May 8, 2016 - Our Lady of Lourdes
Our Lady of Lourdes Church Massapequa Park, New York 11762 Pastor: Assistants: Msgr. James P. Lisante Rev. Anthony John Heinlein Rev. Edward Seagriff In Residence: Rev. Cletus Nwaogwugwu Permanent Deacon: Rev. Mr. Dominick Valdaro Rev. Mr. Frank Gariboldi Parish Manager: John Carlsen Business Manager: John Brosnan Outreach Director: Corinne Lok Music Director: J.C. Laws [email protected] Religious Ed. Director: Bernadette Schaefer Telephone Numbers Rectory: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .541-3270 Religious Education: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .799-5179 Convent: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .541-1748 R.C.I.A.: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .799-5179 Parish Outreach: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .541-1260 Website: The Parish Office Schedule Monday to Thursday 9AM to 9PM Friday 9AM to 5PM Saturday 9AM to 5PM Sunday 9AM to 3PM The office is Closed from 12/Noon to 1PM for Lunch Mass Times Monday through Friday: Saturday: Sunday: 6:45, 8:30am, 8:00pm 6:45, 8:30am/5:00pm and 5:15pm Chapel 7:30, 9:00, 10:30am, 12:30pm Baptism It is advised that the parents schedule an interview with a priest one month before the preferred baptism date. Baptismal preparation classes are offered on the 2nd Sunday of the month. Parents are encouraged to attend the 10:30 AM mass on the 2nd Sunday and the preparation class will follow the mass in the Rectory. All couples seeking to baptize a child must attend the class. Baptisms are preformed on the 2nd and 4th Sunday of every month at 2PM. Please call the Rectory to schedule an appointment at (516) 541-3270. Confessions Saturdays, Eves of Holy Days and Eves of First Fridays 4:00 to 5:00pm. Marriages The prospective bride and groom should discuss details of the marriage with one of the priests of the parish at least six months prior to the date of the wedding. The Mission Statement of Our Lady of Lourdes Parish Our Lady of Lourdes is a welcoming parish family whose purpose is to model Christ, as guided by Mary, in a life defined by faith and love. We seek to advance God's will through acts of Charity and Kindness. “to Jesus through Mary” Seventh Sunday of Easter May 8, 2016 Our Lady of Lourdes Page 2 Masses For The Week Monday, May 9th 6:45 Mother’s Day Novena 8:30 Angela Glass 8 PM Francine Bellavia Rosary March & May Crowning TODAY Sunday, May 8th 12:30 PM Mass Family Marie Bonanzinga Tuesday, May 10th 6:45 Mother’s Day Novena 8:30 Bien, Betty & Danny Dungca Family 8PM Abina & Joyce Regan Peter & Evelyn Regan Wednesday, May 11th 6:45 Mother’s Day Novena 8:30 Int. Deo Carlo Sabino 8PM Andre Midy Family Children Thursday, May 12th 6:45 Mother’s Day Novena 8:30 Ellen Conroy 8PM Theresa Romano Catherine Crawford Joe Rios & Family Friday, May 13th 6:45 Mother’s Day Novena 8:30 Anita Scanio Scanio Family 8PM Nicholas DeGennaro-Your Friends at the Life Center Saturday, May 14th 6:45 Mother’s Day Novena 8:30 Int. Elizabeth & Marie Thompson 5PM Rudy Koller Drury Family 5:15 Frances & George Spicer Daughter in Law Sunday, May 15th 7:30 Mother’s Day Novena 9:00 Joan Fagan 10:30 Gerard Netti 12:30 Joseph T. Mattina Fr. Robert E. Mason May 8, 2016 Family Netti Family Kenn & Lisa Catalano Linda & Family The Bread and Wine has been donated this week For a Special Intention After Mass: Rosary, Benediction & March to the Grotto (unless rain) , where the 1st Communicants will place flowers by Mary’s Statue and we will crown her, Our Queen and Mother. Pray for the repose of the souls of Theresa Coffey Maida L. Magliaro Rest in peace Lector Schedule SATURDAY, 5/14 - 5:00 PM – DAN DONAHUE SUNDAY, 5/15 The Sanctuary Candle in the Chapel has been donated for a Special Intention The Sanctuary Candle in the Church has been donated in loving memory of Anita Scanio From Rosemary & Gene Distelhurst - 7:30 AM – BERNARD HENNELLY - 9:00 AM – MARY CHAMPNEY - 10:30 AM – MICHELLE TINE & EFREN BACANI - 12:30 PM – TOM VARRIALE Our Lady of Lourdes Page 3 May 8, 2016 Dear Friends: Let me begin with a warm word of welcome to new