ANC Jeugliga tot niet - WWW0


ANC Jeugliga tot niet - WWW0
Gareth Cliff’s
political agenda
praat in STB
FASHIONABLY LATE Simonsberg first-years and house committee members are exuberant as they await the helicopter landing of Ernie Hodgson,
a first-year, on Simonsberg on Sunday. Stellenbosch Flying Club, in conjunction with helicopter owner Paul Pfeiffer, made it possible for Hodgson,
who is paralysed from the waist down, to join the rest of his first-year group on top of the mountain. It is an annual tradition that the first-years climb
Simonsberg, the highest free-standing mountain in the Western Cape, with the house committee to mark the conclusion of their orientation period.
Hodgson was accompanied by three other first-years who could not climb as a result of injuries. The helicoper made two trips, but time restrictions
and unfavourable weather conditions prevented it from landing the second time. Instead, it hovered above the approximately 130-strong group , who
rallied underneath while singing the house song. – (Gina Schreuder)
Break out the
Voorlaaste politieke vereniging se toekoms onseker ná deregistrasie
ANC Jeugliga tot niet
EEN van die laaste politieke verenigings op kampus, die ANC Jeugliga
(ANCYL), is in Januarie deur die SR
se Verenigingsraad gederegistreer ná
hul uitvoerende komitee versuim het
om aan die nodige administratiewe
vereistes te voldoen te midde van ’n
beweerde toenemende gebrek aan effektiewe uitvoerende bestuur.
Thando Mpemnyama, interim voorsitter van ANCYL op Stellenbosch,
meen egter dit is ’n kwessie van beginsels en politieke oortuigings eerder
as een van administratiewe komplikasies.
African Students’ Congress) het op
28 Julie verlede jaar ’n memorandum aan die US-bestuur oorhandig
wat onder andere hul besware oor die
huidige SR-struktuur uiteengesit het.
Een van die voorstelle in die memorandum is dat kandidate nie op ’n individuele basis vir SR moet staan nie,
maar eerder as verteenwoordigers van
“verenigings” of “partye”. Sodoende
sal verkose lede verantwoordbaar
wees aan ’n kieserskorps.
Volgens Mpemnyama was beide
voormalige SR-voorsitter Lourens du
Plessis en huidige voorsitter PieterSchalk Bothma (toe voorsitter van die
Verenigingsraad) teenwoordig tydens
die vergaderings met die US-bestuur
wat ten tyde van die memorandumoorhandiging plaasgevind het.
Jacobus Diener, huidige SR-lid van
verenigings, sê hy is “nooit gekontak”
deur ANCYL om dit duidelik te maak
waarom hulle nie vir 2006 herregistreer het nie. Volgens Diener het die
Verenigingsraad besluit “om die onus
op verenigings af te skuif” om aan hul
administratiewe vereistes te voldoen.
Hierdie vereistes sluit jaarverslae, registrasievorms, asook ’n uiteensetting van die betrokke vereniging se
uitvoerende komitee en ledetal vir die
volgende jaar in. ANCYL se kostepunt
is dus gevries en, alhoewel hulle
weens ’n administratiewe fout steeds
in die Matie Dagboek gelys word as
politieke vereniging, word hulle nie
tans erken as US-vereniging nie.
Mpemnyama sê ten spyte van die
feit dat ANCYL nie meer die voordele
van ander US-verenigings geniet nie,
beoog hulle steeds om te “konsolideer
waar ons verlede jaar opgehou het”.
Geen veldtog word deur ANCYL vir
die opkomende plaaslike verkiesing
beplan nie.
Cheslin van der Berg, ANCYLskakelbeampte vir 2005 en tans HKlid van die nuwe koshuis, het toegegee
dat daar aan die einde van hul termyn
“gespanne verhoudings” onder uitvoerende komiteelede was, en dat dit ’n
rol gespeel het in die swak bemarking
van die algemene jaarlikse vergadering.
Mpemnyama, daarenteen, meen die
gebrek aan ’n verkiesing van ’n uitvoerende komitee vir 2006 was bloot te
wyte aan besige skedules tydens eksamentye.
Wie is voor in die
Verkiesing: waar,
wanneer en hoe
by US biblioteke
22 February 2006
2 News
Verliese allerweë betreur
HEQC-lid, twee
Maties oorlede
KLOKHELDER Die bekende Amerikaanse pastoor Rob Bell praat hierdie week in Stellenbosch. Bell beklee
tans die 25ste posisie op Church Repor t se “50 Most Influential American Christians” en is ook bekend vir sy
blitsverkoperboek en MTV-styl kortfilmreeks, Nooma. Bell praat vanaand met kerkleiers in die Studentekerk.
IN MEMORIAM V.l.n.r: Dr Prem Naidoo, Cules Boshoff en Maria Steyn
’N OUD-MATIE wat verlede Desember sy MPhil in Politieke Bestuur cum
laude verwerf het, is op 15 Februarie op
slag in ’n vliegtuigongeluk oorlede.
Hercules “Cules” Boshoff (28) se
Bonanza-vliegtuig het buite Evander
in Gauteng geval, skaars ’n kilometer
weg van waar dit opgestyg het. Boshoff
was onderweg van Wonderboomlughawe na sy ouerhuis in Ermelo. Hy
was ’n gekwalifiseerde kommersiële
vlieënier en het sowat 350 vliegure
ondervinding gehad.
Boshoff het in 2004 ’n graad in die
teologie by Tukkies verwerf, waar hy
prim van Maroela-koshuis was. Hy
het verlede Maandag gehoor hy is
beroep as predikant in die Hervormde
kerk in Bronkhorstspruit. Boshoff se
ouers is ’n bekende predikantspaar
van Ermelo, waar sy pa leraar van die
Hervormde kerk is.
Derica Lambrechts, ’n medestudent
in Boshoff se MPhil-klas, het namens
die klas gesê: “Cules was een van
daardie mense wat jy nie kon help om
voor lief te raak nie ... sy lewenslus was
aansteeklik en sy doelgerigtheid was
benydenswaardig.” Die departement
Politieke Wetenskap, waar Boshoff sy
MPhil voltooi het, het aan Die Matie
gesê: “Met hierdie tragiese ongeluk
het ons almal ’n hoogs gewaardeerde
genoot verloor, hetsy as vriend, afgestudeerde student, kollega of familielid.” Daar is Maandag ’n roudiens
vir Boshoff in Ermelo gehou.
Maria Steyn (27), ’n Honneursstudent in die teologie, is op 25 Januarie
in ’n motorongeluk op die R44 op pad
na Stellenbosch oorlede. Steyn was
verbonde aan St Paul’s Studentekerk
in Stellenbosch, waar sy by gemeenskapsprojekte betrokke was.
Dr Prem Naidoo, vise-uitvoerende
direkteur van die Hoër Onderwys
Sondagaand onverwags oorlede.
Naidoo was nou betrokke by die
oudit wat verlede jaar by die US
uitgevoer is.
Rustic Café dreig met ‘regstappe’
’N ARTIKEL in die vorige uitgawe
van Die Matie het dreigemente, ’n
prokureursbrief en ontstelde restauranteienaars tot gevolg gehad.
In die 8 Februarie-uitgawe van Die
Matie verskyn ’n artikel onder die
opskrif “Klein Libertas is anything
but a small venture”. Die artikel sê
onder meer: “The next time you are
on the red wine and pizza run, stop
and do yourself a favour. Instead of
dashing straight to the Rustic Café
on Merriman Square, rather turn up
left ... You will be greeted by ... the
newly renovated and overhauled Klein
Libertas Theatre.”
Rustic Café se eienares, me Maggie
van Aswegen, het Die Matie se hoofredakteur ontbied ná die artikel verskyn
het, en haar misnoeë uitgespreek oor
die skade wat die artikel haar restaurant berokken het.
Volgens haar was Rustic Café op
die Woensdagaand wat die artikel
verskyn het, baie stiller as gewoonlik.
Twee dae later het Die Matie
’n prokureursbrief ontvang waarin
gemeld word dat “ons kliënt erg
ontstoke oor bovermelde artikel [is]
en ons opdrag ontvang [het] om voort
te gaan met verdere regstappe”.
Aangesien die brief geensins meld
waarvan Die Matie moontlik aangekla
kan word nie, is daar nie gereageer
op dié skrywe nie. Volgens Artikel 16
van die Grondwet het Die Matie geen
instansie se regte deur die betrokke
artikel aangetas nie. Ingevolge dié
wet beskik Die Matie oor die reg op
vryheid van uitdrukking, om inligting
te versprei en om artistieke kreatiwiteit uit te leef.
Van Aswegen het ander restauranteienaars, wie se eetplekke ook in die
artikel genoem word, gekontak om
hulle bewus te maak van die onreg wat
hulle na bewering aangedoen is.
“Ons verstaan hoekom hulle
[Rustic Café] kwaad was,” meen
Francois Weideman, kroegman by
Klein Libertas Teater. “Ons dink
Kayang [die skrywer van die artikel]
het ’n baie goeie artikel geskryf, maar
ons werk baie nou saam met Rustic en
wil nie hê ons verhouding met hulle
moet skade ly nie”. Alhoewel Van
Aswegen ontsteld was oor die artikel
het haar man, Robert, Maandag aan
Die Matie gesê: “Enige publisiteit is
goeie advertensie.”
Jan-Hendrik Boshoff, bestuurder
van Terrace, meen: “Die Matie het
niks sleg oor ons geskryf nie”.
Teen saktyd is daar nog geen
verdere “regstappe” deur Van
Aswegen se prokureurs óf een van die
bogenoemde ondernemings teen Die
Matie geneem nie.
• ’n Brief van apologie deur die
skrywer van die betrokke artikel,
Kayang Gagiano, verskyn op bladsy
Nuus 3
22 Februarie 2006
Ministers en partyleiers woeker vir verkiesingstemme
Adjunkpresident besoek Stellenbosch
“ONS LAND se grootste bate vandag
is ons studente.”
Dit was die stelling wat adjunkpresident Phumzile Mlambo-Ngcuka
gemaak het terwyl sy verlede Dinsdag
’n diverse groep gemeenskaps-, kerken studenteleiers, besigheidslui en
boere in die Landbougenootskapsaal
op Stellenbosch toegespreek het.
Die ANC het “nie-tradisionele
ondersteuners van die party” op boereworsrolle en Beyerskloofwyn getrakteer ná toesprake deur onder andere
Mlambo-Ngcuka en Marthinus van
Schalkwyk, minister van toerisme en
omgewingsake, in aanloop tot die munisipale verkiesing op 1 Maart.
Enige sprake van “vliegtuigstories”, na aanleiding van MlamboNgcuka se opspraakwekkende beweerde soustrein-vlug na Dubai verlede
Desember, is gou deur Chris Nissen,
lid van die ANC se provinsiale uitvoerende komitee, in die kiem gesmoor.
Dit is in ligte luim duidelik gemaak dat
die adjunkpresident nie tyd aan hierdie
sensitiewe kwessie sou afstaan nie.
Mlambo-Ngcuka het in haar toespraak klem gelê op positiewe ontwikkeling gedurende Suid-Afrika se eerste
dekade van demokrasie, en het mense
uitgedaag om op “Chindia” (China en
Indië) se ekonomiese welvaart te kapitaliseer.
Sy het voorts haar kommer uitgespreek oor die groei van ’n jong
swart middelklas, en hoe dit verhoed
moet word dat hierdie groep onproduktief raak en oormatige verbruikers
“They are buying, God, they are
buying! It’s a hell of a shopping
spree,” het sy gesê.
Mlambo-Ngcuka het na die
Sokkerwêreldbeker in 2010 verwys
as ’n “bonanza” vir belegging en infra-
struktuur en beklemtoon “dat daar nie
’n beter tyd is om in infrastruktuur
betrokke te wees nie”.
In antwoord op ’n vraag van
Pieter-Schalk Bothma, SR-voorsitter, aangaande die rol van studente
in ontwikkeling en in Suid-Afrika
se toekoms, het Mlambo-Ngcuka
studente se “unieke bydrae” geprys en
bevoorregte studente uitgedaag om te
“connect met dié wat minder as julle
het”. Sy het verwys na die Big Brother
/ Big Sister-mentorprogram en die
Nasionale Jeugdiens wat die regering
binnekort van stapel sal stuur om hierdie rol te vervul.
Volgens Mlambo-Ngcuka is die
enigste manier om Suid-Afrika se
brain drain te verminder, om die
werksomstandighede van mense wat
dienste lewer te verbeter, veral wat die
gesondheidsektor betref. “Mense moet
gewaardeer voel.”
Sy het toegegee dat die werwingsveldtogte van oorsese lande soms aggressief is, maar sê dat balans die
sleutel is om kennis wat oorsee verwerf
is, in Suid-Afrika toe te pas.
Nog ’n politieke leier, Demokratiese
Alliansie (DA) hoofsweep Tony Leon,
het die Neelsie op 10 Februarie besoek,
berig Annelie Maré.
Volgens Leon is jong mense op
Stellenbosch “aan die snykant van
die politieke debatte wat Suid-Afrika
se toekoms gaan bepaal”. Leon het as
voorbeeld die debat rondom die US
se toekenning van ’n eredoktorsgraad
aan Bram Fischer genoem en gesê dat
die US, in kontras met ander SuidAfrikaanse universiteite, nie in die
“miasma van politieke korrektheid”
verval nie.
Die huidige leier van die opposisie
se besoek vorm deel van die DA se
verkiesingsveldtog in die Wes-Kaap
en het, onder andere, ’n onderhoud
met MFM 92.6 en middagete by Jeff’s
Place in die Neelsie ingesluit.
Tygerberg steeds in
duister oor dekaan
VANDAG EN MÔRE SE LEIERS Lede van die SR saam met die adjunkpresident en mnr André Gaum, ANC-LP, tydens
die geleentheid. Van links na regs is Pieter-Schalk Bothma, me Phumzile Mlambo-Ngcuka, Celest Oliver, Hamman
de Vaal, Gaum en Tuksie Makohliso.
Tydens ’n gesprek met lede van die
studenteraad het Leon spesifiek die
taalbeleidkwessie as huidige debatsonderwerp aangeraak. Alhoewel hy
klem gelê het op die feit dat die universiteit die reg behoort te hê om “besluite
te neem sonder enige politieke
inmenging”, het Leon wel gesê hy glo
dit is belangrik om Afrikaans as akademiese taal te beskerm.
IN THE page 3 article “Metanoia
still not accepted as official name
of nuwe koshuis” in Die Matie of
8 February 2006 it was indicated
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TYGERBERGSTUDENTE wag nogstééds dat die sloerende proses om studentesakeverteenwoordiging op hul
kampus te kry op dreef kom.
Studente, met ondersteuning van
die TSR en SR, het ’n optog en petisie
beplan in ’n poging om dr Pierre
Bredenkamp, wat hierdie rol in ’n
nie-amptelike hoedanigheid vervul,
op kampus te hou. Bredenkamp word
in Maart ontslaan weens die bestuur
se herstruktureringsproses.Na aanleiding van klagtes deur studente
en die TSR, is daar op 8 Februarie
’n vergadering gehou tussen lede
van die TSR, kampusbestuur en dr
Edna van Harte, Studentedekaan.
Tydens hierdie vergadering is bekend
gemaak dat Bredenkamp ’n nuwe pos
aangebied is in die afdeling Verlengde
Graadprogramme. Hierdie nuwe pos
gaan Bredenkamp se kontak met
studente aansienlik verminder.
Daar is ook op die vergadering
deur prof Russel Botman, visierektor: onderrig besluit om ’n ondersoekspan te ontplooi om die behoeftes op
Tygerberg te evalueer.Volgens die
TSR was daar ná hierdie vergadering nog geen verdere korrespondensie
met die bestuur nie, en beoog hulle (
die TSR) om voort te gaan met hul
beplande optog en petisie indien geen
vordering spoedig gemaak word nie.
In nog ’n verwikkeling op
Tygerbergkampus, het die HK van
Hippokrates verlede week teruggekeer
koshuis toe, maar is nogsteeds van hul
poste onthef. Volgens Elias Pretorius,
TSR-voorsitter, is ’n verslag deur die
taakspan oor die beweerde “ontgroening” Vrydag by Bestuur ingedien
vir verdere ondersoek aangaande die
voorval. Geen seniors is tot op hede
uit die koshuis geskors nie.
en het kiesers aanbeveel om nie hul
stemme op “klein partytjies” soos die
Vryheidfront Plus en Onafhanklike
Demokrate te “mors” nie.
Hy het gesê kiesers kan eerder hulle
stemme gebruik om die DA “weer aan
die stuur te plaas” (’n posisie wat die
party as gevolg van oorlopery aan die
ANC moes afstaan), en om “ontslae te
raak van die ANC”.
MEDICI Die Tygerberg Studentesentrum en Hippokrates op die Mediesekampus
Bothma het tydens die bespreking
bygevoeg hy is ook ten gunste van die
beskerming van Afrikaans, maar dat
hy glo dit moet eerder saam met ander
tale bevorder word as wat dit “afgekamp” en beskerm word.
Leon het verder klem gelê op
die feit dat Stellenbosch een van
die verkiesingsareas is waar die DA
hoop om ’n meerderheid te behaal
that one of the new residence’s
wardens, ms Monanana Mminele,
is a PhD student. This information
was incorrect as ms Mminele is a
prospective PhD student.
