11-18-1897 - Village of Pinckney
11-18-1897 - Village of Pinckney
VOL. XV, '..** •> PINQgNEY, LIYINGSTON CO., jdlOH., THTTBSDAY, NOV. 18, 1897. wiMEETING. THAT OPBBT 1 ' • • ' • STOP EIGHT THERE1 " ' • J A Good Crowd, in n . i• i ' i * * ^ ^ ^ m F . A.. SIGLER A Fine Time. Aithough the weather was the worst we have seen this season on Thursday evening last, nearly 75 braved the storm and poor roads, to come to Pinekney and attend the open meet* ing of the Loyal Guards and partake of the banquet. where yon wUUlwavs and B E S ? GOODS at LOWEST PBICES. Edwin 0. Wood, of Flint, Supreme New goods constanly arriving. Here are a few of the things Recorder General, was present and we sell: spoke for a short time on the benefits of the order and in explaining some Felt Boots, Knit Boots, Rubber Boots, ^Calf Boots; of the whys and wherefores of the Rubbers, Arctics, Overshoes* Fine Shoes—for men women and new laws. While Mr. Wood does not children; pretend to be a public speaker, be has Ladies, Underwear, Men's Underwear, Overshirts; a way with him that inspires confiOveralls, Work Shirts; dence and he made many friends Pork, Pails, Pans, Peanuts, Pepper, Pipes, Pins, Pumpkin, Pants; while here. He is well impressed with the workings of the order at this Whips, Horse Blankets, Darning Needles; place and inspired the members with Brooms, Baskets, Bits, Boilers, Butter; Sugars, Silverware, Balmpn, Sausage-cutters, Sardines, Shells: new zeal and they have gone ont to gather in new recruits. Sen-Sen, Sheeting, Segars; Calicoes, Chopping-knives, Currants, Cheese, Carpet-warp, Coffees; After his short talk the order voted to nominate and elect officers at the Candies, Cakes, Cigars, Corsets; next regular meeting and the division Onions, Oils, Oatmeal, Outing-flannels; were then invited to partake of the Mince-meat, Molasses, Medicines; good things prepared by the members Gum, Ginger, Goggles; \ and it is useless to say that all did Rfltiflt-boof, Ricpj RfliBinRj Razors, Rope; ~4flslice to the cbickepjpie. meats, bisTeas, Tools, Tobacco, Toilet-soap, Tack-hammer; cuit, coffee, cake, ice-cream, etc.—they Etc., Etc., Etc., Etc., Etc., Etc. were there for a good time and had it with a venegeance. The Emerson Quartette were present and have the thanks of everyone for the excellent music rendered by them. They responded again and again with songs both sentimental and comic. They are loaded to the brim with music and are not afraid to f "sing it out.1' ANDERSON, MICH* It i3 desired to add to the membership during the next six weeks many new names and the members are all at work. If you are not carrying any insurance, Bee some member and make amjjieation right away. Any member can tfive you the rate. to his own interests who ™ Cor. Mail and Hovel] sts., At Wm, A. Sprout's Gen'J Store At •• DRUGS, MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, .-it •• i-fi 5FINE TOILET SOUPS. FINE HAIR M O TOOTHBRUSHES, "'••• '*'' v! - V. "T*< PURE WINES AND LIQUORS FOR MEDICINAL PURPOSES, A X .- Trasses, Supporters, Carbon Oil, Lamps and Chimneys. ^K5i jgookp, Stationery, A¥ali£-qper. - We always try to satisfy, TV All Kinds tf Family Groceries. And that is why YOU should come and buy, F,A. SIGLER •Wm.A-.SPROUT refuses to buy a fully warranted stovcTwhen he cair get it for less money than he can imitations. r.A PXNCKNEY, MICH. ^fj ALREADY ^Ji SELLING -•-•'-••• The First Entertainment. One of the finest lines of Hoyt L. Conary of Dostou, will open ^^ *"\ l l --/ ^fc, the lecture course here, Nov. 29 in his v/ original entertainment "Around the Stove. When attending school at the Seminary at Backsport, Maine, the author worked as a clerk in a country store, in a neighboring village, and thereby Ever shown in Livingston county. Tlie Celebrated GARLAND, earned mcney to defray his expenses The at school. The characters in "Around BOUND OAK, FOBEST FAVORITE and CLEARMONT. the Stove" are to a certain extent re- CLEARMONT Air-Tight, with ash-pan andshaberis the Best of All All dealers and users of productions of the "loafers" who came Would be pleased to have into this store on winter evenings to talk and exchange ,ly«rns" around the you call and We WILL convince you that we have got the proper stove. Each person tells a story and line. All other hardware at right prices also. the aim of the author is to portray the Stoves and Ranges have acknowledged that they are the character of each man telling bis story, Respectfully Yours, best constructed, most economical, handsomest demake each "yarn" fit the capacity of the one who tells it. sign and possess merits found in no other stove. t It requires from an hour and a half to two hours to render the scene around the stove, and it is a time that Topic tor the Epworth League at the will never be-forgotten by those who M. E. church next Sunday evening is Th« Gente* all l If n^t, why don't you call attend and certainly should not be The Foes of thd Church. Mr3. F. L. TruU-Mark. •f J at Reason's Hardware and missed by anyone. At opera house, Andrews leader. Pinekney, Nov. 29. Season tickets, The annual Thanksgiving service see them. $1.00; single admission 35c. will be held this year in the Methodist The firm of Wanamak'er & Episcopal church of this place. Rev. Brown, Clothiers, is represented SEEING is BELIEVING. The subject at the M. E. chturch W. T. Wallace will preach the sermon. in Pinekney and vicinity by K. Sunday morning next is "Spiritual This is a union and patriotic service H. Crane, who carries an elegant We will gladly show you their on and should be generally attended. Emancipation.'" and most complete line of samples for points of superiorty. . Topic for the Christian Endeavor at _ . •% . . Baady Made, and Made to the Oong'l church next Sunday evenB l l S i n e S S P 0 i n t 8 r S . _Me*mieClotning. Everything is All other hardware at pri- ing is "Gratitude: To Whom? For Tmade up in the latest style, «»1 Jan. the best manner possible. All until The DISPATCH from now ces lower than ever before What? How Shown?" (A ThanksgivSeams are Silk Sewed. 1,1899, for only $1.00. ing Tepic.) known. > A NEW DEPASTURE. All who are interested in the orgaThis Firm has recently pat into nisation of a Reading Circle for a House, barn and two lots covered the hands of its agents a beaatifol systematic study of history and liter- with one varities of fruit A chance ature this winter are rooueeted to for some one to get a good home line of samples tor Cloaks, Jackets, Gapes, Colaretts and suits for Ladies. meet at the home of H. W. Orofoot at I* J* COOK. These are Beady Made or Made to 7:90 Friday evening. This is for cheap. Measure as you may desire, and guareveryone interested. FOUND. anteed to give entire satisfaction. on Mill st on Sunday, a Rosary. Ow"THE IttUKKiJUPS WABXIItV* This Firm is a Most Reliable One, I have opened, up * Racket store in Capes, Cloaka, Drees Goods and Cloth indeed; the Best Firm in the World to The above temperance drama will ner can have the same by calling at Tie to for Satisfaction. U» Clintoa bloe*% PUK*U*T and will in?, It will pay yen to wait and eeel ^ g i v e n 1U tho-opera heme at this this office. All interests* fcaodle a general U** of good*. On onr line before buying as we can save place on Thursday evening aeat* K*v. the atere of Barnard k Camp hell to see 25, by the Stockbridge High School. saanpini. Hoping for<a share of yatUa— «c la&es u» \mm aw Friday a»4 Satord»y, iUrr. 19 and 20 yen money. Everything else is sold patronage, 1 am Yours truly, The play is a good one and is. well bfc, eeuhtt«h<4 kottM in m d mgptmtm. Position we will k 4 * » Or*o4 0|»ni*« *** at reasoaajole at Season 'a Racket handled -by the company. Do act MM-*ddrw**l si;.inpe^ fail to see K. Admiral JS «ed » P , 8. ft. S i a m , Manager. witt the* have a special sale on flash store. yxsmfeil'. We Offer Yn The Very Best At The Very Lowest Prices. '•••'• Heatmg~~ Cooking ,i SaxVaxvu. awu. ^fcwvwsvtVat r%* TEEPLE tf» CA DWELL. CLOTHING. Geo, R E A S O N , Jr. G R A N D OPENING! K.H.GBML » •. ^ • ' . . - • • * • ; Iff • : " • . ? ' ! • ' « ' / • • 'A$<? • • •> . 'V •' '•/ •' ' ' ''•'*, '^L **n!L'x,: *: T>jaan ft :'*i' IT'S A 810 5UCCB95. A rejected lover of Miss Christina Martinusseu, of Battle Creek, threw a .Jfeo. ***** *ost mowing Kinartmeet* Manistique will soon be lighted by stone at young man who was walking la she Ua*te4 fttate*. electricity. with her. The aloaa *tru/5k the girl PU^OBNT PARAQRAf H 9 PICKED MICHIGAN NEWS BRIEFLY TOLD The report of tae* ^secretary of agriThe D. L. & N. road will go around on the, head aaoV ah* is seriously iuK | PROMWGoifiUy. aunare la vnneual|y inportant thl FOR M1CHIQANDSRS. the village of May bey. jure<L. V< •".»£•'<• ~" •' V.; y e * becausaof the efforts SeoreUry Bert Voight, of Novi, caught a UKJames O'tftill and son was awakened ! * » • aaUsharr tart ajreat JteUnla Will Wfjaon has been making to increase rather aaa Beatsaeed to Life I n - pound pickerel in Wailed Lake. at Owoaso, by pajrt of the roof ot the not i*t Vraaeo'or Any Qtfev* rower APJ expotta of agricultural product* Surveyors have begun work on the house falling in. Then they discovered and Another Blaa Uots and still further stimulate the oultiva Balk Hor Haas la Wattes* Atrtoa— tion of sugar beets. He has a firm conproposed Pontiac-Fliut railway. that the building was on fire. A few Two T far a Mnrdor at Gladwla A Woman Caafrasss to a Manaeiv viction that the people of the United Over 1,000 carloads of beans have articles of furniture was saved, Loss —foal* Seat Up for Ufo. States can provide their own sugar, been shipped from Jackson this season. 91,000. without being dependent upon Cuba or The deputies iu the revenue office of John Baboock, an old resident of Thro* to Xsplete a Dastardly Wards* Galien, was fatally injured in a run- the western district, at Grand Rapids," ' I*r4 aalUaarj Threatens Trans* any foreign country for their supplies. At the lord mayor's annual banquet The mnrderernof Curtis Wright, who away. appointed by Gen. I. C. Smith four at London the ma/quia of Salisbury, The production of cane sugar must alwas shot down at his own home near About 930 worth of packages were years ago, have taken a firm stand on the British premier, after referring \o wajs.be limited, but the eapaojtv'oi Gladwin, have finally been brought to the civil service rules and will resist other matters, introduced the trouble the ilnrtod States for the production justice. Boy Nuun, aged 17, and his stolen from the U. S. express office at removal. of beet sugar is practically unlimited; between England and France in West and with the objoot of ascertaining the lather, Benjamin Nuun, were Sen- Otsego. Mrs. Marian Scranton, was arrested Africa, and said: "Iitnkrbtnotaehjove^ It is said prospects are favorable for tenced to life imprisonment at Jackson. at Corunna, charged with cruelty to the general conciliatory process de- moat favorable localities for its growth George Marteli, accessory after the an electric railroad between Lansing her little nephew and niece. It is al- sired if I entered frankly into, all the Secretary Wilson distributed seven toot fact, received two years. When sen- and St. Louis. of Imported sugar-beet seeds among The annual reuulon of the Sixth leged she whipped her niece across the negotiations between the powers re- *3,000 farmers in 2? states. The retenced was pronounced, Benjamin Nnnn broke down ana wept, but Roy Michigan cavalry will be held at Ionia face, tied her hands above the head aud specting Africa, We are all aware of turns.have been far beyond his moat put her under a barrel half a day for the great extent of territory cast loose on Friday, December 31. maintained his usual indifference. •anguine ^xpeotationa, and to bis gratduring the last 90 year* Ift Africa and ification the most fayprable reauita Scott Haywood, of Niles, writes that punishment The murder was committed on the The biggest logging contract yet put up as the object of acquisition for have been obtained from those sections night of July 10. But feeliug had ex- he has crossed the White Pass safely closed for the season is that of cutting several enterprising governors. We of the United States where new indusisted between the Nunn and Wright and has reached Dawson City. families for some tune, and Roy, who The barn owned by George Metcalf, 17,000,000 feet of pine on Ford river by desire that territory to be governed on tries were demanded for the farmer made twodifferentconfessions, charged of Seneca, Lenawee county-, was, with Capt Martin Golden and his nephew, strict principles of right and with con- and where the manufacture of beotr William Golden, of Menominee, for stant regard to iw prosperity and to into sugar can be accomplished with that his father concocted the crime its contents, destroyed by fire. Utley <& Douglass, the big lumber and the Interests of the empire. We wish the greatest economy as to labor and but he fired the fatal shot AfterDr. R, McDerraott has been appoint- salt firm of Manistee. trade to pursue an uncheckered course transportation. ward he alleged that his father did the ed a member of the board of pension ... o. on the Niger, the Mile and the Zamfiring. The old man strenuously de- examining surgeons at Iienzonia. Deputy State Game Warden Grocenied his guilt and there are many who rock arrestedv Charles Bell, near Me- besi, and in doing these things while Miss Margaret Stewart, of FarmingNEWSY CONDENSATIONS. think he has received a severe dose nominee, for violating the game laws, we wish to behave in a neighborly ton, Oakland county, has taken out a Bell killed a deer one day before the manner and to show due consideration Martell confessed that he tried to Three men were killed and seven in hunter's license at Iron Mountain. deer season opened. The carcass and for the feelings and claims of others, jured at Stoneboro, Pa., by the explo» shield the boy after the crime, but deDelay Babcock, a Johnstown farmer, hide were confiscated by the officer and we are obliged to say that there is a sion of the boilers of the Mercler Iron nied being directly concerned in it. was held up near Battle Creek by two the prisoner was fined 910 and costs. a limit to the exercise of this particu- A Coal Co. men on bicycles and robbed of 925. Did JBo Cootailt tiulcldof The troubles of the Benton Harbor lar net of feelings and we cannot allow John H. Mooney and his wife an<? It is believed tUit John P. McKinPort Huron's auditorium was form- & Eastern electric railway, which has our plain rights to be over-ridden." Michael D. Bomey, Mrs. MooneyV non, formerly a wea thy lumberman, ally opened with a literary and musi- been tied up in the courts since Juty brother, were asphyxiated by gas a* for a number of years a resident of De- cal entertainment and a grand ball. 17, were settled by the court setting gpelu'i Boply tfatlsfaetory to Unci* Sea* San Francisco. It is stated on good authority that troit, committed sm~ Ja by jumptug ' Quartermaster-General White's in- aside all injunctions and previous orHotel San Marco, at S t Augustine, from the stesmef City ot Alpena soue- due nee may secure next year's encamp- ders and placing the affairs in the Premier Sagasta's reply to U. S. MinFlo., one of the finest resort hotels in ister Woodford's note is eminently satwhere between Cheboygan and Detroit. ment of the M. N. G. for Grand Rapids. hands of the officers of-the company. T the south, was burned by incendiaries. isfactory to the L . S. government. In Mr. McKmnon boauied the steamer at Jas. Burgess, of Paw Paw, pleaded The Holland carriage and bending it the Spanish ministry pledges itself Loss 9350,000, insurance 950,000. Cheboygan and was given a boat check, guilty to having violated the law and works were sold under mortgage sale to correct the abuses of power in Cuba, to be taken up upon leaving the boat Chicago stonecutters demand that all was fined 965, or 40 aays in jail. Mart for 97,000. The plant was valued at which were the subject of so much cutting for the new postnffice be done at Detroit as is customary, and was asStrong, of South Haven, pleaded guilty complaint during the Weyler adminis- by uniou labor in Chicago. gtgn*"* <A »tfc.i*rnQgj__4>i. WJien__the_ 930,000. The in two similar cases pending against —Wm—Err-HogUe—has,bee n com m i s« tration, and gives assurance of its boat arrived the check was noTtakenT amount involved will be $1,250,000. up and Mr. McKinnon's overcoat and sioned postraoster at Baroda, James W. "htm.