2014 - Zoo New England


2014 - Zoo New England
C o n n e c t in g p e o p le t o t h e
n atu ra l w o r ld t h r o u g h
mean i n g f u l e x p e r ie n ce s t h a t
e n g a g e , e du cat e a n d i ns p i re.
Fiscal Year 2014
Annual Report
[July 1, 2013 – June 30, 2014]
Zoo New England is the non-profit organization responsible for
the operation of Franklin Park Zoo in Boston and Stone Zoo in
Stoneham, Mass. Both Zoos are accredited by the Association of
Zoos and Aquariums (AZA).
Dear Zoo Supporters,
Fiscal year 2014 was a year of continued growth and exciting new
opportunities for Zoo New England. From highly-anticipated births
including a Brazilian ocelot, a Grevy’s zebra, bongo, Canada lynx kittens
and a reindeer, to the debut of the new American alligator exhibit at
Stone Zoo and the return of the ever popular Giraffe Terrace at Franklin
Park Zoo, there was much to share with new and old friends.
Zoo New England’s mission is to inspire people to protect and
sustain the natural world for future generations by creating
fun and engaging experiences that integrate wildlife and
conservation programs, research, and education.
To learn more about our Zoos, education programs and
conservation efforts, please visit us at www.zoonewengland.org
Board of Directors Officers
We were especially excited to announce Nature’s Neighborhoods – the
new George Robert White Fund Children’s Zoo, being planned for
Franklin Park Zoo. This innovative project will feature state-of-theart exhibits that will provide the foundation for science education,
exploratory learning and connections to the natural world. By
comparing ecosystems to neighborhoods, children will be able to easily
relate to the roles that living creatures, including themselves, play
in healthy, thriving environments while exploring various habitats.
Nature’s Neighborhoods is a project based on extensive market research validating a concept that fulfills the need
for an area specifically geared for young children as a priority for Franklin Park Zoo and the community at large.
[FY14: July 1, 2013 – June 30, 2014]
Gordon Carr, Board Chair
Brenda Furlong, Board Vice Chair
Janice Houghton, Board Vice Chair
Peter A. Wilson, Board Treasurer
Board of Directors
[FY14: July 1, 2013 – June 30, 2014]
Robert L. Beal
Rory Browne, D.Phil.
Gordon Clagett
Jeff Corwin
James B. Dunbar
Bruce Enders
David Friedman
Kate Guedj
Steven M. Hinterneder, P.E.
Tito Jackson
Byron Kalogerou
Mark A. Kelley, MD
Walter J. Little
Christopher P. Litterio
David Passafaro
Jeanne Pinado
David C. Porter
Claudia U. Richter, MD
Jay Kemp Smith
Ed Toomey
Colin G. Van Dyke
Franklin Park Zoo and Stone Zoo are vibrant, essential contributors to our region’s cultural and educational
landscape, providing affordable activities for schools and families while educating, inspiring and sharing the
wonders of wildlife. Once again this year, tens of thousands of students had fun while learning at our Zoos.
Education and conservation are the cornerstones of our mission, and we are committed to providing opportunities
that will inspire the next generation of conservation stewards and leaders. In FY 14, we were thrilled to launch
Youth Advisory Councils at both Zoos, which are comprised of highly motivated young people who are generating
ideas and pursuing actions to help us achieve even greater success. Our structured ZooTeen, Teen Ambassador and
Jr. ZooTeen programs are stronger and more popular than ever. The number of people served by programs and
interpretation, as well as revenues generated, continued to increase in FY14.
Advisory Council
Delivering on our mission and inspiring tomorrow’s conservation leaders requires great vision, passion, creativity
and commitment. As we do this work, we are fortunate to have a skilled and dedicated group of professional
staff, a strong core of devoted volunteers; and a talented and committed Board of Directors that is generous with
strategic direction, technical expertise, business insight, financial resources and an unwavering commitment to
ensuring engaging, inspiring and enriching experiences at our Zoos.
[FY14: July 1, 2013 – June 30, 2014]
Rory Browne, D.Phil – Advisory Council Chair
Kathy Vieweg – Advisory Council Vice Chair
Alexis Belash
Joanna Berube
Bill Byrne
Elizabeth Cook
Donna Denio
Beatrice Flammia
Mark Gudaitis
Lloyd Hamm
Jackie Henke
David Hirschberg
LeeAnn Horner
Elizabeth Duffy Hynes
Hathaway Jade
Ronnie Kanarek
Lorenda C. Layne
Anne L. Lewis, DVM
Andrew Mauck
Susanne MacDonald
Danio Mastropieri
Diana McDonald
John MacNeil
Mitsou MacNeil
Ruth Marrion, DVM
Jessica Gifford Nigrelli
Samantha Overton
Terry Schneider
Arthur Soohoo
Alan Stern, M.D.
David Straus
Heather Egan Sussman
Jeffrey D. Terrey
Mark Vaughan
We are grateful to the loyal and generous Zoo members, donors and volunteers who help us provide meaningful
experiences to people of all ages. With your continued support, and that of a growing number of others, we are
working hard to realize our vision for these beloved Zoos. Together we can make a lasting impression on every
group of school children that walks through our gates, every teen who participates in our award-winning youth
programs, and every family that visits for a day of fun and adventure.
Nature’s Neighborhoods, the new George Robert White
Fund Children’s Zoo, will feature an exciting new prairie
dog exhibit. Nature’s Neighborhoods encourages selfdirected “adventure play” as a core educational goal.
Learn more at zoonewengland.org/act/waysto-give/childrens-zoo-campaign.
John Linehan
President & CEO
For years Zoo New England has been an active participant in
and contributor to a number of important Species Survival Plans
(SSPs), cooperative inter-zoo programs coordinated nationally
through AZA that are designed to maintain genetically diverse
and demographically stable captive populations of species.
A prime example of this in action could be seen in December
2013, when we were proud to be part of an international
collaboration which resulted in the arrival of Inocencio, a
young pygmy hippo from the Parque Zoologico Buin Zoo in
Chile, to Franklin Park Zoo. The North American captive pygmy
hippo population is small – only about 61 individuals – and
highly skewed toward females. The hope is that Inocencio will
eventually breed with female pygmy hippo Cleopatra, who also
resides at Franklin Park Zoo, and further the efforts to create
a self-sustaining population for these endangered animals.
Inocencio’s arrival was the result of a collaborative effort
between Zoo New England, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, U.S.
Customs and Border Protection and the USDA’s Animal Plant
Health Inspection Service.
In addition to Inocencio, visitors encountered a number of
other new furry faces and feathered heads as they toured our
Births and hatchings at Franklin Park Zoo included a Grevy’s
zebra, prairie dogs, African pygmy falcon chicks, and Siberian
crane chicks.
Inocencio, an endangered pygmy hippo, arrived at
Franklin Park Zoo in December 2013 from Parque
Zoologico Buin Zoo in Chile as the result of an
international collaboration. It is hoped that one day he
will successfully breed with Cleopatra, a female pygmy
hippo who also resides at Franklin Park Zoo.
That Inspire
Whether standing face to face with an endangered western
lowland gorilla, or witnessing a newborn reindeer learning
how to walk under its mother’s watchful eye, visitors to Zoo
New England’s Franklin Park and Stone Zoos have the unique
opportunity to connect with the natural world through
meaningful experiences that can create lasting memories.
Whether it’s a family outing, a corporate picnic or a school field
trip, our Zoos provide a welcoming environment for all guests
to enjoy while learning about the incredible animals with
which we share our planet. It’s also incredibly moving when
we hear stories about how the Zoos and the animals inspire
and empower people, particularly kids, to make a difference
in their community. We had the opportunity to recognize an
outstanding youth for his efforts on behalf of wildlife and
conservation with the Zoo Hero Youth Award presented at
In FY 14, a total of 652,655 guests visited the Zoos and
experienced all that we had to offer. We are working hard
to realize our vision for the future of these Zoos and are
committed to building world-class institutions for you and your
family to enjoy for generations to come.
Significant Animal
Each animal is an ambassador for its species and has a story
tell about the importance of wildlife protection and habitat
preservation. Some species rely on zoos in part for their
comeback from the brink of extinction. Management of animals
within and cooperatively between institutions accredited by the
Association of Zoos and Aquariums (AZA) is vital for ensuring
healthy, genetically diverse populations.
In the fall of 2013, Franklin Park Zoo’s female Grevy’s zebra
Evita gave birth to a male foal. The foal was named Jakobi, a
west African word meaning “star,” as the result of a public poll
conducted on Franklin Park Zoo’s Facebook page. This birth
served as a continuation of ZNE’s very successful participation
in the Grevy’s Zebra SSP – currently, there are fewer than
2,700 of these endangered animals in the wild. Franklin Park
Zoo also celebrated the birth of a Brazilian ocelot kitten, and
three important hatches – one of a rare Siberian crane chick
(one of only 21 in captivity in four North American institutions
accredited by AZA) and two African pygmy falcon chicks.
Memorial Day weekend brought something snappy to Stone
Zoo with the arrival of three American alligators. The alligator
exhibit is a permanent seasonal exhibit that allows guests to
visit the alligators into the early fall. In addition to these scaly
faces, after re-opening in the spring following several months
of construction and renovations, visitors to Windows to the
Wild saw new additions including a Matschie’s tree kangaroo,
straw-colored fruit bats and cotton-top tamarins.
Stone Zoo also celebrated the birth of four Canada lynx kittens
and the birth of a male reindeer. All of these births were extra
joyful occasions, as they marked the first successful births of
each species at the Zoo.
Pictured from top: Patty, a Canada lynx, pictured with one of
her kittens (photo by Fran Mandeville), Zoo New England staff
examine the reindeer calf, and the Siberian crane chick that
hatched at Franklin Park Zoo.
area. Visitors can see the crane within the Alfred Huang North
American Crane Exhibit at Stone Zoo.
The whooping crane is critically endangered, and ZNE is
committed to the research and conservation of the species. We
are a proud supporter of Operation Migration, which conducts
groundbreaking work in reintroducing whooping cranes into
eastern North America.
Farther away, ZNE continues its work saving amphibians from
the brink of extinction in the amphibian-rich region of eastern
Panama. Dr. Eric Baitchman, ZNE Director of Veterinary Services,
is the lead veterinarian for the Panama Amphibian Rescue and
Conservation Project (PARC).
