TEXANA MANURE - Atlantic County Library System
TEXANA MANURE - Atlantic County Library System
ij PubUtadievsV .-J.,;r: APHIL: 18, 1896. 5(300,34:. For two weeks " • at least beginning/ t> Monday, March 30- those .California you frill find our stock of Elipse Bicyeles >.'(five / /• 7 —models}4n-tie^dom lately occupied by the South —r Jersey: Republican. , All friends of the agent of the Eclipse Wheel, all * friends to our ,iaethod of and at dealing; all enemies 'of the above; 'all strangers within our gates; and all theyare at legist,2^cents .persons interested in . per pound under value.,, . 'wheels of any kind,— * Without exception the finest whether wheeH barrows, fruit we ever handled at the bicycles, tricycles, quadriprice. cycles, or trolleys, will be • - -' - . '• ->.. . - ' cordially received and Headquarters for all kinds couft.eousJy treated. o^evanorated fruits. , / we offer ; "this week. ; . ' .' v ", • 40 to the pound 10 cents per pound 1 Frank E, Roberts, Geo, A. Elvins, \Bffi. The County 0. E. Convention,' held in ,tbe Presbyterian Churcbs Elwood, oij\Tuesday, was said by many to be the best thd County has over had. About thirty-five',' delegates attended from the.Hammonton societies, and the" way we were entertained 8hoWed~that-i Elwood; people were "whatsoever" Endeavorers. The address in the afternoon by Rtv. A. W. Spooner ''Essentials to Success in C. E, Work," waa fulK ing illustrated '< by practical observa? ,ions. Singing, under the leadership of'EJJvjTE. X7Tice,"^ffa,¥'a lappy feature of tbe day. The following officers were lected: -. , ' .„• . • -. President, Kev. J. Cv Killian, of Hammontom (re-elected). , Vice Pros.-, Eev. J. B. Adams, Elw'd. -Bee. Secretary, Miss Bessie Moore, Atlantic City (re-elected). i ,'"' Cor. Secretary, Miss Georgia Town: lend, Absecon (re-elected).. VeasMrer,:MUs^WaT Custer,-namruontoo. _The evening session opened with a xowded church. Ten minute confernces, on Literature, Rev. A. Jaggers, if Victoria; Missionary, Miss Minnie Morse, (Atlan?ic '. City ; • Junior, Miss Georgia Towuaend,. Absecon; 'Prayer Meeting, Miss Minnie Bischo'ff, Elwood, were given, many lielpiul suggestions >n the various topics being made. Tbe principal evening address, was made "By Rev. Jos. Bennett, of Philadelphia. His ibeme was the Lord's Prayer, giving a clear interpretation of its meaning, ,hought8-worth ' remembering. There were many other inspiring features, besides those mentioned. An earnest consecration service was then. held, . ' .after which tbe convention adjourned with ,he Mizpah benediction. Board of Education met on Tuesday evening,— all the members, being present. ' The following bills were paid : Tllton&Co.fwoodij); Magnolia... Hoyt&Sons. prtntlne LlpplaoaH <& Co., boolcs. etc. Jaoobs'Brotbera,stationery...... 50 80 1909 2t 7(1 . 5 10- Builders' Hardware Of all kinds in stocky.dr fttrnished on shortest notice. • ,1'Iaiis, .. ' Screws, Locks, Hinges, ,- '•],'•"• ' -Bolts;,1- ; . • • ' Weights, Hangers, Carpenters' Tbgls. •The committees on the various schools •cported, commending in nearly every,. jaee .the teacher and" the work being done. ''. ' '' . ; '" • . . '''.., Comraitteo_on--.Books recommended irocuring boxes, to attlib the text books used by thd outside schools. On motion istimates on fall orders cheerfully given :ommittee instrncted to ascertain cost At the Hammo'nton Lumber Yard. if same, and report. Committee,on Rosedale school house 'eportied that at least three, lots were" needed,"aai}":btit two offered,; hence no. progress liad been made, except'in the preparation of. plans. , '-CheaterjM.' Cro^e]^ was. elected to lake the school census this year. Mr. H. C. Krebs was unanimously re-elected Supervising Principal.for the next 'year at same salary as thiajear. The Board-then went into "executive Bellevuo Ave. and Second 8t^— session'? for the selection of teachers, and the REpUBi/iCAN'representatlye reHAMMONTOU, : : : jf. J. ,ired; but tbe following were elected: MiissC./P, Weston, . . ' . ',.' . AH business placed in my bands will be promptly attended to, ' Miss Alice Pi-ice, '" " Miss Nora Monfort, Mrs. D. B. Berry, Miss Nellie Tudor, M. B. Pressey, . John B. Roberts, ' : Miss K. E: Higbr - -- - : Mies Belle Carkhuflf, Miss Nettie Monfort, Mrs. G. D. Coleumn, Miss Mabel Dorphloy, James H. Scnllin, "Miss Sara H. Stretch. All vacancies, were left for consideraManufacturer of the Finest US" About noon on Monday last, one i two fancy soap pedlars who were can- tion at a future meeting. vassing tbe totvn called at thq residence MB. EDITOR :' Wo haye^among, us of- J, -T.French.- .- He -was- a-gontlefor'a visit of a week or two, one of tho manly appearing young man, but when busiest men that America baa over Miss Ida answered tho bell and in. eccn. • He has literally done the work of 1 brmed him that .bis goods were not • .., And dealer in " more than twenty men. I refer to Rev. wanted, ho pushed bis way into tho William Harrison Depuy, A. M., D. D., house and insisted that she show tho L.L.D., pf New York City, a brother of eoap (a wonderful "bargain—60 cents' worth lor 25 cents, for Introduction") to Mr. M. D. DoEuy.- In his earlier days bo was assigned to a backwoods town her mother.' She did so, and the door blowing abut, tho young man was leit in Pennsylvania — a lumber town : he' Hammonton, N. J., alone in the ball.- Ho was given a dol- elt.them with a fine academy, as one ur, i wont away to get change and re- result of his labors. • Ho has since filled Oflloe, Second and Cherry Bts. turned with It. Shortly after, Mrs. prominent .poaitloHs, including long French's gold watch, which had been terms in'Buffalo and New York City, loft on the parlor mantel shelf, was mis- leaving his stamp as minister, journalist sed. As tbe soap man had been the and author. For nearly twenty-live only caller, complaint was made before years ho, bold the,position of Associate Squiro Atkinson, who later arrested Editor of tho -Christian Advocate, N.OW tho man1. Ho gave his namo as Harry York ; ifi editor ol the "People's Encyliiirimrcl, of Philadelphia, professed en- clopedia," and supplementary volumes tire ignorance of tho theft, was searched of the "Encyclopedia Britannica." by. Constable Boruahoueu and nothing Although, over " Three Score Years and Shoes made to Order is my found, so,.was discharged. It la HUH- Beyond,?' (the imrna of one of his moat pccted that while out for change ho popular books), be has ton other books Speciialty, ibd full , passed the watch to bis confederate rundy lor tbo press. It is to-ba reBatiBfaction is guaranteed. who;' than took the 12:iiO train, as he gretted that his physical health is very .could not bo found in town. Of couroo, poor. Hid mind, however, is as active tho evidence is all circumstantial, but as over. Dr. DoPuy Mcoma to have Repairing done. ' strong. Moral,—don't patronize thuuo that wonderful |{i'(tx)f being in a dozen peripatetic gonlluruoii ; and don't leave placua at once, with bin braliji, pen, and valuables lying uround loose, ovuu In kind uclu. Bolloviio Avoiiuo, your owirhouso. DrtX. At tho nuii'tin^ of tbo Dolpliic Literary Hocioty lust Friday, tho follow Tho nodal given by tho .Tuutor ing oIllcci'H wuro'OlucUid for tho ruuiainC'. K. Hoo'y ot tho I'miibytorlan Church, ilor of tho tonn : on Monday uveulng, WUB u pronounced Prcsitlmt., MisH Daisy Matbls, micc.cHH. Tho following programme \vau Vice-'I'reni(tent, M!HH Olive DoPuy, rundorud : IVeaiiurer, Mlua Myrtlo Smith. • Booonil Btrootnnd liollovuo Avo., Vooul Ihuit, KIlMUlii^tli llolTuiuii Tho voto for Huurotary roaullod in a HQ niul Mll.Uvd Hun.lull biitwcHii tho Mln.scH Jiniiliili Jones and (1 iroientH rnado In tho boat maiinor, "Mnrry lllnlB uf H|irlng." Uoolliitlon, .Inlni WuHlior I'liubo Nuwcomb, and Wdltor Horbort tic -ai-luff and Hoj)(ili'ln,u promptly dope. "A Ditnlol (,'inno ti>.li»l|{iiiinil." u«n roaflouublo. / Hatlufaotlou guaranTim election 'will bu ducldod at next HtiltinUoi), Vlolu Adunitt toudln ovoryou incol.luK. "A Truu Iliiurl." Hulo, I'lllznluilli lloiniluil Tho prognuu for tho noxt nicutlng 1 "Tim Wlldwood I.OhHon. 1 ' mi IbllowH: ~^~&; j£::Bernshouse. * Justice of j£fte Commissioner of Deeds Pension & Claim Agent. STEAM MACCARONI, VERMICEIiLI, And Fancy Paste, Groqer. Imported Grroceries Wm, Bernshouse, A beautiful line of STEAM SPEINGCAPES ' At city prices. Also BOYS'PAHTS AND At,49 cents/worth $1. J. GOODMAN TEXANA MANURE Lumber Yard. All varieties of the Finest Mill Work, Sash, Doors and Blinds. FIRST GRADE $12.50 por ton at the car. $13.5,0 pr ton ut tho store. A Specialty. Give this a trial, and bo convinced that)ou can Have money Near the Railroad Stations, by UHing Tc'xaua. ' Hammonton, N. J Hammonton, N. J. 13ring UH your orders for Job Printing. Kramer, Win. •!£. HOOD Maiml'iietmei' niul Donlor lu to Alox. Altkoii FAHCYSHINGJiES Iluinmoiitou Hutol BEHHY OBATHS. Livery and Boarding Stable, Posts, Pickets, oto. , Jfolsorti, N. J. t&. Lumber juwod to order. Orders received l>y mull j>romi)tly rtUtd, I'rlcBH how. Justice of the Peace, SHOES. Always a Good Stock Hitly th© Bep;f! Hammonton, : : N. J. JOHN ATKINSON, Tailor, .Hammonton. Elam Stockwell, Third ami Dulluvuo, GEO. W. PRESSEY, Carting and Delivering of nil lilnda iluuo promptly, on nkoit notice. 1 Hliiglo and Doublo Citrrlngoa to biro, by tho d»y or hour. Itri'llnlluu. , Kclllli lidiriiiuii "Ni'ilitlu'u TliiuiU»uWI»U Vl«i(." HHo'illon, ' < Mufy ftolxirtn , "Tim U n u o f I'MoWorol" HDIIU, I'nul Aillinia, 1^11Ui lloinnnil. lliuu) I.IIIUMI, Mllxuttoth lloiriiuiu "•No.HIrl" ItiiiilliitlDii, Killlli IdiliurtH "My IlvolliBrWIll." Huliiotliin, htiuirt \\'lill!«ii "A HugKt'Hth»u to 'IVwohcrtt." HlnuliiK, HyAU "Amorlow." Tho goiitjoniuu wero tin u Invited t tuliu tho liull,:« Into tho •'Art Gullury,' which cuuoud no llttlo HcuilUii^, Wullci- l>'r«n«li,•(lortriiilutl'liumM (Mill Llowitllyi'i Joitos, K«(!llii(l»iiH, AiluCnlc, Jonlo Oiirtou. unU l.cntlurtl 1U>U<M'N. KxiutyH, Krnout Jitchuiin. Jiilin WuHlior, Alltm Itttiry. Dnlintu: Kmolvwl, That tho oxi>loramnr Alilnu Hiid'i'r uii>r« liurtlHlilpu thun HID oolonlntu of AiDurtoti dltl. Kiliol JaooliN, IVarl Ailiuutj, Juy llrowii, ('harlon MliLi-k. WiitetS Idea S3 K'rolAot your ld«iui tb«f tnny Iirlntf yuu wo«UI Writ* JOHN WHUlWllGltN 4 CO., MitoBI Alta nor^^w^'iliiiiUHi. II. O;, fur Iholr «I,8UO t>rta« utS< Since th Fire Wo liuvo put iiu a toinpornr; bullUlns on tbo old ulto, and have u ntock of ordinary Hardware To which wo are adding avory dsiy, andean aupplv'ourp*trun«. Our vrorkuhoo n»s not dcaiaged BO w« aru rea'ly fur oiijow, and have tiioreuuoil our force. S, ,E. BROWN &; QO, , ' " «f Tean«BB*e, as trustee, or in ceast, ITALY'S PRIME MINISTER. of hla failure to act or qualify aa euci OBSTINACY OF LLAMAS. trustee, then to the Legislature of TenilarqulB Kudini, Who Succeeded Slgy nesses, to direct-the trust and destg- filnlea Are Vacillating Compared wltV Crispi an Minister of State. These Stubborn Criiten. na,te-Bome blood relative of the name WAS A DOCUMENT WITH Marquis Antonio dl Rudinl-Sharatn The boy called "U-pa!" to the llamas, of Polk, who should occupy, have and OUS PROVISIONS. 1 Ola, who succejeded'^Sigflor Crlspi aa property then known and to lifted his finger as If to. point them up, Minister" of State in Italy, Is", like hie the trail. Ordinarily they would have be Known aa "Polk Place." The iruupredecessor, a'SiclIIan-and comes from He Desired to Perpetual* Hie Nash. of fftBMWS; IB tfeTccHng tlft bene- obeyed; but the aggressive manner of one-of- the-aristocratlc families "that ville Home—The Helm Quarreled flclary of this trout, were«to give pref- Barton—had—aroused their obstln'icyj and. they' did not bulge. The boy, put were scattered over the Island.o£ E^na and Legal Troubles Benan—A Broker of kin of his shoulder to .toe ribs of one, and by the Spanish domination. 'He Is now. |-KHvortby of-the trust-lf-tnereBhould~-heaved-hardrlrut :the^brute~~Bt6od" itr -nearly Wyears-old.--At-tho-age-of 31 he was prefect at Palermo, and In thatno longer be a blood relative of tha ground. Eeaalt of Litigation. "Well, it is to -wait!" said he; and ran year of the revolution he tried to reThe city of Nashville, Tenn., like name of-P«lk, deemed worthy to enjoy store the kingdom of the two Sicilies to Rome, ia built upon many hills. Crown- this trust, then the trustees, should se- ibout the path, gathering .up very the house of Bourbon. This revolution small-pebbles until his shabby hat wai lect as the beneficiary one who should Ing one of these hills, near the business was ferocious, neither giving nor acSunny Spain.. center of the bright Southern city, Is be a blood .relative, though prothe/ full. .Then he sat down on ,a boulder -ceptlng-quairteiv—The triumphont-ppiK'.. " • ' , . . . -.. ] that jutted frem-therbankrSettling him-; Tie duration of sunshine in the va- an L-shaped, very large lot, either end name. . , HouS; countries of Europe was recent- of the L facing streets that run at For forty-three years the -wishes o f , self as If for a long rest. Then he threw ulatlon committed most abominable ly discussed at a 'scientific meeting in right angles. ;At the convergence, of James K..Polk were compiled with. In a inlld and measured pebble at t each excesses. Human butcher shops were Berlin.'• It was, shown that Spain the X. stands an old-fashioned brick 01 the widow, Sarah Ohlldresa Polk,' .llama. They turned, their heads a little opened In the public squares, where ttands at the head of the list, having residence, that, facing on one of the died, and was laid away beside the j and wrinkled their disagreeable noses. -the flesh of the Italian carbineers kltt-; pn the average 8,600 hours of Sunshine streets,- -shows a' doric-columned, por- maker of this curious'will. .Then tha He waited for sometime, and then ed at the barricades was sold for neili b«r year,; while Italy has 2,800 hours, tlcoed front, such as Is so common-In heirs fell to quarreling about the es-! pitched two more pebbles—which had -to nothing.' Rudlnl risked popularity perffiaoy 1,700 hoars,'and 'England late; the lawyers got In their work and the same effect. So'.'he-eat, slowlyand MOO hours^JMadrld has'almost threr broke the will. - Now the estate la go- J mechanically tossing.his harmless misJames as much sunshine as London. Ing to ruin, arid the bodies of James K. sties upon the, dense hair of his chargea Po'lk and his wife have been -removed Evidently he was In no. hurry; and the ' Rust-Covered Gold. from the resting place they had chosen, i two iravelere, impatient as they were, J 'According to a report of the U. S. Geoand now.He burled in the State House had toa much wisdom of experience to foglcal Survey the gold found In the yard. . The court, ordered the sale o f . try to_push him. They "sal~quletly in Cripple Creek district occurs sometlmea this plot of ground, the proceeds to.be ] their saddles, watching the droll scene. jp'parUjlee too email to be seen with divided among a swarm" of helre, tea ' It was very ridiculous to need deliverWe naked eye, and at other times in dividend to be In accordance with the ance from two stupid beasts, and to plates and spongy masses, some of claim each' one established as to near ' get It from such an owlish little tatter"which are as much as a quarter of an or remote klnshirhwlth the man who.(- demalion. His ragged clothing was of tech In diameter. The gold is generally made this property and tried to do aa Very thick coarse cloth; and upon his Mated with a rusty, yellow-brown flln» he liked with his own! It ,wlll be~d> feet were the clumsy "yanquls or rawcomposed of some compound..vlded among ten heirs of the uama hide sandals of mountain Peru, and he of Polk, seven heirs of the name ot •wore thick stockings rising to'hls knees. The, Beit 'Whip-Stock*. Caldwell, seven heirs of the name of! Over his trousers was a curious gar, dogwood, whiqh first adorns the Walker, three" of the name of Vanli, Jment, half apron and half leggings; and mtods with its beautiful blossoms, and and so(on to the- number of fifty-three; over-sleeves of the same material, hung then splotches them with gorgeous dabs and according to the directions of the •with a cord about his neck, came'up bf red when its berries come, is said to MABQUIS court, the proceeds of the sale will ba over the elbows of his coat These 'twoItarpiBh the best 'material for whlpdivided among them as'follows: Pour garments were knit in very strange pat- In order, to save Italian unity. He dl-i ttack*. The wood le hard, tough and will get one-twelfth each, five will gel - terns, amid which were square, brown' fclaitic, and is beautifully marked wftfl e'suppression of the revolt/ sne-thlrty-slxth each, eeven Will get ono llamas wandering up and down a b»ot«; .The ornamental knobs of the mness that bordered on crueW background. Around his waist was a forty-seoondth .each, six •will gat ono.' dogwood are sometimes Imitated In revolution was crushed and! JAMSB K. POI.K. Bf^y-fourth each, eight will get ona IWbiyetocks made from other kinds of unity escaped the peril of dlsJ . And his ___ jVood, but no imitation ever equals-it/ the South/~Tne feature of the. front ninety-sixth, each,.*nlne will get ona inemberment, which had threatened It Original. •which faces the other street. Is an old- one-hundred and eighth 'each, seven face—what a brown, .round riddle! w an Instant • .But for many years thfl "How ,do you call yourself, friend?" will get one one too. hundred and sevfashioned ponderous - door, around remembrance of this bloody and merciBarnejfnt'sBright Light. asked the professor, In Spanish. "And less suppression weighed ^heavily ort The':lighthouse at Barnegat, New Jer- which there Is a paneling of glass that entieth each, and the remaining seven have you ten years or a hundred?" Unkept will get one three hundred and seven Signer Eudlni'3 reparation. As a poli-j icy, is'to 'be furnished with one of the Is antique in Its-arrangement a "Ramon Ynga, sehor. And the other, Ucian the Marquis dl Rudlnl took dl . . freat German searchlights shown at the lawns, uncared-for trees and shrubs, ty-elghtb each. 1 do not know. I have been here a long leading rank among the rightists nfl OMcajgo exposition. This, it Is assert- broken fences, and decrepit gates mark time—ever since they built the" mill al soon aa be was sent to parliament Hla ild; will be the.'most powerful light .the Jadlng-away—of'- a spot -that was : Casapalea." anywhere/employed f orsuch a purpose. once the pride of the State of Tennes- Need of Permanent Arbitration. _!TTo'n must be about fifteen, then. And conduct during, the revolution of 186$ The Immediate duty before_the conhad classed him among the fearless and At Chicago, when the light wa's'eie- see; It was the home'of a President where do you live?" frateft to'a height of 240 .fet, its Illumi- of the United States. There is an'un- servative forces of England and Amer- "There, above," answered Ramon, resolute men. And so, after Montana,' when Emmanuel desired to begin ft nation at a distance of eight miles 13 cared-for, palntless, musty, unattrac- ica is to organize for the establishment tossing another pebble.' reactionary policy, Rudlnl was selected •aid to have been sufficient to render tlveness about the house that lector-' of a high-class continuous board of In"A curious habit of 'the mountainternational arbitration. In this matter x to act jULfiilnlster of the Interior. Ho newspaper print legible at night.