule SATURDAY, 9/26 - 5:00 PM – JEAN COOPER SUNDAY, 9/27 The Sanctuary Candle in the Chapel has been donated for For a Special Intention The Sanctuary Candle in the Church has been donated for For a Special Intention - 7:30 AM – CAROLYN BOVE - 9:00 AM – MATT IMPERIO - 10:30 AM – JEANNE VIRZERA & BOB KALIBAN - 12:15 PM – AL HANS - 1:30 PM – NINA CASTORIA Page 3 Our Lady of Lourdes September 20, 2015 Dear Friends: Each year the Bishop asks Pastors to name a possible recipient for the diocesan St. Agnes Medal. This award is given to parishioners who have demonstrated dedicated service to their local church. This year, I asked the Bishop to grant the award to parishioners Fred and Barbara Ferrara. I'm happy to share with you that Bishop Murphy has accepted this suggestion and that Barbara and Fred will be honored by the Diocese of Rockville Centre on Sunday, October 25 at St. Agnes Cathedral. On your behalf, I offer congratulations and gratitude to this wonderful couple. Below you'll find my letter outlining why I believe Barbara and Fred Ferrara are such worthy recipients. Enjoy a peace-filled week. And join me in welcoming the Holy Father to the USA! In His Love, Msgr. Jim Lisante Pastor Page 4 Our Lady of Lourdes September 20, 2015 Our Lady of Lourdes Page 5 September 20, 2015 THEOLOGY CLASS 7:30 - 9:00pm in the Church basement Abstracts of each class are given out, so you can best follow the lectures. Phone the rectory for more information. Next meeting: Tuesday, October 20th 7:30 P.M. Church Basement: Subjects: 1. Church History 2. Church Dogma 3. Apologetics 4. Scripture Everyone Welcome! Books, videos & DVD’s for Loan Free of charge You can pick up the form at the Rectory. Rosary March 12:15 Mass 40 Hours Devotion Sunday, October 11th From: Sunday, October 18th 1:30 PM Mass After Mass there will be Benediction & Rosary, with Procession to the Blessed Mother’s Grotto Until: Tuesday, October 20th 8:30 AM Mass ALL IN THE CHURCH 1/2 Hour Adoration Slots Either thru your Parish Group OR by individual arrangements Page 6 Our Lady of Lourdes September 20, 2015 Our Parish depends solely on your generosity to meet each week’s expenses. Our regular Sunday collections account for more than 60% of our operating budget. Your continued support, especially during these difficult economic times, is both needed and appreciated. Last week you donated: $ 16, 820.94 Thank you! Prayers for the Sick Let us continue to pray for peace. Let us also pray for all those serving in the military. Carol Abrams, George & Catherine Abugel, Larry Alaimo, Ashley Anderson, Sr. Anthony Terese, Jose R. Bacani Jr., Baby Leo, Mary Baker, Samuel Banakazami, Clara Bernal, Joan Barrows, Kenny Burns, Timothy Burns, Emanuel CaWith special care we pray especially for: cicea, Louise Caruso, Carol Castellano, Al Cavalli, GeneChristopher B. Afetian - Sgt USMC, Sgt. Kevin L. Blieka vieve Cavaretta , Tania Charles, Joseph Coletto, Angelo & U.S. Army, Sgt. Brian Andrew Dayman US Army, PFC Gerry Conti, Jason Costabile, Nicholas & Jeanette Cotter, Joseph DiCicco Army, Commander Christopher DeMay - Patricia Craig, Ann Marie DeBlasio, Katie & Camille DeNavy , Nicholas R. DoLieto - Marine Corps, A1C Timothy Caro, Angelo DeCosimo, Jane Degleman, Mario DelErkens USAF, Pvt. Sal Evangelista- Army, Capt. Michael Prete, Siham Denko, Jane Depraida, Barbara Donovan, Ferrari, USMC, Spencer French, 1st Lieutenant, SRA Sen- Maryann DiMarino, Emily Rose DiMarino, Audrey Dyior Airman Robert J. Gerry - Air Force,Spec. Steven Gian- mant, Bob Ellis , Lou Fasano, Ralph Finelli, James Gould, atiempo - US Army, Brandon Goodwin, Petty Off., 2nd Agnes Hans, Elise Hausner, Carol & Russ Hayward, MiClass, USCG, Stefanie Goodwin, Petty Off., 3rd Class, chael Heinlein, Rosemary Herron, Alice Hoffman, MauUSN, Kenny Greening -PFC-Army, Chaplain Major Timo- reen Hudson, Leah Irving & Family, Conrad Johnson, thy Hirten, USAF, Maj. Luke Holian USMC, SPC Justin Joan Johnson, Troy Johnson, Jesus Jupio, Peter Kearns Lansford -US Army, Sgt. Todd J. Lobraico USAF, Major III, Helen Kiedaisch, Olga Korotki, Lawrence Kristich, Michael Edward Loconsolo, US Army, Pvt Matthew Nicholas Krosofsky, Amanda Kuck, Lynne Laine, Virginia Macario - US Army, Garrett Macchio A1C, Air force, Pvt. Leskauskas , Cecilia Lisante, Fred Lotter , Olivia MacMatthew McQuade-Army, Jason Moritz - Sgt. USAF, Pvt chio, Chris Maltese , Daria Mangelee, Anne Marie Mar1st Class Joshua Nichols - US Army, Lt. Col. Thomas zec, Donald Mason, Fr. Robert E. Mason, Gilo Maas, O’Connor, US Army, Spc. Manuel E. Palmer US Army, Diane McCarthy, Fernando Memije, Paula Minogue, Cpt. David Paolillo USAF, Cpt. Kathleen Paolillo USAF, Blanche & Herman Navon, Rose Pecora, Joseph Pecora, L. CPL Michael E. Porfidio - USMC, PFC Dominique R. Josephine