April 7, 2010 - E
April 7, 2010 - E
WEDNESDAY, APRIL 7, 2010 – 8:00 P.M. 1. Pledge of Allegiance led Cub Scout Pack #85. 2. Call meeting to order and roll call. 3. Approve Consent Agenda. * 4. Approve, as submitted, minutes of regular meeting held March 15, 2010. * 5. Approve Voucher List #22-FY10 of April 7, 2010. 6. Proclamations and Resolutions. A. Proclamation: Condolences for Judge Harold Sullivan 7. Recognition, Presentations and Awards. * 8. Appointments, Reappointments and Resignations. A. Appointment: Commission on Family Services (Three-Year Term): Annie Shear B. Reappointments: Fine Arts Commission: Sylvia Callistein (Two-Year Term) Andrea Siegel (One-Year Term as Chair) Human Relations Commission (Three-Year Term): Marcia Arenson Victor Dye Alfred Nathan C. Resignation: Beautification and Improvement Commission: Harold Primack 9. Report of the Village Manager. * A. Police Communications Center Workstations. * B. Authorization to Apply for Police Grants. * C. Police Communications Center – E911 Positron Equipment Upgrade. * D. Fire Department Turnout Gear. * E. Request to Sell Surplus Vehicles and Equipment. * F. Bid Report – Asbestos Remediation – Bay Environmental, Inc., Chicago IL - $35,000. * G. Bid Report – Building Demolition – DMD Services Inc., Northlake, IL - $22,320. H. Request for Executive Session. 10. Report of the Corporation Counsel. CONSENT: * A. An ordinance approving a plat of dedication for property located at 4925 Dempster Street, Skokie, Illinois is a B3 Business district. This item is on the consent agenda for second reading and adoption. * B. An ordinance providing for the acquisition of the real estate located at 4911 Dempster Street, Skokie, Illinois for public purposes. This item is on the consent agenda for second reading and adoption. * C. An ordinance approving modifications to the previously approved special use permit for the establishment and operation of a 2-unit congregate living facility at 4570 Church Street, 352342 Skokie, Illinois in an R3 Two-Family Residential district (2002-27P). This item is on the consent agenda for second reading and adoption. * D. An ordinance approving modifications to the previously approved special use permit for the establishment and operation of a 2-unit congregate living facility at 4840 Wright Terrace, Skokie, Illinois in an R4 General Residential district (2003-6P). This item is on the consent agenda for second reading and adoption. * E. An ordinance granting site plan approval for the construction of a parking facility at 8232 Keating Avenue, Skokie, Illinois in a CX Core Mixed-use district and relief from Chapter 118, Section 118-184(a) of the Skokie Village Code (2009-36P). This item is on the consent agenda for second reading and adoption. * F. An ordinance amending Chapter 118, Sections 118-5, 118-31, 118-73, 118-82, 118-88, 11890, 118-141, 118-144, 118-172, 118-175, 118-184, 118-212 and 118-217 of the Skokie Village Code pertaining to zoning definitions and regulations (2009-37P). This item is on the consent agenda for second reading and adoption. FIRST READING: G. An ordinance approving a plat of dedication for a portion of the property located at 4055 Oakton Street, Skokie, Illinois in a B2 Commercial district. This item is on the agenda for first reading and will be on the April 19, 2010 agenda for second reading and adoption. 11. Unfinished Business. 12. New Business. 13. Plan Commission. A. Plan Commission Case 2010-1P – Special Use Permit: 3432 Oakton Street B. Modified Review Plan Commission Case 91-22P – Special Use Permit Amendment at 4025 Oakton Street to change hours of operation and menu at a Subway limited service restaurant 14. Citizen Comments. 15. Adjournment. 352342 WHEREAS, Judge Harold Sullivan was a long time resident of the Village of Skokie, who dedicated his talents to the betterment of our community and to the legal profession, in both his personal and professional life; and WHEREAS, Judge Harold Sullivan was the loving husband of Mildred, with whom he had twelve children; sons Harold, Peter, Paul, Shawn and James; daughters, Sharon Mildred Nelson, Eunice, Mary Josephs, Beth Walsh, Theresa and Julie Manus; and more than 40 grandchildren; and WHEREAS, Harold Sullivan enlisted in the United States Navy during World War II and served in the Philippine Islands corridor for two years; and WHEREAS, Harold Sullivan attained his undergraduate degree from Loyola University and graduated from the DePaul University College of Law in 1952. He became a public defender and later entered the family law firm, prior to his election as a judge; and WHEREAS, in 1960, Harold Sullivan and the Skokie Caucus Party supported the reform of the court system and the creation of a Skokie Village Court. Harold Sullivan and Irving Goldstein were recruited by the Skokie Caucus Party to run for two judgeships in the Skokie Court and both were elected in 1960; and WHEREAS, Judge Sullivan was instrumental in the restructuring of the Circuit Court system, commencing in 1962. Judge Sullivan served as the Presiding Judge of the 2nd Municipal District of the Circuit Court of Cook County for 35 years; and WHEREAS, in 1967, Judge Sullivan was president of the Illinois Associate Judges Association, and in 1971 was one of the founders of the Illinois Judges Association. His leadership in the associations was recognized in 1990 when he was presented with IJA’s first Lifetime Service Award and later, by the creation of the annual Judge Harold W. Sullivan Scholarship awarded each year to an the Illinois law schools; and WHEREAS, Judge Sullivan demonstrated compassion and foresight in 1977 when he issued an injunction preventing the National Socialist Party from demonstrating in the Village of Skokie, balancing first amendment rights against the desire to protect the community Jewish residents; and WHEREAS, in 1976-77, Judge Sullivan was the Chair of the Illinois Institute for Continuing Education and received the IICLE Distinguished Service Award; and WHEREAS, Judge Sullivan served on the Board of Governors of the Illinois State Bar Association from 1978 to 1984 and 1992 to 1998, and was a member of the Association’s Assembly for 20 years. He served on many ISBA special committees, including studies of judicial evaluation procedures and judicial campaign financing; and WHEREAS, Judge Sullivan served as a Chairman of the Illinois Judicial Advisory Council. Always striving to improve judicial performance and integrity, he developed the confidential Judicial Performance Evaluation Project and was instrumental in the formation of the joint Illinois Judicial Ethics Commission; and VOSDOCS-#352042-v1-Proc__Judge_Harold_Sullivan WHEREAS, Judge Sullivan was named the Celtic Legal Society’s Man of the Year in 1982, and a Ruth Kinka Belle Award recipient in 1987, for his efforts to eliminate domestic violence; and WHEREAS, Judge Sullivan was an active and long time member of St. Joan of Arc Parish in Skokie, Illinois. Over the years, he served as a trustee of St. Francis Hospital, St. Joseph Hospital and the Illinois Hospital Association, and an advisory board member of Sisters of the Living Word; and WHEREAS, Judge Sullivan was Secretary of the of the National Conference of State Trial Judges over an extended period of time; and WHEREAS, prior to his retirement from the bench in 1999, Judge Harold Sullivan’s main passion was to improve the judiciary. He distinguished himself by mentoring many young judges and spearheading courtroom programs, with a goal of ensuring that people were treated fairly. NOW, THEREFORE, I, GEORGE VAN DUSEN, Mayor of the Village of Skokie, on behalf of its elected officials and residents, express our admiration and respect for Harold W. Sullivan’s accomplishments and extend our condolences to his family, friends, and colleagues. Passed this 7th day of April 2010 __________________________________________ George Van Dusen Mayor ___________________________________ Marlene Williams, Village Clerk VOSDOCS-#352042-v1-Proc__Judge_Harold_Sullivan #352430 4 #352430 5 #352430 6 #352425 #352058 3 A st JPH: 3/15/10 1 reading *4/7/10 THIS ORDINANCE MAY BE CITED AS VILLAGE ORDINANCE NUMBER 10-4-Z- AN ORDINANCE APPROVING A PLAT OF DEDICATION FOR PROPERTY LOCATED AT 4925 DEMPSTER STREET, SKOKIE, ILLINOIS IN A B3 BUSINESS DISTRICT 1 WHEREAS, the owner of the following described real property: 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 THE NORTH 1 FOOT OF THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED PARCEL: LOT 26 (EXCEPT THE EAST 15 FEET THEREOF) AND LOTS 27 AND 28 (EXCEPT THE NORTH 7 FEET OF SAID LOTS TAKEN FOR THE WIDENING OF DEMPSTER STREET) IN TERMINAL SUBDIVISION IN THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 21, TOWNSHIP 41 NORTH, RANGE 13 EAST OF THE THIRD PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF RECORDED APRIL 16, 1924 AS DOCUMENT 8368019, IN COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS. 9 AFFECTED PINS: 10-21-203-001-0000, 10-21-203-002-0000, 10-21-203-064-0000 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 more commonly known as the northern one foot of the property commonly known as 4925 Dempster Street, Skokie, Illinois (hereinafter the “Subject Property”), in a B3 Business district, as depicted on the “Plat of Dedication”, dated June 6, 2007, and subsequently revised June 11, 2007, a copy of which is attached hereto as Exhibit “1”, is dedicating the Subject Property to the Village of Skokie; and WHEREAS, the Subject Property abuts the Dempster Street public right of way and the Subject Property will be utilized to facilitate streetscape improvements. The streetscape improvements are part of the West Dempster Street Improvements Program; and WHEREAS, the area of the Subject Property is 60 square feet, 60 feet by 1 foot. This dedication is being made without any compensation to the property owner from the Village of Skokie; and WHEREAS, the Community Development Department Director reviewed the “Plat of Dedication”, dated June 6, 2007 and subsequently revised June 11, 2007, and has determined that the dedication meets all Village requirements and has recommended its acceptance, as indicated in his memorandum dated February 11, 2010; and WHEREAS, the Mayor and Board of Trustees, at a public meeting duly held on April 7, 2010, concurred in the aforesaid recommendation of the Community Development Department Director: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Mayor and Board of Trustees of the Village of Skokie, Cook County, Illinois: Page 1 of 2 VOSDOCS-#350647-v1-Ordinance__Plat_of_Dedication__4925_Dempster_Street 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 Section 1: stated in full. That the above stated Recitals are restated and incorporated as if Section 2: That the dedication of the Subject Property, legally described above and commonly known as the northern one foot of the property commonly known as 4925 Dempster Street, Skokie, Illinois, in a B3 Business district as depicted on the “Plat of Dedication”, dated June 6, 2007, and subsequently revised June 11, 2007, to the Village of Skokie, be and the same is hereby approved. Section 3: The Subject Property abuts the Dempster Street public right of way and the purpose of the dedication is to facilitate streetscape improvements along Dempster Street. Section 4: That the “Plat of Dedication”, dated June 6, 2007, and subsequently revised June 11, 2007, attached as “Exhibit 1”, except as it may be revised subject to the approval of the Corporation Counsel and the Village Manager or designee, be and the same is hereby accepted. The Plat shall be recorded with the Cook County Recorder of Deeds Office. Section 5: That a notice of the approval of this Ordinance incorporating the conditions contained herein shall be executed by the owner of the property in writing and duly recorded with the Cook County Recorder of Deeds Office. Section 6: That this Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage, approval and recordation as provided by law. ADOPTED this day of April 2010. 22 23 24 25 26 Ayes: Nays: Absent: Village Clerk Approved by me this day of April 2010. 27 28 29 Attested and filed in my office this day of April, 2010. 30 31 32 33 Village Clerk Mayor, Village of Skokie 34 35 36 Page 2 of 2 VOSDOCS-#350647-v1-Ordinance__Plat_of_Dedication__4925_Dempster_Street Exhibit 1 B st JPH: 3/15/10 1 Reading *4/7/10 LAND ACQUISITION THIS ORDINANCE MAY BE CITED AS VILLAGE ORDINANCE NUMBER 10-4-P- AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE ACQUISITION OF THE REAL ESTATE LOCATED AT 4911 DEMPSTER STREET, SKOKIE, ILLINOIS FOR PUBLIC PURPOSES 1 2 WHEREAS, following described real estate: 3 4 5 6 7 8 LOTS 23, 24, 25 AND THE EAST 15 FEET OF LOT 26 IN TERMINAL SUBDIVISION IN THE NORTHEAST ¼ OF SECTION 21, TOWNSHIP 41 NORTH , RANGE 13 EAST OF THE THIRD PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, RECORDED ON APRIL 16, 1924 AS DOCUMENT NUMBER 8368019, IN COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS. 9 commonly known as 4911 Dempster Street, Skokie, Illinois (hereinafter “Subject Property”), is located within the Village of Skokie; and 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 PIN: 10-21-203-066-0000 WHEREAS, the Village of Skokie is desirous of purchasing the Subject Property in the amount of $500,000 for public purposes; and WHEREAS, the acquisition of the Subject Property is necessary for the purpose of fostering development along the West Dempster Street corridor or for another valid municipal purpose; and WHEREAS, the Corporation Counsel and Village Manager recommended the following to the Mayor and Board of Trustees: (i) that the Village be authorized to acquire title to, and own, the Subject Property commonly known as 4911 Dempster Street, Skokie, Illinois, in order to be used for a public purpose; (ii) that the Real Estate Contract attached hereto and marked Exhibit “1”, for the purchase of 4911 Dempster Street, Skokie, Illinois, be approved substantially in the form attached, subject to changes approved by the Village Manager, or designee, and the Corporation Counsel of the Village of Skokie; (iii) that the Village Manager be authorized to execute the Real Estate Contract marked as Exhibit “1”, on behalf of the Village; and 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Mayor and Board of Trustees of the Village of Skokie, Cook County, Illinois: Page 1 of 2 VOSDOCS-#345582-v1-Ordinance__Land_Acquisition__4911_Dempster 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 Section 1: That the above stated recitals to this Ordinance are hereby incorporated in this Section 1 as if fully set forth herein. Section 2: That the Subject Property legally described above with the common address of 4911 Dempster Street, Skokie, Illinois, is located within the Village of Skokie. Section 3: That the acquisition of the fee simple title to the Subject Property is necessary to serve the goals, public purposes and objectives of the Village of Skokie. Section 4: That the Mayor and Board of Trustees of the Village of Skokie, Cook County, Illinois hereby authorize the Village of Skokie to purchase and acquire the Subject Property for public purposes. Section 5: That the Mayor and Board of Trustees of the Village of Skokie, Cook County, Illinois hereby authorize the Village of Skokie to enter into the real estate contract for the Subject Property, a copy of which is attached hereto as Exhibit “1”, and hereby made a part of this Ordinance, substantially in the form attached, or as changed with the approval of the Village Manager, or designee, and the Corporation Counsel of the Village of Skokie. Section 6: That the Mayor and Board of Trustees of the Village of Skokie, Cook County, Illinois hereby authorize the Village Manager to execute the real estate contract for the Subject Property, substantially in the form attached, or as changed with the approval of the Village Manager, or designee, and the Corporation Counsel of the Village of Skokie. Section 7: That this Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage, approval and publication in pamphlet form and in the Skokie Review on and as provided by law. ADOPTED this day of April 2010. 