Die Matie apologises for any
inconvenience caused due to this
incorrect information.
22 February 2006
4 Student Life
The battle is on
IF YOU are in an upcoming local band and looking for exposure,
you should enter the Ketelprys-competition. This is the soughtafter prize of the Stellenbosch Battle of the Bands. This year,
entry is free and the finals take place on the 4th of March. Entries
may be handed in until 28 February at the SRC office in the
Rainmakers bied geleenthede
AIESEC Stellenbosch bied vanjaar weer die projek Rainmakers
aan, waarin studente met vooraanstaande Suid-Afrikaanse besigheidsleiers in aanraking kom. Sprekers is onder andere Neil
van Heerden (Direkteur van Maatskappye), André Lamprecht
(HUB van Barlo Coatings), Jannie Mouton (Voorsitter van
Capitec en PSG) en Dave Brink (Direkteur van Maatskappye).
Die eerste geleentheid is reeds op 27 Februarie. Ledegeld
beloop R150 op jou studenterekening. Vir verdere navrae kan
Aiesec by [email protected] gekontak word.
Be proud of who you are
THIS coming Saturday, Pride will be hosting a major parade in
Cape Town. This parade aims to develop a sense of belonging
and pride among gays and lesbians. The theme for the coming
parade is “Uniting the cultures of the world”.
The Lesbigay society is planning to join the parade on
Saturday. They invite everyone to join in the fun – be sure to
come to the Neelsie parking area at 09:15 on Saturday if you
want to hitch a ride with the society. On Friday there will be a
banner-painting session for the parade.
For further information on the parade or the society,
contact Lindy-Lee (chairperson) at 0832085520, e-mail her at
[email protected] or visit their website at
Voorsitter vir Maties JOOL gesoek
AANGESIEN 2005/2006 se JOOL-tydperk binnekort ten einde
loop, soek die JOOL-komitee ’n nuwe voorsitter. Hulle is op
soek na ’n toeganklike persoon met leierseienskappe wat weet
waaroor Jool gaan.
Aansoekvorms kan tot 3 Maart by die JOOL-kantoor op die
vierde vloer van die Neelsie verkry word.
Films vir die ingeligte fliekganger
PULP inspireer met films
DIT IS tjoepstil in die ouditorium, behalwe vir die kraak van ’n stoel wat
so af en toe die doodse stilte verbreek.
Die skerm in die saal flikker-flikker
soos die een in The Ring. Sjuut man!
Die movie gaan nou begin. Oomblikke
van angsbevange spanning, onbeskryflike geluk en benoude hartseer oorval
my. Hierdie emosies ervaar ek almal
in ’n tydperk van ongeveer ’n uur en
’n half. Ek het na die eerste filmvertoning van PULP Film Society gaan
PULP se hoofkomitee bestaan
uit Maretha Spangenberg (voorsitter), Galen Wright (onder-voorsitter),
Yolandi Oosthuizen, Malan van der
Walt en Stephan Matthee. Elke week is
hulle verantwoordelik vir die vermaak
van hul ongeveer 250 lede deur films
in die JS Gericke-biblioteek se ouditorium te wys.
Daar word beplan om op 2 Maart
te skakel met Otaku, ’n vereniging
wat animé en manga bemark, vir die
vertoning van Howl’s Moving Castle.
PULP bied ook gereelde filmfeeste
aan en een maal per jaar koördineer
DIE KOPPE AGTER PULP V.l.n.r.: Yolandi Oosthuizen, Maretha Spangenberg,
Galen Wright en Malan van der Walt. (Af wesig: Stephan Matthee)
hulle ’n besoek aan die Labia-teater in
Tema-partytjies word ook van tyd
tot tyd deur PULP aangebied. Die
tema vir die eerste groot partytjie vir
2006, wat met groot fanfare op 30
Maart gaan plaasvind, is Rocky Horror
Picture Show.
Teen ’n aansluitingsfooi van slegs
R80 per jaar (op jou studenterekening),
kan jy deel wees van hierdie groep
filmfoendi’s. PULP poog, volgens hul
webtuiste, om “films te vertoon wat
inspireer, opvoed, vermaak, motiveer
en verlig”. Hierdie films is kunsfilms
en nié maklik bekombare hoofstroomflieks nie.
Vir verdere inligting, besoek www. of www. Maretha Spangenberg
kan via e-pos gekontak word by
[email protected].
Studente word oor veiligheid gemaan
SEDERT die opening van die kampus
is verskeie verdagtes deur die USBD
op parkeerareas en by fietshokke
aangekeer. Aan sommige van die
verdagtes is skerp voorwerpe soos
skroewedraaiers gevind.
Ten spyte van die effektiewe
handelings van USBD, is ’n
Toyota Hi-Lux Venture, ’n Nissan
Sentra en nege fietse reeds gesteel.
Alhoewel USBD op strategiese
areas beamptes ontplooi en inhegtenisnames maak, moet studente
hul samewerking verleen in die identifisering en beskrywing van verdagtes.
USBD vra ook dat daar opgelet
word na persone wat doelloos ronddrentel, wie se hande nie sigbaar is
nie, en wat lyk asof hulle iets versteek.
Persone wat met skerp voorwerpe
rondloop moet aangemeld word by
USBD of die polisie.
Studente word gemaan om nie
alleen saans rond te beweeg, met
selfone te loop en praat of geld,
beursies en duur juweliersware in die
openbaar te vertoon nie. Skaf pepper
spray by die SR-kantoor in die Neelsie
aan om jouself te beskerm. Voertuie
moet in goedverligte areas parkeer
word en alle waardevolle items moet
uit voertuie verwyder word. Verseker
ook jou voertuig met maksimum sekuriteit teen voertuigdiefstal. Registreer
jou voertuig by die USBD-kantoor vir
maklike opsporing van die eienaar in
Sluit jou koshuiskamer te alle tye
en onthou om geen waardevolle items
naby oop vensters te laat nie.
Beweeg altyd in ’n groep betroubare
bekendes na kuierplekke. Gebruik
drank verantwoordelik en hou
deurentyd ‘n oog op jou drankie.
Moenie drankies of eetgoed van
vreemde persone aanvaar nie
aange-sien dit “gedokter” mag
As jy jou voet by jou koshuis
of studielokaal uitsit, vra jouself
af: “Indien ’n persoon sal roof
of by ’n voertuig gaan inbreek,
sal ek ’n sagte teiken wees, of het
ek alle moontlike voorsorgmaatreëls
Misdaad kan net bestry word as
elkeen verantwoordelikheid neem vir
sy of haar besittings en hul samewerking gee in misdaadbekamping.
USBD 24-uur kantoor: 808 2330
SAPD 24-uur kantoor: 809 5000
the dead yeast cells concentrate in the
neck of the bottle. This part is frozen
and removed and the bottle is then
filled up with a small quantity of wine
before it is corked. The fermentation
that takes place in the bottle produces
carbon dioxide that cannot escape and
is consequently forced into the wine.
The seducing, tongue-tickling bubbles
that characterise Cap Classique wines
are formed in this manner.
Traditionally, Pinot Noir and Chardonnay were the only cultivars used
for sparkling wine, but more recently
other cultivars like Sauvignon Blanc,
Chenin Blanc and even Pinotage are
being used. In recent years South
Africa has produced a few world class
examples of sparkling wine.
Graham Beck, Villiera and JC le
Roux are probably the best known
producers. However, the South African
market is still dominated by sparkling
wines which are not truly Methode
Cap Classique. Most of the sparkling
wine made in large volumes is simply
wine that was injected with carbon
dioxide (as with soft-drinks). Even
though these wines are drinkable, they
lack the exciting balance and flavour
of genuine Cap Classique wine.
These wines are a lot less expensive
and are more likely to be sipped by
students and used to impress the
women on Valentine’s Day. Methode
Cap Classique wine can be differentiated from other sparkling wines by its
crispness, yeasty taste, creamy texture
and most importantly, finer bubbles
that last longer after the bottle has
been opened.
Every bottle of Methode Cap Classique receives personal attention and
spends an average of 40 months on
the sediment. This results in a rich,
creamy-textured masterpiece, balanced
by the grape’s fruitiness and topped
by the sensation of fine, lingering
bubbles. Sparkling wine is not just a
celebration drink but forms a fascinating part of the fine craft of winemaking. In 2004, sparkling wine contributed only 0,3% to the total market for
alcoholic beverages in South Africa.
South Africans should either celebrate
more often or realise how satisfying a
bottle of bubbly can be.
• Sources: The Global Encyclopedia
of Wine; SA Wine Industry Directory
Vra jouself af: “Sal ek die sagte
teiken wees?”
DIE DUIWEL JAAG JOU Verlede Saterdag is die jaarlikse Simonsberg
Met weereens tot groot vermaak van die kampus gehou. Hierdie tradisie, wat reeds dekades oud is, het Saterdag ’n hoogtepunt van chaos bereik. Altesaam ses ruiters, bestaande uit vry willige eerstejaars,
jaag om ’n baan met die res van die eerstejaarsgroep wat ’n kordon
om die baan vorm om die seniors uit te hou. Die eerstejaarsruiters
moes almal gedurende die afgelope week met hul handgemaakte
perde die kampus bewandel.
St. Cypr
MOST of us will remember the past
holiday season with fond memories of
fun in the sun, family, festivities, food
and champagne (or rather sparkling
wine). For the wine enthusiast, the
latter is obviously of great importance.
Since the seventeenth century, celebrations, weddings, victories and anniversaries have been characterised by the
sound of popping bottles of bubbly.
Its charm, glamour and taste has made
bubbly a global treasure.
The word ‘champagne’ may only
be used when referring to wines originating from the Champagne region in
France. South African wine made by
the same method as classic champagne
is called Methode Cap Classique
(MCC). These wines are produced by
allowing the wine to undergo a second
fermentation in the bottle. This fermentation is initiated by adding a
solution of yeast and sugar to a bottle
of still base wine. The bottle is then
sealed with a crown cap and allowed
to ferment in a cellar. Fermenting
bottles are stored diagonally so that
Studentelewe 5
22 Februarie 2006
Finaliste nou deel van komitee
Me Matieland ware Matie
Healthy Buzz zooms to success in the junk food jungle
WITH its fresh, summery colour
scheme and quirky monkey logo,
Buzz immediately draws one’s
“I guess the monkey is symbolic
of the jungle and of fruit, with a sort
of wild edge,” says managing director
Samuel Goldenbaum. “We wanted a
logo that spans genres. Both grans
and kids think it’s cute. I suppose we
could have used, say, a carrot, but the
monkey just kind of worked.”
After working in the field of
technology, Goldenbaum travelled
the world, living in the USA and
Australia for some time. However,
he still wanted to put some of his
creative ideas into practice.
With the invention of Buzz,
Goldenbaum went “from a semicorporate environment to cleaning
carrots again”. The first branch
was opened at Planet Fitness in
Plattekloof, and the Neelsie followed.
The latter was so successful that it
ran out of stock within its first four
opening hours. Goldenbaum and
his team had to re-strategise completely. Things are running smoothly
now, but there are still “crazy days”
when the Buzz team goes through
more than 200 litres of frozen yogurt.
On Valentine’s Day more than 400
smoothies were served, and last year
sandwiches sometimes “went” at the
rate of a 100 per day.
So what do Maties think of Buzz?
“After a Buzz wrap you don’t feel like
you’ve eaten junk food,” says one of
their regulars. “The fact that you can
see how your food is prepared is also
very positive.” (Goldenbaum, also a
wrap-lover, makes sure the tortillas
are home-made every day.) A firsttime customer declares: “Their food
is not fried in oil, and that’s enough
for me!” According to Goldenbaum,
Buzz has about 60% to 70% return
customers, predominantly female
“We still have many tricks up our
sleeves for the next few months,”
says Goldenbaum. A rewards card
will be available within three weeks,
and three new frozen yogurt flavours
(granadilla, mango and strawberry)
are soon to be introduced. Sandwiches
will be back on the menu by the end
of the month, and smoothie addicts
will be happy to hear that Buzz will
be extending its trading hours.
Buzz was recently approached by
Buondi, one of the world’s leading
coffee producers. “We take coffee
very seriously,” says Goldenbaum.
Customers can also look forward to
some new semi-indulgent treats on
the menu. Goldenbaum’s advice is to
“look out for the Cookie Monster”.
MATIELAND STRAAL Caryn Dorrington (heel links) saam met haar mede-finaliste voordat sy Vrydagaand in die Stellenbosse stadsaal as me Matieland
2006 aangew ys is.
DIE NUWE me Matieland is Vrydagaand, ná ’n lang gewag, met groot glitz
and glamour aangewys. Zeta Mouton
(verlede jaar se me Matieland) is onder
luide toejuiging opgevolg deur Caryn
Dorrington, wat heelaand ’n gunsteling van die gehoor was.
Dorrington se twee regterhande
is Lize Visagie (tweede prinses) en
Tarryn Campbell (eerste prinses).
Die agt finaliste het ’n lang pad
geloop van verlede jaar Augustus, toe
80 vrouestudente uit die inskrywings
gekies is. Uit daardie 80 moes 20 na
aanleiding van geslaagde onderhoude
R1000 invorder. Die uiteindelike
finaliste was die agt wat die beste in
daardie projek gevaar het en dus nou
die me Matieland-komitee uitmaak.
Die aand het afgeskop met die
klanke van Ovenglove, waarna die
finaliste klere van Tang, Sissy Boy, die
Matiewinkel en Jbay Surf Company
vertoon het. Nina J en Hip Hop
het gesorg vir elegante aandrokke.
Tussendeur die catwalk-sessies het
Merry Melodies en Eloquent Noise
die gehoor bekoor met hul musiek.
Sekerlik die hoogtepunt van die
aand op die musiekfront was toe Brasse
Vannie Kaap (BVK) hul gasverskyning
gemaak het saam met Eloquent Noise.
Dié groep het spesiaal ’n temalied
vir Maties JOOL geskryf wat hulle
Vrydagaand saam met BVK uitgevoer
het. Hier het hulle die gehoor verbaas
met hul gimnastiese briekdanse en het
hulle staande applous uitgelok.
Naas die kompetisie vir die titel
van me Matieland was daar ook ander
pryse wat aan die finaliste oorhandig
Keneiloe Kgasi het twee maande
voor die me Matieland Extravaganza
ernstig siek geword en het eers
verlede week teruggekeer. Tog het
dit haar nie gekeer om met die louere
as me Fotogenies weg te stap nie. Sy
sal steeds vir die res van die jaar uitstappies saam met die ander finaliste
meemaak. Lize Visagie, wat aangewys
is as tweede prinses, het ook die me
Persoonlikheid-titel voor die ander
finaliste se neuse weggeraap.
So: wat was die antwoord wat
verseker het dat Dorrington met die
louere weggestap het? Op die vraag:
“Wat sal jy met jou laaste R20 in
jou beursie doen?”, het sy gesê: “Ek
sal pizza koop. Dis die beste kos vir
ontbyt, middag- en aandete.”
WHAT A BUZZ “It’s nice to have people constantly snacking,” says Buzz’s managing director Samuel Goldenbaum. “Usually there’s a rush at around 4 o’clock when guys want a snack again.” According to Goldenbaum,
nowadays there is more pressure on students to perform, which leads to them paying more attention to their
nutrition. Whereas juice bars similar to Buzz have been doing well overseas for some time, they are a fairly new
phenomenon in South Africa. “We saw a gap in the market,” says Goldenbaum, ”but we wanted to something
fun and playful, not too conventional.”
Feathers in our Cap
PLAYWRIGHT Malan Steyn and
actress Nicole Holm, both former
students at Stellenbosch, as well as
students Stian Bam, Andrea Winkler
and lecturer Antoinette Kellerman
(all of the Department Drama), have
been nominated for the prestigious
2006 Fleur Du Cap theatre awards.
Steyn has been nominated in
the category Best New Indigenous
Play for his text Jan en Jorie about
the lives and relationship of the
Afrikaans writer Jan Rabie and his
artist wife Marjorie Wallace.
Nicole Holm (who many Maties
may recognise as Octavia, the lesbian daughter of the Major in the hit
M-Net drama Known Gods) has received a Best Actress nomination for
her role as Marjorie in Jan en Jorie.
Holm starred opposite her husband
and fellow actor Francois Toerien
in the play. (Toerien’s ever-popular dark satire Die Francois Toerien
Show is also currently on the boards
at Artscape.)
When asked about her nomination, ms Holm said that she was unbelievably pleased. “Ek wil hom hê,”
she said.
The 2006 awards are very special
indeed for the Holm family. Nicole’s
younger sister, Andrea Winkler, who
has just embarked on her Masters
degree, has also been nominated
for the awards in the category Most
Promising Student, as has fellow
“Ek wil hom hê.”
thespian Stian Bam.
Kellerman, also a Known Gods veteran, has been nominated for her role
as professor De Swardt in the play
The ceremony will take place at
the Baxter Complex in Cape Town
on Sunday March 5th and may now
be attended by the public for the first
time. The tickets cost R150. This includes snacks, wine and entertainment from, among others, the popular music group Freshlyground.
Computicket or contact the Baxter
theatre complex on (021) 685 7850.