parishioners and returning parishioners. We are delighted by your presence and appreciate your time with this happy and growing faith community. And what a great weekend to be here! In celebrating and remembering our Moms on Mother's Day weekend, we recognize the vital and formative role our mothers play in our lives. At each Mass this weekend, the presiding priest will be offering a special blessing to all Moms who are present, and praying for all Moms who have returned home to heaven. In trying to find the right words to honor and affirm the special and blessed vocation of being a mother, I was happy to come across the words of the late Joseph Cardinal Mindszenty. His reflection on the richness of the maternal vocation says it powerfully. I offer his prayer-meditation on Motherhood for our reflection this Mother's Day weekend: The Most Important Person on earth is a mother. She cannot claim the honor of having built Notre Dame Cathedral. She need not. She has built something more magnificent than any cathedral—a dwelling for an immortal soul, the tiny perfection of her baby's body...The angels have not been blessed with such a grace. They cannot share in God's creative miracle to bring new saints to Heaven. Only a human mother can. Mothers are closer to God the Creator than any other creature; God joins forces with mothers in performing this act of creation... What on God's good earth is more glorious than this: to be a mother? —Joseph Cardinal Mindszenty A word of invitation. On Saturday, June 11th, our parish will hold it's first Casino Night. It should be a terrific night and I urge you to join us. Benefitting both Our Lady of Lourdes Parish and the Knights of Columbus, this evening will include food and $200 of script for use in the games. Tickets are $50 and you will, I promise, have a delightful time while doing great good for the parish and the Knights. My thanks to all the volunteers who are working to make the night a success. Please join us and please bring your family and friends. Thanks for the consideration. Finally a word of congratulations. This weekend our second graders celebrated heir First Communions. I was my privileged to offer the two Masses that brought these young and wonderful parishioners to what I hope will be a lifetime of living in the Eucharist. My thanks to their parents and Catechists for bringing these great young people to the Sacrament. Enjoy a peace-filled week. In the love of Christ, Msgr. Jim Lisante Pastor Our Lady of Lourdes Page 4 May 8, 2016 Our Parish depends solely on your generosity to meet each week’s expenses. Our regular Sunday collections account for more than 60% of our operating budget. Your continued support, especially during these difficult economic times, is both needed and appreciated. Last week you donated: $ 15, 972.54 Thank you! Let us continue to pray for peace. Let us also pray for all those serving in the military. With special care we pray especially for: Christopher B. Afetian - Sgt USMC, Sgt. Kevin L. Blieka U.S. Army, Sgt. Brian Andrew Dayman US Army, PFC Joseph DiCicco Army, Commander Christopher DeMay Navy , Nicholas R. DoLieto - Marine Corps, A1C Timothy Erkens USAF, Army, Capt. Michael Ferrari, USMC, Spencer French, 1st Lieutenant, SRA Senior Airman Robert J. Gerry - Air Force,Spec. Steven Gianatiempo US Army, Brandon Goodwin, Petty Off., 2nd Class, USCG, Stefanie Goodwin, Petty Off., 3rd Class, USN, Kenny Greening -PFC-Army, Sean Hendrickson -Master of Arms, US Navy, Chaplain Major Timothy Hirten, USAF, Maj. Luke Holian USMC, SPC Justin Lansford -US Army, Sgt. Todd J. Lobraico USAF, Major Michael Edward Loconsolo, US Army, Pvt Matthew Macario - US Army, Garrett Macchio A1C, Air force, Pvt. Ryan McCann Army, Pvt. Matthew McQuade-Army, Jason Moritz - Sgt. USAF, Pvt 1st Class Joshua Nichols - US Army, Lt. Col. Thomas O’Connor, US Army, Spc. Manuel E. Palmer US Army, Cpt. David Paolillo USAF, Cpt. Kathleen Paolillo USAF, L. CPL Michael E. Porfidio - USMC, PFC Dominique R. Quiban, USMC Capt. Joseph Shultz, Spec. Matthew Sirianni, US Arme, L CPL Eric Vazquez USMC, US Army, Spec. Zachary Small - US