—fn—the first -case—he—igas^flned--fr4eAd4^-feeiiriif_toward the American The large floating -dVydock built iu people. It accepts our good oflfceVIir England for the use of Spaulsh -wargrip were found In the stateroom, and Payne at Pompeii-and William Gage at 9110 or 60 days in jail fines. its efforts to restore peace in Cuba, shtps in Cuban waters has been safely in one pocket of the coat was found a Luikville The Houghton passenger train ran and in a perfectly respectful and towed across the Atlantic to Havana. note ascribing his family troubles to a Farmers around Crosswell complain nto an eastbouai freight on the friendly spirit asks thin government as certain person. His wife, who had that they are utiable to dispose of their Ghouls opened 'the grave of Mrs. separated from him, says his mind was hay and other produce on account of a S""*h Shore line, at Brown sidinjr, far as possible to restrain the insurPhoebe Tilton at Miilville, N. J., dragloue mile west of Champion. Wm. H. gent sympathizers • « the United weakened by an illness a few years scarcity of cars. ged the body 300 feet into a woods, cut ago and since then he had been so inWilliam Eames, of Grand Blanc Greene, the oldest engineer on the States from giring material aid to the it open from breast to pelvis with an ax sanely jealous that she had to leave township, the oldest man in Genessee line, was fatally injured, his fireman enemies of Spain iu Cuba. him. McKinnon was about 50 years of county, has reached *\e 100th anniver- escaping by jumping. No passengers The reply has made a favorable im- and then stole the heart were injured age, his wife is under 30. pression upon President McKinley. It W. H. T. Durrant, convicted of the sary of his birth • is likely -that one of the features of murder of Miss Blanche Lamont, in Ex-Congressman Stephenson, of MeAlonzo Warren, of Ludington, was Sfardor la the First Degro*. robbed of 9150 by unknown persons at nominee, has purchased from the D., his forthcoming message will be a dis- San Francisco, in April, 1895, must sufThe trial of Wesley Bennett for the St. Joseph, making the sixth hold-up S. S ds A. railway, 2,000 acres of pine cussion of the Cuban situation, from fer the death penalty, the U. 8. su-> land on the line of the C, M. & St. P. which it will appear that there is preme court, his last hope, having demurder of Moses Walker, near Ionia, within a few weeks. road near Amasaand tributary to Nott nothing in the situation to justify pres- clined to interfere. resulted in a verdict of murder in the Walter Uowerman was found dead river. It is estimated that the tract ent interference on the part of the first degree. There was a murmur Because their victim had- no money • over the court room, but neither Ben- on the railroad track near Wake lee, contains between 3,000,000 and 5,000,- United States. two Chicago footpads placed a pistol nett nor his two sisters flinched in the and it is supposed that he jumped or 000 feet of excellent pine. against Wm, Kastner's throat and least The convicted murderer was fell from a passing train. Farmer J Arte lift, near Harrison, is Courtship or MIM tiaaoda and Voolo Bon fired. 'Die bullet cut through the voAdolph Kitzle, aged 18, of Bay City, under arrest on the charge of cutting -then ordered into the custody of the Sir Wilfrid Laurier, premier of Can- cal cords and completely destroyed was sentenced to pay a young Polish both cords of the front leg of a valuable ada, and Sir Louis Da vies, Canadian Kastner's power of speech. sheriff. He coolly kissed his sisters and was led to jail to await sentence, giri, who swears he is .the father of horse owned by Mrs. tturch, his tenant. minister of the marine, are at WashA great gold strike has been made The row which resulted in Walker's her child, the sum of 9350 The 'wo families have been at odds for ington to discuss the Beriug sea seal on the Upper Sage creek, in the Bar Ripe strawberries are now being som*. time, and Burch says he question, but will also consider all ker mining district of Montana. A death was caused—by Lydia—Vivian, saw Walker's niece, who was engaged to picked in The vicinity ©f~ftidgewayr "XrtclifT do the cutting A^AQ-v*un9d-B**M*gquestions which have been ledge extending many miles and the marry Bennett A sort of feud existed and raspberries are in blossom, with nail was driven into the hoof of the sources of international complication quartz running ¢.100 a ton has been disbetween Walker and Bennett and on some berries nearly matured between the United States and Canada covered and the surrounding country same horse about a week before. The large roller process flouring mill the day of the tragedy Bennett drove The business industries of Marshall —the passage of alien laborers to and is wild with excitement up to Walker's to see the Lydis Vivian, at Marshall, which has been idle three present a much different aspect from from Canada; the North Atlantic fishThe most important iron ore discovbut the uncle eame out and hurled a or four years has been refitted, and that of one year ago. when bnsiness eries question; the presence of many ery on the Menominee range in several atone at Bennett, who pulled a revolver will be put into commission again. seemed paralyzed and factories lying Americans in the Canadian Klondike years has been made on the bank of and. fired two bullets into him. BenMuch excitement was stirred up at idle. Now all of the factories are run- territory and in the mining regions of the Michigamme river, one mile south jnett had boasted many times that he Omer by the finding of rock, dirt, etc., ning full blast. Work at the Detroit, British Columbia; the fisheries trouble of the Mansfield mine, near Crystal liad just aa aaoa "butcher Walker as a which experts pronounced gold. The Toledo A. Milwaukee railroad shops is along the Great lakes; the bonding Falls. The vein is 77 feet deep and 40 hog," exact location of the find is a secret. booming, so that the company found it privilege granted Canadian railroads; feet wide. The ore assays 42 per cent Later-—Bennett has been sentenced The first deer-hunting accident of necessary to add 20 mechanics to their the controversy over rights in the in iron and .051 per cent in phosphate, to life imprisonment Eraser river, British Columbia, and in making it good Bessemer. the season was reported from Crystal shop force. Falls. Isaac Williams was shot by a A stranger who gave the name of Puget sound, and also the question of C. V. Harris, secretary of the DemoBeaton in Plenty. a reciprocity arrangement between the companion and will lose his left leg.. George Morris, of Flint, entered Nellie cratic state central committee of Ohio, There are fewer deer hunters than United States and Canada. It is even Davenport's resort at Battle Creek, On a little island in the old channel 1 usual in Marquette county. License suggested that Canada is ready to offer is cjuoted as saying that in order to defees have been increased, and it is said of S t Mary's river, near the Soo, owned walked upstairs and entered the room the United States an equal footing4? eafc H aD , na t h e Democratic leaders have pledged to Gov. Bushnell all the deputies away from%the county seat by R. B. Durnion aud H. E., Lelaod, of Jennie Gray, who was tick in bed. with England in tariff matters. She ordered him out, when he aspromising gold quart/has been found. votes they can control in the legislahave been charging exorbitant fees for saulted her with a knife, cutting a ture provided he can then secure Snglaadaad Franco Havta* TroaMo. making affidavit In other northern • Jacob Born, of Lansing, has been ap•counties there are more hunters than pointed a special inspector by Labor deep gash in her neck. Morris was The situation between Great Britain enough Republican votes to make his ever. Secretary of State Gardner has <k>mmissioner Cox to collect informa- run down after an exciting chase by and France, as viewed in England, is election as U. S. senator possible. received orders from five northern tion among German factory employes. the police, who shot at him. decidedly serious, and a conflict beNorthern Illinois coal companies Clifford, Battry and Fred Benjamin, tween the troops of the twd conn tries have contracted for ,800 skilled Chinese counties asking for additional license Mrs. Seward Haite attempted to hang blanks. The Dickinson county clerk herself in her barn at Eaton Rapids. well-known young men of Ortonville, in West Africa is daily expected. Lord miners to take the place o t striking has already sold 25 non-resident li- She was cut down before life was ex- were arrested on a charge of stealing Salisbury has taken a decided stand, miners.' They will ;Use inside of a censes at $35 each and wired for 25 tinct There is another woman in the a rig and attempting a criminal assault ordering the British troops to hold the stockade equipped with Gatling guns upon a little girl. The evidence was territory belonging to the United and win have a strong gnanl of ex*£0more blank**. This year the state will case. not sufficient and they were released. Kingdom at all hazards, and has ad- licemen of Chicago. If the first exreceive a part of the license fees inThe Garland Buggy Co., has been stead Of it all being pocketed by the organized at Kalamazoo and will begin The little girl, after a severe cross-ex- dressed a deeidedly tart note to the periment proves successful several county clerks. operations be-fore Dec. I. It will turn anaination, finaUy -confessed that she French government on the subject thousand celestials will be employed. out between 4.000 and 5,000 vehicles a had taken the rig, and that someone The English press is wrathy at the Policeman Peter Herb was called Cooaty Btofro 1« Great Look season. had helped her hitch the horse, think- abandonment of the Nile expedition, Abraham Johnson, a colored man of ing he was thereby doing her a kind- and denounce the ministry for not re- into a saloon at Sandusky* 0., to stop a Samuel Campbell, aged 45, a freight fight between), some drunken .man. Charleston, Kalamazoo county, who brakeman, whose home is in Detroit, ness^ capturing the Soudan and vindicating The officer seized one of the men* coughed up a valuable pear-shaped lost his left arm at the shoulder while Police Justice Laird, of Saginaw, has Gordon. An explanation of the hesitapearl as large as a bean recently, has coupling cars at Vassar. Recovery a sort of ticket-of-leave scheme, .which tion of/ the trovernment in carrying Harry Burns, of Cleveland, who Instantly drew a revolver and shot the received word that he is heir to prop- doubtful. he says is doing wonders towards re- forward its Egyptian campaign is given officer, the bail striking him above tile erty on the east coast of Maryland, in the statement that it has neither right eye, follow Ing the scalp and comGeorre L. Howeu. a blacksmith, was forming unruly boys. At present he money nor men for the undertaking. composed entirely of ovster beds worth has six on the spring. The boys are ing 6ut on top of the head, inflating arrested at Lansingand taken to Pe* 960,000. Before Johnson came to Michreleased under suspended sentence, but an ugly wound; ,,. .^ igan, 30 years ago, he was employed to&key. charged with betraying Cora each week they must appear before XOek Confesses to the Mar***. A Washington dispatch says that by a man named Harris, who owned Hauser, of Three Rivers, who gave the judge and .bring a, letter from, their Mrs. Augusta Nack confessed in there are indication* of an atfceaeptf-toebirth to twins. these oyster beds. Johnson was a teacher and,pare,nt giving an account Charles Selters, aged 20. assaulted of their deportment, etc. The six are court at New York City the now fa- ing made soon aftereongressassembtea jgteai favorite with Barns, who had mous murder of Wm. Guldensuppe and no blood relatives living. Johnson has John Watkins with a club at Water- doing finely, although one or two had implicated her lover, Martin Thorn, in to'take the government printing office vliet Watkins is in a precarious con- to be "jacked up" before they discovfrom under the civil service tawVeLaimgone to Maryland to prove his claim the horrible crime. On the day- the ing that it is an adjunct of oon£r«se dition and may die. The tragedy grew ered that the Judge was not in fun. mavAtr was committed, she said, ^ 1 - and not really part of the exeeativo BlslUcfcta, out of a petty quarrel. ^ When the old U. S. cruiser Yantic deasuppe and herself left New York of Marquette, a eonLa riant, at one time a small addition ran down a Canadian steamer near and went the Woodaide cottage. She branch of the g^vej^mepA. Then* will in-law\df J—lies Grant, of the supreme to Calumet, has built up to soeh an exalso be an, attack made on tike eirll -court, has a Atty.-Geu Mayaard tent that it is now a large town and Montreal, while on her way to Detroit, told Guldensuppe to enter and examine service system in the iofileaninJ against the Lake promises to surpass Calumet as a bus- the Michigan Naval Reserves were the noose while she remained outside, library. eharry about accepting the boat until He wont upstairs and a shot was fisod. Superior^* Railway Co., iness and residence city. The British expooitsan to4he Uncle Sam had assumed all responai- Martin Thorn then eame running down with the view hawing its franchise Grand Rapids filled in part of the biUty and had repaired the damage to and said he had killed Guldensuppa. the Afridia country, so far as forfeited lor with toe old steamboat channel, in order to imthe Yantic. Assistant Secretary of the He wept back and jent the porpae in fighting la concerned, *• about to ex*. statute in ,This war. has already coot t ^ M & e a * prove the market Titer a&eeea and tied the nieces no in train*. *J» he contributed parteaent has ordered the channel re- Pingree that naiees Michigan accepted aooHfcey were afie untJ<& J&ei Indian treaoary ab» wish the aoflMtnlT JWipAatert &0*kimcmm& be stored at a cost of 91«,*». would be boana a ferryboat and east into tfce the boat aa she was standing that they done qoiokly to assist ii The Laneto* ._ to state whieh rivor. utter has changed its scale, so aa to provide The at lor a nine hoar work day for job and that Michigan Fire hook printers, after inly 1, tint. Mo the ¥ M t e as and* aw the antvy is saaoe in the wage ready to tar a Wer over. TWEEN THE LAKES. MICHIGAN NliWS ITEMS, ITEMS 0¥ INTEREST. ; m . " • " • n ' > " - , , , \ ' . . • . > ' •, • - - .:•: v . . ' • . • • ' ' • • . • • • • • • -, • • ' , ' •• ' 1 ' . ' . went hack to the cafe t o make further inquiries of Adele. On one thing they were determined, not t o rent night o r t r y u i t U they had found Mftrjorie— alive or dead. or Colds, for Asthma, Bronchitis; Croup, Whooping Gough, and all Throat Troubles or Lung Diseases, you can't beat and you can't better Half size bottle, 50c. ^ V • T T • • T ^r J ^ , A A A A A A A jA The average dwarf is a t very serious American Railway Material. disadvantage. No matter how large Russia fa showing herself far more his income, he is always sure to be broad-minded than Germany in conshort. nection with the railroads about to be A novel proposition was made not long built in China. For, whereas Germany ago to the Receivers of tbe Baltimore & expressed her willingness to furnish Ohio Railroad. The B. & O has a branch the money needed for their construcrunning from what U known as A iezandria tion, providing the materials were Junction, near Washington, to rJUepberd's on tbe Fototac River, where a car ferry made in Germany, Russia, which hag is operated in connection with the lines j undertaken the job, has announced her leaning *outh from tbe Capitol. A pro- ; . . .. - »«I*iJ *u . 7T feasor of an eastern college desired to lease . intention of getting the engines, the this short stretch of track for the purpose rolling stock, the rails, etc. In the beat of edaoating young men in practical rail- market. It is with this object In view road work. In his letter be explained that he thought there was a wide Held for bright that Privy Councillor Joguvitch, who and energetic boys who could be thorough- has recently been appointed by the ly well grounded j n the practical side of railroading, provided they could be edu- czar to the post of director-general of cated on a regular line of road. He be- the China railroad system, is coming lieved that by the employment of veteran to America for the purpose of making railroad men as "teachurn that the-boyacould profitably spend 2 or 8 years work- extensive" ing as trainmen,firemen.engineers, switch- States. men, station agents, and in other capacities required in tbe railroad service. Ae A Romance. this branch of tbe B. & O. is of consideraShe was the daughter .of a street ble value tbe Receivers were compelled to decline tbe offer. railway magnate. And the good look--• : ing young man has Just kissed her. A The devil probably feels like shaking I moment later he looked in her eyes hands every time he meets a man who \ ^ d l B a p p 0 ,nted expression. "Can't splits hairs with God in money matters. .. *;*r , », . K «-»«*•• VIM* V J . ; you pay that back?'he murmured. The Th«r« is a Class of Peopt* ', lovely girl tossed her head. "I beWho are injured by the use of coffee. l l e v e ' " «h« ***** " t h * t *ou f*T©r .lower RecenUy there has been placed iaaU the | tare*." "Yes," he reluctantly admitgsocery stores a new ted, "I do." "Then," she said, haughttakes th# place of preparation coffee. Theoalled most ! this system." And the young man GRAIN-O, made of pure grains, that' ily, need expect no transfers on delicate stomach receives it without *new"you that the magnate had won andistress, and bat few can tell It from coffee. It does not cost over \ as other round.