And let’s hold thumbs that
Stellenbosch brings home some
Fleur du Cap feathers for its locals’
caps in a few weeks time.
Gunsteling in die resies na die Oscars
Oscar-aand sal aan
dié cowboys behoort
OP 5 Maart gaan ’n rolprent met die
naam Brokeback Mountain die Oscars oorheers en ’n hele aantal goue
beeldjies huis toe neem. Dit is nie my
gunsteling onder die vyf films wat genomineer is vir beste film nie (Crash
het nêrens ’n voet verkeerd gesit nie),
maar dit sal nogtans ’n waardige
wenner wees. Dit sal ook een van die
min films wees wat die afgelope paar
jaar die Oscar vir beste rolprent verdien.
Behalwe Brokeback Mountain en
Crash, is die ander nominasies in dié
belangrike kategorie heel indrukwekkend: Munich is ’n intense en verrassend onsentimentele blik op die
München-aanvalle van 1972. Dit
is ook een van Steven Spielberg se
beste films tot op hede. Good Night
and Good Luck is ’n subtiele aanval
op die Bush-administrasie en gee ’n
blik op die heksejagtery van Senator
McCarthy in die vyf-tigerjare. Dan
is daar ook die buitestaander Capote,
waarvoor Philip Seymour Hoffman na
alle verwagting die Oscar vir beste akteur sal opraap.
As die lede van AMPAS (Academy
of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences)
almal Brokeback Mountain gesien
het, staan Heath Ledger dalk ook ’n
kans as beste akteur – die diepte wat
hy bring na die karakter van Ennis del
Mar is eenvoudig verstommend.
Die kategorie vir beste aktrise is
maar teleurstellend, maar sal gaan aan
Reese Witherspoon (Walk the Line) of
Felicity Huffman (as ’n transseksuele
karakter in Transamerica).
Ek sou graag wou sien dat die Oscar
vir beste byspeler aan Matt Dillon
(Crash) gaan, maar na alle waarskynlikheid sal George Clooney dit kry vir
sy rol as die effens oorgewig, ongeskeerde oud CIA-agent Bob Barnes in
’n verhaal wat byna so doolhofagtig
soos Mulholland Drive is: Syriana.
Rachel Weisz het reeds ’n Golden
Globe en Screen Actor’s Guild-toekenning as beste vroulike byspeler in
The Constant Gardener gekry en is
die gunsteling in die wedloop in hierdie kategorie.
Die beste film het as ’n reël ook die
beste regisseur, dus sal Ang Lee waar-
KALWERLIEFDE Heath Ledger en Jake Gyllenhaal in ’n toneel uit die OscarFoto:
genomineerde film Brokeback Mountain.
skynlik ’n Oscar kry vir die regie van
Brokeback Mountain.
’n Kategorie wat hierdie jaar uitstaan is dié vir animasiefilms. Howl’s
Moving Castle is geregisseer deur
Hayao Miyazaki, wat ’n paar jaar
gelede vir die uitstekende Spirited
Away verantwoordelik was. Tim
Burton se Corpse Bride en die nuwe
Wallace and Gromit-fliek, The Curse
of the Were-Rabbit, is twee van die
jaar se beste komedies en kry dit reg
om uiters volwasse te wees terwyl dit
die hele generasiespektrum vermaak.
Die wenner van hierdie kategorie is
egter heeltemal onvoorspelbaar.
Hierdie jaar se groot vraag is of
Suid-Afrika uiteindelik ’n Oscar gaan
terugbring. Gavin Hood se Tsotsi is
reeds vir etlike ander groot toekennings benoem en staan wel ’n kans,
maar sy grootste teenstander is die
Palestynse Paradise Now, wat onder
meer ’n Golden Globe en ’n toekenning van die National Board of Review
ontvang het.
Indien jy Charlize Theron beskou as
’n Suid-Afrikaner en van haar verwag
om op die verhoog te verskyn en die
Suid-Afrikaanse publiek te bedank vir
hul ondersteuning, moet jy ongelukkig gereed wees vir ’n teleurstelling.
Sy is in die kategorie vir beste aktrise
benoem, maar teen Witherspoon en
Huffman lyk haar kanse maar bra skraal. Hoe dit ook al sy, die Oscars sal
weer vir omstredenheid sorg. Verlede
jaar, toe die middelmatige Million
Dollar Baby gewen het, het mense
buite die teater gestaan en geluide
maak oor die positiewe uitbeelding
van genadedood. Dié keer sal die sukses van Brokeback Mountain sekerlik
ook cowboys uit die Wilde Weste trek
om te betoog teen hierdie visueel- en
narratief uitnemende uitbeelding van
’n onskuldige gay verhouding.
Ek kan nie wag om Jon Stewart
as die gasheer te sien nie. Hy bied
die satiriese The Daily Show op
Amerikaanse televisie aan en is die
skrywer van ’n aweregse boek (eerder:
handleiding) met die titel America:
A Citizen’s Guide to Democracy
Inaction. Ek dink nie Jon Stewart sal
’n probleem hê om Billy Crystal se
skoene vol te staan nie. En ten minste sal hy minder embarrassing wees
as Steve Martin. Met agt nominasies
(meer as enige ander film vanjaar), het
die cowboys van Brokeback Mountain
die wêreld reeds aan hul voete en behoort dié film op Oscaraand koning
Woordfees eens ’n ‘Nag van Passie’
DIE Woordfees beleef vanjaar sy
sewende bestaansjaar. Die fees het ongelooflike groei getoon en groot sukses behaal sedert sy nederige begin in
Die Woordfees het sy ontstaan
te danke aan professor Dorothea
van Zyl (Departement Afrikaans en
Nederlands) wat die droom gehad het
om ’n Afrikaanse fees vir studente op
Stellenbosch te hou.
Die eerste Woordfees het slegs 24
uur geduur. Skrywers en kunstenaars
het dwarsdeur die nag opgetree.
“Tog kan ’n mens nie verwag dat
kunstenaars elke jaar ’n deurnag moet
hou nie,” sê Van Zyl. Sedertdien het
die fees gegroei tot ’n volle weekprogram.
Elke jaar het die Woordfees ’n
bepaalde tema. Koos Bekker van
Naspers het die tema “Nag van Poësie
en Passie” vir daardie eerste deurnagfees voorgestel.
Van Zyl vertel egter dat die skrywer Abraham H. de Vries laggend
beswaar aangeteken het, aangesien
studente volgens hom definitief nie
die deelteken sou respekteer nie! Dus
is daar uiteindelik op die tema “Nag
van Passie” besluit. Vanjaar se tema is
Die plakkaat vir die eerste fees is
ontwerp deur Piet Grobler. Vanjaar het
die organiseerders die taak aan ’n opkomende kunstenaar, George Meyer,
opgedra. Van sy werke sal ook op die
fees te koop aangebied word.
In 2000 het ’n duisend mense
die “Nag van Passie” bygewoon.
Sedertdien het die fees so gewild geword dat daar verlede jaar 21 000 feesgangers was.
Volgens Van Zyl verkoop die
Woordfees tussen 74% en 85% van
alle kaartjies, terwyl die KKNK ’n
kaartjieverkope van 55% as goed
Tog bly studente van die
Universiteit van Stellenbosch volgens
Van Zyl traag om die Woordfees by te
woon. Sy sal graag meer studente daar
wil sien aangesien sy juis die fees met
hul in gedagte begin het.
Reeds vanaf die bestaansjaar bied
die Woordfees ’n keur van Afrikaanse
skrywers, sangers en kunstenaars
en vanjaar is geen uitsondering nie.
Skrywers soos André P. Brink, E.K.M.
Dido, Engela van Rooyen en P.G. du
Plessis; akteurs soos Frank Opperman,
Anna-Mart van der Merwe en Gys
de Villiers en sangers soos Koos
Kombuis, Valiant Swart, Karen Zoid
en Jak de Priester is vanjaar by die
fees te sien.
22 Februarie 2006
Advertensie 7
22 February 2006
8 DAG &
Shatterproof talent on show at glass art exhibition
IT IS a sad truth that the closest contact
most of us have with glass art is buying R7-wineglasses at Clicks. However, now is your chance to up your
game by seeing Crosstalk, an exciting
new glass art exhibition on show at the
US Art Gallery on the corner of Dorp
and Bird Street.
Seven artists from seven different
countries contributed to this remarkable exhibition. They hail from all
over the world but at some point they
all studied at the Gerrit Rietveld Academy in Amsterdam. The South African
representative at the exhibition, Elmarie Costandius, in association with
the Stellenbosch Academy of Design
and Photography, brought them all together again for this interesting display of diverse shapes and ideas.
The name Crosstalk refers to the
crossing of cultural boundaries and
the coming together of different ideas
and inspirations to create fresh, new
works of art.
If you thought your gran’s collection of flower pots were works of fine
glass art, you were sadly mistaken.
By using techniques such as sandcasting, engraving, sandblasting, blowing
and mixing glass with other media and
found objects, these artists create visually enticing works with intricate and
complex meanings.
Helena Kagebrand from Sweden
calls her work “Metaphors for a better
life”. By combining glass and medical
instruments, she explores the uncertain relationship between humans and
technology. British artist Lisa Gherardi
shapes glass into parts of the human
anatomy, such as skulls and bones, to
convey themes of life and death. Katrin Maurer from Austria combines
poetry with her art and together they
form a strong medium of communication and self-expression. Kenyan-born
Japanese artist Ryoko Sato’s works
seem to be grotesque and cute at the
same time and confronts the unfamiliar. “The moment of touch” is explored in the works of Elizabeth Swinburne from Britain. Her shapes are voluptuous and sensual, with soft distortions in the shape of a palm.
The use of glass as medium heightens the awareness of the fragility of
moments when we meet and touch.
Ellen Urselmann of the Netherlands
combines different materials such
as felt, glass slides, wood and fur in
her works, while local artist Elmarie
Costandius’ installation, “Speech bubbles”, raises questions about the nature of language and its many shortcomings.
According to Swinburne, the driving force behind this collaboration
was the desire to attract new audiences
to the field of glass art. And with talent like this on show, the Crosstalk
glass art exhibition is bound to be a
NECTATOM YOU-ME A work by Katrin Maurer
smash. Crosstalk runs from 16 February to 11 March. Mieke Groot, acclaimed international glass artist and
lecturer, will host a discussion on
Monday 6 March from 13:00 to 14:00
at the US Art Gallery. For more information, contact Suzelle at 808 3524 /
808 3489 or [email protected].
Brett Bailey and Third World Bunfight’s Orfeus
Site-specific theatre
MENEER DE BEER Frank Opperman in aksie in die toneelstuk Meneer
de Beer wat by die Woordfees opgevoer gaan word. Foto: WOORDFEES
“IF YOU don’t get it, that’s fine. If
you’re disturbed for a week, I’ll be delighted,” Brett Bailey informs his unsuspecting audience at the media preview for his new production Orfeus.
And then, at sunset, we are led into
the underworld of his creative subconscious to be thus disturbed. We pile
into our cars and drive a winding path
towards our destination, which looks
like an abandoned clubhouse.
We alight, are handed torches and
stand around expectantly, gazing over
the rugged flats of the Spier Estate as
darkness descends. People start to giggle nervously. “What kind of play is
this anyway?” I hear a woman behind
me ask. What kind of play, indeed…
(Well, in its brochure the Spier Arts
team calls it “site-specific theatre”, so
impress your friends with that one.)
After some minutes, a tiny figure
appears on the horizon. It is our guide,
The Frog (Abey Xakwe), a shamanistically-clad, diminutive and wizened
fellow who tells us that we will now
take a ten-minute walk through the
bundu, in complete silence, in order to
“observe only the nature around us.”
He is strict and schoolmarmish,
barking out rules: “No talking, no
trailing, walk quickly, pay attention.”
We obey.
Orfeus is an ancient Greek myth
about a super-talented Grecian muso
(the title character, played by strikingly handsome and honey-voiced
Bebe Lueki) whose sweet sounds could
just about move the stars to pity.
Bailey has, as he did with 2005’s
Medea (also at Spier and again set out
in the bundu), transposed the story to a
very Africanised setting.
He has also added a powerful political allegory to enhance the original tale of the love-affair beween the
bard and his meisie, the ill-fated Eurydice (Ndumi Zweni) who was raped,
bitten by an adder and banished to the
Underworld (And you thought finding
a lesinglokaal was tough). We arrive,
panting, at the stage: a concrete block
in front of a dry dam, surrounded by
gigantic old bluegums, standing like
two imposing grey sentinels on either
side of the performance area.
We settle on the straw bales surrounding the stage to watch. Speakers
hidden all around us (soundscapes by
James Webb) emanate strange drones
that are unsettling and frightening.
Welcome to Brett Bailey’s universe.
In the dry dam lies a number of
writhing, mud-covered figures and
near them stands our narrator, Alice
(Faniswa Yisa).
She points to the statuesque potentate, the evil King (Luthando Mthi),
and begins to tell us how Orfeus’ music came to this place and liberated the
citizens from their corrupt leader.
Music thus becomes a liberating
force which inspires the beaten-down
populace to rise up and depose their
autocratic leader.
What follows is one of the most
original and disturbing theatrical experiences I have ever had. Orfeus is
conceptually and aesthetically innovative and damn well scary to boot.
The audience travels (literally!)
with Orfeus on his journey through
hell to fetch back his lover, and we
are the silent witnesses to the corruption and degradation he encounters.
The play is completely interactive and
highly engaging.
Orfeus is also a tragic tale, movingly staged and artistically brave in
its conception.
I would recommend it for its stark
originality and because, well, it’s simply like nothing you’ve ever experienced. It certainly beats the hell out
of another night of PlayStation and
BIANCA GESPOT OP STELLENBOSCH Talle Maties was uit die veld geslaan toe hulle vir Bianca le Grange, ’n
2002 Idols-finalis, op kampus gewaar het dié week. Ons het ‘n voëltjie hoor fluit dat sy saam met twee uitblinker-Maties werk aan ’n nuwe produksie wat op 8 Maart begin. Lees die volgende uitgawe van Die Matie
vir ’n eksklusiewe onderhoud.
22 Februarie 2006
Metallica, Snoop Dogg to perform at Greenpoint
Irma Stern op Stellenbosch
Get ready to rock out
IF YOU haven’t hit Computicket yet,
compadres, strap on your skates and
join the queue prontissimo! Some of
the biggest names in rock, metal, hip
hop and indie are sliding into Cape
Town’s Greenpoint Stadium in March
and May respectively. Be impressed,
be very impressed.
On Saturday March 25th, Coca
Cola, Big Concerts and 5fm are presenting the Coca Cola Massive Mix
and like, who isn’t gonna be there,
The smash hit 12-hour line-up, per-
forming on two separate stages, a main
stage and an electronica stage, includes
über-metal demigods, Metallica.
They along with international acts
Collective Soul, Simple Plan, The
Rasmus and local stars Arno Carstens,
Fokofpolisiekar, Prime Circle, The
Parlotones, State Far Better, Flat
Stanley, The Finkelsteins and Seether
take the main stage while our favourite funk soul brother, Fatboy Slim,
joins the likes of Stereo MC’s, Audio
Bullys, Goldfish and Iridium Project
on the electronica deck. So, if you
don’t attend, I’m afraid you may end
up dubbing yourself … unforgiven.
But, amazingly, that’s not all: On
Workers’ Day, May 1st, Greenpoint
Stadium does it Doggie-style.
It is once more the venue of choice,
this time for the People’s Celebration
Concert, with a line-up that includes
West Coast rap and hip-hop legend,
Snoop Dogg.
Other performers of interest
are dancehall superstar Sean Paul,
Caribbean Queen Rihanna, R&B
crooner Mario and more of SA’s finest musos. The People’s Celebration
Concert is presented by Premier
Foods, Metro FM, Good Hope FM
and SABC1 in conjunction with Big
Concerts. Tickets available from
Computicket. Enjoy.
Kraakvars nuwe klanke
Taliep Pietersen
Deur dik en dun
TALIEP Pietersen is een van die werklik legendariese produkte van die ou Distrik Ses. In
2004 het hy die meeste van sy tyd spandeer aan die opneem van hierdie album. Diegene wat
vertroud is met Taliep se verhoogproduksies, soos Kat and the Kings, sal weet waarom hierdie CD se lirieke ’n kombinasie van wonderlike, eg Kaapse woorde en lekker jolige klanke
is. – (Amelia-May Woudstra)
Corinne Bailey Rae
Like A Star
CORINNE Bailey Rae is ’n nuwe kunstenaar wat Britse radiostasies oorweldig het met haar
debuut-enkelsnit “Like A Star”. Hierdie is haar eerste album, en dit voldoen beslis aan die
hoë verwagtinge. Die album is ’n kombinasie van sagte, sielvolle R&B en pop, sonder om
ooit té na aan een van die twee genres te beweeg. Met snitte soos “Enchantment”, “Trouble
Sleeping” en “Butterfly” kom haar vars aanslag na vore. Die verskillende style en invloede wat sy in haar lirieke en melodieë saamvleg, sorg vir ’n sprankelende oorspronklikheid –
hartstogtelik en diep soos India.Arie, tog ook vars en uniek à la Nelly Furtado. Haar stem sal
moeiteloos menige luisteraars betower en meevoer na haar wêreld. ’n Album vir enigiemand met ’n romantiese hart.
