Norway Post
Norway Post
Norway Post Stamps Norwegian Art IV Wildlife in Norway V Personal Anniversaries No. 1/10 Norway Post Philatelic Service Dear customer, Welcome to the Stamp Year 2010! Our first issues of the year are already out. A new stamp in our Norwegian Art series, featuring Per Palle Storm’s sculpture “Man drinking”, went on sale on 2 January. Enzo Finger is the designer responsible for this issue. 2 January also saw the issue of three new stamps in our Wildlife series. Inger Sandved Anfinsen has added the otter, lemming and wolverine to Norway’s stamp gallery. Our next issue will be on 5 February, when two stamps designed by Sverre Morken go on sale. The first of these stamps portrays historian and nation-builder Peter Andreas Munch, while the subject of the second stamp is composer and violinist Ole Bull. Norway Post has increased the price of stamp-franked mail with effect from 1 January, thus setting the values of this year’s stamp issues. You will find an updated stamp programme below. Yours sincerely, Halvor Fasting Director Stamp programme for 2010 The new postage rates for stamp-franked mail from 1 January 2010 have now been approved and an updated programme with values is given below. Please note that some of the issue dates have also been changed. Date 2 January 2 January 5 February 24 March 16 April 16 April 18 May 18 June 18 June 20 August 15 September 15 September 15 September 15 November 15 November 15 November Subject to change 2 Subject Norwegian Art IV Wildlife in Norway V P. A. Munch and Ole Bull bicentenaries Life at the coast (Nordic issue) Personalised stamp Tourist stamps Norwegian popular music II – Eurovision Song Contest 50th Jazz Festival in Molde Norwegian National Health Association centenary 50 years of television in Norway Norwegian Seamen’s Association centenary Norwegian Press anniversaries Scientific anniversaries Children’s books (Europa stamps) Posthorn stamps Christmas stamps Values NOK 13.00 (roll) NOK 15.00 – 16.00 – 26.00 NOK 8.50 x 2 (roll) NOK 11.00 (miniature sheet only) NOK 11.00 NOK 8.50 x 2 – NOK 11.00 x 2 – NOK 13.00 x 2 (booklets) NOK 8.50 x 4 (rolls) NOK 13.00 NOK 26.00 NOK 8.50 x 4 (rolls) NOK 16.00 NOK 11.00 NOK 8.50 – 13.00 NOK 8.50 – 11.00 NOK 4.00 – 8.00 – 30.00 NOK 8.50 x 2 (booklet) Subscription delivery 5 February 5 February 5 February 16 April 16 April 16 April 18 June 18 June 18 June 15 September 15 September 15 September Arild Yttri, Martin Mörck 15 September Madeleine Mortensen 15 November Enzo Finger, Sverre Morken 15 November Inger S. Anfinsen 15 November Designer Enzo Finger Inger S. Anfinsen Sverre Morken Gina Rose Enzo Finger Enzo Finger Making Waves Neue Design Sverre Morken Making Waves Neue Design 2.1.2010 Number: Subject: Design: Value: Issue: Printing: Sales prices: NK 1741 “Man drinking” by Per Palle Storm Enzo Finger Design AS NOK 13.00 Rolls of 100 stamps Offset by Royal Joh. Enschedé, Netherlands. First day cover: NOK 17.00 Presentation pack: NOK 23.00 Collector’s set: NOK 40.00 Collector’s sheet stamp: NOK 33.00 Collector’s sheet FDC: NOK 37.00 NK 1741 This statue of a man drinking, sculpted in bronze by Per Palle Storm, was completed in 1958. There are two copies of the statue, one at Kronprinsesse Märthas plass in Oslo and one at the upper secondary school in Horten. Norwegian Art IV First day cover Portrait bust in progress in the studio. Collector’s sheet stamp Collector’s sheet FDC Presentation pack Collector’s set First day cancellation Sculptor’s tools. FDC 3 2.1.2010 NK 1742–1744 Otter, Lemming and Wolverine Inger Sandved Anfinsen NOK 15.00 – 16.00 – 26.00 Sheets of 50 stamps Offset by Royal Joh. Enschedé, Netherlands. First day cover: NOK 61.00 Presentation pack: NOK 67.00 Collector’s set: NOK 128.00 Collector’s sheet stamps: NOK 77.00 Collector’s sheet FDC: NOK 81.00 Wildlife in Norway V Number: Subject: Design: Value: Issue: Printing: Sales prices: NK 1742 Collector’s set NK 1743 FDC 4 Collector’s sheet FDC Collector’s sheet stamps Presentation pack NK 1744 2010 NK 1742 The European otter (Lutra lutra) is a predator belonging to the weasel family (Mustelidae). The otter was hunted for its valuable fur until 1970 and has been under total protection in Norway since 1982. They feed mainly on fish, but also eat crustaceans, birds and small rodents. (Photo: Kjell-Erik Moseid/NN/Samfoto) NOK 60 PeR set NOR EG Jerv 2010 NK 1744 The wolverine (Gulo gulo) is the largest member of the weasel family. In appearance it resembles a small bear. Wolverines make winter lairs in snow drifts on steep mountainsides. They produce two or three young, usually in February or March. Reindeer are the wolverine’s main source of food in the winter. However, wolverines are not particularly good hunters and they also eat a great deal of carrion. Birds, small and medium-sized mammals and plants also appear