23 Village Clerk 24 25 26 27 Ayes: Nays: Absent: 28 Approved by me this April 2010. 29 30 31 32 33 34 Attested and filed in my office this day of April 2010; and published in the Skokie Review according to law on April , 2010 and April , 2010. _____________________________ Mayor, Village of Skokie 35 36 37 day of Village Clerk 38 39 40 41 Page 2 of 2 VOSDOCS-#345582-v1-Ordinance__Land_Acquisition__4911_Dempster Exhibit 1 REAL ESTATE SALE CONTRACT 1. The Parties and the Contract: Larry Berg as nominee, is the purchaser (hereinafter referred to as "Purchaser"), and seller is Owner of Record (hereinafter referred to as “Seller”). Purchaser and Seller are hereinafter collectively referred to as the “Parties”. This Real Estate Sale Contract is referred to herein as the “Contract.” The effective date of this Contract is March _____, 2010. 2. Real Estate: Seller agrees to convey to Purchaser the real estate legally described on Exhibit A attached hereto and incorporated herein and all improvements thereon (the “Real Estate”), which Real Estate is commonly known as 4911 Dempster Street, Skokie, Illinois. The Property Identification Number is: 10-21-203-066-0000. 3. Fixtures and Personal Property: All fixtures and/or personal property located on the Real Estate at the time of Closing (as defined below) of this transaction shall be transferred to the Purchaser by an executed Bill of Sale unless mutually agreed otherwise by the Parties. 4. Earnest Money: Within seven (7) days of Seller’s execution of this Contract, Purchaser shall deposit initial earnest money in the amount of Ten Thousand Dollars ($10,000.00) in escrow with Century 21 McMullen in a segregated money market account with the interest payable to the Purchaser at the time of closing. The Parties acknowledge and agree that the Parties shall execute all necessary documents with respect to the Earnest Money escrow, in form and content. The Parties shall pay equal portions of any and all expenses with respect to the Earnest Money escrow. 5. Inspection(s) and Due Diligence: a. Purchaser shall have thirty (30) days from the date of Seller’s execution to perform inspections and due diligence on the Real Estate. Purchaser, at Purchaser’s expense is hereby authorized to perform any inspections and testing needed to satisfy due diligence, including but not limited to environmental and building inspections. At any time within this 30 day period Purchaser may elect to terminate the contract. In the event Purchaser elects to terminate this Contract, neither Party hereto shall have any further obligation or liability under this Contract and all Earnest Money shall be returned to Purchaser. b. Seller understands and agrees to: 1. submit any and all documents, reports, or environmental test results regarding the Real Estate prepared by an environmental consultant, in the possession of the Seller within seven (7) days of the date of execution of this agreement, if Seller hasn’t already so; 2. allow reasonable access to the Real Estate and all structures thereon, in order for Purchaser to perform inspections, including but not limited to an asbestos inspection, and/or diagnostic testing, and site borings; 3. allow reasonable access and authorization to the Real Estate and all structures thereon in order to perform soil borings should the need to be determined by the Purchaser’s environmental consultant, after review of all available environmental documentation. 4. Any contractors and/or environmental specialists who work upon the property must insure seller against any damage or loss including work related injuries to their employees as a result of same and purchaser shall hold seller harmless and indemnify against any said damages and losses. 5. Samples may be taken from the parking lot areas only and may be patched. Samples will be taken from the parking lot areas only and will be patched. Prior to the Seller deducting any money from the earnest money deposit, Seller shall provide written notice to Purchaser of Seller’s intent to do so and Purchaser shall have twenty-one (21) days to perform said repair being twenty-one (21) days from receipt of written notice of same. 6. Until the due diligence and inspection contingencies are waived or executed, the Seller may continue to market the property. In the event another bonafide offer is tendered to the Seller, Seller shall notify the Purchaser in writing within one (1) business day of receipt of same. Upon receipt of said written notice issued by Seller, the Purchaser shall elect as follows: i. Purchaser may cancel the contract and receive an immediate and full refund of the earnest money deposit, less any repair payments as described in Paragraph 3(b); ii. Purchaser may waive any and all remaining contingencies and close the transaction pursuant to the terms of the real estate contract; iii. Purchaser agrees to notify Seller of his election within three (3) business days following the receipt of Seller’s written notice that Seller has received another bonafide offer to purchase the subject property; iv. A subsequent bonafide offer shall be defined as a written and executed offer for a purchase price in excess of the purchase price of the current contract containing equivalent terms and conditions. 6. Purchase Price: Purchaser agrees to purchase the Real Estate at a purchase price (the “Purchase Price”) of Five Hundred Thousand Dollars ($500,000.00). At Closing, pursuant to paragraph 9, the Parties will direct that all of the Earnest Money, be paid to or at the direction of Seller and credited on behalf of the Purchaser, toward the Purchase Price. In addition, the balance of Purchase Price shall be due at Closing, plus or minus prorations. 7. Property Tax Filings: Seller agrees to provide Purchaser with copies of any and all property tax appeals, petitions or filings with the County of Cook, in addition to any and all agreements entered into with attorneys concerning real estate tax work, with respect to the Real Estate and related Permanent Index Number within the last three (3) tax years. These documents would include petitions previously granted or denied and those currently pending. Such documents will be submitted to Purchaser at least twenty (21) days prior to Closing. 8. Real Estate Transfer Tax: Seller shall pay or cause to be paid, the amount of any stamp tax imposed by State law, County and Municipal Ordinance on the transfer of the title, and shall furnish all forms signed by Seller or Seller's agents, as required under the afore referred statutes and ordinances. Purchaser agrees to cooperate and sign any transfer declarations or other such forms which may be required in connection with the Closing or the transfer of Real Estate. 9. Closing: The date of closing (the “Closing Date”) shall be on April ____, 2010 or such other date mutually agreed by the Parties, at an office of Affinity Title Services as closing agent for First American Title Insurance Company, underwriter (the “Title Company”), provided title is shown to be good or is accepted by Purchaser. The closing of this transaction is referred to as the “Closing.” Closing costs shall be paid as follows: a. Seller’s Closing Costs. Seller shall pay (i) the base premium and the premium for the extended coverage endorsement for the owner’s title insurance policy required under Section 16, (ii) recording charges for any documents required to clear title, to the extent Seller is required to do so as provided in Section 16 hereof, (iii) half of the fee the agency escrow/closing fee charged by the title company, and (iv) Seller’s attorney, broker fees and expenses in this transaction. b. Purchaser’s Closing Costs. Purchaser shall pay (i) the premium for any endorsements requested by Purchaser for the owner’s title insurance policy provided in Section 16 that are in addition to the extended coverage endorsement, (ii) half of the fee the agency escrow/closing fee charged by the title company and (iii) the recording costs for warranty deed. 10. Possession: Possession shall be delivered to the Purchaser at the Closing, at which time the existing buildings on the Real Estate must be vacant. 11. Removal of Personal Property. Seller shall remove from the Real Estate by the date of closing, all debris and Seller’s personal property not conveyed by Bill of Sale to Buyer. Purchaser shall be entitled to perform walkthrough within 48 hours prior to closing to ensure that the real estate and improvements are in the same condition as that of the real estate contract. 12. Property Tax Prorations: At closing, Seller shall credit the Purchaser for 2009 through 2010 real estate taxes based on 100% of the 2008 real estate tax bill. Seller shall deposit in escrow with Affinity Title Services/First American Title Company the additional sum of the total amount of real estate tax credits for 2009 though 2010 based upon the current real estate taxes, not having a vacancy or any other reductions plus 10%. The parties shall split any escrow fee. Upon issuance of the second installment 2009 tax bill, the 2009 real estate tax credit shall be reprorated. Seller agrees to fully cooperate with Purchaser and execute and file any and all documents required to apply for a reduction in the 2010 real estate tax bill. The 2010 real estate tax credit shall be reprorated upon final verification of the 2010 tax amount or upon the issuance of the 2010 second installment real estate tax bill. The Purchaser shall refund any excess credit provided at closing to the Seller. Escrowee shall provide payment to the Purchaser for any deficiency. Seller shall remain liable for any and all escrow deficiencies. Seller’s obligations shall survive the closing. 13. Plat of Survey: Not less than seven (7) business days prior to closing, Seller shall at Sellers expense, tender to attorney for Purchaser an Alta Plat of Survey by an Illinois registered land surveyor depicting all corners staked and flagged, and showing the location of all improvements thereon, any encroachments, measurements of all lot lines, easements, building line set backs, fences, all building and other improvements on the real estate and distances thereof to all lot lines. If the survey discloses improper location of improvements or encroachments (other than fences). Purchaser may, at his option, declare the contract null and void and receive a refund of all monies previously tendered. Said survey shall be dated no more than ninety (90) calendar days prior to closing. 14. Notices: All notices, demands or other communications required to be given under this Contract shall be in writing and shall be deemed duly served if personally served, sent by certified mail, return receipt requested, or by facsimile transmission, with a copy sent first class mail on the date of transmission. All notices shall be addressed to the party intended to be served. Until changed in the manner provided in the previous sentence, the addresses and facsimile numbers of the parties shall be: If to Purchaser: If to Seller: 15. Deed: Seller shall convey or cause to be conveyed to Purchaser good and merchantable title to the Real Estate by a warranty deed in recordable form, and a proper bill of sale, subject only to: covenants, conditions and restrictions of record; public and utility easements and roads and highways, if any; general real estate taxes for the year 2009 and subsequent years including taxes which may accrue by reason of new or additional improvements during the year(s); and the Permitted Exceptions described in Section 16. 