Annual Report - The ALS Association Greater Philadelphia Chapter


Annual Report - The ALS Association Greater Philadelphia Chapter
Annual Report
February 1, 2010 - January 31, 2011
Fisc al Year 2011
w w w. a l s p h i l a d e l p h i a . o r g
One bright
Dear Partners,
Like you, we believe in The ALS
Association Greater Philadelphia
FOR the past four years,
ALS patient Arlene Gordon of
Downingtown, PA has traveled to
National ALS Advocacy Day in
PALS Arlene Gordon (Center), with
Washington, DC with her daugh- daughter Deanna Shanahan (left) and
ter, Deanna, and husband Jeff. In Chapter Mental Health Nurse, Jennifer
Klapper in Washington, DC.
a city known for complex policy
making, Arlene’s position is very simple, “I felt compelled to take
the message of needed funding for ALS research to our elected
officials on Capitol Hill for all of the ALS patients who are not able
to do so,” says Arlene. She has met with the offices of US Representatives Chaka Fattah, Jim Gerlach and Bob Brady. Arlene went to
DC to say, “I have ALS and I need your help...” not easy words.
We look ahead to advances in
care, and ultimately a cure. We
will continue to work with our
government for legislation to help
ALS families. Our comprehensive
Clinics, vital services and programs
will never be compromised. One
Bright Future - that is our mutual
goal. Thank you for making it
In 2010, our Chapter sent over 55 people, including 11 people with
ALS to Washington DC as part of the annual Advocacy Day and
Public Policy Conference. Advocates met with 22 legislators representing our service area. Advocacy efforts in recent years have been
enormously fruitful as evidenced by these accomplishments:
• Persuaded Congress to enact the ALS Registry Act and secured
nearly $16 million in continued funding;
• Advocated for historic regulations at the Department of
Veterans Affairs that make ALS a service connected disease,
providing military veterans and their survivors access to more
than $130 million in health and disability benefits in 2009
• Received continued funding for the ALS Research Program at
the Department of Defense through a $7.5 million appropriation in FY2010. A total of nearly $18 million has now been
provided to the ALSRP, which is specifically designed to identify
new treatments for ALS; and
• Secured appropriations of $5 million over two years to fund the
Lifespan Respite Care Act, which we originally helped to pass
in 2006 and will support state-based respite care programs to
assist family caregivers. •O
N the local level, The ALS Association’s two Pennsylvania
Chapters received funding of $325,000 for 2010 from the
PA Department of Health to
be used to help people with
ALS across the state. Representative Josh Shapiro, along
with Representative Dwight
Evans, was instrumental
in securing this important
Ellyn C. Phillips
James V. Pinciotti
Executive Director
The mission of The ALS
Association Greater Philadelphia
Chapter is to lead the fight to
treat and cure ALS through global
research and nationwide
advocacy while also empowering
people with Lou Gehrig’s Disease
and their families to live fuller
lives by providing them with
Left to right – Seated, ALS patients
Mike Kilpatric and Wes Rose join
Ray Rose to enjoy a moment with
State Representative Josh Shapiro
(standing rear) at the Chapter’s 2010
Annual Luncheon.
compassionate care and support.
Lea R. Powell
ALS Patient Services Program
Keeping the Promise of Care
You help support $3 million in services and
programs for patients each year
ON ANY GIVEN DAY, 14 people will be told,
“You have ALS.” And with this debilitating diagnosis,
a daughter in Williamsport, PA will wonder how she
will care for her mother. A grandfather in Harrisburg
plans out how he can maneuver in his home. A
family in Seaside Heights, NJ discusses how their
lives will change. Since 1984, these issues and
many more have been carefully addressed by The
ALS Association Greater Philadelphia Chapter.
Services from in-home care…to accessibility… to
comprehensive care in our clinics are free of charge.
Your contributions assist more than 850 ALS families
served by the Chapter.
Visiting Volunteer Linda Brotschol with ALS patient Denise
Naylor of Levittown, PA sip the libations at Hot Chocolate.
Patient Care
ALS Certified Centers
At each center, patients and caregivers meet with up to 12 specialists. The Clinics are multidisciplinary centers for the evaluation and
treatment of ALS and related disorders. Clinic professionals establish
a definitive diagnosis in patients referred for the disease and then
provide care in a supportive environment which will enable patients
to attain the best possible level of neurological functioning and quality of life. There were 770 patient
visits to The ALS Association
Certified Center at the Penn
Comprehensive Neuroscience
Center at Pennsylvania Hospital
and 488 visits to the ALS Center
at Penn State Hershey Medical
 Susan Walsh, RN, ACNS-BC greets ALS patient
Bettina Varner of Shermans Dale, PA who was
assessed at the Hershey Clinic.
There were 2 clinical studies
enrolling patients in Hershey
and 6 studies enrolling patients
at Penn.
Kasey Watson- Williams communicates using a letterboard with her
husband Brian of Glen Mills, PA at his
Clinic visit.
Affiliate ALS Treatment
Centers: We also provide
support for two additional
clinics in our service region.
One is located at the Lehigh
Valley Hospital and the other
at Geisinger Medical Center.
 ALS Board Member and volunteer Dale Shimer
assists patient Cheryl Connolly of Abington, PA
during her visit to the Penn Clinic.
The Lea R. Powell Program offers an array of educational, recreational, patient care, family assistance and
outreach programs for ALS families.
Home Care
The Chapter funded nearly 20,000 hours of in-home and
respite care last year.
• The Howard I. Abrams In-Home Care Program
provided up to 10 hours of weekly care for patients
living at home. 90 patients were served with 18,511
hours of care.
• Respite Care Programs offered caregivers of 32
patients a total of 854 hours for non-ventilator
patients. Additionally, 8 ventilator - dependent
patients received a total of 487 hours of care.
The Marjorie Shimer Equipment Loan Program loaned
a total of 496 items including wheelchairs, hospital beds,
bath benches and other durable medical equipment
throughout our entire service area.
This is why the Mackler program is so important. We
provide devices to people who do not have insurance, or
are living in nursing homes, or are on hospice and whose
insurance will not fund communication devices.
Alisa Brownlee , the Assistive Technology Specialist
(ATP) speaks frequently about the state of this field for
The ALS Association and conducts in-service educational
programs for healthcare professionals. She is one of eight
Chapter AT Specialists. In her capacity with The ALS Association, Ms. Brownlee initiated an “Ask the Expert” button
on our website and in 2010, over 250 inquiries to Alisa
from patients, families and allied healthcare professionals
regarding Assistive Technology were made. She orchestrated
11 Web-Ex presentations for people with ALS and their
families covering such topics as help with reading, calling
for help, computer access for patients and home and van
The Cox Family Fund for Accessibility assisted 66
patients with a total of 27 stair glides, 27 ramps, and 12
emergency call systems at no cost or reduced cost to them.
The Scott A. Mackler, MD, PhD. Assistive Technology
Program addresses our patients’ assistive technology needs.
An annual run/walk in Dr. Mackler’s name raises about
$50,000 each year for the Chapter.
People with ALS have many assistive technology needs
including power or manual wheelchairs, communication
devices, computer access equipment, specialty phones,
and other electronic devices that will enable patients to
control their environment. These also include simple
devices such as television controls.
Many insurances cover mobility and communication
devices as a medical necessity under their durable medical
equipment policy. However, computer access equipment,
specialty devices that allow patients to stay connected to
the world, are not considered medically necessary
and our ALS families
either have to pay out of
pocket for these devices
or borrow them from the
ALS loaner program.
Jouse2 joystick mouse and headset
with microphone is used by ALS
patient Greg Telthorster.
The Miller family of New Jersey uses their
Cox Ramp to get out and enjoy the day.
“Through technology intervention
all things are possible.”
“The joy that this adaptive equipment has brought
me is immeasurable! It continues to allow me to be
communicative, creative and independent”
Greg Telthorster
Transportation Program
The Chapter’s three wheelchair-accessible vans made a total of
150 runs during the last fiscal year, transporting patients and their
caregivers to medical appointments and recreational visits. Vans
are ventilator accessible. The Chapter subcontracts wheelchair
accessible transport for patients living outside a 60-mile radius
from the main office in Ambler, PA.
ALS Van Driver Thomas Mitchell
transports Goldie White of Philadelphia
to the Penn Clinic for her appointment.