on their menu. Wolverines cause damage when they begin to kill domestic reindeer and sheep and are responsible for the largest payments of compensation in Norway for loss of sheep and wild reindeer. (Photo: KjellErik Moseid/NN/Samfoto) 2010 NK 1743 The lemming (Lemmus lemmus) is a rodent belonging to the hamster family (Cricetidae). It lives mostly in mountainous areas where it feeds on grass and moss. The lemming reaches sexual maturity when it is about three weeks old and the period of gestation is three weeks. Litters number between eight and ten young. A female can give birth to three to five litters in the course of one summer. There are normally three or four years between each peak year in the lemming population. (Photo: Pål Hermansen/ NN/Samfoto) 0 26 0 First day cover Running Norwegian mountain water. First day cancellation Young twig. Maximum cards A set of three maximum cards has been produced for this issue. Price per set: NOK 60. 5 5.2.2010 Number: Subjects: Design: Value: Issue: No. per roll: Printing: Sales prices: NK 1745–1746 P.A. Munch, Ole Bull Sverre Morken NOK 8.50 (A-Priority, domestic x 2) 7,645,000 stamps of each Two stamps consecutively on rolls of 100 stamps Offset by Royal Joh. Enschedé, Netherlands. First day cover: NOK 21.00 Presentation pack: NOK 27.00 Collector’s set: NOK 48.00 Collector’s sheet stamps: NOK 37.00 Collector’s sheet FDC: NOK 41.00 Golden FDC: NOK 95.00 NK 1745 First day cover The subject on the FDC gives a glimpse of Ole Bull’s home on Lysøen off Bergen. There is a section of Frostatingloven, one of Norway’s oldest laws, on the right of the cover. FDC Collector’s sheet FDC Collector’s sheet stamps First day cancellation Quill pen and violin. Golde n FDC 6 NK 1745 Peter Andreas Munch (1810–1863) was Norway’s most prominent historian in the 19th century. He collected documentation of Norway’s history and his search for source material took him far beyond Norway’s borders. He was also one of the first non-Catholics to be given access to the archives of the Catholic Church in the Vatican. The stamp features a portrait of P.A. Munch. On the left of the portrait, there is a section from Hirdskråen, which contained a code of conduct for the King of Norway’s retinue. NK 1746 Ole Bull (1810–1880) was a world-renowned Norwegian violinist. He composed more than 70 works and spent much of his time on tour abroad. The stamp shows a portrait of Ole Bull. On the right of the portrait Ole Bull is shown in one of his characteristic playing positions. The music for “Gruss aus der Ferne” can be seen in the background. Presentation pack Collector’s set P.A. Munch and Ole Bull bicentenaries NK 1746 Scarce Coppers (Lycaena virgaureae) prefer sheltered flowery places surrounded by woodland, but can also be found by the roadside. They are common in South and East Norway, where their flight time is from May to September. Old World Swallowtails (Papilio machaon) live mainly in coastal regions in the east and south of Norway, but can occur as far north as Finnmark. They are often found in moist, flowery meadows, in marshland and along streams, rivers and lakes. This species is declining and thus not commonly seen. Its flight time is from May to July, but a rare second brood can appear in August and September. Common Blues (Polyommatus icarus) thrive in relative dry environments. This butterfly can be found along the roadside and in grassy, flowery meadows as far north as West Finnmark. Its flight time is from May to August. First day cover No FDC is being issued with this issue. 2.1.2010 Design: Photo: Values: Printing: ATM 11–13 Scarce Copper, Old World Swallowtail, Common Blue Enzo Finger Ove Bergersen /NN / Samfoto NOK 8.50 – 13.00 Flexo UV by Ganket A/S, Denmark. Value and check digit added by thermoprinter Franking label Polar bear - New values 2.1.2010 Franking labels Butterflies – New values Numbers: Subjects: Number: Subject: Designer: Values: Printing: PFE 31–32 Polar bear Enzo Finger NOK 8.50 – 13.00 Offset by Norsk Etikett System AS PFE 31–32 The polar bear (Ursus maritimus) is the largest land predator in the world. Adult male bears normally weigh 400–600 kg, but can in some cases weigh as much as 800–1000 kg. Females are only half the size of males (normally 200–300 kg). There are estimated to be 22,000–25,000 polar bears in the world, but this figure is not very reliable. In Norway, there are polar bears on Svalbard and the surrounding ice-covered sea areas. At the end of the 1960s, the population of polar bears on Svalbard was estimated to be around 1,000. After hunting on Svalbard was stopped in 1973, the stock increased quickly and estimates made in the first half of the 1980s show a figure of about 2,000 bears in the Svalbard area. It is assumed that the population has grown since then. First day cover No FDC is being issued with this issue These subjects were first issued on 23 October 2008 and are now available with the new values, NOK 8.50 and 13.00. Subscribers for franking labels will receive the new values with their delivery in February. These subjects were first issued on 23 November 2007. They were reissued with Norway Post’s new logo on 23 October 2008. All three subjects are now available with the new values NOK 8.50 and NOK 13.00. 