—Clevp'"*^ Plain De*i«*\ much. Children may drink it witli An KnfUsfc Ad. great eeoeilt. 15 cents and 25 cents Englishwomen who have to earn per package. TrviL Ask for GRAIN-O. their living are encouraged by adverHow would we ever find out that tisements like this, printed by the some folks are religious, if they didn't Westminster Gazette: "To Ladies of make so much noise in churcl BOBIA Htnaii Vfrans *^*^aeaa»^7 ^&"mmf*B*mw • S f c ^ F ^ INTERNATIONAL PRE98 ASSOCIATION. CHAPTER XXXU.-rCoNTiKoau.) They passed through London and at last reached Paris. On arriving at the station, Sutherland called up a fly, and ordered it to drive with the greatest possible speed to the Hotel Suisse, a quiet establishment close to the boulevards. Once there, he ordered a private room, conducted Miss Hetherington to it, and proposed that she should wait there while he went in search of Marjorie. At first she rebelled, but she yielded at last "Yes, I will wait," she said. "I am feeble, as you say, Johnnie Sutherland, and not fit to face the fog and snow; byt you'll bring the bairn to me, for I cannot wait V p s ! " Eagerly giving his promise, Sutherland started off, and the old lady, unable to master her excitement, walked feebly about the room, preparing for the appearance of her child. She had the fire piled up; she had the table ladened with food and wine; then she took her stand by the window, and eagerly scanned the face of every passer-by. At length, and after what seemed to her to be hours of agony, Sutherland returned. He was alone. "The bairn; the balm!" she cried, tottering toward him. He made one quick step toward her, pRnght h>r in h<« OTITIS as he replled: "Dear Miss Hetherington, she has gone!" For a moment she did not seem able to understand him; she stared at him blankly and repeated: "Gone! where is she gone?" "I do not know; several weeks ago she left this place with her child, and she has not been seen since." The old woman's agony was pitiful to see; she moaned, and with her trem-: bllng fingers clutched her thin hair. "Gone!" she moaned. "Ah, my God, she is in the streets, she is starving!" Suddenly a new resolution came to her—with an effort she pulled herself together. She wrapped her heavy fur cloak around her and moved toward the door. "Where are you going?" demanded Sutherland. She turned round upon him with liv%6-faeei— "Going!" she repeated, in a terrible voice. "I am going to him!—to the ., *,!?* *?* V T - " 1 ! ! ? 1 * " ^ . villain who first learned my secret and Yon will enjoy this P l i c a t i o n much stole my bairn awa'!" better if you will get into the habit of reading tiie advertisements-; they will Miss Hetherington spoke firmly, afford a most interesting study and showing as much by her manner as will put yon in tbe way of getting Same excellent bargains. Our adverby her speech that her determination tisers are reliable, they send what they was fixed. Sutherland therefore made advertise. no attempt to oppose her; bat he called W M M . WSy You have sallow akin, Pim- up a fly, and the two drove to the ples, Eruptions, Discoloration*. Why reeortto The devil can always be told by his cosmetic* art powder* to hide the effect*? Dr. tracks, no matter what kind of shoes Ajrnew'e Liver Pill* reculate the system and re- lodgings which bad been formerly ocstore to the cheek the healthful rosy bloom sad cupied by Marjorie and Caussidiere. he w e a n or where he walks. peach Mush of youth. Prom as* to twopUlaa To Sutherland's dismay, the rooms dose, will clarity and purify the complexion In short order. Me. for 40 di were empty, Caussidiere having disapSee tbe advertisement of "5 drops," Bwanson Rheumatic Core Company, in It is not what we have, but what we do peared and left no trace behind him. what we have, that proves oar fitness For a moment he was at a loss what to another column of this paper; Take with for promotion. advantage -of their splendid offer, Love is dead when the amaband begins to do. Suddenly he remembered Adele, and the money It takes to support his which is open for the next thirty grudge wife. resolved to seek assistaaoe from her. days only. Yet here again he was at a loss. It Tobacco SpH and Smoke Yosr IMt Away would he all very well for him to seek Qed'a man Is always misunderstood, Oes't To quit tobacco easily and forever, be macbecause the blind can never know more netlc. full of life, nerve and visor, take Mo-To- out Adele at the cafe, bat to take than one side -of the troth. Bac, the wonder-worker, thai makes weak men Miss Hetherington there was another stronr- 411 drunrlst*. Me. or CL Cure fuaranteed. Booklet aad aaaaple wee. Address matter. He therefore asked her to re"I w a s troubled with that dreadful SterlingRemedy Co.. Chlcato er BTew York. turn to the hotel and wait wuletly there disease caUed dropsy? s w o l l e n from h e a d t e foot, Bnrdoek Blood Bitters.] The greatest lcagth of England and Scot- while he continued the search. This she positively refused to do. h a s aaaajsleteiy eared me. I t is a most land, north and south, is about 096 miles. "Come awa', Johnnie Sutherland," womderfalmedaeine.'' Joseph Eerick, fiB—sd.tQnt she said, "and take me with you. If A -»pr. As-new '• Cure for'tiw'Heart sTves relief In 09 minutes in mo*t acute oaaea *f heart I'm a woman I'm an oM one, and no TVe garaem radish is supposed to be disease. Onedoaeisall Utat la needed to coo- matter where I gang I mean to find my vinee the most sceptical. Thousand* of lives a Chfcaeee jataat which .came west by have been saved through its timely use. It is one child." wayotfLadia. of the wonders of modern medical eoieoee. At seven o'clock that night the cafe Da fse« scuateh and scratch, and won- The only giving that is real eivug As giv- was brilliantly lit and crowded with a rolaterous company. Adele, flushed d e r what's t h e matter? Doao's Oint- ing that is done according- to ability. and triumphant, having sang one of •ssmi JHttl ijaataatly relieve and perBtar Tobaooo is the leading -of her most popular songs, was astonished • • • o a t a j e n r a a n y itchy disease of the akin, aw ipsvUer <ax h o w long standing. the world, because it is the best. to nee a man beckoning to her from the audience. Looking again, she saw To dose our hearts against a is to w e ovgfet a a i to judge of a man as shut heaven against ourselves. that the men was none other than the jof ft pictire or statue, at first sight— young artist—Sutherland. LaBmyere. Tear Rowels Was Descending from her rostrum, she ea... ^.4 Candy Cathartic, cure ooiiattnatiea 10c.»c. If C. C. C. fail. dru«iais ' gerly went forward to Join him, and The amwliing', l a a g heaHag eirUies the two passed out of the cafe and ^ taw • e s H r esxt p4ae owe all esahodied In the £4 books that Dickens wrote there stood confronting each other in the GxDf. W4Mds JSorway Pine S y m p , ttie were 1,486 characters: sovereiga resnedy for coughs and «olds, street, a n d lvaw4swavb*as o f a l l aorta. -Adele," said Sutherland, eiaasfta* aasastsssts •as saaaiMasaBssiMssi seising her hands, "where is that flnndi^ 1 ai! pcecieaw tttxle1 • w e —Caussldierer icir Haoa lives ttoo Dr. T Tbooas their b o a a s 1 Boleotric n eThe armies of the world number ijnjm *X3s4maidierer' she repeated, staring Oil, the ssweroigti oure for croup and j *> at him in seeming amaaement.' all oCher <hrasw o r l a a g diseases. CJee's , "Tea, Oftuoaidiere! TAsil me where he is aw is, for God's saker 1« 9m for ft Again Adele hesitated—something The ataafcal Wcvcie plays as a goes. Mcaragua prohibits rubber exportattoa* had happened, of that *he felt awns, tor the man who now stood before her weecertainly not the Sutherland ef other days; them was a look in^hj*;*yes HVIaaVltTarwr. Vstaw which had never been .there hfttose. "Monsieur,'* she said gently, "tell me . it 1*mGB*)Q*f 4& first where is madame, hie mtfnf" "Cod raonm; I w a n t . * i n 4 * e r . I 'have e>ro« to :'v •« ;.:rb, her mother tober, a gentlewoman by descent, accustomed to domestic work by circumBtftn ginf g rf mld(Ue f d of active tlife air; _7z± must rough _» __.,.„ 7T. .and _ J open __ _i_. . it, but not with rough people; plain home, laundry, share of what is going; no stipend; describe what used to do first by letter."—New York Sun. SLJaesbsOl to force that villain to give her up. Adele, if you do not know her whereabouts, tell me where he is." She hesitated for a moment, ^ h e n drew from her pocket a piece of paper, scribbled something o n It In pencil,and pressed It into Sutherland's hand. "M<A7.sleur," she whispered, "if you find her I—I may see her? Once—only once again?" "Yes." "God bless you, monsieur!" She seized bis hand and eagerly pressed it to her lips, then, hastily brushing away a tear, she re-entered the cafe, and was soon delighting her coarse admirers with another song. Sutherland had been too much carried away by the work he had in hand 1o notice Adele's emotion. He opened the paper she had given him, and read toe address by the aid of the street lamp; then he returned to the- .fly, uhlch stood waiting for him at the i urbstone. He gave his directions to t«he driver, then entered the vehicle; l i k i n g his seat beside Miss Hetherington, who sat there like a statue. The vehicle drove off through a series of well-populated streets, then it {-topped. Sutherland leaped out, and t o his confusion MIBS Hetherington rose to follow him. He made no attempt to oppose her, knowing well that any guch attempt would be useless. So the two went together up a dark<;n« d court, and paused before a door. )'n answer to Sutherland's knock a little maid appeared, and he inquired in as firm a voice as he could command for Monsieur Caussidiere. Yes, Monsieur Caussidiere was at hocme, she said, and if the gentleman wculd give his name she would take it; but this Sutherland could not do. H<. slipped a napoleon into the girl's ha ad, and after a momentary hesitation she showed the two into the very room where the Frenchman sat. He was dressed not in his usual dandified fashion, but in a seedy morning coat; his face looked haggard. He was seated at a table with piles of paper before him. He looked up quietly when the door opened; then seeing MIBS Hetherington, who had been the flrbt to enter the room, he started to his fetit. GHAPTBR XXXIIL H W Mis* Hetherlntgon wag hastening te confront Caussidiere, Marjo* rie. with her child; was walking wearil y through the s t m t s ef Paris. As the daylight faded away the coldhad Increased; the snow was falling heavily, soaking her through and through. Suddenly she remembered what the milk-woman had told her; she would go to the English am haasador--perhape he would give her relief and enable her to get home. She paused once or twice te ask her way, but she eould get no answer. She was nothing more then a street wall, and was accordingly thrust aside ae such. At last a little gamin gave her the information she asked. The place she sought was three miles off. Three miles! She was footsore and faint; she had not a sou in her pocket; and her child was fainting with col* and hunger. It seemed to her that her last hope had gone. Then she suddenly remembered that a certain Miss Dove, a wealthy Bug* lish woman, had founded a home In Paris for her destitute countrywomen. She knew the address, it was nearer than the British Embassy. She dragged herself and child to it. She had just sufficient strength left to ring the bell, when she sank fainting on the threshold of the door. When Marjorie again opened her eyes she was lying in a strange bed. still bending above her. "Where am I?" she cried, starting up; and then she looked around for her child. A cold hand was laid upon her feverishly burning forehead, an4 she was gently laid back upon her pillow. "The child is quite safe," said a lowr sweet voice. "We have put him in a cot, and he la sleeping; try £o sleep, too, and when you waken you will be stronger, and you shall have the little boy." Marjorie closed her eyes and moaned, and soon fell into a heavy, feverish. sleep. Having seized her system, the fever kept its burning hold, and for many days the mistress of the house thought that Marjorie would die; but fortunate-' ly her constitution was strong; shepassed through the ordeal, and one day she opened her eyes on what seemed to> "her a new world For a time she lay quietly looklmr about her, without a movement and without a word. The room in which she lay was- small, but prettily fitted up. There7 were crucifixes on the wall, and dimity curtains to the bed and the windows; through the diamond panes the sun was faintly shining; a cosy fire filled the grate; on the hearth sat a woman, evidently a nurse; while on the hearth-rug was little Leon, quiet as a mouse, and with his lap full of toys. Madame!" he exclaimed in French, say MademulgeTle~~Hetnertngton?" "Yes," she returned quietly, in the uame tongue, "Miss Hetherington. I have come to you, villain that you «««fo/ my child!" "Your child?" "Ay, my daughter, my Marjorie! Where is she, tell me?" By this time Caussidiere had recovered from his surprise. He was still rather frightened, but he conquered himself sufficiently to shrug his shoulders, sneer and reply: It wss so dreamy and so peaceful "Really, madame, or mademoiselle, your violence is unnecessary. I know that she could just hear the murmur of nothing of your daughter; she left me life outside, and the faint crackling of of her own free will, and I request you the fire on the hearth—that was all. to leave my house." She lay for a time watching the two But the old lady stood firm. figures as in a vision; then the mem"I will not stir," she exclaimed, "un- ory of all that had panted came back til I have my Marjorie. You took her upon her, and she sobbed. In a mofrom her home, and brought her here. ment the woman rose and came over What have you done with her? If to her, while little Leon ran to the harm has come to her through you, bedside, and took her thin, white hand. look to yourself." "Mamma," he said, "dont cry!" The Frenchman's face grew livid; he For in spite of herself Marjorie felt made one step toward her, then he the tears coursing down her cheeksv drew back. The nurse said nothing. She smoothed "Leave my house," he said, pointing back the hair from her forehead, end to the door; "the person of whom you quietly waited until the invalid's grief speak is nothing to me." had passed away. "It is false; she is your wife." Then she said gently: "She is not my wife! she was my "Do not grieve, madam. The mistress, nothing more!" of your illness is over. Ten will Scarcely had the words passed his wcll.M lips when the Frenchman felt himself "Have I been Tory HIT- ashed seised by the throat, and violently jorie, faintly. hurled upon the ground. He leaped to Tea, Tory ill. We thought that yew his feet again, and once more felt would die," Sutherland's hard hands gripping his "And you have nursed and yen, have throat "Coward as well as liar," cried the young Scotchman; "retract what eaved me? Oh! yon are wary good! you have said, or, by God! I'll strangle Who—who are you where am I f you!" "You ere asvmgot fiiende. Thin The Frenchman said nothing, but he house hi the home ef every one who struggled hard to free himself from the needs a home, it tTlranu to lues Esother's fierce clutch, while Miss Heth- ther Dore. It was she who found you erington stood grimly looking on. faint*n»T on our door«nton. and took Presently Caussidiere shook himself you in. When you fell into a fever she free, and sank exhausted into a chair. nave you into my charge. I am one "You villain!" he hissed; "you shall ef the nurses.** suffer for this. I will seek police proSheftdded,fjdetly: tection. I will have you cast into There, do not ask me more quesprison. Yes, you shall utterly rue the tions, fsr you are weak, end must he day when yon dared to lay a finger very cerefuL Take this, and then. *t upon me." you wtU promise to soothe yourself, . But Sutherland paid no heed., FtneV the little boy shall stay ing that in reality Caussidiere knew en while yen sleep." little of Marjories whereabouts as As Marjorie took the food that knew himself, he at last persuaded < fef** to her, and the promise reMiss Hetherington to leave the eniret. Indeed, as* stlt'tos 'iCaV /r*r They drove to the prefect of to set some inquiries on foot; then they (TOMoanh^untte / / mmmm r»^-i mm ikmm^mMm^MMi^MMm - f i. y -» #:.** :.^ .. . . # - i -•,<• - - 0 .;.s ,. o,< ••'•V.- 4 .*, .;$>***<*) ••m* *V*>W' V>'Y.'f, w& -,^ A •: , ^ / - 5*r ^ 1 '4•V mtmmm - y y y ^ t * ! ' ' ' 'i i.i*"1 'y > " •%.i i<i ,i nii» 11 «*MW4ffp mm***** ^J» !