- It bidding, and It tells the etory of the eers," said the professor. "These mounhis strong, quaille hoped that the light will penetrate law's interference In dividing- the prop- the lead may well be taken by the-rep- tain Indians, Instead of living In. tho democracy, fog effectively enough to warn marli* erty of a man who was deemed worthy resentatives of that religion which Is valleys, climb to the v.ery tops of these and qualified to rule a nation, but "first pure,' then peaceable." With the atjthe king..:Tho Ms off the coast in bad weather; who, it seems, did not know enough to aid of the great educational Institutions peaks, and build'there their squalid new minister showed himself equal to Odd Facts About Patent*. make a will that would withstand tb« and of the vast commercial interests of stone hovels. They seem to think noth- the expectation and was almost spiteclambering .up and ful in his zeal against the republicans. The Patent Office at. Washington has onslaught of the modern attorney. the two hinds, and In the present re- ing of the eternal ; ' in record 998 patented beehives; 10,122 This place has for nearly three- vived attention to the subject, it ought down." But at the end of two months he was An hour crawled by, and the stones In compelled to retire and again took his different models for plows; 0,348 de- quarters of a century been known as to be an easy matter to get Parliavices and machines for the use of shoe-' "Polk place," the h6me of James K. ment's assent *to the opinion already Ramon's hat were running low. Sud- place among the right. He was not makers; 278 patented methods of mak- Polk, once President of the • United formally expressed by the Congress of denly the brown llama turned with a board' of again until he assumed the., ing soda water and similar beverages; States. , On the streets on which the 'the United States In favor of the prln- snort of disgust, and strode off up the reins of government on the retirement 11,795 patented buttons, buckles and property'faces, the hum of traffic rum- 'clple of arbitration. What Is needed trail. The gray one hesitated a mo- of Slgnor Crlspi In 1801. He remained other contrivances for fastening cloth- bles and roars, .the sharp clang.of thu Is a permanent system. In place of tiro. ment, snorted—and followed. "TJiaJ In power two years, but his* ministry, Ing, and harness, and more than 16,000 tlectrtc car gongs nre echoed back from piecemeal and haphazard examples to way they get tired, sirs," said the boy, was disastrous financially. Since that patents for electrical appliances. The its moldy walls And "the only 6bjecta which we are accustomed, admirable emptying his hat and pulling It down time Rudlnl has ;i«jtjj*en a leader la greatest number of patents under'onq In keeping with its decadence are the as their results have already proved. upon his thatch of black hair. the councils of Italy. "I'd take a good club to them," prowlbead, that of carriages and vehicles; ragged, Indolent negroes who bask in Once established between England and id Barton, who had great confidence In Tho Illcyolo In Japan. the sunshine around Its broken walls. IB J20,096. For velocipedes and bicycles America, such a system would gradualThe Japanese wore Infected with tho Alone, 2,388 patents have been Issued' ' T h e house stands far back.in the ly spread among the nations of Europe, the Saxon way of forcing things. yard from either street as If trying the more rapidly because of the general •"No, the boy Is quite right. It Is nn. bicycle craze several years ago, saya Sleeping Decs. other case where you must not try to Theodore Wores, tlmrtlst, and It broke thus to hide Its bend In shame at He At a recent meeting of the Entomolog- condition, or In fjear of Its strange conviction that another continental be smarter than natvlre. The llama is out In peculiar waj-H. I took my safety ical Society of-Washington, a descrip- surroundings; and well It might feel- war would show a climax of horrors. the Htubboriie'st brute alive; a inulo la wheel with me (o Japan, and I found U tion was given of the sleeping habits ashamed at the disregard with which Sooner or later arbitration would bo vacillating, compared to him. If you of great assistance. It was not much vt two spades of bees In Southwestern tho wishes of Its builder have boon followed by dlsarmanrentrTvblclHs tho put u pound too much on his load, ho of a novelty except In the country. I {Texas. 'Certain small dead bushes, aro treated by those who were of Ulnahlp logical sequence, of no other down; andWou might- ;>cat 1dm arranged a-sketching outfit that I could •elected by the bees as sleeping <iuar- to him. Said n Htranger ,w,ho noted and yet will be the turning-point of to death,.or build a1 fire beside Win, but puck on my machine, and In this way 1 the continent toward true democracy he would not get up. Nobody but a made a number of long trips Into tin! tors. The sleeping .Insects graep- the me examining tho old place: thin twigs atld thorns of the .bushes "It's a queer old place, isn't It? and progress. However, near or far Pertjvlnn Indian can do anything with country, where r. bicycle attracted- atwith all elx of their legs, and according President I'olk was buried lu a tomb the ultimate acceptance of the Idea, It a Peruvian camel, and Itamon IIIIH ,1ur.t tention. One day 1 was jogging uloiiH to the reader of the communication that Hto'od forty-tlyo years'where you would, as between us and our English Bbowu us the proper tnctlcs. Hurt tho on my wheel when I saw soiuetlihiH describing them, Mr. Schwarp, they ob note those broken rocks and that fallenj cousins, take the, sting out of the viper animal, ami he only grown more .sullen; coming toward me which 1 could not tain additional security ngnluut falling column. It was his wish that hid re-, of war, to whlctt, like the husbandman bnt the pebbli-H merely tense htm until size up. AH It drew nearer I saw thai off by Inserting the tips of tliolr wldo- mains shorn! rest there forever;1'.find In the fable, nations too carelessly give ho can bear It no longer. AnJ really, It was n Jap.'inefo riding one of tlifl , ly separated mandibles firmly l a t n |!>.< that those of hla wife should Ho bekldd tho warmth and nourishment of tho bo repays ( patience when he behaves old-fashioned high wheels. Probably him when she passed uway. She sur- hearthstone. In tho knowledge that well, for lie in the only animal that ran tho machine bad done Hervlco In tha «vood. vived him forty-three years. Then her disputes would be automatically set- work effectively nt these t»rrlllc alti- United States, and had been sent with Distortion the Bun. rvuialuH were placed an they had both tled by an Impartial tribunal, It would tudes, where horses and iiinleH are prac, Observations mnilo at the Klmrkoft wished In yonder touib that you sen no longer be- possible to play a bolster- tically um-li-KH. Hul ntlelanto (for- a lot of other second-hand, out-of-dnta machines to Japan. The rider wnn an Observatory last year Indlcuto that tho lying In riilna." OUH tuno upon a people,by pulling out .warilj)" the profenaor concluded.—St, export, and ^evidently perfectly lufppy forooe which produce the blnclc upots President Polk made a curloiiH wilt the stop of "patriotism." And It is not with his wheel. lie wmi droKHi-d In oil thotnm may have a wonderful effect It begins lu tin' usual form. "1, Jnrried too, much to hope that In tho spread of Nicholas. Japanese continue, which la not tho beat • In'heaplmj up the solar surface in the K. Polk, 11 resident of the State of this Idea tho whole earth would at last Pope IJOO'B Boyhood. adapted for bicycle riding, and he rode* {neighborhood where the wpotii cxlnt. Tonm'K.wcviipxcopt four y^urs a resident realize tho grout laureate's noble vloHo opent lilH childhood In tho olmplo without using tlui handle bar. In one Borne of the measurements »tiowe<l t h n t of \ViiHliliiKton, I). 0., while nerving as Ion of a Hue through tho confer of tho HUH President of tho t'nltod tHates, do Tlte Parliament of man, tho Federation (itirrouiidlngH of Oarplncto, than which hand ho held a gayly colored pani/iol, none could be simpler, as every one and In the other a fan that ho worked from u group of tipota to tho opposite hereby wljl and liciiueath," etc. of tho world. aldo wan us much as 200 miles longer And particularly out of tho ordinary) Herein lies a great opportunity for known who \IHX ever visited an Italian Vigorously, for tho day wiis warm, lie than other adjacent diameters of tho was tho disposition his will made of tho English-speaking ruct—to leud country gontKmiaii In hla home. Karly manaaad Ms wheat ctlally with Ma r<vf,. houra, coiiiitiint exorclso, plain food, ,«'un. ThlH seems to show that the siir- thin property of which I am writing.' tonnklnd to the glorious deutlny; of and farm Inte-routd made a Irtrong man and ho vn» apparently enjoying the tm' ptonlon that he waa sure to make on face of the radiant globe la swollen out H would seem/that he Bought to entail piaco. H |u a mission to'kindle tho ot tho points whore great eruption* J tiio'cstote, to so arrange It That It would Imagination and the heart.—Tho Cen- (i i; him, with plenty of. Blmplo common the xmtlTM. Of course In the Inrgu clt ./iciiBc. A« a iKiy ho WAH a great walk- tat of Japan thero aro many up-to-dati> occur. j forever remain In the I'olk family, 'and tury. or and climber, and It IB natd that he Wb«ol4, bnt they wero mostly owned li> bo known as "Polk Place," and alHo ,','-,Helium »a the Btaro. \v»n exccnalvi'ly fond of blrdlnff, the bo tbo renting place of him and bin To tind fault with another la to or only fonn of nnort afforded by that foreigner*. In dlta-ueulng thowonderful discovery wife. In order to do this be willed j)OHO u greater ono of your own. bf helium, an element of tbu sun, now part at Italy, and p nidi nod there In Ilia Pint Conclusion. known to exist In curtain raro mlner- "Polk Placo" to tho State «j£ TenneHueo Bvory -wtomati given thoiden that her UIOHO tliiu\a, uu It In now, not only In trust. At tho death of hui>vlfo, It ultJ oti tlio oarth, Mr. Lockyor, the En1 toctal obligations run her to death. with guiiH, but by nieiuiH of nets. It ullsli astronomer, culls uttentlou to thti Bliould go to the Governor of/(ho State hitu often boen'uald that pocrts and fact that uoinV atara, or HUIIB, are hotloyorH of friH»<loin como more frequentrter thuu others, and that tho hottest ly from tho inoniitalnn and tho (ieuV>f nil staruvlmve utnios-phoroti consistuhor« than from a Hat Inland region.--* ing almost entirely of hydrogen and Century. lielluni. Tfo»> earth, which v/att ouea Ituelf " little mni, liao plenty- of liydro!Nowa {» Him. •gi'ii but apparently very llttlii helium. -AVllllo, In your prayora you Yet, Mr, I.ooUyiT r(!intirICH, the earth forgut t» pray for gnuidinothor'u "oiion had an atmoHplierit Jim! i\ft gloHiifoty. rlouu lu HM hydrogen and Its lirlluni /IM Willie ll»»n Mho girt a blcyi'lo, tooV(iny of I ho other Him-* arc now glorious. Judgo. What li.'ifl .become of I hit I liellmn?" Thlit iiiji-rilloii, he Ihlnhii, will liiivn in Two eiclci l<> tlin tliirot Inn. lw very ciuvfiilly coiiHlilcrcd liy men nl N a l i i i r (Jiiod inonilng, doctor. Aro tdi'iic" In t h e n e x t few y«'artt. Con enjoying good licallli thin inonllng? Ddclor \Vcll, er, liuit'H alionl th<i ...Ulldiul--My wlfo IHIM liocn KO!HK only kind of l n - n l l l i n niun oiiii onjoy, terribly. No( f n In I'limiH-r. r-Wliol iMtihc Kulng onV 'I lnn'1 I t ? You iK-vcr know nuy ono t« •Ulnkertou-OIJ mid w a t e r wllj my. vnjoy bud lioallh, <il<l you? / inlx. ' . ,. ' ' 1'llKHillc-—Oh, p M l u i w l Tin* dl'rcotora Nabor - Oh, you, Pyo known soino <loo t>{ tlio Hliinihml Oil (Joinnany knu\v lorn to enjoy bad hoiilth-lii otliera.Tho fnmo Hint COIIICH |() mout iiu Uichuiond l)|«putcli. fritter tlian Hint. l» lu tho «lmpo of uu 1'UUC. Xilli WILL OF J. IK, POM. Ill ' - . . ^ . •=^- may 'promise not lo encroach u'pon down, on 'my cot, 'when 1 caught the It io asserted that a Kentish ge&tlet AN OLD-FASHIONED NEIGHBOR, -your hospitality very longi" voice of Austin. "Really, Alexandria, man Is In possession of tho head of ,-"Please put aside the Idea that yon the men are getting almost unmantt's oil! for an old-fashioned neighbor, Oliver Cromwell preserved In a bpii are not; or may not be, welcome; We ageable. They "border on mutiny." Like tho one I remember of yore, Documentary evidence does not fully! "I know It, Everette. It makes me '(Who always neat calico aprons ind gown* are isost happy to have you." substantiate the claim, -bat there iirft Except on the Sabbath day wore. eery nervous, too. I'm so afraid they "Now, Brant," • said my entertainer, traditions which glve''it some s-hW oft 'And who in my. care-laden hours,, will do you ^ome harm." | "Mrs.. «**.£,.. Austin AUOkUl will T T 4 » Agive . e « » ' « you J - U U your J r U U l ' room. 1 UUUi* Furthermore,- ftioj Whales are never found in tho Gulf reasonableness. r With a aunbonnet perched on hothead, -yye, cannot do much for you, but there '"Ohr-I fancy not." . ,-,.— li<moT'strikingly resembles -portralt^li1 stream. ' •ftan In bringing bowls of nice jelly or jam, , ,ent^ 0, water; both hot and cold, "Everette!"- . . ~" I Or loaves of her freshly-baked bread, ' Over twenty boys under 18 years of b-usts and thejleathmask of Cromwell.) "Well?" . . and that will not"be amiss, as I know ; ~ And then, witfiout asking me whether. Tne^secoad, oldest sailing craft In "Suppose you stop wearing your age have won the Victoria cross. by experience, after a midsummer I needed her help, fairly flew the world is the So-called GokataiJ ship,, evening suit and that-we-glve-up-our [ -T-h'erropfJbf the Crystal Palace, LonJCo_do_ln_tJ»e-lciadest-aad-c|uIekest~way,— rldo In this country^i^X-Wlll ge'o youdon,, contains fourteen acres of glass. a viking craftrwhlch was discovered InJ tea In the afternoon. They think Whatever she saw was to do. i at t eepnlcfctKiI mound on the shosea f Nowadays-though a friend-may assure me He went back to his digging and afe'puttlng on airs, aa they call It." _.i The NJeer parks tn England exceed j phrlstlanla fjord, and is now exhibit!* That over my burdeus.she grieves . "No, I will not. I am not going 300. The largest' in .the, kingdom Is In a wonderfully perfect stAte ot prea tiio really can't aid me for fear of mishap IMrs. Austin conducted me to my room. to change the habits of thirty years .Windsor, (The celling and the. floor were of solid To her lacoa or very big 'sleeves. and throw over all memojiea^of homeJi —Maacagni's new OfJetar—"VegtUla,"! ervatlon In Ohrlsttanla. It la a craft o|) boards, like the rest of—the 'And as for tho the ninth century. A. D.^andJiiJiu!rg< only—one-of twentyj-dear,- "!wl.'i. include a gladiatorial."ecene in "67 Tfore _ ~ ^-[jbut-the^arti^tts-^ere-ot-white-inannearly 1,000 years old. • In 'Roman amphitheater. Whero'mindsrare~lmp~rov"e^lii~an"efegairt^ the place waa /t might be wiser." Rats, according to a showman who But the woman's counsel went un, > '•' way '.' , . .-•• '•-•-•' . ' " perfectly audible. However, It was The utility of shedding tears is to «xhlblU'a tame troupe of the little /_But no time Is devoted to hearts. _ clean and darkened and cool, and there heeded. keep the eyes cool though ,the, balance beasts,: are more easily taught than Or else they are pledged to the seeking were no flies, which I took as the There were boutonnleres at our places of the -head may be hot. ,. dogs; they have a more retentive ear Of those whom most people condemn crowning blessing of Providence. I At breakfast, and Austin,, fresh from At the Transvaal gold fields whisky ! (Afl lost beyond hope—so it's plain to bo x his tub. In dn old but natty.corduroy brings $15.50 a Bottle, chainpagne for language and greater adaptability; eat upon the chintz-covered potato seen, than any other animal. Louise Michel, box, which served for my chair; and suit, tried, with much cheerful loud ?12.50 and beer §1 a bottle.; I who Is also fond of rats, has cUacor* t here's no chanco of assistan.ce from talking, to cover the evident sullengazed at myself in the'mirror again f them. ~ ;--•• ... ~~. • A Coventry( England) firm Is execu-' ered^any virtues In them. They hay? .uLndJt's ohTfor an old-fashioned neighbor, and wondered, profanely,, what the ness of his "hands." After break- ting an order-for 150 bicycles for the respect for* the aged, family feelingj ,When my sky with dark clouds is o'er- j woman must'think o'f 'me.- I sighed fast he donned his working clotnes and and compassion for the unfortunate. | 8Dr ad ..f..».*.., . ' 1I &v "- ^ ' v«LAi<ug -auiv, ? ' for my'calling :sult, .wuimi which nao was caic safe went back to the1 digging of ditches. lise of officers, of the Salvation Army. The Amazon is in every respect butMy, horse was better, • so t left at The onion is an htetoric vegetable, !To rna in'neatly dresaed in a calico gown', in Miles City, and considered my sur. WUh a sunbonnet perched da lier head. { roundlngs; my hostess, Ia.^hlef. In 10 o'clock, with considerable reluct- (having been used since the dawn of ieng-th the greatest river In the world. - Mrs. Austin, -was so charmlngT (history by the Greeks, the Romans and | At many points In Its lower course so . •,'=== --;..! absolute' regularity -of-features, 0ie" -vast is its width that one shore iB.ln, THE FATE OF Iwaa u°*> beauty; but she had the No wonder Austin wa.s de^peratelj tn the Egyptians. v^slble from the^other, the'abserrer. An orange sixteen Iriphes I n . ' 'H." [fine gray eyes, finer brown.aair, strong lo~ve with her. • . ' ' . • • . . seeming to look .out into a rolling sea : c n . I sent Mrs. Austin a box of new books ference was taken from a tree at'Po'£VEB'ETTE"AUSl3|i~ ^ ' sensltiW--mouth and dignified of turbid water. It has over 400 tribu-' and some small trinkets such as a mona, Cal. It is to be sent to Europe as . i . carriage of the best eiamples; of the Itarles, great arid smlall,. which rise In so ~~ " r' ~~ • • ; . > •<*' ' women of her nation, and, above all, man believes that a woman „ likes, B speclmen.of CaliforniaJIruit. many different climates that when on9 , "Whose place*is this?" I inquired or-an air of grave, sweetness which ia when I reached town. Two days after It Is. the custom of ships lying at the set Is at flood height the-others, are at 4 man who was digging ^a ditch neai peculiarly and distinctively: English, they had gone I met a friend^:who had Brooklyn navy yard to discharge their .ebDrana^ee-Tereafso^hffit thei bulk ot~ the water trough. " - I Her .figure was indifferent and her come to ithe city that morning. powder before entering-the docks, as the great river remains unchanged tho ~ "By thte bye, Brant, wasn't that a a. precaution against accidents. He stopped his work, and looked up gown had not' and never' had'had whole year round. "' ...^- ~ ,,, ..'^.