November 22 2015 - Our Lady of the Valley
November 22 2015 - Our Lady of the Valley
Our Lady of the Valley Parish OUR LADY OF THE VALLEY PARISH, EASTHAMPTON Nov. 21 – Nov. 22 4:00pm P. Wallace S. Lebiecki D. Aubrey 5:30pm P. Graham B. Graham 7:15am D. Koske 8:30am C. Wodecki L. Zoltowski T. Brown 11:00am J. Marek J. Gawle B. Martin 5:30pm A.M. Picard M. Bouthilette K. Damon T. Gallivan C. Carey G. Delozier D. Laprade T. Laprade K. Williams B. Carpenter REY Grade 10 Nov. 26 THANKSGIVING 9:00am N. Strycharz B. Dabek R. Strycharz C & D Dabek Nov. 28 – Nov. 29 4:00pm R. Bahre M. Bouthilette J. Callahan 5:30pm A. Veras A. Bialek 7:15am T. Labrie 8:30am A. Banas Polish C. Growhoski L. Zoltowski 11:00am T. Neill A.M. Picard R. Pope 5:30pm T. Gallivan B. Ellis D. Brewer W. Labrie M. Lecko A. Dabek C & D Dabek T. Brown R. Boszko J. Constantine Readings for the Week of November 22, 2015 Sunday: Monday: Tuesday: Wednesday: Thursday: Friday: Saturday: Next Sunday: Dn 7:13-14/Rv 1:5-8/Jn 18:33b-37 Dn 1:1-6, 8-20/Lk 21:1-4 Dn 2:31-45/Lk 21:5-11 Dn 5:1-6, 13-14, 16-17, 23-28/Lk 21:12-19 Dn 6:12-28/Lk 21:20-28 Dn 7:2-14/Lk 21:29-33 Dn 7:15-27/Lk 21:34-36 Jer 33:14-16/1 Thes 3:12--4:2/Lk 21:25-28, 34-36 Jesus answered, "My kingdom does not belong to this world. If my kingdom did belong to this world, my attendants would be fighting to keep me from being handed over to the Jews. But as it is, my kingdom is not here." - Jn SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 21 9:00AM Deceased Bishops, Priests & Deacons of the Diocese 4:00PM Mary Kapinos - Her Family 5:30PM Solange Lepine (2nd Anniv) - Her Loving Husband & Family SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 22 7:15AM David W. Proulx (13th Anniv) - His Mom & Dad 8:30AM Living & Deceased Members of the St. Cecilia Choir 11:00AM Joseph & Viola Gawle - Bernie & Julie Gawle 5:30PM Missa pro populo MONDAY, NOVEMBER 23 8:00AM Stanley & Vickie Pacocha - Ella & Eddy TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 24 8:00AM Eleanore Stolarik - Her Husband WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 25 8:00AM Ann Boulanger (4th Anniv) - Her Family THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 26 (THANKSGIVING) 9:00AM Walter Sliz (1st Anniv) - Loving Wife Clara & Son Ray FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 27 5:30PM All Souls SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 28 9:00AM George & Dominica Harran - Their Friend 4:00PM Rose Hebert (3rd Annv) - Richard & Ann Hebert 5:30PM Carol Mullen - Her Sisters SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 29 7:15AM Missa pro populo 8:30AM Ferdynand Dabek - His Family Readings & Hymns in Polish 11:00AM Richard Whitman - His Wife Suzanne & Children 5:30PM Michael J. O’Connor, Jr. - His Family Intentions 7-Day Sanctuary Lamp Nov. 23 - Nov. 29 Rose Hebert (3rd Anniv) - Richard & Ann Hebert 7-Day Candle at the Statue of Mary Nov. 23 - Nov. 29 Health & Blessings for Rebecca Fil Her Family Nov. 23 - Nov. 29 Millie Ostrander - Her Children Nov. 23 - Nov. 29 Special Intention 7-Day Candle at the Black Madonna Nov. 23 - Nov. 29 Adela Kusiak - The Dabek Family Nov. 23 - Nov. 29 Jozef & Wiktoria Lecko - Their Family Nov. 23 - Nov. 29 Bob Tharaldson - His Son Shaun & Louis Nov. 23 - Nov. 29 Dorothy Misner - Nancy LaFleur 18:36 Women’s Club Bake Sale this weekend; The flowers at the Black Madonna altar are in honor of the living and deceased members of the St. Cecilia Choir. after all Masses (except 5:30pm Sunday). Come and get your "goodies" for Thanksgiving!! OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST, KING OF THE UNIVERSE Thanksgiving Morning: May the good things of life be yours in abundance, not only at Thanksgiving but throughout the coming year. Fr. Doug, Fr. John and the Staff at Our Lady of the Valley. The office will be closed on Thursday & Friday, November 26/27. Daily Mass is at 5:30pm on Friday November 27, the day after Thanksgiving. to purchase/send in your raffle ticket 6th Annual Thanksgiving Raffle ! Drawing to be held Thanksgiving Day