July/August 2003 - Home of the 508th Airborne Chapter


July/August 2003 - Home of the 508th Airborne Chapter
The Red Devil Digest
The 508th Airborne Chapter Newsletter Fury From The Sky
Vol. 7 No. 4
July - August 2003
Clarksville Reunion A Big Go
Clarksville, TN
Things are looking good for the largest attendance for
the 320th AFA/508th Reunion in some years. Rodger
Jacobson, Treasurer, 320th and Vice Chair 508th Abn
Chap, informs me that he has received information
that around 200 Troops and guests are interested in
attending this function. To date he has a firm 53 who
have already sent in their registration forms or made
reservations at the Holiday Inn in Clarksville. Of
course, a flood of registrations are anticipated before
the August 15 deadline. Then, there will be those
who will dally and be late in getting registered and
one or two who will just show up on the first day of
the reunion to register. There is always one who will
say “Why didn’t someone notify me?” It never fails!
You are encouraged to take action now and register
for this event. It promises to be a great reunion. If
you threw away the last newsletter with the reunion
information and registration form and decide to
attend contact Jack Damron at the address and phone
number shown in the Chapter Officers Section of this
newsletter. If you are on the Internet you can down
load this information from the chapter web site and
look up the May - June 2003 newsletter, pages 7 and
Chairmans’s Message
Two events are planned before the end
of the year. The first is the 57th Annual
National Convention of the 82d
Airborne Division Association
scheduled for Charleston, WV on
August 13 - 16. If you haven’t
attended one of the National
Conventions, you have missed a great
I find it most interesting to interact with other
chapter members and most assuredly the young men
and women of the 82nd Airborne Division who will
be in attendance. The second event is, of course the
320th AFA/508th Reunion scheduled for Clarksville,
TN (Fort Campbell) on September 25 - 27. You may
make reservations before or after those dates at the
reduced price offered for this event. I again give this
reunion, put together by Joe Montoya, Chairman of
the 320th AFA Association, a big hand for a job well
done in past reunions. I understand this will be Joe’s
swan song as the Chairman so be on hand to bid his
adieu and welcome the new slate of officers who
ever they may be.
Speaking of adieu’s I am still looking for more
volunteers to fill the chapter officers’ positions for
the years 2004/05. Rodger Jacobson has indicated he
will continue on as Vice Chair and devote himself to
his great job of finding “lost Red Devils” and putting
on mini reunions around the country for the 320th and
508th. I will be meeting with a possible candidate,
Jim Lutes of SPT Co the end of the month and we
will be discussing several open positions as of
January 1. I again ask that all members consider
supporting the chapter by stepping forward to assume
chapter duties for a two year period.
The chapter is in good shape membership wise
despite the loss of many annual members this year.
We had 423 Annual and Life Members as of 1
August 2002 (The beginning of the 2003
membership year). National informs me that we had
officially attained membership of 467 as of 15 July
2003. Thus we have attained an increase of 44 new
members for the year 2003. As a result the Chapter
will once again receive the Associations prestigious
Membership Excellence Plaque. As of 1 July only
two of ninety six Veterans’ Chapters have earned this
award. Now there are three!
Continued on page 2.
2 Vol. 7 No. 4
My thanks go out to Rodger Jacobson for a job well
done this past year as well as to the many of you who
have actively given their time in contacting their Red
Devil friends and enlisting them in the Chapter. Also
a big thanks to those of you who have furnished
rosters and orders containing the names of Red
Devils we have been able to find through the Internet.
August 1 will start the membership year for 2004.
We will need to have 507 active members by 31 July
2004. This is a big order every year. Consider that
we lose somewhere between 15 to 30 Annual
Members each year who fail to renew their
membership and an additional 5 - 10 who either
transfer their membership to a local chapter or pass
away. As a rule of thumb we need to enlist an
additional 60 - 70 new members each year. As I said,
it’s a tall order and we will continue to need your
help. If you have roster, orders, manifest, etc. please
contact me so the Chapter can obtain copies.
Chapter Boosters - 2003
James J. Baker (598/51-54); Ray Barbosa
(SPT/51-53); David M. Bell (D/SPT/5156); Bobby R. Blankenship (B/51-53);
Jack Bock (HQ320/55-56); Arnold R.
