consequences materiel tsunami


consequences materiel tsunami
- collecting intelligence news of today
that will become intelligence history of tomorrow =============================================================
26 May 2011
[email protected]
(weekly @ is for transmitting purposes
Disclaimer: Please see at the end of this newsletter!
Contributors: Wilhelm DIETL, Martin MOLL, Oliver PLAUDER, Rudolf O. ZUCHA
Table of contents:
America’s Cyber Future: VOLUMES I and II
Serbien nimmt Ratko Mladic fest
Große Koalition für Anti-Terror-Gesetze
MAD – der geheimste aller Geheimdienste
Bin Laden Dead, Network Not
The Bin Laden Operation: Tapping Human Intelligence
Angriffe auf Tripolis und neue Rätsel um Gaddafis Sohn
Obama Aligns U.S. With Arab Protesters
Obama and the Arab Spring
DOD News Briefing with Maj. Gen. Jones via Teleconference
Intelligence agency cooperation still uncertain, say lawmakers
Cartels Using Arizona Mountaintops to Spy on Cops
Spähattacke auf US-Schüler
National Intelligence Report on U.S. Manufacturing
Remarks by the President at the AIPAC Policy Conference 2011
An Intelligence Carrot(?)
Strong Military is Key to Long-term U.S. Success, Gates Says
Gates Calls for Continued US Iraq Role
US Widens Sanctions on Iran Amid Nuclear Impasse
Defense Employees Told To Report Suspicious Activities
Defense intelligence and counterinsurgency
Sen. Wyden Decries “Secret Law” on PATRIOT Act
Traders Accused in Oil-Price Plot
Policymakers Demand Answers From Google on Potential Lawbreaking
Gerd Ruges Unordnung nervte den KGB
Ins Gefängnis oder ins Exil
Ex-IAEA official adds weight to Syria atom suspicion
Libyan ships destroyed in attack by RAF jets
IRAN: Intelligence Ministry claims to arrest 30 alleged CIA spies
Diplomatic cables show joint U.S.-Pakistan intelligence missions
US forces deployed in Pakistan for intelligence-gathering assistance
ISI on 1st in top 10 Intelligence Agencies in the World
Aufstand in Syrien: Die Propheten des Wandels
Journalistin mit blauem Auge
Palestinians kill suspected Israeli collaborator in W. Bank
Pakistan army denies US troop intelligence support
Taliban deny report of Mullah Omar’s death
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Pak wrests naval base after 17-hr Taliban siege
Sudan Government Cancels UN Meetings, Captures Disputed Abye Town
EU opens diplomatic office in Libya's rebel east
Yemeni President Refuses to Sign Gulf Plan in Private
Opposition Accepts Invitation For Representative Office In Washington
Yemeni Tribesmen Take Control of Government Buildings in Sana'a
Abbas Aide: Israeli PM's Speech Creates 'Obstacles' to Peace
"CIA killer walks free"
Mullah Omar - das afghanische Phantom
Libya: Ban insists on ceasefire and transition talks
Pakistan Provokes Deep Divisions In Washington
Pakistani PM for defense installations security review
Palestinians to Pursue UN Recognition of Statehood
Pakistan Taliban Claims Attack on US Diplomatic Convoy
China, Pakistan Tout Close Relations
India set to sign $2.4bn Mirage deal with France
Nordkoreas Machthaber zu Besuch in China
Japan's TEPCO admits further reactor meltdowns
China 'asks USA to respect Pak sovereignty'
Kim Jong-il reportedly in Beijing
EU Gears Up To Widen Belarus Sanctions
Polens Geheimdienst geht gegen Satire im Netz vor
Spionage-Akten: Verleger Prinz überzeugt Prager Gericht
US carried out illegal terror hunt in Sweden
Geheimdienstliche Erkenntnisse über den Untergang Griechenlands
UK yet to decide on sending attack helicopters to Libya
Obama, Cameron Discuss Security Aspects of U.S., U.K. Ties
Nelson Case: Report doesn't rule out 'rogue' police officers' role
Michael Campbell not in Real IRA, Lithuania court hears
Home damaged in Muff explosion
Derry bank bomb CCTV footage shown
Two face court over protests at queen's visit
Garda HQ in bomb scare over computer
Deadline is imposed on Garda collusion inquiry
Dublin-Monaghan bombings - 'no more files' says Kenny
Wife scared to name 'UVF' attackers
Sectarian Attacks four times higher
Derry city centre bomb thrown into bank by attackers
Wodka für die Kameraden
60 Jahre hessischer Verfassungsschutz - Islamisten größte Bedrohung
Marketingschlager Stadthaus
Kriminalist auf der Spur unserer Verhaltensmuster
Justizministerin will Geheimdienst abschaffen
Interesse an Stasi-Akten "ungebrochen"
Canada's spy agency misses accountability mark set by Supreme Court
Great Game in der Karibik - Geopolitik, Geheimdienste und ...
Colombia judge orders arrest of ex-spy chief
Australian sent home for spying on Fiji issues
Government Finds Uses for Soc. Net. Sites Beyond Investigations
A Call for Self-Restraint in Disclosure of Sensitive Information
Symantec: Short URL Spam Reaches Historical Peak
Arkadi Wolosch - Der Erfinder des Russen-Google
Remote File Inclusion: Die unsichtbare Gefahr
Fotos und Multimediadateien retten und wiederherstellen
Bildungsarbeit ohne Geheimdienst!
1806/11 Spy Krawatte Videorekorder - 4 GB - Tie Camera
1807/11 Project Acoustic Kitty: how the CIA failed at using cats as spies
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Amnesty feiert 50. Geburtstag
MI5 Bericht über den deutschen Spion Karel Richter
US DoD Counterintelligence Awareness and Reporting (CIAR)
COIN Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance (ISR) Operations
Document Exploitation As A New intelligence discipline
Pakistan-U.S. Relations, and More from CRS
Padura-Roman über Trotzki: Totgeschwiegene leben länger
Stefan Meining: Eine Moschee in Deutschland
Wie ein Junge dem Holocaust entkam
Spy vs. Spy: Richard Nixon and Jack Anderson
CCI - Conference on Cryptography and Intelligence
NISA's 20th Anniversary Conference
Diskussions-Veranstaltung „NORDAFRIKAS REVOLUTIONEN
2011 Annual Lecture with Jamie Shea (NATO)
Conference on OSINT-WEB MINING
Doku-Film über "The Real Inglorious Bastards"
Der Traum lebt mein Leben zu Ende
Jason Statham will neuer James Bond werden
"Wer ist Hanna?": Rache-Engel aus dem Eis
Media Alerts
--------------------------------------------------------------America’s Cyber Future: VOLUMES I and II
--------------------------------------------------------------------------(OSINF) America’s growing dependence on cyberspace has created new
vulnerabilities that are being exploited as fast as or faster than the
nation can respond. Cyber attacks can cause economic damage, physical
destruction, and even the loss of human life. They constitute a serious
challenge to U.S. national security and demand greater attention from
American leaders.
Despite productive efforts by the U.S. government and the private sector to
strengthen cyber security, the increasing sophistication of cyber threats
continues to outpace progress. To help U.S. policymakers address the
growing danger of cyber insecurity, this two-volume report features
accessible and insightful chapters on cyber security strategy, policy, and
technology by some of the world’s leading experts on international
relations, national security, and information technology.
(b) Volume 1 (1,5 MB!)
(c) Volume 2 (3,7 MB!):
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--------------------------------------------------------------Serbien nimmt Ratko Mladic fest
--------------------------------------------------------------------------(n-tv) Einer der meistgesuchten mutmaßlichen Kriegsverbrecher ist gefasst:
"Im Namen der Republik Serbien teile ich mit, dass Ratko Mladic verhaftet
wurde", erklärt Präsident Tadic. Damit wird einer der Hauptverantwortlichen
für die Kriegsverbrechen auf dem Balkan festgenommen. Ihm wird unter
anderem das Massaker von Srebrenica zur Last gelegt.
Der als Kriegsverbrecher gesuchte frühere bosnisch-serbische General Ratko
Mladic ist nach mehr als 15 Jahren auf der Flucht in Serbien festgenommen
worden. "Im Namen der Republik Serbien teile ich mit, dass Ratko Mladic
verhaftet wurde", sagte Serbiens Präsident Boris Tadic am Donnerstag in
einer eilig einberufenen Pressekonferenz in Belgrad. Jetzt könne Serbien
"ein unrühmliches Kapitel seiner jüngeren Geschichte" abschließen. Mladic
werde in Kürze an das UN-Kriegsverbrechertribunal in Den Haag überstellt.
(b) Mladic soll schnell an UN-Kriegsverbrechertribunal überstellt
(c) War crimes fugitive Mladic arrested in Serbia:
(d) Galterter Mladic war "sehr kooperativ":
(e) Balkan-Schlächter Mladic: Festnahme bei Verwandten:
(f) Parlamentspräsident Buzek begrüßt Verhaftung von Ratko Mladic:
(g) Geteilte Meinungen in Belgrad und Sarajevo:,,15109673,00.html
--------------------------------------------------------------Große Koalition für Anti-Terror-Gesetze
--------------------------------------------------------------------------(Welt) Die SPD bietet der Union Hilfe an. Die FDP will Datenabfragen
stoppen und militärischen Geheimdienst auflösen. Justizministerin
Leutheusser und Innenminister Friedrich sind völlig zerstritten.
Niedersachsens Ressortchef Schünemann (CDU) fordert Machtwort der
Im Koalitionskonflikt um die Anti-Terror-Gesetze kann die Union mit Stimmen
aus der SPD-Bundestagsfraktion rechnen. Wenn die Verlängerung der Gesetze
im Parlament abgestimmt wird, wollen nach Informationen dieser Zeitung
viele SPD-Abgeordnete zustimmen. "Die Mehrheit unserer 146 Abgeordneten
wird einer befristeten Verlängerung der Anti-Terror-Gesetze zustimmen.
Dafür sind bloß Veränderungen im Detail und eine eingehende Überprüfung
nötig. Ich halte die Gesetze für maßvoll", sagte der rheinland-pfälzische
SPD-Abgeordnete Michael Hartmann, der Obmann der Fraktion im
Innenausschuss, der "Welt".
(b) Zu viel "Sirenengeheul":
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(c) Geheimdienst-Streit hält an - Netzsperren wieder Geschichte Versicherer nicht haftbar:
--------------------------------------------------------------MAD – der geheimste aller Geheimdienste
--------------------------------------------------------------------------(welt) Der Militärische Abschirmdienst beobachtet Spione und Extremisten.
Doch nach Meinung vieler ist der Nachrichtendienst verzichtbar – seine
Zukunft ist ungewiss.
Wie kann ich mich bewerben? Auf diese Frage erhalten Interessierte auf der
Internetpräsenz des Militärischen Abschirmdienstes (MAD) umfassend
Auskunft. Man müsse nur ein Kontaktformular ausfüllen, heißt es dort: „Wir
setzen uns dann schnellstmöglich mit Ihnen in Verbindung.“
Doch Möchtegern-Agenten sollten sich keine allzu großen Hoffnungen machen.
Denn die Zukunft des MAD ist höchst ungewiss: Im besten Fall steht dem
Geheimdienst der Bundeswehr ein drastischer Personalabbau ins Haus. Im
schlimmsten Fall wird er ganz abgeschafft.
Der MAD ist neben dem Bundesamt für Verfassungsschutz und dem
Bundesnachrichtendienst der dritte deutsche Nachrichtendienst auf
Bundesebene. Er steht im Ruf, die geheimste aller Geheimbehörden zu sein:
Öffentlichkeitsarbeit ist ein Fremdwort, der amtierende Präsident KarlHeinz Brüsselbach hat noch nie ein Interview gegeben.
--------------------------------------------------------------Bin Laden Dead, Network Not
--------------------------------------------------------------------------(OSINF) Bin Laden’s supporters call for revenge and financial community on
alert for terrorist financing.
In the early morning hours of May 2nd, American Seal Team Six, working in
conjunction with the U.S. intelligence community, killed Usama bin Laden in
a raid on his compound in the quiet Pakistani town of Abbottabad, 31 miles
from the capital Islamabad.
“The death of bin Laden is indeed a strategic and symbolic victory for
counterterrorism. That said, many of the pundits who now conflate bin
Laden’s death with the end of al-Qa’ida and terrorism in general are too
hasty in their judgments.”
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(b) The article:
--------------------------------------------------------------The Bin Laden Operation: Tapping Human Intelligence
--------------------------------------------------------------------------(STRATFOR) Since May 2, when U.S. special operations forces crossed the
Afghan-Pakistani border and killed Osama bin Laden, international media
have covered the raid from virtually every angle. The United States and
Pakistan have also squared off over the U.S. violation of Pakistan’s
sovereign territory and Pakistan’s possible complicity in hiding the al
Qaeda leader. All this surface-level discussion, however, largely ignores
almost 10 years of intelligence development in the hunt for bin Laden.
While the cross-border nighttime raid deep into Pakistan was a daring and
daunting operation, the work to find the target — one person out of 180
million in a country full of insurgent groups and a population hostile to
American activities on its soil — was a far greater challenge. For the
other side, the challenge of hiding the world’s most wanted man from the
world’s most funded intelligence apparatus created a clandestine shell game
that probably involved current or former Pakistani intelligence officers as
well as competing intelligence services. The details of this struggle will
likely remain classified for decades.
