

To whom should I go and how exactly
can we share together the renewing
presence of the Spirit’s gentle love
“resting” upon us?
Licensed and Insured
20811 Washington Avenue, Onaway, MI
Ph. 989-733-6053 / Fax. 989-733-2848 / [email protected]
Website: /
August 28, 2016
Pastor : Rev. Peter Eke
22nd Sunday in Ordinary Time
Call the Parish Office to schedule.
Since 1959
20935 Washington Ave.
Onaway, MI 49765
Phone: (989) 733-8535
Toll Free: (888) 874-5723
Fax: (989) 733-4014
Email: [email protected]
(Parish Member)
Lord, hold our troops inCOLLISION, LLC
your loving hands.
Protect them.
Bless them and their
families. I ask this in the
name of Jesus, our Lord
and Savior.
Timothy P. Robbins, ACTAR #1445
Managing Collision Reconstruction Expert
Corporate Office
4106 Wilder Rd. #290
Bay City, MI 48706-2239
Phone & Fax (877) 627-2748
Based in Bay City, MI
Direct: (989) 928-3358
[email protected]
(Parish Member)
Looking for a space to tell others
Serving Northern Michigan for 67 Years
about who
you are and what you
do. This is the space for you.
Amen 989-733-2257
Ellenberger Lumber Company
and Do-it Center
OPEN 8:00 a.m.—5:00 p.m. Mon.—Fri.
8:00 a.m.—12:00 p.m. Saturdays
(989) 733-8023
Parish Member
This SPACE is reserved just for
your business.
3479 Main Street
(Parish Member)
Onaway, MI
to all the business that advertise
here in our bulletin. You make this
bulletin possible.
Couples are invited to call the
Parish Office, minimally six months
in advance, to prepare for and
schedule their marriage.
Adults who have not been
confirmed are invited to call
the Parish Office to arrange for
Adult Faith Formation
Anyone inquiring about the
Catholic Faith or simply wishing to
deepen their own understanding of
the Catholic Faith.
The Office
Office Hours:
Monday, Tuesday & Friday
9:30 a.m.—3:30 p.m.
(989) 733-6053
We, the parishioners of St. Paul, Onaway, open to the guidance of the Holy
Spirit, are dedicated to preserve, live and proclaim the Good News brought
by Jesus. As a sacramental people, we are committed to welcome all into
Christ's presence among us.
From the Pastor’s Desk
Blessed Mother Teresa To Be Canonized
The cry of Jesus on the Cross, ‘I thirst’ (Jn 19: 28), expressing the depth of God's longing for
man, penetrated Mother Teresa's soul and found fertile soil in her heart.”
—Pope John Paul II. On September 4, Blessed Mother Teresa would be canonized a Saint.
Mother Teresa will be most remembered for her selfless charity. She worked with the poorest of
the poor in Calcutta (Kolkata), India, serving lepers and others who would otherwise suffer without care. Her services were given freely and her example was followed by the sisters in the order
she founded, the Missionaries of Charity. Mother Teresa has inspired thousands of followers in
several different nations as well as individual acts of kindness around the globe. She has been
mentioned as a charitable inspiration by many people. She puts it well in her words “Let us touch
the dying, the poor, the lonely, and the unwanted”
"Prayer: The Faith Prayed"
This year, the Church will celebrate Catechetical Sunday on September 18, 2016 and will be the
beginning of our children’s faith formation classes. Catechism classes will take place immediately following the 10AM Sunday Mass. We thank those who serve as catechists for their ministry
and dedication. Catechetical Sunday is a wonderful opportunity to reflect on the role that each
person plays, by virtue of Baptism, in handing on the faith and being a witness to the Gospel.
Catechetical Sunday is an opportunity for all to rededicate themselves to this mission as a community of faith. Parents endeavor to sign your children up for faith formation. Make sure that
they attend the classes each week.
The Serenity Prayer
God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change; courage to change the things I
can; and wisdom to know the difference. Living one day at a time; Enjoying one moment at a
time; Accepting hardships as the pathway to peace; Taking, as He did, this sinful world as it is,
not as I would have it; Trusting that He will make all things right if I surrender to His Will; That I
may be reasonably happy in this life and supremely happy with Him Forever in the next. Amen.
Italian Earthquake: Please keep the people of Amatrice, Accomoli, Posta, and others in your
prayers where earthquakes occurred in the early hours of last Wednesday. I lived in Amatrice
when I was studying in Italy. Amatrice is a beautiful community with about 2500 all year round
residents but during summer months the number increased to over 25,000 residents. It was reported that “half of the town no longer exits”. The historic center of the town, with buildings dating
from the Middle Ages, was destroyed. Please pray for the victims, their families, and survivors.