16. Title: a. Seller has delivered, or will deliver within twenty one (21) days after the date of this Contract, as evidence of title in Seller, a title commitment issued by the Title Company with an effective date no earlier than thirty (30) days prior to the date of this Contract (the “Title Commitment”) for an ALTA title insurance policy in the amount of the Purchase Price with extended coverage. The Title Commitment will be conclusive evidence of good and merchantable title as therein shown, subject only to the exceptions therein stated. Within fourteen (14) days after Seller’s delivery of the Title Commitment to Purchaser, Purchaser shall send written notice to Seller of any objections by Purchaser to any of the title exceptions identified on the Title Commitment (the “Objectionable Exceptions”). All exceptions identified in the Title Commitment which are not Objectionable Exceptions shall be deemed “Permitted Exceptions” under this Contract. Seller may, within fourteen (14) days after receipt of Purchaser’s notice of any Objectionable Exceptions, elect to eliminate or provide title insurance over the Objectionable Exceptions. If Seller is unable or unwilling to so eliminate or provide title insurance over the Objectionable Exceptions, than Seller shall notify Purchaser who shall have the right, at its election, but as its sole and exclusive remedy, either to (a) waive the Objectionable Exceptions and accept title to the Real Estate subject to such Objectionable Exceptions (in which event such exceptions shall be deemed Permitted Exceptions), or (b) terminate this Contract by delivering written notice to Seller within ten (10) days of said notice, the before the end of the said ten (10) day period. In the event Purchaser elects to terminate this Contract, neither Party hereto shall have any further obligation or liability under this Contract, except as otherwise provided to the contrary in this Contract and all Earnest Money shall be returned to Purchaser. In the event Purchaser does not elect to terminate this Contract in accordance with the terms of this Section 16, all exceptions to title listed in the Title Commitment (including those which Purchaser previously designated as Objectionable Exceptions) shall conclusively be deemed to constitute Permitted Exceptions. b. As of the Closing Date, Seller shall cause the Title Company to issue to Purchaser an ALTA Owner's Policy of Title Insurance or irrevocable commitment to issue same with extended coverage (the "Title Policy") covering the Real Estate in the amount of the Purchase Price, subject only to the Permitted Exceptions. Notwithstanding the foregoing, if any additional exceptions to title are identified after the date of the Title Commitment that were not caused by the voluntary act of Seller, Seller shall not be required to remove such additional exceptions and the sole and exclusive remedy of Purchaser will be either to (i) take title to the Real Estate subject to such additional exceptions or (ii) terminate this Contract. In the event Purchaser elects to terminate this Contract, neither Party hereto shall have any further obligation or liability under this Contract, except as otherwise provided to the contrary in this Contract and Earnest Money shall be returned to Purchaser. c. At the closing Seller will deliver an executed Affidavit of Title that Seller has not had any work or service performed or contracted for, that is basis for any type of lien or encumbrance filed against the Real Estate, since the date the Title Commitment was issued. d. Any endorsements requested by Purchaser for the Title Policy, other than the extended coverage endorsement, shall be paid for solely by Purchaser. Issuance or availability of any such additional endorsements requested by Purchaser shall not be a condition of Closing, and the failure of Purchaser to obtain any such additional endorsements shall not be deemed a default by Seller or a reason for Purchaser not to acquire the Real Estate. 17. Performance: Time is of the essence of this Contract. 18. Commissions: Both Parties warrant, agree and accept that the only broker’s commission due, is to Century 21 McMullen Real Estate, Inc. and is the responsibility of the Seller. 19. Property Violations: Seller represents that Seller, any beneficiaries or agents of Seller or of its beneficiaries, has not received any notices from any governmental entity, regarding any zoning, building, life safety or health code violations in respect to the Real Estate that have not been heretofore corrected. 20. Environmental: Seller shall provide upon execution of this contract, all corresponding and supporting documentation obtained pertaining to the Real Estate, prepared by either its environmental consultants other consultants, in which Seller is possession of, including, but not limited to, documentation related to any pending or closed matter with the IEPA concerning the Real Estate. Purchaser shall have thirty (30) days from the execution of this contract to review the submitted documents. If Purchaser elects to terminate this Contract pursuant to the provision of paragraph 5 then neither party shall have any further obligation or liability under this contract, except as otherwise provided herein, and the earnest money shall be returned to Purchaser. 21. Duplicate: A duplicate original of this Contract, duly executed by the Seller, shall be delivered to the Purchaser within five (5) business days from the date hereof, otherwise, at the Purchaser's option, this Contract shall become null and void. 22. Choice of Law: This Contract shall be governed in accordance with the laws of the State of Illinois (excluding its conflicts of law rules) and any dispute arising as to the interpretation of this Contract shall be heard in a court of competent jurisdiction sitting in Cook County, Illinois and in no other court. 23. Demolition: Seller agrees not to demolish or otherwise destroy the buildings that improve the Real Estate and that exist at the time of acceptance, any time prior to Closing. 24. Uniform Vendor and Purchaser Risk Act: The Parties agree that the Uniform Vendor and Purchaser Risk Act of the State of Illinois shall be applicable to this Contract. 25. Authorized Signatories: The Parties represent that the undersigned signatories for each of them respectively are authorized signatories for this Contract and that the effect of the signatures is to make this Contract binding on the respective Parties. 26. Counterparts: This Contract may be executed in any number of counterparts, each of which shall be deemed to be a duplicate original, and all of which together shall constitute but one and the same instrument. For the purpose of negotiating and finalizing this Contract, any signed documentation including this Contract, Riders(s) and any subsequent amendments transmitted by email or facsimile machine shall be treated in all manner and respects as an original document and shall be considered to have the same binding legal effect as an original document. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Seller and Purchaser have executed this Contract as of the date first above written. SELLER: PURCHASER: By: By: Larry Berg Its:___________________________ EXHIBIT A LEGAL DESCRIPTION 4911 Dempster Street, Skokie, IL, 60077 PIN: 10-21-203-066-0000 Lots 23, 24, 25, and the east 15 feet of Lot 26 in Terminal Subdivision in the Northeast 1/4 of Section 21, Township 41 North, Range 13 East of the Third Principal Meridian, recorded on April 16, 1924 as document number 8368019, in Cook County, Illinois. C JPH: *4/7/10 PC: 2002-27P SUP: 121.03 THIS ORDINANCE MAY BE CITED AS VILLAGE ORDINANCE NUMBER 10-4-Z- AN ORDINANCE APPROVING MODIFICATIONS TO THE PREVIOUSLY APPROVED SPECIAL USE PERMIT FOR THE ESTABLISHMENT AND OPERATION OF A 2-UNIT CONGREGATE LIVING FACILITY AT 4570 CHURCH STREET, SKOKIE, ILLINOIS IN AN R3 TWO-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT 1 2 3 4 WHEREAS, on December 2, 2002, the Mayor and Board of Trustees of the Village of Skokie adopted Village Ordinance Number 02-12-Z-3133 approving a special use permit to allow the establishment and operation of a 2-unit congregate living facility at the property legally described as follows: 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 THE WEST 6.83 FEET OF LOT 13 IN BLOCK 2, TOGETHER WITH THAT PART OF VACATED KENTON AVENUE LYING SOUTH OF THE NORTH LINE OF SAID LOT 13 EXTENDED WEST AND NORTH OF THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID LOT 13 EXTENDED WEST IN ROTH AND GORDON'S TERMINAL SUBDIVISION, BEING A SUBDIVISION OF LOT 2 IN SCHUSTER AND KRUGER’S SUBDIVISION OF PART OF THE SOUTH 1/2 OF THE WEST 20 ACRES OF THE EAST 1/2 OF THE NORTHWEST 1/4 OF SECTION 15, TOWNSHIP 41 NORTH, RANGE 13 EAST OF THE THIRD PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, IN COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS. 13 PIN: 10-15-127-072-0000 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 commonly known as 4570 Church Street, Skokie, Illinois (hereinafter “Subject Property”) in an R3 Two-Family Residential district; and WHEREAS, the owner of the Subject Property requested that it be allowed to modify the previously approved special use permit, in order to add one additional bedroom; and WHEREAS, the living room area will be converted to a bedroom and a new living room space will be created to provide residents with a social gathering space; and WHEREAS, the Corporation Counsel, the Plan Commission Chairman, and the Community Development Director for the Village of Skokie reviewed the request and found that the (i) requested modification is in substantial compliance with the special use permit granted pursuant to Village Ordinance Number 02-12-Z-3133, (ii) does not change the intent of the special use permit affecting the Subject Property and (iii) determined that the special use permit for the Subject Property could be amended utilizing the modified review procedure pursuant to Section 118-34 of the Skokie Village Code; and WHEREAS, the three person panel recommended to the Mayor and Board of Trustees that the requested modification be granted, subject to the modified condition contained in the Skokie Plan Commission Chairman’s Memorandum dated, June 23, 2009; and Page 1 of 2 VOSDOCS-#351972-v1-Ordinance__200227P__SUP_Amendment__Modified_Review__Congregate_Living_Facility__4570_Church 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 WHEREAS, at a public meeting duly held on March 1, 2010, the Mayor and Board of Trustees concurred in the aforesaid recommendations and findings of fact of the Plan Commission Chairman, the Corporation Counsel, and the Community Development Director; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Mayor and Board of Trustees of the Village of Skokie, Cook County, Illinois: Section 1: That the request by the owner of the Subject Property, legally described above, and commonly known as 4570 Church Street, Skokie, Illinois in a R3 Two-Family Residential district, to allow a modification of the special use permit to amend the floor plans to add one additional bedroom, is hereby granted, subject to the following modification to condition 1 of Village Ordinance Number 02-12-Z-3133. The new material is highlighted in bold and the material to be deleted is struck through and highlighted: 1. 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 The petitioner shall develop the Ssubject Propertysite in substantial conformance with the final Village approved First Floor Plan, and Second Floor Plan, both dated August 1, 2009 September 30, 2002, the Basement Plan dated October 9, 2002 and the Site Plan/Landscaping Plan dated October 2, 2002. Section 2: That a notice of the approval of this Ordinance incorporating the conditions contained herein shall be executed by the owner of the property in writing and duly recorded with the Cook County Recorder of Deeds Office at the owner’s expense. Section 3: That this Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage, approval and recordation as provided by law. ADOPTED this day of April 2010. 23 Village Clerk 24 25 26 27 Ayes: Nays: Absent: Approved by me this April 2010. 28 29 30 31 Attested and filed in my office this day of April 2010. 32 Mayor, Village of Skokie 33 34 35 Village Clerk 36 Page 2 of 2 VOSDOCS-#351972-v1-Ordinance__200227P__SUP_Amendment__Modified_Review__Congregate_Living_Facility__4570_Church day of D JPH: *4/7/10 PC: 2003-6P SUP: 132.02 THIS ORDINANCE MAY BE CITED AS VILLAGE ORDINANCE NUMBER 10-4-Z- AN ORDINANCE APPROVING MODIFICATIONS TO THE PREVIOUSLY APPROVED SPECIAL USE PERMIT FOR THE ESTABLISHMENT AND OPERATION OF A 2-UNIT CONGREGATE LIVING FACILITY AT 4840 WRIGHT TERRACE, SKOKIE, ILLINOIS IN AN R4 GENERAL RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT 1 2 3 4 WHEREAS, on May 5, 2003, the Mayor and Board of Trustees of the Village of Skokie adopted Village Ordinance Number 03-5-Z-3163 approving a special use permit to allow the establishment and operation of a 2-unit congregate living facility at the property legally described as follows: 5 6 7 8 LOT 19 IN BLOCK 1 IN A. A. LEWIS DEMPSTER TERMINAL SQUARE SECOND ADDITION, A SUBDIVISION OF PART OF LOT 5 IN THE ASSESSOR'S DIVISION OF THE NORTHEAST 1/4 OF SECTION 21, TOWNSHIP 41 NORTH, RANGE 13, EAST OF THE THIRD PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, IN COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS. 9 PIN: 10-21-218-025-0000 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 commonly known as 4840 Wright Terrace, Skokie, Illinois (hereinafter “Subject Property”) in an R4 General Residential district; and WHEREAS, the owner of the Subject Property requested that it be allowed to modify the previously approved special use permit, in order to add two additional bedrooms; and WHEREAS, the living room areas will be converted to two bedrooms and a new living room area will be created in order to provide residents with a social gathering space; and WHEREAS, the Corporation Counsel, the Plan Commission Chairman, and the Community Development Director for the Village of Skokie reviewed the request and found that, (i) the requested modification is in substantial compliance with the special use permit granted pursuant to Village Ordinance Number 03-5-Z-3163, (ii) does not change the intent of the special use permit affecting the Subject Property and (iii) determined that the special use permit for the Subject Property could be amended utilizing the modified review procedure pursuant to Section 118-34 of the Skokie Village Code; and WHEREAS, the three person panel recommended to the Mayor and Board of Trustees that the requested modification be granted, subject to the modified condition contained in the Skokie Plan Commission Chairman’s memorandum dated, June 23, 2009; and WHEREAS, at a public meeting duly held on March 1, 2010, the Mayor and Board of Trustees concurred in the aforesaid recommendations and findings of fact of the Plan Commission Chairman, the Corporation Counsel, and the Community Development Director; Page 1 of 2 VOSDOCS-#352036-v1-Ordinance__20036P__SUP_Amendment__Modified_Review__Congregate_Living_Facility__4840_Wright_T 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Mayor and Board of Trustees of the Village of Skokie, Cook County, Illinois: Section 1: That the request by the owner of the Subject Property, legally described above, and commonly known as 4840 Wright Terrace, Skokie, Illinois in an R4 General Residential district, to allow a modification of the special use permit to amend the floor plans to add two additional bedrooms, is hereby granted, subject to the following modification to condition 1 of Village Ordinance Number 03-5-Z-3163. The new material is highlighted in bold and the material to be deleted is struck through and highlighted: 1. 