December 2014 -


December 2014 -
December 2014
"We need you," says Spencer, on behalf
of all the rescues at Straydog.
“We thank you for our happy home, until we each
find our own home and families," says Tuffy.
Please help Straydog continue the mission of rescuing, rehabilitating
and finding forever homes for previously homeless animals.
Thank you for your continuing much-needed support!
Straydog Inc., a No-Kill Dog Shelter and Sanctuary
P.O. Box 1465, Gun Barrel City, TX 75147
email: [email protected]
December 2014 Straydog Newsletter – Please go to for all the details and many more photos – PAGE 2
Straydog Inc., The Arnold Family's Happy Home for Strays
A No-Kill Dog Shelter and Sanctuary
A TEXAS NON-PROFIT CORPORATION with 501(c)(3) Tax-Exempt Status from the IRS
P.O. Box 1465, Gun Barrel City, Texas 75147 (903) 479-3497 Email: [email protected]
December 2014
Dear Friends and Supporters,
As another year comes to a close, we want you to know of our deepest thanks for
your provision for the dogs in our care. We are so blessed to have been able to
provide for some new rescues recently--poor Lolli, who was found all torn up from
a fight (she has since recovered from her wounds), the sweet Chiweenies found
living in a hole in a tree (one has already been adopted!), the nine Chihuahuas
rescued from a hoarding situation (they are getting sweeter and less afraid every
day). Then there are Gina and Toby, shepherd mixes who just need the right kind of
family environment to thrive in. Carla and Collin were starving strays (no longer
starving!) and Pups Jerry and Lelo and Kittens Milo and Sparrow were abandoned
young animals who no longer have to fend for themselves, thanks to your help!
And these four have been recently adopted! Some more recent rescues, golden
retriever-mixes Emma and Lilly, and young Kitty Rosie, found abandoned, are now
all healed, spayed and vaccinated, and have just found their forever families too!
Your financial support makes it possible day after day for us to care for the dogs and
the few cats taken aboard our 'lifeboat', meeting their physical and emotional needs.
Your volunteering is also so important! With your help at Adoption Days and at
Straydog Booths at Shows, our rescues find new forever families! Your volunteering
and sponsorships with our Golf Tournament Fundraiser and other Special Events
also help keep our mission and dream alive by raising much-needed funds, and
reaching new supporters. We have a wonderful time together at these events too!
Please join us at this year's Love-A-Pup Concert on Saturday, February 7, 2015, at
the Plaza Theater in Garland, TX. Do you have a Silent Auction gift for this event?
Please let us know! If you cannot attend the concert, and would like to sponsor one or
more seats, they are $15 each. Please consider sponsoring 4 seats, and we will write
your name or business in the program! Thank you for your sponsorships for our
doggies! Also, as another successful and fun way to help support the dogs, we are
beginning a new Raffle which is only $5, and the winning prize will be a donated
$1,000 bank card! All proceeds go to our dog care! Date and place of Raffle drawing to
be announced! Your generous support means so much to these animals and their
happy home at Straydog. Please call us at 903-479-3497 x 201 or write us at
[email protected] for tickets, and to talk to us about your Silent Auction gifts!
Until there are no more homeless animals, we must ask once again for your faithful
and lifesaving financial support for these precious animals we find in such desperate
need. Thank you so much for partnering with Straydog's mission!
With much appreciation,
Erin Arnold Johnson, and all of the Straydog family!
Our team member David Rentz
poses with supporters Carolyn
and Irma at the Straydog booth
at the Boat Show in July, where
we met Annabelle's future family
and many new friends!
Our Special Fundraiser
"Cooking for Canines" on
Sept. 6 was well-attended and
fun! Thank you, Debra, Jeff,
Mike and David for planning,
preparing for, and hosting this
event! Thank you for all your
Volunteer work for Straydog!
Erin (Pat and Bill Arnold's
daughter) and Bill Arnold,
co-founder of Straydog, pose
outside the Plaza Theater
after a successful Love-APup Concert Fundraiser in
2013. They performed Bill's
“Straydog Song” and a
James Taylor song with other
volunteer musicians. We are
looking forward to this year's
Concert and Silent Auction!
Please join us!
December 2014 Straydog Newsletter – Please go to for all the details and many more photos – PAGE 7
Saturday, August 2, 2014 – Juana reports – Great weather for Adoption Day. We started
Saturday with our Adoption Day event scheduled to be at Pet Supplies Plus in Richardson.
We took Phara's Pup Splinter, Kitty Milo, Teddy and Lolly. The good news is that Kitty Milo
has an application and he has a home visit scheduled. That's awesome! He will be such a
wonderful pet. He thinks he's a dog. Every kitten we rescue and bring to Straydog ends up
thinking that they are dogs. All they see are dogs. He nibbles like a dog and he doesn't know
how strong his little teeth are.
This is Lolly's first trip to Adoption Day.
David checks her collar.
Milo, the kitten, is attending
Adoption Day too.
Phara's pups are slowly but surely learning how to walk on a leash. Shelby started out
being the walker of the day, but she started limping because of a blister, so Shelby and Taylor
switched positions. Taylor finished the walks. We took a photo of the girls walking Embry
with his kennel mates, Phara's pups Luna and Salina. The pups are still having a little trouble
walking on a leash and going to the park, but we are walking them every day. They just need
a little training and practice, and they will learn to walk on a leash.
Chihuahuas R Us. We took a cute picture of the real Chihuahua gang (not the H1 gang). We
can't let them see me sometimes. They just go bananas. They love me, and I love them too.