^ and pushed his sombrero on the back any style of cut, which also"gave "evl-. ghastly thing about those-,Britishers Of the eighteen people who died, at} Thgrfl Is no record of the costumes of of his head, giving a sigh and passing dence of her English birth; but It was at the'Clrcle-A-ranch?" . . Norwich, Vt., during 1805, ten were ithe Syrian Arabs having changed durbis hand across "his brow. "It Is the pleasing and harmonious, in sofne ,"WhO, the 'Austins?";fc> cried,, turn- more than 73 years old, and cjf these ing the period-covered by htnnan._bl9*Circle-A ranch.' It belongs to Everetta ; (vay, Altogether she was a fasclnat- ing cold and foreboding.' • Itogi.flve were more than 80 years old. lAustin. Can I be of service to you?" | lag woman—a woman that a man "Yes. You'.ve heard about It, then?" The, Alaskans often' have eating:' fory, either as regards malet.or female "E-eh—well,, yes; at least the bosg piust absoluteb/ worship;: She knock- "No. For heaven's sakel what Is it?" matches, at Which great numbers"oT~flleL dress or adornment.,' Saying^only t foj can, I've lamed my-horse, and aa I'm-.Pd a/); the door and brought me a big "Well, the way I heard It-was .this: villagers compete. The man who eats Ihis firearms,- there is n.o reas'on\to bea email matter of fifty miles from ray jliwooden bucket of hot water. My Their men on the ranch didn't like the most Is considered thefinestman. lle ve~ that'the—Bedouln~of^the desert ~ vloes not clothe and adorn himself ex' destination I can't 5valk,ln^:his weath*i sensations at beuig served .by tthls them, accused them of being 'bloody -The 'Irish-mail-boatsreceive ;$455,000 actly as he-dld:tn the days of the patriaristicrats,'" t--believe," nnd'rthey "^ot er." -' woinan, with her air of thg daughter & year subsidy, This Is only $20',OQO archs. Arabs in the desert have confire to the grSss near the stables 'two "It Is rather warm," be absented. [of a hundred earls,, were not pleas; or' three nights ago. You know-It's less than 5s paid for all the North 'Amer-i tracted a strange prejudice against , "Slightly. Is Mr. Austin. In"," or anj;- [ant " r ' . dry—yeaiv-and the-gra^s-bumed. lean mails from Queenstown to New running water, and they will orily^rinli —Whete—around-?i? —^=^-^—|—My—tollet-maderl^went-back-to the ' : •. "• " \vhait they ftnd In some stagnaitt .pool;' well. Austin and his ..wife tried "to Tork...' '- -- -' "He's not In, but he's around. I'm drawing-room and read "Pelham" un1 fantastic fashion -has now de- So much has this become a matter off fight the flames and keep them from' Mr. Austin." : | til, at 5 o'clock, tea -was served—tea ihabit with.them that, while the moat veloped Itself tn the direction of lamp the stable, all alone; no men to be "Oh! indeed. Well, I dm'Sir. Brant as only the English serve it, with slices poisonous, looking water agrees with •-William R. Brant—Mr. Austin, and of bread and butter,-as thin as cloth, found until It was quite over. They shades. They are made like ball dress- (them' admirably, pure running "watef ribbons, with trails of I must ask you if you can let me put and rich cream, and good tea, none kept the barns safe,, all right, but es, of lace and 3 •will make them violently sl<3£,, / , up my horse until its foot Is rested of the bitter, nerve-shattering, green Mrs'. Austin—pretty wom&n, they say flowers. —was so burned that she died -In perIn 1830 the -wftole toanage of tUe or u n t l l l find some way of getting to decoction, which-la dignified by that TRUE SOLDIER OF FORtl/NE. British empire reached but 2,600,000. Miles City?" . i name In the average American house. fect agony at the end of an hour, Morgan Traveled Far and Mr. Austin stepped forward, lifted I found out afterward that this was men had turned up by that time. Been To-day the tonnage register Is '"over Died a Major General. • ,; -the ragged somebrero, and put'out. bis the one'''meal of' the'day-w,here there down at Central City at a dance, they 6,000,000 of steam and nearly 5,000,000 said. Austin nearly went crazy, while of sailing. _ ,..-,. In Glrardot, a little village on the grliuy band. "I'm happy to uieet you, waa any approach to luxury. , Mr. Brant.'.,.-! ain sorry I can't call a Austin came In, after having washed his wife was suffering, but after she The Italian.beggar must receive a eastern bank of the Magdalena River, man tg-take yotir mount, but if you his hands'and brushed his smooth died he went outside, drew his. gun,' license to escape a challenge from the lu Colombia,. South America, there died will turn him over to me I'll stable British head. With the exception of and shot the foreman and another ot police. There are 12,743 licensed me-nii on lj>ecember 2 last a true soldier of ' ,.berg of 'the confraternity In King Hum- fortdine, Enrique Morgan, a major genhim and attend to the foot, and you a coat slipped on over his fiauhol work- tho — rascals'." 'Thank heaven 1" , . eral In the Colombian army, but a nabert's realm. can go up to the house aud ask Mra. ing/shirt, he wore the same, clothes lq "Walt—that's not all. 'The ones_h.e. ~ Vermont has'made a new move in the tive of West Virginia. Austin to make you comfortable. Tho which he had been digging. So we 7 During the ,war of secession In the men are all 'off ou the range." sat theVe— we three— and talked of the didn't kill, It seems, said it was cold- attompttoenforce .prohibition. e r "I'll go with you," I answered, and ( doings In tho outer world In quite the blooded murder—I believe they were 8ons wn(> ^nt places where liquor Is United States he had been a : favorite we set off to the barns. I same strain as wo should havo talked all half drunk. Anyway, they held sdld are *o be fined as well as those, "orderly" With the Confederate General They were ^eautlfully-.kept, as few j in London. My host In his boots and him and dressed.. h.rmjip..iarhls_even- >who actually sell the contraband. 1 Lorlng—one-aruied Lorlng,' aa ho won but Englishmen keep their stables, and ' work suit and my queenly hostess In Ing suit—they—had a. special grudge In Londouj, on an average, one per- called— and, when the latter^ subae-' waa glad that my weary steed should ' her calico gown might havo beey against It—and then they took him son in every throe carries a watch; of quently -went to Egypt, Morgan follow out and strung him up to the rafters these two-thirds pay from $0.25 to $15 od him there, and became a captain Ini be BO well Installed. •! saw In ft mo- seated In a lordly mansion. of the barn. It Is supposed that there the Khedive's army. Tiring of mlll^j ment thakjuy host was accustomed After a time a bell rang. "Tho dress- were fifteen men, but, of course, they for them, wh'llo the prices given by the tary Inaction, he joined a party ' of to being hlgNpwn, veterinary surgeon. Ing boll," said Mrs. Austin; "we dine rest vary from tho latter sum to $250 can't be foundr you know how It la. and $300. Greek surveyors In the Soudan, with] It .puzzled mh to. reconcile tho fact at haK a--fter 0> and u ,fl now 0 0,docU . Did yon say you know these Auswhom he. learned something of prnctU of his manualllabor a n d ragged work-1 . , . - . . , There Is a crazy mnn In Philadelphia cal engineering, but contracting smallJ ing clothes wilt, hla largo possessions,! tlllonrotl^dh to ^T', a ,8lmpl°, °pera- tins?" who wanta tho doctors 'to euro him of K pox and supposed to bo dying, he waa ' his perfectly appointed stable, and hla « ' which consisted of - running my Yea. I know them," I answered.* rays In his eyes. Ho says he sees tho abandoned by his companions. ' ' yot moro perfect language, so immls-1 fln*or8 ^ugh my hair and retylng San Francisco Argonaut. skeletons of all who- come within tho my nock tie. However, I devoted an Upon his recovery he found' that tho takably British, for I was new to I mu _ . _ . ... , | line of Ills vision,' and the sight gives natives had robbed him of everything Montana andTts people; iiiouBh"not'a , !;U tlmo as possible to this, and to8-nd lUauaff-.: ' . . W m great annoyance. , and ho became a "tramp" In Northern tenderfoot, by many years of Arizona ! « flther wlth fllttln« on Ul° Potato box One of the moat curious native cus-1 A , and 'meditating I succeeded In con- toms of India is that of making Band I , 'ow-ycaw ago the number of sul- Africa and Southern Europe. Too' ..experience. clUCs *»«>«»-*»«»..rank-and-aio-of-tlie proud to apply to diplomatic ~ or cbn4 Tho doctoring of my horse finished, suming twenty mlautca before I re- plctures ^T"«'"»d Painting," as It is' Austin led tho way to hla house— a I turned . . . to tho , drawing-room. , .. , , , Mrs. often caUodSn, Is generally dono on' ?t?89l*n ™ b"ax?°tltt pu,bllc T"" Biilur officials for assistance, ho walked* long, low. unpalhtod structure, set up Justin was already there liking evon foetal days-lAont of both houses «*l. Tno'tatert statistics «bow that to tho coast, worked his way acros* tt foot or M from tho ground ou posts, , £wo°,ter ^D(1lmt0ro Bl'1lteh' '" "n,"^1""1 and temples, and it has a religious1 whl1 "'" 18?2 h°10l!^rtloll1^85'-8 tbo Mediterranean Boa and thoncol through Italy and Franco to tho port Thero was a wretched attempt at a' I Wt fresh white raualln and whlte.rbThe sand, -which Is pro-i 1>ur J'000 ult>"' "' 1895 "WU1 4'2-' all a: rt D ' -' * '- <-' Morgiir and Melr, during of St. Nazalro'.'' • , • , twd of llowcro noar tho door, but tho f)oa9' 0. Mr< A"sU" Jo'u<;d '.'« 1 f t t , t ^ pared and sold by natives of the Dec-1 ' !leir Hoeing a ship advertised* to sail for, •mn and wind gavo It small chanco iH-, ' «»« »tant|M, MDy attlrp.l In can, Is white, rod, blqek, blue, orange' * excavations In tho neighborhood M I °f Olzoh, illacovered an nlmast perfect America, ho offered to work hla pna-i of 8uva-ri«. A row Htunted petunias,' !«««««* ^oa' with ft BPHiy of mlg. and purple. A woman',-who has'obsorved certain y«<?ht or pleasure'vessel, which -has trngo across tha, Atlantic, -which offer a HtNiKKllnj: lino of mlgn.motto, und'f oai)tto !n hla >">tto»Mo. several biiHlies of aapUlHa rod and pluk p A great, eruff fello\y In a dirty apron preliminary, ceremonies,-tiikos tho saud l)OCU nifcrln.l!(1 ''^ OKports to the elev- WUH accepted. The vessel landed him1 geraniums wore nil thiit rowtirdod ovl- Wunounce'd' dinner iu tho aurlliiat of In her'luind, ami allowing It to trlcklo <!Uth °,r "wulfth dynanly, or about ;1000 pi-nnlleuu in Barranqullla, Colombia, whoro ho enlisted as a soldier. By dint di'iitly patient euro. My hoot wan not 'tones. I saw Mrs. Austin wluco and out no aho moves her arm forms upon B. 0. ' • communicative, nor did ho expect mo « frown paused across her huuband'd tbo prepared ground In front of 'tho ' Traveling churchc* are to bo eutjib of hard- work and close attention to hla to IK, .so. I «lurted to give him a rof- lirow. "Brant," ho Hiiid, "iTogrot to door cm-Ions colored designs, Included linhed on tho Tniim-Slbcrlan Itnllwiiy, dutloH, ho was successively promoted' wln havo to ont at «renef, but ln> cut mo oft by changing ' f» llt ">« with n border and representing b u - 1 wlil<-!i piiHses tlirough many dutmrt through all tho grades of corporal, sor-1 the subject., In a iiioniont more we fcnmo table as tho ranch hands do." We man llgurus, cron'scs, oemlclrcloa or tracU, whwo neither village nor cliiirc-li geiuit, lieutenant, captain, major and '. I can bo ini^t with for nillea. Curu lifted. colonel, and finally was appointed lirlff-i bail KOIIII up the Htitpx and Htood ou 'trlod l""tf «g<> •» li'iYO. a stspnrato illn- blnlH. tho porch, which biiiiHteil of nelllior '.Ing-room, but It tiiudo too much 111Ono explanation of tho pm-pouo of "U for dlvliiu Horvlco will bo attached udler general and chief of engineered i-oof nor railing. Aimtln handed me il -foiling among tho moil." theao pleturea, uccordliiK to Mr. .1. | to the tniiua for the beiietlt of tho oUl- In this capacity ho conatmctoil, wltln the labor of troop.8, tho greater part of , ' fi'iiil\er diiHtor, and wo briiMhod the | That was tho ono apology ho made \V. Fo.wkes, la that they are bulleved , < ; l u l d white dust from our hooln. Then wo during my stay. Wo sat at an oil lu attract good spirits, To utup ou IiOinons lire considered healthful bo- the railway between Glrarilot and Jun-i ciuluo tliu acid they contain acts as a tna do Apulo, as well an tho cMlllciilt vent In. ' i-lotli covered, board on long wooden 11 mind painting brliiRH bail luck. "Sit ilow.n and I will ii'iiiioiinco you ' 'bendioa, Mru. Austin at tho liouii, hor , This utniugo cuHtoin anM|iiuca a HO|- illurirtlc, having power to excite tho 'cart ronil through tho cordlllcru of to Mru, Austin.". IK- N.'ild, \vlih no ap- buubuinl on tbo left and I on tha right, entlllc Importunco \vlie;i It Is known i, (uul tlum rogul|it|ng the sys- Quliullo. ' pen-eptlon of tliu InootlKrutly uu I hau offoruil her my arm In outer- that It provulla In (Unioat exactly tliu tom, Tlioy niuat, of eourae, be useil | During the revolution of 188ft he cap-. of the InuKUiigo and bin attire. It watt from unlong Uio Tuaayan In- In modonitlon, or they will p-ullion tho lured tho Important place of; Tunjii.l tbu dining-room. Our dlnuor wuti a tlily l i t t l e ilrawliiK-rooin- -an I did iny of tho poorest; both nu to fokxl and dlaiis In tjio uoutliwoatern part of the aivputlto, and cauaa lit linvo any medic- with Ita extensive armory, for which' lervlco ho waa made a major general. hOHt Hie honor of calling It all through oooklntf, anil thoro wan no profunlon. United IJtatos. Thu Pnobloa, like the ', Iniil effiwt. iny ' v l H l t - - w i t h rtoino woll-oliOh-Mi col- I runllzed now this full povurty of my lllndoog, iiwcrlbo to the pictured l!io Tho wajti of auctioneer.-! In dlfforont I'o n very great dogroo ho poHHOBSodort-d prliitH from lOuullnli papern on entertainers and roniomburoil having power of attracting friendly splrltM, parts of tho world Miry greatly, lu tho confidence of tho government. Hoi the rough bo.inl \vnll, clenn whlto iheanl that tliu price of-horues wau and they iiJao use tlioni lu curouioulula Knglauil und America tho neller boara took no part In Ita political affalra, and' a ft«w en no cluili-H, jiud ii stcilillly docroauliiH. I fiinolod, too, lutondoil to euro ,tlio'sluk: It IIUM boon tlio OXPOIIHO of tbo tmle, but lu Franco thla laeU of party affiliation, hla unbii.v ooviM'od which that Mra. Austin did not caro to havo that, iw fur aa It goou, tjiln tho pureluiHor INIII-M the (.'out, 5 per <-eiit. Bworvlng loyalty and hid well known aerveil m a divan. Them wero no ••'•'••"mi/for luiriielf aud her huuliand fact la un Uwllcntlou that our Indium liolim aililed to hlu purchaai-. In IIol- dlnpoHltlon to oboy all ordora xvorw now hoolcH or puiiern, but tlio old and w(illo the doiuooratlu American cltl- aro rohitod In origin to tlio nutlvr land It In Hllll worse, tlio buyer bolng (Hialltloa which endeared him to hla su. much lined OIIOK were cif tho bont. zenu at hor boiinl farud on plain race* of India. ro<]iilred to pay 10 per cent, additional purlora.— Now York Herald Tlii-ro WUH a pot of "wandering Jow" thlnuri. I could u«o that thero Woo Tho flrat lOmropwur dlHcovorera of for the expenHim of (he wile. In tint Inifte ilropliico, u'hlch niado a no lovu waatoil on tlio muster and that America thought tl\oy hud lilt upon I ;rh« nveMitro number of working tluy* Clara—What, engaged to hlnit Why. very pretty offeet. 1 hln ilrouri nult ami urlfitx>cratla bearing tlio oaotin^xtromlty of Anl.i, when In u your in varloim comitrleu la at) fol- It wuu only tlijj other night tlmt ho told: I wan JiHt looUli's at my travel- wero a tiouiTo of annoyance to hla tlia numo of Indian wan given to tho town: In Itun.-ilu, .117; In Ilrltaln, 278; mo nothing i^Tuld Induce him to marry. H l n l n e d ciiiiutenance n a iiiiuill mirror, fi-oo-born einployoiJ. They woro Hlillon roil •skinned people, wliom they found In Hixiln, "1)0; In Autiirla, "l>r>; In Italy, Mando—Yc», Jack wua Always auaouptlwlu-n » iipeiieil, ami A i i u t l u , and gruff, an wan (lift man dlgnlftod by lloro. Would It not bo a iliu;uli\r coin- V!D8; In Ilnviu-lii nnil llelKlinn, :IOO; lu hlo to the Influnnco of tlio [xir.-nua h» h u M l i i K I t li.ick, H t u o i l a n l i l u t o a i l m l t the niiiiio of i-iiolc. On tho wliolo, I wau clUim-o If furtlior ovlileiu-o of com- Mnxony and Kninco, ;lil^!; In Denmark, Uiti'l'^nod to b« with.—New York Herh l M wife. > •" Kind lo leiivo Ilin table and |Jet bnoU munity of origin nboulil timidly oHtnb- Norwiiy^ind Swll/.erliunl, IKilt; In I'I-IIH- ulil. "\Vo ili'e very (,'1'id In HIV you, Mr. lo tbo drmylnK-roDiu. llah the fiu't t h a t tho Itiillnn.'j tiro te- hln, I!(K'i;*1ii l l n l l n n i l n n i l North Amer• You can't save Home peopln from ber i M D I , " M i l e n : t l i l . « ' l l b ( h e iiloHl ilell(,-lllica, ,'tU.S, mill In lli(ii|.piry, IllL'. VWo b n m k f i i H t at (l:.'l(), Mr. Ilrniil," ally liulliiu-H'.' ing Imposed upon; expo:<n a thief, uinl f i l l of \ V i - l l - l u - e i l l O i i K l l - ' l l H c i v i i l N . ".Mr. my lioMloHM Informed me, Ki-iieloiiHly, T.I 10 lo.-tt a r t i c l e tiHMu <jf Uu- elevated sumo pcoplo Vvlll lovo'hlm.' A i i i i f l n l u l i l n i l . nt' y n u r i n - i - l d e i i t . I a m u Though!.'* r«m 11 N.VMICIU In Ne\v York rccclvc.-j "Do you t h i n k 1ho lilcycle |H \v|i uedV" oiliilll IKI.dlll) liilHi'-ell.'lllMllllH il pmllM a Hi'ri'.V l'"|- ( l i e lim-Me. nf Ciilll'se, I l l l i l 'l'li<> prodigal dlil not fur" UN well «•< II u n s il nitljrr |:ID;.' haiul n n i l f u r y o u II' y o u h a . l i i i - i - . l l i i miiU'iiirilri|cil, l u l l llriii mid bcmill- BNlied t h e cnrnetit- youiiK w i u n a i i . year. N e a r l y 10 per cent, an u i u l i r e l - |llu> mvlno lie I'eil. They cunlil till ttu-iu•-.My ilear Mlnli'l'," IIIIH\VCI-<M| Hie l u l u - l l l H . I l l l i l I M I l K l l I K H l - C O I I l l I I I ! ' l||il:.!"li\ l u l l !'iir n l l r , , e l v e - i I I , - , 1 1 1 1 1 , i l I K 'tii-lveH w i t h bunks, but he i.-oiilil n o t . ' mler, who liiuj o n l y t a k e n t h r e e ' letiHuns, els. A b i m l h a l f t h e a r t l c l o n a r o l u , > K e l | IT|nil l l s I I m l ,1'ul'l I l l h - . " \\'heu u mail niaUcM im hli< mliul lint, have Maid t h i l l cvi'i'.v Hiiuuil In t h e - t h e t i l i n g In po.slilvcly di-priixe.!." " \ ' < U , r l l l l , l i : l l h | h.l., I I T i l l e i l I l l e |IO'il for, and ' t h e • i-eninlnder, a f t e r ho will do an ho pleanen It \vlll nut IKI IHUU.H r u l i l i l l u « . lii-ai'il, beciliiHe of tin. 1 nnlm.'il m> »UIIH'ully that 1 fancy 1 niuiilu purtllUm.i. I hud Ju.-t|, lulu Xl»\v long Hhonlil a mnn umllo wbllo lii'M forwlx momthnor a year, ue<Mrilliis nu hour boforo he \\\\i uo aouiuihlug ;j borud bcforu bi>£luiilii£ to BbootV tu "10 vtiluw, aro sold at auction, 1 .v A'Big'-.'Stock. List of uncalled-for letters in the Hammonton Post-Office, on Saturday, Apn!.18rl89G : -. —^ [ Entered as second olaso matter.] D. A. Aurell'ia. D, P. Brown. tulglo Qrlmmonde. . Mrs.'Marltt Iryonnl.' SATURDAY, APRIL 18,1896. You are invited to call and see it. " " • ' . . ' . . V , '. Furniture, " At the Eepublican State,Convention, oa Thursday, at Trenton, 814 delegates were present. Wm. J. Sewolf, Garrett A. Hobart, ,Franklin Mdrphey, and John Koan were- unanimoualy_chos§ri delegates to the National Convention. They go uninetructed, though it was evident that .the Convention waa dpcid-edly in favor of McKinley for.Pr.esident, and OarreU A. Hobart, of New Jersey; The Second District .Convention elected^ Ferdinand^ W. .Koebling, of Trenton, and. Capt. A. M. Bradabaw, of Ocean Coqnty, delegates to/National Convention, with Henry Jl Ireck, of BttrUp4;toDL.andGeo.ClintoU (colored), ofeiCtlantio CityTaiTatternates. . _^ . LITTLE, Lard, 10!e. per poiinS Or by the tub for 8 cents My own Sausage and Scrapple Some-naade Mince Meat, 9 cents, 3 pounds for 25 c George ]ML Bowles Harbor Road, near Cherry St. is our .This '•" ' " Dull Season, ' ' • FVf « • •'' "t". Yet we have Watches marked atvsuch low figures tiiat they are selling. Think of it,-^\ A good durable Watch, guaranteed, for $7.50. I; A first-class gold-filled "(not plated) Watch, for $18. Yes, we can repair your watch at once. EOBEET STEEL, Hammonton Jeweler, The Philadelphia weekly Press and the:. Republican, both a year lor $1.25, cash. Sugar Cured Hams Strictly Choice Closely Selected and of tho Fluent Quality, Used for yearn by the finest trade, and always satisfactory. Persons calling for any of the above letters will please state that it has been advertised. .;-•.JOHN T. FBEKOH, P. M. (W David Davies, Jr.," while hanoling baled hay in E. Stockwell's barn, fell and cut a gash in the back of his head, on the rim of a wagon wheel. Four stitches wore required in sewing it up. two o'clock yes* .r4ay on account of the heat. ' ; ipr Mrs. W. D. Frost has returned from Vinelahdr- SSucklin*s Arnica Salve "BsMame its Guarantee/' The Spalding Bicycle." Wednesday was Harry Illn'chtwelfth birthday. A surpriao party was given him ip the eyunlug, which all enjoyed, of course. Among those proBent were, — Uoorgu Wilson KrntNJl ,Iui:ltBOll Hoy Jiu'lihon llnrvey K i n g Arthur I'lKott Hurry I'lKott Johnnlo Dll^or , WlllluliowlcH AlllllH l l D W l C H Mlsa Olllo Lear MlnH May I,uilorllr, M l n s M n y WlllhuiiH Minx Doclclu HlrdMull Minn .Icimlo Ijiiao Minn MuryFlfzpatrlclc Minn Ktliol HiuuiiiiTH ay Myci'H Muy I'lsott Hurry Hlmoim Horinuii Flcillor. ' I^T Tbo WoBt'Joraoy Presbytery bolda ite rcgulur Spring mooting in the Hammonton Presbyterian Church Tuesday^ April Slut, at 10 a. in. Tho meetings during tbo day will bo devoted to bunlIICBH, but tho evening services will bo of a more popular character. Thoro will bo short Hcrniou by tho moderator, to bo followed by brief uddrcBsoti on inturontliiK top|i'H of (y'biircb work. Tbo public aru oapeoially invited to ,tbe ovoulng service. • \ BPJL> M|HB Nolllo Layor WftH viBlted by twelve voung. mlBsei), Wcdneaduy ov«., it being bor Uiiitb birthday. A jolty tlmo wna bud, and refreshments nerved. Mlaa Nellie received Bovoial lino prcm:ntH. Tbo following HUBBUB Woro proaunt : ii ( ' l l l l l l l l l u h u i u lnhol K.dnii North .loruphlnvHumll Bicycle Repairing <p of all kinds attended to W, H, Bernshous© llutherfbrd Building. And Co-Oporative Boo'y,Hm. Spring Suits At $7,60 S Hewl. \ Have you seen i t ? , , Dress Facing. It is superior to other-facings ..; for-these reasonsj It is more durable, more easily cleaned, will not injure the shoes, will not shrink or .harden, gives a stylish finish to the dress..and,costs noj more than velveteen. Novelty Dress Goods, -16 c. pfe'r yard. • '."