Declaration of Josh Lieberman
Declaration of Josh Lieberman
Declaration of Josh Lieberman DECLARATION QF JOSH LIEBERMAN I, JoshLieberman, declareas follows 1 The factsstatedhereinare statedof my own personalknowledgeexceptasto those mattersstatedon information and belief and, as to those matters,I believe them to be true. If called and sworn as a witness, I could and would testify competentlytheretounder oath. 2. I am a talent agentemployedby the firm The Creative Artists Agency ("CAA") located in Beverly Hills, California 3. Colin Farrell. I' have been a talent agent representingactors in the Over the course of my career, a significant part of my work has been the .IhaverepresentedColin with respectto negotiationson his acting agreementson numerousmotion pictures,including "Hart's War, .. "Minority Report, "S. W .A. T .," "Alexander" and the upcoming"Miami Vice." 4 As one of the world's most popular actorsin motion pictures, Colin commandsa multi-million dollar salary for acting in eachfilm, plus substantialcontingentcompensationfrom the film's revenues. Currently, Colin typically can commandand receivea guaranteein excess likenessand personaare a significantpart of the value of his earningpower and licensingpower. 5. I was recently contactedby Defendant David Hans Schmidt about Schmidt's attemptsto exploit a confidentialvideotapedepictingsexualrelationsbetweenmy client andNicole Narain ("the Videotape") Attached as Exhibit" 1t, hereto is a written communicationthat I video depicting [Colin and Nicole Narain] engagedin various acts of cQPulation." In this .Ill K:\3470.8\PLD\DECLARAll0NS 071SOS.wpd 3 DECLARATIONS IN SUPPORT OF EX PARTE APPLICATION FOR TRO AND OSC K:\3470-8\PLD\DECLARA TIONS 07ISO5.wpd 4 DECLARATIONS IN SUPPORT OF EX PARTE APPLICATION FOR TRO AND OSC 7/18/2005 15:45 FAX ~10 .., ~.lO K:\34'7O-I\PtD\Da:I.AIATJc»807J5O$.wpd l,.Ayr.a.& . 0&..- , ax:l' arB APPucA t"D F()i Tao ANDOSC DECLARATION OF MARTIN D. SINGER I, Martin D. Singer, declareas follows 1 I am anattorneyat law duly l~censed to practicebeforeall of the Courtsof the State I have sworn as a witness,could and would testify competentlytheretounder oath. 2 On Wednesday,July 13,2005, DefendantDavid HansSchmidtsenta letter to Josh Lieberman, the talent agent for Plaintiff, concerningthe distribution of a videotapedepicting A copy of the letter I 3. After receivinga copy of DefendantSchmidt'scommunicationto Mr. Lieberman, I telephonedSchmidt(with whom I had contactpreviously on an unrelatedmatter) to discussthe matter. During that telephoneconversation,DefendantSchmidtsaid that he had the right to sell the Videotapeandthat he was working with DefendantNarain in connectionwith its distribution andsale. He told me that he wantedto reachan agreementwith Plaintiff in connectionwith the distribution of the Videotape. I told him that Plaintiff was not willing to enter into such an agreement.Schmidtthen statedthat therewasa stolencopy of the Videotapethat had gottenout, and it could likely be leakedto the public in the eventthat my client did not makea deal with him for distribution and saleof the Videotape 4. During my telephoneconversationwith DefendantSchmidt, I told him that it was my understandingtl1atmy client had recentlyhada conversationwith DefendantNarain in which Narain had told Plaintiff that shedid not want the Videotapepublicly disseminatedand that she would join Plaintiff in attemptingto preventthe tapefrom being distributed DefendantSchmidt told me that this wasnot true, andthathe wasworking with andrepresentingNarain in connection with the distribution and saleof the Videotape. 5. I attemptedto telephoneDefendantNarain on three occasionson July 13 and 14, 2005, to discussthis matter. I receivedthe telephonenumberfor Ms. Narain from my client who K:\347o-8\PLD\DECLARATIONS 071S05.wpd 6 1 hadcontactedNarain at that numberpreviously. On eachoccasionthat I called, I left a voice mail messagetelling Ms. Narain that it was important that shecall me back Shenever returnedmy 2 3 calls 4 6 On July 14,2005, I spoketo DefendantSchmidt againon the telephone. During 5 that conversation,Schmidtinfonned me that I should stop calling DefendantNarain and that she would not return my calls UnlessDefendantsSchmidtand Narain were working togetheron this 6 7 8 In that e-mail message.Mr. Schmidt 9 10 call her anymore He again refers to setting up a meeting with me to discuss an agreement for 11 12 7. 