In partnership with other institutions, ZNE provided support
in a variety of ways for numerous other regional, national
and international wildlife conservation projects, among them
the Snow Leopard Trust, 96 Elephants and whooping crane
Closer to home, Zoo New England continues to collaborate with
the Blanding’s turtle research and monitoring project at Great
Meadows National Wildlife Refuge in an effort to boost this
turtle species’ population. Each fall, Stone Zoo cares for a small
group of hatchlings and keeps them safe for nine months until
they are re-released back into Great Meadows’ wetlands with
radio transmitters attached to the top part of their
shell. The goal is to locate the turtle three times per
year and to take measurements twice a year to
monitor survival and growth rates.
to Conservation
Pictured at top: A young visitor feeds Beau the giraffe at
the Giraffe Terrace, open seasonally at Franklin Park Zoo.
Standing face to face with Beau the giraffe, one can truly
appreciate the beauty and grace of this majestic species – it is
an experience not soon forgotten.
Visitors to Franklin Park Zoo have the opportunity to share
some face-time with these beautiful, gentle animals at the everpopular Giraffe Terrace, open seasonally. It is not every day that
you have the chance to feed butternut squash to an 18-foot tall
giraffe, and the Zoo is proud to offer this special experience
and create lasting memories for guests of all ages.
Crowds at Stone Zoo looked toward the sky with wonder
during the free-flight Masters of Flight: Birds of Prey show,
open May through Labor Day. Bird species from around the
world are awe-inspiring as they swoop about, demonstrating
natural behaviors such as food foraging and unique survival
techniques during this engaging and educational experience.
With the addition of the American alligator exhibit at Stone
Zoo in 2014, visitors were given the unique opportunity to meet
smaller gators – measuring 1 foot long each – up close as part
of the Zoo’s daily education encounters at the exhibit.
At Franklin Park Zoo, Aussie Aviary and Butterfly Landing
remained places where people can truly connect with the
wonders of wildlife. Whether feeding the colorful budgies
in Aussie Aviary or finding tranquility amongst the fluttering
denizens of Butterfly Landing, visitors flocked to these
interactive, educational spaces.
The 6D ride Rhino Rescue combined state-of-the-art technology
with a conservation message in a dynamic, memorable way as
it continued to thrill visitors by taking them on a high-speed
chase alongside park rangers pursuing rhino poachers.
FY 14 brought many events that were unique in a way that
only the Zoo can offer. During the Run Wild 5K races at both
Zoos, participants had the opportunity to lace up their sneakers
as they had fun and ran in support of the Zoos. At Franklin
Park Zoo, guests to the annual Brew at the Zoo sipped on
a wide array of delicious beers as they strolled amongst the
animals and experienced a unique evening event that has
proven to be more popular each year. Also at Franklin Park
Zoo, the inaugural Uncorked served up wine tastings at this
well received spring event. At Stone Zoo’s not-to-be-missed A
Wild Affair, guests sampled tasty food and drinks generously
donated from a variety of local restaurants and caterers,
listened to live entertainment, bid on an array of fabulous
auction items and experienced so much more.
These experiences and so many others uniquely position our
Zoos to connect guests to the vast wonders of nature through
exploration, discovery, play, education, and imagination.
Visitors leave with a greater appreciation for the natural world
that will stay with them long after their visits.
While our animal collection is the primary motivation behind a
Zoo visit, our mission – our passion – is to inspire and educate
the next generation of conservation stewards and leaders. Our
conservation programs make a lasting and meaningful impact
locally, regionally and internationally. At our Zoos, people of
any age can discover the incredible biodiversity of our planet
and the critical role they play in ensuring it is a healthy, thriving
environment for generations to come.
Quarters for Conservation, launched in 2013, dedicates 25 cents
from each admission and $2.50 from each membership to ZNE’s
conservation efforts, allowing us to greatly expand funding
dedicated to our mission imperative. It also gives each visitor a
direct impact on wildlife conservation. The conservation kiosks
at both Zoos continue to educate visitors about some of our
conservation initiatives and allows them to discuss and vote on
the conservation project they’d like to support.
Through our cooperative captive breeding programs, many new
animals are born or hatched, or brought to our Zoos to bolster
our breeding and education programs. In the spring of 2014, a
male whooping crane joined the collection. The crane, one of
approximately 600 remaining (about 300 of which are in the
wild), had set up a territory on an air field in Wisconsin, and
despite repeated efforts to encourage him to move elsewhere,
the decision was made to remove him from the wild for his
safety and for human safety as planes take off and land in that
Pictured at top: The Organic Garden Project at Franklin Park Zoo is
providing fresh produce and enrichment for the animals.
Pictured at right: Visitors to Stone Zoo can see this male whooping
crane and learn more about conservation efforts on behalf of these
endangered birds.
New to Franklin Park Zoo in FY 14 was the Organic Garden
Project – an initiative launched to sustainably provide organic
food and enrichment to the Zoos’ animals. In addition to
generating produce, the garden provides the opportunity to
educate visitors and the community about the importance
of fresh, locally grown produce and how to start small-scale
organic gardens on their own. This project aligned perfectly
with the Zoos’ mission and dedication to conservation.
Sharing the
of the Natural World
Franklin Park Zoo and Stone Zoo provide the environment for
active exploration, inquiry and hands-on discovery to inspire
people to interact positively with the natural world. Zoo New
England’s expansive science, technology, engineering and
mathematics (STEM) focused educational programs, which
incorporate Massachusetts and federal curriculum frameworks,
supplement and build interest in formal science education and
enable our guests to explore the complex connection between
natural, thriving habitats and wildlife.
The Zoos offer free admission to all Massachusetts
schoolchildren throughout the school year. By providing
opportunities to under-resourced children who may otherwise
not be able to visit our Zoos, we’re able to connect them with
the natural world and bring fun and effective educational
programming to all members of our community. In FY 14,
57,649 students visited Franklin Park Zoo and Stone Zoo at no
cost as part of school field trips.
Through a range of formal and informal programming, the
Education department shares the wonder of nature with
students of all ages – from toddlers in our Playful Paws
playgroups to school-aged children, college students doing
research, adult education students and casual learners.
What a wonderful experience our troop had.
We all agree it was by far the best overnight
we’ve had and we’ve done many. The zoo
keepers were also great, I want to especially
point out that Andrew, our Zoo Educator,
was fantastic, he was friendly and kept the
girls engaged. He did a terrific interactive
presentation and we had a lot of fun.
– Scout Group
Class time isn’t only for children, however. Our educators also
offer classes aligned with the state’s educational frameworks to
enhance the knowledge, skills, and expertise of Massachusetts
and New Hampshire school teachers.
In FY 14, the Youth Advisory Council was created to further
engage young people between ages 11 to 14 by working with
staff at both Zoos on program, exhibit and event advisement
while also assisting with marketing, fundraising and community
outreach efforts. Through these efforts, Council members
can leave a lasting mark on the Zoo as they develop the
skills necessary to become future leaders in their schools and
To learn more about ZNE’s education programs visit
FY14 program
• Engaged 206,865 visitors through programs
and interpretation, an 18 percent increase
over FY 13
• Increased overall interpretation by 17
percent over FY 13, from 157,891 to 185,360
• Increased the number of group programs
from 52 in FY 13 to 82 in FY 14, engaging a
total of 12,061 participants (up 95% from FY
• Began the sixth year of a successful summer
camp at Stone Zoo
• Continued our increasingly popular set of
homeschool programs at both Zoos
our Communities
As a vibrant component of the cultural community in Boston
and beyond, Zoo New England is committed to community
participation and community access. We were once again
pleased to partner with the Highland Street Foundation who
sponsored a very successful, and highly attended, free day
at Franklin Park Zoo. In FY 14, ZNE offered 3,600 passes to
community groups that otherwise would not be able to access
the Zoos. We continue to work with community centers, camps
and groups such as the Greater Grove Hall Main Streets, The
Kroc Army Salvation Center, Project RIGHT, Winn Companies,
Franklin Park Coalition, Boston Youth Environmental Network,
The Emerald Necklace Conservancy, Stoneham Chamber
of Commerce, and the Stoneham Business Roundtable.
Additionally, we continue to do outreach to libraries, schools,
after-school programs and various other entities.
Since 1999, Zoo New England’s nationally recognized ZooTeen
programs have created opportunities and nurtured the
development of more than 1,400 young people. The ZooTeen
Program provides youth the opportunity to receive direct
exposure to zoo and conservation-oriented careers in a safe,
structured and professional learning environment. Personal
academic and professional development classes and service
projects are incorporated into the program’s design. While
these young people work in a range of Zoo departments, they
forge lasting personal and professional relationships, build their
resumes and hone interview skills.
The program attracts a diverse group of participants from
the neighborhoods surrounding Franklin Park Zoo. Upon
completion of the ZooTeen Program, selected teens are given
the opportunity to extend their work at the Zoo throughout
the school year through our Teen Ambassador Program.
We also have an active Junior ZooTeen program for youth aged
11 to 14. This program offers a hands-on learning atmosphere
and several mentoring relationships with senior staff members.
The ZooTeen program is one of best ways
to get youth around the community more
involved and aware about the environment
and conservation efforts. It is a great way
to meet new people, make new friends
and explore possible science careers.
– Zannatul Zannat, Teen Ambassador
With help from donations, we partnered with area hospitals
and non-profit organizations to present DreamNight, a special
evening for chronically ill and disabled children to enjoy
Franklin Park Zoo with their families and caregivers free of
charge. More than 1,000 guests attended this annual event.
We also facilitated another successful ZooCamp at Franklin Park
Zoo, marking the 19th year of our partnership with Camp Fire
USA. Because ZooCamp tuitions are purposely kept low, this
unique summer camp is accessible for many children from lowincome families.
Zoo New England is grateful to all who donated to the Zoos. Your support
provides the funds to care for all of ZNE’s animal inhabitants, pursue
conservation projects both locally and abroad, and continue to educate and
inspire the conservation stewards of the future. Listed here are some who
made gifts between July 1, 2013 and June 30, 2014. For a full list of donors
visit www.zoonewengland.org.
Gifts $300,000+
Massachusetts Cultural Council
Gifts $100,000-$299,999
Robert L. Beal
Gifts $50,000-$99,999
David and Anne Bromer
Cabot Family Charitable Trust
Henry and Jean Hall
George and Lee Sprague
Gifts $25,000-$49,999
Dewey and Margaret Awad
Citizens Bank
Bruce Enders
The Highland Street Foundation
David C. Porter
Drs. Claudia and James Richter
Robert Lloyd Corkin Charitable
Peter A. Wilson
The Yawkey Foundation
Gifts $10,000-$24,999
Boston Police Patrolmen’s Association
Dr. Rory Browne and Dr. Grace Chang
Gordon and Margery Carr
Coca-Cola Bottling Co. of Northern
New England Inc.
Copeland Family Foundation, Inc.