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 The petitioner shall develop the Ssubject Propertysite in substantial conformance with the final Village approved First and Second Floor Plan, dated August 1, 2009, and Garden Unit Plan, both dated December 2, 2002, and the Plat of Survey (site plan) dated June 8, 1998. Section 2: That a notice of the approval of this Ordinance incorporating the conditions contained herein shall be executed by the owner of the property in writing and duly recorded with the Cook County Recorder of Deeds Office at the owner’s expense. Section 3: That this Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage, approval and recordation as provided by law. ADOPTED this day of April 2010. 19 Village Clerk 20 21 22 23 Ayes: Nays: Absent: Approved by me this April 2010. 24 25 26 27 Attested and filed in my office this day of April 2010. 28 Mayor, Village of Skokie 29 30 31 Village Clerk 32 Page 2 of 2 VOSDOCS-#352036-v1-Ordinance__20036P__SUP_Amendment__Modified_Review__Congregate_Living_Facility__4840_Wright_T day of E JPH: *4/7/10 PC: 2009-36P SPA: 406.01 THIS ORDINANCE MAY BE CITED AS VILLAGE ORDINANCE NUMBER 10-4-Z- AN ORDINANCE GRANTING SITE PLAN APPROVAL FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF A PARKING FACILITY AT 8232 KEATING AVENUE, SKOKIE, ILLINOIS IN A CX CORE MIXED-USE DISTRICT AND RELIEF FROM CHAPTER 118, SECTION 118-184(a) OF THE SKOKIE VILLAGE CODE 1 WHEREAS, the owner of the following described real property: 2 3 4 5 6 THE NORTH HALF OF LOT 34 AND ALL OF LOT 35 IN VALOS MAIN STREET ADDITION OF BLOCK 4 IN THE SUBDIVISION OF THE WEST HALF OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 22, TOWNSHIP 41, RANGE 13 EAST OF THIRD PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, RECORDED MAY 17, 1924 AS DOCUMENT 8550486, IN COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS. 7 PIN: 10-22-310-044-0000 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 more commonly described as 8232 Keating Avenue, Skokie, Illinois (hereinafter “Subject Property”), petitioned the Village of Skokie for site plan approval to construct a 3-car parking facility to be utilized by the residents in an existing, nonconforming, 2-unit multifamily residence in a CX Core Mixed-use district; and WHEREAS, the residence on the Subject Property was constructed in 1954 with a 5.38 foot north side yard, which at the time, was in compliance with the Village Code. However, the side yard became nonconforming when the zoning of the Subject Property was changed to CX Core Mixed-use in 2009 and the minimum side yard requirement became 6 feet; and WHEREAS, the reclassification of the Subject Property to CX Core Mixed-use destined that the parking facility be considered a principal building on the lot also and must meet the 6 foot minimum side yard requirement; and WHEREAS, the proposed parking facility would be constructed on an existing garage slab that was installed with permit in 2008. The garage slab is currently 3.35 feet away from the north side lot line of the Subject Property. At the time of installation, it was permitted to construct a parking facility with a 3 foot setback from the side lot line with site plan approval; and WHEREAS, the Skokie Plan Commission recommends that relief be granted from Chapter 118, Section 118-184(a) to allow the continuation of the 5.38 foot north side yard for the nonconforming 2-unit multifamily residence and a 3.35 foot north side yard for the parking facility rather than the 6 foot minimum requirement; and 27 Page 1 of 3 VOSDOCS-#351949-v1-Ordinance__2009-36P__Site_Plan_Approval__Parking_Facility__8232_Keating 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 WHEREAS, the Skokie Plan Commission, at a public hearing duly held on January 21, 2010, at which no interested parties spoke: (i) determined that proper legal notice had been achieved and (ii) made the appropriate findings of fact in the affirmative, as required under Section 118-32 of the Skokie Village Code; and WHEREAS, the Skokie Plan Commission voted to recommend to the Mayor and Board of Trustees that: (i) the requested site plan approval be granted subject to the conditions contained in the Plan Commission Report dated March 1, 2010, or as subsequently modified by Staff; and (ii) relief be granted from Chapter 118, Section 118-184(a) of the Skokie Village Code to allow the continuation of the 5.38 foot north side yard for the nonconforming 2-unit multifamily residence and a 3.35 foot north side yard for the parking facility rather than the 6 foot minimum requirement; and WHEREAS, the Mayor and Board of Trustees, at a public meeting duly held on March 1, 2010, voted to concur in the aforesaid recommendations and findings of fact of the Skokie Plan Commission; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Mayor and Board of Trustees of the Village of Skokie, Cook County, Illinois: Section 1: That the site plan approval requested by the petitioner to construct a 3-car parking facility to be utilized by the residents in an existing, nonconforming, 2-unit multifamily residence in a CX Core Mixed-use district at the Subject Property. legally described above and commonly known as 8232 Keating Avenue, Skokie, Illinois, in a CX Core Mixed-use district, is hereby granted and approved subject to each of the conditions set forth below: 1. The petitioner shall develop the Subject Property in substantial conformance with the final Village approved Site Plan dated June 22, 2007, and the Detached Garage Plan dated June 22, 2007; 2. All fencing, walls, sidewalks, driveways, curbs, parking areas, signage, landscaping, structures, and any other facilities or infrastructure on the Subject Property shall be maintained in a good state of repair, and when needed, be repaired or replaced in a timely manner; 3. Any parking lot or exterior lighting shall meet IES standards, be full cut-off design, and directed away from adjacent properties, and subject to the approval of the Engineering Division; 4. Any existing damaged public sidewalks or sidewalks damaged due to the implementation of this plan shall be replaced; 5. Handicapped ramps are to be provided as necessary and meet State of Illinois Accessibility requirements and the Skokie Village Code; 6. Vehicles shall always be parked in designated parking spaces, and not overlap the striped lines of designated parking spaces or parked in or otherwise block driveways, sidewalks, aisles, or other points of access; 7. All private and public sidewalks shall be maintained free of snow, ice, sleet, or other objects that may impede travel; 8. All landscaping shall be maintained to a maximum height of 30 inches for a distance of 15 feet from any vehicular access point or intersection in order to maintain adequate sight distance; 9. The petitioner shall submit to the Planning Division electronic files of the plat of survey, site plan, and landscape plan in their approved and finalized form. The files shall be scaled Page 2 of 3 VOSDOCS-#351949-v1-Ordinance__2009-36P__Site_Plan_Approval__Parking_Facility__8232_Keating 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 CADD 2D drawing files on non-compressed, non-read only CD-ROM .dwg AutoCad format (version 2004 or later preferred); 10. Prior to the issuance of building permits, the petitioner shall submit to the Planning Division of the Community Development Department the name, address, and telephone number of the company and contact person responsible for site maintenance in compliance with the special use permit; 11. If work is to be performed on public property or if public property is utilized or impacted during construction and/or development, the owner shall provide, or shall cause the developer and/or contractor to provide, the Village of Skokie with a certificate of insurance naming the Village of Skokie as additionally insured for any and all claims related to any and all work. The owner shall hold, and shall cause the developer and/or contractor to hold, the Village of Skokie harmless and indemnify the Village for any and all claims for property damage or personal injury related to work on or use of public property; 12. The petitioner shall comply with all Federal and State statutes, laws, rules and regulations and all Village codes, ordinances, rules, and regulations; 13. Failure to abide by any and all terms of this Ordinance shall be cause for the Village to initiate hearings to determine whether the subject Ordinance, as well as any applicable business licenses, should be revised or revoked; and 14. The petitioner shall pay all costs related to any hearings conducted as a result of noncompliance with any of the provisions of the enabling ordinance. The costs shall include but not be limited to court reporter fees, attorney fees, and staff time required researching and conducting said hearing. Section 2: That relief from Chapter 118, Section 118-184(a) of the Skokie Village Code to allow the continuation of the 5.38 foot north side yard for the nonconforming 2-unit multifamily residence and a 3.35 foot north side yard for the parking facility rather than the 6 foot minimum requirement, is hereby granted. Section 3: That a notice of the approval of this Ordinance incorporating the conditions contained herein shall be executed by the owner of the property in writing and duly recorded with the Cook County Recorder of Deeds Office at the owner’s expense. Section 4: That this Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage, approval, and recordation as provided by law. ADOPTED this day of April 2010. 33 Village Clerk 34 35 36 37 Ayes: Nays: Absent: Approved by me this April 2010. 38 39 40 41 Attested and filed in my office this day of April 2010. 42 Mayor, Village of Skokie 43 44 45 Village Clerk Page 3 of 3 VOSDOCS-#351949-v1-Ordinance__2009-36P__Site_Plan_Approval__Parking_Facility__8232_Keating day of F JPH: *4/7/10 PC: 2009-37P THIS ORDINANCE MAY BE CITED AS VILLAGE ORDINANCE NUMBER 10-4-C- AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 118, SECTIONS 118-5, 118-31, 118-73, 118-82, 118-88, 118-90, 118-141, 118-144, 118-172, 118-175, 118-184, 118-212 AND 118-217 OF THE SKOKIE VILLAGE CODE PERTAINING TO ZONING DEFINITIONS AND REGULATIONS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 WHEREAS, Chapter 118, Article I, Section 118-5 of the Skokie Village Code (hereinafter “Code”) provides for definitions of terms utilized throughout Chapter 118 of the Code (hereinafter “Zoning Chapter”); and WHEREAS, in 2004 and 2008, the Community Development Department Staff (hereinafter “Staff”) recommended certain definitions utilized in the Zoning Chapter. These recommendations were concurred with by the Plan Commission and incorporated into Village Ordinance Numbers 05-8-C-3375 and 08-11-C-3649 respectively; and WHEREAS, Staff has continued the process of updating and refining the definitions utilized in the Zoning Chapter; and WHEREAS, in Plan Commission case 2009-37P, the remaining definitions not considered in the two prior cases were considered. The definitions and usage throughout the Zoning Chapter were reviewed for the following terms: abut, adjacent, family, golf course, lawful use, nonconforming use, setback and yard; and 15 WHEREAS, the Staff submitted the following recommendations to the Plan Commission for consideration: 16 1) Abut – No change is recommended as this time. 17 2) Adjacent – The definition was changed to clarify its meaning. Instances where the term was used properly have not been changed. 14 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 2) Family – The definition has been removed. The term family, as currently defined in the zoning chapter, is only used in reference to congregate living facilities and residential motor vehicle garages. The removal of the term family: (a) will not impact congregate living facilities because the remaining definitions and regulations throughout the Zoning Chapter regulate the individuals who can reside there, 26 (b) will not impact the residential motor vehicle garage definition because the intent of the definition being to provide parking for residents of the site, will remain the same, 27 (c) will not impact occupancy of residential units, since occupancy regulated under The 25 Page 1 of 9 VOSDOCS-#351923-v1-Ordinance__2009-37P__Code_Amendment__Chapter_118__Definitions_&_Regulations International Property Maintenance Code. Land uses and zoning districts that contain the word ‘family’ in them were not changed because they do not specifically relate to individual persons. 1 2 3 5 3) Golf Course – The definition was simplified and changed to conform more closely to other golf course definitions utilized by other municipalities. 6 4) Lawful Use – No change is recommended at this time. 7 5) Nonconforming building or structure – This term was reviewed and one change is recommended. A portion of the definition was removed that is unnecessary and already included in the nonconforming use definition. 4 8 9 10 6) Setback – The definition was changed to clarify intent. 11 7) Use, nonconforming – The definition was changed to clarify intent and unnecessary wording was removed. 