••• i I " avgarifta law ^aaswl by the last legiaUtvre says: "The inspector* I t Xi. Watson ha* a new bike. of toe 4epartmeut have esnured Mrs. Mary Secor and grandson, I. s t a p l e * of the; oleomargarine sold] c i e v e *penlTBw<^, iiT & n a v i l k M^S^WOile Social, sqrros,, ; : pv' f. U,AHORCWS, 1 by e?ery retail dealer in Michigan Ralph Ghipma* and wife were, " TT. .w at but ap fai% „ V e have 4eemed it pleasant oaliers at Mrs. A. E ^•,M$^v.;i& *i& TBJJftft ; tfraadTruik EftUwar »y»t*iu. best to majw but few proseoutioua Wataon'aon Saturday laafcf ' •Bpapgggag^U^UJJUiJlAl^-i-^-Jlil.M •v V*. ontficleoi D e t w i i TOe ftrat l o t Anrlv«lM4 r)ep»nure ni TndM »t Plodkuay. * T l i r a , ©fi^lBttin* visited her pa* ••*-.sr-'< f f samples secured frcfla Detroit .MfptWB^JNft. A*. Lv, re»ts> A* B, Farpng^n, ajid wif^ dealers p r o v ^ t o have been colore d in each caae> andi proaecutiona on Friday and Saturday last. V Qnite a number from hare at* 1 ,. ' ^ '" JPomUw Detroit—Gd, Kapid* were begun against all d e f e r s . Tb* opposition that has been met tended the suit iu Howsll of Fred w\ta is wortay of mention, There Montague fof criminal paaeless- Mualul ««d Ut«#»sr f m r p U ' . '^.BSfiSBSRar' *"' *: ^ * "J. k\ alV is found opposed to* t h e enforce- nesa. After,a thorough ttial, lastThe Commercial Hotels* How- i * e n t o f t h * W w an apparent eou- ing three or^ fonir d a ^ - ^ f « a ^V' AiiFCmiu<WBraC8: '•'<:'•• y )'-'''S;l''\' '\^: ell changed hajida last week; John certed action on the part of s l l couvioted ^ ^ ^ ''•""'•' in.a^flwisjoHwsAvapo^iAe >#" lu»w (Ml Itanida aad Gd H»Nfr? t*.«»» eJepmargsHne maftufaotnrerai» and '•• We are glad to inform the read* K«pld» «d 1UV»B Cbicatfo * . . MiJIp m tfcat Theajet 6t Lofrili tejkfug charge. pending ease* in the i > e k o i t era of the pwwm^ fMUMir U4 K»Piaa MUi»plM| ic- '. ft?! P « He $ h e ee&etarf of atate ifr after conrts are defended openly b y a dore Lane is again with na, 9v Tort»tmtlooitip^<ilM«r»oUx,, " x»ns«fi»o<icitt»«4». .v' mw»» ; has been in New York City in the firm of Ohio lawyers with the asthose clergy men end josticea U ,>> peace ^rbo do not make prompt sistance of the beat local counsel post office-department for nearly General invitation to all. ^ ;' ^ ii M»V« ftfWOit Vf4 W ^ » « f ,',; • *. ; ;_^~ f. •T' 1 six months. obtainable.; Incidentally in. t h e i r Spatial invitation t o old soldiers. tetum of all mftrrk^ea wlUoh tt»y't Btta»i^New V0r^ A Toronto Moot^it Come armed an4 equipped. K> sx>mmhijj&,>S4i4 IwB notified county" defense they attack t h e constituna,«o<m London Ezprm / ANO8R6QN. fct»k>NewYort*Eat clerks' to Inform the gentlemen tionally of the* law, the strength B y Order of Committee. JtM a n taiin biaalMping DMroii to Now •The following i s '4fce program of the prosecution's testimony* that prosecution wilt follow for wmmmmmm -Yorfcaad Boatoo. _ 1»,*0 aooa v w w pariot neglect of thcrlT/^ll^^l^moj^i. and, in fact, present anything which Will be rendered at the , Tb« O r « » l M l W w w » r r S masquerade social at the home of which will.avail them in what is Wijj, Repine, editor Tiskilwa, 111., It may not foe known ttafc each W. J. BtjicK, Af*< Ptaokoey Mlcbc .'V"'v.:v H pubUe school ie/eniiijsd to a copy unquestionably their main object Chas. Hoff on, Friday evening of 0biaf'sayas:^Ws won't keep hoojs W. B. D A W • * K. H. ftootoe, .. \* this week: Mo«i«{i.ao«. without Dr. Ktn«V New DiMovsry of the Michigan Manuel or Bed —to put off as long as possible a Bjwrfwwsa.ii, TW. Paao. Agt., Detroit Mitt*, ,;|,;.' .,¾ •;''''' > Orchestra. for Consumption, Coughs and Cold*. final decision. Every device and Book, bft BUC^ is the tncfc The Nettie Coleman. Experimented with many others, bat yVocal Sols, 3frfc-\- distribution. in the 'I oonn^r it trick known to courts of law have Recitation, Ethel Sprout. never got tbe trus remedy until we through the School Commission* been and are employed to prevent KitUe Hoff. osed«Dr. King's New T)iwovery. No Vocal Solo, , the departments securing a con er.' . . T n e - - - b p * ; » ; W i i * W i i ^ Imrurosnial, Florence Marble. other remedy can take its place in struetion of the law by our higher be of great value to every 1&ac]jier HrW»ior Orchestra, our borne, as in it wa hare a sure wholstea^hln^A,X,0^ sennre ihft Vooal Solo,— Prank (!<>|ayn^n. mr* fnr ConebB. Colds. Whooping Emtb Wood. Cough, etQ. It is idle to eipenment It4ooka;as if the proceedings of binding over of the defendanj» in lastromeatal, t h e first cases started, we were . Vocsl Solo, Florence Msrblt, with other remedies, even if tbey are the board of supervisors at their ''Or'.*.' 'forced to submit to an adjourn- Mosic, Orebestrs. urged on you as joet »• good. Tbey late meeting would not be publishm e n t The Department inspectare not as good, because this remedy ed in supplement form by the var^ lUtRU-'l --v/STWOt VHlf AN© ACTIV» ors are still engaged in'obtaining ious papers o& the Qpy&fy* V The W geutlem'- op ladle* '•> travtl tot r^tftonm has a record of cures ^snd; besides is ^:--.¾ ne^jae^^Vyand we have at this guaranteed. It never fails to satisfy. price voted by the board was not •QB. 0 O *ad *xiwti9«. Tos-iWou tteady. BttaniMI time a large number of cases Trial bottles free at F. A. fiiglsr-s sufficient to pay for the work^* •V . which; will be pushed to trial as Drugstore. ft? Stockbridge Sun. This is only soon* as t h e situation will allow, 11 11 case where the state and county "*£"* 2™. " Tys " H 0 iy that tbafc on' account A TS AH FOB.. • . . . . » want something fo* nothing. ***** * » of some criticism that has been v* An enthusiastic member cf t h e offered againfit the Department 1 Philadelphia chnrch has just con- indicating that proper energy The subscription price of DemorB"' ^ tributed $1 to the chnrch on his wan not employed, h e deemed i t est's is reduced to 11.00 a year. ; birthday, pledging himself to best t o let the people of Michigan /^:<r doable the amount on each an- know, the exact status of affairs, niversary of bis birth for the rest and to understand the obstacles ^ ®& of his lire. U he keeps his pledge standing^in^thV way of ar^B] r« 0um m ^mmmmvm~rmmr and livea lppg enough, the church enforcement of the an^i-color law Popular route fot A»« ,Arba,r, Tdr»«SJ#a 31 acaxlwe^ Although (I girt* tb» veqr >«tMt DOOM M S tonic* AMfaiou e»ch m&sth; thU la only OM of M » mnr ••IvcU* ftMtr ledossd points East. Sontb wxj for will have plenty of money, for the as wall as the power, an^^reaonrarts. It hM Mmethlng for each m«nb«r of UM tamUy. -for 9Wtj lloweil, Owowo, Aimt, Mt Plea>sut, J amonni: of , his offering on his ces otrthn oLeomaj^apnef manud«f>«rtm»at of tb* bouwhold, and it s vfrled ooatoad votik* W*bo«i OadUlac, ilaoiste*. Traversa pity ajed gr*d*,makiiigU,pe»*«lneatly(Tfc#I'»j»ilr « • « « « * « • m* i*m points in Norjtuj*r«sters Xichi^an. birthday twenty-five years hence factures, who are/puUi^«>^fl^ *he W M - 1 4 . . U tarniabm th« boat dionsbl* Of tb« n o * Utomttng f»4 W. H. ^wrastT, defense. \ J iwiJi be $16,777,216. most prograulTO writer* of tfce d*y, WM) to tbroMt of tW ilxaoa 1* ;0. P» A^ toisdo. over/tbing-ATi, Utwatur*. Sd»oc*p Soolefy Affair*, FlcUo«, m«a»:; Many people appear to think an The attention ofsnatiufacturers bold MstVca, 8porto, etc.,—»tiaKle auobor frtquraUy oonUinlajt from edk^i^ajnindrsader. They and and dealers is called to the fact S08 to S90ftae«D«r»rla««, making It tko MOST COMPLETE AND MOST so visas* PBOFTJaELYIIXU«TBATKDo(Uw«»SlKA'r JHOMTHX.IBS. their friends come and go, or that the l&w prohibits the sale of 'M there to awne other item of news any imitation or artificial extract, WAJ tuttmSof flMt «i<mUt»wi la any otlxc pabSoHoSo SaUKrtb>r. of which they newer tell the edi- and that they should take them er« ace^medMdi ttoatb to pUtera*. oftibelata** fatkloas la woauw't attlro rt—c—t f thcsa otter tfcaa tau aicoimry far ooa»a» aSd tor and yet they look in the paper off the market place at once, as ' ."i wtappinf. for a mention,of it and feel'that delays are sometimes dangerous. a we:have slighted them when they ncsioNs, Cheese and Creamery Inspector OO^VHtOHTS h»Fe slighted themselves. The Haven reports having visited six„ _ajfcee«band**08cip*lon man or womjen who tells the edi- teen cheese factories and fifteen thaa * yoar'a aabMtrlptioa to DatSuaraaPa Stamavahaa c « n S# a> M « . aaoartabo.fiat;wawttiet «a (otanttoa By aubauibtag 4T itiil. OMoifaaoB«yi?r liDOrtoa. We bawa. a tor or sends a note to the office qr creameries during the month. Of OKCE yoneaa got tbe Kafasiooat tbo cadaoai prio»; and will alao receive tbo band*o*M X^aat nto M**U tiuovwb Maaa XmaiMftmaerwiUiUbolmtt/uIpaaolpiotw»»oppfem«at, Bsxait4iMhf rooaey 4>r*ur, mgtoI aottoe in tao drops a line in the post-office the cheese factories, 9 are report- iexedUUovirebotktotbo &CIENT1FI0 AMIIIMI, item box, giving him a. news item, ed in good condition, 4 fair and 3 DBM0HB8T PUBLISttlNG CO., 110 Filth Ave., New York <3itjr. always has a warm place in the bad. Of the creameries, U/ good, Sjewspaper man's/ heart If yon 2 extra good and 2 fair. The 16 ««i^H«psw«». sS;^«a. cannot bead the item to 'the edU cheese factories have 834 patrons t o ^ h ^ a i ^ ^ ^ p a e of t^e oorres- s a d use 47,900 pounds of milk daily- The IS ereameriea have 'iWjtjaiiljj Ws |Mna1 made arrangements with tbs pmWisbera 1,589 patrons and. use .68,2000 1 '' -to ofter : • -- '•:" ', p o i n d s of milk daily. The report ', Psilrrtfa TT da.. The October .bulletin of the pi Patry Inspector Barron s b o v * Dairy a«d Pood Depefteeat, jnsi tfeat 41 dairies have b e e s visited Cougb-cur*. the most prpaapt and issued^ oomes oot plain and sits during the month i n and near tbe following cities: elective remedy for diseases of the - ^ ' dosrn hard on the Bed CrossTAJS*. -, ^. .. • « 7 1 ^ 1 . throat and bugs, is Ayer's Cherry ' ^«,0^^^—^#«i^ T ^ I I A Jaesaomt, Shelby. WbOtaker, Pectoral As an emergency mextt- ' \ t f ^ ^ S ^ ' ^ B^riTc«^a»er,tidiBgta^ DISPATCH cine,forthecaaeot ••$*" ' | b » t ^ i n g t 0 a ^ their wwegar to j g ^ p r t «|ioHi Trsrene City, Croup* Bore Tbro«4 ;. • dealer of A i s state wsicfa d ^ jBUk Bapio^ EeHaire s M Maaoe-l Ltmg fever and. \ .. ***-. l i o t i ^ thA*aq,uj^^ The cowa were found to Whooping Cona^M-', sis>efiarlaw. Letters a^epttbHah. **? »e»eBai^r CvV •Railroad Guide; W l i a i I . i i p •npina* $ * • . • s*- • * - . : I' >MI' i,"*-' >!'•>, ••:*•>•?•. * < 'ft'" r \ • • < •,(••< DEM0RESTS FAHU.Y MAGAZINE. t ";<.'• f\ *j * * ' . > • : No Better Christmas Gift * - :. ' J .. _ • ^ ' - - . . . . _ _ . . . . . . . . _ . _' A BABGAIN FOE OUB READERS. Tbe Michigan Farmer . * • ' • The Fuiclmey A'.f - * » • ' , ' • • ' ': . • ' ' - • • " •'"• '*., '' ' '' ; • • ' , • ' ' ' • • BOTH 0«£ YEAB FOR ONtY $J.M. *••: i* Detroit, Mifife,. is > ' taan^f the Dairy ,as«I JBVx4 De- p ^ , . . water sup^y . g s o I T t w o weekly ag rssoitarai and pittpsjrt^ During t t * in eaary way a jpaaTea ieadfaje ^se of tbe wast. t o be pore apple vinegar. Tbe the month, State Anabwt Borra- assaa Jaftrasl F o o * Ooaaalieaioaet sbows that daile exasmjaed 52 sample* «f iood ticslejkd sMslat faper tar ths fsrsser sod his lastily, bsimr wfiWaa and as it is, by aassa *A the .most seeoessfei sad, stasssnoiit ssnassa of *he THE MICHIGAN FARME •«• <•-'•; 9 ^stti* ^ r ^^^^^^ a: It is tas offioisi organ of the Grange and Pstsseri CInbg. D^aferseBew*r»edby tbe Poen- g a i ^ - " , -'^-v^ $$** addessrta the ps&ishers fior a fra« asmpttT oopy. ~ -1k mMonex act to be tound witb; ; :^ XSSiTieal " anch vinegar itt |3kek possessio», ^ nllTOoesMir y (ex^tiitars of time issMwigbets«esrfortb« PsjftMBB •loee, tor i«« tben flXK). ' svnd givas Masons why anon con*' and SJSMHS; way t>e «*wd if yon will oerns witiiout the state csauaot be only keep a bottle of Dr. Cadweils ~~~^.U~A -»A fi,^* ^ ™«*f *w^. ^yup repm» w the house, tfiseprosecttted, and that it moat n e e tenth, ef aJiordinarv sickness i» from 444r*wan orders «0 essairly throw the burden upon tbe stomach; keep that organ is pro^ the dealers within tfee state. condition and all wiM b« well, ftyrnp TK,> r ^ m U ^ B * * ;» ar>**3r;nc» Fspsin waspssiis.- Trisi siss bottks -HiThe Commiaaioner, m apeaiunK I0c, lar^ s2ssi«s and I I ^of W. B. ««tbe sojrioaUad anU-ooior oleom- Dsrrow. 1 SUBSCEOpS NOW, Pinckuey, Mich. CTierry Pectoral cannot he equaled. E, M. BawkWLXY, X>.X>., Die. Sec. of the American Baptist Publishing Society, Petersburg, Ta^ endorses it, as a cure for violent aakls, broncbitis. e t c Dr. Brawley 14 t o all ministers suffering fis»tfc«ast trouble, 1 rscommead SYER-S Cherry PectorS Awartai Sssal at Vacll* Vsk. —• • • - 1 - r • -i 1 \mm — AVES^Ih\UCsAla«isiSloaMli'taSB^a> •»'•# 3 ^ * * : ) : ^ ¾ ^ :?': :^"; ^ ¾ ¾ >7. ^3F tf'W %w ,; ''Tjfr'"^!! .'•<W "V). -if. >"». ,•> .-"i. 1 *«"(*• . , I •!»•»> r i || 3C —fT l.^iii'Wii injiIn r Ifcrn, to Henry Gardner and wjtfa» a. r^mfm 7T nr^- 55 T * mm "%».•• mmxuflmt ' , " " * ! & ' • •»;••!. • II » SP i Local Di«^Rtc^a»y mmmmm * I. i Haw to Care Wiltons Colle. boy. ' ' : r •, \ V ••*?•'• '"'• :' r ' ' I wxSeteA for weeka with colic T\»- iii-'at;8arvH In the y^ti* pt It u (gtkU ug m$t tax time, utHjlnn'sinH, ftores, ulcers, wilt rheum, Earl Mans, i s working with the teland pains in my atowach caused ; ev*jr yow'** totter, -harmed bands,chill ephone gang. :• '•••-'^ ••-' . at fleweU. ; It is nearly time for skating, \ ' by biHi^nanea^ and b*& to take flatus, cot-u.% and ail skin eruptions, Miss May me Fish/ wbn has been plenty of rain the past few dajrs., '. paediciDQ all tho while until J tued and positively cures piles or no pay required.. It is guaranteed, to give teaching at Union PUina, i t visiting Hate you got a duck of'*>%(}*? yeif OiMwubwfJaiii^ Coli9, <Jholwh and perfect Katisfaction or money refund< Heard aad Accepted the Beafirt , her parent* near here* • * Jas. Lsinan of Jaokaon wasfetow» Diarrhoea Bemedy which, cured id. Price 25 eajatk par hox> Per s^U W© are pleased to in/oroi our readX the artt/bf, the weak* ; r ' > • T me, I have ainoe recomnjended * T F , A^Siffler. er* that Unas. Campbell, whohaf lf»£ For the bewflt of oirr readers who M The iiitle Japs" took in ever eight it to a good many people. Mrs, quite wok, is able to «ft up. ;'' may not &pd oof'tbe reanit of the dollars at thei|<teatiatwdayaraning. F. Butler, Ffir^hven,Xfeoii. PerA photograph gallery hat been pat roiikooen- at Howell last wee* any aona who are eubiect to Wlliona Born to Chas, Teeple aod. wife on other way, ije clip and re-write fro© Oolio oari war^l og thf attaok by up at Gregory awl an adv. appear* in 1 TbursOajf neniflft last a ten >onnd teking thil remedy agaooB a« th* the Democrat and Bepttblioan a porthe Gregory news. Read it. <; + J : first symptooB appaur, ^ F. "JL Fred Montague, who it will be re-tjion of the repsrtf '•'"'.''*_•" V;/-"^' ."'/.• Sigler. . •*,?:• .:;,••' - - . inembered, that his stepfather, Albert , Aboutfiftyor »Uty of the patrons Edwift Pajrks ^f Waterloo, was tha Wilson ot Iosco, last spring, wag con- of the milk factory met at the court guest ef 4, A; qadwell the lai* of last ^*^*j*^*^*fflffffg?T!tW£ff*|S OwfwtskadTnd* lUri^ obtained and «11 fat* ;-: ».••_ *; ' V . - v . ttbu«in«we^adaoteaforMedWate ref*. w - ... „ victed of criminal carelessness in thehouse Tneeday afternoon, Nov. 0, toW f f P * ' ,: fiend model, drawing or phflto. W e a d " » « ?..<•'V* vtr listen lio the ?flfoifit # j^^mmttt* JSexiThnrsday is Thankagivlog, 0 « circuit court of this county last week', $fc StontiiiMcuxed. A Pamphlet "Bow to Ob; He bai not a» yet received his sen* appointed at the last meeting to meet eajra ^ Proclamation of Governor : £aaXwi«DU." with cott ut same l a the w . r with tj»e comnany and ti^ and estab- Fingre*. r . , - - • ^ v ; > , ; - ' : ' ^ ' < . -'I' Wif the v undersigiied, • fc. hernby iuflft»wilcn nrmmTkiiHi' -'•-•* Addtftnaj i.>i ,f *' C. A. SNOW & CO. J lish nrices for the year 1898. Owing /„.'Fiw4k W e w and family ,pt ^ioejp' agree th re^ad tl^i m«awy *>* *w»> ii;4-M , * Oh Saturday evening la*t as G, V. py the bad weather,, tbe attendance bridge were guests of tbeir ^jarente in 3ftoan* bottles of OexterV Mandrake Orw, fAtCMT Orn«f. W a S M t a o W l j O ^ C j ft »»^^»w^%ia»»wa'<'»**»w»w***»»*^»^** * Van Winkle and wile were on their was not as htrge as at the last' meet- thil village 8w4»yi ^ vJ V • Bittefs, if !t fails to cure eonstipationv m way ta Howrell, they met Gland Hause, Geo. fieason Jr. was in Jackson on bUBoTOness, sick beadaoha or any of and la the darkness they ran into r H, E^Beed snake first for the comsrsw 5BT Saturday last on busineif lor the Me tht f#im ttr whjci i|ifr#flomme^d^ J each other and hortei and bqjrgiea n«m smrm mitfcfe; He djewribed t h t meetings :Co?JHi<jg Machine Qo; 'vi ^ ;•• < .* '' ?}j y came ba41y< ^ 1 ^ ^ . 2 ^ ^ 0 1 5 ^ . . ^ #4 ?