Make a vlog


Make a vlog
Claudia Spieler 2013
Kompetenzorientiert unterrichten mit Lernaufgaben – Task-Based Learning
(Backward planning mit dem “Lernaufgabenparcours“ nach Leupold 2008 und Steveker 2011)
I. Die Lernaufgabe (task): “Me and My Future Plans“
(nach einer Idee aus FUE 112/113 2011 und in Anlehnung an G21 A5 Unit 2 “The Road Ahead“)
Einstieg Your
G21 A5,
p. 32f Scaffolding vorbereitende
(kleinere) Aufgaben
Thinking about ourselves
and our future plans 
developing ideas
What kind of person
are you?
Personality check,
talking about the
upcoming internship
Semantic fields:
describing people (A to Z)
school/education (vlog)
qualifications (English G)
your goals in life
Make a vlog
or a short film
or a PPP (of 5
Reading short
stories about teens
(character analyses)
min. at least)
in which you tell
Future tenses (exercises
from Swan/Walter: How
English Works)
us / your new
30-seconds talks
about yourself, your
hobbies, sth./sb. that
is important to you…
Speaking freely
Watching short
videos about teens
from different
countries +
analyzing them.
Vlog: “How to vlog”
Finding out how to vlog
(technical abilities)
exchange partner
something about
yourself and
your future
Anm.: Die Pfeile weisen auf das Vorgehen bei der Unterrichtsplanung hin (backward planning),
nicht auf die Durchführung. Im Unterricht wechselten sich Übungen und vorbereitende
(kleinere) Aufgaben miteinander ab.
Claudia Spieler 2013
Zusammen mit den SuS wurde zu Beginn der UR folgendes (vereinfachtes) Schaubild entwickelt. Ausgehend von der Lernaufgabe in
der rechten Spalte (Your Task) stellten die SuS Überlegungen dazu an, was sie wissen und können, lernen und üben müssten, um die
Task gut bewältigen zu können (What do we need fort he task?). Danach füllten wir gemeinsam die mittlere Spalte.
How do we get it?
What do we need for the task?
Thinking about ourselves and our future plans 
developing ideas
Speaking freely
personal qualities/describing people
(work experience,
your upcoming internship etc.)
your goals in life
Grammar: Future tenses
Technical abilities (for making a film: cutting,
using music, adding subtitles, etc.)
Your Task
Watching good examples (vlogs, videos)
Speaking exercises, warm-ups, using cue
Working with texts from our English book (short
stories and others)
Make a vlog
or a short film or
a PPP (of 5 min. at
least) in which you tell
us something about
Working with a grammar book
Experts in your class (for webcams, mobiles,
PPPs) + video: “How to vlog“
yourself and your
future plans.
Claudia Spieler 2013
II. Die gesamte Unterrichtsreihe – Abfolge der Unterrichtsschritte nach Prozessmodell:
Sprachich-kommunikative Kompetenzschwerpunkte
Monologisches Sprechen (vgl. GeR od. Hess. Bildungsstandards/Kerncurriculum)
Kann zu verschiedenen vertrauten Themen des eigenen Interessenbereichs unkomplizierte Beschreibungen oder
Berichte geben.
Kann relativ flüssig unkomplizierte Beschreibungen wiedergeben, indem er/sie die einzelnen Punkte linear
Kann detailliert über eigene Erfahrungen berichten und dabei die eigenen Gefühle und Reaktionen beschreiben.
Kann Träume, Hoffnungen, Ziele beschreiben.
Hör-Sehverstehen (vgl. GeR od. Hess. Bildungsstandards/Kerncurriculum)
Kann in Videopodcasts zu Themen von persönlichem Interesse einen großen Teil verstehen, z.B. in Interviews,
oder kurzen Vorträgen, wenn relativ langsam und deutlich gesprochen wird.
Kann Videopodcasts folgen, deren Handlung im Wesentlichen durch Bild und Aktion getragen wird und deren
Sprache klar und unkompliziert ist.
Kann das Wesentliche von Videopodcasts zu vertrauten Themen verstehen, sofern darin relativ langsam und
deutlich gesprochen wird.