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 8) Yard – The definition was not changed, however several instances where the term is used improperly where changed; and WHEREAS, the above revisions will clarify intent or meaning or remove unnecessary language throughout the Zoning Chapter; and WHEREAS, the Skokie Plan commission, at a public meeting duly held January 21, 2010, for which proper notice was achieved and no interested parties spoke, concurred in Staff’s recommendations and voted to recommend to the Mayor and Board of Trustees that the Chapter 118, Sections 118-5, 118-31, 118-73, 118-82, 118-88, 118-90, 118-141, 118-144, 118-172, 118-175, 118-184, 118-212, and 118-217 of the Skokie Village Code be amended, as outlined in the Plan Commission Report dated March 1, 2010; and WHEREAS, in response to an inquiry by the Plan Commission, Staff indicated that the deletion of the definition of “Family” would have no impact on the requirements of the Fair Housing program; and WHEREAS, the Mayor and Board of Trustees at a public meeting duly held on March 1, 2010, concurred in the aforesaid recommendation of the Skokie Plan Commission; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED, by the Mayor and Board of Trustees of the Village of Skokie, Cook County, Illinois; 34 Section 1: That Chapter 118, Sections 118-5, 118-31, 118-73, 118-82, 118-88, 118-90, 118-141, 118-144, 118-172, 118-175, 118-184, 118-212, and 118-217 of the Skokie Village Code be and the same are hereby amended in the manner hereinafter indicated. The new material is highlighted in bold and the material to be deleted is highlighted and stricken through. 35 Chapter 118 ZONING* 36 … 37 Sec. 118-5. Definitions. 38 … 30 31 32 33 Page 2 of 9 VOSDOCS-#351923-v1-Ordinance__2009-37P__Code_Amendment__Chapter_118__Definitions_&_Regulations Adjacent means to lie near or close to, or in the neighborhood or vicinity of. 1 2 … 3 Congregate living facility means any living facility or residential unit primarily for unrelated elderly or disabled persons that does not conform to the definition of family. Paid professional support staff provided by a sponsoring agency living with the residents on a 24hour basis or available in accordance with the particular needs of the residents may also be present. A facility shall have common kitchen, dining, and entertainment areas for the purpose of assisting the residents to return to or to maintain a semi-independent life style. In addition to providing shelter, services shall include access to but not be limited to meals, medical, housekeeping, laundry, social, recreational, educational, protective, and transportation. … 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Family means 1 or more persons related by blood, marriage or legal adoption and in addition thereto may include not more than 2 roomers, boarders or permanent guests; or not more than 4 persons not so related maintaining a common household in a residential unit. The claimant shall establish collateral relationship beyond the first degree. … 23 Golf course means a facility that is not artificially lighted for night play other than a miniature golf course or commercially operated driving range used for the playing of golf. Additional an area of land, with at least nine holes, improved with tees, greens, fairways, and hazards for playing golf as well as other related services or amenities such as swimming, outdoor recreation, related limited retail, and restaurants may be permitted as part of the special use permit. 24 … 25 Motor vehicle garage, residential, means an accessory building, or an accessory portion of the principal building, which is intended for and used for storing the privately owned motor vehicles, boats and trailers of the families residents upon the premises, and in which no business, service or industry connected directly or indirectly with motor vehicles, boats and trailers is operated inside the garage. The only commercial vehicles that may be stored in a residential motor vehicle garage are trucks with an Illinois "B" license plate classification or other commercial vehicles with a gross weight of 8,000 pounds or less. … 18 19 20 21 22 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 34 Nonconforming building or structure means any building or structure lawfully established that: 35 (1) Ddoes not comply with all the regulations of this chapter, or of any amendment to this chapter, governing bulk of the zoning district in which such building or structure is located. ; or (2) Which was originally designed or intended for a use that subsequently becomes a nonconforming use. 33 36 37 38 39 40 … 41 Setback means the horizontal distance between a lot line and building or structure and another building, structure, property line or other feature. … 42 43 Page 3 of 9 VOSDOCS-#351923-v1-Ordinance__2009-37P__Code_Amendment__Chapter_118__Definitions_&_Regulations 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Transit oriented development means a building, or combination of buildings, within 2,000 feet of a commuter rail station, that may contain dwelling units and permitted or other special uses in a zoning district within 2,000 feet of a commuter rail station, but not located adjacent to an R1 or R2 district, together in a unified development in which there is a significant physical and functional integration of the uses. Such development shall not abut or be across an alley from property zoned R1 or R2. … Use, nonconforming, means any building or structure and the use thereof or the use of the land that does not conform with the regulations of this chapter, or any amendments thereto, governing use of the zoning district in which it is located, but conforming with all the codes, ordinances and other legal requirements applicable at the time such building or structure was erected, enlarged or altered and the use of the land was established. 13 16 Use, nonconforming means the use of any building, structure, or land that does not comply with the regulations of this chapter governing use of the zoning district in which it is located. 17 … 18 Sec. 118-31. Powers of Zoning Board of Appeals; variations and exceptions; review of orders and decisions of Director of Community Development. 14 15 19 20 22 Variations and exceptions. The Zoning Board of Appeals shall hear . . . … 23 (2) 21 (a) 24 Exceptions. … 25 b. 26 27 c. 28 29 30 An exception may be granted for air conditioning units and condensers in required yards and within the 10-foot side yard setback requirement. An exception may be granted for swimming pools within the 8-foot side yard setback requirement of Chapter 22, Article VIII [of Volume I of the Skokie Village Code], but not within the required side yard. 31 … 32 Sec. 118-73. Accessory buildings, structures and uses. 33 34 (d) 35 Rear yard coverage. The total ground area of all accessory buildings permitted in a rear yard shall not occupy more than 30 percent of the area of the rear yard. 36 … 37 Sec. 118-82. Motor vehicle gas stations. 38 (a) (11) 39 40 41 42 43 44 Standard conditions for motor vehicle gas stations. The following standard … For stations that also operate motor vehicle repair facilities across an alley from adjacent to or abutting residentially zoned or used property, there shall be no automobile repair work from 10:00 p.m. to 7:00 a.m. All repair work and service work shall be performed within the enclosed premises at all times except the following activities: … Page 4 of 9 VOSDOCS-#351923-v1-Ordinance__2009-37P__Code_Amendment__Chapter_118__Definitions_&_Regulations 1 Sec. 118-88. Congregate living facilities. 2 (a) 5. (ba) 3 4 5 6 7 (cb) (dc) 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 (ed) 15 16 17 18 (fe) 19 20 21 22 (gf) 23 24 Congregate living facilities are exempt from the definition of "family" in Section 118Congregate living facilities may only be in a residence type otherwise identified as permitted or special uses in a district. No residential unit shall be permitted on the first floor in business districts. The facility shall be a permitted use if the sponsoring agency is eligible for and obtains State licensing or certification to operate the proposed use and the use is a permanent residence facility. If the sponsoring agency does not meet this criterion because there is no State licensing or certification required for the use or the facility is a temporary residence facility, a special use permit must be obtained in accordance with Article II of this chapter, and reasonable proof of ability to operate a reputable group home must be shown. The facility shall be designated a permanent residence facility if all the residents intend to live at the facility for 1 year or more. The facility shall be designated a temporary residence facility if any of the residents intend to live at the facility for less than 1 year. Any facility with 6 or more bedrooms in a residential unit, 2 or more residential units in a building, or 2 or more buildings on a lot or adjacent abutting lots operated by the sponsoring agency must receive site plan approval in accordance with Article II of this chapter. The sponsoring agency must obtain an administrative occupancy permit prior to establishing a congregate living facility. The following criteria will be used in issuing a permit: 25 (1) The facility must be located in an area reasonably accessible to public transportation and, if needed, employment, vocational, medical, psychiatric, recreational, and other community resources that might be utilized by the facility's residents. If this provision cannot be met, the sponsoring agency must ensure that the facility's residents have access to these services when needed. (2) The facility shall not be located within the same block as another such facility nor closer than 600 feet in R1 and R2 residential districts nor closer than 300 feet in R3 and R4 residential districts to another facility as measured from the property line of the lot. 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 ... Sec. 118-90. Adult uses. Adult uses shall be subject to the following regulations, in addition to any other requirements stated in this chapter, as may be imposed under the special use provisions of this chapter, and all other codes and ordinances: (1) 40 a. 41 42 43 44 Location restrictions. No adult use may be located adjacent to or immediately separated by a street or alley across a right-of-way from or abutting any vacant or improved property that is residentially zoned or residentially used. … Page 5 of 9 VOSDOCS-#351923-v1-Ordinance__2009-37P__Code_Amendment__Chapter_118__Definitions_&_Regulations 1 Sec. 118-141. Generally. 2 … 3 (b) General requirements. General requirements are as follows: 4 … 5 (5) Visual screening. a. 6 Visual screening requirements for B1 Service Commercial . . . 7 1. 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 … 17 3. 18 19 20 21 22 When any lot in a business district is across an alley from or abutting or separated by an alley from any a residentially zoned property, adequate visual screening shall be provided along the side and rear lot lines. When a structure is located not more than 5 feet from a public alley, no screening shall be required along the alley for the length of the building. Only the following types of visual screening shall be permitted for the purpose of this chapter: Where property is abutting residentially zoned property as noted in subsection a.1 of this subsection, the height of the screening located adjacent that is parallel to the required front yard of the residential lot shall be no more than 30 inches in height. The height of the remainder of the fence shall be no lower than 6 feet and no higher than 8 feet. … 23 (9) 25 Public sidewalks and parkways. To promote a pedestrian scale environment, the following design standards shall apply: 26 … 27 e. 24 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 All walls facing a street and all portions of walls facing the required front yard of an abutting or adjacent residential district must contain at least 1 of the following pedestrian scale features: architectural variation in depth, windows, spandrels, landscaping, flower planters, or other architectural features required by the Appearance Commission. The quantity and extent of these features must be reviewed by the Community Development Department and approved by the Appearance Commission. … 35 36 Sec. 118-144. B3 Business district. 37 … 40 Bulk requirements and FAR bonuses. Bulk and floor area ratio requirements shall be determined in accordance with the following schedule of bulk requirements and FAR bonuses: 41 a. 38 39 42 (1) Height above 40 feet and floor area ratio bonuses shall be cumulative and provided as a matter of right if the conditions for the bonuses are Page 6 of 9 VOSDOCS-#351923-v1-Ordinance__2009-37P__Code_Amendment__Chapter_118__Definitions_&_Regulations met. Height and floor area ratio in excess of the base levels, less any penalties in the form of negative bonuses, or any development with less than 25 percent of the first-floor area devoted to commercial and office uses open to the public or public uses shall be subject to site plan approval in accordance with Article II of this chapter. No building adjacent that is across an alley from or abuts property zoned to an R1, R2, or R3 district, except transit oriented developments or planned developments north of Church Street as allowed by subsection (3)a. of this section, shall exceed 39 feet. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 … 11 d. 12 13 The bonus for a lot facing 2 or more streets shall be awarded when at least 2 rights-of-way containing different streets are adjacent to abut a lot. 14 … 15 Sec. 118-172. M1 Office Assembly Industry district. 16 The following requirements shall apply to the M1 Office Assembly Industry district: 17 … 18 (4) 19 20 21 Rear yard. a. A rear yard is not required. , except that a rear yard of 20 feet is required when the rear lot line does not abut an alley. b. A rear yard of 20 feet is required when no alley is present. 22 … 23 Sec. 118-175. OR Office Research district. 24 … 25 (5) Yards abutting residential districts. 26 … 27 b. Within the setbacks yards abutting residentially used property, no building or structure of any kind is permitted. c. On-grade off-street parking is permitted as close as 50 feet away from to a yard boundary lot line that abuts residentially used property, provided it is landscaped or screened as provided in Article VI of this chapter. 28 29 30 31 32 33 … 34 Sec. 118-184. Bulk requirements. 35 … 36 (b) Floor area ratio. Floor area ratio requirements shall be determined in accordance with the schedule and additional provisions below: 37 38 … 39 (4) 40 The bonus for a lot facing 2 or more streets shall be awarded when at least 2 rights-of-way containing different streets are adjacent to abut a lot. Page 7 of 9 VOSDOCS-#351923-v1-Ordinance__2009-37P__Code_Amendment__Chapter_118__Definitions_&_Regulations 1 … 2 Sec. 118-212. Motor vehicle parking facility design standards. 3 (a) Size and clearance. 