VOL. 78 NO. 41 ... October 12, 2014
VOL. 78 NO. 41 ... October 12, 2014
VOL. 78 NO. 41 TWENTY-EIGHTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME DAILY MASS SCHEDULE: MON 6:30 Tabour Tucker 7:00 Int. Msgr. James Dawson 8:15 Int. Pro Life TUE 6:30 Souls in Purgatory 7:00 Marcella Johnson 8:15 Int. Aaron Polk Family WED 6:30 Gerald Svoboda 7:00 Int. John Hoffman Fam. 8:15 Int. Mary Huffine THU 6:30 Lvg/Dec Boever-Hart Families 7:00 Ruth Ekeler 8:15 Marianna Hill FRI 6:30 Jeanne DeRuyscher 7:00 Int. Anne Hauptman 8:15 Colleen Coleman SAT 7:00 Int. Msgr. Joseph Nemec 8:15 Joel Staley 4:00 Jim Murphy SUN 8:00 Leon Svoboda 10:00 For the People 12:00 Int. Nancy/Matt Collins PERPETUAL ADORATION: Sun: 1am, 2am, 4am, 2pm, 6pm; Mon: 12 midnight, 1am, 2am, 7 am, 12 noon, 3pm; Tue: 2am, 5 am, 7am, 1pm; Wed: 2am, 12 noon; Thu: 1am, 2am, 9 am, 3pm; Fri: 8 am, 10am, 11am; Sat. 2 am. Call Wally & Katy, 4848607. ALTAR BOYS THIS WEEK: MonFri: 6:30 am. & Sat. 4 pm: H. Gengler and volunteer; Mon-Fri: 8:15 am & Sun: 8 am: T. Kiefel & A. Jablonski; Sun. 10 am: A. Stoley & volunteer. 12 noon: Volunteers needed. Servers: log on to the SignUp Genius, note which weeks need to be filled, and volunteer to serve your parish and Lord. The sign up runs through October 26. THE BAPTISM PREPARATION CLASS: Please contact Logan Burda, 402-217-2097, to arrange a time, according to your schedules, to attend this class. This is for registered parishioners who have not previously taken the class. ST. TERESA SCHOOL CLEANER NEEDED for an hour and a half each school day. Request an application form the school office. THIS WEEK’S EVENTS: SUN: Shower of Roses Mass 10 am. Knights of Columbus Corporate 10 am Mass. Coffee & Rolls after 8 & 10 am Masses. MON: No School TUE: Rosary at Planned Parent -hood, 9:30 am. St. Teresa Devotions and Adoration 7 pm. WED: TMIY 5:15 am KH. CCD 4-5:15 pm Godteens 7 pm, Potter Home. THU: Marian Devotions 7 pm. Choir Practice 7:30 pm. RCIA 7:30 pm Marian Room. FRI: Grand Group lunch & musical entertainment KH. SAT: Legion of Mary 9 am. SUN: Knights of Columbus Tootsie Roll Sunday after all Masses. PLEASE PRAY for these members of our parish family who have been called to active duty: Jerry Pokorney, son of Marilyn Pokorney; Eli Daniel, brother of Aubrey Potter; Stephen Wathen, friend of Pynes family; Austin Krings, son of Dan & Tama Krings; Michael Sivard, grandson of Joyce Keel; Nick Strasburg, grandson of Eileen Strasburg; Dylan Andersen, son of Steven & Lisa; Jeff Tlamaka; Brian Nystrom; Mike Buchholz, Joe Sievert, son of Darrell and Shiela Sievert. JOIN the FUN SILENT AUCTION Committee! Thanks to Mary Pat McBride, we are "well-oiled machine". There is a very organized system in place for YOU to help carry on this great fundraiser for our parish. Mary Pat & Joan will continue to lead Silent Auction through the 2015 Bazaar, but are looking for the next Chairs to take it over. Email/call Joan to volunteer or learn more about it at [email protected] or 402-310-9682. October 12, 2014 RETREATS: Men’s Day of Reflection Oct. 25, Bishop James D. Conley “Catholic Discipleship” One Day only $50. Men & Women Retreat Oct. 31-Nov. 2, Fr. Thomas Dunavan “Saints Yesterday & Today”. Register at www.goodcounselretreat.com or call 402-786-2705. Remember Men’s Club and Altar Society pay ½ the cost of a retreat. $CRIP Fundraiser NEWS: Profit: September profit: $1,472. Year to date profit: $15,120. 2014 GOAL $25,000. Congratulations!! We are at 60% of the 2014 GOAL. Use $CRIP for Groceries, gas and entertainment: Remember to use $CRIP for SuperSaver, HyVee and other grocery purchases. Check out the form to see all the in-stock choices! Go to www.shopwithscrip.com to see all available SCRIPNow! and reload options that prestopay has to offer. Thank you for using $CRIP. GIFT BEARERS: October 18-19: 4 pm: Jeff & Sarah Tlmaka; 8 am : Tim & Janel Andreasen; 10 am: Bert & Janet Anderson; 12 pm: Rich & Celia Wahl. LITER BOTTLES OF POP and bags of candy needed for the bazaar. The Pop Toss is our most popular game, and we use over 500 two-liter bottles of pop as prizes. You may send these items to school with your student or leave your donation in the vestibule of church. BAZAAR CO-CHAIRS ARE NEEDED. Call the rector or Grant & Jennifer Carter, 402-429-7030, if interested. STEWARDSHIP: The greatest of early possessions pale in comparison to the wisdom that leads us to follow God. PRO-LIFE DIAPER DRIVE in October. The donations will be shared with the Crisis Pregnancy Centers and Catholic Social Services across the Diocese and St. Gianna’s Home. Please leave donations in the box in the vestibule. EVENTS: St. Mary’s, Davey: Soup supper and raffle Sun. Oct. 12, 4-7 pm. Duck or Pork Dinner, St. John the Baptist, Prague: Oct. 12, serving 11 am – 2:30 pm. Holy Family Shrine Concert: Sun. Oct. 25, 5:30 p.m. Jim Nailon will perform. For further information call the Shrine at 402332-4565. Salad luncheon & card party