The Florence Gould Foundation
Arthur and Connie Gutierrez
James M. and Cathleen D. Stone
Ronnie and Stephen Kanarek
Keel Foundation
Mark Kelley and Gail Riggs Kelley
Christopher and Anne Lewis
Christopher Litterio and Ursula Smith
Millennium Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
New Balance Corporation
Newcastle Foundation
Jessica and Andrew Nigrelli
Richard Saltonstall Charitable
State Street Corporation
Tiny Tiger Foundation, Inc.
Gifts $5,000-$9,999
All Points Media Inc.
Mary Ames
Joanne and John Berube
Boston Red Sox Foundation
Boston Standard Plumbing
Kevin and Julie Callaghan
David Canter and Lisa Strope
Gordon and Andrea Clagett
Eastern Bank
Michael Goldstein and Allison Picott
Lloyd and Linda Hamm
Lorenda Layne
Henry and Mary Lee
Walter J. Little
Mintz, Levin, Cohen, Ferris, Glovsky
& Popeo
Andrew Blasdel Reardon and
Anne Johnston Elwell
Ruberto, Israel & Weiner, P.C.
United Steelworkers of America
Colin and Olivia Van Dyke
Raimund and Anne Vanderweil
Kathleen Vieweg and Barry Berger
Emily V. Wade
Gifts $2,500-$4,999
Tim Burke
Thomas Comeau
Ecologic Entomology LLC
Edward and Grace Fey
Charles and Brenda Furlong
Thomas and Katherine Gilbane
Greater Boston Convention
& Visitors Bureau
Timothy Hilton
Steven and Jeanine Hinterneder
Steven and LeeAnn Horner
Thomas and Elizabeth Hynes
Inland Underwriters Insurance Agency
Teresa Koster
John and Mitsou MacNeil
Massachusetts Service Alliance
Putnam Investments
Robert and Sally Quinn
Daniel Romanow and
B. Andrew Zelermyer
Robert Rosenthal and Lisa Sears
David and Melanie Rudy
Dr. Alan Stern and Lori Tenser
Sheriff Steven Tompkins and
Suzanne Tompkins
David Weinstein and Clare Villari
Michael Winter and Deborah Goldberg
Gifts $1,000-$2,499
Awesome Foundation
Matthew and Sarah Begg
Ann Bitetti
Joshua and Amy Boger
The Boston Foundation
Mark and Maribeth Brostowski
Christopher Capone
Loretta Carson
Richard Cate and Barbara Wallner
Commodore Builders
Tim and Kathryn Conway
Elizabeth and Lucia Cook
Tim Crellin and Jenny Sazama
Joseph Darrigo
Frank and Teresa DeGiacomo
The Eastern Charitable Foundation
Ethel Kessler Gilmour Uribe Trust
Thomas and Nicole Feeley
Bryan and Meghan Ferguson
J.P. and Amy Fine
Daniel and Stephanie Finegold
Gilbert Fishman
Peter and Rebecca Forkner
David Friedman and Jennifer Sun
Laura Glynn
Jeff Gore and Sena Kang
Grace Fey Advisors, LLC
Kate Guedj
Denison and Caroline Hall
Jeffrey Heier
Hicks Family Charitable Foundation
David and Cynthia Hill
Janice Houghton
Katherine Howard
Dr. Martin Kelly
Sheila R. Kennedy
Theodore and Nancy Ketterer
Kohl’s Department Store
Marc and Donna Kozin
Karyn Krystock
Dr. Aaron and Louise Lazare
John and Julie Linehan
Ruth Marrion, DVM
Marsh & McLennan Agency
Nancy Master
Danio Mastropieri
James and Katherine McHugh
David and Jean McLachlan
Rosemary McLaughlin
Greg and Nicole Moore
Peter and Cindy Neville
Joseph O’Donnell
Jack and Marianne O’Neil
Sandra Pascal
Kathleen Peto
Lawrence Platt and Carrie Cook
Samuel Plimpton and Wendy Shattuck
Joanne Pomeranz
Harold and Frances Pratt
René and Susan Ruiz
Ronald and Linda Savage
Daniel Scanlan and Daniel Richards
Philip and Christina Severin
Scott Sherman and Diane McGillicuddy
Sam Sherwood and Sarah Freeman
Brian and Stephanie Spector
Stoneham Ford
Allen and Heather Sussman
Benjamin and Kate Taylor
David Taylor and Susan Sargent
John and Mary Ellen Toomey
Robert Traylor
Scott and Randy Wayne
Adam Weiner
Donna Weiss
Sara Withington
Stanley Yamane and Stephanie Hawkins
Richard and Jean Zilewicz
Gifts $500-$999
Donald-Bruce Abrams and Roberta Rubin
Bradform and Hilary Allinson
Dwight and Devon Angelini
Jonathan and Rosemary Avery
Charles and Lauren Baker
Dorothy Barr
Frederick Basilico, M.D. and
Judith Waligunda
Martin Block
Boston Welding & Design
Robert and Ann Buxbaum
Cambridge Seven Associates, Inc.
Jane C. Carr
Christensen-Dunn Early
Foundations Fund
Virginia Coleman
James Demers
Jeffrey Dunn and Bettina Igel
Edwards Wildman Palmer LLP
William and Susan Elsbree
John Emery and Janice Corkin Rudolf
Stephen and Leslie Faber
Joan FitzGerald
Peter and Sara Fleiss
Richard and Judy Fox
Diego Garcia and Carolyn Grantham
Goodale’s Bike Shop, Inc.
Dr. John Goodson and Pat Willard
Stephen and Karen Hall
Roger and Benedicte Hallowell
Donald and Elizabeth Hartman
Hudson Day Hab
Jonathan Haar
Doris Howard
Harriet A. Karkut
Sue Keough
Paul Kidwell
Kindred Health Care
Joseph Koerner and Dr. Margaret Koster
Peter Kuttner
Kevin and Francine Mandeville
Suzanne Matta
Don and Glenda Mattes
Robert and Susan Mayer
Rick Mockler
Steven Morlock
Benton and Frannie Moyer
O’Neill and Associates, LLC
James J. Oppedisano
John and Jessica Peters
Eric Kilby and Kate Peterson
Dennis Picker and Jenifer Burkett-Picker
Keith and Ellen Plapinger
Mayre Plunkett
Lorin and Nanci Rydstrom
Robert Skenderian and Tammy Thibault
Elizabeth Smith
Mason Smith and Gordon Green
William Stone and Casey Carlson
Constance V. White
Robert and Karen White
Stephen Winter
Ming Zhang and Lydia Koehler
Gifts $100-$499
Thomas Adams
Carol Adler
AIG Matching Grants Program
Michael Allen and Shelley Ayervais
Alpha Phi Boston University
Louise Barker
Joseph and Fran Baron
Hope Barton
Justina and Kathryn Bastinelli
Scott Batey
Frederick and Christine Beall
Samira Beckwith
Reinier and Nancy Beeuwkes
Alexis Belash and Kate Sweetman
Belmont Day School
John Berk and Mary Wakamatsu
Philip Billings
Dinah Bodkin
Alessandro and Christiane Boezio
Bonhoeffer’s Care & Espresso
Bruce and Miriam Bonnell
Alma and Thomas Braaten
Martha Brezina
George and Michelle Brock-Fisher
Gretchen Brown
Byam Bros Mahoney Insurance
Agency, Inc.
Suzannah Carey
David Caron
Ranold Caron
Peter Carroll
Causecast Foundation
Adrian and Amy Chan
Carole Charnow
Po-Shang Chen and Shan-Lee Liu
Robert Chibka and Marjorie DeVault
David Chin and Carolyn McCane-Chin
Robert Christiansen and Rae Stiles
Geoffrey Cisler and Karen Pfefferle
Mary Clark
Margaret Clowes
Buck Cochran
Donald and Maureen Cochran
Charles Cofone and Judith Swift
H. Steven and Theodora Colburn
Community Development Corporation
of Boston, Inc.
We support Zoo New England and continue to
admire all of the great work the staff is doing.
– David and Anne Bromer
Amazon Services LLC
American Endowment Foundation
Anonymous (6)
Susan Arapoff
Jamison Arterton and
Benjamin Cohen-Leadholm
Elaine Ashby
George and Talin Atanasov
Mary Atkinson
John and Helen Balfour
Faith Baker
Bruce Conklin and Donna S. Denio
Patrick and Sara Connerty
Sally Coyle
James Cram
David Crane and Holly Laurent
Patricia Crow
Mark Cusack
Glenn and Judithann Cushman
John and Nancy Dagdigian
Mike and Clare Dalton
Ann Dannenberg
Taci Darnell and Tanj Gunaratnam
Joshus and Sara Darrieulat
Thomas Davies
Josh and Callie Davis
Michael and Megan Day
Claudia Deaton
Andrew Delaski and Audrey Richardson
Tony and Julie DeMauro
Caroline Diamond
Kenneth Docherty and Valerie Acres
Michael Donofrio and Kathleen Fallon
Nathan and Patricia Dowden
James Driscoll and Marsha Rosselli
Frank Drislane and Rosemarie Yevich
Ellen Duffley
William and Patricia Dugan
Jan Dyer
Gail Eaton
Barbara Ebert
Nelson and Susan Eby
Andrew and Marsha Edmonds
Paul Edmunds
Edvisors Foundation, Inc.
Michaela Edwards
Elements Therapeutic Massage
James and Catherine Elgin
Randall Ellis and Joyce Huber
Peter and Ellen Fallon
Robert and Tracy Fandel
Farm Design, Inc.