Bratvold (H/44-46); John F. Brown (E/5154); COL (R) Robert M. Campbell (M/5154); Joseph B. Catey (A1/66-68); Anthony
Cantillo Jr. (F/51-54); Roy H. Clarke
(B/51-53); Robert S. Copeland (B1/70-71);
Jerry R. Curren (M/51); Jack K. Damron
(HQ1/54-57); LTC (R) James K. Damron;
Marvin Darby ((L/51-54); Joseph L. Davis
(B/51-56); Roy E. Dickison; (l/51-52);
John T. Diffin (B/51-53); MG (R) William
H. Duncan (A/52-53); Alex R. Elliot (SPT/55-56);
Ronald A. Faulkner (B3/62-65); Augustine E. Fernandes
(L/51-54); Leo P. Flaherty (D/51-54); Thomas E.
Francis (SPT/55-56); Richard H. Glass (E/67/68); Milan
Glumac (E/55-56); Kenneth L. Glynn (L/51-54); Richard
S. Gohl, (C/54-55); Jerry T. Grubbs (A/51-54); Frank
Haddy (D/43-46); Jack Harkins (MED/55-56); Bobbie R.
Henson, (E/51-53); Daniel E. Hogan (598/52-53); SFC
(R) Harold (Ben) T. Herr (SVC/51-56); Armando Z.
Juarez (I/51-54); Leamon Kendrick (H&H/55-56); CSM
(R) Arthur Kilgore (SVC/51-53); CSM, Ret. Thomas R.
Lane (A/51-52); Billy D. Kitchen (M/51-53); James J.
Lammle (MED/55-56); Lino Larez (C/42-44); Terry V.
Lee (A3/65-66); Joseph R. Leger (H&H/51-54); Lewis J.
Leonard (SVC/45-46); Stephen C. Leonard C2/64-67);
July - August 2003
Joseph Lesniak (C/51-52); Scott A. Long (CSC2/81-85);
Russell J. Lux (B/MP/55-56); MG (R) Thomas P. Lynch
(H&H/51-52); Sabas Martinez (SVC/51-53); William J.
Mehling (HQ2/51-52); Clyde (Pat) E. Miller (E/52);
William F. Moran (I/45-46); Lawrence F. O’Connor
(A/598/51-56); Ben T. Parrish (A/MP/55-56); Bernard P.
Patton (K/55-56); Ralph Pelliccio (SPT/51-53); Henry
Perkins (I/54-56); Leonard L. Perttu (E/54-56); Robert
Petrelli C2/74); Leo R. Quinn (L/51-54); Larry L.
Rafferty (H/SVC/54-56); A. B. (Bill) Raiford (G/45-56);
MSG (R) Raul M. Ramos (C/51-53); Luis R. Reza (C/5456): Kenneth Rilea (G/51-54); Harry A. Roll (H/44-46);
Theodore P. Schonhans (519/51-54); Elwood W. Selover
(HQ2/53-55); Roy Shaw (HQ2/51-53); Frank P. Sicari
(H&H/55-56); Charles S. Spigelmire (H&H/54-55); Dale
Stang (L51/53); George I. Stoeckert (42-46); Bruce M.
Tyler (A320/55-56); Robert G. Thompson (HQ3/46);
Jerry R. Umlor (B/52-54); Francisco Vega (I/51-53);
Charles J. Viviano (K/51-52); Jack F. Wheeler
(HQ2/51-55); Gerald J. Wich (C/51-52) and Richard
Yates (HQ320/51-52).
New Chapter Members
Your Chapter is pleased to announce
the addition of four new All American
Members (Life) and twenty four new
Annual Members! This was a
significant increase in membership
since the last newsletter was
All American Members (AAM)
Don Allbee (SPT/55-56); Robert L. Burdick (H/5256); James A. Jackson (B/55-56) and Wayne
Snyder C/SVC/320/51-54.
Annual Members
Bunn Bennett (C51-54); Edward W. Boutcher
(598/51-54); Thomas J. Boyland (519/53-54);
Lowell Centers (MED/51-53); Lawyer E.
