Apprenticeship Program Selection in the Northern Territory Australia


Apprenticeship Program Selection in the Northern Territory Australia
Apprenticeship Program Selection in the Northern
Territory Australia
Submit by dietodita on January 19, 2016 | Comment(s) : 0 | View : 3613
Selection of apprentice
scholarship in Australia
Indonesian Animal Husbandry Scholar Bond (Ikatan Sarjana Peternakan Indonesia/ISPI) hand in hand with
Northern Territory Cattleman's Association (NTCA) to organize apprenticeship scholarship program in the
Northern Territory, Australia. The scholarship program aims for Faculty of Animal Husbandry students in
Indonesia. Yet due to limited quota then only 12 universities in Indonesia who participated, such as University of
Brawijaya. 2016 is the fifth year the program has been running. Faculty of Animal Husbandry University of
Brawijaya (Fapet UB) always participated and several students was successful to grab the scholarship.
Participants who qualified to obtain the apprentice scholarship will spend time for three months there. In addition,
they also achieve free of charge living cost and allowances. The prerequisites to join in the program, participants
are mandatory to have TOEFL score minimally 450 and also have joined with cattle lectures.
The apprentice in Australia has positive response from Fapet UB students. Aroud 15 participants joined in the
initial stage selection or internal selection which organized by intern entities of the Faculty of Animal Husbandry.
The internal selection was including physics test in collaboration with Menwa as Mentor in order to know the
participants' endurance, writing test about cattle knowledge in Indonesia and Australia, and also presentation and
interview in front of several Fapet UB lecturers.
From the initial stage selection, opted seven participants who got away to the final stage. They should have
presentation in front of jury. The jury consists of ISPI representative, NTCA representative, Fapet lecturer, and the
alumni of the apprentice scholarship program. The final stage selection result would be announced in the next
Hakik, one the program alumni, advised the participants to be able to adjust with new surroundings and maintain
good reputation of Indonesia, especially University of Brawijaya. [dita/Humas UB/trans. Denok]
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