Paula Fitzgibbon
Jacqueline Flossic
J. Kevin and Elaine Foley
Daniel Fontana and Patricia Lashoto
Matthew Fox
Theresa Francis
Joseph Gall
Alan Gardner
Gerald and Teresa Gartner
Caroline Gaudet
Natalie Gaul
Joanna Gibson
Monroe Gilmour and Fern Martin
Frances Girgenti
Donald and Maxine Goldberg
Arnold and Rona Good
Paul Goodwin
Michael and Karen Gorton
Bruce Goss
Ryan Gott
Thomas Granitto
Janis Grechko
Dolores Green
Jacqueline Green
Toni Green
Steven and Sylvia Greene
Daniel and Janet Griffin
Brehon and Kate Griswold
APaul Grogan and Karen Sunnarborg
Daniel Haber and Ellen Cohen
Henry Hacker
Peter and Andrea Hacker
Isabella Haegg
Carol Hartman
Mark and Marilyn Hausammann
Henry and Lee Harrison
Michael and Sue Hazard
James Heffernan and Anita Barry
Jaime Heller
John and Martha Henderson
Bret and Meghan Hendrickson
Joseph and Patricia Henebury
Michael and Ingrid Hillinger
David and Linda Hirschberg
Leslie Hoerr
Hollis Pharmacy & General Store
Hollis Veterinary Hospitals PLLC
Gene Hornsby
Geoff and Adele Horwitz
Nancy Hovey
David and Kristine Howard
Neal Howard and Christine Wahr
Albert Huang
Arthur and Eileen Hulnick
Sarah Huynh
Dr. Lynn Jackson
Albie and Kathy Jarvis
Arden and Catherine Johnson
Kai and Sarah Johnson
Ardis Johnston
Daniel Joy
Richard Junghans
The Kafka Committee
Demetrios Karis and Alicia Dwyer
James and Cherry Karlson
Robert Keating
Matthew and Patricia Keenan
Mark Kelley
Michael and Diane Kenneally
Michael and Cynthia Kennedy
Joseph Kesselman and
Margaret McDonald
Michael Kiley
Hall Kirkham and
Marjorie Asfour-Kirkham
James Kirschner and Anne Hutchins
Dean and Paula Kolbas
Scott and Jeanne Koles
Cynthia Krumme
Kate Kruschwitz
John Lantis and Jane Royal
Mary Louise Larkin
William and Lisa Laskin
Bette Lasky
Gareth Le Cornu
David and Lucinda Lee
Legislative Solutions, LLC
Neal Lerner and Tania Baker
Paul and Sharon Lesage
Bryan and Lisa Levey
John and Susan Lewis
Jeffrey Liebman
Laura Liswood
Alixandra LoParo
Peter and Marianne Lord
Thomas and Christopher Loring
LPL Financial
Rosslyn Lyell
Donald and Ann MacAdam
John Maciaszczyk and Nancy Sencabaugh
Mark MacKenzie
Nagesh Mahanthappa and
Valentine Talland
John Malcom
Kevin and Kelli Mandeville
Anthony Mandravelis
Robert Mann
Rajesh Mapakshi and Chaitanya Baddam
Appleton Mason III
Hugh and Carolyn Mason
Robert and Susan Mayer
Richard and Nancy Mayo-Smith
Lee McGuire
Bruce McPhee and Shannon Thompson
Jill Meixel
Sallie Mercer
Ken Meyer
Jeanne and Amy Michael
Michael Miele and Anne Esbenshade
David and Mary Ellen Moir
Frank Monaco
Joanne Morris
William and Debbie Mounts
Herbert and Frances Mower
Dr. Michael Mufson
Courtney Mulcahy
Rachel Mullin
Nicole and Terry Murray
Lois Nally
Lindsay Neagle and Anne Pearson
Jim Newman
Alexander Nies
Richard and Mary Noble
Mary Norton
David O’Brien and
Kimberly Richard-O’Brien
Jerome and Cheryl Odom
James and Mary Ann O’Hearn
Carol O’Neil
Alice Osgood
George O’Toole and Deb Hogan
Elizabeth Panagoulis
Aaron Panone
John and Sandra Papson
Gina Pasenello
Brian Patterson
Liam and Leita Patterson
William Peake and Ann Backus
Arthur and Leslie Pearlstein
Mark Pelletier
Bruce Perry and Susan Davis
Kevin and Yen-Yen Petrosino
Barbara Pettijohn
Jeanne Pinado
Bradley Pinckney
Thelma Pollard
Charles Pratt
Frances Pratt
Harold Pratt
Malinda Pulicari
Yogesh and Gauri Punjabi
Merrill Puopolo
Harry Purkhiser
Farid Quraishi and Katelyn Deaton
John Radosta and Mayre Plunkett
Rob and Cassie Ramos
Robert and Genevieve Ramsey
Venu Rao
James Rausch
Frank Reis and Sarah Phillips
Frank and Gail Repensek
Nancy Richards
David and Elizabeth Richter
Patrick Riddle
Daniel Ritt
Bill and Patricia Roberts
David and Melissa Roberts
Michele Robichaud
Alexander Rockwell
Neil Rogers
Margaret Mariam Rosenthal
Douglas Rosner and Erin Higgins
Michael Ruhoy and Paula Touliopoulos
Matthew and Susan Ryan
Robert Salem
Martin Samuels and Susan Pioli
Michael Sandel and Kiku Adatto
Charles and Nora Sanders
Bob Santoro
Roger Saunders
Tedd and Ella Saunders
David and Laura Scarbro
Peter and Michele Scavongelli
Erin Schaefer
Adam Schepp and Jeannine Gorlovsky
Stephen and Susan Schmidt
Robert and Chrys Schmults
Larry and Catherine Schwartz
Simon and Candy Schwartz
James Scott and Jackie Jenkins-Scott
Jason Searle
Cindy Seeman
Edward Shadoff
Lisa Shoots
John Sias
Irving Silverman
Richard Silverman
Helaine Simmonds
Greg Sinnott and Alyshia Abbott-Sinnott
Robert and Judy Sinsheimer
Ann Smith
Dr. Isabel Smith
Charles and Sheila Snider
Zachary and Elizabeth Southwick
Mark Stahl and Anne Leary
Jennifer Starr
Joseph and Adrienne Stephens
George and Dolores Stevens
Nancy Stiles
Wesley and Patricia Stimpson
Kathleen Stockwell
Herman and Joan Suit
Kelly Sullivan
Howard Tang
Jeffrey Taylor and Alexis Bywater
TDS Telecom-Hollis
Juliet Teixeira
Thomas Caroll School
Charles Thompson
Martin Thomson
Sidney and Libby Topol
Matthew and Amy Torrey
Town of Hollis
Cam Townsend
Michael Ufnal
Virginia Van Dyke
Dolph Vanderpol and Anne Josephson
Trent Veppert
Ann Vickery
Jaime Vidaurrazaga and Patty Lee
Andrew and Barbara Wales
William Walker
Marcia Walsh
Michael Ward and Elizabeth Webber
Robert Ward and Eleanor Jaynes
Paul Weinstein and Laurie Forrence
Robert Weinstein and Elizabeth Ginsburg
Marv and Vera Weiss
Anne Wilbur
Winchester Hospital
Stephen and Angela Winter
Suzanne Woodruff
Ralph and Corinne Woodward
Pam Wright
George Wrightson
Donald and Jeannette Yeaple
Yoguee LLC
Charles Young
Albert and Judith Zabin
Susanne Zimmermann
Greg Zuercher
In-Kind Donations
In-kind donations are a unique way to support Zoo New England. These
donations can be goods or services, or items used for animal enrichment,
educational presentations, administrative purposes and more. In-kind
donations help defray Zoo costs and provide a great way to put your
unwanted goods or skilled services to use.
We would like to take this opportunity to especially thank Clear Channel Outdoor Boston,
MAGIC 106.7 and WCVB-TV 5. Thank you for all that you do to support Zoo New England!
5 Wits, Inc.
AAA Southern New England – Burlington
Aardvark Paper Drinking Straws
Aero Films
Altitude Trampoline Park
AMC – Liberty Tree Mall 20
American Girl
Anna’s Taqueria
Anonymous (2)
The Art Corner
Artinian Jewelry
Atlantic Casino Resort Spa
The Bancroft
Bay Spirit Tours
Bayside Resort
Baystate Financial
Bedford Car Wash Corp.
Bedford Jewelers Inc.
Bernie and Phyl’s Furniture
Berry’s Greenhouse
Big Picture Framing
Billy’s Roast Beef & Seafood
Birdsacre Caretaker
Blue Man Group
The Blues Jean Bar
Boston’s Discount Furniture Charitable
Foundation, Inc.
Bolton Valley Resort
Boston Beer Company
Boston Business Journal
Boston Duck Tours
Boston Harbor Cruises
Boston Harbor Hotel
Boston Symphony Orchestra
The Briar Group
Brickell Bay Beach Club & Spa
The Butterfly Place
Buttonwood Park Zoological Society
Captain John Whale Watching &
Fishing Tours
The Catered Affair
Celebrities for Charity Foundation, Inc.
Central Animal Hospital
The Charles Hotel
Clear Channel Outdoor Boston
Cranmore Mountain Resort
Dave and Buster’s
DeCordova Museum
Drumlin Farm Wildlife Sanctuary
Dunkin Donuts
East Meets West Catering
EC Design
Edaville USA
Edible Arrangements
Einstein’s Workshop
The Elephant Walk Restaurant
Group, Inc.
Elite Freestyle Karate
Elite Island Resorts
Essex River Cruises & Charters
The Essex, Vermont’s Culinary
Resort & Spa
FBS & Venue Management, LLC
Felicia’s of the North End
The Fireplace
Five Guys Burgers and Fries
The Flatbread Company
Fleur Girls
Food Should Taste Good
Formaggio Kitchen
The Freedom Trail Foundation
Fusion Taste
Giant Glass Co., Inc.
Grafton Group
The Great Wall Restaurant
Greater Los Angeles Zoo Association
Grossman Marketing Group
Gunstock Mountain Resort
Hannaford Supermarket
Hart’s Turkey Farm Restaurant
Hawthorne Hotel
Highrock Church
Hilton Garden Inn
Horizon Beverage
Hotel Commonwealth
Huntington Theatre Company
Hunt’s Photo & Video
Hy-Line Cruises
Improv Asylum
The Inns & Spa at Mill Falls
Inspired Pet Portraits & Animal Paintings
The Institute of Contemporary Art
Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum
Jeffries, LLC
JetBlue Airways
Jillian’s Billiard Club, Inc.
Jo-Be-Mac Studios
Joe’s American Bar and Grill
Kelley Greens Golf Course
Kelly’s Roast Beef
King Triton
Kings Lynnfield
Konditor Meister
LaCoste Gallery
Lakota Bakery
Laser Craze
Lexington Venue Movie Theatre
Lost River Gorge and Boulder Caves
LuLu’s Sweet Shoppe
The Lyric Stage Company of Boston
Magic 106.7
Margaritas Mexican Restaurant
Maria’s Pastry Shop
Market Basket
Mass Bay Lines, Inc.
Massachusetts Museum of
Contemporary Art
McAuliffe-Shepard Discovery Center
McGreevey’s 3rd Base Saloon
Merrimack Repertory Theatre
Michaels Crafts
Microsoft Corporation
Middleton Golf Course
Mohegan Tribal Gaming Authority
Monkey Joe’s Party & Play Center
Muscular Therapy Works
Nashoba Valley Ski Area
New England Aquarium
New Hampshire Motor Speedway
New Repertory Theatre
Newbury Comics, Inc.
Oakleaf Cakes
Ocean Spray Cranberries, Inc.