Army, US Army Sgt. Michael Stephney If you know a Service Member that you would like to add to this list please contact the rectory 516-541-3270 Please name, and of ser- include rank branch vice. Prayers for the Sick Carol Abrams, Kay Abugel, Mary Baker, Gayle Bennett, , Clara Bernal, Alice Bonarrigo, Scarlette Boune, Ed Burch, Kevin Burch, Timothy Burns, Kenny Burns, Cosimo Caffarella, John Cappa, Michael Caselli, Carol Castellano, Mike Conlin, Lucille Cop, Billy Coyne, Siham Denho, Jane Depraida, Patrick DiGennaro, Barbara Donovan, John Dorrer, Jose Dungca, Billy Dwyer, Bob Ellis, Michelle Epstein, Leticia Escanan, Leo Fabrizio, Peggy Fabrizio, Santina Figliola, Del Galietti, Jeannie Glessing, Pio Gravina, Carol Hayward, Russ Hayward, Michael Heinlein, Peggy Helm, Gaspar Ingui, George Jelinek, Joan Johnson, Jesus Jupio, Peter Kearns III, Basilio Klonis, Richard Kmitis, Nicholas Krosofsky, Sophia Mary Maglione, Maltese Family, Donald Mason, Diana McCarthy, Marie Molloy, Linda Mullin, Mary Mullin, Blanche & Herman Navon, Dominic Netti, Bill Pesek, Berta & Bozo Pesa, Vincent Pinto, Anna Probert, Helga Richert, Donna Robitaille, Jean Marie Roncallo, Ayden W. Sabino, William C. Salomone, Jan Santacapita, Karen Senia, Charles Sinisi, William & Patricia Slezak, Eric Spring, Cliff Stevko, Carolyn Sweeney, Paul Thompson, Ann Stella Thomson, Ann Marie Tine, Larry Tomanelli, Patti Toner, Donna Vollaro, John J. Wilson, Jr., Carol Zucaro, Our Lady of Lourdes Page 5 May 8, 2016 Parish Outreach “Food Pantry” Thank you again to all the good people of our parish community who continue to support our wonderful food pantry. Because you care, Outreach can be a consistent source of kindness and assistance to many families in need. It is so good to know that we can count on your goodness especially during those times when the pantry may be low on certain basic items. Currently our food pantry is in need of Macaroni & Cheese, Tomato Sauce, Pasta, Powdered Milk and Canned Fruits Please continue to be as generous as your means allow. On behalf of our neighbors in need, thank you for all the good you do! Canned Tuna Canned Fruit Applesauce Pasta Tomato Sauce Peanut Butter Jelly Oatmeal Cereal s Coffee Pancake Mix Tea bags Pancake Syrup Powdered Milk Can Vegetables Juices Instant Potatoes Soups Egg Noodles Macaroni & Cheese Rice Cookies/Crackers Beans Jell-O/ Pudding Parish Outreach hours are Mon.-Thurs., 9:00am-4:00pm. “Ministry of Consolation” Our parish is richly blessed to have gathered a wonderful group of volunteers who make up Our Lady of Lourdes “Ministry of Consolation” team. The most valuable gifts we can give are the gifts that come from the heart. The precious gifts of our time, love and compassion are especially needed during the time of the loss of a loved one. Created to provide warmth, caring and personal attention to assist families in preparation for the funeral mass, this particular ministry can never have too many helping hands. Whether your interest be that of a Greeter, Lector or EM, please give some thought as to sharing your time and talents and being a part of this ministry’s call to love and care for one another. Thank you so much to our coordinator, Deacon Frank Gariboldi and all our volunteers for embracing this beautiful ministry. Please call Parish Outreach at 516-541-1260 if you would like to volunteer. Thank you for your considAs our wonderful group of “Care Blanket” volunteers con- eration. tinue to meet on Wednesday mornings from 10:00 11:30am at Parish Outreach, the gifts of their love, time and “Paper Goods” Drive talent in crocheting and knitting beautiful blankets for seriously ill children is nothing less than a beautiful thing! On occasion, the folks who come to us for food assistance Since our group began in November 2009, the completed will ask if we can provide paper products such as toilet blanket count stands at 1,895 I’m sure in no time at all we paper or paper towels. Food donations, as you know, rewill be adding to this amazing number. Thank you to our main our first priority! However, it would be a helpful adlovely group of ladies for all