^» ajao guarantte jone bottle fa and work of the cwnnjiUeein their atAct eA.awaw prindpja-. ' # / > one was injured m U ^ f ^'r^sen^t !/K|Miit, «difcb ^aahe;4 r |^Jerv|Wef pi^vtaatisfa^orv ar money >^nna>i zegolftte the liver, swuam -! tempts to learo. something as to tow end buw«J* ftoxAtgh te* '/ > was the gnest o f friends and relatives son* what damaged tuna. 5c. MuJMr Paul . s • »•>' " V •;.!•. A » r 8 i # « n i i " conitiotts.and profits of condensrtti? at tbis place this week, milk,. After * ewfsrenne vwith Sir* Subscribe for the Our-up*.1 35 ifc»-.. ¢.5^. t e e that a4v. of % H. Reason'f Gregory the committee decided to t Raekett Store did read'a little queer send twe memtiere, Norton and -Reed to lay the^waiter beforei Ml,: Smith, but everyone read it just the same. Sold b y F ; A. Slelsf . to H M H Ptaeaaa, ©tired h f Have you .borrowed this copy of the F P 4 N K ; L. ANDREWS president of the company, at Detroit. ... ^ .^, . . _ J&wYV Norton reported the results DIBPATCR? That is a shame when yon aabeoriptloa Price f i l » Advenes ot the oonferenee in Detroit with can get it until Jan. 1, 1899' for only lateres at ib« Poetofl«e U inac^aw, Mewrs Smith And Gregory. A steu- •14K1. ograpber took down the remarks, of The Misses Sadie Poxin of, Lansing A&ftztiMinti*^*i»d0)u»wn&m#Bm}tUt^ each oae present, covering over twen> and Janie tfankerd of Pleasant Lake, Cante, $440 per y«sr. Death aod autfriiga nottc—pebtUhed ttmt. ty mages ol type written .ppy. After werfe guests of Miss tela Monks over AjummcMMot* ot •atemlnnentama; a» paid for; ir,Itd—liad, by pyeaaatlngtaa dfliceirllht' witoUcS^ a foil and free oonlereuoe- Mr. Smith Sunday. *t» of rimUmian. l a CAM Uckst* MT« auibceoailt to the offlet, regiUar n t e a will ke cb*x*»d< said he would make the January milk Owing to. an' extra amount of job All^matter la local aotiee coht»a «U1 )»• chare $1.20 and if they could possibly do sowork on the day of issuing onr laat •d at5 ofata par U M or fr actio* thareof, toratc btaartloa. ^htr*no Un»«i#»p«iiUKl, »11 aotiea oon inae the price through Jfebfuary, paper, several typographical errors 0?NTlfMEH5ANp baet Jauoary the price weir §141». Mr f appeared.^ g f f * g » » •••"aihf • * hww» .*»te*wttoathe Smith and Mr. Ckegory also promisJay Wilcox of Leslie spent the past ed to do all they could for the milk J09 rXIAtTXQ/ week here and his grandfather WmV PRICE ^5« •:.' BLACK, TAX, foaUtt«hraa«a*a,aaposiattr. W«aareaUkiiKls producers. Strong competition has aadtt» laus^ftrlaa o f T n a , r«ta, whi«h .aaablas 6Il££N«ner cut dow* the^rioa-of condensed milk^ Wjlcox, returned with him Monday M t o exeouu all k j ^ #VwirV»uch MKook*, ^ 1 4 Metc,? in ^ There ire signs that the, price may ad- for a low days visit. SSlon •apertoratrlea.apoataa . TWsVw'tewft.av,* vance. It so th» price to farmers will Arthur Swartbout fellfromthe owaifo«d«rprkuab«aoa*. "riser^ "~ '<• :""": "^ • --7--horse be was riding on Friday last &x. BiLLieATAmix M M T a* hr^at a»vTa. Jlrl/ftntartcfr' aad maUaleotaMr of ..-»a bold a abidetara^ we**, and raid * • * •fibntte*fts*«*^WHfflfl«*eeOonpUaj^ Tbe qneatiion o l sending back milk and loaf a couple of teeth besides getmil aot &{^ti it a HiaaS PotiMu p«t «p la ww * t « of Dr. Miks-Heart Cur*. "Twoye*^ was discuaeed^ Mr. Hmitb said if the ting bruised quite bsdJy. >-j«r9 Ix tiles, ep ~asod ia neat cartoae,aad makaa THE VILUGE DIRECTORY. AgeftaattaefceC I^aonape left • » with a producers would call Mr. Gregory'* . ^-4 show in the fMckago and da the aboe« Prof. Stephen Durfee and family ^ = ? wea* fc**rV 14*0 *u» down lAftesftto i:u oicest thbig a« the caaaejaS <ar LAJ>1£J^ in^ekia^ewa^naT I c o o ^ the cans, i t spent Sunday with friends in FowlerVILLAGE OFFICERS.. ANO (jaNTLEMKhC* |>INc> JNO0# ANft P&Sfiaurr.. ~~.~...._..,,. Claada Lv ajgiar. ^ATHTrr LEATHER dovntor«nwaheftn««pell*; trwjoent wouM be looked after. The eommit viile. Mr. DArrea took in the teaober's Taoanus, Geo. ^aasog Jr„ W. £ . Marphr, PTQ. darttag patne and palpitation cansed » eon* tjtf had prwAt ot one faftflry in tf«w ^f' Jao»K>B. r. J, Wrisbt, H.i^otva. fcroiva.Cqh14iirimm, . ftrtma*. £.tf. j Mf^'na Witt not fatten, -association at Howell on Saturday. ~ Ouiaa «.. sbt, fi. jtei^t fwr of awWai' ilwiaki netJrtng-fmM T»«iiroaa*.y.~^..... M ..... .....*»..J- A.^'adwigi ia4oe» « • eeiemais away ffom home o?e» Tork paying 11.20 and another about feeaaeere "Once a Vsaa** gaiae Shoe roUs% A fine boy came to the home of Mr. night. My local phyitofan preecHb^l Qr. hire e**» less. The. committee also S n i p n po»uu«aio«aa..."...,..,.... ... 4 , jfoak* Mlie^H«aMCai«aa4ltt a fewdays 1 ww and Mrs. M. E. Fobey Monday night, avowed that the factory when short of able to sleep well aad the palne HKAIAHjUrncaK.-. . . ^ . . . . . ...,.pr.IL F.Stalar;leeseroii, andflnaUyceaaed. I redacad the milt paid prieee outside that brought and Mike says he will keep him asi # e w « T . . . . » ...A.._«...A,.^.„.^.lp. -dOarr. iaedoeea) hairing gainedfifteenpound* and Long as he can, and do well by him. aaa now feeHng batter in eve*y way than I the milk up to $1.27, Mr.Qifke read CHUHCHEB. m*w9tor year*.** an extrget from the Evening News The Bell Telephone Co*, have been Dr. Mller* Stetfedies working in this vicinity tbe past week h f £T£M>Pi»T SHtSCOPAL CKVROV. c which showed the product of the Howare to*4 by an drua> in UsT, W. 71 WaUafia peatdr. aerriaaa ararjr ell factory was the second best on theputting in a metallic circuit and aadadagr aorainx at Wflv, aad eveaySaodar gi«u OAAMT a posiUTa awaaing at TrOOo'cloaav Piamraaa«it|actha«a> new switch boari in the office at diggoftrantea, ftiat hoitte market and was on sale in foreign dajavealsva. aaaday aefcool at doaa M aaaira ienestssw caooey reler's Drug Store. lagaernca. F. L.Aodrfar*,aapt. . ^ - . . arantrteeas well as here. , fnndML But* <» diseases ot the heart and , F. **. Mujueo presented the fol- The Ladies of the Maccabees have iTONL*a*«AfWKXL CHUaOal. . aarroatre*. Addreea, io wing resolotion* which was passed*. secured fine spreads for tbe altar ta- V l a v . C 8. Joaaa. aaator.' narrUh awry wboralag at | S S i aadt eTwy 8aadar Resolved that we, tbe Livingston bles and station desks in the KOT5I aoadajr •vaaiaar at7.ic7sl9eat. Prt»a7nu»*tin<tta»«a?==9BW#B*-!»5B»*B^p=9e^^ araaiaga. athoelat aktaaofiaoraDairy Association, accept i n g«od ball, that add very much to the ap-day ia4a**»*©». h J, »VX. Grlaaaa, 8Mb •*«**h">** MMHM »-«^iiaHiewawaMMM THE WHEEL OF WHERUL faith the assurances of the Michigan pearance of the room. They should K2. gar^H. J. Goaunarford, Paator. Sartioaa gsatU— ii «r JaAtes w isw Condensed Milk Company, l o retem have the thanks ol every member. •vary third bwadaj. Um XQaaaatTaro'ciocfc. to the original prices of milk and we hltidiataaawltaaarBumat a;36a SL. Catechiaia ftawtloa agcee to*snstaia them while they deal ^be three-year old boy of J. A. aadtSUp, nu»^aparaaaahoaodleOoaat7:S»p.a*. ^-.y fairly with ua. Johtiaon of Lynn Center, III, i s SOCIETIES A com mi tie to draft a constitution subject to attacks ol croup. Mr. THCCARLjS££an<lgat4H 35= and hy-lawe Was appointed: C, D.Johnson aays he ia satiafied that na A. O. H. bocaaty aftateplaea.aiaaSawaar* fa ^ p«. w«FFtr« AnaM^f. W. Mnnson, Dr. ftmatiag- this timely use of ChambhrlaiirV third haada/ i a taw ft. Maathaw 'mET n*" rrrtaiBti ton. The society then adjourned to Cough Bamedy, daring ,n severe C, & Jlaatfasa held aranr eseet a i tha call of the president. nchaaahat&Ma'alodE attack gaygd big little b^ys Ufa He ie in the drug bomneas, a p P W O i r r * LKAOVeV - w a s arary saw ;• A C M ' I!^*ati**ttt^a«aac*laaa*M^B.oiarck. aordlal iBviaatioatoaxtaaaat taaaerroaa, It eerteinly looks like i\ oat there member of tbe firm of Johnson daily yo«a«;»imrta Wm ~ is realty * e tn«k about it. Anybody J3waa. of thai plaee and they handranter Spwarth can |ry it who a*s lagae back and le a great m o y patent rnodicinea aaa at am lavhed. fortiiteoialavsd- iutg dUaea»eg. H e n i a t fiW^Veaghfc l facwjMee, We m«aa he can core him- bad aH these to chooae frxjes, and' iaC.T.A.andB, aatftaijr •ftldapaaaa, aeif right asray by t a a W etectrie hit- gkjlled phyaiciang ready ho •varyHard Sataxoay evaadMITtaa*tl 7oaai3^na!>«a«3L»C UT% This aae4icin« tones up theapoad to his call, bat aeleoted thaw Hall. KWHTS OF MAOCABSSS. w^ole system ,dhcts as a stimuialt 4o thia reaaedy for nee in his own JSaatararr Vrtday eveaia< oa « t aafaaw faft the atooa at tfcebr hatt i a aha Sam Um tirex and kidneys, is a Wood puri- family at tbe time when nia ebilda oardiagrtaaMa fier and nerve tewta. It cares Ooewti- life; wag in danger, becauae be an. ttftr Wahrht natiosi. Beadaelm. Faintinai 'Bnetia. knew: ft U W aaijerio* U hp Wng*ton Lodfo, aTaV, » 4 A. M. Kat«*ar Oatataunkataoa !Saaaaar««aaiat, oa or haaaaa flaeepleesness, and. Melancholy. I t is taafaU at theaaaaa. ^ r. a ^ l a V > . X . other, and famoos the oonntry porely vegatahh»i n mild laxative and OF SAsrsasr STAS «Vtf i*« onnea ol cronp. Mr. S i Ireatoraj the syatem Jo its natwal w i g -over ^ ^ ^or ft. tha FrUUyawntatfonwai . _ AAJtf.m< ' Bwethv. Saa. 3Uar Juut\ W. •a if thebeaitseU. •g ' or. IVy dieetric Mgeaxsv aod aw wo||.ji«lwmoai aaya a m i e s OTTrJJR _ _ _ . _ . r vinoad that they area sairgole worker. m$ eoogb ^aft(Mrine they luandag, i lat ^adtrd astardaa afcaaa uenth ai «3» •teak as ** K^SlHUmiM. Vfcklaf JKvary hottte guaranteed. Qnly &k A and tavat i t gtveg apiendid jaatiav oardiaUplavWad. —J'--' Jmaa SiaUHLiadr Caaa. 4AM£$ W. FOSTER CO., aUfM,N.H. ho«a^ai V. A ^ ^ l t f s Dr^g 6tP«». • f a e t i « m a l l e a r yfinltl Jay f . KiUHW or t n a LOTaL UUARD .•attnonaa aa.N '-OO W3^SOd *M S3WVT aaeftt aaary A. Sigler. ••• mop,"»« *iin 1¾ ^ui*»r pooi « 0» aa»nimH^ 4t fit Great Cow Xedttcb*. jiwwioiddn aafJaaaaa^ that some people who say they haver It eawes shorticn (aUwk" T t * worst oold t erer had in F, L. AJUaxwa^Oapit Oacu M^teienawewtfiniwreto read patent medicine aafvertisfwwntg m y life was cured b y Chamber- 1 j uili,!, = r imt,Hi. sii u 1 1'« jWawcey, tiawsttpaxi soccCA*l>fML will he found lugging noam every lain'e Cough Kemedy writes 1? • ffir^^w^ric^mila? a e w a a d t h e n a h o t U e o f sasae faaojv-ft Norton, of Satte* Crapg, Cal H.f.siottR at-aAuaiatsaat.o' ite remedy of tbwrt We den i:bother **Thia oord left m e with a council „fc DRS. S1GLER & S p l B . •wiavraS •wwrjjPWf 4,vOnHl f»or was- expectorating all t h e Phyatotaua aad •itranaae r AS nlpjariiaapHjr you with much reading but just aak and1 I 6, T h e " M r . «°«»d me, and JUajdjd toda^av ^ . OSM. 0 , * * * * « * you to try a 10c trial h^tL. ^r «*r ^ ° r < II* oa. r ^ i - I *•»* Ml of my friends when 1TMaTaeattataVe) a l l ! Cedrell* Syrup fepem for eenatipa- troubled with a oougb or cold to **lf *• w wmwmmmf Ira* ^gn>w9rwMi Uon, indigestion and atomaohtroubias, nmf for \i wiU 4o 0 ¾ good B y DKNTiat-Saatf ThwWtef MaS J^idaf t^miM4^^^^Vmtii>m% j F . Au Siglet. ' J Ogw orar a%tevhs>igSaaas. : ; r • « • % . • : mm •«• W % • • • ' :"'• ' • i j i> - ' . • •.. ' i i t f • : • ' '''"• " ' . " * " . . , • " , •: ' •^fiBa^'ssiiSxsrJtKS'sS 1 PATENTS *. »• '• » • » * ••••V'v *••,-.' <# ..»**•> .'iy';.'' mm *»*T* ' ' ' \ '• — ': MMmv&tFtsii&'x&xZ: '••;•'.•".:•* • • « 'I /..,. V-ff. ' ' ^ • ' MKiijipilyH.fi rmmmmf^mi "^"^ Ki&S -Jr ^ 1 - - ^ - •it WI^HW^ *^ ^^ ^'m^nwmmmtrvmftmmm^ mtfim^^^m^^ BMIIMM mmm " ' » ' ' * * ' " * " »^* • • • - • *i>ll""llllHI lldl H I M . . ..lllM.1 t •li? • 5=C .*** M^«o*<if>>*» M |.^li, tt« av#pl*8 jrs>*em*tWas*JK« * • * • • • » »«»»«««»»» * • • • • • • • N * ^ * * * * * * ^ ^ ^ iff »^JKo*awen * > * > • • ' < i 1 "** ^ • I 1 1>»J in* *j>r»ie* «. » . - . . ^»— . I. , , »li' M >j ,.»!- As*; :• •T^ 1J+<- / • v l • * - THE PERFECT 9 « WHEEL «tAinj4<>«l . r inw • • 1 1 I"" I I I I ' I f " I - I I . • . - i . Kl • » III I ,, I II, . ROYaiTAJSY PIUS **' '' ' " " H * Y T T T ^ " H T "•'• — ^ " T — — ^ — r - n r — i a '•—y-r • ' ' .11 1 > » i . <• •^a^a^Bw^^BWRWhHs^ ^ ^^m^mmm^^^mmmm r*^^m^m THECXRUSLEMFG.CO 1. .r 11 1 j.|_ .1111 n i i i i I, * wW'^^^^p^p • • • ^ ' r ' . * > I . II . . . T ^-^^--•'•-•-' •,,.•.', r-'.^fr*'.'; ! aaBaa^aav^w m^^m^m T L f KOW-KURE, K •aan iiaoA HA ¥«• ^ ^ **= T * " A « j (A 1 llltlffl II • >?!-> u*!***'^'" * * » • - * W« ( »«.»•«,•."•••»-"<• I'WSM'S^MeW1'*" _> i •- • • * -» . * * 4 •- « •' • •s -.• : i;V v i,^'-; .:-.'-:' ' . V-" '••:•. , A/ : • ' •••'• .•'.; .. . •• •• .*• , • >i / • • > , ; . c " ' ••,:'•:•: A*.-.*.-.. > • • • ^ : 1 : 1 . > • ^,^. . . . " • . ' ' j f ' A i i . v V , ^ ^ ^ - . , , , : ^ , " S ' X ' . V | » ' ! ' ' ^ r ; V ' --.v.- A ,-::-:::-, - A A A " - - V V A ;.r'.v * A • ' N ' » ,,.,,<•« , • • . , • , ; : - ^ . ^ , • ; " • ;;:.f-. ;: T :•'•/*• yoi had been compelled to go out and nerai thieves, the people who go and steal, battered a q l hanged at night U sit down and mourn with families and TsaasH you came in without any spoils; and pick their pooketa, And there you Mftsmtr Idaho a*,th« y«fr* U«« WWH.MSW* Uv,If*M »tf% * supppae your early manhood and. find the "confidence men," who borrow DYNAMITE 18 NOW UND&RQUR womanhood ha4 been covered with money of you because they have a The steamer % h q , oj the Western FKJLNK L. AKDUKW*, Publisher* GREAT C1T1B9. _ totyauslt lino,(New York Central) foundrag,i a i d flth, and. deocnt society had dead child in the hois*, and want ! ln turned its bach upon you and left you buxy itTwhen t h V n i v i V T a d a house w 4 , eight fathom* 9*., > \ a t f r / ^ ° . * . MICHIGAN, PINCKNEY, Prom t h e T t s t i "Th« Bear Oat of to consort with vagabonds and wharf- nor a family, or they want to go to * # . off Long Point, in*Lake Brie. Thia.polnt jw,t* oujb Into the lake from th« Wood l>oth W M M It, and th» rata—how much better would you have England and get a large property there QQ northwest, hungry man, and have the Canadian sbjora. aoout 05 wUef WUd B « M « of th» PI«M Ooth been? I have no sympathy with that and they waj|t yon to pay their way, west of Buffalo and its vicinity has yaur meal* brought to you by reinexecutive clemency which, would let and they. wUl send the money back by IHvoar U"—P«»lm« BO » IS. deers. crime run loose, or which would sit In the very next mall. There are the been the soeno of many^diiiaaters. The t^e gaUery pf a court-room weeping "harbor thieves," the "shoplifters," the Idaho, commanded Uy Capt, The Santa GlauB method of transpor* \ Y this homely but because some hard-hearted wretch la "pickpockets," famous all over the lea, of Buffalo, and havlag on board a tatkin will go very well with presents 1 expressive figure, brought to justice; but I do say that cities. Hundreds of them with their erew of 31, all told, left Buffalo laden of provender for the tee-locked Klon- | David seta forth the safety and life Of the community faces in the "Rogues gallery," yet do- wit!b",paakafrfl freight 'fn/J^Ofitaukee; dlkers. .