(1.) Lernen vorbereiten und initiieren
1. Einstieg über “Find s.o. who“ (mit kleinen Details aus dem Praktikum der SuS)
2. Unterrichtsgespräch: Your upcoming internship
3. Bildseite in English G21, S. 32f (Einstieg in die Unit “The Road Ahead“)
4. Vorstellung der Task und Erarbeitung der Schritte dorthin (siehe S. 2)
HA: Where are you heading in life? Produce a poster for yourself. Expressions to use:
I’m going to …/planning to …/would like to …/want to …
 Minipräsentation in Gruppen mit Poster (peer feedback)
(2.) Lernwege eröffnen und gestalten
5. Personality quiz, S. 34f
6. Describing people (Übung), S. 36 P1
7. Writing a CV (S. 38f) und 41 (Übungen)
8. Future tenses (Übungen aus Michael Swan/Catherine Walter, How English Works, S.
130–136)  verteilt über mehrere Stunden, parallel zur inhaltlichen Arbeit (pedictions,
plans, decisions, personal arrangements  Kontext: Alltag)
9. Watching and analyzing vlogs (M1)
10. Teenage millionaire: Ashley Qualls (pp. 46ff) – a role model?
11. Zach Bonner and his Little Red Wagon Foundation (M2) – another role model?
12. S. 42 P4+5: Expressing likes and dislikes: I hate/like/enjoy/don’t mind... (gerund) und S.
43 P6
13. Minipräsentation: S. 45 P1e: Work out an d practice a presentation on one of the
following: a great free time activity, the best computer game, the best pet, the most
Claudia Spieler 2013
exciting theme park, a wonderful book to read, a dream holiday, an interesting museum,
yourselves (using visual aids and cue cards)  in Gruppen (peer feedback)
14. Describing people: short story “Not Like Jeff“ [aus: Open Ended Stories von Milton
Velder, Edwin Cohen, Klett Verlag]  character descriptions + write an ending.
Arbeitsblatt Character A to Z und Aufgaben zur Short Story (M3)
(3.) Orientierung geben und erhalten
15. Mock Test:
a. (open-ended) short story “My Sister the 300$ Bill“  character desciption. + ending
b. Minipräsentation zu einem weiteren Thema aus Step 13 oder einem Thema
eigener Wahl  peer feedback
16. Selbsteinschätzungsbogen (M4)
(4,) Kompetenzen stärken und erweitern
17. Übungen aus Lehrwerk: Wordmaster (WM), Fördermaterial (FöM), Klassenarbeitstrainer
(KAT), Vorschläge zur Leistungsmessung (VL):
a. Reading: FöM 29, KAT 20, VL 34, N° 6, VL 35 + 36f
b. Listening & Viewing: Find more vlogs on the internet. Sum up what they are about
and give your opinion. KAT 27 + 28, VL 29, 30, 31.
c. Speaking: Assessment Centre KAT 26 + 33, mediation KAT 31, rehearsing an
interview VL 33 + 34 N° 5
d. Writing: describing people you know (your friends, teachers, relatives...),
Writing formal letters: FöM 30, KAT 21 + 25, VL 38 + 45f, WM 20
e. Words, words, words: KAT 23 N° 2, KAT 29, VL 43, WM 22 N° 10, WM 20 + 24, FöM
20, VL 43
future tenses (weitere Übungen aus Michael Swan/Catherine Walter, How
English Works, S. 130–136)
gerund: FöM 24, 25, 26, KAT 30 N° 2+3, KAT 23 N° 3 und 24 N° 5
g. Careers: read the texts about Ashley and Zach again.
Read about an 18-year-old politician (pp. 60f)
h. How to vlog  Eigenständige Recherche im Computerraum oder als HA
18. Spiel: 30-second Talks (M5)
(5.) Lernen bilanzieren und reflektieren
19. Vlog (S-Produkte)
20. Test (reading, writing, describing characters)
21. S-Feedback und Evaluation, z.B. mittels Zielscheibe (M6) oder Impulsfragen
Claudia Spieler 2013
What did you learn?
What did you like?
What could I improve about the unit
What else do you want to tell me?
III. Die verwendeten Unterrichtsmaterialien (außer dem Lehrwerk, English G21 A5):
Watching vlogs
1. (by Milla, Finland: Vlog#7 Walking +
Future Plans. Start watching at 3.20)
(1) How do you like Milla’s vlog and why?
(2) Help Milla to improve her vlog and correct some of her mistakes:
Milla’s mistake
Your correction
2. (by Helmular, GB: Vlog#2 Future Plans!)
(1) How do you like Helmular’s vlog and why?
(2) Help H. to improve his vlog (technically: camera movement, camera angle)
What advice would you give him?
3. (by Kayla, USA: My Future Plans Vlog)
(1) How do you like Helmular’s vlog and why?
(2) Listen for useful vocabulary for talking about future plans and note down these
words and phrases:
(3) Write down 3-4 questions on the American school system on the backside of this
worksheet and find out the answers on the Internet.
Claudia Spieler 2013
What are your ideas for your own vlog?
I could talk about...
me and my family
my interests
likes and dislikes
I could introduce
one of my hobbies and explain what is special about it and why I like it
one of my favourite stars and explain why I think he is worth knowing
I could talk about
what kind of person I am
my favourite subjects at school
my strengths and weaknesses1
my dream job and what I like about it
my school career and future plans
I want to show pictures/shots of..................................................................................................
Other ideas:
Take notes which you can use for a first presentation of yourself and your future plans in
class. Look up words you do not know.