Shelby and Taylor take Embry
and his kennel mates,
Luna and Salina, to the park.
The Chihuahua gang is getting sweeter every day.
December 2014 Straydog Newsletter – Please go to for all the details and many more photos – PAGE 8
Saturday, August 2, 2014, continued – One of the
Chiweenies has found a home. Ronda found two
Chiweenies living in a hole of a tree trunk. She's
been trying to place them. She didn't want to take
them to a kill shelter. We don't have any space either.
Coincidentally Liz, who used to work here at
Straydog, and Liz's parents lost their 13-year-old
dog recently. They were planning to come to
Straydog on Sunday and see if they could find a dog
to adopt. I asked them if they could help Rhonda
and Straydog out by adopting one of the
Chiweenies. They did! And they gave us a
wonderful donation. The puppy was neutered and
Juana holds the new rescues, Chiweenies
had flea medicine and his shots before being
Lynyrd and Dean.
adopted. They've named him Lynyrd, like Lynyrd
Skynyrd. Rhonda named the other puppy Dean, after her father. Bill took them to Morton's
Clinic yesterday. We didn't feed them or give them water after midnight, so they were ready
for neuter surgery. The girls at the clinic fell in love with them too. They are only three
months old and they are just so darn cute. They are only puppies.
We had some great help today. Melanie's friend James W. came
to help today. He works as a landscaper. He came to volunteer
because he was bored and because it was raining. He did such a
wonderful job in the kennels. He's so very good with the dogs,
and the kennels looked amazing. He's volunteering again today,
which is a huge help!
Nelson is doing very well. Nelson had FHO surgery, and he's
recovering. We thank our wonderful contributors so very, very
much for Nelson's surgery.
Nelson doesn't need pain
New volunteer James W.
caregives Pinky.
medicine anymore. He is
almost ready to go back outside now, almost ready to
exercise on his leg fully. Ebony misses him, and he misses
her. Ebony has been digging into Junior and Erika's kennel.
Then they were all digging back and forth. I bring Ebony to
the park when we bring Nelson to the park. But when she's
in her kennel, she's lonely. We have to baby her at mealtime Nelson is hanging out in the temp kennel
next to the park. He is very much ready
or she won't eat. She misses her friend Nelson so much.
to get back to his kennel mate Ebony.
December 2014 Straydog Newsletter – Please go to for all the details and many more photos – PAGE 9
Saturday, September 13, 2014 – Saturday was a very busy
day. The weather was the exact opposite of what it has been
lately. It wasn't hot. We were all wearing sweaters and it was
raining. The weather was beautiful to us. The early morning
feeding was delayed a little because of the rain. We tried to
feed the dogs again a little later and they all ate.
Josie is walked to the van by
Caregiver Sherri.
Dr. James chats with Josie before
the check-up begins.
I asked Bill to take Josie to the vet, because she's been walking
stiffly and, maybe because of this weather, she is in pain. She
hasn't been eating lately. She has also been turning down
cookies. She will usually eat anything. For some reason, she's
slowing down and seems to be in pain.
Lucy is working at Dr.
Morton's now. She's learning
to be a vet tech. She helps
with Josie's x-rays.
The doctor put Josie on Rimadyl and
Tramadol and he wants us to keep her
inside. We put her on joint care too.
She has bad arthritis, poor girl.
Please help STRAYDOG
by making a donation toward the
Straydog Vet Account at:
P.O. Box 1356
Athens, TX 75751
December 2014 Straydog Newsletter – Please go to for all the details and many more photos – PAGE 10
Saturday, September 13, 2014,
continued – Gina is a new rescue, a
young shepherd mix, and she's been
at Morton Clinic for a little over a
month. One of our contributors
rescued her and we didn't have any
space at the shelter. Today we were
able to move some dogs around so
we could fit Josie indoors, put
Nelson back with Ebony since he is
healed from his surgery, and bring
Gina to Straydog. We thought at first
we would use Josie's outside kennel.
Juana walks Nelson back to his
kennel mate, Ebony, who is
anticipating being back
with her old friend.
The reunite session begins!
Nelson and Ebony are happy!
Ebony was so happy to see her boy and kennelmate, Nelson. She was kissing him. She had
been depressed without him and she didn't want to eat. Of course, he wasn't sad. He was
happy indoors. He had a fine time. As I brought him outside, he was running and wagging
his tail. He was happy to be back in his kennel with Ebony.
Sherri brings new rescue
Gina through the park.
Then we walked Gina from the van and walked her through the
park. Sherri helped us bring her from the van to Josie's kennel. Gina
was very submissive. She didn't mind her neighbor, Buzz, barking at
her, but seemed like wanted to get out of her new kennel. I thought
she might settle down, and although she was calm, sweet and serene,
she looked like she was going to jump the fence. I was afraid that other
dogs might hurt her if she jumped. Our kennels are in bad shape right
now too. We really need to gather funding do some work on the
kennels and the fences. Buzz settled down because Gina didn't bark
back and she wasn't a threat to him. But Gina kept looking up, as if she
was looking to jump. So, I thought that it wasn't going to work.
Sherri unleashes Gina and she does a
little bit of looking around.
What a pretty girl.
Gina watches Sherri walk away
making us think she might be
considering escaping.
December 2014 Straydog Newsletter – Please go to for all the details and many more photos – PAGE 11
Shelby takes Maverick to the kennel
that we just tried Gina in.