Cummings Jr. (MED/55-56); Norman L Drew
(D/53-56); Ronald J. Frydenlund (D/52-53); James
S. Grimes (SPT/55-56); Edward V. Jones (B2/6366); William C. Kirsch (H&H/53-55); Ronald L.
Lee (M/55-56); Michael A. Maramonte (G/51-53);
Elmer B. Marion (H/51-53); William T.
McClenaghan (MED/55-56);
Continued on page 3
3 Vol. 7 No. 4
Don F. Murphy (H/54-56); Marvin A. Rawitch
(MED/55-56); Vernon Rentfro (SPT/55-56);
Wilford E. Roe (B/MP/54-56); Charles E. Roper
(L/55-56); Robert C. Rose (MED/52-53); Lyle O.
Taylor (SPT/54-56); Kyle M. Tincher (SPT/5556); Algirdas Vaitkus (SPT/55-56) and William J.
Watson (M/51-52).
News From National
2004 Association Calendars: Calendars
commemorating the 60th Anniversary next year are in
and can be purchased from our Sales Manager for
$5.00 (including postage). It is 13 colorful pages
thick with many pictures depicting all of the
Division’s crests and units. This is a limited edition,
one of a kind calendar and would make a great
souvenir and keepsake.
2003 Convention: The 57th Annual Convention
(Charleston, WV) is less than 30 days away and the
number of registrations are coming in very slowly
(197), when compared to the number of rooms
reserved. Members can continue to register for the
Convention even during the Convention but they
should be encouraged to send their registration as
soon as possible.
Educational Fund: Donations and ideas on how to
best solicit donations for the Educational Fund are
being accepted. We are intent on providing
assistance to deserving needy students and troopers
returning to civilian life, as finances are available.
Please keep in mind that November 2003 is
designated as Educational Fund Month. Members
are reminded that donations are tax exempt.
Transient Membership: You are encouraged to
notify your chapter and the National Office when you
are changing addresses, even apartments in the same
building. More important are the members who
failed to receive the Paraglide. National informs us
that this is a continual problem and many
“Snowbirds” fail to receive 2 of the 4 issues of
Paraglide every year.
Your Chapter sends your newsletter first class
and it is usually forwarded, but not always, by the
Post Office. Your Chapter joins National in
emphasizing the need to keep both offices informed.
July - August 2003
In addition, the Chapter would appreciate those of
you on the Internet to keep your Chapter informed of
email address changes. Calling long distance is
expensive and your chairman usually mails out
between 10 and 12 letters requesting email address
changes after every mass email message sent usually to inform members of the advent of the
newsletter available on-line.
Veterans service Officer Reports: The war in Iraq,
increased force protection and declining dollar value
has forced Army officials to close three of its armed
forces recreation centers in Germany a year earlier
than planned. The Von Steuben Hotel in Garmish
closed April 15, while the Chiemsee Lake and Park
Hotels will remain open through Labor Day, Sept 1,
and close permanently the next day. Garmisch’s
Patton Hotel, Alpenblick Golf Course, outdoor
recreation equipment checkout center, tour service
and campground will stay open.
National Order Of Battlefield Commissions: This
organization is trying to locate all men who served in
WWII, Korea and Vietnam, and received a
commission from Enlisted or Warrant status to
Commission Status while in the field of battle against
an armed enemy. For further information please
contact J. Angier, 67 Ocean Dr., St. Augustine, FL
32080 (904) 471-7695 or email [email protected]
Top 5 Veterans Chapter Membership Standings:
(As of 30 June 2003)
Fayetteville, NC
508th Airborne Chapter
LTG James Gavin-New England, MA
North Jersey - New Jersey
Walter E. Hughes - Port Jervis, NY
Red Devils Found
Thanks to Vice Chairman Rodger
Jacobson, our Red Devil Recruiter, we
have quite a number of found Red Devils
to report in this issue. If you know any
of these Troopers and want to contact
them, contact your Chairman and he will be glad to
furnish you with their address, email address (if there
is one) and phone number.
Continued on page 4.
4 Vol. 7 No. 4
July - August 2003
Remember, you can also request a unit roster by
sending a self addressed #10 stamped envelope and
$1.00 to the Chapter Chairman. Unit rosters are
furnished free to new members when they receive
their initial membership card.