\'» Henrietta Cloth, 22 cts. ;, Whatunakes a .prettier cheap dress than Challie ? A little, lace, a little ribbon, a little challie, ','and there you are," ~"6 cents a yard., Noimandy Dress Ginghams in a variety of plaids, 8 cts. Better girighams, 10 & 13 c. Mowers, Hats, Fancy Braids, ^ , f o r millinery. Children's S^raw Sailor Hate. New lot straw Shapes—ladies'; Gilt and Leather Belts, 15 cts. Fay Building. FERTILIZER. Arruiigoinoiittt linvo boon mudo to koop in atook ono of tbo l)«nt fnrtlll/orB mado ut the proHont time, and Kuuruutcod ua p«r iinulyoln on tbo bnntf. Mnutlfaotured by Driinifleld it F<mtor, Oolora, Md,J nnd will bo bopt In atoolc ut tbo nuw freight depot, 0. ft- A. H. H. Apply to J. JH. agent, ut tbo depot, or to L Plows. •> —— F We have a full line of BisseL Plows, from a light $ae horee to the heavy two horse. These plows we guarantee in every respect, to give perfect satisfaction. The No. 8 and 10 J are especially good for light work. for unit- at C. V. and II . A. Jacobs'. S ton cents. Harness. John Scullin. Prloo GET The firemen ought to clear up the lot occupied by tb'om for eight years. It looks bad. JtarvMr. J. E. Wolcott, from Now York State, is visiting his sister, Mrs. P. ILJJrown. * Kir If the warm weather continued, Fowler's ico wagon will begin its rounds next Monday. 63" O. A. H: Post meeting this ovouing. Arrangoments will bo made for Memorial Day. EruitGrowers'Union • For tho prices wqro BO low." " "ll'm 1" ho coughed, and looked nskewly, "An auro as I'm nllvo We are Belling that name cushion ., At a dollar twenty-five." Not a word then broke tbo silence, 'Till II|B wlfo, with many sighs, B<Hlly sulil, In accents tearful, "Yhcn why don't you advertise?" . "iHe will, after this.] The. Elwood Presbyterians hayo lately! pnpcred their jiouso of worship, bought nn excellent organ and now pulpit furniture. It presents a very neat (.'jpoaMaice. B0L Weather turned warm on Sunday laet, and continued to rise in temgy Rov. Jon. JJonnott, of Plilladn., perature, until it Hcoincd that Summer apont Tuesday night with his friend, had succeeded Winter, without tho intervention of Spring. Kov. J. C. Kllllan. TJAILY I'APKjlS at JnonbiT. NOW t N'ew Fashion Platafl on exhibition. Gents' Clothing made to order satisfaction guaranteed. Dyeing and Scouring. GEO. STEELMAM, Merchant Tailor, Blacks Building, Mammon ton. The Discovery Saved Ills Life. Mr. G. Caillouette, Druggist, Beaversvlllo, Ilh, «ays: "To Dr. Kings Hew Discovery I owo my life. Was taken with la gripp and tried all the physicians for miles about, but of no avail, and was ;ivon up and told I could not live.. Havng- Dr. King's Now Diaoovory in my store I sent for a bottle and began its HBO and from the first doso began to get >otter, and after using three bottles was up am} about again. It is worth its weight in gold. Wo wont keep store or louaa without it," Got a free trial at Orofts Pharmacy. PUBLIC^ SALE, Our own majke, and the best. A good variety always on haudJ -•'; _ iAtL.Biacl^!s7 Store. ^ Canned Apples, in gallon cans, 25.cents per can. Lovers of fine Olives should try a bottle of bur Mammoth Queens. They are superior to any we ever kept. fine for this season of the year. \' - . • . * First,Quality canned Tomatoes at 7 cents. Trunks, Valises, Whips, Riding Saddlen, Nota, etc. Ilummonton. N. J. .'7 ' . " We have some thirty pieces of Dress Ginghams at 6 centa per yard. They are Westbrook, Maine, Ginghams, and of the same grade as Lancasters.' At six cents per yard j they are aTbargairu ~ .w A 'S GENEKAL^STOKE , U \J t Are selling LARD at 1Q cents! Is it ypur own make ? Yes, it is our,own make, and there is none better. We still have a quantity of those famous HAMS, SHOULDERS, and BACON, that have been so highly recommended. They, are the best. Try them. On Saturday, April 25, 18OO, SIT Stephen Cmnmor, of Vlneland, ' was In town on Tuesday last, looking up a carriage shop slto. fiaT .Will, G. Hood took Hurt., MetB®_ At tho Uitptiet Church to-mor- hiild Unnk ugalnut Whlffon lirotliora & erage's family und liousohold goods to row; • Morning eormon by Rev. J. D. Jo., of tbo name place. yinoland, on Wednesday. Killian. Evening, the third of Pastor L'OO ehqros of tho Pooplo'a Banli;. 10 elmrou In tbo 15th oorlos of tbo 10 Id I) H \VKCT 1'OTATOKH (or nalo by J. C. Ivlllian's aeries on "Down In S r. ii. imovvN. Hnmiuiouton Loan & Building Ana'n. Egypt." Topic: "AtSlnal." 100 Hlmroaof tbo Wltiflba-Lako Lasting tQf~ Mr. K. J. Woolluy IVIIH in town Jluolilno Co. Bfflu. Alexuiuler A|tkon was excused Wednesday, preparing lor u purnmneut •10 Bhavoa of tho Amorioau Lnntlug from serving on tho petit jury on account return In about two weuku. • Muohlno Co. of IlliumB. Manloy Austin Is an exempt gST Wnltor Andrews says tliut only lly ordor of tho Hoard of Ulreotorti. Ilammonton bricklayers will bo employ- lli-emeii, hence excuaeil. E. W. BtdckW. It. Tl I.TOJN, OaHhlor. lutul was oxcuaod for the week. oil on the Fraternity Block. Aprl, l K. W. Htrlckland had a Iliui job W»y Tlw women folks urn enjoying tbo spring houHc-deanlug ; ono of them of glaring, .on Wodnosduy, — a'atllng thoue plute ulasa windows in Trow• (mid "not beiorojt needed it." CUT Commencing to - morrow, the brldgu's now ulorcu. Thoy uro OJxlU church bell will ring for evening service- inchuH in uizu and throo-olghtha thick. ono of our nrt catalogues (ST Mr. Mllapaugh, repreuontlng tho and see tho wheel that we are ut 7:1)0, a hull-hour later tlmii heretofore. X)It HUNT. A uooil tiuiuniiiiit 4>n I'rult Denning Co., of Halom, Ohio, was in : Mtruttt, nnd 0110 on \VaHliln|(toii Htroot, " linimuontoit, Wednesday, lllu firm uro soiling at $50. llumiuonton. Apply «> MKH, WM. HTUll'l'ISVANT. the latgubt niunufaoturora of pumpu In Tho OeHcent at $75. , tea. At the II. A. A. meeting, last tho country, and Include artesian walla. Tho Remington at $100. Monday evening, a eommitteo was up62T Willis lloaeh counted twenty eight jiolntvd to Hcouru groundu for base ball These' aro the finest of "king"' turtles, ouo day tlila week, on u gnmea. the '90 modelH. largo log In tho Lake, at tho "point" BEST We prlntud u lurgo ' edition of near Kviuiu'. They wore tho largest ho Our 8550 wheel IB not mi exIn lit weali'a KlBi'UiiucAN, but our eyur saw, and tho surrounding Water poriinoi t, us uoveral yoara t aupply wnn exhiiiiuKxl bol'oro tho de- nouniod ullvo with turtluo. UHO is ovidonce that they nuand ccueed. llepublleaiia mot on Hiitunluy give md infliction. Vktr llurrlnon Del'ny Hutliorfonl la , olouting Hon. M. IA Juckoou taking In liiinebiill, tliu slgbts, librarlcn, and J. C. Anderson dolugntea to tliu •etc., of 1'hlludolphla, not iiiolutllng hU Huto Couvoutlon ; lion. (Juo. Klvlna numorouH trlemlo. nud Dr. H. K. Howies delegates to tho Sundries, 0JT Iimuro with A. II. I'hllllptf & (Jo., CouKioanlounl Dlptrlut Convention, Aa l\nuiu Gooda. uounl, they npro uulnutructod. E'JS Atlantic Avo., Atlnutlu City. J. Mrs. A. call and AlullaflBortmonl of hand and iimcliln made,— for work or driving. : at two p'olook p.m., uc the People's I HIIl'ii Block, Iluiiinioiitou. Oflloo Hours, 7:30 to 10:00 A.M. 1:00 to «:00 ami 7:00 to 0:00 r,M. - Bread,CaKes and fVMl ItKNT. A KOod H\X room house, with ' chlokon houne, stable, brooder House, all Hunk, Hammonton, N. J.: tho following in good nipalr. I'Mvo and a half ucro.n land. atooka will bo oftorod for sale to the Krull. tlOpor montli. Went Third HI. MKH. H. Jl. OLNKY. ilgliost bidder, to1 satisfy olniniH bold by Spring Goods. Ohas, Cunningham, M,D. Physician and Surgeon. YOU WILL FIND H Boys' Pants at 40 c. OTSS BLOCK,, At -J. Bi Small's LOCAL ilSCELLAN?. A beautiful lino of NulUoTlKIIIIUH Aa a remedy for all fornmof boadaobo, Kluotrlo IIIttoiB IIUH provuu to be tliu viny boat. It clients a ]>ornmnmit oura and thomoat ilrouiUxl Imbltnul niok bonduolion yield to Itn Inlluunoo. Wo 1HK° "II whotiia iiflllotod to jiroonro a bottle, nnd Klvo thlN remedy a fulr trlul. In oinoo of li.ibltiiiil Oun«tl|iiitliiii, Klnotrlo Illttnin oiirca by K'*'"K lll° »«<«ded tone to tba bowoln, mid ifpqr WWW long roalat tbo uao of tblu mcdlolne. Try It, 01100. Fllty oontu and 91.00 at Croft'a I'burmaoy, FruitGrowers'Union "Our harness department is in condition" to furnish you with almost anything in this line. . Driving sets, work sets, , Some knack they have in collars, hames, bridles, , the make-up of the bear.ing»-?-j breechingH, breast pads, back pads, collar pads, Maybe ... < etc. Try onci for yourself, and see. Union Harry Every Ham guaranteed Mr. and Mnk-.D. W. Ayers, now Joseph Mason (colored) was admitted to the Jefierson HoBpitsl, Phila- tesiding in tb.e "Aged Couples' Home," delphia, on Saturday last, requirint; a on Francis Street, Philadelphia, spent few days with Hammonton friends, SATURDAY. APRIL 18,1890. surgical operation. • • ; returning on Wednesday. > They are Universalist "Church to-morrow, Morning sermon, ".The Kingdom of much pleased with their new home. S@> The next meeting for tho examiHeaven as a 'Seeker'." EvenTug, "The nation of candidates for Drat, second Divinity of Christ." SIT Everybody complains of dull busiand third grade cerliCcates will bo held TENCIL MARKING PLATES" of all do ness. ' v ' "' 1' • scrlptlohB. Rubber Stnmpa and stamp o thelPenn. Ave. School building, Atat tho ahortest-Botlce. ^ ' Hr No fires needed for comfort; this supplies i A. L. PATTEN. • .-....• antic City, May 1st and 2nd, 1896. 1 .. • At Robert Steel's JoVelrj^ Store. week. ; 8. D. HOFFMAN, Co. Supt. fisS" Clinton Bassett was in town last I®* Next Friday will be Arbor. Day. /71ARPET. I am still weaving carpets a" L/ ».ne~old stand, Plcnuant Street, abovo .Monday. •:•" _ - , The' Central School will set trees; with T1UML_ Samples at Black's ntofo. appropriate exercises in the forenoon, ., . CTATIONEUY ot Jacobs'. . ; . J, H. WOLPENDEN. and have a half- holiday. '• Surveyors were in town, Tuesday . Woman's Relief Corps meeting The Trustees of Union Hall will morning, making preliminary, surveys this eveniog. thin twining. Tha offer rif .the [or the atone road whiclfwo hope to see Boacoe Blckford is employed by Sons of Veterans to purchase the milt this season. When Camden County C.E. Fowler. property will be considered. ••-,.., completes her portion, it will be a 0* James Gillingham was in town ®". Council meetibs: next Saturday bicycle path" from Philadelphia to „ forajfewdays. evening. The special Committees on Atlantic C^ty. ' A fine ballad concert, nnder the , E©, Only four weeks of the school new government, water works, and lights are expected to report. . year remaining. management of the Hammonton Glee Inn, will be given on Tuesday evening, Mrs. pr. E. North was taken B@_' Hammocks' are venturing out seriously ill on Monday Jast,— hemor- April 28th. They-will be assisteji .by a from Winter quarters'. , EtP WANTED. A man and wife, or a rhage- from the lungs. ) Wo are glad arse number of our best local singers, middle-aged woraau— good housekeeper to Fear that she. is recovering. - and it promises to be'a most enjoyable • —for work on'a dairy farm. , JB. AjyjHICI, Hammonton. ..,- j®r The -young peoplo^propose 4o entertainment..' ^11^. ._L_^1:1^ 8@i, Miss Haunah Mick has been have a model lawn tennis court, on &T While playing base- ball, the other seriously ill, but is recovering., , C. S. Newcomb?s grounds, corner of day; Frank. Tomhfl Was struck by a swiftly pitched ball, his cheek-bone E@U Firemen's monthly meeting next Bollevue Ave. and Horton Street. Monday evening. Important. ARGE TOWSrLQT for "eaje cheap. "Real broken, his eye injured, and the doctor .Estate"," REI«BBLICAN OFFICE. says his nose is also broken;' Its a bad iSiP'VVe may have something new : I3T Wm. A. Sooy,ia former Hampoking eye, but Frank persists in at•••. about a water supply, next week. ' •-, montonian, was in'tdwn',"oiaThiei way to ;ending school. ..'-, ^~ '••!&" Kirk Spear is finishing up the Atlantic City, where as professional, Mr. and "Mrs. A. H. VanDoren Sturtovant, bouse, on Pratt Street. nurse be is engaged for the Summer. ' will probably move to Quakertown, T>A8EBALD GOODS ut, Jacobs'. ^-Grant in having—built o occupy the residence on a 108 Brick for tho new Fraternity bis- place, at , th e Bake, a One brooder acre farm recently rented by .Mr. AlBlock are being delivered on the ground. house for ducbs. The walls are ofjbrick, Jrici. Mrs. A. will accompany them, 8®. S. E. Brown '& Co. have bought douBle, with air spaces, and Double loping that the' change will prove bene-................; -----------ficial to her'health. - ••• a Victor safe from John Scullin, Agent, doors. CS^AJettetJromJVValterJBUis,j:lated. ir-fmndsbmo-new-rolMop-desk chre" players are aware that the cdiirts at Ho^Springs, Arkansaf,_Aurii, 8th, Tiave~pronounced this game—as played says: "Am now on my way to New : ®f H. L. Irons nnd two"children will for prizes— gambling, a violation of law. Orleans, from which point will work up spend Sunday with relatives in Black- It is a fact. . through Alabama,' Georgia, the Carowood.' Miss Gladys Maude Fay, daugh- inas, etc., toward home. ,\ At races Qir Mies Emma Wcscoat, of Pbilada.j ter of the late Geo. W. Fay, was mar- lore last season, out of eighty 'possible .'harteeh visiting h'er niece, Mrs. Waller ried, on Wednesday, April 8, 1896, in )laces, seventy eight were won on BemBakely. " . ' Cambridge, Mass., to Dr. Charles Dai- ugtons." IVE ACRES OF LAND on Park Avenue. ton Fillebrown. Hammonton, Cur sale cheap. Imiuiro at _ the Republican ofllce. Early this week, three of Alex. KSMBert Jackson spent last Sunday Newlands' horses were taken suddenly ••with his friend Edgar Cloud, in Had- sick; one died, the others recovering. — CKAMMEB. At the resi, donfield. Poison was feared, at. first, but that -idea HAUSER dence' of the bride's fatber, Capt. E A. r I®" John C. Anderson'was Ilammon- was abana oned>> . . • Crammer, Winelow, N.'J., ;by Rev. J. (!. Killian, of Hammonton, Raymond ton'8 only member of the Grand Jury ."Ob, Henry," said she, blithely. Httusur, of Harrington Center, R. I., AH be Bat hlin down to dine, this week. and Miss Katharine Crammer. '•I bave boils; lit the «weetest cushion f*p~ Arbutus ia in bloom. Boquets of For a dollurjilnoty-nlne. HEARST—SMYTH. At the same plaot those fragrant bcuutie^woro in evidence "It wns bargain day nt Sklllon's, and time, by tho same minister, George And they advertised It uu ' last Sunday. Uuantc, ot Germantowo, Peuna., and Mrs. Katharine (Smyth. l'ALDINO'S oniolnl nose Ball Quldo Is Tliat the utoro wan fairly .crowded, 1 wn. Annlbelo Martlno del fa Vlncenzo. Arilcmngni Plotro. —The best salve ia the world for oats, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, feve, tetter, chapped bands, chilblainu @* Burglars made a raid in Ham- sores, corns, and all skin eruptions, and posimonton on Monday night, but evidently tively cures piles, or no^ pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfacdidn't make wages. or money refunded. Price, 25 cents *-They entered.,Mis. L. W. Cogley's tion par boot., Foisale at Croft's. residence, on Bellevue "Avenue, by a bay window, which they opened, carefully removing a .lot of potted plants, then ransacked the house at leisure, up stairs and down, rummaging bureau drawers and searching a writing desk, and apparently partook of a cold lunch in the dining room., Mrs. Cogley and her youngest daughter heard some one moving about, but thought it was one of the family. Nothing whatever was missing. "*\ • At J. B. Small's residence, oa) Egg -flarbo^Boad,-; they: forced >bpen_a, front window, and'searched the lower part of the bbuee, leaving many -things scattered.. All that is missing is a dollar or more taken, from Miss -Blanch Jones? purse, and a basket containing nine-eggs. At P. H. Brown's residence, at .Third and Peach "Streets, they tried a south window, upset a plant jar, then went For easy running qualities -_ around and entered a north window; thevSpalding Bicycle but seemed to have walked through the cannot be equaled. hou&e to the back door, unlocked it and walked out. They passed within two We do not claim that other feet of a dish containing eleven dollars manufacturers do not take or more, and a quantity of valuable so much pains in the silver-ware. Mr. B. heard the footsteps, w thought it was bis son, and after wailing construction of the wheels half an hour for him to come in, went they manufacture as on to his room for an explanation. Nothing the Spalding, as many of was missed. Note the fact that none of ibis/occurthem probably do, but we red within the night-watchman's" beat. do claim ftiat for easy Note the further fact, that the soap running qualities the pedlar referred to clsjowhoro had in bis note-book a list of naniea ctnd residences Spalding cannot be "of prominent citizens of the town. Perequaled. haps )»e expected to make tho Bale of soap at half price a paying investment. What is it? , Currlo Dlivln HOHtilu Htiotlii H. L. Mclntyre. ' \ . ThoMouibrLGycloCo How did you like that roast Mrs. MTha3T for dinner yesterday ? Mr. A. Excellent! most excellent! I never ate a better, v Do y^u know whore, plie gets her mop.t V Mrs. A. Mre. -M. told mo that waa one ' of th6se . Roll Roasts that Jackson sells for 8 centa per pound. Mr. A. Well! I think you had better do your marketing at Jackson's hereafter. Mrs. A. I intend to ; and dou t you forgot it! 3» were left behind, as It was not deemed In a nent, touching Speech aske<l for OLP SMUGGLING DAYS. advisable to expose their frail struc- one volunteer for a forlorn hope. . tures to the enemy's fire. I "'All that can be done,' he said, 'is "I'm not prioiiEh to time the lyre, , far JIB Span by the Skippers Ami wait Tor harmonies to coma 'I confess, as I stood beside my brave to ram the enemy.. One man and myVcaaels Who Sailed. I ,onit Ago. leader and felt .our' ship mounting self can handle - • the _ • ship, . - . •and- It .. . God aoiiik'th .not celestial fire Sitting In the offlce of a ship WUeii human hearts are cold and mimh. hlglfcr and higher'and shooting on to- be useless for you to stop on board slmJery establishment In South street a1 ward the enemy at a speed of ninety-! plyYo lo¥e your lives.' few "days ago a quartet of old:tlme 'TIs not rnoiiffh to calmly wait miles an hour;,watched the crew of ten "Every man volunteered; every man Arizona's gold output In 1S03 wua deej) sea- skippers were talking over' the 54,200,000. • coolly placing dynamite bombs In M ~offered-H:o stay In their, commander's 'good old days of eighty shillings tor, Nearly all the chickens In the westthe most convenient places; saw tl\y place. He chose me for hla companion, \Vhile still pursuing what la small; three, great steel balloons of our en- since I alone of all the crew 'was un- ern part of French Guiana are perfect- trheat and similar conditions, when the conversation turned to the casa of emy's squadron glistening In the sim- married, and-he .positively refused to l y ^hlte. .'.-'. . -:-...--,':.. "I'is.hot enough with tears of woe "llgljt as they shot.toward us, I felt that accept a substitute. 