--------------------------------------------------------------Angriffe auf Tripolis und neue Rätsel um Gaddafis Sohn
--------------------------------------------------------------------------(Abendblatt) Geheimdienst-Informationen sollen belegen, dass Saif Gaddafi
noch lebt. Obama lehnt Bodentruppen ab: Das sei der Job der Rebellen.
In der libyschen Hauptstadt Tripolis hat es in der Nacht zum Donnerstag
nach Regierungsangaben erneut mehrere Explosionen gegeben, berichtete der
US-Nachrichtensender CNN. Ein libyscher Regierungssprecher sagte, NatoFlugzeuge hätten eine Schule getroffen. Ein Nato-Sprecher sagte nach CNNAngaben, er könne dies nicht bestätigen. Stunden zuvor hatte ein Sprecher
des US-Verteidigungsministeriums erklärt, die USA hätten ihre Alliierten in
den Operationen gegen das Regime des libyschen Machthaber Muammar alGaddafi mit Material versorgt. Darunter sei auch Munition gewesen, sagte
Pentagon-Sprecher Dave Lapan.
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--------------------------------------------------------------Obama Aligns U.S. With Arab Protesters
--------------------------------------------------------------------------(RFE) In a major speech that laid out his vision for the U.S. role in the
increasingly tumultuous Middle East, President Barack Obama said the
"shouts of human dignity are being heard across the region" and
acknowledged that if the United States fails to respond to the "aspirations
of ordinary people" it will deepen the belief that Washington's interests
in the region are self-serving.
He also announced a significant shift in the U.S. position on the IsraelPalestinian conflict.
Speaking at the State Department, which he called "a fitting venue to mark
a new chapter in American diplomacy," Obama for the first time since
popular uprisings began sweeping Arab countries late last year addressed
the collective yearning for democratic reforms across the region -- what he
called "a longing for freedom."
(b) TRANSCRIPT of Obama's speech:
(c) Obama: Palestine-Israel Solution Must Be Based on 1967 Borders:
(d) U.S., Israel Have 'Differences' On Peace Plan:
(e) US, Israel Differ on Peace Plan; Palestinians Seek UN Help:
--------------------------------------------------------------Obama and the Arab Spring
--------------------------------------------------------------------------(STRATFOR) U.S. President Barack Obama gave a speech last week on the
Middle East. Presidents make many speeches. Some are meant to be taken
casually, others are made to address an immediate crisis, and still others
are intended to be a statement of broad American policy. As in any country,
U.S. presidents follow rituals indicating which category their speeches
fall into. Obama clearly intended his recent Middle East speech to fall
into the last category, as reflecting a shift in strategy if not the
declaration of a new doctrine.
While events in the region drove Obama’s speech, politics also played a
strong part, as with any presidential speech. Devising and implementing
policy are the president’s job. To do so, presidents must be able to lead —
and leading requires having public support. After the 2010 election, I said
that presidents who lose control of one house of Congress in midterm
elections turn to foreign policy because it is a place in which they retain
the power to act. The U.S. presidential campaign season has begun, and the
United States is engaged in wars that are not going well. Within this
framework, Obama thus sought to make both a strategic and a political
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--------------------------------------------------------------DOD News Briefing with Maj. Gen. Jones via Teleconference
--------------------------------------------------------------------------(DOD) CAPT. DARRYN JAMES (Director, Defense Press Operations): Good morning
here, and good evening in Afghanistan. I'd like to welcome to the Pentagon
Briefing Room for the first time British Army Major General Phil Jones,
director of the Force Reintegration Cell at International Security
Assistance Force headquarters.
General Jones assumed his current assignment in May of last year, and he's
on an 18-month tour. This is his fourth tour in Afghanistan. Past tours
include service as an infantry battalion commander in Kabul in 2002, as a
director of plans for Combined Joint Task Force 180 in 2003, and as the
military adviser to the United Nations Assistance Mission in Afghanistan in
--------------------------------------------------------------Intelligence agency cooperation still uncertain, say lawmakers
--------------------------------------------------------------------------(thelandofthefree) U.S. Senators last week praised the intelligence
community for its role in locating Osama bin Laden but questioned whether
the cooperation exhibited in that case is illustrative of the level of
integration across the community envisioned by intelligence reform
legislation they helped co-author.
At the second in a series of hearings the Senate Homeland Security and
Governmental Affairs Committee is holding to examine implementation of
national security reforms in the wake of 9-11 and where improvement is
needed, the answer was mixed, according to Chairman Joe Lieberman (ID-CT)
and Ranking Member Susan Collins (R-ME).
“The success in locating and killing bin Laden required intense and focused
cooperation among key intelligence agencies,” Lieberman said. “But when the
target is not at this high level, the evidence about improved functioning
of the Intelligence Community is mixed.
--------------------------------------------------------------Cartels Using Arizona Mountaintops to Spy on Cops
--------------------------------------------------------------------------(borderlandbeat) Hiking through rough Arizona desert terrain a few miles
north of the Mexican border recently with a group of armed DEA agents, we
were approached by a lone U.S. Border Patrol agent. He warned we should be
careful up ahead, because two people believed to be spotters for a Mexican
drug cartel had just been seen running down a ridge to elude U.S.
By now, agents told us, the men were probably hunkered down in a cave or
crevice to wait out the patrol. But just to be safe, the DEA agents spread
out to cover more ground as they moved forward again, watching closely for
the suspected Mexican surveillance team likely sent by drug traffickers to
spy on American law enforcement officials on their own soil.
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--------------------------------------------------------------Spähattacke auf US-Schüler
--------------------------------------------------------------------------(Spiegel) Zwei Schulen in Pennsylvania stehen unter
Spitzelei-Verdacht: Sie hatten an 2300 Schüler Laptops
verteilt. Dann wurden aus der Ferne die integrierten
Webcams eingeschaltet - ohne Wissen der Jugendlichen
und Eltern. Datenschützer schäumen vor Zorn, das FBI
Wenn die Vorwürfe zutreffen, ist es ein
haarsträubender Fall: Über in Laptops eingebaute Webcams sollen Schulen im
US-Bundesstaat Pennsylvania Schüler bespitzelt haben - und weder die
Jugendlichen noch ihre Eltern wussten überhaupt, dass die Kameras aus der
Ferne aktiviert werden konnten. Datenschützer sprechen bereits von einem
beispiellosen Eindringen in die Privatsphäre.,1518,679329,00.html
--------------------------------------------------------------National Intelligence Report on U.S. Manufacturing
--------------------------------------------------------------------------(Todaro) The federal government reported that the U.S. trade deficit grew
by 33 percent in 2010 to nearly half a trillion dollars. Most of the gap
resulted from an imbalance in trade with China, which shipped $365 billion
in goods to America but only bought $92 billion in U.S. goods. The
resulting U.S. deficit of $273 billion in bilateral trade with Beijing
reflects a persistent feature of the Sino-American relationship since China
joined the World Trade Organization in 2001. Over the last ten years, China
has mounted the biggest challenge to the U.S. manufacturing sector ever
seen, threatening producers of steel, chemicals, glass, paper, drugs and
any number of other items with prices they cannot match. Not
coincidentally, the United States has lost an average of 50,000
manufacturing jobs every month during the same period.
(b) Deutscher Mittelstand befeuert Amerikas Comeback:,2828,763255,00.html
--------------------------------------------------------------Remarks by the President at the AIPAC Policy Conference 2011
--------------------------------------------------------------------------The President speaks on America's unbreakable bond with Israel at the AIPAC
Policy Conference 2011 at the Walter E. Washington Convention Center:
I said that the United States believes that negotiations should result in
two states, with permanent Palestinian borders with Israel, Jordan, and
Egypt, and permanent Israeli borders with Palestine. The borders of Israel
and Palestine should be based on the 1967 lines with mutually agreed swaps
-- (applause) -- so that secure and recognized borders are established for
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both states. The Palestinian people must have the right to govern
themselves, and reach their potential, in a sovereign and contiguous state.
As for security, every state has the right to self-defense, and Israel must
be able to defend itself –- by itself -– against any threat. (Applause.)
Provisions must also be robust enough to prevent a resurgence of terrorism,
to stop the infiltration of weapons, and to provide effective border
security. (Applause.) And a full and phased withdrawal of Israeli
military forces should be coordinated with the assumption of Palestinian
security responsibility in a sovereign and non-militarized state.
(Applause.) And the duration of this transition period must be agreed, and
the effectiveness of security arrangements must be demonstrated.
Now, that is what I said. And it was my reference to the 1967 lines -- with
mutually agreed swaps -- that received the lion’s share of the attention,
including just now. And since my position has been misrepresented several
times, let me reaffirm what “1967 lines with mutually agreed swaps” means.
By definition, it means that the parties themselves -– Israelis and
Palestinians -– will negotiate a border that is different than the one that
existed on June 4, 1967.
(241 MB!)
(b) The Transkript:
--------------------------------------------------------------An Intelligence Carrot(?)
--------------------------------------------------------------------------(ctnews) If you were to envision what the detention center for America’s
worst enemies would look like, would family visitation be part of it?
The Pentagon is currently weighing whether or not to grant that privilege
to the 172 terrorist detainees remaining at the Guantanamo Bay (Gitmo)
Detention Facility. Meanwhile, Republican lawmakers in the US House of
Representatives are drafting legislation to ban such visits. On its face,
allowing family visits would seem to go against what the facility is
designed to do … and certainly present some security concerns. However, it
would serve as a useful instrument for collecting intelligence to foil
future terrorist attacks and degrade the capabilities of organized terror
The “Carrot”: The terrorist detainees at Gitmo are important assets to the
US in the Global War on Terror. They know how the enemy operates, their
patterns, trends and tactics, techniques and procedures. Allowing family
visits would be a tool for interrogators to collect intelligence and glean
important information about the terror groups that threaten US interests.
Simply put, more tools available to intelligence collectors and detainee
interrogatorsamount to better intelligence … And better intelligence leads
to better National Security.
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Strong Military is Key to Long-term U.S. Success, Gates Says
--------------------------------------------------------------------------(DoD) he ultimate guarantee against success of aggressors, dictators and
terrorists in the 21st century is the size, strength and global reach of
the United States military, Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates said today.
"Beyond the current wars, our military credibility, commitment and presence
are required to sustain alliances, to protect trade routes and energy
supplies, and to deter would-be adversaries from making the kind of
miscalculations that so often lead to war," Gates said, speaking at a
graduation commencement ceremony at the University of Notre Dame in
Gates acknowledged that defense cuts will have to be made in light of the
nation's steep fiscal imbalances and mounting debt, and that Washington
cannot put off dealing with the crisis.
(b) Gates: Defense Cuts Must Be Prioritized, Strategic:
--------------------------------------------------------------Gates Calls for Continued US Iraq Role
--------------------------------------------------------------------------(VOA) U.S. Defense Secretary Robert Gates said Tuesday that the United
States should maintain a troop presence in Iraq after the scheduled full
withdrawal at the end of this year, in part, to balance Iran's influence in
the region.
Secretary Gates said Iraqi military officers know they will continue to
need U.S. help after the end of the year, particularly on air defense,
intelligence gathering and analysis, and logistics. The problem, he said,
is that the U.S. military presence is not popular in Iraq, making it
difficult for the country’s political leaders to ask for it to continue.
“From the standpoint of Iraq’s future, but also our role in the region, I
hope they figure out a way to ask. And I think that the United States will
be willing to say, ‘Yes,’ when that time comes," he said.
--------------------------------------------------------------US Widens Sanctions on Iran Amid Nuclear Impasse
--------------------------------------------------------------------------(VOA) The United States has announced sanctions against seven foreign
entities, including Venezuela’s state oil company, for engaging in trade
with Iran in violation of U.S. law. It is part of an effort to prompt Iran
to return to big-power talks over its nuclear program.
The Obama administration is stepping up its sanctions against foreign
companies aiding Iran’s energy sector following a disappointing Iranian
response to the latest big-power offer to return to nuclear talks.
A State Department announcement said seven companies, among them the
Venezuelan state oil company Petroleos de Venezuela, will face varying
penalties for helping deliver refined oil products to Iran.
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--------------------------------------------------------------Defense Employees Told To Report Suspicious Activities
--------------------------------------------------------------------------(FAS) A new counterintelligence directive requires all Department of
Defense personnel to report a wide range of suspicious activities and
behavior to counterintelligence officials. The directive effectively
deputizes millions of military and civilian employees of the Department as
counterintelligence agents or informants. If they do not report any of the
specified activities, they themselves could be subject to punitive action.
“Potential FIE [Foreign Intelligence Entity] threats to the DoD, its
personnel, information, materiel, facilities, and activities, or to U.S.
national security shall be reported by DoD personnel,” the new directive
“DoD personnel who fail to report information as required… may be subject
to judicial or administrative action, or both, pursuant to applicable law
and regulation,” it says. See DoD Directive 5240.06, “Counterintelligence
Awareness and Reporting,” May 17, 2011.
(b) The new counterintelligence directive:
--------------------------------------------------------------Defense intelligence and counterinsurgency
--------------------------------------------------------------------------(FAS) With its overwhelming emphasis on technical collection, U.S. military
intelligence is poorly equipped to meet the requirements of the
counterinsurgency mission, according to a recent study (pdf) by the Defense
Science Board.
"Many, if not most, specific COIN [counterintelligence] ISR [intelligence,
surveillance, and reconnaissance] requirements are population-centric and
are not exclusively solvable with hardware or hard, physical science
scientific and technical (S&T) solutions," the DSB report said. "One
senior intelligence officer with years of field experience pointed out that
80 percent of useful operational data for COIN does not come from legacy
intelligence organizations."