Saturday, September 13, 2014, continued – The only
secure kennel that we have is the one that we have
used for Sam and Oreo and some of our escape artists
or jumpers or climbers. It's Alice's kennel. It's a small
kennel and it's completely covered and very secure. Since
I've been taking Maverick and senior Alice to the park
together and they get along (Alice tolerates Maverick
though she isn't crazy about him), I decided to bring
Alice and Maverick to Josie's kennel, which is a big,
beautiful kennel. (Maverick has been staying in a smaller,
temporary kennel, but now that he is clear of ringworm,
this would perfect for him too.)
So we walked Maverick down to Josie's kennel and then I got Alice and put her in there. Alice
and Maverick were fine. Neighbor Buzz didn't even bark. There was no aggression, because
Buzz thought “those old dogs aren't going to do anything to me.” He was fine.
I then put Gina in Alice's kennel, which is completely covered. Then we brought Josie inside.
It's a lot of work to fit even just one more dog into the shelter! All of the dogs were barking
and they were all upset. But finally it is all settled!
Maverick and Alice check out their new place.
And Josie gets taken to H1.
Whew! The moves are complete.
We took a beautiful photo of Shelby with Purtis. We can't stop talking
about Purtis. His personality has totally changed. He's the sweetest dog.
He's an old dog now and he doesn't want to fight with anyone. He just
wants to be petted and loved. He tries to get along with all of the dogs.
Purtis is such a soft,
cuddly bundle of love.
Straydog went to the RV Show in Dallas this weekend, thanks to
ExploreUSA! We saw supporters, met new friends and handed out our
newsletters. David got photos of handsome Spencer and beautiful Tuffy
at the show (which photos are on the cover page of this Newsletter!)
December 2014 Straydog Newsletter – Please go to for all the details and many more photos – PAGE 12
Sunday, September 14, 2014 – George reports – We were shorthanded again on Sunday.
Ronnie, James and Stephanie were working. We also had another volunteer and he was
James' friend. He helped James do the kennel work. Like we do every morning, we started
feeding the dogs at 6 a.m. David Ford, our overnight crewmember, stayed and helped us feed
the dogs. After that Ronnie and James picked up all of the poop. Then Stephanie worked in
the office and she washed dishes. After that Stephanie checked all of the dogs for ringworm
and she treated the ringworm sores.
James W. cleans the pool in Jesse
and Teddy's kennel.
Ronnie is working in Mario and Judy's kennel.
Stephanie is checking Embry for
ringworm sores.
Stephanie is applying an ointment to
Jerry's sores, which are healing up well!
After the crew finished all of the kennel work and had their lunch break, they gave out
cookies to all of the dogs and they checked on everything and filled holes. We fed the dogs a
little early. We started feeding the outside dogs around 1:45. Esther did all of the chores in
Hospital Two and I did the chores in Hospital One. All of the dogs ate well and there weren't
any emergencies. It was a good day.
December 2014 Straydog Newsletter – Please go to for all the details and many more photos – PAGE 13
Wednesday, September 17, 2014 – Juana reports – Wednesday was a very good day. It had
been raining off and on all this week. The night person has been working twice as hard as she
normally does. All of the dogs have been really scared and they don't want to eat in the
morning and it takes longer to feed them. That doesn't bother us. We've gone through this for
many years. We are only upset that the dogs are upset at all of the thunder.
We made a vet appointment for Pops, a little
Chihuahua, to be neutered. He's an older
Chihuahua and, when we neutered and spayed all of
the other Chihuahuas, we didn't neuter him. He was
so old and he was very skinny and he had a lot of
fleas. I wanted to give him time to build up his
immune system with good food, before we put him
through surgery. Also, when the doctor came to
Straydog, Pops tested positive for heartworms. I
moved him and Rose, an elderly Chihuahua, and I
Caregiver Wayne carries Pops to the van
put them in a little temporary kennel. Our overnight
for his trip to Morton Clinic.
crewmember, Brandy picked up their water and fed
them before midnight. I didn't want to leave Pops by himself, because he was whining and
crying. I put Rose, who is an elderly doggie, with him. In the morning, George thought I was
sending both of them to the vet and he put them both in the van. He called me to check and I
told him that Rose had already been spayed. So, Rose didn't get to go on the trip. Gordo
called me from the clinic and told that Pops neuter surgery went well. I asked them to test
Pops for heartworms. I have been giving him Ivermectin every month. Fortunately, Pops
tested negative for heartworms. The Ivermectin is working. That's is so good, because now he
doesn't have to go through that awful, painful treatment for heartworms. He's clear and I am
so very happy for him!
Would you like to make a donation in memory of
or in honor of a loved one?
Straydog will send an acknowledgment card
in time as a
Holiday Gift
from you, and our doggies!
Your donations are tax-deductible.
Please send to: Straydog, PO Box 1465, Gun Barrel City, TX 75147
December 2014 Straydog Newsletter – Please go to for all the details and many more photos – PAGE 14
Thursday, September 18, 2014 – Juana reports – James has
been weed-eating and mowing. All of this rain is making
our grass grow like crazy. We are trying to stay on top of
that. We are so thankful to have James here taking care of
many things for us at Straydog, along with all of our
maintenance needs.
Our dogs are clearing up from ringworm. We think
Puppy Jerry was the doggie who started the ringworm.