'Ho would go dowr> Reptiles and fishes are not, generally a captain who was recently arrested To weep for ail the world's distress smuggling. .Tho discussion soon Ie0 The drops that from junction (low strange inwqril sensation that Ueiv with the old ship, he said. provided with eyelids, these protections, for to some Interesting coufoastons. "— Nor us, nor other lives, will bles3i tofore I behoved could only be cauticj "The scene that followed was most being to them dnneceasary. .^—— - : "Bill/' said tho«grlzzled mariner, •by a Welsh rabbit at 2.a. m." jauchlng. The men wrung the brave Alabama has .twenty-seven national ^ for twenty years had sailed the seas on • 'Tis not enough the love to Ute? "You must drink a good deal of eta old man's In ' "hand " ^ " with a combined capital ..of' 53,- long-voyages In Maine clippers,' "do yon.. That otlier hearts on ours-catpour^ with your Welsh rabbits, lieutenant," by one they took their parachutes, Tiahks The soul is only kept awujw 694,000. The State banks numbet remember that big black spar I carried I 'ventured, mildly. By giving something teem Its store. swung oven the side and. went .sailing eleven. ..... - on-deck In the ——, so many years?" "I'm a total abstainer; sir," he re- uway into the blue. According-;io the latest school consus "Oh) yes," replied the man addressed, plied, quietly. "And never did I have 'Tis not enough with drooping wing "The last man was g'one and old Wad more' cause to be thankful for It than turned toward me arid~ embraced me. in New York .70,000 fewer children were "Well, sir, I carried that spar. thera And aimless feet to walk this earth; In attendance at the schools than a for eight years,' and In that time I supEffort alone can blessing bring on that day^ .1 was In full possession pose I brought 510,000 worth of stuff Iq And crown the soul with sov'reigD of my mental faculties; otherwise I Between his emotion and tne extreme year ago. rarlflcatlon of the air he )could not worth. would never have been able to hav& apeak. This show of feeling lasted but The Bay of Fundy has 'the highest that spar Into Now York. ,Wheil I flra( lived through those awful two hours. a mlnuto, for we wore brought to out tide in the world. It rises a foot every got It I had my carpenter hollow It out, 1 And the crew, too—1 never saw a.braver senses by a great cheor. from' the en- Jve minutes, and sometimes attains a with cleverly arranged openings at T?1 VT1WY1 each end. For years I brought In wlnea •-JJ -UJLlilT • 'set of fellows in my life; not a moist emy's crow. Thdy believed' the ship de- lieight of seventy feet V and laces In that old spar— and no cuseye or a_ trembling Up among them. Only seventy yea.rs have elapsed since serted and wore 'bearing down' toward tom house man ever thought of looking i ii« t f » TI "The eneray had twofirst-classbat-us. Instantly tho admiral straightened the first railway In the ,world was fin- at lti"_ ... . .. "Have igar, lieutenant, ' .. i •. • . tle ships aud two second-class: They up and firmly pushed the button, turn- shed. During that comparatively brief said, pushing the Mro8 the table "That reminds me of a trick- Patter * advanced in a line parallel to ours. Adperiod 400,000 miles have been conIng the full force of the electric current toward him. .Played for years In the•-,—," said au.s mlralWadslgnjxled Commodore.Blower 4nt<M&e>-propeHlng-inotorsr-~Ttie^reat- £UUtj . * r\fif!fftfrf\ 4-l-,r\ 4-nm cmnnrtAfilnaa oKtnci on f\n otner or the ;group. "He was la the id-class ships It will be unlawful to kill quail In ship swung around and with 'terrific East Indies trade most of the time, and Pipe thp left, to Wind to take the light, leavspeed sailed at the enemy. The- -ening us the flag ship lu the center. This emy tried to swing their ship out of the" except I saw through my glasses, was course, but In vain. 'In a minute we act to tobacco— ran out myself— cigars all vessel, say nothing of many nice things for a little largfer, but of almost the same struck them; A crash like a thousand Kentucky Legislature. . > . ' construction as the Swallow.^ There peals of thunder, a flash like the ex- Russia and Japan .will have the total ladles In the way of Jewelry." <r was a great cylindrical balloon of steel, plosion of a dynamite factory .and all eclipse of the'sun on AugV 9'entirely | "How did he do?" asked one. fully 806 feet In length, with the car was still. Apd'-when^I looked again to themselves, as the lini'of totality "Well, be used^hls carpenter.:,.He had beneath It; an armored turret there, was nothing but blue, the endless passes through Nova Zeinbla, Siberia, an-uprlght piano In his after cabin, and ant Swash takes possession of me and swung he took, the underpinning away and fore and aft, protecting her guns; at blue of Infinite space. The Hawk and and the Island of Jesso only. substituted four big, hollow legs. These her two opponents had be6n wrecked The Argentine Republic consists of were, oj course, quite noticeable, but I suppose by the awful concussion." a' federatlon~-of. fourteen States and he had them screwed to the floor, and _ Lieutenant Swash had finished hit nine Territories. The population Is not he always explained to the custom readiness -the^confllct; he ! narration and~for a-long time puffed boarding house, and, then, he is one of a little^.knot'of officers silently at his pipe. I, for my part, far short of- 5,000,000. For eight months , house men that-fie had-good strong legs those individuals who so lose them^™der of 1895 the average monthly shipment put under the.piano in order to hold>if selv.es in-thelr own narrations, that they about, him,standing:- fprward.,eagerly was rapt In silent wonder at the man. of live cattle was 7,000 steers and 41,-' secure In heavy weather." even forget they have.an audience. So, scanning bur Ifleet Higher and higher I^knew Swash "well, but such assurance 000 head^pf sheep. An old Cape=Cod man now added « we arose, the air rapidly getting more os_tbis I had not believed him capable contribution. "I don't mind saying, —According—to-careful-researcli—thorecontinue," I sank deeper Into by Dig-aiidTnore-Tare-aiid-OTn':breathing-be-- of. After all, he was one of those perbojVsnid he, "that my wife used to be jaalrand gazed absently Into the fire coming more and'more rapid I looked sons who He so habltually-that, .com- are fifty-one anarchist papers publish- a good deal of a smuggler. For some ed in Europe, and America. One Is In whlc ~ He was talking warfare of the future. ^^J^ff? ™s glimmering ing from them, La-Story of-their owu time I was running back and forth What cared I for'that, who possessed »;«»*«* below us In the sunlight; I death was not surprising. Suddenly I Dutch, ten' (Jerrnan, eleven French, across the Atlantic, touching on the eight Italian, nine Spanish, two Spand my a neither stockMhat would go down nor^™ JTl * ^e,6reat cylinder was thrown violently from my chair ish and Italian, two Portuguese, two other side at Havre, "Antwerp, Livershot holes In two of to the floor, and when I recovered my Tzechlsh and six English. food prpduets that would go up. My pool and such places. My wife had a eyelids1 closed rwearily; how I wished tight compartments—and what a fall! senses I was bound fast in a blanket, stewardess who had boon with the ship The original Impression that the tolls But there were other things to think of. and, looking up, sa,w the naval man he woujd go. Then he made .a statefor riiany years. Just before we got on the Baltic canal are too high has " 'Admiral,' I gasped, 'If we go much inept so absurd that I laughed. lending excitedly over me. Into port my wife would put about three been strengthened by the confession of higher we shall'die for want of air.' "It took place on July 16, 1946," J "Here you've, been sleeping all this drosses oh her and a couple of cloaks. v " 'Mr. Swash,' replied the grand old time," he began, "and Instead of hear- the Secretary oLState for the Interior The heard him.say. woman was clever and she wduld salt, 'duty before breath'always—re- liig about my last cruise, got your fe^et that the number of ships ' "Eighteen forty-six," I corrected. member that, sir, I'm afraid the ship "Now,-see here," said the naval man, Into the flre. A pretty kettle of fish! ashore with some of the men In testily. "How old do you think I am- will not carry much higher: "We'll get Charred your slippers and trousers Ip answer Government expectations. before we would dock. \Then mj-.wlfa over them, don't you think, Captain A singular Coreau hat Is a. gre.il would meet her the next day on 'shore 80? Pshaw! I was 80 then. It wae Qne style.-" ., . • • ' ' • ' ' ^_ 1940, and please" don't contradict me. Howitzer?' "Lieutenant Swash," said I, rising to round mat of straw worn by'a mourn-, eomewhcre at some .place they had It .was fifty years hence It all hap- "Howitzer gazed anxiously at the my feet, "I wish my dream had -been er. The t) hat Is bound do\yn at ttio! agrecd on and woulir give her someenemy, who were now within fifteen *rue." sides so as almost to conceal the head thing for her trouble. It worked nrst pened." and face of the wearer. Ho carries'lu ruto'until one day the woman went •"If you will have It so, all well," I miles, aud replied: "Why?" " • ' .' said. | " 'Close call, sir.' -"Because you'd have been blown to his hand a screen or fan, and wiion In ashore and disappeared. My wife weut < """Now the date Is settled and you "Then- to the men: pieces when thfe Swallow struck."— tlie road If anyone approaches him hu to the" rendezvous ns usual, but the holds the screen lu front of him, BO that woman didn't appear. We never saw thoroughly understand the cause of the i " 'Stand ready to drop a ton of dyna- New York Evening Sun. It, together with the hat, completely her afterward. That was my wife's war. Great Britain claimed the at- mite on thorn if wo go over them I' .conceals, him. last attempt." Four Tiroes with Ono Trunk. mospheric covering of the earth to a "As he spoke there, was a puff on the. height of 10.000 feet, basing the claim- enemy s flag ship and a aolld ehot came Four miles from Plnevllle, McOonalil A largo collection of 17,000 stuffed "I remember seejng a woman do a slngl half tt mlle bolow M OW Wad I County, on the grounds of J. L. Parish, birds and many series of bird skeletons rather neat thing a good many years on the fact that as far back as 1800 an ^ ' English baloonlst had disappeared from ^"Bhed,. and_ ordered . the bow gun to i Is'a freak of nature so curious that If I have boon bequeathed to "the British ago," said tho first speaker. "It,was view at that height—he was never seen return theflre _ when we were within |ha<1 not 8ee'n ,t wlth my own eyes, „„ museum by .the' lato Henry Seobohm, Williams' wife, who went in th'e —. Again. Such a claim as this, bad It been nve ml^8- °,ur flhellfl Passed over a contributor to an exchange, I could the naturalist. It Is the most \valuablo for so many years. Tho custom house them •Wognlzed by other nations, would .an : , ™ e had, 'hen reach!* •? hl«h Bcraeely have believed It possible. On gift made to the natural history section men found several hundred more clgara have given her too great' a control over altitu(le *» " was possible for, the the bank of tho Elk river rises a largo of tho museum In a quarter of a cen- than tho law allowed done up In boxen 8hlp( to float mankind's supply of breath. We claim- 8DCed l Thev . and then .,we reduced tree that towers high above the neigh- tury. Its ornltliiyjl'bglca.l collection la Intended for the owners. The custom m ed up to altitude of 1,000 over, the Unitapproached to within two boring trees. At the ground a solid now the largest In the1 world, consist- house men wore sour follows and ed States, but she would not recognize mlles and Bt°PPei1 "nd began t6 circle buttressed trunk appears from eight ing of 300,000 specimens. thought thoy had tho captain In a little this and refused . to arbitrate. The about us, evidently Intending to sulx- to ten feet In diameter. A little higher It Is said that the .quivering of tht trouble. Uut Williams/ wife, a 'little Ject our balloons to a cross fire. Higher than a man's head this trunk divides aspen's leaves Is duo to the fact of the •woman, who had gone on the voyage to result was war— terrible war." I took my plpo from between hiy than we they could not go, and the dis- Into four lesser trunks, the two smaller loaf stalk being flat on tho Bides, and HO regain her health, stopped forward and teeth and fixed a cold eye on the covery of this fact brought Jeei'a, and of which are In themselves fair-sized .thin about'the middle that the slightest sold: 'Those cigars lire for my UHO, gencheers from our crew. speaker, ,. , trees, while the other two uru far above breath of wind tjotn all the leaven WIIK- tlotm-n.' Well, perhaps those follows "Lieutenant SWOBH," I said In a low I "For some fifteen minutes there wui thu average size. Here cornea la the glng horizontally. A tilnglo leaf pluck- woren't mirprlBod. Finally one of them but distinct tone, "you have explained terrible auspenBe. Each vessel circled Queer part of the story. Of thes6' di- ed off and taken by tho ejid'bf the loaf suld: 'Would you mind smoking one?" ono caiiHe of the war five tlmos. I warily around Its chosen opponent, vergent trunks the two largo ones-are stalk botwoou tlio thumb and forollngor Tho llttlo woman took one of tho clgara haye swallowed your dates and may banging away with its machine' guns respectively un elm nnd a sycamore, admirably illustrates the peculiarity of and lighted It. Her husband looked on, nioro Hurprluod 'than the cuutoin house be able to gulp down your facts, but I ln vlil" endeavor to puncture the en- while tho two mimller ones uro nn oal- tho iiHpon. \ | men, but hlu wife stuck to her work ask that you desist from repetition.'' I einy's balloon. But the distance was this common trunk each three In leaf, A writer, referrfntf to tho weather in i a n ,i finished tho cigar. That wottlod hor "Well, well, If you'll have It HO, I'll too great and' tho movements of' tho und a sycamore. Above tho union of go ahead. Having tho cause straight, vessels too quick for any successful brunch and bark Is normul to Its typo. London during January, spoalCH of It us claim to them. As HOOII UH tho cimtoin In your mind, you will, remember that' B«» work, fliuldonly Howitzer seized Tho trunk Itwolf BOOIUM u, hoiiieugenout follows: - "-It MoeniH almost sarcastic house I'ollowH It-ft the ship H!IO run to It was July 10, HMO, that tho tight oc-.! ''-A' urni uild pointed toward tho Light whole. I would not presume to miy to uiuJiHon T/ondon minMlilno, which her bed. Him stayed there for throu currod. There wore throe Imttlo ships nlng. Her crow had Just thrown over- that close examination would not Hhow amounted to Just over HOVCII liourH, iluys."—Ni>w York Herald. In our Hoot: . Admiral VVud'H (Ing ship, board her whole cabin, her two gunu In tins liurk from dlffi-rcnt Hi-ctlons of about eighteen ICHH Hiritl the uverago, Dill Not Him tint Joke. of li-H.H than u quarter of an hour per .tho Swallow, carrying tlfteoir tons of and a great quantity o f . dynamlto tint trunk tliOMu piM'iillnrllli'H that dlx- day. ' H»nn» dlMfi-li-iM,' were, however, CliiirlcH .Moimolet, a Kroiu'lmian of lioinlm. dynamite and two iimoli)iu> guns; dm tlugulHh tin; l(iirk.of lino tree from Unit nioro favored, I'oinhroko and Sollly lettern, piibllslied, not long ugo, u comic "Kor a moment wo wore 'Hpeochlom of tlm other, 'but' cortnluly thime cliurLightning, Captain Blower, ton tons of both rocordlhg soyitii hours' suimlilno "Hclontlflc dletloiinry," for llio bonollt dynamite and two Hlx-lnch'rlllfH; tho with astonishment. Wuru thoy golni; ui'tt.-rlBtlca do not appear on cursory ux- on two coiiNfcnUvo diiyn. Ituln foil on of children, who found noqlltllo UIIIUBOHawk, Captain Wliut. olovon tons of \ to I"110 t" night? Admiral Wad seized j amlnatlon, nor are thoro Hues of Joinu dug to Hlgiial Oommuiiilor Illowiir, ' turn visible where tlio four trunks co- twelve days, but only Kuocijedml In pro- ment In hlti odd uccoiuits of.thlngH In dynamite uud one [inenXiiiUlc gun, rtiK.-lng elght-fjft'iith.s of'an Inch, coimld- tho animal world which woi'o perfoetly for throwing' ox[>lonlvi'H\u thu ein>my bin hu JiiHt go UH fur ut) (1-a-ni wheu lie alesce. , N familiar to them, but which woro doerably loaa than half tlio uvorugo." stopped,. Slowly tlio great v«HHul wan In cuso Hhe got abovo We were ucI doubt If anyone can point to 11 In a rullior fantiiHtlc way In M, A rittaburg pupor points with prldo HiTlbod compunled by two nmull tttrpedo lioutH mounting In tho air. A cry of dltmiuy striingor growth than this— two /.ami tho wwlft unaruioiril ci'iilnor Kulu- WUH heard from tho lion tlio Hhlp with rnoreu, nn oak and tin elm, all grow- bo. what It calls tho shortest will on MollHelet'H book. . • miiKdo, which wo exported to bo of lit- which she WIIN uiiguifoil. In live uilii- ing from ono oommon trunk. This record, Just probated In that city. It Tint editor of a certain scloutltlc Jour> tle Borvlco, oluci! a bullet could havo titeH aho was 400 feet above- them. Tho inoi.'tlng togothor of four youthful Iron reads us foliown: "I horoby give all my mil, bowovor, wns iiiueh surprised and at M. MniiHelot'H IgnoralKJo, punctured lior unit went her to earth Itrltlnli crew madly tlirow overboard all trunks IIH they thickened with 1 . ago la rights, titles und Intoreotu In ov-ery-' nhoekod forever. We luy about 500 union oimt the< weight thoy carried—guiis, bombu occasionally HOOII, but this Is an »n- thing to LontHii Hoover." Thin will when In- took up the book, und ho ivrotu artlchi about It In his pupor, wllldl • of New York for four .dayn, awill!lug nnd everything—but thoy woro too lute; UBiiully lino Illuutriitlon. lOuch tree wus inudo by W. II. Lour. Thonmn nn followu: tho approach of ' tho enemy's llyla« the Lightning VVUH ubovo thorn; then must, howovor, form Its own hark—that Kouuody, a vonoruble pioneer, and run"A IIHcortuln M. Moimelot lintl publlHh. miimcinm, It wan 10 o'clock ou tho n black object Hlmt down on the.ni; a la to «ay, no ono of thorn IIIIH boon who ut ono tlnut owned and oporutod morning of July Id whuu WD sighted deufeiilng roar followed, with u rush wholly enveloped by u not her. Ilttnru the forry botweon Covlngton und Uln- od u dletloiinry for tlio IIHO of children, them, ulmtit 'J(M> mlluM uwuy, rimnliijc of wind that hurled tho Hwullovv u mlle a enrofnl InvoHtlgatlon ought to I!|H- clnnntl, iniulo u will that discounts tho which coiitalnu dotlnltlonfi uhowlna tho extraordinary Ignorani.-o, Hiich ni toward im ut u rapid rate. They niUNt <>ut of her COIII-HO. And when w« iookeil clouo a alight lino whoro tint Inciirvlnir 1'lttntmrg will, and It dlapotiod of a moMt havo «een UH lit nlxmt the numo time, toward thu I>lKhtuliiK Hlio WIIH ulono, burk of ouch original troo umots.