Petrella, Jack Robinson, Marge Romaine, Al Quiban, USMC Capt. Joseph Shultz, L CPL Eric Vazquez Sileo, Paul Struzzieri, Vincent Pinto, Michael Prior, SurUSMC, US Army, Spec. Zachary Small - US Army, US sati Radcliffe, John Rosa, Ayden W. Sabino, Ann Marie Army Sgt. Michael Stephney Semosh, William Slezak, Barbara Smart, Martin Stubach, Bertha Swartzman, Carolyn Sweeney, Stella Thomson, Annemarie Tine, Thomas Tine, Jr., Larry Tomanelli, Grace If you know a Service Member that you would like to Tons, Jennifer Trusdale, Ann Vetter, Bill Vobis, Gloria add to this list please contact the rectory 516-541-3270 Walsh, Patricia Walsh, Judy Zuccarello Please include name, rank and branch of service. Our Lady of Lourdes Page 7 September 20, 2015 NEXT WEEKEND MASS CELEBRANTS Saturday, September 26th 5:00 p.m. Fr. Ed 5:15 p.m. Fr. Tony / Chapel Sunday, September 27th 7:30 a.m. Fr. Ed 900 a.m. Fr. Andiy 2nd THURSDAY EVENINGS, 7:30 PM IN THE PARISH CENTER ROOM 16 We have changed our MOSJ meeting days to ONLY ONE Thursday each month. 10:30 a.m. Msgr. Lisante Next Meetings: 12:15 p.m. Fr. Tony October 8th November 12th 1:30 p.m. Fr. Mason NEXT COFFEE SOCIAL Sunday, October 11th 8 am to 12:30 pm Everyone welcome! (Helpers needed… rectory) RELIGIOUS EDUCATION The Religious Education office is need of volunteers to be grade coordinators. This would involve preparing teachers with classroom work, photocopying and preparing crafts for students. If you can help us out, please call the Religious Ed office during our business hours. Thank you. CYO BASKETBALL Phone Rectory, ask for Fr. Tony 516-541-3270 Or phone John Chester @ 516-799-5640 Get on the waiting list for next season Travel for Boys & Girls 4th - 12th Grade Clinic for Boys & Girls K - 3rd Grade Girls sign ups...Took place Monday, June 8th (see flyer) Boys sign ups….September Or Phone John Chester @ (516)499-5650 If you’d like to help our CYO Basketball Program, please phone John Chester at above # or Fr. Tony @ the Rectory # above. ALL NEW REGISTRATIO NS AND REREGISTRATIONS are taking place. If you have not registered your child, please do so as soon as possible. All Children who are parishioners with Our Lady of Lourdes must be registered with the Religious Education Program. This applies to Public School children, Homeschooled children and all Catholic School children. Remember that sacraments are celebrated at the home parish of Our Lady of Lourdes as mandated by the Diocese of Rockville Centre. A baptismal certificate is required if you are new to our program. If you know of anyone who, because of age or infirmity, can’t come to Church for sacraments, please phone the Rectory and leave their name, address & telephone number, so a Priest or Eucharistic Minister can visit them. We NEED Eucharistic Ministers to take The Religious Education office is located in the school communion to shut-ins. If you are a building, Room 1. Our hours are Monday – Thursday, Eucharistic Minister and are willing to bring commun9am – 2pm. ion to shut-ins, please call the rectory. Our Lady of Lourdes Page 8 September 20, 2015 Parish Outreach “Food Pantry” Thank you to all the good people of our parish family for all you do to embrace those less fortunate. Especially during these Summer days when the children are home from school, your continued support and generosity are a welcomed blessing. With many of us taking our well earned time off to enjoy the summer season, please continue to keep in mind our neighbors in need. We love to have plenty to share with all those who come to our door. Items most in need at this time are: Tomato Sauce, Canned Tuna, Pasta and Cereals. Thank you for making our parish food pantry the wonderful success that it is! Canned Tuna Canned Fruit Pasta Tomato Sauce Peanut Butter Jelly Oatmeal Cereal s Pancake Mix Pancake Syrup Can Vegetables Instant Potatoes Rice Beans Coffee or Tea Powdered Milk Juices Soup Macaroni & Cheese Cookies/Crackers Jell-O/ Pudding Parish Outreach hours are Mon.-Thurs., 9:00am-4:00pm. . “We Care Blankets” As our wonderful group of “Care Blanket” volunteers continue to meet on Wednesday mornings from 10:00 11:30am at Parish Outreach, the gifts of their love, time and talent in crocheting and knitting beautiful blankets for seriously ill children is nothing less than a beautiful thing! Since our group began in November 2009, the completed blanket count stands at 1,584 I’m sure in no time at all we will be adding to this amazing number. Thank you to our lovely group of ladies for all the good work you do to bring love and comfort to many children undergoing cancer care. Outreach is happy to accept donations of yarns, crochet hooks or knitting needles in support of this effort. If you are interested in joining our group please contact Parish Outreach