But we think he is CLEAR now! (We gave him a last dip, just in case). Puppy Jerry doesn't
have any sores or lesions anymore, and all of his hair has grown back. He isn't missing any
hair. After he was dipped and bathed, I asked Ronnie to put him in the big temporary, where
we kept Maverick for a long time. It's right next to Gina. They are both very sweet and very
docile. I think they will get along. Jerry just wants to play and play. Now that we can pet him
and play with him, I would like to give Jerry a kennel mate. Maybe it can be Gina.
James seems to have to mow all the time
lately. The grass is growing so fast this year.
James went to pick up the dogs at the clinic. As we reported earlier, senior Chihuahua Pops
got neutered yesterday. We are so very excited that he tested negative for heartworms. He
won't have to go through the horrible heartworm treatment. James brought him home. Pops
went back outside with the Chihuahua gang, and he started barking. He is doing fine!
James carries Pops back to the shelter
after his visit at Morton Clinic.
I thought Lucy wouldn't have ringworm, but she did.
She had two big old spots, one behind each kneecap.
Ronnie and Wayne carrying the swimming
pool to Central area. It is easier to bring the
swimming pool to this Central area where we
dip the dogs. That's faster than walking all of
the dogs in Central to the park dipping pool.
Skylar was just lying in the pool. He didn't
want to get up. He loves that stinky
swimming pool. He is so funny!
December 2014 Straydog Newsletter – Please go to for all the details and many more photos – PAGE 15
Wednesday, October 1, 2014 – Maverick has some sores. Stephanie was doing walks
yesterday, and she saw that Maverick had some sores. Maverick had already had ringworm,
but it's not usual for a dog to have a second round after they've had it initially. It looked more
like a chemical burn, either from bleach or an allergic reaction to something. I didn't think it
was ringworm, but I wanted to see for sure so we would know how to treat it, so I had
George take Maverick to Dr. Morton's.
We also took puppy Jerry and Puppy Dean to get their last shots. Jerry and Dean have now
officially gotten all of their puppy shots. This is my little Dean; he is so handsome. Dean is
staying with Sweet Tart. He is her baby boy, and he's a member of the H1 Gang.
Vet tech Lacie gives Puppy Dean his
last set of puppy shots.
Handsome Puppy Jerry
has very big paws!
Dr. Dumeyer listens to the
Puppy Jerry's heart.
Lacie and Terry were the vet techs with Dr. Dumeyer on Wednesday. Look at puppy Jerry's
big old paws. His paws almost look bigger than his head there in the photo! Dr. Dumeyer fell
in love with him. She really likes big dogs. I think she has two Great Pyrenees. Look at how
big puppy Jerry is! Lacie can barely hold him. He is a big old baby. He looks like a little
Maverick doesn't have ringworm. Dr. Dumeyer was
examining Maverick, and it wasn't ringworm. I am
so happy that he doesn't have to be in quarantine
and he can go park to the park. He is such a big old
baby. He talks to you (in a humming, singing mode)
with such a sad voice, it makes you want to cry. (We
can hear Juana yodeling like Maverick on the Straydog
radio show.) When Maverick got back to Straydog, he
We were glad to hear the spot on
went to the park right away, and he was so happy.
Maverick was not ringworm.
Please check our
Dogs for Adoption Link at
to see more of our wonderful, adoptable dogs like
Dean, Sweet Tart, Jerry and Maverick!
December 2014 Straydog Newsletter – Please go to for all the details and many more photos – PAGE 16
Saturday, October 4, 2014 – Juana reports – We restored
Adoption Day on Saturday. Our ringworm situation has
gotten so much better. It's cleared up very, very nicely. We
are so happy about that! David asked us who we wanted
him to take and I voted for Bug. David was hesitant,
because Chihuahuas can be kind of snappy and barky, but
this girl is just so sweet. Everyone can touch her, and
anyone can carry her. She's a happy girl and just wants to
be held by someone. She's so very sweet, and I think she
will do just fine at Adoption Day.
Juana tries to remove little Bug's
stitches before Adoption Day. Luckily,
Bug's cancer prognosis is very good.
The doctor removed a tumor recently from Bug's back,
and said it was cancer, but he removed it all along with
margins around it. There's no cancer there and he doesn't think it will come back. It is
possible, but it isn't the kind of cancer that spreads to the lungs and other organs.
Another dog, who was going to Adoption Day for the first time, was Gina. Gina is a recent
rescue and she also did very, very well at Adoption Day. She's very sweet. She shares a kennel
with puppy Jerry now. We didn't take Jerry, because we already have received an adoption
application on Jerry which looks very good.
David also took one of Phara's pups, Luna. She is such a sweet pup, very calm and
submissive. She just wants to be loved and petted. When David got home, he told us that all
three dogs were a big hit. Bug especially had a great time. Everyone loved the dogs. They
were all very lovey-dovey and very, very sweet and very good.
We want to thank our volunteers, who attended Adoption Day with David and Erin. It was
a good day, though we didn't get any adoption applications this time. Everybody came back
home to Straydog. At least the dogs had a good outing and good exposure and a good time.
Luna loves attention and tummy
rubs at Adoption Day!
Pretty Gina did very well her first
time at Adoption Day.
Our love Bug had a good time too.
December 2014 Straydog Newsletter – Please go to for all the details and many more photos – PAGE 17
Saturday, October 4, 2014 – continued – Maverick is a love! Erin sent me a text and asked me
if Maverick would be a good candidate to promote for adoption as a senior dog. Actually he's
more a middle-aged dog; he's only seven years old. He just
looks like a grandpa, because all of his teeth were knocked out.