(b) "Counterinsurgency (COIN) Intelligence, Surveillance, and
Reconnaissance (ISR) Operations," Defense Science Board, February
2011 (released May 2011): (1,7 MB!)
--------------------------------------------------------------Sen. Wyden Decries “Secret Law” on PATRIOT Act
--------------------------------------------------------------------------(FAS) An amendment offered on May 24 by Sen. Ron Wyden would have
challenged the Administration’s reliance on what he called “secret law” and
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required the Attorney General to explain the legal basis for its
intelligence collection activities under the USA PATRIOT Act. But that and
other proposed amendments to the PATRIOT Act have been blocked in the
“The public will be surprised… when they learn about some of the
interpretations of the PATRIOT Act,” Sen. Wyden said, based on his access
to classified correspondence between the Justice Department and the Senate
Intelligence Committee.
--------------------------------------------------------------Traders Accused in Oil-Price Plot
--------------------------------------------------------------------------(WSJ) Three years after launching a probe to determine whether the 2008
oil-market frenzy was fueled by excessive speculation, the U.S. alleged
that two traders and their firms operated an international plot to
manipulate prices.
In a federal-court lawsuit filed Tuesday, the Commodity Futures Trading
Commission accused the traders of running a simple, but effective, scheme
in early 2008 that reaped more than $50 million.
In one of the biggest cases ever pursued by the CFTC in the energy markets,
the agency is seeking triple damages and disgorgement of gains, according
to the complaint, which could amount to up to $200 million.
Ölspekulanten wegen Manipulation vor Gericht:
--------------------------------------------------------------Policymakers Demand Answers From Google on Potential Lawbreaking
--------------------------------------------------------------------------(huffingtonpost) One year ago, it was revealed that Google used its Street
View cars to download private emails and other personal information from
wi-fi routers owned by millions of people around the world. In the last
couple of weeks, policymakers and privacy advocates took the opportunity of
that anniversary to demand answers from Google on whether and why it broke
privacy laws.
Senator Blumenthal and the Wi-Spy Patent: In many ways, the anniversary
started back on May 10th, during the first hearing held by the Senate
Judiciary Committee's new privacy subcommittee on mobile phone privacy,
where Senator Richard Blumenthal went after Google on the Wi-Spy issue.
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--------------------------------------------------------------Gerd Ruges Unordnung nervte den KGB
--------------------------------------------------------------------------(Themenportal) Auch 20 Jahre nach seiner Pensionierung führt der Journalist
alles andere als ein Rentnerdasein
Der ehemalige Moskau-Korrespondent Gerd Ruge hat seinen Bewachern vom
russischen Geheimdienst KGB einige Arbeit bereitet. Ein ehemaliger KGB-Mann
habe ihm mal gesagt: "Sie waren unser schlimmster Fall! Wenn wir Ihre
Wohnung durchsuchten, da war eine solche Unordnung, man brauchte Stunden,
um etwas zu finden", erzählte der 82-Jährige dem "Tagesspiegel am Sonntag".
--------------------------------------------------------------Ins Gefängnis oder ins Exil
--------------------------------------------------------------------------(Zeit) In Schauprozessen lässt Weißrusslands Diktator Lukaschenko seine
Gegner verurteilen. Oppositionelle flüchten nach Vilnius.
Mikita Krasnou hatte nur zwei Möglichkeiten: »Gefängnis oder abhauen«. Der
weißrussische Geheimdienst, der sich noch immer KGB nennt, sucht den 24Jährigen wegen des Verdachts der »Organisation von Massenunruhen«. Ihm
droht eine Haftstrafe von bis zu 15 Jahren. Nur weil er in der
Präsidentschaftswahl am 19. Dezember einen Oppositionskandidaten gegen den
weißrussischen Präsidenten Alexander Lukaschenko unterstützte.
--------------------------------------------------------------Ex-IAEA official adds weight to Syria atom suspicion
--------------------------------------------------------------------------(Reuters) Satellite images and other information indicate Syria was
building a covert atomic reactor when Israel bombed the site in 2007, a
former senior U.N. nuclear inspector said on Tuesday.
Olli Heinonen, who stepped down as deputy director general of the
International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) in 2010, made his remarks at a
time when some argue that Damascus may soon be referred to the U.N.
Security Council over the issue.
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(b) Syrien baute "sehr wahrscheinlich" Atomreaktor:
--------------------------------------------------------------Libyan ships destroyed in attack by RAF jets
--------------------------------------------------------------------------(Guardian) Nato says strikes will wipe out threat of Muammar Gaddafi's
forces being able to lay mines.
All fighting ships of the Libyan navy have been sunk or severely damaged by
RAF jets in a strike that Nato said has crippled the ability of Muammar
Gaddafi's forces to lay mines.
The ships were hit during a raid on Thursday night on Tripoli and Al Khums.
One warship remained afloat but listing at its mooring between two merchant
tankers. Fire and smoke were visible from miles away.
Of the rest of the fleet, docked out of view in the main port in Tripoli,
one vessel was sunk and three severely damaged. All four were raid boats
with fast manoeuvrability. At least three appeared to have surface-to-air
missile launchers.
--------------------------------------------------------------IRAN: Intelligence Ministry claims to arrest 30 alleged CIA spies
--------------------------------------------------------------------------(LATimes) Iran claimed a major intelligence victory over the United States
on Saturday, saying it uncovered and dismantled what it called a "complex
espionage and sabotage network" and arrested 30 people allegedly spying for
the CIA.
It claimed that it also arrested 42 others in connection to the alleged spy
network, the website of Iran's state-owned Press TV website reported.
According to a statement by the Intelligence Ministry published on the
website of the semi-official Mehr news agency (link in Persian), the
network was run by CIA agents via U.S. embassies in the United Arab
Emirates, Turkey and Malaysia.
"Due to the massive intelligence and counterintelligence work by Iranian
intelligence agents, a complex espionage and sabotage network linked to
America's spy organization was uncovered and dismantled," said a statement
from the Intelligence Ministry read on state TV.
(b) Iran Uncovers Spy Network – Intelligence Ministry:
(c) Iran meldet Schlag gegen angeblichen US-Spionagering:
ACIPSS-Newsletter /2011
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--------------------------------------------------------------Diplomatic cables show joint U.S.-Pakistan intelligence missions
--------------------------------------------------------------------------(Reuters) U.S. special forces were embedded with Pakistani troops on
intelligence-gathering missions by the summer of 2009, confidential
American diplomatic cables showed, a revelation that could hurt the
Pakistani military's public image.
The disclosure comes a day after another set of cables showed that
Pakistan's powerful army chief not only tacitly agreed to the covert U.S.
drone campaign against militants, but asked for "continuous Predator
coverage" of the tribal areas by these aircraft. The army denied the
--------------------------------------------------------------US forces deployed in Pakistan for intelligence-gathering assistance
--------------------------------------------------------------------------(Tribune) US special forces were embedded with Pakistani troops on
intelligence-gathering missions by the summer of 2009, confidential
American diplomatic cables showed.
The disclosure comes a day after another set of cables showed that the army
chief not only tacitly agreed to the covert US drone campaign against
militants, but asked for “continuous Predator coverage” of the tribal areas
by these aircraft. The army denied the contents.
The cables reveal that US special forces were deployed with Pakistani
troops in joint operations in Pakistan by September of 2009.
“Through these embeds, we are assisting the Pakistanis collect and
coordinate existing intelligence assets, the cables quoted then American
ambassador to Pakistan Anne Patterson as saying.
--------------------------------------------------------------ISI on 1st in top 10 Intelligence Agencies in the World
--------------------------------------------------------------------------(YouTube) Top 10 Best Intelligence Agencies in the World – 2011 Agency and
ISI is on number 1 by the American Crime News Report of the Punjybran TV.
The CIA is number two.
(a) The Report by Punjybrang TV:
(c) The History of ISI:
ACIPSS-newsletter-commentary: The proverb "The only statistics
you can trust are those you falsified yourself", in German "Traue
keiner Statistik, die du nicht selber gefälscht hast." attributed to
Winston Churchill, really fits for this report. (VK)
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--------------------------------------------------------------Aufstand in Syrien: Die Propheten des Wandels
--------------------------------------------------------------------------(alsharq) Die Proteste in Syrien gehen weiter, schon über 800 Menschen sind
bisher ums Leben gekommen. Auch wenn kaum jemand mit einer derartigen
Eskalation gerechnet hatte, war der Unmut jungen Syrern schon vor Jahren
An der Wand der Pfarrei der griechisch-katholischen Kirche von Hama hängt
ein Bild von Maria mit dem Jesuskind, darüber ein Kruzifix. Schräg
gegenüber hängt das Portrait von Syriens Präsidenten Baschar al-Assad, der
2000 die Macht von seinem verstorbenen Vater Hafiz al-Assad übernahm.
--------------------------------------------------------------Journalistin mit blauem Auge
--------------------------------------------------------------------------(Welt) Im Gegensatz zu den anderen Häftlingen konnte Dorothy Parvaz
zumindest erahnen, was ihr in dem syrischen Gefängnis zur Last gelegt
wurde. In ihrem Gepäck hatte man ein Satellitentelefon und eine mobile
Internetstation gefunden. Für die Al-Dschasira-Reporterin gehören diese
Dinge zum Rüstzeug ihrer Korrespondententätigkeit aus einem Land mit
unzuverlässiger Internetverbindung. Für den syrischen Geheimdienst aber
machen diese Utensilien sie zur hochverdächtigen Spionin.
(b) Diese Männer schrien um ihr Leben:
--------------------------------------------------------------Palestinians kill suspected Israeli collaborator in W. Bank
--------------------------------------------------------------------------(JPost) Omar Helwan, 32, from village near Nablus, shot by masked men in
second such killing this month; had previously served prison time.
ABLUS - Masked Palestinians shot dead a West Bank man suspected of spying
for Israel on Saturday, the second such killing in the territory this
month, security sources said on Saturday.
They identified the victim as Omar Helwan, 32, of Beit Dajan village near
Nablus, and said he had previously been held in a Palestinian prison on
charges of working as an Israeli agent. Palestinian police were
investigating, security sources said.
(b) Maskierte erschießen angeblichen israelischen Spion:
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Pakistan army denies US troop intelligence support
--------------------------------------------------------------------------(Aljazeera) Pakistan's army has denied a report that US troops were
embedded with its forces to provide intelligence and reconnaissance support
in the country's tribal region near Afghanistan.
One of Pakistan's most respected English-language newspapers, Dawn,
published leaked US diplomatic cables Saturday indicating US troops
provided assistance in 2009 in the tribal areas of Bajur and North and
South Waziristan. The cables were obtained through WikiLeaks.
The Report:
--------------------------------------------------------------Taliban deny report of Mullah Omar’s death
--------------------------------------------------------------------------(Washingtonpost) The Taliban are denying a report in the Afghan press that
Mullah Mohammad Omar has been killed in neighboring Pakistan, saying the
leader of the insurgent group is alive and in Afghanistan.
Taliban spokesman Zabiullah Mujahid told The Associated Press in a phone
call Monday that the report is “absolutely wrong.”
He said, “It’s only propaganda and we completely deny these rumors. He is
inside Afghanistan and he is busy directing military operations with his
Afghan news channel Tolo quoted an anonymous Afghan intelligence official
as saying that Omar had been killed in Pakistan.
(b) Taliban dementieren Bericht über Mullah Omars Tod:
--------------------------------------------------------------Pak wrests naval base after 17-hr Taliban siege
--------------------------------------------------------------------------(timesofindia) Pakistan's security forces regained control of Karachi's
Mehran naval base after a night-long firefight with Taliban militants on
Monday, killing four assailants and losing at least 10 of their men in one
of the most audacious sieges in that country, lasting 17 hours.
The attackers armed with grenades, rocket-launchers and automatic weapons,
swore revenge of "martyrdom of Osama bin Laden" and stormed the base under
cover of darkness using ladders and cutting the wire to get into the
facility late on Sunday night. Once in, they scattered around the sprawling
compound setting off explosions and destroying two US-made PC-3 Orion
surveillance aircraft, each worth Rs 162 crore.
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--------------------------------------------------------------Sudan Government Cancels UN Meetings, Captures Disputed Abyei Town
--------------------------------------------------------------------------(VOA) Sudan has rebuffed attempts by the United Nations Security Council to
intervene in a territorial dispute that threatens to mar the birth of a new
Southern Sudanese state. The council responded with a strong warning that
nothing should come in the way of the South’s independence in July.
The Security Council’s two-day mission to Sudan got off to a bumpy start on
Sunday when meetings with Foreign Minister Ali Karti and Vice President Ali
Osman Taha were abruptly canceled. The meetings had been planned as the
centerpiece of U.N. efforts to mediate the north-south dispute over control
of the oil-producing Abyei region.
--------------------------------------------------------------EU opens diplomatic office in Libya's rebel east
--------------------------------------------------------------------------(cnsnews) In a boost to Libya's rebels, the European Union opened a
diplomatic office Sunday in their eastern stronghold and pledged support
for a democratic Libya where Moammar Gadhafi "will not be in the picture."
The office in the de facto rebel capital of Benghazi gives Gadhafi's
opponents a key point of contact with the 27 nations in the European bloc
and adds to the growing international recognition of the rebels' political
--------------------------------------------------------------Yemeni President Refuses to Sign Gulf Plan in Private
--------------------------------------------------------------------------(VOA) An accord reached through the Gulf Cooperation Council that would
have paved the way for the resignation of Yemeni President Ali Abdullah
Saleh fell through after he insisted opposition parties attend a public
signing ceremony at the presidential palace.
