The Symbols of Hanukkah
The Symbols of Hanukkah
Release Date: December 5-11 50-1 (87) for '{OU"9 e jDI <k--.~~ Distinguished Achievements Awards Winner .D • .- • • • By BETTY DEBNAM from The Min i P~ge by Betty Debnam 0 1987 Un iveru ] Press Syndicate A Jewish holiday The Symbols of Hanukkah Dreidel o Spinning the dreidel is a Hanukkah custom. The dreidel (ORA-dIe) is a special toy top. It has four sides with the Hebrew symbols for the words meaning "A great miracle happened there." In Israel, the dreidels read "A great miracle happened here." The dreidel goes back to ancient times when the Jews could not worship as they wanted. They would meet in secret and someone would read the service. If an enemy came near, they would get out a dreidel and start playing . This way the soldiers didn't really know what the Jews were doing. Menorah The menorah (me-NO-rah) is a candlestick that holds nine candles. On the first night of Hanukkah, one candle is lighted. On the second night, two candles are lighted. This goes on for eight happy nights. This custom is based on an event that goes way back in history. The story is that the Jews, led by Judas Maccabeus, won a great ,.... . // ' . . '/ ........ _- The Menorah "I have a little dreidel, "I made it out of clay, "And when it's dry and ready, "A dreidel game I'll play:' This is a very old song that Jewish children sing when they celebrate Hanukkah, "The Feast of Lights." Hanukkah starts on the 25th day of the Hebrew month Kislev. It usually comes in December. Hanukkah lasts for eight days. victory over the Syrians. They wanted to celebrate by lighting a lamp to burn in the temple. The only pure oil they could find would burn for just one day. They decided to go ahead and use the little jar of oil. It lasted for eight whole days until new oil could be prepared. The menorah has an extra place for the "sham mash" (SHAH-mash) or "helper" candle that is used to light all the other candles. '\. Gelt Jewish boys and girls also get "gelt," or money, during Hanukkah . Often this is chocolate candy money covered with gold paper and placed in a little net bag. .... Gifts Jewish boys and girls receive gifts during Hanukkah. Some get gifts only on one night. Others get gifts every n ight. Latkes Latkes, or potato pancakes, are a favo rite Hanukkah food. They are fried in oil, which reminds Jews of the oil in the menorah. Latkes are often served with applesauce. 50-2 (87) Release Date: December 5-11 CD Tisha Campbell, 18, plays Marva. Tisha was born in Oklahoma City. At 6, she won first place in a talent contest. Her parents are both musical. Tisha has been in several musicals and was on a TV special with Bill Cosby. @ Blanca DeGarr, 14, plays Patty. Blanca is from Los Angeles. She was in the musical" Annie" and has done modeling and commercials. She has three cats and two guinea pigs. eD Heidi Zeigler, 8, plays Mickey. Heidi is from Lansing, Mich. She began singing and dancing lessons at age 3. She is a gymnast and swimmer. from T he Mini Poge by Betty Debnom Meet the "Rags to Riches" Girls "Rags to Riches" is a show about a rich man who opens his home to five orphan girls. CD Kimiko Gelman, 21, plays Rose. Kimiko was born in Brooklyn, N.Y., where she attended a professional children's school. She has been in a soap opera and several plays. She runs in marathons and loves to travel. CD Bridget Michele, who plays Diane, is from Los Angeles. Bridget was going to be an Olympic skater until she hurt her knee. She starred in the TV movie "Two Kinds of Love" with Ricky Schroeder. She enjoys karate and traveling. o 1987 Universal Press Syndicate Mini Spy. More Hebrew Words • Yom holedet sameiakh nn\!J n,'71il 011 Mini Spy and her friends are making holiday cookies. See if you can find: • • • • • • • • • • pipe pineapple acorn bread loaf sock word MINI cup turtle mushroom ice-cream bar • sailboat • seal ~ • frypan • letter A • banana • toothbrush • elf's face 1 Happy Birthday Ani ohev otakh lnlN :::lillN 'IN I love you Ma ha-sha'ah? ill} \!J il il n What time is it? Shalom Todah 01'7\!J il'ln Hello Thank you ~ ::f ~ Fill in the blanks using the pictures as a guide. 