He was abused very badly in his past life and we think his teeth
were kicked out. He had sarcoptic mange and he was skin and
bones when we got him. He had a very, very rough life and he
looks like anyone would in that situation. If you have a tough
life, you age faster than you normally would. Poor Maverick is
only about 7 though he might look older and, yes, he's available
for adoption. He is such an awesome, awesome dog!
Maverick loves to be petted.
He is such a sweet, awesome dog!
For Maverick's diet we put some chicken livers or chicken broth
in his food and make it pasty and he doesn't have any trouble
eating it. Then we give him some canned food. He loves his meals and he loves his cookies.
He doesn't have any trouble eating and he doesn't have any trouble with his mouth. He loves
to go to the park and he's just such a very, very sweet dog. I can't imagine how anyone could
mistreat him or any dog. He loves to have his lower back scratched.
Mr. Mike was able to go outside with his young kennel mates on Saturday. Poor Fancydancy wanted to go outside with Mike and the pups too, but she's waiting for ACL surgery so
is inside most of the time, to not over-exercise her hurt leg. We are trying to raise the money
so Fancy and Wayne can have surgery. We want to especially thank our contributor, Melissa
T. who pledged $3,500 with a matching challenge, so that Fancy and Wayne can have these
surgeries. We also want to thank our matchers! So far, we have matched close to $1,000
towards that challenge! It's been on our website for about a week. (Post Script: Thank you all!
Because of this Matching Challenge, both Fancy and Wayne-dog have now had their surgeries! They
are healing up and recovering well!)
Because our ringworm scare is over, Mr. Mike, spent the day
outside with Vinnie and Darrell (Fancy and Mike's other
kennel mates). Mike was so very happy and he was running
and playing. When we had the ringworm, I didn't want to
bring him inside and outside and risk getting ringworm in
Hospital Two. Luckily, we didn't have any hospital dogs
with ringworm this year. Let's hope that it stays that way. So,
today Mike got to play outside with Vinnie and Darrell and
then he came back inside and settled down with Fancy in
their inside kennel area. They were back to their old routine.
Mike was so happy to have an outing
with Vinnie and Darrell today.
December 2014 Straydog Newsletter – Please go to for all the details and many more photos – PAGE 18
Saturday, October 4, 2014, continued – In Hospital Park Two, Buster, Little Bear and Fancy
have fun! It's amazing! Fourteen-year-old Buster still gets so excited to meet a new girlfriend
and kennel mate. I will tell you all about it. He can barely walk, but he makes his rounds and
goes to the park with Bear. There used to be five of seniors who went to the park together,
Buster, Bear, Bailey, Russell and Princess. Bailey, Russell and Princess have all passed on. We
still have Buster and Bear going to the park together. Fancy wanted to go outside and play,
but it would have been too much with her torn ACL for her to play with her younger kennel
mates, Mike, Darrell and Vinnie, so we introduced her to some of our seniors. At first, Buster
and Bear didn't realize she was there. They were just sniffing around the park. Then they both
noticed that there was a new dog outside. They both perked up. You could see how Buster
turned and started acting like a puppy. He started running around with her. He was trying to
play like a puppy. Fancy was just so happy to have someone to flirt with. Then Bear seemed
to realize, "Oh, a new girl!" His ears perked up, and he tried to play with her. They are old
dogs, and they were just having fun and acting like puppies.
Buster notices a new girl, Fancy, in the park.
Fancy and Buster get a little frisky!
December 2014 Straydog Newsletter – Please go to for all the details and many more photos – PAGE 19
Saturday, October 4, 2014, continued – Fancy, Buster and Little Bear have fun in the park …
Now older Bear notices Fancy and goes over to meet her.
Fancy-girl tells us that she
likes her new senior friends,
Buster and Little Bear.
When I was working in H2, it was beautiful
outside. It was cool, but it wasn't freezing. There
are a lot of dogs in H2, who really don't have a
reason to stay inside. But they have to stay
inside because they will jump the fence, like
Spencer. He just wants to roam around. Gina
went to Adoption Day and Puppy Jerry was
lonely. I thought Spencer might enjoy being out
in the sunshine and spending the day with Jerry.
I was right there and I would be able to see if
Spencer tried to jump out. I brought Spencer
outside and introduced
Jerry and Spencer meet and get along very well
him to Jerry. Jerry is
together. Jerry sure likes Spencer's fluffy tail.
just a puppy and he's
not aggressive and Spencer isn't aggressive at all. They had fun
together and it was fun to watch. They were running around and
playing. Jerry was playing with Spencer's tail, because it is fluffy. It
made his day. Spencer had a good day outside and he didn't try to
escape and Jerry had a good companion. At feeding time, I took
Spencer back inside and about two hours later David came back
with Gina and we put Gina back with Jerry. It was a good outing for
Wolfie gets a nail trim from
Caregiver Melanie.
We trimmed nails during caregiving time. Taylor took over walks,
so Melanie could help us trim nails. She's very good at that.
December 2014 Straydog Newsletter – Please go to for all the details and many more photos – PAGE 20
Friday, October 17, 2014 – The 4th Annual Golf Tournament
Fundraiser! – Juana reports – Bill and I got to the shelter around
7:00 in the morning to get the doggies for the golf tournament.
George and I switched days, so George could cover for me at the
shelter. We were a little shorthanded at the shelter with Wayne,
Melanie, James W. and George, but that was our crew for the day.
Juana gets a sweater on Bug
because it will be chilly in the
morning at the Golf Tournament.