the good work you do to bring dition to the folks we serve if we could offer some assislove and comfort to many children undergoing cancer care. tance with paper goods. For the month of April, if you would consider a donation of toilet paper or paper towels Outreach is happy to accept donations of yarns, crochet that would be a wonderful thing! Thank you for all the hooks or knitting needles in support of this effort. good you do! If you are interested in joining our group please contact “We Care Blankets” Our Lady of Lourdes Page 6 May 8, 2016 NEXT WEEKEND MASS CELEBRANTS Saturday, May 14th 5:00 p.m. Fr. Cletus 5:15 p.m. Fr. Tony / Chapel Sunday, May 15th 7:30 a.m. Fr. Tony 900 a.m. Fr. Ed 10:30 a.m. Msgr. Lisante 12:30 p.m. Fr. Marty 2nd THURSDAY EVENINGS , 7:30 PM IN THE P ARISH CENTER ROOM 16 We have changed our MOSJ meeting days to ONLY ONE Thursday each month. Next Meetings: May 12th June 9th Good Shepherd Hospice Bereavement Services are opened to anyone in the community who has experienced a loss through death at no charge. Upcoming Bereavement Support Groups, led by a Bereavement Specialists, include: Spousal/Partner Loss Group –Tuesday Afternoons, 5/17/16-7/5/16; 1:00PM-3:30PM Spousal/Partner Loss Group – Tuesday Evenings, 5/17/16-7/5/16; 5:00PM-6:30PM Adult Loss of Parent or Sibling Support Group –Tuesday Evenings,5/17/16-7/5/16; 6:45PM-8:15PM Groups are held at Good Shepherd Hospice Administration Office, 110 Bi-County Blvd., Suite 114, Farmingdale, NY CYO NEWS….. Help is needed… We NEED…. CYO Workers, Coaches and Athletes Please Phone Rectory @ 516-541-3270 If you know of anyone who, because of age or infirmity, can’t come to Church for sacraments, please phone the Rectory and leave their name, address & telephone number, so a Priest or Eucharistic Minister can visit them. NEXT COFFEE SOCIAL June 12th 8 am to 12:30 pm Everyone welcome! (Helpers needed… rectory) We NEED Eucharistic Ministers to take communion to shut-ins. If you are a Eucharistic Minister and are willing to bring communion to shut-ins, please call the rectory. Page 7 Our Lady of Lourdes RELIGIOUS EDUCATION REGISTRATION IS NOW OPEN! May 8, 2016 THEOLOGY CLASS 7:30 - 9:00pm in the Church basement Registration for September 2016 is now open for all Abstracts of each class are given out, so you new and returning families from Kindergarten can best follow the lectures. through Grade Level 8. We are excited for your chilPhone the rectory for more information. dren to join us as we guide them on their faith journey. Now is the time to invite your family and Next meeting: May 17th 7:30 P.M. friends to join our program. Please spread the word! Church Basement Classes will begin on Wednesday, September 30 and are already filling up quickly. Classes are held in the school building and are offered on Wednesdays Tuesday Evenings, approx. every 2 Tuesdays, from 7:30 to 3:45pm, 5:45pm or 7:15pm or Saturdays 9:30am. All 9pm. (14 Tuesdays) sessions are an hour and 15 minutes long. New Families: You may pick up your registration in the Religious Ed office, Room 1 in the school building Monday – Thursday, 9am -2pm. Please bring with you a copy of your child’s Baptismal Certificate. We look forward to meeting you! Returning Families: Registrations were sent home. Please re-register your child as soon as possible. You may mail them to us at: Our Lady of Lourdes, Religious Education, 379 Linden Street, Massapequa Park, New York 11762 or drop them off in the mailbox outside our office. If you are in need of Registration forms, they will be available on the table outside the Religious Ed office (Room 1 of the school building) during the summer months. Please use the mailbox outside our office to deposit your Registration. If you have any questions, our Religious Ed Office hours are Monday – Thursday, 9am – 2pm or call 516-799-5179 and leave a message. WE ARE IN NEED OF SPECIAL EDUCATION TEACHERS. If you are interested, call the office during regular business hours. HALL MONITORS ARE NEEDED FOR NEXT YEAR. Please come to the Religious Ed Office if you are interested in being a part of the program for the 2016-2017 