1. Across: 1. GJJ 6. 4. 5. <0 2. 2. 3. ~ Down: t'· 4. Words that remind us of Hanukkah are hidden in the block below. See if you can find: HANUKKAH, DREIDEL, LATKES, LIGHTS, GELT, MACCABEE, PRESENTS, CANDLES, MENORAH, TEMPLE, FESTIVAL, GAMES, SHAMMASH, WORSHIP, HEBREW, HOLIDAY. . -I ". r .:< 3. HANUKKAHEWNSGPM:r.,.. E C L J GAM E SOD H PRE 3o B A ATE M P L ERR A Q EN:.. RNTOL I GHT S EMGSO~:co E 0 K U T POW S HIM C E R ~ W L E F Q X H 0 LID A Y N A ~ F EST I V ALB PES K T H ~ NSMACCAB E E LHP S I;;~ ~ ~6'qP5' Release Date: December 5-11 50-3 (87) The Mini Page Map of the U.S .A. is a colorful 23-by-35-inch map that includes state capitals, state birds and state flowers. For your copy, send $3.00 plus 75 cents (postage and handling) to: Mini Page Map, Universal Press Syndicate, P.O. Box 419150, Kansas City, Mo. 64141. ~. ~~ ~ - -- - Go dot to dot and color. • ~ "Ml - --A - RgeNIE~~ .. -- - I as in Israel Israel is the only Hebrew-speaking country in the world. People move there from many different countries. Adults as well as children take Hebrew lessons. "(0 H :;0 9 --I :r ~ i:: 2: . I< ;.~ • <:r • E "< = ~ N as in Numbers In Hebrew, letters can be used as numbers. The numbers below are also the first 10 letters of the "9 Hebrew alphabet. Can you write them? ...." "< C ~ <:r ~ '"co " "' < C • ~ : !:. ... ~ <J> "< "~ ~ ;; 8 n 5' .. 10 1 l'3 :l '2. ~ ~ ne t 1 ~ 9 tta 7 1 ~ WIkZZIE Help the Alpha Mouse find his dreidel. L from The Mini Page by Betty Debnam Cl 1987 Universal Press Syndicate Attention, Students, Teachers and Parents! Reprints of The Mini Page Constitution series are available in sets of six. Set 1: Meeting at Mount Vernon, Our Country's First Laws, Our First Laws Were Weak, Life in Philadelphia in 1787, Signers of the Constitution, The Compromises. Set 2: Chief Justice Warren Burger, Adopting the Constitution, The Preamble, Articles 1, 2 and 3. Set 3: Separation of Powers, States and the Constitution, Changing the Constitution, The Bill of Rights 1, The Bill of Rights 2, Other Amendments. @re~~)ooillJilil JJ®lli@~ WHERE CAN '{OU BU'{ A RULER THAT IS 3 FEET LONG? Each issue is 11 by 17 inches and includes a Teacher's Guide. --------------------------------------------Send me _ _ sets #1 (Issues 1-6) and _ _ sets #2 (Issues 7-12) and _ _ sets #3 (Issues 13-18) at $1.25 plus 75 cents postage and handling per set . Send only checks or money orders payable to Andrews, McMeel & Parker. Allow ...' i~~c ~ 4-6 weeks for delivery. Send to Mini Page _ . ,.."..' '\~\ ~~:" Constitution Series, P.O. Box 419150, Kansas ~~~;..:;~.<~o~ ;., ~ City, ~o. 64141. (Bulk discount information will ~..~;\~~",,;.it~ be provIded upon request.) "" •.• t&'~~ ,:;:.;.~~ Name Address _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ City _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ State Zip .~ U'i" . (Sent in by Peter Schmeer) Q: What group do little ghosts belong to? Mighty Funny: The Boo Scouts. (Sent in by Stacy Smigiel) Q: Why did the tiny ghost join the football squad? Mighty Funny: Because he heard they needed a little team spirit. . b y CI aud'la P I ) "from The Mini rage by Betty Debnam (S ent In a mer 1987 Universal Press Syndicate . 50-4 (87) Release Date: December 5-11 Can You Speak Hebrew? Many Jewish children study Hebrew because their prayer services are held in this language. Some Jewish children go to These are the 22 consonants in the Hebrew language. This shows the consonants in alphabetical order from right to left. We have given you how the word is pronounced, how it is written in Hebrew, and the English translation. Hebrew day school instead of public schools. However, many Jewish children take Hebrew lessons after school, one to three days a week. mishpahHAH ABba tinOK nn!l\!J1l i711'n family ~J.