Each individual listed below has received a
complimentary newsletter and welcome letter
containing additional information about the Chapter.
Again, if our Chapter members also contact them it
would go a long way in bringing them into the
Chapter. We need your help too!
Almand, Benny R. (MED/55-56); Beckwith,
Walter M. (C/54-56); Brewer, WO3 Burt (SPT/5456); Campbell, Floyd E. (D/52-54); Carver, James
(B/90-92); Cittadino, James (Jake) P. (D/52-53);
Detert Charles W. (UNK/55-56); Diaz, Alfred
(E/51-54); Gruver, Gerald D. (MED/55-56);
Hamilton, Alexander E. (C/55-56); Havlicek,
Edward (D/52-54); Jackson, Leon (B/55-56);
Krizner, Ron (B/B/55-56); Lockett, James
(SPT/55-56); Loomis (Paradise), Larry F.
(HQ1/54-56); Maibauer, Robert (H&H/55-56);
Outings, Richard (MED/55-56); Person, Richard
M. (G/51-53); Peters, Leo (B/55-56); Szymkowski,
Robert H. (L/54-55); Trefizo, Ricardo (B/55-56);
Unterscher, Gary H. (C/53-54); Wiebush, Henry
(D/SPT/51-53); Wingrove, Donald R. (C/55-56) and
Youpee, Allen F (H&H1/63-66).
Kenneth L. Glynn, Jr.
836 Glendale St.
Lakeland, FL 33803-4122
Tel. (863) 682-3382
Bill Fernandez (SPT/54-56) contacted the Chapter
concerning the poetry his Grandson, William
Charles Fernandez, has written. One of his poems
is printed below.
The American Dream
I walk through the lines at a football game.
In every person my words are not the same.
To make a good living, to have a good life.
To live in happiness free of strife.
To enjoy the gift of freedom of man.
These are the words Americans understand.
I walk through the bustling Wall Street.
I’ve watched many people rise to their feet.
From the Golden Gate to the Peach State.
People who have found me celebrate.
To enjoy the love of a great nation of man.
These are the words Americans understand.
I walk through the pastures and cities.
And I see this land of opportunity.
To do whatever your heart desires.
To own a business or fight fires.
To enjoy the world of the free man.
These are the words Americans understand.
William Charles Fernandez
Copyright (C)2003 William Charles Fernandez
Chapter officers
Secretary /Treasurer
Jack K. Damron
26164 Waterfowl Lane
Punta Gorda, FL 33983
Tel. (941) 629-0594
[email protected]
Membership Letters
Vice Chairman
Rodger G. .Jacobson
Box 14
Hazel Green, WI 53881
Tel. (608) 854-2317
[email protected]
We have been informed that William has been
invited to Washington, DC to recite this poem and a
publishing company in London is negotiating with
him to publish some of his poems.
Bill we know you must be very proud of your
Grandson William and we wish him the best in the
future. Please pass along our thanks for granting us
the privilege of printing one of his works.
Wayne Snyder (C320/51-54) e-mails: Hi, Below
is an e-mail concerning an advertisement for military
rings found in the publication “Static Line.” They
make a quality ring and I have been trying to buy one
for several years. They have the 187 RCT ring
available but they have not had enough requests for
the 508th ring.
Continued on page 5.
5 Vol. 7 No. 4
Can you tell me how to get a hold of some 508th men
to see if there is anyone else interested?
Ed’s Note. We did not publish the e-mail from
Mitchell Alan Lang Designed, Inc. (The ring
company) due to space available in the newsletter. If
you are interested in obtaining a 508th ring, you can
contact Wayne Snyder at: 7756 Westminster Blvd.,
Westminster, CA 92683-4044. Tel. (714) 892-6342.
E-mail: [email protected]
Jim Lammle (MED/55-56) sent in the picture below
along with the following comments: This picture
was taken on the USS Anderson when we docked in
Oakland, CA after our return trip from Beppu, Japan
in July 1956.
July - August 2003
Yep, 1756 was the date of this edition. Frank, my
good friend from Japan and the Devils Digest, I’m
glad to see I’m not the only one who has typos in
their newsletters. In any case the headline for this
edition was “Demons Drop New Super Weapons.”