Inservice Programs
Educational In-service Programs were provided by staff
to assist healthcare workers caring for ALS patients on 35
occasions. In one program shown here at Aristocare in
Plymouth Meeting, PA, nurses, aides, social workers and
other healthcare professionals learned about ALS so that
they could better assist the two ALS patients living at this
facility. Speech, assistive technology, medications, and
eating and breathing issues were addressed to help improve
the quality of life for our patients.
The Greater Philadelphia Chapter is proud to offer
the comprehensive ALS Patient and Caregiver Resource
Manual, which provides detailed ALS-related information
for those living with ALS with an emphasis on local services
and resources. One copy of this manual is available at no
charge to ALS patients and families in our service area.
Additional copies, as well as copies for medical professionals,
are available at our cost.
Resources and Seminars helped patients and their
caregivers better understand and cope with the diagnosis of
ALS. Programs included 4 Managing ALS teleconferences
with a record total of 140 people participating. Additionally
4 Newly Diagnosed programs, 13 Monthly Resource
Groups throughout the region and 1 Bereavement Group
provided an opportunity to address questions and concerns
and share experiences with others. NEW! This year a special
group for Women With ALS was established and a group for
Gail Houseman, RN, CNS, BC (right rear in red) and Susan Schwartz,
ACSW, LSW (to Gail’s left) facilitated the Aristocare Program.
Husbands of Women with ALS now meets bi-monthly. All
resource groups are free of charge for patients, caregivers
and family members.
A new Chapter website, The Woman’s Voice is a place
where women with ALS can help each other as they share
their wisdom and listen to each other’s concerns, particularly concerns relating to human connections, nurturing
and family that are often a central focus for women.
Recreational activities become very important to
those with limited movement and respite for caregivers
in the form of a fun, relaxing endeavor is essential.
Programs included ALS family trips to Longwood
Gardens with 78 attendees. 83 PALS and their families
visited Morey’s Piers in Wildwood, NJ and the Annual
Holiday Party drew 183 guests who enjoyed music by
Hot Hot Hot Entertainment, caricatures, balloon art,
henna tattooing, food, fun gifts and games.
Specialty Programs
Grandmom Nancy Hoppe of Yardley
shows the love for her family at the
Chapter’s annual Holiday Party.
Nurturing the Nurturer
63 caregivers attended this day designed for the
relaxation of caregivers. They arranged flowers, beaded,
received massages and hot shaves, learned how to
apply makeup and engaged in cake decorating classes.
Visiting Volunteer Program
Established in 2002, this program provides a “friendly
visitor” to a person with ALS in his/her home to read
books, share common interests, write letters, run
errands, make phone calls, use computer software
and more. This past year, the Chapter was fortunate to
have 23 active Visiting Volunteers visiting 30 patients
It’s flowers galore at the bi-annual Nurturing the Nurturer
day. Stephen Scaniello, famed gardener, rosarian, historian
and raconteur helps caregivers Colleen Schmidt and Lindsay
Greco of Ft. Washington, PA design beautiful centerpieces.
(Left to right) Kent England, BJ Zellers, Ed
Elborne, Ed Herr and Greg Gross at the ALS
Association Golf Outing Hosted by Greg Gross
at Applecross Countryy Club.
Mary and Keith Deaven of
Jonestown, PA enjoy the splendor
of Longwood Gardens.
ALS Research Update
In fiscal year 2010, ALS research took giant steps forward.
ALS Association sponsored Research was conducted
around the world, in many cases with our Chapter’s dollars.
New genes, discoveries and technologies are being used to
ultimately uncover more effective treatments.
The ALS Association partners with the National Institutes
of Health, the Department of Defense, biotechnology and
pharmaceutical companies and other ALS organizations on
innovative research.
Studies are concentrating not just on the motor neuron
as the culprit of ALS, but on astrocytes and glial cells that are
outside of the motor neuron and may be impacting the motor
neurons environment.
Clinical trials were an important part of the ALS pipeline to
the cure. These included:
• Phase 1 trial using antisense treatment to turn off the
SOD1 gene.
• Phase 2 trial using Knopp-Biogen drug
• Phase 2 trial of Ceftriaxone
• Phase 1 trial of transplantation of stem cells into the
spinal column
Right here at home, a study at the University of Pennsylvania identified a new genetic risk factor—and interaction
between ataxin and TDP-43.
Further away, but just as important, an ALS Association
funded Genome Study in Finland identified Chromosome 9
as a link to ALS.
“ I am privileged to represent the ALS
community as the consumer member on
the ALSRP Integration Panel. I have seen
firsthand the dedicated work of these
prominent researchers and clinicians. The
projects selected are of the highest quality
and designed to conduct innovative
preclinical research to develop new
treatments for ALS.”
Ellyn Phillips
Chapter President and DOD’s
ALS Consumer Advocate
In December, The ALS Association hosted the 21st international ALS/MND Symposium in Orlando Florida. This conference brings together the world’s greatest minds focusing on
ALS to share information.
More researchers are entering the ALS field, optimistic that
they can unravel the mystery of ALS.
Mary Kelly, MSN, RN, CRNP comforts ALS patient
Charles Zimmerman* who succumbed to ALS in 2011.
It’s about compassion.
It’s about you.
You are not waiting for
changes. You are making
them happen.
Thank you for being the
force behind these
Chapter Events.
Summit Fitness - ALS
Monzo Madness
8th Annual Pasta for PALS
Post World Series Party
Longwood Gardens Patient Services Outing
ALS for Philly Night L.I.F.E.
Box Out ALS
Laps of Love
Billy Lake Beef and Beer
Hoss’s Community Night
Chi Psi Greeks Eat Gyros
Joe Schwartz ‘83 Memorial 3k Run/Walk
1 The 2010 Annual Lun-
cheon honored Michael
Barkann (right), ALS Board
Member and Comcast
SportsNet anchor, who is
pictured with his friend
and ALS supporter, Ron
Krancer, the 2006 luncheon honoree.
Lockhaven 5K for ALS
2 The key organizers of the
Scrum For Six in Memory
of Michael Bartone.
Team Scamuffa Beef and Beer / Car Show
ALS Benefit at Ryan’s Pub
4-0n-4 For A Cure
Young Friends Helium Comedy Club
Hot Chocolate
ALS Memorial Service
8th Annual Bartone Rugby Tournament
Apple Pie and Chi Psi
Seaside Board....Walk to Defeat ALS®
Shady’s Shootout and Community Day
hosted by LeSean McCoy
Help Landmark Fight ALS
California Pizza Kitchen FUNdraiser
Rosa International Middle School Bake Sale
for ALS Awareness
ALS Charity Yardsale
Open Bar to Open Minds
3 Members of the Chapter’s
Young Friends Group get
ready to tour Eastern State
Penitentiary in Philadelphia last Fall.
Larry Goodwin Golf Tournament
Mike McNesby, Author of Hard to Believe,
Book Signing
Young Friends Happy Hour Downtown
Phillies Phestival
Lakewood BlueClaws Celebrity Waiter Event
4 The ALS Express Bike Ride
is a terrific fundraiser for
the Chapter each year.
5 Phillies Phestival
The Slipakoff family and
friends, shown here with
Phillie Shane Victorino,
support the Annual
Phillies Phestival.
Bike 4 ALS
Chick-fil-A ALS Spirit Night
Rehoboth Beach Walk to Defeat ALS®
Billy Lake Basketball Tournament
Ocean City Board...Walk to Defeat ALS®
Pound the Pavement to Fight ALS 5K Fun Run
High Street Caffe’s Autumn Beer Dinner
Greg Gross Reading Phillies Auction
ALS Express Bike Event
Philadelphia Fight Rugby Annual ALS Benefit
Brown-Daub Brawl Womens Roller Derby
Chicken BBQ for ALS
Samuel Adams Brewing Company Golf Outing for ALS
Armstrong Golf
Lehigh Valley Walk to Defeat ALS®
Punkin Chunkin for ALS
2010 Walk for Wellness
Harrisburg Walk to Defeat ALS®
Friends of John Fineran Beef and Beer
3rd Annual Battle to Strike Out ALS Rugby Match
Young Friends Eastern State Penitentary Tour
Young Friends Phillies Night
A Rockin’ Halloween Fest with Haunted Trail
11th Annual Scott Mackler 5K Run
“Let’s Roll” Motorcyle Poker Run
Gene Gladfelter Memorial Mile
Scranton/Wilkes Barre Yankees Jersey Auction
Acme Presents The ALS Association Golf Outing Hosted
by Greg Gross
PALS of Jimmy Duffy SWB Yankees Night
Greater Philadelphia Walk to Defeat ALS®
Hoops for Hope
Nurturing the Nurturer
Mark Kelly Sip & Swing Golf Outing
Annual Luncheon honoring Michael Barkann
An Old West Bonanza
ALS 50/50 Night at Trenton Thunder
Michael Bartone Memorial Golf Outing
Annual ALS Patient and
Family Holiday Party
Michael Bartone Dinner Dance
30th Anniversary Polka Dance
ALS / Sam Bonita Memorial Golf Outing
Gino’s Race
Saks Fifth Avenue “Sip and Spend for ALS”
10th Annual KAK Cup Golf Outing / Silent Auction
Members of Hot Hot Hot
Entertainment volunteer at
the Annual ALS patient and
Family Holiday Party
The Scamuffa Family holds several great events – this is
their Wagon Annual Car Show. The benefit took place at
the Wagontown Fire House and Hall in Wagontown, PA
There’s a Walk Near You!