- vory lurgu ontuto. Thla vvuu Itn hin- tint following: Biiugo; "I want my good wife to hnvo "'Hi»rdlno--A llttlo ilsh without any for I hey HliuKrml off u llttlo towuril thu hut Hlowly tilnUIng towunl the HOU, for UiH>nvlllo Doinocrut. my estate." , It tfoatn the Plttaburg will head, whlcli HVOB In oil.' tho coiiciiMHloti hud torn off tho und of north mid liegun to rlHis. ''An If a.llHh could llvn withoiit'iiuy u brevity by six words., her (million cylinder. Wo could BCD hor "Admiral Wad, at wlioHo aldu ( waii head, and In oil. Kronch medical Htiidonta uro iingrll} Btuiidlii^ oil tin) ijuurter duck Of tho crew ut tho rail choorlng wildly. An iininurdod rancher, A. M. Gilcoinplalnlug .that thoy are crowded out "Another dollnltlon: "Admiral Wud ut one ordered that of iln;lr own uchoola by yontliti from ford, 113 yours old, who haw for many | " '1'urrot—A bird uomowhut i-eaumHu'nllow, ut oiiiro iimloi'Htood tliulr iiiuiionver. In modern wurfiiro It'a thi .wo pursuu tlfo ouiiio tnctlcoj everything Abroad, and l''reneli d(«'torH uru evon yours lived ulono on hlii property near bllnff tho plgoon.. Oonorully Kieen, fellow who K''lB iihovo tho othor und went by tho iHiard, guiiH, und all uni- more Indignant becaiiNO thetio foreign- Union Mllln, Ore., wan nent to the M l n t o whoii It IH not rod, or yollow, or blue, ilrop» d y i i u i u l l e on him that wins In- inuiilttoii hut 11 vo liombii. Wo looaoned ers, Inntoud of going homo a f t e r ac- iiHylum u few dnyH agu violently timiine, (Jiickiitooii woiiietlinoH llvo up to'100 viirlulily. Wo woro HK^II nt nn alti- Hiiino rlrctu In tho floor und let the quiring u knowledge of physics and our- lie wan d r i v e n cni/.y by tlm appiilllnH youl'H old, oxcupt when thoy uro Htnlfod, tude of nliDiil H.ooo fc.it and did not loint ciililu full; I linn wo, too, Ixigun to rluc. gery, untile down In, I'1 ranee mid com- loiieHoineiieMH of hlx exlHti-nce and U und then (hero IN no limit to tho lengtt' any I lino geltliiK lilghor. I can BOO tho Hut the l l r t t l n h u d m l n i l WIIM not to lie pete w i t h tho iiatlVD-pruclllloiiorH. OC the iiecoud Hiilltary rancher < ' u m m l i t e i l ' of t h o l r life." triind old iiiliiilrul no\v IIH ho Hlooil at out wilted, for In' hud been butty ut cv tho <),IK)0 HliidentH In tho Turin .Medical to the i i M y l n i n miller nncli I'lrriiinnhiiicr-i I "Now, It huppuuu thwt Un> iiuwoluh-. tho u w l l r h liiuinl eniilly pulling hlw uelly the Hiunr work, und when wr Hehiinl It neeiiiH tluil l.lldi) aro 'aliens,' fi'imi the xaimi enlinly w l l h l n j i i m i i i l l i . not u pigeon at nil, und never IIIIH t h u ••lgnr IIH If lie WIIH ut liln club down In found olirnelveH 1,000 feet higher hi und the proportion IH alnioMl an liioio Much ciiM-:iYii'i' not u n c o m m o n In pi.ilr!" oolorti t h a t M. Moimelot given to h i m ; New York. Then- WIIM not u ii-nmor luy u mile i i w n y l i t I lie name alUtilde. In piMvlnclal In.illliilhiiin, noUilily at H t i i l e M like I l i c |)akol/ni u n d Nrl.i';,n!i:i, und, In iihort, Ihhi M. Moimelet UIKUVD hut 11 IM more nl'lcu t h e w i f e uf ;i i . i n r h no mom of n a t u r a l hlnlory I l i n u he |mi o l m c r v i i l i l o In lilii hinj; l l i l l i llngur IIH lie " A d m i r a l \Vuil invore. Our K»I^ MniitpeLlor. er or I'iirmer l i v i n g m i t n y inllc:< i r o m u r u l i u i of ciimmon HCIIHC," j i i i n l i c - i l ' t i n - h i i l i i n i i n i i r k e d 'up.' Tlii-n V't.M'e girlie, H i n t AVO could luive l u l l \X«' liej;'lll lo nilceilll. tliero for c i . - i n l i y inn! mil luirm <-i«-l. A n d r w .luelisun > wa.s n>|i(;h In hln the nearctit nelfjilior and who rarely Tim editor k n e w r great deal 01 "Tile I wo o i l i e r I m l l l c idilpH fojlowi-d, other, uiiloriN we cluHcd. l''or a IOIIK i!, bill, could bo p o l l i o when Jio Mccrt Ih-r h i i f i l i a n d , cxccjit Tor the j't-\v Hi'li «', hut lie did not know, ati the he IN holini lo (deep whu |;oc:l children did, how lo l u k u u Joke,—Kolio mid UM we iii-i)r(ii we eleiired for iielldii, I time l^o paced Hut deck 111 nllonco. A I iiu Wiia uhvayu courlcouu to j houi'M from loni;aoinenc.'ju. Tho lyujamnzoo Mild the torpedo boulu both 'Hinday Henild, U lu '!'l;!* tojJtlUw. and Indira V, EFFORT. A .4 *uwwfuv.* »i_ ._ Jr^ST v,WTV-il»*Jt ° \j*. LUC _r\TT£>t»>itiO/-| • CUL LAI Uf a . — c»tin + Virtli-ia - . i- In Vnrrv r\f • • « . t*-e» niw_ when Nonh hoisted the. ark's window, 4. Exuberant In Joyi true in all departments. Meh ripR.to hicrli which, with •&. whir and a dasii of bright wings, SUN'DAY'SCHOOL'LESSON. Tfte beet robe; a ring; oboes ofBciol positions through misrBprB>eii!iiticiu; went oat to sing over Mount Ararat. The . . . - April 19,180a, Public abuse is all that sorait oi our pnolio tnllps that bloom Inlne-garden this spring ......the fatted calf; (22, 28). men have hnd to reiy upon , for- thsi'r elfva- were nurfled by thlFsnqwflakes. The fnrtheat I will rejoice in Jerusalem, and Joy In tlonr— It has brought to them tvna': fi'"iii Btor . TheLsst-Foana • one BldoVjf tuo universe coo Id not my people (laa, 65:19). aud executive force could not have iii:liii'v<j,i, look on toward tho Hart best star on the other . GotnEN TEXT: There is joy in •^': There shall be ioy in heaven'over on« Many of those who are milking ureat citor: ^ ot tne nnlynrao, and say, "You are no The Eminent Divine's Sunday for place and powfr will never suo.-«oi ju.-u side einner (Luke 15:7). presence efthe anoels. of Ood. over one relation to me," Jor from that bright orb a because they are not of euouxh imponan •>• voice of light wt/uld ring across the heavens tinner that repenteth, —Luke 15 : 10. Verse 12r^"He divided .unto them Sermon, , to bo abused. It is tho nature of men— th ii responding, "YeWjces, weare sisters.". Nothhis living." .'(1) God's generous b«' Jsof all generous and reasonable, mmi— 10 ing in God's univeriK swings n't loose ends. Lnlte 15 :11-24. Memory veraoa: 18-20.) gather about,tbose who are pera-cutea niiu Accidents ore only. God's way of. turning n eiotvnls; (2) Man's (splendid opportuniV Bead Luke ,15:1-32. defend them, and they are apt to '.orget , th'< leaf in the book of His eterhaWuuf UUtOfitaia, ties; (3) Folly's sad blunders; (4) WieSubject: Practical Lesson* From \._ fault of thosu who. are the su ofeets of nidiclc ' .our.oradleto grave ifiore is a. pntH.all dom's'right action. •while attempting to driv»4mclc tho Xnurtoi- marked out. pur ' ' . ' - , , Life of Joseph; . „ 'Each eyaift in ouri life is conLESSON PLAN AND 'ANALYSia Verae 14.—"He began to be in ers, terseaution is nlevatlou. • HH!BU d:ir^, with every otner event Jn our life. the Scotch martyr, standing with her mi-.- nected want." (1) Abundant opportunity; Our losses may bi-Mie -most direct road to bandat the place of execution, mi.i; ' Jus"They drew and lifted np Joseph, (2) Miserable misuse; (3) .Aegrdvatinp our gain. Our'aefeat and our vlctory,are out of the pit nnd sold Joseph to the Ishmael- band, let as rejoioe to-day. We havo l(v (i twin TOPIC OF THE ^UARTEK: 'The Exalted surroundinge; (4) Grievous want. brothers. ' Ites for twentv pieces .of silver."—O-piujfo toRethPr msny Tiappy years. Thisistne''npThe whole direction of your life "was ^Verse 16.—"No man eave unto ixxvll.,23. "Be IB governor over alltlw plpst time of all our life. You see we aro it' changed by something, which at the time he happy together forever. Be brave i>ow, seemed to.you trifling,—while some occurhira." (1) DeplDrableneed; (2) Grievv«-i/t~< T^XT FOB THE <^ui>»>•«.».—; ous neglect; (3) pemorBeful memories. I will not sny 'Good night' to you, rence which seemed-trenVendoaiaiTeoteJ you p. You cannot keep a go6d man down. God tiobruvp. for we shall Boon be in the kingdom of our but little. God's plans are magnificent be- Him hath God exalted with his right hand V, \ Jaa decreed for him a certain point of-eleva- Father Verse 18.—"I will arise and go tij ' together." Persecution shows the yond all comprehension, fie molds tts and to be,a Prince and aSavidur.—:ActsS:81 \tlon. HeTvlll brinK him to that thongh It heroes and my father." •(]) The inducements; I KO into another de^ turns and directs us, and we. know it noV coat Him n thousand .worlds. .You sometimes portment, h«roinefl. 1 find that thoso great de- Thousands of years are to Him ns tho flight ...• lissos TOPIC: The Son Exalting <2) The impediments; (3) The decifind men. fearful they will not be properly, nominationsand of Christians which havivbnen ol sion. • •. •'••', appreciated. Every man comes to be valued mcrt abused have a shuttle. The most terriflo occurrence God's Fatherhood. spread the most rapidly. at jast what be is worth. You cannot write does not make Ood tremble. The most triumVerse 20.—"His father s'aw him." No good man was ever more violently 1. Fatherhood tiespisod, vs. 11-10. hlnrup, and you cannot write him down. does not lift Him into, than John Wesley—belied' and phant achievement These facts are powerfully illustrated In my maltreated . That one great thought of God goes OUTLINE:' 2. Fatherhood Appreciated, vs. (1) Alert to see; (2) Quick to feel; (3) caricatured and Blandnred until one day he rapture. Prompt to run; (4) Generous.to wel subject It would bKnn insult to-suppose stood Out through the centuries, and Nations ribe 17-19. in a -pulpit In London, and 5 man fall, and' eras 'pass, nnd the world come. -'-.:..... • f that you were not nil familiar with the life of ID. the audience and said. "You were and . E. Fatherhood irradiated, vs. 20-21 changes, but God still keeps the uridivideJ ' Joseph—how his jealous brothers threw him arose— last night," nnd-John Wesley said: mastery, llnkine event t6 event and century Into a pit, but seeing a caravan of Arabian drunk "Thank God. the whole catalogue is now to century.. To"Gx>4-they areTill one event, /. - Animated Stones. merchants trudging along on their camels,^ complete. I havtftieen charged with every-'.withspices and prnma that loaded the-air thing Now that the curious and eccentric HOME HEADINGS: that!" His followers were hooted onehlstorv. nneohuvpna development. on« with aroma, sold tneir brother to thes<» mer- at andbnt -mollgnod and ciilled by -every de- lyutnm. Great nnd mirvblous areTny wprM, "Jumping beau" has had tts run It will chants, who carried him down into Lord God Almiehty! I was :years a«o in, Joy in neit be In order for someone to make15 : 1-10. testable name that infernal ingenuity could H°w Joseph there sold to PoUphqr, a man of in- ^nventi— Orleni*? nt.tha pjrpftsltion Toom$T wnea. but-theHiotier-theperseeution-tbe -—Beffreny fluence and omco; Sow by josepa'B integan expeditloir Into tj|»r desert region o f ' telegrHtri .was s'ent the President of thn rapidly they spread until y/>u know BUnited. rity ho raised himself to high position in the more T.—Luke 15:11-24. The tost Southwest Nevada and collect a parStates. at-WaBUlngton, and we wattedwhat a great hosf they have become 'and realm until, under the falsd charge of a vile what a tremendous force for .God and the aomo flftnen or twenty minutes, nnd-then th? . found. load of "animated" or "moving" stones, wretch, he was hurled into- the penitentiary; truth they aro wielding the world over. It President's answer came back, ana the Dre-. ;Wv—Luke 15 .-25-32. Joy of loner since 'acknowledged as being the how in prison he commanded respect and was persecution that gave Sootlanii to Biding officer waved his .handkerchief, and . Balvation. confidence; 'how 'by the interpolation of Presbyterianism.- It was persecution, that the signal was sent to Washington that we greatest geological curiosities In the Pharaoh's dream he was freed and became T.—Jer. .: 17 : 1-10. Departing world. They are described as being elready to have the machinery of the exland first to civil liberty and.afler- were : the chief mm in the realm, the Bismarcit of gavedur position started, and the. President -put Ws from God. ward to religious freedom. Yea. I might BO flrigei on the elnctrio button, and instantly the. most perfectly round, 'the majority of his century; how in the time of famine Jos- 'farther and, say it was persecution tbdtt F.—2 Chroa. 33 :1-13. Punish- them as large as a walnut and of the eph had the control ot a magnificent store- gave theback grent Corliss wheel began to move, rumbling, world the great 'salvation oJ th'e', house, which he had filled during seven Rospc). The ribald mockery, the huncorttwi rambling, rollft?, rolltnir. Itwasoverwhelmmept and pardon. color, texture and hardiness of nodules yeais of plenty) how when his brothers, who and thirsting, . the unjust cnarrtW"'lhol ing, and 15.000 people clapped and shontei). S—Ezek. 18.:,20-32. 'The Fath- of kidney Iron ore.^'When distributed .had thrown him into the pit and sold him, ignominious Jnst one finger at Washington started, that' death, when all the*leA07)li er's voice... .- Into captivity, applied for corn he sent them hell's fury was hurled against the cro«^!iwns vast machinery, .hundreds and hundreds ol about the floor, table or other level «ur8.—Hos. 14:1-9. Return! re- face,: and within two or three feet ol home with the beasts of burden borno down the Introduction ot that religion 'svtJsh'te miles away, and I thought then, as I think under the heft of the corn sacks; bow the yet to be the L earth's dTllveranoe ABifroaK now. that mea_sometimesJouohJnflnences;_ tarnL ea«h—otherj—they—immediately—beslnBin against their brother, which had So long eternal salvation. The State sometimes said' that respond In the far distance, forty years .{These Home Readings are th6 selec- moTlng towards a common center and been hidden, came out at last and was re- to the church, "Come, take my hand, ami"! from now, flftv years from now, 1000 year? turned by that brother's forgiveness and will help yon." What was the result?- The from nnw, 1,000,000 years from how—one tions of the International Bible Read- never cease their curious travelling o]> kindness,.the only revenue ho took. tonoh Bounding through the ages. ing Association.) orations until all gather around the Ton see, in the first place, that the world onurch went hack, and ttlost its estate of We alga learn from this story the propriety largest stone and lie huddled togethej is compelled to honor Christian character. holiness, and it became ineffective. At other of laying up for the future. 'During the Potiphor was only a man of the world, yet times the State said-to -this, phurch,' "I will seven yeai* of plenty Joseph _prepared_for HtTFeggs In a nest On the desert ol LESSON ANALYSIS. Joseph rose in me estimation until nil crash you." What has been the result? : jfevEarfy they »rp failing most frcqueritt— -IrrFATHERHOOB-DESPlSEDr~ ther~fnmliia, and wiie : tllB uffallB ol. thtit t$reitt houae werw COffl-~ ly in that portion that is comparativelymen 1. Filial SnijeCtiolTAtJanaoned: mlttedtobls charge. From his servant no churoh, so far from having lost *ay of Its crowded storehouse. The life of most : level,: t^c aurfaee-belng composed of •honor or confidence was •withheld. When force, has increased and is worth infinitely to a Woridfr respect Is divided into yeara of Father, give me the portion......that bare, stratified rocks. Scattered over Joseph was In prison, he soon won the heart morn after the assault than before. ' Bead plenty and famine. It is seldom that anv ot the beeper, and though placed there for all history and you will find that true. The inttn "posses through life without at least falleth to me (12).,. . being a BcoouJrol, ho goon convinced the church Is far more Indebted to the opposition BOVI n-yeats of plentVt. During those seven If then I be a father, where, is mine this barren and rocky region, are numerous little basins, from a few inches Jailer that he was nn Innocent and trust- of civil government than to its approval. «a a-your business bears a rich harvest, honour (Mai. 1:6). worthy man, nnd released from close cori- The fires of the stake have only been the act eeareeiy know where all the money to a jod 6'r two In diameter, "and lu flnement be became general superintendent torches which Christ held in His hand, by tones from, It cornea so fast. Every .bargain Shall we not......be in subjection unto these the "animated stones" are usualof prison affairs. Wherever Joseph was tho light of which tho church has marched you fita&e aeems to turn into gold. Ton the Father? (Heb. 12:9). ly found. The stones themselve^'averplaced, whether a servant In the house ot to> her present glorious position. In the otSn raot few bad debts. Yon are astonished Potlphw, or a prisoner in the penitentiary,' pound of racks and implements oftorwrol Wit: i Jante dividends. . Ton .1nvest_more and 2. .Complete Separation^Accomplished; ^^m, |ge,abqnt as noted above,Jbutthj|r^ar.!(_ he became the first man evory where, ani is kear the rumbling .pt the gospel chariot. tijore capital. Yon wonder how men can be in aH >tzea; from "that of a bird The youngerspn took his journey ip to six an illustration of the truth I fay down, that 1'he scaffolds of martyrdom have been the content with a small business, gathering In or seven inches In diameter. "r the'"world Is compelled to honor Christian Italrs by which the ohnroh mounted. only a few hundred dollars while you reap into a far country (43). character. Thero aro those who affect to Learn also from our subject that sin will your thousands. Those are the seven years Cain went out from the presence of the The cause of the peculiar animated acJons Of these stones Is doubtless to bo despise.,* religious life, They speak of it t >me to exposure. Lone, long ago had those of plenty. Now Joseph has timn to prepare Lord (Gen. 4:16). _ as asystSni of phlebotomy by which the man lound in the material of which they aro~ for the threatened fam.ln«, for to almost every iflblea.of, all hie courage and nobility. They brothera sold Joseph into Egvpt. They haA man there do come aeven years of famine. They, refused to have God in their ;omposed, which appear to be "lodesay ho has bemeaned himself. They protend made the old father believe that his favorite Youwlll.be sick, yon will be unfortunate, knowledge (Rom. 1:28). itone.'^cr magnetic Irqn ore.. to have no more confidence in him since his child was dead.- They had suppressed the you will be defrauded, there will bo' hard 3. Gross Wastefulness Indnlgeil: conversion than before his conversion. But crime, and It was a nrofound secret well kopt times, you will be disappointed, and If you In the Australian desert similar geo-t by tho brothers. But suddenly the s.eoret Is all this Is hypocrisy. There Is a great deal have no storehouse upon which to fall „ There he wasted his substance with Jgical oddities are found. There they) of hypocrisy In the ohurcn, nnd there is a ont. The old father hoars that his eon i« in baok you may be famine' struck. We have riotous living (IS), ire called "traveling stones."—St. Louis great deal of hypocrisy oatsldo tho church. Egypt, having boon sold there by the malicu no admiration for this denying oneself all It is impossible tor any man not to udmiro of his own brothers. How their cheeks must porsojml oomfort and luxury for tho mere Wherefore do ye spend money for that Republic. ' and confide In a man who shows that he ha3 bave burned and their .hearts sunk at, the pleasure ot hoarding up. this grasping, which is:nbt bread? (Isa.- 55:2). A Comprehensive Monument; ' really become a child ot Ood and is what ho flaming out of this long suppressed crime. grasping for the mere pleasure of seeing, how The smallest iniquity has .a thousand Those that use the world, as not abus- After considerable hesitation, which) professes to bn. You cannot despise a son large U-plla you-can^jet, this always being tongues, and they will blab out exposure.. of tto Lord God Almighty. Of course wo poor because as soon as a dollar comes In it ing it (1 Cor. 7:31). nust have been Justified, the park coui. hnyo no admlratlonfortheshama of religion. Baul was sent to destroy- the Canaanltos, Is sent out to BOO if it can find another dnlnlssloners of Philadelphia have acceptII. FATHERHOOD APPRECIATED. I was at n place a few hours after tho ruf- their sheop nnd their. oxen, but when begot liir. so that it can carry it home on its baok. ed the $500,000 bequest of Richard fians hnd gone Into tho rail train and de- down there among tho pastures he saw some We have a contempt for all those things, bnt manded that tho passengers throw up their fine sheep and oxen too fat to kill; so ho there In an Intelligent and noble minded fore- 1. Ween in Reed: Smith for a memorial to himself '.n When he had .spent all,••••••ho be- Falrmount park. The estimable Mr. arms, and then tlicso ruffians took tho pocket- thought no would steal them. Nobody .cast which we lov» to see In mec who have books, and Baton comes and suggests to a would know it. Ho drove these stolon families and kindred deponHintf upon thorn gan to be in want (14). Smith gains this distinction by tlio man that he throw up his arms in hypocrit- sheop and oxen toward home, but stopped fortho blessings of education and homei ical prayer and pretension, und then steals to report to. the prophet how he hud exe- God sends us to the insects for n lesson, Hungry and thirsty they cried unto scope of hla memorial, which Is to bo cuted his mission, when In the "distance the bis soul. For the mere pretension of religwhich, while they do not.stint thomselvi'g in the Lord (Pea. 107 : 6, 6). with statues- of MeClelhm, ion wo have abhorrence. Itedwald, tho sheep began to bloat nnd tho oxen to bellow. thoprosent, do not forget tholr duty to fortv My God shall fulfil every need of yours adorned, Hancock, Meade and Reynolds, 'and king, after baptism, hnd an. altar of Clirl.i- Tho soorct was out, and ' Samuel sold to the cast the future. "Go to tho ant, thou slug(Phil. 4.