•> the b a d ' i n - demand more potential influences .In ing nothing for the last five or ten A strong southwest gale was blowing t fluences which in behalf of these offenders. —•" years but defraud society and escape a,tthe time and the weather office had Oen. Miles' report shows that he has olden time broke storm signals up for the lake. I stepped Into one of the prisons justice. When these people go unar* pitted up considerable information in upon God's herlCapC CUllies thought he oould rested and unpunished, it la putting a of one of our great oitles, and the air t a g e , a s with about the American army since he re^ weather the gale and headed, straight swine's foot tramp- was like that of the Black Hole of Cal- high premium upon vice, and saying up the'lake. Shortly .after passing turned from abroad. ling, and as with cutta, As the air swept through the to the young criminals of this country, t o n * Point be disuovoved hU mistake awlne'a sn^ut up- wicket It almost knocked me down. No "What a safe thing it Is to be a great and tried to run for shelter. The sea There was nothing in the fervor with rooting the vine- Bunlight. Young men who had com- criminal." Let the law swoop upon was running very high at the time and which the Christians and Friends comWhat was mitted their first crime crowded in them! Let it be known in this coun- In turning the Idaho shipped a big sea| mingled in a joint service in Indian- yards of prosper'ty. among old offenders. I saw there one try that crime will-have no quarter, apolis w indicate that they were spirit- true then 1B true now. There woman, with a child almost blind, who that the detectives are after it, that which quickly quenched the fires, have been enough trees of righteand the boat was helpless fn the {rough ual brethren. ousness planted to overshadow had been arrested for the crime of the police club is being brandished, of the sea. The captain and crew were poverty, who was waiting until the Russell Sage denies that he has been the wbole earth, had it not been for slow law could take her to the alms- that the iron door of the prison Is be- lowering the lifeboat when the seamer invited by the president to organise an the a\e-men who hewed them down, house, where she rightfully belonged; ing opened, that the judge is ready to gave a lurch and went down on her opposition pool to buy in the Union The temple of truth would long ago but she was thrust in there with her call the case! Too great leniency to side, stem first, taking the lifeboat Pacific. When there are a few millions have been completed, had it not been child, amid the most abandoned criminals is too great severity to so- with her. ciety. •• • • Two of the crew, Lewis La Force, to be made Russell is not a stickler for *.he iconoclasts who defaced the wretches of the town. Many of the second mate and Wm. Gill, of RochesIn these American cities, whose cry walls and battered down the pillars. for etiquette. offenders in that prison sleeping on ter, a deckhand, managed to reach the of want I Interpret, there are hundreds The whole earth would have been all the floor, with nothing but a vermintop of a single spar that stood above Even the snail will turn. We refer Eschol of ripened clusters, had it not covered blanket over them. Those and thousands of honest poor who are especially to the Philadelphia Ledger, been tbat "the boar has wasted it and people, crowded, and wan, and wasted, dependent upon individual, city and the water. There the 'clung until which says New Yorkers have become the wild beast of the field devoured it." and half-suffocated, and infuriated. I state charltieB. If all their voices eight hours later, when they were disI propose i& point out to you those &aid to the men, "How do you stand it could come up at once, it would be a covered by the outlook ot» the steamer accustomed to sitting two or threa hours in the Broadway cable cars, whom I consider to be the destructive here?" "God knows," said one man; groan that would shake the founda- Mariposa of the Minnesota line. The waiting for the cable to start *p c'.cspes of society. First, the public "we have to stand it." Oh, they will tions of the city, and bring all earth effort of thostt on board t'n e'Mariposa Icrlmirals. You ought not to be sur- pay you when they get out! Where and heaven to the rescue. But for the to rescue the two men involved the again. prised that these people maKe up a they burned down one house, they will most part it suffers unexpressed. It greatest possible dauber. The sea Was running very higrh and lifeboats could Sarah Bernhardt refused several : large pre portion of many communities. burn three. They will strike tioo^er Bits In silence, gnashing its teeth and not be launched. Lines \vi>re thrown of its own arteries, years ago to play in Berlin because ; In 1SG9, of the forty-nine thousand the assassin's knife. They are this sucking the blood N to the two men, but their arms and i psople who were incarcerated in, the she hated the Germans. Now she wants minute plotting worse burglaries. waiting for the judgment day. Oh, I legs had stiffened around the spar and to play there, but the proper authority i prisons of the country, thirty-two Many of the jails a.n the best places I should not wonder if on that day It refuses her a license, remarking with thousand were of foreign birth. Many know of to manufacture footpads, would be found out that some of us they could do nothing to help themchilling politeness, "I will not he so of them were the very desperadoes of vagabonds and cut-throats. Yale Col- had some things that belonged to selves. The Mariposa ran as close to spar as possible and efforts were tnipnlltn aa to permit a lady to con- spcifcty, oozing into the slums oft our lege is not so well calculated to make them; some extra garment which mthe a e tableon 1 ^ *° grasp the men while passing. tradlct herself." There Is only one cities, waiting T^^n~~6ppoTtunlty to scholars, "nor Harvard so'weTT^cal This was repeated several times' and thing to do if war Is to be prevented. riot and Bteal and debauch, joining the lated to make scientists, nor Prince- cold days; some bread thrust into the with success at last. The president and the czar must kiss lar.^e gang of American thugs and cut- ton so well calculated to make theolo-0 ash barrel that might have appeased The Idsho was an old boat, having each other over again, and keep &t it throats. There are in our cities, people glnns, as the American jail is calcu- their hunger for a little while; some been built in 1863. She went out of Whose entire business in life la to comuntil they make the little kaiser ill. lated to make criminals. "All that these wasted candle or gas jet that might commission several years ago, but was mit crime. That Is as much their men do not know of crime after they have kindled up their darkness; some overhauled this year and put to work business as jurisprudence or medicine Annie Besant discovers that the have* been In that style of dungeon for fresco on the ceiling that would have women of this country are too restless, or merchandise 1B your business. To some time, satanic machination cannot given them a roof; some jewel which, again. She was 220 feet long and had and that it is a natural result of their it tbey bring all their energies of body, teach them. Every hour these jails brought to that orphan girl in time, a gross tonnage of 1,130. The captain growing superiority to the American mind and soul, and they look upon the stand, they challenge the Lord Al- might have kept her from being crowd- of the ill-fated steamer, Alexander man. Apparently restlessness, in her interregnums which -they spend In mighty to smite the cities. I call upon ed off the precipices of an unclean life; Gillies, was one of the most widely known of lake seamen. He was 41 view, in an affliction; but the curie of prUor as so much unfortunate loss of the.people to rise in their wrath and some New Testament that would have years old and knew the lake waters time, just as you look upon an attack it, through some procesa looking t# in- of Influenza or rheumatism which fas- demand a reformation. I call upon the told them of him who "came to seek like a book. feriority, is not to be thought ~o* for tens you In the house for a few days. judges of our courts to expose the in- and to save that which was lost!" Oh, a moment. The man must do his It is their lifetime business to pick famy. I demand, in behalf of those in this wave of vagrancy and hunger and Tnr*« Ken mud Home* Blown to Atows. At Pine Fork, Wetzel county, W. share. He must make it the chief ob- pockets, and blow up safes, and shop- carcerated prisoners, fresh air and nakedness that dashes against our clear sunlight, and, In the name of him ject of his life to grow up to her su- lift, and ply the panel game, and they front doorstep, I wonder if you hear Va., William Conn, of Cuba, N. Y.t periority, and it is melancholy to re- have as much pride of skill In their who had not where to lay his head, it and see it as much as I hear and see drove to the nitroglycerine magazine flect that on the whole he can't do it. business as you have in yours when a couch to rest on at night. In the it! I have been almost frenzied with with a two-horse wagon to get 12 galyou upset the argument of an oppoa- insufferable stench and sickening sur- the perpetual cry for help from all lons of nitroglycerine to shoot some TTp ic_the_tlme_of this writing, the iJIg__<^nseli_or cure a gun-shot frac- roundings of some of the prisons, there classes and from all nations, knocking, oil wells over which he had supervision. yellow fever outbreaTTTh cities nea ture which other^^rgepns^have glven- is nothing but disease for the body, knocking, ringing,, ringing. If the While he was inside another two-horse Tdlocy-for^he mtedV^nd-death-to the_ , , » i? * , ,,_•«• *tM wagon with two men ip it, who have the Gulf of Mexico has been less dis-? . ^ , ^ M .soul, 9 ( i « ^ „i~~A Ai... ~ T ~ ^ ^ r o o f s o f a l l the houses of n .,i not b*«n identified, drove up. Beln market stifled air and darkness and ver could be lifted so we could destitution astrouTthan on any other occasion of you ^ A buy V j goods ^ A ?just ™ before J * ° they go up * look"down" fore these strangers alighted, the min never turned a thief into an honthe coming of that plague. The deathinto them just as God looks, whose twenty (par* sent. It is their business rate has been low, end in the larger to commit crime, and I do not suppose est man. We want men like John nerves would be strong enough to magazine blew up with a report heard cities there has been no panic. It that .once 1» a V«sr the thought of the Howard and Sir William Blackstone, stand it? And yet therethe> are. The 10 miles away,- • The only thing found would be interesting to know how far immorality strikes them. .A4dfed-to and women like Elizabeth Fry, to do sewing women, some of thejn In hun- that ever was human was a piece of a thU mitigation of horrors is the result these Piofesaionaf orimlnal*; Amerltmc for tli' prisons of the United States ger and cold, working nlgntC after man's foot. All else, three human beings, four horses and two wagons, were of ike sensible course pursued by the amr foreign, tpere Is a large cjssjsiof what those people did in other days night, until sometimes the blood as if they had never existed. Where for the prisons of England. I thank authorities and the newspapers. Ap- men who are more or less industrious; spurts from nostril and lip. How well the magazine stood was a deep cavesn. parently the precise facts have been Tn crime. Drunkenness Is resxtonslhle God for what Isaac T. Hopper and their grief was voiced by that despairWindows were broken in every dwell* given out each day, with such com- for much of the theft, since it con- Doctor Wines and Mr. Harris and ments as the situation warranted, and fuses a man's ideas of property. >4hd scores of others have done in the way ing woman who stood by her invalid ing within a radius of half a mile. the people have calmly and Heroically be gets his hands on things fhtt do of prison reform; but we want some- husband and invalid child, and said Trlb*aa&*n B O B * ! * * B r i t l s * l a I a d l * faced the danger whereof thoy knew. not 'belong to him. Rum is responsi- thing more radical before upon our to the city missionary, "I am downThe British forces have again met Secrecy might have caused universal ble foi much of the assault and bat- cities will come the blessing of him hearted. Everything's against us; and with disaster at the hands of the Insurwho said: "I was in prison and ye then there are other things." ""What panic; and the panic la one of the most tery, Inspiring men to sudden bravery, gent tribesjacn in northern India. came unto me." ~ other things?" said the city missionnourishing conditions of the plague. which they must demonstrate, though Three regiments and two batteries of ry. "Oh," she replied, "my sin." In this class of uprooting and Tt it be on the face of the next gentleWhat do you mean by that?" "Well," artillery were sent out on a reconnoisvouring population and untrustwonh Since 1868. or during the last twenty. man. ihe said, "I never hear or see anything sance, found the enemy, but were Bine years, Cuba has been in open re. They are harder in heart and more officials, "Woe unto thee, O land, when good. It'sySfbrk from Monday morn- forced to retire upon the main body, volt nearly thirteen years. The ten infuriate when they come out of jail thy king is a child, and thy princes the movement being attended with years' war was very costly in blood than when they went in. Many Of the drink in the morning!' It 1B a great ing to Saturday night, and then when serious losses. The tribesmen foland treasure, both to the mother conn. people who go to prison go again and calamity to a city when bad men get Sunday comes I can't go out, and I lowed the column in strong force, try and to the island, and there had again and again. Some years ago, of into public authority. Why was it walk the floor, and it makes me trem- swarming from behind rocks and keepnot been great recovery from its rav- fifteen hundred prisoners who, during that in New York there was such un- ble to think that I have got to meet ing up s heavy fire at short range. The ages when the present insurrection the year had been In Sing Sing, four paralleled crime between 1866 and God. Oh, sir, it's so hard for us. We route of the retreating British was inbroke oat in February. 1895. Since hundred had been there before. In a 1871? It was because the judges of po- have to work so, and then we have so tersected with deep ravines and it was the last uprising the Spanish govern- house of correction in the country, lice in that city, for the most part, much trouble, and then we are getting while the soldiers were passing through ment has sent to Havana more than where during a certain reach of time were as corrupt as the vagabonds that along so poorly, and see this wee lit- this ground that the tribesmen rushed 260,000 men, the flower of the youth there had been five thousand people, came before them for trial. These tle thing growing weaker and weaker; upon the troops, fearlessly making aad chivalry of the nation. Of these more than three thousand had bft*iP were the days of high carnival for elec- and then to think we are getting no their way to close quarters. ~r it la admitted more than 45,000 nave there before. So, in one case the pris- tion frauds, assassination and forgery. nearer to God, hot floating away from teen killed in battle or disease, and It on, and in the other ease the house of We had the "Whisky Ring," and the him—oh, sir, I do wish I was ready to It is said the Big Four railway will Is probable that the number is nearly correction, left them just as bad as "Tammany Ring," and the "Brie dier surrey an extension to Grand Rapids, • * • by way of Three Rivera and ffammaiioo. doable that Nearly half as ssany they were before. TJ^s secretary of Ring." Thero was one man during I want you to appreciate how very mere have been sent back to Spain one of the benevolent societies of New those years that got one hundred and THE MAKKETS. extefled by wounds or broken by dis- York saw a lad ftfteeu yean of age twenty-eight thousand dollars in one kindly God has dealt with you in your ease, to be burdens «pon the eommvnl- Who bad spent three years of his lite year for serving the public In a few comfortable homes, at your well-filled LIVB STOCK. ties u wmch they Mve. . i s prison, and lie said to the lad, years it was estimated that there were tables, and at the warm registers, and Mew »©rk—CatUe Sheep 1Lambs Begs graAe«...aiSJSues t i l l i>se aire "What have they done for yon to make fifty millions of public treasure squan- to have you look at the round faces Best Lower trades..* 73*4 OJ S » 4m am The Chicago Record has prepared a yon betterr "Well." replied the lad, dered. In those times the criminal had of your children, and then, at the repostal saving* hank bin, which will "the first time I was brought up before only to wink at the judge, or his law- view of God's goodness to you, go to Beat grades.... 6 um* » 4M am «et .4« nndonhtedly belatmdMced in congress the judge he said. 'Yon ought to be yer would wink for him, and the ques- your room, and lock the door, and LsweFftradCs. •*• 74$« S) kneel down and say, "O Lord, I have aabametf of -yowrssK.' And then I tion was decided for the defendant. Of text month. Tim Me* » * good sea 8 « « committed a crime again, and I was the eleht thousand people arrested In been an ingrate; make me thy child, O Lower grades. .£ tagtS 16 4tfti and in a geevacai way w t t meet 40» S4ft the approval of adherent* of every po- brought «p before the same judge, and that city in one year, only three thou- Lord, there are so many hungry and 1 mtfeal party. Tha MU MM drafted has he said, 'You rascal!' And after a sand were punished. These little mat- unclad and unsheltered today, I thank Be*t.«T»dts *...a a*a* ik •asm fauttn. howrrcc, wfelefe will ua- while I committed some other crime, ters were "Used up," while the inter- Thee that all my life thou has taken Lpvsargrade*..** mtw m it* iosdHeillr he remedied InconaTeas. Aa and I was brought before the same ests of society were "fixed down." Yon such good care of me. O Lord, there Best trade*,...