It was another day
the day ended much
Ali Abdullah Saleh
each other for the
their efforts.
of intense political drama in the Yemeni capital, and
as it had started - without an agreement for President
to step down. The president and the opposition blamed
impasse and diplomats were left with little to show for
Saleh spoke on government TV to announce he would not sign the Gulf
Cooperation Council plan, unless the opposition came to the presidential
palace for a formal signing ceremony.
--------------------------------------------------------------Opposition Accepts Invitation For Representative Office In Washington
ACIPSS-Newsletter /2011
- 19 -
(RFE) Lybia: The highest-ranking U.S. State Department official to meet
with Libya's opposition leaders in Benghazi says the rebels have accepted
an invitation to open a representative office in Washington.
Jeffrey Feltman, the U.S. assistant secretary of state for Near Eastern
affairs, made the announcement today after talks in Benghazi with the
Libyan rebels' Transitional National Council.
Although Washington has insisted that Libyan leader Muammar Qaddafi step
down from power, it has not given the opposition full recognition.
Only a handful of countries, including France and Italy, have recognized
the Transitional National Council as Libya's legitimate government. But
opposition has been extending its diplomatic reach.
--------------------------------------------------------------Yemeni Tribesmen Take Control of Government Buildings in Sana'a
--------------------------------------------------------------------------(VOA) Yemeni opposition tribesmen have taken control of several government
buildings in the capital, Sana'a, while engaging in a second day of heavy
fighting with forces loyal to President Ali Abdullah Saleh.
Witnesses say tribal fighters allied with Sheik Sadeq al-Ahmar sealed off
the commerce ministry and other government offices in northern Sana'a's
Hassaba district on Tuesday.
Tribesmen said government forces stationed near the interior ministry fired
mortars at al-Ahmar's residence in Hassaba, killing five fighters.
--------------------------------------------------------------Abbas Aide: Israeli PM's Speech Creates 'Obstacles' to Peace
--------------------------------------------------------------------------(VOA) A spokesman for Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas has criticized
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's parameters for a new round of
negotiations, saying they create more obstacles to peace.
Nabil Abu Rudeineh said there was "nothing new" in the Israeli peace
guidelines that Mr. Netanyahu presented Tuesday in a speech to a joint
meeting of the U.S. Congress.
Rudeineh said the Israeli leader has created "more obstacles" to peace by
saying Jerusalem must remain what Mr. Netanyahu called Israel's "united
capital" and that final Israeli borders should include major Jewish
settlements in the occupied West Bank.
(b) Israel ready for painful compromises, Netanyahu tells Congress:
ACIPSS-Newsletter /2011
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--------------------------------------------------------------"CIA killer walks free"
--------------------------------------------------------------------------(The News) In a day full of fast paced developments and a dramatic climax,
an additional district and sessions judge (ASJ) acquitted CIA contractor
Raymond Davis in a double murder case and ordered his immediate release
after the legal heirs of the two victims accepted blood money of Rs200
million under the Qisas and Diyat law and pardoned the killer. The court
also showed exceptional haste in giving a soft verdict on the illegal
weapons case and paving the way for Davis’ immediate release and handover
to the US authorities. According to reports, the freed CIA contractor was
whisked away to Kabul within hours in a special US government aircraft,
which had been parked at the Lahore Airport since Tuesday evening.
Scharia verhalf US-Spion zur Freiheit:,1518,751425,00.html
--------------------------------------------------------------Mullah Omar - das afghanische Phantom
--------------------------------------------------------------------------(dw-world) Über den afghanischen Geheimdienst wurde verbreitet, dass nach
Osama bin Laden auch Mullah Omar in Pakistan getötet worden sei. Das verrät
mehr über das afghanisch-pakistanische Verhältnis als über den TalibanFührer.
Mullah Mohammed Omar ist ein Mann ohne Gesicht und seit fast zehn Jahren
abgetaucht. Selbst bei den wenigen Fotos, die es von ihm gibt, ist nicht
mit letzter Sicherheit geklärt, ob sie wirklich sein Gesicht zeigen. Als
verbrieft gilt, dass ihm ein Auge fehlt. Er verlor es während des
afghanischen Freiheitskampfes gegen die sowjetische Besatzung in den 1980er
Jahren. Als vermutetes Geburtsjahr des weitgehend Unbekannten wird oft 1959
--------------------------------------------------------------Libya: Ban insists on ceasefire and transition talks
--------------------------------------------------------------------------(UN News) Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon has spoken with the Libyan Prime
Minister and reiterated the urgent need for a real ceasefire and serious
negotiations on initiating a transition to a government that fully meets
the aspirations of the people of the North African country.
Mr. Ban told Al Baghdadi Ali al-Mahmoudi in a telephone conversation last
night that his Special Envoy, Abdel-Elah al-Khatib, has had discussions
with the opposition since he visited Tripoli last week, and that he would
soon be going again to Tripoli, the Libyan capital, according to
information released by the spokesperson of the Secretary-General.
The Secretary-General said that Mr. Al-Mahmoudi had again expressed his
deepest concerns over the campaign of air strikes in Libya by a coalition
of countries.
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(b) The telephone conversation:
--------------------------------------------------------------Pakistan Provokes Deep Divisions In Washington
--------------------------------------------------------------------------(RFE) More than three weeks after the killing of Al-Qaeda leader Osama bin
Laden by United States commandos, U.S. policymakers, military leaders, and
legislators remain deeply divided when it comes to defining relations with
Recent differences of opinion within the political elite in Washington are
raising serious questions about the future of U.S. policy toward the southAsian country.
"I have real difficulty explaining to people back home in Idaho what we're
doing spending billions of dollars in Pakistan, particularly on civilian
matters, when they don't like us," said Senator James Risch (Republican,
Idaho), at a Senate's Foreign Relations Committee hearing on May 17.
--------------------------------------------------------------Pakistani PM for defense installations security review
--------------------------------------------------------------------------(Irna) Pakistani Prime Minister Syed Yusuf Raza Gilani Tuesday issued
instructions to upgrade the security of all the defense installations two
days after Taliban attacked a naval air force base in Karachi and killed at
least 10 navy personnel.
The Pakistan Taliban immediately claimed responsibility for Sunday's raid
and said it was aimed to avenge Osama Bin Laden's killing by U.S. Special
Forces in the Pakistani town of Abbottabad on May 2. Interior Minister
Rahman Malik said 15 other troops were injured in gunfight.
Pakistani forces ended the 17-hour siege of the PNS base Mehran on Monday
and killed the group of six Taliban militants, who were equipped with
rockets, hand grenades and automatic guns.
The attack, second after the 2009 similar attack on the army’s headquarters
in the garrison city of Rawalpindi by Taliban militants, raised fears about
the ability of the militants to strike sensitive installations.
'There is a need to upgrade the security measures keeping in view the
intentions of terrorists,' Prime Minister Gilani said during his visit to
PNS base Mehran on Tuesday.
--------------------------------------------------------------Palestinians to Pursue UN Recognition of Statehood
--------------------------------------------------------------------------(VOA) Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas has vowed to pursue a plan to
seek U.N. recognition of Palestinian statehood if there is no progress in
peace talks with Israel by September.
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Mr. Abbas said Wednesday Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu did
nothing to improve the prospects for peace talks in a speech to the U.S.
Congress on Tuesday, outlining Israeli parameters for future negotiations.
--------------------------------------------------------------Pakistan Taliban Claims Attack on US Diplomatic Convoy
--------------------------------------------------------------------------(VOA) The Pakistani Taliban say they are responsible for a deadly bomb
attack on two U.S. consulate vehicles in the northwestern city of Peshawar.
The militant group said Friday's violence was in revenge for the U.S. raid
that killed al-Qaida leader Osama bin Laden in Pakistan earlier this month.
The blast in Peshawar occurred in the morning hours as U.S. personnel were
traveling to work at the American consulate in a two-vehicle, armored
--------------------------------------------------------------China, Pakistan Tout Close Relations
--------------------------------------------------------------------------(VOA) Pakistan’s prime minister has met with Chinese President Hu Jintao in
Beijing on the final day of a four-day trip aimed at promoting ties between
the two nations. Yousuf Raza Gilani’s trip to China follows increased
tensions between Pakistan and the United States.
President Hu Jintao congratulated Pakistani Prime Minister Yousuf Raza
Gilani for a successful visit to China. He said the trip will take
strategic cooperation between the two countries to a higher level.
Gilani said he feels proud and privileged to meet Hu, whom he referred to
as a friend.
Media reports quoting Pakistani officials say China agreed to expedite
delivery of 50 fighter jets to Pakistan. Pakistan's defense minister Ahmad
Mukhtar said his country hopes to get the JF-17 planes within six months.
--------------------------------------------------------------India set to sign $2.4bn Mirage deal with France
ACIPSS-Newsletter /2011
- 23 -
--------------------------------------------------------------------------(Times of India) Faced with a dual threat from China and Pakistan, which
have even come together to manufacture fighter jets, India is really
cranking up military aviation contracts. Even as the $4.1 billion deal for
10 American C-17 Globemaster-III strategic airlift aircraft awaits the
final nod from the Cabinet Committee on Security (CCS), another major
contract is now headed that way.
Defence ministry sources on Wednesday said the long-awaited deal with
France for the upgrade of 52 Mirage-2000 multi-role fighters in IAF's
combat fleet is "finally ready" at a cost of almost Rs 11,000 crore ($2.4
--------------------------------------------------------------Nordkoreas Machthaber zu Besuch in China
--------------------------------------------------------------------------(Reuters) Nordkoreas Machthaber Kim Jong Il ist Medienberichten zufolge zu
einem Besuch in China eingetroffen.
Der 69-jährige Kim habe am Freitagmorgen in einem Zug die Grenze zur
Volksrepublik überquert und halte sich in der östlichen Provinz Jilin auf,
berichteten mehrere südkoreanische Fernsehsender unter Berufung auf
Regierungs- und Präsidialamtskreise. Es wäre der dritte Besuch des
nordkoreanischen Machthabers beim engen Verbündeten innerhalb der
vergangenen zwölf Monate. Eine offizielle Bestätigung lag zunächst aber
nicht vor.
--------------------------------------------------------------Japan's TEPCO admits further reactor meltdowns
--------------------------------------------------------------------------(theage) The operator of Japan's tsunami-hit Fukushima nuclear power plant
on Tuesday said it believed fuel had partially melted inside three
reactors, as long suspected by experts.
Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO) said new readings on water gauges
indicated that the fuel had dropped to the bottom of the containment
vessels of units two and three, matching its earlier assessment of unit
In all three reactors, relatively low temperatures indicated that the fuel
was now mostly covered by water that has been pumped into the vessels,
meaning there was no immediate threat of an uncontrolled full meltdown.
(b) Tepco gibt weitere Kernschmelzen zu:
ACIPSS-Newsletter /2011
- 24 -
--------------------------------------------------------------China 'asks USA to respect Pak sovereignty'
--------------------------------------------------------------------------(thestatesman) In the wake of the US raid in Abbottabad that killed Osama
bin Laden, China has “warned in unequivocal terms that any attack on
Pakistan would be construed as an attack on China”, a media report claimed
The warning was formally conveyed by the Chinese foreign minister at last
week's China-US strategic dialogue and economic talks in Washington, The
News daily quoted diplomatic sources as saying. China also advised the USa
to “respect Pakistan's sovereignty and solidarity”, the report said.
Chinese Premier Mr Wen Jiabao informed his Pakistani counterpart Mr Yousuf
Raza Gilani about the matters taken up with the US during their formal
talks at the Great Hall of the People yesterday. The report said China
“warned in unequivocal terms that any attack on Pakistan would be construed
as an attack on China”.
China warnt USA vor Angriff auf Pakistan:,1518,764628,00.html
--------------------------------------------------------------Kim Jong-il reportedly in Beijing
--------------------------------------------------------------------------(china.globaltimes) North Korean leader Kim Jong-il was reportedly in
Beijing Wednesday ahead of talks with Chinese leaders on economic
cooperation and aid. His visit coincided with a US delegation's trip to
Pyongyang to assess the North's food shortages.
After his armored train docked, a motorcade swept down central Beijing's
Chang'an Avenue under unusually tight police guard, Reuters reported.
An AFP journalist reported additional security at the Diaoyutai State
Guesthouse. As of late afternoon, there had been no sign that Kim had left
the compound before police ordered journalists away from the area.
According to the Seoul-based Yonhap News Agency, Kim was set to meet with
Chinese President Hu Jintao, who received Kim on both his visits last year.
--------------------------------------------------------------EU Gears Up To Widen Belarus Sanctions
--------------------------------------------------------------------------(RFE) European Union foreign ministers are set on May 23 to impose travel
bans and asset freezes on more people linked to the Alyaksandr Lukashenka’s
regime in Belarus, but EU member states remain divided over the adoption of
economic sanctions on Belarusian companies.
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The extension of sanctions comes in response to the recent sentencing of
opposition figures in Belarus, including former presidential candidate
Andrey Sannikau, who was jailed last week for five years.
The news comes as two Belarusian opposition candidates who ran against
President Alyaksandr Lukashenka in the disputed election last December have
been handed two-year suspended sentences.