- 19j. jronze busts of other famous Pennsyl-' tinn Kncrtllco nnd an altar for sacriflcu to blushing and confuBed Saul: "What moan- gard. Consider hor ways,' and bo wise, devils, and tliuro aro many men now at- eth the bleating of tho shoop that I hoar and which, having no guide, overseer or ruler, 2. When cnder Oppression; rani'iins—Andrew G. Curttn, Geiionil tempting tho same thing—half a heart for tho bellOjWlng of tho cattloV" Ah. my hearer, provldeth her meat In tho summer and gathGod niyl half rxlu'iut for tho world—and it yon_dinnot Itoop un iniquity Bill). At Just ereth her food In tho harvest." lie sent him into his fields to feed Uartrnnft, David D. Portor, Jolia A. Duhlgren, GeuomI Beaver, Gijiierul la a doiid fnlluro, und It Is a caricature of ro- tho wrong time tho sheep will blent and .the Now, thoro urn two ways of laying up swine (15). llglou, and thu only nucueUHful assmilt uvor oxitn will hollow. Aohan onnnot sto'il tho monny. One ot thiwo Is to put It In stock Jruwfordn-to whom are added 'John We cried and tho Lord......saw ( rondo on Christianity Is tlio luconHltttenoy of Babylonish garment without being stoned nnd deposit it in bank and Invest it on bond !J. Gest, executor of the estate, and its professors. You may linvo n, eontumpt for to doath, nor Arnold betray his country nnd mortgage. Tlie othor way to lay up our oppression (Deut. 26 : 7). pretension to religion, but when you behold without having his nook Btrctohod. Loot money. Ifl.jjiy.l2s_it ••way* Ha !a.Jh,o .safest Coirte unto mo nil yo tliat nro Jainea II. W.imlrini, architect of tho tho bxoollonoy of Jotms Ohrlot coino out"In over tho pollen arrests. These thieves. wno makes fiotn of ihrap Investments, -morn noniorliil. Tho inscription "Richard heavy laden (Matt. 11; 28). tlio IIto of ono of Ilia dl.iclploi, All tlmt tliuro thijso burglnrs. thesu oountnrfolters, thono Smith, tyj)o founder, of Philadelphia," in this honso'mon who If iuoy loan «vory in good nnd uoblo In your noul rises np into hlghwnymwi, tlieso assassins, they all are thny havo In tho world would bo mill- J. When Suffering Keclect: B to bo placed on the main coluinv admiration, mid you unnnot help It. Though thought thoy could bury tholr iniquity dollar ionaires for eternity. They made tho »plrltmd a Htnliio of Mr. Smith |.s to 1>« that mnn bo IIH far boueatli you In cstiito nti BO deep dowu it would novor oome to ros- nnl Hut tho man who dovotoo' No man gave unto him (1(5). Iho Egyptian slave of whom wo aro dln- urrumon, hut thoro was aomoehoo jhnt an- nonoinvestment. of his gains to tho causo of Christ anil No mim careth for my soul. 1 cried laced at the rlftht of the cuti-unco, courulng Wim bouonth his rulorn, by nu irro- nworeil to tho print In tho «oll, Homo fnlso vooitblo law 'of your nnturo, rotipbar and, keys found In tholr possession, nemo bloody looks only for his own oomfort and luxury Is unto theo, O Lord (ran. 1,42 : -li 6). ;t will bo a curious thing. Iharnoh willi alwnyti csteum Joseph. knife that whlupnroil of tho death, aud tho not eivfo, I oaro.not how the money is invost- All forsook me Dut the Lord Btooil . ." When Kuiioiln. Hi" empress, threatened puhlU) indlguivtton and tho anathomn of art. {To acts UH thoroso If It should nay: "I A Poser. by mo (2 Tim. 4: l(i, 171. Chrynoiitoin with dentil, ho innilo tho ronly, outraged law hurled thorn Intolho dungeon will hold my brnath nnd nono dim 11 huvo a Professor Xa nicer, tho f unions OriBuntoli of fragrnnco from mo until npxtwook. «. When Wisely Thouehtful: "Toll tho omprc.wi I ffflir nothing lint iilii." or holstwl tliiMii on tho gikllows. Buoh n Bouuo na tlmt coiniinln tho ndmlrntlon FrunalH I., king of Frnuoe, Btood oounsol- Then I will sat all tho gnrdon alloat With But when ho camo to hiniBolf ho entalist, ono day received tho copy of of tlio world. Tlinro was nomelhlug In Ing with his nflloora how ho oould take his my aromn." Of couiiso tho roan, refusing an Inwcriptlon which a frloml and adAgrliiiin and Vollx Avlileli domnnded tholr re- nrmy into Italy, when Amorll, tho fool of to lirimtho, dlod. -But abovo all, lay up !nid (17). mirer of liln declared he hud fouiul Bpcot for 1'uul, tho rebal ugnliifit governn:ent. tho oourt, loapod out froiu a coruorof tho treasures In hoavon. Thny nuvor doproohtto [ thought on my ways, nnd turned I doubt not they would willingly havo ylold- room and said: "You\lmd hotter bo consult- In value. Thoy novor urn at n discount. unto thy testimonies (Pen. 119 : 59). Iri a ' medlao val toiiio. Tlio Bonder odlliolr office nod dignity for a thousandth ing how you will gut your army back." Aud They nro always available. ..'.You may fool pnrt of Unit truo liorolsni which bunmud lu It was found that FrunolB I., and not Amorll, na'o now with your ©1000 or $2000 or *10,- When ho thought thereon, ho wept promlfkiK to forward UK; viilunblo manuscript as BOOH as ho K<>t It from tho eye unit lent In tho hrnrt of tlmt UIKJOII- WIIH thu fool. Instead of consulting as to 000 or S20,(IOO liioomo, but what will Biinh nn (Mark 14: 72). quernlilo npoatlp. 1'uul did not oower Ijoforo the best way of getting Into Bin, you, had Innomo bu W9rlh after you are dnadV Othora Ita ownor, a rolatlvo <if -Mts. Tint lu JTolixi Follx aowurod lioforu Paiil. Thu lull- bottiir aoiiHiilt nu to whothor you will ho nblo Will got tt. Torhups Bomo of them will 6. When Really Repentant: Bcrlptlori rnii a« foll»wn: do! find worldling (ire oom|iolln I to honor lu to ««t out of It. If tho world does not ox- quarrel nboilHttieforo you aro burled. They I will arise und go to my father, 'Uoy orn \voli m.ssoforp thnlr hunrlB. iilihoiiKli they inny not euloglx') poso y,i)u, you will toll It youreolf. Thoro In will bo BO Impatient to got hold of the will nnd will Bay (M). With thulr nfiH, n Chrlntlmi llrni lu purneou- an uwful power In nn nrouaoil oonnolitnce. thoy will think you uU/mlil bo burled 0110 • tloii, cliiMirful in poverty, triiHtful lu IOHMCH, A highwayman plungod out upon Whltu- day sooner tlmn you nro burlod. Thoy will Come, and lot UH return unto tho Kor thrco days tho professor pu/./.ipJ trluinphnut In dentil, 1 ilud (Jhrlutlnu inuu llitld iia hu roilo along on horaobnok, n Bick Iiu right glad whoa you urn doad. Thoy nro Lord (Hoa. 0:1)'. hla brains without makliiK »">' UOIIHO in nil profeaeioiiBHnd occuiiiitlonii, and I llnd of money on the horait — monny that ho had only waiting for you to din. What Hum will God cotninnmleth men that thoy thorn rcapootod uud hounruil iiiul nucoomfiil. rnlnoil for orphan iu<ylumR— and tho high- nil yournnrtuly accumulations bo worth? If of It. Then hlu llttlo urni, a fourth should repeut (Acto 17 : 30\ John FrodorlcUOborllunlloYlntliig Iguohliuoo wayman put hln hand on tho gold, uud you gathered It all In your boao'm nnd form boy, came to hla fatlior'n mmly i and (llutrruit; lluwnrd pitnulng from ilucgoon Whltnllald uiruoit to him and guld: "Touoli walked un with It to hoavon'e gatn, it would \ ' and (iploil tho utrungu writing on iho to Innnrotto with hcnluig for tlie body thiitlfvou duriti that bolongn to tho Lord not nurahaan your ailmliialou. Or, If nl- 6. When Craving forgiveness; Hli, After'lobklUB ut It for « while and soul i Bllrtvboth 1'ry going to the profli- Jt>»u» Chrloi." And tho ruflliui aluuk Into lowoil to enter, It could >iot buy you n oixnvn Maku mo no lmo of thy hired uergacy of Nowgnto prlnou to ulinko Its ouilur- th" foroat. Oonnnlonoe! Oonnclenoo! Tlie or n robe, nnd the pooro.it saint in Imnvun vanta ho aRkeil hla father ulnrc when he (111). uoy an tho anftnl onmo to tho prlpon nt . rufflnii had a ptutol, but Whttttflold nhook at would look down nt you nnd uay. "Wluuo JPhlllnpl, drlvlnli omm th« ilooru and snnp- him tho frngar of doom. Do not think you did that paupor aomn .from?" Mliiy wo all Blot out nil mine iniquities! (Pun 51 : ba^^ takun to Writing Imckwanl. I '.What do' you meanf" wild tho, a«l rlug IOOHO tho olmln, nu well an tun liven of oun hliln any groat and protract oil eln tn your. bavo trouaurtja ip hoavou. Amoul ii). ' ' / Iliouoiuidii of followtirn tit Jeans who linvo heart, my brother. In an unguarded motonlohed profoHsor, Futher, Forgive us our MUD .(Luku devoted ttiinniwlvi'B to thu tempornl and ment it will Blip oft tho Up, or «oino Blight "Why," ropllod tho lattnr, "If you I1 : 2.4, Bl'lrltuiil wollnrn of tlm rn«o nro inonumentn antlpu nmy fortho moment tat ajar thin door read thlu from r|nlit to loft It runs thin 'S O/ tho Chrlutlnu rellxlou thnt nhnll not tlmt you wanted to kaon olonod. But uup- COMPRESSED FOOD FOR SOLDIERS. HI. l'ATIH:iiHO()U IHltADIAIl.l). x'irumblfl will In till) world lulit». A innii mild l>ouo tlmt in thlq Ufa you hide It, and yon get wuy, 'Gooil-iiiornlnK, lirofo.suor, how -, i to mo in the mini i "Whnt lli rflllgl'inV Jutlg- ulong with thin tranagreulon burning In A Ilonrd Ii Trjlnit lo Salvo Haw to Main- 1. tutor for tho Returning: ftro.you?' " tain Them on ttia MmnllcBt Alnouui. ii)K from tho oliiinii'ler of umiiy profounori of your heart, n5 a ship ou tiro within for days r«liglou I do not nduilni million." I iialdi lilnili'io the nrtmea from bunting out by While he wns yet ufur off, hin father A board la now mooting at (ha War Depart"Now. luippoiHt w» wont to nu iirtli't In llio hooping dotyii Ulo ImtclUio, yet at Intit In tho ment. Wanhlngton, trying to naive, for tho flaw him ('M). Tliouo csolt Hto • ally of iloui'i, nnd while 1In hln Kull"ry nidieil Juduinont tlmt iniquity will blfuso out heforo bonollt of tho nrmy, tha problom of how to him, 'Wluit In thti ui't ul iuiliiHii(;V' \Vuiil I Uou nuil tho uulvern. 1 huve nn plcuaurii in tho donth of thn mnlntnln a aolillor utroug nnd hualthy upon ho tnko uii out lu n low alloy mul nlmw IIH n Learn nlao from thin uubjeot that thoro Is tlio nmnllnut poaulhla union ut of food. wicked (Kziilt. !i;t:ll). mero limit) of n i>rittimdcr nt pnliiiliixii. or nU liitionnrablo oonnootloii lietWfiui nil Tho wity tha innltor will flunlly bn Uow of.on would 1 huvo gnthorod thy Would ho tilled. U H , d o w n Into tlm norrliUuN | events, liowuvur rornole. Tho unlveriio IH will, ol oourao. bo by iiii'anu of ooiu .'ft UK null show Uf* tho H'.llnuiM, mid tho ltii|diuo|ii, I uud tlio Mlolmol AiiKeUin'i' When wo u.'iUcd I )iliii,'\Vlnit IM tlio me of ('itliilliiL'V' ho woul I ' point t(i tlio worloi <if tlii'Mi) L'n-itt MiU'itiTri H n i t n n y , 'Tlmt IH pnlnllif.'. 1 N n w , you nn>to f i n d tlio mere emli-ntiiro uf j u l l K n i u , { IOMI.I (i ( l u o U ' n H i ' i - l l i n t . w l i l i i l i h< llio n i m e |irni«iiHlo nf It Imly llfi', llixl yuil ''nil H u l l r i ' l k l ' i l u it you lo llH'.;'i'l.".i.")l'.Uuiou 'iinlAv.iiuwi 'i| wh I t i l l ! ) HOM 'I l only ono thought of Clod. Thoso tlilnj,'u whlnh Boiimitil frnginonlury nnil Inolatml «ro only dliritrunt parts of that urunt thniight. How far annrl UOOIIKM! thesotwo evi'iitu— .1ohoph sold to tlio Arabian iiiorohantH nail hln rulnrnhlp (if ligypt-4'iit you HOO la \vhiil u luyi'terluiiu wuy (lint uimilimi oil tho two I n t o oun plan. Ho tho iiveatii arollnliml (');;, 'ihnr. Vuil, Who uru ugud mmi look book niut groupl"H"thiT a thoiinaiiil thluifi la your llfn Hint (h o::i'o Hi'ituied luolatoil, Oun iiliillvlilril n iilu ({i-iioe if you \viuit tn k n o w v.'lmt r of oveiilo ronubivi from tho Kiinlrn of Hilmi \V" li'iira itlno from thl-i story of (Ti tli- 1 iii'imn of I'lvlvary, nuil tliu-i up to tho that t i n ) resiill df | i i t r i i i > i > i i l l i i n \-i i-l k i n g d o m uf hmivon. 'j'linrit In it rolnltoii Int. lillcl U in, I lieen for l l M i i ' l h i j i i . i l i l Int twitii tlio iniialli'.-it liinont tlmt h u m , i In tlm laa iMiinliiK" by hl'i i i i i i H i - l o i i n l i n i t l n u m i u o r air ami (ho aroliniigiil on h l n t l i n m n . hln fubut liii|>rlMOitnuiitt J I U H ' I I ' I i i n \ ' > r \ v . n i l i l ( t o i l eaii Irnoi) a illrent nu"i"itnil lino hnvo lioooiuo a i<nvi'i'il"r. M v n r y ' i o i l y :i ' I ' n j i t i i from tlio MHO Jay that thla hprlng w i l l t h o lU'Ollll)!' 1 , " J l l l ' M i m l l l i o ( l i n y I h l L t lll'il J M I | bullil llu lu-,t la tho troo bulilnii tlio MiiiMitod for ;'lKlitiioiir)iii".i Mi|l(it, f i i r t l i u i r n h liuiuo til aomu ono of tho lloulc uf bit U tlm liliigiloni of hi'iivi'ii," Inn t h r y < ! . > ii..| ritallzotlio tm!l Unit t h i n prlii'il|ilu i i j i p l l i ' i to >VOi'hlly iui w«ll "u iipli'ltuiil oui:ui':ii. U l i food. Thoro uro BO mriuy dlfTormit vnriotlna of thlu mntorlnl that It will bn a n|nlnult nmttor to ooloot tho boat, tuiptiolnlly In vl"W of tho groat inunhor of riii'oiunioiiilntloiig which havo boon madoby tho Major-donoral coininaiKlIng llio army, tlio Ooiimilwtury Oontirnl of Hubuliitoiivo uud tlm Hour.In whli'li Wnro auHoinlilnil uoiuo monthii ngo lu tlio nnvernl ile|mrtmont» to Timkn rngHoiitlonn na to thooharuotor of nn imiorK»n«y ration f o r t h o unuy. Tlio roportM of thiMio llonnlii woro IICDIIMIpauloil by Hauiph<» ot Uiu food thoy rxoouiluonil, ami tlio room In wlilcli tho llounl n-u o u t l v u|i|Kiliito<l IH nil t IIH; U l l l t c n n l w i t h Any <iuuntlty of fooil priKtuitl», nil ot tin.' ooiii|iro.-;ioil typo. Ncvor lit'tgli at t h o mlofortunoii (if otlieni—JH i ( l u y it limy ho your turn. uhildrun touiitlior ( M u l t . 'J:i::r/j. 1. Active In Compassion: llin father WUH movoil with coiii]iiia«ion, und run ("<>). l.iUuun u father jiitioth,. uo tlio Lord (I'mi. l(KI:l!i). ' Whilii wo werdi yot tiiiiiitirH, Chrint died for UH (Itoin. 5:H). 3. Gcucruui lu Welcome! H!H fntlior -A>'\\ on hi'i neck, and Uis'i'd' him CM). Ketiirn to our Oml, for l|o w i l l u l m n d i i n t l y (mnlou ( I n u . i1).;:'/). U<< I h u t in u t l i i t u t , let liiiu coiiiii (!(• v. iH'lt' llaysi'od Sny. ynini;; fol uturlilu'tj cuiuinhi' i l u w H . HiHer Easpherry, la an experience .p'f over thirty years, I find this the best Raspberry, black or rod, .over introduced to South. Jersey, for profit or anything else. Plants for Sprinc planHhjgiat 'very modorato prices. Warranted purei true, and first-clues in every respect. D. CHAPMAN. "Wm. Kutherford, •Commissioner of Deeds, Notary -] Public, Real Estate and Insurance, 'Hammonten, N. J. Bs?. J. ,JL;WMSJ . ' RESIDENT N.J. Office Days,—Every week-day. QA.S ADMHSriSTEBED. No.ohargefof extracting-with gas, when tenth are ordered. Of Hammonton. N", 0; Authorized Capital, ^50,000 Paid in,, P0,000. Surplus, ^l4600. R. J. BYRNES, President. M. L* JACKSON, Vice-Pres't* "' W. B. TILTON,' Cashiet MUNICIPAL. R. J. Byrnes, ' . ' . •' . ' ' H. L. Jackson, George Elvins, Elam Stoekwell G. F. Baxton, . . . . -\ C. F.-Osgood, "W. R. Tiltori A. J. Smith, J, C. Anderson. W. L.BIaok. Don't compare "Battle* Ax" j •*>*••••• „,,...., ^ ( »'•» ...... "•*. . . * ! • . . . . ,,,,.,,,. IAN- Hammonton Steam MaearoM Works Beal Estate & Insurance Agt OCEAN TICKETS A. H. CROWELL, FlaOKlST Shoes. Shoes. Shoes, Boots, 'Shoes', Rubbers. O17-O10 CHESTNUT STRKT PHILADELPHIA ,«<n«X. ST YEAFH-«4« 31 under ttio uawo Principal. A awn pic to all-arniuul equipment fur ImiWi* tele. Inducting the JCnttliili branchei, with Ilooktiuxjping, Shorlhnnd, Corrcipontlcnco, Mcrcuntlle Cu*tomi and Forms, Commercial I AW amHico^y, Hanking, Finance, Kconomlcs oud Civic*. Botranco exam I nations liefd daily throughout u year. Ki)Tollin«nt blanks on application, $>*y Scftnlona'n) — ' o/l begin Monday.ijeittcnibcr ifM, NIgtit Sessions, September JO, 1895. School literature, Includinir uddrcs&ci of Kxrt Arr Uecd and Max O'Kell on la it Graduation ay, free, _ Graduate.) are Hiicccaafully An3l3tcd to Potltlon*. D. C. HERBERT'S. A.II.Fhllllpa. 'W. A. I'liunoo. A. H. Phillips & Co. r_ ,______, ff Fire Insurance. — MONEY— 1 , icon -] Mortgage Loans. 11)"8 Atlixutlo Avonuo, Atlantic City, N. J. l^I-P-A-N-S l> The modem standard Family Medicine: Cures the common every-day ills of humanity. FOK SALE BV . HammontoD Do OoiU .............. Klwood „......!... Egg HarborOlty..,. Abseoon...... M.^»*. Mlontlo OltT.....>.. 0 18 D2S 080 0 43 061 1011 1084 ..»•• Hammontoii, If. J. , 'STATIONS. * mi 6 17 . . . . . . Ace, Kip. a.m a.tn. E*l>'. Acco o.nj. a.m. x in "lTr» 1« in 82S : S-Jl ff(W 8 01 7 SS .. ....;. 95K Exp Acco a.tu. •p-OTT WM 10 13 9:« .,,. Exp pjn. >> 8 40 -665 '« 80 ?ei? COS COO ••••»A* ....»,-. . D..SV >. !..»>• I) ifl) 5,18 • •••••«<> . B2I ft: 75(1 M 5t(. ,.,..,„. 1 45 ...»...i -,u r. S27 *I*'MM*» 737 , .... 1 I'd] 731 800 S 61 ••837 55u GOT • 11. i -'5 16 ••••••••• 'T'S 4« 5IO t*it*t«* /M8 7 2.' 8 2tl 022 S Ul &62 7 1.' :....\.\. SI IS .... .... 462 0"! H WI ,.K..V. 4 41 u«**»* .l.i..... ........J ......y.t 0 r>' Tiis 4.T2 . 5-8^ 8 TO•900 (..... 9 as 9 »') 9 41 V ' .• " . \ \ /i 11s «W li'Vii O B J 10 S8 R eo H 42 » ?i H 01 7 511 7 411 7 4(1 llnddonfldri Derlln Atoo Witrrford Hnmraontou v DaOaltn Elwood IC«g HnrborOlty A|.»l.COI) Atlontlbdlty I) 00 10 t!0 8B2 10 £! , 4 I'-i U 4U 7 3< 7m 7 2.1 7 15 II Bjl II 45 (1 U H 4 11- K 1 111 K 4 •!.•; — l)!14 7~<0 iToo :i u •i :\ :i •i : •' (IE! 'f E, StockweU's Yard W 111 t,;\ ill I'd H 1:1 7 in II '.'0 (1 W II u . II 41> f, r.l r» v 'i '.i. r, in !l (III 4 ii:i 1 '17 1W Lumber Yard. •a i :.'j i if II M t/aaod Nuitvouu r>i3iiA9!i9. They purify tlio I)i.uoi> und gUo HKAI.TIIV Action to the entire oyatcm. Curo DYSPEPSIA, HEADACHE, <X)NSTIPATION and PIMPLES Dcst In HIB World! Get the Genuine! SoldEverjtiherel AXLE GREASE Wiu. Huthftrrord, ro'tl nrttato and luauriinoo. Win. Itoruriliouno, n l u n l i i g m i l l , lumbar. J, H, Thiiyir, i n i i n l o i i l Inrlriiiiionln. Henry Krnmer, ( K i t l i n n i ) , uodar lumber. Utior£o Htoeliunn, tullur, 1>. C. Hnrbort, vhoon. <lnorK« H i v i n g ,lry noc>d«, (,'rncorlon, olo. I'nnili K. Hobirln, gronorlua. Jmiu>b K''liliiirdt. lilntil M\>\ p r i M l u c n . Krult (Ir'iwora' U n i o n . p(oiier«l morolmndlne. Ohna, CiM.nliiulHHii, IMiyrlolan mill Hurxouli. Oai>. M. llowleit, ttititt nnd prri'tuce. J . 11. Hiniill, bitker nnd onnfuotloiior. J. (JiKidiunn, olollillif! u n < l nollonl. I t . 1,. Moliit.vrit, infill M I I , I |,r.i,l,icn. Wm <l. Hood, llvory n i » l tumidlng alnldot. Win. If. lllick, dry uo.ida, aroocilot, olo. I'.luui Htookwoll, cunli ,ih»io. Justice of the Peace, SHOES. 1 . A beautiful lino of VII.i, ifli A N X i l l . ' N C H I ) I N spEraa CAPES At city prices. A /Sjiocialty. , Also 4th,j1896. BOYS' PA1TS Near tho Railroad Stations, Hunimonton, N. J. 1 1'ubllo ItitoruHt «H1 ntoitdlly liioi'OUHU, nnd Mm <[iii':ill(in how Ilio men wlidnn vdtpti tiiriiud tho noiilo ut tho litHt okullon aio Hutl.iiUnl \vlih tlm rcHtiiiii niulor the mlmliilHtriition limy oloc.tod, will inulto llir cuniiiulgn Uin nionl, ,iii.tniiioly (ixolUii|[ fa tho htatory of tho Unltml Htntoii. THIS NII1W YOrilf WKKKf.r TICIIlli^M, thft l.nulliiif llciiulvllnan fm.iily nownpminr of tliu United rltutuni will pulilluli nil tlin puiltlrul IHHVH ol the <luy, intw'cHthiK to «v«ry Amorlotui oHi/.cn r«Kur<llc>im of )i:irl,y ulllliatlciiii. Aluo, giiniirul n u t . H in utti'iu'.Uvo foini, I'Trlgn c:i)n:nh|)iiii(liiiM:r (Mvnrlng tho IIUWH of ttio world, uu fiKvloultiirul <li))i iruiuun, 'rciuid in mimi In tlin v-'nuitry, iniirluil roiuirtn wliloli nr« riH'.ognlr.ml l u i i h o i l t y , Aj.'i'.'niLl.lnit iilimt Hlorlvn, omujiluto In nnoli iiiiiiibur, tho oriiuui of tho huuioroii>> finpiiin, l"i«l|,'ii mid domOHtto, with tluilr hunt oomlo iilutnreri, fiiKliloti )'!iilcn nnd olithonilo ilitnoilptloiiN of woiniin'ii ultlro, with a vmluil inul nttrnnllvn <l>'|Huliiiinit or ImnmihoUl nilfirOHt. TJio >fow York Wooltly Trlliuno l» i>n lil<»il funilly puiiOf, with olioiilntlon hirgnr ilian Ihivt of uny othur wi (ilily iiiibllciillou In tho o c m u M y Immcil from I hit nllloo of a lilnlly. & lUlly. I>IH'K*> l>m'K<> O *)-- Ii'»RO« H I K O " "'» »r<> huliiK UUIIIg U liiildn I U < l n In I I I |l» ||N .I'olullH, -VIIKin, loniiliii; I . I I U M U , ; to ,,. ,,r|vn , , , , , II, , , . ([I'Oatur ,,.Itl,v. lll'o ' nnd vurliily, untl uHpoulally inoru Inturatit to tho wiiiiini uiul yiiiiiij.; puople of tho hoii»«hi>!