June/July 2012 - Quail Hollow Presbyterian Church
June/July 2012 - Quail Hollow Presbyterian Church
THE BELL AND THE WELL June/July 2012 Volume 46 The Sent & the Sender Number 6/7 No moss grows on a rolling stone nor on a community of faith who takes seriously its call to be the church of Jesus Christ. The summer of 2012 will find the church at Quail Hollow engaged in mission and witness far from and near to the corner of Smithfield Church and Park Roads. Inside this issue of the Bell & Well, you will learn about our high and middle school mission trips to New Orleans and Savannah, respectively. Both trips will be learning experiences, but at the heart of each mission experience will be the creation of deeper relationships between the youth, among the leaders, and with those they will meet for the first time. Please be intentional about praying for both mission teams. Post page 2 of this issue of the B&W somewhere so you will be reminded to pray for them daily. In particular, I want to express a collective spirit of gratitude to the leaders who will be accompanying the youth. Katy Hudson, Marybet Hudson, Barbara & Bill Navarro, and Susan Stone are providing no small amount of time, talent, treasure and prayer to make sure all goes well, that safety is a priority, and that QHPC is well presented as Christ’s people. Thank you! On June 30, our General Assembly will be convened in Pittsburgh, PA. One of the commissioners from the Charlotte Presbytery is Joel Aelick. Joel will be attending General Assembly for the first time. It is most appropriate that he is one of the commissioners. His service with the church, in general, and at Quail Hollow, in particular, has been faithful. In preparation for his service, Joel has been meeting with his fellow commissioners, teaching and ruling elders. He began weeks ago digesting quantities of data about our denomination’s mission and witness. It is no small commitment much less sacrifice to be a commissioner to GA. He will be away from us and his family until July 7. Interestingly, he will be worshipping one Sunday at my home church, Shadyside Presbyterian, where I was baptized, confirmed and taken under care. Let’s hold Joel in prayer as he represents the Charlotte Presbytery and QHPC. Let him know you will be praying for him. He prepares for his service aware fully that God alone is Lord of the conscience. Finally, what glad tidings Ellie Grace Wiggins brings to us! Born on May 16 to Lisa and Matt, she reminds us of the deep-hearted commitment our risen Lord has made to us and to the life of the world. In her arrival and in our commitment to nurture and love her, we make it known that being the church is no small adventure. Being the church is breathtakingly overwhelming, at times, and it reminds us that our only help is in the name of the Lord, the Creator of heaven and earth, the One Who makes all things possible, and One in Whom and through Whom we live, move and have our very being. It is that God, and no other, in Whom we trust through every season of life. For, our God not only sends us to New Orleans, Savannah, Pittsburgh, and to the Wiggins family; our God willingly goes with us so we have all we need to be His church, for this day and forever more. Faithfully, Gus Succop, Pastor After so much stress on the necessity of a leader to prevent his/her own personal feelings and attitudes from interfering in a helping relationship, it seems necessary to re-establish the basic principle that no one can help anyone without becoming involved, without entering with his/her whole person into the painful situation, without taking the risk of becoming hurt. (from Henri Nouwen, The Wounded Healer) This summer Quail Holla Youth and Leaders will be embarking on mission trips to . . . Savannah, Georgia New Orleans, Louisiana Our Middle School youth and leaders will be joining up with a group from Sharon United Methodist to head down to Savannah to join an even larger group! Together, they’ll serve at local Savannah ministries such as children’s programs, elderly centers, soup kitchens/ homeless shelters and thrift stores. At night, they’ll have opportunities to tour historic Savannah and First African Baptist Church as well as trips to the beach. Our high school youth and leaders will be paired with a group from Good Shepherd Presbyterian and joining an even larger group in NOLA! Together they’ll be restoring a historic, low income