The Chapter’s 2010 Walks included:
Seaside Board…Walk to Defeat ALS®
Harrisburg Walk to Defeat ALS®
(Now the Hershey Walk to Defeat ALS® )
Rehoboth Beach Walk to Defeat ALS®
Ocean City Board…Walk to Defeat ALS®
Lehigh Valley Walk to Defeat ALS®
Greater Philadelphia Walk to Defeat ALS®
The Walk to Defeat ALS® was launched in 1999, and is The ALS
Association’s largest nationwide fundraising event. It is designed to
raise money to find a cure for ALS and to increase awareness of
the disease. The Walk to Defeat ALS® has grown, with 150,000
participants nationwide raising more than $18.5 million each year
to support the year-round work of The ALS Association.
The Rehoboth Beach Walk to Defeat
ALS® attracts a huge crowd.
The ALS Association, Greater Philadelphia Chapter
Regions Served
In our region, the event continues to be a milestone in our
community‘s effort to combat this devastating disease. Since its
inception, Walk to Defeat ALS® participants and sponsors have
made this event a powerful and effective response to ALS. Held in
locations throughout our service area, the Walk to Defeat ALS®
empowers patients, friends, families, and the business
community to do something about a disease that leaves many
feeling powerless.
The Walk to Defeat ALS® raised over $1.26 million for our
Chapter in fiscal year 2011. The Walk is recognized as one of the
most cost-efficient fundraising events in the United States: $0.91
of every $1 raised goes to support global research and patient
service programs.
North Central Pennsylvania
Southeastern Pennsylvania
South Central Pennsylvania
Central and Southern
New Jersey
Joe’s Wings at the Ocean City Walk.
Thanks to you and thousands of ALS families,
friends, corporations, and the Phillies,
we continue to believe in
The Chapter is proud to be the principal charity of the Phillies. The
entire organization works year-round to raise funds and awareness for
the Chapter. The highlight of the year is the Annual Phillies Phestival,
which raised $801,615 in 2010 for ALS research and patient services. To
date, the team has raised $11.8 million for the Chapter since 1984.
FY 2011 Gifts
With grateful appreciation to the thousands of people who have
made contributions of less than $500, the constraints of printing did
not allow us to list these important donors individually. Every effort
has been made to ensure the accuracy of this listing. If your name has
been inadvertently omitted or incorrectly listed, please accept our
apologies and contact our office at 215-643-5434.
For the purposes of this listing , all gifts to the Phillies Phestival
through Phillies Charities, Inc. are included. Individual gifts made
through the United Way Donor Option Programs and Community
Health Charities designated to our Chapter are not listed.
2011 ( Charlestein
who p
His son
Gary, a as one of th sed away in
e Chap
long w
te at th ancy Giles o founders.
e 2010
Phestiv the Phillies
ALS patient Kathryn Voit (seated) is surrounded by
friendly Phillies Ballgirls at the 2010 Phestival.
Named Funds
To create a lasting tribute for their loved one with
ALS, families may create a Named Fund with The ALS
Association Greater Philadelphia Chapter. Funds are
established with a minimum commitment of $25,000,
which can be paid over a period of years if necessary.
Gifts from relatives and friends can be applied, and
Named Funds may also be established as part of one’s
estate plan.
Named Funds become part of the Chapter’s permanent
record and are listed every year in the Annual Report.
Each Fund has a page on the Chapter’s website and is
included in a special recognition plaque in the Chapter’s
headquarters office. In addition, Funds earmarked to
support research or patient services at the ALS Center at
the Hershey Medical Center are recognized on a plaque
within that facility.
The Chapter is honored to recognize these Funds
that have been established since the inception of the
The James E. Beck
Memorial Fund
Established in 2010 by
Jeanette O. Beck and her
daughter Jennifer to support
patient care at the Chapter’s
ALS Clinic at the Penn State
Milton S. Hershey Medical
The Lisa Bolick Fund
Established in 2010 by Jay F.
Bolick with John F. and Shirley
M. Bolick. The Lisa Bolick Fund
supports Patient and Family
Services and the overall mission
of The ALS Association Greater
Philadelphia Chapter.
The Paul and Harriet
Campbell Fund for
Patient Care
Funds established to support research or
patient services at the ALS Center at the
Hershey Medical Center are recognized on
this plaque in that Pennsylvania facility.
Established in 2009 by Harriet
Campbell as a permanent
memorial for her husband, Paul
Gilbert Campbell. The Fund
supports the care needs of patients attending the Chapter’s
ALS Center at the Penn State
Milton S. Hershey Medical
The M. Louis Chiste Fund
Established in 2009 by brothers
Ronald L. Chiste and Robert M.
Chiste to honor and remember
their father who lost his battle
with ALS in 1990. The M. Louis
Chiste Fund supports the overall
mission of The Greater Philadelphia Chapter.
All Named Funds are recognized on this plaque in
the Chapter’s Ambler, PA Headquarters office.
The Thor W. Johnson
Memorial Fund
Established in 2010 by his
loving wife, Sarah Louise Johnson, and their children, David,
Eric and Janelle. The Thor W.
Johnson Memorial Fund supports the overall mission of The
Greater Philadelphia Chapter.
The Sally McLaughlin Fund
Established in 2010 as a
permanent memorial by her
husband, Tom, their three
children, and dozens of adoring
relatives and friends. The Sally
McLaughlin Fund supports the
overall mission of The Greater
Philadelphia Chapter.
The Nancy K. Noone
Memorial Fund
Established in 2010 as a
permanent memorial by her
husband, Don, their children,
family members and friends.
The Nancy K. Noone Memorial
Fund supports the overall mission of The Greater Philadelphia
The Samuel Pennise
Memorial Fund
Established in 2009 by
Christopher and Jeanette
Alwine to honor the memory of
Jeanette’s father. The Samuel
Pennise Memorial Fund
supports ALS research as well
as the Chapter’s services for
patients and families.
The Alan L. Phillips Fund
Established in 2010 by the
late Morton L. Charlestein to
honor the memory of his
son-in-law, Alan L. Phillips,
husband of Chapter president
Ellyn C. Phillips. The Fund
supports the Chapter’s public
awareness program.
The Donna L. Shultz Fund
for Patient Care
Established in 2010 by John
Shultz and the Shultz Family
Foundation in memory of
Donna L. Shultz. This Fund
supports patient services at the
Chapter’s ALS Clinic at the Penn
State Milton S. Hershey Medical
Center where Donna received
such excellent care.
The Jack Seese
Memorial Fund
Established in 2011 by
Catherine Seese, the Seese
family and friends in loving
memory of Jack Seese. This
Fund supports the overall
mission of The Greater
Philadelphia Chapter.
Team Scamuffa Fund
Established in 2011 by
Thomas A. Scamuffa, Sr. in
loving memory of his wife Linda
T. Scamuffa. This Fund equally
supports ALS Research and
Patient & Family Services.
The Legacy Society recognizes those individuals who
have taken the special step to
include The ALS Association
Greater Philadelphia Chapter
in their estate plans through
charitable bequests, trusts,
insurance, or other forms of deferred giving.
The Vision – A world without ALS
Among the Chapter’s most valued supporters, members of The Legacy Society
have decided to continue the fight against
ALS beyond their own lifetimes, bestowing
upon ALS patients, their families, and future
generations a reason for hope.
The Greater Philadelphia Chapter is
honored to recognize these Legacy Society
Jeffrey L. Abrams and Margaret A. Barry
Rhoda Albom
Anna Arnold
Carol Banes
Jay F. Bolick
Joan S. Borowsky
Ronald A. Brown
Richard T. Byrnes
Jayne M. Cawthern
Charlene B. Costa
Pat Costello
Betty K. Davis
Therese Decker
John J. Ferry
John H. Gauger
Margaret E. Goldfield
Robert D. Kale
David Kasoff
Elkan M. Katz
G. Mary Lincoln
Cheryl Mann
Thomas E. Matyjasik
Maureen A. McPeak
George R. Moyer
Evelyn B. Nasielski
Benjamin S. Ohrenstein
Ellyn C. Phillips
James V. Pinciotti
David M. Ricci
Jennifer T. Rimerman
Helen Rimerman
Gilbert A. Ringer
Thomas A. Scamuffa, Sr.
Wendy Schermer
Lisa A. Schwab
Dale J. Shimer
Jean Sidoroff
Kathryn M. Thomas
Nancy J. Venner
Barry Wolf
Mark and Nina Kelly (shown at the Lake Beef and
Beer) support Mark’s Community Hope page.
The Community of Hope
To honor…remember…
and celebrate
Honor someone’s fight against ALS, spread the
word about Lou Gehrig’s Disease, and raise funds to
support critical patient services programs and ALS research by creating
a Community of Hope Fund. As a champion you can make a significant
impact in the fight against Lou Gehrig’s Disease and inspire others to join
the battle. Start your own Community of Hope Fund today and tell your
story on your own personal web page. Imagine the joy of seeing a Hope
Fund created in honor of someone special—or in memory of a loved one
who has passed away. Whether it is reading the online guestbook, receiving emails when donations are made, or looking through online photo
albums, lasting memories will be created for those touched by your
on-line Hope Fund. Building a Hope Fund is as easy as 1-2-3!
For more information, contact Donna Cleary at donna@alsphiladelphia.
org, or 215-643-5434 or visit the Community of Hope Champion Center
on the Greater Philadelphia Chapter’s website at www.alsphiladelphia.
In Kind Donations Of More Than $500
Ann Hemyng Candy
Majestic Athletic
Tom McGivney, A-B & C
Millenium Radio Group
Comcast SportsNet
Conlin’s Digital Print and
Copy Center
Nestle Waters
Garman Sign and Decal
Harvey Mackler
GEMPIRE/Floral Promotions
Philadelphia Media Network
Hot Hot Hot Entertainment
Hunt Auctions
Matthew Lee
Pearl Pressman Liberty
Communications Group
Loews Philadelphia Hotel
The Phillies
Turkey Hill Dairy
Zieger and Sons, Inc.
You help provide to ALS patients
2 hours of in-home care
Personal pager to call for help
2 hours of vent care
EZ Call Bell and Alarm
Lightweight Wheelchair
$225 Van transportation
to our clinic
$450 One Clinic Visit
$800 Head Mouse
Thanks to you and our dedicated donors and
friends, we are in the home stretch.
Levels of Giving –
Hero: $300,000 and Above
Hope: $25,000 - $299,999
Courage: $15,000-$24,999
Strength: $10,000- $14,999
Determination: $5,000-$9,999
Resilience: $1,000 - $4,999
Encouragement: $500- $999
Fiscal Year 2011 GIFTS
$300,000 AND ABOVE
Mr. and Mrs. James R. Koller
Phillies Charities, Inc.
Mr. Arthur L. Powell
$25,000- $299,999
Mr. Jeffrey L. Abrams and
Mrs. Margaret A. Barry
Activation Sports Marketing
ALS Association - National
Mrs. Jeanette O. Beck
Mr. Morton L. Charlestein*
Derek and Margaret
Hathaway Family Foundation
Estate of Donald L. Dellinger
Farber Family Foundation
First Hospital Foundation
Mr. Robert E. Fish
Hess Foundation, Inc.
Joan Dancy and P.A.L.S., Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Eric T. Johnson
Joseph Alexander Foundation, Inc.
Julius and Ray Charlestein
Foundation, Inc.
Kessler, Topaz, Meltzer & Check, LLP
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald A. Krancer
Michael Bartone Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Richard S. Schiffrin
Mr. Dale J. Shimer
Team ALS
The Shultz Family Foundation
United Way of Southeastern PA
Washington Township
High School Fund Activities
Mr. and Mrs. Barry Wolf
Billy Lake Memorial ALS
Research Fund
Community Health Charities of PA
Mrs. Catherine Corrigan
Estate of E. Marie Lilly
Estate of John F. Blewitt
Josiah W. and
Bessie H. Kline Foundation Inc.
Kasco Construction Co., Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Lenfest
Scholler Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Al Slipakoff
Southwest Airlines
Dr. and Mrs. Arthur L. Stein
UFCW Local 1776
Village Supermarket, Inc. (ShopRite)
Mr. and Mrs. William P. Bishop
CertainTeed Corporation
Community Health Charities of NJ
Crystal Trust
CSS Industries
David and Esperanza Neu
Charitable Foundation
Dean Foods
Mr. Michael D. DiCandilo
Estate of Joseph L. Salamone
Mrs. Alyson A. Hepler
Mrs. Christine V. Kanter
Mr. and Mrs. Geoffrey Kanter
Mr. David Kasoff
Mrs. Susan A. Katz*
Ms. Catherine N. Korsant
Panzano & Partners, LLC
Penn Comprehensive
Neuroscience Center
Ms. Ellyn C. Phillips
Mr. James H. Simons
Mr. and Mrs. David Twing
Acme Paper & Supply Co., Inc.
Air Products Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Allen
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Alwine
Bayada Nurses
Mr. and Mrs. Van Billet
Blueclaws Charities
Mr. Jay F. Bolick
Brandywine Realty Trust
Citizens Bank
Colligas Family Markets, LP
Comcast Shared Services Corporation
Comcast Spectacor
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
Financial Management Center
Corporate Synergies
Cozen O’Connor
Ms. Anne B. Davidson
Del Monte Fresh Produce N.A., Inc.
Dirk E. Ziff Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Donnelly
Doylestown Pediatric Dentistry
E. O. Habhegger Co., Inc.
Estate of Evelyn A. Baratta
Estate of Hilda J. Daily
Ms. Ellen B. Farber
GE Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Jayson M. Grossberg
Horizon Services
Independence Blue Cross
J & J Snackfoods/Super pretzel
Mr. Richard J. Katucki
Ms. Christine Kelly Kiernan
Mr. and Ms. Mark Kelly
Mrs. Kathryn S. Krause *
Leslie and Daniel M. Ziff Foundation
L.F.Driscoll Co., LLC
Michael Bartone Benefit Fund
Mr. and Mrs. Howard L. Morgan
Neshaminy Electrical Contractors, Inc.
New Era Cap Company
Mr. George R. Oliger
Philadelphia Eagles
Robert D. Ziff Foundation
Samuel Adams Pennsylvania
Brewery Company
Shiloh United Church of Christ
Skippy Peanut Butter
Sports Complex Special
Services District
Stroehman Bakeries, L.C.
Mr. and Mrs. John R. Stewart
TD Banknorth Charitable Foundation
Team Scamuffa Fund
The DentalEZ Group
The Gerald B. Shreiber Foundation
Thriftway /Shop n Bag
Turkey Hill Dairy
Utz Quality Foods, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Sylvain Van Gobes
Waste Management
Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Weeks
Ms. Linda B. West
Professor and Mrs. Andrew B. Abel
Mr. Steven V. Abramson
Aetna Foundation Aetna
Giving Campaign
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis E. Ahern
Mr. and Mrs. Ira Albom
Mr. and Mrs. Anwar Ali
Allergan USA, Inc.
Almo Corporation
Alpha Rho of Chi Psi Fraternity
Altair Direct Mail Management Inc.
Mr. Irving Altman
Mr. Christopher Alwine
American Express Foundation
American Mobility
Anexinet / Virtus Technology
Partners, LLC
Mr. and Mrs. Izhar Armony
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Arning
Mr. and Mrs. Michael B. Aronson
Aseracare Hospice Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Asher
Atlantic City Electric
Auntie Anne’s Training Department
Mrs. Gila Aviram
Aztec Solar Power
Bank of America Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Michael D. Barkann
Mr. Thomas Beach
Mrs. Charlotte E. Beheler
Dr. David R. Bell
Berky Benevolent Trust
Mr. Lee H. Bilheimer
Binns Family Foundation
Blank Rome, LLP
Mr. Robert Blankenhorn
BOC Design Group
Boeing Employees Community Fund
Borowsky Family Foundation
Mr. Irvin J. Borowsky and
Mrs. Laurie Wagman
Ms. Dorothy R. Boylan
Dr. and Mrs. Eric T. Bradlow
Mrs. Carole Brown
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Brown
Mr. Bruce W. Brownstein
Mr. and Mrs. Steve N. Buchanan
Mr.* and Mrs. J. Mahlon Buck, Jr.
Bucks County Anglers Club
Capital BlueCross
Mrs. Marcy Cardonick
Mrs. Frances M. Carlson
Carmel Presbyterian Church
Board of Deacons
CBS Radio
Mr. and Mrs. Rodger M. Cerritelli
Dr. and Mrs. Ronald L. Chiste
Mr. John G. Chou
Citizens Charitable Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Gerard T. Cleary
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey W. Cline
Clyde Stumpf and Son, Inc. Builders
Coleman Nourian Legal Search
Mr. and Mrs. Michael M. Coleman
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Collis
Colonial Middle School
Comcast Sports Group
Mr. Peter V. Commander
Communications Test Design, Inc.
Conservest Capital Advisors, Inc.
Cooper Electric Supply Co.
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin L. Crippen
Cumberland Valley Motors
Curt & Shonda Schilling Foundation
Mr. John J. Curtin
Ms. Mary N. Curtin
Mr. and Mrs. Joel Cutler
Mr. David Cutnaw
D. F. Martin, White & Company
Dawn Food Products
Deloitte Services, LP
Mrs. Roberta Denning
Dr. Kanta Diwan
Donna’s Partnership for Life
Ms. Cathy Drew
DRS Technologies, Inc.
Drumcliff Foundation
Duane Morris LLP
East Coast Salon Services
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel M. Eisenstat
Mr. Yaron Eitan
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Elder
Mr. and Mrs. David Elderkin
Mr. Thomas Elkinton
Endo Pharmaceutical
Enterprise Holdings Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Donald T. Epstein
Erlbaum Family Foundation
Exel Inc.
Exteriors Associates
Family Home Medical
Mr. Joseph M. Field
Mr. Martin Field
Mr. and Mrs. John O. Figge
Mr. and Mrs.* Mark Fink
Mrs. Annabelle Fishman
Mr. and Mrs.* Craig Fitz
Ms. Irene M. Flannery
Fourjay Foundation
Fox Rothschild LLP
Fox Subacute At Clara Burke
Fox Subacute Center
Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Fox
Frankel Enterprises
Dr. Jane L. Frederick
Mrs. Darlene Frey
Frezel Family Foundation
Friends Of John Fineran
Dr. Barry Friter
Ms. Sara J. Gabriel
Ms. Julie Gamler
Dr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Gascho
Fiscal Year 2011 GIFTS
Mr. John H. Gauger
Mr. and Mrs. Rob Gheewalla
Gigi Restaurant & Lounge
Mr. Jack Glass
GlaxoSmithKline Foundation
Glenmede Trust Company
Globus Medical, Inc.
Ms. Michele Golden
Mr. Frederick D. Green
Griswold Special Care
Mr. and Mrs. Vahan H. Gureghian
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Haertsch
Mr. and Mrs. Igal Hami
Mrs. Sandra H. Hanson
Haverford College
Haverford College
Department of Athletics
Haydon Bolts, Inc.
Healthcare Strategies, Inc.
Ms. Jill C. Heathcock
Helios Solar Energy
Mrs. Nancy Hemsing
Henkels & McCoy, Inc.
Hershey Entertainment &
Resorts Company
High Street Caffe
Highpoint Dental Medicine, P.C.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas H. Hipp
Mr. and Mrs. Perry R. Hodges
Ms. Tammy Hoffman
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Horan, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. David F. Horan
Ms. Kathryn House
Hovus, Inc.
Mr. Mark Howat
Mr. Ron Hummel
IBEW Local Union 210
IBEW Local Union 98
IBM Corporation
Mr. and Mrs. Michael R. Imbriani
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Ingram
Mrs. Cheryl M. Jacobs
Ms. Hara K. Jacobs
Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Jacoby
Jewish Federation of
Greater Philadelphia
JLPA & Associates LLC
Johnson and Johnson, Inc.
Mrs. Jeanette C. Johnson
Just Give
Mr. Lawrence Kades
Mr. and Mrs. John R. Kaiser
Mr. and Mrs. Allan S. Kalish
Mr. Richard T. Kanter*
Mr. and Mrs. Ned J. Kaplin
Mrs. Wendy N. Kapnek
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Karczewski
Mrs. Jill E. Karp
Ms. Amy A. Kasznel
KB Alloys, LLC
Keith Valley Middle School
Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Kelly
Keystone Mercy Health Plan
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kielhorn
Ms. Christine K. Kiernan
Ms. Lisa Kijewski
Mr. Dan Kilpatric
Mr. and Mrs. Michael N. Kilpatric
Mr. Clarence H. King
King’s Pipe Cleaners Ind. Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Justin Klein
Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell Kleinman
Mr. Robert C. Kline
Mr. Michael A. Kody
Mr. and Mrs. James Koller, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Korn
Mr. Jim Koster
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Kozlowski
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence J. Kramer
Mr. and Mrs. David A. Kraszewski
Mr. and Mrs. John Lee
Lehigh Valley Health Network
Lehigh Valley IronPigs
Mrs. Linda Lehman
Mrs. Margaret LeSage
Ms. Dorothy A. Liberatore
Mr. Frank Lindecamp
Mr. John D. C. Little
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph N. Loshinsky
Dr. Marcia Luisi
Mr. and Mrs. Gary C. Lyter
Dr. Glenn A. Mackin
Mr. Harvey A. Mackler
Dr. Scott Mackler and
Dr. Lynn Snyder-Mackler
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Macolino
Mr. and Mrs. William Macowski
Mrs. Susan T. Magdelain
Ms. Sheila A. Maguire
Mangar Medical Packaging
Ms. Christina G. Martin
Mr. and Mrs. Steven D. Maslow
Mr. and Mrs. Victor C. Mather, II
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Matteo
Mrs. Mary B. McGready
Mr. Thomas J. McLaughlin
McMahon Agency Inc.
Medicor Cardiology, P.A.
Kathryn A. Meloni Esq.
Mr. Mark Mendenhall and
Ms. Nancy Shickler
Merck & Co., Inc.
Merck Employee Giving Campaign
Merck Partnership for Giving
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Merrill
Met-Pro Corporation
Michael J. Duncan
Ms. Jan L. Miller
Mr. Philip J. Minervino
Momentum Fitness Center
Morey’s Piers
Mrs. Lisa Mount
Multi-Man Publishing, LLC
Dr. and Mrs. Ronald K. Murayama
Mr. and Mrs. Alan S. Nadel
Mr. and Mrs. Mahlon J. Naylor
Mr. Blake Nesbitt
Mr. Donald Noone
Mr. Robert B. Nourian
Occasionally Yours
Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin S. Ohrenstein
Lt. Col. and Mrs. Erik Oliger
Mr. Robert C. Olsman and
Dr. Cindi Olsman
Omega Psi Phi Fraternity Kappa
Omega Chapter
Mr. and Mrs. W. P. O’Neill Jr.
Overbrook Golf Club
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Palopoli
Parkesburg Wal-Mart
Pearl Pressman Liberty
Communications Group, Inc.
PECO Energy
Penn National Gaming
Foundation, Inc.
Penn State
Pennex Wellness Committee
Mrs. Lorraine Pennise
Pepper Hamilton LLP
Philadelphia Coca-Cola Bottling Co.
Philadelphia Media Network
Ms. Amy Phillips
Mr. and Mrs. Russ C. Piersol
Mr. and Mrs. David Pittinsky
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel H. Polett
Ms. Corine L. Potter
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Potter
Drs. Joseph and Pamela Potz
Mr. Vito A. Predale
Premier Dental Products Company
Prentke Romich Company
Mr. Phillip Prickett
Pride Mobility Products Corp.
Mr. and Mrs. Doug Proctor
Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Pruzan
Pulmonology Associates, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Quinn
Reading Phillies
Mr. and Mrs. John Reardon
Mr. and Mrs. Tal Recanati
Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Reeder
Mr. Leonard G. Reichhard Jr.