calendar year. Hall Monitors are needed on Wednesday afternoons from 3:45 – 8:30pm and Saturdays 9:30am – 10:45am. All volunteers over the age of 16 must undergo a background check and attend a Virtus training session. A Virtus training session will be held in September (date pending). Subjects: 1. Church History 2. Church Dogma 3. Apologetics 4. Scripture Everyone Welcome! Come whenever you can! Books, videos & DVD’s for Loan Free of charge Mothers Day is TODAY May 8th Have your Mother, whether living or deceased, remembered in a Novena of Masses here at Our Lady of Lourdes. You can stop by the main entrance of the church after all Masses and pick up card. Please returned completed envelope today. Page 8 Our Lady of Lourdes May 8, 2016 New York City Police Department Detective 1st Grade Brian Moore, who died in the line of duty on May 4, 2015 while serving the residents of New York City, will have a special dedication ceremony held in his memory at the Town of Oyster Bay’s Plainedge Park on Saturday, May 21 at 1:00 p.m. The event will include a statue unveiling and building dedication. Parking around Plainedge Park will be limited on the date of the ceremony, so shuttle buses will be continuously operated to and from Plainedge High School, located at 241 Wyngate Dr, North Massapequa, beginning at 11:00 a.m. All attendees are welcome to park at the high school and take the convenient shuttle to Plainedge Park. It is sure to be a touching ceremony in honor of this brave young man ceremony in honor of this brave young man. Page 9 Our Lady of Lourdes May 8, 2016 Page 10 Our Lady of Lourdes May 8, 2016 Our Lady of Lourdes Page 11 May 8, 2016 We also welcome the Knights of Columbus “Our Lady of the Island Council #6911” Members, Family and Friends. Monday, May 9, 2015 3:30pm-8:00pm School Room # 24 Please help the community by donating blood and sharing the "Gift of Life" To schedule an appointment, please contact: Deacon Dominick Valdaro #516.293.4597 Walk-ins Welcome! Eligibility Criteria: Bring ID with signature or photo Minimum weight 110 lbs Age 16 – 75 (16 yr olds must have parental permission. Age 76 & over need Dr’s note) Eat well (low fat) & drink fluids No tattoos for past 12 months For questions concerning medical eligibility call 1-800-688-0900 Page 12 Our Lady of Lourdes May 8, 2016 Page 13 Our Lady of Lourdes May 8, 2016 Happy Mother's Day! We honor and thank all mothers, living and deceased, for their gift of life. We remember and appreciate all of the sacrifices they have made, and continue to make, out of love, to care and provide for us. Often, we don't realize until we are parents ourselves, how much our mothers sacrificed for us. Today, we say, "Thank you, with love, for everything you have done for us!" We also remember and pray for those mothers who are facing a crisis pregnancy. May God guide them to choose life, and may we, as followers of Christ, provide for these women in their time of need. "The most important person on earth is a mother. She cannot claim the honor of having built Notre Dame Cathedral. She need not. She has built something more magnificent than any cathedral - a dwelling for an immortal soul, the tiny perfection of her baby's body...The angels have not been blessed with such a grace. They cannot share in God's creative miracle to bring new saints to heaven. Only a human mother can. Mothers are closer to God the Creator than any other creature; God joins forces with mothers in performing this act of creation. What on God's good earth is more glorious than this: to be a mother?" (Joseph Cardinal Mindszenty) VISIBILITY MATTERS: There is a weekly prayerful presence at the Planned Parenthood facility in Massapequa on Saturday mornings, 10:30am-noon, 35 Carmans Rd, Massapequa (across from the mall parking lot). For information: 516-541-8056. We need your presence now more than ever! SPIRITUAL ADOPTION: This program involves making a personal commitment to pray daily for one unborn child who is in danger of being aborted. You are asked to ‘spiritually adopt’ one unknown baby and pray that this child be carried to term and experience