cemetery; painting and preparing schools that haven’t re-opened yet; green projects in parks and neighborhoods; relational ministry in a low-income nursing home; painting a mural; or helping lead a Christian dance camp for neighborhood children. At night they’ll be lead in worship by local musicians, eat local food, hear stories from natives who have survived the storm, dance to Zydeco music, go on a swamp tour, and experience the World War II museum. Leaders: • Katy Hudson • Susan Stone July 8-14 Youth: • Allecia Adams • Hailey Lilliott • Katie Stone • Kayla Clark • Zhanna Stone July 14-20 Leaders: • Barbara Navarro • Bill Navarro • Marybet Hudson Youth: Charlotte Owens Glenn Navarro Mackenzie Stables Michael Navarro Zack Hudson • • • • • You can support our mission teams! Please pray for their mental, physical, and spiritual preparation. Pray for safety, and pray for the people of Savannah and New Orleans whom they will meet. If you would like to write them a word of encouragement and inspiration, please give them to Matt. He’ll turn them over to the leaders before the trip. Such note writing is a great activity for your church school class or small group! www.facebook.com/quailholla PAGE 3 "Train children in the right way, and when old, they will not stray." -Proverbs 22:6 The following are excerpts from credos (Latin for I believe) written by this year's Confirmands. They are the summation of six meetings at which they engaged "Belonging to God: A First Catechism" to discover how our gift of faith shapes our identity as children of God and how the activities of faith (e.g., prayer, worship, and engaging scripture and community) characterize the life of God's children. The credos they wrote are a snapshot of their faith journey at the present time. In time, the Lord will grow them in their faith, and what a blessing that will be to them, to others and to the life of the church. Allecia Adams: I believe that Jesus sacrificed himself to let us live and also for our sins. I believe if you accept him into your life you will go to heaven. Katie Baker: In order to have God in my life, I must accept him in my life. I have to pray a lot. I must let him lead me to a great life. I must trust our Lord. I must start now. Glenn Navarro: I think God created the church to spread the word to everybody. Also, to fill everyone with the Holy Spirit. A church is a group of Christians worshipping God. You don’t have to have a building for a church to be a church. Zack Hudson: God is a very difficult thing for me to understand . . . It is a lot easier for me to understand Jesus Christ because we could see him, people have recorded his life for the most part, and he helped me understand better who God is. Zhanna Stone: I believe I’m a child of God and need to be one. I believe he forgives all of our sins and wants us to learn from our mistakes. We should trust God and live the life we know is right. Kayla Clark: I believe in an all loving God who had a son named Jesus. Jesus was a perfect person, the only God who walked the Earth. I know that Jesus and God love me and everyone else, no matter what happens or what we do. PAGE 4 June Scripture Lessons Indeed, the Word of God is living and active, sharper than any two-edged sword. (Hebrews 4: 12) June 3, Trinity Sunday: Romans 8: 12-17 Pastor Succop preaching: The Gratitude of Adoption June 10, 2nd Sunday in Pentecost: Mark 3: 20-35 Pastor Succop preaching: Unlikely Family Members June 17, 3rd Sunday in Pentecost: II Corinthians 5: 6-10 Pastor Succop preaching: Pleasing the One Who Must Be Obeyed June 24, 4th Sunday in Pentecost: Psalm 133 Pastor Succop preaching: All the Eggs in One Basket July Scripture Lessons The Bible is alive -- it speaks to me; it has feet – it runs after me; it has hands – it lays hold on me. (Martin Luther) July 1, 5th Sunday in Pentecost: Psalm 130 Pastor Succop preaching: Waiting July 8, 6th Sunday in Pentecost: Mark 6: 1-6 Pastor Succop preaching: Disbelieving July 15, 7th Sunday in Pentecost: Ephesians 1: 3-14 Pastor Succop preaching: Praising July 22, 8th Sunday in Pentecost: Mark 6: 30-34, 53-56 Pastor Succop preaching: Learning July 29, 9th Sunday in Pentecost: (TBA) Welcome, Ellie Grace Wiggins! May 16, 2012 3:20 p.m. 7 lbs. 2 oz, 19-1/2” Congratulations, Matt & Lisa! PAGE 5 Thanks to all of you who donated the thousands of plastic bags during the March contest that Harris Teeter sponsored for