Document 6517137


Document 6517137
Brune Bušića 23
Zgrada iz // building from: 1997.
Tomislav Lukačić, 1987.
Uselio // moved in: 1997.
Prolaznica koju sam slučajno sreo u 16.04. 2001. //
Women passerby I met by chance at 16.04. 2001.
Milovana Kovačevića 12
Zgrada iz // building from: 1971.
Jadranka Alić, 1955.
Uselila // moved in: 1978.
Ivan Alić, 1985.
Uselio // moved in: 1985.
Pičmanova 6
Zgrada iz // building from: '70ih // '70s
Siniša Glogoški, 1987.
Uselio // moved in: 2011.
Remember: Remember Malevitch
VESOVIĆ, Milisav Mio
Šarović I
BUĆAN, Boris
New York, the portrait of Jesus Christ, Sept 11, 2001.
Đure Domačinovića 11
Zgrada iz // building from: 1981.
Zrinka Tatomir, 1947.
Uselila // moved in: 1983.
Vladimir Tatomir, 1983.
Uselio // moved in: 1983.
JERMAN, Željko
Moja godina II // My year II
dominant powers. what is to be done then?
biografski krajolici novog zagreba
Bez naslova // untitled
VESOVIĆ, Milisav Mio
Za Rexa // for Rex
Prilaz Mate Balote 2
Zgrada iz // building from: '70ih/'70s
Franka Horvat, 1983.
Uselila // moved in: 2010.
Aleksandar Kondić, 1983.
Iz početnice // from elementary readers
Uselio // moved in: 2008.
VESOVIĆ, Milisav Mio
Božidara Magovca 23
Zgrada iz // building from: 1974.
Svjetlana Lugar, 1949.
Uselila // moved in: 1982.
claudia bosse
Bez naslova // Untitled
Žena pred televizorom //
Woman in front of the TV
GALETA, Ivan Ladislav
Dvosmjerni bicikl // Two-way bicycle
1978.- 1979.
dominant powers. što nam je činiti?
performans i instalacija
30. lipnja 2012. u 20.30
1. srpnja 2012. u 20.30 / razgovor s umjetnicima u 23.00
2. srpnja 2012. u 20.30
muzej suvremene umjetnosti zagreb (MSU)
av. dubrovnik 17, zagreb
biografski krajolici novog zagreba
biografske žive instalacije i transfer umjetnina
vrijeme posjeta privatnih stanova
30. lipnja – 1. srpnja, 10.00–14.00
2. srpnja, 14.00–17.30
šest različitih privatnih stanova u novom zagrebu
dominant powers. what is to be done then?
installation, performance, premiere
30 june 2012, 8.30 p.m.
1 july 2012, 8.30 p.m. / followed by a discussion, 11 p.m.
2 july 2012, 8.30 p.m.
museum of contemporary art zagreb (MSU),
avenija dubrovnik 17, 10000 zagreb
biographical landscapes of new zagreb
art transfer, live-installation
opening hours private homes
30 june – 1 july, 10 a.m. – 2 p.m.
2 july, 2 p.m. – 5.30 pm
6 different private homes in new zagreb
Biografski Krajolici
Novog Zagreba
Najmlađe naselje Novog Zagreba građeno je osamdesetih godina. Za
razliku od svih ostalih njegovo ime ne dolazi od starog toponima već ga je
osmislio hrvatski pjesnik Gustav Krklec aludirajući na urbanističku ideju o
ovom naselju kao u budućem novom centru grada. Naselje se može
promatrati u dva dijela: istočni dio koji je slijedio temeljne urbanističke
zasade originalnog plana arhitekta Vinka Uhlika izgrađen u osamdesetim
godinama i zapadni dio koji je krajem devedesetih a osobito od prije
nekoliko godina u potpunosti odbacio sve pozitivne ideje i principe
izgradnje grada kakve su se razvijale tijekom 30 godina izgradnje
Novog Zagreba.
the youngest settlement of new zagreb was built in the eighties. unlike all
the others, its name does not originate from an old toponym but was coined
by the croatian poet gustav krklec as an allusion to the urban planning idea
for this settlement as the future new town centre. the settlement can be
viewed in two parts: the eastern part, following fundamental urban
planning tenets of the original plan by architect vinko uhlik and built in the
eighties, and the western part, which in the late nineties and especially in
the past few years completely rejected all the positive ideas and principles
of town building developed during the 30-year construction of
new zagreb.