Old Sturbridge Village
Omni Hotels & Resorts
Outback Steakhouse
Papa Gino’s
Paul Revere House
Peabody Essex Museum
Peet’s Coffee & Tea
Pinot’s Palette
The Pocket Garden
Poland Spring Resort
Polar Beverages
Polka Dog Bakery
Porter Art Group
The Preservation Society of
Newport County
Providence Bruins Hockey Club
Randy’s Car Wash
The Red Lion Inn
Red Sox Foundation
Renaissance Boston Waterfront Hotel
The River’s Edge Massage
Rue La La
Russo’s Inc.
Ruth’s Chris Steak House
Saco Bound Inc.
Salem Wax Museum
Salon Essence
Salon Laura Michaels
San Diego Zoo
Savage Services
ScrubaDub Autowash Centers, Inc.
Shake Shack
Shaw’s Supermarket
Shear Madness
Sichuan Garden Restaurant
Silpada Designs
Six Flags New England
Sky Zone Everett
Southwest Airlines
Squam Lakes Natural Science Center
The Steamship Authority
Sterling Golf Management, Inc.
Steve Marx Media Production
and Consulting
Stoneham Theatre
Stop & Shop
Swan Boats, Inc.
Swarovski North America Ltd.
Tasty Garden Restaurant
Tavern in the Square, Burlington
Tides Restaurant & Pub
Top of the Hub
Top of the Rock Observation Deck
Trader Joe’s
Trapeze School New Year – Beantown
Unleashed by Petco
Urban Adventours
The Urban Grape
UTZ Quality Foods, Inc.
Via Lago Restaurant
W.S. Badger Company, Inc.
Wachusett Mountain
Walt Disney World Co.
WCVB-TV (Channel 5)
Weiss Farms Inc.
When Pigs Fly
White’s Bakery
Whole Foods
Wildlife Education, LTD
Wilson Farms
Woburn Residence Inn by Marriott
Wyndham Garden San Diego
Thank you to everyone who
supported Zootopia 2014! Zootopia is the Zoos’ annual fundraising gala
which raises significant funds toward our annual operating costs. Zootopia
2014 was held at the Renaissance Boston Waterfront Hotel in Boston.
Proceeds from Zootopia directly benefited Zoo New England’s Franklin
Park Zoo and Stone Zoo, as well as the Zoo’s education and enrichment
programs, vital conservation initiatives and Nature’s Neighborhoods – the
new George Robert White Fund Children’s Zoo.
Special Thank You to our Zootopia
2014 sponsors:
Citizens Bank
Dewey and Margaret Awad
Related Beal
Baystate Financial
Ophthalmic Consultants of Boston
The Gifford Family
Peter A. Wilson & Jean Tempel
GMC Strategies
Kathy Vieweg
The Boston Foundation
Dr. Rory Browne and Dr. Grace Chang
The Coca-Cola Company
Commodore Builders
Eastern Bank Charitable Foundation
Deborah Goldberg, Michael Winter
and Even L.G. Winter
Henry and Jean Hall
Ronnie Kanarek
Mark and Gail Kelley
Henry and Mary Lee
Millennium Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
Mintz Levin
John and Mitsou MacNeil
Red Sox Foundation
Ruberto, Israel & Weiner
Weiner Ventures
Special thanks to:
Boston Business Journal
New England Cables News
Naked Grape
Altieri Events
Grossman Marketing Group
Zootopia 2014 Host Committee
Robert Beal, Co-Chair
David and Jennifer Porter, Co-Chair
Claudia and James Richter, Co-Chair
Jerry and Kathy Sargent, Co-Chair
Gordon and Margery Carr, Vice-Chair
Kathy Vieweg, Vice-Chair
Lorenda Layne and Matt Niblack,
Auction Chair
Ronnie Kanarek, Art Auction Curator
Elizabeth Graham Cook
Elizabeth Duffy Hynes
Gail and Mark Kelley
Lee McGuire
Jana Gimenez, Altieri Events
Chrissy Kratz, Altieri Events
Danielle Lebedevitch, Altieri Events
Zootopia 2014 Honorary
Mayor Martin J. Walsh
Suffolk County Sheriff
Steven W. Tompkins
Senator Sonia Chang-Diaz
Senator Linda Dorcena Forry
Representative Cory Atkins
Representative Paul Donato
Representative Gloria Fox
Representative Jason Lewis
Representative Liz Malia
Boston City Councillor Tito Jackson
Boston City Councillor Ayanna Pressley
Joseph Albanese
Dwight and Devon Angelini
Dorothy Barr
Scott Batey
John and Joanna Berube
Blue Man Group
The Boston Beer Company
Boston Harbor Hotel
The Boston Red Sox Foundation
Boston Symphony Orchestra
Jen Bradley
Tim Burke
Cambridge Seven Associates, Inc.
Carolyn’s Sakonnett Vineyard
Peter Carroll
The Catered Affair
Celebrities for Charity
The Charles Playhouse
Chasing Jenna Designs
Gordon and Andrea Clagett
Mary Clark
Thomas Comeau
Community Development
Corporation of Boston, INc.
David Crane and Holly Laurent
Jeffrey Dunn and Bettina Igel
East Meets West
Elements Massage
Elite Hotels
John Emery and Janice Corkin Rudolf
Ezulwini Lodge
Stephen and Leslie Faber
Gilbert Fishman
Peter and Sara Fleiss
Avram and Carol Goldberg
Michael Goldstein and Allison Picott
Dr. John Goodson and Pat Willard
Grace Fey Advisors, LLC
Kate Guedj
Isabella Haegg
Lloyd and Linda Hamm
Henry and Lee Harrison
David and Cynthia Hill
Steven and Jeannine Hinterneder
Steven and LeeAnn Horner
Janice Houghton
Nancy Hovey
Doris Howard
Thomas and Elizabeth Hynes
Inland Underwriters Insurance Agency
JetBlue Airways
Joe’s American Bar & Grill
Richard Junghans
Matthew and Patricia Keenan
Paul Kidwell
Anna Koon
Marc and Donna Kozin
Kate Kruschwitz
Peter Kuttner
LaCoste Gallery
LFA Art Associates
Lorenda Layne and Matt Niblack
Anne and Christopher Lewis
Christopher Litterio and Ursula Smith
Robert Mann
Marsh & McLennan Agency
James and Katherine McHugh
Alan and Joyce Melkonian
Frank Monaco
Dr. Charles Morgan
Benton Moyer
New England Aquarium
Jessica Nigrelli
Joe O’Donnell
Jack and Marianne O’Neil
James Oppedisano
Keith and Ellen Plapinger
Lawrence Platt and Carrie Cook
The Pocket Garden
PolkaDog Bakery
David Porter
Harold and Frances Pratt
Rob and Cassie Ramos
Andrew Reardon and Anne Elwell
David and Melanie Rudy
Rue La La
Martin Samuels and Susan Pioli
San Diego Zoo
Ronald and Linda Savage
Legal Seafoods
Scott Sherman and Diane McGillicuddy
South End Formaggio
Joseph and Adrienne Stephens
Dr. Alan Stern and Lori Tenser
Swarovski North America Ltd.
Thomas George Estates
Sherriff Steven Tompkins and
Suzanne Tompkins
The Urban Grape
Colin and Olivia Van Dyke
Westport Rivers Winery
Chris Williams
Wyndam Garden San Diego
Ming Zhang and Lydia Koehler
Richard and Jean Zilewicz
Jonathan Gilmour
Memorial Scholarship Fund
In April 2006, Franklin Park Zoo lost a cherished family member when
former Zookeeper Jonathan Gilmour passed away suddenly at age 29.
To honor Jonathan and his commitment to the welfare of animals, the
Jonathan Gilmour Memorial Scholarship Fund was established in his
memory. The fund was established by Zoo New England with the generous
financial support and volunteer leadership from the Gilmour family.
Award winners are ZNE staff members who have been employed by the Zoo
for at least one year.
Each May, the Jonathan Gilmour Memorial Scholarship Bike Ride is held in
Hollis, N.H. Hundreds of riders celebrate Jonathan’s memory and through
the years this Ride has raised tens of thousands of dollars to support the
scholarship fund.
Valerie and Kenneth Acres
Amazon Services LLC
Jerry Amos
Susan Arapoff
Elaine Ashby
Ed Austin
John and Helen Balfour
Mike Ballou and Gerri Moriarty
Curtis Barry
Susan Bartlett
Justin and Kathryn Bastinelli
Thomas Bedetti
Cristina Bendetti
Alex Bermudez
Bonhoeffer’s Café & Espresso
Hope Boundaway
Besty Bowman
Thomas and Alma Braaten
June Briggs
Elisabeth Brooks
Alicia Brown
Gretchen Brown
Natasha Brown
Tracy Brown
James Burke
Julie Burke
Byam Bros Mahoney Insurance
Agency, Inc.
Robert and Carolyn Callahan
Suzannah Carey
:atricia Carlson
David Caron
Ken Carpenter
Ellen Carson
Loretta Carson
John Carter
John and Susan Caruso
Anne Cavagnaro
Scott Celorier and Kirsten Everett
Esther Chapman
Karin Chen
Vijay Chilakapti
Buck Cochran
Nathan Corriveau
Marty Cote
James Cram
Nathaniel Cram
Sally Crocker
Teresa Dalelio
Rita Dalton
Virginia Dargin
Thomas Davies
Lisa Davis
Mia Davis
Kevin and Laura Dawsom
Claudia Deaton
William Deaton
James Demers
Christina Demetrio
David Denneno
Carolin Diamond
Jacqueline Dick
Amy Dickson
Mindy D’Ippolito
Sarah Donovan
Michael Dooling
Francis Dwyer
Pauld Edmunds
Scott Edmunds
Enright Family
Thomas and Wendy Enright
Ethel Keesler Gilmour Uribe Trust
Charles Fariss
Farm Design, Inc.
Nicole Farrington
Colin and Shannon Finn
Elizabeth Flagler
Francesca Forrest
Christian Futrell
Joseph Gall
Gerald and Teresa Gartner
Barbara Gilly
David and Margaret Gilmour
Sharon Goh
Goodale’s Bike Shop, Inc.