May they find God’s consolation through the kindness of many people. We entrust those who
lost their lives to our loving Mary, Mother of God, praying for the comfort of those mourning and
the strength for those rebuilding.
Healing website: If you are going through difficult marriage problem or you know someone going through difficult marriage issues, please refer that person to RETROUVILLE.ORG
For those who have divorced and needs support please visit You can also contact Catholic Human Services which is in various parts of our diocese.
Know you are loved,
Father Peter
Week at a Glance
Mass Intentions
Tuesday, Aug. 30th @ 9am
Sick Parishioners and their Caregivers
Tuesday, Aug. 30th
AA 8pm, Hall (Rm. 1 & 2)
Wednesday, Aug. 31st @ 6pm
Military Men & Women &
their Families
Friday, Sept. 2nd
Adoration 9:30am
AA 8pm, Hall (Rm. 1 & 2)
Thursday, Sept. 1st @ 9am
Persecuted Christians
Saturday, Sept. 3rd
Food Bank Collection
Friday, Sept. 2nd @ 9am
Pat Kloosterman
Sunday, Sept. 4th
Food Bank Collection
K of C Breakfast 9am—12pm
Saturday, Sept. 3rd @ 5pm
+ Ron Beatty
req. The Saturday Ushers
St. Monica @ 7pm
Parishioners of St. Monica & St. Paul
Sunday, Sept. 4th @ 10am
+ Father Mason Vaughn
Thank you for your support!
Right to Life Dinner
Thurs. Oct. 6th. St. Paul
will once again have a table at the dinner.
Anyone who is interested in attending,
please contact the office.
Readings for the Week of Aug. 29th
Mon: 1Cor 2:1-5 / Mk 6:17-29
Tues: 1Cor 2:10b-16 / Lk 4:31-37
Reminder: If you
have not made your
CSA pledge yet,
please drop it into the collection
basket or just stop by the office.
Knights of Columbus
are having a breakfast.
Sept. 4th
Stop by and have a great
breakfast filled with farm fresh
eggs, pancakes, French toast,
sausage, bacon, biscuits & gravy,
coffee, tea, or juice.
Don’t forget to bring your
can goods & nonThurs: 1Cor 3:18-23 / Lk 5:1-11
perishables for the food
pantry next weekend. For
Fri: 1Cor 4:1-5 / Lk 5:33-39
those who are unaware, Michigan
Bridge cards will not cover the purSat: 1Cor 4:6b-15 / Lk 6:1-5
chases of paper products so toilet
Sun: Wis 9:13-18b / Ps 90 /
paper, paper towel, and kleenex
Phmn 9-10, 12-17 / Lk 14:25-33
boxes are constantly in demand.
Wed: 1Cor 3:1-9 / Lk 4:38-44
Bless you for your Stewardship
St. Paul: 8/21/16
Reg. $1,920.00 + Loose $ 583.80
+ Seminarian $5.00 +
= $2,508.80
2nd Collection $ 301.75
St. Monica: 8/21/16
Reg. $85.00 + Loose $ 110.00 +
= $ 295.00
K—12 Faith Formation
Sign Up will be on
THIS Sun., Aug. 28th after Mass.
First class Sun. Sept. 18th.
How can I honestly offer hospitality
this coming week to someone not
usually among my welcomed guests?
Outdoor Parish Movie
Coming September 23rd
Watch for details.
Mark your Calendars
Sept. 2nd—Adoration
Sept. 4th—K of C Breakfast
Sept. 6th—Ladies Bible Study
corr e note t
the tion in
Sept. 7th—K of C Meeting
Sept. 18th—K-12 Formation 1st Class
CSA Update as of 8/19/16
St. Paul Target is $22,639.00
Pledges $24,134.07
(86 of 131 families)
St. Monica Target is $2,146.00
Pledges $2,241.00
(12 Families)
Those in need of our prayers…
Ann Bandish
Lillian Bandish
Annamarie Barnes
Bill Breed
Abel Canales
Gary J. Castonia
Theresa Czajka
Bill Davis
Louise Dorton
Herb Dowker
Tom Ellenberger
William Ellenberger
Sallie Farrell
Jackie Fry
Donna Giessinger
Vicki Gosinski
Catherine Green
Kris Harris
Pete Harris
Jim Hayes
Harvey Hoyum
Starr Ittu
Lloyd James
Jo Klem
Don Libby
Nancy Madison
Mike Marx
Brittany Maynard
Dennis McGuire
Sid Merchant
Kathy Merrick
Ann Osantowski
Theresa Parenteau
Anya Pecova
Frank Rouland
Karen Sobiealski
Ray Stiles
Walter Szymoniak
Sue Tesmer
Shirley Traflet
Bob Turney
Warren Webber II