Under the picture was the caption “AIRBORNE
EDITION....This recent edition to the Red Devil slate
of weapons makes the ARCT supreme in its field.
Just after this picture was taken, the clasps were
removed and the huge parachutes that carried it to the
earth were cut loose so the “Super Thing” could go
into action. Mori DZ was the first airdrop for the
ultimate weapon.
Ed’s Note: Being from the other side of the Island at
Camp Wood, we didn’t have to resort to using an non
mobile Navy ship to provide the 1st Infantry Battalion
with fire power. We had the mobile Support
Company from the Regiment and the 320th Airborne
Field Artillery Battalion who took good care of us
Infantry types! I always felt sorry for you guys over
on the water side of the Island who didn’t have the
fire power we had. JD
(L-R) Francis L Young Jr. (?); Tony LaJudice; Joe Strenko
and Ken Rankin. All Medical Company Troopers
Jack Damron (B/HQ1/54-57) writes. I can’t
remember who sent me this picture which was
attached to the Devils Digest March 31, 1756.
Robert F. O’Donnell (H/51-54) passed
away in May, 2003. Robert was the
owner of the Canyon Kennels, Canyon
Country, CA. He is survived by one
brother. No further details are available.
James E. (Gene) Findley (K/55-56) passed away on
July 2, 2003. He is survived by his wife Sandra and
three children. No further details are available.
Targeting Phony Casualty Officers
A Senate bill has been introduced making it a crime
to play a hoax on military families by pretending to
be a military casualty officer.
The Military Family Hoax Prevention Act, sponsored
by Sen Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., is aimed at stopping
a cruel prank in which someone pretending to be a
military official has called families to notify them of
casualties or deaths that have not really occurred.
6 Vol. 7 No. 4
Combat Medic Association
The Association is established at Fort Bragg, NC;
they are inviting all military veterans, active duty
members, Reserve Components and National Guard.
Qualifications require the member to have been
awarded one or more of the following:
The Combat Medical Badge
Special Force MOS 18D or 91B series
Expert Field Medical Badge
Any citation for valor while serving as a Medic
POW Medal while serving as a Medic
Served or serving as a member of a Dust Off Team,
Certified PA or Certified EMT.
Detailed criteria for qualifications and application
can be found at the Associations web site:
Moving? Let Us Know!
New Address_________________________
City, State, Zip +4_________________ ___
New Tel. #___________________________
New E-mail Address
July was a special month for the Red Devils of the
508th ARCT. It was July 1955 when the Red Devils
embarked on Operation Gyroscope, a historic journey
to its new homes in Japan and their cousins, The
Rakkasans left Japan for Fort Bragg, NC. Operation
Gyroscope was a mammoth air movement by C-124
aircraft of two Airborne RCT’s transporting nearly
8,000 men more than 65,000,000 passenger miles.
Following them were more than 1,000 dependents
traveling 9,000,000 passenger miles with dogs, cats,
the kitchen sink and nearly 200 automobiles.
July - August 2003
Unfortunately, the Red Devils stay in Camps
Chickamauga, Woods Kashi were short lived. The
three year assignment to Japan was cut short and the
Red Devils returned to Fort Campbell in July, 1956
to make up the newly activated 101st Airborne
Division with their cousins the 187th ARCT.
A small number of personnel remained assigned to
the 508th which was designated a “Schools
Command.” In this capacity, the 508th conducted
Advanced Individual Training (AIT)for recruits who
volunteered for airborne training and assignment to
the 101st Airborne Division. The 508th remained on
active duty until March 1957 at which time the !01st
was filled to TO&E and AIT was halted.
Devils Digest - August 29, 1955
Wade Builds Sharp Unit
The arrival of new white pistol belts and chrome
finished helmets adds brighter luster to the
appearance of the ALL JUMPER 508th ARCT Band.
Under the capable direction and leadership of MSG
Bill W. Wade, the Band is becoming a flexible unit.
It is proving its versatility with the addition of a
dance band led by SP3 James W. Northcutt.
As an RCT band it is striving for all around sbility
with daily rehearsals for concert work, reviews,
ceremonies, dances, sports events and general
On Sunday, August 14 in the Post Chapel, a brass
quartet from the Band played for the morning
Protestant Chapel Services. The representatives were
PVT Clifford L. Barry and SP3 William G. Burleson
on trumpet, Specialist Northcutt on trombone and
PVT Robert F. Wade on baritone.
