How to make charges to In-House Cards using ww.dll ww.dll


How to make charges to In-House Cards using ww.dll ww.dll
How to make charges to In-House Cards using ww.dll
When interfacing other POS systems to Salesware, the ww.dll interface as described in the ww.dll API Reference is often
used to integrate the two systems. In-House Cards functionality is often shared between the two systems. ww.dll must be
installed as for E-Commerce.
Sales containing In-House Cards information can be submitted as follows (VBScript example):
Set objT = CreateObject("ww.main")
The parameters that can be altered are:
<card_no> – To match the card number that you are charging to
<finalprice> – The amount you are charging to the card
<dci> – The item which will be processed by Sales Host – this can be configured as a dummy item in SysManager
in order to reflect the item being “sold” to offset the charge made to the system. See Reporting below.
<guest_no> – Can contain the guest number if it is desired to tie the item sold in Sales Host to the guest. This
can be omitted and should be if the item configured doesn’t allow a guest to be attached.
Possible replies from ww.dll:
This really just means everything went through OK and the ww_saleid is the only meaningful identifier.
ERR:Unable to GetDebitwareApproval: Spending Limit Exceeded
ERR:Unable to GetDebitwareApproval: Daily Spending Limit Exceeded
ERR:Unable to GetDebitwareApproval: Credit Limit Exceeded
These are all error conditions reflecting that the system denied the charge because of the limits involve. Any time the
charge does not succeed, an ERR: is returned followed by more information.
The dummy item (TEST, TEST, TEST in this case) can be used to offset the charges in the system. This item can be configured
in SysManager and then Sales Host is used to process the transactions. If it is desired that no sales be generated to reflect
the charges made, this item can simply not be configured in the system, which will cause Sales Host to “process” these sales
just by marking them as errors. (It may be desired to modify Sales Host to simply ignore sales with certain “items” in
to make this behavior a bit more graceful.)