utrina ili utrine je naselje građeno većinom početkom sedamdesetih godina,
odmah nakon dovršetka susjednog zapruđa. odlikuje ga heterogenost pri
oblikovanju kvarta. raznolikost tipa građevina, od limenki, preko gradskih
kuća u nizu do dvije vrste nebodera, proizlazi iz činjenice da ga je gradilo
nekoliko različitih građevinskih tvrtki. za razliku od rigidno pravilnog zrcalno
simetričnog urbanističkog plana poput onog u sopotu i zapruđu, utrina je
specifična upravo po otklonu od smještanja sadržajnog centra u geometrijski
centar naselja. život utrine se odvija na tržnici koja se smjestila jugoistočno od
središta naselja komunicirajući tako bolje pothodnikom sa susjednim kvartom
zapruđem. u tome se jasno vidi da promišljeno urbanističko planiranje novog
zagreba nije bilo ograničeno samo na pojedini kvart, već na sklop nekoliko
susjednih naselja i njihovu sadržajnu i infrastrukturalnu uspješnu povezanost.
utrina or utrine is a settlement that was largely built in the 1970s, immediately
following the competition of its neighbor, zapruđe settlement. the built
structure of utrina is characterized by a heterogeneous design. the fact that its
realization was carried out by a few different construction firms accounts for
the variety of building types in the settlement, including row houses, two
types of towers, and long, aluminum-clad blocks. in contrast to the rigid,
formal, symmetrical urban plan that characterizes sopot or zapruđe, the urban
plan of utrina is specific in its deviation in the location of the programmatic
center, which is usually at geometric center of a settlement. averyday life in
utrina, on the other hand, takes place in the open-air market located
southeast of the settlement's geometric center, and thereby better
communicates, through the underpass, with the neighboring zapruđe.
clearly, the thoroughly thought-out urban planning of new zagreb was not
limited to a specific settlement, but applied to entire complexes of
neighboring settlements, as well as to their programmatic and infrastructural
nakon drugog svjetskog rata snažnim poticanjem industrijalizacije
i urbanizacije moderne republike jugoslavije nastavlja se već od
prije rata započeto doseljavanje velikog broj bivših
poljoprivrednika sa sela i iz provincija cijele hrvatske u zagreb,
koji ovdje postaju radnici i sudionici u stvaranju modernog
društva. stotinu godina postojeća granica rijeke save po prvi puta
se prelazi premještanjem zagrebačkog velesajma 1956. da bi
odmah sljedeće godine započela planirana izgradnja sjevernog
dijela naselja savski gaj. izgradnjom mosta slobode 1959.
postavljaju se uvjeti za rapidno urbaniziranje širokog prostora
polja, pašnjaka i plavnog područja budućeg novog zagreba.
Godine 1965., završen je elaborat urbanističkog plana grada
zagreba, kojim su bile zacrtane i smjernice razvoja novog dijela
grada za daljnjih 30 godina. svako sljedeće izgrađeno naselje
svojim je urbanističkim i arhitektonskim inovacijama pokušalo
iznaći najbolje rješenje u službi modernističke funkcionalnosti i
ugodne svakodnevice.
with a strong stimulus to industrialisation and urbanisation of the
modern-day republic of yugoslavia after the second world war, a
large number of former agriculturists from the countryside and
provincial areas of croatia moved to zagreb, which is a process
that began even before the war, and there they became workers
and took their part in the creation of a modern society. the sava
river, a border that existed for a hundred years, was crossed for
the first time when the zagreb trade fair was relocated in 1956 and
the planned construction of the northern part of the housing
estate savski gaj began immediately in the following year. the
construction of the liberty bridge in 1959 created the conditions
for a rapid urbanisation of a wide area of fields, pastures and flood
areas in new zagreb. the study for the urban development plan of
the city of zagreb was completed in 1965 and it also set the
guidelines for the development of the new part of town for the
next 30 years. each subsequent built settlement tried to find the
best solution with its innovations in architecture and urban
planning, all in the service of modernist functionality and
comfortable everyday life.