Notes for your presentation
M2 Zach Bonner
Zachary Bonner and his “Little Red Wagon Foundation“:
• or
strengths and weaknesses: Stärken und Schwächen
Claudia Spieler 2013
• (video)
M3 Describing people – making use of adjectives
1 Collect adjectives you can use to describe people’s characters. Copy the ones from the green
boxes on p. 36 in your English book and think of some more. Use a dictionary and the Internet to
enlarge your vocabulary (you may google “character adjectives”). Add any new and useful
adjectives you come across to the list below. Work on your own first, then check with partners.
P, Q
X, Y, Z
ambitious (= ehrgeizig), …
big-hearted, …
calm, …
disciplined, …
easy-going, …
friendly, …
generous, …
honest, …
intellectual, …
joyful (= happy), …
kind, …
lazy, …
moody (= launisch), …
narrow-minded (= engstirnig), …
outgoing (= open-minded), …
polite, quiet, …
reserved, …
self-confident, …
trustworthy, …
unhealthy, …
vicious, …
withdrawn, …
xenophobic (= racist), yielding
(= nachgiebig),
zealous (= eifrig = eager), …
Claudia Spieler 2013
Vgl. Claudia Spieler, Teaching Skills: Writing, (Cornelsen 2012), KV9,.
2 Read the story “Not Like Jeff” (from the book “Open Ended Stories“ by Milton Velder and
Edwin Cohen, pp. 23ff). It deals with two brothers, Stevie and Jeff, who are quite
Reading the story, underline phrases which reveal details about the two main characters.
cookie - AE small, flat cake
moody - temperamental
bad-tempered - to bother s.o., to worry s.o.
to cool off - to become calm
movie - AE film
pro - coll. professional
outgoing - friendly, interested in other people
shrug - to lift o/s shoulders
varsity - AE first team representing a college
or university in a sport
pulling an A average - getting good marks
in all subjects
drugstore – AE shop which sells medicine
etc. and usually serves light meals
capable [‘keipabl] - able to
apologize [a'poladzaiz] - say sorry
department store - large shop which sells
many different kinds of goods
bother - trouble
oh my! - dear me!
Questions on the story:
2.1. In what ways is Stevie different from Jeff? Make a table and collect details from
the text.
- angry again (l. 1)
- seems so much older than his brother
(l. 8)
2.2. What is the family’s problem?
3 Work on your own and describe Stevie’s and Jeff’s characters. Use your “Character A to
Z” and some of the following expressions to describe the two characters and the
relationship they have:
In my opinion …
is fairly …
because ...
In my view …
is quite …
because ...
One can say that …
is rather …
because …
I believe/suppose/find that …
is highly ...
because …
It seems to me that …
is extremely ...
because …
Now work with a partner and compare and discuss your character analyses.
4 Write a character analysis with the help of worksheet 3.
5 Do you agree with the father’s suggestion that one parent should go to the game and one
to the dinner? Why or why not? If not, what do you think they should do, and why?
6 Write an ending to the story.
7 Imagine that Stevie has com down in a very bad temper. Write the dialogue that might be
spoken by Stevie and his mother.
Spieler 27.10.13 19:29
Kommentar [1]: Das Buch kann im
Internet eingesehen werden. Google: Not like
Jeff, Stevie is angry (Text und Aufgaben, die
hier z.T. aufgegriffen werden, nämlich
Aufgabe 2.1, 5 und 7 stammen aus dem Buch)
Claudia Spieler 2013
Jeff has been listening to this dialogue. What does he say to Stevie/to his mother?
I can...
...understand and find information from non-fictional texts.
... easily understand short stories about teens.
...understand the different accents in the videos without difficulty.
...understand what the teenagers in the vlogs wanted to tell us.
Speaking about my future plans, using the proper tenses. about work experience and qualities needed for different jobs.
...present myself in a vlog or ppp (speaking fluently).
...describe people’s characters using suitable adjectives.
...write a letter of application and a CV.
© Claudia Spieler (StS Gym Gießen) 2013
I can...
...understand and find information from non-fictional texts.
... easily understand short stories about teens.
...understand the different accents in the videos without difficulty.
...understand what the teenagers in the vlogs wanted to tell us.
Speaking about my future plans, using the proper tenses. about work experience and qualities needed for different jobs.
...present myself in a vlog or ppp (speaking fluently).
...describe people’s characters using suitable adjectives.
...write a letter of application and a CV.
Claudia Spieler 2013
M5 30-seconds Talks (aus Timesaver Speaking Activities,
© Mary Glasgow Magazines, an Imprint of Scholastic Inc. 2002)
Claudia Spieler 2013
Claudia Spieler 2013
Me and My Future Plans
Now I can
describe people
very precisely.
I am fairly
satisfied with my
I was wellprepared for the
English test.
I could improve
my presentation
 Personal comments: