October 2015 - Peace Lutheran Church, Post Falls
October 2015 - Peace Lutheran Church, Post Falls
Peace Newsletter October 2015 1 October 2015 Newsletter The month of October my mind always turns to the Reformation. There are other wonderful things about October: the beautiful Autumn foliage, Indian Summer days, Oktoberfest. But for me the Reformation stands out far above all the rest. There are a number of reasons for this. The Reformation attempted to correct the corruption and abuses in the Church, a good thing, and something still needed and happening today. Martin Luther was the lead instigator of the Reformation, and I am a life-long Lutheran, something becoming rather rare these days. And Lutheran doctrine stands firmly on the Bible and the grace of God, something I really appreciate. Reformation Day is October 31st, and our church celebrates Reformation Sunday every year on the last Sunday of October. It is a festival Sunday for us and it reminds us of our heritage. Martin Luther accomplished some remarkable things in his lifetime. He challenged the Church in its teaching and practices where the Church was not faithful to Scripture. He translated the Bible into the common language of the people so everyone could read Scripture for themselves. He composed many great hymns for the church, including “A Mighty Fortress Is Our God.” He opened the way for the congregation to become more participants of worship instead of spectators. He wrote “The Small Catechism,” the basics of our Christian faith, for parents to teach their children. He preached hundreds of sermons, taught numerous classes, and wrote volumes. Above all else, he turned the Church back to the Word of God, and the living Word, Jesus Christ. Luther would neither expect nor want any praise for the things he did. He never wanted his name attached to the movement and church established as a result of his work. We are Christians, and Jesus Christ is the One we follow. Luther and the Lutheran Confessors give us insight and understanding of Holy Scripture, and point us to a saving relationship with our Lord Jesus Christ. This is why I am a Lutheran Christian, and became a Lutheran pastor. All that Luther did for the Church in his day, still desperately needs to be done for the Church today! Whatever else the Church is for any of us, it is Christ’s instrument for distributing his Holy Word and Sacraments. Reformation, then and now, is the power of God’s Holy Spirit to change God’s people and make believers and saints fit for the Kingdom of Heaven. Please make an intentional effort to worship with us on Reformation Sunday, and every Sunday, to hear God’s Word, feast at our Lord’s Table, and be saved by grace through faith! Pastor Kurt Wandrey Thursday Night Bible Study: Spiritual Gifts What is a Spiritual Gift? What is the purpose of Spiritual Gifts? What are your Spiritual Gifts? Are you using your Spiritual Gifts for God’s purposes? During the Thursdays in October, we will study the Spiritual Gifts revealed in the Bible. Do you know how many there are? We will discover the reasons God gives his people these gifts, and how God expects them to be used. We will take a personal inventory of Spiritual Gifts so that each person may identify the gifts they have, and gain insight into ways of employing these gifts so that Christ’s Church may benefit. We meet on the Thursdays, at 6:30 p.m., October 1-29. Come and grow in your faith! Peace Newsletter October 2015 2 September 2015 Council Highlights The September council opened with a prayer and devotional from Pastor Gail. The meeting included reports from our teams. Among those, Margaret Nagel discussed the roles and responsibilities of the Fellowship Team and their duties for the upcoming Talent Show. That morphed in comments about Council oversight. A very useful discussion. Again, all the teams are active and doing an excellent job serving our church. The Nominating Team has been energized and is beginning the important job of finding people to serve on next year’s council, delegates to represent us at partner corporation meetings, and even a new Nominating Team for 2016. Church employees are evaluated each year. The Council discussed what approach we wished to take this year and will be finalized at Executive Council. The part that never made it into the Bible: In the Garden of