**»*4 «J SIS a TO it mom reads tt ftxes a limit on indi- judge, and he said, 'You ought to be know as well as I that a criminal who are so many sick and crippled chil- LdweTgradw. .t *tn* m *d» set vidual doaoatti, and also fixes a time hanged.'" That is all they had done escapes only opens the door of other dren today, I thank Thee mine ace limit em wtthdrawals. These defects dor him in the way of reformation and criminalities. It is no compliment to weU. some of them on earth, some of Best grades .4 « 0 2 4 » 4m em i n ttamstt will smdosmtenly be remedied by salvation. "Oh," you say, "these pec* public authority when we have in all them, in heaven. Thy goodness, O em pie are incorrigible.' I suppose there Lord, breaks me down. Take me onoe the cities of the country, walking t allowing the depositor a Best grades... .4sag* M with the are hundreds of persons this day lying abroad, men and women notorious for and forever. Sprinkled as I was many Lowe*a^a*at+J » « 4 to tn- fim«* • . > • * in the prison bunks who would leap criminality, unwhlpped of justice. They years ago at the altar, while my mothprvrttogo qf^fcaajrtng got whenever he OKAIV, SCC er hold me, now I consecrate my soul Wheat, Corn. -OaU pi i nans Amtfmar detective provision^ *» ** the prospect of reformation, if are pointed out to you in the street by to Thee m a holler^baptism of repentday. There you find what are called • ^ s l e j t x*eii__j!oj{ranJl^jSdt society would only allow them) a way allems the paatimVa department to vethe "fences," the men who stand be- ing teara*/. JUw Ver* m&eWV mWft loaa; to mttiopa* mmfee and on state {into decency and respectatottfey, **?h * tween the thief and the honest man, C M * * * * . . , * osw* you say, "I have no patience with these and. municipal Imprnswnwtf bond*. sheltering the thief, and at great price,. "'For sinners, Lord, thou cam'st to as • » * Thuaeettas will asuswmy he amended rogues." I ask yon in reply, bow mnclf handing over the goods to the owner Weed., .better would you have been under the cisiffis«s*i m e»Ht with) the mwvlslfm thm nosnaoey shall same circumstances? dispose fg+u' to whom they belong. There yon wfu And I'm a sinner vile indeed; Ctovetamd u *JJH* 85* "*©S8~be kmned on bonds hearing date pre- mother had been a blassiiesner fcndf find those wao are called the "skin- ijord, I believe t h y grade is tree; Fl*4*bM« «» OjSS* viods to itttirrtm of amid M», and that jy*u/ father a sot, and you had stm$e4 ners,*' the men who hover around trail O magnify that grace in met* **' tf. all hoods email jhs -Jar isnmwvsmesits lite with a body staffed wtth%vir|is> street an^TOnte street, and Third otreet t H*>. iU. mada, after .such bill hacomes law. ,cllvlties. and you nad spent sm*«m of with grea't height of hand m bonds ttee dovu doii'tioanehow loud a me* SPofimp«N| i s o b a r d * x % M i N t mnrtjgjy.jMgSg With t h e *fcmismTmmnammMB would your time In a cellar amid otscenjtiest and storkM Ther** 'on fu»3 the i t prays on finnday. It he can nee bias •u;;< the eemsimng six fthya of the wwsk,^ , dairy, 10c per lb; creamery.aic. anC cursing, and if at ten. yearsotago giiulWU &i$V»t*h TILLAGE'S ?:•• W fc>\ fir SB 10 t l V K B X C ^ T 1« A tfTORM. SERMON, I fcv> 1^: ' - • r -H iS g^^SJBjSJBJSJBjBJS^Sjmj*"**" tf >>«, fot,'. .; i't'-.-V ' i < * .', am mmmlsmmmmmtsm *• ;« **a i1 Hearing. Affected •»# MINISTER ANDWHKEL Rinarinf end i e e e p l n g Inthe H l M Oure* ey l«^ed»ei>re»esj1He. "For manj jffew I tare bam trouble* with oaUrrb, which caused a** moo* pain and aff*Ud my heating. I bagaa taking Hood's nerseparlUa aad it helped mewoi»d*rrully and owed the teappief ead ringing in my hatey* | M . a A. Kjgsxnm, Cherry VaUty, lUleels, (By BJoen E. Romford,) B came to ua ehont the middle of the week. On the following Sunday he waa to preach in the forenoon and In the afUrnoon at a •mall place about eight miles out in the country, Xl the batt-lotootthe One True BtoodPuriflar. "It'll be a rather long walk for a M o o d ' s Rillsftttraall H w m«. ,* otahy hot uay," he said to me after n>3iug Bachelor—I am told that a marvete ,atao .can live on half the income that a ringU "the lay of the land." "I don't sup*san requires Married Man-Yea, he baa to. pose I'd be very likely to catch a ride, would I? I don't feel able to hire a Those Werrytas meet-One application ol rig from the livery—I'm one of the jpr. Agnew's Ointment will give, you oomfo/L Applied every night for three To six night* and a poor ministers, you know," he added. {Wila affgaledin ftei.{?2»LB!j*bb§"1 fJSS*°* He bad but one eye, and when he want^%eS s eui^aeMm»aaq all lte'bWandburn- ed to make a remark Impressive, or in*iitin dtaeaaes. ftaels Ilka magic,* e,nta. amid something he had an Idea waa huJosh Billings aaya: Thare is lio animal so morous, whose effect he wanted to cunning as the fox and there* *a none teat la observe, he had a trick of dropping his hunted that la of tenw kaugbt. head in what might be called in insinuating fashion, and bring his one optic " Vo-To-llae fa* Fifty Cent* Guaranteed tobaeoo habit cure, make* weak to bear on you from such an angle and. man atronff, blood pure. He, ft. AU druggists. in such a manner that it made you feel A great many more eyes muat be damaged as if X-rays were concentrated on you, oriost tban la generally supposed, for *,w>,- and that your inmost thoughts were 000 glaaa eyea are manufacturea yearly in being laid bare before the Intensity of Germany and Switzerland. his gaze, which always suggested to me the application of an optical corkscrew. Just then he happened to catch sight of my wheel. "Got a bicycle, eh? Now, what's to for s Health? Existence,—That'. hinder my going over to the other charge on that? I don't suppose you'd Why the Kidneys so oftee FatL object to lending it?" Thereupon he Nature has provided a certain amount "drew bead" on me with that peneof work for every organ of the human trating optic of his. body; overtax them and disease eventu"You're welcome to the use of It," ally follow*. There la not one por- I said. I did not think of asking him tion of our organism that la so overworked if he was used to riding. I supposed he as the kidneys; on them is placed the im- must be or he would not think of startportant function of filtering the blood of the impurities which naturally form in the ing off on an eight-mile trip as a beregular action of life and digestion. Tbe ginning. But on Saturday morning I kidneys are consequentlytermedthe sew- saw him looking the wheel over in a erage of the system; clog up this sewer, manner that made me think he had -and tbe blood becomes tainted with4>oison- -never—had much—to- do with one. ous uric acid, which brings on disease Therefore, after dinner, as we sat on in many forms. Tbe back is the first to veranda, I asked him if he had show this stoppage. From there cornea the ridden much. the warning note; it should be heeded, "Never was on one in my life," he and the kidneys receive prompt attention. answered. Doan's Kidney Pills win right the action "Then I'd suggest that you practice of the kidneys quickly, relieve the hack of iins and aches, and cure all troubles of a little before attempting to make your dncys and bladder. Bead the following: trip," I said. "You've got to get someMr. Wm. Nelson is a well-known busi- what used to a wheel before you can ness man of Kalamazoo, he resides at 622 manage it." Portage Street, and his business is that of ''it looks easy enough," he said. d grain buyer. He says: "I've watched folks ride a good deal, " Forfivey*ar* I have suffered from an and all they have to do is to keep inability to urinate, which- resulted from from tipping over and keep their feet what was said to be a steppage of the bladder. During these years I have taken min- going, so far aa I could see. I should eral and efectrte b^ha*^ used otter means think anybody could do that/' in expectancy of getting better, bufc they "Better try it," I said. nil proved unavailing. Some months ago I "Well, I will if you think it is necesbegan using Doan's Kidney Pills, which I sary," he said. He got up, took the had heard highly recommended, and I can now say that the flattering reports were wheel and started for the yard. He pronot greater than they deserved. I got pelled it by the handle bars, and tbe better right along, and I am free from any first thing he knew the pedals came trouble now, f feel better than I have around and took him in the shins ^mWrmmjmnmA IjDosMelEkU ijtriie forcibly. He nanaeri, brought his ney Pills were well known all over they would do an immenae amount of good." Sold by all dealers—price, 50 cents. Mailed by Foater-Milburn Co., Buffalo, NT. Y., sole agents for the U. S. Remem'KT the name. Than'* n-H take no other. Hood's Sartapari 11 a ^ g p ^ . p ^ p ^ ^ w i • . » • I<W^«-.-#»I i I^IIWHH ii in i • p i an •!!—^ejaa^a^ssajgO G Try Grain-Ol TryGrain-O! Ask your Grocer to-day to show yon a package of GRAXN-O, the new food drink that takes tbe place of coffee The children may drink It without Injury as well as the adnlt. AU who try it, Ike It GRAHr-O has that rich seal brown of Mocha or, Java, bei it is made from pore grains, and the moat delicate' stomach receives it withosfc distress. % the price of A GLANCE OF AWFUL INTENSITY, eye. to bear on the wheel for a moment, and then held it off at arm'a length until he waa "in the arena." Evidently the idea of failure had never once, entered hie mind. He seised the handle bars, got behind the wheel, nut hja left foot on the footreat, gave the thing a push, and hopped after it a rod or two before he got into motion. Then he gave a leap, expecting to land in the aaddle, but "o'ervaulting ambi. J£ cents, and 2t cents per tion had outleaped Itself' again, and he package. Bold by all grocers. went over the saddle and pitched earthward somewhere in the vicinity of the front wheel. He got up after extricatTestes like) Coffee ing his legs from the machine, with Looks like Coffee which they seemed considerably mixed up, and leveled ha optic at me to aee what effect hia first attempt had on me. >rmPATwre,ciJu*ia Bet I waa sober as a judge, and he at LN^a^Rftr> v i»txPf^C ; & onoe set about a second attempt This time he succeeded in getting into the aaddle, but the wheel had no motion. He kicked wildly about for an Instant, while that awful wobble which presages coming disaster waa going on, In J 'Cyclone Carpet, Cloth and £k*hea« i O w x r " removes all spots and evsrtrtSw a vain endeavor to get hia feet on the ^ with*** injury. It i» absolutely sale* pedals, and then—over went wheel and g and sure. Bend five 2-cent stamps and. man with a crash that sent hm stiff e> we will mail you a box of it hat lying aeroaa the yard, and made Racawmr <3e., New York. things Jingle generally. He got up ak>w4y and rubbed one of hia. hlpe, and •earned lost in contemplation aft he righted wp bia refractory steed of steel. ErMetttly fee was pondering over the camee of his failure, for presently hia faee talgfitened. and be went at * agenft, aa K he sew hia way dear now. He get In poattloa. got his left foot i* plana, gsvo * atari, ant, Ztkmtomb-*Ciitkts £ •^L ^ e w w ^ r ^ a a ^ a w w ^BW'^BBJSJ *V^arwJsjar ^gv^r^peMBwesB^sny/ y ...., . . . . . i_ .» with hi* new sttS hat crushed « * • - rtJcx*.ia more Catarrh *n thin section into o> tti<% country than all other uiseask-s , , toph*^^^¾ «,*ss»^ B!S^ rw^s» thare SO long Without stirring that I maoy veara doctors pronounced it a local UBS. PETERSON'S STORY. I hs/vea awstered with wosno trouble hese* ta think the breath had bean disease, and prescribed local remedies, and over fifteen years. I ha4infturtwwrtlrm> 9 ^ ^. « * \ ^ i « T s » KT- i3i K5TV by couaanjtiy iaillng to cure with local Jarred out of him by hia fall, btit Z trWtnTentr pronounced it incurable. • ftci- enUrgessomt and diaplaaesneni ol tfeer think new'that he was getting "the euce has proven catarrh to be a> conetUu- womb. ,V^./_».. -«A— L t « i t Z . ul tionaldisease and therefore requires conThe doctor wanted me to take treatOld Adam" under control before ha .utntional treatment Hairs catarrh dared trust M***K on hia fast. Pros- J*"-, 2S^&f*^\*JL %!!!&«* ments, but Z had just begun taking* ently be pickid himself up stiffly, and ^Ut cure' on the market It la taken Mra.Pinkham's set the wheel oa its teevagain j r ) ^ I j g g f & t o , ¾ ^ i S n A f f 9 ^ %»• Compound, and jerk that showed ad owed It a grudge | biSoTSd mncbua surfaces 0¾ the aya- my husband Then he took off his ooat with an ex- ' tern. They offer one hundred dollars for •aid I had l^mTiimrZl^non^^ any case it fall, to .cure. Send for drcu- better wait Urs, and testimonials. Addreaa that meant "do or" die." and business F. J. CHBtfxY e oa, began again. j Toledo, a how moon More attempts and more failures fol- Sold by druggists, 75c good that Hail's Family PM» are the bast; lowed in quick succession. I have al- Tbe .would do deepest gold mlae in the world laat ways felt that he must nave been a Eureka, CaL, and is SJft) feet deep. The me. I was deepest silver mine la at Carson City, Hev., so slok when I strong'believer in tbe theory of the anchas a depth ot 3,«» feet The deepest "final perseverance of the saints," for Iron mine la at Calumet Mich., and it goes began with her he eertainly persevered with a persis- over a mile into the earth's bowels.. medicine, I could tency that showed hia "staying qualhardly be on my Embossed 1« OoUL ities" admirably. By and by he took THE OOMPAinojrs Calendar for 1*8, feet I had the off hia vest Presently cuffs and col- a aerlee of obarmlnySouvenir fi*ure-pleoe% faithfully hsiilranhfi conlar were discarded, and bad any other copied in colors and embossed in sold, la reeof- atantly, also headache, and everywhere aa a moat charming piece of portion of hia raiment been removable nlsed color-work. Bvery new subscriber receives H wee no dizzy. I had heart troubley II without violating the rules of propriety without additional eharge. Moreover, the popes seemed aa though my heart was-in my I am confident that be would have di- la sent free to new subscribers every week from throat at times choking me. 2 eoeld time the subscription is received until Janvested himself of it, He had failed, so the uary, IMS, and then for a fall year to January, UN. not walk around and I could n** Ho far, in the accomplishment of hia un- Illustrated Prospectus of the volume forUB* down, for then my heart would beat ae dertaking, but he waa determined not aad aample copies of the paper sent free. fast I would feel ea though I wee YOUTH'S OOMPANIOH. , to be conquered by a thing without Address. THE 197 Oolumbua Ave., Boston, Maes, smothering. I had to ait up ha bed brains, and he was stripping himself nighta in order to breathe. X was* ae Artificial arms and lags were uaed ha for mortal combat. Egypt aa early as 700 B. C. They were made week I could not do enythinf-He seemed to have forgotten my by the priests, who were the physicians. I have now taken several hecaleeol presence. And I—I lay back in the Lydia E. Pinkham'a Vegetable Cosa* Everybody Says So. hammock and laughed so much that pound, and uaed these packages of Candy Oatharue, the most my sides were sorer than his body waa fulCascareto medical discovery of the ace, pleasant and Sanative Wash, and can say I asa next day, I verily believe. refreshinc* to the taste, act gently and positively perfectly cured. I do not think I the kidneys, Uver and bowels, cleansmg tbe I think he kept it up for at least on entire system, dispel eolds. cure heartsoao, could have lived long if Mrs. Pinkthree hours. Once in a while he had fever, habitual constipation and biliousness. ham'a medicine had not helped me.— to pause and take breath. His clothes Please bur and try a box of C. 0. C. today; M, Mas. JOSEPH PKraaaos, 513 East S t , 60 cents. Sold and guaranteed to core W all were wet with sweat. The perspiration V, Warren, Pa. druggists. ran down his face in little rills. But he was not yet ready to acknowledge Teacher—Did you stady this lesson? Pupil 'ag^^glTlllWilirtErt Wtteti looked over i t Teacher—Well* hereafter, defeat. He tried that wheel from all —I n D A D Q V HfWDISCOVERY quarters. He straddled tbe seat and just lower your gaze a little. | y | W r C V • n* wk relief wad caras w o n t tried to get under headway by walking J » t *.< eld la the Head very often devel- MKi, g«n<i for t o o k of t*r»i4m«8i*3a and l O d a y s ' t Free. Br. •.u-saaurseoss. AUaBu.Ite. tiptoe and getting up motion in that ops into the most acute end dlMueUns; form of Catarrh. Dr. Arrow's Catarrhal powu»r relieves way preparatory to getting control of a cold in the head In 10 minutes 'and precludes possibility of the Catarrh malady, but should the pedals. Then he got on the horse the Catarrh have gained headway this wonder- Has no equal for the cure of Catarrh sad Long- Disblock, and tried to mount from that ful remedy will cure it In a wonderfully short eases.. Its umiii ^.- t —.—. aL«*._ Pvepe.* _ _ . 5.¥« The Lord Bishop of Toronto over his own w . n , tfjllTH «7CO* Bagel*. position. Just about half the time, as time. signature gives a etron* testimony to its curiny ' » • • " • • * » " — •* *"••• * ——• «*•—-» -nearly as I-eould calculaterfa*~waa | <mauties. \ Scncltu either on his face or his back in the 3 LADIES' HANDKERCHIEFS %<**nta lncoin orxtainrvjand wt-will nmll you. postpaid The biggest bng in the world lives in Vendust, or getting on his feet Once in a ezuela, FINE WHITB H E K S T I T V A B D H i M > u called the elephant beetle and FOR thro* KEKCKIEF8 ot toper lor quality. re<ul*r i;rM-« while I saw him rubbing what I pre- weighs half a pound. I6c f»«U. This la an Introductory r*U', and RCOIS and pric« cannot be dwpM.atvd. W» vlU sumed to be bruised places oh his an25C enclose with each order. KUEB C+* OTfARnK. apackage of oar new Majestic Violet Sachet f owder. atomy, and I noticed that he was eviTo Core Constipation Forever, WB BUY anything' for our cwtomrrc No tOBimlsurfon Caeearets Candy Cathartic. 