13 Attached as Exhibit" 3" hereto is a copy of an article that appearedin the New York 14 Post on July 15, 2005, regarding the Videotape, During my telephonecalls with Defendant 15 16 YorkPostregardingthe Videotape. Shortly after readingthe Postarticle, I wasinformedthat Paul Nash,the Director of Marketing andOperationsoflntemet CommerceGroup("ICG"), is working 17 18 with Schmidt and Narain with regard to their efforts to distribute and sell the Videotape 19 Furthermore,I am informedandbelievethat Nashis very well known in the internetpornography 20 businessand overseestile webmasteraffiliate program at This sign-up 21 program allows websiteoperatorsaroundthe world to exploit the pornographiccontentoffered I 22 the dozens of pornography websites, including www .femalecelebrities .com and 23 24 SeeExhibit" 4 .. hereto 25 8 Pursuantto CRC Rule 379. I gave DefendantSchmidttelephonicnotice of this ex 26 This notice was 27 A true and correct copy of my letter to 28 left a telephonemessagefor Naraingiving her verbal K: \J47O-8\PLO\DECLARA TIONS 07 J~ . WIMi 7 --DECLARA nONS IN SUPPORT OF EX PARTE APPLICA nON FOR TRO AND OSC K: \3470-8\PLD\DECLAJA TIONS 071 ~ . wi-' 8 --DECLARATIONS IN SUPPORT OF EX PARTE APPLICATION FOR TRO AND OSC DECLARATION OF BRIGIT K. CONNELLY 1 I am an attorneyat law duly licensedto practicebefore all of the Courts of the havepersonaland first-hand knowledge 2. On July 18~2005 at approximately 9:50 a.m.. I gave telephonic notice of the At 12:24p.m. I receiveda "read" receipt from Nashconfirming that he hadreceivedthe email conflmling the notice. A true I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing is true and correct Executedthis 18 day of July 2005, at Los Angeles,California. K:\347O-1\PLD\DECLARATIONS !J7ISOS.wpd 9 DECLARATIONS IN SUPPORT OF EX PARTE APPLICATION FOR TRO AND OSC K:\3470-8\PLD\DECLARAnoNS 071S0S.wpd 10 DECLARATIONS IN SUPPORT OF EX PARTE APPLICA TION FOR TRO AND OSC ---'- ~"l~/:l~tI:1 - tJ::I:::I;j b~:L:L:L4'jb~1 Mr. JoshLieberman The Ctea1ivcArtists Agency 9830 Wilshire Blvd Beverly Hills, California 90212 DAVID ..w6 Sentvia ~ sa-foIIDT PAC£ 82 only on July 13, 2005 CONFIDENTIAL MEMORANDUM B~Xour client. Mr. Colin Farren Dear Josh: The last time you and I coDlDlWJicatcd it was in regardsto the Playboy offer for your client, M... Halle Berry. As we botlllcnow. shesubsequentlywon an Oscarand was undcrstandablyno longerinterested.I was very happy to hearHalle plug for her fine agentat theAcademyAwards. Ios~ having honed out a niche' over the yearsas a fellow agent/producer,our pathsnow CtOSS again. I am presently COIT~nding with you to discussa situation that involves your client, Colin Farren, Playboy Playmate Nicole Naraioy and a IS-minute color video dcpicting the two parties engagedin varies actSof copulation.I was approachedby Ms. Narain after she realizedthat a co~ of the 1&00was miSSin2or stolen.which shebad in ber possessionover two years. Shebeganreceiving solicitous phonecalls a couple monthsago and is not awareof the locationof the missingtapenor doesshehavecognimnceof the pQrtY(s).I havebeenin talks with Ms. Narain regardingthe commercialization of the tape for the ostensiblecompelling reasonsand sheis intet'eStcdin Inc representingher rightsby assignment. In an effort to not only profit as pftrti~ to the video but to alsopreventpimcy, we think that "comroexcialization"should be consideredas a collaborativeeffort and it a~"S that time is of the essence.The history of past sex tapes have shown us the importmx;e of controlling distribution prior to any piracy-ask Parb Bilton & Co. In the eventthis video hits the internet on the black market,the parties in interestwill lose their potentialto profit and incur significant attorneycosts in an effort to stop the distribution.Ergo, it then ~es extremely difficult to un-ring the bell and if this "tnissing copy' does,in fact, beatus to the punch,our relationshipis m..9.!!! d~te our best dec;isions.joint or otherwise. Thus, I would like to suggesta discreetarrangementbetweenthe parties in which a highly confidential agreementcould be reachedto distribute said video. We have much in the way of .'empirical association"here. Any such agreement,of course.would requirethe consentof both CoJiDFarreIJ and Nicole Narain and be beneficial to both J)(Uties.In closing, I would like the opportunityto illustrnte how your client can benefit from both a colnmen;ialand public :relatiottS perspectiveif this is handledlike trophiesof the past Indeed,I look quite forward to meetingwith you at your immediateconvenicnceto discuss thiS matter in confidence.We also take note at a good standingreta1ionshipwith Mr. Singer, Esq., he is a classactjust like your self andwe'vc enjoyedwooong with rum asyou may know. Respectfullyyours,