– (Shané Albrecht)
Verskeie Kunstenaars
Music for the children, Volume 1
DIÉ CD het sy ontstaan gehad as fondsinsamelingsprojek vir behoeftige kinders wat gebruik wou maak van die universele taal van musiek. Die snitte wat gekies is, is ’n uitstekende weerspieëling van Suid-Afrikaanse musiekkultuur. Die liedjies is baie divers en selfs
Jak de Priester en Hugh Masekela maak hul verskyning op die CD. – (Amelia-May Woudstra)
Hilary Duff
Most Wanted
(Hollywood Records)
MOST Wanted is nie Hilary se nuutste CD nie. Die CD is egter ’n samevoeging van haar
beste snitte, met onder andere “Wake Up” en die remix van “Come Clean”, wat sy in 2005
opgeneem het. Die lirieke is baie ligsinnig, maar die musiek is ’n goeie mengsel van popen rockmusiek.
– (Amelia-May Woudstra)
Klaargebrande Kers
(Mastermax Productions)
HIERDIE CD is beslis iets nuuts in die Suid-Afrikaanse musiekbedryf. Kaktus bestaan uit
vyf lede, en hul lirieke word geskryf deur Dala Bredenkamp. Hier en daar word rock gekombineer met die soet stem van Melanie Badenhorst. Vir dié wat mal is oor Afrikaanse musiek,
word hierdie kontemporêre versameling ten sterkste aanbeveel. – (Amelia-May Woudstra)
Verskeie kunstenaars
You’re Beautiful – Acoustic Love Songs
MY EERSTE indruk was dat hierdie CD weereens ’n cliché sou wees – ’n toonbeeld van
die kommersialisering van die liefde. Toe James Blunt eers lostrek met “You’re Beautiful”,
het ek my voorberei op die ergste. Met die begin van die tweede snit is ek egter aangenaam
verras toe David Gray my begroet met “The One I Love” en toe Daniel Powter se vars stem
my vertel van sy “Bad Day”, het ek geweet dié CD is iets merkwaardigs. Met name soos
Dido, R.E.M, Craig David en Sting, is daar iets vir almal. Eric Clapton se stem betower, en
Lee-Ann Rimes het die laaste greintjie manlikheid in my laat knak met “How Do I Live”.
Hierdie CD laat jou verlang na iemand wat jy nie ken nie en is ’n moet vir verliefdes, bemindes en selfs loslopers. – (Dian Cronjé)
The Notorious B.I.G.
Duets, The Final Chapter
HIERDIE CD spog met ’n verskeidenheid duette wat bekende rap- en R&B-kunstenaars,
insluitende Eminem, Mobb Deep en Bob Marley, saam opgeneem het. Kru taal word in dié
musiek aangetref, en Kurt Darren-aanhangers, selfs die oopkop-soort, moet liewer wegbly
van hierdie CD af. – (Amelia-May Woudstra)
DOYENNE STERN Dié werk is te sien tydens die Woordfees.Foto: US MUSEUM
’N HOOGTEPUNT van vanjaar se
Woordfees is die spesiale feestentoonstelling van die werke van die
gevierde Suid-Afrikaanse doyenne
van kuns, Irma Stern. Die uitstalling
verbind die kunstenaar met Stellenbosch en herdenk terselfdertyd die
40 jaar sedert haar dood in 1966.
Stern word alom beskou as die
mees toonaangewende kunstenaar
wat Suid-Afrika nog opgelewer hetmet bekendheid en aansien ver oor
die landsgrense heen. Stern was deel
van die Duitse ekspressionistiese
beweging en juis haar betrokkenheid hiermee het meegebring dat die
Bielefeld Museum ’n omvangryke
uitstalling van haar werk in haar
eeufeesjaar aangebied het. Sy was
die eerste Suid-Afrikaanse kunstenaar wat Afrika verken het met intogte na die Suider-Afrikaanse binneland in die dertigerjare en daarna
reise na Midde-Afrika en Zanzibar.
In latere jare het sy gereeld in Europa
Stern hou ook die rekord as kunstenaar wie se werk die hoogste pryse
nog op ’n veiling behaal het – die
eerste kunstenaar van wie ’n werk
vir meer as R1 miljoen verkoop is.
In samewerking met die Irma
Stern Museum, onder beskerming
van die Universiteit van Kaapstad,
word ’n keur van haar beste werke
aangebied. Dit sal aangevul word
met kernwerke uit private en korporatiewe versamelings.
Stern se verbintenis met Stellenbosch dateer uit die veertigerjare van
die vorige eeu en is veral gekoppel
aan haar vriendskap met dr Anton
en mev Huberte Rupert. Vroeg reeds
het hulle Stern-werke aangekoop –
die hoogtepunte van haar kunsskeppinge is deel van die Rupert-versameling wat in die Rupert Museum te
sien is. Weens hierdie vroeë kontak
het Stern ook bevriend geraak met
ander Stellenbossers, wat ook van
haar werk aangekoop het.
Die Rembrandt Stigting het die
eerste film oor haar werk vervaardig en dit het in teaters landwyd gedraai. Die Rupert Stigting het ook ’n
gesaghebbende monografie oor haar
werk geborg.
In waardering vir en erkenning
aan die bydrae van dr Anton en
mev Huberte Rupert tot die visuele
kunste op Stellenbosch en in SuidAfrika, word die uitstalling aan hulle
Die uitstalling word in die Sasol
Kunsmuseum, Ryneveldstraat 52,
Stellenbosch aangebied en is van
24 Februarie tot 1 April oop vir die
publiek. Begeleidings sal tydens die
Woordfees en ook daarna aangebied
word. Amanda Botha is die gaskurator.
Museumtye is Dinsdae tot Vrydae
van 9:00 – 16:30 en Saterdae van
9:00 – 16:00. Vir navrae kontak
(021) 808 3691.
SR/Woordfees gebeure
27 en 28 Feb - Molassesêr-uitdunne
3 Maart - 19:00 Molassesêr-uitdunne by die Klein Libertas opelug-teater met live bands.
4 Maart - 19:00 Ketelprys
5 Maart - 20:30 Kultuuraand in the Bibgat
6 Maart - Programme word in die Neelsie uitgedeel
7 Maart - Mensverf 13:00 tot 14:00 op die Rooiplein
7 Maart - Karen Zoid en Brasse Vannie Kaap 19:00 in
die Neelsie-gat (aangebied deur MFM 92.6 en die Neelsie Sentrumbestuur)
8 Maart - Hackysack 13:00 tot 14:00 op die Rooiplein
8 March - Zinkplaat en Valiant Swart 19:00 in die
Neelsie-gat (aangebied deur MFM 92.6 en die Neelsie
9 Maart - 30 Seconds 13:00 tot 14:00 op die Rooiplein
9 Maart - Prime Circle en Ready D 19:00 in die Neelsiegat (aangebied deur MFM 92.6 en die Neelsie Sentrumbestuur)
Kry nou jou Woordfees-program by [email protected]
22 February 2006
10 Current Affairs
 New initiative at the US focuses on leadership in an African context
iGubu: Feel the rhythm of Africa
DAAR is ’n paar dinge in hierdie
wêreld wat ek glad nie verstaan
nie. Wat sien Cindy Nel nou
eintlik in Jacques Kallis? Hoe
werk Bluetooth-apparate? En
hoekom kla mense oor plaaslike
regering as hulle nie stem nie?
Ja, die munisipale verkiesings is net om die draai en,
alhoewel dit na ietwat van ’n
cliché klink, is dit regtig jou plig
om te stem. ’n Demokrasie kan
net oorleef as mense soos ek en
jy daaraan deelneem. Om te kan
stem is ’n ongelooflike reg en
nie iets wat ligtelik opgeneem
moet word nie. Die waarheid
is dat ons net kommentaar kan
lewer oor dienslewering en
plaaslike regering as ons bereid
is om betrokke te raak by die
demokratiese proses.
In the past two weeks the
SRC met with both Tony Leon
and deputy president Phumzile
Mlambo-Ngucka, where they
each outlined their respective
visions for local government.
As a matter of principle, I think
it’s healthy for students to meet
with as many political figures
as possible, and to be honest, I
believe that the SRC, as an apolitical structure representing
all students, has a duty (within
reason) to give an audience to
any registered political party
that asks to speak to us.
Probeer soveel as moontlik
uitvind van die politieke partye
in jou omgewing en besluit
self watter een vir jou na die
beste lyk. Die Matie se bylaag
in vandag se uitgawe is ’n
waardevolle bron van inligting
wat hierdie sake aanbetref. Dis
belangrik dat studente ingeligte
stemme gee. So moenie 1
Maart sien as net nog ’n lekker
klasvrye dag nie – neem deel
aan die plaaslike verkiesings en
laat jou stem hoor.
Pieter-Schalk Bothma
SR-voorsitter /
SRC Chairman
LEADERSHIP in an African context
is the central theme of a new project
launched by Western Cape Youth
Commissioner Rudi Buys and partners
Yeki Mosomothane, Debbie Human
and Jeanette Olivier.
The name “iGubu” comes from the
Xhosa word for a traditional African
drum, creating a metaphor for leadership in Africa that sees group
dynamics as a kind of rhythm to be understood and guided by a leader, rather
than simply a pace to be set. “It is up
to leaders to use their knowledge of
this rhythm to improve conditions in
their communities,” Buys explained
in a recent interview.
Buys, a former Matie, has based
the project upon five key principles: dialogue, identity, community,
meaning and movement (used interchangeably with the term ‘action’).
“We want to get diverse groups of
people talking about who they are as
individuals, who they are together as a
community and what all of this means
when it comes to their moving forward
as a group,” said Buys.
The programme allows for five
workshops to elaborate on each
principle over the course of a semester,
so that the project is made up of
twenty-five workshops in total, spread
out over a period of roughly two and
a half years.
Although Buys developed the
approach to leadership theory behind
the iGubu-project, he sees it as a
community project, with everyone
from students to members of US
Management being given the opportunity to participate at various stages.
The US Centre for Student Counselling
and Development (SSVO), the Dean
of Students and other student structures are already committed to being
When asked for his thoughts on the
leadership structures
currently in place on
campus, Buys said that he
trusts in these structures to
provide leaders that can “play
important roles in the transformation of our society”.
The iGubu-project, according to Buys, provides an interesting alternative to most
leadership structures and programmes in that it does not
only cater for a group of the
“chosen few”. Instead, it aims
to reach all those who are interested in its values in the belief that
anybody has the potential to make
a positive difference in the world.
“Exclusivity in South Africa is a thing
of the past,” he said.
Still, Buys insists that the principles
behind iGubu are not new. Its originality lies in the way in which these
familiar principles are integrated, encouraging movement forward as each
group or community finds its own
unique rhythm and purpose.
Buys has high hopes for the
project’s future.
Although it is
starting off as an
initiative limited
to the US
campus, his
plans include
extending it
to other
combination of
familiar leadership principles
encourages diverse communities
to move forward.
tertiary institutions in the Western
Cape (other universities, technikons
and colleges) as well as schools in
the region and, eventually, expanding
even further so as to reach these institutions on a national level.
His hopes for development and
expansion, Buys explains, indicates his
faith in the core principles that make
up the greater project programme. It is
because of his belief that the project’s
core is truly founded on African principles of community and leadership
that Buys feels it will be well-received
all over the country.
Another aspect of Buys’ activities on campus is his involvement in
the Western Cape Youth Commission,
an initiative that stems from legislation originally passed in 1996 in an
attempt to attend to the needs of the
South African youth.
Roughly 48% of the country’s
citizens are between the ages of 14 and
35, making young people the largest
constituency in the country.
The Commission recently launched
a campaign to mobilise young people
across the province to “act as responsible and patriotic citizens” and participate in the upcoming elections.
According to a statement released
on Monday 20 February, the purpose
of the campaign is to increase
awareness among young people that
their right to vote is the most fundamental proof of citizenship, while at
the same time realising that responsible citizenship does not begin and end
with voting. The campaign also seeks
to highlight these elections as an opportunity to focus on key issues that
affect young people.
USBD waarsku oor ‘diefstalsindikaat’
ONGEVEER ses dataprojektors ter
waarde van R30 000 elk is gedurende
die afgelope paar weke uit universiteitsgeboue en –lesinglokale gesteel.
In reaksie op dié reeks diefstalle,
en danksy inligting verskaf deur ’n
beweerde ooggetuie, het die USBD op
Vrydag 17 Februarie ’n e-pos aan alle
US studente en personeel gestuur in ’n
poging om moontlik verdere voorvalle
te vermy.
Die e-pos, wat in samewerking met die departement Media en
Kommunikasie uitgestuur is, waarsku
alle lesers om paraat te wees op
twee diewe wat hulleself as studente
voordoen en vermoedelik deel is van
’n diefstalsindikaat op kampus.
Beskermingsdienste (USBD), sal
Die beweerde diewe is opgemerk meeste mense (volgens beskrywings
op pad uit ’n gebou waar hulle, van die verdagtes) die diewe sien as
volgens ’n ooggetuie,
duidelik geen beaangesien die twee
sigheid gehad het
studente... die t wee (dra)
nie. Nadat die getuie
skouersakke en Matie
‘tipiese studenteverder ondersoek indagboeke” by hulle
gestel het, is daar skouersakke en Matie dra.
ontdek dat ’n dataNuwe dataprojekprojektor
vermis dagboeke’ by hulle ... tors met versterkte
word in die kamer
staalrame word tans
wat die twee kort
geïnstalleer om soorttevore verlaat het.
gelyke insidente in die
Die USBD is ontbied
toekoms te vermy.
en die omgewing
Gevalle van dieffyngekam, maar die verdagtes het stal is egter nie net beperk tot akadereeds weggekom.
miese geboue nie. Koshuise dwarsoor
Volgens mnr Viljoen van der die US kampus word deur dergelike
Walt, hoof van die US Risiko- en voorvalle geteister. Volgens Van der
Walt is daar verlede jaar ongeveer
119 insidente van diefstal en inbraak
in en om koshuise by die USBD
Een só ’n insident het verlede jaar
by Nerina-vrouekoshuis plaasgevind
toe twee diewe deur middel van ’n
verlore studentekaart toegang tot die
koshuis verkry het en verskeie items
uit oop koshuiskamers verwyder het.
Van der Walt het bevestig dat diefstalle sporadies in koshuise voorkom
en dat diefstalle uit stoorkamers redelik
algemeen is, veral kort ná vakansies.
As gevolg hiervan word stoorkamers dikwels “soos tronke” beveilig,
maar ’n gebrek aan goeie sleutel- of
toegangsbeheer lei dikwels daartoe dat
items steeds uit dié vertrekke vermis
Sondebelasting neem (weereens) toe
STUDENTE BETAAL MEER VIR HUL SONDES Minister van Finansies Trevor Manuel het op 15 Februarie in sy jaarlikse
Begrotingstoespraak ’n verdere toename in sogenaamde “sondebelasting” (belasting op tabak- en alkoholprodukte) aangekondig. Dié grafiek illustreer belastingheffings van die afgelope ses jaar op sigarette (per pakkie van
twintig), bier (per 340 ml) en spiritualieë (per 750 ml).
Bron: ht tp://
22 Februarie 2006
Advertensie 11
22 February 2006
12 Current Affairs
Transformation adds up in
Department of Accounting
advantage. It is those who were not
approached who should be unhappy.”
Fourie also stressed the fact that
THE SOUTH African Institute “the intention was not to degrade or
for Chartered Accountants (Saica) embarrass anyone, but to provide an
recently launched a new project opportunity for the taking.”
Professor Pierre Olivier, head of
which aims to increase the number
of black African chartered accoun- the accountancy department, poses
tants (CAs) in the labour market. the question: “How do you get
The project design consists of the people into the class if you haven’t
Thuthuka Small Practices certificate singled them out?” He also points out
in accountancy theory, as well as a that the program is not only aimed at
black students, but at all the students
skills readiness program.
Some of the aims of the program who are struggling.
According to him, the criteria for
include enabling members of Saica
who manage small businesses to selecting the first group of students to
employ black graduates and facili- whom the extra classes were offered
tating qualifications and skills de- was the fact that they are repeating
velopment of previously disadvan- the course or that they are classified
taged students in their attempts to as previously disadvantaged. Olivier
access a sector that has historically also mentioned that white students
been inaccessible to them. The ini- who are struggling after writing
tiative involves five universities, the the first test that forms part of the
national departments of labour and course, would be invited to join the
the department of
“I want to deliver
education, as well
chartered acas the greater acSome students ... felt countants,” stated
countancy profesOlivier, adding that
the situation could
he struggles to get
black chartered achave been handled
University is one
countants as lecof the institutions
with more tact.
turers as they are
for which Saica
provides funds in its
attempt to increase
salaries in the prithe number of black
vate sector. Olivier
chartered accounts
in South Africa. According to Carel pointed out that the implementation
Fourie, an accountancy lecturer of the program is as a result of the
at the University of Stellenbosch, university’s drive for transformastudents who were repeating the tion.
He added that he hopes to be
course and all previously disadvanable
to appoint the students who
taged honours students were “approached and given the opportunity” are struggling now at a later stage,
to attend extra classes “regardless of “so that they can be role models to
those who follow”. The department
previous performance.”