CMS! Quail Hollow Middle school collected more than in any previous contest(!), and came in third in our district. The winning school is Sterling Elementary. QHMS won $250, which will benefit the In School Suspension Classroom supply needs. Thanks, too, for all of the school supplies donated through the Mission Manger during the month of April. The teachers were thrilled, and put each and every item to use immediately. If you wish to keep donating, feel free to give your items to Susan Stone or Barbara Navarro. We hope to have another drive in September to build up the Teacher Supply Closet. Thank you to all the folks who donated a pint of blood at the 2012 QHPC Annual Blood Drive “in memory of Ruth Pope.” All together, we contributed 25 pints of blood, exceeding our goal by 1 pint. Thanks, also, to the members who provided lunch items and contributed their time to register our donors and see to their comfort. A special thanks to Anna Cheney and Sarah Baker whose waitressing skills and extra-special attention to our donors set a new standard for after-donation care. You are all wonderful! God Bless You All! Le Johnson PAGE 6 The Quail Hollow Ringers have concluded a great season! As the director, I have been amazed each year at our progress. We are having so much fun while we practice and learn! Perhaps it is because we offer our pieces as our “joyful noise.” We have some big plans for next year. We would like to purchase a fourth octave for our handbell set, which will give us the opportunity to play more pieces and to add more players to the group. We will be presenting a concert of handbell music in October or November to raise funds. It will be entitled “Ringing Through the Year,” and will feature pieces from all seasons of the church year. Thanks to the following Ringers for another great year: Emily Blake, Sophie Brandt, Jan Federal, Mary Hice, Barbara Navarro, Peggy Nelson, Kristin Northcutt, Jeanne Owens, Janet Stephens, Danielle Walters, and Sherrie Young. Thanks to our subs: Joanna Adkins, Candace Brandt, Brian Jeddeloh, Michael Navarro, and Beth Succop. Mary Rose Adkins Handbell Director Dove's Nest Lunch Dates for 2012 Wednesday, June 20 Friday, July 20 Wednesday, August 29 ("Mega" - drop off Pizza, etc.) Tuesday, Sept 25 Monday, October 22 Wednesday, Nov 21 (clients cooking for Thanksgiving - drop off Pizza, etc.) Tuesday, Dec 18. We serve generally 20 women including those who attend from QHPC. We need a main dish, side or salad, bread or other starch, soda, dessert, and paper products (two rectangular table clothes and coordinating napkins) each month. Two small centerpieces (i.e., a flower from your garden in a vase you no longer need) are nice, but not necessary. Harris Teeter Gift Cards or cash are also welcome. If you would like to take the lead on organizing any particular date and/or have a favorite meal, please let me or Peggy Warstler know. Thank you! Becky Aelick ([email protected], 704-650-4480) PAGE 7 A YEAR IN REVIEW By Erin Gillis, Director Another great year has come and gone! The 2011-2012 year was one that proved once again that a church preschool is only as good as the teachers, families, students, and prayers and support of the congregation who support it. I am so thankful to be the Director of such a great place of learning. In fact, I am learning so much, and quite honestly I can say that being the Director is my “dream job.” At the end of the school year, we ask our parents for feedback and suggestions. I was overwhelmed by the positive comments we received. Here are a few: “I love that my child loves going to school and has fun.” “… is learning a lot (letter recognition, colors, shapes, how to share, etc.) “Teachers and Staff! Wonderful, Wonderful ministry!” VBS 2012 Has A NEW Look – Save the date! Vacation Bible School will be HELD June 26, 27, 28 from 9 a.m. until 1 p.m. We will celebrate at Rocky Point Lighthouse where kids will shine God’s light! Lunch and a snack will be provided. If you are interesting in being a servant, please note the time on your calendars and call Erin Gillis (704-5530131). There is plenty to do, but there is plenty of time! PAGE 8 2012 Holy Communion Celebrations Summer Communion World Communion Sunday First Sunday in Advent July 15 October 7 December 2 William Law, in his terrible, cool voice, said, “If you have not chosen the Kingdom of God, it will make in the end no difference what you