--------------------------------------------------------------Polens Geheimdienst geht gegen Satire im Netz vor
--------------------------------------------------------------------------(NEWS ORF) Eine satirische Internetseite über Polens Präsidenten Bronislaw
Komorowski hat den polnischen Geheimdienst ABW auf den Plan gerufen. Die
bewaffneten Beamten hätten seine Wohnung durchsucht und den Laptop,
Festplatte sowie andere Datenträger beschlagnahmt, sagte der Eigentümer der
Webseite, Robert Frycz, heute in Warschau.
Aus Angst habe er kurz darauf die Seite geschlossen, erläuterte der 25Jährige. Nach einer Welle von Sympathiebekundungen von anderen
Internetnutzern entschloss sich Frycz, die Öffentlichkeit über die
Geheimdienstaktion vom Mittwoch zu informieren.
--------------------------------------------------------------Spionage-Akten: Verleger Prinz überzeugt Prager Gericht
--------------------------------------------------------------------------(europeonline-magazine) Der Berliner Medienunternehmer Detlef Prinz hat
sich erfolgreich gegen Vorwürfe zur Wehr gesetzt, er habe für den
tschechoslowakischen Geheimdienst SNB in Deutschland spioniert. Das
Stadtgericht in Prag entschied nach Angaben der Agentur CTK am Freitag,
dass Prinz vom tschechischen Innenministerium zu Unrecht als ehemaliger
Agent geführt worden sei.
--------------------------------------------------------------US carried out illegal terror hunt in Sweden
--------------------------------------------------------------------------(Swedishwire) US intelligence agents have staked out suspected "terrorists"
in Sweden, without the authorisation of the government there, the online
edition of a Swedish daily reported Sunday.
Sweden's intelligence service Säpo discovered in 2009 that two Americans
were conducting illegal, under-cover investigations in Sweden, the Svenska
Daglbadet daily reported.
The two men were discovered when Säpo noticed them tracking people who it
was also investigating for suspected ties to terrorist groups, the paper
said, quoting several unnamed sources close to Saepo.
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- 26 -
Washington had not informed Swedish authorities of the agents' activities
in the country, and soon after their activities were discovered, the two US
citizens left the country, the paper added.
(b) US-Geheimdienst soll illegal in Schweden ermittelt haben:
--------------------------------------------------------------Geheimdienstliche Erkenntnisse über den Untergang Griechenlands
--------------------------------------------------------------------------(kopp-verlag) Im Februar 2010 erhielt der griechische Geheimdienst den
Regierungsauftrag, jene Hedge-Fonds-Manager aufzufinden, die Griechenland
systematisch in den Bankrott treiben. Der Inhalt des Abschlussberichts ist
nie öffentlich geworden. Stattdessen wurde nun durch eine Indiskretion ein
anderer aktueller Geheimbericht in griechischen Zeitungen abgedruckt. Er
ist schockierender als alles, was wir in den letzten Wochen in den
deutschsprachigen Medien aus Athen gehört haben.
--------------------------------------------------------------UK yet to decide on sending attack helicopters to Libya
--------------------------------------------------------------------------(Irna) The UK government had yet to decide whether to deploy the Apache
attack helicopters in Libya, Armed Forces Minister Nick Harvey insisted
Tuesday, but refused to rule out what would be a significant escalation of
Nato's intervention.
'My understanding is that the French have indeed taken a decision to deploy
their attack helicopters in Libya,” Harvey told parliament.
'I state again for the avoidance of all doubt: no such decision has been
taken by the United Kingdom. It is an option we are considering and there
is absolutely no sense in which it is true to say that we have kept
Parliament in the dark about a decision,' he said after repeated
Apaches have already been used in counter-insurgency operations in
Afghanistan to manoeuvre and attack small targets in relatively built-up
Last week, Foreign Secretary William Hague expressed support for Britain's
army chief General Sir David Richards in controversially calling to step up
the bombing campaign in Libya to include country's infrastructure but
denied it was outside the UN mandate.
ACIPSS-Newsletter /2011
- 27 -
(b) UK 'to send helicopters to Libya':
(c) Libya unrest: UK 'undecided' on sending helicopters:
--------------------------------------------------------------Obama, Cameron Discuss Security Aspects of U.S., U.K. Ties
--------------------------------------------------------------------------(DoD) The relationship between the United States and the United Kingdom is
the lynchpin for security for both nations, President Barack Obama and
British Prime Minister David Cameron said in London today.
The two leaders conducted a news conference following meetings at No. 10
Downing Street -- the home and offices of the British prime minister -- and
said they discussed some of the security concerns the two countries share.
The president and the prime minister discussed the progress in Afghanistan.
The United Kingdom has the next largest military contingent in the country
after the United States.
“We reaffirmed the importance of beginning the transition to Afghan lead
for security this year and completing that transition by 2014,” Obama said.
“We discussed the opportunity that exists for promoting reconciliation and
a political settlement, which must be an Afghan-led process.”
(b) Obama Tells British Parliament Alliance Is 'Indispensable' To Future
World Challenges:
(c) Obama, Cameron Claim Agreement on Libya:
(This section is edited by Oliver PLAUDER, ACIPSS’s expert on the IRA)
--------------------------------------------------------------Nelson Case: Report doesn't rule out 'rogue' police officers' role
--------------------------------------------------------------------------(belfasttelegraph) A damning report on the loyalist murder of solicitor
Rosemary Nelson has found the state of Northern Ireland failed to protect
her, while police officers abused and assaulted the lawyer.
The public inquiry could find no direct security force role in the murder
of the 40-year-old mother of three killed in a car bombing in 1999, but
said it could not rule out that "rogue" elements may have assisted the
ACIPSS-Newsletter /2011
- 28 -
(b) Rosemary Nelson death inquiry - who is on the panel?:
(c) Rodgers: Nelson report 'sad catalogue of failure':
(d) Bombers thought they could get away with murder:
(e) Adams claims collusion in Nelson killing:
(f) Nelson report ‘being used to smear RUC’:
(g) Debate will continue after Nelson inquiry:
(h) Rosemary Nelson findings a sad indictment of legal system, claims
(i) Call to end costly ‘witch hunt’ inquiries:
(j) RUC chief 'thought Nelson immoral':
(k) Role of state agents called into question over Rosemary Nelson
--------------------------------------------------------------Michael Campbell not in Real IRA, Lithuania court hears
--------------------------------------------------------------------------(BBC) A Dundalk man on trial for attempted arms smuggling in Lithuania has
denied being a member of the Real IRA.
Michael Campbell told a court on Wednesday that although he did travel to
the Baltic state to buy weapons, he did not intend to use them to arm
republican paramilitaries.
Mr Campbell was arrested in 2008 in a sting operation involving Lithuanian,
Irish and British secret services.
He claims that he was "provoked" into the action by British secret
--------------------------------------------------------------Home damaged in Muff explosion
--------------------------------------------------------------------------(Belfast Telegraph) A man escaped injury yesterday when a pipe bomb
exploded after being thrown at his home.
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The house, on the Wheatfield estate in the border village of Muff in Co
Donegal, was targeted at 1.30 yesterday morning.
The man, the only occupant of the house at the time, escaped unharmed while
damage was confined to the kitchen of the two-storey house.
This is the second attack on the house in recent months.
(b) Dissidents threaten estate agents over Muff house:
--------------------------------------------------------------Derry bank bomb CCTV footage shown
--------------------------------------------------------------------------(BBC) The BBC has obtained exclusive pictures of a bomb exploding in a bank
in Londonderry last Saturday afternoon.
The explosion completely destroyed the building in the Diamond area of the
The CCTV footage shows the windows being blown out and debris being
scattered over a wide area.
The bomb was contained in a hold-all thrown into the building by masked
men. Police cleared the area and it exploded an hour later.
--------------------------------------------------------------Two face court over protests at queen's visit
--------------------------------------------------------------------------(Herald) TWO men arrested during protests over the visit of Queen Elizabeth
in central Dublin will appear before court again this week.
Anthony Boland (22) and Graham Greene (30) appeared in Cloverhill District
Court last week on public order charges arising from separate protests held
on the first and second day of the royal visit.
Both men were remanded on bail by Judge John Coughlan.
--------------------------------------------------------------Garda HQ in bomb scare over computer
--------------------------------------------------------------------------(Herald) ARMY bomb experts were called to Dublin's Garda HQ over fears
officers had seized a computer bomb.
The suspected bomb was one of three computers, including two laptops,
seized by gardai investigating a bus bomb.
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Detectives called in army experts to Harcourt Square Garda Station at 11am
yesterday to examine the suspect device.
The laptops and computer equipment had been seized by armed officers from
the Special Detective Unit during an operation in Longford on Friday.
--------------------------------------------------------------Deadline is imposed on Garda collusion inquiry
--------------------------------------------------------------------------(Newsletter) CONCERN has been voiced after the Irish government said a
probe into claims of Garda collusion in the murder of two senior police
officers must be completed by November.
The Smithwick Tribunal is probing allegations that gardai colluded with the
IRA in the murders of chief supt
Harry Breen and supt Bob Buchanan.
Chief supt Breen, 51, from Banbridge, Co Down, commanded most of south
Armagh and was the highest-ranking member of the rUC to be killed by the
--------------------------------------------------------------Dublin-Monaghan bombings - 'no more files' says Kenny
--------------------------------------------------------------------------(BBC) The information supplied by the British government on the DublinMonaghan bombings is all the relevant information they intend to supply.
Irish Prime Minister Enda Kenny made the announcement to the Dail (Irish
parliament) on Tuesday.
He said he did not have the authority to instruct Britain to supply any
other files they hold.
A total of 34 men, women and children, including an unborn baby, died in
the loyalist attacks on 17 May 1974.
--------------------------------------------------------------Wife scared to name 'UVF' attackers
--------------------------------------------------------------------------(UTV) The wife of a man who was beaten about the head with a hammer claims
she did not initially name his alleged attackers because she feared they
were in the Ulster Volunteer Force.
Brian William Reid, 58, and his 26-year-old son Darren are on trial accused
of trying to kill Martin Strachen, who was attacked at his home in St Kilda
Court, Belfast in May 2008.
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--------------------------------------------------------------Sectarian Attacks four times higher
--------------------------------------------------------------------------(Belfastmedia) NORTH BELFAST suffered almost four times more sectarian
incidents last year than any other part of the city according to new
statistics published last week.
Figures released by the PSNI show that despite a number of strategies and
groups set up to bring the two communities together, sectarian incidents
continue to blight North Belfast significantly more than any other area in
the six counties.
Over the past 12 months police recorded 389 sectarian incidents in North
Belfast with the next highest 189 in Foyle before the number drops sharply
again with the third highest being 101 incidents in east Belfast. In all
other parts of the North the figure is below 100 incidents.
--------------------------------------------------------------Derry city centre bomb thrown into bank by attackers
--------------------------------------------------------------------------(BBC) A bomb which exploded in a bank in Londonderry was "thrown" into the
Santander branch by masked men.
PSNI Chief Inspector John Burrows said "there was sheer panic" when the
bomb, contained in a hold-all, was thrown.
"There were young children who had to be evacuated. People could have been
killed when this explosion went off," he said.
The device exploded in the Diamond at about 1320 BST, but there are no
reports of any injuries or damage.
(b) NI politicians condemn Derry bomb blast:
(c) 'Cowardly' Derry bank bomb condemned:
--------------------------------------------------------------Wodka für die Kameraden
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(PNN) Kränze für die Opfer des Stalinismus in der Leistikowstraße.
Zeitzeuge Peter Seele begeisterte Schulklasse
Nauener Vorstadt - Eine berührende Szene: Am letzten Tag der Werkstattwoche
haben Opferverbände im Beisein von Schülern des Evangelischen Gymnasiums
Hermannswerder in der Gedenkstätte Leistikowstraße Kränze zur Erinnerung an
die Opfer des Stalinismus niedergelegt. Mit dabei war auch Peter Seele,
Jahrgang 1928, der am 9. Oktober 1951 vom russischen Geheimdienst verhaftet
worden war. Seine Frau fragte damals noch, wie lange es dauern würde, und
die NKWD-Leute sagten, „eine halbe bis dreiviertel Stunde“, wie Seele den
Schülern gestern berichtete. Doch bis zu seiner Rückkehr sollten Jahre
vergehen: Wegen angeblicher Spionage zu 25 Jahren Arbeitslager verurteilt,
kam er erst zwei Tage vor Weihnachten des Jahres 1955 aus dem berüchtigten
nordrussischen Gulag Workuta nach Potsdam zurück.
--------------------------------------------------------------60 Jahre hessischer Verfassungsschutz - Islamisten größte Bedrohung
--------------------------------------------------------------------------(FNP) Die Stabilität der deutschen Demokratie ist nicht selbstverständlich.
60 Jahre lang hat der hessische Verfassungsschutz Extremisten aller Art
beobachtet. In den vergangenen Jahren wurde die Bedrohung durch
islamistische Gruppen immer stärker.
Milli Görus, Blood&Honour, Salafistische Gruppe oder das Marxistische
Forum: Die Liste der Staatsfeinde in Hessen ist in den vergangenen Jahren
immer länger geworden.
Wenn am kommenden Freitag (27. Mai) der hessische Verfassungsschutz fast
zwei Monate zu früh den 60. Jahrestag seiner Gründung feiert, zweifelt kaum
jemand an der Berechtigung des Geheimdienst-Amtes in Wiesbaden. Es steht
nach Auffassung der meisten Parlamentarier des Landtags für eine
erfolgreiche wehrhafte Demokratie, die über ihre Feinde Bescheid wissen
Einzige Ausnahme ist die Linke, die in Hessen stärker beobachtet wird als
zum Beispiel in den östlichen Bundesländern. «Geheimdienst und Demokratie
bleiben ein Widerspruch», hat der Linken-Abgeordnete Hermann Schaus
kürzlich formuliert und seinerseits eine schärfere Kontrolle der
Verfassungsschützer verlangt. Die anderen Parteien haben sich hingegen klar
zum Verfassungsschutz bekannt und ihn als «unverzichtbar» bezeichnet.