4 … 5 (6) 6 7 8 9 10 11 … 12 (k) For commercial, industrial ,uses and multifamily all uses, except detached, duplex, and townhouse residences with 3 or more units, required off-street parking spaces adjacent to abutting walls, fences, or other obstructions greater than 15 percent of the length of the stall shall have a minimum width of 10 feet. This regulation shall also apply to outdoor required parking spaces for townhouse residences. Lighting. 13 … 14 (1) Lighting shall be required for all new commercial and industrial off-street parking areas. Lighting shall also be required for all residential parking areas with more than 20 spaces. Residential developments consisting of only detached residences shall be exempt. Any lighting shall be directed away from abutting and adjacent property. (2) Any lighting shall be directed away from abutting or adjacent properties, streets, or public rights-of-way. (23) The illumination level for all off-street parking areas shall be as follows: 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 … 23 c. Lighting shall be directed away from abutting and adjacent property, streets, or public rights-of-way. dc. The type of luminaries, shielding, pole height and the lighting design, uniformity ratio and the entire lighting scheme shall be subject to the approval of the Village Traffic Engineer. All lighting units shall be of the full cutoff type. 24 25 26 27 28 29 … 30 Sec. 118-217. Motor vehicle parking in yards. 31 … 32 (c) 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 Residential districts. (2) Detached, duplex, townhouse, and 2-unit multifamily residences. c. Required off-street parking in a front or side yard abutting a street shall only be allowed when the required parking is eliminated as a direct result of remodeling additions or garage conversions and there is no other location on the site for the parking. Parking may also be allowed on a circular driveway, for residences adjacent to residential lots that abut a traffic arterial, when other required parking cannot be provided. Under these circumstances: Page 8 of 9 VOSDOCS-#351923-v1-Ordinance__2009-37P__Code_Amendment__Chapter_118__Definitions_&_Regulations 1 ... 2 Section 2: That this Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage, approval and publication in pamphlet form as provided by law. ADOPTED this day of April 2010. 3 4 5 Village Clerk 6 7 8 9 Ayes: Nays: Absent: 10 Approved by me this April 2010. 11 12 13 14 15 16 Attested and filed in my office this day of April 2010; and published in pamphlet form according to law from April , 2010 to April , 2010. Mayor, Village of Skokie 17 18 19 Village Clerk 20 Page 9 of 9 VOSDOCS-#351923-v1-Ordinance__2009-37P__Code_Amendment__Chapter_118__Definitions_&_Regulations day of G st JPH: 4/7/10 1 Reading *4/19/10 THIS ORDINANCE MAY BE CITED AS VILLAGE ORDINANCE NUMBER 10-4-Z- AN ORDINANCE APPROVING A PLAT OF DEDICATION FOR A PORTION OF THE PROPERTY LOCATED AT 4055 OAKTON STREET, SKOKIE, ILLINOIS IN A B2 COMMERCIAL DISTRICT 1 WHEREAS, the owner of the following described real property: 2 3 4 5 6 7 THE NORTH 7 FEET OF LOTS 19 AND 20 IN KRENN & DATO’S CRAWFORD AVENUE & OAKTON STREET “L” SUBDIVISION OF THE EAST HALF OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 27, TOWNSHIP 41 NORTH, RANGE 13, EAST OF THE THIRD PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, RECORDED MARCH 28, 1924 AS DOCUMENT 8338109, IN COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS. 8 Affected PINS: 10-27-206-001-0000, 10-27-206-002-0000 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 more commonly known as the northern 7 feet of 4055 Oakton Street, Skokie, Illinois (hereinafter the “Subject Property”), in a B2 Commercial district, as depicted on the “Plat of Dedication”, dated June 23, 2009, and subsequently revised July 27, 2009, a copy of which is attached hereto as Exhibit “1”, is dedicating the Subject Property to the Village of Skokie; and WHEREAS, the Subject Property abuts the Oakton Street public right of way and includes an existing public sidewalk and parkway, both of which have been in use by the public for many years. The purpose of the dedication is to allow the continued use and maintenance of the Subject Property as public right of way; and WHEREAS, the Subject Property is a 7 foot strip, 56.08 feet in length. This dedication is being made without compensation to the property owner from the Village of Skokie; and WHEREAS, the Community Development Director reviewed the “Plat of Dedication” dated June 23, 2009, subsequently revised July 27, 2009, and has determined that the dedication meets all Village requirements and has recommended its acceptance, as indicated in his memorandum dated March 2, 2010; and WHEREAS, the Mayor and Board of Trustees, at a public meeting duly held on April 19, 2010 concurred in the aforesaid recommendation of the Director of Community Development: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Mayor and Board of Trustees of the Village of Skokie, Cook County, Illinois: Page 1 of 2 VOSDOCS-#351805-v1-Ordinance__Plat_of_Dedication__4055_Oakton 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Section 1: stated in full. That the above stated Recitals are restated and incorporated as if Section 2: That the dedication of the Subject Property, legally described above and commonly known as the northern 7 feet of 4055 Oakton Street, Skokie, Illinois, in a B2 Commercial district as depicted on the “Plat of Dedication”, dated June 23, 2009, and subsequently revised July 27, 2009, to the Village of Skokie, be and the same is hereby approved. Section 3: The Subject Property abuts the Oakton Street public right of way and the purpose of the dedication is to allow its continued use and maintenance of the sidewalk and parkway as a public right of way. Section 4: That the “Plat of Dedication”, dated June 23, 2009, and subsequently revised July 27, 2009, attached as “Exhibit 1”, is hereby accepted, except as it may be revised subject to the approval of the Corporation Counsel and the Village Manager or designee. The Plat shall be recorded with the Cook County Recorder of Deeds Office. Section 5: That a notice of the approval of this Ordinance incorporating the conditions contained herein shall be executed by the owner of the property in writing and duly recorded with the Cook County Recorder of Deeds Office. Section 6: That this Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage, approval and recordation as provided by law. ADOPTED this day of April 2010. 21 22 23 24 25 Ayes: Nays: Absent: Village Clerk Approved by me this day of April 2010. 26 27 28 Attested and filed in my office this day of April, 2010. 29 30 31 32 Village Clerk Mayor, Village of Skokie 33 34 35 36 Page 2 of 2 VOSDOCS-#351805-v1-Ordinance__Plat_of_Dedication__4055_Oakton Exhibit 1 PLAN COMMISSION REPORT 2010-1P: Special Use Permit Plan Commission Council Chambers, 8:00 PM, April 7, 2010 To: Mayor and Board of Trustees From: Paul Luke, Plan Commission Chairperson Case: 2010-1P: Special Use Permit Northwestern Institute of Health and Technology Technical and Trade School PLAN COMMISSION ANALYSIS During its March 4, 2010 meeting, the Plan Commission heard the request of Oakton Corporate Center LP, on behalf of Northwestern Institute of Health and Technology, to obtain a special use permit for a technical and trade school at 3432 Oakton Street, which is part of the former Rauland-Borg building, in an M3 Industry district. Like many other larger buildings in the East and Southeast Industrial Areas, the property is being divided into multitenant space. No relief is being requested by the petitioner and none was determined to be needed. The proposed school will occupy approximately 32,000 ft2 of renovated office space that will be made fully code compliant for a technical school that includes practical nursing, patient care technician, and other allied health care programs such as nurse aide, EKG technician, medical billing and coding, pharmacy technician, and phlebotomy technician. The proposed use will occupy most of the office portion of the southern portion of the building. The use will provide employment training for approximately 90 adults in various medical professions and will anchor a building that is currently converting to multitenant usage. Multitenant conversion has been successful for many other buildings in the area and reduces overall vacancy rates. Due to the high rates of public transit usage of the school’s population, traffic conditions will not be aggravated and there will be no undue burden on public utilities and those services pertaining to public health, safety, and welfare in general. The use is compatible with the primary purpose of the district and has no impact on the special uses of all types already in the adjacent area and in the Village as a whole. The site is designated as manufacturing/service employment in Sector E and conforms to the general intent of the Comprehensive Plan. INTERESTED PARTIES Legal notice was properly posted, advertised, and delivered as prescribed by the Zoning Ordinance. One interested party spoke at the hearing with a question about a for sale sign on the property advertising a one acre parcel of land. Staff indicated that the use and parking for that site would be evaluated prior to the issuance of a building permit. VOSDOCS-#352201-v1-Master_Plan_Commission_Report_for_2010-1P__Special_use_permit_for_a_technical_and_trade_schoo 1 of 12 APPEARANCE COMMISSION The Appearance Commission has not reviewed this case as no sign plan has been submitted at this time. The final landscaping plan will be approved by Staff prior to the approval of the final ordinance. PLAN COMMISSION RECOMMENDATIONS AND VOTING The Plan Commission recommends, by a vote of 8 ayes and 0 nays, with one member absent, that the petitioner’s request for special use permit for a technical and trade school at 3432 Oakton Street in an M3 Industry district be APPROVED subject to the attached Positive Findings of Fact and Plan Commission Recommended Conditions listed below. ATTACHMENTS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Plan Commission Recommended Conditions for 2010-1P, dated April 7, 2010 Plan Commission Positive Findings of Fact for 2010-1P, dated April 7, 2010 Staff Report for 2010-1P, dated March 4, 2010 Landscape/Site Plan dated February 2, 2010 Floor Plan, dated March 24, 2010 Land Use and Zoning Map VOSDOCS-#352201-v1-Master_Plan_Commission_Report_for_2010-1P__Special_use_permit_for_a_technical_and_trade_schoo 2 of 12 PLAN COMMISSION RECOMMENDED CONDITIONS 2010-1P: Site Plan Approval Plan Commission Council Chambers, 8:00 PM April 7, 2010 1. The petitioner shall develop the Subject Property in substantial conformance with the final Village approved Landscape/Site Plan dated February 2, 2010 and Floor Plan dated March 24, 2010. 2. Prior to the issuance or a Building Permit, the Fire Prevention Bureau must review and approve the revised and dated floor plans, to address the concerns indicated in the Fire Department memorandum dated February 16, 2010 and a written response to that memorandum. 3. The fire prevention and detection systems shall be upgraded to meet current standards and codes. 4. Sprinkler system control valves, water flow, and tamper switches shall be provided for each tenant space in the building. 5. The handicapped parking spaces shall be installed and maintained in compliance with State of Illinois Accessibility Standards and the Skokie Village Code. All handicapped parking spaces shall be maintained by the petitioner. STANDARD SPECIAL USE PERMIT CONDITIONS 6. All fencing, walls, sidewalks, driveways, curbs, wheel stops, parking areas, signage, landscaping, structures, and any other facilities or infrastructure on the Subject Property shall be maintained in a good state of repair, and when needed, be repaired or replaced in a timely manner. 7. All off-street parking spaces shall be legibly striped and maintained. 8. All modifications to building elevations, signage, and landscaping shall be subject to the review and approval of the Skokie Appearance Commission. 9. All signage shall conform to the Skokie Village Code. Any sign on the Subject Property that is in violation of that Code must be removed or modified to conform therewith prior to the issuance of an occupancy permit. 10. Handicapped ramps are to be provided as necessary and meet State of Illinois Accessibility requirements and the Skokie Village Code. 11. Vehicles shall always be parked in designated parking spaces, and not overlap the striped lines of designated parking spaces or parked in or otherwise block driveways, sidewalks, aisles, or other points of access. All employees shall park on the Subject Property. 12. All private and public sidewalks shall be maintained free of snow, ice, sleet, or other objects that may impede travel. 13. All landscaping shall be maintained to a maximum height of 30 inches for a distance of 15 feet from any vehicular access point or intersection in order to maintain adequate sight distance. VOSDOCS-#352201-v1-Master_Plan_Commission_Report_for_2010-1P__Special_use_permit_for_a_technical_and_trade_schoo 3 of 12 14. The petitioner shall sign an "Agreement for Installation and Maintenance of Landscaping" to assure that the Subject Property and parkway landscaping is completed and maintained, including trimming and watering, in accordance with the final approved landscape plan. A copy of said Agreement is attached hereto, marked Exhibit “A” and hereby made part of this Ordinance. This “Agreement for Installation and Maintenance of Landscaping" shall be recorded at the petitioner’s expense. All dead landscaping shall be replaced in a timely manner. 15. All buildings shall meet current International Building and NFPA Life Safety Codes as amended. 16. The petitioner shall submit to the Planning Division electronic files of the plat of survey, site plan, and landscape plan in their approved and finalized form. The files shall be scaled CADD 2D drawing files on non-compressed, non-read only CD-ROM .dwg AutoCad format (version 2004 or later preferred). 17. Prior to the issuance of building permits, the petitioner shall submit to the Planning Division of the Community Development Department the name, address, and telephone number of the company and contact person responsible for site maintenance in compliance with the special use permit. 