the fullness of life as God intended. Daily prayer: "Jesus, Mary and Joseph, I love you very much. I beg you to spare the life of the unborn baby that I have spiritually adopted who is in danger of abortion.” (Prayer of Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen) HOPE AND HEALING AFTER ABORTION: The Sisters of Life host monthly Days of Prayer and Healing, monthly Gatherings, and Hope and Healing Weekend Retreats. These events are opportunities to experience the loving mercy of God in a safe and sacred space. All retreats are led by the Sisters of Life and women who have experienced both the suffering of abortion and the joy of healing in Christ. The retreats are directed by faithful priests who have a sensitivity and a heart for those who suffer. They include witnesses of mercy, Scripture sharing, personal prayer, opportunity for Sacramental Confession, and the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. Call 866-575-0075 or email: [email protected] BABY’S LIFE BEFORE BIRTH My heart is beating at 18-25 days. The foundation for my nervous system is in place at 20 days. My skeleton is complete at 42 days and I have reflexes. My brain waves can be detected as early as 43 days. At 8 weeks my brain and all body systems are present and I look like a miniature doll. During weeks 9 & 10 I squint, swallow and can make a fist. By the 11th and 12th weeks I am moving my arms and legs, sucking my thumbs and breathing amniotic fluid. All my systems are working. My movements by 16 weeks are quite active and I can be seen performing somersaults on ultrasound but am not yet felt by my mother. From the 3rd month on nothing new develops. I continue to grow in size and by 20 weeks I have hair on my head, weigh 1 pound and am 12 inches tall. Life, what a beautiful choice! Mother and Child we love you both, please let us help! If you need help, or if you can help: Birthright of Nassau & Suffolk 516-785-4070 1859 Wantagh Ave, Wantagh NY 11793 Life Center of Long Island 516-798-9100 35 East Willow St, Massapequa NY 11758 Momma's House 516-781-8637 1857 Wantagh Ave, Wantagh NY 11793 Mother of Good Counsel 516-223-1013 Roosevelt Regina Residence 516-23-7888 Merrick Baby Safe Haven 877-796-4673 Don't Abandon - No Questions Perinatal Hospice 631-666-6863 Hospice Care Network Catholic Home Bureau 800-592-4357 Adoption, Foster Care, Maternity Services Hope & Healing after Abortion 866-575-0075 Sisters of Life - Days of Prayer and Healing Post Abortion Help 877-586-4621 [email protected] Page 14 Our Lady of Lourdes May 8, 2016 Our Lady of Lourdes Page 15 May 8, 2016 CATHOLIC CHARITIES EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES Mother’s Day Flower Sale Mother’s Day - May 8th TODAY Once again, Birthright will hold it’s annual Mother’s Day Flower sale after each Mass Mother’s Day weekend. Are you looking to do something meaningful with your life? If you are seeking to provide compassionate and heartfelt care for people in need, while experiencing fulfilling work, please consider joining the ministry of Catholic Charities where we offer “Care With Dignity…Life With Hope.” Our current opportunities include: Administrator – Senior Services – Hicksville Medicaid Service Coordinator – Disabilities Services – Amityville Each flower will cost $1 and all the proceeds go Social Worker (LMSW/LMHC) – Mental Health – Meddirectly to the Birthright organization. ford Psychiatrist – P/T – Mental Health – Medford Our wonderful parish has always been so generous and Psychiatric Nurse Practitioner – Mental Health – Bay on behalf of birthright, thank you! Shore Residential Nurse – Disabilities Services – Amityville Residential Nurse – Teaching Family –Suffolk/Nassau Weekend Supervisor – Regina Maternity Services - Freeport For additional information, a full listing of jobs and their descriptions, and how to apply, please go to: and click on the “jobs” tab. Catholic Charities – An Equal Opportunity Employer Page 16 Our Lady of Lourdes May 8, 2016 Page 17 Our Lady of Lourdes May 8, 2016 Page 18 Our Lady of Lourdes May 8, 2016 Congratulations and blessings to all of our students