--------------------------------------------------------------Marketingschlager Stadthaus
--------------------------------------------------------------------------(FAZ) Von einfach bis nobel – das Townhouse ist in Berlin in Mode und in
jeder Preisklasse zu haben. Der Haustyp wird als Ausdruck der „neuen Lust
auf Stadt“ gefeiert. Dabei rückt nur das Reihenhaus ins Zentrum.
Der Geheimdienst kommt erst noch, aber seine Nachbarn sind schon da. Gleich
neben der Baustelle für den Bundesnachrichtendienst an der Chausseestraße
in Berlin-Mitte liegt eine Häuserreihe im Grünen. Wie eine backsteinerne
Perlenschnur sieht sie aus, hübsch uniform: elf gleiche Treppenaufgänge,
elf graublaue Haustüren und elf Miniaturgärten auf der Rückseite.
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--------------------------------------------------------------Kriminalist auf der Spur unserer Verhaltensmuster
--------------------------------------------------------------------------(LN) Wie verhalten sich Menschen in Extremsituationen? Was verraten
unterbewusst ablaufende Verhaltensmuster über uns? Solchen Fragen ist der
Kriminalist Leo Martin auf der Spur. „Geheimwaffen der Kommunikation –
Sanfte Strategien mit durchschlagender Wirkung“ ist der Titel seines
Vortrags, den er am kommenden Donnerstag im Rahmen der LN-Akademie in
Lübeck hält.
Sein Job beim Geheimdienst sei es gewesen, V-Leute anzuwerben und
Informationen aus Menschen heraus zu bekommen, die niemand freiwillig
verraten würde, sagt er. „Wesentlich sind absolute Verbindlichkeit und
Verlässlichkeit. Ihr Gegenüber muss wissen, wofür Sie stehen, und wofür
nicht, was er von Ihnen erwarten kann und was nicht: Sie geben Versprechen
ab und halten sie ein“, rät Leo Martin.
200 Tage pro Jahr ist er auf Reisen zu Vorträgen und um sein Buch „Ich
krieg Dich – Menschen für sich gewinnen. Ein Ex-Agent verrät die besten
Strategien“ (Ariston-Verlag) vorzustellen. Seine Zuhörer in Lübeck dürfen
gespannt sein – auch auf die Frage-und-Antwort-Runde nach dem Vortrag.
(b) Die ganze Vortragsreihe:
--------------------------------------------------------------Justizministerin will Geheimdienst abschaffen
--------------------------------------------------------------------------(FR) Sabine Leutheusser-Schnarrenberger fordert die Auflösung des
militärischen Geheimdienstes MAD - die bisher drei Nachrichtendienste
führten zu Doppelstrukturen, Intransparenz und möglicherweise sogar zu
doppelten Grundrechtseingriffen.
„Die Verteilung der nachrichtendienstlichen Tätigkeit des Bundes auf drei
verschiedene Dienste führt zu überflüssigen Doppelstrukturen, darauf
beruhender Intransparenz und zu der Gefahr doppelter Grundrechtseingriffe“,
kritisiert die FDP-Politikerin in ihrer Stellungnahme zur Bewertung der
Anti-Terror-Gesetze, die Reuters am Mittwoch vorlag. Zugleich lehnt sie bei
sechs von zehn zentralen Auskunftsbefugnissen die von der Union geforderte
Verlängerung strikt ab. Bei den übrigen vier will sie die Hürden erhöhen.
(b) Koalitionsstreit über Anti-Terror-Gesetze spitzt sich zu:
(c) Geheimdienst des deutschen Militärs vor Aus:
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--------------------------------------------------------------Interesse an Stasi-Akten "ungebrochen"
--------------------------------------------------------------------------(freiepresse) Das Interesse an den Stasi-Unterlagen der ehemaligen DDR
lässt nicht nach. Allein im vergangenen Jahr habe es knapp 90.000 Anträge
auf Akteneinsicht gegeben, sagt der Bundesbeauftragte. In Sachsen sind es
19.500 gewesen. "Die Nachfrage ist ungebrochen", betont Jahn, der wegen
einer am Fahrrad befestigten Solidarnosz-Fahne in der DDR selbst ins
Gefängnis musste.
Zunehmend würden sich auch Westdeutsche für die Stasiunterlagen
interessieren. Allein in der Kleinstadt Kaarst bei Düsseldorf hätten
beispielsweise in den vergangenen Jahren rund 300 Frauen und Männer einen
Antrag auf Akteneinsicht gestellt. Für solche Anfrage sei die Außenstelle
in Leipzig besonders wichtig, weil nur dort die Akten der Auslandsspionage
des MfS, der Hauptabteilung Aufklärung, fast vollständig erhalten geblieben
Neue Erkenntnisse erwartet Jahn in den nächsten Jahren vor allem aus der
Erschließung der von der Staatssicherheit in den letzten Wochen und Monaten
der DDR per Hand zerrissenen Akten. Das Forschungsprogramm zur Erstellung
einer Software, die die Schnipsel wieder zusammenfügen soll, laufe. Noch in
diesem Jahr sollen die ersten digital rekonstruierten Daten übergeben
--------------------------------------------------------------Canada's spy agency misses accountability mark set by Supreme Court
--------------------------------------------------------------------------(vancouverobserver) Canada's spy service has failed to meet strict new
accountability standards set by the Supreme Court, says a watchdog report
obtained by The Canadian Press.
The latest annual review from the inspector general of the Canadian
Security Intelligence Service says the spy agency hasn't lived up to a
high-court ruling that requires it to retain all operational notes,
electronic intercepts and other investigative material.
--------------------------------------------------------------Great Game in der Karibik - Geopolitik, Geheimdienste und ...
--------------------------------------------------------------------------(scharf links) Die Verhaftung und Abschiebung des schwedischen Journalisten
kolumbianischer Herkunft, Joaquín Pérez Becerra, hat in der Linken weltweit
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unterschiedliche Reaktionen ausgelöst und dazu geführt, dass sich viele
mehr oder weniger gewollt positioniert haben.
Im Verlauf dieses Prozesses wurde deutlich, dass sich der Fall Becerra auf
verschiedenen Ebenen diskutieren lässt.[tt_news]=16396&tx_ttnews[backPid]=9&cHash=a83
--------------------------------------------------------------Colombia judge orders arrest of ex-spy chief
--------------------------------------------------------------------------(washingtonexaminer) A judge issued an arrest order Tuesday for the former
head of Colombia's secret police over her alleged involvement in a domestic
spying scandal.
The order is aimed at former domestic intelligence chief Maria del Pilar
Hurtado. Hurtado, who says she is innocent, has been living in exile in
Panama since November 2010 and that country has said it will maintain her
The DAS security agency led by Hurtado spied on judges, journalists and
political opponents of Colombian President Alvaro Uribe, who left office
last August. At least 20 former DAS officials have been jailed in the
(b) Colombia judge orders arrest of ex-spy chief:
--------------------------------------------------------------Australian sent home for spying on Fiji issues
--------------------------------------------------------------------------(radiofiji) An Australian government lawyer has been expelled from Vanuatu
over claims that he was a spy and leaked sensitive information about Fiji
to Canberra.
Australian media report 40-year-old Ari Jenshel was expelled over his
activities as senior adviser in the office of the Attorney-General, in Port
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--------------------------------------------------------------Government Finds Uses for Soc. Net. Sites Beyond Investigations
--------------------------------------------------------------------------(EFF) Recent news has made it abundantly clear that the government uses the
Internet and social networking sites as tools for investigation. But what’s
not clear, and what the government has been reluctant to reveal, is how
this information has been collected and utilized. To get answers, EFF, with
help from Berkeley Law’s Samuelson Clinic, made a series of Freedom of
Information Act (FOIA) requests asking various law enforcement agencies to
disclose documents detailing their use of social networking sites in their
investigations. When the government refused to comply with these requests,
we went to court to compel them to respond. The latest disclosures from
this litigation reveal just some of the ways the government is obtaining
and using information from the Internet.
(b) Soziale Netzwerke: User unter Generalverdacht:
(c) Final Grant Report to VT CCSR:
--------------------------------------------------------------------------(Urlpuls) Die Webseite ist 7 Jahre und 1 Monat alt. Die Webseite hat etwa
107 Seiten. Es gibt Seiten mit Inhalten über, spy equipment, spy stores,
Night vision goggles, Fake security camera, audio surveillance, Tazer guns,
Spy clock cam, wireless hidden camera, und Xray vision. Es ist vor allem
beliebt in Vereinigte Staaten und Indien. Sitesell Inc. Quebec Montreal,
Canada ist der Ort des Apache-Servers.
Das Motto der Betreiber: The best unbiased website on spy gear - you can be
assured we only recommend products of high quality which gets results.
Our focus is helping you choose solutions that fit your needs, and your
--------------------------------------------------------------A Call for Self-Restraint in Disclosure of Sensitive Information
--------------------------------------------------------------------------(FAS) Instead of imposing mandatory new legal restrictions on publication
of sensitive information, the nation would be better off if scientists,
journalists and others adopted an ethic of self-restraint in what they
choose to publish, a provocative new paper suggests.
“An abundance of information that could be useful to terrorists is
available in the open literature,” wrote analyst Dallas Boyd. But that
doesn’t mean it should be censored by law. “A soft consensus seems to have
ACIPSS-Newsletter /2011
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formed that airing this information does not subtract from national
security to such an extent as to justify the extraordinary powers that
would be required to suppress it.”
(b) Protecting Sensitive Information: The Virtue of Self-Restraint:
--------------------------------------------------------------Symantec: Short URL Spam Reaches Historical Peak
--------------------------------------------------------------------------(webpronews) A new report from Symantec’s MessageLabs finds that short URLs
in spam have reached a "historical peak". This type of spam has increased
significantly over the past year.
Spam containing shortened links hit a one day peak of 18%, or 23.4 billion
spam emails, on April 30, 2010, doubling last year’s peak levels when spam
with shortened links accounted for 9.3% of spam (more than 10 billion spam
emails) on July 28, 2009.
(b) Unechte Kurz-URL tarnt Spam:
(c) The report:
--------------------------------------------------------------Arkadi Wolosch - Der Erfinder des Russen-Google
--------------------------------------------------------------------------(ftd) Das Moskauer Mathegenie gründete 1997 die beliebteste Suchmaschine
des Landes. Die Suchmaschine Yandex legte an der Nasdaq den größten
Börsengang der Internetbranche seit sieben Jahren hin.
Yandex ist mittlerweile die meistbesuchte Website im Runet, wie das
Internet in Russland genannt wird. Täglich besuchen neun Millionen Menschen
die Seite. Bei den Suchmaschinen hält Yandex einen Marktanteil von mehr als
60 Prozent. Dank der Regionalisierung des Angebots haben die Russen Google,
das in Russland rund 20 Prozent Marktanteil hält, im eigenen Markt längst
Nicht schaden dürfte dabei, dass Wolosch stets mit der Staatsmacht
kooperiert hat. 2009 übernahm die staatliche Sparkasse Sberbank für einen
symbolischen Euro eine goldene Aktie und erhielt damit das Vetorecht im
Fall des Verkaufs von 25 Prozent der Aktien. Als kurz vor dem Börsengang
bekannt wurde, dass Yandex Benutzerdaten an den russischen Geheimdienst FSB
weitergegeben hatte, hagelte es Kritik. Betroffen waren Nutzer, die dem
Antikorruptionsaktivisten und Blogger Alexej Nawalny Spenden überweisen
--------------------------------------------------------------Remote File Inclusion: Die unsichtbare Gefahr
--------------------------------------------------------------------------(pressebox) Redwood Shores, CA, 26.05.2011, Impervas Hacker Intelligence
Initiative (HII) veröffentlicht in regelmäßigen Trend Reports Hintergründe
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aus dem Hacker-Untergrund. Als Teil des Application Defense Centers (ADC)
untersucht die HII aktuelle Angriffsmethoden, neue Entwicklungen bei der
Sicherheit von Web-Applikationen sowie die dahinter liegenden
Geschäftsmodelle der Hacker. Der aktuelle Report beschäftigt sich mit einer
Angriffsmethode, die viele verbreitete Sicherheitsmaßnahmen unterläuft:
Remote File Inclusion (RFI).
Hacker-Angriffe wie SQL-Injection und Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) genießen
bei Sicherheitsverantwortlichen in Unternehmen mittlerweile eine traurige
Berühmtheit. Durch ihren häufigen Einsatz sind Schutzmechanismen oder
zumindest Warnsysteme gegen solche Angriffe mittlerweile sehr verbreitet,
was sie zwar nicht entschärft, aber immerhin kontrollierbarer macht.
Weniger bekannt ist eine andere Angriffstechnik, die genauso viel Schaden
anrichten kann, dabei aber meist die klassischen Sicherheitsmaßnahmen
unterläuft: Remote File Inclusion (RFI).
Bei diesem Angriff werden Schwachstellen in Web-Applikationen ausgenutzt,
um Anwendungen beim Zugriff auf Dateien, die auf unterschiedlichen Servern
gespeichert sind, umzuleiten. Die meisten Angriffe zielen dabei auf die
Skriptsprache PHP. Da PHP die Eingaben bei solchen Zugriffen nicht
ordentlich prüft, lassen sich die verwendeten Links auf andere Webseiten
umleiten – die sich unter der Kontrolle des Hackers befinden.