Nastalo šezdesetih godina Sopot je naselje koje se od početka
doživljava kao dva naselja zrcalno oblikovana i snažno
podijeljena centralnim pojasom vrtića i škole. Unutar zgusnutog
rasporeda pravilno postavljenih zgrada i nebodera nižu se mali
privatni parkovi s mnoštvom zelenila i drveća. Iako opremljen
svim potrebnim sadržajema od vrtića, osnovnih i srednjih škola
te dućana, Sopotu nedostaje centralni prostor sastajanja i
komunikacije što se snažno reflektira u nedostatku jačeg
društvenog života u naselju.
Built in the sixties, Sopot is a settlement that was perceived
from the very beginning as two mirror-shaped settlements
strongly divided with a school and kindergarten acting as
central zone. The dense arrangement of orthogonally placed
buildings and skyscrapers contains small private parks with an
abundance of greenery and trees. Although containing all the
necessary amenities such as kindergartens, primary and high
schools and corner shops, Sopot lacks a central location for
meeting and communication which strongly reflects in the lack
of a stronger social life within the settlement.
godine 1977. započela je izgradnja naselja dugave prema urbanističkom planu
autorskog tima u sastavu: ivan čižmek, tomislav odak, tomislav bilić i zdenko vazdar.
prilikom njegova projektiranja napušteno je do tada važeće načelo ortogonalnog
rasporeda ulica, te se u oblikovanju zgrada i njihovom suodnosu s okolinom prepoznaje
organički pristup i odstupanje od rigidnih modernističkih načela pravih linija. osnovno
obilježje dugava je središnji park u čijem centru se nalazi osnovna škola izgrađena
1980. prema višestruko nagrađivanom projektu arhitekta radovana tajdera. oko
središnjeg parka kruži cesta koja povezuje cijelo naselje konstruirano od manjih skupina
polukružnih zgrada koje zatvaraju male privatne zelene parkove.
the construction of the dugave settlement began in 1977 according to the urban
development plan from a team of authors: ivan čižmek, tomislav odak, tomislav bilić
and zdenko vazdar. during its design the orthogonal street layout, the governing
principle up to that point, was abandoned and a more organic approach in building
formation and the creation of their relationship with the surroundings is clearly evident,
as well as a departure from the rigid modernist principle of straight lines is clearly
evident. the basic feature of dugave is the central park with a primary school in its
centre. the school was constructed in 1980 according to the project of architect radovan
tajder which received several awards. a road encircles the central park and connects the
entire settlement constructed of smaller groups of semi-circular buildings enclosing
small private green parks.
naselje nastaje u prvoj polovici sedamdesetih godina. na iskustvima već
izraslih kvartova poput sopota i zapruđa,tih godina arhitekti
polemiziraju o potrebi za slobodnijom urbanističkom shemom unutar
kvarta, koja bi uz funkcionalnost nudila i više organičkih formi. arhitekt
miroslav kollenz, 1975. godine smišlja novu urbanističku jedinicu koja
će kasnije postati travno. u želji da umjesto brojnih manjih parkova
poput onih u zapruđu i sopotu, budućim stanovnicima travnog ponudi
jedan veliki, on konstruira ovalni park u centru naselja u obliku goleme
tratine. ova urbanistička invencija utjecala je na kružno formiranje
cijeloga naselja te na potrebu za zgradama velikog kapaciteta poput
mamutice (zgrade s 5000 stanara) koje nadoknađuju gubitak građevne
površine zbog tratine.
the settlement was constructed in the first half of the seventies. based
on experiences from already developed neighbourhoods such as sopot
and zapruđe, in those years architects discussed the need to have a less
rigid urban planning scheme within the neighbourhood, offering more
organic forms alongside functionality. architect miroslav kollenz
devised a new urban planning unit in 1975 which would later become
travno. in a desire to offer one large park to the future residents of
travno, as opposed to numerous smaller parks like the ones in zapruđe
and sopot, he designed an oval park shaped as a giant lawn in the
centre of the settlement. this urban planning inventiveness influenced
the circular formation of the entire settlement and the need to
construct large capacity buildings such as mamutica (a building with
5000 residents) that make up for the loss of construction surfaces due
to the lawn.