St. Joseph’s, Lincoln, Oct. 14th, Call Kate 402-327-9218. St Anthony’s, Bruno: Duck & Pork dinner, Sun. Oct. 19, 11 am -3 pm. Soup Supper, St. James Cortland Sat. Oct. 18, 4-7 pm. TOOTSIE ROLL DRIVE next week after each of the Masses. Proceeds go to state and local programs for persons with intellectual disabilities, including Villa Marie School. Sponsored by the Knights of Colubus. CATHOLIC SOCIAL SERVICES is hiring a FT Reception and Placement Specialist to assist with their refugee resettlement program. www.cssisus.org for information. MENU: Mon: No School; Tue: BBQ Ribs; Wed: Roasted Chicken; Thu: Scrambled Eggs; Fri: Cheese Pizza. S.T.A.G.E. will be offering a OneDay Theater Camp October 13th, 10-3 pm for students ages 8 thru 12. Shakespeare in the Park will teach kids about basic theater techniques, experience Shakespeare and classic theater complete with learning fun dialogue and developing a short presentation with costumes for parents and friends to see! Cost is $35. Students must provide their own sack lunch. Held in St. Teresa's Kaczmarek Hall. To register visit stage4kids.com and download a form or call Lee Hotovy at 402/486-0462 by Oct. 8. GRAND GROUP MEMBERS: Our October event will be held this Friday, Oct. 17th, 12 noon in Kaczmarek Hall. If you have made your meal reservations, plan to join us there at 12:00. If not, you are welcome to come at 1:30 pm for the vocal music program. Either way, I am looking forward to seeing you there! USHERS NEEDED for the 4 pm, 10 am and 12 noon Masses. Also, subs for all Masses. Contact Jim Valenta, 402-489-3623. PLEASE PRAY for the repose of the soul of Jim Harre, brother of Bernita Hruby and Tom Harre, and uncle of Jan Swanson. ST. TERESA’S SCHOOOL is not conducting a formal magazine sale drive this year, however you can still renew or order new magazine subscriptions that will benefit the school! Everything is online at http://my.fundraising.com/stteresascat holicschool. Questions? Contact Janel at [email protected] or 402-525-5500. ORGAN DAMAGE: In the flooding rain storm, water got into the bellows of the organ in the basement of church. It may be a few weeks before it is repaired. COME & SEE! Does God exist? Who is Jesus? Who am I? What’s the meaning of life? Join us at “Come & See” where we discuss the meaning of life and answer questions about faith! 7:30pm at St. Mary’s Church, 1420 K St. 2nd and 4th Thursday of every month! [email protected] for more information or call 488-2040. HOLY HOUR: Divorced, separated and widowed Catholics are invited to a special Holy Hour sponsored by the Family Life Office on Monday, October 13, at John XXIII Diocesan Center, 3700 Sheridan Blvd., Lincoln. Holy Hour 6-7 p.m., followed by fellowship and informal discussion until 8:00 pm. THE BOY SCOUTS will be selling painted pumpkins in the courtyard after all masses next week. All of the pumpkins were painted by the boy scouts and their families. Please consider purchasing a pumpkin for your fall decorations. Thank you for supporting Troop 28. SILENT AUCTION BASKETS: Attention School Families: Donations for your Classroom Baskets are DUE TUESDAY. The deadline was extended due to low donations. Please send your item or monetary donation to your child's teacher Monday or Tuesday. The class baskets were awesome last year - let's do it again! Many thanks! PRO-LIFE EDUCATION Series, Sunday, Oct. 19, 7 pm St. Patrick’s school gym, 6126 Morrill Avenue. ‘Why is abortion still Issue Number One in America?” CATHOLIC DAUGHTERS Sunday: Members of St Charles Court of the Catholic Daughters will gather October 19th, 10:30 a.m. Mass at St. John's Parish, Lincoln. A breakfast at St. John's will follow. Questions: Alice Rotter, 402-488-2246. GODTEENS: Oct 15 from 7-9 p.m. is the fall party at the Potter home. There will be hot dogs and snacks, a fire, pumpkin carving, and social time. Call Aubrey with questions. MASS AT LOMA: Mass will be offered in St. Luke’s Shrine, Loma, on Sunday, October 19, at 4:00 p.m. Music will be led by the Ostry Family Singers. Everyone is invited. BED MAKING volunteers needed Monday October 20th at the Good Counsel Retreat Center. We will carpool from the parking lot at 7 pm and return by 9 pm. Please call Sherri, 402-435-8889, with questions. RAFFLE TICKETS are at the exits of church. Please return sold tickets to the rectory. THRIFT SHOP CHRISTMAS Boutique in Kaczmarek Hall: Thu. Oct. 23, 4-8 pm; Fri. Oct. 24, 9 am-8 pm; Sat. Oct. 25, 9 am-2 pm; Sun. Oct. 26, 9 am – 2 pm. HOPE AND HELP for those who hurt because a loved one is no longer a practicing Catholic, come join the Marian Mantle Silent Strength Prayer Group. Tuesday, October 14th at 3:00 pm in the Flanagan Room at the Madonna Hospital. Bring your rosary; we pray it, the Divine Mercy Chaplet and other prayers for the return of our prodigal children. The meeting is 1 hour and Mass is at 4:00 for those who wish to attend. If you are interested or wish more information call Kathy; 402-423-3810.