following the 9:00AM Mass. This month our Take and Eat Ministry received another note of appreciation from one of our clients. She writes, "Dear church members, drivers, and all, I very much enjoy your meals twice a month. I really look forward to all of them and feel like a wonderful surprise that comes my way/ God Bless All of You." Please remember that, twice a month, we are here to provide fresh, wholesome, and tasty meals to those in need of a good bite to eat. If you know of anyone who is interested get in touch with us, either Karen Orlando at 527-5612 or Peg Wallace at 527-6539. We'll be glad to add them to our list! The Knights of Columbus Council #1116 Annual Christmas Pierogi Sale: The Knights will be in the OLV Parish Hall beginning November 28th after all Masses selling pierogi. The pierogi are packaged and sold by the dozen with potato/cheese, cabbage and blueberry being available. The price is $9.00 per dozen. The proceeds from this fundraiser will allow the Knights to help people in need. COFFEE and DONUTS Complements of OLV Women’s Club. Come join everyone after the 9am Mass for the Thanksgiving Raffle drawing. Everyone is welcome to join the Holy Rosary Sodality for a Christmas Celebration in the Florentine Room at the Bluebonnet Diner, Northampton on Sunday, December 6. Dinner will be served at 1pm. Tickets are $26 adults, and a special children’s menu is available for $15. Deadline for tickets is November 23rd. Checks should be made payable to the Holy Rosary Sodality, For more information, check out the flyer on the bulletin boards at the entrance to the Church, or call Helen Gratkowski at 527-2894. St. Anne Society Annual Christmas Party: The Delaney House, Holyoke Monday, December 7. Dinner served at 12 noon. Donation is $25/pp. Deadline for tickets & payments is Monday, November 30. Guests are cordially invited. For more information & tickets call Helena Lussier at 527-3184. Sunday Morning Coffee Shop after the 7:15am and 8:30am Masses. Enjoy the best deal in town for great coffee and delicious donuts while supporting parish ministries. Schedule for November Nov. 22 Knights of Columbus Nov. 29 Women’s Club Our Lady’s Child Care Center is hosting a Yankee Candle Fundraiser just in time for the Holidays! Please help support Our Lady’s Child Care Enrichment Programs and field trips by ordering online at: and enter our group #: 990088893 You can continue to buy online until January 13, 2016 for the profits to go to the Center. We receive 40% of all sales! Thank you for all your support! NOVEMBER 22, 2015 in Sat. Nov. 21 Sat./Sun. Nov. 21/22 Mon. Nov. 23 Mon. Nov. 23 Take & Eat at OLV Kitchen, Franklin St Women’s Club Bake Sale after all Masses Bible Study in Mtg. Rm 1 - 2:30pm St. Cecilia Choir Rehearsal @ 6pm Church Mon. Nov. 23 Holy Rosary group leaders mtg. 6:30pm Meeting Room Wed. Nov. 25 500 Club dues deadline for Nov. drawing Thurs. Nov. 26 Thanksgiving Raffle Drawing after 9am Mass Mon. Nov. 30 Traditional Choir 7 – 8pm in Church Mon. Nov. 30 Bible Study Parish Hall 1 - 2:30pm Solemnity of Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe - November 22, 2015 Today we hail Christ as our King, the victor over the power of death. This Jesus, who loves us and freed us from our sins by His own blood, and who by Baptism has made us a royal nation of priests in the service of His God and Father. He who is King, continues to choose men and women to serve as priests, sisters, brothers or deacons, so that the faithful may know Him, love Him, and serve Him as well. If you feel God may be calling you to a Church vocation, call Fr. Gary Dailey at 413-452-0811 or email: [email protected]. Website: Uxtâà|y|vtà|ÉÇAAAUpdate In Memory of: John Zurevel from John F. Olson Louise Geoffrion from Kinda Laborde Leo Barayon from Ronald & Jamie Laurin Donations: Mr. & Mrs. David Kukucka Knights of Columbus #1116 Current Balance: $ 91,172.90 Pledge Amount: $ Total: $ 96,172.90 5,000.00 Ornaments can be purchased ($20 ea.) in the Sacristy after Mass or at the rectory, Monday - Friday, 8am - 3pm All proceeds will benefit the Uxtâà|y|vtà|ÉÇ YâÇw. Thank you for your generosity Nov. 14/15 $ Fuel & Energy: $ Total: $ Daytime Join us for A Biblical Walk Through the Mass on Mondays through November 30th from 1:00-2:30 pm There is no charge for the program. For more information or to register for the study, call Karen Droy at 413218-3436 or via email: [email protected]. 