Several students from the pre- of accountancy currently reserves a
viously disadvantaged group took hundred (20%) of the five hundred
offence at the fact that they were available places in first year accounsingled out and effectively offered tancy for previously disadvantaged
extra classes on the basis of race students. According to Olivier, the
only. Names were simply shown to majority of these placements are on
the class on a transparency and the the basis of merit.
students asked to stay behind without • SOURCES: “Projek vir nog
any further explanation. Some of the swart GR’e nou afgeskop” Helen
students present at the time felt the Ueckermann. Rapport, 12 February
stituation could have been handled 2006; Innovations: “Transformation
that counts” by Sasha Planting.
with more tact.
Fourie is of the opinion that “the November 5 2004; Reknuus US:
people who were identified have an “Nuwe departementele inisiatiewe”.
BLINKNUWE BLIKBREINE Dié twintig nuwe rekenaars op die onderste vloer van die JS Gericke-biblioteek vorm deel
van ’n reeks veranderinge wat beoog word om biblioteekdienste op kampus te verbeter.
 Beleid verander ná insae van studente en personeel
US-biblioteke in oorgang
DIE UNIVERSITEIT van Stellenbosch
se Biblioteekdienste het verlede jaar
vanaf Augustus tot einde September ’n
opname gedoen om studente, personeel
en algemene gebruikers se opinies oor
die diens en beskikbare geriewe by US
biblioteke in te samel.
Die opname is gebaseer op ’n internasionaal erkende inisiatief genaamd
LibQual. Dié sisteem beoog om verbruikersterugvoer, wat uiteindelik gebruik kan word om beleidsaanpassings te maak, saam te vat deur middel
van spesifiek ontwerpte vraelyste.
Aangesien die vraelyste gestandaardiseer is, gee dit ook instansies die
geleentheid om hulself te vergelyk
met ander soortgelyke biblioteke van
oor die wêreld.
Drie hoofareas vir evaluering wat
deur die opname geïdentifiseer is, is
die houding van biblioteekpersoneel,
die kwaliteit van inligtingsverskaffing
asook die kliënt se belewing van die
biblioteekgebou as plek.
Die terugvoer ontvang in die US se
opname bestaan uit ’n totaal van 1546
ingevulde vraelyste, oftewel ongeveer
7-8% van studente en universiteitspersoneel. Voorgraadse studente was verantwoordelik vir omtrent 56% van dié
antwoorde en kommentaar, terwyl nagraadse studente 24%, akademiese
personeel 10% en ander personeel
slegs 4,5% van die totale hoeveelheid
vraelyste ingevul het.
Aan die einde van die opname is
deelnemers die geleentheid gebied om
verdere, meer spesifieke kommentaar
te lewer. Volgens US Biblioteekdienste
het 48% van deelnemers in die US se
opname besluit om opmerkings (beide
positief en negatief) te maak, en word
die terugvoer as “uiters waardevol”
beskou. Hierdie inligting word tans
gebruik in ’n proses van transformasie, wat poog om die biblioteekdienste beter in te rig om aan gebruikers se
behoeftes te voldoen.
Een van die veranderinge wat reeds
aangebring is in ’n poging om beter
dienste vir studente en personeel te
verskaf, is die twintig nuwe rekenaars
wat onlangs op die onderste vlak van
die JS Gericke-biblioteek beskikbaar
gestel is.
Hoewel terugvoer daarop gedui het
... hernuwings van boeke
(word) nou beperk ... tot ’n
maksimum van t wee keer
per item ...
dat studente US-biblioteke as positief
ervaar, was daar ook klagtes oor onder
andere ervarings met onvriendelike
of onbehulpsame personeel en die
algemene beskikbaarheid van bronne.
Dit is juis as gevolg van laasgenoemde beswaar dat hernuwings
van boeke nou beperk word tot ’n
maksimum van twee keer per item,
terwyl gebruikers voorheen boeke
sonder enige beperking kon hernu.
Biblioteekdienste hoop om met hierdie
reëling die sirkulasie van boeke op te
skerp, oftewel die kans dat bronne
op die rak beskikbaar sal wees, te
Hester Carstens, ’n nagraadse student aan die US, meen dat die nuwe beleid moontlik onnodiglik fokus op die
behoeftes van voorgraadse studente en
dat die diens aan nagraadse studente
sodoende verswak. Carstens glo dat
besware oor die beskikbaarheid van
bronne dikwels aan ’n gebrek van
kennis van die biblioteeksisteem te
danke is. Sy het daarop gewys dat die
aanvraagstelsel vantevore studente
in staat gestel het om boeke in die
katalogus, wat nie op die rak beskikbaar is nie, in die hande te kry.
Lelanie de Roubaix, ’n voorgraadse
student in die departement Lettere
en Wysbegeerte, meen dat sy definitief sal baat vind by die nuwe beleid,
maar dat sy kan insien dat nagraadse
studente, wat meer navorsing moet
doen, die oorgang moeilik sal vind.
Die US Biblioteekdienste se Departement Beplanning en Bemarking verduidelik egter dat die beleidsveranderinge tot dusver nog geensins as permanent gesien hoef te word nie.
Verdere vergaderings word vandeesweek beplan om terugvoer van
die opname deeglik te oorweeg en
moontlik meer veranderinge aan te
bring, wat gebruikers se ervaring van
US-biblioteke sal verbeter.
munisipale verkiesingbylaag
Isifakelelo soNyulo looMasipala
kwi-DieMATIE ngomhla
municipal election supplement
Where to vote
Evita Bezuidenhout
waarsku Maties
How to vote
Frontpage image: IAMINAWE
All advertisements are paid for by the parties concerned.
Supplement editor and layout: ANDRÉ-PIERRE DU PLESSIS
DieMATIE does not necessarily subscribe to the views expressed by these advertisements.
on the 1st of March you need to vote at the voting ward in which you
are ordinarily resident as Stellenbosch is divided into different wards.
The map below indicates where you should vote, according to your residence:
Stellenbosch Town Hall (most residences on campus can vote here, including i.e. Bergzicht Plaza)
DF Malan Centre, Coetzenburg (Residences surrounding Metanoia, Boland College and Huis Neethling)
Stellenbosch High Shool (Pieke private students, Mostertsdrift, Uniepark and Simonswyk residents)
Rhenish Girls’ High Shool (Libertas private students in Dalsig, Brandwacht and Welgelegen)
Van Der Stel Sports Club (Oude Molen private students living in the area of Amatoni)
Eikestad Primary School (Libertas private students in Die Boord up to Formosa Street)
@ the voting station
Municipal Traffic Department (Academia and private residences in and around Banghoek Road)
OUTSIDE THE STATION: There will be a “queue walker” that controls the queue of voters and checks that voters have the correct barcoded identity documents.
THE DOOR CONTROLLER: Checks the voter’s identity document for the stamp which indicates whether the person has voted
previously. The door controller also checks the voter’s fingernails for ink.
THE VOTERS’ ROLL OFFICER: The voter’s name is checked on the voters’ roll and is marked off. If the voter’s name is not on
the voters’ roll, the person is referred to the DPO to determine whether they have proof of registration in the ID. If so, they
are given a VED 4 form to complete and are allowed to cast a ballot(s).
THE INK MARKER: The voter’s left thumb nail is marked with ink to prevent him/her from voting more than once.
BALLOT PAPER ISSUER: The ballots are issued to the voter and are stamped with the official stamp. The second page of the
voter’s ID is stamped to prevent voting more than once.
VOTING: The voter marks the ballots in secret. Physically disabled and visually impaired voters may cast their ballot in secret through the assistance of a companion.
BALLOT BOX CONTROLLER: The voter folds the ballot paper(s) and places them in the ballot box.
– Courtesy of the Independent Electoral Commission
22 Februarie 2006 DieMATIE
munisipale verkiesingbylaag by DieMATIE
skryf spesiaal vir alle Maties
oor 1 Maart en die kruis wat
almal moet dra én maak:
PLAASLIKE verkiesings vestig energie en aandag op dinge wat almal betrek: water, ligte, riool, straat skoonmaak, onderwys, polisie, speelparke en veiligheid. Die feit dat so baie jongmense nie belangstel om te stem nie, slaan my absoluut
dronk. Maklik om te vergeet van dié wat dood is om die stemreg te kry.
2 Goeie plaaslike regering lei tot sterk provinsiale en nasionale bestuur.
politiek moet die fondament wees waarop al die land se politiek gebou word. Sagte fondamente laat die hele ge3 Plaaslike
bou omdonder.
Ja-nee, nie een van die partye wat staan laat mens gril van plesier nie. Kyk na die DA en onthou die DA-bewind in Kaap-
met Gerald Morkel en Peter Marais as burgemeesters, soos Laurel en Hardy: die een erger as die ander. Tussenin hulle
4 stad
met ’n laggie soos ’n hanswors, die liewe klein Leon. Wie wil weer daarheen gaan?
dan weer na die ANC en onthou Comrade Mayor Nomaindia se lustige vingers krappend aan die korrelkoppie van
5 Kyk
haar Blackman Ngoro uit Zimbabwe wat al die Kaapse bruinmense beledig het.
is daar onse eie Jeanne d’Arc, Patricia de Lille, met ’n blonde kandidaat vir burgemeester wat staan vir ’n terugroep
6 Dan
van die doodstraf. Nee wat, lyk my haar lys is drooggeloop.
Dan die Africa Muslim Party? Maar verskoon my, ek is bra versigtig om daardie woorde te gebruik ingeval hulle dink ek
maak ’n spotprent. Ons sê maar almal ons stem vir hulle, anders brand hulle die land af.
representation is soms so belaglik soos crossing the floor. Wat ek doen is dit: gaan die partylyste noukeurig
8 Proportional
na. Soek name wat jy ken en dié wat goeie dinge in die gemeenskap verrig. Dan weet jy vir wie en wat jy stem. Kyk ook
waar die skelms sit. Bel almal en waarsku hulle. Daar’s baie, hoor, baie baie baie.
9 Soos my seun De Kock se vriend Moff de Bruyn sê: “Don’t vote, don’t moan!”
het julle nie gewaarsku nie!”
Using the
power of
THE Independent Electoral Commission (IEC) aims to strengthen
constitutional democracy through
the delivery of free and fair elections in which every voter is able
to record his or her informed
It was recently reported that,
thanks to the IEC, South African
voters can look forward to a less
tedious voting process in 2006
since the number of available
voting stations were increased
after the municipal elections of
The 26% increase (from 14
988 stations in 2000 to 18 873
in 2006) means voters are much
less likely to have to wait in long
queues before casting their vote.
Visit the IEC’s website at to find out
more about electoral processes in
South Africa.
“So, moenie sê tannie
jy kry 3 stembriewe op 1 Maart | you will get 3 ballot papers on 1 March
Meneer Die Matie*
Die Matie Party*
Die Matie Party*
Iemand anders
Just another party
Iemand anders
Iemand anders
Some other party
Iemand anders
Iemand anders
Some other party
Iemand anders
Nog iemand
Some other party
Nog ’n ander party
Piet Pompies
Who knows
Piet Pompies Party
Wie weet
Your party of choice
Wie Weet Party
Onthou om jou kruis te maak op 1 Maart tussen 7vm en 7nm. Om seker te maak dat jy
geregistreer is, én om te sien waar jy moet stem, besoek
*Die Matie is nie ’n politieke party nie en het ook nie ’n w yksverteenwoordiger nie. Die Matie sal dus ongelukkig nie op enige van die drie stembriewe verskyn nie. Die naam word bloot ter illustrasie gebruik.
# 4Advertisement
DieMATIE 22 February 2006
Isifakelelo soNyulo looMasipala kwi-DieMATIE ngomhla
World Roundup
22 February 2006
TWO professors have
been suspended for
negligence after having approved false and
modified data for publication in an academic
The paper, published in October 2004,
claims that researchers
discovered a gene related to weight gain in
overeaters. Four other
documents have been
withdrawn since the
fraud was discovered.
ACADEMICS have invented what is thought
to be the longest laser
in history. The 75 kilometre-long fibre optic laser is said to transmit light with almost
no loss of power.
DrAnia Castañón explains: “Lossless transmission of data has always been a dream goal
in the world of communications.”
“The development
of a simple method to
implement nearly ideal
links between receiver
and sender paves the
way to important advances in long-distance
and opens exciting possibilities for research in
other fields.”
Interkampus 17
Tulane University re-opens to students after hurricane
Katrina victims return to campus
AFTER a week in class, the students
of Stellenbosch are slowly starting to
settle back into Matie-mode. While
the return may have brought great excitement to some, others were possibly less exhilarated about ending their
summer holidays. Though it was not
easy for all, most of us knew what to
expect when we returned.
However, on the other side of the
world, in New Orleans, students have
just returned to Tulane University for
the first time since Katrina disrupted
their world.
As we know, Hurricane Katrina
brought consternation to New Orleans
last year when it flooded and destroyed
large parts of the city. Freshman students at Tulane University had just arrived for their orientation programme
only to be bussed out again in a hurry
two days later.
The damage to Tulane University
amounted to $200 million, including
the cost of getting the campus dried
out, rebuild and cleaned up, as well
as ensuring available housing for staff
and students. There was no choice
other than to suspend the entire se-
What do you do when your university is shut down for an entire semester? For the 12 500 students of
Tulane, the answer was to depend on
the kindness of neighbouring universities to take them in for a semester. But
when the university had been rebuilt,
the students almost all remained loyal,
and returned.
The university recently successfully reopened for the beginning of
its spring semester. Both students
and staff had to be informed that they
could return.
This was not an easy task when
so many of their physical addresses
had been wiped out by the flood.
Therefore an e-mail was sent out to
nearly 20 000 recipients. It contained
a video message from the university
president, Scott Cowen, welcoming
students back.
Mike Strecker, Director of Media
Relations at Tulane, said that nearly
90% of the students have returned.
Strecker voiced surprise about the
eagerness of students to return. He
was astonished by the strong community feeling among them, each ready
and excited for their part in rebuilding
New Orleans.
ATLANTA University
has given false hope
to prospective students
by mistakingly sending
acceptance letters to
the wrong people.
112 high school students were sent letters
and welcoming them to
the university instead
of receiving letters
simply thanking them
for their applications.
A week later, they
received letters telling
them they were not, in
fact, accepted. Some of
them may still be accepted after being processed, but they will
only know in April.
CARTOON NO JOKE A local KFC was vandalised as part of the protests
against anti-Islamic cartoons. The riots have been happening worldwide
since a Danish newspaper printed a cartoon depicting the prophet MuPhoto: AP
Fourth Knightly
I RECEIVED a lot of complaints about
my previous column. Most of the complaints centered on my liberal use of
the word ‘gonads’. That was odd, considering I did not once use the word
‘gonads’ in the article and considering the fact that gonads are a highly
inappropriate topic for a column on
international affairs. The other complaint was not about gonads but about
the pessimistic tone of the article. This
I could fix, and thus I present to you
this week a column about things that
make me happy.
A dramatic two weeks have just
flown past, the obvious highlight of
it all being American vice-president
Dick Cheney’s attempted murder of
a fellow hunter. This happened last
week on some ranch in Texas. Cheney
claimed that he was trying to shoot a
quail but he missed and blasted his
Pakistani students protest against cartoon
ABOVE The students of Tulane return to life as they know it after the flood
which devastated New Orleans in August last year.
buddy with a shotgun. Now, my BScswotting friends assure me that a quail
looks nothing like an old man. Quails,
apparently, are small birds, whilst old
men are much taller with less feathers
and more hair. The White House, true
to form, made up some story about it
being a hunting accident, but the whole
world knows it actually went like this:
“Hey Dick, I voted for Kerry.” Bam!
I was ecstatic when I heard how
pissed off some Muslims got about
those Muhammad cartoons, since less
than a month ago I had purchased
shares in a Danish flagmaking company. The consumption of Danish flags
has skyrocketed by fifty thousand percent over the last two weeks, making
me a mint. This success on the stock
market has prompted me to start writing a book on how to invest. You see,
the secret is to correctly guess which
country is going to be the next target of
religious pyromaniacs. Unfortunately,
I missed the American flag boom periods of 9/11 and the start of the war
in Iraq, but I wasn’t to be caught offguard again. So keep an eye on the
shelves for my new book on how to
become a millionaire thanks to terrorism and religious intolerance.
And finally, the funniest thing I read
all week was that Saddam Hussein is
on a hunger strike. To me that sounds
like the stupidest thing in the world.
Everybody obviously wants him to die
and now he is helping them out. I can
hardly wait for somebody to discover
oil under Zimbabwe so that we can attack them and arrest Robert Mugabe
just so that he can go on a hunger
strike. Now that would make me laugh
in addition to giving me a warm fuzzy
feeling inside. Peaches.
PROTESTS in Peshawar, Pakistan, escalated to an alarming level this week
when picketers adopted a more violent
tone. On 13 February thousands of the
nation’s students, armed with stones,
marched to several northwestern universities.
The rioters proceeded to hurl their
weapons of choice at a local Christian
school, shouting as they did so: “Down
with Denmark” and “Down with
America”. Stones were also thrown at
shops in the city’s main business district.
Seven thousand of these students
were confronted at the governor’s residence by police wielding batons and
firing tear gas in an attempt at restoring order.