--------------------------------------------------------------Fotos und Multimediadateien retten und wiederherstellen
--------------------------------------------------------------------------(PText) vanquest Software (EPA: AVQ), führender, internationaler
Softwareverlag und Programmentwickler, bringt rechtzeitig vor Beginn der
fototrächtigen Urlaubssaison zwei neue Versionen des bewährten
Fotorettungstools Stellar Phoenix Photo Recovery auf die deutschsprachigen
Märkte. Jeweils eine Windowsversion sowie eine für Macintosh-Computer
stellen im Fall versehentlicher Löschung oder anderweitigem Datenverlust
von Bildern, Soundfiles, Videos etc. die Dateien in den allermeisten Fällen
unbeschadet wieder her.
Die Multimedia-Rettungssoftware für Macintosh und Windows:
Stellar Phoenix Photo Recovery - Ihre Rettung, wenn es um die
Wiederherstellung von verloren gegangenen oder versehentlich gelöschten
Multimedia-Dateien geht. Mit dieser benutzerfreundlichen Software stellen
Sie Ihre Bilder sowie Audio- und Videodateien in drei einfachen Schritten
wieder her. Dabei ermöglicht die intuitiv gestaltete Benutzeroberfläche
auch unerfahrenen Nutzern einen schnellen Einstieg in die Thematik der
Wiederherstellung verlorener Daten und bietet eine einfache Bedienung der
--------------------------------------------------------------Bildungsarbeit ohne Geheimdienst!
--------------------------------------------------------------------------(scharf-links) Nicht nur die „Extremismusklausel“ der Bundesregierung und
vor allem die darin enthaltene Verpflichtung zur „Bespitzelung“ Dritter
torpediert demokratisches zivil- gesellschaftliches Engagement gegen
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Darüber hinaus wird kritische, antifaschistische Bildungsarbeit freier
Träger_innen durch eine weitere politisch motivierte staatliche Maßnahme
eingeschränkt: Nach einer umfassenden Umstrukturierung und Modernisierung
des Verfassungsschutzes präsentiert sich dieser nicht mehr nur als
Inlandsgeheimdienst, sondern wie selbstverständlich auch als Bildungsakteur
und „Partner“ für zivilgesellschaftliches Engagement. Dies erfordert
dringenden Widerspruch.[tt_news]=16541&tx_ttnews[backPid]=56&cHash=d3
--------------------------------------------------------------Spy Krawatte Videorekorder - 4 GB - Tie Camera
--------------------------------------------------------------------------(esons) Die Spionkamera ist in der Krawatte
integriert, inklusive 4 GB Speicher. Der interne
Speicher dient ebenso als USB Stick. Die Kamera
wird mit einer kleinen Taste aktiviert. Dank des
Mikrofons lässt sich auch die Sprache
--------------------------------------------------------------Project Acoustic Kitty: how the CIA failed at using cats as spies
--------------------------------------------------------------------------(dvice) Cats are perfect spies.
They're small, they're stealthy,
and they excel at seducing humans,
who can't help but pet them while
blathering on about state secrets.
This is exactly why the CIA decided
to implant listening devices into
cats and train them to go where
they were told. This is no joke,
it's Project Acoustic Kitty.
The CIA chose a grey and white
adult female cat to be its first
agent under Project Acoustic Kitty.
Rigging the cat to record audio was
the easy part of the program: a ¾ inch transmitter was embedded in its
skull, with a microphone hidden in its ear canal. The antenna ran all the
way along the cat's back to its tail, underneath the fur. Short battery
life meant that the cat couldn't spend too long on any one mission, but as
it turned out, that was one of the least limiting factors of the whole
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Apparently, her hunger issues were somehow "addressed with another
operation," and her training was intensified until the CIA was reasonably
confident (or however confident they could possibly be) that the cat was
capable of actually going where she was told. All told, the program had
taken about $20 million and five years, but Acoustic Kitty was finally
ready for deployment.
The first mission took place in a park near the Soviet embassy, where the
cat was tasked with eavesdropping on two men. A CIA reconnaissance van
across the street released the operative, who took a few steps towards her
foes and was immediately run over by a taxi.
(b) CIA-Katzen entpuppten sich als Epic-Flop:
ACIPSS-newsletter-commentary: Be sure this project must have been started
by dog owners who never spent any time around cats. Here is a perfect
user comment: "You'd think that after spending $20 million on her
they'd have looked both ways before letting her out or something."
--------------------------------------------------------------Amnesty feiert 50. Geburtstag
--------------------------------------------------------------------------(Journal Frankfurt) Vor 50 Jahren wurde Amnesty International gegründet.
Das Schauspiel Frankfurt lädt am Sonntag von 12 Uhr an zur Jubiläumsfeier.
Mit dabei ist auch der legendäre Frankfurter Cellist Frank Wolff. Ein
JF: Herrr Wolff, seit wann engagieren Sie sich für Amnesty International
Frank Wolff: Seit dreißig Jahren. Damals ging es um Südkorea. Der
koreanische Geheimdienst hatte einen berühmten koreanischen Komponisten
entführt, ihm drohte die Todesstrafe. Damals haben sich Amnesty, aber auch
Politiker wie Willy Brandt für seine Freilassung eingesetzt. Und er wurde
tatsächlich freigelassen. Ich bin damals auch schon bei Veranstaltungen von
AI aufgetreten.
--------------------------------------------------------------MI5 Bericht über den deutschen Spion Karel Richter
--------------------------------------------------------------------------(Heritage) Der MI5 Bericht über den deutschen Spion Karel Richter aus dem
Zweiten Weltkrieg, 1941, wurde veröffentlicht. Karel Richter war ein
deutscher Sudeten-Spion, der in England am 12. Mai 1941 nach einem
Fallschirmabsprung gefasst wurde,als er sich in einem Feld verstecken
wollte. Er wurde im Oktober 1941 vor Gericht gestellt und wurde am 10.
Dezember hingerichtet.
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(b) Der Original - Bericht:
--------------------------------------------------------------IM GEHEIMDIENST SEINER MAJESTÄT: 125. Todestag König Ludwigs II
--------------------------------------------------------------------------(epochtimes) „Die Guglmänner“ fordern die Aufklärung eines
Jahrhundertverbrechens an König Ludwig II.
Am 13. Juni vor 125 Jahren starb König Ludwig II. in Berg am Starnberger
See. „Unter mysteriösen Umständen" sagen die Geschichtsbücher. „Es war
Mord", sagen die Guglmänner, eine bayerische Geheimgesellschaft. Ein
Gespräch mit Guglmann Maximilian G.
Eine tiefe Stimme in entspanntem Bayerisch, so hört sich Maximilian G.
(Name von der Redaktion geändert) am Telefon an. Seit über dreißig Jahren
ist er aktiv bei den „Guglmännern". Durch hartnäckige Forschung und
öffentliche Auftritte in schwarzen Kapuzengewändern hat die Gruppe seit den
70er-Jahren entscheidend dazu beigetragen, dass die Mordthese im Fall
Ludwig II. von der Forschung immer ernster genommen wurde.
--------------------------------------------------------------US DoD Counterintelligence Awareness and Reporting (CIAR)
--------------------------------------------------------------------------(OSINT) The Counterintelligence Awareness and Reporting (CIAR) was released
on May 17, 2011.
E.g.: "All DoD personnel shall receive CIAR training in accordance with
this Directive (...) within 90 days of initial assignment or employment
(...) and every 12 months thereafter". Table 3 is specifically related to
cyber threats.
(b) The Report:
--------------------------------------------------------------COIN Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance (ISR) Operations
--------------------------------------------------------------------------(OSINT) The Counterinsurgency (COIN) Intelligence, Surveillance, and
Reconnaissance (ISR) Operations report includes detailed operations and
provides nine significant findings and associated recommendations.
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Underlying the study's key findings is the multi-phase challenge where
counter-terrorism, contingency operations and COIN may be occuring
simultaneously, driving disparate and sometimes conflicting collection
strategies on limited ISR resources.
(b) The Report: (1,7
--------------------------------------------------------------Document Exploitation As A New intelligence discipline
--------------------------------------------------------------------------(FAS) A recent article in the Army's Military Intelligence Professional
Bulletin argued that Document and Media Exploitation, or DOMEX -- which
refers to the analysis of captured enemy documents -- should be recognized
and designated as an independent intelligence discipline.
"Without question, our DOMEX capabilities have evolved into an increasingly
specialized full-time mission that requires a professional force, advanced
automation and communications support, analytical rigor, expert
translators, and proper discipline to process valuable information into
intelligence," wrote Col. Joseph M. Cox.
(b) DOMEX: The Birth of a New Intelligence Discipline:
--------------------------------------------------------------Pakistan-U.S. Relations, and More from CRS
--------------------------------------------------------------------------(FAS) A new overview of relations between Pakistan and the United States in
light of recent events was prepared by the Congressional Research Service.
(b) Pakistan-U.S. Relations: A Summary,” May 16, 2011:
--------------------------------------------------------------Padura-Roman über Trotzki: Totgeschwiegene leben länger
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(TLZ) "Der Mann, der Hunde liebte": Der Kubaner
Leonardo Padura schreibt einen Roman über Leo
Trotzki und seinen Mörder.
Kubas international bekanntester Schriftsteller
Leonardo Padura hat das Genre gewechselt. Nach
seinen Krimis ("Havanna-Quartett"), in denen das
Leben immer eine weit wichtigere Rolle spielte als
der Mord, wendet er sich in "Der Mann, der Hunde
liebte" dem historischen Roman zu.
Bei jenem Hunde liebenden Mann handelt es sich um
Ramón Mercader, einen katalanischen Spanier, der am
20. August 1940 in Coyoacán, einem Vorort von
Mexiko-Stadt, den russischen Revolutionär und
Stalin-Widersacher Leo Trotzki mit einem Eispickel
tötete. Mercader, der als Kommunist während des
Spanischen Bürgerkrieges vom sowjetischen
Geheimdienst angeworben worden war, verbrachte seine
letzten Lebensjahre bis 1978 unerkannt auf Kuba.
(b) Leonardo Padura: Der Mann, der Hunde liebte. Übersetzt von HansJoachim Hartstein. Unionsverlag 2011. 732 Seiten. 28,90 Euro
--------------------------------------------------------------Stefan Meining: Eine Moschee in Deutschland
--------------------------------------------------------------------------(Kleine Zeitung) Stefan Meining deckt auf, wie aus alten
Waffenbrüderschaften zwischen antisowjetischen Muslimen
und Nazis nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg in München die
erste Keimzelle des politischen Islam im Westen
entstand. Bis heute laufen in einer Münchner Moschee die
Fäden des westlichen Islamismus zusammen. Eine
unglaubliche Geschichte: Ausgediente NS-Bürokraten,
Vertriebenenfunktionäre, Geheimdienstler und andere
Kalte Krieger päppeln in den fünfziger Jahren in München
die Keimzelle des politischen Islam im Westen auf.
Muslime, die im Dienst der Wehrmacht und der SS im
Zweiten Weltkrieg gegen die Sowjetunion gekämpft haben,
sollen nun für Unruhe in den islamischen
sorgen. Aber die Münchner Muslime haben mit dem Kalten Krieg nichts im
Sinn: Sie werden zur wichtigsten Filiale von Anhängern der
Muslimbruderschaften im Westen und zur Schaltzentrale eines globalen
Netzwerkes. Seit Jahrzehnten stehen immer wieder Personen aus diesem
Netzwerk unter Terrorverdacht - bis hin zu den Anschlägen vom 11.
September. In der islamischen Welt weiß man längst, welche Bedeutung die
Moschee in München hat.
(a) Stefan Meining: Eine Moschee in Deutschland: Nazis, Geheimdienste
und der Aufstieg des politischen Islam im Westen. Beck 2011. ISBN10: 3406614116. ISBN-13: 978-3406614118. ca. 20 Euro
(b) Ein Politkrimi, der leider keine Fiktion ist: In: Kleine Zeitung,
22.05.2011, S.9 (Printausgabe)
(d) Deutschland unterm Halbmond:
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--------------------------------------------------------------Wie ein Junge dem Holocaust entkam
--------------------------------------------------------------------------(BZ) Kurt Maier ist immer noch Kippenheimer, obwohl er
seit 1941 in den USA lebt. Um den Ausführungen des
Zeitzeugen zu lauschen, sind am Donnerstagabend etwa 60
Interessierte, Freunde und Bekannte in die ehemalige
Synagoge gekommen. Dort hat Maier sein neues Buch mit dem
Titel "Unerwünscht. Kindheits- und Jugenderinnerungen
eines jüdischen Kippenheimers" vorgestellt.
"Wir hatten unglaubliches Glück", erinnert sich Maier.
"Wir waren eine der wenigen Familien, die komplett
ausreisen durften." Verwandte in New York hatten für sie
gebürgt, dass sie dem amerikanischen Staat nicht zur Last
fallen würden. Bald aber hatten es seine Eltern
geschafft, sich selbst zu finanzieren, was als Fleischlieferant und
Arbeiterin in einer Lederfabrik nicht einfach gewesen sei.