Reilly Glazing, Inc.
Ms. Catherine A. Rein
Mr. and Mrs. David M. Ricci
Mr. Gilbert A. Ringer
Robert Saligman Charitable
Robert Wood Johnson Foundation
Dr. and Mrs. Thomas S. Robertson
Mrs. Marney E. Roia
Roller Service Corporation
Roofers Local 30
Drs. Wesley and Kelly Rose
Mr. and Mrs. Cory Rosenberg
Mr. Irwin F. Roth and
Mrs. Anita R. Marton
Roughriders Hockey, LLC
Mr. and Mrs. Richard B. Ruben
Mrs. Gladys Ruben
SAKS Incorporated
Ms. Alice Saligman
Sandmeyer Steel Company
Ms. Trish Sasso
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Schaefer
Mr. Christian Schmiderer
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Schranck
Ms. Mary M. Schurr
Mr. Howard G. Schwartz
Ms. Patricia S. Scott
Ms. Maureen Sheehan
Mr. Eric N. Wiebe and
Ms. Cynthia L. Shimer
Mr. and Mrs. Steven A. Shimer
Shore Siding, Inc.
Mrs. Doris Shortlidge
Mrs. Jean Sidoroff
Siegal and Drossner, PC
Ms. Theresa Sirianni
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick P. Slack
Dr. Nancy Small
Mr. Kent Smetters
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony D. Stagliano
Mr. and Mrs. William E. Stanwood
Ms. Randi l. Starr
Mr. Michael E. Steinsaltz
Mr. and Mrs. John L Yacina
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Stewart
Mr. Henry J. Stewart
Susquehanna International
Group, LLP
Talsico, LLC
Tasty Baking Foundation
Temple Beth El Men’s Club
The Allstate Foundation
The Central National Gottesman Foundation
The Estate of Sara Jane DeFazio
The M&T Charitable Foundation
The Mark Kelly Sip &
Swing Committee
The Paper Magic Group, Inc.
The Ravitz Family Foundation
The Savitz Organization Inc.
The Wistar Institute
The Yost Foundation
Thomas Jefferson University Hospitals
Tracey Mechanical Inc.
TruMark Financial Credit Union
Tuesdays With Mitch
Charitable Foundation
UEI, Inc.
United Way of Delaware
United Way of the Capital Region
United Way of the Greater
Lehigh Valley
Universal Media, Inc.
Mr. Edward Varley
VCI Mobility
Verizon Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Gerard A. Voit
Mr. Mark Voit
Wakefern Food Corporation
Ms. Teresa A. Wallace
Mr. William J. Wallaw
Wal-Mart Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen E. Wessel
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Wiener
Wilkie Lexus
Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Windheim
Wingo Gift & Crafts
(Shenzhen) Co. Ltd.
Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Wohlrab Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. George P. Wolfe
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Wolfson
Ms. Janet Wong
WPHT Radio
Mr. Jeff Yass
Mr. and Mrs. Dave Yost
Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. Zadroga
Mr. Paul Zaentz
Zagami, LLC
Zuckerman Honickman, Inc.
$500 - $999
A.B. & S. Masonry
AA Training Store 4/10 Parkesburg
Dr. and Mrs. Magid Abraham
Mrs. Denise Adamczyk
AFSCME Council 13
Mrs. Mary Jane Agnew
Allentown Steel Fabricating Co., Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Enrico Altieri
American Floors, Inc.
American Flux & Metal
AmeriHealth Administrators
Andoco, Inc.
Mr. John M. Arcana
Mr. and Mrs. Clay M. Armstrong
Art270, Inc.
Ascension Lutheran Church
Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Asher
ATG Rehab
Avalotis Corporation
AXA Foundation
Mr. Michael Aymar
B. Braun Medical Inc.
Ms. Arlene Balaker
Mr. and Mrs. Keith Bartlett
Bayer Foundation
Ms. Karen V. Beck
Mr. Richard A. Beck
Belfint, Lyons &
Schuman, P.A.
Ms. Nicole Bellanco
Dr. David Berkson
Betty The Caterer, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Himesh Bhise
Ms. Liane Birchler
Mr. David J. Birkmire
Ms. Cynthia Blaschak
Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Blattner
Mr. Norman R. Bohidar
Mrs. Denise E. Booker
Mr. Malcolm A. Borg
Mr. and Mrs. Ted W. Borowsky
Ms. Valerie Bowman
Bradford White Corporation
Ms. Linda Bradley
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence G. Brandon
Brinker Capital Holdings, Inc.
Bristol-Myers Squibb Company
Broadview Networks
Mr. and Mrs. David J. Brodsky
Dr. and Mrs. Mark J. Brown
Mr. Ryan Browning
Ms. Barbara Brungess
Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Bryant
Mr. and Mrs. Richard E. Budka Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Willard Buettner
Mrs. Darlene Bumgardner
Ms. Susan M. Burgio
Mr. and Mrs. Curt M. Byerley
C & E Powell Realty
Mrs. Terri M. Calabrese
Ms. Sherry A. Caldwell
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Campbell
Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Campbell
Carroll Engineering Corporation
Mr. and Mrs. James A. Cassidy III
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Caulfield
Celgene Corporation
Central City Toyota
Century Financial Corp.
Mr. and Mrs. Vijayan Chacko
Mr. and Mrs. Gary M. Charlestein
Ms. Julie Charlestein Benjamin
Mr. Charles H. Cherkes
Cherry Hill Township Schools
Cleary & Josem LLP
CMS Endowment Foundation
Coatings, Surfacers & Linings LLC
Mr. W. Thomas Coder, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Cohen
Mr. Joseph P. Cohill
Mr. and Mrs. William J. Collins III
Mr. Anthony Comito
Construction Specialties
Mr. William J. Conway
Cooke & Bieler, L.P.
Copeland Surveying, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Eric R. Corbet
Mr. Robert Cordivari
Mr. and Mrs. Len Cornwall
Mr. Dave Costello
Ms. Gail Costello
Mrs. Emily F. Cox
Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Coxe, Jr.
Ms. Karen M. Crane
Cranford FMBA Local 37
Cross Atlantic Capital Partners, Inc.
Ms. Michele Czerpak
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Dahmus
David Rosenberg and Marjorie D.
Rosenberg Foundation
Mr. John P. Davoli
Fiscal Year 2011 GIFTS
Mr. and Mrs. Laurence J. Delaney, Jr.
Mr. Joseph L. Delate, Jr.
Delaware Valley Business Club
Delta Tau Delta Fraternity
Mr. Domenic DeMenna
Ms. Genevieve M. DePaoli
Mr. Derek Dervish
Diversified Chemical Products Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. William Dolan
Mr. and Mrs. Aaron A. Dom
Mr. Robert J. Donaghy
Ms. Christina Dorfhuber
Mr. and Mrs. James F. Dougherty, III
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Downs
Dr. Stanford Dresnin
Mrs. Shelly Echeverria
Eisai Corporate Matching Gift Program
Ms. Kathy B. Eisenberg
Electric Solutions LLC
Emerald Advisers, Inc.
Emmaus Lioness Club
Ms. Justine D. Englert
Dr. Arthur R. Ersner
Ms. Linda Ewald
Ewing Cole, Inc
Mr. Jason M. Fanelli
Fayetteville Volunteer Fire Department
Mr. and Mrs. Barry Feinberg
Mr. Lawrence Finkelstein
First State Orthopaedics, P.A.
Ms. Donna J. Fisher
Flaherty Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. William Flesch
Ms. Donna M. Forster
Fox Subacute Corp.
Mr. Bruce Fox and
Mrs. Catherine Barnes
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Franco
Mr. Joseph French
Mr. and Mrs. William Frezel
Mr. and Mrs. Carl H. Fridy
Friends of Dustin J Myers
Friends of Marlene Kleinman for ALS
Friends to Elect
Christine M. Tartaglione
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Fustos
Mr. Tom Gahr
Mr. Thomas Gallucci
General Transervice, Inc.