Bruce Goss
Jennifer Gresham and Jeannine Jackle
Daniel and Janet Griffin
Mary Kelley
Lisa Kendra
Sue Keough
Kindred Health Care
Nathaniel Kujawski
Denis and Pauline Laliberte
Bette Lasky
Janet Lawrence
Rebecca Leaming
Legislative Solutions, LLC
Peter and Andrea Hacker
George Hacker
Henry Hacker
Lisl Hacker
Peter and Andrea Hacker
Rachel Halliday
Adam Harbaugh
Tanya Harbick
L. Scott and Sharon Harvell
Jason Haviland
David Helfman
Alyssa Hemmerich
Bart Hemmerich
Limey Hemmerich
Hollis Pharmacy & General Store
Hollis Veterinary Hospital PLLC
Sue Holmes
Rachel Jakosalem
Thomas and Mary Jeffery
David Juvet
Michael Kanarek
Stephen and Ronnie Kanarek
Mike Kanarex and Brittany Knowles
Jennifer Kaufman
William Keaney
Robert Keating
Andrew Leigh
Lisa Letourneau
David Leung
Harold Liggett
John and Julie Linehan
Robert Liscio
Christine Lison
Katherine Lonergan
Judi Long
William Lowman
LPL Financial
Robert MacFarlane
Mark MacKenzie
Matt MacKenzie
Meaghan Maguire
Anthony Mandravelis
Latha Mangipudi
Joe Masci
Appleton Mason III
Peter Mason
James McCann
Janice McDermott
Lynn McDermott
Maureen McGunigle
Michael McLaughlin
Vicki Meagher
Angela Mercer
Sallie Mercer
Julie Merritt
John Miele
Brian Misamore
Simon Moddy
Virginia Morgan
JoAnn Mueller
Lori Mulford
Leah and Shaun Mulholland
Elise Nguyen
Dawn Niles
Jennifer Norton
Mary Norton
Ed and Anne O’Brien
John and Michelle O’Brien
Sharon O’Keef
Jean Orlando
Susan Oshea
Billy O’Sullivan
Benjamin Ouellette
Dan Ouellette
Elizabeth Panagoulis
Peabody Energy Matching Gifts Program
Virginia Peck
Michael Pedersen
Deborah Pelletier
Mark Pelletier
Sue Phillips
Wanda Phillips
Bradley Pinckney
Jason and Camille Platt
Michael Plesac
Thelma Pollard
Amelia Poole
Lois Powell
Harry Purkhiser
Farid Quraishi and Katelyn Deaton
Scott and Stephanie Radner
Venu Rao
Dr. James Rausch
John Reagan
Patrick Riddle
Daniel Ritt
Bill and Patricia Roberts
Neil Rogers
James and Amy Ronemus
Lorin Rydstrom
Emilie Sandifer
Bob Santoro and Jill Berkowicz
Stephanie Santos
Elizabeth Sargent
Roger Saunders
Lena Scott
John Sias
Bryan and Constance Smith
David and Nikki Smith
Loren Soeiro
Robert Soule
Tina Souza
Amy Sparks
Brian and Rita Spence
Karla Spence
Jennifer Starr
Rebecca Stearns
Elizabeth Stefan
Nancy Stiles
Kathleen Stockwell
Barry Tannenbaum
Jeffrey Taylor
TDS Telecom-Hollis
Diane Tetreault
Evens Theodore and Jessica Honeywell
Shirley Thielen
Dick To
George Todgham
Town of Hollis
Louis Tyska
Michael Ufnal
Peter Van Delft
Sireesha Varansi
Henry Veilleux
Grace Veres
Ann Vickery
Susan Volin
Katherine Vorwald
William Walker
Cherie Wasoff
Linda Wells
Patricia Whitty
Edward Wigfield
Anne Wilbur
Pam Wright
George Wrightson
Kimberly Wutkiewicz
Charles Young
Scott Young
Hans Zimmermann
Stephanie Zimmermann
Susanne Zimmermann
Greg Zuercher
Zoo New England
Marathon Team
David Canter, Eric Flossic, Cara Liebman, Joanne Pomeranz, Laura Richter
and Natalya Zahn ran in the 2014 Boston Marathon on behalf of Zoo
New England and raised $22,224. Your donations below provided
encouragement and motivation for these runners as well as much needed
funds to support your local Zoos.
Margaret Abbott
AIG Matching Grants Program
Alpha Phi Boston University
Anonymous (7)
Jason Arnoff
Joyce Baker
Donald and Dianne Barrucci
Linda Bavaro
Robert Beal
Nate Alycyn Billings
Philip Billings
Chen Blume
Wendy Bridges
Jan Brough
Alison Burke
Craig Cafarelli
David Canter and Lisa Strope
Kierseten Chou
Diana Clarke
Karen Clawson
Matt Cocciardi
Michael Connelly
Carolyn Cooke
Mark Cusak
Mike Dacey
Elizabeth Danziger
Josh and Callie Davis
Patricia DeGogorza
Jane Doherty
Peter and Bridget Easler
Daniel Egan
Robert Feinstein
Ari Fertig
Stephen and Jacqueline Flossic
Anne Francis
Theresa Francis
Carol Furlong
Jennifer Gabbard
Carly Gaherty
Kirby Gaherty
Paul Gangi
Alan Gardner
Susan Garrity
Matthew Gellert
Phyllis Gellert
Aaron Goodwin
Paul Goodwin
Thomas Granitto
Janis Grechko
Jessica Grindstaff
Ellen Harned
Cecily Hawksworth
Mathew Helman and
Carson Abie Helman
Katie and Paul Holloway
Janice Houghton
David and Kristine Howard
Representative Steven Howitt
Daniel Joy
Mitch and Shauna Kellar
Cynthia Krumme
Ally Kuriloff
Bill Ladd
Gareth Le Cornu
Brian Lefort
Robert and George Legvold
Jill Lemieux
Jennifer Lemmerman
Paul and Sharon Lesage
Jason and Susan Lewis
Cara Liebman
Jeffrey Liebman
John and Julie Linehan
Alixandra LoParo
Nathan Lovejoy
Jenna Matheny
Katherine McAuliffe
Lisbeth McCracking
Cynthia Mead
Janet Mellor
Erin Micheletti
Rick Mockler
Steven Morlock
Malia Moses
Jim Newman
Michael Nichols
Beverly O’Brien
Maureen O’Leary
Paula Oliveira
Nadia Oussayef
Aaron Panone
Brian Patterson
Gerianne Patti
Cristina Paul
Alexander Peltz
Catherine Peltz
Barbara Pettijohn
Jeanne Pinado
Bonnie Polan
Joanne Pomeranz
Katherine Quinn
Gregory Ralich
Brian and Julie Richter
Drs. James and Claudia Richter
David and Elizabeth Richter
Hana Richter
Laura Richter
Michael Richter
Ardys Rosenthal
Alice Saunders
Steven Scharf
Steven Schinnerer
Suzanne Schlossberg
Cindy Seeman
Kim Sevier
Lisa Shoots
G. Silvia Sironich-Kalkan
Carol Smith
Lucinda Smith
Karen Sondrini
Joshua Spector
Dorothy St. Cyr
Amy Stimets
Faith Sweetser Barry
Linda Therrien
Charles Thompson
David and Callie Thompson
Debra Thompson
Colin and Olivia Van Dyke
Gemmar Vardy
Anthony Veilleux
Jacob Ventura
Trent Veppert
Susan Verdicchio
Marcia Walsh
Kimberly Wang
Josh and Brooke Wardrop
Sarah Webb
Benjamin Weisman
Jason Wentworth
Kathy Westin
James Wilkinson and Prassede Calabi
Peter A. Wilson and Jean C. Tempel
Pear Yusuf
A Wild Affair
Thank you to all who attended Stone Zoo’s 10th Annual A Wild Affair,
a “tasting” event that featured stations hosted by local restaurants and
caterers – as well as live entertainment and a silent auction. Proceeds from
this event supported the operation and continued growth of Stone Zoo, its
education programs and conservation initiatives.
Weiss Farm
Salem Five
IVG Hospitals Inc.
Ruth Marrion, DVM
Stoneham Ford
5 Wits, Inc.
AAA Southern New England –
Burlington Branch
Robin Abbott
Gail Airasian
Amanda Albano
Jillian Aldrich
Charlene Alexion
Manuela Almeida
Altitude Trampoline Park
Jennifer Alvarez
Joy Ambrifi
AMC – Liberty Tree Mall 20
American Girl
Kevin Anderson
Laura Appleton
Tina Argiro
The Art Corner
Artinian Jewelry
Atlantis Casino Resort Spa
Atria Longmeadow Place
The Bancroft
Barefoot Wines
Rachel Barrera
Tracie Barrett
Dennis Barrett, Jr.
Diane Barylick
Bay Spirit Tours
Bayside Resort
Baystate Financial
Bedford Car Wash Corp.
Bedford Jewelers Inc.
Matthew Bedrosian
Steven Belletete
Anne Belleville
Bernie and Phyl’s Furniture
Cherity Berryann
Bertucci’s – Reading
Joanna Berube
Tina Bierenbroodspot
Big Picture Framing
Billy’s Roast Beef & Seafood
The Blues Jean Bar
Blue Man Group
Blue Stove at Nordstrom
Bob’s Discount Furniture Charitable
Foundation, Inc.
Bolton Valley Resort
Paul Borsari
Susan Bossi
Boston Bruins
Boston Duck Tours
Boston Harbor Cruises
Boston Harbor Hotel
Boston Red Sox
Sally Brennan
The Briar Group
Brickell Bay Beach Club & Spa
Sandra Brown
Karen Brown
Dr. Rory Browne and Dr. Grace Chang
Sandy Brownell
Margaret Bryan
Buffalo Wild Wings
Yvonne Burbine
Julia Burns
Burtons Grill of Burlington
Lynn Buskey
Dominic Butera
The Butterfly Place
Buttonwood Park Zoological Society
Diane Callahan
Liza Cameron
Ann Marie Campagna
Captain John Whale Watching &
Fishing Tours
Neil Carlson
Dave Caron
Paul Caron
Celebrities for Charity Foundation, Inc.
Central Animal Hospital
Michelle Chandler
Trish Chandler
Charles Hotel
Jin Chen
Jason Chiesa
Michelle Chinault
Steven Chisholm
Tegan Cody
Cassandra Cohen
Janet E. Connors
Susan Constantino
Pete Costello
Cranmore Mountain Resort
Cecilia Crowley
Susan Danskin
India Daughney
Dave and Buster’s
DeCordova Museum
Deep Eddy Vodka
Jennifer Delaney
David Delgenio
Anne Denier
Derek DeViot
Eric Devitt
Dianne DiGirolamo
Dockside Restaurants
Laurence Dodge
Paul Donato
Kimberly Donlon
Ira Dorfman
Michael Dossantos
Lexie Douglas
Drumlin Farm Wildlife Sanctuary
Nancy Dunham
Dunkin Donuts
Elizabeth Eaton
Nelson Eby
EC Design
Edaville USA
Edible Arrangements
Einstein’s Workshop
The Elephant Walk Restaurant
Group, Inc.
Elite Freestyle Karate
Essex River Cruises & Charters
The Essex, Vermont’s Culinary
Resort & Spa
Joanne Fantini
Michelle Farino
Erica Favuzza
Tracey Fay
Felicia’s of the North End
Marsha Ferracane
Five Guys Burgers and Fries
The Fireplace
The Flatbread Company
Fluer Girls
Joseph Ford
Lisa Fortuna
Thomas Foster
The Freedom Trail Foundation
Fusion Taste
Hannah Gangler
David Gardner
Thomas Gaul
Kaitlyn Germain
Giant Glass Co., Inc.