<l. IW A Hpnolitl (iiintnii)t otiablen tin to offur thin nfiliniillil Join mil mid the tfouth Jertcy lli:]iutilictiH—both . At .49 cents, worth $1. ^^^B" • ,,„ L jSgm----- J. terOODMAN ^•i'.".^1 ' ' . •• • 'The ronrular prlea of th» two papora la 1','. Hiibnc.i Ijiilnnii mny hc^ln uuy time. Hiimple ooplix c:tu li» had nt thin iiil!ni<. Addroaanll oidmii to tho I t K V U I « I J < : A N, I l i i i i u i i o n l o i i . Bring UH 3'our ordcrn for Jbb Printing. Wm. •(&. E1OOB Mauufootiurer and l)oivlor Iu FAUTCYSHIHGLES Posts, Pickets, etc. u One Year lor $1.25,—oaBh In nclvaiico. Best ! FIRST GRADE The Uext President of the United States \ Always a Good Stock Onljr . '' 1 Acfommoilntlon IcrtvcHltninniontoii at Il:d5ii.in. anil 1S:!H> p in., ii'ii("u.i I ' l i l l i u l i l . nt7:4o'n.m.nnil l:fiUp.in. IjCiwert I'lillu. ut lln.viii.iu. anil (1:DII ii.in., ri'iiclicrflliiiiiiiiuiiloii at, LOCAL BUSiNJESB HOUSES. ll«>lliililo >»nd onturprlHlng partloti, In tholr respective linen, whoin wo can ronirnunond. IT<ir dutullo, too tholr udvorllnomuntn. Hoyt k. Hons, publUlit^rii, prlntoru. Ouni lllrioh, oluililiiK, rnllorlii H, McU, Jjlttlo, liurdwnra, I'unilturo, carputa. lloliort Hlenl, Jnwrjur. , M. 1>. J'HikHitn. incut inul produce. If. W, ()i,|(loy, liiirni<9ii. <), W. l'r»M«(iy, Juntldp. W. H* ItnrnitluiUHii, onnl. Dr. J. A. Waun, ilnntliil. Jc.hu Aild-'B'Mi, Jiiiilnii iiinl lullor. , John Murdmi'i, »li(in». Win. Bernshouse, PEA COAL V Dmmicna Orgaulzatlona. Ii'rult flrowera' Union, H. J, Monfort noorotary, uhlpiiors ol fruit and produoo. Fruit drowurii' Annuolatlon, (1. W. Klv'na Hocrotary, «l Ipp'cru of trull and proUuoo. Hatuiiionliii) Loan and Building Asuoolatlon, W. It. Tillon Boorot'.ry. Wiirliinnmni'i- Lonn and Iluildlng Anuuolutlon, W. II. Il^rntiliO'iHo, fliuirorury, I'oniilo'H llunli, W. H. Tilton ounblor. IliMiiuiontnik Iiii|irnvi<iii«iit Amioolatifln. M. L. JiiHtpon |>Vu<ildoiit, ^'. 11. HornBhoutio ui:o'y, O. \V, 1'reHHoy irmifiir'flr. STEAM STEAM K . H IH 1:1 7 r.s \* 7 M ;ii '7 -iV i'.'i 7 .'(' .MI 7 VI •1 4. 'i Commissioner of Deeds Eension- Imported Groceries ? • " ' . 5 411 11 12 Ac«o. Bn.Ac ^ U l l l a, E jipr. p.m. B.lli. p.m P lVn."» 10 5 01 Justice of the Peace, And Fancy Paste, »r UP TRAINS. I'IMlndelpbU Hails, , , Screws, , Locks Hinges, ^ Bolts, Weights, Hangers, Roberts, '• 5 «» V 40 « l ) l 10«l 0£! 1007 -—n ' .— HTATIONB. AtAo. Kxp. Eipr. Exp. El|> a.m. p.m. R.m. O.tQ. *,m. Builders' Hardware Geo. A. Elyins, 4 f.7 6(.'i (i !iO 6 2:! II 17 tl 67(1 B8il 5 4 7 6 in fi 45 ;...., 8 W B'r ii'so s'iii 0 2\ ...... ' Dwinell, Wright $ Cq.'s Boston Coffees, W. He Bernshouse Mall. Exp. £x|> Acco. Eip SQ.AO s.n%r 8n. Ac B.Kxp B.nv. p.m. {•.m. p.m. p.m. B.DI. -•.m. p.Ql, 9.1H. rii)l»delphlo,».™.. 800 2 10 4 CO 420 B 00 K15 T45 ~t 00 OXnuhTDv.,....,,.. ..,,.. 8 10 217 4 08 4 M 6 07 H 25 Jl f,3 « 10, paddonfleld»_....... 4 'Ml K 411 BJ)0 .J... 4 43 ( perlln ...... ...... .,,... 8 65 BOI M Sll 4 62 oni e 10 6 ' A. K. Bernshouse. : STATIOMfl. Wlntlow _„..: . MoMay, March 30 Sept.. 30, 1805. DOWN THAINK. Atoo H......... ......... WBterford....,._ . : ^ 800 ........Plillartcliihi.i 82o 810 ..Oamden 0 13 Moendlia. ........ •> 51 830 ;. 844 ......Laura Bprloga..... 54.1! 847 .Clcmonton 5 ;<y 856 ...Wllllamttown June. •>:w 901 ........Cedar Brook. ) £4 0 12 Window Jnnc_... ,} 10 0 19 HHammo]a!CD..".» J 10 024 DaCotta 932 Klwood 9 40 'Kgft HRftoT...^; r 9 48 ...»Brii;anUno Jiinc... 1000 j'lcaauitTlllt 1010 .Alluutic (Siy»— " • *!•» '' Eortwaw^eks Coffee l>i-ico, yoii can got it at MAY PI3IRCR, A. M., I'll. U. Ifounclor A Commercial School of high grade, which QOuplcfl a good English education with u »yolcm< Otis buslucsi iraiuliijr. O.LI. PBATEENAL. ARTISANS ORDER OP MUTUAL PROTECTION. A. P. Simpson. M. A.; A 1). Dnvia, Secretary. (Established in 1889) .. M«et» firnt Thursday evening In each month in Mechanics' Hall. V BATplONtON.N.J. v WIMBLOW LODGE I. 0. 0. P. Cbas, F. Money Insurance placed only in the most N. G.; William H. Bernsho'uso, Secretary. Macaroni, Vermicelli, • reliable companion. Moota every Wednesday evening, In Masonic ^ and Fancy Paste, Hall. _j Deeds, Leases, jHortRages, Etc. SBAwunxEiii TIIIBB I. 0. H. M. Charles The beat made in tho United States. . Carefully drawn. N. Parker,flnchem; Chos. W.Austin, Chief of Meet every Tuesday's sleep In tho Sold Wholesale and Retail. Records. Maaonio Hall. and from all ports oi Europe. CorresM. B. TAYton IODOB, F. 4 A. M. W. L. Blink, Master; Alnnzo B. Davis, Secretary. pondence solicited. 2nd and 4th Friday nights In MoRonlo Hull. Dealer in Imported & Domestic UT Bend a postal card order for a true Jit. ODDKFI UNITBII AUHRICAM MKCIIANICB. sketch of Hammonton. .T. M. Bai"s«tt, Councillor; L. W. Purdy, H. B.j A, T. Lobley, F. 8. Meets every Friday evening In MeohantcR' Uall. * • OKM. D A. UuB3Eixl'osT, 0 A.U. Charles Imported Olive Oil. IC. Kobortp, Commander; W. II. H.Bradbury, Adjutant; \t. Beverage, Q. M. Meotu 1st and: 8ri* Saturday nighlH in Mechanics' Hall. Funeral Designs a Specialty. WOIIANU' KKLIKF Oonru. Preside,it, Mrs. Order by mail or telegram. M. K. H u t t o n i Ruorulary, Miss beona Adamii. let and 3rd Batuiday eve, Manonlo Hall 1512 Pacific Avoiiuo. OEN. D. A. Uusanti/ CAUI* flonn op VUTI:H Atlantic City* ANH, No. 14. Gape., Wm. Cunnlnghami First Shoes made to order. Soigt.. A.'V. W. Bolley. Every Wedneidoy Hall. Repairing done at short notice. ovo,TunMoohanioo' HAUMONTON ATIII.BTIO AHSOOIATIOH, I)nvi<l Uottroll, prealdcni; A K. BernohouHo, Booronirv'i M. H, U'Muior, ouptain. Mcoto representative Anierlaan uvury-'Monda^ evo, at Art-oolatlon Hall. Hlulnrhtiod Branoli, No. 611, 0. Tron Hall of Business School for both Suruh A, Hood, 1'ron't. Carrl^ A. sexes. If you want a good rolmblo articjo Ilultluioro. King, Huo'y. Meetn In MuohanluiT Hall 11 rut of foot-wonr, at a roasonablo and third Wodnnmtay ovu'it, fl o'clock, c> RECORD BUILDING. . . Duplex No. 9 ..... "1312 Chestnut St., Phi'la. THE PRESBYTErlY, NO. 17 Tho repiilar mooting of the Presbyter; The following rules .were • adopted by Ot all kinds in stdclf, oj: the Board of Education, at i t s ' Q r a t of West Jersey, including tbajJix south . furnished on shortest notice. crn counties of. $bo_fitato, ihot iu th tueetiug March 24th, for its own government. Being of public intoreat, we HamrnontoJB ProabyteTOn bhtircb, last Tuesday. .Over (-ighty delegates were in pubhbh them entire ; . • • . . ' . . ' • . attendance, an3 the entire BOSSIOD was " 11 TUB Buard shall meet resuliirly on f the first Tuesday of each 'month, n t 7:30 inter/efltinff and enjoyable..; Rev. J. C. P. M., 'excepting' the niouths of March, 'Russell, of Caindon, was elected ModerJprie, September, and December, when ator. Two pastors resigned their charges jt will meet ori Tuesday alter the lirst —Rev. A. P. Botsford, of Wenonah, and beginning ' Monday. ' . Rev .13 A. McLaury, Cedarvillo. Two (Latur, at thejsame jneistin;?, it was Js the burden of voied^hurth^B BoararucotdiQlieli'ec'o'bJ' ^ our song, this .week. Tuesday ot each rtonth.) r, .""':'. 'r- ;: ; TheodWrBlmer and, John A. Brown, the 2. Special meetings may be called by latter accepting a cair to VVilliamstown. Estimates on full orders cheerfully gi , / } you will find our stock Ihe-President, by the Dial rlct Clerk, or A petitirtn.,was presented from members (, • . ' • ' • ' ibd Presidunt'when requtsted •• .to do so the Church iu Atlantic City for tho At the Hammonton Lumber-Y/ard. Having secured the of" Elipse. Bicycles (five in writioi' by any two members of the nf organization of a new Chuicb, and a Board. . ' • ' . ' • . ' ^ . sole agency models) in the room lately 3. The following committeea shall bo cprnmittee was appointed to orgariize a appointed : Cyiniuittue on" Property ; second ChurclAif the way bo cle.iv. ,Rov. for .Hammonton and vicinity ~ C'oaiujHiee ou " BooliS-f. Cutiiujittue :p'u J, B. Adams, Ttvv. A. W. Bpooner, Elder •-' occupied 'by _ihe South for the sale of Schools. • x ' - •} ' • ' ' . • F-. A. Batema'ti, and/Elder Thomas W. -^""". -' • • 4. The Committeo on Property shall Siunotc were elected delegates to the Jersey Kepublican. estimate the repairs necessary i'or the school Uouses dnriug-vacatton-;-recijivc, General, Assembly-,: --which -meets at SaraAll-friends of-the agent open, and declare ail bids lor fuel 6r toga, in May; Reports wero given of : of the Eclipse Wheel, all eupplicB ; and perform auy other duties thejarions lines of religious work. assigned to it by the Board. ' .. - We are prepared to ; friends to our method of 5. The Committee on Books shall An interesting service was held iu the _cxamiDe"-aDd-select-all Dookrtiesiredlo rator. Rev. Thos.N Thomson, of Elmer. __ __ the school,, and report to ..the/Buard; Believne Ave. and Second St., AdrJresse's on. Mission^ and Benevolence • the firiesi^xticle the above; air strangers also examine, as tur as potsible, the by Revs. Beadle and Thomson. condilioh of books, a n d ' report any HAMMOJfTOlf, : V | jr. , in this line: that the within our gates; "and all ci or rules necessary lor their Tbo ladies of the Church eutortaiued ^reservation, a.* Well as perform^ miy the delegates. 'Tables, _were/_sejtj.n .th-ft. market affords. norarma intavoo'f/i/l :«. P bnsinesj placed irrmrhfarjg will? _ __ ___ -.._-.-^.JJ... .__:!_— --ji— ....-•• ________ -other-UutieB—tttisijjticd—thciu—by—tiro jMenleStr^of .the_ church^Wliieh tables _All :, _-— le promply atte ' kind _— ^jurd. wheels of any ft Would" be pleased to ' 0. .The Committee on Schools shall and decorations transformed into'a most •'.'.' furnish you with samples, •whether wheel - barrows, consist of one member of the Board lor delightful diuing-rnorn. each school (excepting (Jentrul, wuich The members of the* Presbytery visited that you tofty ...•'..'-' bicycles, tricycless qu'adri- may consist..of oue. or wore uiembtirs), the old church, and were greatly pleased try before you buy., cycles, or trolleys, will be who shall visit the tchools, it possible, with the prospects of the Italian mission at least, once during each month. ' The cordially received and v committees thus appointed shall report and the good work of its pastor, Rev. ' . at tach regular meeting of thu board Thomas Fragali. courteously treated. the condition of the schools and also any recornaieudiUion necessary for their improvement. Changes may be made in Arbor Day was observed yesterthese committees' at any time, when day, m our publicv8chools. • Trees were deemed jproper by the board to do eo. Grocer. 7. All committees shall bo appointed seb out at the Central school and also' * VW" 1 by the President, -who shall be ux-ollicio by tho outside schools. At the Central Manufacturer of the Finest member'of all committees. The Dis- all the children from the lower rooms, trict Clerk shall be ex-oflkio member' of anJ_8_omo__B8itQra,-gathered with the MACCARONI, --*8. Iu the month'ot February, or scholars of the higher grades, in the soouur if necusmuy, the President uhul| Assembly room and listened to songs appoint'a Committee on Fipance, which by tho school, recitations and readings1'. blaull audit the accounts and vouchers of Those who- took part could hardly do tho District Qlerk. • And dealer Ax \ \ 0. The Priocipalof the schools orany> themselves justice as they had only a \\ of the teachers shall have the privilege few days to prepare, since the schools of atteudlDg tho meetloKB ot the Board were but recently notified of'the day. and spuakiug on any subject pertaining The program consisted of appropriate to tlia riiudios or government pursued 'm .recitations by tho Misses Olive Denny, in tho school. ,.,... GEO. W. PBESSEY, IU. Citizens not members of the Sfbllie Jones, Ivy Smith, Mary Itoberjta, for summar use, at Hammonton, N. J., l Board shall liavo the privilege of attend- Helen Winchip, Lutie Whittnorfl, Aning the meetings and presout any mal» uio \Yhiflfcn, K'sio Giddings, Anna lers In which they ai'e interested, and Office*8oobnd and Cherry Bts. may remain at the meeting if no objec- Duiil;Io, Sfidio and Lizzie Cunningham, Edith Crowoll, Katie, Emma, Helen tions are made by uuy member. ' 11. All teachers shall bo- elected by and Bollo Berry, Margarita, and Addle I have just received a fine lot 'ballot. Prescott, Lilian Boyle, Lillio Link, AND which I would recommend The standing committeoa foe tbo year also Garllold Kramer, Jay Brown, for Summer burning. It is are,— . . ' ., T V Frank Adams,' Stuart Whiffcn,' Harry • ' \ clean and under, shed and Property,~Messrs. Adams, Moutfort Pigott and Clarence Purdy; readings dry,—will "ive equally as by Misses Joaio Garton and Elizabeth uud Jacobs. Hooks.~Mr. Jacobs, Misses Sceloy Ilolliuanj recitations and Interesting good satisfaction vafter rain All varieties of the and 1'rcBRoy. - ^. • exorcises by tho Kindergarten. Though as before. Finest Mill Work, Central School, — Messrs. Oagood tho whole program was good, tho work Shoes made to Order is my, O,'U(\iHiull and Mrs, Beverage All kinds (j>f coal constantly Saeh, Doors and Blinds. ot the LJEfmlergurton was especially fiood Main ltuad,~TA<c. AdatiiB^ Specialty, and full on hand. \ Mutinolia.,—Mlt)8>!s!cel«v. and relFctud much credit upon tlielr Middle Itoad,—Mr. Jacobs. satisfaction in guaranteed. teacher, Mrs. Berry; Tho scholars had Also, good Ortk Wood. \ /.(«*•«,— Dr. North. intended to tpeml the. afternoon iu the Jtmulitle,—Miss I'rcsaey. woods by classes, but tho, rain preUnion,—Mr. Moutbrt. Repairing done. J('tHa?ice,—Dr. North, Mrs. vented and gave, them a half holiday. nnd Alms " TilAINS." Acco f -• ' CLEH*. J. L. O'Donoell. COLLECTOR & TREASURER. A. B. Davis. MARSHAL. A. H. Mi'ler. , JUSTICES. • JuhrTAtkinsefl, Q.-'W. |"3rrBr Kyan. " ~ DOWNTBAINS. CONSTAHLES. Goo. Bornshonso, Vf, B. Wells, Benj. Fogletto. ' ' . Acco Exp "iced Ex- -Eip OVERSEBR op HIGHWAYS. <W. H. Burgess ..pjn. pjn. p.m. p.tu*. p.m. OVBRSKKR OF TDE POOR. John W. Logan. —KIQUT POLICE. J. H.flarton._ -,«-30 S45 - 4-Sn -500 -200 QAS •658 .442 5 12 2 12 FIRE MARSHAL. S; E. Brownt 7 OB «ai ...... 7 12 6.27 BOARD.OP EDUCATION. C. P. Osgood, presi7 16 rsi dent; <J. L. O'Donnell, clerk; Eilwra Adams. L. 72(1 041 s"i'2 • s Mbnfcrt, Dr. Edward ^North, P. H. Jacobs, 731 '.046 6 10 740 7 00 ,53« Miss Nellie.Seely, Mrs.'M. M. Bovomgo,' MisB 7 4a 700 536 6 4 0 240 Anna Pressoy. „ 7 GO • Meets second Tuesday in each month, 757 545 805 552 y VOLDHTEBK BIRB Co. John M. AnBlin, , 305 8 12 «(» ...'...... ..„ president; Chasl W\ Austin, secretary. Meets 8 24 (i 21 ...... .. 3rd Monday cvcniD A of each month. 832 ...... 030 020 330 TOWN; COUNCIL. ftVm. Cunningham, Pres't, John C. Anderson, Dime] M. Ballard, George King, J. P. Patten, Alvln Adams. Meets last Saturday eve each month. HAMMONTOH,; N. JT., APRIL, 25, 1896. RULES of theUCHOOL BOARD. Certificates of JJeposit Issued, bearing interest at: the rate of 2 per centrpor an- tobaccos—-compare~3 ? 1 ^Battle Ax" whh sthe best on | ^VH the market^ and you wUhfind you j|^ I M get for 5 cents almost as much 1 1 ^Battle- Ax" as you do of other jj •shig^ grade brands for lQ_cents» . s;. , VOL. 34. Agent for Guitars, Mandolins,. Banjos, and other instruments. Also, Music, both vocal and instrumental. Repairing promptly attended to. For term's and prices apply at residence in the evening, or at Herman Fiedler's Cigar Store. Hammonton, N. J. • Directory, Commissioner of Deeds, Notary Public, < Conveyancer, Cheapest and Best < BALED PROPOSALS -will T>6received by • O tire Finance Committee of Council, until num'If held six months, and 3 per cent l( ' Saturday, April 25th, 1800, at 8 o'clock p. m,,, held one year. , . to furniKli an assessment map of tliat portion , of the Town of llanimonton lying north-coat Light rucning,.eaBy loMunderstand,' be.au* ..--,_-,. I of it IJnejjelng the middle of Myrtle Street, .Discount. days^n and ucbntinuallc>n"tl)erac>r to tno Sivuth-east ""^tiful work. ~ ^ ; boundary line. • Proposals should be marked Friday of each weelc. Single or double thread stitch— a modern "Proposals for Map," and nddrcBSed totho •" invention. . . • • • • < undersigned, from whom further Information 'can bp hnd upon application.- The comEvery machine guaranteed. . mittee reserves the right to reject any or all Are you interested,? So i:d fora catalog bids. . . . • " • •• . Agents wanted. •—=:,HAMMONTON, N. J.. April 2,1S30. • •"•'•' J. P. PATTEN, JOHN C. ANDERSON, GUITAK ana MANDOLIN Finance Committee. W..& 3Y, Manufa<?turing "A ve±y smooth article*" . f he People's Bank BEHIIY OBATEB. Folcom, N. J. to order. Order* rooolvvd hy nmll promptly Illlcd, Low! ......... Httooootuir to Alux. Altkon ri IllllllllMUltoil Livery and Boarding Stable. Carting And- Diilivsrln^ of all kinds done promptly, on ehoit uotloo, . Hlngtontld Double by the day or hour. ffjT In the Memorial Day order sont Bollovuo Avonuo, by tho Coinmandi.'r:!nlGhlef to evury Gump of the >Sona of Veteraim in thu United HtaloH occnra the lollowln^ param'apli: Every Cdmp nhonld ho found in the line of duty, and uvury nmnilHU' ol llie Order should do hm part to inakit tho Beooud Utroot and Hollovuo Ave., oliHerv.uie!) of this Mumorlal Day inoro gciu-nil than ever Intlbro, and lul It bit 'In tlin rlj»ht vvav.' No -Son ot a Vo'toran tilmnld hi) loiind deHi:ciulin;' Hut day, (Hrmenta miulo In. tho boat manner. and Hoimlrlnn promptly done. nhonofinK '"» fallior or hlti I'alliur'H H.' nrliiK ruasohahle. Batlnfaotlou ({uar&ii* initinoiyi and illH^niciiiK hlniHitll, hy mi- lluioH tend I u every OIIBO, ^ini; In tho ainuuutnculH of bull plav ____ __________\________________________________________i _____ > ii^, racing, dane-lm;, olii., HOCOIIIIIIOII in luiiny locaillluH. Malm It, a tiny of lotuliir, lovlnjj norv\ce, of uratdl'ul ruimnuUianeo,and of |)airlotl<! liiHniration, Mako It what It Hnould bu—thu immt Wo liuvo put up (V j temporary biilldliitf Hiun'ml ol all tho t'ayt) conticuralud to the Anuiilean noldlor. on tho old ulte, and have ' a utock of ordiunry Chapter U!'2 of the State Laws, of IHilfi, reads as lollows : 1. No (icfHOti shall hitch or tio any liiumi, iniiltt, ox or othor animal to any hhitdc, ornamental or fruit tree whicli limy have hcun jiluiitccl or.HutoUt by tho owner, prior ownor or poHHi'ttttor of'any Intiiln udjoliiinu any highway or road in ihl» Hlni(', or hitch, or lie any horse, iniiki, ox or otlu-r animal to any poet within Miftcli of any »»i:Ii Ahiiduj omanuinliil or l i u l l treo, of ullow any horuo, mule, ox or otliei' unlniiil tu Hlnnil »nlUtciHKil m.'uruuy Mhndu. orintiiuitital or Irnit iron whorohy any timih Uconiuy ho l n | i n i ( I by Hiieli luilninlH. '.!. II any pcrHOn idiiill olt'rnil a^alnnt I lin |iiovltiiciiiH of tho proceeding iiecllon of thlt) net, lie, MIO or they HO olliuullnj.; uliull lorlrlt and pay thu sum of tun ilollarM for tiuch anil uvury "iicli ofl'onau w l i n i i b y any mieh ln;ii tu injurod or (lainaL'od, and lor each and every ollimau wliotuliy thu Lreo la killed and ruined ho. Halve uhu or ihuy no olttindliiK ahull forfeit and Tho hoot tmlvu Iu (.ho world for outs, pay tho mini ol twtjnty-livo dollars, uulil brulnuu, uorvn, uloura, aalt rlu)iuii, fovn, HUint) to bu roeovcred In an action of 'minio, totter, ohu|>l>ud hnnda, olillblulnu tort, with crwlA.uf'the tmit. Iu any court o<nu»j,4UH^ ull ukm eruption*, »nil iioalhaving co^iuzttucu thuruof, by any per- tlveryoiiroa |illca, or no pay required. son who-Yniiy |iioi)eoiilt) lor tho namo It, ID guiuuntauit to elvu pwrfoot mil l«fuo'within «l\ tiionllin alter uucii oll'uiieu tlon or nioKoy lofnndod. I'lloo, Sir> canttt have heon coinii:IUi:d. box. .For nulo at CroltV Hammonton. : : N. J. JOHN ATKINSON, Tailor, Hammonton. Since the Fire To wliloh wo aro adding every duy, unit can aupply oar patruua. Our workshop was not iliunuRod j./»av«» aro r«»dy for ttrtloro, and huvo Inortiunuil our foroo. S. E. BROWN & CO.