Mr. and Ms. William H. Gibson
Mr. and Mrs. John Gilbert
Gino’s Race
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Glassford
Ms. Marla Golden
Mr. Andy A. Goldman
Mr. and Mrs. Judson J. Gostin
Ms. Deborah Graham
Mr. and Mrs. M. Duncan Grant
Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Green
Dr. Susan A. Gregory
Drs. Kent and Lori Griswold
Mr. and Mrs. Greg Gross
Mr. Michael Gross
Mr. Michael C. Gurgiolo
H. H. Tapper Associates, Inc.
H.B. Frazer Company
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas B. Hakes
Mr. and Mrs. Les Halaszi
Mr. Brian E. Haley
Mr. and Mrs. David Harding
Mr. Sean Harrington
Ms. Seana Hasson
Mr. and Mrs. Murray Hausknecht
HBC Company Inc.
HBP, Inc.
Ms. Barbara Hebel
Mr. Curtis A. Heckman
Mr. Peter R. Henninger and
Dr. Barbara S. Henninger
Herman Goldner Co., Inc.
Herr Foods, Inc.
Hillanbaugh Gettysburg, LP
Mrs. Margaret E. Hoffman
Ms. Debra Hoffmeyer
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Holloway
Home Helpers Owners
Mr. and Mrs. Phil Hughes
Mr. and Mrs. David G. Hughes
Captain Tim Hummel and
Mrs. Nancy S. Hartman
Mr. and Mrs. Robert P. Iantosca
INTECH Construction, Inc.
Interiors for Independence
IPS Group, Inc.
J.P. Rainey & Company, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Dean Janeway Jr.
JBL Electric
Jeffrey R. Lessin & Associates, P.C.
Mr. Peter K. Jenkins
Jenkintown Building Services, Inc.
Jeremy Wiesen Foundation
JEVS Human Services
Ms. Lori Ann Johnson
Mrs. Mary R. Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn B. Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Brett Jordan
JP Morgan Chase Foundation
Matching Gift & Volunteer
Grant Program
Mr. James B. Kahn
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kaplan
Ms. Susan Karibjanian
Mr. and Mrs. Elkan M. Katz
Mr. Steven M. Katz
Mr. and Mrs. Warren Kauffman
Mr. Roy L. Kaufmann
Mr. Bruce L. Kearns
Mr. and Mrs. John K. Kelly
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Kelly
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas V. A. Kelsey
Mrs. Jane M. Kent
Mrs. Judith Kinderman
Mrs. Heather A. Kissinger
Mr. Brian J. Kolar
Ms. Amy Koller
Mr. Kevin Koller
Ms. Peggy Koller
Mr. and Mrs. Josh M. Kopelman
Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Krannenberg
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Krieger
Mr. James J. Krobath
Ms. JoAnn O. Kruger
Landmark Americana
Ms. Carol Lansing
Larry C. McCrae Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Larsen
Mr. John R. Latourette Jr.
Laurel School District
Laurence Marandino Produce, LLC
Ms. Jennifer L. Lawson
LB Organizational Consulting
Mr. James A. Lee
Mr. and Mrs. Stuart A. Leibowitz
Mr. Harold E. Leiter, Jr.
Leon L. Levy & Associates, Inc.
Leon Levy Foundation
Lerner Family Foundation
Mr. Francis A. Lerro
Mr. Jeremy Levine
Dr. and Mrs. Frank J. Lexa
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Loftus
Logan Capital Management, Inc.
Ms. Helen Lojek
Mrs. Doris H. Lord
Mr. David P. Loughran
Ms. Jennifer Lowry
Lutron Electronics Co. Inc.
M&T Bank Customer
Asset Management
M.C. Katz & Associates
Mr. and Mrs. David MacDonald
Ms. Helen Mackler
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Macolino
Macungie Rod and Gun Club
Dr. Larry Macy
Mr. Michael Magaldino
Ms. Elisabeth W. Magdelain
Mrs. Mildred Marcus
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew S. Marion
Mrs. Andrea Martin
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Martin
White Marsh Maryland
Ms. Aimee Masters
Ms. Maria E. Matteo
Maxwell Strawbridge Charitable Trust
Major Nir Mayzel
McCarter & English, LLP
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. McCleery
Mr. Bill McCormack
Mr. and Mrs. John P. McEleney
Mr. and Mrs. John H. McGoldrick
Mr. Patrick M. McHugh
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Mealey
Melhorn Sales, Service and
Trucking Co.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred J. Menke
Merrill Lynch & Company Inc.
Mr. Stanley Merves
Mr. and Mrs. Henry M. Meyreles
Michael Pagnotta Architecture
& Construction
Mickey Gallagher Scholarship Fund
Microsoft Matching Gifts Program
Mrs. Tracey A. Miller
Mr. and Mrs. George A. Minner
Ms. Barbara Mitchell
Modern Group, Ltd.
Monarch Metal Fabrication, Inc.
Montgomery County
Gymnastics & Cheer
Morano Landscape, LLC
Ms. Susan A. Morano
Mr. and Mrs. William Morgan
Mr. and Mrs. William H. Morgan
Mrs. Stacey Morse
Moser IP Law Group
Ms. Dorothy T. Motz
Ms. Layla Mowla
Mr. Thomas J. Murray
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Nemecz
Newman & Company, Inc.
Nexus Medical
Ms. Mae C. Nolan
North Dover Elementary School
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence M. Notis
Ms. Holly O’Connor
Mr. Michael D. Oldham
Mr. John J. Olsen
Mr. Bill O’Malley
Mr. Alan F. O’Reilley
Ounsworth-Fitzgerald Foundation
Our Lady of Lourdes Church
Professor Dov Pekelman and
Mr. Dubi Pekelman
Mr. and Mrs. Pete Peltier
Penn Color Inc.
Ms. Christine Pennise
Pennsylvania General Store
Petro Oil
Mr. Stephen D. Phelan
Philadelphia Phillies
Pi Kappa Alpha
Ms. Joan E. Pikul
Mr. and Mrs. James V. Pinciotti
Play For Your Cause
Mr. Gary T. Plessl
Mr. Rich Potero
Prudential Financial
Prudential Foundation
Matching Gifts
Quantum Imaging
Mr. Frank Quigley
Mr. Daniel F. Quinn
Mrs. Jeanne M. Quinn
Mr. Ronald W. Reffler
Ms. Mary L. Regan
Mr. and Mrs. Gerard Reilly
Mrs. Abbie Rickard
Ride-Away Handicap Equipment
Mr. Michael L. Rifkin
Ms. Edith M. Riggs
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Ritter
Mr. and Mrs. W. Sherwood Robertson
Mrs. Marie Robinson
Ms. Christine Roeseler
Dr. Timothy G. Roesing and
Dr. Tracey L. Roesing
Mr. Edward H. Rosen
Mr. Gavin Rosenberg
Mr. Anton H. Rosenthal
Mr. and Mrs. Marvin J. Rounick
Rowe Electric
Mr. Ronald Rubin
Mr. and Mrs. William P. Rumancik
Mr. Freddie L. Rumbough
Mr. Edward J. Ryan
Ryan’s Pub
Mrs. Helen L. Sacre
Samuel P. Mandell Foundation
Mrs. Heather Santry
Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Sauder
Saveway Compounding Pharmacy
Savitsky, Satin & Bacon
Ms. Amy Schaeffer
Mrs. Gloria Schriber
Schwab Charitable Fund
Ms. Lisa A. Schwab
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony P. Sciarrillo
Mr. John W. Scullion
Rosemon Seneca Partners
Ms. Mary Jo Serfass
Mrs. Deanna Shanahan
Mr. and Mrs. Brian E. Shank
Mr. Scott Simon
Mr. Randy Simpson
Mr. and Mrs. Marc Singer
Mr. and Mrs. Giorgio Siracusa
Ms. Elizabeth W. Snyder
Mr. and Mrs. Gary L. Snyder
Dr. Herb Sorensen
Mr. and Mrs. Phillip B. Speiser
Ms. Dawn E. Spence
Mr. and Mrs. William J. Spengel
Steamfitters’ Local Union 420
Mr. and Mrs. Curtis F. Stevens
Dr. and Mrs. Donald E. Stillwagon
Mr. and Mrs. Norm Stout
Stradley, Ronon, Stevens & Young
Mrs. Gretchen Stuempfle
Mr. Bob P. Subranni
Summit Fitness
Summit Strategies Group
Sussex County Federal Credit Union
Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. Sussman
Mr. Mark Tarzwell
Ms. Elizabeth K. Taylor
Team Gene
Teamsters Local Union No. 11
Mr. and Mrs. Greg Telthorster
The J. Douglas & Maryellen Moran
Charitable Fund
The Pampered Chef
The Patron Spirits Company
The Quaker Chemical Foundation
The Segal Company, Inc.