James Godwin
Susan Goldin
Alex Gomez
Grafton Group
The Great Wall Restaurant
Greater Los Angeles Zoo Association
Erica Green
Jacqueline Green
Jason Green
Christine Griffin
Kathleen Griffin
Andrea Grossman
Lorraine Guarnieri
Gunstock Mountain Resort
Lesley Hamlin
Hannaford Supermarket
Benjamin Harris
Harrows Chicken Pies
Hart’s Turkey Farm Restaurant
Thomas Hauser
Christine Hawrylak
Hawthorne Hotel
Katherine Hein
Jackie Henke
Michele Hill
Hilton Garden Inn
Steven and Jeannine Hinterneder
David and Linda Hirschberg
Deborah Hogan
Johan Hogan
Tina Hogan
Honest Tea
Steve and LeeAnn Horner
Hotel Commonwealth
David Houghton
Janice Houghton
Eaden Huang
Alan Huberman
Huntington Theatre Company
Hunt’s Photo & Video
Hy-Line Cruises
Kristy Hynes
Tracey Hynes
Improv Asylum
The Inns & Spa at Mill FAlls
Inspired Pet Portraits & Animal Paintings
The Institute of Contemporary Art
Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum
JetBlue Airways
Jillian’s Billiard Club, Inc.
Jo-Be-Mac Studios
Joe’s American Bar & Grill, Woburn
Kimberly Johnson
Rita Johnson
Kathleen Jones
JP Licks
Frank Douglas Julian
Adrienne Kames
Vivian Karavoulias
Karl’s Sausage Kitchen &
European Market
Kelley Greens Golf Course
Kelly’s Roast Beef
Tom Kelley
Bernadette Kennedy
Matthew Kennedy
King Triton
Thomas King
Kings Lynnfield
Scott Kline
Konditor Meister
Melanie Kugele
Jennifer Kysar
Nicole LaFauci
Lakota Bakery
Renee Landry
Frank LaRussa
Laser Craze
Lisa Laurence
Lance Layne
Holly Leeman
Legal Sea Foods
Damon Lehrer
Marie Lesperonce
Ryan Levering
Christopher and Anne Lewis
Lexington Venue Movie Theatre
Melissa Linstruth
Charlotte Liu
Greta Loring
Lost River Gorge and Boulder Caves
Melanie Lovell
Tess Lucey
Lois Lynch
The Lyric State Company of Boston
Magic 106.7
Marianne Malone
Francine Mandeville
Cathy Mandolese
Christina Mantell
Margaritas Mexican Restaurant
Rachelle Markham
Market Basket
Eileen Martin
Mass Bay Lines, Inc.
Massachusetts Museum of
Contemporary Art
Michael Mathews
McAuliffe-Shepard Discovery Center
Megan McCallister
Shauna McCarthy
Kim McEntee
Ashley McGonagle
McGreevey’s 3rd Base Saloon
Joanne McHugh
Robert McKinley
Cynthia Mead
Catherine Melanson
Anand Menon
Merrimack Repertory Theatre
Michaels Crafts
Middleton Golf Course
Mohegan Tribal Gaming Authority
Monkey Joe’s Party & Play Center
Deborah Moore
Bonnie Moreschi
Roisin Morgan
Kevin Muise
Muscular Therapy Works
The Naked Grape
Nashoba Valley Ski Area
Marty Nee
Linda Nelson
Stephanie Nelson
New England Aquarium
New Hampshire Motor Speedway
New Repertory Theatre
Newbury Comics, Inc.
Patricia Nickerson
Julia Niss
Sara Noel
Ocean Spray Cranberries, Inc.
Old Sturbridge Village
Rita Olenio
Marie Oliveira
Omni Hotels & Resorts
Connie O’Neal
Mary Ellen Powers
The Preservation Society of
Newport County
Providence Bruins Hockey Club
Jacque Quann
Rainforest Cafe
Susan Orcutt
Crystal Ostroski
Outback Steakhouse
James Owens
Kimberly Paolillo
Papa Gino’s
Sarah Papazian
Mark Pappo
Dena Pardi
Nick Parisi
Rebecca Parry
Gina Pasenello
Paul Revere House
Peabody Essex Museum
Peet’s Coffee & Tea
Christine Pelletier
Juliet Perdichizzi
Vladimir Petinow
Joan Petrowsky
Piantedosi Baking Company
Jean Pierce
Pinot’s Palette
Pisa Pizza
Richard Plzak
Poland Spring Resort
Polcari’s Restaurant
Porter Art Group
Howard Porter
Randy’s Car Wash
Rosanne Ready
Caitlin Reardon
The Red Lion Inn
Laura Renfer
Micahel Reynolds
J. Timothy Reynolds
Laura Richter
Leslie Rideout
The River’s Edge Massage
Carianne Roche
Randall Rogers
Kris Rogers
Stephen Rotondi
Russo’s Inc.
Ruth’s Chris Steak House
John Ryan
Evelyn Sabbag
Saco Bound Inc.
Salem Wax Museum
Alicia Salemi
Salon Essence
Salon Laura Michaels
Nadine Sanon
Michael Santiago
Wayne Sawlivich
Bethany Saxton
Elisa Scarsella
Stephn Schneider
Kate Schwartz
Carol Schweiger
Tamika Scott
ScrubaDub Autowash Centers, Inc.
Season’s 52
Linda Shea
Shear Madness
Donna Shugrue
Shutterfly Inc.
Sichuan Garden Restaurant
Jennifer Silva
Margarida Silva
Pamela Simmonds
Christine Siranko
Six Flags New England
Sky Zone Everett
Delicia Smith
Colleen Snell
Southwest Airlines
Squam Lakes Natural Science Center
Starlight Creatives
The Steamship Authority
Sterling Golf Management, Inc.
Douglas Stetson
Stoneham Theatre
Paul Stonkus
Stop & Shop – Bedford
Natalya Stratton
Swan Boats, Inc.
Sweet Lydia’s
Andrew Szendey
Connie Tandy
Courtney Tandy
Juliet Tandy
Tasty Garden Restaurant
Tavern in the Square, Burlington
Katherine Teitler
Juliet Teixeira
Joan Terrasi
Tides Restaurant & Pub
Anne Marie Tierney
Patricia Toner
Top of the Hub
Top of the Rock Observation Deck
Trapeze School New York-Beantown
Kara Travers
David Tuttle
Unleashed by Petco, Arlington
Unleashed by Petco, Burlington
Uno Fresco
Urban Adventours
Grace Veres
Franki Vetrano Olsen
Via Lago Restaurant
W.S. Badger Company, Inc.
John Wallask
David Walsh
Shaun Walsh
Donna Warren
Wachusett Mountain
Walt Disney World Co.
Weiss Farms Inc.
Donna Weiss
Kellie Welch
Whole Foods Market Melrose
Wildlife Education, LTD.
Abigail Witherell
Woburn Residence Inn by Marriott
Jacqueline Wolfgang
Rachel Woo
Woodman’s of Essex
Linda Worth
Deanna Wright
Eileen Wynne
Gina Young
Kathryn Young
Michael Zappia
David Zeek
A gift to Zoo New England is an excellent way to recognize someone
special to you. Gifts in honor or in memory allow you an opportunity to
celebrate an animal loving friend or family member in a truly meaningful
way. Unless otherwise specified, these gifts aid the Annual Fund. The
person or family recognized by the donation receives a special notification
from the Zoo.
Brew at the Zoo
Thank you to all who attended Franklin Park Zoo’s 4th annual beer-tasting
event, Brew at the Zoo, featuring stations hosted by local breweries
and restaurants. Proceeds from this event supported the operation and
continued growth of Franklin Park Zoo, its education programs and
conservation initiatives.
3 Beards Brewery
American Flatbread/Rustic Crust
Amir’s Natural Foods
Bantam Cider Company
Battle Road Brewing Co.
Beer Works Brewery
Berkshire Brewing Company
Blue Hills Brewery
Brewery Ommegang
Brooklyn Brewery
California Pizza Kitchen
Cambridge Brewing Company
Clown Shoes
Do Can Brewery
Dogfish Head Craft Brewery
Down the Road Brewery
Food Should Taste Good
Harrows Chicken Pies
Lagunitas Brewing Company
Life Alive
Long Trail Brewing Co.
Maggiano’s Little Italy
Mayflower Brewing Company
Moonlight Meadery
Newburyport Brewing Company
Ole Mexican Grill & Olecito
Paper City Brewery
Peak Organic
Percival Beer Company
Polar Beverages
Popeye’s of Roslindale
Pretty Things Beer & Ale Project
Samuel Adams
Slumbrew Brewing Company, Inc.
Smuttynose Brewing Company
Traveler Beer company
Tuckerman Brewing Co., LLC
Unreal Chocolate
Upper Crust Pizzeria
Woodchuck Hard Cider
Watch City Brewing Company
In honor of Nora Jackson’s birthday
• Bruce Jackson
Thank you to all who attended
Franklin Park Zoo’s 1st annual
wine-tasting event, Uncorked.
Proceeds from this event
supported the operation and
continued growth of Franklin Park
Zoo, its education programs and
conservation initiatives.
Barefoot Wines
Blossom Water, LLC
Cabot Creamery Cooperative
Cape Classics
Greenvale Vineyards
The Naked Grape
Samuel Adams
Sexy Wine
Stephi’s in Southie
Stray Dog
Tricky Rabbit
Vela Wines / Twelfth Night
When Pigs Fly Bread
Zesty Cookie Company, LLC
In honor of Maya and Ben
• Suzanne Afergan
In honor of the Stone Zoo Keepers
• Donna Weiss
In honor of my volunteering experience
• Anonymous
In honor of Sandra Elliott
• James Trudeau
In honor of Louise Barker
• Faith Barker
• Hope Barton
• Jocelyn Woodward
• Laurel Woodward
In honor of William Galvin
• Anonymous
In memory of my wife, who loved
• Martin Block
In memory of Jonathan Gilmour
• Loretta Carson
• Elaine Ashby
• TDS Telecom-Hollis
In memory of my dog
• Nate Glionna
In honor of John Linehan
• Carole Charnow
In honor of Francine Mandeville
• Kevin Mandeville
In honor of Susan Martin
• Mary Atkinson
In honor of Christmas
• Ken Meyer
In memory of Elizabeth Murphy
• Janet Connors
• Patricia Crow
• Patricia Dugan
• Jacqueline Green
• Tracey Hynes
• Elizabeth Smith
• Donald Yeaple
In honor of Kim Peach
• Ann Smith
In memory of Anne Philbrick-Hall
• Joel Solomon
In honor of Faerran Pollard’s birthday
• Jessica Felizardo
In honor of Matthew Bracken
• Kathleen Bracken
In honor of Henry and Jean Hall
• John Linehan
In honor of Dr. Rory A. Browne
• Elizabeth Nathans
In honor of Pen Hallowell
• Benedicte Hallowell
In honor of Dave Caron
• LeeAnn Horner
In honor of Martha Henderson
• Douglas Henderson
In Honor of Michelle Chandler
• Emily Irving
In honor of Frances Pratt
• Harold I. Pratt, Sr.
