Carload of Coats, Pajamas, Mittens Goes to Community Center


Carload of Coats, Pajamas, Mittens Goes to Community Center
Carload of Coats, Pajamas, Mittens Goes to Community Center
The Sunday School children generously donated their offering money to
be used for the purchase of coats for The Community Center in Katonah.
We were able to buy 30 winter coats in various sizes for boys and girls
along with several pajama sets. We also collected 50 pairs of mittens/
gloves and 17 hat/scarf/mitten sets. Carol Powers drove the items over
and they expressed their appreciation to her. Thank you to everyone who
brought in the mittens and who donated money for the children’s offering.
Confirmation Class Field Trip to Another Church
A Newsletter of the Pound Ridge Community Church Sunday School
Ann Cappetta, Sunday School Coordinator [email protected]
January 2009
26 Kids Participate in Christmas Pageant Dec. 21st.
This is Claire Schacht. I was just writing to share my thoughts on St. John's
church. Their church was very different from ours in many ways. First, throughout the service you had to kneel and then stand or sit. They had cushions under
the pews to pull out and kneel on. Second, they used wine instead of grape juice
for communion. Also, you could drink out of the cup if you wanted to. Another
difference was that the church used 4 candles instead of 2 and the beginning of
the service was different, with more than one acolyte. The church also had the
children's time in the beginning of the service instead of at the end because all
the children participated in communion. Finally, the church had two scripture readers instead of
one. These were some of the differences I observed at St. Johns.
- Claire Schacht, Confirmation Class of 2009
Confirmation Class Participates in Kick-Off Retreat
Tom Gossett and Denise Denson accompanied Jake Dahldorf, Elizabeth Gossett, Morgan Cappetta
and Tristan Vernon to the Bishop’s Confirmation Kick-Off Retreat on November 21st and 22nd at
Camp Epworth. They joined many other kids in a variety of activities and fellowship. It was a bitterly cold weekend and many of the activities were outdoors. Needless to say, everyone was frozen. Perhaps that dampened spirits a bit—as no one wanted to write an article for Kidnotes about
the retreat.
Cookie Decorating for St. Mary’s
Each year, Lisa Reach coordinates a mission project to provide Christmas cookies for the Christmas
dinner that St. Mary’s church in Katonah provides
to the needy of Westchester Co. She baked many
dozen cookies and they were decorated at the
church on Sunday, Dec. 21st by 4th graders and
up. Many thanks to Lisa for doing this and involving the children in such a fun project.
Ryan stole the show
with his fabulous
January Sunday School
Thank you to Kathy Dinin, our
fearless music leader who worked
with the kids every Sunday to get
them ready to sing in the pageant.
Thank you to Bruce Lorenz who at
the 23rd hour devised an ingenious way to hold up the backdrops.
Bruce’s skill also gave us the stable which he created a few years
ago. Thank you to Kathy Longson, Darcie Peck, Jessica Carroll,
Nancy Heaton and the many other
moms, dads, and grandmas who
got the kids to the rehearsals.
3 Kings to Stop at PRCC on Their Way to Bethlehem
Sunday, January 4th is 3 King’s Day
at PRCC. We’re on a roll here—for
a few years in a row, the 3 Kings
have stopped at Pound Ridge Community Church to leave treats in the
children’s shoes during Sunday
school time. We’re hoping they’ll
stop by again on January 4th. The
children in the upstairs rooms will
take off their shoes and leave them
outside the classroom doors and
hopefully, get a surprise after church! Bring in some grass or green
leaves if you think of it as a treat for the camels!
The following children
received attendance
awards for the Fall
Aidan Carroll
Meghan Driscoll
Tommy Heaton
Ryan Heaton
Miriam Sullivan
James D’Ambrosi
Austin Cappetta
Alison Capozzi
Perhaps the parents should
receive a shout-out as well!
Good job!
December was a whirlwind of activity for
many of us and I hope parents talked
about the real meaning of Christmas with
their kids. I often wonder if kids really
know the nativity story since we often
skip over it since we don’t have Sunday
School near Christmas. It’s unfortunate
that the curriculum is designed in such
A way that the Christmas story is taught on Dec. 21st, when
many churches have their pageants and special events going on then.
For the PreK through 4th grade classes, in January, we do
pick up the Christmas story with the visit of the wise men.
These men were non-jewish, and important fact for the readers of the book of Matthew because it pointed out that Jesus
came for everyone, not just the Jews. These men were not
kings, but probably Persian astrologers, men of science who
studied the skies. The gifts they brought were extravagant in
those days and symbolized their allegiance to this new person who was destined to be a great influence in the world.
January 11th skips ahead 12 years to when Jesus is a young
boy and has returned home from Egypt to Nazareth. He was
excited to go to Jerusalem to celebrate the festival of the
Passover. He was now old enough to take his place among
the men at the Temple and have some in-depth theological
conversations with the elders. His knowledge amazed them.
Mary and Joseph would have traveled in a large caravan of
people and somehow lost track of Jesus, thinking he was
with relatives. On January 18th, the lesson is about John the
Baptist, the cousin of Jesus. He was the son of Elizabeth
and Zehariah and was born just ahead of Jesus and was to
be the one who would prepare the way for the coming Messiah. John was concerned about the moral decay in the
Jewish faith and urged people to repent and to be baptized in
the river as a sign of their repentance. When Jesus came to
be baptized, God’s voice proclaimed Jesus as his beloved
son. On January 25th, we learn that Jesus went off by himself in the wilderness where he contemplated his ministry.
He could have turned stone into bread, but he didn’t. He
could’ve made a public show of God’s power, but he didn’t.
He remembered the scriptures and chose to do the right
The 5th/6th/7th grade class is a little ahead of the younger
grades. On January 4th, they’ll learn about the baptism of
Jesus. On January 11th, Jesus begins to choose his 12 disciples. On Jan. 18th, they’ll learn about Jesus’ first public
Julia Barone
Austin Cappetta
Luke Long
To see your child’s birthday listed here,
please email Ann Cappetta
at [email protected].
miracle. At the urging of his mother,
he turns water into wine at a wedding. There are 3 important things to
consider in this story. One, it is a
miracle. Two, the miracle triggers
belief in the disciples, and three, the
action was forced upon Jesus before
he was ready. For tweens, who don’t
feel ready, this shows that God puts
people and challenges in our way
and forces us to be ready sometimes. January 25th is the Sermon
on the Mount—the beginning of Jesus’ teachings—known as the Beatitudes. They are a statement that
declares certain people to be fortunate—not who we would think! This
sermon gives us the Golden Rule
and the Lord’s Prayer. If you’d like to
look it over, you can find it in Matthew 5—7.