The Tustin Group
Thompson Toyota-Scion
Mr. and Mrs. Joshua C. Thompson
Ms. Sharon Tice
Dr. Lewis G. Tilney
Mr. Carmine Timmoneri
Dr. and Mrs. Herbert Tindall
Dr. and Mrs.Tim Townsend
Mrs. Lorraine Tuccinardi
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Turner
Twin Oaks Bloc, Inc.
United Food & Commercial Workers
Local 400
United Food & Commercial Workers
Union Local #27
United Way of Lancaster County
V & J Coachworks
Professor Christophe Van den Bulte
Mr. Raymond Van Wagener
Mr. John P. Viniski
Ms. Catherine H. Voit, Esq.
Mr. and Mrs. Eric A. Voit
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy C. Voit
Ms. Kathleen M. Wallen
Mr. and Mrs. John Ward
Mr. and Mrs. Allen R. Weaver
Mrs. Catherine Weaver
Ms. Jenna Weed
Mr. and Mrs. Bennett Weinstock
Mr. Robert M. Weintraub
Mr. and Mrs. David Weiss
Mr. Mack E. Weller
White Rose Food
Mr. and Mrs. Ed White
Mr. Ryan White
Mr. Ben Willenbecher
Mr. and Mrs. Conway S. Williams, Jr.
Willig, Williams & Davidson
Mr. and Mrs. Tim Wilmott
Mr. Kenneth A. Windheim
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph C. Winter, Jr.
Mrs. Elizabeth A. Wiseman
Mr. and Mrs. Allan Witman
Mr. Ryan Wolfson
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Wolgin
Mr. and Mrs. Michael D. Wollaston
Mr. George W. Woodruff
Mr. Minturn Tatum Wright, III
Wulff Architects, Inc.
Young, Conaway, Stargatt & Taylor, LLP
Mr. and Mrs. James Zelter
Fiscal Year 2011 GIFTS
JANUARY 31, 2011 and 2010
JANUARY 31, 2011 AND 2010
$ 2,120,518
$ 1,296,661
Cash and Cash Equivalents
Promises to Give, Net
Other Receivables
Prepaid Expenses
$ 1,740,860
$ 2,260,815
$ 2,059,138
$ 1,591,548
$ 4,065,276
$ 1,680,984
$ 1,948,988
$ 4,009,927
Computers and Equipment
Less: Accumulated Depreciation
Promises to Give, Net
Beneficial Interest in Perpetual Trust
Accounts Payable and Accrued Liabilities
Deferred Revenue
Deferred Rent
$ 2,059,138
$ 1,591,548
$ 4,065,276
$ 1,680,984
$ 1,948,988
$ 4,009,927
The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financ
Fiscal Year 2011 GIFTS
YEAR ENDED JANUARY 31, 2011 and 2010
Government Grants
Interest Income
In-kind Contributions
Change in Beneficial Interest in Perpetual Trust
Other Gains (Losses)
Total Revenues
Net Assets Released from Restrictions
Patient Services
$ 2,649,008
$ 2,310,735
$ 4,959,743
$ 2,503,467
$ 3,142,419
$ 5,645,886
Management and General
$ 3,184,891
$ 1,905,006
$ 3,017,931
Total Program Expenses
NET ASSETS - Beginning of Year
$ 1,178,753
$ 1,591,548
NET ASSETS - End of Year
The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financia
Joe McHale* and
his family enjoy the
Phanatic at the
2010 Phestival.
We remember those who lost their lives to ALS 2/1/10 ‑­­1/31/11
Carol Achy
Robert Alexander
Ramon Alicea
Mary Ann Allen
Alyse Almo
Joseph Angelo
Philip Antoniello
Robert Armitage
Glenn Astle
Jose Aviles
Evelyn Backley
Shirley Baddorek
Connie Baker
Lorraine Balaker
Monica Barker
Ruth Barkley
Timothy Barr
Carol Bartholomew
Joan Bearrows
Robert Benson
Elizabeth Bettick
Lisa Bolick
Edward Brenner
Samuel Brown
Christine Budrow
Mary Burton
Raymond Cahoon
Patricia Camarota
Thomas Cameron
Angelo Caracciolo
Frances Carichner
Theresa Carnes
Scott Carr
Pauline Chiang
Louis Choppy
Martha Colonese
Cynthia Conaty
John Connolly
William Conroy
James Coppock
Stephen Costello
Daniel Cottman
Andrew Cunningham
John Curry
Sarah Curtin
Stephen D’Angelo
David Dagle
Neil Daye
David Dewitt
Mary DiNolfi
Michael Diveley
Raymond Donnelly
Aida Doss
Muriel Dwyer
Robert Ecenrode
Arthur Ellisen
Colleen Farrell
Elaine Felix
Robert Fellows
Ruth Ann Fiorillo
Thomas Flickinger
June Fujimori
Gerald Fulk
Donald Fuller
David Gemmell
Beverly George
Patricia Giordano
Ignacio Gispert
David Giunta
Wilbur Goodman
William Goodwin
Carole Greco
James Haupt
M. Aldine Hayden
Albert Heusner
Sara Hicks
Debra Hill
Vera Hoffman
Mark Holder
Burt Holland
Carl Hollenback
Marjory Hopple
Gladys Horn
Mark Howat
Harry Hummell
Barbara Hunt
Linda ImperatoreFerguson
Frank Itri
Yenny Jabianto
Robert Johnson
James Johnson
Robert Kallal
Dorothy Kaminski
Richard Kanter
Betty Kaplan
Myra Kelbon
Paulette Kellar
Frank Kelly
Eugene Klinger
Loren Knebel
Robert Knorr
Carol Komisar
Irene Kosh
Edna Kreider
Barbara Lassin
Joy Lawrence
Anna Lazinsky
Bernice Leepond
John LeSage
Elisabeth Levin
Garland Lipscomb
Denise Lobiondo
Dorothy Lockawich
Walter Loev
Joann Loftus
Robert Lopez
Carmela Lucadamo
Michael Luisi
Eugene Lutz
Mary MacDonald
Gail Martin
Doris Mattonelli
Judith Matulis
Deborah McAllister
Dennis McGlone
Joseph McHale
Joan McIntosh
James McKevitt
David McNelis
Fanny Medina
Noemi Medina
John Meier
C. Richard Meloy
Barbara Menges
Timothy Metzel
Cathryn Miller
Marie Miller
Eleanor Miller
William Miller
Andrew Mohl
Shirley Mongeon
Cheryl Morley
Caitlin Morley
Michael Moyer
Joseph Mulhearn
Donley Murphy
Dustin Myers
Lynn Myers
Stephen Nemchek
Maud Nobriga
Marian Nowakowski
Richard Oder
Christine Oliger
Marilyn Palermo
Donald Pauly
Joseph Peacock
William Peifer
Shirley Perez
Dolores Perna
Brian Peters
Michael Petrohoy
Clarence Picton
Stephen Pie’
Ruby Potter
Anthony Potts
Linda Preziosi
Joanne Pugliese
Anthony Rambo
Michael Reed
Suzanne Reed
Nancy Rinaldi
Marybeth Ritter
Katha Robinson
Bruce Rosenberg
Howard Roth
Robert Roubos
Robert Sanders
Michelle Schaller
Carolyn Schiano
Sidney Schneider
Pearl Schroeder
Norma Schroeder
Virginia Scullion
Michael Sheehan
Judith Shenkman
Sandra Shinder
Rita Shinn
Frank Shivick
Dena Shohen
Nancy Shultz
Joyce Shur
Elva Singer
Walter Skora
Paul Slavin
George Springer
James Stites
John Stockton
Pamela Stone
Dennis Stryker
Dean Stuck
Mary Summonte
Mary Sweeney
Ruth Teter
Juanita Thompson
John Todd
James Townsend
Ed Tracy
Pasquale Tuccinardi
Caroleen Tucker
David Van Osten
Theresa Verdi
Dolores Volpe
Aadu Voorand
Ruth Wagner
Valarie Wallace
Olga Walsh
Vivian Washington
Mary Lou Watkins
Catherine Weaver
Harold Weaver
James White
Richard Whitsel
Jerome Wlodarczyk
Robert Wolf
Freda Wright
Clarence Wright
The ALS Association
Greater Philadelphia Chapter
321 Norristown Road, Suite 260
Ambler, PA 19002