who received their First Holy Communion this May. You are in our prayers Shaina Albignano Michael Antonellis Brooke Applegate Dominick Artale, Jr. Thomas Azzariti Lucas Banushi Dylan Barbuto Michael Biscardi Camryn Blair Lauren Borenstein Ryan Bosque Joseph Burke Gianna Chirco Olivia Chirco Sophia Chirco Aliyah Codero Maryanne Codero Cecilia Correa-Pace John DelRiccio Nicholas Delyanis Nicholas DeMarco Isabel D’Orazio Brenden Drozdowski Kevin Drury Savannah Eckert Sophia Erker Brianna Etergineoso Bryce Galvin David Hager Norah Hager Ava Hilpert Candida Jacob Jack Janssen Christian Joachim Aiden Johnson Ava Jones Ava Jurgen Elise Anne Kelly Emma Rose Kelly Jack Kirschbaum Luke Kirschbaum Chloe Kretschmer Elidi Laquidara Arianna Lavelle Payton Livingston Ryan Lorelle Kaitlyn Lynch Owen Mammolito Lexi Mannino Andrew Manzi Gabriella Martinez Michael Mauceri Kenneth McNally Peter Meyer Daniel Millman Samuel Millman Christopher Mones Jake Mora Jake Mormino Eva Mugavero Jonathan Mulhern William Mulhern Anthony Nevadomski Louis Nevadomski Leilani Newton Ryan O’Donnell James O’Keefe Maddox Pace Gregory Parmiter Juliana Pereira Noelle Piazza Anthony Pomarico Anthony Posada Ashley Preza Cynthia Quintanilla Marcus Restrepo Reese Reustle Julio Rivero Michael Salvo Ellie Scardina Mikayla Schiavello Julianne Snyder Luca Spano Grace Stabile Nicholas Tobin Andrew Velazquez Daniel Walsh May 8, 2016 Our Lady of Lourdes Page 19 Community News Our Lady of Lourdes Church 855 Carmans Road, Massapequa Park Friday $1800 in prizes at 7:30 PM Tuesday Golden Society, at 7:30 PM $2000 in Prizes w/Progressive Jackpot $2000 IN PRIZES - $850 GIANT JACKPOT Progressive Jackpot on Tuesdays EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY Dominican Village, a retirement community in Amityville, is seeking a receptionist to join our Front Desk Team. Please fax your resume to 631-842-8280 or call Human Resources at 631-842-6762 for more information about this part time position. Retirees welcome. Do you want to develop a deeper relationship with God? Does your search for God seem to be at a crossroad? Do you want to explore new methods in prayer? Or has prayer become difficult? Do you feel the need for someone to assist you in discerning the call of the spirit? Or do you feel the need for a companion on the spiritual journey to walk with you and listen? I will be glad to help you...Efren R. Bacani, Spiritual Director & Parishioner here at Our Lady of Lourdes. Please call me @ (516)281-5876 Magnificat, a Ministry to Catholic Women, cordially invites you to attend our upcoming Breakfast on Saturday, June 4th, Feast of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, at The Hofstra Club in Uniondale at 9:45 a.m. Our speaker will be Angela Rizzo, foundress and coordinator of our chapter, who will share her amazing journey of faith and how she learned to trust Jesus in all things. The cost is $35 per person, and payment must be received by May 28th. Checks should be made out to Magnificat and mailed to: Judy Murphy, 42 Pinehurst Street, Lido Beach, NY 11561. Please include your contact information. Questions should be directed to either Judy Murphy at (917) 453-5750, or Angela Rizzo at (516) 763-1739. Come and celebrate this wonderful Feast Day and bring a friend. Pre-registration is required; payment will not be accepted the day of the event! Please visit out website at for more about our community. ", 516.541.4000 540 Broadway • Massapequa • NY • 11758 OʼKEEFE, CPA, LLC “How Can We Help You?” Certified Public Accounting Ed’s Service Center PERSONAL INCOME TAX, BUSINESS RETURNS NOT-FOR-PROFIT 950 Carmans Rd., Massapequa (516) 795-5121 Timothy F. OʼKeefe, CPA, CFP, MA State Inspection, Alignments, General Repairs, Road Service Computer Diagnostics (parishioner) 516-586-4940 375 Fulton St., Farmingdale, NY 11735 Nursing & Rehabilitation Center •Newly Renovated Chapel • Preplanning • Handicapped Accessible Monuments & Inscriptions • Children’s Playroom ROB FLORIE LANDSCAPING (516) 799-7845 Licensed & Insured Free Estimates NEED AN ESTIMATE?? 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