One of the most enjoyable activities for the Band is
playing for dependents on Tuesday and Friday of
each week. An occasional “snake dance” is
performed while playing on the march in the
dependent area in order to miss stepping on the little
Sergeant Wade expects the transfer of 10 new men to
the Band within a few days which will boost the
strength to 30 musicians.
7 Vol. 7 No. 4
July - August 2003
The following picture appeared on the lower half of the address page of the newsletter.
COL Cleland accepts the 508th AIR Colors at the Activation Day Parade, May 1951
Quartermaster Sales Form ----- (Members Only)
Complete this form and mail your check payable to Kenneth Glynn along with your name and address to: Ken Glynn 836 Glendale St.,
Lakeland, FL 33803-4122. #Please include shipping and handling charges in the amount column to the right of each item ordered.
SIZE (Circle)
Hat, White, Maroon Bill, Chap Logo Embroidered
One Size Fits All
$1.50 Each
Hat, White, Maroon Bill, Chap Logo Screened
One Size Fits All
$1.50 Each
Sweatshirt, Grey, Chapter Logo Screened
$3.50 + $2 Each Additional
Shirt, T, White, Chapter Logo Screened
$2.00 Each
Shirt, T, White, Web Site Logo Screened
$2.00 Each
Shirt, Polo, Abn Maroon, Chap Logo Embroidered
$3.50 + $1 Each Additional
Pad, Mouse, Chapter Logo Screened
$2.00 Each
Pad, Mouse, Regimental Logo Screened
$2.00 Each
Patch, 508th Abn Chapter (See 1 , Below)
$1.00 (3/$1.50)
Patch 508th ARCT (See 1, Below)
$1.00 (3/$1.50)
Patch, Para Red Devil (See 1, Below)
$1.00 (3/$1.50)
Patch, 320th Abn FA Bn
$1.00 (3/$1.50)
Pin, 508th ARCT
No Charge
Pin, Para Red Devil
No Charge
Wrap, Can Cooler w/Chapter Logo Screened
$1.00 Each
Wrap, Can Cooler w/Regimental. Logo Screened
$1.00 Each
TOTAL $__________
* Add an additional $2 for each X above XL (XXXL size is special order) 1. All patches can be purchased for 3 for $15.00 - S&H
is $1.50.
508th Abn Chapter, 82nd Abn Div. Assn., Inc.
All American (Life)
New Member
Enclosed is $12.50 for my annual membership dues for the year_______ to include a subscription to the PARAGLIDE.
Name _____________________ _________________ Street or R.F.D. ______________________________________________
City __________________________ State__________ Zip Code___________--____________Tel. # _______________________
Rank (Active)__________________ ASN ________________________ or SSN________________________
E-mail address_____________________________________________________________________________
508th Unit (Circle one) Co. ____ Bn. ____ 508th; Btry. ____ 320th AFA; 427th; 519th QM Co.; 598th Engr. Co.
Date of 508th service: From Mo._______ Year________ to Mo. __________ Year ___________
Present Occupation ________________________ Single _____ Married _____Spouses’s Name _________________ # of Children _____
I presently am a member of the _______________ Chapter, 82nd Abn Assn. Enclosed are my reduced dues of $ _____
($6 min.) I do __ do not ___ wish to transfer my membership from the ________________Chapter to the 508th Airborne Chapter.
If this is your initial application for membership, please attach proof of airborne/508th status, i.e., DD214, orders, etc.
MAIL TO: Chairman, 508th Airborne Chapter, 26164 Waterfowl Ln., Punta Gorda, FL 33983-6231
LIFE MEMBERSHIP INFORMATION. You can become and All American Member (Life) if you meeting one of the following
criteria: 1) 25* years continuous Association membership - $60; 2) On active duty with the 82d Abn Div - $82; 3) *20 years
continuous Association membership - $90; 4) 50 years of age or older - $100; 5) 49 years of age or younger - $150.
* Must be verified by the Executive Director, 82d Airborne Division Association.
As an AAM you will receive a permanent plastic membership card and a certificate suitable for framing.

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