I found a sweater for Bug, because I know from experience, it is
usually cold first thing in the morning at the golf tournament.
Lacie went to the tournament for the first time with us. She had
the day off from Morton's Clinic. She was excited.
We had planned to take Gina and Tuffy so Lacie helped get those dogs in the van. After Gina
left his kennel, Jerry was sitting there pouting. He was sad, because he is Gina's roommate.
When David has taken Gina to Adoption Day in the past, I put Spencer in with Jerry for the
day, so he won't be lonely. Today though, Spencer was going to the tournament. I didn't want
to leave Jerry all alone. Lacie suggested we take Jerry too. Luna wouldn't know that we
decided not to take her and took Jerry instead. She is in a kennel with her sister Salina and
Embry. I couldn't leave Jerry pouting there all day long, so we took Jerry instead of Luna.
Juana gets Spencer for the trip to our
fundraiser. We all don't know it yet,
but Spencer will meet his forever
family at the Golf Tournament today!
Juana and Lacie get senior girl,
Chihuahua Rose a sweater for the
day at the Golf Tournament.
I had a feeling that I had to
take Rose, the old Chihuahua.
She's probably the mother of
all of the Chihuahuas in that
group, which we call the
Chihuahua Gang. She's very
sweet. I was hoping that one
of our contributors would fall
in love with her and I think I
met my goal. A lot of people
fell in love with her!
Off we went to the golf tournament. Linda, Tom, and David were already there. A lot of our
wonderful volunteers were there. I know I can't name them all, we had so many! Cathy
Blanton was there. Carole Walsh and her husband Bill were there. David Rentz's wife Linda
was there. Bill's older brother Pete was there. Many of the Sponsor owners of companies such
as First Equipment Co. and UPS Stores in Mesquite and Forney were present as well, along
with their employees who came and helped out. This fundraiser was a big success!
December 2014 Straydog Newsletter – Please go to for all the details and many more photos – PAGE 21
We had some of our crew there. Lacie was there. Shelby and Taylor
were there (but I don't want to say that they skipped school to go
with us). They helped us with the dogs so we could keep them out
of the crates for most of the time. Everybody came over to pet our
dogs. We had all five outside and they are all wonderful dogs. They
behaved very well and they loved being there.
Straydog Caregivers Shelby
and Taylor arrive to help
show and care for our dogs.
The golfers were there early. A lot was going on before the golfers
took off to play. They were registering and practicing. There were a
lot of sponsors too. Signs were everywhere. We very much
appreciate these sponsors' contributions to Straydog!
Another wonderful volunteer was the five-year-old Deon, the grandson of the course's
owner, who was such a big help. We met him when he was only a year old at the first
tournament. He is so handsome and he's a tall little boy. He loves dogs. He walked Bug all
morning. He was a great ambassador for Straydog. He took Bug around and asked people if
they wanted to pet Bug or give Bug a home. Deon was a big help!
A big thank you to 5 year-old
Deon! His mom told Linda he
was up bright and early
because he knew it was the
day of the Straydog
Tournament and he couldn't
wait to see the doggies!
The dogs have a wonderful time mingling with everybody.
Here is Tuffy being the best boy ever.
He wanted to stay out of his crate.
Our volunteers get very busy selling raffle
tickets and registering the golfers.
Little Bug will be a wonderful
pet for some lucky family!
December 2014 Straydog Newsletter – Please go to for all the details and many more photos – PAGE 22
Friday, October 17, 2014 – The 4th Annual Golf Tournament Fundraiser, Juana continues –
I thought our friend Pam B. would fall in love with Rose, and she did. She held her for a long
time. Pam lost her older Chihuahua Pachinko recently, and she really misses him.
Chihuahua Rose gets some
special attention from our friend
and longtime supporter, Pam B.
Spencer gets a pet from
one of the golfers.
Shepherd-mix Gina was a perfect
girl at the tournament.
Helicopter Ball Drop! We walked up to the top of the hill for the ball drop. The ball drop was
exciting! Ball #320 was the closest ball to the hole. It was the winner, and it belonged to longtime supporter, Dr. Peebles, who is donating half of her proceeds back to Straydog. Wow!
Waltraud and Alfred Sumi from Houston won the prize for the ball that landed furthest from
the hold (ball #917) and they donated the winnings back to Straydog too. We thank the these
winners so much! Another big thank you to our tournament coordinator, Linda Arnold, for
for her wonderful work in putting this whole thing together! And thanks again to our special
Volunteers and every single one of our Participants and Supporters. On the next few pages
you will see our list of Sponsors and more photos from the tournment. We hope to see
everyone at next year's tournament! Your support helps our rescues at Straydog so very
Please join us!
October 16, 2015!
for the
The 5th Annual Straydog Golf
Tournament Fundraiser!
It’s Raining Golf Balls!
1,465 Golf Balls
2 Helicopter Drops
2 Very Giving Winners
The Helicopter Golf Ball Drop kicked off the tournament
in a very special and exciting way. A big thank you
to those who purchased or sold raffle tickets.
The Twin Lakes Golf Course Team survey to
identify the closest ball to the hole for FIRST
PLACE -- #320 for a prize of $2,000. And the
winner is… Dr. Patricia Howard Peebles of
Fairfiew Texas – who returned
$1,000 as a donation to Straydog.
Mickey, Assistant Golf Pro at Twin Lakes, scouts
the property for the farthest ball from the hole
for SECOND PLACE -- #917 for a prize of $1,000.