The protests continued to grow and
by 14 February they had spread to the
eastern Pakistani city of Lahore. It
was here that a dramatic increase in
violence was seen as the unruly students started to torch surrounding
businesses, resulting in the destruction
of four buildings which among other
things housed a hotel, two banks and a
KFC restaurant.
Security forces, having no other
choice, started firing live rounds into
the air in an attempt to stop the riot-
ers. It has been reported that two people were later shot and killed as they
attempted to enter a bank. At least
eleven others were injured. More than
a thousand students fought the police
outside Punjab University, where another man was allegedly killed.
These protests were linked to the
controversial cartoon depictions of the
Prophet Muhammad which were first
published in a Danish newspaper last
These cartoons have since been
reprinted by other newspapers. One
of the cartoons depicts the Prophet
Muhammad wearing a turban in the
shape of a bomb with a detonator
The outcry began with a cartoon
drawing of the Prophet Muhammad illustrating children’s books about himself. According to Islamic tradition,
the Prophet is too holy to be pictorally
represented. Since then, many cartoons have been drawn about the subject.
These cartoons have as yet not
been reproduced due to fear that they
will spur another wave of violent protests. There are heated debates taking
place in the European Union as to the
issue of freedom of speech. It has been
said that artists should respect what is
held sacred in certain religious organisations.
22 February 2006
18 Opinions
Eendag sal ons uiteindelik ouer wees
’n Studentekoerant met dieselfde oplaag as Die Matie is onlangs, soos Die Matie, geïntimideer en geboelie.
Die amptelike studentekoerant van die Universiteit van Cardiff in Wallis se redakteur,
asook drie van sy redaksielede, is summier deur die universiteit onthef van hulle pligte.
Dit kom nadat dié studentekoerant, gair rhydd, ’n spotprent deur ’n Deense kunstenaar gepubliseer het waarin die profeet Mohammed as ’n terroris uitgebeeld word. Die
spotprent is oorspronklik in September verlede jaar in ’n Deense koerant gepubliseer.
Die verskyning daarvan het twee weke later tot ‘n groot optog in Kopenhagen gelei en
gevolglik het sewe ander Europese koerante dieselfde spotprent gepubliseer met die
doel om aan lesers te w ys waaroor die hele herrie gaan. Dit het selfs groter onluste onder
Islamitiese groepe tot gevolg gehad en ongeveer 20 mense het tot dusver in protesaksies omgekom as gevolg hiervan. Nadat die spotprent in meer as 40 lande herdruk is,
is Deense ambassades bestorm, onder andere dié in Kaapstad (nadat Mail & Guardian
die spotprent in hulle uitgawe van 3 Februarie 2006 gepubliseer het). Die redakteur,
Ferial Haffajee, en haar familie is sedertdien onderwerp aan dreigemente deur verskeie
lesers wat ontsteld is oor die besluit om die spotprent te publiseer. Die dreigemente
teen Haffajee is sterk veroordeel deur die Suid-Afrikaanse Nasionale Redakteursforum
(Sanef) omdat dit kwessies soos vryheid van spraak aantas, een van die boustene van
ons demokrasie.
Ongelukkig was daar nie ’n professor Lizette Rabe (hoof van die US se Departement
Joernalistiek én lid van Sanef) op die Cardiff-kampus nie. Rabe het Die Matie gehelp toe
óns geïntimideer en geboelie is. In gair rhydd (wat “vryspraak” in Wallies beteken) se
geval het hulle nie net ’n “Guardian Student Newspaper Of The Year”-redakteur verloor
nie (’n gesogte prys, nie net vir studentekoerante in Brittanje nie, maar ook regoor die
wêreld), maar hulle het ook ’n reuse verlies gely nadat die koerant summier verpulp is
nog voor dit behoorlik op kampus versprei is. Daar was niemand om hulle te ondersteun nie. Die redakteur wou bloot studente oor die kwessie inlig. Die spotprent wat in
sy koerant gepubliseer is, was dieselfde een as dié wat in Mail & Guardian en The New
York Times verskyn het. Omdat dié klein studentekoerant die eerste in Brittanje was
om die spotprent te publiseer (en daarmee natuurlik baie grootkopredakteurs van The
Guardian, Daily Telegraph en The Times jaloers gelaat het) het media-reuse soos die
BBC die redakteur gekap vir sy “stupid” besluit. In gair rhydd se onlangse 13 Februarieuitgawe teken die uittredende redakteur, Tom Wellingham, apologie aan vir wat hy bloot
bedoel het as ’n gebalanseerde stuk verslaggewing oor internasionale gebeure.
Ongelukkig is elke Matie, soos Wellingham en sy redaksie én sy lesers, nog steeds ’n
student. Elkeen van ons laat toe dat ouer en “slimmer” mense ons intimideer en boelie.
Die debat oor die gewaagde spotprent gaan steeds voort, maar omdat ’n student sy
vriende oor dié herrie wou inlig, is hy nou sy gunsteling tydverdryf kw yt. Hy mag nooit
weer raak aan die studentekoerant wat hy help opbou het nie, en die ergste van alles is:
hy is oortuig dis sy skuld.
Alhoewel die intimidasie wat Die Matie sedert ons laaste uitgawe ontvang het, op
’n geweldig kleiner vlak was, het ons steeds simpatie met die redaksie van gair rhydd.
As studente kan ons bloot net mekaar se vryheid van spraak, die reg van alle rasse,
seksuele oriëntasies en geloofsoortuigings, ondersteun.
Dit behoort genoeg te wees … tot ons eendag ouer is.
HOOFREDAKTEUR André-Pierre du Plessis ([email protected]) ASSISTENT-REDAKTEURS Dora
Scott ([email protected]) Christian Knobloch ([email protected])
NUUS Gina Schreuder ([email protected]) AKTUEEL Annelie Maré ([email protected])
INTERKAMPUS Samantha Bath ([email protected]) DAG EN NAG Sarietha Engelbrecht
([email protected]) STUDENTELEWE Marié Joubert ([email protected]) SPORT Andri Stander ([email protected])
FOTOREDAKTEUR Ruan du Plessis ([email protected]) ADVERTENSIEBESTUURDER Elizna Engelbrecht ([email protected]) REKENAARBESTUURDER Marius Marais ([email protected]. HOOFTEKSREDAKTEUR Marissa Baard ([email protected]) TEKSREDAKTEUR Lelanie
de Roubaix ([email protected])
SPOTPRENT Thinus Slabber MBEKKIE Denene Erasmus ([email protected]) SARGE Dewald van Rensburg ([email protected]) KWYTRAAK Satara Ablort-Morgan ([email protected])
FOURTH KNIGHTLY Prévot van der Merwe ([email protected])
Fran Annas, Hester Carstens, Carla Hougaard, Stefan Kühn, Jolette Roodt, Chrisanth Rosant,
Jóhann Thormählen
TEL 021 808-3539 FAKS 021 808-3538 E-POS [email protected]
POSADRES Langenhoven Studentesentrum, Privaatsak X1, Universiteit van Stellenbosch,
Matieland, 7602 WEBADRES http://w w
VOLGENDE UITGAWE 8 Maart 2006 SPERDATUM 1 Maart 2006
ADVERTENSIES 084 509 6127 OPLAAG 8 000
Wat dink jy van Die Matie? As jy voel dat ons kwessies eensydig dek, of onregverdig berig, laat weet asseblief die
redakteur by [email protected] of 021 808 3539.
As jy as joernalis, taalversorger, grafiese ontwerper, advertensiewerwer of fotograaf betrokke wil raak, woon gerus
’n redaksievergadering by op die Woensdag waarop Die Matie verskyn. Ons vergader om 18:30 in ons kantoor
bo in die Neelsie.
Indien enige leser ’n klagte het dat Die Matie nie op ’n ewewigtige, eerlike en objektiewe w yse rapporteer nie,
of dink dat menings uitgespreek in Die Matie nie godsdienstige en kulturele sake met omsigtigheid hanteer nie,
kan ’n klag by die SR-lid vir Media gelê word. Die Matie is onderhewig aan ’n gedragskode wat by die SR-lid vir
Media beskikbaar is. Alle klagtes word deur ’n regsdosent ondersoek, waarna Die Matie voor die Mediaraad kan
VERDOEMENDE GETUIENIS? Kampusboewe boots glo deesdae studente na
Langenhoven Studentesentrum, Privaatsak X1
Universiteit van Stellenbosch, Matieland, 7602
Tel: (021) 808 3539 Faks: (021) 808 3538
e-pos: [email protected]
Reviewer’s Rustic Repentance
YOURS truly has caused a royal ruckus, and for
all the wrong reasons.
Feeling like a right rascal, I want to state my
unequivocal apologies to the management of the
The Rustic Café for any unintentional harm done
to their establishment in a piece published in the
previous issue of Die Matie of 8 February 2006.
People, let’s get it straight. The Rustic Café has
been serving quality cuisine to armies of starving
students as well as the rest of Stellenbosch since
Eve was a righteous reformed rib. If you eat
pizza, if you drink wine or cocktails, chances are
you’ve sunk down into those sumptious cushions
on their upper balcony or gunned for the sofa in
front of the hearth on a cosy winter evening. I
know I have: a million times. Grabbing a table,
reaching for a menu with a really good selection
of food and wine is such a pleasure. Rustics is a
Stellenbosch stalwart. So long may it reign.
The point is that, if you happen to visit a
neighbouring and lesser-known venue, it is
almost inevitable that when the stomach starts
growling, this well-priced, atmospheric restaurant would be an obvious choice. The previous
piece on Rustic’s neighbour was by no means
intended to detract from the charms of the Rustic
itself. Indeed, they are so obvious, it was meant
to infer that you could broaden your horizons, get
the best of both worlds and enjoy both venues
equally and complementarily.
Die Matie and this writer respect and laud the
Rustic Café as a righteous venue, good for hot
dates, parties and grub, glorious grub. Plus their
Banoffie pie is anything but humble. That would
be me.
Akoestiekprobleme in avokado-koshuis
DIE nuwe koshuis se HK kan gerus ’n klop op
die skouer kry vir hulle goeie werk. Hulle eerstejaars groet enigiemand naby aan hul koshuis,
seker omdat hulle nie presies weet wie nou juis
hul seniors is en wie nie, aangesien daar so baie
inwoners is. Hulle groet my seker ook omdat ek
net langs die nuwe koshuis bly. Ja, my kamervenster kyk in die avokadokleur-sykant vas.
Daar is ongelukkig net een probleem wat ek
met die nuwe koshuis het: ek kan alles hoor wat
daarbinne aangaan. Ek dink nie hulle akoestiek is
so lekker nie. Ek word nie meer in die oggende
wakker met die son in my oë nie (die nuwe
koshuis maak seker my kamer kry geen son nie),
maar eerder met hulle interkom in my ore. Die
deuntjie van Metanoia se interkom klink soos die
xilofoon wat ’n mens op lughawes hoor. As ek
wakker word is ek vas oortuig ek’s op Heathrow
of op een of ander vreemde lughawe en dan
begin ek skarrel, op soek na my bagasie. Eers ’n
halfuur later besef ek ek’s in my eie kamer.
Waar kan ek lost luggage aanmeld?
Desperate for free accommodation
WHEN did the University of Stellenbosch begin
giving out free nights’ accommodation for performing small acts of initiation?
I was enlightened to the fact that a week or two
back, a few men – more affectionately known as
“hippos” – were put up in the Formula 1 hotel
for a night or two. Or three. And their lodging
was paid for by none other than the generous
Stellenbosch University.
I also heard, via the metaphorical grapevine,
that the “hippos” merely had to throw a few water
balloons at a couple of first years to warrant a
free weekend’s accommodation.
As I write this letter I am an amorous man.
A man who feels the unyielding necessity for
affection. The immovable desire for passion. For
love. I may even be as bold as to say that I am a
“hopeless romantic”. Then again, I might not be
that daring.
I thought that a hotel would be the perfect
escape from the commotion of student life for
my sweetheart and me.
However, not simply any hotel will suffice. I
was thinking more along the lines of the Sheraton.
You see, Felicity is very special to me. Moreover,
she deserves the most paramount of accommoda-
tions. And I am willing to do virtually anything
to get my hands on a few nights’ lodging at the
For the men of the Hippocratic oath to earn a
weekend’s lodging at the Formula 1 hotel – they
merely had to throw a few water bombs at several
first-years. Nevertheless, to warrant a weekend’s
accommodation at the Sheraton – I am willing
to shackle five first years to my bedpost, clout
them on the buttocks numerous times and touch
them in various places that I care not to mention.
What is more, Felicity will lend a helping hand
– literally.
If you find my proposal in order, I am free
the weekend of the 25th. I need hardly remind
you that the 25th is the weekend of the alignment
of the planet Jupiter with the rings of Saturn, a
truly romantic time for all budding Zodiacs – not
that us Leos believe in any of that riff-raff. There
is, consequently, a good chance that rooms will
be booked in advance. Please reserve a suite for
Felicity and me as soon as possible.
In the world of starry-eyed men yearning for a
hotel accommodation, I remain ...
Enigiemand kan ’n brief aan Die Matie skryf. Ons behou egter die reg voor om briewe te verkort. Die Matie mag nie naamlose briewe publiseer nie, en die name van skrywers onder skuilname sal vertroulik hanteer word. Almal is welkom om
briewe self by ons kantoor bo in die Neelsie in te handig, of per e-pos te stuur na: [email protected].
Anybody may send a letter to Die Matie. Die Matie, however, reserves the right to shorten letters. No anonymous letters
will be published, and the names of writers who use pseudonyms will be treated confidentially. Preference will be given
to short letters.
THE Christian world
is awash in JC iconography. From renaissance oils to catholic kitsch, the serene
hippy mug we’ve ascribed to the King of
Kings is the billboard
on our cultural horizon. The born-again
set invokes the Lord
of Hosts to ward off
peer pressure and eating disorders, while a
friend of mine proudly wears his roller-disco Jesus T-shirt to work. There are no two ways about
it: Christ is consummate pop currency.
Not so for Muhammad who, with canny foresight, forbade any and all renderings of his own
visage. The Prophet is not only seldom bowdlerised but, for irreverent pop cultural purposes,
practically doesn’t exist.
So when some closet Nazi daily up north
sparks a global riot by printing dingy cartoons
for cheap kicks, don’t go asking what Christians
would have done had those pictures shown Jesus
with a pair of six-shooters. It’s a rotten analogy
because, like it or not, we’ve been kicking the
Messiah while he’s down for some time now and
his image is about as sacrosanct as my big toe.
Cancelled subscriptions, angry letters and maybe
a picket or two, that’s what you’d expect after
taking a jab at You-know-who.
Guessing at the fallout from the reversed scenario of an Islamic paper running Cowboy Jesus comics is furthermore a moot point: that shit
is no more likely to fly in Muslim communities
than mocking Muhammad himself, given that
both holy men are (albeit in differing degrees)
big-shots in Islam.
We really just can’t envision a hypothetical
role reversal where a bit of amateurish satire enrages anybody except the immense and monolithic Islamic Other. Certainly not on the scale of
this contagious fury choking streets and sweeping away Danish embassies over the last few
weeks. With the recent gag order banning South
Africa’s largest weekly from printing these cartoons, even some sympathetic progressive types
are seeing a case of metaphysical overreaction.
So what’s the deal? It’s tempting to toss
around balmy platitudes about the Arab Mind
and its perfect Otherness – or wax lyrical about
how they take their religion really, really seriously. However, this is an obvious dead end, and
no one honestly believes this super-lobby would
have sprung into existence if, say, Iraq wasn’t
soaked in US Marines. No sir, sympathy doesn’t
make the fast-tracked hermeneutics of orientalism any smarter or less of a cop-out.
But I get ahead of myself. Orientalism, easily
my favourite modish idea of the month, is what
Edward Said (a Palestinian-American writer
who in political terms is the Middle East’s answer to Noam Chomsky) calls the West’s miscellany of paper-thin preconceptions about the “Islamic world” floating around our popular culture.
Much like Africa has shifted from being simply
Bongo-Bongo Land to becoming the Blighted
Continent, the varied Islamic societies (both émigré and Middle-Eastern) have had a single, albeit adaptable, caricature assigned to them in the
white man’s imagination.
The Jyllands-Post’s brief to cartoonists, to invent a Muhammad from scratch, is tantamount
to wresting that image from the subconscious
and announcing it, as it were, on the front page.
It was a pretty puerile gag, a little nudge-nudge
wink-wink between Christian gentlemen with an
inevitable creative outcome: the Furious Bearded
One – Orientalism in action and a sad but true
crystallisation of what we’ve been meaning to
say all along.
Granted, this may not be the precise reasoning
of the thousands who are marching and in some
cases revealing their own woolly, monolithic
ideas about Westerners by burning McDonald’s
outlets when, for once, the USA isn’t the bad guy.
But as a cultural object of increasing importance,
our eyeball on the East lacks a certain nuance and
if we’re going to stereotype a third of the world
in one go, we can do better than this.
The Islamic lobby, this global network best
known for its lunatic fringe of, I’m willing to bet,
shit-scared and unhinged young bombers, is no
mere movement, it’s the movement of the day.
Resigned to adopting some or other privileged
Western perspective, let’s at least adopt an interesting one.