at 516-541-1260. “Ministry of Consolation” Our parish is richly blessed to have gathered a wonderful group of volunteers who make up Our Lady of Lourdes “Ministry of Consolation” team. The most valuable gifts we can give are the gifts that come from the heart. The precious gifts of our time, love and compassion are especially needed during the time of the loss of a loved one. Created to provide warmth, caring and personal attention to assist families in preparation for the funeral mass, this particular ministry can never have too many helping hands. Whether your interest be that of a Greeter, Lector or EM, please give some thought as to sharing your time and talents and being a part of this ministry’s call to love and care for one another. Thank you so much to our coordinator, Deacon Frank Gariboldi and all our volunteers for embracing this beautiful ministry. Please call Parish Outreach at 516-541-1260 if you would like to volunteer. Thank you for your consideration. Page 9 Our Lady of Lourdes September 20, 2015 Page 10 Our Lady of Lourdes September 20, 2015 Page 11 Our Lady of Lourdes September 20, 2015 You are cordially invited to the Annual Dinner Dance for the Life Center of Long Island as we celebrate 29 years of service The Life Center of Long Island is holding its Annual Dinner Dance Fundraiser on Thursday October 1, 2015 from 6pm-11pm at the Riviera, Massapequa. We will be honoring St. Anthony’s High School for their dedication to the prolife mission. Our dynamic guest speaker will be Kristan Hawkins, the Executive Director of Students for Life, Med Students for Life, and Law Students for Life! She has appeared on major media outlets including Fox, CNN, EWTN and Christian Broadcasting Network! Tickets for students are $75 and adults are $125. For ticket purchase information, please contact Cindy at 516-798-8746. Please support our mission for life! Page 12 Our Lady of Lourdes September 20, 2015 Page 13 Our Lady of Lourdes September 13, 2015 Page 14 Our Lady of Lourdes September 13, 2015 Page 15 Our Lady of Lourdes September 13, 2015 World Youth Day 2016 Krakow Poland “Blessed are the merciful, for they will receive mercy” Mt. 5:7 Join the Diocesan Pilgrimage to World Youth Day – where millions of youth and young adults will journey to be with our Holy Father, Pope Francis to celebrate our universal church! When: July 22-August 2, 2016 Total Cost including all WYD fees, Flights, food and accommodations $3,849 For more information, go to Or contact Marianne Sheridan, Director for Youth & Young Adults at [email protected] or 516-678-5800, ext. 615. Page 16 Our Lady of Lourdes September 20, 2015 Page 17 Our Lady of Lourdes September 20, 2015 Page 18 Our Lady of Lourdes September 20, 2015 Community News Our Lady of Lourdes Church 855 Carmans Road, Massapequa Park Friday $1800 in prizes at 7:30 PM Tuesday Golden Society, at 7:30 PM $2000 in Prizes w/Progressive Jackpot $2000 IN PRIZES - $850 GIANT JACKPOT Progressive Jackpot on Tuesdays Do you want to develop a deeper relationship with God? Does your search for God seem to be at a crossroad? Do you want to explore new methods in prayer? Or has Young Adults – You are Invited to Our Next Faith on prayer become difficult? Tap! Do you feel the need for someone to assist you in discern- Faith on Tap is a forum engaging young adults in straight ing the call of the spirit? Or do you feel the need for a talk and honest answers to questions of faith. It is a genucompanion on the spiritual journey to walk with you and ine and sincere effort to reach out and meet the young listen? adults of this diocese and to listen and to respond to what I will be glad to help you...Efren R. Bacani, Spiritual Di- matters to them as young adults in the Church. Faith on Tap rector & Parishioner here at Our Lady of Lourdes. Please also offers young adults a place where they can meet others call me @ (516)281-5876 who are also living out their faith. ", Speaker: Ryan M. Williams, Associate Dean St. Joseph’s Seminary of the Archdiocese of New York, Huntington, NY Topic: “How to Make Time for Leisure with a Busy Work Schedule” Date: October 8, 2015 Place: Lily Flanagan’s – 345 Deer Park Avenue Spirituality For Singles - Monthly Singles Gathering Saturday, Oct 3, 2015, 8:30PM St. Aidan Parish, 510 Willis Ave., Williston Park, NY, 11596 Our Monthly gathering for singles; discussion, meditation, socialization. Ages 35+;$5.00 donation - snacks, pizza and beverages will be served Contact: Ray (516) 561-6994 or [email protected] The talk begin at 7:30, but come early - have something to eat – meet new friends – catch up with old friends! For more information, please contact Marianne Sheridan, Director for Young Adults at [email protected].
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