And the winner is … Alfred & Waltraud Sumi of
Sugarland Texas – who returned
$1,000 as a donation to Straydog.
No doubt about it, the real winners
are the rescues at Straydog!
Straydog 4th Annual
2014 Golf Tournament
Personal & Corporate Sponsors
Our Personal and Corporate Sponsors provided Straydog
the necessary support to host such a successful event.
Thank you for sharing in our mission !
Sue Adams
The UPS Store Mesquite & Forney First Equipment Co
Texas Twist Nick Campbell & Linda Troutt James & Sharon Hail
Chip & Cher Imrie
Dr. Doug & Barbara Lawson
Laurane Schnorbus
Gary & Pam Bollinger Buchanan Technologies
Dan & Rebecca Tatsch Jimmy & Judy Ward Morpak Specialties
Duane & Susan Perkins
Paul & Kathleen Westerman
Mike & Joni McCoy Component Construction Co
Browning Oil Co Natalie Blankenship Jack & Liz Morris
Lynn & Jack Knox LSDG Roofing Pete & Joyce Arnold WASCO Steel
Executive Pest Control Eclipse Imaging Reising Contracting
Forever Lawn Lovan Industries Glenda Hume Marti Mayben
Very Special Friends
A J Bart Lornan Printing Mail Today
Dickey’s Barbecue Dallas Affaires Cake Co Twin Lakes Golf Course
And Many Wonderful Supporters and Volunteers
1st Place – Team Fioritto
Doug Richards, Nathan Wood,
Mark Fioritto, Brad Carver (not pictured)
2nd Place – Team Pryor
Brad Goethals, C J Pryor,
Ron Goethals, Roger Ball
3rd Place – Team Prosperity Bank
Pat Fuller, Eddie Lick,
Matt Anding, Neal Velvin
Winners on the course and Winners off the course!
155 rescues at Straydog were the big Winners!
Thank You Everyone.
December 2014 Straydog Newsletter – Please go to for all the details and many more photos – PAGE 26
Friday, October 24, 2014. Fancy and Wayne have their TPLO surgeries! Juana reports – I
want to thank again our contributor Melissa T. who visited our shelter recently, and then set
up a challenge grant of $3,500 to get Fancy and Wayne-dog their knee surgeries! Thank you
also to our contributors who matched it! Thanks to all of you, Wayne and Fancy were able to
have these necessary surgeries. We took them to the DVSC on Wednesday. Then Bill got them
and brought them back to Straydog on Thursday afternoon. I took pictures of them today at
the shelter with their big e-collars on, which they really hate. They are very sore and Wayne is
a little bit worse, because his leg is badly swollen. In two weeks, they will get their stitches
out and get their e-collars off. When they can get their e-collars off, they will feel better. They
probably associate the e-collar with the pain. Many of our dogs have gone through this same
routine. It just takes medicine and patience during their recovery. They will feel better soon!
Wayne rests in the hospital.
Fancy spends a little time outside of Hospital Two.
Honey, Friendly and Polly. We've talked about Honey and that we moved her indoors
because she has cancer. She loves it inside and seems to be feeling fine. We are taking it day
by day with Honey. Her kennel-mate, Friendly, was very lonely though. We tried Friendly
with Polly and they are doing so well together! When our crew takes their 8:00 a.m. break,
they put kennel-mates Friendly and Polly in the park. They run and play and they are so
happy together. I am so happy to see Friendly back to normal. I thought he would never be
happy again, but he is. Dogs aren't like us. They must have a shorter memory.
Honey keeps comfortable inside the
Hospital and doesn't seem to miss Friendly.
Polly loves playing with Friendly and
he isn't lonely anymore.
Friendly says he is
so happy with his
new friend Polly.
December 2014 Straydog Newsletter – Please go to for all the details and many more photos – PAGE 27
Rest in peace, beloved Freckles.
Kitten Sparrow has survived her first weeks
needing to be bottle-fed. Sparrow is now adopted!
Phara's Large Pups, Donatello, MJ and Vickie say hi!
They are waiting for their our own families!
Doxie is adopted!
Milo (now Mylo for My Love) is adopted!
Straydog is so proud of adoptable 2-year-old lab/shepherd mix
Toby! Toby was given the gift of 'training' (from one of our
wonderful supporters) and he has passed his tests in basic
obedience with flying colors! He is "so smart, and such a quick
learner" his trainer mom says.Toby is a cuddler and really likes
to please and hear that he is a good boy! Please write to us
of your interest in Toby at [email protected].
A Shelter. A Sanctuary. A Special Place. STRAYDOG!
Why Support Straydog?
The support that Straydog receives from caring and concerned people like yourself helps us continue in our
ongoing mission of Rescue! Rehabilitate! Re-home! We know we can’t save every dog, but for every dog we are
able to save we have the opportunity to provide that dog with a forever home.
How Does Your Donation Help?
With the responsibility for over 155 dogs in our care your donation provides for the much needed veterinary cost
which are incurred by each and every dog including our aging sanctuary dogs. Feeding a good quality and
nutritional diet has always been a part of the foundation, we think of it as preventive medicine. There are dogs
who are on restrictive or maintenance diets and their requirements often call for cooked meals. Therapy for
recuperating dogs requires special time and attention. We provide 24/7 care giving for all the rescues spending
individual time with each dog, giving love, tummy rubs and walks. Maintenance prescriptions for dogs with special
medical needs, regular heartworm prevention, supplements for pain and arthritis relief must be purchased on a
regular basis. Every new rescue entering the shelter receives a vet visit, many come to us with medical needs. The
rescues must all receive regular vaccinations which are very costly and on-going. Maintenance of the facility is
never ending as you can imagine, fencing, housing, kennels and the day-to-day operating expenses for our campus
can sometimes be overwhelming. Grooming, toys, and treats are essential in the life of a happy dog, and we very
much appreciate donations of these items.