10c or ttc. charged. Send name aad aildntw* for desertptWe cirdently getting etiffer rapidly, as the If Take C. C. C. fall to cure, druggists refund money. cular. Refer^nc: HOIK S i n u s BLVI. BEKNETT, encounter of mind and matter went on. PRAIA. A Co. 1** Majeatlc Bid*-.. Detroit. Mich. (Thl* ad will not appear again.) You can sometimes tell how well a man By and by he sax down on the horse knows Christ by the way he treats bis horse. block and seemed in deep thought He looked that wheel over from all points. TO CUBE A COLD IN ONE DAT. He pushed it back and forth far Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. Ail enough to make the pedals go around Druggists refund tbe money if it falls to core, ttc , The only jobber in this territory handling once and made calculations as to the A poor man with a sunny spirit will pet stook sheets of P l a t e Glaaa. Keep to stock position they ought to be In at the mo- more out of life than a wealthy grumbler. ABSOLUTELY EVERYIHWS II THE ouae u m . ment when the foot took them. Then Send your orders or write Cor estimates. he roused himself for the final encounX believe my prompt use of PUo's Cure pre- WM. EEO), H« W\ Larred 8L. DETBOaT.MICH. vented quick consumption.—Mrs. Lucy Walter. lace, Marquette. Kans., Dec it, l»j. W. N. U . - - D E T R O I T — - N O . 4 - 6 - ' © 7 He decided to make this attack from When Answering; Advertisement* wing the rear. He took hold of the handle Pleaaa Mention This Patter. bars, got the pedals in such a position them tosh ow their best side to us. that when tbe right one had made one FOR 30 0AY8 YOU CAN TRY IT FOR 25 CENTS. revolution it would be about where his foot would strike it when on the down ja^ej^rovided_al^else went well, and then he was ready foT~IKeHtrTalT U S started; he made the leap; he came down squarely in the saddle, and, oh, victory! his right foot caught the pedal at the proper time and he went E claim and caa prove our statement that more cures have been ahead without going over. He seemed effected by " C T | \ # E ? r a D S > D C L > > daring the last two years than r I W E* U R V r p _aU other remedies to feel that he had conquered at last, combined. It cannot telL Mere thsjr 1,000,000 People Cure*. Aa^a for tie gave a little whoop of exultation, positive cure for RhearaMlsfa, Sciatica. Neualr**, Dyspepsia, Bavcu^ acne, Astfcnaa, Kay V* ver. Catarrh. c'r-TTTaantra-. Kervbasn«sw. Ner-. but just at that instant the front wheel [taaas auax.j tons an4 A enralgle Headaches, Heart weakness. TooOaaona, Ksrsoha, began "to kink and wobble in that ut- €Mso, SWCULBST. LaOrlpae, Halaria. Creepiog- Mnaabness. etc, etc. "b DROPS" has aei equaled, and is a pieasaat, prompt and permanent cure. Though free from opiates at terly depraved way peculiar to front beee perfectly harmless, "'5 Drops" is the most concentrated and powerful specific known. No diswheels at times, and the more he tried ease is Coo deeply rooted or painful to yield to this wonderful medieineand relief is usually felt the very first nlghi. what It has already done to relieve suffering humanity is told ir letters of grateto steady it the more uncontrollable it ful praise from thousands of hearts once sickened and heavy with pain, now painless ana happy. got. It seemed to have the St. Vitas eaa hardly find word* to express my gratitude for what your "STROPS' ha* done foe dance. All this time his right foot sss. IOentlamen:—I have taken bat one bottle of the medicine, and I reel like » new person. I have taken all ttava* of unrt, bat all tagetKer did no« do me aa mncA good aa tbe first doae of your "5 DROPS." I roooaunenuad was clinging to the pedal with deadly elate, year medfeiaw to one of my nelg-hcora aad it helped aim rifbt away. He had-been naing medjetmes and do*desperation, while his left one was fly- torlaar baLaotaing' aeemed to do him any grood. I beliere tbe Lord bas sent your medicine, aad if they wiii oaiy have faith, i t wilJ cat* them of tbelr rheemaaaei. I aJmoet believe it would brinjr a dead a s a a t o h a e ing wildly around in space to find the acalni each tx my faith i s the medietas. I em now M year* «f age. Very reepeetfuilr yo«ra.C. H. S . pedal on that side of the machine, OSOSBT, Bowara HiU, Va. while 4ie was going ahead with sudden Ais* | U g A P A D f i " taken bat once a day Is a dose of this great i^medyrand • w a» aeTgaavr'O to enable all sufferers to make a trial of its wonderful and1 unexpected shifts to all points of curative rproperties we will send out during the next thirty days 100,000 *i5 cent ismrar the compass. Then, all at ones, the bottles for » cents each, prepaid by mail—send to-day. Even a sample bottle will convince you its merit Best and cheapest medicine on earth Large bottle CiU> doses) SI .00. Nat aotaVaw entire machine seemed to tie Itself up of draggists, only by ns aad oar agents. Agents wanted in near territory. Write a In a knot for a moment, then it For Thirty Days. 3 Large Battles, for $2.SO. bucked like a mule for all the world, 8WAJSSON R H E U M A T I C CLItK « 0 . . 1 0 7 - 1 # 9 D a a r b o r u 8U. CHICAGO. I I X . and the poor man was pitched head first into a great clump of buH thistles. They scratched him terribly, hot he ought to have been thankful that they were there, for they broke the f*-ece of his fail. He lay there so long that I began to be alarmed, and went to his assistance. But before I reached him he struggled to his feet, corkscrewed me with a glare of awful intensity, but said not a word. He seised the innocent-looking wheel and dragged It to the veranda in a series of vindictive jerks, and deposited it there in alienee. Then he glanced at me again, hut net a word escaped hia lips. I have always thought he dared not trust himself to speak, for fear he would civs utterance, to soaae of the tfroajgaUe that arose in him." The next day hia nose had a groat black and blue snot oa it, and swollen to twice its usual aise. was a braise on one cheek, anether 0» hia neck and thistle scratchea all oier hia face. He walked with gres* *ts»Jt? —or difficulty—and seemed sohlaqt to twings* of rheomatk pale whenever be sat down or got up. Itoekfityom fciej and hired e man to sake elm ha kit afternose appointmsot looked at th* poor ita - • -—a • WJ • ••W<\ /./>-.? • • • < ; • : '*- if! . . . v ••; :<;••'.'»•••'] — <w so fti! .^^-:- \ ' ' * . • • ' r!% ^ : - R H E U M A T I S M , NEURALGIA, CATARRH, ASTHMA, LA GRIPPE DRORS $ ' • ••'. v ' •'••• T • ' ' . ' • ' PlataGlass ... • ... MEDiems AIR INHALER • •••— ' >i • 'is:-; >>•%.,:'Mv I"' • UNADIUA. '.r ;. • • • ' . OUR GREGORY COLUMN. P1TTEYSV1LL* Miss Eva fllontague of Chelsea, Mrs. 8. G. Teeple visited friends ^ 0 ^ . Monday. School began last Monday. I was ™ home » w w last *— week. " ' • ^UtAuderson . A u u e r u o u «iuu«»j. Did you get your picture taSen. P. »• Marshall and wife began J# w p i f t 0 e w a y a u d wife visitGuy Blair has a brand new bi-1 housekeeping last week. j e d r e M v e 8 l a I o 8 0 0 a n d White Chas. Reed of Detroit has been Oak a part of last week. cycle. spending a few weeks with relaL. M. Teeple finished his work Bert Goodwin was in Plainfield tives in this vicinity. in Genesee county last week and Sunday. Bert Harris expects to take a has oome home to stay. The photographers have been course at the Ferris Business ColEd Larkin injured his hand quite busy the past week. i lege, Big Rapids, this winter. quite badly one day last week R. G. Hoard and family returnOur village school opened on while working at the new ice ed from the west Saturday. Monday morning of this week with house. Fred Howlett and wife were in Herman S. Reed as instructor. Lames Whitney of S t Louis, A donation was held last even- attorney fpr the A. A. R. R. Co. Howell a couple of days the past ing at the Presbyterian hall for was in town last Thursday for the week. The barber shop has a new the benefit of Rev. H. B. Dunning. purpose of settling with Wm. T. Masadah, a Japanese student, Mercer for damages for removing storm door; Lawrence McClear gave a very interesting lecture at the depot from this place. We done the work. Wm. Pixley has been doing the M. .E. church last Sunday understand the company are to pay Mr. Mercer one thousand some blacksmithing for Stock- evening. Albert Watson and Mima Py- dollars. bridge parties. -»•»>» Mrs. Fred Bollinger and sister, per were married at Ypsilanti on Local news on nearly every page. Miss Jennie Thompson were in Nov. 10, by Jlev. Ryan. CongratWho has our Thanksgiving turkey? ulations are in order. ' Pinckney Saturday. "The Drunkard's Warning" at the Seymour May, a former UnaF. A. Daniels has pressed nearopera house, Pinckney, Nov. 25. ly 50 caTioads of hay and straw in diUa boy, was married in Grand John Sigler of Leslie, is the guest Rapids recently. Seymour has a Gregory and vicinity. of his daughter, Mrs. G, W. Teeple. The Ladies' Mission Circle meet good position at Grand Ledge. Several application to the Loyal J. E. Kirtland of Fowlerville, with Mrs. S. A. Denton Friday afGuards have been sent in since the representing the New York Muternoon at two o'clock. open meeting last week and there are A. Gates and wife went to Port tual Life Insurance Co., visited others to follow. Huron Monday to attend the state his brother-in-law, W. H. Sales a As we go to press, (Wednesday affew days last week. Sunday School convention. ternoon,) there is every indication of a Mrs. J. A. Monk hes returned jLULjGi!be_r_t of North Lake, call- storm of some kind. It is about time after a three weeks visitwithDex- ed on friends at this place this for a snow storm. week, before starting for Arizona. ter and Fowlerville friends. Several new names have been added Marsh and Moore are making He expects to reach Prescott by to our subscription list the past week, on our $1 offer to Jan. 1, 1899, and and putting out 800 poultry crates Friday of this week. others are taking up the offer of the for Swarthout, Bullis and Kuhn. DISPATCH and Michigan Farmer for Howlett Bros, have contracted SC $1.50. to furnish seats for the schoolWe are glad to see our correspondhouse in the Hadley district^Lynents working their locality for news. don. Always remember that it is your news that is looked for as much as that Jas. Moore, our drayman, was written by us. Let us have plenty of laid up a couple of days this week week. and Freeman Cone has been do- a t Seotfi »n<J we sell h nwefc it every 4 chetper," Is a statement sometimes, 'A.round the Stove" was given last ing the draying. made by the Atveeist when Scott s night in the First Presbyterian church 'Ti& said that one man in this Tie said that one man m « . » ; ^ This show. ™ - - » - - - ^ to^W. has vicinity wears six coate T h a t i S a^t^i^gpttifhtmcWtstcgUi J J ^ ^ ^ ^ .^ nothing. It is claimed that another personator of character, humorous, •wears six socks and a patent stove grave and gay. To hear him once is on each foot. to want to hear him many times. The audience for one hour and a half were W.H;Har^^BoldTiniinof-iiiitt God-liver Oil with Hypophos- delighted and charmed. Mr. Conary ber amounting to 1800 to Hattle of phites of Lime and Soda as the is a cultured artist, yet retains all the Sharp Monday. Mr. Sharp is standard, and the purchaser who grace and naturalness of genius born going to rebuild the barns which desires to procure the "standard" for the stage. He is gentlemanly, because he knows it has been of scholarly, poetical, musical and—well were burnt last season. benefit, link ol"should talcing not ine for n u one u& . be sure and hear him for yourself Bichard Webb of North Lake, untold instant think of taking: the risk of using some untried prepa-| when, he comes again.—Port Huron •who died Wednesday, Nov. 10 ration. The substitution Daily Times. At Pinckney Opera was buried Sunday. The funeral of something said to he House, Nov. 29. was held at the residence, Rev. "just as good" for a standW. J. Thistle, officiating. ard preparation twenty- •M'ft";." r>yJ: ?<• X ' • •; ^' fea 2<V; > IVveDv^cVv GftVc* lOT ?\»VlV 0t ?VMIt &<fc ?t\Tv\VtV* GOOD WORK, Prloes flight 3.2.. fatam, YT<*T\«tar The City Meat Market » - e..f ( > , & ' •. « • * . * • ; * < ' ^ % ¾ ^ ",•'••• V * :1^ Is fully equipped with the beat of everything found in any first-class, up-to-date market. Everything new, neat and tresh. All kinds of fresh and salted meats. Highest Market Price for Produce y. : I need a certain amount of Butter and Eggs for ready consumption and will pay the highest market price in CASH or TRADE, FeedGrinding ft- I We Guarantee Our Goods Satisfactory. as Good Mtv I have a Frst-Class Peed and Buiikwhaat mill and am prepared to do custom work. I keep constantly on hand feed and buckwheat flour for sale. Mill just around the corner. And courteous treatment will be extended to oar customer* at all times. C. L. BOWMAN, Prop. City Meat Market, Pinckney, Mioh. -^- Scott's Emulsion He Ha* Vr**ch*& Sixty T e e n . live years on in* ^ ' • ' f j ^ filder Tice Spear U the oldest Chrlashould not be permitted by tUlI1 preacher within our kaowied**. the intelligent purchaser* M r S p e a r ^ eifbty-sevto-y«ar« old, Be tare yon get SCOTT'S Emuldofl. See and ha* been preaching sixty of them. He walks to all ol his appointments that the man and Ash are on the wrapper 50C. and ¢1.00, *U-df«ggists. and c*rries"a large valtee eontal&iari** SCOTT & T30VVNE, Chemist*, New York. earthly possessions. He Is one of the) few who preach only lor the good ol No mqrphine or opium In Dr. MUea' PAIH the cause. During the sixty years of p^TOC^BAUPffir^*6^cVntiA)se," his ministry he has not received m*r« then $250, and has never solicited a donation. Notwithstanding his adJJITE.V - T i-. ./STW 0 : . .KV - - AND - ^ 1< vanced a**, Mr. Spear gets about *• '^JiS&aeii ,r ledie* to tr&Tei for Miss Mima Pyper and Albert 4 lively as a boy of eighteen, and says eetaHUhed honee in MlcU. ga&, mMM^ C. Watson of Unadilla were tie, SSMems expenr-s. Position rteady. BefeieiMi he hopes to be able to pr«ach his last sermon on>Ws one-hundredth birthday. united in the bonds of matrimony «t*k*e self-add need s:atr.-ricd envelope. | ) o a i inioa Compu T. D*y%. V. Cc'.cage. a t the residence of Rev. Dr. Byan of .Ypsilanti on Wednesday, Nov. 10. Miss Janet Pyper and John D. Watson of Chelsea; Kittie Livermore and Alex Pyper of Unadilla; Mabel Ives of Ypsilanti and Cass Obert of Ann Arbor witnessed the tying of the nuptial knot The young couple went to Detroit, returning Saturday. They have our best wishes for a bright future. The Emerson Male Quartette of Pinckney with the assistance of Bev. C. S. Jones, gave a concert at the Baptist church Friday evening last for the benefit of the C. E . society. All were highly pleased with the entertainment and the ' boys were extended an invitation to come again in the near future. W WE BUY Butter Beans Eggs Produce t Fashionable Winter Garments Never in the store's history have you been invited to view such a handsome collection of Outer Garments. You'll not need a pocket full of money either, for we have planned to double our output this season and we'll be satisfied with a very moderate profit. At $15.00 we have a handU Heavy Boucle Cloth, high storm collar, faced with same some curl cloth, lined with a heavy goods in front, $5.00. taffeta, 28 inches in length. Persian Lamb Cloth, lined throughout, high storm collar, $8.00. AND PAY THE HIGHEST MARKET PRICE. te?35&£&?^X} WE/SELL Groceries in Gregory Nov. 20, so will give you one week more, closing Nov. Clothing 27. This will be yonr last chance.. Bemember, Our Finest Aristo. Cigars Cabinets, only &£0 per dozen. Tobacco Jfe¥oaWa*te«14! 4. if; 1 G. H. FQBD •3* Everyone desires to keep informed on Yukon, tbe Klondyke «M Alaskan \gold fields. Send 10c for large Compendium of vast informatioa atW big ooior mapfeeHamilton Pva, 0»v In* diaaapabs, ind. f • _ Bf. r - , * , & • At $10.00 we have either rough or smooth in a variety of styles, goods that ordinarily retail from $12.60 to $1100. A regular $18 Martin Collar $12.60. $13.50, we have a Kersey in for **% brown, Russian blue or black These goods will not last long* which is cheap at $17.50. x AT PRICES THAT ARE RIGHT. / UUIIHTIIII Just received, a new lot of Genuine Brown Martin Collarettes; extra fine quality, such as ordinarily would sell for $22; bought so we can sell them for $15.00. We have a great demand for those Small Martin Collars. Have just purchased a large lot cheap. Genuine Brown Martin, with ten tails, worth $7.50 for $5.00. / A / Yonri^Respeetrally, L . H . FIELD. ,$i/.
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