Eden God recognized that Adam was lonely. He approached Adam with a proposal, “I can give you a companion. She will wait on you hand and foot. She will never awaken you in the middle of the night to help with the children. She will always smile and never nag and complain.” “Wow,” Adam said, “what will that cost me?” “An arm and leg,” God answered. “Hum, what can I get for a rib?” Rick Straub, Council President `````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````` Treasurer’s Report August 2015 Submitted by Valerie Christiansen, Sept 8, 2015 Balance Sheet: 8.31.15 Ministry & Facility Fund All Designated Funds Total US Bank Checking $ 4,637 $ 34,485 $ 39,122 Thrivent Mortgage Balance $362,084 (Aug) $362,816 (Jul) Aug Income & Expense: 8.31.15 Actual Giving Actual Expense $19,130 (Budget $17,648) $17,133 (Budget $17,648) YTD Income & Expense: (Jan-Aug 2015) Actual Giving $ 137,599 (Budget $141,183) Actual Expense $ 133,548 (Budget $141,183) Aug Designated Funds: Income Expense Total Fund Balance Memorial Fund /Erika M. (Mics) 0 215 $2,114 Emergency Fund 0 0 $4,210 Sabbatical Fund (monthly accrual) 100 0 $1,079 Dorcas Fund 0 0 $2,110 Youth Fund /Servanthood 35 1248 $3,534 Reception Fund 0 0 $280 Storage Bldg. Fund 0 0 $18,652 Other Designated/Family Promise 150 150 $1,106 Campership Fund/Youth 0 677 $0 Good Samaritan Fund 0 0 $167 Rummage Sale 0 0 $1,234 Uganda Fund (Aug) 145 145 0 `````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````` Peace Newsletter October 2015 3 Ministry Team Highlight: Stewardship Team The mission of the stewardship ministry team is to help people grow in faith as trustees of God's generous gifts. The team exists to be an encourager for the congregation, and to provide meaningful principles of stewardship. Our team consists of Valerie Christiansen, Ray Danly, and Chris Clark. Jesus said, "Where your treasure is, there will your heart be also." (Matthew 6:21) The church's stewardship ministry needs to be based on the Biblical foundation that emphasizes the spiritual dimension of stewardship. Jesus spoke five times as much about money and possession as He did about prayer and faith. There are about 500 verses on prayer, about the same on faith, but over 2,000 verses dealing with money and possessions. Compare the number of times those words appear in the Bible. "Believe" - 270 times; "Pray" - 371 times; "Love" - 714 times; and "Give" – 2,172 times. Giving includes time and talents as well as financial resources. God calls every congregation to ministry, and God has places these talents and resources are needed for our ministry within our congregation. The need of the giver to give is a spiritual matter. Let's never forget that the primary reason to grow in our giving of resources and talents is to show our love for Jesus Christ and our desire to grow spiritually to honor Him. Christian stewardship, at all points, is primarily a matter of aligning the heart with Christ. It is an integral part of each Christian's call to full Christian commitment. We seek to develop our stewardship so that it will be focused on what the Lord wants, and He will provide what our church needs. Chris Clark, Stewardship Team Council Liaison Thanks to all who served with the Ecumenical Food Kitchen. You, the congregation, made this possible with your donations of food, money and prayers. PLC served three times this year and fed over 170 hungry people. This is a ministry that needs to continue next year! Special thanks to our Ministry Team of Helen Darst, Connie Arthur, Margaret Nagel, Rozanne Ryle, Jim & Roxanne Helgeson, and Marge Freligh Coordinator. Operation Christmas Child Shoebox Gifts In OCTOBER, we are collecting TOYS! – Stuffed animals, dolls, art supplies, musical instruments, yo-yos, jump ropes, trucks, balls, games (that will fit in a shoebox), light-up toys with batteries, etc. Hard to believe, only one month to go before our grand Packing Party in November (see below)! There is a display table in fellowship hall with collection bins and needs list highlighting this month’s shoebox items. Remember, we are collecting items from ages two – adolescent. Please pick up a brochure on the table for what is allowable to ship in our boxes! Save the Date: OCC Shoebox Packing Party! Come and join the Shoebox Packing and Wrapping event on Sat, November 14, at 10 a.m. You are