have chosen instead.” Those are hard words to take. Will it really make no difference whether it was women or patriotism, cocaine or art, whiskey or a seat in the cabinet, money or science? Well, surely no difference that matters. We shall have missed the end for which we are formed, and rejected the only thing that satisfies. Does it matter to a man dying in a desert by which choice of route he missed the only well? — from “A Slip of the Tongue” The Weight of Glory By C. S. Lewis For further reflection: Deuteronomy 30:15-20 I John 5:21 **Holy Land Pilgrimage** Join Dr. Ted Troutman & Dr. Gus Succop on a pilgrimage to the Holy Land (Jerusalem, Bethlehem, Galilee, etc.). 10 Day of Discovery January 7-16, 2013 Brochures are available in the Narthex and Church Office. Speak with Sherrie Young, Janet Stephens, Linda Patterson or Pastor Succop to learn more. A deposit is necessary to hold your place. PAGE 9 A Gift was Received for the Handbell Fund In honor of Mary Rose Adkins from Mary and Kip Hice NEIGHBORHOOD GARAGE SALE $698 was raised during the April 28 QHPC neighborhood garage sale! The money has been given to the Global Mission Fund to help fund our youth mission trips this summer...read all about it on page 2. Thank you! At the May Session Meeting, Lee Dempsey informed the Elders that a $100,000 gift has been received from an anonymous friend of QHPC! A portion of the gift will go to renovate our sanctuary’s PA system, to maintain our Live Nativity presentation, and the balance will be applied to church debt. To God be the glory! PAGE 10 June & July Birthdays Zach Hudson Julie Jones Emily Blake Katie Nelson Nancy Smith Arliss Whiteside Fred Hudson Sheryl Marx Evelyn Black Aaralyn Cobb C. J. Warstler Fran Pfrimmer 25 Daniel Buehrig 26 Rick Fay Candace Brandt June 2 June 3 June 4 June 4 June 4 June 12 June 15 June 15 June 16 June 22 June 24 June June June 29 June Many thanks to my QHPC family for your prayers and thoughtful get well cards and notes while I was out for my surgery. I have healed nicely and am back in the office. Your love and concern have touched me deeply. Blessings, Liz Charles Crumbley Preston Jones Van Litaker Margaret Moss Elizabeth Stone Nancy Marshall Paul Northcutt Tim Northcutt Robert Fagg Irvy Ebanks Edie Judkins Renny Marshall Matt Wiggins Tim Baskwell Chuck Cheney Kayla Clark Shonda Deckelman Cheryl Robertson Leona Johnson Virginia Fechhelm Jeanne Hayes Andrew Hudson Charlotte Owens Trish Simpson Hillary Bergman Ron Hawkins Austin Jones Betty Hice Stephanie Burns Lisa Mingus July 1 July 1 July 1 July 1 July 3 July 4 July 4 July 4 July 5 July 8 July 10 July 10 July 10 July 12 July 14 July 17 July 17 July 17 July 19 July 21 July 21 July 22 July 23 July 23 July 25 July 25 July 25 July 28 July 31 July 31 Yes! Enjoy your summer, but please remember to stay current with your giving. The Finance Committee PAGE 11 Thank You to our Ushers: June July Fred Deckelman Frieda Grice Kip, Mary, Ryan & Hughs Hice Waldo Miller, Ed Milliken, Susan Stone, Elizabeth Stone, Renny & Nancy Marshall 2012 Financial Report April Tithes and Offerings YTD Tithes and Offerings YTD Budget for Tithes & Offerings: YTD Actual Tithes & Offerings vs. Budget $ 36,569 $115,702 $110,724 +$4,978 YTD Total Church & Preschool Actual Revenues (offerings + other revenues) versus Expenses: +$53,224 Next Community Conversation: August 19 August Newsletter Information Deadline for Articles: Friday, July 13 Newsletter Club: Thursday, July 26, 9:00 a.m. Submit your articles to [email protected] Active Elders Class of 2012 Sherrie Young Jodi Hearn Linda Patterson Class of 2013 Mark Bartholomew, Clerk Ron Blake Lee Dempsey Cheryl Mims Class of 2014 Rich Bonnell Reid Johnson Waldo Miller Bill Navarro Janet Stephens Moderator: Gus Succop, Pastor VISIT US ON THE WEB! www.quailhollowpc.org Visit us on Facebook! www.facebook/quailhollowpresbyterian CHURCH OFFICE HOURS: Tuesday—Thursday: 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Friday: 8:30 to 1:30 p.m. Quail Hollow Presbyterian Church (USA) Worship Times Sunday 11:00 a.m. Learning Hour 9:45 a.m. Church Office: 704-554-5714 Preschool: 704-553-9614 Office Fax: 704-554-0054 Loving God...loving neighbor NON-PROFIT Newsletter published monthly from Quail Hollow Presbyterian Church 8801 Park Road Charlotte, North Carolina 28210 NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATION POSTAGE PAID PERMIT #12 PINEVILLE, NC 28134