The latter half of the 20th century is a succession of countercultures and, if we were to take
our ubiquitous globalisation humbug seriously,
this simmering bloc of peeved Muslims will own
this decade. With the world speedily developing
the beginnings of a fully global meta-pop culture, the politicised Islamic view of things is very
much analogous to, say, punk culture in its relation to the erstwhile mainstream (read: western press, TV and all the rest) – only far more
Whoever said international countercultures need to be progressive or inclined towards
greater sexual or moral freedoms, as most have
tended to be? Hell, those kids we see burning effigies on the news are the world’s last blood-andguts radicals.
Used to be we romanticised that kind of thing,
but all of a sudden we, the decadent, irreverent,
everything-goes West are the squares. Being different ain’t what it used to be.
‘Wees oor die algemeen ’n klein bietjie los en baie beskikbaar ...’
’n Graad beteken nie ’n ring nie
YIN haal ’n stukkie Lao
Tse aan toe ek hom vra
om met my te trou. Dis
’n definitiewe nee. Lao
Tse is ’n Chinese denker
wat onder andere gesê
het dat grootse wysheid
soms na lawwigheid lyk (so ek skat Bush werk
met ’n plan). Ek was die josie in vir Yin, nie omdat ek regtig met hom wil trou nie, net omdat
ek wou weet dat iemand met my wil trou. Maar
eintlik was ek meer teleurgesteld in myself omdat ek onder die invloed van die mense van die
wêreld so laag gedaal het dat ek toe as’t ware op
my knieë beland het.
Ek het die afgelope tyd geleer dat ’n mens
se reise jou soms verder weg van die huis, jou
mense en sommer realiteit af wegvat as wat in
myle gemeet kan word. Elke nou en dan bring
’n mens se reise jou egter terug huis toe en sommer weer terug aarde toe. Ek het vir twee weke
by my pa en ma op die plaas kom kuier. Sondag
by die kerk is al die tannies tog te bly om die verlore dogter weer in hul midde te hê. Dié van hulle
wat koerantlees snou my toe sommer die lelikste vyfletterwoord – expat – toe en die res vra
die onvermydelike vraag ... “hoe gaan dit met die
liefde?”. Ek probeer pittig wees, maar almal lei
af dat ek tans, soos altyd, geen liefde het nie. Die
tannies simpatiseer en belowe om my aan hulle
kleinseuns voor te stel. Ek hou my lyf eend, laat
dit alles net oor my rug rol en neem my voor om
bietjie te huil as ek by die huis kom.
My plan was eintlik om in dié rubriek vir die
eerstejaars praktiese raad vir wasgoed was te gee.
So om op te som: Maak nie saak wat jy gehoor
het nie, selfs jeans moet soms gewas word en ’n
mens kan nie vir ’n onbepaalde tydperk aanhou
om onderklere aan te koop nie – daar gaan ’n dag
kom wanneer jy sal moet was. Wanneer dié dag
aanbreek, gebruik OMO. Intussen het ek egter tot
nuwe insigte gekom en besluit om my vuil wasgoed hier te kom staan was en te skryf oor iets
wat vir my net soveel probleme gee as wasgoed:
Ná twee en ’n halwe grade besef ek uiteindelik dat dit jou skoolvriende (wat almal getroud
is en een en ’n halwe kinders het) glad nie beïndruk nie. ’n Mens kan mos nie ’n graad aan jou
ringvinger steek nie.
Vir my is dit nou te laat. Ek aanvaar dat ek
oor die muur is, maar vir dié van julle vir wie
daar nog hoop is, luister mooi! Trek jou kortste
rompie en styfste toppie aan en begin chemie-
Almal het ’n verhaaltjie oor hoe hulle onder
vandeesweek se kragonderbrekings op Stellenbosch gely het. Maar Gorrel se absolute gunsteling-stories oor dié onderwerp kom van koshuisinwoners wat vertel van die wyses waarop Fedics
en Kagiso hulself by die gebrek aan elektrisiteit
aangepas het. In een koshuis, byvoorbeeld, is
broodjies en blikkiesvrugte opgedis. In ’n ander
klasse bywoon. In dié chemie-klasse moet jy
mooi van links na regs en weer links sit en glimlag. Sodra sêr-tyd aanbreek, stel ek voor jy haas
jou om ’n kaartjie te gaan koop, sodat jy op die
aand wat Hippokrates sing in die voorste ry kan
sit en mooi lyk. As jy iewers is waar dit soveel
raas dat jy niks kan hoor nie en ’n wildvreemde
man vra jou iets, sê ja net vir ingeval. Wees oor
die algemeen ’n klein bietjie los en baie beskikbaar, of gaan swot onderwys. As niks vir jou
werk nie, begin Studentekerk toe gaan. Die heel
beste raad wat ek egter vir julle kan gee, is om
alles wat ek sê met ’n knippie sout te neem, want
hier sit ek hoog en droog. En jammer Lao-Tse,
maar wanneer ek laf voorkom is dit heel moontlik omdat ek besig is om baie laf te wees.
Valentynsdag het gekom en gegaan, Pick &
Pays landwyd bêre die hartjiesjokolades en pak
Paaseiers uit. En so kom ek ook toe weer tot bedaring. Ek klim op die vliegtuig, vlieg weg van
die huis af en kom terug tot my sinne.
Ek is soms baie alleen so op my eie hier in
die vreeslike, vreeslike groot wêreld, maar alhoewel ek soms vergeet, weet ek eintlik: daar is
en was nou maar vir my belangriker dinge in die
lewe as manvang. Belangriker ja, maar nie lekkerder nie.
Beirut is burning: From punk-rock to global Jihad
They’ve got more listeners than we’ve got
– Tony Leon after his
interview on MFM
’n Mens mis nie koshuiskos totdat jy niks het om
te eet nie.
– Privaatstudent mis die
goeie ou dae
I hope they are getting
new presenters.
– Student after hearing
MFM received funds to
upgrade their studios
Geen honde, nie eens
kleintjies nie.
– Kennisgewing in supermark
Ek het my verstand
verloor én gekry in De
– Filosofie M-student
Ek het my skoene verloor
in Mystic en dit nooit
weer gekry nie.
– Ander Filosofie M-student
Kyk daai reuse bong wat
daai man rook.
– Eerstejaar sien ’n kerkleier wat ’n shofar blaas
op ’n pamflet tydens
Ek is moeg vir hierdie
bubblegumkak wat hulle
met ’n rekenaar maak.
– Koshuissenior se rede
hoekom hy ’n radiostasie
wil begin
Please note that only
people with green tags
are authorised to pray
for others.
– Notice at summer
Jy kan ’n beter ringtone
as dít kry.
– Pol Wet-dosent kritiseer student se Nicholis
Do you think black and
coloured people eat
– Elderly person to firstyear during MGD Massaprojek food drive
Kry jou butt crack van
my coolbox af!
– Matie aan Ikey tydens
’n konsert in Kirstenbosch
We now have Marthinus
also, that’s how nice this
democracy is.
– Vice-president during
visit to Stellenbosch
Die skinder agter die nuus. Die waarheid agter kampuspolitiek.
En die kommentaar waarvoor almal bang is. Gorrel is nie verantwoordelik vir enige ongerief hieronder veroorsaak nie.
koshuis het die manne glo ’n vleisie en ’n stukkie braaiwors ontvang. Rou. Hulle is aangesê om
dit maar te braai.
Gorrel verkneukel sigself ook in die riglyne
wat die rondte doen oor noodmaatreëls om die
donkerte aan te durf. Volgens die voorblad van
’n groot plaaslike dagblad moet jy onder meer ’n
draagbare radio met batterye byderhand hou.
– Gorrel sien so ’n post-apokaliptiese scenario waar groepies studente in donker lesinglo-
kale om radio’s saamgedrom sit en wag vir nuus
oor die terugkeer van die lig.
Gorrel is ook onlangs geamuseer deur die ryke
verskeidenheid taal- en spelfoute in agendas en
notules wat onlangs deur sekere studenteliggame
gesirkuleer is. Gorrel was byvoorbeeld verbaas
om te verneem dat sy eintlik nie ’n graduate student is nie, maar wel ’n garaduate student. Gorrel se rubriek word ook geskryf onder die dekmantel van wat in dié dokumente anonimity
genoem word.
- Die Matie is egter nie onskuldig in hierdie
verband nie. Pas het ’n kollega ’n ou eksemplaar
van die koerant te voorskyn gehaal waarin daar
verwys word na ’n rugbyspan wat ’n “mypaal”
behaal het. Interessante glipsie, dink Gorrel.
20 Advertisement
22 February 2006
22 Februarie 2006
Forum 21
Who ...
Satara Ablort-Morgan
THE opportunity to meet Gareth Cliff is definitely not something which I would recommend
anyone ever turn down. Regardless of the fact
that he is arguably one of South Africa’s most
well known celebrities, he is also one of the most
interesting people one could hope to meet.
We found the controversial 5FM DJ handing
out shots of tequila (one of his favourite drinks)
at the Black Bull beach party on Saturday night.
If it wasn’t for the fact that we were able to
secure an interview a week earlier, he just might
have had too much fun to set some time aside for
a one-on-one interview.
It is impossible to have listened to a Gareth
Cliff show and not know that he is one of the
most opinionated people around. In his own
words: “What kind of people aren’t opinionated?
What kind of boring, dull, middle of the road,
fence-sitting Marthinus van Schalkwyk-types
are not opinionated? I can’t handle people like
that. You’ve got to have some interest or some
passion in something, and the more you have of
that, the more interesting it makes you. People
like that are wastes of space; they are as useless
as wallpaper.
“I am on radio because I have things to say,
and I feel really strongly about them. When
you voice opinions people either disagree or
agree with you immediately, they have to take
a position in response to your opinion. You’re
forcing an engagement with that person, and
you’re forcing them to come up with a reaction,”
Cliff says while taking a sip of his drink.
“If I can get a reaction, whether it is positive
or negative, about an opinion of mine, then good,
we are engaging each other in conversation,
that’s the reasoning I think my show is working
towards. It’s about engaging in communication.”
How does he feel about the numerous and
diverse reactions from listeners to his opinionated nature? “I’ve had all kinds of things said
about opinions of mine, about myself, the way
I am, all kind of things. I really don’t mind
anymore. In the early days I realised that you
upset people, it’s part of the job, because every
joke is at someone’s expense. You’ve got to pick
your battles. I am not at war with anyone.”
Even though he is keen on defending himself,
he does admit to not being all that perfect:
“We all make mistakes though, I am not Riaan
Cruywagen who goes on air and does scripted
news broadcasts, I am completely the same on
the air as I am off. And therefore you have got
to accept me with my mistakes if you are going
What kind of
boring, dull,
middle of the
road, fencesitting Marthinus
van Schalkwyk
types are not
to listen to the show.” And evidently people do.
Drive Time is one of the most listened-to radio
shows in the country.
So he’s young, famous and with his own radio
show. What does mr Cliff see himself doing in
the future? “I am really excited about my radio
career for the next five years, I think there are
things I can do that I haven’t done yet. I am also
excited about becoming really rich in the next
couple of years. I want to make lots of money; I
don’t believe that that’s a bad goal for anyone to
have. And, if I can do that through the industry
that I know and love best – the media – that’s
where I will be, for a while at least.
“I want to go into politics, much later, when
I am around forty. The problem with going into
politics now, is that first of all, young people are
not taken seriously by other politicians, and aside
from that, I think that you need to be wise and
settled and responsible when you decide to enter
politics. And you need to have made a whole lot
of money.
“I really want to make a difference. I don’t
want to be one of those people who at the funeral
they say: nice guy, he was always good to his
wife and kids. I need to do more, I need to make
a positive contribution. There are so many people
who I’ve been fortunate enough to interview, to
meet, who are making that contribution. To me
that is the ultimate reward of living a good life.
I need to give something back to people. People
like Madiba and Bill Clinton show you how one
person can make a difference and turn things
around. I am not comparing myself to them. But
God willing, in some small way, I will also be
able to make that difference someday.”
His advice to students and young people here
and everywhere in South Africa is: “Don’t get
married too soon, because you’ll be trapped in a
loveless marriage. Rather have fun and then get
married when you’re ready.” And to future journalists? “Take your career seriously and you will
become successful and realise that not bending
the rules and sticking to them will make you an
even better journalist.”
Pretty interesting advice coming from the
man who one could be forgiven for thinking the
saying “rules are meant to be broken” seems to
have been coined for him. However, as he says,
he’s a broadcaster, not a journalist, and those
‘rules’ are an entire different script. If there is one
thing which one can learn from people who have
made it to the top in their chosen careers, it is that
you cannot afford to miss your chances. Life is
about taking that step, and love him or hate him,
one has to concede that in Gareth Cliff’s case, he
does not believe in baby steps either.
It’s all about leaps and bounds in his book.
Trying to make a difference through innovation
DURING the interviews I’ve done with South
African musicians, one question keeps coming
up: what about support for the music from fans?
Can a musician make a living in a country which
seems to disregard its own music scene?
Believe it or not, many well-known musicians
are desperately struggling to make money from
album sales and concerts. One must wonder
what the local music scene is like when a major
income boost for an artist is an appearance on a
B-rated television show.
We study on a campus where opportunities to watch musicians perform are endless.
Every week, posters advertising bands such
as Spoonfeedas or Fahrenheit appear in clubs
throughout town. So we must ask: do people
actually go? The sad, simple truth is: no.
A recent concert by Willim Welsyn En Die
Sunshine Toffies was attended by nearly thirty
people. Granted, they were thirty very energetic
people, but it’s a small crowd nonetheless. Many
were invited by Willim himself.
But what about the expensive cover charge,
you ask? R15. That’s it. The price of a double
brandy and Coke. For a three-to-four hour party.
Why are students willing to pay R300 for a
bad spot in an R.E.M. concert, but unwilling to
pay the price of a drink for a local show? Even
Dorp Street Theatre, which regularly showcases
large names in the music industry, often has to
call upon students to form a sort of rent-a-crowd
to give visiting musicians a good reception.
I was privileged enough to spend a weekend
at Dorp Street Theatre with Rooibaardt, one of
the most innovative and exciting bands on the
current music scene. The owners gave them
breakfast and lunch. Now, all bands who play at
Dorp Street get a hot meal for free, yet the guys
from Rooibaard did not realise this. They were
horrified when the food arrived, because they
did not have the money to pay for a simple meal.
When the owners told them that they did not
have to pay, they felt so bad that they paid with
the only thing they had – fruit they had picked on
a farm during their trip down to Stellenbosch.
I ask you, with tears in my baby-blue eyes,
why a well-known band such as Rooibaardt did
not have the money to buy a meal? If I were more
cynical I would make a quip about them spending
it on drugs or alcohol. Yet I know that is not true.
I have spoken to too many musicians who have
told me the same thing.
I’m begging students to support bands that
are truly trying to make a difference through
innovation. Support your old favourites like
Fokofpolisiekar or Prime Circle – they need the
money too. Yet they have stagnated. They do
nothing new. They are not developing a South
African sound. A sound that we can be proud
of, that we can truly say is ours, and not that
of any other nation. We do not need bands who
sound like every other US punk band or every
other US rock band. We need musicians like
Chris Chameleon who took the risk of turning
Afrikaans poetry into beautiful melodies. We
need poets and songwriters like Lize Beekman,
Bacchus Nel or Riku Latti.
Even kwaito, so heavily influenced by US
hip-hop, has stagnated. We hear from them what
we can hear every other day on MTV. Rap music
is not black, and it is sure as hell not African.
It is what the US condescendingly calls AfroAmerican. Not African. Musicians such as Vusi
Mahlasela, Black Sunshine and Freshlyground
are African. Rooibaardt is African.
Perhaps a night of dancing at the local clubs
like All-Stars or Stones is more fun than I
recall. Yet I cringe at the thought of spending an
evening jamming to Beyoncé or 50 Cent when I
can watch an incendiary band like Hot Water in
Muizenburg, or the ever-infectious Bed on Bricks
right here in Stellenbosch. And for the price of
a drink, students have no excuse. Do yourself a
favour. Next time you think about going to a club
on Friday night, head in the direction of a venue
featuring original South African music instead.
You won’t regret it.
Perhaps we do not realise it, but we are at a
crisis point in our local music industry. We do not
have a voice to send out to the rest of the world.
Music speaks most deeply about the state of a
nation’s heart. And we are mute. A country with
so many cultures cannot express itself in the international arena – how will the rest of the world
know about our happiness and our sadness, our
pride, our love, if we cannot make them hear?
Musicians such as Bacchus Nel, Jan Blohm
and Chris Chameleon need our help, believe it or
not. Without an audience, they cannot play. And
if they cannot play, we lose something precious.
Our voice.
• Bottomley studies Journalism
Die menings in hierdie rubriek is nie noodwendig dié van die koerant, die redakteur of
enige lid van die redaksie nie. The opinions
expressed in this column are not necessarily
the opinion of this newspaper, the editor, or
any member of the staf f.
22 February 2006
22 Sport
Playing alongside Springboks ‘calms the nerves’
Self-effacing Grant walks one step at a time
THE Super 14 season has finally
arrived, much to the anticipation of
South African rugby fans.
Peter Grant, new flyhalf of the
Stormers, recently had an interview
with Die Matie on his approach to
the game and his rugby future.