all invited to attend this family oriented gathering. Come help package up and wrap the gifts that Peace Lutheran families have donated throughout the year. Be sure to wear your Thrivent t-shirt or get one at the event! Please bring any Christmas wrapping paper that you have, scotch tape, scissors, and help get these gifts ready to be the blessings that they will be!! – Diann Wandrey, OCC Shoebox Gifts Coordinator Peace Newsletter October 2015 4 Christian Education Is On! Sunday School for all ages and Adult Study are at 8:30 a.m. each Sunday. Adults, grab a cup of coffee and continue with the Max Lucado series on Life Lessons: The Book of Hebrews, led by Diann Wandrey. Lisa Seher has great age appropriate instruction and crafts going on for our younger children, while Pastor Gail meets with Jr & Sr high youth getting deeper in the Word. Confirmation class continues each Wed at 5:30 p.m. We are beginning an Afterglow event from 6:30-7:30 p.m. for youth & their friends on Oct 7 & 21. Check it out! DIG IN! Bible Studies in October Wednesday Serendipity Study: We meet at 10 a.m., and if you have a chance to just drop in occasionally, you are always cordially invited. We are continuing our study with the Book of Acts. Discussions are good and we have both men and women in the class. – Pastor Gail Thursday Bible Study: Pastor Wandrey will lead a NEW study in Oct, at 6:30 p.m. about Spiritual Gifts! Worship & Music Have you ever wanted to sing with the choir or play an instrument during worship? Our Music Team gathers every Wed at 6 p.m. for rehearsal. You are welcome to come and share your talent! How about preparing communion or baking bread by using our 400 year old abbey recipe? Nadia Bruno, as Altar Guild Coordinator, will be glad to meet with you. Have questions? Contact our Minister of Music, Ruth Leib, at 446-8509 for info. Property & Maintenance Fall Cleanup Day is Sat, Oct 3, from 9 am – 1 pm. The P&M Team can use your help sprucing up inside & out, and will even be flipping burgers for a tasty lunch break for all workers! Our main focus will be front landscaping. Please join us at our next P&M meeting on Oct 6, at 6 p.m. – Ken Birge YAP Activities ><>Thanks to our giving youth who served at the Emmett Snyders Foundation Golf Benefit at Stoneridge last month. As always, you shine the Light of Christ in everything you endeavor! <><Cardboard Box City, sponsored by Family Promise as a homelessness awareness event, is being held this year Oct 9-10 at Community United Methodist Church. Build a cardboard box shelter, and sleep in it overnight to experience what many in our community do on a nightly basis. Contact Pastor Gail for details. ><>It’s Movie Night at the Snyders’ home on Oct 10 at 6 p.m. Food, fun, and great movie! A Fun Fellowship Event! PLC's first ever Talent Show is coming up, Sunday, Oct 4, at 3 p.m. followed by a Pie Social. Join us for a fun time! There is a sign-up sheet in the Fellowship Hall for the Pie Social. Contact Margaret Nagel for details! Looking Ahead! These shorter fall days have begun to turn our thoughts to the months ahead. It’s never too early to plan an event! Your church staff is wondering if there is any interest in having a Thanksgiving dinner again this year. We’ll worship together at 10 a.m. Thanksgiving Day, then dinner is at ??? Since our beginning, we have held a lovely Holiday Bazaar the first Sat in Dec. All it takes is a fun group of coordinators, volunteers, donated baked goods, crafters, and Christmas themed donations. Let us know if you are interested in coordinating either event! Peace Newsletter October 2015 5 MedStar Event – Oct 11, at Fellowship Hour by Eric Beghtel, Flight Team Communication Officer You are invited to participate in this important event! Northwest MedStar's Membership Program provides peace of mind for you and your family during and after an emergency. It protects you from out-of-pocket costs should you or a family member be transported by Northwest MedStar. In an emergency, the last thing you want to think about is the bill. Membership covers you, your spouse, and family members eligible to be claimed on your income tax. We bill your insurance company directly. As a member, you won’t incur out-of-pocket expenses. Northwest MedStar provides critical care transport throughout the Northwest including eastern Washington, northern