7,794.00 218.00 8,012.00 To meet budget, weekly offertory s/b: $ 10,474.85 Difference:$ 2,462.85 Fiscal Year to date difference to meet budget: $ - 31,366.30 With gratitude we acknowledge the donation made to help defray the cost of our energy and utility expenses from the Knights of Columbus Council #1116. Heifer Farm’s Living Gift Market Heifer International, 216 Wachusett Street, Rutland, MA December 5, 6, 12 & 13, 2015 from 10:00 am to 4:00 pm each day. For two weekends in December, Heifer International hosts their annual Living Gift Market celebration where the public is invited into the barns to meet the animals and learn about how Heifer International uses livestock and training around the globe to help families in poverty to become self-reliant. Take a wintery trip to China or Poland by hopping on Heifer’s Global Village hay wagon where crackling woodstoves and old-fashioned craft-making await your family. Warm yourself with hot chestnuts at the bonfire or come inside for homemade soup and rolls, baked goods and hot cocoa. Before you go, decorate a gingerbread cookie or stop in the Shop@Heifer for fairly-traded gift items, books, jewelry, and Heifer items. No charge Donation of canned goods requested. All canned goods will be donated to the Worcester County Food Bank. For more information, call 508-886-2221, email [email protected]. Greater Easthampton St. Patrick’s Committee Scholarship opportunity $500 each. Must be of Irish decent to apply. Applications can be obtained at the rectory between the hours of 8am - 3pm. Additional guidelines are on the application. Application deadline is December 5, 2015. Please contact Jean Graney (527-4108) for further information/questions. REY: Gr. K - 8 Gr. 9 - 11 SCHEDULE for November/December Sun. Nov. 22 Sun. Nov. 29 Sun. Dec. 6 Sun. Dec. 6 Sun. Nov. 22 Sun. Nov. 22 Mon. Dec. 1 Sun. Dec. 6 9:45am - 10:45am NO CLASS Youth Mass 9:45am - 10:45am Youth Mass Gr.10 6:30pm – 8:00pm Retreat 5 - 9pm 6:30pm – 8:00pm Christmas Pageant : January 3, 2016 After the 8:30am Mass ROBERT W. GRAHAM, DIRECTOR Honoring Catholic Traditions by providing caring, compassionate services. 18 ADAMS STREET, EASTHAMPTON, MA 01027 (413) 527-5321 Call LPi today to advertise your business here! 1-800-888-4574 The bank of hometown values Serving Pioneer Valley & The Hilltowns Since 1948 RESIDENTIAL • COMMERCIAL 1.) 2.) 3.) 12 noon - 1pm Saturday, December 5 in Church (practice) snow date December 12 12 noon - 1pm Saturday, December 19 in Church (practice) snow date December 26 12 noon - 1pm Saturday, January 2 in Church (dress rehearsal) Confirmation Date: Saturday, April 30, 2016 @ 5:30pm | 413.527.4111 Member FDIC | Member DIF Sales • Repairs • Installation • Spring Repairs Raynor Garage Doors, Automatic Garage Door Openers Pre-Hung Interior & Exterior Doors 30 Lyman St., Easthampton • 527-2447 Free Estimates • Visit Our Showroom Criterion-Riverway Early Intervention Program Do you have concerns about your infant or toddler’s development? First Communion: Saturday, May 1, 2016 @ 1:00pm The New Spirit (mandatory) Retreat for Grades 10 and 11 has been scheduled for Tuesday, December 1 from 5 - 9pm. The retreat will be held at the REY building on Franklin St First Reconciliation for Communion Class, December 19 at 1:30pm (after the Pageant rehearsal). Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults. Inquiry continues each week and anyone interested in learning more about the Catholic Faith are welcome to join us on Sundays in the downstairs Meeting Room from 12–1pm after the 11am Mass. Q. What's the best dance to do on Thanksgiving? A. The turkey trot! Q: Who is not hungry at Thanksgiving? A: The turkey, because he’s already stuffed! Call Now for a Developmental Evaluation* Call (413) 475-3340 x102 91 Main Street, Suite 2, Greenfield Criterion-Riverway Early Intervention provides family-centered services to children between birth and 36 months, who have delays in development. * All services are free, no deductible or co-pay; covered by health insurance or the Department of Public Health. Licensed & Insured Commercial • Residential • Industrial The Thompson Family, Parishioners 413-527-4775 or Toll Free 1-877-527-4775 Fax 413-527-8469 6 Line St., Southampton, MA Bernice F. Lord CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT 251 Northampton Street Suite A • Easthampton (413) 529-1863 • (413) 527-2772 Fax: (413) 527-2562 • [email protected] The CPA. Never underestimate The Value.™ THIS SPACE IS CPA 5 Campus Lane • Easthampton downtown behind Big E’s WINDOWS • PRE-HUNG DOORS PRESSURE TREATED LUMBER • FRAMING LUMBER Old Fashioned Local Service Delivery Available We’re Proud to Carry a Full Line of Benjamin Moore Paints 6HUYLQJWKH3LRQHHU9DOOH\VLQFH !"#$%&'($)*+,$-&.*/&01*2(,$%3$4$5!67!89"$4$:::+;<=>?@=0A<>+B20 NOVEMBER 2, 2015 11:01 AM OUR LADY OF THE VALLEY, EASTHAMPTON, MA 03-0871 MANCHESTER COMPANY, INC. HARDWARE How great people get to work (413) 527-7445 super markets RYAN IMPORTED CAR REPAIR 584-7381 3 Brewster Ct., Northampton COMPLETE CAR REPAIR ON ALL FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC CARS • DIESEL AND SVO ASE CERTIFIED MASTER TECHNICIAN FOR OVER 30 YRS JOE RYAN - PROPRIETOR Trytko’s custom meats Expanded Service Bakery 11 Union St., Easthampton 527-2125 James F. Carey, Attorney Kathleen Carey Salvetti, Office Manager (413) 527-9222 527-0600 Great Oil Prices • Top-Notch Service Richards Fuel & Heating Inc. 79 Rear Union Street, Easthampton Richard Boulanger, Pres. 527-0194 HOMEHHEALTH EALTH CARE HOME CARE BANQUETS & FUNCTIONS ...and celebrations of all kinds! COMMONWEALTH REGISTRY OF NURSES Anniversary Parties • Baptisms • Bridal Showers Rehearsal Dinners • Baby Showers • Funerals Rn’s, Lpn’s, Cna’s/Chha’s Celebrating 26 Years. 1989-2015 Home Care. Makes Life Easier. Up to 24 hrs care/ 7 days a week tailored to your needs (413) 527-0149 65 Union St EASTHAMPTON, MA 01027 CAREY LAW OFFICE 124 Cottage St. • Easthampton Call 413-527-2527 • WWW.CRNHOMECARE.COM James E. Clayton, D.M.D. Boriana Canby, DMD • Geri Kleinman, DMD Sensible Dentistry Contact Mark Brennan to place an ad today! [email protected] or (800) 477-4574 x6343 A full range of General, Cosmetic Implant, Periodontal and Extraction Dentistry for all Ages 243 King Street, Suite 112, Northhampton, MA 01060 • 413-584-5199 • Hassle ‘free’ Parking MITCHELL FUNERAL HOME LET US PLACE YOUR AD HERE. 527-0872 Walter B. Mitchell, Dir. Morgan G. Mitchell, Dir. 15 Park St., Easthampton LIQUORS 44 “Catch the Spirit” HOLYOKE 44 Lincoln Street 413-534-4555 • New Home Construction • Additions • Renovations DORSEY MEMORIALS SINCE 1853 FINCK&PERRAS INSURANCE AGENCY, INC. NORTHAMPTON HADLEY “Insuring Your Way, since 1935” 238 King Street 458-9 Campus Plaza Rt.9 6 Campus Lane 63 Main St. 413-586-3007 413-253-9344 Easthampton, MA 413-527-3000 Dan Gipperich Heating • Heating & Cooling • Air Duct Cleaning Florence, MA 413-584-1970 413-527-5980 GRANITE MARBLE BRONZE 707 Main Street, Amherst 413-253-5212 Southampton, MA License CS 674664 HIC 167648 Worried About A Loved One At Home Alone? Tel: 413-527-7678 • Cell: 413-250-8278 Southampton, MA 01073 FULLY INSURED • Lic# 025383 Provides professional homecare services 7KH&ORVHVW<RX&DQ*HWWR+RPHFRRNLQJ 3OHDVLQJ<RX³3OHDVHV8V Open 7 Days A Week Call: Mon.-Sat. 5:30-2:00 PM, Sun 6:30-2:00 PM Breakfast & Luncheon Specials Daily • Take-Out Orders 73 Main Street, Easthampton, MA 785-1111 W. Springfield 582-0006 Northampton RIGALI & WALDER Orthodontists For Adults & Children 12 Campus Lane, Easthampton, MA • 527-1430 269 Locust St., Northampton, MA • 586-8455 196 North Pleasant St., Amherst, MA • 253-0001 FOR AD INFO CALL 1-800-888-4574 © LITURGICAL PUBLICATIONS INC. NOVEMBER 2, 2015 11:01 AM SLA2012 OUR LADY OF THE VALLEY, EASTHAMPTON, MA 03-0871