18. If work is to be performed on public property or if public property is utilized or impacted during construction and/or development, the owner shall provide, or shall cause the developer and/or contractor to provide, the Village of Skokie with a certificate of insurance naming the Village of Skokie as additionally insured for any and all claims related to any and all work. The owner shall hold, and shall cause the developer and/or contractor to hold, the Village of Skokie harmless and indemnify the Village for any and all claims for property damage or personal injury related to work on or use of public property. 19. The petitioner shall comply with all Federal and State statutes, laws, rules and regulations and all Village codes, ordinances, rules, and regulations. 20. Failure to abide by any and all terms of this Ordinance shall be cause for the Village to initiate hearings to determine whether the subject Ordinance, as well as any applicable business licenses, should be revised or revoked. 21. The petitioner shall pay all costs related to any hearings conducted as a result of non-compliance with any of the provisions of the enabling ordinance. The costs shall include but not be limited to court reporter fees, attorney fees, and staff time required researching and conducting said hearing. VOSDOCS-#352201-v1-Master_Plan_Commission_Report_for_2010-1P__Special_use_permit_for_a_technical_and_trade_schoo 4 of 12 PLAN COMMISSION POSITIVE FINDINGS OF FACT 2010-1P: Special Use Permit Community Development Department 1 Consideration The establishment, maintenance, or operation of the special use will not be detrimental to or endanger the public health, safety, morals, or general welfare; and the proposed building or use at the particular location is necessary or desirable to provide a service or a facility which is in the public interest and will contribute to the general welfare of the neighborhood or community. Findings 2 The proposed use will not be detrimental to the public health, safety, morals, or general welfare. The use will provide direct employment training that will benefit other employment uses in the Village. Consideration The proposed building or use will not substantially change the character of the neighborhood, will not have an undue adverse affect upon adjacent property or property values in the neighborhood, will not unduly aggravate traffic conditions, and will not unduly burden essential public services such as drainage facilities, public utilities, and those services pertaining to public health, safety, and welfare in general. Findings 3 Council Chambers, 8:00 PM, April 7, 2010 The proposed use will not substantially change the character of the neighborhood, which includes many other service employment uses in the area, and will not have an undue adverse impact on property values in the area. The use will anchor a building that is currently converting to multitenant usage, which has been successful for many other buildings in the area and reduces overall vacancy rates. Due to the high rates of public transit usage of the school’s population, traffic conditions will not be aggravated and there will be no undue burden on public utilities and those services pertaining to public health, safety, and welfare in general. Consideration The proposed building(s) or use will be designed, arranged, and operated so as to permit the development and use of neighboring property in accordance with the applicable district regulations. Findings No modifications are proposed by the petitioner to the existing site conditions. Staff will require that the landscaping along Oakton Street and St. Louis Avenue, bicycle parking, and building life safety issues come into compliance with current codes. VOSDOCS-#352201-v1-Master_Plan_Commission_Report_for_2010-1P__Special_use_permit_for_a_technical_and_trade_schoo 5 of 12 4 Consideration The proposed use will not alter or be contrary to the primary purpose of the Zoning District of the area in which it is proposed, when its effect is considered in conjunction with the cumulative effect of the number of various special uses of all types already in the adjacent area and in the Village as a whole. Findings The use is compatible with the primary purpose of the district and has no impact on the special uses of all types already in the adjacent area and in the Village as a whole. 5 Consideration The proposed use and its plan conform to the general intent of the Official Comprehensive Plan. Findings The site is designated as manufacturing/service employment in Sector E and conforms to the general intent of the Comprehensive Plan. VOSDOCS-#352201-v1-Master_Plan_Commission_Report_for_2010-1P__Special_use_permit_for_a_technical_and_trade_schoo 6 of 12 STAFF REPORT 2010-1P: Special Use Permit Community Development Department Council Chambers, 7:30 PM, March 4, 2010 To: Paul Luke, Plan Commission Chairperson From: Steve Marciani, AICP, Planning Supervisor Case: 2010-1P: Special Use Permit Northwestern Institute of Health and Technology Technical and Trade School General Information Location 3432 Oakton Street Purpose To obtain a special use permit for a technical and trade school Petitioner Oakton Corporate Center LP for Northwestern Institute of Health and Technology Size of Site 413,968 ft2 (9.50 acres) with approximately 520 feet of frontage on Oakton Street and 777 feet of frontage on St. Louis Avenue. Existing Zoning & Land Use M3 Industry – mostly vacant office, manufacturing, and warehouse building with only one other tenant, a moving company. Adjacent Zoning & Land Use North M3 Industry – Multitenant industrial flex-space South M3 Industry – Skokie Park District Sports Park East M3 Industry – Evanston Subaru West M3 Industry – State of Illinois social services offices, warehousing Comprehensive Plan The site is designated Manufacturing/Service Employment. SITE INFORMATION • The site contains a mostly vacant office, manufacturing, and warehouse building with only one other tenant, a moving company, EZ Movers. • New public sidewalks, bus shelter, and street lighting were installed by the Village in 2008 along Oakton Street. Road reconstruction, new sidewalks, and street lighting were installed by the Village in 2008 along St. Louis Avenue. Both projects were funded through Special Service Area #9. • There is 1 driveway curb cut on Oakton and 6 driveway curb cuts on St. Louis. • No on-street parking is allowed on Oakton or St. Louis. • The primary entrance for the proposed use will be on the south side of the building, facing one full bay of parking running along the south property line. VOSDOCS-#352201-v1-Master_Plan_Commission_Report_for_2010-1P__Special_use_permit_for_a_technical_and_trade_schoo 7 of 12 • Overhead utility lines service the site from the St. Louis side of the building. • The #97 CTA bus route operates on Oakton with a sheltered bus stop at St. Louis, adjacent to the site. • Parkway trees and trees with some underplanting border the south parking lot. Inadequate parking lot screening exists. Building landscaping is adequate for the Oakton side of the building. The condition of the St. Louis landscaping was not able to be assessed due to the season and the weather, but there is well maintained lawn, mature ornamental understory trees, and foundation planting. The landscaping screening of the utility area on the St. Louis frontage is substandard. Required parking lot trees are not present in the east parking area. PETITIONER’S SUBMITTAL Oakton Corporate Center LP is requesting a special use permit for a technical and trade school, Northwestern Institute of Health and Technology, at 3432 Oakton Street (currently part of 3450 Oakton Street) in an M3 Industry district. The special use permit is for an interior renovation of approximately 32,000 ft2 of existing office space that will be made fully code compliant for a technical school that includes Practical Nursing, patient care technician, and other allied health care programs such as nurse aide, EKG technician, medical billing and coding, pharmacy technician, and phlebotomy technician. The petitioner feels that as the new use is an interior renovation, it should have no negative impacts on the neighborhood, should enhance property values, have no adverse impact on traffic patterns because the majority of the students use public transportation, meets all parking requirements, and will not result in any hazard to the public health, safety, or welfare of the community. The proposed use will occupy most of the office portion of the southern portion of the building. STAFF ANALYSIS Staff Comment and Review sheets were sent by the Planning Division to all pertinent departments. Staff comments on the subject case were received from the Fire Department, Engineering Division, and the Public Works Forester. All other departments returned the sheets with no comments. Fire Department Fire Department submitted a memo dated February 16, 2010 that is attached for your review. Some items of clarification are needed regarding specifics to the floor plan. VOSDOCS-#352201-v1-Master_Plan_Commission_Report_for_2010-1P__Special_use_permit_for_a_technical_and_trade_schoo 8 of 12 Engineering Division The Engineering Division completed a parking analysis of the proposed use. A parking analysis for the entire building was not able to be prepared. The off-street parking requirement for the proposed use is 92 parking spaces. There are 375 parking spaces on site; however, 91 parking spaces have been fenced-off for another tenant, EZ Movers, and cannot be included in the parking analysis. The parking layout on the site plan and the parking on the plat of survey differ. Future certificates of occupancy will be subject to the reconciliation of these two documents and the provision of adequate off-street parking. At this time the parking off-street requirement is met. No bicycle parking is presently provided and must be provided in according with the zoning chapter of the Village code. Only 2 of the property’s 7 handicapped spaces are currently included in the Village of Skokie’s Handicapped Parking Space Maintenance Program. Signage for 5 of the 7 handicapped spaces is not in compliance with the Illinois Accessibility Standards. Engineering recommends that the petitioner be removed from the Handicapped Parking Space Maintenance Program and maintain the signage for all required handicapped spaces to current state standards for signage and space dimensions. Due to the lack of plowing at the time of inspection, the condition of the parking lot could not be verified. Village Forester The Village Forester commented that the parkways are in good condition, but the small screened-in area along St. Louis Avenue needs additional planting and screening. Planning Division Planning supports the petitioner’s request for a special use permit, which will provide employment training for approximately 90 adults in various medical professions. Upgrades will need to be made to parking lot screening. Bicycle parking will need to be installed, which is supported by the petitioner’s statement that most of the students will not be taking cars to the facility. The proposed use will not be detrimental to the public health, safety, morals, or general welfare. The use will provide direct employment training that will benefit other employment uses in the Village. It will not substantially change the character of the neighborhood, which includes many other service employment uses in the area, and will not have an undue adverse impact on property values in the area. The use will anchor a building that is currently converting to multitenant usage. Multitenant conversion has been successful for many other buildings in the area and reduces overall vacancy rates. Due to the high rates of public transit usage of the VOSDOCS-#352201-v1-Master_Plan_Commission_Report_for_2010-1P__Special_use_permit_for_a_technical_and_trade_schoo 9 of 12 school’s population, traffic conditions will not be aggravated and there will be no undue burden on public utilities and those services pertaining to public health, safety, and welfare in general. No modifications are proposed by the petitioner to the existing site conditions. Staff will require that the landscaping along Oakton and St. Louis, bicycle parking, and building life safety issues come into compliance with current codes. The use is compatible with the primary purpose of the district and has no impact on the special uses of all types already in the adjacent area and in the Village as a whole. The site is designated as manufacturing/service employment in Sector E and conforms to the general intent of the Comprehensive Plan. APPEARANCE COMMISSION The Appearance Commission has not reviewed this case. No sign plan has been submitted at this time. The final landscaping plan has yet to be reviewed. STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS Staff recommends that the petitioner’s request for a special use permit for a technical and trade school at 3432 Oakton Street in an M3 Industry district be APPROVED subject to the recommended special use provisions below. RECOMMENDED SPECIAL USE CONDITIONS 1. Prior to a hearing before the Village Board of Trustees, the petitioner shall submit a revised and dated site plan indicating the following: A. The correct number of parking spaces on site with dimensions of parking spaces and aisle widths. B. The location of bicycle parking for the building in accordance with §118-221 and §118-221 of the Zoning chapter of the Village Code. 2. Prior to a hearing before the Village Board of Trustees, the petitioner shall submit to the Fire Prevention Bureau revised and dated floor plans, properly scaled with rooms labeled as to use and corrected to address the concerns indicated in the Fire Department memorandum dated February 16, 2010 and a written response to that memorandum. 3. Prior to a hearing before the Village Board of Trustees, the petitioner shall submit a landscaping plan that include an inventory of landscaping and additional landscaping that provides adequate screening of the parking lots that face Oakton Street and the utility area that faces St. Louis Avenue including quantities, scientific names, and specific locations of plant materials. 