Idaho, Montana, and northeast Oregon. Our church group rate for 10+ people is only $48 per year/$126 for three years! Look for information in your church mailbox and go to https://www.nwmedstar.org/Membership/ to learn more before attending the event. Enrollment will take place the morning of the event, so please bring your checkbook and form pre-filled out (do not fill out payment section). Make your check payable to Peace Lutheran for the church to pay MedStar directly. Big peace of mind, for so little cost! Confirmation: Acolyte Training Pastor Gail instructing her six Confirmation students which candle is lit first and its meaning. The group then “Carries out the Light of Christ” to the world! A blessed commentary! Peace Newsletter October 2015 6 News & Events Sept Gifts: Valerie Christiansen and Paul & Lisa Seher for a yummy Rally Day breakfast! All the hearty souls that helped move pews into a new configuration in our sanctuary – it’s just awesome! Installation of new Exit signs and security lights by Rick Straub & Lee Ely. Hill Pfundheller constructed a step insert for the front of the altar area. Ecumenical Food Kitchen donations and volunteers. Thanks to all! Copies of the October newsletter and calendar can be found in the holder on the table in the fellowship hall. Updated Church Directories are also available, and include any changes. Bless the journey of our two delegates, Steve Hagler and Judy Zeller, to the LCMC Annual Gathering in Frisco, Texas Oct 4-7. Steve will also attend his BTRA seminarian retreat before the Gathering. We pray this is a time of uplifting and renewal for them! Later this month, Pastor Gail will be out of the office from Oct 24-31. Because many of you have inquired, a memorial service for Warren Ray has not been scheduled. As soon as the family makes arrangements, the congregation will be informed. Worship & Music rehearses every Wed at 6 p.m. Join them any time to sing or play! Fellowship Team is meeting Sun, Oct 4, 9:30 a.m. to finalize fall events! P&M Team is meeting Tue, Oct 6, at 6 p.m. All are welcome! Stewardship: Chris Clark & Valerie Christiansen are planning fall stewardship emphasis. Mission & Vision Team meets on an as need basis. Call Valda for date & time! Youth Leadership Team will meet early on Sept 28, at 6-7:30 p.m. at Pastor Gail’s home. PAINT NIGHT – We’re on for Oct 2, from 5:30-8:30 p.m. Always wanted to paint but don’t know how to begin? Come and learn with this easy step-by-step method led by Pastor Gail. Only $20! All supplies provided – bring a snack to share! Have fun! Your inner artist is calling!! Congratulations to Ruth Leib’s son, Phillip Norton and his beautiful bride-to be, Michelle Peterson, who will be married on Oct 17, at Peace Lutheran! CDA Food Bank donations totaled 147 lbs in Sept. Special thanks to Mary Washburn for taking another 33.5 lbs of her own picked plums to the PF food bank in our name, and to Bill Johnson for our deliveries! The Dorcas Quilting group will continue to meet the first and third Monday of the month from 9 am – 3 pm to make quilts for community needs. No experience is needed to be involved with this group. The ladies will be honored and enjoy lunch at the RSVP Banquet held at the CDA Inn, on Oct 10, at 11 a.m. Contact Cinda Fueller or Caren Woods for any questions about material, thread, yarn, etc. donation needs. From Tom & Lynn Affeldt: Thanks dear friends for your many prayers, absolutely hysterical cards filled with well wishes, messages, hugs, and loving support! Tom’s recovery from bypass surgery is amazing – God be praised!! Straight from the Heart! The Jordan Johnson Foundation is facilitating a Free Youth Heart Screening for youth ages 14-24. The event is Oct 24, at the Boys and Girls Club in Post Falls (200 West Mullan) from 9 am – 4 pm. Please go to www.straightfromtheheart.us. to download the necessary screening forms that are required to be signed by a parent and brought to the screening. For info or questions, please email [email protected] or call 208-661-5416. Peace Newsletter October 2015 Fellowship List October – December OCT 10/4 10/4 Pat & Caren Woods Gary & Bonnie Hanson (208) 777-6008 (509) 435-3655 10/11 10/11 Brett & Pam Kirking Gary & Sharon Hoffman (208) 446-8784 (208) 667-6464 10/18 10/18 Sam Johnston & Dianne Schumann Mike & Margie Hill (208) 777-7373 (208) 773-9648 10/25 10/25 10/25 Stephanie Lauritzen Ron & Karen Ellis Warren & Jennifer Murray (208) 777-7123 (208) 699-3593 (208) 699-5447 Bill & Jan Johnson Paul & Shelly Matthews (208) 773-9380 (208) 661-4321 11/8 11/8 Arnold & Mina Mittelstaedt Paul & Lisa Seher (208) 889-0091 (208) 773-2689 11/15 11/15 11/15 Bob & Charlotte Newman Karle & Barbara Nimke Betty Nomanson (208) 773-5552 (208) 664-3996 (208) 762-2266 11/22 11/22 Woody & Debbie Clouse Pr Kurt & Diann Wandrey (208) 773-2148 (208) 818-8355 11/29 11/29 Randy & Jolene Pooley Gordon & Gail Schoonmaker (208) 687-8371 (208) 699-7116 Glen & Missy Nungesser Scott & Tara Ovnicek (208) 773-3787 (208) 755-7878 12/13 12/13 12/13 Ardella Quaale Cinda Fueller Kevin & Susan Schneidmiller (208) 773-5370 (208) 773-3025 (208) 765-2924 12/20 12/20 Brad & Valda Pfundheller Hill & Maxine Pfundheller (208) 818-3146 (208) 773-1097 12/27 12/27 Floyd & Judy Zeller Rick Straub & JoAnn Solberg (208) 262-4103 (208) 659-1634 (425) 736-8246 NOV 11/1 11/1 DEC 12/6 12/6 Thank you for your hospitality! If you need to switch with someone please call them, then kindly inform the church office. 7 Peace Newsletter October 2015 8 10:00 AM Oct Sunday Ministry Servants USHERS Date 10/4/15 10/11/15 10/18/15 10/25/15 Name Karle & Barbara Nimke Rod & Marge Freligh Gary & Sharon Hoffman Woody & Debbie Clouse 664-3996 699-1697 667-6464 773-2148 COMMUNION SERVERS Date 10/4/15 10/11/15 10/18/15 10/25/15 Communion Setup Baking Bread Name Bill & Connie Arthur / Gail Schoonmaker Brett & Pam Kirking / Cinda Fueller Paul & Lisa Seher / Steve Hagler Bill & Becky Ellefloot / Chris Clark Bill & Jan Johnson Anna Dailey Phone No. 772-1999 / 699-7116 446-8784 / 773-3025 773-2689 / 769-7912 659-7643 / 762-7890 773-9380 762-7435 READERS Date Name First & Second Reading Phone No. 10/4/15 10/11/15 10/18/15 10/25/15 Bonnie Hanson Ray “Boomer” Danly Pat Woods Barbara Hunley Gen 2: 18-25; Heb 2:1-13 (14-18) (509) 435-3655 772-2775 777-6008 777-0888 Amos 5: 6-7, 10-15; Heb 3: 12-19 Ecc 5: 10-20; Heb 4: 1-13 (14-16) Jer 31: 31-34; Rom 3: 19-28 ACOLYTES Date 10/4/15 10/11/15 10/18/15 10/25/15 Name Madison Kirking Amanda Kirking Lance Ely Gabrielle Christiansen Phone No. 446-8784 446-8784 964-3400 (509) 255-9237 If you have a conflict with the Sunday you are assigned, please first call someone else on the list then inform Lynn at the church office (765-0727) so the correct name may be printed in the church bulletin. Thank you for serving! Oct 4 Oct 11 Oct 18 Oct 25 October Welcome Teams: Arnold & Mina Mittelstaedt Ardella Quaale Arnold & Mina Mittelstaedt Margaret Nagel October Counters: Valerie Christiansen & Eunice Gillam Valda Pfundheller & Ardella Quaale Cinda Fueller & Maggie Carlisle Rozanne Ryle & Helen Darst Sunday offering counters will be needed for the coming new year. Counters serve about every six weeks, and the process is simple to learn. Please contact Cinda Fueller, our Financial Secretary, to learn more! Peace Newsletter October 2015 9 October Birthdays Name Frey, Darryl Ely, Lance Pooley, Randy Ellefloot, Bill Wang, Kelly Carlisle, Bearl Ellefloot, Becky Gutterud, Gail Clouse, Woody Snyders, Maddie Spangler, Cal Birthdate 10/02 10/06 10/10 10/10 10/11 10/21 10/21 10/25 10/25 10/27 10/30 Address 618 W Lariat Ct 5546 N Santa Maria Dr 10012 W Twin Lakes Rd 2521 E Lookout Dr 3270 W Box Canyon Dr 1790 Bounty Lp 2521 E Lookout Dr 1756 E 12th Ave 303 E 1st Ave 18341 N Atlas Rd 8584 Salmonberry Lp City Post Falls Coeur d'Alene Rathdrum Coeur d'Alene Post Falls Hayden Coeur d'Alene Post Falls Post Falls Rathdrum Hayden State ID ID ID ID ID ID ID ID ID ID ID Zip Code 83854 83815 83858 83815 83854 83835 83815 83854 83854 83858 83835 Phone Number (208)777-7765 (208)964-3400 (208)687-8371 (208)659-7643 (208)771-1041 (208)762-5828 (208)659-7643 (208)773-4106 (208)773-2148 (208)818-7055 (208)635-5152 October Anniversaries Anniversary 10/18/2003 10/26/2013 Name Brad & Valda Pfundheller Rick Straub & JoAnn Solberg Phone (208)818-3146 (208)659-1634 Address 13850 W Bodine Ave 8868 N Reed Rd City, State Zip Post Falls, ID 83854 Hayden Lake, ID 83835 We would like to celebrate your birthday and anniversary with you, but may not have it on record. Please let Lynn in the office know about your special day so it can appear in our monthly newsletter! +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ We’re Praying For… Member Prayer Needs: Dot Herting, torn hamstring; Cinda Fueller, healing; Pr. Gail in the passing of her aunt Emma; Jean Ray, in the passing of husband Warren; Betty Nomanson, strength & healing; Tom Affeldt, recovery, bypass surgery; Joann Carlson, healing, tendon & arm; Janie Dressen, trouble walking, Pr. Spike Shine, Brad Pfundheller, & Bob Newman, health issues; Del Gillam, Alzheimer’s; Mary Wang, homebound. Please Remember Ministries We Share: Camp Lutherhaven & Shoshone Mountain Retreat; The Village at Orchard Ridge; LAM Christian Academy; Family Promise; Post Falls & Cd’A Food Banks; Children’s Village, Uganda Medical Mission. Requests for Family Members and Friends: Emily Harwood (Connie Arthur), leukemia; Carrah Affeldt (Tom Affeldt’s mom), healing, foot surgery; Dan (Pooley’s brother-in-law), healing, back surgery; Jill Stowers (Pam Kirking’s friend), testing on abdomen; Trevor (Missy Nungesser’s friend), cancer, chemo; Lillie Martin (Berniece Wilson’s friend), lung cancer; John Ruebke (friend of Gail Schoonmaker), advanced lung cancer; Jeff Hinz (Susan Schneidmiller), stage-4 lung cancer; Phil Thew (Judy Zeller), stage-4 liver disease; Bill Harris (Judy Zeller), pulmonary fibrosis; Jackie Sleeth (Gail Schoonmaker’s mom), fall, fractured rib; Judy Rounds (friend of Connie Arthur), cancer spots on brain; Chel Matz (Missy Nungesser’s dad), cancer treatments; Janet Low (Betty Nomanson), harsh chemo treatments; Bob (friend of Rick & JoAnn), advanced prostate cancer; Betty Kline (Bill Ellefloot’s sister), pancreatic cancer; Joann Hildebrant (friend of Ardella Quaale), bone marrow cancer; Dale Morey (Caren Woods), cancer throughout. Prayer requests will be revised periodically. Please keep the church office informed of changes. Thank you. Peace Newsletter October 2015 10 Lutherhaven & Shoshone Mountain Retreat Did you know Lutherhaven is busy all year? In fact, October is one of camp's busiest months, with overnight environmental education programs for regional public and Christian school kids in full swing. Nearly 2,000 students from as far away as Tri-Cities and Wenatchee come to camp for two or three days to learn about wildlife, trees, watersheds, and the value of our environment, plus build stronger relationships with their classmates and teachers. Many of these kids are getting outdoors for the very first time, and many come back for a Lutherhaven summer camp! Plus each October weekend is filled with retreats: "campers" of every age enjoying our beautiful North Idaho fall days. Other Camp News: The Pinecrest Retreat Center Remodel is in full swing. The lowest level is up and running: four new motel-like suites. We've raised the roof for six family suites and lake-front balconies, due for completion early next summer. Volunteers Needed – No Experience Required! Come by yourself, as a family or with a crew from your church for a day, an overnight, a weekend or longer. Contact Steve at [email protected] or phone 208.667.3459 x 112. Coming in November: Cut, Crop & Quilt Retreat, for the crafty in you! November 6-8 Our first Fall Men's Retreat, November 14, with Fr. Rick Ganz, SJ. Lutherhaven was honored nationally as a Camp that Changes the World by Chicago's Center for Faith and Service. Lutherhaven plays a crucial role in cultivating the talents and passions of our young people; nurtures faith formation in kids, teens, adults and families; and inspires and equips our next generation of leaders. Only three camps in the Northwest made this year's list of outstanding camps. Thanks for being part of making Lutherhaven the fantastic outdoor ministry it is! Check out our online Trading Post! Buy your camper a gift certificate to go to camp next summer, and find all the latest Lutherhaven gear, great for Christmas presents! Visit our website for the camp store. We can't wait to see you at camp! Camp Lutherhaven Toll Free 1.866.729.8372 Local 667.3459 Shoshone Base Camp Toll Free 1.866.729.8372 ext. 14 208.682-CAMP (2267) 8134 N Meyer Rd (at Prairie Ave & Meyer Rd) Post Falls, ID 83854; Phone: (208) 765-0727 Website: peace-lutheran.church Email: [email protected] Website www.lutherhaven.com Sunday Worship at 10 AM Sunday School/Adult Study at 8:30 AM Pastor Kurt Wandrey Associate Pastor Gail Gutterud
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