Als Kind hatte er in der neuen Heimat unerwartete Schwierigkeiten. "In
Kippenheim bin ich nie von meinen Mitschülern belästigt worden, aber in New
York wurde ich wegen meiner auffälligen Knickebockerhose gehänselt und
geschlagen, und als die Japaner Pearl Harbour angegriffen hatten, und die
USA von da an im Krieg gegen Deutschland standen, als Nazi-Spion
(a) Kurt Salomon Maier: Unerwünscht: Kindheits- und Jugenderinnerungen
eines jüdischen Kippenheimers. Verlag Regionalkultur 2011. ISBN-10:
3897356236. ISBN-13: 978-3897356238. ca. 14,00 Euro.
--------------------------------------------------------------Spy vs. Spy: Richard Nixon and Jack Anderson
--------------------------------------------------------------------------(thefastertimes) Richard Nixon never saw himself as
anything other than a hero, even in his least heroic
moments, and in his self-styled role as hero, he had many
villains, more villains than any superhero ever had: some
of them easily defeated (George McGovern); some of them
defeated only with great, and inexplicable, difficulty
(Hubert Humphrey); others self-defeating (Ted Kennedy,
George Romney); others kept close as ostensible friends,
to better avoid one’s own defeat (J. Edgar Hoover, Dwight
Eisenhower); and some defeated by others, and in the most
total way possible (Jack and Bobby Kennedy).
(a) Mark Feldstein: Poisoning the Press. Richard Nixon, Jack Anderson,
and the Rise of Washington's Scandal Culture. Farrar, Straus and
Giroux 2010. ISBN-10: 0374235309, ISBN-13: 978-0374235307.
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--------------------------------------------------------------CCI - Conference on Cryptography and Intelligence
(Hat tip
to Wilhelm Dietl for this info!)
(b) Download Flyer (PDF 9.2MB!):
--------------------------------------------------------------NISA's 20th Anniversary Conference
--------------------------------------------------------------------------The Future of Intelligence: Threats, Challenges and Opportunities
an international intelligence conference organised by NISA (Netherlands
Intelligence Studies Association)
27 and 28 May 2011 at the Netherlands Defence Academy, The Hague
Opening Address by Sir David Omand GCB, Former UK Security and Intelligence
Coordinator, JIC-member and Director GCHQ
Chair Day 1: Arthur Docters van Leeuwen (NL)
Threats: The Future of Terrorism and Conflict
The 'securitization' of global society
Consequences for Civil Liberties
Future threats and organizational implications
Cyberwarfare and Cybersecurity
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Challenges: The Future of (Counter)-Intelligence
Globalization and Energy Security
The end of the classical Intelligence Cycle?
An Intelligence Revolution?
Dependency on a limited number of technology suppliers
Chair Day 2: John Morrison (UK)
Opportunities: The Future of Security Cooperation
Lisbon as an opportunity?
A shift to human security
Public/private cooperation in intelligence and security
The impact of technology
For registration please use the electronic form at
(b) The Conference Flyer:
(c) The Conference Program:
--------------------------------------------------------------Diskussions-Veranstaltung „NORDAFRIKAS REVOLUTIONEN“
--------------------------------------------------------------------------Der Bund sozialdemokratischer Akademiker/innen, Intellektueller &
laden ein zur Diskussions-Veranstaltung „NORDAFRIKAS REVOLUTIONEN“
am Montag, 20. Juni 2011, 19 Uhr
Ort: Internationales Institut für Frieden, 1040 Wien, Möllwaldplatz 5/2,
(vis-à-vis Theresianum)
„Die Massen fordern Freiheit und Demokratie, impliziert das Wohlstand und
„Welche Rolle spielt der globale Kapitalismus, welche die fortschrittlichen
„Welche Szenarien gibt es für die Zukunft?“
Bundesminister a.D. Erwin LANC
(Ehrenpräsident des Internationalen Instituts für den Frieden,
ehem. österreichischer Außen- und Innenminister)
Botschafterin a.D. Dr. Gabriele MATZNER-HOLZER
(ehem. österreichische Botschafterin in Bratislava, Tunis und London,
Buchautorin „Egon Matzner – Querdenker für eine andere Welt“, Czernin, Wien
anschließende Diskussion
Diskussionsleitung Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Rudolf O. ZUCHA
(Hat tip to Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c.
Rudolf O. Zucha for this info!)
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--------------------------------------------------------------2011 Annual Lecture with Jamie Shea (NATO)
--------------------------------------------------------------------------Date of event: 1 June 2011
Time: 18:30
Venue: Brunei Gallery Lecture Theatre, SOAS
Jamie Shea, NATO Deputy Assistant SecretaryGeneral, Emerging Security Challenges Division
"North Africa and the Emerging Security
Challenges of the 21st Century"
This event will be followed by a reception.
NATO's new Emerging Security Challenges Division (ESCD) focusses on nontraditional risks and challenges, notably terrorism, the proliferation of
Weapons of Mass Destruction, cyber defence, and energy security.
Prior to taking up his current role of Deputy Assistant Secretary-General
of ESCD Dr. Shea was Director of Policy Planning in the Private Office of
the Secretary General from 2005 to 2010 and Director of the Office of
Information and Press of NATO from 2000-2003.
(b) A recent interview with Jamie Shea about NATO's newly created
Emerging Security Challenges Division:
--------------------------------------------------------------Conference on OSINT-WEB MINING
--------------------------------------------------------------------------Call for Papers: OSINT-WM 2011 at Athens,
Greece in conjunction with European
Intelligence and Security Informatics
Conference 2011 on September 12-14, 2011
After the great success of OSINT-WM 2008, OSINT-WM 2009, and OSINT-WM 2010,
now we look forward to a more successful OSINT-WM 2011 to be held in
Conjunction with the European ISI 2011.
The aim of this symposium is to provide an international forum for
researchers, professionals, and industrial practitioners to share their
knowledge in the rapidly growing area of OSINT-WM. OSINT-WM 2011 invites
research submissions on all topics related to OSINT-WM.
Important Dates
Submission of Papers May 31, 2011
Notification of Acceptance June 25, 2011
Camera Ready Papers July 14, 2011
Author Registration due July 14, 2011
Symposium September 12-14, 2011
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--------------------------------------------------------------Doku-Film über "The Real Inglorious Bastards"
--------------------------------------------------------------------------(Tirol ORF) Für einen Dokumentarfilm hat das
kanadische Fernsehen Station in Tirol gemacht.
Beleuchtet wird die Geschichte jüdischer AntiNazi-Kämpfer, die am Ende des 2. Weltkriegs zur
unblutigen Übernahme Innsbrucks durch die
Amerikaner führte.
Angeführt von der Doku-Regisseurin Min Sook Lee
war die kanadische Filmcrew von "History Television" diese Woche in
Oberperfuß (Bezirk Innsbruck-Land) und besuchte mit dem amerikanischen
Zeitzeugen Fred Mayer Originalschauplätze seines damaligen Einsatzes als
--------------------------------------------------------------Der Traum lebt mein Leben zu Ende
--------------------------------------------------------------------------(film-dienst) Sie gilt als eine der profiliertesten
deutschsprachigen Lyrikerinnen des 20. Jahrhunderts.
Doch obwohl sie praktisch seit ihrer Jugend Gedichte
schrieb, wurde Rose Ausländer erst in ihren letzten
Lebensjahrzehnten die gebührende literarische
Anerkennung zuteil. 1901 in der damals
österreichischen Stadt Czernowitz geboren, floh sie
mit ihren Eltern während des Ersten Weltkriegs erst
nach Budapest und später nach Wien, kehrte
vorübergehend in ihre Heimatstadt zurück und
wanderte 1921 in die USA aus. 1939 folgte die
Rückkehr ins inzwischen sowjetische Czernowitz, wo
sie zunächst als vermeintliche US-Spionin vom
Geheimdienst NKWD verhaftet wurde und nach dem
Überfall der Wehrmacht als Jüdin im Ghetto der Stadt
dem Holocaust nur knapp entkam. Anschließend zog es
Rose Ausländer wieder nach New York, bis sie 1965
schließlich Düsseldorf zur letzten Station ihres bewegten Lebens erkor, das
1988 endete.
Katharina Schubert zeichnet in ihrem Dokumentarfilm die Stationen dieser
bemerkenswerten Dichter-Biografie mehr oder minder chronologisch nach.
--------------------------------------------------------------Jason Statham will neuer James Bond werden
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(Viply) Nachdem die „James Bond“-Reihe zumindest finanziell gerettet ist,
stellt sich nun erneut die Frage der Fragen: Wer wird den beliebten
britischen Spion spielen? Dass Daniel Craig für die 23. Leinwandadaption
zum dritten Mal ins Dinnerjackett schlüpfen wird, ist nämlich nicht mehr so
ganz klar.
Studio-Insider wissen, dass man sich, wie sooft in Hollywood, mal wieder
komplett neu erfinden möchte und deswegen auch einen „frischen“
Hauptdarsteller in Erwägung zieht. Eine Stellenausschreibung, die bereits
in der Vergangenheit für viel Furore gesorgt hat. Jeder hat eine fest
gefertigte Meinung, wie genau James Bond zu sein hat.
Eines ist jedoch immer fest vorgegeben. Der Bond-Schauspieler muss Brite
sein! Jetzt meldet sich einer, der wirklich gut passen könnte. Schauspieler
Jason Statham hat schon immer davon geträumt, eines Tages den wohl
berühmtesten Spion der Welt zu spielen: „Na klar. Er hat all diese tollen
Männer-Spielzeuge, legt die schönsten Frauen flach und am Ende des Tages
rettet er noch die Welt. Das ist doch nun wirklich der Traum eines jeden
Mannes, eine so coole Sau zu spielen.“
--------------------------------------------------------------"Wer ist Hanna?": Rache-Engel aus dem Eis
--------------------------------------------------------------------------(Stern) Profikiller sind keine Lichtgestalten. Ihren Job machen sie selten
im hellen Sonnenschein. So verrichten auch die Jugendliche Hanna und ihr
Vater, der ehemalige CIA-Agent Erik, zwischen düsteren Bunkern und
Industrieanlagen ihr Werk. Für ihre Rolle in dem Thriller von Joe Wright
verwandelte sich Jungstar Saoirse Ronan in eine muskulöse Kampfmaschine.
U-Bahn-Stationen, Tunnel, Schächte, Containerlandschaften: Ihre harte,
feindliche Umwelt nehmen Hanna und ihr Vater oft so wahr, als hätten sie
Klangverstärker in den Ohren und empfindliche Objektive in den Augen. Dabei
lenken Kamera und Ton den Fokus der Zuschauer im Breitwandformat
Cinemascope über die Leinwand, als würden diese den Alptraumtrip mit den
Sinnen der Charaktere erleben.
--------------------------------------------------------------Media Alerts
--------------------------------------------------------------------------am So, 29.05. um 16:30 arte
Angela Davis, der Kampf geht weiter - Porträt der Bürgerrechtlerin
Dauer: 45 min (a)
Beschreibung: Sie wurde in den 70er Jahren in den USA zur Symbolfigur der
Bewegung für die Rechte von politischen Gefangenen: Angela Davis, geboren
1944 in Birmingham, Alabama, ist US-amerikanische Bürgerrechtlerin,
außerdem Philosophin, Humanwissenschaftlerin und Schriftstellerin. Das
Porträt zeichnet ihren bewegten Lebensweg und ihr unerschütterliches
Engagement nach. Bis heute kämpft sie gegen die Todesstrafe und
am Di, 31.05. um 10:15 arte
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Japan, sein Kaiser und die Armee - Ein Land und seine Gesellschaft nach dem
Zweiten Weltkrieg
Dauer: 91 min (b)
Beschreibung: Japan kämpft in diesen Tagen mit den Folgen einer
katastrophalen Natur- und Nuklearkatastrophe. Japan stieg nach der totalen
und in Hiroshima und Nagasaki nuklearen Zerstörung aus den Ruinen des
Zweiten Weltkriegs zu einer der führenden Weltwirtschaftsmächte auf.
Politisch und ökonomisch befand sich das Land im Schlepptau Amerikas,
eingebettet in die Frontenideologie des Kalten Krieges. Zum einen musste
Japan die Frage der eigenen Souveränität beantworten, zum anderen seine
Position in der Weltpolitik neu bestimmen. Der Dokumentarfilm untersucht
die Rolle der drei wichtigsten Faktoren: Verfassung, Kaiser und Armee.
am Mi, 01.06. um 22:45 ZDF
ZDFzoom: Stresstest für die Atomkraft - Fukushima und die Folgen
Dauer: 30 min (c)
Beschreibung: Für die ZDFzoom-Dokumentation haben ZDF-Reporter das
Atomkraftland Deutschland nach der Reaktorkatastrophe bereist und gefragt,
wie nachhaltig Fukushima die Zukunft der Kernenergie in Deutschland
beeinflusst. Dafür sprachen sie mit denjenigen, die darüber entscheiden,
und denen, die mit dieser Entscheidung werden leben müssen. In dem Film
geht es nicht nur um die unmittelbaren Konsequenzen aus Japan, ob etwa
verseuchte Güter oder Lebensmittel importiert werden können. Derzeit
gravierender scheinen die indirekten Folgen. Die Politik hat ein Moratorium
für die älteren Kernkraftwerke verhängt. Stresstests sollen nun die
Sicherheit der Kernkraftwerke neu überprüfen. Stehen weitere Kernkraftwerke
in Deutschland vor dem Aus? Und wie versuchen die Befürworter der
Kernenergie, der Dynamik des immer schnelleren Ausstiegs zu begegnen?
Deadline for application: 2 June 2011
This newsletter is EDITED by Verena Klug and published by
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