4. The fire prevention and detection systems shall be upgraded to meet current standards and codes. VOSDOCS-#352201-v1-Master_Plan_Commission_Report_for_2010-1P__Special_use_permit_for_a_technical_and_trade_schoo 10 of 12 5. Sprinkler system control valves, water flow, and tamper switches shall be provided for each tenant space in the building. 6. The handicapped parking spaces shall be installed and maintained in compliance with State of Illinois Accessibility Standards and the Skokie Village Code. All handicapped parking spaces shall be maintained by the petitioner. STANDARD SPECIAL USE PERMIT CONDITIONS 7. All fencing, walls, sidewalks, driveways, curbs, wheel stops, parking areas, signage, landscaping, structures, and any other facilities or infrastructure on the Subject Property shall be maintained in a good state of repair, and when needed, be repaired or replaced in a timely manner. (Standard) 8. All off-street parking spaces shall be legibly striped and maintained. (Standard) 9. All modifications to building elevations, signage, and landscaping shall be subject to the review and approval of the Skokie Appearance Commission. (Standard) 10. All signage shall conform to the Skokie Village Code. Any sign on the Subject Property that is in violation of that Code must be removed or modified to conform therewith prior to the issuance of an occupancy permit. (Standard) 11. Handicapped ramps are to be provided as necessary and meet State of Illinois Accessibility requirements and the Skokie Village Code. (Standard) 12. Vehicles shall always be parked in designated parking spaces, and not overlap the striped lines of designated parking spaces or parked in or otherwise block driveways, sidewalks, aisles, or other points of access. All employees shall park on the Subject Property. (Standard) 13. All private and public sidewalks shall be maintained free of snow, ice, sleet, or other objects that may impede travel. (Standard) 14. All landscaping shall be maintained to a maximum height of 30 inches for a distance of 15 feet from any vehicular access point or intersection in order to maintain adequate sight distance. (Standard) 15. The petitioner shall sign an "Agreement for Installation and Maintenance of Landscaping" to assure that the Subject Property and parkway landscaping is completed and maintained, including trimming and watering, in accordance with the final approved landscape plan. A copy of said Agreement is attached hereto, marked Exhibit “A” and hereby made part of this Ordinance. This “Agreement for Installation and Maintenance of Landscaping" shall be recorded at the petitioner’s expense. All dead landscaping shall be replaced in a timely manner. (Standard) 16. All buildings shall meet current International Building and NFPA Life Safety Codes as amended. (Standard) 17. The petitioner shall submit to the Planning Division electronic files of the plat of survey, site plan, and landscape plan in their approved and finalized form. The files shall be scaled CADD 2D drawing files on non-compressed, non-read only CD-ROM .dwg AutoCad format (version 2004 or later preferred). (Standard) VOSDOCS-#352201-v1-Master_Plan_Commission_Report_for_2010-1P__Special_use_permit_for_a_technical_and_trade_schoo 11 of 12 18. Prior to the issuance of building permits, the petitioner shall submit to the Planning Division of the Community Development Department the name, address, and telephone number of the company and contact person responsible for site maintenance in compliance with the special use permit. (Standard) 19. If work is to be performed on public property or if public property is utilized or impacted during construction and/or development, the owner shall provide, or shall cause the developer and/or contractor to provide, the Village of Skokie with a certificate of insurance naming the Village of Skokie as additionally insured for any and all claims related to any and all work. The owner shall hold, and shall cause the developer and/or contractor to hold, the Village of Skokie harmless and indemnify the Village for any and all claims for property damage or personal injury related to work on or use of public property. (Standard) 20. The petitioner shall comply with all Federal and State statutes, laws, rules and regulations and all Village codes, ordinances, rules, and regulations. (Standard) 21. Failure to abide by any and all terms of this Ordinance shall be cause for the Village to initiate hearings to determine whether the subject Ordinance, as well as any applicable business licenses, should be revised or revoked. (Standard) 22. The petitioner shall pay all costs related to any hearings conducted as a result of non-compliance with any of the provisions of the enabling ordinance. The costs shall include but not be limited to court reporter fees, attorney fees, and staff time required researching and conducting said hearing. (Standard) ATTACHMENTS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Proposed Positive Findings of Fact for 2010-1P Memorandum from Prevention Bureau, dated February 16, 2010 Site Plan, dated January 22, 2010 Proposed Use Plan, dated January 22, 2010 Plat of Survey, dated January 2, 1997 As Built Landscape Plan, dated January 22, 2010 Land Use and Zoning Map VOSDOCS-#352201-v1-Master_Plan_Commission_Report_for_2010-1P__Special_use_permit_for_a_technical_and_trade_schoo 12 of 12 Memorandum TO: Honorable Mayor and Board of Trustees FROM: Paul Luke, Chairman Skokie Plan Commission DATE: March 22, 2010 SUBJECT: CASE 91-22P– A REQUEST BY CHICAGO TITLE LAND TRUST, AS TRUSTEE UNDER THE PROVISIONS OF A TRUST AGREEMENT DATED THE 8TH DAY OF SEPTEMBER 2009, KNOWN AS TRUST NUMBER 8002353710 FOR AN AMENDMENT TO SPECIAL USE PERMIT ORDINANCES #91-12Z-2256 THROUGH THE MODIFIED REVIEW PROCEDURE FOR SUBWAY LIMITED SERVICE RESTAURANT LOCATED AT 4025 OAKTON STREET IN A B3 BUSINESS DISTRICT The Community Development Department received a request from the petitioner, to amend special use permit approval ordinance #91-12-Z-2256 through the modified review procedure. The property owner on behalf of the Subway limited service restaurant is requesting a modification to the special use ordinance to serve soup and extend the hours of business operation. The subject Subway restaurant was the first of the national restaurant chain in Skokie. There are currently five Subway restaurants in the Village. When the use was approved the operating pattern of the restaurant was unknown so conditions were added to the special use ordinance restricting the hours of operation and menu. Condition #4 restricts the hours of operation to 11 AM to 12 midnight on Sunday thru Thursday and 11 AM to 2 AM Friday and Saturday. Condition #9 limited the menu to sandwiches, salads, chips, soft-drinks and cookies. Since the ordinance was passed, this Subway restaurant as well as others in the franchise has expanded their hours of service and menu options. The petitioner is requesting that the hours of operation begin at 8 AM and that the menu items be expanded to include warm soup. The Appearance Commission review was not required. The plans were circulated to all pertinent Departments and Divisions for review and comment. No Department or Division had any comments on the proposed modifications. Site inspections revealed that landscaping is not in compliance with the approved site plan dated August 8, 1991 and that a new site plan must be submitted for approval and implementation. The parking space striping at the site must be modified to be in compliance with the site plan dated August 8, 1991. #350111 The Corporation Counsel, Plan Commission Chairman, and Community Development Director reviewed the request. They determined that the proposed modifications are in substantial compliance with the intent of the original special use permit ordinances and the approved plans. However, as the hours of operation and menu at other Subway restaurants in the Village are not restricted it is recommend that both conditions be eliminated rather than amended. As restaurants are constantly changing their menus staff cannot monitor menu items. The change in the hours of operation will not adversely affect neighboring properties. The standard conditions for special use permits and limited service restaurants have change significantly since the subject restaurant’s special use ordinance was adopted; thus, it is recommended that the existing ordinance be repealed and that a new ordinance be adopted with updated conditions. It is respectfully recommended that special use permit approval ordinance V.O. #91-12Z-2256 be repealed and that a new ordinance be adopted with the attached recommended conditions. It is further recommend that relief be maintained from Section 118-218 (4) of the Zoning Chapter to allow 4 off-street parking spaces rather than the required 11 offstreet parking spaces for the limited service restaurant. Attachments 1. 2. 3. 4. cc: #350111 Recommended conditions for Case 91-22P Site and Landscape Plan Received August 8, 1991 Letter from Subway dated November 6, 2009 Zoning and Location Map 91-22P J. Patrick Hanley, Corporation Counsel Peter W. Peyer, Community Development Director RECOMMENDED CONDITIONS FOR CASE 91-22P 1. That the subject Subway Sandwich limited service restaurant shall be maintained and operated in compliance with the Site Plan Received 8/8/91. Prior to the approval of the special use ordinance the petitioner shall submit a revised Landscape Plan for staff review and approval. 2. At least once during every 4 hours of operation and before opening and closing of the business, Subway’s employees shall patrol the Subject Property and clear it of debris; 3. That the recommended relief for off-street parking, from the limited service restaurant requirement, shall apply only to a Subway limited service restaurant. This tenant space shall revert back to a one (1) space per 300 sq. ft. parking requirement, if there is a change in use. 4. All walls, sidewalks, driveways, curbs, wheel stops, parking areas, signage, landscaping, structures, and any other facilities or infrastructure on the Subject Property shall be maintained in a good state of repair, and when needed, be repaired or replaced in a timely manner. (Standard) 5. Parking lot and exterior lighting shall meet IES standards, be full cut-off design, directed away from adjacent properties, and subject to the approval of the Engineering Division. (Standard) 6. Music and sound from loudspeaker systems shall not be a nuisance in accordance with Village Code. (Standard) 7. All off-street parking spaces shall be legibly striped and maintained. (Standard) 8. All modifications to building elevations, signage, and landscaping shall be subject to the review and approval of the Skokie Appearance Commission. (Standard) 9. All signage shall conform to the Skokie Village Code. Any sign on the Subject Property that is in violation of that Code must be removed or modified to conform therewith prior to the issuance of an occupancy permit. (Standard) 10. Handicapped ramps are to be provided as necessary and meet State of Illinois Accessibility requirements and the Skokie Village Code. (Standard) 11. The handicapped parking spaces shall be installed and maintained in compliance with State of Illinois Accessibility Standards and the Skokie Village Code. (Standard) 12. Vehicles shall always be parked in designated parking spaces, and not overlap the striped lines of designated parking spaces or parked in or otherwise block driveways, sidewalks, aisles, or other points of access. All employees shall park on the Subject Property. (Standard) 13. All private and public sidewalks shall be maintained free of snow, ice, sleet, or other objects that may impede travel. (Standard) 14. All landscaping shall be maintained to a maximum height of 30 inches for a distance of 15 feet from any vehicular access point or intersection in order to maintain adequate sight distance. (Standard) #350111 15. The petitioner shall sign an "Agreement for Installation and Maintenance of Landscaping" to assure that the Subject Property and parkway landscaping is completed and maintained, including trimming and watering, in accordance with the final approved landscape plan. A copy of said Agreement is attached hereto, marked Exhibit “A” and hereby made part of this Ordinance. This “Agreement for Installation and Maintenance of Landscaping" shall be recorded at the petitioner’s expense. All dead landscaping shall be replaced in a timely manner. (Standard) 16. All building modifications shall meet current International Building and NFPA Life Safety Codes as amended. (Standard) 17. The petitioner shall submit to the Planning Division electronic files of the plat of survey, site plan, and landscape plan in their approved and finalized form. (Standard) 18. The petitioner shall submit to the Planning Division of the Community Development Department the name, address, and telephone number of the company and contact person responsible for site maintenance in compliance with the special use permit. (Standard) 19. If work is to be performed on public property or if public property is utilized or impacted during construction and/or development, the owner shall provide, or shall cause the developer and/or contractor to provide, the Village of Skokie with a certificate of insurance naming the Village of Skokie as additionally insured for any and all claims related to any and all work. The owner shall hold, and shall cause the developer and/or contractor to hold, the Village of Skokie harmless and indemnify the Village for any and all claims for property damage or personal injury related to work on or use of public property. (Standard) 20. The petitioner shall comply with all Federal and State statutes, laws, rules and regulations and all Village codes, ordinances, rules, and regulations. (Standard) 21. Failure to abide by any and all terms of this Ordinance shall be cause for the Village to initiate hearings to determine whether the subject Ordinance, as well as any applicable business licenses, should be revised or revoked. (Standard) 22. The petitioner shall pay all costs related to any hearings conducted as a result of non-compliance with any of the provisions of the enabling ordinance. The costs shall include but not be limited to court reporter fees, attorney fees, and staff time required researching and conducting said hearing. (Standard) #350111
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