How Does Straydog Make a Difference?
Straydog provides a home for dogs that may have medical needs, disabilities or have been in an abusive situation,
not just for right now, but until a forever home can be found and if no forever home can be found then the rescue
has a forever home at Straydog.
Not only do we insist that every dog entering the shelter be spayed or neutered, we strive to educate the public in
regards to this necessary practice too.
A part of our mission is to Re-home, Straydog performs home visits to interested adoptive families, to ensure that
the transition with all family members, and other pets will be a happy one.
How can you help?
By making a commitment to share in our mission you partner with us in the care of these much needed rescues as
we all work together to help the dogs in need, reduce their suffering and abuse by raising public awareness and
taking action.
A pledge provides Straydog with the much needed ability to budget the care, medical needs and housing of our
current population and to plan for future needs.
Your Donation
Single Gift
Monthly Pledge
Your Name and Address
Gift in Honor
Gift in Memory
Your Donation Makes a Difference!
Give Monthly as a Partner
Include Straydog in your Will or Trust
Ask how you can set up an Annuity
Ask if your Company Matches Donations
Share our mission with your friends
If this is a Gift in Memory or Honor of please include
name and address of person and sentiment you
wish acknowledgement to be sent to.
Straydog is a Texas Nonprofit Corporation
with 501(C)(3) Tax Exempt Status.
December 2014 Straydog Newsletter – Please go to for all the details and many more photos – PAGE 30
Saturday, December 27, 2014 – David reports on Adoption Day. We were at the Petsmart
Mesquite location for our Adoption Day today. It was pretty slow and I contribute this to
people out returning Christmas presents and getting in on deals that are still happening. Our
roster was Puppy Willow, Genie, Maverick and Aubrey.
I really like where we get to set up as people coming into the store can't miss us because we
are right there. Maverick stole the show today. Everyone wanted to pet and hug Maverick.
Jeff and Debra H. brought their dogs Oscar and Phara to visit us. Jeff told me that Oscar and
Phara are inseparable. As you probably remember, Phara is the rescued mother of the baker's
dozen (13!) puppies that Debra and Jeff fostered since birth for several months (11 of these
beauties are still available for adoption). It's very special when we get to see Jeff and Debra,
Phara and Oscar. They also brought us some dog food, towels and other supplies.
We are set up at the front of
the Petsmart store and no one
misses Maverick!
Jeff and Debra try to hold Phara and
Oscar still for a photo. It was quite a
chore because the dogs were so
excited about being there today.
Handsome Willow is very good at
Adoption Days.Willow is still
available for adoption at the time
of this printing!)
Carole and Bill W. also visit us, and bring supplies. Our longtime transcription volunteer, Carole W. and her husband Bill
brought a wire crate that a friend of hers had donated, and they
brought whole bunch of hot chocolate packs to take to the shelter
for our workers to have on these cold winter days approaching.
Volunteer David B. introduces
sweet, adoptable 6 year-old
shepherd-mix Aubrey, to Carole.
After Petsmart we went on our appointment for a home visit!
Last Saturday Melanie and her husband and children came out to
the shelter hoping to find a companion for their border collie,
Holly. They looked at all of our dogs and we introduced Holly to
several of them. Today a home visit had been planned, and the
family wanted us to especially bring Maverick, even though timid
Holly wasn't totally accepting of him last Saturday. We gave it
another try though. Well what do you know, Holly accepted
Maverick this time, and this beautiful dog was adopted to this
wonderful family. Congratulations Maverick and family!
December 2014 Straydog Newsletter – Please go to for all the details and many more photos – PAGE 31
Saturday, December 27, 2014, Photos from Maverick's Home Visit...
Later this evening we received this email below, and photo with an update on how well
things are going! Thank you Melanie and family for giving Maverick a such a loving home!
From Melanie:
Quick update on Maverick. He's adjusted amazingly well. He's found his comfy spot on a dog
bed by the fire. He's figured out the doggie door, and he quickly learned to go out to do his
business and then is back inside to his pillow. He and Holly played outside a bit more today,
and all was well. I think both dogs are worn out from their adventures today, and both are
currently sound asleep.
He's a sweet, sweet boy and we're very happy to have him in our family. Thank you!!
Maverick sleeps on a big pillow near the fireplace in his new home!
Congratulations to this deserving, wonderful dog and to his new family!
The Hospital One Gang wait to go
inside after their outing in the big park.
Pup Jerry likes Spencer's fluffy tail!
Young Ozzie (and James!) have both
recently torn their ACLs! Can you help
us with their knee operations so they
can run and play like this again?
Our quarterly newsletters
share heartwarming stories of
the successful rescues and
adoptions that your donations
provide for. Thank you very,
very much for helping us help
so many dogs in need!
Fancy (and Wayne-dog) thank our
contributors for their support! Their
TPLO surgeries went well on 10.22.14!
Sweet Chiweenie Puppy Dean
has had all his shots and has
been neutered. He is still
available for adoption at the
time of printing this Newsletter!
A No-kill Dog Shelter and Sanctuary