~ father geLIdah baby The Hebrew Language Hebrew is a very old language. The Bible is written in Hebrew. Today, Hebrew is spoken by Jews all over the world. The Hebrew language is quite different from English. While we read and write English from left to right, Hebrew is read and written from right to left. The Hebrew language has no vowels. Dots and dashes are added to some letters to stand for vowel sounds. This helps beginners learn ho~ to pronounce the words. EEma yaldAH YELed BAyit ~1l~ mother n,'7' ,7' n'J. girl boy n,''7l # house ice cream .,. • .f" "" ;. a3 " .l •..,.., ' , ~ ~. betSEfer morAH hanUT peirOT : ofaNAYim 1!lD n'J. n117J nlln n11'!l .j)' l!ll ~ school teacher store fruit halAV LAYlah J.'7n n'7''7 milk night ~ -- '/ mekhoNIT LEhem n'11J1l on'7 car "- ./ . bread / /..\:,' 1/ (" /' 1\ yom 01' day ~Rookie Cookie's Recipe : Latkes It is a Hanukkah custom that latkes (LAHT-kes), or potato pancakes, must be ~ served at least once during the holiday. Here ! is a recipe that you might like to try. You E will need an adult's help for cutting, grating ~ and cooking. Remember, latkes should be ~ served right after cooking. They are good ~ with applesauce. ~ You'll need: ~ • 2 cups potatoes ~ • 1 small onion ~ • 1 teaspoon salt ~ • 14 teaspoon pepper ] • 1 tablespoon flour ~ • lh. teaspoon baking powder g • 2 eggs, well-beaten .<> ~ What to do: 1. Peel potatoes and soak in cold water for one hour. 2. Drain and grate potatoes. 3. Grate onion. Add salt, peppe #'ctn d potatoes. Mix with flour and baking powder. 4. Add eggs. 5. Drop mixture by teaspoonfuls into a hot, well-greased frying pan. 6. Spread out with the back of a spoon. 7 . Turn to other side to brown. - - - -- -- - - --------------~ - - - - - -- - ----- ---- 50 (87) Release Date: December 5-11 Teacher's Guide For use by teachers and parents at home and at school. For use with issue: The Symbols of Hanukkah Main idea: To cele bra te Ha nu kka h, th is iss ue talks a bo ut the symbols of the Jew ish celebra t ion . Also in cluded is a He brew lesson. The following is a list of activities to be used with th is issue . They are listed in o rd er of difficulty, wi th the easier pre-reader assign ments lis ted fi r st . Ask th e childre n to do th e followi ng: 1. Find the fo llowing pictures in th is issue when your teac her calls the m out: school, night sky, presents, car, bread, ho use, ba by, bicycle. 2. Cou nt th e nu mber of Ha nu kka h sym bols. Talk abo ut eac h one and why it is a pa r t of this importan t Jewis h cele bration . 3. Do some researc h to find o u t the dates of Ha nukka h t his year. Mar k the m o n a calendar. 4. Do you or anyo ne yo u know celebrate Hanukkah ? Wha t eve nt does it celebra te? 5. Create a Han ukka h card for a Je wish frie nd . O n it, you may w an t to incl ude pictu res of some of the symbols of Ha nu kka h . 6. When your teacher calls o ut a word pictu red in th e He brew lesson, fi nd it a nd practice saying t he wo rd . See how ma ny of th e words yo u can memor ize. 7 . How is th e He brew alpha bet differe nt fro m o urs? Practice w r iting and sayi ng the le tters . How many le t ters are in t he He brew alphabe t ? In the English alphabe t ? 8. C ut ou t th e pic tu res in th e He brew lesson . Mix them up, then place th em in alphabetical orde r. (Note to Editor: Above is the Teacher's Guide for Issue 50.) ~Gl1S Goodsport's Report Supersport: Gary Clark Height: 5-9 Weight: 173 Birthdate: 5-1-62 College: James Madison University Last year, Washington Redskins wide receiver Gary Clark was one of the top receivers in the NFL. He caught for 1,265 yards, second best in the conference. He had 74 catches. He led the team with seven touchdown catches. He also had five games with more than 100 yards gained. Gary joined the team in 1985 after playing with the Jacksonville Bulls of the USFL. Gary was born in Dublin, Va., and lives in Fairfax, Va. He enJ'oys playing basketball. from The Mini Page by Betty Debna m C 1987 Universal Press Syndicate (Note to Editor: Above is copy block for Page 3, Issue 50, to be used in place of ad if desired .)
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