• Harold I. Pratt, Jr.
• Charles Pratt
• Frances H. Pratt
In honor of Alfred Huang
• Albert Huang
In memory of Erica Charles
• Daniel W. Finegold
In honor of Paige Ransford’s birthday
• Janice Levenson
In honor of Emily Irving
• Michelle Chandler
In honor of Heike Rolla-Daya
• Anonymous
In honor of Alan Stern’s birthday
• Steven Flashner
• Jeffrey Plaut
In honor of Jill Sudman’s birthday
• Jeff Sudman
In honor of David Tolstrup’s birthday
• Paul Goodwin
In memory of Lyn Corbett
• Cam Townsend
In honor of Kathy Vieweg
• Toni Green
In honor of Donna Weiss’ birthday
• Marv Weiss
In honor of Peter A. Wilson
• Joseph Darrigo
In memory of Deidre Witschorke
• Jeannie Nakano
In memory of a dear friend of the
Woodruff family
• Suzanne Woodruff
Individual Volunteers
Franklin Park Zoo
Carol Adler
Kasey Aitkens
Liborio Albanese
Laura Allaire
Marie Allen
Heidi Ames
Lauren Anderson
Juniper Behrendt
Zohar Ben-Gai
Rachel Bennett
Joanna Berube
John Berube
Gee Gee Bishop
Allyson Blasioli
Lisa Bowles
Carol Brackett
Sasha Bruno
Victoria Bundzinski
Catherine Carchedi
Julie Cavin
Alexis Chilinski
Victoria Clark
Liam Connolly
Maryanne Coughlin
Samantha Counts
Adam Crellin- Sazama
Ilana Crisp
Richard Daly
Kelsey Davenport
Fred Davis
Jessie Davis
Nicole Denison
Matia Diamond
Unsol Doh
Molly Donovan
Alexandra Doyle
Jennifer Driscoll
Patrick Driscoll
Victoria Duback
Francesca Famosi
Nancy Fanton
Stephanie Fantony
Louise Felton
Beth Fleming
Alison Foster
Carly Foster
Brittany Fuller
Deahjah Gardener
Lauren Gasper
Kathy Gorman
Deanna Grillone
Celine Guedj
Penrose Hallowell
Lucy Harper
Nora Hartigan
Carol Hayes
Alex Haymer
Kathy Heffernan
Martha Henderson
Carly Hepburn
Kelly Huddleson
Eileen Hulnick
Raymond Hunt
Lauren Ienello
Julia Jaffe
Eleanor Jaynes
Xuemei Jin
Jahson Jno Baptiste
Rachel Johnson
Susannah Johnson
Kimberly Hahn
Stacey Jones
Marielle Joseph
Taylor Keddie
Alex Keel
Judith Kehoe
Kevin Kesper
Hannah Kim
Brittany Knowles
Chelsea Kokinis
Devon Kopp
Carol Kountz
Megan Lang
Lydian Lee
Jamari Lewis
Virginia Lijewski
Courtney Lindop
Meiqi Liu
Brett Loranger
Katherine Luniewicz
Paul Luther
Sea Malloy
Ann Marie Marden
Rachel Markowitz
Victoria Maroun
Julia Martin
Stephanie Martinez-Alfonzo
Casey Maskell
Teresa McCarthy
Michelle Medeiros
Veronica Menendez
Robert Michaud
Bonnie Mickle
Kelly Miklavcic
Daniel Moran
Jessica Nartowicz
Stacey Nathanson
Lindsay Neagle
Rita Nethersole
Gail O’Malley
Courtney Painton
Marcus Parker
Lisa Patterson
Amy Pettinari
Kimberly Poulin
Jeffrey Prasnal
Paige Ransford
Rebecca Rice
Sonja Richter
Westley Robinson
Kevin Rogers
Patricia Rogers
Michael Roppolo
Michelle Boccuzzo
Sarah Saccoach
Kayla Saccoccio
Jennifer Saja
Alexandra Serrano
Vanessa Sharp
Jack Sherman
Andrew Single
Jacquelyn Smith
Stephen Spaulding
Britni Steingard
Brendan Sullivan
Kyle Tedesco
Sarah Trifiletti
Aimee Trudel
Angel Vazquez
Angela Vieira
Maura Wade
Cortney Wieber
Jem Wilner
Emily Wright
David Yoo
Kristin Zimmerman
Gabriela Zylbersztajn
Stone Zoo
Mary Allan
Kristin Amero
Patrick Bardascino
Adi Behrens
Meagan Bellemore
Katelyn Benda
Jean Bergeron
Donald Berube
Jennifer Bonta
Natasha Bourdon
Faye Broughton
Devon Brunner
Carl Butters
Chris Carllino
Stephen Caron
Warren Carvallo
Ryan Casarant
Kelly Chamberlain
Maureen Cochran
Adam Corzatt
Veronica Coulon
Zach Cross
Shalea Daly
Jordy DeFelice
John Dello Russo
Dan Frazer
Megan Fredrick
Dylan Gart
Meredith Gill
Tawnya Hanson
Katelyn Hogan
Tracey Hynes
Andrew Jones
Bridget Kevane
Kaitlin Koehler
Christine Kudlate
Erica Laurenzi
Amber Leavis
Charlotte Liu
Margaret Lloyd
Megan Loiselle
John Mahoney
Brittany Mandell
Fran Mandeville
Kyle McLaughlin
Veronica Menendez
Carl Richard Mockler
Patrick Moreira
Peter Moulton
Liz Murphy
Anna Muszynski
Barbara Natke
Una O’Toole
Juliet Perdichizzi
Jeffrey Ransom
Kevin Raposo
Courtney Ritter
Suzanne Rohm
Jennifer Rollo
Danielle Rowley
Cheryl Russo
Sally Saunders Brennan
Harrison Shields
Alexander Silva
Miranda Sisolak
Lexi Smith
Grace Stroman
Scott Symonds
Sydney Szmonko
Deborah Toupouzis
Haley Traversy
Derek Trunfio
Evelyn Vozella
Tiffany Wood
Samantha Young
Corporate and
Non-Profit Volunteers
Franklin Park Zoo
Asian Business Connection
Babson College
Brockton Area Multi- Services Inc.
Bank of America
Boston College Animal Alliance
Berkley College Cares
Big Brothers Big Sisters
Boston College Gives Back
Boston Community School
Boston Latin High School
Boston University Alumni Association
Boy Scouts Troop 3 - Milton
Boys and Girls Club of Boston
British School of Boston
Boston University Alpha Phi Omega
Boston University Circle K
Boston University Kappa Alpha Theta
Boston University Management Club
Boston University Operation Smile
Charlestown Boys and Girls Club
Citizens Bank
City on a Hill Charter Public Schools
Compass Boston
Cristo Rey Boston High School
Crossroads for Kids
Dedham County Day School
Dunkin Brands
Emmanuel College
Fidelity Investments
Garden Club Federation
Gay for Good
Gilbane Co.
Goodwin Procter
International Business Machines
Living Proof
Longwood Medical Center
Massachusetts College of Art and Design
Match High School
Merrill Lynch
Millennium Pharmaceuticals
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Mount Ida College
Mount Wachusett Community College
National Charity League
Nobel and Greenough School
Northeastern University
Northeastern University Alpha Echo Phi
Northeastern University Circle K
Northeastern University Chinese
Student Association
Northeastern University Caribbean
Student Organization
Northeastern University Sigma Beta Rho
Northeastern University Honors Program
Parkside Christian Academy
People Making a Difference
Prospect Hill Academy
Quinnipiac Alumni Association
Ru La La
Savage Services
Single Volunteers of Boston
State Street Finance
Tufts Focus
USS Constitution
Vertex Pharmaceuticals
Wheaton College Softball Team
Work Inc.
Stone Zoo
BJ’s Wholesale Club
Boston Cares
Boston College Animal Alliance
Boston College Residental Life
Boston College School of Theology
and Ministry
Boston University Alpha Phi Omega
CBRE (CB Richard Ellis)
DiCicco, Gulman & Company LLP
Fitzemeyer & Tocci Associates, Inc.
Framingham State University
Wildlife Club
Kaspersky Lab
Keurig Green Mountain, Inc.
Liberty Mutual Insurance
McLean Hospital Gunderson Residence
Millennium Pharmaceuticals
Northeastern University: Kappa Delta
Pfizer, Inc.
Single Volunteers Boston
Triangle, Inc.
Tufts Health Plan
U.S. Bank
Vertex Pharmaceuticals
Wellesley College
WellSpring Church
A total of 38,285 hours of essential services
were contributed by 2,604 individual volunteers,
interns and group volunteers in FY 14.
Fiscal Year 2014
Financial Summary
Condensed Statement of Revenue, Expenses and Change
in Net Assets as of June 30, 2014 (in Whole Dollars)
Operating Revenues:
Concessions Revenue (Net)
Membership Fees
Total Guest Operating Revenues
Grants and Gifts
Other Revenue
Total Other Operating Revenue
Total Operating Revenues
Non-operating Revenues:
State Appropriations
Private Gifts
Other additions (deductions)
Total Non-operating Revenues
Operating Expenses
(including depreciation)
Total of all Revenue for Operating Purposes
Minus Operating Expenses
(including a depreciation expense of $765,861)
Private Gifts – Restricted to Capital
Change in Net Position
Net Position, Beginning of the Year
Net Position, End of Year
Zoo New England manages Franklin Park Zoo and Stone Zoo on behalf of the Commonwealth
of Massachusetts and we are grateful to the Commonwealth for its financial support.
Fisc al Year 2014
• In FY 14, the Membership department’s
total revenue was $1,367,000, marking
the third year membership revenue has
exceeded more than $1 million.
• In FY 14, the total number of people served
by the Education department increased
by 18 percent to 206,865. This includes
programs involving schools, overnight
groups, after-school members, teacher
workshops, adults, camp and school
vacation, story times, scheduled talks and
animal encounters at Franklin Park and
Stone Zoos.
Zoo New England
One Franklin Park Road
Boston, MA 02121