7 Reprints of NOK 50 King Harald V NOK 50 King Harald V (NK 1149) has been reprinted. The printing date was 4 November 2009 and the first reprints went on sale on 15 December 2009. There are no known changes in printing or paper since the previous printing of this stamp. Subscribers for reprints will receive this stamp in February. Tall Ships Races in Kristiansand The Tall Ships Races will be arranged in Kristiansand from 29 July to 1 August 2010. More than 100 sailing ships from all over the world will be on view in the port of Kristiansand. Personalised stamps and a special cancellation programme will also set their mark on the event. The organisers of the Tall Ships Races and Norway Post in Kristiansand have produced a series of Personalised stamps and related thematic postmarks. The first was issued on 9 January 2010, 200 days before the sailing ships come to Kristiansand. The next stamp (with European postage) and postmark will be issued on 20 April, 100 days before the sailing ships arrive and the last stamp and postmark, plus a Silver Cover, will be issued on 29 July. Price per stamp:NOK 15.00 (domestic) and NOK 17.00 (Europe) Price per cover with stamp:NOK 20.00 (domestic) and NOK 22.00 (Europe) Price complete set of 3 stamps:NOK 47.00 Price complete set of 3 covers: NOK 62.00 Price Silver Cover: NOK 100.00 Send your order to: Kristiansand Post Office – Box 28 4661 KRISTIANSAND, Norway Bank account number: 0540 15 73366 Account name: Kristiansand postkontor – velferden v/Unni Blesvik Contact person: Unni Blesvik, [email protected] These products cannot be ordered from the Philatelic Service. 8 New stamps 24 March Nordic stamp No. Theme Design Printing Value NK 1747 The life at the coast Gina Rose Offset by Royal Joh. Enschedé, Netherlands NOK 11.00 Further information about these stamps will be available on our website in March. It will also be possible to order the stamps and related collectibles using the order coupon in our next information leaflet in April 2010. Subscribers will receive these stamps with the stamp issue on 16 April 2010. This stamp is only available as miniature sheets. 9 This time we have the pleasure of offering mint, single stamps and year products from 1988. 1988 Norwegian Fauna I NK 1034 Kr 2,90................NOK 10.00 NK 1035x1 Kr 3,80................NOK 15.00 1988 European Campaign for Solidarity between North and South NK 1043 Kr 25,00.................NOK 80.00 1988 400th Anniversary of the acession of King Christian IV NK 1050 Kr 2,50.....................NOK 10.00 NK 1051 Kr 10,00..................NOK 38.00 1988 Europa XX NK 1044 Kr 2,90......................NOK 17.00 NK 1045 Kr 3,80......................NOK 17.00 1988 Ball Sports NK 1052–1055 (BL 9).........NOK 80.00 1988 Christmas Stamps (”Ludvig”) NK 1056–1057 Kr 2,90 x 2.................................NOK 25.00 1988 Military Anniversaries NK 1040 Kr 2,50.....................NOK 8.00 NK 1041 Kr 2,90......................NOK 9.00 NK 1042 Kr 4,60.....................NOK 15.00 1988 King Olav V 85th Birthday NK 1046–1048 (BL 8).........NOK 40.00 NK 1049 Kr 2,90.....................NOK 10.00 Year Products 1988 Year set Norwegian stamps 1988...............................NOK 420.00 Same, Complete Stamp Booklet FH 72 5 x NK 1056–1057 (numbered, lower edge perf.)......NOK 130.00 FH 72 5 x NK 1056–1057 (unnumbered, lower edge perf.)..NOK 125.00 FH 72 5 x NK 1056–1057 (unnumb., lower edge unperf.).....NOK 125.00 Yearbook Norwegian stamps 1988.......NOK 1 000.00 Complete set Norwegian first day covers (FDC) 1988.................NOK 284.00 Design and print: Bryne Stavanger Offset, Stavanger Photo cover page: Lars H. Krempig / NN / Samfoto Same, Complete Stamp Booklet FH 71 5 x NK 1038–1039 (unnumbered, lower edge perf.)..NOK 100.00 FH 71 5 x NK 1038–1039 (numbered, lower edge unperf.)..NOK 105.00 FH 71 5 x NK 1038–1039 (unnumbered, lower edge unperf.)..NOK 100.00 Bank details: Account no: 6074 06 35657 Nordea Bank, Oslo IBAN: NO39 6074 0635 657 SWIFT: NDEANOKK 1988 Edible Mushrooms III NK 1038–1039 Kr 2,90 x 2.................................NOK 20.00 E-mail: [email protected] Internet: posten. no/frimerker Telephone: +47 23 14 78 70 Telefax: +47 23 14 78 00 1988 The Salvation Army in Norway Centenary NK 1036 Kr 2,90.....................NOK 9.00 NK 1037 Kr 4,80 .....................NOK 17.00 Norway Post Philatelic Service P.O. Box 9350 NO-0135 Oslo, Norway Webshop: Older Stamps