FEELING AT HOME Peter Grant during his interview at Simonsberg
COOL, calm and collected is an old
cliché. But it is the first thing that
comes to mind when meeting Stormers
flyhalf Peter Grant for the first time.
We were very fortunate to get hold
of this Super 14 player in the middle of
his busy schedule. It felt very appropriate to have a casual chat and beer
with him in the place he once called
home – Simonsberg residence.
Following a route that not many
Natal schoolboys choose to take, it
is interesting to note how this young
man ended up in the coveted Stormers
number ten jersey after making a name
for himself playing for the Maritzburg
College First XV and Natal Craven
Week side.
Considering the fact that he was
also a South African u/19 representative, one would have thought that
he would follow the traditional route
through the Natal system, but Bash, as
his friends call him, decided to come
to Stellenbosch solely because of his
Natal had offered him a contract
when he finished school, but he was
adamant on choosing a location where
he could focus on his studies. The fact
that his father insisted he consider
his studies first before thinking of a
career with one of the rugby unions
wasn’t a deterrent at all, seeing that he
had already made up his mind on this
Another motivating factor was that
his sister was already a Matie when he
decided where to further his academic
He mentions that he has never
and still doesn’t consider rugby as a
possible full-time profession for him,
even though his BComm degree is
taking strain under the pressures of a
full-time rugby schedule.
“While I was playing Vodacom
Cup I still had some time to focus on
classes, but now it is too difficult due
to the Super 14.”
He further states that the jump
he experienced during the gradual
promotion over the last year is quite
humbling. Only a while ago he looked
up to players like Werner Greeff and
Jean de Villiers. Now, a year later,
he is sharing a room with Greeff on
Stormers trips.
When asked about the pressures
and responsibility of playing at such
a level and especially being at flyhalf,
he exclaims the importance he places
on not paying attention to the reputation of his opposition. He states that if
you focus and worry too much about
your opposition, you start forgetting
about your own game.
It is a big jump for a young star
such as himself but it makes things
easier when there are experienced
players around him to help him out.
“Playing in the backline with the
likes of Bolla [Conradie] and Jean [de
Villiers] makes things a lot easier and
also calms the nerves.”
However, he does give thought
to the idea of playing against
Australasian backline-bashers and
anxiously refers to Ma’a Nonu, Tana
Umaga and Stirling Mortlock as the
potential dangers that the teams from
down under have to dish up.
It is hard to believe that a man who
has just recently walked out of res as
a friend to many guys who are still
studying and enjoying the free spirits
of youth, is facing up to the likes of
these world-renowned stars.
When referring to the South African
players that have given him a hard
time, he mentions the rock-like frame
of Anton Leonard that smashes into
you when going in for a tackle, and
also states that Wickus van Heerden is
prone to causing quite a difficult time
for flyhalves.
If there had to be a South African
opponent whom he sees as his main
competition, currently and for the
future, it would be Bulls flyhalf Morné
Steyn. These two players are both in
their early twenties and very soon
they’ll be fighting for the same Bok
A couple of young flyhalves have
been built up and thrown out while
playing under Springbok coaches.
Gaffie du Toit comes to mind in the
horrific New Zealand test at Dunedin a
couple of years ago. Derick Hougaard
is also a young star who is struggling to find his feet again after being
thrown into the deep end during the
2003 World Cup.
There have also been rumours in
the press that Meyer Bosman won’t
live up to the level that was expected
of him when he was controversially
included in the end-of-year-tour to
Europe last year.
When asked about this issue and
the fact that he is also a young flyhalf
in the mould of a possible great, Grant
states that he doesn’t pay attention to
what the press or the public has to say
about players.
“They aren’t coaches,” is his
answer to the rugby mob that is the
South African fans and the press. He
also isn’t fazed by the prospect of
Springbok-callup and rumours that
the press like to circulate. He states he
has reached his aimed-for climax by
making the starting line-up for a Super
14 side.
Grant has never placed huge
emphasis on making it to the Springbok
team and says that the Super 14 was
his ultimate aim. This attitude highlights his humble nature.
His most memorable moment?
Being a member of the u/19 World
Cup-winning Junior Bok-side of 2003
where he played inside-centre. “Being
in France and winning that tournament
[against New Zealand] was just incredi-
ble.” The side succeeded in beating a
very highly rated New Zealand side in
a nail-biting thriller.
Grant’s debut against the Cats was
a very good introduction to a promising
Super 14 career. This is going to be
another big highlight of his career.
Regarding the major influences on
his still-young career, he speaks of his
u/15 coach at Maritzburg, mr Talker.
He specifically remembers him as a
coach who got the job done with very
few words.
“I also enjoy Kobus van der
Merwe’s coaching at Province and the
Stormers a lot,” he adds shyly, trying
not to forget or take away anything
from his current mentor.
Bash is the type of player who
would gladly have a talk with a fan if
he were to run into him at a bar.
During his blougat-time at
Simonsberg he was approached by a
fellow first-year just before the firstyears’ rugby practice was about to
start. The fellow first-year, obviously
noticing his sizable frame, asked him
whether he played rugby. Without
any arrogant gesture concerning his
already impressive pedigree at junior
rugby level, he answered with: “Yes, I
do, and you?”.
When his fellow first-year later
found out that Bash was in fact the
South African u/19 flyhalf at the time,
he was quite red-faced when in the
presence of the modest Grant.
Grant’s humble and quiet nature
doesn’t suggest that he is the topclass rugby player he is. Talking to
him about his try against the Sharks in
last year’s Currie Cup, during which
he flummoxed the Sharks’ backline on
the halfway line and then sprinted in to
score a try after beating Bok paceman
Brent Russel, highlights this fact.
“No, Brent was never in a position
to get to me. I was basically over the
line and just had to dive. Besides, all
the other guys were tired and I hadn’t
done much up to then, so I had the legs
to get there.”
He doesn’t make a fuss of what the
press says about players. They have
the ability to make and break players,
and before the end-of-year-tour last
year, when mention was being made
of a possible position for Grant, he
didn’t take much notice and just took
everything as it came.
Though his Bok call-up has not
come yet, but is very likely to, this
down-to-earth player still takes things
one step at a time.
STORMER AIMS FOR THE STARS Peter Grant during practice on Newlands.
Sport clubs contact details
THE new year has already kicked off
and everyone is looking for a solution
to the holiday pounds they gained
over the festive season, or wants to
start combatting first-years’ syndrome
before it sets in. If you are interested
in becoming active and involved in a
new sport, contact one of the Maties
sports clubs for details and information
on their respective practice times and
fixtures. Get into a healthy lifestyle
and become a part of Maties sport!
Sport 23
22 Februarie 2006
Nuwelingstudente baljaar voor akademie begin
Eerstejaarsmanewales by atletiekbyeenkoms
’N GESING EN ’N GESPRING Die eerstejaars van Simonsberg en Nerina w ys hoekom hulle die geesbeker verower het, en hekkiesatlete mik vir die wenstreep.
EERSTEJAARS van die Stellenbosse
koshuise en privaatwyke het op 9
Februarie weer bymekaar gekom vir
die jaarlikse eerstejaarsatletiekbyeenkoms te Coetzenburg.
Die koshuise oefen weke lank aan
hulle nuut-aangeleerde koshuisliedjies om vir sowat drie ure hulle gô uit
te skree ter ondersteuning van hulle
vriende wat op die atletiekbaan spring,
gooi en hardloop agter die atletiekbeker aan. Die mans- en vrouekoshuise is in pare ingespan om die
verskeie trofees te probeer verower.
Sommige HK’s het langs die atletiekbaan gebraai en gehelp om die
singendes te inspireer. Al die atlete het
hard baljaar op die baan en sommige
het sommer hulle talente in al die
baannommers ten toon gestel.
Gedurende die mans-aflos het een
van die atlete sy talent aan die skare
getoon in sy eie, persoonlike kaalnaelitem en net betyds deur die uitganghek
geglip voordat hy gevang kon word.
In die atletiek-afdeling vir vrouekoshuise het Nerina met die louere
weggestap, gevolg deur Heemstede in
die tweede plek en Aristea in die derde.
In die mansafdeling het Kolonieshof
Stoeiers: maak
reg vir seisoen
STOEI bied die geleentheid vir
gesonde en genotvolle ontspanning.
Stoei word ook as ’n groot vorm
van opvoeding beskou en is nie net ’n
goeie bron van liggaamlike fiksheid
nie, maar bou ook selfbeheersing,
samewerking en ander karaktereienskappe en moedig gesonde mededinging aan.
Die onderskeie stoeiklubs in die
Wes-Kaap het onlangs weer die kryt
betree en maak reg vir ’n opwindende
seisoen op die vloer. Die Stellenboschklub is een van hulle en bied puik
geleenthede om fiksheid te bevorder.
As enigiemand belangstel om betrokke te raak by die universiteit se
stoeiklub, kontak vir Wim Conradie
by 084 504 1109.
Oud-stoeiers bo 35 word ook
aangemoedig om deel te neem in die
Vir navrae oor die sport, klubs
of borge kontak me Elize Loots by
083 651 6291.
EERSTEJAARSTOERNOOI GAAN GROOT ’n Speler van Eendrag hardloop met die bal gedurende die Eerstejaarshokkietoernooi wat
Saterdag op Coetzenburg plaasgevind het. Van al die koshuise wat
deelgeneem het, is Simonsberg as span van die toernooi aangew ys
aangesien hulle die meeste doele aangeteken het. Hulle is definitief ’n
span om mee rekening te hou in die huidige somerliga en komende
winterliga. Spanning het geheers langs die veld toe Eendrag ’n naelbyt-oorwinning van 1-0 oor Pieke beklink het, nadat Jovan du Plessis sy Eendrag-span se enigste doel kon aanteken. In die vroueliga
het Nerina vir Nemesia met 1-0 geklop in ’n baie indrukwekkende en
aksievolle wedstryd. Die gees langs die twee hokkievelde tydens die
eindstryd was ’n inspirasie en aanmoediging vir al die spelers. Daar
is baie nuwe talent ten toon gestel by die toernooi waar die verskillende mans- en vrouekoshuise mekaar uitgedaag het vir kompeterende
en aksievolle hokkie. Vanaand pak Simonsberg en Eendrag mekaar
om 21:00 op Coetzenburg in die somerliga en dié wedstryd beloof
om uitstekende spel op te lewer. Dit gaan sekerlik ’n wedstryd wees
wat nie misgeloop moet word nie. – (Belinda Hancke)
die houtlepel uitgedeel aan Helshoogte
en Dagbreek wat gesamentlik tweede
geëindig het, en aan Medies in die
derde plek.
Nerina is weer vereer met ’n eerste
plek saam met Simonsberg as wenners
van die geesbeker. Simonsberg het
hulle titel suksesvol verdedig deur
weereens dié beker voor die neuse
van die opposisie weg te raap en het
deur die aand hulself as die lawaai-
erigste koshuis bewys, saam met die
vroue van Nerina. Die algehele koshuispaarwenners was die span van
Helshoogte en Heemstede, wat die
meeste deelname gedurende die aand
se aktiwiteite getoon het.
Alle verteenwoordigers is met seer
bene, lywe en kele terug koshuis toe.
Hulle sal egter dié aand onthou as deel
van die begin van ’n koshuisloopbaan
vol pret en lekker tye.
Belowende talent vir opkomende rugbyseisoen
lewer groot verrassings
SPREI HOM WYD Dagbreek se skrumskakel, Prieur de Jager, gee die bal aan in hulle stryd teen Kolonieshof
DIE eerstejaar-rugbytoernooi tussen
koshuise op Stellenbosch kan vergelyk
word met ’n baba wat sy eerste tree gee.
Dit is gewoonlik ’n groot gesukkel,
maar daar is ook baie potensiaal wat
wag om ontgin te word.
Rugby uit die boonste rakke is dit
beslis nie, maar dit is grootliks te wyte
aan die feit dat spelers eers hulle eie
voete en ook mekaar moet vind. Die
spelers het egter goed daarin geslaag
om hulle onderskeie koshuise se trots
en eer te verdedig.
Die eerste skote het net ná vyf
verlede Woensdag geklap. Die stormagtige wind het die toestande baie
verswak. Veral die spanne wat op
die Coetzenburg-buitevelde gespeel
het, het gesukkel met hulle skopwerk
en lelik teen die wind geswoeg op
die swaar velde. In die eerste rondte-
wedstryde het Helderberg die fout
gemaak om hulle teenstanders Huis
Visser te onderskat en hulle het met
11-10 op hulle herrie gekry. Die vyftiental van Oude-Pieke het Huis
Marais met 22-8 afgestof en Wilgenhof
het ’n hoogs gemotiveerde span van
Metanoia in koshuisrugby-geledere
verwelkom deurdat hulle met 25-13
geseëvier het in ’n harde stryd wat nie
goed deur die telling weerspiëel word
nie. As dié wedstryd enige aanduiding was van hoe Metanoia gaan veg
op die rugbyveld, gaan hulle beslis
nie ’n maklike kragmeting op die koshuisrugbykalender beteken nie.
Eendrag het groot belofte getoon en
die span van Medies met 35-5 afgeslag.
Verder het Simonsberg vir Elsenburg
12-11 verslaan in ’n wedstryd waar
Elsenburg hulle kenmerkend geniepsige spel opgelewer het. Die wedstryd
is in die laaste oomblikke gewen met
’n Simonsberg-drie en ’n uitstekende
vervyfskop vanaf die kantlyn in swaar,
winderige toestande.
Die span van Helshoogte het
Helshoogte het goeie rugby gespeel en
die span van Majuba met baie stof tot
nadenke gelaat.
Libertas het ook goed gespeel in ’n
oorwinning van 55-7 oor Academia en
laasgenoemde is met die kous oor die
kop huis toe gestuur.
In die hoofwedstryd van die dag het
Kolonieshof vriend en vyand verras
deur die gedugte span van Dagbreek
met 18-15 te klop. Die wedstryd
het voortdurend wipplank gery en
Kolonieshof kon eers die wedstryd
beklink met ’n drie nadat die sirene
reeds afgegaan het. Dagbreek moes
dus tevrede wees met die houtlepel.
Rugby vir die fynproewer was dit
beslis nie, maar daar is ’n stewige
fondament gelê waarop beslis voortgebou kan word.
Season starts afresh
with summer league
HOCKEY at Stellenbosch is already
in full swing, with two weeks of
residence summer league matches
having been completed and a whole
army of new talent showing itself off
at first-year trials for the Maties club
All this action has been taking
place on a much brighter and much
improved turf, with the old desso
having been given a face-lift over
the Christmas holiday.
While the old turf has been
improved, the new astro turf being
built alongside it is fast nearing completion.
There have been a few delays in
the laying of the pitch, but as the head
of hockey, Jilly Dix, commented:
“A good product is not a rushed
The brand new water-based turf
is due to be finished by the 25th of
March, when it will see action for the
first time with the Maties men’s and
women’s sides taking on invitational
sides boasting the names of past
Maties stars taking part in several
exhibition matches, followed by an
opening function in the evening.
The evening will also include
an auction of sports memorabilia to
help finance the completion of the
hockey astro.
The waterbased surface has been
a dream for the whole club for a long
time and its completion is a huge
boost to Maties hockey. This sets the
club up for what should be a very
successful year.
Another boost for Maties hockey
was the recent announcement of the
South African men’s and women’s
Commonwealth Games squads.
Seven Maties women (Mariette
Rix, Taryn Hoskins, Kate Hector,
Lenise Marais, Henna Du Buisson,
Taryn Bright and Kathleen Taylor)
were all selected for the women’s
national side.
The Maties Franci Du Plessis and
Eric Rose-Innes were selected for
the men’s squad.
The selection of these players
to the national squad illustrates the
success that the Maties men’s and
women’s sides experienced during
the past season.
The women’s side, especially,
showed incredible form last year by
winning the national club champs
and sweeping aside all their local
The South African women’s
coach, Jenny King, is also Maties
women’s coach , and the men’s coach
is former Matie Paul Revington.
These players leave for the
Commonwealth games on the 1st
of March and the women’s side is
presently on tour playing a four
nations tournament which makes
up part of their preparation for the
With the great new facilities, the
high standard of hockey at Maties
and the general atmosphere at the
club, people are encouraged to watch
some good hockey on the new astro
turf and support the Maties sides.
The next three weeks will see the
final round of summer league pool
games followed by the semi-finals
and final.
Students are encouraged to come
out and support their respective residences as the new facilities should
provide for some exciting games.
The teams to watch in the women’s
draw are Serruria and Nerina, who
find themselves battling it out for the
top position in the same group, as
well as the side from Nemesia who
are always strong.
Other contenders for the top spot
in the league are the women from
Erica and the Oud-Studente side.
In the men’s draw the defending
champions, Simonsberg, look to be
favourites again after opening with a
decisive 8-0 victory.
Simonsberg have always been
one of the strongest sides in summer
league hockey tournaments over the
past couple of years, owing to the
large base of Maties hockey players
of which they consist.
However, they won’t go unchallenged with last year’s losing
finalists, the Stellenbosch Oaks First
XI, starting with two wins out of
They are joined in their quest to
dethrone the men from Simonsberg
by a whole host of other strong teams,
including a talented Wilgenhof side,
who are also strongly in the mix
to take away the coveted summer
league trophy.